$1w (Envlum SUUwnto. II. V. MOIlTHIMUIt, HllTOH Li:mniiT0N. im.i SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1S78. A meeting of the llepuMicmi County OvMiimittco is called for August 2lltli, and n full ntlcmlaiioo requested. Tlio Incetin? will bo held in llio Gazette cilice, Mauch Chunk, at 2 o'clock ji. In. It is positively asserted by those who profess to know, that tho Grcenbackers of Carbon county intends to diet themselves on onions from now until election in order to make n good show of strength in tho contest for official pap I Pension Agents have received orders from Washington requiring nil widows drawing personal pensions to be accommpa nicd by two witnesses ablo to prove that the widow has not been married sinco thopie vious payment. There, ai o 2500 of theso claims on the list, requiring tho personal at tendant of 7500 persons. Tho Democratic Convention, of Schuyl kill county, met Monday in l'otlsvllle, and nominated tho following ticket: Congress John W. Ityon. Treasurer Louis Stoll'regan. l'rothonotary Thos. F. Kerus. Recorder John A. Itcilly. llegister liichard Itahn. Clerk of Couit 0. J. Aregood. A Washington correspondent pays tho United States Treasurer is daily in receipt of letters from bankers in all patls of tho country, tho tenor of which is generally ex pressed in tho following, received on Satur day from an Eastern bank i " Is there any way of using our surplus (liver with tho Depattment? Wo are mak ing strenuous eil'orts to float it) but find it a great undertaking. Tho discountnud freight is too heavy too pass it over to tho brokers." Tho Treasurer is obliged to aii6Ver that ho has no use for it, and cannot drain the glutted market in tho Western States, and particularly in Kansas, IoWa and Missouri. Thero is wailing over tho amount of trade dollars and Mexican dollars which have ac cumulated in these parts, and which can no longer be circulated except at their value in bullion. A special from Washington to the New York Times says tho Pacific Railroad Com- panics affected by tho recent land decision of Secretary Schurz have formed a combi nation, and propose an active resistance, They havo issued a circular informing all parties that any attempt to pre-empt their lands under tho decision of tho Interior Lie partmcnt will bo icsisted and tho parties ejected. They also give notice of their pur pose to iguoro what they term "tho so-calb cd decision of tho Secretary of tho Interior,' and that they will continue the salo of lands as heretofore, at prices fixed by the respec tive companies. It is probable a test case willbomado shortly in order to havo tho question at issue adjudicated by tho courts, Numerous applicants are being received at tho Interior Department from persons de siring to pre-empt under Secretary Schurz's decision, asking for information as to tho character and location of tho unsold lands, No steps havo as yet been taken to furnish the information asked, and applicants arc Bimply supplied with printed copies of tho bccreiarys Decision. Comparison of tho "condition of tho U S. Treasury August 1, 1878, and August 1 1878 i Tho remedies thus far suggested to Mr. llcttitt's committee on the stagnation of business and Industry ore tho following: Abolish capitalist! Abolish interest. Abolish private ownership' of laud. Alxilili jjiivule proivityi Abolish the patent laws. Abolish the customs dutiefi Aboli'.li all lava for the collection of bills of credit. Abolish private ownership of machinery. Abolish the practice orcirlngUovcrumcut and to railroads. 1'ivli ibi t em iloy uicnt of children under 1 4. Prohibit tho einplovment of anybody but citizens oil public Voik. I'lOliiUit trio doing oi puuno wont oy con- rai't. Prohibit Clllneso immigration. I.av tt Kfadmited lax on incomes to prevent areo aciimulatious of pioperty. 1-uiliHli uovcrnineiit woric ir uncin- ioyed. Open industrial rchouls at tno expenso oi 10 Government. ItalSo tho iilcomo of tho Government by reet taxation. lluild 208 war vessels. Put the soldiers at work on the prairies. Enact a universal eight hour law. Crealo a Bureau of Labor Statistics. Create a Department of Industry. Mako it Illegal for women to work long hours. Have all the machinery bo run on eooiier- ive principles for the benefit of tho people. Amend tno constitution lor ine ueucutoi 10 laboring men. Establish Government cooperative socio- es. Make the administrations of justice gratui tous. Give everybody tho right to vote women hcluded. Establish minority roprscntatiotl. Let tlio Government issue unlimited green backs. Call in allGovcrilmentbonds and national bank notes. Let tho Government own and run all rail1 oadsand telegraph linesi lieep politicians out oi oince. Submi t all laws to tho people for approval or condemnation. Abolish tho United States Senate. Abolish tho practice of licensing tenement cigar factories Aoonsii tno wages system. Restrict the powers of tho President and House of Representatives. Compel persons to spend their money as soon as possible after they get it. Abolisli tno larui. Coionizo tho unemployed on tho prairies. Fix tho rate of watres bv law. Let Congress pass a prohibitory Jiqubr law. Lend $1,000,000,000 to tliopcoplo without interest. Legislate so that tho people may havo two halt holidays every wecK. l'ass o general apprentice jaw. Issue United States bonds in lower deno minations than $00. Resume specie payments immediately. Rcdtico the taxes. Imuose a tax on steamships to give sailing vessels a ui Iter chance. Pass a ceneral lien laf Rent all landed propoity to whoever will pav tho highest taxes to tho Government. Prevctit'tho locking up of trust funds by assignees. Provide frco travel on railroads itt tho ex peuse of tho Government. BALANCES. Currency 9 Hurclal mud or reclemiitlou ot irno cor'ev.... bneclul deposits Legal Tcnitcii lor reileinut. of Cert, oi Deo'tit Coin ir.... Coin Cert. Com, less Com aurtKIIV Coit. Oatstaml'irciitl ea Bonds OtlicrUaiKtnua mix co.n Llab's uuuianuuur le pal 'I cutlers. . . Outstanding Pi actional cur. reucy Outstaucl'g till- vtr coin Total Dobt, les Cash in Trees, lll-ouc. oi Debt lor July llriliic. i t Deut wnco July I... Market Yaluoot Unlit liDpoit".(i2mo. cnd'cJuiicS'J). ExporlMl- mo. tuil'ft Junesui. 1S77. D.S11,IU4 31 1678. 1,105,317 63 8,160,803 00 10,010,000 CO 63 405,000 0.1 !)7,MJ3.'J93 K) i7 8 7,500 IX) 03,993,(93 29 11,153,000 00 12.7N.009 K S59,oo-V"0 w 19,784.30 89 3l,Si.:C0 13 2,Q69,339.:.B 42 818,'JOl 81 813,901 84 105 37 431,3:3 1:0 CO C9:,473.:0 00 51.:0n.nc0 00 07.1 07.S02 41 45,03 1, U0 03 101,370,6:2 49 8.163,650 00 0.994,7a3 t: 10,031,00 09 16,433 393 17 30,101,(31 03 !,C33,53'j,5:i 83 :CO,300 1103,300 1C0 497,051,533 ODI,8S4,:00 tho lal'o Edmund Jennings Lee, and grand son of Richard Henry Lee) of Revolutionary fame. He is a cousin of General Leo, and tho same gentleman who read tho Declara tion of Indcticndence at the opening of tho Ceutctinlo.1 Exhibition at Philadelphia, Pa.' fit. Louis Globe-Democrat: "Mr. Hayes would be astonished to kliow the amount of enthusiasm which the omission of his name creates in a republican convention in these parts." Boston Traveller-. "Thero never was a period when demagogues did not tell tho pcoplothey Were sulTering from "hard times)' and when they did not promiso a mlllcn niilln if put into tho ofiico they sought." Jefferson Davis, so it is stated in tho Mississippi journals, has an idea of running for United fckales Senator in place of Senator Bruce. His friends are urging him to stand his chances before tho Senate for tho remov al of his political disabilities. Vitier under tills head will bo inserted lintil tlnS meeting of tho County Convention for $3.00 tach, cash in advance. Foi Register and Recorder, SAM'L It. GILliAM, Of Franklin, Subject to Republican rules. For County Treasurer, Rev. C. G. EICIIENBERG, OfFrankiin. Subject to Democratic rules. Kearney ns a " Classic Thief." Tho admirers of tho " man eloquent," Den nis Kearney, will no doubt bo struck, upon comjiaring tho following extracts, witli tho close similarity of the utterances of Tom Fitch,the " silver tongucd" orator,of Nevada, nnd eloquent (?) Dennis in I'enucil Hall, lloston, on Monday evening last. Look ox TiusJ Thex ox Tins I From Speech 0 Den- From Speech of Tom mi Kcarney,in Has- 1'itch, of Nevada. ton, August 5,1878. June 21, 1870. In order to beat re- Let me give brief tnoiisivo to tho ikiu- utterance to tho feel- lar win and cxpics- nig 01 tne Hearts 01 Kionthatwentupl'rom many thousand earu tlns meeting to-night, est Republicans, etc., when a certain man's etc., " and send ines namo was mentioneil, wee of lovo and grcet- I feel liko biiugiii" a ing to him who is message of cieotTug ' lesser than Macbeth, and loyo to the man yet greater." Fiery, who is leaser than yet unconquerable' j Macbeth, yet greater; the Rupert of debate, to that fiery and in- chivalrous, whitc c imparublo Rujiert of plumed Navarro of debate Voice, "Good tho platform; baga lxiyt") -tothatchival- cious statcnian, great rous and white-lum- hearted leader ;giited. cd Navarrooftlierust-gallant, glorious ruin gallant, gifted, lllainc. glorious Butler. (Great applause and cries, " Say it again I") A good tiling will boar repeating, perhaps, and Dennis may bo iunooent of pilfering tho tpcooh of Fitch, in order to savo $2.50, the iiguro at which ho claims, iu his Massaohu s itte speech, to le ablo to get all the eloquence bo netds. Points in 1'olltics. A native Ame'iean convention has been called in Vermont. Tho republican canvassin Pennsylvania promises to bo quite lively next month. Schuyler Colfax, grccnbackcr and re publican, docs not caro for otfico any more He likes tho honors but not tho abuse. Senator Beck, of Kentucky, regards tho labors of the Potter committee "as a scheme to make a maityr of Sam Tilden." Some 0110 in Massachusetts is disposed to bet that General Butler will bo a delegate to the Deinocritic Stale Convention this fall. Limo Springs (Iowa) JViSune: "Conk ling and Washburno is tho ticket that will sweep the country in 1880. Hurrah for Conkling and Washburnc." Cincinnati Gazette: "Tho clerks iu Postmaster General Key's department aro said to havo contributed more money to the republican campaign fund than tho clerks of any other depattment." Hero is tho platform upon which stands tho Vicksburg JTcrald:"'c aro against secession, for the old Hag and an appropria tion, and extremely anxious to know who will bo the Doorkeeper of tho next House of Representatives." Cincinnati Gazette: "Beverly Douglas the Virginia Congressman, explains to his constituents that the reason ho drank so jnuch- during tho session of Congress was thai ho was trying to drown tho memory of tho fact that ho voted for tho Electoral Com mission bill. Until ho cast that vote against hisbest iudKincntho was a sobcrman. It is said that this defence is making him stout again in his district." Utica republican: "Government must do directly for tho people everything of a general or publie"'naturo whffch It has dele gated to tho monopolists. Whatever sur plus labor thero may bo over and above sup plying current wants and needs must bo em ployed in carrying out a well considered system of public works on our highways and channels of transportation anil on all other necdod public works until we have magnificent highways, through irrigation and many other things, until tho surface of our country is transformed into a veritable Garden of Eden." Philadelphia 1'rcss: "Georgo C. Gor- ham, Secrotary of tho Republican Congress ional Committee, has been through tho Slate, and thus sums up tho situation as he found it: "It is confidently predicted by tho best lepublicans in tho State that the parly can carry two districts now represent ed by democrats, and, wbilo the State ticket is steadily gaining iu strength, there seems la bo absolutely no factional spiiit within tho partv. Tho Legislature will undoubted ly be republican by a good working majority. It is not probablo that any republican name will be presented in opposition to Senator -Don Cameron." Mobile ItegUter: "Tho Colonel R. H, Lee, who wonts to go to Congrew fiom Iho Eighth district of Virginia, now represeuUd by Eppa Hunton, is not a son of the late General Robert E. Lee. He is the sou of Our l'aris Latter. Froeidcro FataccFr'im the Time of Adaln to FdisoiiHclics and Carionitien of all Ages and from all Countries Americans Abroad. Paris, July 20j 1878. Tho right wing of tho Frocaderd palace, tho aiiilcx to the Main building, is devoted to antiquities, which have been so arranged as to givo a corinccted view of tho pibgrcs sivo development of tho arts, and form a fittingintroductibh to their present ndvaiiccd conditiou. Even tho pre-historic relics of the human racoaro displayed thero to com plete tlio Eerics. Tho Exposition is thus not only of the present, but of tho past. It gives tho history of human labor in various coun tries from tho earliest periods, and becomes to a great degrco an exposition of mental de velopment of tho human race. It is im possible to pass successively from the in spection of tlio Implement of stone, bronze, iron and finally of steel, without recognizing progressive development of humanity. Tho galleries of tho antiquities makes tlio Exhibition an unwritten history of civiliza tion which every one can read, of whatever nation or languagei It attracts tho peasant and tho scholar, and teaches history and philosophy by tho coulrastof tlieproductions of human labor of all periods and countries. The trench exhibit is tno most complete as a whole, and is divided by paititions into a series of halls or apartments, so as to more distinctly mark tho dlllerent periods. The pre-historic period is urougni uoiiuy forwaul bv tho exteinivo collections which havo been made in various parts of Europo during the past ten years sued ris implements of stone from tho done caverns, peat bogs, and from the lakodwollings, ofSwitzerland. The cacs aro tilled with enormous tpcar heads of Hints, hatchets and other rudely made implements formed by chipping ami without polish. These occur in association with tlio bones and teeth of the extinct cavo bear, tho elephant, and tho mastadon, and specimens of tlicso aro displayed in tho same! cases. Theso rudely-mailo implements arc supposed to belong "to tho first or earliest siono peiiod. A second or later period of tbo stone age is indicated by implements of a superior finish ; such ns were ground donn CANDIDATES. For County Treasurer, JOHN CONWAY, Of Mauch Chunk. Subject to Democratic rules. For County Treasurer, MAX. SCinVEIBINZ, Of East Mauch Chunk. An old live -worker in thd par tv. Subject to Democratic rules. New Advertisements! H. A. PETER, of THE Central Drug SiorC, LEUCKEU-S BLOCK, LEIIIGHTON, PA,; Offers to tho public a full line ot PURE DEUGS and CHEMICxLS: A.TENT MEDIoiNKS. lIOttSE (mil fT- IT, I', l'OWBEUS. TOILET AUTICLES, M'ONOLS. CI1A5IOIS HKIiv'1, 1'lAIN anrt FANCY STATTONEUV, latest styles ot PLAIN and l'ANOY WALL l'AI'J-.hH. Ot i) lon to n.nt the limes, 1'UltR WINES and LIQUOIIH for lufiilclii.U use, Ac. Physician's )l-ehCripiloli8 cotnpoumicu oy mism. ni an mum of the (lav and iilclit. Mimlnv included. Ah rffrreil nt vv rrasonulllo nrlces 'Ihnnk- hifriho teople for lliulr vast favors, I so, hit a coiitmtianeo m ine luinre. xi, a, 1-uiL.1t. MmeHUJ;'7t-JT CENTRAL CARRIAGE I SLEIGH WORKS, to tiro smooth surfaces nnd iu come instances polished. The next hall contains instru ments of the bronze pei iod, extending to tho tiall'i-Itoinan. The objects consist cliiclly of cutting instruments, agricultural imple ments, lamps, and objects of ornament, such as bracelets of bronze and of Kold, rincs, and pins. Cf tlio latter a large collection contains pins with n shield for tbo points, and a sniral snrintr at tlio back almost identical in form with some of tho patent pins of tho present day. Tlio next hall is devoted to tlio Celtic and Gallic relics, and contains tho remarkable irolden necklaces troni tho museum ot ton louse. The represeutation of tlio work of tho middle ages is characterized by a variety of church ornaments aim reucs, sucn as oan elicits, seals, caskets, crozicrs, bronzes set with masses ot roclc-crystai, uuo moso oi China nnd Japan: ivory carving, illumi nated missals ot vellum swords and chain armor. The fifth hall contains oluects ot the six teenth centurv. or tlio Itenaissanco period Hero aro found curiously fashioned iron locks and keys, cutting instruments, jewels and a few nearly siierical wutchos. Tho enamels of Lunoges occupies a largo space. and come in great part from tho collection ot Jlaron liothschim. At the entranco of tlio sixth hall, repre senting the aits of tlio seventeenth and eigh teenth centuricsji curious collection of high heeled boots anil shoes attract considerable attention. Here also aro seen tho faiences of Itouen, and tlio production of the renowned, 1'allissay, old furniture, inirrois.inlaid cabi nets, black letter books, and exvimcns of book-binding. Tho collections of this period aro continued in the halls beyond, and con tains tlio porcelainsofSevrcs.riclily wrought table services ofsilvcr,tapestries,miniatures, snuU' boxes, thread-laco and elaborately decorated funs. Although the collection of antiquities as a whole is very largo ami in teresting it can not bo regarded as a com plete exhibit of the progress of human labor un to tlio present time. The wonderful od- lvances mado in tho mechanical arts of the in KVlOUCO O' III" Wits, uiu mi, justui.vut.j shown. Tho collection is also deficient ill representations of tho ancicut arts, and civi lization of China, Japan, of Egypt, Mexico, Central America, and l'cru. Somebody lias said, that Americans make tho best Frenchmen of all tho foreigners who ilock hero from all parts of the globes and what 1 havo secnoi our ueioveu countrymen abroad. I am inclined to believe that such is really tho fact. Tho English aro always liuglisli, ami promenauoiu .London siyieson the lieu de lUvolt. alfcct nothing but doc- carts and drags on the lioulvards and in tho Hois tlo lloulogne, aim, wnen incy conde scend to learn French, never spake it with out Iho icculiar nasal cockney twang of i'lcauiny. mo r.ussiaus. oi wnoui mere are always a largo colony here, are intensily Jtusbe in everything, unuspoiiti more money nn ili.imnnds. chamtuerne. and Questionable women, than all the other foreigners put together. Tlio Hermans, ot whom we navo also a great mauv here. are. as a rule, of an economical turn of miudj patronizo cheap restaurants ana iniru-ciass noieis, ami as similate witli nothing as readily as beer. They are tho least iiopular of all tho foreign ers here, for Paris has not vet forgotten 1871 Hut an American lias not been a week in Fari3 bctore ho waxes his moustache, buys a plug hat of tho latest Farisan stylo at lian tilt, sports lavender kids and a wholo bone cane witli an ivory leg for a handle, wears narrow trowsers, and tightly-fitting cheviot sacl-ooat ana paieut leauicr uoou, onu say "an plaisirJ" aud "pardon moimeu," every five minutes. alpha Opposltn T. 1). Claiisa'; Bank St., LeliigHtoii, Pa.. ispTcrafed to nrnnufaeiurb ant flescrlp. turn cf Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagons, &c. Repairing Promptly Attended, to. nTAtl wort done at this establishment is guaranteed to be of the very best material and workmanship, cud the price fully as low as tho samo ai deles can bo purchased lsowhcre. Special Inducements offered to strictly cash Jnly5l,1677. 31. C. TIIKXLEH & CO. Thero will be a partial eclipse of tho moon on Monday next, Aug. 12tti, in the ctcutng. iMio undersigned lynnourices to tlio ladies of Lelngliton rand vicinity ttmt lie is now receiving and opening a large" ussortment of SPIttftG GOODS, comprising such asMatalasses. Delaines, CotmrgSj Alpacas, &c. Alsoj a largo stbek of PRINTS and GENERAL DRY GOODS, which ho is offering AT EXTRAORDINARY LOV PRICES FOR CASH; Groceries and Provisions a Specialty at prices to suit tho times. Olovei'j Timothv, Hungarian, and all kinds bf Field and Garden Seeds, VERY CHEAP. Opposite the L May 0, 1870-yl & S. Depot, BANK Street, tEniGIITON, I'ENN'Ai Dress Suits A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP CAUSES'" Ready-made Linen Suits AT POPULAR PRICES. QAltliON ADVOCATE JOK PltlXTliVG OFFICE, LEUIQHTON, l'A. Every description ot rnntluir, from a Visiting Card to a Poster, OAltDS, DILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS, l-UOUHAMMES posters, HAND DILLS. DODQEUS, UinCULAftS, SUIIT1NO TAOS, ENVELOPES, TAMfULETS, JIY.LAWS, AC, AO., Done In the beat manner, at very Lowest Trices. Wc aro nreparod to do work at as cheap rates osuuv omoo ralho htate that deals houttllj with Us customers. oun MOTTO IS Cheap, Prompt & Reliable, 35 4 J$J B f3iisines Suits Boys' SuitSi tlih Latest Styles, and rtrfect Fits Gua'fi 1 l'UICES FOIl CASH YnntlW finite Mntle up froin the Best Material, In itnteeil, nt LOWEST ALSO, TREMENDOUS SLAUGHTER IN THE ITIICES OP Jjoots, Shoes, GailerSj Hatsj Cap'g, and Gonts' Furnishing Goods. recall anil examine Goods and Prices beforo maklne roar purchases elsewhere. T. D. CLAUSS, Merchant Tailor, 2nd door nbovo tho Tubllo Square, BANK STREET, Lehl.uliton lino of Also,- a, splendid StllTINGS, LINENS, GRENADINES, aud 1YHITE GOODS at Loir Prices.- IiMgd Stock PARASOL AND SUN UMBRELLAS AT VEItV Gueatly Reduced Prices. IN Men's Small Wear. Gent's 4-ply linen collars, 1.00 per uoz. of loc. each Gent's 4-ply linon cuffs, 3.2o per uoz. or 60c. per pair. Gout's Magnum Bonum dress shirts, the best in tho world at SI. 00. T3ieWriti! -!S THE EASIEST SELLING, , . THE BEST SATI.SFYINur 1 10B116 Its Introduction and VVorld-renownetf reputation was tho death-blow to high priced machines. ... . THERE ARE NO SECOND-HAND' WHITE MACHINES' IN THE MARKET. ,. tLi. I. - .,.. I. nl" mnlter. at IT It (Wtll- knovra aad unolsputea lact taat many '; called nrsi-ciass maQn;n5 cheau nowa-days are those that hae, been re Jossessed (that Is. taken back Iron, customers alter ue) and rebuilt and put upon tho market "ticwhite IS TIIEt PEER OF ANY SEWINtf MACHINE NOW UPON THE MARKET. IT IS MUCH LARGER THAN T E FAMILY MA CHINES OF THE SINGER, HOWE AND WEEO MTKC0STS MODE TO MANUFACTURE THAN EITHER OF THE AFORESAID MACHINES ITS CONSTRUCTION IS SIMPLE, POSITIVE AND DlTS WORKMANSHIP IS UNSURPASSED. Do not Buy any other before try ing tho WHITE. Prices ana Terms Mafle Satisfactory. AGENTS WANTED I White Sewing Machine Co., CLEVELAND, 0. JOHN H. FAGA, AGENT FOIl OAltnON COONTV. May 4. '78-6M MAUCH CHUNK. TA. LARGE STOCK FINE DRESS SHIRTS AT A GREAT REDUCTION. PERFECT FIT GUARAN TEED. CALL AND EXAMINE. Respectfully, J. T. Nusbauji & Son. April 0, 1i I1UBINF.SS MEN AND OTITKTtS IN WANT OF JOB P1UNTINO OF ANY DEKCHIl'TION. WILI UNDTUKOAHBON AI1VOCAT. OFFIOK T1IK IlbRT nnil OIIUA1. KKT l'I.AC'13 IN THIS COUN1V. UIVE 08 A TIUAI, AISU UK I'ONVINOKD. . FOIl EOU PltODUOTlON AND no fowls can equal tsrorderi bjmall receive prompt attention. TUB &lkftk1FZ' S3 nuweat and moit popular JI WlyJl. tcngt, ?llli wr.tmg ot id ktinctlon and amusemestt alao, a lltt ot sll tho battles, wlieo oud wtiere fought, cluiintr the war, lor 3 cent stamp. Addieu, DKBilOND CO., 615 Ilaoe at., 1'tilUidelpliia, el a ly Tirt("C! F0R Ea XjUUiJ phofit WHITB or BItOWN LEdllOnNB. 1 UK JZfzgH (rom abore-uamed "tboroogh. HATCHING cv wwtk for rntoE list, js A. B. MILLER, mat SO-iTa rattenburg, N. J , -J" UUIIiSl.W & CO., BANK STREET.'Iehighton, Pa., MILLERS and Scalers In All Kinds ot GRAIN BOUOTIT and SOLD al REGULAR MARKET RATES. We would, also, lespecttnllr inform onrclti tens mat wo are sow full; prepared to BUI I'LY tucm with From any Mlno desired at VERY LOWEST PIIIGCS. if. HEILMAK & CO. Jul J 55.