iiirrnTiijii Society Meetings. hrivtta rJ.ITLl. NO. 71. A. O. K. or itiE M. 0 ?n" and "S koiiiy ol each month. In lie Hy. Kostonbader, a. It. C. i s. R. aiiuam., i. K, ,R. a. , HHioas uiinks Louas, No.e, VP-.5,?.:' "iifcets ovary Tuesday evening. t So'cloelr., In llebr?s tf all. H. Koltenbadtr, tf.O.JX. U. Iteber. Beoretary, JtBTUcnnii Tantt. No. W2. Imp. O. ot B.W.i . roeetsln Ileoer'a Hallevery Saturday. W. I. Petets, Uachem I A.W. Irenes. O. ot K. toed i'&CA TBine, No. 1J1. Imp. o. TWrnrot on Wednesday evening ol each wee, at 7:30 O'clock, In Public School Hall, Welsspitrt, P. C. W, schtrob; s. Jac. Brong. o. of It. aVignOHTOK roDoi. No. 234. K. of J.. meets on Friday eeniogs, in Bebef a Hall, .at ,7:30 e'elocHe W.H. uaobman, O.O.I L. A. lilllcr, K. ot B. and B. Jjl R. PKWEU8,, kjHTqior AtTonNKj, counsellob Office, Klott'a Bnilalng Tjtodaway.' MAUCH CHUNK, PA. SattllnK Estates, Finn Accoanta and Orphans tonrt Practice a specialty. .... Trial ot Cancel earetnllv attended to. Lcga anactIona In Kngltsh and German. Jan SrjJJlD.Y, JUNE 22,1878. Local vand Personal. ,WesW llver.pllls.cure Idcilgestion. Juno is the Rrcat month for roses. -"'iftfoU' fringo" is the latest for banged 'hair.- Read Tilgninan Arncr's new' advertise--msnt In another column. rrepv tr the taxi collectors. They will soon ba on their rounds. Shalle celebrate Independence Pay in a Jively, patriotic manner, or not? J-Tho rmladclpuia excursionist uiuuv things lively in Mauch Chunk Monday". It is said thai Glen OnoVo was never? and invitlne than now. A baby is a necessity, but twinsjalivuss did seem to bo or a spekuiativo natur. An exchange says that moths will not touch any thing done up injirown paper, Spring and summer styles of gents and .youth's hats, at T. D. Clauss' at low. prices. Professor T. A. Snyder, who taught' our high school ,last. teniij was in town this 'week. A full line of boots and shoes, gents furnishing goods, Ac, at T. D. Clauss,' very heap. The Norristown.llerald says mat uom- fort is dead. Mako the best of it, wars com Comfort. '"-.Don't worry over ' the liltle .illsof'lifc. it is like swinging a sledge liatrtmerli) kill ..ufly. - Paris Green and Land Plaster, for sale, cheap for cash, at J. L. Gabel's hardware tore. It Is staled thattho excursion ,nn Satur day netted some $8,000 to St. Duke's Hospi tal Fund. On lhe'4th of July a scries of Interest ing races are to come off over the ltltters Ville Course. tVinti. oils, and varnishes very low at Luc'kenback'i, Mauch, Chunk. Mixed paint njl, shades, to order. Jn wn'rlr. no reward, is the rule "of nat Ural law. The old saw runs, "He that will tat the kernel must first crack to shell." 'ffilf arrival of Slimmer drew Roods, Ac. ttt the Original Cheap CasliStoro are an nounced, in nnoiner coiumu. TI, trfhirh Flro Brick Works fit Cat. nsauqua, idle for several month) resumed ojieratlouj last juouuay wecK. Vnr iifwitnii.nl in wall mner. CO to H. A. Peter, of the Central Drue' Store. Sold -cheap forcash. Paris green at bottom prices, For uttering an oath n, fine of"C7celils iri ininnsu Mo tinder the' lav If enforced jirolauity to somo.peoplo would bo quite ex pensive. A Reading firm has been awarded tlio .contract for furnishing 400,000 bricks for rthe new state lunatic asylum to be erected ait .riorristoivn. Preserve your baby's health hy prompt ly, administering Dr. Bull's Baby Bvrup for ..l.. .11. ., -l.. Pri. ccuts a buttle. Monday last our estimable friend, "' Marcutlo," of Philadelphia, dropped in to .nee us. His genial and smiling countenance as ever welcome in. iur'nctum. If von want to cctteu in this world vou must be willing to take.tke bitter with tlio sweet Unless you aro ready to bear your .share of the general Ircrdcu you should not nave beeu boriu Clocks aid Watches carefully repaired, sand work warranted, at lowest cash rates, at aiagcman's cheap cash store, opposite public square, weiasport. ju-ij, The first number of Hon. J.'C Fincher's Oreeuba'ck paper will, npjiear otlio 3d of iuiy. rjuDscriicioiiuonuetiix iiionius .71. uu. 1000 copies of the first issue will be printed The stockholders of the defunct First National Bail-, of Allentown, have been -called upon to pay an assessment of 20 per -cem, to cover vae losses w ne inaiiuuiuu. J. K. RIckert has still a few f thosoeli jtible lots In Rlekertstown to dispose of. If you feel like securing a rood home call and ace him. He is also supplying Soar, feed, lumber ana coil at me lowest rates. See cberubinu in another column hold infr a bunch of era from which Spoer's I'ort Grape AViae is made, that is so highly s teemed by the niodical profession for the use ol invauus, weaiuy iiersoas, ana uie agea Go to A. J.Durlinr'spopulardnii! store, for the celebrated InBeet powder sure death to worms infecting currant, gosscberry and all other bushes. Paris Green, a fresh stock just received, for the destruction of the pota. 10 Dug. uneap lor casn. T. D. Clauss, the Lehighton merchant ullor, la now receiving an unusually large tock of gents suitings, cloths, cassimcra and Testings which he will make up to order in the latest fashion at extremely low prices lor casn. 1. T. Brady has fitted im and will run In connection with hia eating department an lee cream parlor for ladies and gentlemen and propose to keep nothing but a first class arucie 01 ice cream anu otner reiresnments. H. H. Peters, merchant tailor, post office building, hu just, received a. large stock of .gent's neckwear, which he is Btlcring very low for cash'. Iiookl Black silk bows, five for 2i eeutst linen collars, two fot 25 cents; cent's hose, six pair for 25 cents 1 and M other goods at equally low prices. Daniel Graver, at the Bee Hive Store, has jnarked down the prices of ladies Dress Goods and Dry Goods in order to reduce stock. Now call for bargains. -Vork on 'tlio stcepR WVitan cHurch is progtwsing. . 1 . John W. Nusbaum Is making prepara tions to remodel his dwelling on Bank street. n.,r .Tnl.'n cnmfiirters oA tllS end Of bur probocis during the past weekhas given us cause to noso uu uuoui. it. Relcca,daughterof Levi Bartholomew, of this borough, died on Monday mojning ast,fter anlllncss of nearlynjyatA w ' It is questionable at least to allow t)ie baby to exhaust itselfatid annoy the house- ,t,ll, il. mnllnral l-rvinff WllCll tliat tried remedy, Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup will 1 quiet it nt once, rrico'25 cents. I Frank B. Woolcy will no longer rend love lcttcra nhich pass through the Shenan doah mails. United States Commissioner Smith has held him in $500 for doing Buch mjirudent tilings. , . ;, 1 ' -Midnight 'soliloquy 'by'tho man who nipped on dried apples: "Twelve o'clock id all swell." Hire your teams nt tlio milnr liverv ,of, David Ebbcrt, on North strcet tliis'borbifgli. - i-iKdWard Melvirl' was' found giiilty of mil rial nil rrhlnr at Stroudsburc. in having caused tho death ofhiswifo while she was confined in child-bed. Ho will not bo sen tenced until next month. Furnace stoclU:nro coinK up.jn price. On Wednesday 275 shares of tho Bethlehem Iron Co. were sold at auction in Philadel phia at $20' per share. A month ago the same stock was sold as loW as $10,75 per share. :Tlio T.eliiili Prcsbvterv' will meet nt Hokcndauqua on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Rev'itB' Jock of Haiilcton, nnd MeIioainp,,.of Soutli Bethlehem, will deliver sermons, and RevWilliam Wallace will preside. Fivoo'fthe vounicst. handsomest and most lively of Lehigh Valley clerks, decor ntcd witli ribbons eav and pretzels hanging to tho buttonholes of their Vests were doing our charming little borough on Uliurbday evening. . jT - " , Thursday, whilo engaged paiptllig n iouso for Mr. Mantz. nt the umwr end of Mahpning Valley, Simon Acker, of this place, fell from a scaffold, a distance or about 28 feet, and dislocated his wrist and other wise severely injured lilmSeir. Ho was brought home the same evening. The time for paying merchants licenses expires on, the 1st ot July next. If not set tled by that dav the County Treasurer must, under the lawbrlng-suit forthclr'recovery. As such proceedings would be attended witli costs to tlie parties wo publish this piece of Information for the benefit of our many merchont'readcrs in the county, -lfon. B. M. Boy'er, attorney for Norris lown jioliccmcn, liiis presented bills to the Commissioners of Montgomery county, for arresting vagrants in lbi4, amounting to $814,80. These bills Wcro examined, and by the advice of their solicmr, tha;uommis loners' refused to pass llib accounts. The Board projioso to test tho legality of tlio vagrant act, and tlio liability of the county to pay such charges. So says tho FoUstowu William Mcllhnncy, a man with nn mnaircd mind resident nt HokendauoUa, met with a painful accident atsaid.placo on Tliufsdayof last Week.' It appears ho-went to tlio lurnace premises nun mere auempicu to couplo some oro cars' after their consents liad been dumped down from nn elevated bridge, when owing to a sudden bumping of tlio cars no was liirown to tue ground uciow, a distance of about thirty or thirty-live feet, sustaining a fracture ol his skull, arm and An exchango pays that when you sec n man witli a Ions pole over his shoulder, and a small tin pail in his hand, making down a ujck auey, wmi ins oiu nat sioucneu over his face, and his twinkling pray eye pierc ing out from beneath the brim, first on this side, and then oil that, evidently trying to avoid recognition, and when ho suddenly darts through his back gate, and with a quickened pace passes into the kitchen, it may be taken as ail accepted fact that that individual has been indulging in nmtutic spirits, and has experienced " fisherman's i.Mi.t. rtn.iI.:ii'tX 4... t.iU . v .. n ino vesjicr mcai. Our School Ooanl. After the several resignation and appoint ments which have taken placo in the Board since tho 1st of June, the Board now stands and is organized as loilowsi Win. II.. Ilex, Presideut, Daniel Graver, Secretary, K. H, Snyder, Treasurer, Daniel Oleyvlne, , " ' Rev. A. Bartholomew, Reuben Fcnstcrmachcr. Wo now trust that tho Board will proceed to work harmoniouslvnnd to tho best inter ests of tho tax payers and tho largo number of children who require to bo educated. Give us good schools and as long a term as compatable Willi tlio limes, ana an our pec plo will bo satisfied. Lehigh University Commencement. Tho commencement exercises at Lehigh University commenced Sunday by the preaching of the University eermou by the Rev. Dr. Hopkins, Rector of Christ Church, VilliamsKrt, in tho University Chapel. He took the coincidence of tho University ser mon jojuug on Trinity bumiay as directing ino thoughts to 1110 old conncclion between the Church aud tho Universities, tho wholo modern University system having grown up out 01 me uosom 01 lua uatiionc uiiurrn. Theology remained stationary whilo science was continually cxpauding,ahd, as the finite mind cannot pay equal attention to nil things, so those who devote themselves to scicuco feel a natural tendency to ignore theology, though it bo really tho centre of all. Thcspeakcr argued from the thcolpgical" standpoint that all true conclusions ofbci enco are in harmony with the inspired word of tho Creator. Mahoning It'emo Hay making is on tho programme now. A good crop is expected. Quite a number of Oar'Mahotilans wero on a visit to West Point on Saturday last. A Greenback Club isabout being started in the valley. So rumor has it. An, excursion to the Glen will .leave here on Saturday next. Hope they will come bock safe, Ourchampipn: .trout-ro.au,' McDaniel, was out agalniiid brought home ten1 pounds' of tho speckled inhabitants of tho watery element, Edward Krum,f this place, went into the state of matrimony, Hopo he'll do well. So it is, fortune knocks on 00 at least at every man's gate. -.' ' . Out for the first time. Our celebrated ffrum fJuir, joined by the well 'known snude Iwid and tho Siciu e-trmoers, had a grand Parade at McDanlel'a on Monday morning last, in honor of Ed. Kniru and his better halt. There wero soma very .able players among them, the amusements lasted from 1 till 3:3Q in tho morning. Edward thinks that deep rlyers move silently, but shallow brooks aro very noisy. Dennis KothsMin has started a tinging Bcnooi ja tasi reon, 1 ours, Homo. OreCrc-efe'Itfiifl. Wo had a glorious rain, on Tucvlayj which- liclpetl' cofn and itotatWs' consider ably. liiso.iWllki leftv.tlils place on Mdn-' day last for Meadville, Crawford Co., from thenco, ho.cxpocts to go toXIalifornia. -Itlio'iof Washington 'Halm, of ToW nmensing Twp., died of consumption on Friday. afternoon of; last. 'Week', ind,wa' In toOc4;atth4 Jerueele'mCliurcJi,ncar,lTrachs villc, 011 Sunday afternoon. ,-j-Itjs with'tegrct that I am alled upon to chronlclo tlio death of the wife of David Heldt, of this place, of consumption, on Thursday morning about 5:30 o'clock. Her funeral, which was very largely" attended, occurred on Sunday at 2 p. m. Interment nt the StPaul Church, Rev., J, S. Krb, of. Slatintrton. She.wa's acredB4Tearsand9 mo. We deeply sympathize with tho family in this their sad. loss.' Yours, etc., Biu Ciikek, June 20, Revbiik. Pnrfj vllle Spnrks. The f.nmera are verv busv.iust now making hay and working at their corn. A. K. Snvdcr's barn is now under roof. This is (something needed for a long" time. John' Beattr'. of Slatmcton. va3 on n visit to this place) his old friends were glad to see Him. ' Tho potato, bugs in.lhis part of tho country aro as Jiumcrous as (the leaves on tho trees. X. A. Rinkcr left' for St. I'uko's .Hos pital, whero ho intends to have olio of his, lingers amputated: : 1 Philip Hess returned homo from Broad Mountain last week, and ho stated that bread and molasses was all ho to cat for 8 months. Prof. J. 1'. Rowland, has organized a normal class in this place, among the pupils are Miss Dinkey, of Wehtherly Miss us baum, Miss J. "Weiss, Mr. Fcnnef and Mr. Campbell ofWcissports Mr. Bowman, of BoWniansvilia,'' Miss iM..,Phifer, .Miss K. Pliifer, 'Miss N. Smith, illss lliuker mid Mr. Smoyer, of this place. i;i(AurAnK. rnckerton Hippies. There was no meeting of tho Association last Week owing to tho exhibition and the excursion up tlio Hudson. Most 01 our people here took advantage of the oner, mid enjoyed tho trip. Tho Whole thing was con ducted by officials of tho Lehigh Valley Railroad In tlicir usual carciui jnanner, aim not an accident happened. There is no bet ter conducted road in tho state. Every one knows his duty and does it. The railroad men's prayer meeting Sun day a week ago was conducted by tlio Rev. Mr, Pickup, pastor of.tho Methodist Episco pal cnurcu uere. ua ouimay 11. win icu by the Rev. E. Ferrier of Mauch Chunk. Tlio meeting Was very interesting. Mr. Ferrier will be present next Sunday after noon, together with a number of railroad men from Mauch Chunk. Tho pastor at this pljce will assist. The exercises promise, to bo interesting, A general Invitation is extended to all who feci nn interest in tho work. The exhibition given by the M. E. Sun day School was quito successful. Tho receipts mora than Wasexpected. Tho stage was nicely arranged and every convenience made for the participants by John McKel vey under whose charge tho affair was. Mis. Peter Andrews presided nt tho organ and very Creditably conducted the singing. A duct by her nnd Miss Rosetta Burns, very good. John L. Beers delivered tho oiieniug address. The "New Scholar" by ten young ladles was excellent, the parts well sustain ed, the moral of tho play excellent. Miss Eddn Jliodhead sang very pretty ,"The Little Boy That Died." "Don't Drink To-night, My-Doy," by Hattic Williams, was Well rendered. "To Greedy by Half," a laugh able nll'air, yet teaching an excellent lesson. "Child's Pleading to n Drunken Father," by Miss Williams nnd James Clcnieiits.good. "flic Liltlo Angels," a furcc, with Mi's. Elliot for mother, was a laughabla affair in deed t it maybe possible the mother thought' her dear angels, perfect, but wo would ask to be relieved of them quickly, wcro they con signed to our care. "The .Unwelcome Visit or," leprcsentiug n party of Lehigh .County K"plo visiting their Carbon County relav lions. Our friend Babcock was the "od man," and right well did he sustain his part. Mrs. Weaver represented tho "old woman," and her acting perfectly in accord with tho play. "Tho Traveller Meets His Ghost i" Babcock, tho traveller, brave, not afraid of anything, was given permission by the depot master to remain in tho waiting room till the arrival of next train ( ho was told that tho building was haunted j nt twelve o'clock (tho usual hour for ghosts) ouo of tho most frightful objects imaginablo made Its nppcaralicej our poor friend was terror stricken. Tho Inst wosawof him was his legs and iiart of his bodyj the ghost hnv- ing swallowed tho other half. Wo wcro not Iircscnt tho first night of tho entertainment, ut all who wcro present say that it was good, It would bo imiiosslble to particular ly iiollco every one. fjuQico it to say that all did well. Everybody was pleased, the wholejthlng reflecting credit on the enter prise 111 xacKcrion, Packkrtox, Juno 18. Anon'. The Lutheran Mlnlsterlnm. The one hundred and thirty. first annual session of the Lutheran Ministeritim was opened in Easton Monday morning, This ..it..!.. I II,. .Halrl., the Lutheran Church, comprising all the ministers In Pcnnsylvanla,ew Jcrscy,New York and adjacent States; also Include? (ho cliy OI Uilicago, in power it is me eecoim bodv in the Church, tho General Council being tho higher body. It has nmong its members tjic mpst ivotca nnu learned tlioblogical celobritits. of the Lutheran Church. The seasion was very largely at tended. At tho election held Monday the Rev1. C. W. Schad'er. D, D.. of the TheoJogi cal Seminary of Philadelphia, was re-elected president: Euglish Secretary, Rev. J. Roth, 01 I'liiiadcipnia j Treasurer, Jlev, J. A. ICunkleman, of Philadelphia. Tho report of tho Executive Committee shows that (lur ing tho year $2,828 25 has been expended for tho aid of students and $0,331 OS for the benefit of homo missions. Tuesday morning, the report of tho Committeo on City Missions was received. During the past year there wero three Eng lish and five German missions under con trol of the Board. The misiou,among tho siilors'rqiortod'iiwa flourishing condition, aud that they expect to erect a chapel to in sure its permanent prosperity. Tno Com mitteo ou Emaus Orphan Homo report that they aro doing good work, and that tho Homo is in good condition. A letter was read from Dr. C. E.Schacffer, of the Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, asking to bo excused from attending the Sy nod, ou account of physical 'debility. Th'is was tho first tlmo ho had been absent in twenty-seven years. (H was excused,"' Tho Synod adopted' resolutions recom mending tho congrcgtitlonYpf ths Mlnistr rlum to assist the 'Church 'of St Peter, at Petersburg, near Bcrnhton, which is heavily in debt and unable to entirely support Its pastor; also instructing the Executive Com mitteo to appropriato to tho pastor of, said church a suitable remuneration for his-, services. THE MOPLH. it'. .1 i 7.-1.1 .r..,. A. tli ,,l uv nut ftuiu u,oi.iti.a , inoiwit j ,. ropondenta iincr tMa Itcad. .The Flnniicti. EniTon OJtnnf)!i,AbvnoAtRr'The reply of " American!' liifbur article' Is not what we lernrnn answer. We -did -not attempt hu argument, but simply asked a few questions. The national bank question, the amount of money in circulation, remain -unanswered ; also, tho question as to bonds. Wo nro ready at nil times to Buataih nnd llcfcnd the true-gV?e,nbacct doctrine, and, while wo nro wining to aamit mat iiiero are many nuier men Jn 'tho' rSSanlry than Auon," yet we don't 'proK)8j toTaubmit'pvcry thing to themf and do' no thinking or acting our selves. Thero has been too much of this letting certain leaders (wiso In their own conceit) do our thinking'. Tho result has been that they thought well for themselves, wo 1110 licopio nave nan to suuer. noes "American" know this to bo so? Wo do not pretend to thoroughly understand the present financial question, tho Sherinrtu Idea) but of nil schemes to defraud, where by the few ore enabled to rob tho many, wo recommend thlsi a policy which will ba.uk rdpt as n nation and pauperize us as n peo ple. Tho quotations of " American" nro not to tho point on the question of absolute green backs. ' We have profound respect for tho opinions of Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Ac.: but they liad referencc to a paper prom ise issded by States, the old State bants sys tem; no referenco whatever to, a govern ment paper issue. Wo do not ndvocato such money. Wo are 'not in favor of nn ir redeemable iiaper money, and wny win " American" porsist in snowing the folly of such nn issuo When no 0110 advocates It. What wo want is nn nbsoluto money issued by the government to pnv nil debts, no ex ception, redeeming itself every tlmo it pays a debt. Tho government of tho United States has the absolute right to create money; never had any need to borrow money; It did cre ate nearly every dollar that was used to pay the soldier and create the munitions of war. If that money was honest (and no 0110 dis putes it), will it bo dishonest to call In every bond that is duo and pay them off in this absoluto money? For years our present greenback, though not nn absolute legal tender, has paid debts, has been decided by tho supremo courts of somb States to be a legal tender, even when the contract speci fied gold. Kow; if the law forces its paper money on one, aiid compoliihlm't'o tako it as payment in full, Unit laW shall forNj tho same money ,uon, tho, bondholder, nnd it fchnll' bB as full nhii final 'payment to ono class of creditors as another. Tho tlmo is not far distant, cither. And is there ono who says it would bo dishonest? Is there one who contends that thev must be paid in gold? There is not n bond in existence to day that requires the principal to bo paid in goldiT Aud What folly, to talk of this money jjeing Irredeemable.'' It is thostamp of-tho government Hint lixes the vaiuool tno piece of metal or paper. The law declares it to bo money. If wo owo a mail $10,00p, wo can pay him in greenbacks, which aro money, because tho law says so, and now why not pay off every United Stiles bond in tins .groenuacK, laiyiui money? uoid and silver caii 116I Iks lnbiicy till the .law says so. When It says they arc not money, then they aro not'; therefore, tho law can create and destroy money, as men can cre ate and destroy wealth. JJilions upon millions ot these bonds nro already just due, as they say .011. their faco can "bo re deemed i(t nny timo. nfter'1870, at the plea sure of tho government; therefore, let the. government iaiite an nbHiluto greenback tubrie'y nnd pay them oiljau'd atou this ac cursed drain of nearly onp hundred, mill ion a year interest, which absorbs, tho profit pf labor, giving it to "untaxed bondholders. wiiu iub injury, ul lis wnig wunb Ol confidence over-production, too many peo plq, Ac, tjiat causes the hard ,tlpies. Xo, sir; tho cause is the fallacy of trying to make the. money of our country, which should hold a duo proportion totliob'usiiiess of the country ami its "rapidly'.ihcrensing population) con)orm to uio small amount ol gold and silver in tho" country... ,'lt'is like tho CliTncse"mothcr, Who places tho tender feet of her littlo child in wooden .shoes. thereby preventing a'fowth pfoportionalo to' the growth of the body. Hot only aro' 1110 icei aeiormcii, out mo wnoio bodyi is crippled:; tho victim of nn nnqieht nnd abused theory. "American" is slightly mistaken in saying that our present green back is a full legal tender. It will not unv interest pn tlio public debt,'u0r .will Jt'bo- T e'- ,' .ill in n-iAt .J uuii-ii mr i-UMOiiis 1111 uuiT uciouui- 1S78. But the elections to bo held this Fall will demonstrate to our law-making power tiiat nothing short of an absoluto.grecub.iclt money, 1110 cancellation 01 bonus, witn this money, and tho issuing of no moro bonds, will satisfy the jicoplc, and those who aro wiso will adopt those views if they expect political preferment. Yours, Akox. Packkrtox, June 18, 1878. The Pnckerton School Board. To tho Editor of the Cmaox Advocates, Uf.ahBiu: In reply to n paragraph 111 "Packerton Ripples" of two weeks ago, and signed by "Anon", I would liko to.nsk tho writer to bo a little moro careful in the fu ture in touching uion tho management of corporations; 110 suouni examine, tacts and figures, before rushinginto print, with state ments and figures which cannot bo sustain ed by tho facts. "Anon" gives tho School Board of 1 877 very much pruise for economy, Ac, while the Board of 1870 is "gone for" 111 a manner that places them, in a very un pleasant position. Kow, by a little figuring nnd looking over tho following facts "Anon" will ascertain thattho board for J8"6'did just as well as the board for 1877. Amount of tax duplicate for' 18TB, $1,203 (12; while for 187 amoiiutedto51,3J0 40. Tho Board of Controllers in 1876, built a new fence around Jamestown lot, which cost over $100. The same also paid over $25 for new furni turo (desks and scats). And, in 1878, hav ing no election district, we had to pay our own election expenses. Amount, $10 75. Now, buying no new furniture, building no ncv fence, election expenses paid by the county, anil with receipts over 130 more in 1877 than In 1876, it is very evident that any Board of Controllers' would have had tho same amount of cash on hand, without a icacA dog, or any other kind of a dog. I hoiu the abovo explanation will bo sat isfactory to "Anon," no that ho can nllbrd to give a little credit to the Board of Control for "l76,ntea4)f giyjng It all to ths Board for 1887. which really docs not deservo it nuv mors tnan tno iwaru 01 controllers ior ibju, Use or Tnr. hoard or 1876. "Whnt'a the Matterivitk the Sciiool Hoard. En. Cahdos' Advocate ; It is not that something wrong lias happened but that something may happen that disturbs tho equilibrium pf fbe School .Board. Tbi old experienced crew are suspended, a new crow man tho train, and intend to run itovtra new' route wore jlangerous,butmorotcqnom ical, as they say. That is what destroys confidence ,nnd then men who know "what's tho matter" will assume 110 responsibility, Tho credit of our borough Is very good, Tfia interest and a, small prpportipi) of Hie pripqi pal have litti Hidy panPaud -all elatin; 'Jico're'J,eltiMVllciilhonccc3sityof(hecasl roqu ire d It, money could be borrowed without difficulty. But if the parsimftntbtis inten tion nf mrnn nftlm mpmlicrfl of both Coun cil and School Boaid aro carried .out. the credit of our Borough must buffer, and, tho J .uevu win uo to pay. no man 01 uon.or.nnci Integrity Will assume a responsibility of Hint kind, or will caro to havo .any connection With an Institution that will suffer dishonor and discredit. It is not tho .men that nro ioor that object as.lnueh iajjur taxes but tho rich that that howl tho loudest and Just because it takes a little' moro of their etirphi capital. A'crp vp this credit. To close, Mr Editor, "What's tho matter with the School Board ?" There is nothing the matter with the School affairs n(ne, but there might be. That's what's tho matter with the School Board. Taxtatkr, The Borough Stnlemenl.' Mr. Editor I I notice, in the auditors' rot port of our Borough Council affaire, that thero is still about $800 uncollected. It just occurred to me that with this $800, nnd tivo or ten mills nt highest, our Couhcil1 could make both ends meet; in fact, Jul ice1 de mands it,beeaUS6lttS"tlttS-Vcry deficiency that compels a heavier assessment. The' abovo $800 is nbout one-fourth of the whole assessment. Now, becanso one-fouith are fnrorcd' by tho tax collector, and Council, pcrnnps, 1110 remaining imcu jourtns must pay a heavier tax, to accommodate tho one; fourth who, of courso, pay tlio same, but have a year or moro time to pay it. Out upon sueli justice I My tax was reported to tho Lehigh -Vnl!oyRailroad paymaster and deducted from my 'FPE03 sixjinonths ago; yet, from 'what I can learn, our wealthy men, who can make money with money, are favored with plenty ot time. There Ought to bo a law passed preventing a col lector being reappointed, who has not set tled up his duplicate; also, prohibiting n" new assessment of taxes until nil old taxes nro collected. Justice. Bllin Poisoning. The family of George Judge (of PitUton), member of the Legislature from the Seventh A'ssenibly District, who wero poisoned 'J'! 011 dny by dripklug tio fresh milk of a milcli coW, and whoso lives were ptijyj.iye.4 by promptly administering antidotes, aro all recovering. Miss Judgel'd young lady of nineteen, had several convulsions Tuesday morninjj, after which she relapsed into a .stale 'of insensibility. In the evening nt G o'clock eho showed signs of recovery. Thirty persons, nil told, mostly' children who tasted the milk, wero more or less af fected byit,mnnynf them being seized witty violent Vomiting. The number under thd caro of the several physicians is eigntecnt all of whom are convalescing. Tho doctors pronfiuiiced it a case of animal', poisoning, and, -on' examination of tho 'tfow's udder, found that it had been bitten, by a snake. ineio is consiaernuio exciiemcm in I'lusj, ton over the, matter, and exaggerated stories of' all sorts are'afloaC. 1 Latkr. The causo nfjho iioisioning of, thcfiiniily of .Mr. George:JudgOj nnd otners hSs been'discovdrcd. Tlie row' was'milkcd into a tin milk pail from which pan's greed had been sifted upon potato vines to kill the bugs. It is now believed trial nil the'pAison cd persons will recover, although Miss Judgo1 is still very low,, Welssport Ileitis. Miss Sue E. Zern'left.on Tuesday last, for Akron, Ohio, where sho intends spending: tho Summer.1' ' - Milton Oraver.ifnrmerlv in th cinnlov of.A. Wi Jrnrsliinteudsioavinjfor Kansas in a lew days. The ICcystono Cornet Band,, of this place, furnished tho music for tho picnic at liowmansvillo on Monday last. Something should bo,dono.nt once with the brick house, adjoining-JJrs.'S. Kast's nn Whilo street, as it is in a very dangerous cbnflillon', ' ' " J j ' Dr. Ji 'H. I.'cCrcA'ry and; S61omon' Yeakel havo been traveling through Mont gomery, Biick'saiid.Eelgh counties during tho past week. . Tho excursion, ast Saturday, to Wfst Toint wasovcir..patroniz'ed by our citizens; and nearly all who went werp well pleased with the trip. Some, however, became sickj froni tho long ride; Miss ISecker.'cspccially, who has been confined to her bed ever since. One day last week fhG youngest son of John Arncf, sr.-, ate some'Pnris green which, was lying in apnekago in llic-ganlon. For tunately, However, ho did n6t cat sufficient to causo his death, although bis life was do.: fpiired'of Jbt sonie llincr , Tiis sbouhUbo o, warning to nllwrsons wliolieep Hint deadly poison within the reach of children.i Tho Young America Cornet Band havo boon sueilby Mr. Hupsickor.jof Lejiigblon, for ,'a bill (which has been pontractcd but two weeks.' This action is very much censured by our citizens', as it ij. 'supposed by many to bo calcnlatcd'-Io annoy, and, if jxissiblo, lrepk up tho organization.. If this is the object, ilr.vlf.'.will find, liirnsclf '.greatly mistaken, as the Young America Band havo many warm friends hern, as they justly de serve. They are without, exception,, tlio best band in the lowir' end of tho county. A. W. Marshioiir popular landlord, has possession of his fox again. Samuv. MA lilt I HI), Breiioosi Sikohu On.the ICth instant. by Bev. L. K. Derr, Oliver Breifogel, of Lastfltt, nnd Miss .Amanda J. Strohl, of cbigli vop, Carbon Co., Pa. Ftit'icisflKK Bikk. On tho 15th Instant, by tho same, Joseph J. Flickinger, of Blatingtoiii and, iss-Louisa Barr, of Wal- hul'port, Kortliamptbli Co., Pa, Haoek ICi.ixe. On tho 8U1 itist., bv Itev. Win. O. Laitzlc, of this borough, l'rcd'k Hagen and Miss Emma Kline, both of Elmira, N. V. JfS.I,OXEE?J JiOTlQE. .' NoUcals hereby given that LKW, IlETItttO, of M AUONIXQ Township, Carbon county, l'a , by deed of voluntary alvnmept, bearing dato the 131 11 day ot MAY, 1S78, nsJlcncu nil bis iw petty Ileal, reuooal aud M ued to the under ktaned, for thebenentof Jus crcdit'ira All pei. Mas, therciore, liutebte.l to said tcwls llchilit, will make payment wlthtn six WeokMrom tbo dale Lereol to the said AssUure, and tbo-e havluc lend claims will, pleato pteseot them lor settlement to NATHAN MOSSEIt, Assignee. 'I.chlcbtnn V 0 , 1'J.. or to A. CRAIO. his Attorney, Mauch Chunk. June 8, 1S7S-W6 ' UDITQR'S K0TICU. John NoUisteto. asajgno.'l ,n S','g3rJ!,glM Winiam6rJ'-.na VVUoi AV,J9. Notice ) htrrbv fdVen tbat ihe uudi'i r-lcnl, an aulltor appouitcd. by tap t'oait o( Cotuaian lMets of Carbon OoaotVt to dmiluuta tho fnuds m rourtaiUlna Irom ttie (benl!M ttlcot tie rl estate of the nboYe-tniiiwt rteXt-nauntihvlll ottcoa to the autiot of bis rrppolntteiea tit the otllre ot AlbrlKbc and vterman, lar , ou TaAHitav. JUiy v,ii1$, at 9 o'clock ivm.. vbero anf wieu all weron6intbett wav tttul. T T r- rno Whoin IttJIay Conccttt; o JL l! H11 persons are hefkiy cantf i-ncTd not to. liar, bor or trust mr-aonJ'Gtcr. Kcliifiu, (41 iy ac. count, as I will vaj uo uaota of niV conti ifcUnif attsr tbiaJafo. 7;, , .f ' -VK(;ttt ki Towamenelu Tn rj, June E, IJJhSk,, 1 Special Noticed 13. F. Kfmfccl'a Hitter Wine of Iron lias never been' kn6nn to fall In vtjiecureot Weakness, attcnuen with symptoms. Indlsposl. lion le etertlon, loss 01 memory diQaatty of brcalhlnp, jrrnora) weakness, horror of disease, xeuMi nervous tretnb'lnir. tiri-acl'M liorror of doom, nlilit sweats, icold feet, weakness nlm. nasi or vision, lananor, universal lissttnno of tun tuBRcular pygtcm, ertornioun apiictlio, with (lrsi)clt!e Fy.tero, hot lianas, flushing or tlie bofiy trvneof tho bhui, pallid couutenanro audcinpllonaon tho face, putlfvim' fe-bloml, run In me buck; bnvme.s oriheeyelMs frn. uent bl.cx s-iniB flylur bclore the eves, wlih temporary saffuMin ahdlossdf slffhti want of atttetitinn. etc TJieso symptoms nil nriso from a wpftftne-i, -and to remortv- that, 'use 3?. F. Kunkora Bitter Wine, of Iron. It nevor fills. 1 Iiofiwinus ftte nowtcnjorini: health who havo used it. Oct U10 pennme. .p.d only in il Lot. ties Take onlv 1".. K. JCtlnSel's. ' Ait for Kunkel'a Jllltor w.iuo of Iron. Thla trulr valnalilo tonio ban been bo iliorrmfrhiv Jestrd bi'miohwesOr IbecommurUty that It Is t,nw .l.,n,.l 1l,i11,naBriltn no o rp..t,n n. It costs but llltie, iinritles tUeblTOrt.'jiDd kivos t mu to the stomach, 1 eaovates the system and piolonirsllfe' ' V ' T t .1 now uhlr ask n trial of thl Valtlobm tnnlr.i fnce (1 ti,'r boltle. -K. V, KUNKBL, bole I'ropr.cior, no. wi Tionu nuitii ,Hr, .below Vino rnitanelDhin, A for XnnKel'11 Hitter Wine of Iron, and take no otneri A plioiograpn of the prnpnetorbu eucli wrapper, all othqrfr are o.iunto'felt. Jlewaro rf counterfeits. Uo riot let vonr niusgl'-t sell you any bat KfXKKl.'p. which Is put up only as above represcntej. Yoircnn Ki-t bottles for (8. All I able Is one alhiple trial. Tnpc 'Worm IlomoTcd Allto J olend and all comnlcte In twO'hours. NO fee .till 1 1 end parses, Hent.PIn nndHtomach Wornia removed by Dr. Kcnkel North .Nlhltl tit, Advice tree. No fee until head and nil nanres 11. oitei ond alive, l.r, Kunkelis tbs iiiry sue. cpsfiit nhyslcinn In this country lor the ic. mov.il ol wotms nnd tils V, brmutrnp Is picas, nut otul sole lor chihlicn or crown peri.nr,t, send for oliculor or asK for a bottle ol KUMtFL'a Wobm fcrnuj". Price ei.oo a bottle. Get Itot your (Irnfpnst. It n6vr talis. llay XhUu. Health and Happiness. Jlealtn ftti'l IlapplncRB nro pricelcfia.Wcnltli ia (Jieirnoso"florfr. nml fet tntrnre trttomiilio rcucii 01 over' odo woo win uoo Wriglit'sXivorPiUs; Tho only snro on HE tnr Torpid Ltver, Uysjic (! Fin, Jiuauanun, null, niuiuuvu, vou&lil'liyuil, 1,1,. billty, Niiusen, and nil ruinous comtnalbta nnd liloodi disorders. None genuine nnlosH sl(tn-d "Win, Wncht I'hila." Ilyour J)rtU(ntwillnnt snpply enu 23 cents for pno, box to Harriet Ildllor it Co , 70 N. 4th Bt.. Phil. DeeJ ao yl ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' 1 'J ' -jrniGnToN DonouGir. Annual. Statement. WILLIAM MILLER. Treasurer. In Xced-int With llie Dor'ouchof Lclilghton. for llio your ending Jnno 5, 167S, r TIKOEirTS. ToIialancoinTrensnty..,, ,,,,, tnb D Cash received of K. A'owhorrK CU!., , iiisi 1 " " " of Wm Itoinig ' iwfiu of David Moms. ...... slofoo i ououu uuut., :iro EiSPENlill'lfltfcS.''' t-oh shrvic'rs'-ox 'kteekts. Ocoriro Dcrhamcr WIHium 11. Moulthrop . jw,oii. jiHriuuiomew., "UUll'H OVU'lHl"I..M s. u Ileoerlinc. . ,...'tiV;. ...(.. i. 1 CO 1 75 2 M ,0 00 1 10 7 N) 5 10 ,2 CO ft 10 8 tu 5 (X) 1 75 8 6 ) I HO ,1 (0 1 79 II r,o ' 0 .6 5 4 00 2 110 a 73 8 H5 .4 SI 1 UO r7 a 4 00 10 6) I 10 1 50 D 7i 2 (1 2 UO 8 ra 1 00 2 UO '.' 13 8 (-0 1 00 3 50 2 00 2 Ul 6 50 5 fill t to !i 01 '7-41 ,8 IV a 2i 2 !3 1 00 jl 10 1 OS :t 30 7 K 1 75 2 00 4 10 8 .11 2 51 ,:u ca 7 m 2 50 .3 75 no ei 6 00 S7J 3 '00 3 CO 1 0.1 B 13 1 75 2 13 1 75 'liefljlitnlrt Klots.f.ti...;;Svt'.Jw....i. ixitiiuiin a. weionn.... f in 4 ttt TIi o mas Lentz t.'..'... it's.:.. Darnel Kotenbadcr, Michael Dean Fie'Iorlck Fresh ... Htopncu bpauzier.......;..-.t.i...,a. Owen Kbiiett ............. tttt t(t John Krltziner i....i....iV.;..'...(M4i William A. M3hoch WttsblnRton Sohocn ......;. j. David t'olieruiant .. . OwiiQ'Wolf .,..v. KirflfWowlinrit, ...... ,,, CimrleiiHcIioch . C liar I us Schor.kier.., tf,..,,k.4.. David Arner ; William iaica0....,l,,i,. ....i, ....It,i Abo W. llnm ,. JunasA Horn. .. ...tiiUV..wi: Aaron Uawic....... )..,,...... Moses I'rltrlnsrr ..i .u ....!. Weudell bchwarta.....,..,..!,.,..,., Leonard Kocnnrn .....i.. ...... Geoio JJick nktm J. HtraitsUurfrei Daviil Jferofrer ,.,-... ;t..,.. Wiiiiiiii zebner Joli it Acker.. jihvj Simon Acker.. Inlin Hlrnhn . ... t l'. ....... 5 Fiunk.iilstubowor ... lMtex .' , iCdwiii" D tmalckcr.j . , juuii vuiiiuuur VtloU Trainer!.. ... ii,.nu NntbauDramboro... Reuben Fenatermacbcr... ...,;; Joan Afb t ft l'otcr Flick In or. w . . . .w'li,.,i, Aliicrt rrainer .. LptI Weiss'. .....v... ...... Jouu jneas4.k..i JiaryDieher....... Peter llclni.,....,,...!,.!. .,.,, Jon. nruaiboro.r ,,,,,, Jrni. Uumhert l Klias Ituell Chnrlea 1'reoUllcli... JosepbObett , ., ,. Holomon llelibach .,.,.'..i.. ',.,' Cllnion-llretney .., Abrnliam Patterson Aaron Kruin ,.,,i,...,t Joseph Zjbu , Ileuben llunalekcr L. F Klcppiuiter, , a ill. Kemeier...... Henry llartholomeH' Jacob Walter i.,,'.'.,j..i William W'aterBor Va,entlneHchwart......'l!.UC Chaiies Klelntop KitDefreliD ,.,, (lodlrey 1'ionll (leorno v. Htnmau, '.,,i., liavid KUbeit.,, , Owen'ltlotz..,. run roLtcc sKaviQK. . oeorco jjcruamori ,,,.,.,,,, 1'raucTi fltoczor .,,'...;!.'... 4 ro 15 no 4 Ol 4 00 0 m 1 50 Abew.lioin.... Joxejih S. Webb.. IWllltllll ItlliltT ..t4f, ..I lllliui, IU1 VI Henry Kostenbndcr,. tUttltfXt ' illSCtMASBOVS. FrancU Rtockrr, blactcsnitthliig.,..., J. llinter. blaccsiniiblng . Auiandan Olewlno, blaclsmllliing,,..., 1). Wicand, poiutlne sign bvurd II. V. ai oitlnmcr, print, ntrrcpoits ChailesH liauer. fence iMJ4t. lleuty llultjul, unrvinv uime...,. Woi. Miller, sundry worlt As nnds, ie6., Win Miller, engineers fee,,,,M Ik fit. Jacoby. Hiu-venii street. .. v. Johub.iidel. witness tie.,,,,,, ,.,,. t-eiiiuiQ a Qatel. lumber ,.,,.,,, F P srmiocl. ttmbei and roatetial . ,.' John Miner, timber ....... .197 ii 4i 2 10 14 01 8J 5 tO ,80 42 0 31 8 M 1 111 t Tl 00 I IS 3 50 8 -' M a oo u oo wuiougnby Kon. nor.e teen., J. L. (Jttbet lumber Wm. Keinerer. ucrchsnClse ,..,, 'W. M. llapner. wiiory , W. Ht Knpeher, piof. aerv. and costs .. run lA'ir.RWT ox nosn. Abmhim ltartliolomew,,..,, ',,,, t.harlia HeUert...,,. I lluyor Heurv Kol) If arrlson Ourin3u ...........,,i.,, .-,.. Adin ilci man. IUucl lluuticker ,,, 102 oo ,84 no ii 00 u a Tl W 43J 10 WJ 00 to no 4 ro sj jo 85 Ol 41 V0 7.i 00 77 50 j-.. A. uuuer , .!,.., irMloiUk- itrinkinan . buo K. Zero , W A. bu) t'er David Manti . II. mrauu Hand Jluuoic!.er 'l"Oi.i roB.noabSi . David HnnKtalcor, on account .,,it.j ,800 oo jienrr Kolb , ,.,.. ,.,. ,ase to babina Koil),...,,.,.,....i.',,., .,, '.u on Hue 12. Kern ..- 4iu 00 David liunsiurr... .....i...i..,,i 7,0 ou tjr uiiouco du9 iioroogh ,,.,,.... tas 4. SUM 04 We the nnilei'slmed. anlr elected Auditors ot the Porough of Lehiglitondu lirrbr eertfy thai tlio loreaolug account Is correct, accirding to the brst; of our kuowleogo and belief. F. V. WHITNEY,, ) K. Jl. SNMlEIL Anultor. iv. a. DcnuAMcrt, i June 15, IH-W3