II. V. MOKTUIMER, LUniUHTOH, 1'A.l SATURDAY, SEPT. 14, 1878. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Stall'. aoVRBNOn-ANUUBW n. DILL. lt. aovinKTE-JonN FEETia. BUTBEMB JOTXIlt HI3NUY P. ROSS. bEC. OF 1ST. AP?AIIifl-J. SIMP. AFRICA. County. COXOBMS HOnERT Kt-OTZ. Subject to decision ol Conferees. A BSKMnLT J. O ZEItN, MICH. CA88IDY. A8S0. JUDOS CHAS. MEEND8EN. CO. TBEASUBEIt-MAX. SCHWEIBINZ. BEO. A llECOKDEIt-BEnNAnD PHILLirS. CO. COinJH5SI0SER3-J. J. GALLAGHER. JOSIAII ANDREAS. COEOSER-DU. P. D. KEISI3R. AUSITOBS-a. A. DKt.TZ SAMUEL MOTZKn. MUI'UllLICAIV TICKET. Stntc. GOVSnSOrt-TIENRY M. HOYT. I,T. GOVEBNOK-CnARLES W. STONE. BUTBEME JUDGE JAM E8 P. STERRE1T. SEC. INT. ArMUS-A. K. DUNKEL. County COSORE63-CTtARLE3 ALBrtlOnT. From all wo oro able to learn, tho tick et placcJ in nomination by tlio Democracy last Monday, gives general satisfaction to tho members of the partyjin this end of tho county. Dr. J, 0. Zern.for Asscmby, is well and favorably Known at this end of tlio county, and will certainly run ahead of his ticket. Michael Cassidy, of Ncsnuehonlng, is not so well known) he is a young man a school teacher, having graduatcdat Millers town. His strength at this cud will devel op bs the cauvscs progresses. Chas. Mcend ten, of Lower Towamcnsing, tho nomlnco for Associate Judge, is ono of tho strongest men in this end of tho county, and will no doubt bo elected, ns ho should be, if honesty and capability go for anything. For County Treasurer the namo of Max Schwcibinj, is quite popular through tho county, and his prospects, now, aro good for an election. Bernard Phillips, who is now serving his first term of Register and Recorder,nd is the nominee for a second term, has niudo a number of friends during this term, and it will require tho combined efforts of Green backers and Republicans to shako him from his position. For Commissioners J. J. Gal lagher and Josiab. Andrews aro said to be just tho men for tho position,, but as wo are not acquainted with tho gentlemen, wo can scarcely judgo of their strength. Dr. P. D. Kciser, of Mahoning, for Coroner, and 11. Bcltz, of Lehighton, and Samuel Motzer, of Summit Hill, for Auditors, completes tho ticket. Altogether it is claimed to bo a good square Democratic ticket. 00 I 00 bo o H n u B w 1-3 u a 3 8 CJ o a o H P3 W s w n o a o EH more than fnurteen inches by twclvo. Tho platform which is to sunuund the lantern, will measure nearly lour feel in width and will hold ten persons, and allow epaco for them to circulate without difficulty. The head is surrounded by rays which oro to bo illuminated. The Colossus is to stand on a base erected on a rock, the baso containing tho kcejtcrs residence and the accessories of n lighthouse. This baso will measure mora than eighty feet high, so that the top of the head of tho figure will bo littlo short of two hundred feet from tho ground. Tho wholo is formed of sheets of copjier rcpanssic and bolted to gether, and tho quantity of metal required will Lo thirty tons) while tho iron frame work, including tho staircase within tho statue, will weigh about seventy tons moro. Tho statue, of the. Republic, a grand seated figure, by Clcsingcr, which is placed in tho tcrraco beforo tho chief entrance of tho Ex hibition, is, with its plinth about the hcighth of tho face of tlio Colossus. Clcsingcr is said to have received 800 for his work. Sculpture is certainly in the ascendant just now in Franco last year a sculptor, M. Chapu, took ono of tho Grande Prix d' Jfonncur and tho Prix dcSalon,a travelling scholarship, and this year tho Salon juries liavo awarded both of" tho Grande Prix, as New Advertisements. or SHERIFF'S SALES. arrt Horns, noith one. hall fleeri porches to n stone; thence by Isi Charity of Speech. Charity of speech is as divino a thing ai charity of action. The tonguo that speakcth no evil is as lovely as tho hand which givcth nlms. To judgo no one harshly, to misconceive no roan's molivcs,lo believe things oro what they seem to bo until they aro proved other wise, to temper judgment with mercy sure ly this isquiteas good as to build up church- es, to establish asylumsand to found colleges- Unkind wonts do as much harm as unkind deeds; many a heart has been wounded be yond euro by words; many a reputation has been stabbed to death by a few littlo words. They have separated famililies, parted husbands and wives, and broken the ties between dearest friends. There is a charity which consists in with holding words, in keeping back harsh judg ments, in abstaining from speech, if to speak is to condemn. Such charity hears tho tale of slander, but repeats it not; it will not be the ono to help the ball to roll. It listens in silence but forbears comment, and locks the unpleasant secret up in tho very depths of its heart. While tho busy conscious world is wag ging its tongue, charity sits dumb amid tho clatter, refraining from passing judgment on that of which it has no proof, and which, even if it had, would prefer throwing the mantlo of silence over the unpleasant mat ter. Could it be possiblo for anmrrtomake the headway it does, if reticence, instead of promulgation,was the. universal rule-7 Could report bo furnished with tho hundred wings it has if there wcro not so many tongues wagging? Silence can still rumor, it is speech that keeps it alive ami lends it vigor. It is to tho heart that is kind and gentlo that charity flies and broods quietly over it with tho peaccfulnesa of tho dove. There it makes its homo, and by the word withheld and the kindly word outspoken, we have the sign that tho dovo of peace is nestling in tho heart. The heart which is filled with bitterness will give vent to it in words. It sees noth ing bright nor beautiful, beoauso it looks through a clouded vision. Words are a pretty good test of temper and habit of thought. As "to tho pure all things are pure," so to tho malicious and ill-tempered all things aro black, unlovely, and of ill re port, Words aro tho signs of thoughts, and if tho thoughts bo sweet and good the words will bo kind and gentle, free from malice and all uncharltableness. Therefore, by ojjr words do we proclaim what wo aro j the good fairy, dropping dia monds from her mouth, or tho evil fairy. dropping toads. While the last act of the play of" May Cody " was being performed In Ford's Opera Ilouso.at Baltimore, Monday night, "Buffalo Bill " fired a pistol which happened to be loaded with ball cartridge and shot a youtl named Michael Gardner, who was In the upper gallery. Tho bullet entered the umwr part of Gardner's chest, indicting a twloui wound. Tlio accident was net known until after the audienee dispersal, when Garduer oetoenaea irom in. gallery wjin tome com panioni. Incomplete returns from Maine indi cate that Connor, tho Republican candidate for Governor, lacks about 0,500 votes of a majority; that tho Republicans will have a majority in tho State Senate , and that the Greenbackers and Democrats will cer tainly have a majority, exactly how largo is not yet known, In the House. There being no election of Governor by tho people, the latter body is required to send up to tho Scnato tho names of two of the four highest candidates on the popular vote and tho Sen ate must then choose one of tho two Gov ernor. It is naturally expected that tho IIouso will send up tho names of Smith Greenback, and Garcelon, Democrat. Three Republican Congressmen, Reed, Fryo, and Lindsay, are reelected; but Llewellyn Pow ers is badly beaten in the Fourth District by Ladd, Grccnbackcr, and tho figures from tho Fifth District continue to indicato that tho Greenback candidato Murch, has laid out Eugene Hale. Later. Returns from all but five Assem bly Districts in Maine, indicate tho election of 05 Republicans, 2 " Democrats support ing tlio Republicans," 21 regular Democrats, and 58 Greenbackers. This will give tho opposition a majority of 9 on joint bollot, but it is a question whether some of the hard money Democrats may not affiliate with tho Republicans. A charge of fraud in tho Fourth Ward of Portland makes chance to chango-l votes to tho Republicans, whichwould ensure them a majority on joint ballot, unless the 2 "Democrat-Republicans" voto with their party for Governor. Tho election of Murch, Greenbacker, to Con gress oyer Eugene Hale, in tho Fifth Dis trict, is conceded by 000 plurality. well as tho Prix da Salon to sculptors M mairc. Barrias, Dclaplancho and Iicctor Lo c. Tho croup in bronzo which won M. Mcrcio tlio Prix d' Jfonncur in 1874, is per haps tho most remarkable cxamplo of tho sculptor's art produced In Franco slnco tho last Exhibition ; it consists of two figures, an angcljbearing tho dead body of a warrior, Willi broken sworn sun ciiuciieu in insnanii, with wings Outstretched, and feet just about to quit tlin earth; tho figure of tlio angel is remarkably noble, and admirably posed. Tliis work stands at present in tho central garden, In tho Champ do Mars building, but it is to bo erected m tho Square Mouth-olon. A trial of nlonehs on a larco scalo recent ly took placo witli tho authorization of M. jiramz, ni rem ixnirg, near ivry on me Lyons Line, on tho farms of M. Dccauvillo, who worthilv inherits from his father tho title of ono of tho most eminent agricultur ists in France. M. Dccauvillo is a largo purchaser of American agricultural imple ments, and Habitually uses on ins property both steam-ploughs, as well as steam-rollers, scarifiers, and harrows of American manu facture. All these, were in full work at tho trial, and nearly monopolized the attention of tho wondering peasantry, who flocked in great numbers from neighboring communes. Tlio rapidity anil neatness with which steam ploughs do their work make spectators mar vel that any others can be used, but tho prime cost ot machinery is a great consider ation to small farmers. There wcro plenty of more old-fushioncd specimens of ogricul turai labor to be criticised : four-horso and two-horso ploughs; four-ox and two-ox ploughs; and ono plough witli six heavy horses and seven men, whose performanco was pronounced a sad waste of labor, especi ally as a pair of oxen side by sido with ono man seemed to plough quite as deep and good a furrow. Tlio jurors, among whom were tho Senators Fcroy and Foucher do Carcil, who both aro stated to bo land-owners in tho department, will not givo their verdict for somo days. Somo Arab chiefs, wearing many decorations, and three Chi nese, of high rank walked after tho ploughs and partook of a breakfast given by M. Decauville. One of tho most striking characteristics of II. . ....I. Sl.IK T- .1 1 . uiu X.AU1UH1UH uuimuigs is inu employment of terra-cotla and enamelled earthenware intheirdccoratlons. This employment meets tho cyo almost everywhere. Tlio front and back of tho building on the Champ do Mars have Bcries of pilasters decorated with square siaus ol brightly colored laicnce, the orna mentation consisting of two desiens alterna ting with each oilier, one comioscd lirinci- Tho yellow fever plague in tho South is only abating where it has killed or driven away tho greater part of tho population, and in most parts its ravages continuo to increase. The timid and selfish continuo to flee from tho sceno of danger, whilst tho generous, 6elf-denying, and courageous continuo to hasten to aid tho perishing. Many of theso heroes of both sexes have fallen, and somo oro falling every day; but others tako their places, just as tho heroes of tho battle field close up their fast falling ranks. This na tional calamity for when ono member ot the body suffers all suffer with it has also evoked a noble spirit of charity, including, as that term docs, lovo and liberality; and collections aro being everywhere mado for the relief of tho plague-stricken cities. It is to bo remembered that in those cities nil businesses ate in abeyance but those of tho pastor, the physician, tho nurse, and the un dertaker. Thero is neither work nor wages nor food for tho laboring people, unless sup plied from without; and this is being rapid ly and well done. nallv of birds, the other or fruits nmllbliacs, One of tho most rcmarkablo colors in these slabs is a fine bright red, and this is said to have been discovered during the cxitcri incntsmade,withthc view to the production of tho slabs in question. Another applica tion of decorativo pottery is to bo seen around the doors of the pavilion of the City of Paris, in tlio enclosed garden in the cen tre of the Champ do 1 nrs, where is a double border of largo square slabs, tcrra-cotta and faience, in reality I bclicvo only imitations in plaster. But tho most rcmarkablo appli cation is that on tho fronts of tlio pavilions of the fine art galleries which face tho doors of tho city pavilion. Thero are works of great magnitude, eacli front consists of three arches, the central ono only pierced below witli a door. Over tlio door, and on each sido of tho northern porch, are figures of iioctry, painting, and other arts, larger than life, and three landscapes of great area, witli n grand expanse of sea, and villages on the cliffs, architectural motives amidst grand trees, decorative colors, and other elements. All this is executed in larco tiles and witli much success. Tho blues and greens in tho coloring aro remarkably fine, ami the firing shows very few faults, while tho tiles are so Hat and regular, that tho joints aro only ap parent at a very short distance. Amu. Valuable Real Estate. THE following properties will bo sold by J. W. RAUDENBU8II,Sheriffof Car bon County i on MONDAY, SEPT. 30, 1878, ftt the Court House,.!! the Borough of Mauch Chunk, Carbon County, Pa., at 1 o'clock P.M. i Bv vlrtneof a writ of LEV. FJL.atl tlat cer tain messuage RAW.M1LL AND TRACT OP IAND oltnate in Hie township ot Kidder, In the county of Carbon, and Mato ot renn-ylvnnia, compos, ort of the several tracts of land 1 tithe warranteo name of Gooipo orrt. Hfltuucl l'lca-Hiit, and Jo-eplj Alicn.Aiiii of the tmcH in the wnrrnntce homes ot John lrown Thomas biadford. (icoiffe ItobertK, Joxeith Jtlchardson Anthony Cnthuert, John Phtilos, Kdward I'ccnUicton, Jo tm Jiritton and Richard Hortti.eli lrlnK con. ttKUous to cncU other hounded und described as follows, that is to say t Beptnnlnir at t.io corner or vn uriKiiiHi uuu uoiwuvu mo ii uvl ihuu surveyed to Wil law Kohl-on, surveved to John AKicn and land furvered to Joseph North, south eixhty eight deprees. east six hnndied and ten and one fourth perches to tho origin aluorthrast corner nf the tract of land survey ed to George Old: thence by the said tiactot land sun ei-rd io Joeoli North south two de uces, wear. 189 perches to anothei to the origin hI corner of the fald tract of iand .urvercd to Oeoi pe Ord and tho tract of laud surveyed to Joseph Noi th, and (ho t act of land surveyed to llichurd 'ihatrherj i hence along tho original line between the said tiacte surveyed to Ocorue Ord and the said ti acts tmneved toltlchard 1 batcher, soutli seventy-two decrees west ouo hundred nna twenty-eu peiches ton corner, soutli eighteen decrees east two hundred per ches to a cot ner; thence on tho original lmo he tween the sain tract of land Buiveed to Georpo Ord, nnd tho tinct turvoved to Joseph Allen on tho right, and the tract of land Mirveyed to David to areli on tho J tit, noi ih elghty-chree do- nf pm wpst, llirfn huiiflred nnd thlrLTono tier. ches to a white pftie, an oiuiual comer of Und purvey ea io i nomas uinniorn ana pariy, through the Raid tmct of land surveyed to Geo, limmrtH north oltrht v-one ilcuiees. west thiee hundred and eoveuty-seven perches to a comer In tho said tract surveyed to Oeorge Itobeits; thAncothiouchthe same and partly through the tract or lanii survevea to Joseoh Hlchardon touth thirteen defreoswest nlnetv four perches io a corner on me iubi luenuoueu uucij lui-iiuu torougatho Fame south seventvfour degiees ana a quarter, west two hundred aud twelve nnd a half perches to a corner in tho onelnal lino betWMiiii Bald tract surveyed to Josenh Uichaidson ana the tract of laud surveyed to Oeorgo JjChmun; thence along' said original lino north twenty.thteo decrees, west fifty peiches to an original comer oi the irct of I mm urvev ed to Anthony Cuthbeit; thence along tho lino betwei n the nald tract mrveyed to Oeorge Leh man, nna luo tract oi lanu s irveveu to Alimony Cuthbei t soul h hlxty-se ven degree?, west eiithty perches to a corner' thenco through the tiact S'lveveu io rt.m n on y uuuiuuri uuu parity throticli tho tmct of lrmd snrvcvid to John I'hillipi not th i went r three decrees, west about thrift iinndri d nnd thirteen DcrrneH to a coi ner on the an id tract of laud ot Jacoo Gould and Stephen uouid, tnrouirn the several tracts of ianuinino warrantee numes r,i jonn rami pa Kdword l'onnineti n. John lit ittou. John Brown aud ltlcbaid North the follow lug courses and dUtannea to w.t! north aixtyfeveu degt ees. east fortv-oue perches; north eicrhtv-one decrees, east three hundred and eighteen perches north sevfuiy-inree negreea, easi uiiv-mx percnenj r om it hoveniy six oegreen, east inirivawo per rtin: south Hi'venlv de, tits. eal elen ner. choi; east one bundled and seven perches: south eighty two degrees, eat sixteen percbes; south flchtv.r.even ceffroca. east tweuLv-sic ncrcl es: north sixty dealers, east sev nty.four perches and north one hundred and twelve perches to mo piucu oi ut-giuniug, containing i'lVE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND TIUiVry-KIOIIT AC It Eh. or thereabouts, be tho same more or less. The improvements thereon consist of ono Fiamo Dwe.lliia Ilnuse AixTl. two xtonea hich: ono Frame liwelluir Hoiue ibx34, two stones blirht about 7n cert a firm land. Including apple orcaardi3ocieH)' one tianio Htore und Dwell. inirJioune 3 wines, imtcs tux.y nnd luxbo. two stone hunt ono ramo Dwelling ilouae, 4(ixl8, two kiohph; one rrHiue jiaru, i-i jeoi m?n one Frame bwdlmr Houte. 22x3t. i wo stories one Frame Dwelling J louse, 18x18 2 c tones nigu1 one j-ntmn uweinug Jiouse,;uiiu, two sioiirs; one Frame Dttelhug Iloufce, 47xis, two stories, kitchen attached MU3. Ono Frame Dwe ling Howe, 17x31;, with wlntr attached Ifix3, two storns; one Fiamo Htahla i'jxit; one Fraino Htatiie, VUiMi oco Fnime Wheelwright ahop. C8xlf, ono tramo Hiacksmith Shop 3jxi8 one Frame Hnioko JIourp, 0HxI2H one Fmmo Staui, fJkSs Ibfeetbib; one Fi-ame btnble, mi in. ii irvbuiui uuu j? raiun nog x'ttu, i.xia ouo Htiir blab. au iuiu certain lot oi gronna wurreon a wran Is erected Mtnated neat the mouth of Hickory Itnu tn the wild township of KIcYer, bumdcd ana ilcfcrlbeil ns follow, to wit: llegmningot a hemlock Ktuuiu at the edireof the water mi jiKKorr nun imei at ino common nit: til u or waten inrnte ntiine anio iniit nnrtn e.irhti- rift. kten a. east one hundred and flft feet tu a ntnke; tnenoH norm irit uegrees, wet twent'.lloleet io a ataUtv north cluhti -nine degreei'. nest one iiunureu aim nur-inree itei loafioue corner, about ixtv leet taftl of tho nre out ttoro house: i l en co houm ten uegiecs iuisi uuy teet io tne bednnloir. inceibcr with tbt tree and unmtcr. rupted nvhsand liberty of navlgat'on tu the acid lini mini tuo na u wn.ri lotin iun fiacic water iavlirntlon of ihe Lehlib Ci al ui.ri .Vnvt gution Compsiitr u r their transporting lumber tbneou aud togeibir with t lie perpetual ure and vrhilece to pai-a and re-pasuKui the pros ent road to andtioiuthe said wbmt lot vpr unaaeto tue reiune oi inokani iiacta ollaud suivcyea nu warrauwe to joeuonueton, AUoall that certain STOUH HOUbK AND LOT OF GROUND west alxtr nd late of Denl. Kutte, south eight and one-half degrees, west nine nd three teoth perches to a white oskt tnenco by land of John O. Keroerer south seven degrees, west seventy three percbos to a stone; thence by land latent Come, las Connor end a pobilo road north fifty six degt ees. cast twenty two perches to tho place of beginning, contain, ing FlVii AtmiCH and elgnty-slx pctcbes.strlct measure. Ihe Improvements thereon are a TWO-STOtlY FRAME DWlSLLlNtt HOUSE 23x32 feet, Kitchen attached 7xS feet: another TWO-S10BY FHAMU DWISLTaNO 20x' reel, Darn 6x2S leet, attachment l fix 23 teet. Wagon 8hd 10x18 feet and oihr outLUilding eizel and taken Into execution ob tho prop erty of Daniel Hex. ALSO, Br virtue of a wilt of FjnnirACUS. all that mesnaire or tenement and tract of lsurl S'tivuo In th- Township of Muboulnr, county of Car. bon, nnd btate of rennsyvaci , nounuea nm SHERIFF'S SALES. Georgo Dawson Coleman, tho well- known iron and steel manufacturer, and President of tho Board of Etato Charities, died Monday at his summer residence, near Lebanon, In tho 51th year of his ago. Our l'arls Latter. The Statute "Liberty" A Grand Gift 0 France to the United States French Sculp ture A trial of American Ploughs Use ful and Ornamental Employment of Terra Cotla d e., d e. Tabis, Aug. 27th, 1878. The head of tho new Colossus, "Liberty" which Is in future to light all nations Into tlio harbor of New York, has produced a profound impression on tho visitors to tlio inhibition. It is placed on the left-hand sido of the grounds of tho Champ de Mars looking towards 1110 aeine. ineiacois Yery fine, Bomowhatrescmhlingthatof tho Apollo Ilelvidere, und the ell'ect from tho other sido of tho grounds, two thousand feet otf, or so, Is remarkably grand, lor 1110 nrsi union modern sculptor has achiercd that in which tho Crocks seemed to find no difficulty what ever, namely, tho neccsary exaggeration of inn to protuioo euroi at u grvuv uioiiiuw. M. I).irlholdi has hail a crc.it success so far. The astonishment of the mass of visitors is amusing and their presence serves to bring out to an observer the full grandeur of tho worL hv oomrarison. A staircase is estab lished within the head, and hundreds of visitors ascend every hour, while thousands wait their turn. The staircase leads up to the eye. of the figure which serves as win dows. From hui to foot tho Colosws will measure jutt about one hundred feet, half the UMghl 01 uie .Monument 01 inuon j mo arm whMi holds a "lUmlrtau," that is to My, th. lantern of th. lighthouse, measure, forty Mt hut the details md even moro etuwuriy. Titus, tbe anas measure nearly sevea Cut 1b tllaraUw. the hand Is more tiun feurtMQ fit long, and twenty inches indisraeten IsMly th.fi igr oil messurei TWOKOTKU ;iiAVi: icoitucits.; Our rerdcrs will remember tho account given in those columns of tho robbingof tho f;ravoof tho Hon. Scott Harrison, in Ohio, ast May, tho body being found in tho dissecting-room of tho Ohio Medical College. Public indignation justly brands anv man as a scoundrel who will rob the grave of tho dead. But thero aro two noted grave rob hers In this country, so fur from being the subjects 01 the people's wratn.are universal ly lauded for their virtues. Tho reason is Plain, iv nuo me lormer Class steal mo ueau bodies of our loved ones to submit them to tho dissecting knife, theso only rob tho craves to restoro tho living victims to our hearts and homes. Their names Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovcryjand Tlcasant Pur gative Pellets aro household words tho worm over, rne uoiucn aieuicai uiscovery cures consumption, in its early stages, and all bronchial, throat, and lung affections; riemHni rurgauvc 1 encis ureine mosi val uable laxative and cathartic. Oliver Hatard Perry, son of Commodore retry, of Lake Krio fume, died on Friday the 30th ult., at hishomoin Andover.Mass. Ho was generally known as Captain Perry, as uo was lor many vcurs u ucuieuuub 111 .1.. tr:.n.. c..-. v'.... wiu fundi muics CANDIDATES. For County Commissioner, HARRISON WENTZ, Of Parryville Borough, Subject to Republican rules, For Register and Recorder, SAM'L R. GILHAM, Of Franklin. Subject to Republican rules. situate rear the mouth of Hickory Hun, In tbe townnbip of Kl'Mfr, couuiy of Carbon, atorts colli, doucileU and dtwuioeil aa follows, ti wlti JiepiniunKut n post, thence by bind of Jobn lemnier noitu Mxivnro uefcrees eut twe nunureuanu inirivvcu nercnei ana seven ti-nlbH to ft iMinti thoitce nr Und of Jobu Hawaii anil David iiutt noitb twentw-nvedrKTe, wot two nntidr-d and HeTi-ntv tie relies to a nnst. tUeneo by laud ot rcterCunitoutb ant) tlve OfArvep, vni iwo nuunreii sua niif.iuar per rhea and threo-lourth to a i)ol. ibeuce down tuo river lebiisU tonia utieru dere-f, eiUt and nan pen Lt; eouiu mriv -nve uecrees, e tweuty.flvo perche. aoutn ten drgieeH wet tbutV't jree and one lourtii nrrcnro: uortn tu ly uei'retfF. chbi risuij pricum; aouui eru teen oeiti pea east tevrniv-eini percboj: mi tv.two deureea eat iortv one nercbea an ihreo and one-halt tenta to a pot theucn aoutb tiilrtv two driaee-, tntl tnelve i-ercbejaud atx una oneiii.i leuiua io mo piacooi ucKiumui; couiaiuiuK FUUU UUNDKED AND FOUUTEKN and oi ghty-ae ven ierchti, with tbe usual a.luwancM ezcepitnir tne reaerviua; ne?erib lets U tboe Oinatn two wbarl .ota auuute noon tbo bank of ibe river Lenib, towlli One of them oontalnlnir acim pr cues nereionre soiu and couvejei toJoepn li. Ooulaand Uetuard Taylor, tb-ir beira and aa-lfrna. Auotner ot tbcu containing about tbrtw and oue-half acres, heretofore oldto U iino were and cifaae tlinr btlra and asMgna. Anointr oi mem coutaiuiuK nve acrea and ix perches berttolore sulduti couteed to 8. 1no insbelM and alms, auotuer of thcmcontalnluKttiree ocruand one hunt red auu iv, en y percuea nerttoroie told and cou veyeti 10 jarea n, uouumia uetuara TaTior. their beirs and aaiius; and tbe other ot them being on Dolha'dosof Hickory Ituu heretofore told and conveyed to lame I l)y aLd Satuuel bailor, thtlrboira sno aclfrni: auo also the Tignu ntie oiimuaiiy giameu lotuo said lraei I. Hay and vmnuei ttyor, former owners ot the property heretotnremcuUoued luaceitaln lot 01 prouud aiiuate neir the Isthtgh river, pear tbe mouth oi Hickory Hou. lor the pur loe ot cviryiUK tuoioer. o., ui dei ceitain atttc'ei otaareeuient with one lira. OliTer tn Eetner wun me avpurteuancea to nave unano old tbe same unto the aald Jacob llarter as aimed to MaryA.bbicK herhelraand aMlgna foreyer Tne improvementa trereon are. one Biore Ttonae, luxiu feet. l ftuiv blabj one Kiauie HwobinK Home, 18x50, two f tones- oneFiame Hwelbnritousu. 18x;0 two atortM: ore statue liable. SOxao 14 f.-et huh one Water power saw Mill, re 1 1 37 1 one name butie. ibuz. u feet biabi one Frame teelljuse, lixlZ, ilfert bl'hi one JYamo Dwelling House, e.xlli with kitchen ibxti, stotlo-i one Fiaroe iiwolluia: House. a-iiW, with kitcbon 12x12, x atoileaj one Kraue Dwe Mug House, 72x2, 2 stones j ouo i r a roe Dwelling lloase, 2x&, 2 stot lea. Seized sad taken Into execution sa ihenrooer. tyof uabilel U.blatei tudiridoaUy.audWm. J. I rautsouetttl.idaimiitratcra. JlL&O, Tit-virtue of a wri' ot Fikri Faciab. all that certain nieuuage or teoeuieni and ir.ct oi ini a.tuiltelntte UoioutihoXlh ghtoo. County of car Don, aua esiaio uorraaiu, uounoea ana aea- i on Deo m rouowa, to wji t DgiLDing mi a itouej inanca by laud of Leon- wrrlbert un foilowsi On tbo north bvlandlato of Shlve fc Wonlas.now Pnnl Ki lien on the i-ast bv nmocrtv ot Joaenn winiermuto mm wu- linra Farren, on tho Honth by property of I owia Oekerhoufe. and on tbo west by pronertv of Charles Zelluer, containing TJtlUTY.FOtJlt AUHK8 and thi-typercbrs.strictnieaiuo. Tho Improvements tbeieon are a one aud one-bait Biory FRAME DWELLING H.OUSI3, 2x28 feet, Kttotien attacbM lOxiO teet: Bam 38 x2S feet, Bhed aitiched 10x30 feet, and other ouiOUildmM- elzed and taken Into execution as the prop erty of Samuel Evert. ALSO, Hv vlrtnfi of a writ of Fieri Faciar. all that ceitain tract or piece ot land ettuate In tbo Township of I'enn Forest, Countv and Ptato aforesaid, bounded ana deBcrlDcd at follows to Wit! De ulnnlng at a atone corner, now or lato of Vnlontino uercbtel, Ac and tbo corner of lato James jirown ana iniiip ivircices' inenco uy land o William Yerirer. north Jortp flemeca. e-ttweuty-tbro" aud thtee fourth pcrcucato nosi tbetiof hv tlin tne aontb tli rtv-threo and three fourth dcreeB.weot twenty aad two tenth pcrcbet to a none, thence uy tne pamo north tMrty.tbree and one hill docreefl, west thnty and one-halt J ero.'tea to a Ptone, thence bv lnnd now or into of Chrutouher Baumcurter. sonn flitv decrees, west ninety four and ooe- lenin piTcneHio a atone in a line oi uunpxian Grow: thence bv tbe same pouib forty decroes. east foitveight and fonr.tenth perfttie-t to n aione; inenco vy lanu oi me uin vaienuno iiorr.hti'i. Ac. nnriii mtv OPtzroofl tftBtone nnn urcd and ion nerchea to the dace of betrlunlnir. coniflininR iwcniyeigiu acre- auu iiiuiiy.uuo percnesanu ino Allowance oi pii per cent, tsc, Tho Improvement thereon are a TWO STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, 22x?4 feet; wood xhod 12x18 feet, barn 25xJ3 feet. aud other outbuildings. HPizmi nun tKen into execniiou aa iiiodiod- erty ot Amos liecket, dct't.t Adam iiecites, ATOuencK. vooarin, wnv leuauis. ALSO, Tlv vlrtnnnf A writ of FIR Til FACIAS, all that rrrtnin mt or mere oi crouna r luaie in auu iv in a nnd hfino1 in thntnwn ol South Leuieh- toll, in me lownRinp ei nmnocing now iu vno botongn oi L.onianioDN uaiunn juuuiy, u. imimiu n nna iimcriupu n iuiiuw. lu n it i ltpelnnimr at n nost: thence bv Northamoton street twenty five degrea eai tvio percbe1 to posi: inenco ay rtnurvou jmi i ui bjiuiu ivi nu. 1 uoitli B'xiv-flvo i egreefi, wet ten neichea. to i in.t! iticnr.e tiv rSnHsnfmn allev sontb twenty. Avp deirici a. went two verches to a post: thence by lot rio. i0 touth eixtv-flvo degrees oprtt tfu (crclioi to the place ot beglnulufr, containing otie-eightof an ncro. and being part of lot No. so in tne pmn or pioc oi raiu iovu oi oouid .u nignion. me impiovemeuin lueruou ara a TWO 910XIY FKAME DWELLTNO, 1Sx24 feot; Kitchen attached 11x12 feet; Ktible lsx 2 iceti auaunmema 11x11 ieei, auu eiuw outbUMiiujru. h belied and taken into execution aa the prop erty of John vieinaucr. ALSO, Bv virtuo of n writ of Lavicra Facias, all that certain Lot or Piece of GU0UND, situ- nto on the north eido of Centre Street, in tho Village of Upper Mauch Chunk, County of Carbon, rennsylvama, menu one a in tno plan or plot thereof No. 171, containing in iront or ureauwi on uiu vyeui.ru fcin-L-i. uuj feet, and extending thence northwardly ono hundred and ninety feet to North street: Uommea norm by iNortit street, east uy Marplo street, south by Centre street, and west by Dot jno. r.i. Tho improvements thereon aro a IWO-STOKY FRAME DWELLING, 15 by 20 feet, Kitchen attached 12 by 12 icet, Darn 12 oy i lect, auu omer uuv buildings. Beized ami taken in execution aa tno property of John Ticdcrman, ALSO, cettaln lot or piece of ground altoitn In Lower Towumenfiln townhip. countv of C trbou Rnd btaie aioresaiu, uounaeu auu. uuacnueu aa lot InWR t Hecinntng at a certain willow tree t the nco by lai d late of John Seema nnrth twenty flvo and ono-bnu degrees east nuof n anu nx-ienin per ches to a atone in a publlo road lending from Lrninn iiqdio ma nouao or ievi jiQr'euui thence along a pi'blio toid biding frtm the mitiio noc eg or Livyi ltaneumu 10 1110 nouue ui iniirrt Mnstiiiit aoutii tnirtv-BBven aearees. eart sixteen peiches to a a. one In raid joadt tnenco bv land now or lato of Jncob Bowman south eitrhtv-three and one half-deireea, weat sixteen pud ffmr-tentns perches to tho place of betnnuing, contatnloa one hundred ana twe vo peiches more or leas. Tbo Improvements there on are a TWO TOUY STONE IIOTEL BUILDING, 11x12 loet. one and one-nulf story store attached mill feet 1 Frame O it Kitchen V xl2 leet. Frumo Hhed 2ax-t2 feet, and other ontbolldlnga. Ueiznd snii t n a en into execution as me pro cast n!netytwo aad throe-fourth perchet to tho place ot beglnnlotr, containing SIXTY-NINE ACRES, mote or lesa. The Improvements on tract No. 1 are a TWO STORY FRAME DWELLINO HOUSE 21x23, Barn 16x18, and other Ontbolldlnga TRACT No. 2, All that certain tract or piece of tsnd situate In Mahoning Township. Car boa county. Fa., bounded and described as follows; BeginnlDir at a atone: tbence by land ot Hen. ry Zcllncr north twenty and three-fourth ce crces. west one hundred and ulitr Avnn Mmh. o t a stonej tbenee by land ot Hi.Erwnn sonth feveutv eight degrees, vt twelve and ono I tenth pet-cues in pom thence by land of tbo , c-tatM ot Uenben Zeliner,deccasod.south twen l tv and onchJil degtces, east one hundred and i a.xty six perches to a state: thence by land of Reuben iteinsiulcn north elgnty two and one. ha t dt'uree am thirteen and one-tenth perch eHtotnotiiacoof hegiunlng contilnluir twelve . acre1 and aixty-nlne perchea, strict meisure. SelZI nnd tnkeil llito PXaciltlnn n Ihntirnn. eriyotllouryZcllQcr. J. W. HAUDENBDSn. PhortfPn nfllr.A. 1 Hauch CbunK, Sept. 11, 1873 i jgJXECDTliIXS SALE Of ValuaWc Real Estate. Sbau' Court, of Carbon Conntv Fenna.,ibe un frsigTiMl. Jixccnitli ot tie Estate ol ADAM I1UCKMAN, late of the 1IOKOU01I ol LB. UIOUTON, Carbou Connty, Ta.. dfo'd. will oner at ruuiio Bale, on tbe premises, on SATURDAY, Oct. 5, 1878, commonclna; at TWO o'clock P. M.,all that cer tain LOT or PIECE OF GROUND, situate on tho North East Corner af LEIHGII Street and CARBON Alley, In the Borough ot Lehleht n.Cntbon County aforeBaid.upon wuica thero is erected one 2storyFrameDvellingHouso about ?0x?G feet with Out Kitchen ; Frame Barn mm immi uuiuuiiuinKa. a. wen oi water in the Yard, The abovo Property will be sold to whole or in part to a ait pure tin sera Aisoai tne same time and place, the follow tne articles of nrrsonal nimiprtv. vie 1 nmnt. bus, Carriage bodies, spring Wagon Bodies. 1 i'fiiiiuiiunit'iKu,auii 1 oilier eneignjoi oiuoacn maker's Tools, 1 Work Bench, 2 Stoves, and other ai tides ton numoious to mention. Terms aud Conditions will be made known at time and place of sale, bv Agent for MARY L. BUCK MAN, Executrix. fcntilfT. S1 nlo of Stands, &c. Notice ts herpbr irtrpn. that thA HAnnnv COUNTY INDUSTillAI, SOCIETY will sell tbe HUitins and PrlTl.eaes for tbe coming Fair, on SATUUDAY. HKI'IBVIIER Mlh, 1S7S. at 1'30 11. m., oiMbo Fair Ornnnds. to IbehlKbest and best bolder'. This f ffoids a rare chance to Sarlles ilcslrli.g a prcHtabie liuelnpssdnnng tho or. j. a. now. es. w ai, uAPsnEU, sec sept. M aw. M USICFORTIIEFAIK. Hralcd nronosalfl will he rccelrml tivthnnn. dsrsienrd until Best. :ist Irom the Brass Hands ot tins comity to tarnish moslc lor three da during tbo I'ulr. The lowest ifler will bo acreptert. W. 11. KAl'SUEW.Sec'y. Sept. 7-!t. uarron's notice. In (Ac Orphan's Court of Carton Connty. Estate of John Richards, deceased. The undernamed Auditor appointed t7 the Conrr. toaudit. ipsettle. Bud taflr examine and iiojunt iboiiccount.ol Alexander C'ampsle.gDar. dlan ot JaneantlJohn llictianla. minor children or John Hicbnrda deocawd.lateof Munch Chnnlc Townrbip Carimn Co.. 1'a .wl 1 meet all parties lntrett'a for the purpose at his appointment, on Saturday. October 5 1878, at 6 o'clock a. m.. at bis office aiiljlnlnir the 'irst National Bint, Broad wny, aiauch Cuuntr.Pa., rhere they may attend It they deem it .roper. 11. U. blEWERS, Auditor, Aug Jl, H7!,W4. oticc to Tresspassers. peity of Stephen Boyer, ueiendaut, andBaulel uenier, leiro leiiuui. ALSO, Bv vlrtne of a writ of t'en&ttiont Exponas all that certain lot r piece of Ktouod aitUHte on the north Mine of Lehlpu aticet In the Borouvh of KaatliauchCbnuk, counti and State aforf. said nnuibeieo In tho plan or plot thereof leventr and rev iity-two.contalnlnft in front or breadin on said Lehigh atrret one bunded teet, and extending trenca nrthwanlly two bun. drel fe-t to a fwt wide alley t bound ed noithb amd alley, east bv lot No. 74. aoutU bv a-id IhUh atret and west by lot Nu, 63. 1 be inipruienieuta (hereon are a TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE 18x2) feet Kitchen attached 12x12 feet, and out building. Seised and taken Into execution as tbe pro perty of John thlve. ALfeO, By virtne of a wilt of Vevditoni Eiponat, all thai ce tain lot or piece of around aliua o in the Borough cf leblabtou, lit" Maboninir lown ahlp, Carbou countv. V&., boundtd and dencrib el nafi low, to t i lit i nr at a Iud.a in a nubile road laid n ir fiom LehlRhion to Mthonlnff Vailev t ihence north tijtlityeiirht defcieea eat nine porches to a atone - ttence not th thirty-four f egreea, weat inr prcnea io a atone inence noun one oe arte, wet ten and atX'ienth perches to a post i tneuce dv lanu oi uauiei I'.hbiuiiiu bouio aevrn ty deirrca,wet eleven and fur ten ha perch ei to a atone t tbence br land late ot Thoa. Kooua aoulb aevrntr degre4, eaat ten perebca to the pi ice or I'fffinniu, coniaimoa- ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN rEBCIIES, mofv or leaa. The loipiovtmeiiti thereon are a TWOSJOltV FIIAME DWELLINO HOUSE SOsSu feet a Frjrae stable 24x34 feet, and other outbmldiDga. uei-uaua lasrn iuio exocuuon aa uie pro perty of i'haon Clauu. ALSO, TRACT No. 1. By virtue of a writ of Fiebi FaCIAB ad that cenaln oi cc or tract otlaud iltu-iein MabonlLgTuwnaii9 Carbon county, and St .tealorecaid. bouuoed and deacrloed aa joUow, to wit I Bnlnitlxrataatone- thence partly by lands otJoaeph Kemetrr, ana partly by Und of Uie lteobru Ftlckingr and wrtly bv land ot Che. MuMelmtu no.th twenty blno deirreea weat one buudi ed and tbitty.nv ie chf - to a nonet tiienoe by land of jmlah Miixaclman aoutb aeventyaeren Uegieca, wea nfty-oue perchea to a aione: the nee by the ame uortb twelve andonehal'dejiiec. et forty. two and one. bait percba to a atone: tbence br land of Mat thaw KrweuaoutUi-cveuiy-eigbtdi-jriea, weat twenty-lour and tbr-luurtnperrbea io a tonet tbeuoa br land of aid ltenDn Zllner unnth twrntr and threa fourth defiaca eatinhun dred and aixtf atjien pen-hea to a atone.-'tDenoe by land ot John Kalaainlth. tnaw..4ifi'd)'.ajid otbera north eighty-two and one bait degree, All nersona are hereby forbid treasDaaalntron tbe l-'nda of tbe underaiuned tu Kiauklin Twp.. Carbou County, Pa. for the purpoae of Hunt Inr, Fishtntr. Bumptut? Cbeatnut Treett, or tor any other purpose after thia notice.or they will be dealt wiih according loLaw. Jos. IInntcker, i Edwin Wenninger, Beuben Boyer, 'Ihos. Walt & Sou, Jame Weaver, I Atiron bnell, John hebwab, I Andrew Dclbert, Peter Kruni. I Z. Ban natose, Thoa. Dorwort. I Wm. Uartman, fcatuuui II art man, Hluion Walk. Aug. 81 wJL SSIGNEES SALE Of ValuaWo Real Estate ! By virtue of an order ot tbe Court ot Common Piuusof caiboa Comity, Pa., ihe underlitned. AslglieooI JOdKl'Jl S. WEBB AND W1FU. wl.l noil at Public Sle. on tbe premles on BA K Street. In tbe BunoUQIl ot LKlllOU. TON, Carbou county. Pa., on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1878. commencing at TWO o'clock P. M , the follow. UK 1UIUIVID I1DUI ..Ult. IU Wlbl AU that certain Messuage, tenement and DWELLING nOUSE AND LOT OP GROUND, wltb the appnrtenancre, situate on the east eld. of iJan btreet. Iiorougb of Leblehton, contain ing 133) tli'rtv three feet on Hank bireet, and oont'nuingot that width at rUht anrles to Uankway i bounded on the east by Uankway.on the sonth bv lots of Chorles and James Klein, top. on tbe west br Bank Street, on the nortn br Iota ot tbe late (Union Weldendtlmer. No S. Beinir all those two certain LOTS OR TIECES OP GROUND. In tbe afoiessid Uorourh of Lehighton, and numbered one and two in a certain plot made andlatf out br Kachea and Bex. each having a trout of thirty feet on first additional street, and contiDiilnsr of that width noitb cue liundred and thirty feet to a common allev t bounded on tbo north by a common aller on tbe west by other lanoa Intended to be conveyed to Kachea and Rex on tbe sonth br first additional stteet, snd on the east by a common aller. Terms will be made known at tb. time and place ot Sale, by THOMAS S. BECK, Assignee ot Jos. b. Webb and Wife. Aug. It, 1879 w-3 ASSIGNEE'S SALE. Of Valuable Real Estate. lly virtue of an order Issned ont of the Comt of Common I leas, the undersigned will expose at Publio Bale, in MAUONINO Township, carbou Connty, P.., on SATURDAY, SEPT. Uth, 1678, commencing at ONE o'clock P. iL, tb. follow. Ing described Beal Esute to witt No. I. AU that cert iln tract or piece of land, known a. tho Kebrlg Property, aitust. In Mahoning Valley aloresild, and bound. l br lands of Solomon Qouierrr Mtnon Uebrlg Jonas Nothstein and Win. i'enatermaker, containing 38 ACRES 45 PERCHES, strict measure. Tho Improvement, thereon STONE DWELLING HOUSE, xKj Log Bam, Out feett Spring House, ltr IS, faet, at out 6 Acres are meadow, the rest fj under eultirmon, and all klnaaof ttaltTree. on the premises. No. 2. I known as the Fenstermacher pron ertv, situate to Mahoning Two.. Carbon Coon, ty, bounded br lands of Oeorge Kemerer,ltenh. en Peter an d Jon.t Nothstein, containing 37 ACRES J09 1'ERODES, strict meaau'e. 4 acres of Meadow, 4 acre. W'ood'and, th. rest la under good onltivatlon and.T4rietr otclxilce Fruit Tree, are on the greml.es. Th. imomvement are a FRAMK W EL LINO nOUSK, x2S !, , llam. JCUl leet I Uog Stable. Kits feet Oonditiona will he- mode known at Urns and pUoe of ii.le.-hy HAITIAN M06.EU. , Aug. 17,-wt Assignee ot Urwit Keong,