The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 20, 1878, Image 3

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    Society meetings
2nd and 4tu Monday ot each month, In ite
toer'e Hall, toblghten. at 7:J0 o'clock V. M
Uy, Koatenbader, B. K. C. a. R. OUliam.
U.K. R. It.
ohadss huttes 1.060s, jito.mii, 1, o. o.p..
meets everr Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock,
In iteber's llall. II. Koitencsder, ei.o.t H.
a. Ileber, Beoretary.
iLBtucHES Tarsi. No. 2J2. Imp. O. of Ik M
meets In lleoer'a nll every patardav. W.
I, raten, Sachem 1 A'.W, tacbos, C. ct It.
5POHO rooa TMBI, K6. If . Itn p. O. It. M., meet
oa Wednesday evening ot each week, ut 7:30
o'oiock, in l'abiio bcuooi jisi., veisa.Hu
Fa. C. w. aohwat), H.i Jac. nrong, c. 01
i.U10BTOK LODOe, No. til. K. 0 P.. meets
on Friday eyenlora. In lleber'e Sail, at 7:30
o'clock, w. ir. BacSnaao, 0.0 1 L. A. miller,
K. ot B. and B.
It. SlKWltHS,
at Law.
Office, Sloths Doilalng Brodaway,
Settling- Sautes. Filing Accounts and Orphans
Conrt Frnonoe a specialty.
Trial ot causes carornllv attended to. Lena
tansactlons In English and Qerman. Jau 9.
8ATHRDAY, JULY 20, 1878.
Local and Personal.
Subscribers to thispaper knowing them
selves to be Indebted for subscription, will
please remit, or the paper will bo discon
tinued and tho bills placed in tho hands of
Justice of the Peace-tor collection, we
need tha money And nlust hive it. Look at
the label on ydur paper and you will see if
this notice fits your case-.
'West's liver pills fcuro sick headache.
The "dog days" corhmence on July 24.
Now "Uy in your coil for next winter.'1
The potato bugs did but little damage
this year.
Lager beer is selling At three cents a
glass In Reading.
New potatoes AM fcelllhg oil our streets
tot CO cents per busnel.
Head Tilghhl&u Aniens now ttdveilllro
knent in another column.
Tom Cdlliils Was arrested al lfcailcm
last Saturday night. Now quit I
Tho Diamond (Jcttl Company announce:
to dividend of tbrcd per cent.
The next holiday vf ill bo Thanksgiving
vhlch is nearly Ave months hence.
Dr. W. V. iteber Went to Reading
Thursday on A visit among his relatives.
SDrine and slimmer styJeJ bf cents and
youth's hats, 41 f. D. Clauss' At low prices.
Rhnrt aermdrls 111 warm Weatllcr at
popular with Itlariy of the church-going
.There Are at present eighty-two prison
tors confined ill tho Northampton county
A fdll line of boots and shoes) gents
furnishing goods xc, at t. v. uiauss very
The Modttt Carbori and Port Carbon
lUttrOdd Cdiripauy announces a dividend of
n!r hor cent.
Paris Oreen Ahd Land Plaster, for salt)
cheap for cash, at J. L. Gabcl's hardware
i The First National Bank of Mauch
Chunk has declared a semi-annual dividend
cf three per cent
L UHH, Vila, tiuu iit,at,u "" -
Luckenback's,Mauch,Chuuk. Mixed paint
nil shades, to order.
Tho Mill Creek and Minehill Naviga
tion and Railroad Company announces
dividend of five per cent.
The Schuvlkill Valley Navieation and
Railroad Company announces a dividend of
two and one-nan per cent.
Pure drugs, chemicals, liquors, wall
paper, Ac, sold clicap lor casn at 11. A,
Peter's Central Drug Store.
Persons desirine pasture for cows, can
be accommodated by B. J. Kuntz, at tho
Unaden llullen tannery.
The excursion from Mauch Chunk to
Ocean Groves Thursday, for the benefit of
the M. K. church, consisted of nine cars,
Wo have just recei veil another lot of new
and handsome job typo. Send in your
orders if yoa want the teat work for the least
The Kevstono Cornet Band, of Weiss.
KrL contemplate holding another pic nic
sometime between tho 10th and 15th of
August next.
Frank Raber left Monday nieht for Oil
City, and if he Is unsuccessful in finding
business to suit him, he will proceed from
mere to .novaaa.
Clocks and Watches carefully repaired.
end work warranted, at lowest cash rates, at
liegeman's cheap cash store, opposite public
quare, WcissporU 30-13.
For pure drugs, medicines, fancy and
toilette articles, Ac, go to Lentz's drug store.
nexttotbo Fort Allen Jlouse, Wcissport,
rrices very low lor casn.
F. B. Dewecs, chairman of tho Nation'
al Greenback Labor Tarty of Pennsylvania
has called a meetinsr of the State Kxecutive
Committee to bo held at Crcsson on tho 23d
J. K. Rickert has still a few of those el
rible lots in Rickcrtstown to dispose of. If
you foci like securing a good homo call and
Eee mm. tie is also supplying Hour, lecu
lumber ana coal at tue lowest rates.
Mr. Henry Arncr, of Mahoning Valley.
8! years of age, has been blind for upwards
of two years, is said to be gradually failing
in health, which no doubt his many friends
in the county will be pained to learn.
See cherubims in another column hold
ing a bunch of grapes from which Specr's Port
Graje Wine is made, that is 60 highly es
teemed by the medical profession for the use
of invalids, weakly persons, and tho aged.
Go to A. J. Durling's popular drug store,
for the celebrated insect powder sure death
to worms infecting currant, gosseberry and
all other bushes. Paris Green, u fresh stock
just received, for the destruction of tho pota
to bug. Cheap for cash.
T. D. Clauss, tho Leblghton merchant
tailor, is now receiving an unusually largo
stock of gents suitings, cloths, cassimers and
estings which he will make up to order in
the latest fashion at extremely low prices
for cash.
P. T. Brady has fitted up and will run
in connection with his eating department
an ice cream parlor forladiesand gentlemen
and proposes to keep nothing but a first class
article of ice cream and other refreshments.
H. H. Peters, merchant tailor, tiost
office building, this borough, is still busy
making up those new and fashionable suits
for gents at his very popular prices for cash.
If you need something nice and cheap, call
and examine his new stock of goods just
received. His prices axe fully as low as the
aarne goods can be bought for in the city.
Try it. '
F. C. Kline, of Mauch Chunk, is promi
nently named among the Kational Green
back iauor party lor uounty Treasurer.
we are sorry to loom that our younc
friend, Mr. Al. ltaudenbush.of Pnckorton,ls
suffering from a relapse ot his sickness, and
that ho Is now very low.
Awell-snrinz of pleasure is a healthy
baby; keen your baby in nood health by
Hisiug Dr. bull's Baby Syrup, the friend of
iniancy. nice cents.
Tho national Greenback Labor party
will hold their County Convention in the
Court House, at Mauch Chunk, on Friday
next, the 2Gth lust., a 11 o'clock a. m. After
that look out for "Sore-heads."
Purine th6 severe thunder slorm of Fri
day of last week, tho new breaker of Hay-
uon uo., at Jcansvuie, was strucic by
lightuing. Tho boards wcro knocked off and
windows broken, and the breaker sustained
some other slight damages.
An excursion consisting of representa
tives of the New York and Philadelphia
press, arrived at Mauch Chunk on Friday of
last week. They visited the Ulen and
Wyomine Valley nnd returned homo Satur
day aiternoon.
A man named neichnrt. livinrr in West
Brunswick township, Schuylkill county, hasU A few days ago, a young man named
been arrested for attempting to poison luT Wilson Miller, of Mahoning, while engaged
who, uy putting rans green inner coiiee.
Tho poison was found in tho coffee by a
tuviiucui uutuysia.
Whatever tends to diminish streneth
should bo removed from tho system. For
those weakening diseases of babyhood
uoiic, JJiarrlicea, Ac, use Dr. jiull s iiauy
Syrup which always cures. 25 cts.
The law makinc it a criminal offence
for persons to jump on trains while in mo
tion, is now in full force, and those Who vio
late it, in addition to a probable loss of a leg,
will stand a good chautfe of spending a few
months in prison.
In Allcutown nn association of citizens
has been formed for the promotion of tem-
fieranconnd the discouragement ofprofaiio
aneuaee. It is desiened to work among the
young people, and meetings nro to bo hold
once a weeic to bring tnose wuo are interest'
ea togctiier.
Tho lastest and bst Sonc and Chorus
entitled "Homeless nnd Alone Td-Nisslrt
It is by Will L. Thompson, author ol tho
famous songs, "Gathering Shells from the
Sea Shore," nnd "Drifting with the Tide."
Kept at all music stores, and tent to any ad
dress for 40 cents. Published by W. L.
Thompson A' Co., East Inveriiool, Ohio.
Iho will oftholatoBeniaiilin HAvwood.
tue wen-Known iron manuiacturer, was ad
mitted to probate Mondav in Pottsvillc,
1. ... . K
Tho charitablo boauests nro S5000 to tl:
American Bible Society. 5000 to the Potts-
villa Methodist Missionary Society, and tho
interest of $5000 for the benefit of Methodist
sick, poor and nged. Tho real estate is
valued at f 000,000.
Oil! 29 dan monricl) des is otft nagler
luoowiog, uoun geuts av.eramoniean uum
mcrawlisehe grosscy Fenshder-hiss on dorra
Sun. Do word siehboro si tsiiniich dorrich
de gons United Shtates. Do Fenshdcr niss
fong aw dm fear urodesrlumniidog, un last,
bis sex tire. De mid, fun doira Fenshder-
niss got, deirect dorricli do mid fuu the
United Shtates, fun Montana bis Texas, tin
is tswislm 150 bis 200 milo brad.
During the prevalence of tho thunder
storm on Friday inornihg bf last week, a
(young named James Gillepsie, employed ns
a car nnvcr at juuck Mountain, was Hilled
uy u enubu ui jiiujiiug. iie was sinnutug
in tho hoistinc sited at tile ton of the nlains.
during tho storm;when the lightning pierced
the roof of tho building and struck him
down; A companion who was standlngclosS
by, escaped unhutt.
Mrs. 11 E. Wood, of wavno ronntv.
whilo laboring under a lit of insanity, threw
a can containing nbout liirco pounds of pow
der into a stove. The explosion damaged
tho household furniture. Mrs, Wood,
though not killed instantly, Was badly burn
ed and mangled, nnd to add to the horror of
the sceno slio frantically toro tho II03I1 from
her body nnd arms. Sho died in a few
hours. City Journal.
Business in tho Lcliicli Valley shows
signs of improvement. The resources of
the Lehigh Valley Railioad Company are
said to bo taxcil to their utmost capacity to
lunusu cars in suineicnt numbers to re
movo tho pig iron; while the coal trains on
both roads are almost continuously inovin;
up and down tho roads. And, at tho shops
at Packerton, wo learn that an increased
forco of men is being employed. This is
indeed good news.
Andrew Boas, a resident of tho Sixth
Word of Easton, committed suicide Monday
morning by hanging himself to a beam in
tho upper 6torv of his stable. Ho was sixtv-
one years of ago and leaves 0 wife and four
children. For somo time past he had acted
very strangely, and three weeks ngo attempt
ed to commit suicido by cutting Ills arm
with a razor. Tho jury rendered a verdict
II. A l. iit.l ..f-:.i ...1.M-
turn. iuiiiuiiiii-ii ouicmu wuuu llLlunil,
under lemjiorary insanity.
Daniel L. Elough, a highly respected
citizen of Easton, committed suicido Satur
day afternoon by drowning himself in the
Lehigh River t that place. He had for
several years been engaged in tho insurance
business, acting os agent for tho Phoenix
Comjiany, of Brooklyn, and several others.
No cause is known for his committing tho
deed, except tho supposition that ho was
short iu his accounts. He was about thirty
eight years old and leaves a wife and three
There wcro so many elands for the sale
of refreshments at Wilkes-Barro on the
Fourth that the business was overdone, nnd
scores of venders lost money. Towards eve
ning sandwiches were sold at tho ratoof three
for live cents, and lemonade for a penny a
glass. There were eatables enough left to
feed a small army, and enough "soft" drink
ing stuff, to float a navy. To clear out stock
next day, we are informed, pies were sold in
some places for one and two cents each, and
boiled hams for twenly-fivo cents. riy-
mtuin oiar.
If Darwin would chango his tactics nnd
insist that all men wero onco brutes beeauso
somo men nro brutes now, and the general
ization is a fair one, we ehould ho inclined
to accept his theory at once. It is simply
absurd to place much emphasis on tho hy
pothesis that the human racoonco had tails,
which tails were curtailed by slow degrees,
until at last the jicculiarity of no tail was
curtailed, so that nowadays no one can truly
6ay of a man "thereby hangs 11 tail." We
6ay it is simply absurd to suck at this dry
orange when better facts anil arguments nro
to bo had for the asking. It would not be
n great strain on tho scientific imagination
to assert that, even in good society, there are
human cats, who affectionately mew and
purr at the feet of a rich man nnd lift tho
velvet from their claws when they deal with
a poor man : and human snakes, who prnwl
through tho grass and leave tho slime of
Slander to mark tneir tracks! and human
poodles nnd bulldozs and curs and mulon.
and also clearly marked representatives of
iuo luug-uureu 01 me last namea auertionate
animal with the sagacious horse. That the
latter at least exist is too plain for denial.
But you will find no cross in the nnlcmli,!
horses kept for hire at tho popular livery of
.iwiw,uu 41 una tircci, mis Dorougn.
Allen Cralir. named as tho Dem
ocratic candidate for Stato Senator for the
district composed of this, Monroe and Pike
David O'Brlan. of Franklin township,
we learn, is a candidate for tho ofiico of
County Commissioner on the Democratic
side of tho house. David is n good lellow.
Arrangements are making for the hold
ing of a fair and festival, At an early day, in
this boroueh. for tho benefit of Lelnch Hook
and Ladder Company and the Citizens Cor
net liunu. aavo your sparo cuauge lor 1110
On Thursday, July 25th, nt the public
houso of W. J. Newhard,at Siegfried's Bridge,
there will bo a military gathering in which
tho Allen Rifles, the Catasanqua Rifles, tho
Slalington Rifles, and oilier military organ
izations will participate. Col. Good and
stalF nro also expected to bo present.
Frank G. Peters, of Lehigh Ion, former
ly of Lowhill, last week purchased the houso
n'nd lot of Joshua Seinmcl, at Schnccksvilie,
containing 13 acres, and next spring will
tako tho samo into possession. Ho also
bought from Daniel Henninger 21 acres of
larm land lying near tno samo village.
AlLmtomt Democrat,
iiumg up his winners uaiu iur unmip
tion of grain, stepped upon a board in tho
upper story, which breakinc, precipitated
him to tho floor beneath, a heavy timber
which ho was carrying falling upon his ab
domen, from the effects of which he died
Wednesday evening. Tho funeral will tako
place to-lriorrow (Sunday) morning, at the
New Mahoning M. E. Church.
The inau Chas. Smith, 6hot by Police
man Williams, at Mauch Chuhk, on Wed
nesday night of last week, is still at St.
Luke's hospital, Bethlehem, without a bad
svmptom. The surgeons aro satisfied that
the ball is lodged in the muscles of tho back,
whero it will insist without tho least harm
to tho patient. If no unexpected symptoms
develop themselves, Smith will bo up and
nbout in a few days. Bethlehem Times,
Tuesday afternoon.
Tho steeple lately built on tho Trinitv
ivancelical Lutheran Church, of this bor
ough, from the ground is 160 feet high. Tho
bell-house at Hie uasc is lb by lb teet. une
steeple, which is irt the shapo of an octagon
and roofed with slate, has a fine cross on its
summit. The bell that is lo bo placed in
tho steeple will cigh 1,400 jiounds. Taken
altogether, this steeple when completed will
bo one of the finest-looking, if not thofincst-
looKing, in town.
On Friday lrtnrningof last week,Samucl
tostenbader and James Boyer, both of
Lower Towamcnsing township, Carbon Co.,
went to tho Little Gap, a few miles off, to
assist a party In taking out paint ore, when
a heavy thunder shower came up and botli
wero struck by lightning, injuring Mr. Kos
tenbader very seriously, ho being uncon
scious for n number of hours. Half of his
fa"o nnd body aro so badly burned that tho
skin peeled off, nnd he is not expected to
recover. JUr. uoycr s injuries nro not 01 sucli
a serioUl nature and ho is in a fair way of
recovery. Dr. J. (J. lircamcr; ot Alillporys
the attending physician. elatingtou Acim.
Tho pic nic of Young America Cornet
Hand, Saturday evening last was a success
ful and pleasant affair, until about 11 o'
clock p. m., when a party of loafers, who had
come down from tho Mau'cli Chunks, start
ed a disturbance. It appears that 0110 of tho
"Smutty Six," which is tho choico sobrie
aiict; tho pain travel Under, llad bcVeed a
chow of tobacco from n young man of this
uorougli, tno paper being nanded mm, lie
retained tho Wliole, and being requested to
return it tho fight commenced, icsultingin
tho severe pounding of ouo of tho gang, ahd
the sudden get Up add out of the gang Who
had made the threat to cotHe down to Lo
liichton and clean out the Dutc'lilnen which
they did not do: Our citizens' then peace
fully retired to their homes.
Why go hungry, when five largo lolt'cs
01 bread can bo bougiit lor cents lrom j
W. CNcal'S Wagon every day?
A Vivlt to Our liiduktrlul I.Mab'.
Wednesday morning, for tho purposo of
learning tho present and prospective condi
tion of business, a representative of tho Ad
vocate visited various business places in
ucissportand Lehighlon
Dropping into tho Wcisspori Planing
Mill, which has lately changed hands; we
wero pleasantly greeted by Mr. John Bicry.
Ho said that they Wero nt present doing
some work, and in two weeks expected tb
liavo tho establishment steadily workin
Ho said that there was somo building to be
done, that they would get their share, and
they thought that in two months business
would be much better.
Tho Fort Allen Foundry has n form of
men steauny wonting, somo ol tno worK
they are turning out being sewing machine
castings. 0 learned mat business was im
proving. Tho Messrs. Miners seemed to be
hopeful of tho future, having received by
letters lrom new lorK Intelligence that
business was " good with them" (the parties
writing tho letters), and, said the elder Mr.
Miner, " We nro connected i when business
is good with them, it is good with us."
At tho Lenigli Valley l.mery wheel
Works, Where they are making somo im
provements in stylo of work, etc., wo wero
pleasantly received by ii. 1;. wills, Esq.
by whom Wo Wero shown throuch tho es
tablishment. A.r. Wills Mid that business
was good now, and that there wero pros
pects of 11 good trade in tho full. He
thought that tho Lehigh Valley had suf
fered more than other parts of tlio country :
yet, through all tho hard times, they had
more man niaiio expenses. 11 tnero wasn
money in business, ho said, they wouldn
bo working. Tho gentleman Also stated
that business men wero buvincr vcrv closely:
that from extravagance many had gone to
the other extreme, economy had run into
stinginess, and that this hurt business at
A. C. Brodhead, of tho Lchichton Elov
Works, said that his business did not vary
much, nnd was in about tho sailio condition
nt present ns it has been in for tho last twr
vearsi As to future nrosnecU, tho rrenlle.
inandid notseem to rareaboutsayingmueh.
M. u. irexicr jc uo., 01 1110 uentral car
riage Works, wo found quite busy. "W
can't complain," said Mr. Trexler, " havi
plenty of Work, and orders ahead," He
seemed -to think that this lively stato of
business would bo permanent. Ho showed
us a buggy, made after a new stylo and
patented by tbem.nnd said that, if they had
them made, ho believed that they cou Id sell
six of them right away. Tuesday was the
HI PI, UIIUI VKlOilfy VI U1U l-glUJll!lg Ul UU5H
ness by this firm. Their first year in busi
ness certainly has been crowned with sue
Calling at the carriage works of Romitf &
Hofford, we learned from Mr. Romig that
they were as busy as they could possibly be,
havins a force of twelve men at work.
They had and expected to have plenty of
worn, uui iiuanciauy proepcris were lioor.
An agent, who had traveled through almost
every tuuo in tne union, stated to .Mr,
nomig mat ne cad lounn it duller In to
iienign vaney tnan elsewhere,
"IVnitsivbiih Vnllcj-.
rr.NS rORK3T Towxsmr.
To tub Editor op Tun Advocate: A few
lines from Pertn Forest may be of somo in
terest to your readers.
This valley of choico and fertile farming
lauds is at present undergoing somo rapid
changes. The lauds are eagerly sought af
ter by settlers, and buildings and improve
ments aro going up on nil 6ides. And it
seems lo me that this is good judgment on
tho part of tho settlers. They prefer it to
going Wcst,bccauso the soil is excellent and
tho Water Unsurpassed, nnd because theycah
remain near tho great centres of commcrco
and civilization, nnd because, when they
have any thing lo Bell, they aro nt tho door
of one of tho best markets in tho world.
Thcso latter considerations nro generdlly
wanting in tho far West. Theso lands can
bo bought on easy terms nt from $3 to $C
per acre. Mr. Rajishor, of your borough, is
at present erecting toino fine buildings on n
choice tract containing more than 400 acres;
such as a house, barn, spring house, Ac, Ac,
And, I am informed, intends to clear and put
out in crops this fall nboiit CO ftcrcs. Daniel
Eastman, Esq., formerly your wealthiest
and most energetic business ilian, is occupy
ing another tract of Mr. Unrulier'!, Uion
which there Is already erected a suitable
House and barn and a line young orchard.
Mr. Eastman is also clearing about 30 acics
this yean Gen. Charles Albright is also
clearing A tract of land in thb neighborhood,
about one-half ntilo from Mr. Itapshcr's,
11a intends to build citiicr tins lait or next
iinne. The Jlon. Al en C'ra ir. 1 am told.
also contemplates making somo improve;
mcnts in Iho vicinity: I nlmosl forgot to
mention that Adam Christman, Esq.; is
building a most mammoth barn this sum
mer. It is SO by 100 feet, and will bo tho
largest and best built bam in Carbon coun
ty. Thero aro numerous other parties who
aro cleoring, building and improving on
small tracts of land of from 30 to 50 acres.
Thero are already enough actual Settlers to
entitle them to a public sclAol house, thero
being 30 children of tho lega) age to attend
There 19 an old farm right in tho neigh
borhood of 50 ncrc3 Which has been cleared
and improved 15 years, which will give any
ouo an idea of thb lipturo of tho soil and
the kind ot crops tint can bo raised there on
the surrounding lands. Tlio crop3 this year
look rich and bbuiHiful. Theso lands aro
loedted about flvo mlhs from Wcissiwrt and
four miles from East Mauch Chunk. It is
strange that theso lands should havb lain
unimproved so long.
Wadsworth Valley has thb soil nnd ad
vantages to become, m a few years, tho rich
est and most attractive agricultural region
in Carbon county. Daxnek.
ShciimiiloaU'si Church AVnr.
SimxASDOAii, Ta., July IT. Tile Lithu
anians still persist iu their endeavors to
havo the Rev. Alexander Lanarkwicz re
moved from tliis parish, and the feeling
inaniiestcu toward him on their part lias 111
nowiso lessened duriiier tho week. On Tues
day morning, upon tlio pastor's trying lo
cuter tno cnurcli to read mass, as is his daily
custom, ho again found tlio church catcs
locked with padlocks, and it was impossible
to enter the building until long alter tlio
usual hour, when tho shackles uimn tlio cato
were broken. Tho priest informed the Chief
uurgess 01 1110 lact, ana a guard 13 nigutly
watching for a repetition of tho act.
Tlio woman who was so terribly injured at
tho riot Suii'day before last, still remains at
tue iwiut 01 ueatli, and upon her lato de
pends to iv ereot extent another uprising
Archbishop Wood has not sent a coulcssor to
tne womaiitnu tins ncgligcnce.ns tlio Lith
uanians term it, on his part is not nt all
pleasing 10 iho boisterous taction. A state
ment eppeared in tlio local paper yesterday
signed "Over !00 Lithuanians," netting
foith their standing ill connection with the
riot ntld their Present wants, and to-davand
this evening the I'ithuanlan leaders, Miller,
Outcbchrich; Murruski, nnd Zonules, are
going around among thb business men of
tlio boroueh; both l'rotestitlit and Catholic:
scouring their signatures to a petition to tlio
Aren bishop, uno jietition states that its
object U to settle tlio roligioUs difficulty, and
aims mat a cnange 01 pastor win to it. uur
jieoplo are so tired of tho difficulty and the
excitement attending it that It is bbing
largely signed by nil classes of tlio people.
Another jietition was forwarded to tho Arch
bishop to-day, signed by 23T Lithuanians;
dating their unwillingness to remain longer
unuer tno care 01 tno present pa6ior; They
allege that they find no fault witli him ns A
priest, but opjioso him sinljily beeauso ho
does not talk their language.
In a conversation withyourcofrczpohdent
to-day Father Lanarkwicz said that ho was
tick and tired of the trouble, but; ho ad
ded, "What can I do? 1 am hero by tho will
of tho Archbishop and I cannot leave until
ho says so." He said that ho was doing all
in his jwwer to pour oil on tho troubled
water by bringing tho two factions of his
church to a rcconcfliatidn, but it scchis that
his efforts are without avail, as they aro as
widely separated as they wero 011 the Sun
day of tho riot. Tho two elements do not
Heak or associate with each other; and tho
Lithuanian element will not attend church
until their requests are granted;
Itfnlioiiiiiir Twinklings,
Fine weather this.
II. M. is running opposition against J;
W. C. Ho runs the caboose now.
E. R., our popular carpenter, is build
ing dog stables now-a-days.
J. H. M., caught nn eel that weighed
3 lbs.! go iu M., try it again.
J. W. C, is going to put up tho wait for
J. H. N., nuil he wants to hire all the
masons he can get. Ho pays from 25 to 50
cents per day.
J. Lapp has timothy that measures S
feet T inches.
Peter Becker has timothy that measures
8 feet. Next ?
"Piteairn" inquired of ills friends what
tho meaning of Wattstowti wos. If ho will
please call oa "Passim" lie can tell him all
about it.
Where did our littio birdie go to the
"Wren ?" 1 guess it went up Noith to visit
Daulelsvillo is inaflourishlngcondition
nt present.
Anybody that wants fine cultivated
blackberries, call nt the premises of J. Lapp,
Stewart's Run. Send in your orders early.
John Gibbons, a Mollio Maguire, con
victed of tho attempted assassination of Wm.
M. Thomas, at Mahauoy City, escaped from
the Schuylkill County jail Wednesday even
ing. Gibbons has the reputation of being a
aespcruio Character, lie wps sentenced ue
tobcr 1,6, 1876, to seven years' imprison
ment. Governor Hartranft hna issued a pro
clamation fix in i? the 13th dav of Aueutt
next for holding an election in Lujerne i
oountv.'trt riNririft ftn thft nmlYicft) tl vUfnn nf
theonunfy, and to designate thenamo of the
new county,
Mine AcclilrntK.
Mr. T. D. Jones, Mino Inspector, furnishes
us tho following report of mino accidents hi
tho Lehigh region for tho month of June;
Juno 1 Wm. Timmony, fatally iniured
by falline over ntrestlineatBuckMouutain
Juno 8 Matthew Herbert, leg probably
broken at Cbiertluo collier', and otherwise
injured, by A fall of clod.
dunoiu Jomca It. James, killed by a
fall of coal nt Ncsduehoning.
June 13 James Judge, lea broken by n
mine enr taking tho Wrong track,
June 15 David Jones, cut about the faco
and back strained by a fall of coal At Upper
June 17 Anthony Cull. iHlurodliv hnintr
Jattiihod between a car and p lllar, caused by
nis ngnt being extinguished, at Juervnio
Juno 25 John W.Green, lrtlno locomo
tive engineer, fatally injured 1V gangway
timbers falling on him. mused lv n mr
jumping the track; ht Ebcrvale colliery.
ouno 28 win. mil, arm badly scalded
by an escape of steam from food pipe bf
boiters, at East Sugarloaf.
Wnsliingloii Notes.
WasUinotox, Jdly IT, 1878.
General john C. Robinson, bf Blrigham-
ton, and James Tanner, of Brooklyn, rep
resenting tho Grand Army of tho Republic,
paid a visit to tho President to-ilight at tho
Soldiers' Home to urge that ill the employ
ment of lAbor upon tho public worUs, for
Which appropriations have been so liberally
mado by Congress, tho needs of the many
unemployed ex-Union soldiers should havo
prior consideration. Tho deputation Were
cordially received by tho President, and will
go from Washington to lUo Grand Army en
campment at Gettysburg.
Tho Secretary of tho Treasury to-day is
sued tho sixty-second call for tho redemp
tion of fivo-twenty bonds bf 1805; consols of
1M5. The call is for $5,000,000; of Which
$2,500,000 aro coupon and $2,500,000 Aro
registered bonds. Tho principal nnd inter
est will bo paid at tho Treasury on and after
the 17th day of October next, nnd tho inter
est Will ceaso oh that day: Tho following
aro tho descriptions of thb bonds :
Coupon bonds, dated July l;l605;namely:
$50, No. 65,001 to No. 08;000, both inclu
sive. $100, No. 110,001 to No. 114,000, both in
clusive. $500, No: 70,201 to No. 70,500, both in
clusive. ,
$1,000, No. 140,001 to No: 145,000, both
Total coupon, $2,500,000.
Registbred bonds, "rcdcotrlable dt Iho
pleasure of tho United States, After tho 1st
day of July, isfd;" as follows:
$50, No.2,251 to No. 2,300, both iricldsive;
$100, No. 17,851 to No. 18,250, both in
clusive. $500, No. 10,151 lo No. 10,550, both In
clusive; $1,000, No. 3i;4bl lo No. 35,200, both in
$5,000, No. 0,251 lo No. 9,051, both inclu
sive. $10,000, No. 17,731 to No. 18,403; both in
clusive. Total registered, $2,500,000; aggregate,
Tho United States Treasurer has Written
to assistant trcAsdrers authorizing them to
use tho standard silver dollars irt their
vaults in payments to persons preioritiiig
checks lo parties desiring them, upon tho
disbursement bf payrolls; irt oxcharlge;
in moderato AMoUnt; for greenbacks
and national bank note!! arid for pay
mentin lieu of one and two dollar hotcs.
Tho depository banks Ate notified that silver
dollars Will bo sent to them by transfer or
der from tho mint, freo of expense; for the
samo purposes indicated in tho letter to the
assistant treasurers. Tho department is
anxious to supply tho fall demand for small
denominations of money by tho issuo of
surer dollars.
Tho following 15 A co'rnp'ar'alivo statement
bf the disposal of public lands in Dakota,
Kansas, Minnesota and Nebraska in tho fis
cal years ending Juno 30, 1877, nnd Juno
30, 1878.
,. , ISTS.
Dakota tl -401.631
Kaunas 2,1 C) 177
Minnesota.... l.Hi,2.a
Kebrasita GZO.tfS
Grand totals.t5.19J.tC0 tM33.3.2 13.724.51?
Mr. S. I. Kimball, of tho Lifo Saving Ser
vice, accompanied by Captain Mcrryman,
has gone lo tho lako coasta for tho purpose
of selecting sites for the new life saving sta
tions recently ordered to bo established by
Congress. From tho lakes they Will pro
ceed to New England to select sites for the
new stations on that coast. Sites are, also
being selected b'n tho North Carolina and
Virginia coasts for fifteen riew .stations. By
tho bill three additional stations are pro
vided for tho New England coast, one on
the Delaware coast, two on the Maryland
coast, fifteen on the coasts of Virginia and
North Carolina, fivo on tho Texas coast, ten
on tho lakes and ono on tho California coast.
A telegram from Col. Carlin, at Standing
Rock, explains tho attempted drowning of
Indian Agent Hughes as follows : "Agent
Hughes, having broken several chiefs; order
ed them to be cnrollod under other chiefs,
which they refused to do. He stopped their
supplies. Suffering from hunger, they visit
ed tho ogericy at 10 o'clock this morning,
scired the Agent, nnd carried him to a point
near the river bank. Tho agent reported to
me, and I ran to the sceno of trouble, order
ing two companies of troops to tho same
point without delay. I rescued tho Agent
and arrested the Indians; Who are nil under
guard. If Agent Hugheshe rietrtmoved at
once, I will not be responsible far the eon
sequences. All tho principal and head men
particijutod in this affair. Their object Was
to put tho Agent over the river and off the
reservation, not to hurt him, nor did they
hurt him. They were unarmed. Tlipy de
fend their notion, and demand the Immedi
ate removal of the Agent. Thy promise to
obo j r ,
' 1
Th" ",ot amount of the award to
American claimants by the Joint American
increase In
1S77. 187S
t:iS,378 tl.-43 4:3
;;u,7uo i.S'ui 4s
nt47 761, 3M
257.4 7 3 i3.V&3
and Mexican Commission is Ji,025,C22, to
bo distributed utnorig ISO liorsons. After
deducting $114,900 for tho expenses of tho
commission thero will remain for distribii
tloti of tho amount thus far paid by the
Mexican Government $570,000. This will
give a pro rata ofabodt fourteen percent.
Tho Well arid La Abra cases are not inelud
ed, as they aro left for future consideration
in consequence of tho allegation of fraud by
tho Mexican Govcrniheut.
A litllo son of John Vcilhauer.was Very
eorimialv l.-iMrfd in llin bend liv n Imrttt
Thursday. Ho was lying in ali lihcoCscious
condition at last accounts.
Special Notices.
iriTKimkcTsilTttcr Wiiio of lion
Olvcatoio to tlio stomach, Improves the nppo.
tlte mid ssil-as cismlflii. exnies the 1) .-vvols to
healthy action, oxjoillnir nil the lonl humors
that contaminate tho b ood, corrupt Iho accre.
ttoiw.aiid nflend tho breath. It excites the liv
or iu a healthy action nnd strenothciis tho
nerves. lmpirtlUR tnot plow to hfo that pro.
cert atone trrai pertcct health, Thonsaints la
all walks of life trstlty to the virtues ot this ex
ccllont in calcine In coirecttnp thedcrnnaement
ot tho diKestlve orprans. aetthogeuulne. old
only in nno dollar bottles. Ask lor 77. Kuii-
kt Vi JSUtcr li the ot iron, anu take no otner.
Dyspepsia. Dyspepsia. Dyspepsia.
E. r. Iv'Mikers lllivx wino oi iron, a
nrn rum fnr thin dlHCaaO. It llSS htC't DrC-
ecnboil daily for many years In tho practice ot
eminent phvueiana with unparalleled fae
ces". Srmptnrai nre loss ot nppetlte, wind
Riidrlshie of food, dryness in mouth, headache,
ditzlncBS. .sleeplessness, and I av, (uuilts. Oct
the,eenulne. 'ot sola in bulk, only out) dollar
bottles. . ....
Do ion want soraetninir to sircneineo yom
Jio roil tvnnt a Rood apnctltal Do you want to
i,nr nt nnrviMmpHHi Tin Vnil Want enerct
plpep well citrcd of dyapepta, mdnev or
liTor disease I ,Tty n F.Kvnktl'i MtUr ll'tw
or Iron. Kteiy botth) guaranteed Jo do n rer.
orampnueo., A'eiiot auu oiuut av juim xiuw
street, 1'niladelphla, l'a. .Oct the centime,
Bold bv all drnnts. Ak for E. V. KunkePn
and take no other; All I oak Is a trial et this
valuaulo medicine; Ono bottle will convince
you. Oct six bottles tot fivo dollars, one dolu?r
for one. ,
Tnpo lYitriil Itemovcu Alive.
r-,iiiA Wnrtn. Pin. Sfl.-il and Stnmnch Vv'ortns.
romovod nllvo in from two to four lionri. No
fee until Bead of Tape Worm nassra alive pud
In ono. Ask yotar druggist tor Kunkel's Worm
svniD. Bold ouiv in one dollar bottles. Used
inrchlldipnorprown persons It never falls.
or aeon, ior circular toir. jtunKei. .au puuu
Ninth Otrect, Philadelphia. I'a. Advice by
mail froc. Bend thtcc-cout stamp Tor retnrn jit
letter. JnlySOlm
Hdalth and Happiness.
Healln (tod Happiness oro priceless Wcnlth t,a
their wsosorts, and yet tLoy ate irlt&in tlio
reach of ercry one wno will use
Wrijrlit's Liver Pills,
The only snro OUItE tor Torpid Liver. Dyapep.
Ha, IIoadachQ. Hour stomach, Constipation. Do.
btilty, Nausea, nan all liiiuous complaints ana
lllnnit ,1tnrri(.a Knnn creiinllin iimpKH AlirnKd
"Wm. WriKht rhlla." Jf your nruepiitwlllnot
auppiy sena it ceniB tor ono oox w jiarric
Holler A Co . 70 N. 4th at., 1,'hlla. Dec. S? yl
Uy virtue of a writ of Venditioni EX.
ponaM issued out ot the Court of Common
l'lcaa ol Carbon County, and to me directed,
Court Houso In tno Burouirh et Mancn Chunk;
mere wiu do expoaea at puduc sate, at ub
Calbon C
county; btate ol reunsj ivams. on
at. 2 o'clock P. Jf., the following ltcdl Estate;
dcscribod asifotlows; to wltl
All.toat certain
j.ot on piece op antiuurJ
sltate in Mahontnt ToVnshlp. Carbon county,
l'a.. bounded and described as follows, to wit i
lleffthnlnjr at a stone in a publio road, south alx,
teon degrees, west aixtyix feet to a stone;
thence by land ot rftul Eastman north sixty
nine doitrOc' east,BUty-slX foet a stone 1
thencoj south twcnty.tbrec. Bfegteea, cast one
bundreQ and sllty-clirht feet to the place ot be.
lilnmng, contains forty perches, strict measure.
Tho impVotcHients thereb'n are .
th'o house being aixteen and one-halt by twen,
ty-tourand one halt feet. With Kitchen twelve
by twelve feet, and tho stablo twelve by nine
teen foet.
Belted and Into execution as the propel
ty ot Adam ISchray, and to he sold by
J. W. nAtJDENIlUSH. Sherilt.
Sheriff's "fllce, Mauch Clinnk. July 18, 1873,
Uy virtno of a writ of Al. Fieri raclas Issued
out of the Coart of Common Picas of carbon.
Coapty. bad to me directed, there will bo ex.
posed et publio Bale, nt the Court House;
Mauch Chuntcarbon County, Bute ot l'enn.
eylvanla, on
at 2 o'clock p. hi., or that certain
LOT On TIECE or tANlj,
situate in Franklin township, Carbon county,
l'a , hounded and described as follows: Ueglu.
ing at a stone t thence by land lato of l'raucis
Crtlly Worth ten decrees we-t thirty-one per
ched to a stouei thence by land late of Ueo. P,
Jlrowu. llcury Campbell and John llQwtr
Wortb eight degrees east twentv-uve pt-rchea
to a post t thence bylmiU ot lleuty lioyer.aonta
eight and one-halt decree cut thirty perchots
toapoftt; iliencebylaudlateof Widow Unity,
now 'lltoraas Koous, souttt etshty.fourdegitea
west twenty-lour perches and two tenth to thb
place ol beguiniog. conta mug
be the same more br less:
.111 that certain
eitdato In Franklin township. Carbon county,
and Mate ot Pennsylvania, hounded and Mb.
crlhcd aa follows t begiunlagat upoatt.ttlebro
br landot lswla Dili abaci uqrth eleven de.
green west nine pei ehes to atone hiajtnbMo
road leading from Weisaport to Maria Iron
Works t I hence on auil aloug said load north
eeventy.eUlitandone.hatf uegttes east eaten
pi-rchea to apo,t: thence uot in elghty.alue de.
grces FRbt five perches lo b peat IU said rond t
monte bv land ot l-'runkllu Ktoir.soutb eighty
nlue deaited west tltieon perches totheinace
ot beginning, containing
Tho improvements thereon aro
eighteen and one-halt by twenty lour and one
halili kitchen attached, ten and one hall by !x,
teru and one-hvlt teet i stable, sixteen and oue
hall oy tweutr-oue teet, ttu-shon, eleven and
one-hulf by twentr oue feet. una other outuuild.
Felled and taken Into cxecutlnu as the pro.
I city ot Alex, t-hivo. original dtleudknt, and
urunt Dotlcr, tcrre tenant aud to lie bold by
j. v. itAUDENnusn,
BherltT'a O&ke, Mauch Chunk July 13, 1879.
HSfffedhTTir SJneweat end mot popular
Ji-!PViyaa. ong. with wr.tmga ot in.
rtiuctlou and amuacinaut! nlo, a list ot all tho
battloa. when am) where fonfhf, tinrtnx the
vtnr, ior Mecut stamp. Adrtlno, DtsMO.VI) &
CO.; 1 0.5 Race St., Phiiace4pbia. Ioi?l ly
"'o Mliom it May Concern.
All persona are hereby ranttoned agalnat
truttlu'iny son.d. IIK'NKV UKlbi. b1 wl.t
imf uu deota of ilia rmitrartllig niter tills date.
Wtuvnoit, July 0, la; w."