(iiViluni H. V. Mobthimee, Proprietor. INDEPENDENT" Live and Let Live." Sl.OO a Year if Paid in Advanco. VOL. VI., No. 30. LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1878. Single Copies, 3 cts. in i I. i i i w" . i i 1 Railroad Guide. N ORTIt PBNNA.UAlI.nOAD. PiisonMrsf.rPhiladelphli lcavo Lehla-hton 1:17a. tu., Tift. L. V. arm at, l'hlla, at MO i n lit a. ID. Tl L. V. " " lll'Oa.m. ll0a.m.riiL.V. " " aosp.m, 4.41 . m rt. U V.. " " Stisp. m. :4 . dl. Tl L. at a., " " lliooa. m. 1 l:or a. m.. rla I. it s.," " 2.0J p. m, 1:11 p.m. rla L. k s. " " t:4t)p.m. :I7 p.m. " " J; p. m. t:IJ . m. Til L. V. " " lu:00p. a. satarnina'. lBavadenotat Berks and Amerl aa St., Pnila., at i!5 ana V:45 a. m. 2:10, 1 10, B1W p. 111. UbU VUAllA. ngcu.i J una 1, lift. PUILA. READING UAlbllOAD Arrangement of Passenger Trains, UAYIIIB. I8:s. Tralna Lire ULCMOffS a. follow. t- itfi . vtniiinuew naatfClf.l Jrer Philadelphia, at :2J, 5.50, 11.01. a.m.. ana ... P. IB. SUNDAYS. Par Phlladr Iphla at I.Jo a. ra.,J.S3 p. m. IVI. R.Bl' PKNItj;. lllll.NCU.1 Ifar Reidlnr, I no, s.5o, .n a m 12,18. 2.10, 4.M auawp.m. . JTer Il.trlaourr. I.J3 5.50, .01 a. m., 11.15, 4.10 Tt'r Lancaster and Columbll, 1 50. .0J a.m. and t i w p. m. (Does not mn on Mondays. SUNDAYS, for Beadlnr. J SO a.m. and 4:10 and 05 p m. mmr It .rrlahrtra 4 11 a. m ami . IIS n. in. Trains ton AbLENTOWN leave aa follows! (Via raaaiouix uaiKcn.) Leara Philadelphia, 7.11 a.m., 1.00, '1.10 and 6.10 , SUNDAYS. Leara Philadelphia. t.n.i a. ro. and 1 It p. m, ITl. M1IITMMV1. n RANCH I bears Reaulnc, 7.41. 7,45, IMi a n 1.00. .U and p.m Leara Itarilsbarr, t.M.t.lOa. m and 100. 1.57 ana 7. p. m. Leara I.anenter, M0 a. m.. 13.55 and 3.41 p. m Leara Columbia. l.no a. m . 1.00 and l.JJ p. oa. sUNDAYa. Laara Tleadtns;. 7,20 and 0.40 a. m. Lmti ltarrlahilf b. 11.2(1 a.ra. Tralna ranked tb.ua 1) run to and from depot Ilk and Oreen treat., Philadelphia, other araina to ana irom uroaa re aepni. Tar R.M1 a. m anil n. itt. train from Allen leva, and the 7.10 a.m. and &.11 p.m. train, treat Philadelphia, hare turougu car. to and treat rauaaeipuia. J. E. WOOTrEN. Gtneral itanamr. 0,0. HANCOCK, OVn'l ritltil Aittnt. pENNSYLVANIA. 11AILU0AD. GREAT TEITNK LINE AND United States Mail Route. ' The attention of ths Irarcllnr nnbllo l.re.. PMlIallr Inritad to aome of the merlla ni this irreal htfthwar. in the conoaent ntnerttonaaa .llt that no other line can otter equal induce (teat, at a route otthroaRhtraret In Construction & Equipment tub ' Pennsylvania Railroad atud. conteuedly at the headot Amwcan rail ware Tno tracic I. douhle tho entire length of aalme. otatool rail, laid mi hearr oak tiea, which are emhedded In a foundation of rock Dal a.t eighteen loehe. In depth. AUbrldeeaaie C Iron or atone, and but t upo the mot ar prert.l plana. Ita uasienter cars, while emln. aatlr .are and aab.tantlal, aro at the .amo time ai.de a of comfort and eleitance. The Safety Appliauccs a n.e on this Mne well Hlntrato the faMeelnir and liberal policy of tt. management. In accord, aaea with Which tun utllur only of an impton' Want and not It4 cost haa been the question of Maiideratlun. Amonic many may be noticed tho ' Block System of Surety Signals, Janney Coupler, Buffer & Platform, THE WHARTON P VTENT 8 WITCU, AKD TUB "Westtnghouso Air-Brake, fsmlac In conjunction with a perfect double iraea road bed a combination of aafeuarda . taln.t' accident, which hare rendered them pra.UOaliy iipolble. Pullman Palace Cars Are run on oil Express Trains JTROU NEW YOHK, fltlLADA.. OALTI. 51 Oil Band WASUINQTON, Ta eniOAUO, CINCINNATI. LOUISVlLLa INDIANAPOLIS and at. LOUIS, WITHOUT CHANGE, ait to all principal points In the fit West aid ftouthwitb Pdtoneoiaimotcara. connections are made lu Union Depots, aud are assured to aU important points. THE SCENERY Of tho Pennsylvania Route la Admitted to be unsurpassed in the world for f rasaenr, beauty and variety, superior Re reakaxnt facilities are provided. Employee, jarexoarteona and attentive, aud It u an luerlt reea.lt that a trip by the Peu&.ylrauia Aallread tusst form a eiextlJis ami Memornblo Experience. neketa for rale ai the lowest rates at the Ticket OScl U. Company In all Important astUee and tawas. ram & riiojarsoir. u p. fabuer, Oea. llanaget. Oen. Pail, axenL J. X. 8IIOBUAXEB. Faa.Aent Middle DUt. U north Tiurust., Uarrtaborc, Pa. Jrlute Iltme Made Bread t War OO IiaNOBYl 1tenroitnBaylli pounds or llrst Class llread FOUtt IOAVE3 FOU 25 CENTS I J. W. CNICAt, tno popular Bread and Cake Hater, of Lenightou. lu order to meet the want M the tinea, has Ueduesd lie Pries of nls eale. kraled Uozao Made BUB AD to Pour Lotre fur Twenty-ure CU. Cash. Bacar, Balaln. Cocoanit Scotch, Drop, Cream ni utker OAKJJS, only Ten Cents per Dozen. Look Otat for (be Wagon! At MADCII CHUNK, aa Taeaday, Thursday and Batnrday'tloroiixa. LCHIOltroNandWBISoPOBT.every After. nooa except rrlday. TERMS STRICTLY CASH ! ratronaae aoUelted. J. W. O'NEAL. HTOUEt Opooaito first Nation. I Banc, aprtl tyl Bank Htreet. Lenlahton.Pa, ft V H Ore.t chance to make mon J. A I aTl ay. Itroacaatretaxildroa Wll I U co.cat KTevnbacka. Ve M vJakWitineedaperson In every town tol.keaa&acrlptionaforlbe larieat. cheapest and ban Illustrated family 9 abllaatiou In tna word. Anr one cun beootno a sncoeaatul agent. ITio moat elea.nl work, of art alren tree to subscribers. The prtoe Is so law that almost arerrbodr .nbaenbes Ono ar.nl reports tnaklnr orer tlM tu a week. A lady aient ranoru taklnc over 400 aubaertlers In Ma asys. All who nee mnka money fast. Yo can dereto all roar lime to tho balness. or only yonr spare time You need not be away from home orer nlrht. You can do It aa well aa laara, trail particulus, direction, and terms free. Elefint and expensire Outfit free If Tea wait profitable work aead ns your address il aaea. It oosta aothlni to try tna bulneaa, one wba angaaa talla to make areas pay. AlAjaM "The reapICs Journal." Portias. K. Atif.H mH7 CARDS, lliipnltMia Warahonia. V,Sehw.rti,Dank.tr.t,dacrin all ndi e tarnr. CoJnnmaaio ora.r. flfint mtkA flhoa MmlcerB. Cltnton Tlr.tn.y, in Leran'M building. Bank street Xllonnrromjxiy.iH wotk worrenua. Attorneys. JOHN D. DERTOLETTE, ATTOnNEY AHD CoUNsELLOB AT LAW, Broadway and Fnsqnehanna Streets. Opposite HAUCU CHUNK, PA. Mar be consulted In Oenn.n. maTJS ly" F P. LONGSTKEET. ATTORNEY AT LAW Next dooi to the "Carbon Ilonsa. BANK STREET, LEIIIOnTON, PA. December lC-Om. w. ji. nAPsiiiiit, ATTORNRY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Bike StaBtf .LaniOBTOK . Pa. Rest Rstst. and Collection Aeener. Will Buy and 9.11 Rral K.lste. Conr.yanclntt neatly done Col. ellon. nromtitlr mad.. B.ttllnir Estate, of Ca t.d.nt. a .peclalty. 11 ay bs consulted In K.nrfllih ndusrman. ct.. JAS. IX. 8TnXJTIIEIl3, ATTORN SY AT LAW, a0Blee: II floor of Rhoad's Ball, Manert Chunk, Pa. All bnaln.a. entru.ted to him will ba promptly att.nd.d to. .M.TJ7, ly. p J. SIKEHAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Next Door to Flrat National Dank, MAriCH CHUNK, PA. 43-Ran ha ronaultad In nrm.n. JanO. Justices and Insurance. jq- a. iiKi.Tr, JUSTICE Ok' TUE PEACE, Obcrt'a BulldlnK, BANK-St., LimonTOX. nnnvA.inp.lnr Hnllnntlnp and all other busi ness connected with tho omce promptly attend. n.l in Am.nl fnr thn tMa Pltr and l.lfa in.nr. once Comnanle. I Itenta collected at reasonable charges. Ac. Apru.yi IJUIOMA9 8. DECK, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, BANK Slre.t, LKIliailTON, Pa. ConT.r.itrlnr. CollcctlnE .nd all bu.ln.as con. a.rt.d with the offlce oromntlr att.nd.d to. SY9-AR.nt for nr.tcl... In.uranra Compsnt.s, inJ Itlaksor all kind, taken on the moil iihrral t.rm. Jsn.u.lb7.'i. Tiro MAS KEJlEtlKIt, CONVEYANCE!., AND QF.NERAL INSURANCE AOENT The following Compnli.H are U.pr.a.nt.d: LEI1A.N )N MUTUAL KIBE, llliAIU.IU MUTUAL HUE, WYOMINO Flllli:. POTTSVILLB FIBE, LCIIIOII KIRE. andtheTBAV ELEBs ACCIDENT 1N8UUANCE, Also Pennsrlranla and Mutual Horse Tulct uetecllreann in.urance uompanr. Axarcn 29. 1S73. iuuh. A.u.ai.nr. Physicians and Dentists. QIIAS. T. HORN, M. D OFFICE t OVEB H. a. peteh's nnua LEIHOIITON, PA. tiTOHE, BANK ST. Ueaeral practice attended to, and SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DISEASES OP WOMEN. mar21. 1878-yl w. A. DBRIIAHER, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SCROE0N Sp.elsl attention paid to Chronic Diseases. Offle.i South Xsst corner Iron sna 2nd at... Le hlrhlon.Ps. April 3. 1878. N, II. II IX U Bit, PRAOTICINO PHYSICIAN AND SURQKON, OBce, Btak Strut, n.xt door above the PoatoClee, benigmon, t'a, umce iiours rarryvuie .aen usy rom loto 12o'(lock ramslnd.r of dsy atoffle.lo L.nicntnn HQT'n.'ii. yy U. II BB1PLPJ, PHYSICIAN AND SUBOEON, Next to E. II, Snyder's store. Bins ST., LEnlOIITON, PENN'A. N.H. Special attention airen to the Care of Salt Itbeum. ic. Jaa. is y J FRAMKLm LKSII, PHYSICIAN AND SUROKON. (of Ruidint nyiicim t Itarriilttrp lltiptttly Omen Next door to the Union Church, WEI8SPORT, PA. rr faneeial attention rlren to the Dl.ea.ea of Women, tin.ulutlon In Enrlleh and Qerman. Aag. is, 1877 -cm- JJU. EDWAUD nllOWN, 8 17 RO EON DENTIST, Of the rennsylranla Dental College. Philadel phia, has opened an office In LEHIOIITON, on BBOAD STREET, next door tu Snyder's .tore. All work warranted satisfactory. LAUOIIINO OAS used for tho palnlea. ex. traction of Teeth. Anr. II, 1877-yl EW STOBE ! NEW GOODS ! LOW PRICES ! The underalrned haa remorad Into the New etore-room on WHITE btieet, Weluport, Pa.. (opposite tno iiuntera Hotel), and Is opening full stock of Choice Groceries, Provisions, Candies, Confections, &c, whleh he la Bellini- at VERY LOWEST CASH rmuu. rauonasaraapecuuilyaoilciloaana aaUafacUoa (uaranteed. Jacob Straussberger, Jarrh5rl WBITH B., Wetaaaon. Drugs and Medicines. Wonderfuy)ut True A. J. DURLING, PROPB1KTOR OF THE PEOPLE'S Drug and Family Medicine STORE, makes the following ANNOUNCEMENT. Owlnrtothe aoncrat depreslcn In business, tbearieat reduction of warcafor labor, Ac I deem It my duty at tbla time to giro the people nf l.ebirbton and vicinity TllK Lion's Suakx of mt I'BOrrrai itcaa aim rttn.eniiirr ino lonow. liifr Pncea nf a tew ot the many artlclea aold at my urugBioret PATENT MEDICINF.S-nll tl Preparations Co cenis. aucu na vineirar iiuiera. uosieitcr'a, Drake'! Plnnr.tlon, MLhlcr's Herb, Oerman Bitterannd all others formerly 8), now 8S eta. Hjo. preparatloua 40c. and 25c. prcpratlons20o. COI.D, COUUIt nnd LUNO BEMEDIES. as Jarne'a Expectorant, Hail's end Alien's Bal. an. Avers' Cherry Pectoral, Milk Cure. Cod Liver OH, Cod Liver Oil and Lime and others former Ir II now So cents. HAIIt PBEPA1I ATIONS Hall's nulr Be. newer. Montaomerr'a. Arera' Har Viiror. and Mrs Alien'a, formorly SI now 05 cla. All coo. prepar.tlonsof aboru character now 40c LINIMENTS Lanbach's, Low's Matrnctic, Donnelly a Floctnc, Bamson OH, ltnuwy'ij Belief, Mario Oil, Uargllnr Oil. Wildfire tini. ment, and all othere formerly 50c. now 4Cc, none. Cattle and Chi ken Powders formerly zao. now .uc.t uuriinu coienrareo ouail ou Powders Improved. 3So. per iiouuu. KajDlr'a Hombnra; Drops. 40c per bottle' Breast lea. .no. a pacKasej rjija oi an ainas lormeriy now vk. per uox. PLASTEBS Porous, Arnica, Poor Man'a and all nthcra formerly 25c. now 20c. WOBM BEMEDIES Worm Syrups. Verml iukbs, vtotm jjoaonaea anu uouiectioja lonn eriy uc. now 'juc. Boo Burks. Herbs, Medical Teas. Ac Ac. lormeriy rrom too. to isc per os. now io.io ee, per oz. Castor Oil. Balsam de Malta, Essence of Pep. noimlnt. Esaencoof Imoti. Oolden Tincture. Varefroilc, and Glrcerlue formerly lOo. to 15c. now co u too. per uoitie. Evcrj tlihiff Down i Down ! Donn ! 1 Canstlo Soda, for Marine Boss, from Scents to 10 centa per pound. Castor on, strictly pure, 50c, per quart, by tho IIUU ivsb. LOOK AOAIN.-WALL PAPER. Gold Gilt Paner toe.: Oi.lied Panera fnrmeilr ''Sc. toSSe. now 20c WlutoBlanka and Tints formerly 18c. to 250. now 12c to 15c., nnd Brown Backs form, eriy 10c. to 12c. now 7c. to 9c. Pby.lclana Prescription, and Family Recipes compounded at Greatly Reduced Bates. Uoor seno to uuMLilHU'g. Having had au experience of almost Twenty Years In tlio Diue lluinesa mnre than Ten of winca n.ive oeen in j.enifnton. i will in the rn. ture. ns I have in the past. Guarantee to all the very Bost and Purest Drum. M rdtclue. Ac, to uoiouniiiu too American markets, l ilUY run uasii i lice ir nov3 $25001 1 CTIVB $2500 Ayear.a.GENrsAyear. iVTPn In every County, lo Cacrass i Premium Family Bibles, ENGLI&H and GERMAN, PROTESTANT ana uAiiiuuu. Comnilslnir ne.rlr 1C0 different HTVI.KS with numerous elegantly Illustrated explana. torr features. Tho mint COM P LET K. PKIlFEnT. and BEAUTIFU I. line of Ulblea ever DOered to the American puouc. ALSO ON oun GRAND Combination Prospectus OF 150 DISTINCT PUBLICATIONS. Renresentlnr Airrlcnlttlral. Illnfrranhleal Historical. HelUlou.. and Mlcellaueoua Works, and Famny, Pulpit, aud rocket Bibles and TesiMnients. wante.il In every tanit.r. A Novel Feature. In nanvanalnir. Hhiam Mnitn irom mi. srrosoecius, wnen an single books fall. Also. General and Local Arents Wanted on oar GREAT WAR BOOK, themost Compreben.lrF.Bellaoleand Accurate jiiBK.rr in uio aatn v;oiimci oeiwcen I11B ItUS- SIAN and Tile: TURK, with Ita 30 J el.asnt Enrrarlngs. Maps ind Plans the most ni.owy. desirable and uaetnl Book now publlshcCL lor circulars and I..beia Tonus, address JOHN. E. POTTER CO., Publishers, Sept. 1,1877. PHILADELPHIA, PIMPLES. nill mill fPrfll tha rtvlrv. tnr rHmnlfl Vcqktadlk Balm thit will remnre IAN, HiKCKLK. 1'IM TLKainO HLOTCUta.lctVlDK Ihf nklll BOtt. cle&r and btpanttfali &Un lnatinp. tlont for nrcduotiir a laiariktit crowth nfhulr dd bild tiriAd or bmootb fdee, AdiJreu, lo closing set. itimp, Ben. Vfcudeil A Co., to add St., IS, Y. To Consumptives. The adrertl.er. harlnff been nennanentlr cured ol tbst dread disease. Consumption, by a Mlmnle rfmerir. la anTlarlia In mjiknknnvntn his re low-aufforere the means of euro, lo all who desire it he will send a copr of the pretenp tlnn used, (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the aame. wbir.li tney in nnri a .urn cube for CuiisuHrTiosijtsiiiMA, BKoscntria. Ac rarnea wuntug io preatrip tlon, will please addresx, E. A E. A, wii.yon,i renn hi , wiuiamsDnrgn. N. Y nAllUiUHTRACSmieiUS. In.tructlonsnd Amuaemeui combine.1. Imirtant to parents and teacheia. 20 ill Here nt arilallc designs. Tho enure pack sent fieo tor 25 cts. currency or alatupa. VanDetf A Co , 2 Ann St., N, Y, (PC7 CA AOKNTS pronu per week. Jhri Til I Will prove it or forfeit 1500. V .7 New art.clea. Jut p. I en ted. Namptea .ent free to nlL Andreas W, 11. CUI D. ESTEB, 2i Fuiton St., New York. ERRORS OF YOUTH. QENTLKMAN who snfTertd for yoari from tu ' - wuuiuro urcar. una u tnetfffCtatlf TOUthful lndirrrttrn. vlll tnr- iha Mke ot suff'nnir liomnnity. Bend tree to ftll wbo netM it. the recipe and dlreelioiufor uiaklna the nupio rcracny oy wuico do was cured. HuHir era wlatitog to profit br the adTertlterr eiport. eocecaado tv.br aildresiDr in ft-rfect confl. In c-rfect fwinfl. aenc. JOHN u. OODEN. i, ICwirat.N. Y. IIR0NIC Dlsra.rs Cured. Near patna marked out by that plainest of all bookB Plain Home Talk and Medical Common RenaA'' nearly 1 oou pare., you illustrations, by Dr. E. B. Foore. ot 120 Loilnrton Are., N. Y. Purchaa. eraot this book aro at llbertv to consult Ita antnor In person or by mall rakk. Puce, by mall 11.28 for the htabpaed edition, or li to for the PoruiiB edition, which contain, all the same matter and illustratiooa. Contents tablea tree. AOKN1H WANTED. VUB11AV HILL PUBLIRIIINO CO.. BeptM-ml UK K. 21th SU. N. Y. nafk AfT 13 neweat and moat popular V VaV. songs, with writing, of In traction and amusement! also, a list of all the battles, whan ana where fought, during the war, i or a can i aiawip. jtddrea., PK&alOND A CO., N Race sr., Philadelphia, toftaty In Memory of Hcnrjr Gclsel. r Wat. r, MOR1K, Frlefidi are sitting hero lo-day, Friends of ono that's gono before us Friends haTe all to pass that way Friends in (orjg and friends in chorus. Friends, we'vo all lired hero so fondly, Friendly ate and drank nur fill Friends still linger sad and lonely Friends at heart and loving still. Friend departed, how wc miss thee, Friendship's sad without thy faco j Friends there are would fondly kiss thee, Friend, within thy resting place. Peletiah Perritt's Cider. Our misfortunes are sometimes angels in disguise, but they are not always thus up parelcd. Tranquility under aflliction cannot bo commanded in every event of life, how ever necessary it may be on all occasions to strive after that equanimity which becomes a man or woman, no matter how severe the present trial of patience or fortitude. Listen to tho unhappy story of Peletiah, son of Or rin K. Fcrritt, of South Littleton, as related by himself. In the remembrance of some sorrows. whatever the duration of life, we never out grow ourselves. Whenever I attempt to re call the incidcnls'in my'somcwhat excep tional career, one particular day of my ej( istence rises up before me, and will not bo forgotten, or even lightened of its burden of pain. With shame and -confusion I look back upon tho past, for that one terrible day of gloom overshadows my career nnd ob scures the sunny hours which, in tho course of nature, come at intervals to every male and female descendant of Adam. I can think with calmness of many sad circum stances that have befallen my lot circum stances full of peril and horror; but that particular disaster to which I refer has blotted out all feeling with regard to other scenes that might, disconnected from my grand catastrophe, have darkened a life. time. Oh, that I had did young:, while et a stranger to public mortification j a mortification lo "unbrace tho strongest nerves and make the stoutest courage quail." The day of my calamity, forty years ago, dawned llko many another day in ripe October. The morning that ushered in the Sunday on which I was to suffer was one of radiant loveliness, and, as I walked along alone to our modest little houso of worship n the country, all the trees seemed hanging out their banners of beauty. How well do recall the scene of surpassing brilliancy on that gorgeous autumn morning I I had started early, that I might move slowly over the road, and, allured by the splendid lights and shadow.., I made a detour of over mile beyond the church, in tho direction of n beautiful hillside, on one of whose slopes resided my father's lifelong friend, Colonel Dijah Teabody, as he was univer sally denominated in that part of the coun try. Tho colonel was standing by his garden gate, enjoying the still security of that eaccful Sunday morning. His pipe rested between his lips and emitted only at inter vals a gentlo pufTof smoke. Seeing me ap proach from the woody roadside, he looked hearty welcome, and exclaimed: "Glad to see you, Peletiah. How's your futhcr and all the folks at home?" I answered this kind inquiry, and de clined his earnest invitation to "walk in," as I was hurrying to the meeting-house for the morning ecrrice. ' Well," said the old man, " the least you can do is to take 'long a couple of bottles of my best cider lo your father, who is laid up to home with roomatizum." Now, if there was one liquid in the world that father hankered after when he did not feel "exactly right," it was the colonel'a bottled cider in October, for lie said, " Pea- body's was better than his'n or anybody else's cider in the whole country." At first I hesitated about taking along the delectable fluid, for I should hare to convey in my coat-tail pockets to church with me, and elude, as best I might, the vigilant eyes of Deacon Trcadwell and old Miss Patience Libby, both of whom sat in full ight of our pew. However, when the colonel, who saw my reluctant response to his invitation, ex- claimcd'Don't be proud, Peletiah I" I hast ily pocketed the cider, and, thinking of my father's prospective delight at dinner-time, moved with alacrity over the hillside to meeting. Tho bell bad ceased tolling when I ar rived at the door, but I waited outside until after the " first prayer," and then glided noiselessly on my toes to our family pew. My brother and sister had taken their seats, leaving my place unoccupied against my arrival. Mother remained at home to keep our dear old father company in his suffering, and read tho most comforting chapters in tho Bible to him during his worst paroxysms. My long walk had predisposed me to slumber, but I stood up as usual in " sing ing time," cutting in with full fores when we camo to " And that shall kindle ours," In the proper place for the ienor roices. Ij btard the minister give out the text, and followed him into his "secondly," when my mind wandered, and a prejudiced indirid uat wouio prooaDiy uave cnargcu mo witu being asleep. I roused myself warily, how. ever, chewed a bit of fennel j and put on a look of Intense satisfaction with tho dis course, Suddenly I became'aware of a movement in the direction of one of my coat-tails. A freezing horror chilled my personfrom head to foot, and I knew then that it was tho cider getting ready to explode in my left' hand pocket. For a moment I tried to summon up an appearanco of unconcern, as if the detonating sound came from some other locality, but ill proximity could not bo long disguised. Immediato expose was inevitable. Should I instantly fly from tho pew, be- forothe cork had time to do its worst? I deliberated a moment, but it was too late. One crash, my fate was sealed. In all my experience wun corks, i never had ono leave the neck of a bottle with a noise like that, Tho noise was terrific in its violence, and to my disordered fancy shook the meet house, Tho minister stopped short in bis sermon, ond looked around bewildered. Two small, disreputable boys in tho gallery collapsed with delight. Anything to put , ... an end to the sermon was "nuts" to them, and thnv ,t n .fr...i -lit. T.: and they at onco effervesced with happiness aver hiy misery. But their cffervesccnco was nothing to that which was going on in our immediato Vicinity I With one mighty bound the "pent-up Utlca" of cider, with no cork to stop it, tore Into tho air above fill r rwlTV nn1 l.anml I..JUh. I .uLa" "f shoulders. LoiUm. ,! l.i.e.Hn .fc" . . , . . "7 6 , , " back : of my neck, and sp. ling over Into the broad aisle. In ram I tried to restrain the Impetuous liquid with my fingcrs-to curb remorseless fury for a moment with my pocket-handkerchief ; but no effort of mine could quell its fleet career. On it came, hissing and destroying like a wild tornado n tropic clime, terrible to contemplate and awful lo experience It was indeed a "sight to behold." My hand becamo saturated .1.1.... ik.i ..1.-1 i- . i . ...... .ua. in mo languago .e 7i-e .. . , , v. roi. iionnc., ciroopcu around my ... U i . I lil.. ... 1 . , I . m r I'H.IM WlWfc 11M.U BCU-ITCCU in B CUim. illy garments ran apple-juleo, and I was as one itceped from crown to toe in cider. I was odorous with the foaming abomination, and fearful to look upon. All eyes were turned upon me, evidently requiring an explanation of such an un- wonted scene, while tho other bottle began to givo volublo signs of disturbance. At onco I started up in fresh alarm, and ran out of the pew, making for the meeting- house door with all the precipitation possi- bio to a ruined man; but, alas I I was too late. Out flew tho other cork, and a second delugo wildly ensued. A.'iss Libby was I struck twice violently in tho bonnet, and screamed as I flew past her Into tho porch, There I sat down, overcome with shame and orer-exertion, only wishing for Provi dential annihilation on tho sacred spot I hud innocently done so much lo desecrate, Reader, may it never be your fate to hear what I have heard, to see what I have seen. in an old-fashioned country meeting-house, where every body knows you, and where, down to the latest generation, nobody ever forgets a ridiculous catastrophe like mine. For centuries to come, whenever a bottle of cider threatens to explode in South Lit tleton, some by-stander will be sure to ob serve, with a sly look at the fining aper ture: " Stand by with a tumbler, for I guess it's going to Fcrritt" And thus my ill starred name will forever be associated with ciderial influences, any thing but pleasant, in the humble village where I was born,- Teuth's Companion. INCLINABLE LAZINESS. A genuine tramp is an inmate of a Mis souri poorhouse. He was a doctor at one it, .e 1.1. i:r. ... i .e li. r : nine ui ins me, uui miuu ui ilia uruies.iuu . .. . . I and ceased practice, 'men nis who worked for him till she worked to death, and then he tramped. Believing that Work wasn't healthy, he had resolved never to work any more. His mind was fully made up on that subject. He did not want to steal, and ho had to live. A poorhouse was what he was looking for. The poorhouse keeper. told him that If he staid there he would have to work. Ho thought not. No more work for him under anr rl.Um.L,n... m ,., .. , ;,, 7 , - ihcj put nun m uua cv-n mr iwciuj-iour hours, to bring him to a sense of his loneli- ness and isolation, feeding him moderately! They plied him with the labor question, wouldn't work. They shut him up for twenty-rour hours more. Jlls detcnnlna- tion remained unaltered. Ten days pawed, ,, ,, , . , it.. and he still refused to work. Doctors were called in, and found the man serene, per- fectly healthy In mind and body,aud he moreover proved himself a physician bv I answering correctly all the professional questions put to him. He was a stumper. They hail never before met a case of lasi ncss where forty-eight hours of enforced idleness and darkness and silence would not brim a acaction. They took him out and put a hoo in his band. He dropped the T VP Tkef bim f0"T plow. He dropped in the furrow. So they turned him looso among lhe other paujiers, and find him useful in lecturing them on , , , , , . ... morals and giving them good advice. So he haa his uses after all. I Gfnmblcrs. - gon,, ppj, Bro , In lhe htbil of gnmH,. ig that they are never happy except when doing it. Nothing is ever quite right to them unless it is just enough wrong to en. able them to complain of it. It Is better, howerer, not to finger orery rose with ths certainty that if you search longenough you will find the thorn. The end of such a habit is well put In the following lines: H0 finds he has sorrows mora deep than hit tears, He grumbles to think lie hag grumbled for years He grumbles to think he has grumbled away His home nnd bis fortune, his life's little day. But, alas I 'tis too late it is no uso to say That his eyes are too dim and his hair is too gray- He knows he Is wretched as wretched ean be; There is no one more wretchedly wretched than he. UMT. Grit Is a good thing to bar; but you don't want tu much or it, I have known folkg who had so much grit that they didn't know when they were whlpt. This don't pay, I like to see a man who aint afrada Ia flril t,r..J,M1 ...i .1. 1. I. I .Illill IIHtU QUO 1. iu lull I tl... ,1..., r j i . t., i ,. t"'.1 don't kare to see him do it It is a hard thing to do, and they don't know neither when they hav got enuf. Grit and Spunk aro two twins, and their mother i Courage and their father iz Bravery. I have seen grit and spunk and even couraue. thnf rlMn'l !,.. . V.U M..... ...... 1H ,t. Bravery always acts from principle. Grit "U"' P"'P' I maybo rite and it may be wrong. It ain't J or wh,c 0rj i., . ,,.,.. . . ' : i a Kratch. t like grIt ln everything buf my hash I there tr when, t t.n't L.., If. nw. every man you meet a big haffof tho turn, pike, but if he insists on tho whole or lt,ths religion of the Billings family is to arbitrate tho case at onst. If a man smote yu on ona check, turn him the other one if yu like,but '""'""" don't let h m .mnU thai. -That .,'t f.l. I ' ' -'" j6 j,v;BM. I - My Snrrcnt Dorr. Many years ago, when thero was but ona church in tho old town of Lyme, Conn,, ths I peop' were without a pastor. They had '"!cn for a 'onS tlmo destitute, and .now I 'nrere on lho ll0'nt making a unanimous I 03,1 for a ver7 acceptable preacher, when a cross-grained man, by tho name of Dorr, be Sa violent opposition to tho candidate, 'allied a party and threatened to defeat ths settlement At a parish meeting, while tho matter was under discussion, a half-witted follow arose In tho house and said he want- cd 10 te" B dream ho had last night. Ha thought ho died nnd went away where ths wicked people go, and as toon as Satan saw him ho asked him where he came from. "From Lyme, Connecticut," I told him right out. " Ah I and what are they doing in Iyms?" he asked, "They aro trying lo settle a minister," I answered. "Settle a minister!" he cried out. "I must put a stop to that. Bring me my boots! I must go lo Lymo this very night," I then told him as he was drawing on his boots, Mr. Dorr was opposing the settlement. and very likely he he would prerent it altogether. " My sarvent Dorr 1" exclaimed his Maj esty. "My sarvent Dorrt Here, take mv boots) If my sarvent Dorr fiat' work, thero is no need of my going at all." This speech did the business. Mr. Dorr made no further opposition. The minister was settled, but his opponent carried ths title, "My sarvent Dorr," With him to ths grave. . , , - . Many a Dollar formerly enenl oner. pensive Sulphur Baths is now saved bv uh. stituting therefor Oljju's ScLrnca Soar, w,hich " iU8t as beneficial but infinitely ,Mf AViVffi standard remedy. Complexional blemishes are erauicaiea oy it, and It Imparts to the UUU,V, ' ,w""1s and velvety sort- action constitutes It a prime remedy for sores, "loor"' cuts, sprains, scalds, bruises, and In ""K "ai conuiuon Olllie CUllCJO siienacu mt iniurnmstioii, Bn-ellirg or Ilea- mg. iiadies moving In our best society speak of its beautifying properties In enthus- tunic terms, ana give li a a decided prefereneo 0?. defects of the complexion. The use of olnt- raenis mr eruptive complaints is to bedeprs- cf'fJ because of their having a tendency to clog the pores and In somecasca to aEKravats rather than remedy the disease. They are, besides, seldom thorough enough in their p""" lu I,rc'," e recurrepceoi eruptions micKiaii; anu nave tue aisaq- vantage of soiling the linen of persons who use them. Olenn's Sulphur Soap, on tha contrary, radically cures the diseases, lo which ii is aaapieu and sun limner recom mends itself on account of its rlcanline... It is besides, an admirable disinfectant of clothing which has been worn by persons afflicted with dlseaseaofacontaelou. ntnr As a specific preventive and promoter of ths "Iwwt; Druggists. Price Wc per cake. J Box ( J cakes 75c aent by mail, prepaid, on receipt P'iee' N. CairtEHTOii, Prop'r 7 Sixth Avenue, ;ew York, Hili-'s Hsu afd Wmaxri Dti, BlaoV or Brown, iO.