INDEPENDENT-" Live and Let Live." H. V. MoimiiMEK, Proprietor. $1.00 a Year if Paid in Advance. LEIIIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1878. Single Copies, 3 cts. VOL. VI., No 44. Railroad Guide. N ORTUPIBXNA.KA1LUOAU. l'naanTurorafQrrhl'adclphla Icavo Lchlahton "lJfrnT Via. L. V. arrive at l'lllla. at AM a m. -. ... ., . T . V ' ' lit V Ut IU liuoa. m. vlaL. V. " 4:41 p. in., vli L. V.. ' 7:47 a. m.. via L. at 8., " 11:07 a. m.. via L. & S," S:J1 11. m. via L. SS S. " 4:57 p.m. -.5 ns n. in. K 8:15 p. in. in K) .urn. 2:i y. ni. 1:11 v. m. A s. n. mi 7:3 p. m. via Ij. v. .". . "" KJS' 1 :00 p. m. Keturning, leaveaopoi at ''" IY", 1, cau at., l'mta., at 8:15 ami 0:45 n. 2-.3J. 5 35, and 8:00 o. ra. ELLIS OLAttb.. Agent. Juno 3, 1S73 pUlLiA. & RUSAOINU llAllallOAD. Arrangement of l'asscnger Tralus. may mil, is-8. . Trains leave ALLElsTOJN as follows: - (VIA l-KBKIOMK.S 11RASCII.) For Philadelphia, at 4:25, S.5J. 11.05. a.m.. ana b 55 P. m. 9 SUNDAY. For 1'hlladelphla at 4.1a n. m.,3.55 o. m. 1VU KA31- rE.N.NA. BltAKClt.) For Ileidlng.t 2.33, d.0u, 0.05 a ro 12.15. 2 10.4..0 irMfll?i?rPsira. 2.31 5 W, 0.05 a. ra., 12.13. 4.30 rorLo nca'nor ana Columbia, 6 51. 9.55 a.m. and 4 3)p m tlom not run on Mondays SUNDAYS. For Heading, 2 30 a.m. anil 4:31 and 0 OJ p m. J'nr llirrii0nrg.2.:ii a. m an m (is u. in. Trains Foil ALLE n'UWN leave as follows: (VIA I'KUKlOMltN llttANCIl.) Leave Philadelphia, 7.31 a. ni, 1.30 jafi 5.S0 p. in. SUNDAY. , Loavo PhllvtelphU, (.no. m. and 3 15 p. ra. (VIA 1.AST TESN A MllA.-te." r Laavo Meaning. 7.41. 7.45, 13.35 u ni., nd Leave Hariisburg, 5.S), 8 10 a. m and ,00. 3.57 Had 7.55 p. in. ... . ,. , l.eavs Lancaster, 8.10 a. in.. 12.5. and 3.45 p. ra. Loan Columbia 8.ii a. tn . Leo and 3.3j p. m. KUNDAVK. I.eavo Heading. 7.20 mids.40 a. m. Tm'ialke.l th and Oreeu streets, lMillirtelplila. other trains to a id lrom liroad street "lei'11- . Too 0.50 ii. m aiid.V.Sn.m.tintnsfro'n Allen, to in, and the 7.30 a.m and o.3i p. in. tr-nina front l'hiladi'lpnia. have through cars to and trom Philadelphia. , E. w0TtW, Ociifi-nl Mmaetr, B 0. HANCOCK, am'l Tlevet ,lacnt. PENNSYLVANIA. KAILKOAl). GREAT TRUNK LINE AND United States Mail Route. irhaallnnHnnnf till, ImrMtni! lltlbllO 1 S tCI peclfally Invited to some of tlio merits "1 this grunt highway, in tne cnnildniii nsertlort nnd beliot tu It no omer line , an min -ijiu, taenia aa a route ol tbrouali travel. In Construction & Equipment TXin Pennsylvania Railroad kt.n.i. nnMfA.ttMiiTftt ilm linitlnf Americari rail nays Tlio track l douiilo the entire length of th a line, otsto'i rails lam on noavy mn u, -hlrl, am ptltd,ltd ill a Mil Ufa t Ion of rnclc b ll- last olgatecu 1 Chen inilepin. All bri lees aio M iron or stone, and linl t npo i Hie mot an uiove I plans. Its pas'enirer tair, wlulo ennn rntlr "Jie and snbsinnfal, a-e hi tue same Uuio inoac s 01 comioti una ciepuutc. The Safety Appliances u use on tills lino well IliiWrnto thp Mr-scoins ana liberal poncv 01 i iiiauaiiiioiii. in uraim uith Willi. ll tin, 1 till IT illltV of .111 imillOV maul u,,ii mil. if linnlti'i'n tite n'lestioll of coimiderallon. Anions many may bo noticed the Mock SyMrin of Siifoty SU'iials, Jnnilcy Coupler, BufTcr & PIiitform( TUK WUA1UON l'TENl'HWITCII, AMI TliC "NYeslingliouso Air-Bralco, foim'nR in conjunction with ft perfect ilonL'lo traOK rOBO OCU U COinUIIinilUII 1U BUii-iiuitiuau- kalnrt aceldcntH yriilcU liavo icudeiou ihem iiii;i,u.iii7 .ii.i,joiii Pullman Palace Cars Are run on all Kxprea Tialnfl IIOM NEW YOUK. lMItfiADA. 11ALTI SIOIlKaud WAalllNUTON, Tot'IItl AllO.CI.S'rlNNATI. LIIUISVlLIi INDIA.NAl'OLIH and HT. IjOUIS, AV1T1I0UT CHANGE, and to nil nrincial polutsln the fir West nv Houtti with ojtouoc laitvuuf cnr& ijoiitiecttmifl arc maao la Cnlon Depots, and uio oureUtO U iiaporiaui poiuia. THE SOENERY Of tlio Pennsylvania Route is sdmttted to be unsurnasted in I bo w rid for grutuleu', bf.iuty linn vaneiy suncnor no i rntiimoiit fiicil'.ues aro niovldrd. Ihiintorecfl ur couiti-njaaiiil attentive, and it 1 uu Inevit. nolo result that n trip by iho l'euuaylvania llailroud must form a Vleasing ami Jlemoraljlo KxprTlcneo. Tickets for sale at the lowest rates at the Tloket Oluceo 01 Iho Co.upatiy In all important rules ail 1 10WU4 FllAMi THOMPSON', L. V. FAnMUIl, Cleu. SlanajiT. Oen. l'u. Airent. J K. SHOnMAKKlt l'as.A t MlddoDUt. 12 Norta Tlnru yt HariUburir. Fa. P rime Home Matle lirciul t WHY QO HUNORYI When you can Buy 0 pounds ot First Class Ittcad- FIVE LOAVES FOll 2" CENTS I j w. trsuAitue popular nreau ami taiio of tlietiniea has lleiiueeil nol'r.oof hlscoie Lrated Homo Uado 11 HEAD tj Five Loaves for Twenly-fiva Cts. Casli. Suar. Raisin. Coco mut ecotcli. Drop. Cream anil other A AKi:, unly Teu Cents per Dozen. LooK Out for tlio Wilson! At MAUCII CHUNK, on TuewJav, TUursdar and Saturday Atomiug". IiEHIonrONuadWI'.ISol'OUT, every After uoon except Friday. TEttMS STU1CTLV CASH 1 ratronaao -ollcltcd J. W. O'NEAL. M'UltCi Opposite First National llina. aprll 61' 1 llsn c fefeeu IiulKhtou Pa. t 1 Oreit chance to make roan f 1 n f I ey. Ifvouoia'ttreti.'uavou aK"IJl III Kreeubacka. we Jf VrX, ULs ueedu petson lueverv town to idkesuat-crlpt uUMfortho larcest, cheapest and nest Iluitiatcd family puhllcitlon in the word. Anv one c in bee-ome iii.n.tni nirnnt. IhB luoit elec.nL works ,'f art uiveu Irej to suhscrloers. The prloo l so low that almost evenUodv. auoscrtbe. Ono i aiBDt reports raakln over HVi ni a week. A lady ngeut reports takiug over4M subscrltiers ' In tea uoy. All who 'iieaee nun money last. Youoanoevoteallvournmetoihe uu luess r only voar spire tlmo You ueod not b away from homo over uight You can do It as well as others. Fail pimoiil irs, nireotions mid terms Irea Elegiiii and expensive Outfit fioo If vo-a want nrontab.e wor scud ns y ur address at once. It cdta nomine; to try tne business. No one who eitraces tails to nuke great par adlress "TUs FoaplVs JonrnaL" Fortlaod, : Main. Aug.ll )077-lT" ' CARDS, riiriillure WnreUouae. V. ScliwsrtJ, llnik "treat, draltrin all kindi of Farnitnrt, Coffmimadeto order. Itnnt. mill Sline RlAkera. Clinton llretney, in trivia's building. Hunk street. A U orderi prompuy Hllta worn icarrantcu . Attorneys. JOHN KLINE, ATTORNEY AT tAW, Ofllco with AWon Crulg, opposite Amorlcan Ho tel, SlAltKKT BQUAHE, MAUCII CHUNK, PA. July2i-1y J-OIIN 1). BEUTOIiETTE, ATTOllNKV AND COUSSELLOlt AT LAW, liroad way and SiiBqiiohiniia Streets. Opposite MATJI'll CHUNK, FA. Tiliv bo coUinltcd in Oormnn. niaT25 ly' P P. LONUSTItEET, ATTORNEY AT1 LAW Next dooi tcthe "Carbon House. ' RANK STREET. IiEIlIQUTON, TA. Deccnilier 10-Om. w. .11. IlAl'SIlIillt, ATrOltNI'.Y AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 11ANR STREET, I, EniUIITON, I'A. Iteil Kstatoand Collection Agency. Will Iluysnd Sell Ital IMnte. t!onvejnclns neatly done Cel. iBKltiintt tirnmnllv Ultldtl. ettllllir Kststes of D4 cedents a upeclalty. May be consulted in n,cllftb nduerniaii. .i-T. it., JAB. II. STUUTIIKllS, ATTOIIN Y AT LAW, j93- onire : 2J Coir of Rllmd'a Hall, Mauoli Cliuiik, Pa. All business entrunted to hlui will be promptly attended to. . Mv27, ly. P. JIKEII A., ATTORNEY AT LAW, Next Door to First National Bank, ItAIICII CHUNK, l'A 3-Can b ronsulted tu Oermsu. f janO. Justices and Insurance. A. IIEliTZi JUSTICE OF TUE rEACB, Otlort's nulldlus!. 11ANK-St.. LtliioiiTON. fonveyanclnir, Cdllectlnir'nnd all other busl. nes, connected with the office promptly attend. n.l ,n Airniit fnr Iho bent File and I ifo Inftlir- ance Coiuii lulo, t Rents collected at reasonable cliarees, &e. ArrlilWl ipiIOJIAS S. BE OK, JUSTICE OF TIIK IT.ACK, llANIC Street, LnilltlltTON, Ts. Conveysnrlnc, Collectlnjr nnd nil business con aected wttbthe oflice promptly nttplide.l to. irS-Airent lor flrst-clnis IlmUrnnCo Omnsnles. ind Itiiks of nil kinds taken on tun most lllieral turnis Jan. 'J. IH. rnirosiAS stc.imnr.R, JL COXYKYANURU, AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT The fjllottlno. Companies nro Uepreseuted DEllA.N )N MU I'UAL FIRE, RUAIUNO MUTUAL FIRCt W5D.MINO FIlllJ, lHii'Tiv'ii.r.M FtnF. I.IOllKlll FIlllJ. and thoTRAV liLERl ACCIDENT INSURANCE, Also l'ennsilvaiili and Mutual Horse Thief Detec lvoonil lUMirauio i nmpanv. Marcn 23. 1S73. I'llOH. K KM ERF. 11. Physicinns and Dentists. 0 HAS. T. HOll.V, JI. U., officki oven n a. vntr.ii's druo H ORE, BANK ST.. LEIlIftllTON, I'A. Orncral practlto attended to, and srKCIAI ATT NTION UIVEN TO DISEASES OF WOMEN. mar 23. 1878-yl w. A. DKIttlA.HlClt, M.O., TIIYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attention p.lli to Chronic Diseases. omi.i,.. South East corner Iron ami 2nd sts., 1,0' liUhlon. I'a. April 3. 1 875. jit. n. ii. ni:iu;u, I'ltACTIClNfl 1'llYPlCIAN AND SURGEON. Otnre. IWnx Street, next door store the Postofflre, LehUliton. I's. Ulllre Hours Parryvllleeach day rom into 12 o'clock J remainder otuny aiomrein Lehlshton soiMa.u yy a. ji snu'i.i;, tiiysiciaS AND SURQEON. Next to E. H. snydcr's store, I1AMC ST., I.EHIOHTON. I'ENN'A. N.B.-Srcelal attention nivento the Turcot isdlt lllieuui. Jto. Jan. 13 y H. A. PETER, OFTIIE Central Drug Store I.EUCKEL'S BLOi IC, IiKIIIQIITON, PA Offers to the puolio a full tine of PURE DRUGS and CHEMICALS PATENT MEDICINK.S HOUSE nnd f.VT TI.K fOVMlElts. TOILIil A KTICLES. M'ONOUS. CHAMOIS HKINis, P All and FANCY MrATlONKUY. latest styles ot PLAIN aud FANCY WALL I'AlV.i.B. at p ices to nan tne tunes, ruttK iNH-s ana LIQUults for luedtclnsl use. tc. Piiylciau's iirehcriviions conipoumieu vy at ail liouraof the oavaud i.iftlit, uunav im-luded. Al tiffc-red at vn v reasunahlo prices Thank, lag the t erple for Ihelr past fav, rs, I ati it It a continuance in the future. 11, A. PhTEIt. Much i '7s-yl BAYARD TAYLOR Bays t "I take pre at plea euro In rwomnitml.tic to parents th Arideray ol Mr U O Hwrlltdge. IIiiDi lrnuuilo Wood, a pttrou 8ayi J thetr tally consent to the uw of my naiue us retr. 'Oce." liUDcrqr lul cost fif younjr men and boys. No Uxtru Chrge, Bnecmlnttention to both Advanced nnd bavkwaio npils Utcoru. mended by Judfce Van lloaen itev Dra. Hilt and I'enlKMiy. AdGrea bWINTHIAN O hlKUHLIDftn ( Harvard A. M.I Media. Pa Media r i7 tUurvht and a Uoiranca cnartr Aog. 17, 157? w-4 JDSTBEGEITED! A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP liAOICS' Ready-made Linen Suits POPULAR PRICES. Also, a splendid line of SUITINGS, LINENS, GRENADINES, and WHITE GOODS at Low Prices. PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS AT VK11Y Gheatly Reduced Phices. Men's Small Wear. Gent's 4-ply linen collars. 1.G0 per doz. or 15c. each. Gent's 4-ply linen cuffs, Jjii.iiO per uoz. or J0c. per pair. Gents Magnum Bonum dress shirts, the best in the Avorld at 1.00. LARGE STOCK OF FINE DRESS SHIRTS AT A GREAT REDUCTION. PERFECT FIT GUARAN TEED. CALL AND EXAMINE. Respectfully, J. T. Nusdaum & Son. April , '78 rjIIE GRANDEST Exposition of Clothing .Ever inado tn LEiilOHTON la at the Teat Oflice BuildliiK of II, II. PETERS, Agent, on BANK STKEEr. and the prople know It. He kcep cvcrytnine warned In Men's and Roy's Clothing, at the most Moderate Prices FOR CASH. Ho never yet wasted lime la Srlllnu men Priced Hoods. His Prices ure so LOW, that p-oplo are wondcrliiK how it can be done. But it IS done. Thoso in need ot Fall or Winter Suits will find It to their advautaro to cousnlt n. I PETEHS, aRcut, about the mutti r. aug 24tf EUIU.Ka ilEI) OIUIIs forty degieca higher firo test than Iho taw rrqiires), ran lie barned many lamp wtiero tne cninmey burner n used : is v?ah iAHiEu OT to ixi'LobB, under iorfelturoof lioo rvi.xcf.usivn count hiohts for ale by P. J. I'l IZOKtlALD Soie Prop. Manui'r, 103 & H8 N. Fourth t., Phllad'a. Also, WIIOLK8A1.E DEAI.KIl IN HEAD LIQHT, COAL OIL and BUItNinO FLUID. N. 11. A larft assortment ot latrsl itylti of CH ANDKLIKRS, BltACKEIS, BHONZE LAMPS, BUHNERS, &c., Ac coHstant.y on hand. Sept. u, Omo. HTliiftklrT' S3 newest and lnout nonulai JiiSXFH LL wng,, Wlm wr.tlOB ot 1U stiuctionandsmnsem'tnt also, a list of all the battles, when and where fourht, dunna the war, lor cent staaip. Address, DbSalOND & w.,vie nmtm ei,( f niiaoeipoia. lenM ly Migd Stock New Advertisements. OP YalnaWo Real Estate. THE following properties will bo sold by J. W. IlAUDENBUSII,Sheriirof Car bon County, on MONDAY, SEPT. 30, 1878, nt the Court tho Borough of Mauch Chunk. Carbon County, l'a., at I o clock Hv Tlrtnc of n writ of Lev. Fa., all t!iat cer-' tatn messuauo SAW.M1LL AND Tit ACT OF LAND pttnato m tlie toWmliln ot Kidiler. In tho coantv ot Catbou, and tato or Pomi-vlvatito, cnmiiofl cit of thoncveral Itactaot lind iu tlio nrrantee nam en of Gauge. Otd. Kumin-1 rieait, and JoTpb ot tlio tarM in tlio wairnotce nnntes i jonn in own, 'rnoniaa iiinuioin. UeotRo HoliertN Jlpb lticlianUon Antaouy CmliUert John 1'liitiUii, Kdward rciinitiHtou, Jolmllrltton and lllclinid Hortti.iii! lyfjif? con tijrnouitoe cU other (jomidedn1deirltetla' foUowf( thai in to any i ltcrtuulif at tie corner or tin onutnal due boiweeu tho tract of land aurvceu to wn lam Kom no.auiTO.eutn Jonn Aioen a'ld land -ntveyed to Joseph North, aontli ethty eiKlit dctrieca cast eix huodiod and len and one lirtiitli peicbiis to tlio oiifiln hi northeast come1 of I lie tract oflaud urvcy id to Ueiirgn OiO; ihoico hy theemd tiact ot land surveyed mi .Tovcuii .Nnrlh ejutn two de tifOH, vrcfu 189 iictchen to iinolhet to the origin. al corner of the 1ld tiact o' iand hurvcveiT to Oeoit'o Ord and tlio tract of HUd jurveved to Joaepli 'o th, and tho t act of lumlnuvejo-i to iticiiiiid iiiaMiier; luencH niong mo ouinii Itt.e between tne taid tiacta surveyed to Oeorue uul nnd ttio eaultiact- putxevo't to Ulehard '1 batchor, aontli 8fvent3'.two rtt'Kieea west one hundred ana tcnt -eu ceicties to a eornor. fout i eirhteen doxroea east two huudied iier chei to m mi; tuence on the ortginal lmo be iwpcu me sain iruci oi iauc mi, veyco ui ueore Ord, and the ttnet t-nrvoicd to Joeph Alien ou the riaJit, and thd tract of land Mirered tu David Marsh on the loft, noiili eiphty-iLneodo. cre(38, west thret hundiid and tiilrwyoue per ihea to a whito iino anoiiiiiul comer of lnd surveyed to 'J'bomas JUcnffrd and party, throuah the aaid Mo ct of 1 tud purveyed to Geo. Uohe.-ia north clttlity-one Meal ea, west thieo Im ii a red and movent, &eicn perthos to a coiner iu the mid tract hUrveycd to oeorgo Itoboit; tnnnce thiouth tho same, and paitiy Hirouuh the tractor luiiiuuivevcd to Joseoh Hu hairt-on touth thlrtCfiidefiees vtet nlnet fourjie'chcd luacuiin i uu iuu nut nivut. uncu iiuu iiit'imv tnroncQ tho sames'iuth hcveiitrfour deinees ana u q airier, iat two huiidied aud twelvo nod a hulf nrehes loucorurr nl the oritclual no between Paid tract aunevfd to Jornli Jtichaidauu ana the tract ot laud survoytd lo Geo lire Jxlirniur theucealonftealdoritniial line north twctity-tliKb deuieei, wvht titty peiches louunniTHiH co nrr oi ine ir-ici oi tuuu Muvev el to Anthonj'CutlibL-iti tlnueoaioiifc tho lino bctnet ii (lie hi 11 tract Mirvered to (li'orBe Len man and too tract of laud nurveved to Anthony Cutlibeit Boatatlxt v-Koven dcerecM. wpsi oiiflitr perches lo a eon. or tin nee U) tough the tract e i.rnu iu .uiiiuiir vuuiooiv nuu purtiy iiiiuuuu inn iii,t-L i i 1:11111 Kiirvpvi-n in .nuin i'lul.ipanoithiVr-euiv thri'ndoureo. west about three hamltttl and thliterii i)fji'nt tn n ronirr on tlio iiud tract of land oi Jucuo Gould aud Biepuen i.outu, uiuiun tlio bovorul tractaot iuuinino wunumee linnioi i.t jonn I'luiltps Kuward rcniiinett n..IoLn Unttnu Jnlm itmun aud itlchaid ioith iho followincceursci unti dlstauocato w I: north a.xty-seveii Ucff. eoa eabt tort i -one per c lies: north eiWitv-ono dernea. cast three iiuudiett a id elilitoen uerclie-j north aovi'ii y-thne tlepieea eaht tlitvMX peichej Miuiu nuruivcis uiitx'H, cuhT, tmriV'iwo per- cnih, uiii bfveiiiy i;e i.'ea, ca-i eleven per ches; cast one. hundicd aud toveu eeiches:auulh eighty lwodc(iiet, eal sixteen perrnen; nouth tli:htv--even t cirrooH pant twpmr.Kir mrpl om noith flxty deirifi'h, east ev uty-four perches nun nuiiuuuB liunurt'u niui iweivo ptrcnea 10 FIVC THOUSAND l.IGUT nUNDUlSD AND TJIItlTV.i;iGIIT ACHIib. or tticreabonta be the sauio more or less. Tho improvements theieou cousin of one Fiame Dwo.Ilrg Hnuso mx'22, to tonea high; no Kmino Dwd Jute Hoti-e .8x34, two stones Llirh; GtMiiit 7" ncna r imiimd. lnc udirp apple oiciiaid ,3ociep nue tiauie Htoie utdDwell liiffJIotiho 3 wlnca. lhx:.4"ix.y and lbxtfl. two atonea huh: olo taiue Dwe.hna Jfouse, 4ixis, two htonesj one lrmi.- Darn, 48i3. 14 feot hWhi one Frame DwOnntf Hoiip. iwn Rtnrlnht ono Frame Dnellmf; House, isxlO. 2 xtonca high- one Frnn Direlllnn Jlouse, 21x16, two aiuriea, one Frame Dwellinn lioute, 4Ixin, two ftones. kitcneu alt (lied Hci3. Ono Fmo Dwe dug House, 17X;i. with wln atmtlHd HiX3l, IWlt StOUt h; 0110 FlBlllO fjtUl'ld 4 xiijouo Framo htiibie. Wxaii odo Fianio U'limwilRtu bPoo. '2bx$, one Fiumo Hiacki-iuith Khop 3xi6 ttiiu 1'iHiuu niiiuAti jiuiiM, iutxiz' o:io I' lLlaf blao.t. C22s lb feet In Hit ouo Jramu sti.ltic. li.xttt. 14 feet high ouo Fraiuo Iior Feu, 12x1(1, oue Ht iy hiah. All thut cetuln loi of prreirnd whereon a wrarf is (teciedMiuattMi neai ll.oiuomh i.f Hickory Jlun In ti o mhiiI towuthipt-t Kier, b-uuded ai:u dcfeCiltedns toiunvf, to witi DekiuniDK t a hemloclc Ktump attbe oihre of tne water on illckorv Ituu luletat H o eomnioa hivhln ot water; thi mo up too aiM inlet norih v ghty de tbenc noith it n doKieea. voi twt'Ui.y-thoieei to a stake north embt. utue dt i?rte-, west buo nuiuirfu aim uiiF-uiice ifti loabiouo corner, vboiu MXit teettaatot iho pro ent store hone; lut-uce uuiu it! uf?iHfa ejst uu ieei io ine beginning, logoihcr with thn lien and uiuutcr lunted rnrluuud liberty of nttvtgnt'on In ihe said mi t fiiiin the a d nlurf lot io the vlicic water i-avlratlou ol the Li-Ul.h C al and Nat gitiou Compun. lor ll-elr nauhpoiting lumber Ui i'l eon it no togeibir with tne perpetual use aud prmleiie to pa-a and ro-paaiiou the pica cut loud to and lioui the Hud whtut lot over tmd ado? the le-loiio ot tho i-alu tiacU ol laud uuiveyed ou wairautee to Joel Jobn&iou Att-dnll that ceitain &TOUI5 HOUaK AM) LOT OP OttOTJND aHuaie i ear i ho mouth of HlcVory Ituu, lu the lowuflbip ot Kli'dtr, coumy of Caiboti. afure Mild, (touudtd and (JetkCiibed as foilowa, to wit: JleniiiiUK ut m poot, thenctt by lmdof John 1 1 in pier uutU mivllu degree cast two liuiiu edniid thirty seven pelt. bos aud crn teuths to a pes.: (hot ce bv laud of John Hunan aud David Duti noith I weuiMive decrees, we. t two liiiudr-d and seventy peicheft to upost; i hence by land ol lvtert'urtz vouch sixl live d'Aieei west two huudieu and ttltyiour per chts alid Ihite-tomth to a pot, .hboco down t fmti Lenten Mitita nf.ftn ilerei. eight aud halt foot t e; south fori Uve degrees, e-st Iwenty-fivo perche. otitn ten Oegieen wet thMv t jrte und oue fourth perches i north thr ty dttreof, eunt cichty peicbes; buuih ieeu le-n utipes east i-cvtrJtv-eiKht pert hen; thlr tv-two deuieea east lortvone peiches an thieeuud ouo half ten to a to a poet liiencoaoii'h thittv twodgrte( tHft twelvo porchetuno&lr H i.d oue-hi leuths lu the place of beg.uii.u, coutaiulnir FOUIt UUNDItED AND FOUUTECN AORUS and eightyBcren perchea, with tho usual a Inwance ixcepiintr the resemug ueveriho ifsa nil thoe CJiialntwo whaif o.a aitunte unon the ' auk of he liver Lemgn, to wit; Ouo of ihem cnotali.iug acu - per Chea hereto! re aoliian'i coueei to Joeeph 11 Gouludna Itciuaid TMlor. thuir heirs sud as Igns. Aiiotnor o( them conlalnlug about threo aud one-ha.f acres, hi ntofoie wild tu H. Uangwere and- .eifufa their hrira and asmna. Auoirr ol tl em coutainlug live aciea aud tlx peiches heutoloro H.)d inl cometed tow. 'iripo, ins heir aud almia, another of them containing tnreo acreoud oue huut red auutventv perches heretofore told ant con veyed to Jared i Goudnd Ueiujrd Tavior. their heirs and aaminis: and tho other of I hem being on both den of Hickory Jluu hoitto!fi jo'.d and rouvered tu Ifraei h Day and b uuuttl HHVlor, thetr heirs vtio algu: auo nUi (he rltfht, title uilglually gtanted lothe said I-rnel K Day and Huniurf tsy.or, (oruiiT owners of the propei tv bercu-ftire meutloued tnaieitain lot ot ffouud sltuute iieir the Lhlyli rver, pear the moulh oi Hickory Ituu, lor the pur pose ot carrying, u'dei ceitiln atticles of agreement with one Mre. Oltvn to SHERIFF'S SALES. S ether with Ihoanpurt-nanccalo liavo audio oldthesaino unto tho antil Jcb llader as rtenedto JlaryA. shlcit her hells and uselgns tjrc'vir Iho Improvements thereon are, Ono store House, aii4u loet l stuv lilrli; one 1'ianio IJtvcliinc llmuo, 13x511, two stones' one name Dwellipwiiousu. i8X.o two stonen; oioFiatne MeliNi. 3i30. 14 f. pi huh ouo Water power snw aini, r.fcxia-i ono Finmo Mai.le 16x52. 14 feet hiehi ono Frame leolljuvo. isiis, lifeit hl''h: one Tamo Dnelling House, with kltrben idztl, 2o!lo-i ono Finmo JJwollinir Ilonsi'. 3.X33, with ltitelfeu l!xl!, -i atoi lest one I rartie Dwe.liiig House. 52x2, ! etonesi ouo Frnrtio UwelllnR Iloaso, 22xJ.', astmles. f eiiert and taken Into execution aa thoptoper. tyol tlabilol rf.siatoi lndieiduallj-.nutf Wru. J. rauisou ct ol, administrators. ALSO; 11 ., 1 . ... ... . u luiuiirjiiiu i'aujas, ail luai cert .In niessance or tenement and trct of land a inatoln tl o Uniounh of JLch ghton, Ouuntyof Cnrbiin, nnd f tato afiirreaid, houucod ntfd des cribed as fellows to wit t llrirli.iilnB nt a Btones thened by land of teon. aril Ilontz, north one-half decrio, west aixty i ineiict uy ipihi laio ot ueiii. ICUltK. HOIIth Ciellt Mini nnn.lintf ili,i.pnn ivi. nine and three peiches to a white o"k tnenco by land of John O. Kmoi cr sou h seven degrees west sotonti three p. relies ton stone' I . ;r .uriiu ins iuuiii r I'liu a DnbilO lOad OOI th flftv 1t rn, ,.rct tnr..ttt... two neirhos to the p ace of beginning, contain. ina 1 IVJb, AtiltUiaml eleniyc,U netc,hcs.strlct mcasuic. Ihe Improvements thelco't; aro a TWO-STOn-V FRAME, DWKLMNU IIOUSC 1 ft. Kitchen nttnched7x feet, nnnlhor TWO-SIOHY FIIAMJS UWJiLLlNO ;ox " t it, ii 18x28 leit, nttichmeut 10x29 leet. Wt-,1 hd Kxi8 feet and other outDuildlnirs Scl70d nnd Inkcn Into cxecutlnn nnthnttrnn. crty of Daniel Ilex. ALSO, Tte vlrtne nf a wilt of FIERI Finn nil ih.f nussuiijie or leuemcntnnd tiact of lsnd eiliule In th. 'lownrhlp of MaUonlnfr, county of Car. lion, end fctato of Pennsylvania liouudc'it and d-serthtd as follow! On tho north bv l.ind ltite of bhlve ,V Faul Kelferj ou tho enst by pitiorrtv of Jotepa wintcrniuie and Wil Ham Farrcn, on the south by property ol I ewij Oikerlionno. and on the west bv prooerty of Charles ZeMner, contHinmg TlilHTY.FOUH AUItCHand thirty prch s.sttict meaame. Tlio Impiovemcuts thcicen ure a one and one-half oiorv Fit A If E IWELTJNQ HOUSE, 2"i2Cfeet Kltclicn atlnehed irx'O fecti Darn .IS X21 leet, Hhcd attached 10x30 feet, and other 0U,tllllllllIIC8 Also, a'l'WlWl'Ullv l'KAMB Ol-TlCl! AND DWELL.INO HOUSE, Mxifl feet, with a frnmn porch attached. A one etnivFllAMH hl'llUOrUllli, known aaaro linerv. ixiieei, ono-siory Fit mh H.Ml'JI.T INU HOUSi:, lvxli feet. oaeHory FltAMK M.NliltAL linilrii:. MxIRlem. an nntlnUI.e.i one story Fit AM H UU 1 1. III. so, 21x4 sior. f-iiAii iiun.uir,u,sxio Ieet,aud other outbuildings. i-oiied aud taken Into execution nsttteprop. crty ol Bamuol Evert. ALSO, Ily vlrtno ol a writ of Fieri facias, all that ceitain trnct or plico m land situate In tho Townsliln of Peiin Fnrn.r. rnnni.. nn,l .t.,,. ufoiosaid. bounded ana descrlocd hs follows to wit! Heitnnlrt) at a stono corner, now or Into of Vnleutine ucrihtel. .tc and tho corner of lite Jomea uon and I'liiiip Mecltes' thenco Uy land ot William Yerrer, north lorty neciees wettwouty thro aud th'oo fourth perches to apnsti tbeucebvthe same aoutU th tty-tlnce and three fourth dereea.west twpniv nn,i inn. tenth perches to a sionu. thence Aiy the eftmo north thlrty.three nnd one hill GecTces. west inii(3' ami one-nail lorcios to a stone, thence bV land now or late of Chriatnntipr ll,.nnipt,rlpr. 8oun deprces west ninety lour and oue- ifinii ptrcnea io a pione in a line or cnnsiian Orowt thence bv o same snmh forte iieirrnps. eiiKt toitv.eicht and ronr.temh peietien io u e-oue; thenco ny laed of the said Valentino llerchtel, Ac, north fifty decrees east ono hun ored and tu pcrchus to theplaco of lieirlnutnsr. containing twenty eight ncroi and ninety-one iiercnes aim ri.e nuowanco oi six por cent. &c. The lniinovcment' tlieieon are a TWO 8TO I! Y FA MK DWELLING" HOUSE, 2'.,x2l feet; wood shed 12x18 fcit. barn 2?xJ3 loet. uuu ouioniKiuias. oixed mill liken llit.i execnlinn as thnmnn. erty ot Amos Jieckes. ilel't, i Adam iloctca, ALfcO, Ily virtue of a writ of Firm facias, all that certain lot or piece oi gronna .lttinio in ana iy. lue and being in tbo town ol touth Lelncli- ton, iu the tfiwnshiii of afiihnnlng (now lu the boiough of I.oaljhton), Caib'-li Comity, l'A., boitwlHl lino d hemmed as tollow, to wltt ltoalnningat a ntiet: liieuee bv Mortharrinton siroet twenty flvo eegrees ensi tro perehea to oposti thence by r served palt ot emiie lot Ho. 31 iinitii s'xii.fivo egreea, wot len neichos, to a po-t Ihence by rsasafrtis alley south twenty. Ave degi t a, wot two notches lo a poati thence by ibt No. .9 .onto eixtv-Qvo degrees tsal ten seiche to ttie jilnco of beginning, containing oLe-eightof an acre, aim being part of lut Ko. anil tlio plan or plot ol aaul lo n of South I.e. blgitou. The uupiovements thereon are a TWO VIOHY I UAME DWELMNQ, i(i:t leet: Kitctien attacheil 11x12 feeti btible hi i feeti nttaebuieuu 14x11 feet, aud other ouibui-iiuigs relsed and taken into exctutlon aa tbo prop crty of Johu Vleihaucr. ALSO, ily virlllo of a writ of Xaptrra JTicia.t, all Hint certain Lot or I'ieco of GKOUND, situ tile on tho nor Hi sl.lo of Centre Street, in tlio Village of Upjier Mauch Clitink, County of Carbon, rennsylvnnia, nientionetl in tlio plan or plot thereof No. 171, containing in front or kreaillh on fjid Centre street fifty feet, and extending thenco northwardly ono hundred and ninety feet to North street; lliuuded north hy North street, east hy Mnrplo street, south hy Centra street, aud M ost hy Lot No. 173. Tho improvements thereon nro a TWO.STOUY FRAME DWKLLIKO, 10 hy 20 feel, Kitchen attached 12 by 12 feet, 'Barn 12 by 11 feet, uud other Out buildings. Beued nnd taken In execution as the property of John Tiedcrinan. ALSO, Bv virtue of a wtII of LnaH Facial, all that cm tsin lot or piece of ground situate In Lower TowHinetiftlii'r lonutdnp. countv ofcrbon nnd Mitealoresald. bounued aud described as tol. lowst lieinnclng at a certain willow trea ; thrneo by latdmtoof John seems north tweuti llveaud ouo-hnll degrees enat liitei n and six.tentha pet rhea to a stono in a pubilo road lending from Lcli!tfh (tap to th4 house of Lett Harieiusni thence along n pi btio toid le omg fnm the pui'llo hncse of Lt vi llarleiuau to the house ot ltnl.ert MllSthlits snutl' tlurtv-reveli degrees, east sixteen peiches to a lit said .oadt tuence by ,anit now or lato ol Jacob liowniau soutn civhlv.lhreo and oue halrle rt-os, weat sixteen sud fiur teutns perches to taeniae of beinnnlng, contalmua one bumlred aud two vo peiches inure orte&s. The iuiprocments theie ou ur. a TlNO'TOHY BTOSK HOTEL IIUILDIO, lxt2ieet. one and one.half story store attached I isk3ileeti Frame Oit Kucaen 1x12 leet. l'ruiiio Bhcd sax ,S feet, anu other outbuildings. I HeisM anil tsseti mto execution as the pro ! reityot Etepheu Ileyer, defendant, aud Daniel . ilcliler, tetru tenant. ALSO, He virtue of a writ of IVndttfonf 'rpona all that ceriaia lot nrpitco ot ytunad situ.tecn tae noith auio of Lehigh stieet in thaiioronrh of Kasl Jlauch Chunk, Counti audbtaiesfor said nnuibeieo la the plan i-r plot therenf leresly ana reviLiy.two.ivut. Icing In frcji cr SHERIFF'S SALES. brendih on enul Lohlgh street oiiebund-ed teet, nnd extettdmg theuca northwardly i iro hun dred leit to a - feet wfco alley i bound ed lunllt by paid nlley, east by lot No. 74. suuth uv s.,iu ijenian Bireet anu west by lot zio. t. jiiu ,iiilu,i tiiuciun uereou are a TWO-STOnY FBAMU DWELLING nOCSB l!x20 feet, lt.ltc.hcn attached I2xi2fcct, and out' buildings. S"l2ed nnd taken into pren!!hn n, 4 hp rn. pcrty of John fhltc. ALSO. BV Virlne Of n Wilt of TVlifin rnnnAl. All that CO tQln lot or flleco of frifinnd stun. mr. thn llcirongh of Lehlsfitoii. lit" MahoMllg Town ship, carbon county. Xa , bounded and detenb ed as loilow.., to wtti jirgiiining at n siono in a puniic read le id ng fioni Lenlghion to Mohoufng Vailoy i (henco north ciehty.eiehtdegioes eaatninoncrches to aetono- tlicnconoith thtrt- fonrc'egrees.wett three prcnea to a stono t Ibenco lioilh onode. cree, west ieit and six-ielfths perches to a post i thenco bv land of Ilnulel Knstmau eonth seven, ty degrees, woat eleven n(n f"ur ten lis perches to a stones thence hy land lateot Thos. Koons sOulli seventy degico, cast ten perches to tho pi ico of l egiifiiing, cnnfalulng O.NK HUNDRED AND SeVeS PEHO'ifES, mrie or less. Tho lmpiovcmei.ta i hereon arc a TWO SlOnY 1'IIAME DWELLING HOUSE !0x31 leet a Frame Htablo !!4x24 foot, and other outbuildings. SeiLdaud taken Into cxocutlon astbeprc pcrty ot l'liuon Claass. ALSO, TtlACTNb. I Ilv vlniiB nf o writ nf riitni FACIAS, all t lint COllnln 111 'CO or truer nfland eltnaio In Alahonli.g Township. Varbou onunty; und statontiirosaUli bounocd and described as lollows, to ml f llei'lnnlne'iitastono' thenco partly hy lands' rf Joaeph Kemo'er. nun partly bvland oflate ltcnbeu Filcl.iiig-r anil p.irtly bv laud ot Chas. inu-.i'iiimn mi in iweiuv nine negreca wesi one hundi oil and Unity. nvn pn- ctioa to n .tonej tnence by laud rf jminli Mucliuan south sev, uty scvrn ilosices, wes nfty-ono porch-s ton Bitino: thence by tho snmo north twelve ond one hiil' dcgie'e, west forty two and ono half perch's lira atone: thence br land ol Mat thew l'.rweu south teveniv-eight degiees, west tn enty lour and three-lorn tn.-i crehea to a atone: thence bv laud of .aid Iteuuen Zellner. sooth twentv and ttuee fourth degieea ea-t c nS hun.' died and sixty-seven Perthes to a stone, teenca by land ot John itelnsmlth, (now dee'd) end others nottn eighty-two nnd one.half degrees. ciie uiui-o - uuu Liuee.iouuii percues it mo place ol belnnln?, contaiumg SIXTY-NINE Acnins, more or less: Tho Improvements on trnct No. 1 aro a TWO STOHY FIIAMK DWELLING HOUSE 21x23, Rain 10x13, and other Outbntldings. TIIAIT No. 2. lit that certain tract or piece of tind situate In Mahoning Town-hip Caiboa countv, r.t , bounded nnd doscribed as follows: ilegluuliig at a sto e; thenco ov land of If en. ry Zellner norlh twenty aud three-iourth no. glees, west ono hundred and sixty seven perch es to a stone; ihence by land ot M.Krwen south leventy-etght degrees, woH tweivo and oue tenth perches to ft post; thence bv laud of the estate of Houhen Zellner, deceased. smith twon tv niidoiic-h.ii! degiees, eat ono hundred and s.xtv six peiches to a stake- thouco by laud of lteubon Iteinamti-h north eighty two aud oue. ha.t degrees, east thirteen and one-tenih perch, es to tbo pinco of beginning contiiutua- twelve ucrcs nnd sixty-nluu perches, htrlct measure. be zed and tpken Into execution as the prop erly or Hcury Zellocr. J. W. RATJDENBUSII, Sh riffs office. 1 bhcilft. Mauch Chuuk, Seut. II, 1873 i Deadlock Fnlso curls. A good artlcln for the teeth food. Even a barrel lioop will turn wlieri trod upon. Tim ulotftl a: tlib soldier makes tho captnlu great. A regular attendant to the club A policeman. Americans cat tvrlCo ns much salt as the Ungllsh. Tlio grasshoppers liaro appeared la Central America. An off-hand matter Trying to' finger a buzz-saw In motion. Never confide rt secret to yoar rela tives; blood will tell. Keep clear ct a man who does not Value hi uwn character. A fnst young man: Tlio one who' gat down on a pot, of gluo. A girl npplied for a poftlc llcenso to the mayor of Chicago recently. Why Is n lady'slinmiet like cupola? Uecause It covers (he belle. Maids marry to change their con dition, widows marry to Improve It. A dog's bark may bo worse than tils bite, but wo prefer the bark. Tito first piano tn the United Slates was made at riiihsdelphla lu 1775. At what tlmo Is a cltfar like an old maid? When there Is no match for It. Why Is a newly born babe- like ii gale of wind? Uecause It begins with a squall, If every woman could liavo o hus band, fcmalo suffrage would cease to be agitated, A young lady has written a book called "My Lovers." lt begins, of course, at Chap.l. What class of wonlcn are apt td give toue to soclotj'7' The belles. All honest men will bear watch tng. It Is tbo rascal who caunot stand It. It Is not generally known to what extent we are Indebted to worms for the productiveness cf our gardeus and fields. It lias been found by series of experiments carried out by a German naturalist that the tunnels made by worms into tho earth are frequently of much t-ervice to plants, whose roots oc cupy the channels that have thus been made. The mold of our gardens, nnd fields too, Is Improved to an almost In conceivable extent by the burrowings of this humble Insect. Kach worn la less than a week passes through Its own weight In mold, nud the soil thus pro' dueed Is fine and light and extremely helpful to tho growth of plants. U Iiert It is remembered that there are In every acre some 33,000 worms, tod that, In addition to forming every day about ihirty-seven pouuds of flue mold, they open up the sub toll and render it fei lllf, we shall gain some slight concei tlon of our Indebtedness to thoie appar ently Insignificant and generally uiw ttiought-of Utile workers.