The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 24, 1878, Image 3

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    Society Meetings.
RFIHITd OASTf.1!, No. 78, A. O. K. OF TIIK M. O
zndand 4tb Monday ol each month. In no
uer's nail. LelUghton. at 7iW o'oiocic r. u-Hyj-Kostonbader,
8. K.U,i Si It. Ollnnui.
H. K. II. S.
BNADKX HuTTHM Lonaii, Mo. 6S0, 1. a. O. F.
meets ovorv Tnosday evening, at s o'clock,
la flooer's Hall. II. Koateubiider, j..O.i N.
B. Keber, Secretary.
JtBTUCIIlIN TElos. No. 252. Imp. O. of It. M.,
meats In Ueoer's Hall eyeiy Saturday, W.
I. Petals, sarhem t A.W, baches, O. ox It.
f OHO POOA TBIDB, NO, 171. Imp. 0. 1U M me el
on Wednesday evening ot each week, at 7:30
o'clock, in public Hchool Hall, Welssniirt
ra. C. W, Bohwab, 8. Jac. Ilrong, eel H.
X.EtnonTON LODOB. No. 131. K. of P.. meets
on Friday evenings. In Keber's Jlall. at 7:80
o'oloou. W.1I. Bachman, 0.0 1 L. A.iilllcr,
K. of It. aud K.
Advertising Ilntcs.
We desire it to bo distinctly understood
that no advertisements will lie- inserted in
the oolnmns of Tna Carbos Advocate that
may ho received from unknown parties or
firms unless accompanied by the cash.
The following are our onlt terms:
One year, each insertion.... 10 els.
Six months, each insertion 16 cts.
Three months, each insertion 20 cts.
Less than three months, firBt insertion
$1; each subsequent insertion 25 cts.
Local notices 10 cents per lino.
II. V. M0BT1IIMER, Publisher.
Oftlce, Klots's BnilMng Biodawsy.
Settling Estates. Filing Accoants and Orphans
Conrt Practice a specialty.
Trial ot Ronses carerullv nttendod to. Legs
transactions In Kngllah and German, Jau 3.
Local and Personal.
West's liver pills cure liver complaint.
Don't fail to bring something to tho
Read Tilghman Arner'a new advertise
ment tit another column.
If you want to help a newpapcr, always
poy your subscription promptly.
Spring and summer styles of gents and
youth's hats, at T. B. Uiauss' at low prices,
The Governor issued a proclamation
Tuesday annoiincingtliccreationof tho new
county of Lackawanna.
A full lino of boots and shoes, gents
furnishing goods, Ac, at T. D. Clauis very
TtnWl Tf. Enliodv is rcnucstcd to call
nt this office immediately. By doing so he
may save himself trouble.
rrimo Timothy seed for sale at J. L.
Gabel's hardware store, opposite tho Public
Square, lioaiguton.
Mr. J. T. Nusbaum'a rcsidenco with its
new French roof and Handsome porch,when
finished will look "just nobby."
nf wmir nrnsr-rinttona. and Family lie.
cipes compounded, at A. J. Durliug's Fam
ily Drug and Medicine Store.
The Thomas Iron Company recently
old 500 tons of No. 1 Foundry at $18 per
Ion. The latest quotation is $10.50.
Paints, oils, and varnishes very low at
Luckenback's.Mauch, Chunk. Mixed paint
all shades, to order.
We were pleased to erect our friend.Prof.
Vf. E. Smith, of Berwick, on Monday, as ho
stopped over on lus return to mat place,
If you want a pood fine set of Bugey
Harness or a 6ct of Heavy Tam Harness for
& low price, call on Id. rlorey, weisspori.
Val. Schwartz, tho undcrtaker,on Bank
street, is enlarging and improving his matiu-
lactory by tlie addition oi anoiner siory.
All medicines warranted fresh, genuine
and unadulterated at the Feople'a Drug and
Family Medicine store. A. j. uuriing,
At the Bannor slate quarries the laborers
now are permitted to make but three dns
in a week. The slate trade is very dull at
this tune.
Clocks and Watches carefully repaired
and work warranted, at lowest cash rates, at
Hageman's cheap cash store, opposite public
square, weisspori. ou-u,
The attendance at tho Evangelical
Camp Meeting, at llowmau's on Huncav las
was immense. The mectinccloscd on Tucs
day evening, and we are told that the af
fair was a ueciuca success.
See cherubims in another column hold
Ing a bunch of grapes from which Sneer's Port
Grape Wine is made, that is so highly es
teemed by tho medical profession for the use
or invalids, weakly irersons, ana mo egeu.
Tho widow of ex-Governor Andrew It
Reeder, of Kaston, died in said place on I n
tlav morninz last front the effects of a paraly
tic affection with which she was overcome
eome fivo years ago.
Mr. Gabriel Dilcher. of Mahonintr, pre
acnted us on Saturday last, with two very
fine figs from a trco on his farm. They aro
of the first crop, and from tho specimens be
fore us, we don't see why llicy cannot bo
profitably raised in tnis section.
T. D. Claues, the Lchighton merchant
tailor, is now receiving an unusually largo
lock of gents suitings, cloths, cassimers and
Testings which he will make up to order in
the latest fashion at extremely low prices
for cash.
The breaker boys employed at Prevoel's
colliery, at Ccntralia, who struck last week
for an advance of wagcs.resumcd work Tues
day morning at the old rates. Their strike
compelled 200 persons to remain idle for
several days.
The Lehigh and Eastern Railway Com
pany, tho lino of whicli will run through
the northern part of Lehigh county, and
which will mako a new outlet for coal to
Boston and the Last, recently executed a
mortgage to the New York Trust Company
for $5,000,000.
Parents wishing their children to take
thorough music lesrans on piano, organ vio
lin, guitar, flute, or vocal music, should ad
dress Vrof. Wm, I'. Moran, Weissport, Pa.
Particular attention given to string bands
and glee dubs. Music arranged for all in
struments very reasonable Leavo orders at
this office or at the post office.
Peter MeManus.charced with the mur
der of Frederick Heeser, was Thursday of
last week, convicted ot murucr in tue nrsi
degree, In tho Northumberland county
court. The trial lasted eight days, and
created the greatest excitement, Mr. llesser
at the time ho was murdered was night watch
man at the Hickory Swamp Colliery at Coal
Run, and had excited the hatred o( the
organization known as the Molly Maguires
or the active part he took iq the prosecu
tion of one of its members who committed a
murder. John O'Neill, who has been on
trial during the last week for the mur
ier of the same man, was Tuesday evening
also bond guilty of murder la the first degree
John E. M lller, a youth about IT, fell
from a cherry tree a few days ngo and
severely sprained his left ankle
There are rumors current that the
Emflus, KntztoWn andLyons furnaces arc to
be restarted in tho near future by a New
York capitalist.
Prof. T. A. Snyder, of Btroudsburg, was
In town over Sunday. Ho is now studying
law under Hon. Storm, of Btroudsburg. Ho,
says Grecnbacklsm is rapidly dying out in
old Monroe there is not wool enough in
that clique to cover tho cy$s of tho farmers
of that county.
When a no minister and Unmarried
at that comes into the parish, it's remark
ablo what an interest all the young ladies
take in the parsonage. But David Lbber't is
always to be found at his livery on Nortii
street, oroneol Insattcntlveassistanis, reauy
to furnish handsome teams nt low rates.
J. M. Fritzinircr has removed into Ills
new building, and is better than over pre
pared to supply the public with finest
quality of boots and shoes, at lowest prices
for cash. Thankful for past favors, ho asks
a continuance tnereof. Third door below Ro
mig & Hofibrd's carriage shop. aug-24-w-J.
An exchanito savsi Some men say it
don't pay to advertise, that no ono rends tho
advertisements, but if a paper contains a
line or two of tho smallest typo and in the
remotest corner of tho paper wherein they
ure epokcu ui, muy win iiuu u um uuivio
the paper is dry, even though they aro not
HiannsT Vmn vutn Winb. The best
Wine in tho country, that took tho highest
premium at tho Centennial, is Bpeor's Port
Grape Wine, which has become so celebrat
ed. This wine and his P. J. Brandy are
now being used by physicians everywhere,
who rely upon them as being the purest and
best 60id by Druggists.
The contest for tho eold headed cane by
Drs. Scinlc. Zern and Horn, and that for the
conductors' lantern between Gogeus, Sittler
and Laub, already begins to attracta deal of
attention among our people, 'iho j air and
festival win no uouui prove a uenciii lor
the liana and t ire Uompany.
Jeddo was visited Tuesday morning
with one of those stabbing affrays that char
acterized days gone by. A party, having
received tho ringiug, or drumming money,
from a wedding party, indulged so freely in
drinking that, as n natural consequence, it
became master oi tnem. Alter some quar
reling fighting commenced between Paddy
Boner and Thomas Hurly. Botli were fight-
inz with knives anil bom were stabbed,
Boner received a slight cut in the bcad,whilo
llurly receiving a serious stab in the abdO'
men mid is lying In a dangerous condition,
Valley Itecard.
Public SrtlcM.
Tho following sales aro advertised in tho
Carbon Advocate, or bills have been print
ed at this office:
Sept. 5, at 2 p. in., at Mantz's Hotel, Lo-
highton, executors sale ol houses and lots,
late ol Daniel llebcrlinir, dec d.
Sept. 7, at I p. tn., on the premises in Tow.
arnensing twn., assignee s sale ol roal cs
late of John Pickforcl.
Sept. 14, at 1 p. m., on tho premises in Ma
honing Valley, assignee's sale of real cs
late oi .Lewis nenric
Sept. 14, at 2 p.m., on the premises, in Le-
mgiiton, assignee s sale ot the real estate
ol Jos. a. Webb and wile.
The Coal Trade.
Tho regular monthly meeting of tho Board
m control, representing tiinsovcrai compan
ies lormuig tue coat combination ol pro
ducers and carriers, was held at the office of
tho Delaware and Hudson Onal Company,
at New York, Wednesday. Representatives
of all the several parties to the compact were
present. The object of tho meeting was to
agree upon me amount oi production oi coal
for the month of September, and to npixir
tion tho same to the several companiceaC'
cording to tho agreed upon percentage to
each. The amount was fixed alone million
of tons, just half the tonnage of the current
month ol August. The allotments are:
Philadelphia and Reading R. R. 288,250
Lehigh Valley Railroad 197,500
Central of New Jersey J2'J,050
Dela. Lacks, k Western 127,500
Delaware and Hudson Canal 12-1,600
Pennsylvania Railroad 76,500
Pennsylvania Coal Company 58,050
Total 1,000,000
A circular of the price for Septembor will
be maue uy juessrs. Dickson and iioyt,
which is expected to bo an advance of 30
cents per ton. This looks like a compromise
between the respective interests of tho com
panics and the individual operators. The
latter do9ired a suspension of production for
a fortnight, whilo tho corporations were
generally desirous of continuing the present
larger production through mo next month.
Probably the more conciliatory course will
bo found the wiser, especially if prices are
Tho anthracite coal trade, so far as we can
gather, presents n belter outlook than at any
timo before this year. Thedeinand for coal
is good and tho orders for coal greater than
can be filled by the companies within the
current month, and a representative of one
of the largest companies informs us that not
a singlo ton is sold by luscompany tho frac
tion of a penny under its circular prices
This, wo think, is generally true of all the
coal companies. All havo more orders than
they can supply, nnd each and all of them
feel strong. There is now nodoubt that tho
combination will hold to the endof the year,
ana a octier nromiso man ever ucioro that c
similar combination, improved by tho ex
iiericnco of the present year, will be formed
for the coming year. A report has been
heard on the street during the past week of a
prositiou to suspend work at the mines for
two weeks during the month of September.
This report has little oftruth in it, and meets
with no favor nt the hands of any of tho
parties to the combination. They will not
stop cither mining or transportation. Some
few individual operators, who are a little
pinched between the corporations and the
miners atking an advance of wages, would
like a two weeks' suspension until llicy
could get rid of their stocks of coal on hand,
but it is not probable, so far as wo can hear,
that the wish will bo complied with. Tho
difficulty with the individual operators is
that they have to supply coal on current
orders and at current wages and toll charges
against coal produced and sold at prices and
charges twn and three months ago. Thatis,
against coal now being supplied on old con
tracts; a3 is known, some is now being sup
plied by companies which sold as long ago
as it May for future delivery. There is no
bad faith in this it is all legitimate trade
the sellers and buyers both at the time took
the chances of tho future market. But it
pinches the individual operators. The
favorable features of the coal trade now are,
however, tho strong demand for coal and
the greater assurance daily felt that there
will bo no interruption to the trade hence to
the end of the year. Company operations
in theSchuylkilland Lehigh regions are bas
ed on the firmest convictions that the trade
will steadily increase in production and will
be accompauied month by month by an ad
vance in prices. The wishes of individual
operators are not likely to change or inter
fere with the working out of this general
purpote. Zcdgsr, Monday.
From the County Seat.
Sknikhoib. On Tuesday, morning, be
fore President Judge Dreher the Court de
nied a new trial and sentenced Sharpc and
JcDonnclI to be hanged. Tlic had been
convicted nt the April term of being accom
plices In the murder ol uco. ii. btniin, in
Political. Everything is political hero.
On Afonday night tho Democrats held n
preliminary meeting at Judgo Brodhead's
office, in Which it was decided to ex-com-municato
tho editor of tho Democrat from
tho party at tho county meeting next day.
Accordingly on the next day, a resolution
was introduced to that end, when Mr. Lynn,
beingpresent, some sharp work ensued, in
consequence much excitement prevails. Tho
editor of the Democrat Will no doubt fight to
the bitter end, nnd what will bo tho conse
quence is yet a mystery. The Republicans
met on lucsuay, anu transactcu tneir ousi
ness, everything passing off harmoniously.
The National conferees met nt the Broad
way House on Thursday, and nominated
E. E. Orvis, of Congress. Tho opposing
candidate was James R. Bryson, of Luzerne.
urvis was nominated on mo vm bauoi,mcre
being a tio at first. They also nominated
for State Senator Col. James E. Nice, of
Pike. What changes will take place in the
judicial attitude during the next ten days
win tieuiue me rcauus ui me uuiifjuiii m
Carbon County.
Jlixoa 3atters. Jfr. Harry Packcr.was
at home on Thursday, but left again in the
Our firemen go on an excursion to tho sea
shore, on tho 5th of September.
A female coal thief was arraigned before
Esauire Frisbie. on Tuesday. She plead
guilty, and was released on paying cost.
The Rev. Noble Frame, preached two elo
quent termons at tho M. E. Church, last
Sunday. Rev. Vincent,pastorof thatchurch,
ha lctunied home from his six weeks' sum
mer vacation.
The C. C. Edwards faction of tho Nation
als, hold their County Convention on Satur
day. We are pleased to learn that Sheriff
Raudenbush is rapidly recovering from his
lato accident, although the hurt is yet very
Republican Co. UoitiruitleP Mcctlnp
The rti-publlcan County Committee met on
Tuesday in pursuance ot the call published in
tho Coal Oazette of last week. There was a
fnll attendance, and interest and enthusiasm
was manifested by all the members In the com
log political flcht. We do not remember a first
meeting ol tho County Coounlttee which was
so largely attended, nor one In which tho com
mittee men exhibited bo lnte.Iigent an Kteiest
In the welfare of the party, i-vety one seemed
ollvo to his duty. Such spirit auprurs well for
the success of oar ticket.
Tr.e first business In order was the election of
o filers.
E. Hell. Dovlewas reelected chairman and
O. F. LIplucoit was re-elected secretary. Mr.'
O 11. Mclamel,of Weisspoit was chosen accre
Ury pro tern, In tho absence of Mr. LlppmcoU.
Tho Congressional con lercos wet o named as
follows: li. Well. Uorle, Moucu Chunk. W. W.
Williams, Lansford, and George Wl.liams.
Maucn Chm.k.
Tho quostlun of calllne tho County Conven
lion was left to the chairman of tho Couuty
Sonio vacancies la the County Committee
were filled. TLo following is a list of tho mem
Bnnlca. Audonricd-E. It. Leisoolln. W. E.
ueaver jieaaow iouu wear,Bamui'isoiiunr.
Kaia,aucu Chuuk-U. W. lluoveu. D. K.
isaat l"onn-D. I). Long, J, D. Bslilntt.
1 rauHiu W. O Weiss If eury Campbell.
Norm Kn!dur-W. W. Scott, w. 1'. btieoter.
bouh Kiduui U. Truiibuo, John ilule
LciiiKhtun JJoruuoii Krunk Laurv. J. S.
Ljii-anne MicLuel Myers. John llalo.
Iower Tuffuuieublug J. T. Weaton. A C.
Pi luce.
Latisford nerd. Ilammon. James Isdgar.
l.tihi!. Gabilel .Mil cr. T.iouium boit
MRhoiiiiiir J. 11 Guuiborii. uhver Hud
TrfaucU Chunk, 1st Waid lhomaariiLex,Oeo.
Wlnfauis l bolus Iteeu.
M&uch lhuu. id Ward Isaao McClein.
i.l?tiueuuuuiK uugo iiouemns. dionzo vor
bv ' James Lnug.Chas. Lntigkamcrcr.
rariyvi le u. w. uowmon, j. u aiiuer.
I'clu t-'oncsl A. 1). christuiun, Chan. Hen
mug T.iwamensiai: Paul Bnck. Harrison 6nvder
Weutht-rly 11 loua-l. u. llilell.J.G.lvlulc.
Vel8ion liorouub C. 11. MeUuuiei. u 11.
At this point Gen Charles Albright was
called uu for speech. lie rutpoudit In an ad'
dress, which was a review of tho chief Ques
tions which are presented to tho people this
year. He made solid ai gument in fuvor ot hou
eaty iu tho matter of fitiauco. and cloaca with
aoino good advice to tho numocra of tho com
mlttt-e as to their cutlea duriag tbo cauipalgu,
Hon. . M. Itupsher was then called out and
hi- made a short speech, which waa loualy ap
C. H. Dewlt, ot Wcatherly, lhen addressed
the ccmmltee, alter, bica all of the members
apoke ol the prospects In their locahtios. The
reports from all tho districts were very favora
On motion the committee adjoarncd. t moct
at the call of the chairman.
becretary Pro Tern,
Wclnsport Items.
Dr. J. F. Lesh, moved to Sand Cut, on
Rev. J. K. ICncrrand family were visit
ing iicro uunng mis wcck.
F. Yundt, is putting a new fence around
ins property on bourn linage street.
Scott Groot left lor tho Trenton, N. J.
State Iormal School on Wednesday last.
W. H. Knecht, has opened a. grocery
store in his new store in his new building
on uruige street.
A. F. Zeigcnfus, of Philadelphia, and
formerly of this place, has been visiting
irieuus nero uunug uie past week,
Quite a number of persons from this
place attended the camp meeting, at Bow-
mansville, ou Sunday and Tuesday evening
Frank Erwin and wife, of East Weiss-
port, are both lying dangerously sick with
typhoid fever. M iss Ella Snyder is also sick
Willi the same disease.
The Keystone Cornet Band serenaded
some of our citizens on Saturday evening
and discoursed eome excellent music. Un
der the instructions of Prof. Moran this band
is making rapid progress.
In reply to Mr. Miner's communication
in reference to what we said about the leader
or ono of our brass bands, we would say,that
we mentioned neither naino of party or
band, and if Mr. M. had not been guilty, ho
could not have taken offence ot what we
said. We did not intend to slur anvbodv,
but told the truth so far as we knew or were
informed. Mr. M, has willfully nicknamed
a party who is not at all interested In this
matter, and that we consider much more of
a slur than anything that can be construed
IfUUl uur atiiciu. VUAKTSrKKK.
The Greenback conferees of this Con
cressional district, Thursday, nominated E.
E. Orvis. of Bloomsburir for Congress, and
the Senatorial conferees nominatcdCol. John
Nice of Pike for State Senator.
Fackcrton Hippies.
John McKelvcy and family are rusti
cating at tho sea-side.
Jeromo C. Gould has been confined to
the house for several days with infiamation
of tho liver, but Is improving undor the euro
of Dr. N. B. Reber.
The dwelling house of W. F. Brodhead,
is rapidly approaching completion. Joseph
Madara, of Mauch Chunk, Las charge of the
carpenter work.
AI. Raudenbush, to tho surprise of his
many incnus is again arounu anu looks wen
indeed. As soon as able he'will go to Kan
sas with A. II. Bowman.
C. W. Ilammon. Master Car Builder of
the N. P. R. R., nnd wife spent n few hours
With their many friends here. Mr. II. looks
Well, and evidently, enjoys tho change from
a subordinate position in the rackerion car
Shops to ono of general chargo of tho N. P.
it. 11. Co. cars.
Our schools have opened nnd we trust
that a more decided improvement may bo
noticed among the children this term than
during the last. The Taxpayers desire good
schools, and wo hope their desires may be
realized. It will be tho privilege of your
correspondent to call attention to any neg
lect, upon tho part of those who may have
chargo of our educational interests.
The property lately owned by John
Welsh, Bituate near the Forwarding Office,
has been purchased by John C. Dolan.
'reparations for movinc it back in a lino
with his other houses, lire underway; tho
sharp curve in tho Lehigh Volley railroad
can now bo straightened, thus saving them
much annoyance andnffording greater safety
u, iiiosu ui Jiia icuama wuu live near buia
The following officers wero elected at
the last regular meeting of the Packerton
Christian Association : L. L. Babcock, Pres.;
Charles Gensel and Charles Elliott, Vice-
resident: W. L. t tiles, Secretary; Sadio
Barton, Asst. Secretary; Jumes Clements,
Treasurer. Tho Rev. Mr. Pickup was elect
ed a member, and nindo some well timed
remarks. Will Baiton, gave an interesting
sketch of the first locomotive ; James Try
thai, was present and consented to deliver a
lecture ou Friday evening, the ICth, on
"Bights and Scenes In London." ilrs. w.
L. Stiles, gave a sketch of "Joan of Arc."
Other sketches were liostponcd for various
We called in to see Mr. E. B. Brown,
Monday evening, nnd found him comfort
ably fixed in n largo, easy chair; he is im
proving rapidly under the excellent treat
ment of Dr. B. S. Erwin and tho watchful
caro of a devoted wife. Ho is gradually
gaining the use of tho right leg and arm
(the right side only being affected): he is
cheerful and perfectly willing to await the
action oi nature mo great restorer, wnson
Aimer, lorcman oi the Eliops at Alnucli
Chunk Depot, has acted as nurse during his
illness, and a more laitblul and elhcientman
could not be fouud. We hope to see Mr.
Brown again nt his post fully restored to
Greenback papers in abundance here
now, "Shupe's Advocate" and tho "Carbon
Greenbacker;" but it is very depressing to
the average Greenbacker of this section to
know that there is no nope lor success. An
individual, well postcdayB"that the Green
backers wont carry (tco Counties in Carbon;"
lie knows it because the Qal Gazette says so,
Meanwhile the Welsh voter holds tho key of
the jiosition much to the annoyance ot the
Democratic and Republican party. Wo
await tho second, third and fourtli move
mentonthe Carbon checker board, before
tccKliiig who will capture tho senatorial
king row simon or the sou ol bimon.
Dr. Bolon presented F. C. Wintcrmuto
with several film specimens of an article not
found in Ireland. The Dr. says the climato
is not adapted to their growth. The speci
mens were found on his lot, and he thinks
their growth, proline. Anox,
Summit Hill niid Vicinity.
Tho following items are clipped from tho
Tamaqua Courier of tho 17th instant:
500 cars of coal a day is tho average on
ureaucr io. v, jjiinsiom.
The $5,000 worth of school Btock of
Lnnstord, bearing G per rent, interest lor
twenty years, has all been taken.
Strange to say, Mr. Thomas, insido
foreman at No. 8, who had his skull fractured
last week, is again at his post.
The large school house on Centre street.
Lansford, watwldon Tuesday, 13th i list., to
John Iiavis lor-7-'U, and that in .Mechanics
ville to the same person for $310.
Edward Jones, worl ing at No. 10, had
a lug badly crushed on Tuesday, 1 3th inst.
by its being caught between tnn cars. Ho
was sent to tue Pennsylvania Hospital ior
A young Bon of Joseph Rickcrt, of Sum
mit Hill, while cutting wood Tuesday, 13th
inst., out theNesquehonlng road, waa severe
ly cut in the ankle by the axe slipping from
mo iiauuie.
Robert McCrcady. of Summit Hill, has
disposed of his share in the McCrcady
Brothers store. Front street, to . his brother,
and purchased a farm down near Lchighton,
where he will enter in business.
John Trace, of Lansford. Propietor of
the Mansion houso, has put up a forfeit of
ior D.iviu n iuteuousc, to snoot against
Joseph Edwards, tho match to take place
August 31st., with 15 birds, ground traps
and tossed,
N. Galbraith. of coal Dale, is cultivating
some of the finest tobacco ever seen in the
Valley. Some of the plants have grown to
a height of 6J fact, wllh leaves ranging from
to 32 luetics in length ami irom u ioio
in wium, raised Irom x,ancasier secu.
The Summit Hill Snorting club had a
iollv picnic out along tho Switchback road
ou oamruay, luiu insi., among luciu ueiug
Messrs bwecney, Kenshaw, Jones, nnd itob
erts. There was dancingto musicfurnished
by Messrs. Trowrcn, Magee and Johnson,
and refreshments in abundance. The party
nad a very nappy limo oi it.
On Monday evening. 12th inst- Mrs,
W. D. Zehncr, Lansford, returned from nn
extended soiourn at Long Branch. Ou
reaching tbo east carriage entrance of her
home, she was completely surprised and
overcome on reading oyer the entrance in
large letters of evergreen, the motto, "Wel
come home," nnd to notice that tho house
was brilliantly illuminated and decorated in
her honor, and that hcrhusband.Superlnten
dent Zehner, had assembled a number of
friends and relatives to bid his wife a right
hearty welcome home. The evening was
spent to tho enjoyment and entertainment
of all present. Such occasions show appre
ciation of home, and are among the real
amenities of life.
no 1 tor the Sea Shorn.
An excursion via Central R.R. of N. J.,
will leave Maucb Chunk, at 6 o'clock on
Thursday morning, Sept. 5lh, for Long
Branch, Ocean Grove and the sea 6hore ,stop.
ping at Lchighton at 0:07, Weissport at 6:09.
The fare for the round trip is only $2.50.
Excursionists will have seven hours at the
sea side. Tickets for sale at the L. S. De
pot, by A. J. Durling, druggist, and Hon.
W. M. Rapsher. The prcsjecdi for the bene
fit of the Marion Uott Co., of Mauch Chunk.
II 'c do not Itold ourselves responsibleor the .
opinions and sentiments expressed by our cor
respondents under this head.
M.ttcn CiiUNE,-Aug. 22d, 1878.
Ed. Cakbon AuVdcATK. ." Anon," in his
communication of the 10th inst., implies
that it is within tho power of the Demo
cratic barly to lead the vast majority, of
voters by boiling them with tho financial
ideas expressed nnd. advocated by Ewing.
Thurman nnd others of thoso usually dubbed,
tue soit money wing or the iieinociatic
party." Now such leadership may suit thoso
who havo been slightly ttruck witli the
Greenback cra2o; but, aro there, not some
who would distrust surh leadership? Who
would prefer a slightly more honest finan
cial policy 7
" Anon" says, " an honest financial policy
is what is needed to break the present dead
lock," etc. True, but will that be an honest
Iiolicy which refuses lo redeem the Green
tacks in coin, which refuses tho honest pay
ment of the National debt in tho honest
money of tho world 7 He further says, "that
it is no secret that the rank and file of tho
Democracy aro opposed to tho present ac
cursed financial policy." It is no secret
either that tho leaders of tho Democratic
party are opposed to it. '' ho Democracy de
clare in their platform adopted nt Pittsburg,
" that tho Republican party is rcspousible
jui u OJTSLI.-III ui iiuuiieu wuieii uua uecu une
of favor to money monopoly, of unequal
taxation, of exemption of classes, of high
rates of interest, and of remorseless contrac
tion which destroyed every enterprise that
gave employment to labor."
'Alio only remedy ior those evils is an en
tire change of policy and the dethronement
ot those in power, nnd, to tills good work,
" Anon," his party, and thoso of every shade
of political
opinion, are invited
by tho
Sunday at Camp meeting-.
VKissroRi, Aug. 22, 1878.
To the Cabbon Advocatx : Tho camp
meeting, at a certain place, on last Sunday
was largely patronized, especially the stand
of ico crcom, lemonade, cream-beer.peanuts,
sc., and irom tue general appearance oi
things, the day was a success financially, if
not spiritually, wo were sorry to noto mis
money making affair on the Sabbath day,
and nt a place where we least expected to seo
it, and by a people who condemn this Belf
same thing in others. Week day county
lairs, pic-nics, .vc, are ucia in liojy norror u
patronized. The opening of the Centennial
buildings on tho Sabbath, for tho benefit of
tho poor, was looked upon with distrust,ond
considered a sinful shame for the nation to
do. Grant all thistobowrong.if you please:
but what better excuse have you to offer
Professors ? for remember, vou havo a first
class defence to make, especially where the
little folks demand it, as they know right
from wrongns well nsyouor I. And I fcarany
explanation to them will boa complete fail
ure. Did you ever read tho zuth Chapter ot
Exodus, from tno 7th to the 11th verses? If
you did, I fear the India-rubber conscience
man must have been around to seo you early
on Sunday last. We thought so at any rate,
and were reminded oi tno 2nd chant, ot St.
John, from tho 13th to the 16th verse. Have
you ever read it? If not, please do so, and
think, what your fate would have been had
this occurred at that tlmo.
Finally, wo ask where was that commit-
too of winkers who "strain at a gnat and
swallow the camel." "He that knoweth his
duty, and docth it not, shall be beaten with
many stripes." Exodus.
Terrible Blaantcr In l'otlsvlllc.
Pottsvillk, Aug. 17. At half-past four
o'clock this afternoon a mats of black terri
fying clouds swept up in majestic grandeur
from tho west, and in a few moments the en
tire heavens over Pottevillo wero crashing
and blazing with electric discharges. Tho
storm raged in enblimo fury, then spread
its wings to distant horizons and sped on
towards the East. While the sky over
I'ottsviiio was in lull possession ot tho tern
ble slorm,and bolts of electric fluid were play
ing among the neighboring mountains, i
shaft of red-hot forked lightning descended
wim a Irightlul roar into the very founda
tions of a powder magazine. The arsenal
belonged to Wcldv.t Co. Abouteleven hun
drcd kegs of giant blasting-powder wero
6tored away in the recesses of the massive
But with the indescribable brightness of
me lightning the magazine and all the
buildings around it were literally blown
into atoms, words can give no idea of the
It was like tho bursting forth of a volcanic
crater, where explosive gases havo been ac
cummulating for ages, rottsville is a large
town, its buildings rest on solid rocu loun
dalions, but on this afternoon, when the
1,100 kegs of giant powder were touched by
mo lightning me town ano an mo carina
round shook as if a planet had struck them.
To recount tho numberless distant windows
destroyed on this remarkable occasion
would give but n faint idea of the terrible
iorce ol the powder.
Inmates of houses were hurled from
chairs ns if they were in tho path of an
avalanche. Large and deeply rooted trees
which had withstood the elemental fury of
a hundred storms were torn asunder,
snapped on like twigs, while their massive
fragments were scattered to tho winds. All
this was but the work of an instant, yet the
destruction was terrible and complete.
Twenty-five houses were crushed as If they
were eggs under a locomotive. Solid and
substantial trees were literally torn into kind
ling wood.
Cheerful hearthstones and pianos were
hurled into gutters a milo away. The irag-
inents of all these houses and business
structures went living through tho air like
bursting shells. The life oi no ono was saio
Slate roofs, masses of flooring, hugh sections
of timbers, chirr.ney towers nnd foundation
stones were all mingled together and iu tho
twinkling of an eye they wero flung into
the blazing clouds only to eorno thundering
down again nnd crush the terrified citizens
ot rottsville to mutilation and death.
At tho very moment when the appalling
catastrophy was about lo occur, a party of
young jwuj'ju trcju uuuiiug u jnriiiu ill
Sieasani grove auout nan a nine nway,
iris were chatting with their partners,
children were filling the woods with their
nappy voices, when suddenly me storm
burst upon mem, and vivid lightning:
made the skv seem tn their voun? ves aa i
it were filled with 10,000 burning, blazing
ribbons. In the midst of this scene of wild
and awful splendor a long zigzag mete r of
uguwiurii-u liauazziiug uiuaa ui llglll 1I1U) luo
bowels of the powder magazine, and before
the astonished company could catch their
lost breath, a swath fifty feet wide was
mown through the forest. Tiie picnic
grounds lay uirccuy in lis ureadiui pain.
The thousands of cubic yards of stone in
the foundations of the magazine were rent
into souare cannon balls as large ns dry
goods boxe and profiled with the swiftness
of birds shot through the swaying trees so
that venerable trunks were cutofflevel with
the ground, aud the bodies thrown with re
morseless fury among the helpless children
There was no time to pray, no tlmo to call
mother; no time to seek shelter behind the
adioining rocks. All nature was In combat
all nature w seeking thfnncent pleasure
seekers to destroy them. Trees, boulders,
timbers, roofs ol houses, blocks of stone,
loundations,tron girders, branches oi trees
nil camo thundering down, amid darkness,
rain and flying desolation.
i uavo walked over mo ground anu mo
ght revealed is simply beyond description.
Ruin and death have joined hands, and
they havo devastated a fair and considerable
proportion of our prosjierous city.
With confusion all around, and tho groans
of Buffering and dying, with mothers look
ing for lost children, with children seeking
the mutilated remains of parents, it is diffi
cult to get full details of this carnival of
meteorological horror. I givo the names of
sufferers, bo far as enn bo ascertained.
William Itees, seventeen years ol age, liau
lis right leg so shattered that it was ampu
tated at tho kneo.
Andrew Gallagher, twelve years old, had
lis head completely torn from his body.
leaving nothing but a pulpy mass scattered
among tho rocks.
Richard Vaughan, a boy, had hislcg'brok
en In two places, his hip and lower extremi
ties smashed and torn so badly that his en
trails protruded. He died at six o'clock.
Hicham btevenson, DO years old, had Ins
leg broken in two places and shattered. It
was amputated at the knee.
Sadie Brasicr.aged ten years, hodbershoe
torn from her foot nnd foot badly crushed.
Two young ladies who were driving to
Mincrsvillo had a narrow escape. A large
descending rock struck the horse in the side,
tearing the astonished animal wide open,
from whicli effects it fell dead.
Tho ladies jumped from the carnage and
ran for their lives. Every attention was
given the sufferers by tbo physicians of this
city, u hey responded to mo call ol deain
unanimously nnd with promptness.
I will not attempt to givo a list of tbn
property destroyed by this unparalled and
melancholy disaster.
The house of llenrv Rfenlev wos nearly
torn down, nnd Mr. and Mrs.'Stealey both
received Bovero wounds. Many cattlo in
me neiguoornoou wereso uaaiy mjureu iuut
afterward they had to bo killed. Lallin le
Rand's magazine near by, containing sever
al hundred kegs of powder, was bcdly shat
tered, but fortunately there was no explo
sion. Fishers' huge coal breaker, 100 yards west
of tho Weldy magazine, was also badly dam
aged. A portion of tho engine house was
demolished. The explosion was heard
eleven miles and caused profound excite
ment in tho city nnd the surrounding vil
lages. The house of James Galbraith, at
Mount Hope, is a complete wreck. Tho
totul loss is estimated at $45,000. The Cor
oner will hold an inquest to-morrow morn
Fottsiville, August 1 8. The scene of yester
day's explosion was visited by several thou
sand persons to-day. Among the wounded
who, it is thought, cannot recover, are Mrs.
r-tcahle, an elderly lady, whoso skull was
fractured. Last night portions of the skull
were removed in tho hope that ber life
might be saved, butthe physicians entertain
no hope of her recovery. Richard Stevens,
sixty years of age, who had his leg severely
cut ami refused to havo it amputated, will
probably die.
vkrdict or tiie coroxbr's jdrt.
The verdict of the Coroner's jury to-day
was that Richard Vaughan and Andrew
Gallagher died from the effects of injuries
received from stones thrown up by the ex
plosion of the powder magazine. They find
no persons censurable for tho explosion and
declare that they believe it was caused by
ngiiining. Aauiiionai uiscovenes mnuo oi
the wounded increase the total number to
The Republican Convention of Schuyl
kill county met Tuesday and nominated tho
following ticket : Treasurer.Daniel B. Green;
Frothonotary, Charles W. Dengler ; Record
er, F. W. Seiberling; Register, D. J. Ham
mer; Commissioners, Messrs. Lorcnz and
Jlellner. Howell risher, of rottsville, was
nominated for Congressman on the first
Closing Prices of DeIIavbx & Towssend,
Stock, Government and Gold, 40 South
Third Street, Philadelphia, Aug. 22,1878:
IT. fi.S's. is;l 10714 Did 107Tj aaked
If. 8. 5-a'a, 15-J. i J....I02H bid I02S asked
H. S. s-'-ni's. 1807 iosh bid nsn asked
J. N. .-i.IO'a, 193? ..10714 bid loan ask(d
11. ft. 10-lli'a U9H bid m ssked
II. H. currency, ft 120 bid 120H asked
V. H. ('a 1881, new H bid 10S) asued
U. 8. . new M't bid I0S asked
TJ. s 4'anew m H bid 11 1 asked
Pennsylvania It. It bid 32k asked
Phils Heading It. B ll. bid ie asked
Lehigh Valley 11. It 39 bid 39 asked
LeblRhCoal & Kov. Co.... 18 bid 18V asked
United Companies ntr;,J.12SH bid 127 aake-d
Pltts.,Titusv..Alluff.It.Il. 3H bid H asked
Phlla. & lirte It. It 7 bid 8 assrd
rtmthern Central It. It.... im bid IS aaked
HeitonvlllePass. lt.II. Co 8H bid 8H asked
Gold iron bid loof, asked
Special Notices.
Dyspepsia. Dyspepsia. Dyspepsia.
Dyspepsia Is tho most perplexing of all hnman
allmenta. ltasymbtomaare almost infinite In
their variety, end the forlorn and desvwidrnt
victims of the disease often fancy tbemaelves
the prey, la turn ot ever known malady. This
Is cue, in p rt to the clo-e sympathy which ex.
1st- between the stomach aud the brain, aod in
S-trt also to the tact that any dlalarbaoce of the
laeatlve fuuchot.s necessarily dtaordera the
liver, toe bowels and the nervous aystoin, and
effect, In some extent, the quality of the blood.
K. 1'. Kunkel's Hitter Wiuo of Iron a sure
care. 1 nia is not a new prep iralion, to be tried
and found wnnlina-1 it has been prescribed dally
tor manv veara In tho practice ol eminent physi
cians with uoparalteled aaoceast it is not ex
pected or intended to care al the diseases lo
whloh the human family Is anbject, but H war
ranted to cure Impepsia In lta oioat obstinate
form. Kunkel'a Ditrtsr Wine or Iron never falls
to cuie. Symptoms of Dyspepsia are losaot
appetite wind ana ralslnic oftht-tood. dtynres
ot the mnutb, heartburn, dlateualon or the
stomach and bowela. constipation, headache,
dlzileueM. aleeoleaanea. and low aalrita. Try
the gt eat remedy and be convinced ot 11b merits,
art taegenuine. TakenulyKUDkel's.whichJB
put only in It bottle. Depot. 2M North N luth
bt. Philadelphia. Advice by mall fjee.byaeud.
lea; 8 cent stump. 'Iry one bottle otKnnkers
Iron andbo convinced of Its merits. Sold by
druggist and storekeepers everywhere.
Worms. Wenns. Wormi.
Removed alive. Tape Worm removed alive In
two to thieo hours, with vegetable medicine.
Ilevi and all paaalng f torn the si stem alive. Ho
fee till heai paasei. 1 he Doctor never falls to
remove 'tape. Heat. Pin und btnmach Worms.
Aak jour dinge-at tor a bottle of Kuokei'a
Worm buup. Price tl por bottle. It never
failai or send to Dr. Kunkei, 260 North Ninth
fcureet. Phitadelpnia. Pa., for clrcul.r wlthfu.l
lnstmo.iona by enclosing 3 cent aWmp for re
turn of aame. Kunkel'a Worm Hyrnplsu-ed
fur children or adults vlth perfect safety, as It
Is vegetable. Iluyittrylt. uug.2t-w4.
Health and Happiness.
Health and IlappLneM nre priceless Wealth to
their posoi8or, and yet tliey are wltbm tbo
reach of erery one who will use
Wright's Liver Pills,
Theonlr snreCUltiS tor Torpid Liver Drspep
pia, J I end a che Hour (Stomach, Coustlostion. Ue.
btiltVt Nausea, aud ail iiillions eomplaluts and
lilnod di&ordera. None genuine unls sttnif d
"Wm. WriKUt l'hila," UvourDruKputwUlnot
xupply vena 25 rents for one box to Harriett
Kollcr t Co , 70 4. a bt. 1'hUa. Pec. 9 jl
luo Male Teachers Wanted,
for the Schools In the Vabonlsir Valley, Kx.
amluatiou will be held on 6 AT U It DAY , the Tin
day ol mptember, MNKo'oloct A. M..
al the School House near Mollanidl's Hold,
leroi. five Months.
Uy older of the Board.
-a - fl ATHAK MQSSEB-j
Aug. IT.-wS. Secretary.