r WiMl m iMIIIIIIUIWMIIWIJIMi WmVll.Wr "laajUajiaj.imiiaiaU.JUaillJ JUjUiUajJILajJUIl'. im l.l'jamJIUajlll.S'.laLIUIIUJWIB INDEPENDENT-" Live and Le't Live." 1. 00 a Year if Paid in Advance. H. V. Mouthimeb, Proprietor. Vol. vi., 'No. 28. TjEIIIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1878. Single Copies, 3 cts. Kailroad Guide. N OUTIII?IINNA.nA.lIiROAI. Paaaena-era for Philadelphia leave Lchlcbtou 1 JsTa. m 'la. L. V. arnre at rhlla. it MO a. ra, jtsaa. m. via i v. JlMOa.rn.TlaU V. " " :4ip.rn.,TlUV... " ' i7i47 a. m.. Tla I et 8., " .lliOJ a.m..vtaL. A 8.," :JI p.tn. Tla L. S. " " ; 4:57 p.m. " " 11:'0 a.m. 3 05 p. IU. 8:15 p. m. ll-.noa.io. 2:05 p. IU. 5:4') P. m. 8:15 p. It). i:0i p.m. aoittrnlua-, leavodcpot at Berk, and Atnerl ,oan St.. Phlla.,at 6:15, ana 9:45 a. m.s 2:33.5 30, and 8:00 p.m. Etl.13 ULAUK. Agent. Jnno 3, 1878. ,pnil.A. da UeXUINO KA1L.KOAD. AtTngemen.t ot PaeDger Trains. MAY 12TU. 1SJ8. , Trains leavoALfjENTOWN asfpllowst- I (VIA, FKPKIQMHX BBiNCU.) rr Philadelphia, at J:2J, 8.50, 11.05, a.m.. and t.tl p. m. , . fjUNDAYK. For Philadelphia at 4.2b a. m.,3.35 p. in. I (VIAKASTrHJIXA. BKAHCI1.) Var Headlnc 2.30, 5.50, 0.05 a ro 1J.W, 510, 4.W and 0 05 p.m. L Var aarrfsourg. 5.33 5.50, 9.05 a. ui 12.15, 4.30 f.01 p. m. . . , . . For Lsnqaitor and Columbia, 5.55, t.03 o-ni. and 4 80 p. tn. t i . Doaa not ran on Mondays. SUNDAYS. I , ,ror Beading 2,80 a.m, and 4:31 and 9 05 p.m. Tor HirrUburg, 3.11 a. m. nnd 9 05 o. m. . i Tralna you AGUSNTOWNleavo as follows: (via fbbkiomex imiscH.) taare Philadelphia, 7.M a. m., 1.00, M.30 nd 5.30 p.m.- I...T. Philadelphia. 8.0 a. m. And i IS p. re. Xare n(iolnir. 7.41. 7.45,10.33 a m.7t.O0,6.H and Xaaro Uarilabnrtr, 9.23,8.10 a. m and 2.00, 3.57 i and 7.55 p, m. . : !t.aT Lancaiter, 8.10 a. m., 12.55 and s.45p. m. Loara Columbia. 8."0 avm . 1.00 and 3.3.1 p. m. HUMDAA'a. .i L.aie Bending-. 7.20 and M0 a. m. I.eare KarrtKbnti!. 5.20a.m. . ' .. Tralna maikedthuat) run to and from depot ttk and a Green streets, I'lillafleliihla. other tralaa to anitirom llroad streot depot, i Tns9.Ma.ia and 5.65 p. m. trains from Alton, itowa, and th7.30 a.m. and.n.3i p.m. tralna rom Philadelphia. Dave through cars to and Htm Philadelphia. ' , ' J. IS. WOOTI-BN. .i , . , General ICanacir. CO. HANCOCK, Gtn'l TtCKlt Aaent. TjENNSyLVANlA. RAIMIOAD. &AT TRUNK LINE . , T ,, AND United States Mail Route. v Tbo attention of tbo traveling public lares. Mtfally lnrltod to some of tbe nicrlta r-t this .Treat highway. In- the conttdont nescrtlon and ballet that no other line can offer equal induce aa,ta as a route. otthroaKh travel. In Construotioti & Equipment TS1E Pennsylvania Railroad awuids confessedly at lbs head ot American rail ways. Tbo track la double tbe entlin length of tat lint, et a,tool rails laid on heavy oak lies, nrblcb are embedded tna foandaiion et rook bal Jaat eighteen luebCsi In depth., All brldeos nio t Iron on atone, and bait upo.t the moH ap proved plana, ilta pas'onger care, wlulo cinin atlr sale and. aubsiantUl.nra t the sanio time baode!aot comfort und elegance. , The Safety, Appliances iae on thillno Well lllntratq tbo far'-aeolug and liberal vblicy of its management. In accord nco with which IJio ptllliT, only of an lnmvovi-. xtentandnotlti oust has uocn tbo (luesilon of cousidcratlon. Among many may bo noticed tbo , Block $ystcn of Safety Signals, JAiiricJr 'Cdii'jildr-.Bdrter & riatfonii, THS WlIAItTON PATENT SWITCH, . , isDTIlK , "WesUiigndusd Air-Brake, farmihg In ronJaoctlnA whb a perfect, double raoK road bed a couibinatloa of eafcftuards a. gainst accidents which have rendered them practically luipoaaible. Piilliiiaii PalacO CstrS Are run on all Express Trains trROU NEW -tOUlC,. Pnir.ADA.. BALTI. SlOItK and WASUINOrON, To CltlCAJO. CINCINNATI. WiniSVILLK INDIANA 1'OLIIJ and tT. LOUla, WITHOUT CHANGE, and to all principal polntaln tbo fir West and Booth with bntonocoaiigootcars. Connections are made lu Union Depots, and are assured to all Important points. THE SCENERY Of the Pennsylvania Route Is admitted to be nnanrpaaaed In the world for Frandear, beamy and variety, hunerlor to reabment facllliies ara pronded. Employees are coorteoua and attentive, and It is au Inevlu aole ireanlt that a trip by the Pennsylvania Bailroad must form a l'letslaff auilHcmor'alilo Experience. . Tlokeu tor aale at tbe lowest rates at tbe Ticket OlSces ot tbe Company In all Important olUea and I owns, Vtti-NK TnOMPSON, I.. P. FAIlitEn, Otn,i JJanayvr. Otn. Paji. Agent. i. E, sriOElIAlCEn. Pas. Aaeat MlddleDlat. )1 North Third bti, llarrlsbnrg, Pa. "Jprlmfc H6rAo Mailo Bread ! WHt OO UUNOHYI WbenyoncanBnyH pounds ot Ftrt Class Bread tOUK LdA.VKS FOU 23 OEN'TS I J. W. O'NRAL, the pojtnlar Bread and Cake Baker, otLelughton. In order to meet the wants ( the times, has Hediiced.toe 1'nco of bis cole brated Home Mado lTuKAD to four Loares forTwchty-nvo tts. Cash. , Bngar, Ilaliln, Cocoiout Scotch, Drop, Cream and other OAKBa, only "ten Cents ter Dozen. IiOok Out for the Wagon: At MAUcn CHUNK, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday aloroings. LEniullTON and WB,l3oPORT,evcry After- noon except Friday, TERMS BTlllCTLY OASn I Patronage solicited. J. W. O'NEAL. nruun.1 uppoaua Firat Nauonai jiaut, apriieyl Uatik Htreet. Lehlgbton.Pa. jTym a Great chance to make mon- II aI 5 ot. Ityouean'tgeteoldon qplll can get greenback. We vXvm need a person In every town to lake antwcrlptlonafor the largest, cheapest and boat lllnatrated family publication la the word, Anv one can bocomo a auceeaatul agent. 1 he most elegant worka of art given free to aubacrlbera. The price j, 6(1 low that almoat everybody anbecMbes. One stent reports maklog over I1M In a week. A lady agent reiorw taking over 400 aobscrtbera In tea usya. All who mcage make monev fast. You can devote all your lime to the buitucss. ut only venu apare time. You seed not be away from home over night. You can do It aa well as othera. Pull partloalara. dlrectlona and terms free. Elegant and expenaiva Uutnt free If Toavrantproutablowork semi us yonraddreM at once. It costs nothing lo try the business. K. UUCO, 41, vwa.a uuvui.i iu II N o one who entases falls to u JireM 'TTaie rHa'a Jouri ;o maae great pay, ournal," Portland, ia.ll rtn-ir HUUKLULjIMmV CARDS, Furniture VareHouae. Y. Schwart,Hank street, drnler in all kinit ef Furnilurt. Coffmt made to order. Hoot nntl Shoe Dlnkera. Clinton Bretney, I'n Leran'l building, Hank street. 41IoritripromjiHylIei toorfcioorranled. Attorneys. JOHN B. BEUTOLETIE, Attobney and Counsellor at Law, Broadway nnd Snaqnchanna Btrcets, Opposlto Court House, MATJCU CHUNK, PA. May bo consulted In German, may25.1y p," .TiOSGSTUEET, ATTOBNEY AT LAW, Next dooi tctbe " Carbon House.' BANK STREET, LEHIOHTON, PA, December 10-8m. yjg- in. itAPSliiau, ATTORN 1!Y AND COU.VSELLOIt AT LAW, BAjtk.aTRiii,Ltmoniox, Pa. Real Kstate and Collection Asency. WlllBuyand Sell Ittal Uatate. Conveyancing nontly done Col lections protaptlv made. Settllnp; Kststea of He cedents a apoclalty. Jlay be consulted In KnlUb nd Uerman. No. 2" JAS. It. STUUTHKItS, ATTOrtNSY AT LAW, IOrncel 21 floor of Rhoad's Hall, Maucli Chunk, l'n. All binlness entruted to blm will be promptly attended to. May 27, ly. p J. MICI3IIAN-, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Next Door to First National Bsok, MA1IC1I CHUNK, PA, 3TCn 1 consuUed In Oerraan. f Jn9. Justices and Insurance. pT A. HKliTZ, JUSTICE Or THE PEACE, Obert's Bulldfig.TJANK-St,, LrinaiiTOX. Conveyancing, Collecting nnd all other binU nesi connoctcd with the ofuco promiitlv attend ed to Agent for tbo best Fire and l.lfo Innir. ance Companlos t jtcnta coaoctca at reahoimmo clmrces. Ac. Aprlili-vl 1IO.HAS S. IIISOK, JUS-ICK OF TUB VlkCF., HANK Street, LKIHGIITON, Ta. Conreyaticlng, CoHcetlng and all buslnes con aectod with the office proinrlly atl(udtf'l tn. AffAirMit tor urfit-rla, Insurance Companies, ,ud llltksorell kloda taktn on tbe nioit lllwrnl torm Jan.D.WS. X ; CONVEYANCRU, GKNEtlAL INSURANCE AGENT The Mlowlns Companies are ltepreseutedl LEI1A )N MU rUALJTTIIK. nEAI)lG MUTUAL FI11E, WOMJNU l'lUll , Por rsviLLi: rime, I.llIIHlli FIUK. nnd IhcTtlAV KL15B-. ACCIDENT INSURANCE, Also l'cnnsvlvanH nud Mntual llorae Thief Detective and Inuranco Company. Mnrcn 29, 1373. THUS. KEMEBEll. Physicians and Dentists. QIIAS. T. IIOUN, M. !., OVFICE: OVER ,11. A. PKTKU'S DK.UG STORE, BANK Sr.LEHIOHTON, VA. General proctlce attended to, and SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DISEASES OF WOMEN. iunr23. i?7-yl TT" A, DiaUIIAMElt, M.U., physician And surgeon Special attention paid to Chronic DlaearaJ. Ofnce: South East corner Iron and 2nd at., I.o- hlshton. ra. April 3, 1875. JR. S. It. HEHIOll, rnACTICINO PHYSICIAN AND SURGKON, Ofnce, lUax Street, noxt door above tbe Poatolure, Lsklshton, l'a. Ofnce Hours rarryvllte each day rom 10 to 12 o'clock; remainder of day atofnrnlu Lehlehton- ovj.. yy .M SE1PLK, rnYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Next to E. II. snydev's atorc, Bask ST., LEHIOHTON, PENN'A. N.il.-Speclal attention given 10 tho Cnreof Salt Ubeura. to. Jan. I3 y J. FRANKLIN LUSH, rilYSJCIAN AND hTJRGKON, Itate lletident ilijiicfan of llarrUlutf Iloipilal). OFFlC Ei Next door to the Union Churcb, WEISSPORT, PA. CST Ppeclal attention given to tho Diseases of Women. Consultation In English and Uerman. Ang. 18. W7-Im TQK. 1SUWAUU 11110WN, SUROEON DEN1IST, Of tbe Pennsylvania Dental College, Philadel phia, has opened an office In LEHIOHTON, on BROAD STREET, next door to Snyder's etorc. All work warranted satisfactory. LAUGHING OAS used for tbo painless ex traction of Teeth. Aug. 11, 1877-yl "jSq"UAV STOItE ! NEW GOODS LOW PRICES ! Tho underslffued linn removed Into the Kevr Btore-rooiu ou WllITK btet, Welttwrt, I'm.. (opposite tho HuDter'd HuUlJ, nudUopeuIng u lull etocWot Choice Groceries, Provisions, Candies,- Confections, &c, which bo IS selling at VERY WH'DHT OASn PHICHS. Patronace respcctinlly solicited and aaUsfacllon guaranteed. Jacob Straussberger, Uaicb o ln3 WHITF. SI , Wrlespoit. Drugs and Medicines. Wonderful, but True ! A. J. DUELING, rnopRiKTon op the people's Drug and Family Medicine STOItE, wakes the following ANNOUNCEMENT. rttHnt? in thn concrnl tlPDroiMch in bualnfaB, thn o-ifsnt. rrsluiMlnn of Wftura fOP labor. fcC I deem It mv datv ot Itila limn to alvo tho people of l.clituhton and vicinity hie JJ0V8 8HAUR ok Sir t'lluriTHl licntl mid ri'munini-r mo iuijuw iiiff Pnccs nf alow ot the many nrt.cloa.8oia at my Drug Btoro" rATIvNT MEDICINES Ml 51 FrppatattonS go cents, fiucn as viuosrar jsuiern, iioairner b, Draite PlitntHttou, MUhlor's llorb, German Jjutcra una nil ouiera lormenyci.nov. eacin, floe, preparations 40o. nnd 25c. preparations 20c. COID. COUOII nnd LUNO JlEMEDIES..n3 Jovnc'ji Expectorant. Hall's ntd. Allen's Hal hiii Arra t,hprrv Pectornl. Ml tic Curo Cod Liver Oil, Cod Liver OU and Lime nud others lornieriv u now t cents. ITAIU rUKPAHATIONS i Hall's Hair lie- and Mrs Alien's, lotmerly $1 now 85 cts. All 6oc prcparutlons ol oho vu character now 4i)e. LTNTMKNTs-.Lanhncli'.i. Low's Mnitnetio. Donnelly's 1'lectric, Bnmson OH, 3tnl'Vv!lV,' iteuei. mene uii, uarfuinr un. wiiuura um iuout, nud all others formerly 50c. now 40c, Horse, Cattle nnd Chirkcn Powders formerly vac. now -uc.t ijurui'.ti's ceiunraipu uuuaa.ou lwders improved, 35c. per pound. KrenU's iramlmrc Drops. 40c per bottle- Ercnst Tun. "( c. ft pncKaec; nils oi au Kinas lornieriy 25c. uowVOc. per box. rLASTEHS Porous, Arnica, Poor liuns and ail vihi r& iormeriy 2dc. now cc. "WOItBI JtEMEDIES Worm Svrups, Verral fucee, Woim Jjozen7C8 nud Coufectloas ioim crly 2c. now 'Zee. Boots, Darks. Herbs, Medical Tens. Ac, ifcc, rorracrii' irom iuc. to ioc per oz. now iz, to uc. per oz. CaMorOU. Balsam do Ialta, Essence of Pep poiinint, Essence of Lemon, Golden Tinctnro, Paregoric, nud Glpcerluo fonnortv 10c. to lie, now to to 10c. per bottle. Everything1 Down J IKmn J Down ! I Cnustlotioda, forMnklnc Soap, from 0 cents to 10 tent h ner pound. Castor on, sUtclly pure, CCc. por qanrt, by tho gallon less. LOOK AOAIN. WALL PAPEIt, Gold Gilt Paner )0c. G'aiz?d Panera formeilv 25c. to 33c. now 20c. Wmto UlnukB nnd Tints formorlv lttv idmiu. iiuvt lie. to Lie, uihi Jirown xjacssiorra- cny iuc. to i.e. now7e. to vc. Phrslcintis ProKCnntlons nnd Fnmilr Iteclnea coiiipoumtcd nt (ireutly lleduced lute, do or llnv)ii(rhad au exnerlcnceof almost Twentv Yejtrs lu thn Dtuc liut-Iness more thau Ten of wnicu u:ivo uceu id Lcmemon, 1 will in the in tmo. as I liavoiu tho past.. Gunrnnloo to nil the vei y Dost nnd rnrest Drncs,4lediclno', Ac, to Imfnundtn tho American Markets. I BUY KOU OASH I Dec lr-nov3 S250DI ACTIVE 182500 Ayear-liiGENrslAyear. Wanted !!'"7,?JUnt5''" ccva!s onr Premium Family Eibles, ENOLIBII and OnilJlAN, PUOTKSTANT anil UA'tllui.iu. Conipilslne nearly ICO iliflorcnt 8TYMCS, wltn iinincrous elegantly Illustrated explnna torv features. Tbo most (JOMPMiTK. PHllPCOr. ami I1KAUTIKU I. lino of Iliblca over otlered to tbo American nuoitc. ALSO ON OUR C3- XT 3D Combination Prospectus OF ISO DISnUT PUBLICATIONS. notiiracntlng Agricultural, lUopraphlcal, IllBtuncal Religion., and lill-cetlnncotie Worbs. and Family, Pulpit, and Pocket Illblts and Tcsttttnonta. wentf d In every f utility. A Nnvol atnro In Canvassing, Males mule from tbli Prospectus, when all smglo books fall. Also, General and Local Aeonts Wanted on our GREAT WAR BOOK, . the most Coraprrbcni'lve. licllaolo and Accnrato Jlisuiryui tno laio uuiuuct uciweeuuio llUK. MAN and Tlttt TURK, with Its S0J clcitant KuaraTlnrj. Maps nnd Plans, tbo most niiuwy, il03irible and usetul lloek now published.-. For Circulars ami Liberal Tonus, audi ess JOHN. K. I'OTTKll ib CO., Publlslicre, Sept. 1, 1877. PHILADELPHIA. PIMPLES. I will mall (Free) the recipe for a shrple VcGETADLtt Balm thit will rpmove 'i AN, PHKCKL1H PlltjPLEHannitLorciiEs.leaviuiT ihepkliisott. clear and beautiful! also luatiuo- iions lor prcuunuR a luxuriant growia mnair on a bald bfMid or smooth face, AdJrens, in eloaiiiff act. stamp, Ben, Vaude.f & Co., 2uAun St.. N. Y, To Consumptives. Tho advertiser, having been permanently cuk d ot thut dread disease. Consumption, by u Mroplo remedv. Is anxious to mako known to bin fe lowsun'crorB the means of euro. Iu all who deMro u ho will send a copy of the preacnp tlonuscd. (free of charpe). with the directions forpteparlufc nnd usin? the same, which they will find a burccuiiclor Co'BUiption',A81HMA, Buociiitis, Ac Parties wUhlni? the prescrlp tlou, will please addros. 1Z. A. WILSON, I Penn Ht.,NvuitamsburKh. N. Y. 7nAi;C?AE2TTTZACni3 Inbtrnctlonand Amusemeal combtnet. Important to parents uudteacheta. saiUOereatarltstloaealgus, Tbe entire pack sent free tor 25 cts. currency or stamps. VauDelf A Cu , 20 Ann Bt., N. Y. $57 1 OA AGENTS profits per week. t - awt num ra. jui, ptiriiirti, Samnies tent free to all. Address W. 11. CHID ES riilt, 210 Fulton Hi., Now York. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A onNTLEMAN who snflored lot years from Xervnus Drbltllr.PermatiirnTlprftv. nnrlail thoefteotaof joutliful Indlbcretleu. will tonne sake nt aiiir tiiik humanity, send liec to all who need It. tho reclpo and directions for uiaklua tbe siniplo remedy by which hewnacured. Hufiar. cr. wishing to pi ofit by tbo advertiser's experi ence can au aoby ti(ldrej.alna; In perfect confi. dencc. JOHN II, OGDKN, it Cedar Ht , N. Y. llUrnaea Cured. Now paths marked out by that plainest ui un uuuks - riaiu Home Talk and Medical Common Kenae.' nearly 1 ooti pases, sou illustrations, by Dr. E. B. Foots, of ia Lexlnston Ave., N. V. Purchas eraot this book aro at liberty to consult Ita antnorln perron or by rnall fkek. Price, by mall I3.2S for tho standard edition, or tl 60 for , the Poi'UUH udltlon, irhlch contains all Iho name matter and itlnatratiooa, Couteuta tables tree, aornih wanted. UU1IIU) JlU.li 1U1II 1BIU.VU CO.. Sept. s&ma 129 it. Ibth St.. N. T. HCafhaflklLr 33 neweat and mo.t popular .UDRVIP-BW tongs, with wntinaa ot In- stiuctlon and amusement- also, a list of all tbe battles, when and where foustbt, duilna tba war, for s cent atamp. Addre.s, I)h.bMOND.t CO , 015 Itaoe sr., Pblladelplna. fehK ly A Woman's Vengeance , Late ono rninvnightntllio end ofSoptcm bor, 1874, threo men sat, in tho backroom of a Spanish enfo on Frcilcrick street, l'ort-au Spain, speaking earnestly over liic.il: clioco' latb oaiil cigarettes,. With one exception the placo tyas deserted by all custemcrs but themselves. That exception was a handsome, slender boy, shabbily dressed, who lay, to all appear nuccs, asleep, on a bench in pno corner. Tho proprietor of tho cafe himself was Im dubitably sound asleep behind tho littlo cpunler, as his stentorious snores attested and tho threo wakeful customers spoko loud ,cr and with moro freedom than they would ItaVo dono had they been suspicious of ob scrvation. " I tell you, Veramcndc," said ono, "it is next to impossible) lo get off without tho knowledge of ono of their, spies." " And I tell you, Mnyorga, that I will stako my life on doing it." " You risk that anyway, for if Macliailo Cicr finds liiswifo'alovcrin his hands rgain l.o will not let him go a.cecond time." "All right. .. I will risk that, for I havo determined noxcrlobo'capturcd alive. How ever, listen. Al nightfall to-morrow take a boat, which you wil nnd at tho landing stairs of tho quay. TI10 boatman will un derstand what to do, and it will not be lieccssary for.you to speak. Within half an hour after you. embark you will bo on tho deck of La Gaviata, under sail for Venezuela and a revolution that will cither ruin us or make our fortunes." " Tho first fate i3 moro, likely lo bo ours," answered JIayorga gloomily, "but wo havo undertaken Iho business, nnd must keep pur words i ns for me, I'm going to bed now." " And I." " And I must seo our captain again." As Voramcndo spoke ho dragged his heavy cloak over his shoulder, threw n shilling 011 the counter for his share of tho reckoning, and passed out, closely followed by his com panions. Tho heavy door had scarcely closed behind them When tho apparently unconscious boy on the bench sprang to his feet. "You go to your doom," ho hissed, shak ing a clenched, hand, whilo nnd fino as a Woman's after the departing figures. "You go to your doom, Ernesto Veramende, it tho woman you wronged, and then spurned, can send you there. Oh, you scoundrel, I would givo ever day of my lifo after I seo you die in pain to know what I havo learned to night. You abandoned mo for Jlachado's wife; Maclnulo shall have his revengo lit last." Tho Elcndcr llguioof the dirguifod woman trembled with rage, but, commanding her self w ith a violent effort, sho throw a rubber cloth poncho over her shoulders nud Went out. Tho night was n wild ono, and the rain swept down tho narrow sttect in heavy, fit ful, gusts, tearing shutters and jalousies open, and dragging signs from their fastenings pvcrywherc. Tho spy faced all theso perils fearlessly, however, pressing forward in the very teeth ofthehowlinggalo aerobian open snuaro to tho barred doorway of tho Trini dad Club House, where she knocked heavily. The door was instantly opened by a negro servant, who recognized tho spy at once, and withdraw asido to admit her, Without n word sho passed him, and hur ried into one of tho small private rooms de voted lo mqmbcra of tho club. A tall, dark- featured, handsome man sat at a table writ ing. As Ehe entered, ho looked up with an exclamation of pleasure. , " Couchita I" ho said. "So you havo come at last." " Yes." tn n quick whisper, ns if sho feared that even the walls might hear her, tho spy pro ceeded to relate her discoveries of tho night. An nnnod expedition was to leavo Ioi l-au- Spain within Iwentyrfour hours, , bound for tho Oriuooo river. Tho intention of tho con spiratore was to inaugurate a revolution in Angostura, scizo and executo President Slachado, and proclaim a new ruler. As tho Vcnczulean Consul listened lo this revelation, his face darkened into a bitter frown. " Tho thing must ba stopped," ho said. "Who is ot the head ofilt" " Krnosto Veramende." "Carracho! Ho is a fool to jenturo in such a plot. If JIachado lays hands 011 him, he is worso than a dead man." Couchitaj's, yes glislno al tho words, , " W hot do you propose .to, do ?" sho nskod. ' Let them go, but send word.Ufpro tho.m and havo them peized in the, apt. , God help them 1 Machado has not been nicknamed tho butcher for nothing." " Who will you send to inform him?" " I don't know. I must think." " That is not necessary. I will go." "You!" " Yos, and this very night. Givo mo your steam launch nnd two men, and before two days JIachado shall know all." " Caramba 1 Yotl nro a bravo girl," said the Consul, admiringly. "Do you moan it!" " Yea." The few words which followed perfected the arrangement. As the clock atntok tuclve a team launch puffed up to the quay, ov r whu h tho tlTm-hHied waes of tho bay broke in heavy sheets of spiiy, nnd took on board CElighl; Cguro wrapped in a cloak. Before mornlng'tho littlo.raflj had weather ed tho rocks of Tunta ricdna,ond was cross ing tho bar of Iho Jlacarco river. In an other twentyfour hours Iho President of Spanish G.uayara was 111 possession of all the facl? of tho contemplated revolution, and prepared to defeat it. Four days passed quietly. On tho fifth, at an early daylight, an innocent-looking schooner caino to an anchor off tho city of Angostura, and several jieoplo camo ashoro iu a small boat. Later tv canoo containing four or fivo moro landed. Directly tl)Cso jieoplo reached tho shoro they separated, dis appearing into tho different narrow streets of tho town. At noon that day quito a crowd collected in the plaza between tho President's houso and tho halls of tho Legislature. As Presi dent JIachado appeared with his, guard a single shot was fired from, this, group. Be fore this evidently preconcerted signal was obeyed, a deafening , roar , 0 cannon arid musketry broko out on oycry housetop about tho plaza i from 0vcry window and every doorway cwarmed soldiers, . Tho largo win dows iu fho cathedral, wcro planted vjifh camion, and on all sides a death-dealing fusilade was poured,, into thq ranks of tho conspirators, which melted away liko snow. Then an order lo charge was gi.ren( and tho Iroopscloscd in about tho revolutionists. Finding themselves surrounded, they fought liko devils, but in vain. ,, After a furious struggle, Euch ns survived Veramende ninong thq )iumbcr lay heavily ironed in Iho common jail. ,, , That night Veramende was aroused from a fitful dozo by, tjio noiso of tho opening of ins dungeon door. "What Is it?" ho asked 1 Tho door swung heavily open and a file of soldiers appeared, " Yoaarp wanted," said tho sergeant, "llywhom,?" , , , , "You will find that out Eooncr than you desire. Seize, him." , Two men caught up tho shackled form of the conspirator and dragged it into tho corri dor. Incensed at such rough treatment, Veramende offered Bomo resistance, nnd ono of tho soldiers was about to elriko him, when tho sergeant inlerfcrrod. " Lay no hand on him," he slid t "ho will bo punished in good timo." , h In the guard-room, whither ho was con ducted, on an clovatcd scat, tho gigantic fig ure of President JIachado was perched, Be sido him on 011s tide, was his wifo; on tho other a handsome, slender boy. " It is the prisoner, Senor," Iho sergeant said. . ; '"Ti? well. Release him ; but starid ready for any resistance ho may offer, On your lives, however, do him no bodily harm." , , Veramondo'a blood chilled at tho dcibcr: ate, deadly meaning iu tho speaker's voice. What fnto was ho reserved for? " Now, then, repeat the charges." The boy beside tho President roso as ho rpoko, and faced tho prisoner. ." Do you know mo ?" hp asked. " Know you ?" said Veramende. "No'l" , ' You shouli. You knew mo well enough When you seduced 1110. You will know 1110 better still." " Great God I It is Couchita JIartinez. " It was. It your Nemesis. Listen, Emqslo Veramendo. When you cast me off lor a new love, I sworo lo bo avenged. I followed you everywhere. I was in all your secrccts. It is I who havo ushered you to your doom, "x , ,, , - . Sho sat down, and tho President, without rising instantly took the word. " Threo years ago," ho said, "I learned that my bed was being dishonored by a man who owed nio all his prosperity in life. At first I refused to beliovo tub report, but proof becamo so strong at last that I sworo to kill him. Ho escaped mo then, but has been fool enough to put himself in my hands, itco lo faeo with tho victim he seduccd.with tho wifo ho prostituted, and tho husband ho betrayed and dishonored, ho shall meet his punishment. Chingo JIachado has not been called (ho butcher In vain." , Veramende had cowered lower and lower, until, at the lift words, lie Mink in a heap on tho Elono floor. Ho did not bog, for mercy, for in tho steely eyes of his judgo lie read tho uselessneas of such an attempt. "Call the Eurgcon," tho President said. A moment later tho Jimp form of tho pris oner was raised and etretched npon a table. His irons wcrp knocked off nud his feet nnd arms firmly secured to Iho, legs of tho table. Ho felt it all like a man iu u dream ; terror had stunnod him. All at once, however, ho saw something that galvanised him into lifo with a terrible,, shriek. A man, whom lie rnnguiiwl 04 Ihq leading surgeon of Angpeturo, approached the table, with his case of directing instru ments under hit arm. "GreqtGod! what nro you going to do with met" ehriokod the prisoner. "Go on with your work," commanded , the President, sternly. I In a moment the hands of the soldiers had torn the clothing from Venmwixie's )lv. The turgeon baut over his naked and de fence! laxly, knife in hand. Machado and Couchita c.ed hini imm-iabl-. Tha rrcudeni s wife buru-i hci fa. "i hi fctud- nnd groaned ! "Sparo him I spare himt ' " Go on with your work 1" Tho knifodcccndcd, nnd a piercing shriek echoed through the vaulted room, Another nnd another followed as Iho keen hlado pene trated tho victim's quit cring flesh. " Memy 1 merry I" " Go on." Tho work continued. Jlember nftcr mem ber fell to tho floor,, nnd the blood .paltered on Uic,iloor in a conont 4foaii). Tho sur 9on's figure was besjneared with it, nnd ho faltered; but tjio stern vpicoof "Tho Butch er" warned hm Iq go qn, until the mangletl trunk of tho miserablo victim alone remain ed. Veramende was, yet nlivc, liut his agony enly found vent now in a hollow, awful groan. . , , . , , ''Now then! . His heart I',',. tt i.n,ii A cry of horror escaped oven tho brutal soldiers, and Madam JIachado fell fainting at her husbands feet. Tho.Prcsident rose, Ids eycsimmovably.,uxcd qn.lho dissecting table. Couchita leaped , forward, with tho glaro of madness in her fierce eyes., Thero was a second,1!! pause, and then a. shriek so wld and piercing that it soundo superhuman, escaped the tortured form upon the table., The knifp . descended for tho last time, and a gory heart, torn from Vcramando's bosom, fell at tho President's feet. , . , , "It is well," ho said, spurning tho still quivering flesh from him. "Sweep that carrion to the buzzards. Sec tho Senora ,Jfachado is taken back to tho, nursery at once. Look to tho girl hero. Sho is ill." , III indeed. Couchita hod fallen back ,in her chair with glazing, eyes, Her spirit had taken flight with her accomplished revengo. Sho was dead. . ivar is it t , Tho truths of science and progressiva thought have always been compelled tobaU tcr down tho bulwarks of prejqdico and .dis belief, or remain forever unknown. Why is it that people aro so reluctant, Jo .receive facta that relate directly to tho phenomena of their own. existence? Astronomers, upon discovering a star, assign it a placo at onco, and it is forever fixed. Thorulo by which a mathematical problem is, onco solved be comes forever an axiom ; but no matter how clearly tho prenciplcs which govern health and sickness be .demonstrated, some refuse to believe. Dr. Pierce's Family Medicines, which aro now so generally- used, and dor servedly popular, were, in their early days, very reluctantly received by tho people. To-day, Dr. .tierce's Golden Alodical dis covery lias outrivaled tho old-timo sarsa; parillas, his Pellets in general use, in place of the Coarse, huge, drastic pills formerly sd much employed', whilo the Bales of his Dn Sage's Catarrh llemcdy and- his Favorite Prescription aro enormous. Where the skin is snllow and covered with blotches and pimples, or where there nro scrofulous swel lings and affections, a few bottles of his GoK den Medical Discovery will effect an entire cure. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have sallow color of skin, or yollowish-brown mt 011 fnco or body, frequent headacho or dizziness, bad taste in mouth, internal heat or chills alternated with hot flushes, low spirits and gloomy forebodings, irregular ap petite, and tongue coated, you aro suffering horn Torpid Liver, or " Bilimumca." In many cases of " iiVcr Complaint'' only part of theso symptoms, aro experienced. As a remedy for all uch cases; Dr. Pierce's Gol den Jicdical Discovery has no equal, as it effects perfect cures; leaving the liver strengthened and healthy. Debilitated fe males who have undergouo all the tortures of caustic and tho kiiifo, nnd yet suffer with thoso peculiar dropping-dovn sensations and weaknesses, catt have guaranteed to them prompt nnd po6itivo relief by using Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription; whilo con stipation and torpid liver, or "biliousness," aro promptly relieved by tho Pleasant Pur gative Pellets, gold by all druggists. Through Countless Littlo Openings in tho skin, invisible except through a raicro- ecojic, the ierspiration, in a state of health, exudes, hour by hour, night and day. The total obstruction of Ihcae rninulo outlet would produce death ( and when they be come partially blockaded, tho skin grows dry, yellow and finally diseased nnd the general healthis injuriously affected. Glenn's Sulphur Soap, by opening the iwrcs, re moves eruptions and unhealthy granulations ontiieskin, ami imparts ,to it a uealtblul clearness, humidity and smoothness, banish ing from the face of beauty complexional blemishes, whether attributable to'ampuri ties, in tho capillar- circulation, or-to undue oxjiosuro tn the- sun and . wind. For obstin ntii scorbutic complaints, like the itch, salt rheum, and erysipelas, itisa sovereign rem-" cdy, being quito its. effective .ns Sulphur Baths, fur such maladies, as well ns rheuma tism nnd gout. It is .wtoudrously healing and wjothing in its action, reuniting the cu ticle where broken by external injuries, re lioving the swelling and inflammation at. teniLint upon ppriuns, scalds and bruisestud curing tho most obstinate .sores and ulcers. Tho medical profession sanction Its use, and, from al( ckvwos of society, voluntary evi dence in its favor-is contimntlly emanating. Ladies of fashion prefer it to any similar acceeeory of the toilet and .the, bath, siuco it promotes not only health, but personal at Iractivenws. As a disinfectant of disease ftMitamlnatM clothing ithasno peer. After thry havo lwon washed with Glenn's Euk phurnup,gariiiei)U und linen from the siek room may 'bo uatidledwith perfect impunity. fold by Druggists, Price 25c per cake. 1 Box (3 cakosjlac, sent by mall, rivjwiId,on. receipt of iee. C. J Crittcnton, Proji'f, Sixth Avenue, New York. Hill's Hair nnd Whisker Dye, Black or Brown, Stc 25-4 Clieap Tickets for t lie West. All iierson, goingtp any point iq the Wcat should buy their tickets of C. E. Stedman agent, L. ,fc 8. Division, Mauch Chunk. Lower prices by uo other routes. Inquiries by postal card promptly answered. Tickets. Till be;ent to anv station agent crrL. Jt6. 1: r . uprn relict 1S--31