The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 10, 1878, Image 4

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i Account of tl.c Tragic Occurrence uhich
Led lo ti becoming a Temperance Oralor.
I'mncla Mutpliy, tlio temiicrancn re
vivalist, litis Riven tliu Troy (N. Y.)
TiiniM lliu follnwlMglilstnry tit llmiivmts
which ciilmtnntetl In Ills rliteilng thu
ledum tj clil an n ti'nipprunco or atttr :
lu tlir rnr 18li'J I wns piniirlitor of
ttio Uriulley Ilolol. nt l'mllnmi, Mc. It
waa a ri'sjiectnblt" house, and oiijiijccl n
piiotl H'pulatinn ami iialrnnnjii'. On tliu
lot of September of (list ymr the St,
-Johu's bnat arrlvtil at tint wharf, anil u
lare iiiitnlirr of v, ciileri'il thu
hotel to partnhi; of uieaklasl, atut some
Tcglstereil with the, view of remaining
In tlio city. After ttm awU had pre
pared themselves for breakfast, they
were all shown to the dining room uHi
tho exception of one man. who i email. -eil
seated 1n the olllco, with head bovud
nnd hands covtiliin Ills fac. lashed
hi in whether ho was going in to break
last, lie lifted his hend anil said, " I
have cot no means of pnjlni; for It." I
bade liim to go right in and ii't souie
tlilng to eat. 1 saw by Ills looks that
ho had been driiikirig.ntiil stood In need
of a substantial meal. 'Ihcru was n
fenr on his face, anil hu said to me,
" I'vo been having a pretty hard time,
and would like to Iiiivh Foiiietlilnjj to
drlulc tnoro than food." I took him
into tho bar and gave him tome liquor,
after which ho went into Iho dining
room and pnrtoolc of breakfast. Upon
coming out bo desired an Interview with
me, when ho told mote uas a tailor by
trade, an utter stiaugcr in thoclty, that
lie had no means, and asked mo if I
would trust lit in to a week's board, pro
vided ho could gtt work. I said I
would do that ; and more than that, I
Interested myself in his welfare, and
went out and secured a tlttiatlou for
111 in. Ills name was entered upon tho
registry of the hotel - l'atrlck Murray,
St. John's, N. 1'., On tho evening of
the 3d of September he came in lato to
tea. The wife of Capt.llager, of New
York who was superintending the ex
cavations in the hai bor -her sister and
cousin, with two children, were seated
at their piivato table. Murray began
lu a free way a conversation with Sirs,
llager, wheiHipou tho waiter reiiuested
liim to desist. lie nroto from the table
tn an angry mood and left tho dining
room. Mrs. llager paid no attention
to tho man, and upon concluding Hip
per went to the bitting room and en
caged in conversation with Mrs. Mur
phy, after which sho started to her own
npsi nients, and Murray assaulted her.
I wus summoned, and, Munay, declin
ing to quit my house, I tried to pull
him out, and alter a btrugglo lie fell to
tho foot of the staircase with a fractur
ed skull, lie died four days afterward.
I was arrested and tried for tho
murder of that man. Tho trlil lasted
eight days and occasioned great excite
ment. 1 had to meet tho prejudleu of
the friends of tho Malno liquor law fiom
the fact that I kept a hotel at which
liquor was sold, and I was bitterly de
nounced and charged with having given
the man liquor. I never pave him but
ono glass of liquor In my life, and that
was for medicine, and 1 bail done all I
could to assist him to a life of sobrltty
and usefulness, lean never tell how
much I suffered for being tried for mur
der In tho presence of my wlfo anil
family ond friends. Tho verdict was
manslaughter. Thn caso was appealed,
and I was admitted to ball in tho sum
of $10,000. Gen. bhepley and A. A.
Stout becoming my bondsmen. I re
turned homo veiy much depressed to
think I had been convicted of such a
lieinniw offento, when beforo Ood I
knew I was entirely innocent. I then
began to drink very hard. My vvlio
was very much troubled, though patient
and kind, and cioru in her face tliu suf
ferings she enduied at tho terrible cal
amity that had couiu upon us and our
children. For about one j ear Ikepton
drinking, and became exceedingly leck
less. My Mends had mo lucked up
July 30, 1870, in tho county jail In
Portland, alter which my family re
moved from tho hotel ami wei u compell
ed to take up quarters in a little tene
ment house on what was known as tliu
"back cove," and were in very desti
tute circumstances. I remained In jail
thrco months. On the ljtli of August,
at a religious meeting held lu tho prison
by C'apt. Cyrus Sturtevant, I made up
my mind, Ood helping me, never to sell
another drop or drink another glass of
intoxicating liquor. Meantime tho caso
had been appealed and thu verdict mh
tamcd. I wasarralgned and sentenced
for a period of sixty days in tho county
jail at lortlaiul. On tho expiiatlon nf
my sentence I was invited tn deliver an
address lu the City Hall on Uoepel tern
icrance, and from that tune, April,
1871, I date my entrance into the work
to which I have dedicated the remainder
of my life.
jiistouy ot' mi: 1'iiOW.
Tho history of tho plow is remarkable;
the most ancient and simplu of ma
chines, yet It has bo;n almost the la-t
to undergo Improvement Tho llrt
plow Is supposed to have been the rude
branch of a tree, cut so as to have n
cleft end, tho point of which, iliaggcil
along tho surface of tho ground, scrap
ed a furrow Into which seed weio
ihiown. It scon occurred to tho hus
bandman that ho might relievo his own
labor by yoking an animal to tho Ion-;
arm of this primitlvu Instrument; then
arose thu necessity i'er a han'ille, atllxed
lo tho back, so that tho plow might bu
guidtd. Thu s'.r.nglh of the animal
soon wore away or bioko tho cleft of
the branch, aril this necessity gave rl-o
to tho invention of means for attaching
movable shares, lirstof wood, and ni-xt
of stone, cupper cr Iron, walked ton
shape adaptt it to tho cutting) f furrows,
so as to avoid tho excessive labor aris
ing from tho plowman's having to le.wi
upon the plow with all his weight to
press It into tlio eirth. Just such an
Implementas these, conjectureo indicate,
was by tho Saxons. Souo of thu facts
connected with tho history of the plow
uro almost Incredible. In thero
ouco prevailed n custom of "plowing by
horse's tall." Tho draught-pole was
lashed lo thu till of the horse, and, as
no iwiimm was employed, two men
wer iK'cweary, one lo gulda and pre
rjn (bo iuw, the other to direct the
. wbloli ho did by walking back
wards beforo tho mlscrablo animal, and
beatluc it on tho head on either sldis
according to tho direction required.
Thli custom prevailed for a consider
able time, in splto of a law which was
passed lu the early part of thu seven
teenth century Imposing severe penal
tle3Upon persons found guilty of "plow
ing; by Ibu horse's tall." A paper lu
the "Transactions of theSoclety of An
tlquniles of Scotland" speaks of "tho
awkward custom of joking horses by
thn lull, ind tho driver of harrows
walking backward, with his facodlrect
lv turned to the tnnso which ho led."
Tho Kpv. O. Glway, says: "In aitclcnl
times, all thrcugh tho V.'i'st ot Iitiand,
It was tho practice to work both tho
tho plow and the harrow with horses
drawing from tlnir tails. 1 am assur
ed that it Is still 1810) a part of tile
Kirls hu-diandry." In 1034, during tho
reign or Charles I., the Irish Parlia
ment passed tho followlug: "Act
against Ploughing by tho Tayle, Pull
ing tho Wool oil living Sheep-," "No
person or peisons whatsoever shall,
after ono yeare next ensucing thu cud
of tho present P.villaruent, plough har
row, draw, or worke with any horse,
gelding, mure, garren, or colt, by the
taile, shall cause, procure, orsuller any
other carriages with his horses, mare,
geldings, gorrati!', or colts, or any of
them by thu tallej and tliat no person
or persons whatsoever shall, after the
end of this present Parliament, pull thu
wool off any living sheep, or causu or
piocure lo ho pulled Instead of shearing
or clipping of them; and If any shall do
contraiiu to this act and tho intention
thereof, that tho justices of assizo at
the general as.lzesto bo holdeii beforo
them, and tho justices of peace nt their
quarter-sessions, shall have power by
this act to enquire of, hearo and deter
mine, nil and every offence and offences
done ccntiary to tliu present net, and
to punish the offenders which shall do
contrary lo the same, by lino mid Im
prisonment, ns they in their discretion
shall think lit."
TION'S. Tho customs and superstitions con
nected with candles are extremely nu
merous. A letter lu the LoiUon Times
of 23tli March, 1873, relates to sales
"by Inch of candles;' "When tho bid
ding is opened, a su all candle similar
to a vesta Is lighted; at each bid a new
one U lighted and if no now bid Is given
befuiu it goes out, a second, and on
that going out without u bid, a thiid
candle Is lighted. Thu last bidder at
the tlniu the third candle goes, out is
declared tho purchaser." In Pepys's
Diaiy, under the date Gilt November,
10(10, wo read: "To ourollioo where wo
met ail for tho sale of two ships by an
Inch of candle thu first tlino that I
ever saw nny of this kiml where I ob
served how they do Invito ono another,
and nt least how they nil do cry, and
wo have much to do to tell who did ciy
last." Tho woid "cry" used here is
evidently thu sainens our modern wvrd
"bid." The custom, like many anoth
er, has not wholly dhdoutiu England,
ns tho following tiom a llil-tol paper of
thu 29th March, 1S73, proves: "The
practice of letting by Inch of candle
still prevails in the county of Dorset.
At tlio annual letting of the pailsh
meadow of Hio.ulwy, near Weymouth,
which occuired a low weeks ago, an
inch of candle was placed on a piece of
wood nluo luch-s square, and lighted
by one of the parish ollleers. Tliu bid
dings were taken down by ono ot thu
parish ollleers, and thu ch.iuco of tak
ing the mtadow was open lo all while
thu candlo wns burning. The last bid
der beforo the caudlu went out was the
Incoming tenant. This year the candle
was extinguished suddenly."
Candle omens are Lumerousand varl
ous. Sonio are almost too well known
to need mention, while a knowledge of
others is nut so general. "A collection
of tallow," says Orose, "rising up
against the wick of a c.iiulle, Is styled
the winding-sl.eet, and deemed tin omen
of death In tho family," Tho samo
w riter tells us that a spark at thu can
dle denotes that tho pursuit oppo-llo to
It will shortly receive a letter. To rind
to whom the letter Is to come, accord,
lug to another popular superstition, tliu
caudiu-btlcl: should ho struck mi thu
table, and whoever thu spark falls op
posllo will receive tho letter. If it fulls
after ono knock, it comes tho next day;
after two, thu second day, and soon.
A kind ut fungus lu Ihuc.imtle pi edicts
the visit of a stranger from that p.ut uf
the country nearest thu object. Upon
this that pedantic wiiterSir Thomas
llrowno observes: "'Iho fungous par
cels about tho wicks of caudles only
Indicate a moist and pluvious air, which
hinders 1 1 10 avolatlon of thu light aiii
t.tvillous particles, whereupon they set
tle upon tho snast. That candles and
lights bum bluo and dim at tho appari
tion of spirits may bo true, If tliu am
bient air bo full of sulphureous spirits,
as it happens olten in mines." Cau
dles when they burn bluu are a sign of
a spirit in thu house or not far fiom it,
says Melton, in his "Astiolngustor."
And Hero says to Iter lover In " Ovid
Tinvestlo :"
' l'or la night lite, ti tH foil tins.
Jl v uaiulul us 1 .it burnt b cw,
W Iiieh put pour tua in uoind lr uht,
Ami eiiietutiiu ut able sought.
WItU uarcer eyes, ami tun.a. aud tall."
And tho following beautiful lines,
from thu "Knight of tho lJurmn-: lVs
tlo," show the significance of bluish
burning caudles :
M C'ouie, vtm wnoso lovers are dead,
A ml tilloj I slut:,
Wevp nud wring
I.veryhiml and overy houl
II n.l wit li ej y. bs ami ul j ew i
l.tnamU btauit n. U ojiiJ.oi uuo
l'jr bim tint wusut men most true."
A candle burning blue seems, however,
to be, besides, a blgu of frost :
toiutasi: ?lv watcti Is set. cbargo irlvea
unit all ut pujco
lint i-1 lio inn iiuiK ol ttu e b'.on-,
Wlueli l ay ciuuoj o-,ieJ t.troai tha laa
tin rae,
Ami by Hid iliupp-iig o( tliu lluadle's note,
1 Hiiio.i a fr st "
Caudles, are said to bo difllcult tn
j light when thera Is nit approach of wet
we.tiuer, unit tuo satuo reason wlllcausu
tluir wicks to swell and emit small ex
creseenoea. A person who burns three
candles accidentally, and not by Inten
tion, Is supposed to secure for himself
the ollicu ot sheriff before tho expira
tion of the year. Tho amiable VIcwr of
WakclleM, referring to Ids daughters'
waking dreams, says, "The girls havn
their omens too; they paw rings In tho
candle." A writer in thu Uentleman's
Magazine, 1703, states that tho Irish,
when they put out a candle, say, "May
the Lord renew or send us the light of
heaven." (l"orgo Herbert also refers
to the saying in ids "Country Parson."
The Venetians have a bit tf folk-lore,
which reads: "On thu wedding night
hjavo thu candlo burnlntr, ns the ono
who puts It out will dlo first."
A young New Yorkcf
who 1ms been (ravelling in the
East, could not resist the temp
tation ofjourneyinp: to Uagdari,
which through the "Arabian
Nights' and their roseate de
scriptions of the saraccuic
capital. lie has written home
a private letter expressing his
bitter disappointment at the
Bagdad ol' his limey as com
pared with the Bagdad ol' fact.
Instead of finding a beautiful
and wonderful city, the centre
of Arabic civilisation and re
finement, possessed of 300,000
picturesque inhabitants, he
found a shrunken town of(K),
000 ignorant and repulsive
mussulmans, with narrow, dir
ty, un paved streets, full of ruts,
and strewed with carcases
which would make perpetual
pestilence, but l'or devouring
dogs, the only scavengers.
A very simple process is
being extcnsivelv employed for
freeing . woodland newly i
brought into cultivation from
the stumps of trees. A hole j
about two inches in diameter
and eighteen inches in depth
is bored in the stump about au
tumn, filed with a concentra
ted solution of saltpetre, and
closed with a plug. In the fol
lowing spring a pint or so of
petroleum is poured in the
same hole and set on fire.
During the course of the win
ter the saltpetre solution has
penetrated every portion in
the stump, so that not only
this, but also the roots, are
thoroughly burnt out. The
ash is left in skit, and forms a
valuable manure.
Some time ago. when a
former Commissioner of Indi
an Affairs, Mr. N. G. Taylor,
was explaining to Little leav
en the chief of Arapahocs, the
difference between heaven and
hell, and the fact that each
would be open to mankindir"
respective of race or color, the
chief answered: "It is a good
notion heap good for if all
the whites are like the olics I
know, when Indian gets to
heaven few whites will trouble
him pretty much all go t'oth
er place."
Those newspapers which
are too proud or too obstinate to
retract any unjust or improper
language which they have ad
mitted to their colums should
profit by the example of an ex
change, which gives notice as
follows: If auy subscriber finds
a line in his paper that he docs
not like and cannot agree
with, if he will bring his paper
to the oflico and point out the
offending line, the editor will
take his scissors and cut it out
for him.
There is one impertinence
which Washington society will
no longer tolerate. We do not
refer to the unseemly habit of
asking a mature single lady
her age. This is insolent, but
may be forgiven. Eut tn ask
a society " colonel " the num
ber of his regiment or the scene
of his service that sort of scene
has gone quite far enough.
Square umbrellas are re
ported as tho latest things in
Paris. That's nothing. We
have been using square um
brellas a long time: at least
they are never round when
She was plump and beau
tiful, and he was wildly fond
of her; she hated him. lie
was u lieu.
Drugs and Medicines.
Wonderful, but True !
rnonui'.Tou or Tin; rroi'Lirs
Drug fiud Family Medicine
STORE, makes tho tolowins
OwlnctotJio poncrol itrproWcn In ttnsfciPSfl.
tliogtedt mliiclioti ol waif (H for la bur, A c. I
di-cut It mv duty at tlil Mrant-t Rtvo tliu people
of i.i'liigiitoti nml vicinity tiiu Lion's hiiakx of
MY fnoriTfll JtenU ami rnn-omitpr tho follow
iiitf Trico of a lew ot tho many articles sold nt
tny Drug Store t
1'ATliM' MI3DICIXES-MI ft Preparations
50 cents. ncn 11 Vmvirar Hitter, llostottor's,
DrnKo'a lHnrtton, MI-lilciM Kerb, Oormuii
ItitttT.i hikI nil oihvvA fcrmetiy St. iinw?3ct.
51 c. picpatatloL8 4ec. nntisco 1 it'pprutlons20c.
CO l iVCOUUir nnd LUNO ItKMliDIIiS. m
Jam os Kxpcciorant. lln l'mtul Alien's Jlal-
pam. At Uu'rry 1'cttornl, Milk TiiVu Coil
Liver oil. (.'ctl Liver oil nud Lime mrJ otlurs
fonnciiv U now 8.t cents.
HAI It riUSPAHAriONtJ-HnlPa Hair He
newer, aiouteoiuery'H. yern lla'r Vnrt
end Mm Al.enV, loimerlyfl now 85 ft-. All
etc pteparutious or uUoro character now 40c.
LIMMKNra- LaubacliM, Low's Magnetic,
Donnelly's rieetno Snnison Oil, llntwuv'it
Keller, Muffle Oil, Oarpllnir Oil. Wildfire Llui.
111 out, and nil othei a formerly 50c. now 4Cc,
Horse, Catilo and tMiMteu Powder formerly
2le. now vi'c.t Durlum'? celebrated Condit.ou
Powders linpiovid. 33c. per pound.
ICrcMe's Hamburg Dropfl.4Co pcrbottio- Ilrcist
Te.i,?tc. n packaeei Pi. Is of alt kinos formerly
25c. now '0o. per oox.
PLAsTEltS Poroun, Arnica, Poor Man's and
uil othir?) formerly '.:5c. now -0c.
WOIIAI H12MKl)Ii:sVorm Svmpi, Vcrmi-
fimec, Worm Lozcupes and G' luiin
irly iEc. now lllc.
Knot?, lJatln, HetbF, Meillcnl Tcai, Ac, &.6
formerly fiom 10c. to 15c. per cz. now c. to ctt.
per oz.
Castor Oil. iltilami do Mnttn, Eeencn of Pop
poi mint, iissencoot Lemon. Golden Tincttiro.
PareKOilc, and (JUceilno tounu'ly 100 to lain
now to to lie pei bottle
Kierythluy Down l D.nvn I Down 1 1
Cau&tlc aod.i, fcrMakiDtf Soap, from 0 cents
to 10 icniH per pound.
Cubtor oil, strictly pare, lie. per quart, by tho
gallon less.
Pai cr iOe.i O aized I'npeis fntmeilv c. to3)C.
now 10c. Winto Itlauks and Tints formerly lie.
to 25c. now 1 2c. to nnd lliown 11 ac is form
ci ly U'c. to 12c. now 7j, to 9c.
Pbymclan- Piepcnntlonsflnd family Itrclpts
compounded at Orotily UoJuced lUto. Uoor
euJ to DUitLINU'S
1 1 avltig hud au exporlenco of almost Twenty
Yen is m tho Diug Jiitlnes3 inoro than Ten of bnvo been Id LchU'hton, I will tn rho fu
tuio ns I have, m tho past Guarantee lo all tliu
very llet nnd Pmest Lruirn, Mtdiclr.o, die., to
bofomidm tl.o American Markets. I UuY
t OU Oi-SlI ! Deo lr-nov3
Itop & Bead
All Jorais ot Klilncy tal Ur'narr ilfseaci,
rami In Clio Duct, Milca, an.l Loidd uro posi
tively card by
Its effects aro truly marvo'lom In Dropsy,
Gravel, lirlght's disease, Sonimal 1opch. Lti
conhcea. ami lost vigor, no matter of how Ion
standing tho case mnv be, positivo ictlif Is had
In from ono to th co dars. Po not despair, hes
itate or doubt for it Is really a specific and
never fills. It Is puiely a vceetablo piepnra
tiou. Py Its tlmo y use tltoooandsof cws that
have been considered Incutablo by tho most
eminent Phjslclans have been poimanent'y
cured. It U a to in0ored ly ttio regular Phr
scans a ad Medical Sue U tics lhoughout iho
country. Bold In Lotties at lwo dollataeaci or
thrco bottles, which is enough to cure tho moet
aggravated case, sent to any addiess on receipt
ot five dcllaus. .tniull tilul b ttlei dol
lar each. A.l ordcis 10 Loadoresscd to
Grant's nemed Manf'g Co,,
This bo.mtlfui pi'ilodiC4l, tto bent Anuncati
lamilv Jturnal, siory paper, anil homo friend,
has been tlio Mtreoful nvnlof all tho Meekly
J.mri als tor tho past thirteen tear. It nut nod
1 p uco in tho 11 inds und hevris ct our people,
an t ldiV tins nameof Un patrons is Legion.
litis ye in thu cm mm; ou.M'.it stems lo be
butter than ever. Its beual ttoil-H uio vt iho
most iiifoiblii'f and lively character of great
power, ti no to lifo and (till of nutit, laktug a
wide rmgi ot t.ubjt.-it to please very incoioei
ol a lioucchoifi tuu domeHlio siory for tho
laoiLbr, tho clinrmuig lovotulolor UiooumjU.
lent tho nirro dramatic for Iho ouuginoti, tho
Milldnoel tor tho u'uei icjiders and then wo
lav ftmliM Ktlveiuuro for tho bdvsaud fairy
tales for tho eM men.
ILibberion, tloant, Itoblnscn Do Forest
llenedict s. AuiiIoPiost. Annlo Thoman, i;tta
V. Plert e. and other i iinuent writetK, aro Its
regular conulbuiors. Tho sutijCctd troutoit ot
are verv aiitMt The lltiibtratMOs aro protueo,
um they aru all binutiful. Moit etiu'es ex.
tieiuuiv iniore&tlug urocmolete4 In ecli tiiim
tcr. whl 0 ttloffiajmiof, adveniuiea osavs, (uu,
travo h. uatuiat lntorv loond. anecdotOfi,
science, etc., make this p-ibJleuUuu ono of tho
iiiont entertaiulng in exicoLce.
Lxqul-ito s'eel enxmviiu' ore frequently
given a war t u- BUbeilbiTS.
'Iho cittMMit Ooitxi:ii. sixteen nages. with
eight partstl lUti ttations. viiutid on Uno pa
Der, Is pullUhcd ivery Mondny price only 10
cents, tin una 1 hubKci 'ptinits, (, pus., pa Id. Ad-difsiyouroruer-
t.i tiatiic Lesiiu's PuohsLloir
JImie. 5.7 t'vttTl ftieot ewrk-.
piKO", Usued weekly, coutuui eic Jknt
pictures and full dcncitrtions of thu very
latent Br-. tea of laoio-' and eldulren's wear uao
ful luioimatmii on family top esj selecl iitorioi t
otajtitul I'lu-tiatinuu of l.cinoatjd loioigu sub
Jetti pott'y; tashloanbto fufelllgenco. per
sou a I eh't chat ; cmunig(iirtoiusfu ttie foi les
und 1'oib ei ot tho day Hp iiKsor Mlttli, ta
Fit AMi LtidLlBl LAUY'S JOUllNALls tliu uiust
beaiuilul ol a.l thu lauit' paper.", it bLOuld be
found on tliotbleof ovrry i&dv in ino land,
l' lu eon is per copy, u.-una. subacripllon, l,
LY has made rapid fiinles as tho nvnltt many
atp'rauls to pauiio favor. Ls wntrllmtoinaio
ouio - f the lifnt livuw wtiterv. Lverv depait
meut of literature Is lepieneutid tn itseo.umas
'ill" rmmuitof lUAtruet'ou, uteitulumeut and atfoided tiy tho urtleloc, esave,
Atones and general u.isi-tlltny contauud in tho
liiijuaito pig-sor euch numberof tlnspublt
outiciii lui beeu wtdl apynclated. Kierv cijiv
of tho Popular Mont" y is emi6:Iihc4 with
over tw b'-autitul illustraitDii". lieing tho
cht'apest pi'rio.llcai of too Kind in existence,
audut tito tamo time ono of ihomot t-o roi and
uuivoisiliy weleomb H inunt continue to m
i lease lu pub lo f ivor, and laulovilh tlio p ib
)ih"i's bUMUV iiAGAZiNL ho aiifhesc among
ah itiir Amerieau moinhlle-. It Is published on
the 1Mb ot each mouth. Pi ho, '.5 cnti a uiim
ieij euutcripium. 43, pou pM, ;cr yiai. Ad
diem your oulers to Pruut Los.le, "37 Pcatl
etreet, ew Yoik.
tsa ifiiutlnil uri It will linerot etlucsted
ui'd cultivatt-d miu.iH as well as tho most ordi
nary loader. It 11 tho only hunCuv toHgaziue
pub lhwl 111 I hi- country Kveiy number has
pawes tllieUHilh taomott select and lanci
natiu literoture, ruuicirv irom mo co meu by
Iho tntltor (Ur. O. . Deems pat. tor of tho
ChJicnef tho StrauKtrst to htfmug tales, icen
fin I (oulcs uud tMu)v. u etry. in 1110. luu scl
tnoo, tdstoty. ta . lu areut vscletv. Lam copy
ol tills inrtyuz'uo ha lii exuuUlto engraving
ol tlio matt intt'iotllug character. It has
itaohul u circulation und lospfrity miou ua
uiuWolt ono of thomarot ot pirlodioU htora.
tmo. It is Indootl a Uiit.fui won. lluv It
audseoior vour olvo. Musloojplai are old v
Zficcnis. an I annual tubtcripilou i rxoooly U,
ot pld. Add! es o .titers In
lb;iiy 3J7 Pearl elrtct, tltr York,
m M W rMfAJW..M" III? .T lift
Cabinet Ware Factory,
Denis tn nil klnil nnil slicn i f i'lnc, llmlock
Uak mul JTflr.l Woco Ltunbpr. ami lutitiirpio
imicil to exocutu liny uiieunt of orders (or
DressoD Lumbcll
Dooi-s, h'a.shos, Itllm1s Shutlciv,
Jloulillngs, Cabinet Wake, &c,
With rroaiptoets.
Brackets Made td Order.
Tho Mnchlnrrv I, nil new nnd of tho bent and
Inust Improved kinds. I cmvloy none hut thj
nest MoiKtnrn. n-iwell penMilioil.nnil irood ma
lerl il, nnd am thoicroro iibln toruat nntee e ntiro
entilactlon to nil who may favor mo with a fall.
Orders iv mail piomjuly nttenued to. Mv
elmrpci nro moileriitot terms clUb, or Interest
chat ged alter tuirly anvs.
(V 1hoi ennged In Iluild np will find It t
their ndynntneo to h.vo Milinir, I lcor Ilonrds
lioois, na:lC8, ?butitra, &c, Sr., rucdoat thli
Pactorr. , ,
Jli. RICItr.RT,
Ojiposlto L. & !i bepol,
On tho Ecst Weissport Canal Bank
IteMiprtrullv inform, tbo citizens of thl. vlclnl.
ty flint tiofcectiiroiiatiiiiily onhanil niiilHI'LLS
nj.;'" ', VK.ST HAJtKKT tJUCBS, tho viry
ronnuiLDiNa ANDotiruu Puitro&ES
v,hich ho Ruarnntces toho
Thoroughly Scasonedj
CASH I'ltlCKi.
Ho baa a a number cf very o:icibly located
In nirKEIUSTOWX, Fraaklli, Township
which ho will Sell on tciyliasy Terms.
Aug. 0. J. K. IttCKEllT.
i:very dcscrlptlcn cf rnntlne, from 4
Visiting Card to a Poster.
M0fen. rilOUllAMJIES,
IlV.LAWSf dC, 4C
Dono In the host mannerjat very Lowest l'rleca.
Wo arf nropared to do work at na cheap ratea
asnur cDlco 1:1 iho htoto that dcala ounetly
with in ciL.touic.
oun MOTTO 1 9
Chcfap, Prompt & Reliable.
rVOrvlers by mall receive prompt attention.
jQ.iviD iiihji:ui's 1
Livery & Salo Stables
And positively I.OU'KH P1UCEB thau any
iither Lnory In tho Cojuty.
lrKoand b-indsomo Carriage for Funernl
pnrpestts and WcOalnt;.
VA VI v -euiijiiiT.
s'uv. U, WJ.
Now AdveVtisemonts.
Jlssoliilion of rar(nc'rslili).
Nolico la hereby given that tho partncrtlilA
hereiii:oie auoai.lluit l.ctwceu M. C. Treiler.
and Jinu., iirnrrtbofliinorM. C. Trcjler
t I'o , Is tniH 17th ilv of July, 1878, illtwlviil by
mntinl cui,cit. M. C. Horler slid H. 11,
Kioidlcrwill contumo in hiisincrs under tho
Jlrm numq of jt, tj. 1 reiler Co., by whom tbo
llbl,liiislnl tho Into llrm win bailiifted.nndto
whom all debts uuo tho Into firm will bo im'd.
St. (!. THEXLKlt.
T ., ,. . H. Jt. KIUUDLEIl.
LehlGhtAn, Aug. .1, 1S78 W3.
Fend for our Select List of Local 'ewpapcr,
Peiidfno on ODpllcntloti. A'ddress (1LO. I
llOWKLb'4; CO., lOSprucost., 11. Y
"PTA A Ucautllnl Hq. Orand I'lonoB pneo
X. J111 V tuna, only M73. Ifafmldccnt Up
ilirnt l'iniins. prK'o CI on), oiilyt;"5. E'eirnnt
Unnclil Pianos, prlco HM, only 1175. nanus. 7
rctnvo. 115V 71) (ia.1. Now stylo". OrRansH'.
Orirnns. 0 stop. $57.50. Church ,"! (JAM
10stop8.prlcoj3tt0 only 8111. Elo.""',A1
Knot 375 Mirror Top Orirnns only4io5. m null,
ful rarlnr Oriran,pilrof3R onlvf'J'). " frninl
Exposed. (500 leword, Ilend " Irnos fur tbo
Unwnry" mul Newspaner about cost of l'inno.
nnd Orunns sent fieo. Plcnso nfidrcBS DANIEL,
r. 11EATIY, Washington. N. J.
ndny to Accniflcnnynrblne for tint Finn.
hub VtsiTou. 'lernn nnd Outfit fine.
Address 1". o. VIOKElt Y, Aunustt, 11c.
War-Icl htyhttl p'zt ftt rfntcunlal Exputltlou for
(tno cUfiinj qnUlUi Ami exryVencc id luting cAir
aHer of wett'timf ami ftawring. Tlio bet tobacco
ever twvJc. our Who etrfp truic-mfirfc Is ctosfly
Initntpil 01 Itkrhr rol-- ffP tlmt Jiton fof h
tr e'cry rlus. Hnl 1 y nil dcnlcrt, SmhI ffr pnmTilp,
ficc, to 0. A, Jacksox & Co., Mtre., Putcrabuig, Va.
t). F. WAUDL::. Phlla..Pi-. OeiifrnlApent
on Mixed Cards, SuowliiUo, Damink. to.. ni
OVJ 2 nlikc, with uamo, 10 cts. J. iilNKLKit &
CO . Ja8au. N. Y.
All Btandardf.
Ho Off Grades. None,
Qenalflb nnlus brand
ed with
BURNT la header the
Barrel or Hogshead.
Dll. S. II. P. LEE'S
rums i bb
In tho Klttuev, Llvor nud Ulfldder. It curfea
Gall atones. Diabetes. Uout. nnd. It, Its lucjiu.
cut st'it.c9. BrlRht'a Dlsonso. Doctors Lecfatf!.
er nnd son. pre-crlb?d It in their practico in,
New yoik and, lloston forty .yeais with un
jniialleied succoss. It is 1 ow for iho first tlmo
clvon to tho puolto a euro fur iho most dis.
ui-sslntr ltdiiey atfcct.ons. Send stamp, foe
pamphlet tuib rot ot ihos. II. p. LEE COM
rANVIo 4 Clinton Placs.Now Yorlc City.
Sohl bv drugirUts.
$20T $50". $100. $500.
Investedjudlcloiuly In Hloclcs (Options or Til.
vjleeeb), uiieu ldui-i s l'ltmiostbeauiount lu
d.ns. Full dota Unnd Oulelnl stocu; Exchanca
Itepnrtsfr-o Ad.liess.T. POrTEIl WHIOHV
A CO. li.incrs. 2j Wall Birctt .Sew York.
used m;liundreds of congn cafl6ns for choroli
or comtunulon
ei::lle:;i res laeies aks wzlziy vlzz:k3
Aim ins ACZS.
Speer's Port Grape Wins
ThlsJiiAtly CclcbrntM Nnttvo Wlno la mode
f i oiu tho Juicool tlio Oporto Urape. taued lu
thn country. Its invalualo
'rouic nud Strengthcnili gPropcrtics
nro unsurpassed by aur other native W'rne.
Ileum tho jmie Jmco of Iho praff. produced
under Mr. fcuecr'aowu pcrttonnl sncenltton.
it a I'unty nud penuinenos aro nuamnteed,
ThoyouiiRCst cblld tuav paitako of Ha generv
ou.HouAdili. und tlio we.iitiat Invalid uee it id
advantage. It is lmrtlcularlv beuo.lcltil to tho
Cfcd andftcbtlitntcd, and aulted totUo vanona
niimeiu' that l fillet ttio wt-aRoreex. It Is. In
rvfry rt'ppect, A WIHH io UK lti:i IKD Q2i,
ITil!ii Vti Cpficr'i rcrt Crips Isa.
fcul:i Uss Cseer'i Fert Crips Wits.
7T8U17 Vtxzzti fill i Besets lj lit ?is.
Rpeer'a Wint-s tu JlospltaU aro pi ef erred to'
otKer Wines.
told Dy Uruffcins crnernlh, who also sell
HpKinp pjiimo j. BHAMiY, pjcnito j.
KUKlUtY, and hTANUini) V1IK BIT
TlUtS. Trndoeui-ylnd bv all Wholesale l)eal
eta. bco that tho alvt.stuio of Alfred Kpef-r,
Passaic, N. Jla ocr thecoik ol each bottle,
a. hPUKH'S Mount PiOHpcrt v.nejards.
vew Jcrey. Ofllctf, No. 34 Wafreu atteet
New yurtr. For nalo by
$25001 ATIVE I $2500
r , r.r. In every Cuonty, to Canvass our
AMhD llneof ut(.
Premium Family Bibles,
Compilslng nearly ICO different STYLES,
vfltu nunieiuus eleaantly nlustrated expiana.
torv features.
Tlio inosl COMI'LF.Tl', PEIIFEOT. anrl
IIEAUTIFU I. Hue of limits over ofterod to thu
American public.
a- 3sr X3
Combination Prospectus
of iM uiarixoT publications.
HeoresentlnK Agricultural, lllocraohlcal,
Historical ttellfrloa.. and Mi-cellaneouii
Works and Fnrui.y. Pulpit, nud Pocket Ulliles
and Tesisixenta. waali'd id overy taiui y.
A 'o el Feature lu C.iuvasslnir- Hales mado
from this Prospectus, whena.1 single booia fall.
Also, General and Local Agents Wanted on oar
themont Comprehensive, llellaole and Accurate'
History uf tho Lato Cornict between (ho HUB.
MIAN nud TllK TU1IK. vfllblts 30) elegant
EuKr.vlugs. Maps and Plans tbo most sl.owy.
de.jr.blo and usetut llooic now iiubllshed.'
tor Clrc.ilars aud L.betal Terms, addtua
JOUS. K. I'OTTlill ti CO.,
Bept. 1, 1S77.
Ckewii Totacco