The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 10, 1878, Image 3

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    Society Meetings.
NFIXtTO OASTt.G, No. 78, A. O. K. OF ItlE M. O
2nd and 4tti jdnndayof each month, tn lto
tier's Uall, T-ehlghton, at 7i30o'ciock p. M.
Hy. Kostenbader, 8. K. C. s !?. 11. atlunui.
M. K. ft. a.
TJXADEN IltllTEX LODOK. Xo. C60, 1. O. O. F..
meets every Tuesday evening, at 6 o'clock,
In fleber's'llall. II. Kostenbader, a.O.iM.
13. ltcbor, Secretary.
Mbtuciiex Tnmc. No. 232. Imp. O. of n. M.,
moots In Ileocr'a Hall every Saturday. W.
I. Peteis, Bachom i A.W. Uachcs, o. ot It.
Poito rooATuinE, Ko. 171, Imp. O. It. Jr., meet
on Wednesday evening ol encti i cek, ut 7:30
o'clock, In imbllo School Hall, Welsspnrt
I'a. C. W. Schwab, S.i Jae. llrong. c. of It
ILElIIonTON LODOE. No. 231. K. ot P., meets
on Friday evralnRs, In Hcboi's Uall. ot 7iC0
o'clock. W.H. llacbmau, CO i L. A. Sillier,
K. of K. and S.
Atlvcrlislnpr lintca.
Wo desire it to bo distinctly unJcrstooil
that no advertisements will bo inserted in
the columns of Tub Carbon Advocate that
may bo received from unknown parties or
firms unless accompanied by tlio casu.
The following are our oxly terms :
One year, each insertion . 10 cts.
Six months, each insertion. 15 cts.
Three months, each insertion 20 cts.
Less than three mouths, first insertion
$1 i each subsequent insertion 25 cts.
Local notices 10 cents tier line.
II. V. MOBTHIMER, Publisher.
OIlcc, Klotz'j Bmlalng Broilaway,
Bsttllnu Estates, rillne AccountB and Orphans
Court rnctico a specialty.
. Trial ot Causes caretuliv attended to. I.ei?i
transactions In English and German. Jan .
Local and Personal.
Subscribers to thispapcrkilowingtkcm
selves to be indebted for subscription, will
please remit, or the paper will bo discon
tinued and the bills placed in the hands of
a Justice of tlio Peace for collection. Wo
need the money and must have it. Look at
the label on your papr and you will 6ce if
'this notice fib your case.
West's liver pills euro indigestion.
Ann Jane Buehler, of Pottwille, was
103 years old on the -1th inst.
Potatoes are retailing in Slatington nt
Ihirty-seven cents a bushel.
Head Tilghman Aruer's new advertise
ment in another column.
A pic-nio will bo held ill .Fellmahn's
woods Hear ParryVillo on Thursday next.
Spring and summer styles Cf gents and
youth's hats, ut 'i 1). Clauss' at low prices.
The Easton National Birik is payiiig
but gold in exchange for its five dollar bills.
A full line of boots, and shoes, gents
'furnishing goods, Ac; at T. D. Clauss,' very
A. W. Horn will plca'o .accept our
llianks for a disli of very line cultivated
Get your prescription", niu Family Itc
ipes. comiiouiided, at A. J. Darling's Fam
ily Drug and Medicine Store.
Black bass weighing as high as ii
hounds liavo recently been caught in- the
Lehigh at AlleiUowil.
Paints, oils. aild Varnishes Very low at
Luckenback's, Mauch, Chunk. Mixed paint
ill shades, to order.
The application for tho coitttriiltalion bf
.the death scriteli'c'c of Blasius Pistol ins lifts
been continued by the Board of Panloiis
until Scptcillbc'r next, )
All nieiti'ciiies warranted fresli; genuino
and unadulterated atthe People's Drug and
.Family Medicllio store. A. J. Durling,
Pro prictor.
Masler-incclianio Hoffocker, of Wcath
fcrly, is being very favorably mentioned in
this locality for the Democratic nomination
for Assoeiato Judge,
Clocks and Walcttr? carefully repaired,
hnd work warranted, at lowest cash rates, at
llageman's cheap cash iitorc, opposito imblic
square, Wcissport. yO-13.
lon't forget tl'at tlio El-angelical camp
hireling opens at lio mAhsville on Tuesday
next, and continues for eight days. Thuis
day will be Sunday School day.
Wm. Wagner, Ksq., of Montgomery
county, formerly of this boiough, has been
here visitilig his old frjends duriilg tho prist
few days. Ho looks "nobby" in his new
Tho employees of tho Continental Col
liery of Audenreid .t Co., atCentr.ilia,struck
Wednesday ogaint a reduction of twenty
per cent. Tho collieries ct Mahauoy Plane
resumed on Tuesday.
J. K. Richcrt has stilt f few of those eli
gible lots in Itickertstnwn lb dispose nf. If
yod feel like securing a good home call and
fee hint. He is also supplying flour, feed,
lumber and coal at tho lowest rates.
See cherubim In another column hold
ing a bunch of grapes from which Sneer's l'ort
lirape Wine is made, that is so highly es
teemed by tho medical profession for tlio uso
ot invaiuis, wcaKiy persons, auu ino agcu.
T. D. Clauss, tho Lchlgliton merchant
tvlor, is now receiving an unusually large
stock of gents suiting, cloths, oasaimcrs and
vestings which ho will make up to order in
the latest fashion at cxtieniely low prices
for cash.
" Vox Topuli," your communication is
entirely too personal for our columns. Be
just before being generous. Tho communi
cation is deposited in tho wasto paper bask
et. "H. P. S." Your productions have
reached headquarters for all rejected mat
ters. Max Schwcibinz.of East Mnuch Chunk;
Ilev. C. O. Eichcnbcrg, of Franklin; anil
John Conway, of Mauch Chunk, annouuee
themselves, in to-day's paper as candidates
for the Democratic nomination for County,
PMnc.... nn.l . ,,,,! n Cill.n,,, f l.Vnnl!
I'm, for theKepublicannominatiouforltegis
stcr and Recorder, all good men, and may
tho best one win. So say all!
About four o'clockon Sunday afternoon,
J. J. Gallagher, implicate! as one of tho
Archbald bond robbers, attempted to com
mit suicide in his prison cell. He was dis
covered in a bleeding condition by one of
the keepers, who found that ho had cut a
deep gash in the wrist. Tho prison physi
cian, Dr. Harvey, was sent for, and medical
attention given to the unfortunate man. On
searching his cell for tho instrument
which he had used in tho attempt, tho war
den found that Gallagher had retained his
poon from a recent moal, uud had rubbed
the handlo against tlio stone walls of tho
cell in such a manner as to produce a rough
edgeand a sharp lwint, and with this extem
porised knife endeavored to sever the artery.
The prisoner was in a comfortable condition
yesterday. The desperate act is said to have
been tho jceult of an attack of delirium
.-emens. Saantou
Wo are pleased to plate that Mr. E. It.
Brown, is gradually improving in health.
Application has been made for tho par
don of cx-lleprcscntativo Bullard, of Dela
ware county, convicted of embezzlement.
The panlon is asked because Bullard's health
is bad. The pardon was refused.
Only ninety-eight years until the next
colitennial. Have patience, nnd in tho
meantime hiro vour teams at tho popular
liverv of David Ebbert, on North street',
this borough.
Tlio Democratic Convention of Schuyl
kill county met Monday. John Ilyou wa
nominated for Congressman, Louis Stoflie
gan for Treasurer, aud Thomas F. Kerns for
Don't you forget itl Tho Evangelical
Cam) Meeting opens on Tuesday next, in
tlio grovo of Nathan Hoffman, about ono
milo from Bowmansville. All tiains stop
for tho accommodation of visitors.
Found, on the track of tho Lehigh Val
ley It. It., a sholt distahco aboVo tlio East
Mauch Chunk Bridge, on the 3d iilst., a full
set of upper teeth. Tho owner can havo
them on applying to llcV. C. Becker, Weiss
port, proving property and paying charges;
A pie-nie will bo held in D. Lanaker's
woods, in Mahoning Valley; bli Saturday,
the 24th lust. As this will probably be tho
only pie nic held in that vicinity this sea
son, you had better bo there; Mr. James
Flcmming, who is getting it up, guarantees
a good time.
About two hundred men and boys at
tlio Buck llidgo colliery, Shainkion, Pa.,
struck Monday for the restoration of tho
fivo cents per wagon of coal mined, which
was taken oif last month. Tho majority of
the employes do not demand the restoration.
Owing to protracted drought, many of
tho stria ma in Schuylkill county are nearly
dried up, and there is much difficulty in
working some of the mines. Tho Bear
Itidgo Collieries, at Mahauoy Plane, havo
been stopped for want of water, and 400
men and boys nro idle.
A western bound coal train on tho Le
high Valley ltailroad, near Bound Brook, N.
J.) ran into a section of a train ahead of it,
on Monday night, wrecking several coal
cars. An eastern bound tinin coming along
at full speed dashed into the Wreck, and
was thrown from the track. William E.
Esrang, the fireman, was kill and tho engi
neer was injured.
Vou muit bo nwscil by Thursday,
September 5th, and miisr pay a Stato and
County tax bv October Mil. Cut this out
and stick it wFidro you can always keep it
before you. There is no uso of delaying this
UulV. H had bHter be attended lo early,
aiicl then it will bo off your minds:
Parents wishing their children to lake
thorough music lessons on piano, organ vio
lin, guitar, flute, or vocal music, should ad
diess Prof. Wm. P. Moral), WcN'port, Pa.
Particular attention given to firing bauds
and glee clubs. Muio arranged for all in
struments very leasomiblc. Leave orders at
this ollico or at the post office.
John Cdnw.iy, an old wAi l'.'orso of tho
Democratic paity, of Mauch Chunk, in com
pany witii T. McGinlcy,was in town Thurs
day jiight, looking up his chances for the
Couitty Trcasurership. i'rom what we can
learh ho is very popular with a large num
ber of tlio paity, and claims that his pros
pect' are good.
The dissatisfied wing of the National
Greenback Labor party county committee
will meet at tile Broadway House, Maucli
Chunk, this (Saturday) morning, atllo'.
clock; for tho purpose of making arrange
ments for holdiuc a second county conven
tion for the nomination of what they call a
pure orcenoacu i.auor ticKct.
The imblic is respectfully invited to ntteild
the consecration ol I lie bteep'.l and bell of
the Trinity Lutheran Church of
tins place on biinilay,.ug. Iltli. Tins con
gregation has had ono of tho finest steeples
:.. tlu. nn....t.. II :..t ,.F i.:t i.'
in tup tuning iuiiiv ii nit iiiicriuic;
placed upon this edifice, together witii a very
supellnr bell, weighing about 170Q (munils,
" men uas oi-cu caht ut me umiiiirr oi ir.
Gough, of Allcnlown. Tlio church edifice
is not yet completed, but when tho woik
is tm i .-heel , it will bo ono of the tiucst
structures in this section of the country. It
is cxiiectcd tiiata number of clergymen from
a distance win Do present at tlie consecration
service. All friends of tho chinch aro cor
dially invited to attend this festive occasion.
North 5Vbljjirt lli-ms,
Corn looks goods.
Potatoes aro doing finely.
Wo have a fino little chapel but, alas,
no jireaciicr.
How about tho poorhousot Echo ans
wcrs, all is still 1
Our yuitnc fiiend A. It., went west last
week, bur returned again a few days after
jiid ui-jMiLuii. no Mivs nines aro jiarucr
out there than here. He says tramps can bo
seen for miles lying along tho railroad track
during the night tunc. Ho thinks tlieie is
no plaeo like home.
Singing school every Tuesday evening,
at present, in Leuckel's echoo house, con
ducted by I. Z. Bagenstoso and H. T. Smaw-
ley. AxuMliofs
JarU IiiihW'ii Scutcttcr.
A Harrisburc dispatch, of the (1th inst
says: Although Jack Kehoe, of Schuylkill
county, was to havo been hanged on "April
18 last for the murder of F. W. S. Langdon
ill 18(12, this chief of tho Mollie Maguiro
mniilerers is still living, nnd tho State au-
uioiuics uro appareutry averse to onloreing
tho judgment of the lower court. Tho Gov
ernor exprcs&cs doubts of the guilt of Kehoe,
ami me itoaru oi raruons litis Had mscaso
under consideration since April 0, tlio Gov
ernor's death warrant having been lecalled
in order to have the case heard bv tbcm.anii
Tuesday tho Board postponed tho further
consideration oi tno application tor a com
mutation of death sentence to imprisonment
lorme, uniii nepiemoer J. incro is every
probability that Kehoe will not bo hanged
if ho is hanged at all, during Governor
iianranit s administration.
I'tMltlli'r'M 'Wlliron IIurclnrltttMl.
IOn Thursday cveningof last week, a cigar
aim canny jieuuier, wiiu nis wagon siopj)eu
at tlie Carbon House, this borough, tho
wagon being placed in the largo stable aud
shed attached to tho hotel, and the place
locked up. In tho morning it was found
that the shed had been entered, and the
wagon brouen ojicn anil aquautity of tobac
co; candy, etc., stolen therefrom. For a day
or so there was no clue to tho thieves, but
detectives were set to work to ferrit out tlio
perpetrators, and on Tuesday and Wednes
day last. Constables Macdanicl, of Weiss
port, and Levau, of Franklin, through In
formation given bv George Snrowl. arrested
John Dugun, an East Moucli Chunkcr, at
Catasauqua, Michael Boyle, of East Weiss
iwrt; Wm. Buyer, of Weissiiort.was anested
at Packerton while making an etl'ort to go
West on the midnight freight Osear Bums,
also of Weissport, surrendered himself to
mo constable aller tlio aboVo arrests. An
other youth Is also biiid to bo implicated in
the burglary, one Curran, of East Mouch
Chunk, but ho is still at large. Bovlo was
committed iu default of bail, the" others
giving can lor their appearance at court.
From tlio County Sent.
Family Tnoutit.K. Last Wednesday
evening a somewhat serious family dilficuf
ty occurred in East Maucli Chunk, a can
vasser for pictures, named Joice, being tho
causo of tho affray. Patrick Ruddy, coming
homo and finding Joice lliefe chatting with
Mrs. ltuddv. allowed the ffreen-cved mon
ster to so inflame his imagination that ho
acted in a manner which induced hi better
half to join with Joico in assaulting him.
The result was that Joico and Mrs. Buddy
wcro committed to jail on a warrant for as
sault nnd battery on Patrick.
Council. Tho Borouch Council, rt a
meeting held Saturday evening approved
bills to tho amount of '$130.20. One itenl
was $21.00 fol' i-atchjhg and killing dogs.
Tlio Secretary was instructed Ip writo ailtj
ascertain at what prico So or 50 jniups could
be lighted. Tho Burgess reported that ho
liad re-insured tho Market House and Fire
d-parttneiit buildings. Chief Engineer Am
bruster, made his monthly report of the Firo
Department, wlneli was ofilereu to bo nieu,
It was ordered that all impounded dogs bo
released on payment of $1 by their owners,
at any time within tvieiity-fovlr hours of
their captmc. Star of Hppe, Section No. 35
C. of T, made application for tlie uso of the
second story of tho Market House for lncet
iilg?. Tlio Burgess was ordered to allow the
section to use tho room, Council reserving
tlio right to occupy it for ull regular and
special mcetihgs. The election of Treasurer
was wstpoucu until the n;xt meeting.
Ab olo Favorite. 1 ho Methodist pul
)it, lust Suii'day was filled here by Key.
.Villiam Maior, who was pastor of the con
gregation herb over tweiity years ago. Ho
attiacted much nttcntiotli the church being
crowcieu to near nun.
Minor Matters. Jihidr DcMolt who
is litstlcating at tho Mansioil House) while
walkim on the track of the L. V. It. B..near
Glen Onoko, on Thursday, made a very
narrow escape Horn being run over by tno
train. He jumped in tlio river to save him
self. ,.
Our hotel registers, and tlio Sumbcr of
strangers on our streets, indicate that tho
summer resorting business is getting brisk.
There is a lull in politics this week, al
though the Republicans have shown a little
sign of life, calling a County Committee
meeting lor August zuui.
An adjourned term of tho court of Oyer
and Tel miner will sit on the IGlit inst.
A grand pie-nie for tho benefit of the poor
is being agitated.
A r.W,l .vino Yr,,, In,. .-,l
Susquehanna strcctllvcly on jfonday morn
ing, lie was looking lor a man named
.Uiilcnrieil." Hum did it. '
Michael Dngan and an accomplice wcro
committed to jail hero on Wednesday, for
muuing a canny peuuicr s wagon mijciiigii
toil, oil tho 2d instant.
AVc'ih;ort Itcmw.
The Keystone Cornet Band, with ouito
a number of citizens, visited Glen Oiloko on
last Thursday,
-Tho Young American Comet Band in
tend to maliu an excursion around tho
Switcli Back, sometime tills month.
-Dr. J. G. Zern has commenced tcarinir
away tlio old brick house, adjoining Mrs.
Kast's, where ho intends putting up a fine
nciv otic. ,
-Dr. J. H. MacCreary and wife aro visit
ing friends irt Chester county.
What worrits the members of ono ofour
bands at present is, whether they will loose
their leader or riot? The 6aid leader having
bccil commanded by his employer, to leave
the band or loso his job.
Willianl Esrang. from l ast Weissnortji
brakemau oil tlie Lehigh Valley It. 1!., met
witii a fearful death on Monday evening
near Brooklyn Pond, N. J. His body was
cut in two and otherwise so fearfully mang
led that it could not bo recognized.
Prof. Vm. Moran has reidovcd his
family lo this place,
On Thur'dav ncxt.tboEvangMi'cal Sun
day school will go in a body, vm: the canal
to the cunip ineeting, Winch will b'e held
near Bowmatisvillo during next week.
Tho Liitllcian Sunday school held their
annual pic-nic on Saturday last, which wo
understand passed on very pleasantly.
Flunk Marsh, who hasbcen working for
the Singer Maniilaeturing Co., at Elizabeth
pott, N. J., for tlio past year; is visiting Ids
parents licic for a lew days, when ho will
lcate for Stillwater, Minnesota.
Win. Boyer, Oscar Burns; the nql'orious
Mickey Boyle tuid several boatmen were ar
rested during the past week, for breaking
into a candy peddler's wagon tit Lehigliton,
last Thursday evening.
Last week vVc teiioltcd llidl Fratllc P.
Fcnhtr wtteappoiiltc'd principal ofour pub
lic schools, which vVc have since learned was
on error; a Mr. Smith; fronl Conyngham,
Pa., having been oppoinlcd.
Aug. 8, 18T8. tJuiUTilfttRf:
I'rom Summit Hill.
The proipects for steady work are very
encouraging in the Panther Creek Valley,
durilig the present nloiitli.
At No. li they are talking;, of an aban
donment. Tho coal is giving out and unles
a new strike is soon mado thero will be
nothing ntoro to mine for market.
Fred Engel, of Lansford, well known
about the "Old Mines;" departed Thursday
morning of last week for hisnatlvo place,
Germany, declaring that this tinie he quits
tho United States forat'er.
Company "F" of Summit Hill, is a
model military organization. Always up to
tho times they aro going to give a ball in
the Town Hull after the September, pav,
Capt. Wehr having the (natter in charge. '
Business Is joggingalongcvenly through
Lansford and tho Hill just now. Seem,
Neumillcr, Edwards ntid Kline with Min
nich, Friedman, Klitae and Jones on tho
Summit, doing allthot there iscall for. Big
Simon and Jolly Casper always hold their
The last remnant of tho old plane days
is fast disappearing from sight and memory
dear. The largo brick chimney was taken
down Wednesday and Thursday, and the
walls of the engine house removed. Before
tho tunnel was cut through hundreds of full
cars of coal a day went oyer tho plane from
the Valley mines through Summit Hill to
the tide market. The Hill was then n live
ly business centre, men had work, and all
went well. Now how changed. No moro
coal passes over tho old way, Nos. 4 and 5
being on fire makes many idle hands, and,
though there is much life yet remaining
amongst tho enterprising merchants and
citizens of the old town, tho stoppage is
severely felt. Tamaqua Courier, Aug. 3.
Harden Edwards, of Ohio, late Secretary
of Legation at Brazil, says that it is related
that the Emjicror Dom Pedro reported tho
United Stales to bo sixteen to twenty years In
advance- ofKuropo in general public civilisa
tion, roads, civic improvements, Ac.
A jiassenger train on the Pittsburg, Cin
cinnati and St. Louis ltailroad was thrown
down on embankment by collision with a
freight train, near Mingo Junction, Ohio, on
Tueeday night. Two emgrant coaches, two
postal cars and a baggage car we're wrecked,
and twelve to fifteen persons killed and
about fifty injured.
lit do not hold ounclvcs rcipvMnltlefor the
opinions and tentimcnl) atjrrancd hy our cor
respondents vndcr this head.
Ed. CAitrioN Advocate : Much is said here
nnd thero iu reference to the action of the
Greenback County Convention, and as your
paper is open to communications from all
parties, permit me to say n word ill reference
to it. Tho candidates como in for their
share .of abuse. Sucl( however i the fatoof
him wlio desiro office. The thket does not
seem to b3 acceptable ryul wo admit that it
is not as eliong nor as tood as it couid luie
been, but mo scrainLlciorollico v?as so great.
Uiat.good judgment did not prevail. Dele-
f;atcs here end there wcro shouting out their
iive-rlte's na,mo nnd in order In prevent
tumble tlio .quiet parties subiniltcdjieneetho
ticket and work done. Such was tho greet!
manifested by somo of tho delegates that a
declaration of principles was deemed ofijo
consequence. One of tho delegates (and olie
of the staunclicst Greenback men in bs
County) urged tho adoption of a tct of reso
lutions scttig forth iu r. clear aljd cxpllpit
manner tho principles of tho Greenback men
of Carbon tjounty. But, no use, the Phila
delphia Platform was adopted. A platform
which no greenback man stands by, and ono
which not one-third of tho voters of lliis
county are familiarwitii. If we understand
the principles moving the new party, it is
this; The substitutionofGovcrninentmojiey
for National Bank Notes. Tho rcmonetiza
tion of silver making it equal to gold in
payment of all debts. Tho lepeal of the
Resumption act, opposed to tho contraction
policy, opposed lo tlio further issus of Bonds
of any class or rate, iu favor of electing pure
and, honest men to ollico, and in the honest
administration of the affairs in tho interest
of all rich anil poor. The attempt to laugh, to
scorn thoso who advocato such principles
will lint dishearten them. Tlio intelligent
voter of Carboii is a law abiding citizen, hd
vocates no conflict between labor and capi
tal, believes tllal both clio'iltd work together
in harmony, deprecates anythjiig likely to
antagonize their interests, hnd thero brc
thousands of good men, pur'B patriots, vho
havo stood by the good ship of Stato in fctohn
and calm who know and odvocate these
principles. Hendricks, Vooriiees, Ewing,
fhurinan, Blackburn, FoWler, Wallace.CUr
tin and hosts of others, and it is no secret
that tlio rank and file of tho Democratic
party to-day are opposed to tho present ac
cursed financial policy, and it is within tlio
power of tho leaders to-day, to lead this vast
majority of voters in tho cause of truth and
Judge Ryon of Schuylkill, candidate for
Congress, says : A greenback currency back
ed up by the wealth of tho nation. No pro
miso to pay, but an absolute money, made
equal with Gold and Silver, not a money
for the workingman, and gold at a premium
for the rich. An honest financial policy is
all that is nccessaiy to break tho present
deadlock.lo open willc tlio doors of industry,
set iu motion tho wheels of machinery, give
work to damps, bring bread to the hungry,
and peace to tlie family. Wipe out, and
forever forbid tiio issuing of any bonds of
any class or rale, by tlie uovcrnmeiit, there
by saving over ono hundred millions of dol
lars annually, which belongs, but is now
Liken away Irom industry. Anil wo believe
that tlie great mass of voters, who rallied to
tlie polls, at thojast Presidential clection,for
me purjioso ot jreeing a portion ot our lair
land, from military otiprcosion. nnd carpet
bag rule, will again, arise in their might,
aim but uod speed lo a set ol men, who will
free pi, as a people, from a financial oppres
sion, which is slowly, but surely dragging
us down to it despotism, oVct which none,
but a " inant ' could, and would rule.
Packf.ktox, Aug. 7. AxoV.
?lliIiitili(K- rwhilitiiis;.
Vho is "Jasper?" That Is the question.
Ed. K, made a trip to Monroo county
last week. Ho s'avs (no crom aro good Hi
that county ; aitd ho expects to go into tho
pouuo iraite shortly.
Our farmers have most cf their crop's
saieiy miner cover.
The fellow who occupied, tlio dark rooih
desires to interview "Jasper."
Times aro brightening through the val
ley. With plentilul crops our farmers are
A new bridge is being put ricross the
crceic ai ueiucr s -Mill, it was much need
cd. H. Miller is spuerlntending tho work.
Rumor lids it that James is going to
Summit Hill to do some mason Woik.
,- X H. N, j going into business on his
owd hook but lirst lib goes to Monroe to.,
to buy uji potatoes.
If. M. lools but, llio old geritleman has
placed a sign "JNo trespassing on these
in emises."
, tlornst'llld Sunday School is in a
nourishing conuiuon.
Hon. Hendrick 11 Wnglit, in a
siccch in Congress, February 5,1 SC2, during
the discussion of tlio bill authorizing tho
Government to issue Greenbacks, said:
This bill projioses, Sir, to throw on the
country $100,000,000 of trcitsury notes,
payablnot nntimo jiayablo no where pay
able atthe pleasure bf tho Government and
tho astounding clause is added, that theso
note? payable at no place, nt no time shall
bo lawful money and a legal tender in pay
ment of all debts, public and private, vi'itliin
tho United States. Now I subinit;as a matter
of Jaw, as a correct couclusioit froni the Con
stitution itself.thatyou cannot undcrtho Con
stitution1 of these. United States, mako any
thing but gold and silver a legal tender on
A greenback organ in Albany says that
the next Congress will order the issue of $1,
000,000,000 bf no greenbacks, and that tile
moiiey will bo expended for the followibg
purposes !
" First, ship canal from the Itudson to
Lake Chdmplaln; second, ship canal around
tho Falls of Niagara; third, ship canal from
Albany to Buffalo, tho said canal to bo used
by all the States free of toll; fourth, snip
canal from New York to theGulf of Mexico,
in order to reduce tho distance and add to
tho safety of our coastwise commerce; fifth,
tho improvement of all our gnat rivers, so
as to make their capacities equal to the com
mercial wants of tho near future."
The New York Host characterizes this as
"a niggardlv scheme," and does not believe
that the plan would give half tho tramps in
tbo country easy work and largo wages. It
advises the greenback organ todemaud$10,
000,000,000 in flat notes, and, in addition to
tho schemes mentioned, appropriations of
money to cut down tho Allegheny and
Rocky Mountains, so that coinmereo may
have free course between the East and Wot j
to drain tho great lakes, in order that the
land which they cover may be given to "the
homeless poori" to tunnel the Atlantic
Ocean, in order that tramps may bo able to
viiit Europe w ithout being forced to submit
to inconvenience a stowairay9 on ocean
steamship) nnd lo build railroads across llio
counliy frum cart to west and front north to
south, not further than una milo apart, In
order that monopolists may be pxterritinatcit.
If any of the money is left after this work is
dono it can bo distributed among the people
that they may buy excursion ticket oer
tho new Government railroad, and llius
make those lines profitable.
fiicWH ?t'tn!J
The. i'rceiptsof thcAjnoricaiiBiblo Socirlv
in July were ir-11,187; copies of Scrlptuies
issued' SC'JK'J.
A llcw court h"ue fdr ttuck cd.unly ho
just 'cen completed tit Doylcstown," at d
eosi oi uuoui?Juu,uuu.
The Petersburg, (Vn.) index cays, that the
incrcaso of insanity among tlie colored peo
ple has beeh very iiiarkcd during tho past
i'ow years'.
James Doran, who is charged with being,
ona of tho, Irwin Station Mollib Maguir'es,
nndtobosp'ecialiy guilty of cutting telegraph
wire during tlie riots last year, has been
captured at Pittsburgh.
Miss Farliiio E. Kellogg hasbcen appoint
ed postmistress at Sitka, Alcska Tenitory.
She is now employed at Sitka on a three
years' mission from the Presbytery of Orcgoil
as missionary teacher to tho resident In
dians. Thero was mailed in a small paper box at
Lcwistovn for Bethlehem, Pcfinu., a live
young rattlesnake, about ono fpot iu length;
When tho pouch reached tlio Harrisburg
offico tho box had been broken opert and
when tlie mail matter was dumped out upon
the table the snako wriggled out with it. It
was Killed and thrown uway, and tlio lact re
ported to tho department at Washihgton.
Tlio Providence Journal soys; "Tho Aug
ust lileteors must not bo forgotten among
events of celestial interest. Thoeatth plows
her way through tlio AugUEt meteor zone on
tho loth, and on Hint night and thoio before
and alar myriads br meteors will descend
through tin atmosphere iii fiery tears. Tho
ooiistf llatiqh Perseus, in the northeast is tbo
radiant point for theso mcteors.nnd this is tlio
most Javorablo pait of tho heavens for keep
ing yvalch; though tho anomalous cosmical
atoms p-ono to mark their shining way
in every quarter of the sky,"
A strange, craft arrived At ijartforl., Con
necticut, last Wednesday afternoon'. It was
a boat built of malleablo iron, was 11? feet
iu length, and constructed in two sections,
capable of being taken apail al any moment.
In tliis boat four young men from Scranlon,
Pa., had followed thoConnecticut from Wells
river down, somo 250 miles. They had full
equipments for camping out, and the light
ness of their boat, winch only weighed p5
pounds, enabled them to pass easily by all
clams they encountered. This istheir second
annual trip.
Hariusuuro. Aug. 2. Last winter an aged
couple named Kinsicr,livingin Snyder coun
ty, Pa., wcro mysteriously murdered, it was
supposed for money. Several persons wero
arrested but no direct evidence having been
secured, all wero discharged. Thocrimehas
revived by tho confession of oneSarah Hart
ley, who lived in tho family of Emanuel
Eddingcr, one of tlio accused persons. Sho
has inado a statement beforo a Justice of tho
Teaco implicatiugfour men, herself, nnd an
other woman in the double murder. Sho
says the mu rderers are Israel El b,Uria li Troy
cr, Jonathan Troycr, and wile, Emanuel
Eddingcr, and herself. According to her
statement tho original intention was to rob
tlie aged couple, but tho chloroform adminis
tered to them not having tho desired effect,
it was resolved to murder them, and then
and there secure tlie money oil the premises.
She declares that sho saw two of the men
deal the deadly blows, and that Jonathan
Troycr hesitated iocoiihect himself with tho
crime, but that his cousin, Uriah Troycr,
who had a nolo duo in bank and was in great
financial strait', persuaded hllh to join him.
Israel 1'rb and I'liah Tioyer liavo been ar
rested on tho strength of tho womati's tesi
mony; ar;d she heri-cif is in jail; to b'eused as
a witucsi against tliclil. Jonathan Troycr
and wjfe dro in Kailsas, haviilg removed to
that State since tho murder. An officer is
after them. Tho relatives bf tho alleged
murderers are endeaveiiiig lo damajjo tlio
womaii'S reputation for veracity, but her
statcmeiitsaie generally believed to bo truth
ful. Thero is strong corroborative cvideilco
of the tt-ulh of tliB woman's revelations Tlie
amount, of money believed to havo been
secured is about J2.000. Eddingcr, ono of
tho itccu-crl .jiersons: is sorting a tbrln iii tlio
pcuttbntiary for stealing)
No Han! Times Hero.
EuI-loyjikSt i-oa tiAnlr.,4 and Gentlemen
At Home.
Our attention tfas recently attracted by
an advertisement in another paper to tlio
"American Housekeepers'" Scale, and
the extremely low price induced us to send
for one to uso in our own kitelieit.
Wo find the Bcalo the viobt convenient and
valuable hoinchold 'article tee hatit It is
worth Jicc times its cost, in testirig grocers'
packages, putting up preserves, making cake,
etc. Mr. It. C. Dcano, No. 7 Murray Street,
New York, is tho manufacturer, aifi he has
tho thost complimentary. Testimonials of
tho fcnle poss'lblo to bo written. Ho has as
yet no General Agent for litis Cotlnty; and
as tho stales are sold exclusively by canvas
sers to families; we cheerfully recomend tho
article for tho benefit of our numerous lady
readers, and parties wanting honorable em
ployment. Wo would say that tho " Church Journal,"
17. Y., Christian Union," N. Y., "Frank
Leslie's . Illustated Newspaper," N. Y.,
Boston "Traveller," "Herald," and "Post,"
and hundreds of other jiapers, all speak in
the highest praise of the scale, its low price,
and cortvcnieiibe-to housekeepers.
Weighs up to 24 lbs., arid costs $1.50 pre
paid, ir about one-half that of any other
plalfotm scale iu the United States.
Where Is the mar! who wants tho exclusive
controi of oiir County, and thereby securo a
very profitable busiuess? Aug. 3 2w.
A Ucctlu toi 3Iudc!.t.
A lady on tho norlhside wishing to test
the merits of l)r. Bull's tough Syrup thought
it would never do tn ask tho druggist in tlie
name of "Bull." Why, dear me, she, could
n't say Bui! to save her lite, and called at
last on a neighbor woman for suggestions on
the matter. Dr. Cow's, Dr. Calf's, Dr. Buf
falo's aud Dr. Oxsn's Syrup were all men
tioned. The latter suited. "Yes, that will
do Dr. Oxen tho very tiling, the drug
gist will understand that." A walk of tu n
squares found lieratthecountcrofDr. II 's
store, when the following dialogue occurred:
" I wish a bottle of Dr. Oxen's Cough
" Dr. Oxen, Oxen, why, iham, I don't be
lieve I keep that. You mean Dr. Cox's
Hive Syrup, don't you ?"
' Oli, no, I mean, mean Dr. Oxen," and
then she seemed wrappeibin solcnin thought
for a moment, when a hi ight idea seemed to
beam forth. "Hasn't Dr. Oxen got a rela
tion or"
" Oh, yen, yon mesiti Dr? Bull's Cough
Syrup, yes, yes." ,Tho lady sat down a
moment and all was over. Jnhunapolis
The Coal Traded
Tlio folio tine table shoSiiieqnnriiyot coal
salpiH-d oyer the Lehigh vnl'ey Itnilroad lor the
weeR encliic Ang. so, 1878, aud fur the inarm
cuiup.-iri.-d the saniti ttuiu la-t yeur.
fusions from i Week. , Year
WyoinlHK ,l'0! 07 GsJ.TSD 00
llBietou 38,412 oi waesa 10
JJpper Lihtch . j57 OS
Ileovqr M adow 9.18114 '.85U3SC2
Matianov 14 199 C2 !48,44S 12
MaucaChunic SIS 12 i,3 tt
l'ort Dolawsre 2,194 u
. Totnl , TI.tSTia 2,1!54,(159 M
Last YejrM 2a us 19 2,721.383 10
lnciposo.,.1 42,010 1,7
Uecreasn...,, 4S9,72t 02
Closjng Prl'cbs of DeIIavks k TowxsenoJ
Stock, Government and Gold, 40 South
, Third Street; Philadelphia, Aug. 8, 1878!
IT. S.'s.fBSl 107H Old 107i ASked
U. S. B-SOV), 1165 J . J 0SH bid 102(4 askcil
I. 0.5-20a. 18117 1U4H bid I04i asked
i'-iJ-Mftteii 08 bid loss askm
It. H. ICM'j'n ,..U9 bin IX9S asked
It. H. I'urrency, 6's 12iH but 121 tsked
V. H. 5i issi, new.,., IOC!) bid loi, anted
U. H. 44's, now ...IHS bid 104ft asked
D.S 4'anow ..loos bid KO'i asked
Pennsylvania It. R 32t bid 11 suited
l'hlla. A lloadliiR j y J7, UM jm a8knl
Lehigh Wiley 11. K. 39i bid 39); asked
I chlKh t'oal A nv.Go,.i, 18' bid if, sated
United Companion ot t. J,I20 bid 127 asked
l,ltts.,Htuiv..AlluIT. 3'4 bta 4 asked
l'hlla. i t hrlo It. U TJd bid 8ti asied
nmthern central li, it.... 14 . hid is aaned
JIotonvlle l-ass, It.ll. Co 8"j bid 8H aam-d
Uolil nek hid look. asked
BKiarn H.tVs. On July 7th, by Rev. A.
Bartholomew, Mr., Jcremia,h Bolder, of
East Brunswick, and Miss Amandq J.ano
Haas, of West Pcnn, Sclttillf ill county.
BciiA.hrKER GoiiscniLt;. dn July 20th, by
llic.satic, Mr. A. II. S'chacfl'er, of Walker
lowiislnn.hhii Miss Lilly Louisa Godshall)
of Fast l!ntt)sltirk, Schuylkill county.
" WKP' ,,,
Gombert. j In Mahoning', bnJuly 12, Sa
lome, wife of John Philip Gombert, aged
83 years, 9 mouths and 1 day.
Sciiei.liiammer. In Westrciin, on July 25,
Jacob Sclicllhammcr, aged 72 yeais, -i
months and 12 days.
Wiinit. In East Pcnn, on July 31st, Win.
H. son ot David and Caroline Whcr, aged
0 months ahd 13 days.
SpecM Notices.
"l2. t. ktiitkcl's lliiicr Wlno oriro'n,
CHves tone to the stomach, Improves the nppo.
tlloimil assists ciecstinn excuea the b'lwcls to
hcoltby action, eipelllnir nil the loul humors
that contanunato the b ooil, corrupt the secre
tion and iiti-eil tlio breath. It excites the lif
er to a lietilthy action and strengthens the
nerves, imparting that slow. to lite lhat pro
ceeds alone (mm perfect tioulth. Thousands In
all walks of hfo testily to the virtues ol this ex
colleut mcillciho In coircctlnir ihederanRcmom
ot tho digestive oriraus. Uetihogcuulne. old
only In one dollar bottles. Ask lur . F. Kun
kel't llitttr H'in ot Iron, and tnko no other.
Dyspepsia. Dyspepsia Dyspepsia.
II. f. K'inkel's Hitter Wmo at Iron, a
sure euro for this disease. It has bceo.prer
scribed dully for many years lu the practice of
eminent physicians lth unparafu-led ,suc
cess, tirniptmns are loss ot appetite, wind
nnd, ilsl-ic ot food, dryness In mouth, headache,
dizziness, sleeplessness, and, low eplnts. Uet
the cenuluc. Mot sola lu bulk, only one dollar
bottles. , .
Do yon want somethinir. to strcQcthen yout
Do you want a good appetitst Do you waSt to
netnd of nervousness 1 Do you want energy,
sleep welt or bo cured ot dyspepsia, kidney or
liver diseaso I Tiy U F.KunkeVt BMirWxnt
ot Iron, J-lveiy buttle tfunriinteod to do as rec
ommended. Depot aud ofllce, 259 f-'urth Ninth
street. Philadelphia, I'a. Get the Pennine.
Sold bv oil druirinsts. Ak for E. V. Kunkol'a
and take no other, All I oaf Is a trial ot Mils
valuable medicine. One bottlo will convince
you. Get six bottles for tlvo dollars, one dollar
for one. ,, ,
Tnpo Worm Itcmovcu Alive. r
Tare Worm, Pin, Seat and, Stomach Worms,
removed alive In from two to four hour. No
fee until head of Tape Worm passes nllvo and
In one. As your druggist for Knn kel'a Worm
syrup. Hold only in one dollar .bottles. Used
lurchlldien or grown porsous. It-never falli.
Orsend for circular to Dr. Knntel.259 iNorth
Ninth street, Philadelphia. I'a. Advloo by
mail ftee. ticud three-tout stamp for return ol
letter. July 201m
Health .anil Happiness.
rtealtn and jlopplncss, are prlceleaa Wealth i'o
their poaso'Sors, ami, y el they are within the
reach of every one who wilt uso
Wright's Livdf, Pills,
Tho only sure CU lt! for Torpid .river. Dyapeb.
sla, Headache. Hour stomach. Constipation. De.
blllty, Nuusea, aoaallilillious complalnta aad
lijood dtaordei-a. None genuine unleaa elgni-d
"ynixWrKht I'hha." .1 1 your DruegHt will not
supply send 55 cents for one box to Harriet
llollor A Co , 70 N. 4ih St.. Phlla. Dec. 2 jl
ined for Inventors in the Uniled Bfaki;
ada and Eurone. at reduced ratei.""1frltli
our iriueipal ofliee located .ih WaehingtoLT'
directly opposite the United States Patent
Ofllce, wo aro able to attend to. U .patepl
business witii greater promptness one des
patch and atless costtjian other patent 'at
torneys who nro at ,a distance from Wash
ington, and who have, therefore, to employ
" associate attoriieys." Wo mako pieliminory
cxaiiiinatiom and furnish opinions as tp
iatenlabllty, frco of charge, and all who aro
interested in new inventions and patents oris
invited to send for a.copy of our "Guide for
obtaining Patents," which is sent free to any
address, and contains complete instructions
how to obtain patents and other valuable
matter. Wo refer to the German-American
National Bank, Washington, D.C.; tlio Itoval
Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Legations,
at Washington; Hon. Jos, Casey, late Chief
JiiEtico V. S. Com t of Claims; to the OOiciuls
of tho U. 8. Tatcnt Oillce, and to Senators
and Members of Congress from every State.
Address: LOUIS BAGGER i- CO., Solici
tors of Patents and Attorneys at Law, LePrnit
Building, Wasiuxqto.v, D.C. dec22
Cheap for Cash I
The nndcralencd respectfully Invites the at
tention ot his friends and tho publlo to the
Largo ililil Select Stock of
Groceries Provisions
bua.uts. itoLAsslis;
Fresh Peanuts, Watermelons;
Apples; Peaches,
Ac., which. ho is eelJnB VEItY LOW FOli
OAMl. Give bun a call before you buy elte
wheio. Frank Liehenguth,
May 18-nlJ
Two Doors Bilow the ' Broadway Ilonse
Doalerinall ratternaot Plain aid rancy
Window Shades,
Paints & Painters' Supplies,
towLsr cash tkicku.