EDITOR LKIIIQIITON. PA.: SATURDAY, JULY 0, 1878. A final dividend of a farthing in the pound has been declared in the case, of tho London bankers Stralian, Paul & Bates, whoso fraudulent falluro in 1855 made such a sensation. We have received from L. F. Farmer, general passenger agent of the Pcnna. K.R., a ncatlittlo hand-book handsomely illustrat i ing the attraction gf Capo May as a sea-side resort. If you think of going there, send for a copy of the book by nil means. An oil train on tho New York Central Itailroad, about ten miles from Albany, was thrown from the track Saturday night and completely wrecked. A rail had been re moved and robbery was probably tho object of the scoundrels who committed tho deed. Tho trial of Benjamin Hunter for tho murder of John M. Armstrong, in Camdenj X. J., resulted Wednesday evening in a vcr dictof murder in tho first degree. The jury were out but ashorttimc. Prisoner's counsel intend to tako the case to the Court of Errors. On Sunday last we took a short stroll around the suburbs of Ivnox, to tako a look at the wheat fielfls. Stark Co. (Intl.) Ledger. Friend Slusselman, don't you think it would have set abetter example 16 your readers if you had gone to church instead of viewing the wheat field on tho Sabbath? Wo are afraid you have become sadly de praved since leaving old Carbon. The revenues of tho United States for tho fiscal year just closed show a decline of $10,393,709, of which $1,039,149 was in cus toms and $8,429,451 in tho internal revenue. Tho expenditures for tho ordinary Govern ment expenses declined $5,914,881, whilst tho debt interest increased about $5,875,000. Tho operations of tho year show about $23, 000,000 surplus. July usually ushers in tho extreme heat of tho season, but this year it camo some what in advance. Tho last few days of June were among the hottest that aro often re corded, and Sunday, tho last day of June, according to telegraphic reports has had no parallel in tho history of somo localities, es pecially in New England. Tho thermome ter, Sunday, at Boston was 90, 102 nt "White River Junction, Vt., 100 at Lowell, 98 at Laconia, N. II., 102 at Bangor, Mc, and 100 at Manchester, N. II. Tho now national bank note circulation taken out during the month of Juno amounts to $1,400,000. Except for tho repeal of tho contraction of tho Resumption act tho Se cretary of tho Treasury would now bo oblig ed to cancel $1,120,000 of United States legal tender notes, tho clauso repealed having directed tho cancellation of United States notes to tho amount of 80 per cent of new bank notes issued. As it is, however, tho legal tender note circulation cannot be di minished, while there is no limit to tho issue of bank notes except tho ability to end them. Congress appropriated $8000 forlhepur Iose of observing tho total solar eclipse on the 29th of. this month. As soon as tho money was available, Admiral J. Rodgers, Superintendent of tho U. S. Naval Obsorva tory, began to mako preparations for as full and cxhausliveobservations as tho means at his disposal warrauted. Tho preparations aro now completed, and tho observing part ies will soon tako tho field fully instructed ns to their duties and tho work carefully mapped out and divided up among tho dif ferent observers. Tho jiolariscopo and tho spectroscope will bo used to examine the corona of tho sun during totality. As tho duration of totality will not bo moro than three minutes in the North and two and a half in Texas, all tho observers will bo re quired to work very rapidly to obtain the required observation. Thero is nothing that tho wholo circlo of communists, socialists, grecubackcrs, and po-called labor reformers, hato so much as usury, which their organs define to bo neither ten per cent, nor six per cent, nor twojpercent. butany per cent, at all. Thero Is, however, a most effectual way of defeat ing this enemy and annihilating Shylock, which they seldom or never alludo to, and that is, don't borrow any money nor incur any debts. Just why a man who puts his money into a house or farm can draw rent for it, whilst ho who lends it out for others to use should get nothing for it, is not very apparent, but certainly there would bo none of tho latter class if Interest were abolished. Tho country might in that caso long and sigh for railroadsbut none would ever bo built, because people who lend their money for such purposes want some return for it. If tho efforts now being made to open up foreign markeU for anthracite coal should prove successful, it will bo a good thing for a great many workers in this State, besides the coal miners now employed for only portion of tho year in supplying homo mar kets. Tho exhibit mado by the Reading Railroad Company at tho Paris Exposition of coals and anthracite burning stoves should direct the attention of a groat many people in Southern Europo to the value of tho fuel, and aidotlicr efforts now being mado to open up markets lathe Mediterranean, India and South America also off-T opirartunilies for speculative experiments, and may,, in time,. bo induced to use Pennsylvania coal in pro ferenco to.BritUh. Such a largo proportion of tho cost of coal in foreign ports arises from the cost 'of transportation, resbipineut and wale; carriage, that I lie benefits arising from trade In. this commodity are pretty ture to U widely distributed Lclyu. II. V. MORT1HMEU, By the monthly report of the public debt for June we learn that tho debt was In creased during the month $2,149,381 18. Tiio total principal of tlicdebt now outstand ing is $2,250,205,891 53, on which there is due and unpaid of interest $30,404,551 37, giving a total of principal and interest of $2,292,010,443 70. There was at the same tiino cash in tho Treasury,ofcoin, $197,415, 132 99, currency $2,053,479 09, currency, held for redemption of fractional currency, $10,000,000, exclusive of $40,755,000 of special deposits for redemption of certificates, making the total of cash in the Treasury $256,823,012 08, reducing the debt, less cash in the Treasury on Juno 1, 1878, to $2,033, 037,450 04, debt less cash in tho Treasury on July 1, 1878, $2,035,780,831 82, showing an increase during the past month of $2, 148,331 18. Decreaso of debt since Juno 30, 1877, $24,371,591 44. Tho payments mado from the Treasury by warrants during the month were: On account of civil and mis cellaneous, $4,347,871 08 j War, $3,918, 008 21 j Navy, $3,049,080 59 j Interior (In dians and Pensions), $2,851,795 50 j total, $14,707,4d2 90. The above does not include payments mado on account of tho interest or principal of tho public debt of tho United States. Five hundred and fourteon failures wcro reported in New York city during tho six months ending on the 29ult. tho total liabili ties amounting to $39,030,795 and tho assets footing up$ll,012,GC2. This is a largo in crease over tho record for tho cor responding period of tho year 1877, the fail ures for the cntlro year being 847, witli lia bilities of $51,087,000. Stock brokers wcro first in amount of liabilities, thero being twenty thrco failures witli liabilities of $3, 854,200 and assets $371,139. Twenty-six gro cers failed owing $978,495 and having $405, 245 assets. Twenty-thrco manufacturers suspended, their debts amounting to $1,412, 505 and assets $573,303. In the boot and and shoo trade thero wero twenty-one fail ures, with liabilities of $1,388,070 and assets $075,094. Seven dry goals dealers failed, with labilities of $401,501 and assets $193, 079. The drug trado had seven failures, with liabilities $1,537,153 and assets $490,398 Seven lumber dealers suspended, owing $2, 147,928 and having assets $104,927. Nine teen liquor dealers failed with liabilities $S09,08S, assets $03,477. Fourteen hotels and restaurants could not pay exjxmse and failed, their liabilities being $31 1,018 and assets $54, 512. In the hat trado thero were sixteen failures, liabilities $1,010,240 and as sets $387,707. Seventeen produce dealers failed, liabilities $335,913, assets $53,992. Fifttecn provision merchants, fourteen jewe lers, thirteen fancy goods dealers, eight dealers in clothing, fourteen cigar dealers, nino coal dealers, nine furniture dealers, six milliners, four physicians, five lawyers, two actors, four circus proprietors, one editor, and a minister are in tho list. Points in Politics. Cincinnati! Gazelle thinks that " the Thurman crowd is on top" in Ohio. 'ho St. Paul Press has this verv accur ate head lino : "Politlcsand Other Frauds." Cincinnati Commercial: ' Ex-Scnalor Harlan ' has consented' to run for Congress in tho First Iowa district." Washington Post (dem, : " It is now perfectly apparent that John Sherman wrote that letter at the dictation of of Tho Jenks." Tho Baltimore Gazette (dem.) intimates that tho mention of Tildcn as a possible Presidential candidate in 1880 is a piece of exquisite humor. Baltimore Gazette (dem) : "Jlr. Steph ens is a very able gentleman and a kind hearted person, but his presence in Congress is not absolutely necessary to tho promo tion of our pecular system of government," , Tho democratic House of Representa tives wero responsible for tho present Indian troubles. The Southern members beliovo that "charity begins at home." Hcnco tho food supplies at tho agencies are short. Courier-Journal: "Ohio farmers aro receiving circulars which run as follows: Sir You aro requested not to use, in taking your grain or grain crop off, a rcaiwr or mower, under pain, of having them and barns destroyed by fire." Chicago 2Vi6une. "Whether Mrs. Jenks, Weber, Anderson or anybody else wrote this letter it would fail in its purjioso of convicting Secretary Sherman of dishonor able action, oven if his alleged authorship thereof had not been disproved." Baltimore Gazette (dem.) : "Jlrs. Agonies Jenks, tho femalo Munchausen will neverconvinco tho American jwoplo that the Sherman letter was woven from tho active loom of her brain. It sounds, too much liko John Sherman." Tho St. Louis Post thinks that Ohio will bo democratic. Democratic journals seem really alarm ed at tho talk about renominating Grant. Tho democrats of Somerset county, Pennsylvania, favor General A. Coflroth for Congress. Samuel Dick is the republican candi date for Congress in Crawford county, Pa. An Indiana greenbacker said in a con vention the other day that he had more re spect for Jeff Davis than for John Sherman. Hartford Courant: " Orville Grant has apparently heard from Ulysses. Was it a cable message reading: 'Hold your tongue, and dou't bo such a blanked fool.' " Ito.ton Journal (rep.) : " A prominent Virginian writes tea friend lit Boeton that he considers tho Porter resolution tho most injurious thing to the South that has hap jienod 6inco tho paeago of tho ordinauco of eccosdioii." Nasby:"Hevin full faith that wo shall elect another dimocrat Cougris, and kuoivinthatef wodo this matter uv pen shuin and aymcnt for projwrty destroyed is a tleod mre thing, I am content not to in? sift upon Tilden and reform." - Philadelphia Timet idem. 1 t Senator Reyburn announces that he will contest tho republican nomination for Congress witli Judge Kellcy In the Fourth district. Ho got his present place by tho folly of his prede cessor. Senator Davis, getting cross-eyed in politics looking with longing eyes from tho Senate to Congress, and he will repeat tho lesson for the benefit of somebody else if ho makes tho contest against Judgo ICclley." Kent county, in Michigan, is nearly unanimous for the theory of paper money. Tho Cincinnati Enquirer (dem.) says tho nomination of Grant by the republicans is a foregone conclusion. Tho Philadelphia Press (rep.) acknow ledges that tho next delegates In Congress from tho South will be solidly democratic. Reading Times: "Andrew G. Curtln will, it is rumored, tako tho democratic nomination for Congress in his district If ho can get It." Tho Boston Traveller says that tho national Senate is lost to tho republicans, but witli a proper effort they can retrieve tho House of Representatives. The Springfield Republican (Ind.) says that tho evidences multiply that there is an organized movement for tho nomination of Grant to tho Presidency in 1880. The Springfield Republican (ind.) be lieves that nothing short of a belief in its dire necessity by tho Independent electors would causo tho re-election of General Grant as President. New Advertisements. T o Whom it May Concern. All ncrsons aro hereby cautioned nprjlnst truttlni'niyiion.O. J1ENRV UM"K1 asl will nay uo debts of lit contmriinc titter tuts date. MI1S CATHARINE UKI8EL. Wilasport, July 0. 1878 wi" ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF VERY VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ! By vlrino of an nllas order Issued out of tho Court or Common Plea of Cm lion County, the uuderaltrneu will sell at public tale, on FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1878, at 2 o'clock P. M., upon tho premises In Frank. Im Township. Carbon County, Pa., the follow lug Hoil Kstnto. to wit: No. All that certain Mcfsnace. Tenement and piece of ground, rltualoin Franklin town ship atoiesald, bounded and denctibcd aa fol lows, to vslt: lleKinninfr at aslone In a publle road leadlnir from M. I'nul'n church to rino fiwumpt thence partly hv land of Franklin Bolt and partly liv land or Charles Drel-bneli. north 81 decrees, t ast 4J perches to a stone, and thenco by the latter north i4dei-ros, onstM) porches to a stone, ana notth 82 decree, oust 31 ii-tchestou pou: thenco by lnd ol Joseph llai tmniii north 32 deitreca, west 4ii perches to n pout: thence by land ol Augustus Jloehler, inuth lish decrees, wet 10 petehes to a post: thenco bj the same mid partly by land of Cor. neilusbnvder, south 84 aerreex, V3lj perches to n etouOs thenco by land of l'aul Hack, south 18 degrees west 40 poiches toastouo: taenco by land late of Daniel golf, north S3 ilivicot. met 691s perehestoii stouo.nnl eoutii21t degrees, east 02 pereliea to the place of lieg lining, cou taming 4t acres una 70 perches, mure or lesB. 'me improvements thereon consul. o( a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, si by SO feet, two stories hlzli. with porch at tat lied, F ame B ji n 35 by ii tcct. and other out buildings, a well or good water, u cood oi chard. Land tn a high slate of cultivation. No. 2. All that cettain me-ssuatre. tenement and piece or land situate In the township more end, uuuuded dua dcnoed as fol.ows. to wit i Beginning at a Mote, thence by land or Peter Lnux, north 8i degrees, cast 61.7 perches and noiilhllh degrees eat 12 prces. and north b3h degrees, cast 44 perches: thenco by land ol Auron bchnell, south I1H decrees, 'east 1 17 perches: thenco by land late J. boio. eouth 77 S dem tea, 22.5 percues ami south 10H degree, west 32 pcruiiea : thence by lind of oa. Dor. wart, south C71& degrees, went 70 perches: thence by land of Aaron tichuc.l. north 7H tie. frcea, went 102 oli peichcs; thence by laud of acobZciccntuss, north H degreed, we-tt tu510 perches to plnco ot beginning, containing ICO acres, too peiultes, tnnro or lea. No. 3, All that certain messuage, tenement and piece of land Mtuato In sitd lownshtp, bounded and tluHctibed as loliows, towit:lle ginning ut a corner, thenco by lutid if Peter Luux, north 83' tit green, cist 110310 porches: thence by land of jbaulol Walk, south 91 de grees, west It perche. and south OdCKieei, west 88 perches : thtneo partly by laud of J, SceniB and ptrtly by land of Aarnn bchnell, north 114, weft 15i 7 lo percnes to the place of beginning, contuluing 72 vs ttoth" acres more or leaa. Being th Heal ,stuto of Daniel bODMu gernndwiie.or nald IT'iiKlln Township. Car bon County, and tn ho sold by the Assignee for the boueilt ot creditors. The Terms and Condition-, -will be made known on thd day ot sale, and dt.o attendanco given by JOKI, NEFF, Assignee. P. J. Mkeiian. Attorney. July 0. 1878. 3w A Mat. nt n 'I hnn.. and Country Week. Insert a one Incn an. rertlscnient one year for two dollars aud a quarter a papt-r, or for tho same price we can luseri fltty.two reading notices (a new one every Wfek). uverHglng seven Hiips each. For list of papers 4aod other particulars, address GEO!', ltOWELIi&CO.. 10 Spruce Ht,, N. Y. PIANO ZXLTZl ORGAN il.toj, oinv 1125. huperb Grand sijuart I'lauus, cost i.li-O, only Elegant Upright Planus, cost tw, only it&5. New Style Upright pianos, lit.w. Orgaus f3V Organ! 12 stops, f72.50. Church Organs. 10 stop, cost t39), only Elegant (315 Mirror Top Organs only I05, Tiemendous sacrlrlce to close out present stock. New tJteatu Factory soon to ho i meted, Newspuper with much Informallou about cost of iMatios and Urusns Kent freo. riease uddress nan j lui f . uriA 11 y . wasnmgioa. j. 7 dny to A cents canvufaimr for thH firr. wok Visitor. Terms and Outfit fiee. Address 1. O. VICKEUY, August. Me. C1fl in (tinnn lnreaUd in Wall Ht. stock, Vlu lu CplUUU make, fortutiea every uiontli, liuokanitfroeeiplamlnfffvorrtlilne. AiWrem BAXTKlt A CO., Hankers. 17 Wall St, K. Y, TELEPHONES For Business rurpows. ours ex. eel all others in clearness aud volum of tone. Illus. circular and testimonials for 3 cts. Ad. dress J. It. ilOLCOMB, MALLET CREEK, OUIO, 30 j Mixed Card. Snowflake. Damask. A.O.. nr. 2 alike, with name, 10 cts. J. Minkleu A CO .Nassau, N. Y, sweet mmuu UE6W1I Awarded hfyhett prt st CeotennUl Expo I don for fi4 ceving qwluie nad tzctUene and luting rAar acttr r tvuttning at't JUitoring. The belt tobacco erer made, Aa our bin atrip trade-mark fa rtoeljr Imitated on Inferior pnod. fee tbat Jntluon'i JUI It aq ererj rluf, Sol, lj all dealer, ttatd for umi-le, free, to O. A. Jacesom & Co., Mfn., rterburj, Va, Q. F. WAMPUS, rbtla.. Pa., General Agent. DU. S. II. P. LKE'S LITIIONTRIPTIC DISSOLVK8 STONE AKD GRAVEL In the Kldner', IJvcr and madder. It care, Oall. Stoora, Diabetes, Clout, mid. lb Ita luclpi. cut state, Urlalit', Disease. Doctor, Lee, Inn er aud son, pretrrlb.d It Id their practice in New York ,ud Hoston tortv year, with tin. paralleled tncceu. It l, l ow tor the tint time alren to the publlo aa a cure l'tr the tuoat di,. tretalnir klduetr affections, bend stamp for UIWUUU'l.lUUIlKIt Ut II1B O, Ji. 1, JlCE. IUU. I I'ANY. Nn. 4.1 (llntnn PlunH. Va Vnrlf fltv 1 Now Advertisements. s IX TEACHERS WANTED. Six Toflchem are wAntd for tho Ifehltrhton lioroueh Pnbtla Srboola, vis. i one rrlocljml; 1 lor armmnr i 1 for InternuHlifttci iforycc oniHrvj nnd2iorrrlmnrv, Tomi, 8 months. Tho Eximtnatlon will bo held In thoBcbnol Homo nr LehlglitoD, ou Tncsany, July 23, 1878, nt 9 o'clock a. M. Hy order of the Hoard. JJANIEL aitAvnn, JuneCMw Secretary, ANNUAL Financial Statement OF TUB LEHIGHTON SCHOOL BOARD. For tho Year Ending June 3, 1878, N. B. REBEU, TnEAsuiiER. DR. IlECEirTS. To balance In Treasury as per last et nto mem (1,300 23 To balance on duplicate ut Wft 64 70 " nmouut on dupllcaio of 1877. 4.713 20 " &tnto appropriation 63' 33 14 rent of liail 22 S3 41 Aaron Weldaw 2iO (Ki " A.J. Darling coo 00 " I'erry Klstler 530 00 " David Klstler 2t0 00 " James Kcrltran 700 00 amount due Tiedsarer 84 43 $9,181 83 CH. EXPENDITURES. T A. Bnyder, Rtilnrr as teasher (520 00 Kllen J. Hciliuon, salary i" teacher.... V70 00 M T. Yamal, salary ns teacher 30 00 8. R. Gilbam. ealiry as teicucr 2K 00 Slnrv It, O'Neill, salary as tfacher 70 00 Carry Uauer, &lary as teacher 240 00 llatile L. Koons, sjlaiy as teacher HO fO Km ma U 11 auk, salary an teacher. . It8 75 John tichockler, Janitor, &c 105 t5 F, I'. IfOiiKstrcec. salaiy and Icon lul 6) A, G. DoUenmayer, salary as beirctary 25 75 Joseph llohn, work at 'null 33 03 John Itothermol, work at well.. 32 00 Wm Junuilhrup, -work ot well 12 ou Edwaid Dollenrntiyer. repairing clocf.. 0 09 Fred. Kelly, work on school house 4 M Aaron Krum. caiting utone 6 00 It. J. Younnkln, painting 12 OJ Charles KcKcrt. insurance 24 tro Susquehanna Fire Iue. uo. insurance.. 37 CO Thomas Kemcrer. lnsnrance. 3 0 Ezra Newnard, In&utanco 0 00 11. a. Deilz, insurance 12 (0 J 1. Gabet, eoal U3 97 A. G, DoUenmayer, bchool Journal 7 ro J. K. Itlckert, lumber 3 24 N, 11. llcbcr, maps check book fcc 44 4; V. Schwartz, tablo and chairs 12 00 J, L. Uuhel, lumber and ruat0rlal hs M A. J). Alosser, htoves, hardwaie, Ac... 31 74 W. M. napsher, ass. D. Graver, mdse... 7 50 Weiss, lor P. Itoach, tax refunded... 2 ( E. II. Huyder, muse, and aud. scnuol ao 6 to ii. J. Kuutz sheep bkins 3 00 J. 1-atzti per. Jr., tils. rcglter, expenses & 5 N. B. Keber, paid A. v. EacUos for ex annninc l onrt '.. 5 00 Weieeport Lumber Co., lumber, Ac 3 60 Ettmu-er and Co., tnri.ncu urate 5 50 C. E, Greenawolt, blackboard wipers... 5 00 John It Inker, Iron aud blacksuiithln?... 6 15 Daniel Graver, merchandise 80 90 It. V. Morthlmor, punting 22 25 Mouua McGinty, interest 70 00 David D. Klstler, futures m ro llcnrv Kolb, interest 10 50 James llcGinty. interest... ,,. im W N, IJ. Keber to K. A, Bauer, interest... uo w) A. F. J'etcrs. ... 850 CO K.ofl., " ... 47 25 K. of I'.. lnteiest S3 02 V, H Muinerrin, " go to I'at'k Muiherrin, ' to Johu Wynn, " 70 00 George J latter, " 201 40 George EcmcKel, 6 (fl Uftry J. Claues, ' 247 10 1. J, Klstler. " 3Z 03 Jlboord A McDowell, lnicrm 'j Vtt Thomas Keoierer, jw w D. Ebbert. cert. indebt&lneM and int.. M 22 V. Keiueit r. pert lndobttductsaud iut :e a N.D. lteoer, H " " 1,447 fc5 D. Manlz, 41 " " iao w T Kemercr, " M , " "1 W iiGieouawalt 44 44 ' " a W D. uctioRt. " " " 44 5 W V.schwarts, ' 44 41 " 35 i5 r. J. Kuticr, 44 " 4 25 U Graver, ' 44 14 65 67 A.J.Duning. 4 44 " 41 CI3 50 lienryaoutu. 14 41 " 12 y) Mary J. ulauss, on account of bond 1,4-0 10 N. B. lleber. discount on note o! IE, Fen 8 term uc tier 81 2tl N. B. itebcr, Balaiy as 'lieaurcr lbo 03 jJisnBS We tho under'iimed, duly elected Auditors of tho Borough or Lohlghtuu, Co hereby certily that tho uuove account of N. It. Ituber, Trent, urer of the Lehicliton school Board, Is coirect, to tho best ot our unowledvi and belief. F. E. WIUTNHV.l Andlfnra E. 11. BNYDEIt. 5An(l0 ANNUAL STATEMENT Of Weissport School District, rOKTHEYEA.Il UNDINn JUNE 3. 187S. KECEirTH. Balance fiom last yeir. fcot 4: From Mtate appropriation 107 til From rent 21 oa From tax dupllcato 1(77-3 SC5 6) Total receipt,. I,6TO 6S EXPENDITUltKS. For repolrlnar ,77 CO Fot teachers' waffo, t&i vo For fuel snd coinluceucte, u no For fee, cl Collector is 21 For fees vt Treasurer li ut For tec, ol sccrelaiy IS 00 FiTlutcrcst 139 ou For other expenses B 00 Total Expenditure, f 701 78 Balance f3377S KECA PI fULATlON. Amnnni liorrowol and unpaid U,300 00 CbU In hand, ot Treasurer and Col lector DJ7 6S Liabilities, Inexcea, ot rcsourcea., fl,2o2 12 We, the undersigned Auditor,, report that we uavo examined the book, and account, ot J. a. Zero, Secretary, and W. It. Kuccht, Treasurer, ot tho Welsspott Bchool District, tor the year ending Jnne 3rd, 1878, and find their condition as set forth in tho above state ment. F. J. KAKT, ) AI.FUED wlTITTJNOUAM, SAuditors. JOHN U. U1KIIV. J Weissport, June i. 1S78..JW gUUJIIT HILL DISTRICT. MADCH CHUNK TWI. SCHOOL BOARD a v i ir"o n s ANNUAL REPORT FOR YEAR ENDING JUNE, '78. Ciuby State appronrtstlon for the year end, Inir j'ine,U78 II.M7 88 Balance mi hand 2U2 73 Collector's luxes or all kind. 8,117 4, l.iiueforj Bchool Board indebtedaeu, 6U3 us From all other source, 37, It Total receipt, lio.wo 21 DK.IO Building and furnishing IS33 91 lleut'nK.repalnng, iSc KM m Tcchera' wages. 6.710 it Fuel and contingency, 727 01 Fee, of Collector. I1I4 Treasurer, razv: en es Kalary of secretary lis to Hooks, maps, .ko IS, 10 Debt and interest of 1S77 8.SW 0 Total expenditure. 1 12,70 M Liabilities. In excess nf resource,.... (2.110 0 NATHAN KLOT. 1 H AM U M L BTEVENTON, AOdl'.ori JUSKl'il niCHAHDS, ) June r., It78-3t Tho undorsigned announces to tho ladies of Lohigbton and vicinity tbat bo is now recoiving and oponing a large assortment of SPRING GOODS, comprising sucb as Matalasses. Delaines, Coburgs, Alpacas,. &c. Also, a largo stock of PRINTS and GENERAL DRY GOODS, vbicb bo is offering AT EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Groceries and Provisions a Specialty, at prices to suit tbo times. Clover, Timotbv, Hungarian, and all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds, VERy CHEAP. TOGH1AI AMMEKj, Opposite tbo L. & S. Depot, BANK Street, May 0, 1870-yl LEHIGHTON, PENN'A. Dress Suits, Youths' Suits, lipip Boys' Suits. Mado up from the Best Material, In the Latest Styles, and Perfect Tits Guar anteed, at LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH ALSO, TREMENDOUS SLAUGHTER IN THE miCES OF Boots, Sboes, Gaiters, Hats, Caps, and Gents' Furnishing Goods. fi?Can and cxatmoo Goods and rnce, before miklnR j-onr pnrcltatca elsewhere. T. D. OLAUSS, Mercbant Tailor, 2nd door above tho Publlo Square, BANK STREET, Lehlfihton JUST RECEIVED! A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' Ready-made Linen Suits POPULAR PRICES. Also, a splendid lino of SUITINGS, LINENS, GRENADINES, and WHITE GOODS at Low Prices. Large Stock OF PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRELLAS AT VEltV Greatly Reduced Prices. Great Reduction IN Men's Small Wear. Gent's 4-ply linen collars, 1.60 per doz. of 15c. eacb. Gont's 4-ply linen cuffs, 3.25 per doz. or 30c. per pair. Gent's Magnum Bonura dress sbirts, the best in tbo world at 1.00. LARGE STOCK FINE DRESS SHIRTS AT A GREAT REDUCTION. PERFECT FIT GUARAN TEED. CALL AND EXAMINE. Respectfully, J. T. Nusbatjji & Son. April , 78 "gJXECUTOU'S NOTICE. Lettara TeaUmentary on the Kstateel Mra, Ere Holt, late ol the Townahlp of Frankiln, County ot Cat boii, 1'enna , ileceaaed, have been granted to the uuderalsied. to whom all per. aona indebted to theaaid eatate are requected to make pajtuent within alx weeks, aod all thoae liarinjr clalma ur demauda will make known the aamo, without diatr. to DANIEL WENTZ. Exccntor ot Eve bolt, deceaaed, rtrryrlKe lioroueh, May :, I6i!-Jel cf Business Suits Tli WMte THE EASIEST SELLING, THE BEST SATISFYING j SeiiiMaclKi Its Introduction and World-renowneil reputation was tho doath-Wow to Man- i prlccil machines. THERE ARE NO SECOND-HAND WHITE MACHINES IN THE MARKET. Thla Is a ver Important maller.ai It l,J'f' known and undlipuled fact that man, cl thi to called (int-cliti michlnu which ar ojetad to) cheap noai-a-days ar those that ban Men ro posjeiscd (that It. taken back lrm euitomtri alter use) and rebuilt and put upon the maikst " HfiWHITE IS THE PEER OF AW SEWINQ MACHINE NOW UPON THE MARKET. IT IS MUCH LARGER THAN THE FAMILY HA.i CHINES OF THE SINGER, HOWE AND WIEQ MTKEC0STS MORE TO MANUFACTURE THAM EITHER OF THE AFORESAID MACHINES. ITS CONSTRUCTION IS SIMPLE, POSITIVE AND D ITS WORKMANSHIP IS UNSURPASSED. Do not Buy any othor bsforo try ing tho WHITE. Prices ani Terms Made Satisfactory. AGENTS 'WANTED i White Serving Machine Co., CLEVELAND, 0. JOHN H. FAGA, AGENT FOR OAJinON COUNTY. May 4, Ti-tm MAUCU CHUNK. PA. 11U8INE8S MEN AND OTnKTlS IN WANT OF JOI1 PIIINTINO OK ANY DE8C1U1TION. WILT HKD TUK OAltBON ADVOCAT, OFFICK TIIK BEST and CI1KA1. KST PLACE IN THE COUNTY. OIVE US A TltlAJ, AND 11 B CONVINOEll. tlftflfl FOR EGO PRODUCTION AND JilUUlJ PltOFlT no (owla can equal rnp WHITE orBROWN LEOHORNB. iUlt Kcffa froru above-named "thorough. II A 1 U All IN U. BONAULE I'ltlCEB. GT WRITE FOR PRICE LIST. A. 8. MILLER, mar 20-3m PatUnburg, N. J. UEILII1A2V & CO., BANK STREET, Lehighton, Pa., MILLERS and Dealer. In AUKtndaot GRAIN BOUGHT and BOLD at ItEUULAU MARKET 11ATK8. We would, also, leaoectlnllr Inform onreltl tena that wears nowiulir prepared to HUP PLY them with JBCcst of Coal From anjr Mine deal red at VERY LOWEST PRICES. M. HEILMAN & CO. Jul? ii.