iiHoih L'ascs of Siccp-Wnlklng. 'n tho nbovo curious subject a rellr i'l naval ofBcer obligingly sciuIj 113 tho following notes: Ono bright moonlight night I was on deck, as was frequently my wont, chat ting with tho lieutenant of tho nildillo watch: It was nearly calm, tho ship leaking little way through tho water, nml tho moon's light nearly as bright as tho day. We were together leaulngovcr tho canstim, clmttltiiz a Hay, when V suddenly exclaimed: "I.00I;! II , at that seLtry," nud pointing to tho quarter-deck marlno who was pac ing slowly backwards ami foiwardsou tho lec-sldo of tho deck. "Well," I replied, after watching him somewhat Inattcnttvly as ho passed onco or twice on his regular boat, "what of hlitr?" "Why don't j ou eeo ho is fast asleep? Take .1 good look at him when ho next passes.' ' I did so and found W was light. The man, although pacing and turning regularly at tho usual distance, was fast nslecp with I1I3 eyes closed. When next tho man passed, W stepped quickly and noiselessly to his side, and pacing with him, gently dis engaged tho bunch of keys wlil;li were his special charge being tho keys of tho spirit room, Ehell-rooms, store-rooms, &o. from tho fingers of his left hand to which they were suspended by a small chain; ho then removed the bayonet from tho other hand, and laid It aud the keys on the capstan head, After let ting him tako another turn or two W suddenly called " Sentry I" "Sil l" replied tho man, instantly stop ping and facing round as ho came to tho "attention." "Why, you wero fast asleep, sentry. "No, Mr." "Uut I say you were." "No, sir. I assure you I was not." "You were not, eh? Well whero are tho key.?" The man Instantly brought up his hand to ehow them, as he supposed; but to his confusion the hand was empty. The poor follow brought forward Ills other hand, but that was empty also. But the puzzled look of astonishment ho pet ou was more tliau we could stand: both burst out laughing; and when tho keys and bayonet wero pointed out to him lying on tho capstan, the poor fel low was perfectly dumfouded. W was too merry over the affair, however, to punish tho man, and ho escaped with a warning not to fall asleep again. Sentries and look-outs must bo Very liable to fall nslecp from tho very nature of their monotonous pacing, and this may In some degree accout for tho facility with which sentries have at tir.ies been surprised and secured before thoy could givo an alarm. In this In stance, tho most curious fact, I think was the regularity with which tho man continued to pace his distances and turn at tho right moment. I have other Instances of senlilei and others walking In their sleep, though tho cud has not always been so pleasant to tho victims. In 0110 caso, tho quarter deck beutry In tho middle of the night, crashed down tho wardroom hatchway with musket and fixed bayonet, with a rattling that started us all out of our cabins. The fellow fell on his tack upon tho top of the mess-table, but not much tho woise, for his exploit. On another occasion n messenger boy paid us a visit In tho night: ho feli upon a chair, which ho smashed to pieces, but the ekeper hscaped unhurt. These can haidly be considered truo cases of somnambulism, but show how men may eontluuo their occupations when overcome by sleep. Nothing but beelughls bayonet aud keys lying on tho capstan could have ever convinced the inarluo that ho had been sleeplug; no mere assertion to that effect would ever have InUueuccd him. Dll'tfEiiENCE Bctween a Cold liny and a Waum Boy. Sunday afternoon a policeman walklnu Mouir Oolumhl stree, cast caught sight of a boy about twelve years old trying to pry tin kitchen wiudow. As tho lad betrayed no alarm when accosted, tho officer mildly demanded If he lived there, and wuy no was prying up tho sash. "I llvo here, but I'm locked out replied tho boy. "This Is about the hundredth tltuo tills namo has lieon plajed on mo, nud this Is tho last hair mat breaks the camel's back 1" "Where's your mother 7" "Gone over to my aunt's. I s'nose I have just got homo from Sunday, btllOOI." "And why should slio lock tho door? 'That's the bloody mystery I" at grlly exclaimed the lad. "TIhth'h big frosted cako in tho house, of course, but would I touch It ? Why, I just imio tne sigut o raisin cake with fro log ou It!" "You simply doislro to get In to warm your icet,'' suggested the officer. That's all, and I'm going In If it takes the roof off!" llio officer walked on, and In a few minutes pawed up the alloy behind the liuuso to help catch a looou houe Seated on tho fenco was tho boy who was working at tho window, llo was now working at tho frosted cake. "All hal didn't you tell 1110 you didn't like cake?" "That was when I was cold," replied tho boy as ho hunted for the raisins. "There's a heap of difference between a cold boy and a warm boj 1" "And you don't feel ns despcrato ns you did?" "Not quite, though I can't tell what mlmito I may want some pickled icael.es, and It makes me mad to think that ma hid this cake In a basket In the parlor stovel" F KAXKLIX TOVi'SSHIL'. Financial Ftntemont of tho BnnomsorB. THOMAS SOLT and .TACOll ZIlSUENl-'Uw, In account with rrauklm TowuUilp, Carbcu C'ouniy. Ph., lor the cur U77-S. To Amount of Duplicato (342 21 in AinunuirurtvHitiuj ui iz To Cash tcciivcU of predecessor, xc...... 10J lly Work and material for repair C312I Hp Auwuulforwaideil 5J 82 lly L'O'Ii pale. Parry-vlUo lSoio'gli, Printer, &0 71) 15 lly Exonerations 1181 lly Cjuimission lor Collecting. . . . bl 61 llar.iDco fluo Bapertlwjra US 73 Financial statement of tho fivers 01 rs of tho r.ioi.TilOMAM SULTond JACU11 ZIEUKN- i-uw luuccouuc with M-cnuuu Tuwnsu i. tor tho Ycur ls;;-3. To Amount of Duplicate. Oil It 75 To C'atili of Predecessor '5.1 i;i To Amount lonuirucd..... 5(1 40 By Servlcrarcnderefl C 31 85 liClcuutlllil- ,imiMOII, lUL'i. rtr Amount toiwaiiieil ai 7? lly Exouerulions 2140 By comuil.sluu for Collecting.. C4 UJ f 763 C3 Ual.inch duo township v..... 461 25 Audited and accepted thin 8th dnv of Aurll. A. 1). 1478, by sriSI'IlEN HOLT, 1 Y (J. " KISS, AudS W. U. KliMEitElt, ) Arm 2o yti eg 3 5 B O fgS5a P ... 3a. a ta WO Oar M - -S3 3 8 & sri- 3 sS?oi U. TO n 6 - rrl a Ui 3 .5 a 5 is u3 5- 93 o a gf ct- obtained for Inventors in tho United Slates Canada and hun, nl rcduceil rates. With our principal office located in Washington, directly omwsito tho United States Tatent OHico, wo aro nblo to uttend to nil jutont uuami-Hd wiui grcaicr iiroiiijuucsa mm ues patch nndatlcai Costtlian other patent ut tornevj who nro at a dibtauco from Wnsh- iiigton, nud who hare, therefore, to employ aSijociato attorncvB.' Wo make in-elimiTinrr e.Miiiiiiiauous iwiti luniisn ojiinions as lo juteiitablity, free of charge, and nil who aro liitciestod in new Inventions aud patents nro invited lo send for a copy of our "(Juiilo for obtaiuiiis Patents," which is scut free to niiv nililieas, and contains complcto Instructions uuiv iu ouiuin jiaiems anil oilier valuable matter. Woicferto tlio Oeriiian-Aiiierican National Bank, Washington, D.C.: tho lioynl U.t.-UISII, UlHelilll Ullll .1111911 JA'gllllOIlri nt Wushinzlunt Hon. Jos. Cnsev. Into CMe Justico U.S. Court of Claims: lo tho Ollieinl of tho U. S. l'atciit Office, and to Senators ami Members or Congress from every State. Address: LOUIS IlAGQKIt i CO.. ,lici tors of Patents and Attorneys at Law, LoDroit UU11U1I11-, u A311ISUTON, jj.u. uec.' Shaving, Shampooing byei.no, HAia Dursbixo, aud Hair Cuttiug Saloon IMl'OnTEI) AND JlOilESTtO Key West & Havana Cigars All the New York and Philadelphia MOItNINO, KVKKINO, WL'EKLY AND BU.MiAY (ticrmau i Lnglitli) i'AlTUS. Aim. tho LrtiSne 5owepaper of !e,iiliuoiing a.t.itifjj iun uuilUieu UIII)i.O UI1UC4. I'OSI qkh and Itcvenao tstamiis. Ktwttpaiier WrDjiiierrt. and 1-ostsi Cuids aiwav uu baud. Aircut for I ho KuKhua nml (icr uimi AluiuuacB : Wee klv aim Mouth ly lkKji3 and 1'crloJlculs, ic, ic. F. INKMANN, Junr, Susquehanna Street, MAUCH CjiUKK. Pa. Dec. 16, lS77-ly HOUSn AVtl RTYITtT.' linnr rrn ItKNT, situato ou Uaukwav, o'riioslto uiuh of tn hlKhtou. Thebuuae is a tnastory.wllU ins, oaiintcrs, ike. Tho urounwa will bo If t to SiMun!.1'1 :' 10 J" T NDl!l,Sl for further Muictati, ISTS.vrt I-Oil BALK or TO LET, A Doubla , T !f ,t IUU0U, biiuaio UDOUt .... i . ,.i 7 . .. x i iwi on, omno fauil.iiw. ihcro aro about, 6lg oc us ot Land wuiijiioniili the building; aud for ViSowli It, Teruia modmute. Annlj to , u iii-ui'fiNai:n, 3nJ'' Lchlgntoii, r. TO LET, a comfortable Dwelling J i, ' UMUI nfiiouud in tho borough loiri' KLKiif-iNQlJU. Ai.nt"liS fA,.S JU. 19, tf. F tor Sale. t IT ii. , U4 luu x'lini iMiiiouai uanK ol CAUUU.N ADVOt AliS. JuiL IV, ISU'U, ? UX 2 ! cO. SOaSSs C 88!? r smisM rs bud 3 oj Tun BEST and Most ToruLAii Tulmoxio is 0 It invariaWv 'Cure Vmgk, Cold, Ifonrso- nos,orp'ltu'o;u, Auiinai "ruupflnu oilier Afltctious of tho Breathing Organs. Ttscothlni lnflncnco tinontho Irrltntcd lin ing ot tho air paw?ncpi, Ib tlun to tliu fnct that lit Inprfilicntu nro tlio ir.ost efllcacious pnlraon to MmnlCfl known in rapilicnlbntniiv.tlio bnsls of HOUND PLANT, chemicillv united Willi the memcmnl pilnctpio of tho A11IKS UA Lb AMD A or Halm ot Gtlcnd. There ornhcsiaes, tlvo othor botnnto rinncnti which rIvo ndtU uonoi riucnry iu tuo urm iinuu-u ivfo. Ihoso who hivo usi'ct it say that. HALE'S If ONKY OK IIOltKlIOUNI) ANDTAltianot only wonrtcrtally rcDiedlcii In nil cao whore llio orcraijs oi rciTJirnuon nro cuoctcd uut aiso timMtaiictlon Is unusually rnplil. A fowrto-ei frrnnpiii.lv ttrve to ifcllcvo a vctv ulistliifito couch. It contains nothiDR that tan Oh order tno Rtonucn, a iuci mat can no niirfroa wun truth of nut fowecusrh remedies t it has nn ex ttemely qki ooablo flavor, nnilia sold nt aflcuio which enables those of th6 moat limited tncnos to avail themselves of its virtucR. ItianrapU madiiefa to tiiflo with r Couch. Irritation of tho 'lhro.it. Chest and Lunea tiavels rnpldlVt and what Is n trilling and eaUy conqiioiablo dlfflcnlty 111 tr-oee oriians to-day, imy in a few weeis dcvelopo into Bronchitis or Consumption, two discasoa which carry mro victims to early craves, than any other In tho lonjrltfltof bodily diFoulora. A CoiiKhmay bo fitly termed tho Prollmlnory fltijro ot Consumption, a malady of whicii IfALH'S HUNI2Y OP IIOKlSUOtD AND TAlt. is tho snro't known pie vent lve. Thosu. thereof, who would arTest tho proijroHS of tho dentrover should delay not it iuoment to tako mil cKRTAiN neciuc. cillLDltKN cierivo Kroat benefit from its SOOTlilN'O properties, when suflVrlntr with the iiaroxysmi of Cronp and Whoopinp Congh. rlh& first named disenso ta especially deatrncilvo am oner younfr children nml this rettahle lemedy fdiould bo kept on hand in nil hoiiwnoldd. liuv THE hAUtIK PACKAana AND i;C0N03.1ZE. PJtKJKS, 60 cents' and CI. per Bottle. Sold by nil Druggists. C. N.CRlTTENTONi Prop'r, No. 7 SIxlh Avcniia, Xcw York. Havo You a "RAGING TOOTH" Iteailor? IF YOU HAVE, BUY Pike's Toothache Drops unit Cnro llio nsonv In One Misute. Tills yon enn i!o for Twenty-I'lve Cents. Tho nrtlflo will do tno business np brown, depend upon It ; niorcver it contains no Increment which can lAjuiiLiyour icciii. l'KICK M CENTS. Sold by nil Drngfflsts. C. N. Crittenton, Prop'r, No. 1 StXTlt ATClinO, NEW YOtlK. ill1 SDLPflDE Mkt, The Leading External Specific for DISEASES OF THE bKIN and Beuutificr of the Complexion. It rentiers tho Ciiliclo Ilealtlifully Clear nml Smooth, nml i tlioliost l'ossiblo Substi tute for Exjieiisivo SuliUiir Baths. It Is an Tr.com parable Ilcinedv for Itrulses, UUerti, O'tta. uud ovcrr lnltahlo or an heal thy condition f tho fkiu, and a u most amriceahio remedial a front ud Houren of speedy reliclln cases ol Gout and llheutontlam. It isn moot doiraUlo JUslNFICOTANT OK CLOTHING OltlUil) I.1MSK, worn and usid by pert-ous suaTei Uig Irom obiioxhiua or coutau Iuuh dlbea-OB, aud is a t'apital Kcmodv and rro eutjilive of tlipin, wheu used an un injection. iVrnona uaidovliu? H havo no need in tuko t-ul-iihur 1 kit lis, or to rodort to sulphur tipilugj lor bailiUitr purposes. Aaau tKtJuiatof tio TOILET, It is far more doHrablethan any Connie tie, wnto it dot a not. Ilk u hi tlo'tH cf thai uature,eouceat Ccniplcxlou al llhini"heH. but removes them. TAN. VUKOKLKStlIMPLlSH. BLOTCHES, and tho like, apeedllvr yield tolls clanlynitf In lluf uco ; and It Id tho vorv bnst Sojw to thtvo with.hocnuMi It leaven tdo klu aniuoth aud freo fioui the lrritutiou produci'd ou a seiiHitlve cuti cle, by tho bpplicuilon of tho laor. It also compietelv eradloutes DANlHtur'. JlnUjowire- declare tt to Vo excellent for wachuiB W00L15N, LINKN. LAC1J, aud other fabrics, and latbo nmvlns lu tho bear circled of metiopolitau and rural boclcty poak of It lu Um bitrhoat terms. TekiimoulJla pour In from all quarters of tho Union umiii it 1'iop.ietor, manf oi which have boin published lu the form ot tho a neat p.un pa let prucui able or Urii7jM3ta and Fancy Gouda Dealer, the onclitaU being open to public In apectlun ut UU MEUICINAL WAKPMQUUB, No. 7 Hisnil AVEXUK, NtW 0llK. The article U uitii iHivtr ludoraed by the M edical fraternity. Llko mout tuber i-'amousltemeitie ( MiJsN'd SULl'llUH 60 A l' haa been lmiiated hoapa wlthoucthut-mallO't Irncnou ot leaiwtlal tid caey hatu been and aro touted upou the uiin& pfAitiUtf and unobservant, u crcuuioe tioiphur boa pa. posseatlnff pro per tie ldeutlcal -with or equal to tho Uriut Hne-ciflo.wbleh their vendor seo to rival by underhand competition. The imbllo bbnuld therefore be caret ul tu tnqulio lor OLKWN'H buiphur Houp by Ua full name, and wo that they kci the i oal article. All rpoctubloHiuvfitstfl, Fancy Goodi Deal era and Uiocera keep ULKNN'H HULl'llUU bOAl. nud will ou demand font, aupply tho oknuixe tiiiko to their cubtomew. l'ltl ItKS, centa per t ake. I Uox, 13 cakes) eent by mall, prepaid, lor 70 centd. C. N. Crittenton, Prop'r. Ko. BF.VEy BIXTil AVENUE. N. Y. BLACKS and ISllOWKS As Natubil as Nati'he's Silv, Arc communicated to Gray nnd Flamo Col ored locks almost in&taiitancoutlj by Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, a preparation absolutely Jroo from liurtfol Id ifioai"Ui8, anil Intlultely superior, Uyreasou of thooirecta produced, to any nitlclouf it, chus. rrcinituro oiietness ami Ualdkbss are pro. yrntvd. and tho ullvery halm ol ku acumro tha true s'outhlul tint fiom thm matchluu Dye. bold ny ALL DitTJOaiSIS. n hj j . a. tirmoiiiou, rrop'r, W BIXTII Ave., N. V Spring Styles, 1S7S! Low Casli Tiicds! MRS. M7GUTH, Fashionable --Milliner, WHITE ST., WJElSSVOHT, ta.-, ncsrccttullyniinouiicrs'fo thn Inllcsof Wriss Vurt nud tho Biirroniiiling country that sho Is now ncclvtiiR nn llinnci.so fitock of SPRING MILLINERY GOODS Corojirislne BONNETS, HATS, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, &.O., mado np In tho Intent fashion, which eho la prepared to sell to her putions and friends at puces bo low as to bo pcifectly aatonlshiug. Also, n full assortment of SWITCHES ! ! And nit other roods usually kept in n flrpt-cltiM MilHucry btoio. lAtllEs' OWN 1IAI11 JfXllIl'UP 'lO 'Oil DKU at tho very towe-t po&lblo iiricos. URll niiu oxaurluu Uoods nml l'riccs mis. ji. uuth, . . Wclssport, l'a. March 23-Sm H, A. PfiTER, OP TUB gi Central Drug Store, I.EUOKElS BLOCK, LEHlallTON, l'A Offer to tlio pnbllO a all lino of PUKE DRUQ3 and CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICIKKS, HOUSE and CAT. TLK 1'OWIlEltH, TOILET AUTICLE-S, sl'ONOliS. CHAMOIS SKINS, 1-LAII and EA?RY UTATIONKIIY, latest styles ot PLAIN nud I-ANOY WALL PAPjCub. at V?.,t. "i"' th0. llmea, PUltR WINES and LIQUOliS for liii'dlclnal use, eio. I'liyslcian'H liicfcrlnilons componnded by .MrsEir nt all homsof thotlavnnd niKht, hnuilnv included. All rirered nt voiy reaaonnblo prices Tlmnk. liiKthoi coplo for their post favors, I mm it a continuance m theluturo. 11. A. PETElt. March 23, 71 'AYORITL rUBUCATIOXS. PRAXK LESLIE'S CITISITjr.v nniiTJlr-lV This lioautllul periodical, tho bent American tamilv Journal, siory paper, anil homo friend, has been tlieMircoistul rival of all tho n-cekly Journals lor the past Ihlrteon vearj. It pained ii placoln tho tuintls aud hearts of our people, an i now the namo of Its patrons Is Lorlotr. This rear tho l-himne tmnn rmb in n.. tetter than over. Its sortal ttoilea nro of llio most auEsoruiu;; nu nveiy cnaraeicr. or Rreat power, tino to llto anil lull ot merit, taking- a of a tioutieliold fun domestic bioiv lor tho mother, tho clinrmluir lovoliilnfnr Jhn.iflnii. lei s. tho moro riramiitlo for tho j ounc tticu, tho &owu mivui iui mo oiuei rcauers. ami mon we have etlrrlnrf ndventnro for tho boys and fairy tales for tho children, llubbcltou. lloward. llnbliifinn. li vnt llencrtict. s. Anule Vroet, Annie Thomas, Etta W. Pierce, and other eminent wrimr, nm im regular conlrlbnlors. Tho suhjecci tteated ot nro very varied Tho llluktrations aro protno. aud tlicy nro all beautiful. Mioit atones ex tremely lniercetlnir aro completed In euch uiiui- uui. vuiiu uiuHiujiiii-i., uuvcuiuirs, esavs. tun traveia. natuial hifitnrv. levenri.. ntt.i,.,iniua nclenco, etc., make this publication one of the most euterlainlnc In cxIxtPiico. Exquisite steel cngiaviiiir. nro frenncntly glvt n awflv to 111 aubscilhers. llio cniM.Nr.y cqnsEn. sixteen mines, with olRht panes of illu.tratlons, printed ou Uno mi. oer, is puousnen every juonuiy. price only 10 cents, annual subscriptions, f4, post-paid. Ad. dieasyouroiilern to Frank Leslie's Publishing 3Ione, 517 l'carl street New ork. FitANK LESLIE'S LADVh JOUllNAii 16 ppsoi, lasued wcokly, contains excellent iilctures and full descriptions of the very latent styles of lames' and children's wean nso ful Intonnation on family top.es: select eti'rto. beajtltul Itlustratioiirt of homo .mil i.irnfff,, u.,t. Jccti iioetiyi lashlouablo IntclllKoncoi por eurtal chitchat: amusing enrtoous on tho follies and Foibles ot tho dayj Hjuiksoi Sllrth. oio KlllNK LEflUK'S LADY'S JOUltNALlS tho ilOsi uiuuiiiuiuittji ijioiiiuiu. jinpiTN. xisnouidbe round en the table of every ladv in the land Pnco 10 con ta per copy; auuual subscription, n FllANK LESLIP.'S I'noilT.in unuT,, LY has made rapid snides as tho rival ot many aspirants to pablio favor. Its coutrlhutoia aro ru.ut,i . in.- ul-oi, wiuers. i-.very iienart ment of literature Is renro.4iMiti.il m ituti,n,.a Tho amount of instruction, rulertalnmeut; and amusement afforded by tho aitlclos, rswvs, stories and Kcncral miscellany contained In tlio 123 quarto piiKusor each number ol tin publi cation ha, been well appreciated, r-.verv copy of tho Popular Monthly is vmbolli'lied wuh over ll beautiful Illustration, lieiuif tho cheapest petloillcal ot the kind In existence, and at tlm fcame time ono of themot select aud uuiveisaliy weleomo, it must c-ontluuo to lu. crease lu public favor, and lankuilh tho pub lisher's UMUV MAGAZINE I 111) tnalicst ainonB all our American luonlhllea. It Is published ou tuu iuin ui unci luiuiiii, i-rieo, .a cents n num ben subscripnnu, S3, post paid, per year. Ad- iircss our orurrs to I rank Loslie, 37 Pearl sireet. New York. l-llANK LESLIE'S 8UN11AY- J1A0AZINE Is a beimtllul work. It will luicie.t eilucated and cultivated minds as veil ns Ihoioost ordi nary reader. It is the. only Hunuay magazine pubil.hcd In this country. Eveiyuumberhas lis pakes lined with tuomost solect and fasei natinjr literature, rancjinu fi-om I he six lunu by Iho minor JUr. O. K. Ueenis. p.istor of tho Charch of tho strannerai to bllrnuR tales, gen cial toplos and essays, poetry, music, lun. sci ence, history, etc , lu steal villlctv. Each copy ot this uingatlno has l(w exquisite engravings ot tho mon inteiesilng chaiacter. It has reached u circulation and prosperity such as make it ono of tho marvels ut periodical litera ture. It is tnueeil a beautiful work. Iluy it and seo lor younolvea. Mul-Io copies nro only IMtstnsliL Adilrossonli-rHln ' FltANK LKHLIE'ts PUULISlftNa 11UUSE, febiJIy S37 Peai I street, Now Voik. HULL & SCOTNEY, GENERAL MERCHANTS, No. 34G North Water Streot, rUILADELWIIA, and Wholesale Dealers In Butter, Cheese-, Lard, Tallow, Eggs. Poultry. Uaine. Btoct. Potntm-a R I ITT P R A',Ilc"' 0lu. I'lonr. Fur, Wool, i . uunuu, uicv, xobacco, I'oanuts. Broom Corn. Dried Print, iirnr. u iwi, and Domestic Fruits, and In fact we can sell any auii everything at the highest market price; make prompt returns, aud LIUEKAL CASH AI)VAr.CE3inade pltrrnrm all ship menu, cxeept per-Ul I UL.OL. IslnWo aril, cles. 1 o show that wedo an extensive business, any Oamo Dealoriu I'hlladelohia will tell you we haudled moro Clsinfi butt tunn i.n,. u other Houses lu Philadelphia nn 1 1 1 T D V put together. Fend lor Pnco rUUL I H uu, oieucu, etc., C. JU'.iElllCK'CE CASH or we refer you to Axr UuroMiuUi Hot el In oua cur. EGGS. GAME (Oct.C,1877-yll A CHANCE TO MAKE SOME MONEY, , "i-orueiia uuioiy ot Pemicylva- V !?!..,!J',W, W.dlr- Wrlto ,ur nacney at ince. i.mlf S.l.?',! '!r,co ' faWlnnois 7a bansoS rjHU SLAT1NGT0X PLANiNG iff And Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLaTINGTOX. JOHN BALLIET, Pi-opr., Hinln tn nil trln.la nt..1 .l.nl. 1Mn 1. Oak nnd .Hard Wouu Lumber, and ilanow tno pared to oxecuto any a wouut ot ordci a lor Bressol) jLumliell OP ALL KINDS. Doors, Sashes, Minds, Shuttoiv, Dluultllugs, Cnliiiiet Ware, &c, With Prbmptncsa. Brackets Made to Order. Tho Mnchlnerr 1 rTl now- nnd of thn licet and most linnrovil klndt. I emiilov mnia but tlu beat workmen, uc well pea.nod and Koi toa terlfil.nnd nnllheicforoiibloto fiuatnuteo en tiro eatixfactiui) to all who mav favor mo with n full. Orders by mail piomptjy attended to. Mv clniros aro mniler,atoj terpps tvtsh, pr intucbt chargyd alter thirty days. 'QIVK Jlli A CAM. IT? Tiosn rntraired In llinMint? tvtlt find It. t I heir advantage to hnvo fcddiup, lloor Jionrdn uoorn, ruauuB, auuiiers, ccq., niatio ai ini Foetory. Jlay lOyl JOHN 1JA LLIET. Jit. KICKI-.UT, Opiiosl'to L. cc '3. bepot. On thB East Weissbort Canal Bank llcsjidcttully lnfotrns tho citizens bf this vlelnl tythat hokccnrnnatftiitlmii ruinrt nmlHi.-T.i.M nt llio lowest Mahkkt PlilcES, tho very ALS'd DEALEll IN FOlt hUILDINO AND OTIIKU l'URl'OtoKS which ho guarantees to bo Thoroughly Seasoned, ASt) WHICH HE IS NOWtSELLINO AT THE VEItY LOWEST RATES, WHOLESALEnndllETAIL, at tho LOWEST CASH PlUCKi. . Jlolias a a number of very ollaibly located IU ItirKEIlTSTnWN. Franklin Township which ho will Hell ou very Easy Terms. Aug. 0. J. K, IllUKEltT. QA1U50S ADVOCATE CHEAP JOB PKINTING OFEIB, LElTiailTON, PA. Every description of rnutlne, from a Visiting Card to a Poster. CAKDS, 11ILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS. STATEMENTS, nsmu .ruoaiiAMaEs, HAND BILLH, DODOEHS, CIRCULARS, SHIITINa TAOS, ENVELOPES, PAMPHLETS, J1Y.LAWS, AC, AC,, Donolnthcbest manner, at very Lowest Prices. Wo aro prepared to do work at ns cheap rates asauv ofilce initio htate that ccals houeslly with lis tiiotoiucrs. OUR MOTTO IS Cheap, Prompt & Reliable. tyonlera y mall receive prompt attention. J)AVID IjUUCUX'S ' Livery & Sale Stables llANIt STUKIiT.IiKHIOlITON, l'a FAST TROTTING HOUSES, ELEQAN'T OAIUUAGES, And positively LOWER PRICES than any other Livery lu tho Coauly, Large aud handsome Carnages for Funeral purposes and Weddings. DAVID EJIUEltf. New Advcrtisemeiits. SWEET mtsm KAY Y lirarded highest pits fit Ccnlcnnlal Kxpo'Itlou for t'i chivj ijh tfitlei flnd txrrtlenai and luting char- atief rf Ptrteti iiff an 'trnrtny. The Iwet tobacco j-rcr midp. nur Mite itrlp irnte-miiTk I clowty tmltfttcl on Interior piwiU. fee tlmt Jart ton's Ilett U in cvviyiwe;. mm i.y nil tiCAlT tten Tor Kftmpk'. rree, to C A. Jackson A Co.. Mfr.. ietcrbarir. Va. a. I WAlfbl.T-i. Vhlla..ra..acncralAgcnt. VOWffiUU & FULTON. IIKNKKAL AQGN1S Poll THK HJMTlil) STATIC (UKTUIDIIE CO., MANUrAtrruititita optiir Solid llcaJ, Itoloiuling, Military and Sxrt ini;, Contrul Tiro Also lllm l'lro miminltlon for ristols A Itlflcs. Cartrideo Cases, Swadd and Patched Bullets. I'miicrs Ite. ondiiiR Tools, Ac, .tc. Send lor Aiiiiniuiieii i.niauun. yoo uroauwny, j.-, y. Co-ioiativc It lias liein naseited that ono half ot all money piiid hv New "ioiic advetil-iera for atlvenlNinir outonlo of that city poos to tho Co-orEBATlVM NI-.WPl'Al-EI'.S. If this stimmeiit Is truo, thrrotsuo occasion forsurpriso that prominent papois which niu silll charglug war pneca lor advertising fool called upon lo souse n rlinl wltn wh eh they Unit tueiusclvcs unable to maintain a competi tion. i'ull pnttlculars ahont tho Co-oDeratlveNows. iiopers, togetlierwlth cataloirucs audadvertis tnir rales mailed free on application to JIMALS .fe EOSTEIt, Ocn'l Aa'ts Ainerlcau Newspaper Union, it Pnik Hon. N. Y. BEb-ORE 1IUYINU OU ltE.STINO A Cabinet or Parlor Organ ! Ho mi o to send lor our Latest Catalogue and Ulitu-ars with iJow Styles, Reduced Pilees nml much information, brnllrtc. Mason A IIasili.x Oiioan Co., Dnstcii, Now York or Olilcago. Al J1IXEU CARDS, witl name, loo. AacntSf V outllt ICc, L. Jones & CONaesau, N. V. H R fi A M Q IVM l'rie '-'8o oiiiy W5. l-lanos UnUnlMO retail price E51ooulvii5. Oioat liai-nains. lieatty, Washiugtou, NewJersoy. ).-; l-'nncy Caids mm d lu J5 styles. oi-io Chro. "J iiios, with nnme, lo ct. Nasarrfi Card Co.. Nass iu, N. Y. O ft -M 1 jed Caids. suowllike, Damatk, Ac iu' Nasau'N.YnlU nam0' 10c' J' if mk,cr Uo" OENTRAIj CARRIAGE J SLEIGH WORKS, Opiioslm T. D. Ciauss', Bank St., Leliighton, Pa"., Is prcpaixd to manufacture any deecrlp. tiou of Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Spring Wagons, &c. Keiialrliij- Tromiitly Altcndcd lo. tVAIl wort done at this establishment la Guaranteed to bout theycry best material ana workmanship, and tho prlcos fully as low as tho same articles can b purchased lsowhere. Bpccial Inducements offered to strictly cash customers. jJ MEIOIARI & CO., BANK STET3ET, lehighton, Pa., MILLERS and Dealers 1b A" 1C,,I,iEcfuAlMFl?T,IT,!TEl0LU W .0)1 .Y0"1". also, lespectlully Inform ourcltt PLvih?u,w?th "uwfu" ITcparedto BUli rroiu any Mlno doslred at VERY PKICES. M. HEILMAN & CO. Jnly 23, E. F. LUOKENBACII, Two Doors Uelow tho "Broadway Honse." MAUCU CHUNK, PA. Dealer in all Patterns of Plain and Fancy 'WitU Papers, Window Shades, Paints & Painters' Supplies. CHEAP Kansas Lauds ! ! THKOO COUNTY. KANSAS. ahorftiiaUy I divided lir the Kiusas PacWo llallway. which B easy tennsot payment, Thtselanils arool thel verybeft qiulitr. sua are located In the. be.t I ment laud can be taken aahomesti-ads by actoail KKUNEY. and will show lauds at all times. A pamphlet alvlngfolliulormatlou of Mil climate "iwvr.r(, JiEKJ5V CO., 53 iMi Ills eiidl M.iuuiuik! max MlV4lfiU( fll'IJ-tu2 Or, Wtt-Keeaey. Itego Co., Ku