ItEI) HAM. The namo of the My who ft few week lince dropped her bade hair on the. sidewalk of a street in Clinton, Illinois, lms now been ascertained. The hair in question was of n bright red color,and few persona would hnvu imagined that it Wan dangerous when un connected with its owner. Nevertheless, that seemingly jnnoeenl red hair led to a tragedy that nearly ruined the peace of two happy and respectable families. Messrs. Smith and Drown are the leading citizens engaged in tho grocery business in Clinton. They are men of great worth of character, and have reached middle age without incurring tho breath of slander. One evening Mr. Smith returned from tho store and sitting down at the tea-table, pro duced a Chicago paper from his pocket and remarked witli much indignation, "That revolting Bccchcr scandal has been revived, and its loathsome details arc again polluting the press and corrupting tho minds of the public." Mrs. Smith replied that "it was a shame ful outrage that tho papers wcro allowed to publish such disgusting things," and asked her husband "which paper bad tho fullest account of tho matter." That excellent man said that ho believed the Qaicttc con tained more about it than any other paper and that after tea ho would send one of tho boys to get a copy of it. His wife thanked him, and was in the act of remarking that ho was always thoughtful and considerate, when the oldest boy exclaimed, "Pa, you've got a long red hair on your coat collar 1" A prompt investigation mailo by Mrs. Smith confirmed tho boy's accusation. There was an unmistakably female hair on tho collar of Mr. Smith's coat, and it was ob trusively red. Mr.; Smith said that it was very extraordinary tiling, and Mrs. Smith, also rcmarking"very extraordinary indeed," in a dry, sarcastic voice, expressed deep dis gust at red hair, ami a profound contempt for tho "nasty creatures" who woro it. About tho Eamo hour Brown was also seated at his tea-table, and was endeavoring to cxeuso himself to Mrs. Brown for bavin; forgotten to bring homo a paper. That lady, after having expressed tho utmost indigna tion at tho revival of tho Beecher scandal, had asked for tho paper in order to see, who was dead and married, and wast of course, indignant because her husband had not brought it home. In tho heat of the discus sion she noticed a long red hair on Brown's coat collar, and, holding it up beforo him, she demanded an explanation. In vain did Brown allege that ho had not the least idea bow tho hair becamo attached to his collar. His wife replied that what ho said was simp ly ridiculous. "Red hair don't blow round like thistledown, and at your time of life, Mr. Brown, you ought to bo ashamed of yourself. Tho less you say tho better, but I can (ell you that you can'tdcccivo me. I'm not a member of tho Plymouth Church, and you can't mako mo beliovo that black is white." Now both Brown and Smith wcro perfect ly innocent. Of course, they were annoyed by tho remarks of their respective wives, but, liko sensible men, they avoided any unnecessary discussion of tho painful topic. Tho next day they eacli brought homo all tho Chicago papers that contained any refer enco to tho Beecher matter, and, as tho papers wero received by Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Smith with many protestations of the disgust which they felt at hearing even the namo of Beecher mentioned, they naturally supposed that they had mado their peace. But marital suspicion onco awakened is not easily put to sleep. AVhilo Brown was handing his wifo tho bundlo of newspapers, she was closely scrutinizing his coat collar, and, after she had laid tho papers on her plato and told tho children not to touch them, she quietly took two long red hairs from her unfortunato husband's coat, and held them solemnly before his face. " Mary, I givo you my solemn word." began the alarmed Mr. Brown; but ho was not permitted to finish his sentence. "Don' say ona word," exclaimed Mrs. Brown "Falsehoods won't help youj I am a faith' ful and loving wife, and I'll havo you ex- posed and punished if there is any law in Illinois." -Thus saying she gathered up her newspapers and rushing to her room, locked herself in It was not until later in the evening that Mrs. Smith, as she was about to turn down her husband's lamp which was smoking, perceived that two red hairs wcro attached to his shoulders. Eha sail nothing, but, after laying them on tho table beforo him. burst into tears and refused to bo comforted until Mr. Smith solemnly wore that he had not seen a red-haired girl for months and years, and offered to buy her a new parlor carpet tho very next day. Of the two ladies, Mrs. Brown was much tho stronger aud tho more determined. The next evening, ivheu Mr. Brown brought back from the storo no less than five red hairs on his coat-collarho broke a pio plato over bis head, and leaving him weltering in dried apples, put on her bonnet and left tho hotlfie. M. Smith, nn thrt Mmo found four of tho mysterious red hairs on her husband's coat, but sho refrained from violence, aud merely telling him that slu) would not believe in lilslnnocenoo if ho was to SWear till he was black, called loudly for her sainted mother mid was about to faint wnen airs, jjrown burst into the room. Mr. Smith, liko a wise man, fled from the scene, ana tue iwoiauicssoonconlidoatueirwron to ono another. When Brown and Smith met tlm nt day, the former confessed to tho latter that no os in u lernoio scraiio. umtidenco be got cdnnuenco and they toon became con vinced that they were the victims of a fright ful consniraev tn wlnVli uimn tinlm.-. wearer of rod back-hair was a party. Their distress was increased early in tho afternoon oy mo appearance 01 meir resiectlvo wives, who walked up and down the opposite side of tho street for hours, each carrying n con spicuous rawhide, and evidently lying in wait for tho Imaginary red-haired woman Messrs. Smith and Brown felt that thrv wero ruined men, and that a tremendous tcandel scandal was about to overwhelm them. They even wi.Iied that they were About 4 o'clock P. M. Mrs. Smith rlnlMi. gd her companion's arm and hade her listen loaemaiicoy who was rolating oue of hi n-evufc crime, io n youimui companiou. "I jutt picked up that there hslr' remarked the wicked youth, "and putfomeof it on-old Smlth'n.and old Brown's coats J I ken' a put tin' of Hon every day, and you. just let they ketched it from their old women when they went home. Smith, he Is as solemn as an owl, and old Brown looks ns if ho was a goin' to be hung." Tho remains of the boy were removed by tho constable, and tho Smith mid Hi own' families aro onco more united and happy. iV. 1'. Times. Cheap Ticket for the West. All persons goingtoany point in the West should buy their tickets of C. E. Stedman agent, Ii. k 8. Division, Mauch Chunk. Lower priies by no other routes. Inquiries by tiostal'card promptly answered. Tickets wilt be seit to any station agent on L. & S. It. It., upon request. 18-31. Advertising Kates. Wc desire it to bo distinctly understood ttiat no advertisements will bo inserted in the columns of Tiir Carbon Advocate that may bo received from unknown parties or firms unless accompanied by ttio cash. Tho following are our only terms: ONK SQUARK (10 LINks), One year, each insertion lOcts. Six months, each insertion 15cts. Three months, each insertion 20 cts. Less than three months, first insertion $1 ; each subsequent insertion 25 cts. Local notices 10 cents per line. H. V. MORTIIIMEU, Publisher. JSSIUXEE'S NOTICE. Notion Is hereby given that LEW. TtETiniO. or M AUONINOTownslilD, carbon county, Pa., by deed of voluntary n.siimmcnt, bearing date tlio Him day or MAY, 1678, asMiiuea nil Ins iru peitv Real, Personal and Mixed to Hie under. tianed, for ibebenentorhiscrcdit'iirt A'l pei. fonti, tUcreloro, Indebted to said Lewis Itehilg will niake payment wtthtn sir Weeks, Irom tbe da o hereof to the said Assignee, and tho-e having lecal claims will plouse present them for settlement to tiA ilia.:: MOSSElt, Assignee, Lchlclltnu I' O , or to A. CltAIO bis Attorney, Mauch ChunK. Juue 8, 167S-W6 UMTOIl'S NOTICE. John Nothstetn. assign.). In t?f;a?Ironncl01ca" William Grow and Wifo. ApmaftmTws. Notice fs bcrebv riven that the utnlei ElunM. nn mi lltor QUDOintea bv ttiP Contt of Common I'leasor Carbon County, to d.sti Unite the funds In court arishiR from tlie (MieritVe) ale of tlio real estate of the above-nnmori dofenitantH will attend 10 tbe uutie or bis nopalntmeut at tbe office of Albncbt and trvvuian. Knars, on Tuesday, J tuy a. 1878. at Otdocc a. m wbcio anu when all persons i in erected rony attend. June IWt Cheap for Cash I Tho nnderslened respectful'v InTltea tho at' tcntlon ul Ids frlenus and tho public to the Laro ami Select Stock of Groceries Provisions comprising TEAS. COFFEES SUGARS. MOLASSES, BOLOGNAS, BUTT Ell. EQliS, POTATOES, HAMS, SHOULDERS, Ac., which he is selling VIHIY LOW FOR uahji, uive niai a cull before you buy else wuere. Frank Liebcngutli, DANK STREET, LEIIIGIITOX, PA may ls-ms CENTRAL CARRIAGE SLEIGH WORKS, Opposlln T. D. Clauss', Bnnlc St., Leliigliton, Pn., la prepared to manufacture any descrlp. tion ot Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagons, &c. Repairing Promptly Attended to. C7"AI1 work done at this establishment Is cuaraotecd to be of tbe Terr beat material and workmanship, and tho prices fully as low as tbe same article a can be porchased lsewhere. Special Inducements offered to strictly caab customers. M. C. TREXLEIt & CO. JulyJI,lb77. CHEAP Kiiusas Lauds ! ! We own and control tfl Railway Lands of TTtKflO COUNTY, KANtTAS altout equally dtuledbr the Rnosas PaciUo iVUwu'. we nto elliiiK sc fiom :w to fA.Ofltx-r acie in easv terms ot payment. Those 1 innfl sro ot the VfkVtr liAkfc siiiftltti . siiii urn iiuvitPil liMltO bett wlutfr wheat aud vtovk erowlUfedistiicJ10' tb United 8tat4s. Altering acctloua ot (Jfvcrn. mt nt lund can be taken shometi adibv Actual seulers. Members ct our Arm reside at Vf At KE1CNKY. and will tshovr lauds at all tlmesAA pamphlet plvlug lull ui formation ot aoiL ciinia WJ vtnU r sapplr. ratulall, &c, will be sent flee on I equcsi, auu ress, WAUItEN, KEttMSY, A CO.. 106 Denrborn St., Chicago, HI., spi J-m: Or. Wa-Keency Trexo Co., I was- m u3 P 3D. e??3ai hnsS f IV a? 1 a .q TT HI Tns BEST axdMoit Popular Pulmonic is It invariably Cures Coughs. Colds, Hoarse ness! sore Throat, a sunn a, iroup anu other AHectlons of the Breathing Organs. It soothlnir Influence nnonthe Inirntrd lln. lop of tbo nit pnBances.Is duo to tlio faol that ii incrpuiemn nro mo u.vm uiucncious jmimon- in nmntPA known 'o medical botanv.tbe bnl of thn article be njr tbo IIUNKV of tho H OKI;. HOUND PLAINT, chemlO'illy united with tbe momenta! principle ot tho AiilES UAIVs AMKA orl3fllmol Gil end. Tficie ere besides, five other bo tamo element which give mltli. linnni emenry to mo ursi narara two. a linuft whrt hro riHi'ti it av thtt. TIAt'R'H nONKY OP 1IOUB lOUNI) AlvD TAU Is not only wonderfully remcdio'ii m nit caeci where tbeorpaasof reptintitinare eftocced hutnlso that Ha notion la unusually rapid. A fewtio ei Jrequontiy serve to relieve h verv obstinate couirlt. it con l at d s nnthinff tint i-an flhoider ttto ftonnrti, a fact mat enn bo nueped with tnith of out few con ill rurncdle i It hai an ex treincly avtecab oilivnr. end in sold at n flnte which enable t lose of tho most limited means to nrall themsotTCs nf its rlrtuoB It is Fimph' inndupFS to tiiflo with i Couvh. Irrltnlion of tho Throat Chest and Lunts travnli mnnlir. mid whaL!s a trillinir ft'iil n.ii(v conquer able dif&cnltv in toe nrcans to-day. mny in u iew wroiB nevfioou una jjroncii.tis ur Consumption, two diseasoi wbich carry more victims to early craves, than any other In the lon?liMof bodily disorders. A Co u uh mavbelltlv termed I ho Prellmlnarr Rtncro of Consumption, n miludy of wbich ITALTC'S ILON13Y OP HOUK1IOUM) AND TAR. Is the snret known preventive. Those, thereof, who would n it cut the omcreM of tho d est rover should delay not a moment totalis thn ceiitaiv specific. (UIM)Ui;n nenve ere at benefit from its eooTHixo properties, when sufferlnt? with the itaroxvmi of Croup and Whooping Cough, ah flrt named disease la especial Iv destine Ivo am one younff chlinren and tbii rcllablo remedy should on kept on hnna In alt hoimtvold-. UUY TUP. I -Alton I'ACKAQCS AND KCONO) IZ2. l'iUCKS, bo cents and tfl. per ilottie. Sold by all DrugcUts. C. N. CR1TTENT0N. PropV, No. 7 Sixth Atcuus, New York. Havo You ft "RAGING TOOTH" Reader? IP YOU HAVE. BUY Pike's Toothache Drops and Cure Hie aconvtn One Minute. This yon enn do for Twcnty-Hvc Cents. The trtJclo will do tho business up brown, depend upon it; mnrever it rnnimiis no lUKretueni waica can lKJUBKvour Teeth. r It ICE 25 CENTS. old by all Druggists. C. N. Crittenton, Prop'r, No. 7 SIXTU Avenue, YORK. The Leadiug External Specific for DISEASES OP THE SKIN and Bcautificr of the Complexion. It renders the Cuticle Healthfully Clear ami Smooth, ami is tho Best Tossiblc Substi tute lor Expensive suipnur waius. T nti TnrnmniirnhlA ItrmedV SOT tlTTllea. TJlcera, Outa. ana every Irritublo or unhealthy condition of the k'n. and is u nerviceubio rememai npem una aouruo ui bjuj rciwt tu r.a.M rirtut unit IthrnmBtlHlU. ICisamoxc uosirauiu ui'mrtwLu ur cr.OTUINO OHBKI) l.IRN. worn and used by persons Hnneriujr irom ouunxiun or coniaa lou disea-es. and ts a Capital Kerned v and iro vontntivn nf tiirm. Wl en uhlmi uh hu liiifciioii. leisous omplovlnjf- U havo no need 10 tuke tnl- Eimr liatrs. or to resort w auipuur opriugi ir aihluK purposes. m . , AaaniKijuncionie iviuiui, mrraoro defurab o than nny Cosme Je, B'lice It dot-a not, jlkeartlo eiorthainaturo.oonceal Complexion ul lllemihes. but removes thim. TAN. KltjSCKLEH.l'IMPLES DLOTCflE, and the like, soecoitv yield to its cianlvioir in nuencei and It Is the very beai Soiotovhive with.becauso It leaves tbo skin smooth and irtu from tbo Irritation produc d ou a sensitive cut., cle. bv tbo Mpulicatlnn of the mxor. It also completely eradicate iJANDltUFl' Housewives declsro It to te excellent for washiutc WOOLEN, LINEN. LACK, and otber fabrics, and ludie- movluR in the besf cuclea of mettopoiitan and rural society tpeilc vlli in tin hnrhot terms. Tetiinonlals oour In from si) qnarters of the Union ilium its LMop ietor. many ot which have been published In tho form of thoanent pumpa let procut able ot UrurKista nud Fancy Qfoc!s Dealer, the onglnaU being open lo public i Bpeeilon t his medicinal WauehoUke. Nh,7 mxtii Avenuc, xw onK. Tbo aiticle is moreover ludorsed tiy tho Medical fralern'ty. Like mom other FamousHeme ue OLENNS SULl'IIUU SOAl has been Imitated Hoans without tburmallet frscnou ot remed'fcl em cacy ha( e been and are ton tea upon the unus pectiuj; and unobservant, renuiot Sulphur Soaps noMsesniiiff Dro portion Ideotlcal w'th or equal lo I he Great SreciflawHch the'r vendors ee to riv.1 by undertiand competition, The lUbllo should thereroro ue caret at to loqutie for UL12 JN'S su phur Soap by it full luiuie, and hiu) that the v net tho ual artlcb. All respovtiiblo Di uvist. Fnc. oood Dral 0 UI.KlMH'a bULit'llUlt AOAF. aud will on demacd font, nANUBTiiiNO to their customeri1. supply the sent tJv ma" PreP&la Ior 70 cents. Crittenton, Prop'r. No. 8 BVBN SIXTH AVENUE N. Y. BLACKS and BROWNS As Xatvral as Katcke's Self, Are piminunicatcil tn Gray nud Flame Col irva iocks almost m-iiaiuancausiy by np's Unir & "Whisker Dye, ni'enaratlon abs'ilnt Ir f rn from hnrlfnl In FltU"ntstand indnltely superior. byrtaou of thqretftJ:ts produced, to auv artie'enf Ut class, iirlmitura (lltKitEH and IUUivem rih hm. vt-fcted. and tbe silvery lioirr of hbo acquire the trAeyoutuiui imp pom inismatouieaa Dye. SOLD DY ALL DUUO GISTS. Q. N, Crittenton, Prop'r, r-Tl soLPnfft' SOAP, Spring Styles, 1878! Low Cash Prices!. ' MRS. MTGUTH, Fashionable Milliner, WHITE ST., WEISSrOItT, Pa., Reipectfa'lrnnnoiinora to the ladleanf WtlM. port ona the nrronni1inir country that shu Is now tccelTlnc nn stook vt SPRING MILLINERY GOODS ComprlslDe BONNETS, HATS, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, Ac. made np In the latest fashion, which sho Is prepared to sell to ber patrons and friends at puces so low as to bo perfectly aitonUbiog. Also, a full assortment of SWITCHES ! I Ann nil other roods mnalijr kept In a first-class Millinery More LADIES' OWN HAirt MADE BP TO OR DEH ot tho vcrv lowot no&lB'e prices. Call ana examine Goods notf I'nces M11S. ll.GUTn. Weiss iJOrt.l'o. March 23.3m H. A. PETER, ojttue Central Drug Store, I.EUCKEL'3 BLOCK, LEIIIQnTON, PA Offers to tho public a full lino ot PUKE DRUGS and CHEMICALS, rATENT MEDICIN Its. nonHE unit f ' A T. TLB fOWDKItS, TOILKT ARTICLE'S. .-rosons. cuamoih bKlNS. l.A and FANCY srATlONHRY, latest styles ut PLAIN and FANCY WALL l'AI'iCl.fct. at o-lce to njit tho times. 1-UllB WINE and LIQUOltS for moiliolnal use, &o. Physlciairs prescrloklons cotnpoundod by miself at all hours of tho day and night, hunday included. All offeied at vo-y rensonablo prices Thank, tog tho t eople for their past layers. I aol It a coiitmuanco in the future. 11. A. PLITElt. March 23, li-yl F AVOMTE PCBLICATIOKS. FRANK LESLIE'S CTTIMNEY CORN Fit. This bettntirui perlodiesi, the best American tnmilv lournnl. story paper, and home friend. has been the successful rival of all the weekly Journal? tor tho post tbtrteen years. It rained .i piBCU 1U lllO IlllIIUS UUU JICHTIS UI OUT pCOplU, an' i now tho name of it patrons is Legion. This venr the CHIMNEY i'ORNEit Btems to be better than ever. Its serial toili-a uie of tbe moHt riiiBoiblutr anil lively character, of creat oower. ttue to lire and tull ot merit, laklug a wide ran tro ot subjects to nleast everv member of a hoimebolfl tno domestic story lo; the mother, the chormlnir love tale for tbeaauKli- teia. tno idotb nraroaiio lor tno vonnc men, the Mdld novel lor tho oloer readers, and then we bavefdlirlhrf adventure tor the boys and fairy tales tor tno cunarcn. ILaiiDcrton, uowaru. no 01 neon, no lorost Ttenrriict. S. Aunle Piost. Annie Thomas. Kits W. Fieri e, and Diner eminent writer, are Its regular conlribuiors. The subjects treated ot aro verv vnneu iuo iiiueiroiiuus tro pruiuve, nud thflv aro all beautiful, sboit ttnnp-i rt, rrf raft v in oreaiiuir uretMiraoieieu in etc 1 num. per. whl e bWffi opmes, ad vent ui cs. esavs. (uu, trave s. natuial history leRondi. anecdotes, science, etc. mako this publication one of tbe moHt eitteriflinlirfr In exUtence. iSxqmue s-eci cntaviuirs are irequcntiy given awuf tft us eubilbers. ilin cniMiET CnitNKlt. sixteen nsues. with Plight naves if llla-tratlons. nrlntrd on tine on. Der, is puoiwiieu cfery wimuiy pneo noiy iu rnntH. unuual subsctlntlous. ii. Domdtl. Ad. dtostyouroraerit to tianic Leslie's Publishing Fit AN K LESLIE'S LAI.s JOUIINAU 16 pa oi, lesufti weeiciy. cimtsins exct-lleni plcturPB nun tun iicniiiij.iwiia ui i iin very latOut bi lea ui luuiun nim uimmi s wear) usO' ful lntormatlou on family top cs, select stone i beaJtitul MuUrtitioiis of home and lorelpn sub' iprtt noettvi lashlonablu lutolllizencot Der sonal chit chat ; amusing cartoons on the foi tea and Fotbei of tho day r Hp.nts of Mirth, &o. FHANK LESUB'fl LAUV'b JOtHHALls tho Olosl beautiful ot nil tbo lauuV papers. It sbonld be round on tbetubloor ewryiadviu tno land, l'n co to ceots per copy; auuual subscription, f 4, pofipain. wiiAWIf LESLIE'S l'OPULAft MONTH, LY has made rapid strides as the rival ot many aspirauti to puunc favor, f tBCoiilr.butotaare i onio . f the best nvinv writeie. livery iieuart mnnt of literature is repieseuted liiitscoiumns 'iiio rmnuutnf uiHtrut'tlon. utertnlmuent and amuement afjoroeu by the sitlcle.", fsavs. stories ana acnerai ujisc-eiunv cuniaiueu in me l23quaito pHgusor each number of tlnspubll- of thn l'onular Montn.v is em belli-bed will over Ito bfautirul tllustrailon. Uemg the cheapest periodical oi lae in existence, and ut tlm tame time ono of the mot ee eti and umveranliy welcome. U must contluue to ln rrpAfiio in tinb lo f jvor. and rank with the ob. hshAi'a bU.NDAY Maoazi e ho highest nmong an nur Americau nioniuiin. it is puunaueu ou tbo 16th oi eacn montn. rnccvaceuu a num. den sntifcriPiion. i 2. uot otl.t. :er vear. Ad dies your orders lo Fruult Loi.le, 13J Vasal Street, New YorK. FHaNIC LESLIE'S SUNDAY MAGAZINE Isa beautllul woric. It will lnieret educated and cultivated minds as well as tho moit ordl nary reader. It is the only isunaav mogaxiue published tn this country. Eveiy number has ia naees tilled with taa most aolect and lasci nating literature, rangirff from I be te. mm by the editor (Dr. C. F. Deems, pastor of ttid uu jren oi me utraneersi to siirring isies, ren' fiul toDlca and essar. wietrv. muiuo. mu scl I'DC, I11B14I yt Klv , 1U HITHl. VUlll'Vl ftuu 1 KMVl ot this turtraxine hai lxi exquisite eugruvlngs of me raort inteiesting c lift meter, it nas reached u circulation and prosperity such as muKCiiouuoi tno marvci vi in-nuuicai ier titrr. It. lit 1iiflnl a ttnantifiii wnril. liuv It and see lor your elves. Hlncle copies are odlv 25 cents, anil annual tubscnpilon only 13, poMi pmii. .o(iiess ouei a iu FitANK LKSLI E'S PUBLISUINO JIOU9K, febily 537 rearl atrcet. New YorK. Shaving, Sliampooing, DIEIKO, UAttt D RE BIND, and Hair Gutting Saloon. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC Key West & Havana Cignrs All tho New York and Philadelphia MORXIXG, EVENING, WEEKLY AN! SUNDAY (Herman & English) ftU'EKB, Also, tbe LedlDg Newspapers of NeUlibriDa; bwitcn.u te anuuieu uaunouauea. rost- a ro aud Itevenue staups. jtewtpaper Wrappers, and Postal cards always on hand. Aerent tor ihe English and Uer msn Almanacs j Wceklv and Month ly Boom and Periodicals, Ac, &o. F. INKMANN, Junr Susquehanna Street, JIAUCU CHUNK, Fa. Dec, 1S.H77. FOR SAL -A PilH OF auoni snvo moothsolil 1 Ton wantlbfio CUBA I' FOIl uahii, call al mis omee lm mwiUielr. Mar 11 A CHANGE TO MAKE SOME MONEY Hint E. Cornell'a Hlstorrof PennsTlva, nta.' Now rssdv VVrlt for arancv at once. JOHN SULI.Y & CO., rtbllstots 713 hansom rHE SLAT1NQT0N PLANING MILI AAD Cahinet Ware Factory, AT HLATINOTON. JOHN BALLIET, Propr., Pcala In all kind and sires of rine, Hemlock Oak and Hard Woxio Lumber, and is now pie poiu iw vAQbuiu iu j lutfuut ui uruerv lor DresseD LumlbeR OF ALL KINDS. Doors, Snsliw, Blinds, Slmttcry, Mouldings, Cabinet AVnrc, &c, With l'rouiptness. Brackets Made to Order. The Machinery li all daw and of thAhesI and moat Improved kinds. I employ pone bni tb bent workmen, ue well seasoned nndtrootma tetlal, and am theieforoiiblotnrnainntee entire sflticfactlon to all who mav favor me with a call. Orders ov mail piomptly attended to. Mv cbsrpefl are moderate) trms cash, or Interest charged alter thirty daro. GIVE MK A CALL. r?T Those rnvacrd In Uniltline will find it. t Ibeir ndvrtntsge to hvo Plrtlntr, Floor Boards Doors, cashes, frhuttera, Ac, Sc, coadeat thl aciorr. May lOyi JOnN II A LLIET, b Opposite L. A S. Depot, On the East Weissport Canal Bank Ttespectfnllr tnfotms the citizens of this Ylrtnl. ty that riokpept constantly on hand smlSKLLS m, mo j.u ffani' aiAJtKivi I'ltiuiia, lao very Wmiv Feed, ALSO DEALEll II XiUSEBXSR 1 FOIl BUILDINO AND OTOEH PUHrObES wbicti huKuaranteea tone Tlioroughly Seasoned, and wmcn nn is now at THE VEUY LOWEST RATES. CaH CoalT WHO LES A I(EnnanETAILatthe LO V.'EST CASn PRlOKi. He baa a a number of very e'.lcibly located In nirKERTSTOWN. Fratailr. Township wuicii ue nui neu uo Terr iaaj lerms. AOS' J. S. H ICICIiliT. QAHUON ADVOCATE JOB PRINTING OFFICE LKUianTON, PA. Srerr description ot Printing, from a Visiting Card to a Poster BILL nEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS. PROUHAMMES. POSTERS, HANDBILLS. DODGERS, CIRCULARS, SHirPINO TAOS, ENVELOPE PAMPHLETS, BY-LAWS. 4tC.. C Done In tbe best manner, at Terr Lowest Prices. We are nrepared to do work at aa cheap rates as snr omre in the State taat tieala Honestly with In ciutoniers. OUR MOTTO IS Cheap, Prompt & Reliable. ty Orders y mall recelTS prompt attention. )A.VID KUUUIIT'B ' Livery & Sale Stables HANICSTflEET. LKHIOHTON, Fa PAST THOTt'ING H0I.SK3, ELEGANT OARHIAGES. And positively LOWER PRICES than any ouer Jvory iu mo uoauiy. Large and handsome Carriages for Panersl purposes and Weddlncs. PAVID EBBERT. rov. n. xm. T$eyr Advertisements. H. P. LEE3 LITIIONTRIPTIC DISNOLVJtS STONE AKD OKATTtl. In the Kidneys, Liyer and Bladder, It eum Oall. stones. Diabetes, Oont, and. In Its Inelnt. ent stale. Brlcht's Disease. Doctors Lee, er ana son. prescrio.0 it in tbelr practice In New York snd Boston torty yesrs -with no. paralleled success. It is 1 ow for the first time given to the puullo . a cure lor the most dls lles.ltil kidney alTectons. Send atama for pamphlet to di pot of the 8. H. P. LKE COM. i,'A:0 ?lta'a Place, New or otk city. Sold by druggists. SWEET Chewii SATY (tut ehtvtnj firil(et anrl txsttimt md lotting tkar acter nf twetf'itnff nH Jtamrlnfi. Tha hett toWn Ttrr mflp. An our Mna itrlp fnrde-mrk fi 1omt ImllMcd ot fnCrrfor trml. rtt tht Jirbr JunS on mryvlmr. Eof.I by til dsalm. Btivi fr miupU, free, to C. A, Acnon A Co., Mfrt., rBimbnrr. Vs. o. F. WvinDI.T:. Phtls.. Pa-OrnfralAffpf. THE CHAMPION. HICKOK'S IMPROVED KEYSTONE Cider and Wine Mill. 20,000 IN USE AKD APPROVED. Th'jafliDlrslileBiscnlnessnewreaar Int ti lrult Sarrest oi IB7S It l. naifs in h nrrrect inanncr. and Is well Troitn tle ntlra- .uu u, i. wiauiin nnuiintr sncn a naCDUI.. 1, baj no anpenor In tbe market, and is tbe nlr mill that will uioperlv Krind Krape. Tb i tlio original Will. Ten- mnrb JinproTed. an U now tlie best raadeaiiTwaere. Address w. u. iiiuuoK. Hamsbnir.l,a )Un1""tH Concert Vi ft k V nronit ri.nn. m.t VlltaVlll tlicw.ou tI425. Bnrerh Orarnlnuur A.nesi coat, t.nv, only tai. Elcsant UpriKlit Tlanos. cost HOU, enlr HC5. New Strle trpnBhpiAnfis. IM'.W. otkuus I3J. orcans 12 stops. I7J.W. Cnnrcb Oreaus. it atop., cost K,i, onrr tl. Klrgsnt HIS Stirrnr Top Orpiana only. IIU. licmendoua e.icrlnce tocloee ont present sloer. kicn, iMwry gnn i oe lecico Newspaper with ranch Information about cost 9 rlaneHand Organs sent free. Please sddrei. i v. jiM ii i. wasningtoa. N. J. 7 n o.y lo Aireuia ranrnfffna- ior th Frsx. side Visitor. lerms and Ootot fiee. Address P. O. PICKERY. Amtnsta. Me. CitA C'OA or ft $100. OIUi OfwV. ouu o. Invested Judiciously In RtocEs (Options or Pn- ' i.cneii i. a sine i ona io rainu jorianr. ran details end Offlclsl ctorR Krehanre Heports free. Address T. POTTER WIGHT, it CO.. llsnkers. li Wall Streei. New Yorlc. SPEEE'S POET GHAPE WIUE used ntanrnmls ot concrrrntlons lor clinrch or comninnlon pot poses. IICILLIKI T02 LADIES ADD WIAIL7 PIESCSS ITill IBS AOSS, MT. PnOSPECTVINEYARDSi N. J. Speer's Port Grape Wine VOVIl YEAItS OLD. Tills Justly Ceiebrateil Natlre Wine' la mad. from the Jinroot tno Oporto -drupe, lauiMl Id this country. Its invaluable Tonic anil Strengflienin gFroperties are nnsnrpassed by mir other 'native Wine, Using the puie Juice of the graie. produced under Mr. bverr'a own peraonal sisaertlsion. Its puuty aud genuineuesa are Ruaianteed, Theyonngest child may paitnlce ot lie gener ousouailllcs. nud tliewealceat Invalid use It to advantage. It la particularly uencflotul to the aged ami debilitated, and aulted to thn vanona ollmenl tbat amlct the weaker .ex. It te. In every respect, A WINE 1 0 UK ltlil.IED ON. Iirtllii Uii Epeir'i f crt Crips "Wfiia. rcailci Hit Eiecr'i lot Otic, Wtsl VTeitl7 Pinrti nil 1 Emit if Itl Vn. Speer's Wncs tn Hospitals aro pfeterred io other Wines. Sold by Drugaista generally, who slso sen SPEKR'H PElJItO J. BRANDY, PEDBO J. HhEIIltY. and hTANDSltD U IHE .BIT. TKUS. Trade supplied br all Wholesale Deal cis. nee thst the slgnatnie ot Alfred t-peir. Passaic, N. J., la over theeotk ot rocU'bottle. A. HPKKR'S Mount Prospeet Vinejarda, New Jer-ey. omce, No. U Warren New York. For sale by A. J. DUULI.NO. lKHIOHTON. PA. PATENTS obtained for Inventors in the United States, Cnnndn and Europe, at reduced rates. With our principal cilice located in Washington, tnrectij opposite me unuea Males ratent Office, we nro nblo to attend to all patent business with greater promptness and des patch and at less cost tlinn other patent at torneys who aro at a distance from Wash ington, and who have, therefore, to employ " associate attorneys." We make preliminary examinations anu furnish opinions a, to patentatiliy, ireo or charge, and all who ar. interested in new inventions and patents are invited to send for a copy of our "Guide for obtaining rntents," which is sent free to any address, and contains complete instructions how to obtain patents and other valuable matter. Wo refer to the German-American National Bank, Washington, D.C.; the Royal Swedish, Norwegian and Danish Legations, at Washington; lion. Jos. Casey, late Chief Justice U. S. Court of Claims; to the Officials of the U. S. Tatcnt Office, and to Senators and Members of Congress from every Stat. Address: LOUIS DAGGER & CO., Solid tors of Patents and Attorneys at Law, LeDroii Iluilding, Wjsiiinotox, S.C. dec!) E. F. LUOKENBACH, Two Doors Below the "Broadway Uenis, MAUCn CHUNK, PA. Dealer in all Patterns of Plain and riaey Wall Papers? "Window Sjiades, Paints & Painters' Supplies, LOWEST CLASH PRICES. $777 Is not eaillr earned tn these tlmrs, but it can be msde' In three 'months bv any one of ellheraex.ln any part of the oountrr. who la wllllnv to wort: atrad'Iv at tha employment that we furn ish, tct a week In vou r own town. Ton need not be away from home over night.- -You can give your whole time to tha work or only yoar spire momenta. It eosta nothing to try th. business. Terms and fs ontnt free. Address, atonoe. II. IALLKTT A CO., febioyl rorUsot, Mstoa