The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 27, 1878, Image 3

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    Society Meetings.
NrlVITO CASTLE, No. 78, A. 0. K. OF ttlB M. 0
2a J anil Itb Monday of each monln, In no
bor'sllall. Lolilcliton, at 7:30 o'clock fr. M.
Ilr. Kostonbader, 8. It. U. I S. 11. ailtiani.
f.K. it. ti.
BXadhn Uutten I.onar., No. CSC, 1.0. O. F..
mests ovory Tuesday evening, at .o'clock,
In Honor's nail. 11. Kustoubador, j.U. M.
, II. Holier, .Becrotarr,., , ,
aIituciiek Tninic. No. 2S2t'lmp. O. of II. IT.,
meets In lteDor's Hull eveiy SntuixlAV. J.
II. Hoots, aachom i a. w, Demi, a pi it,
Pomo I'oca Tnlna. Ho.'il71. Imn. o. It. M.. meet
on Wednesday evenliiK of each week, ut 7:30
o'ciock. in i'uuiio.'&cnooi iinu, , iBspuri,,
Pft. C. W, Sc)itfat 8.i Jao, Broiig, C. of B.
tuuailTOH lODOB.yNoi 23.1C. of P.. meets
o'clock, Coctiman, CO i L. A. it liter,
omi. ana .
Advertising Rates.
Vf ilcsiro it lo bo distinctly understood
that no advertisements will bo inserted in
tlio columns of TiiB'UATtnox Advocate tin
inay bo received from unknown parties or
ruins unless ueeuuiiiauieu uiu uiaii.
The following aro our oxi.r, tfirmst
osr, SOUAEK (10 I.hlF.3), I
Ono year, each insertion 10 cts.
Six months, ench insertion 15 cts.
Three months, each insertion 20 cts,
Less than three months, first insertion
$1: each subsequent insertion 25 cts.
Local notices 10 cents per line.
II. V. JIOUTIUMEIt, Publisher.
n. 81 EWERS,
Offlco, Klotz'a nnitnrnp Diodaway,
i Hettllng Estates. Flllnc Accounts and Orphans
uourc iTacuco n specialty.
Trial of Cnnos carclnllv attondoil to. Lena
ransacttonslu Kmilish and German, Jan 9.
SATURDAY, Al'ItH, 27, 1878.
Bdcal and. Personal.
West's liver pills euro liver complaint.
, llorder troubles matching tho wall
, Let us observe Decoration Day and ob
serve it well.
, . Tho rains of tho past week helped veg
etation nlong wonderfully.
Read Tilghman Arncr's now advertise
ment in another column. . , ,. ,
Will,tjio, present ,cr.rier,'ation witness a
Velu'jjii ontoroj'rpspeijous timcsp
i Tho prospect P, nbuiiilant,fruit,crop
, Spring and summer styles of gents arm
youth s hats, at T. D. Clauss' ot low prices.
,, There are about $3,000,000 on deposit
in the National Banks between Eastern and
Mnuch Chunk.
, A full lino of boots and shoes, gents
furnishing goods, Ac., at T. D. Clauss,' very
, An adjourned court will bo held at tho
ourt house, at Mauch Chunk, commencing
Monday, May 13th.
Tho Commissioners at their meeting
&i Tuesday last) laid tho county tax for 1878
ut 10,mill, samo,as)as(ye'Ar. , ,,,
Tho beautiful weather last Sunday in
.duced many of our citizens to.vlsit tho ceme
teries for the first timo this spring.
Rev. II. O. Hinsdalo says that the pas
tor of n church ought not to bo, regarded as
llie conductor of a through sleeping car.
James P. Smith jsmittingdowii a plank
w alk in front of UU lot on Lehigh street,
sodding tho yard and making new fence.
An elegant assortment of wall )oper,
(stationery, oil clotli,u:iliits,nils and painters'
supplies at Luekciibach's Mauch (.hunk.
Rev, J. K. Freeman, of Wcissporfc, muv
,(1 into tho house of Jacob l!"gel, about ono
mile cast of that borough, n few days ago. Ciias. Albright and Sheriff J. W.
Itnudciibusli, drove through town, last Mon
day, bowing and nulling to their friends.
Old farmers say that never within their
recollection havo tho grain fields presented
such a thriving npjwaranco as they do now.
37-Tho old "Centennial Jlotel" having
betn closed up, wo learn that a new llour
nnd feed store is to be opened in the bar
room. Ladies, liavo you 6ocii thd. elegant ile
tigns in dress gooils, now offering at E. II.
Snyder's, at such remarkably low prices. O,
they aro bo lovely 1
" Thoro is a steady demand for pig iroiij
hut the prices eontinuo low. No. 1 foundry
'ron sells at $18.50 and $1!) per ton,aud Jfo.
2 at $17 and $17.50.
, Franklin B, Gowcn, President of tho
'liiladclnhia and Reading Railroad, lias
been reduced in salary from $28,000 to
$10,010 jwr annum.
Tho Synod of tho Reformed Church In
ho United States will convene in, triennial
fcsMon in tlic Flrit Reformed Church, Lan
caster, on 'Wednesday evening, May 15tli
. Clocks and Watches carefully remirfil,'
and work warranted, at lowest cash rates, at
Jlageinan's cheap cash stoK1,' opposite public
tquare, Weisswrt. 10-I3j
, J. K. Rickert has stllla few o'hljosecli
gible lots in Rickertstown to dispose of. If
you feel like securing a good homo call ritid
wo him. Ho is also. supplying floiir, feed,
lumber and coal at tho lowcet ratcsj
T D. Clauss," (ho L'ctiighlo'u,.mcjchnnt
tailor, is. now receiving nn unusually largo
etpek of'gents suituigsjtlotl;s, casslnicrsaiid
vostlngs wliicli ho will inal.o up to prd"r in,
tho la(st fashion nt c(reti(Cly low prices
for cash. n , ,
. I'crtles desirlrg lo purchase a really
firft class SerViiig. Machine for $25, should
rail on or address John II. Faga, ot Mauch
Vhunk, who is the agent for Carbon County
furlljo celebrated and .Jmpular "White"
Sowing Machine.' Old machines taken in
c.Telmimo. 21-18.
GARDEN T,O0LS,-J. L. Gablo has just
received a lot tf ganlen tools wliicli ho is
Belling very low for cash. Look hero i Mai
lable Iron rakes at 35 rents; long handle,
shovels, 37 and 50 centaj garden hoes, 33
cents i pada forks and ejmdes, equally low.
Store opposito tho Public Square.
Wo keep constantly ou hand a supjily of
tho following blank tonus i Summons, War
rants, Executions, Bubixenas, Justices' Tax
Warrants, Constables' Sales, Ac., which we
ro Belling at very low cash prices. Get
your blanks at tho Caboom Auvcicatk office.
If wo havo not got them on hand, wo can
print them for you at very short notice.
H. II. Peters, ag't, has just returned
from Philadelphia witli an entirely new
stock of merchant tailoring goodi.coniprisiiie
imitiugg, cloths, cassimeres ami vesting, all
of which he will make up to order, in latest
stylo und mot duroblo manner, ot prices
which will provo perfectly astonishing for
tho ready cash. He respectfully invites his
friends and the public to call and inspect his
ttock before they purchase elsewhere, Ro
lueftiber, the prices aro lower than ever be
fore offered in this borough. Store in Tost
offlco building, Lehighton, Ta, Satisfaction
Tho Governor on Thursday signed tho
bill for tho division ot iiuzcrno couniy.
Tim manv friendi of S. R. Gilliam will
no doubt, bo pleased to learn that his oien
and Eijiiljng.couiitcnineo Is again visible on
our streets, after hi3 loiig nnd seVero UlnM
Of course take ymrcustomary annual
trip to the country,--but don't lorget Dr.
Bull's, Baby Syrup, Hint iBdisicji3abJi help
in cyery cinergency. Costa only'25 cents a
Wo noticed our vonne local friend, P.
J. Meelian, Esq., ami John Faga, Esq., of
JUaucn giiimit, in town on csunuay ijiiornonii
last. 'There is no "loadstono" dowit in tliis
latilude. nh. nn I
Our voung f'tlcwl, I)r. 111. Miller, left,
on Saturilav last for Altoona, Pa., where ho
intends to permanently locuto for the prae-
ticqjil ilii profession. Wo wish him suci'css
in Ins Hew home.
- Although we say of certain persons that
their word is as cooil as their bond, still wo
naturally prefer tho bond, nnd feel happy if
gin,imitorieiiieiii, is uwuuu. dj iu uui
worm anu acts agree.
Morphia, Opium nnd remedies of their
class only ettinify and seldom cure. For
diseases of infancy, uso Dr. Bull's Baby
Syrup which is safo nnd suro in its effect.
Price X5 cents. . . , .
Miner Bros., at the Fort Allen Foundry,
Weissport, havo resuiiicd operations, and arc
putting up two largo nnucaling, oVeus.for
castings ; at the same time they aro running
their works economically.
The old aphorism, "high rato of inter
est means nlow ratoof sccunty,"but a bottle
of Dr. Coxo's Wiltl Cherry anil Seneka,
means a sure euro for that hoarseness and
cough. 25 and 50 cents per bottle.
John Huth, undertaker at South Belli
lchcm, arrested for concealing die corpse of
a mua on his premises, was uio oilier nay
discharged because, no person appeared
against nun at the hearing oi me case.
"Love, Courtship, and Marriage," is the
attrrctivo titlo of a lecture to bo given at
J ronton, Jicingii county, Wednesday evenm?,
the first of May, by the Rev. James A. Little
tho popular pastor of the Hokcndauqua
Gabril & Sons, manufacturers of woolen
goods, in Allcntowu, have failed, and their
nun was closed 'luesday nignt. ineir lia
bilities are stated at $48,000 : aets, $30,000.
Tho failure throws out of employment 150
Tho dead-lock in tho Mauch Chunk
Borough Council was broken Monday night
uv mo euoiio ui u Jiinir ui line over 111:11
cay; and Jestivo borough that js, William
if.. hr r..l'.l. m 1.' -1. ........
ivili, ui vii:r -tx.iuuu vuuun, ,i .is iiiosvn
Bui gess.
A man.nameil Baclitello. in jitlemptiua
to boiinl n coal train between this placo and
Parryville, on the L. V. It. R., Thursday
mofning fell beneath the cars, and received
an injury in his arm, rendering amputation
Why is a horso tho most curious feeder
in the world? Because ho cats best when
ho has not a bit in his mouth. And this re
minds us that nt David Ebbert's livery
horses nnd carriages can bo had at all times
times nt reasonable charges. Try it.
On thooni'iiinir of court Monday morn
ing Judge Dreher decided adversely on the
app'llcatiou.of Durkin,onooftho men charged
with the murder of G. K. Smith, for a dis
charge on the two term rule. Daniel Knlb
fus lijs attprncyn entered an exception. t
Aaron Snyder and John George, who
were nnipng those .injured ly tho recent
terriblcceal oiLexplosion ati Slalintrtoii, are
still lying in a critical condition under the
cflectsoijburnings sustained, Edward Rudy
and David Hutcb'insbn nro in a rapidly
bettering way.
There-is a vcrywnsiblo proverb to this
effect: "A lean settlement is better than n
lat lawsuit." Jlany a man has gone to law
for tho sako of justice or revenge, and found,
when too late, that tho only itersou who was
iierfeetlv satisfied witli tho result was tho
On Tuesday, of last week, while out
driving,, tho lfoi. Frank W. Hughes, of
Pottsville, a prominent litical economist
and lawyer, was thrown from his carriage
by tho horses taking fright. His collar bono
was broken and his body badly bruised.
We hope ho may soon recover his usual good
The suit ofT. L. McKcen aeainst the
Lehigh Valley Railroad Company to recover
for lumber destroyed by firo at Whitehaven
in 1870, tho fire bciiifj started by sparksfrom
n,Jocoiotive, was decided at Easton Wednes
day in favor of tho plaintiff. Tho jury
awarded $0500 with interest, making in all
$0008 20.
Any member of our, town council who
iniiy feel a desiro to pitch on his nose, mlcht
achivo result; without much difficulty,
by walkinit alone jLchich street. Let them
try it, then there i. light been order for some
Improvement in tlio.directions of new pave
ments, in thatandothet sections of our town.
Ono of our saloon keciiers recently emp
tied his liquors into the street and shuted a
teuiioranco house. 11'$ reason was that
many of his customers had large families of
childern alllictodwith coughsaud colds who
needed their iiichey more I") buy Dr. Coxo's
Wild,,Cherry and Sencka. 25 and SOceuts
per Lutlle.
William Hemier and Krell.' of
Pottsville, were buried by n fall of coal and
slato wliilo working near Minersville, Tues-
lav. After several hours' search. Ilm ,1m, 1
body of HeU'rier was recovcml, aud the
whereabouts of Krell were discovered in tho
6vet mi, but it was feared hd could l'ot bo
A man named Link, cmnloveil as a
driver and a clerk in tho greengrocery store
oGIenry, at Tamaqua, took $100 fr,om
uufcLu yumiBV uiuriijg uiui ,(11111 uisap-
jwareii. Ifo walked to LostMahauoy Junc
tion and boarded a train bound for3hamokin.
at which place ho was arrested about 5
o'clock Monday moTfiih?.
At Creation's dawn, mountains,' hills,'
tales, furct-ts aud clens teemed with plants
of rarofct medical virtuetlien as noA-u (Alt tho
laws of chemistry ami its wonderful affinities
havo ever been necessary to a proper un-
ucrsiauiuug 01 mem.- iius is Hilly demon
strated in that excellent remedy known as
Dr.- Cono'n, Wild Cherry nnd Scnekai 25
and 50 cents per bottle.
E. H. Snyder has just received on im
inenso stock of new (firing et4f(M of ladles'
dress goods, which ho is oll'en'ng at alraor
dinary loio prices. Ladies aro rosiiectfiilly
invited to call and Inspect goods before pur
chasing elsewhere, astho is convinced that
ho can satisfy their wants, not only in ele
gauco of design and quality of goods, but in
prico also, having purchased his stock direct
from tho manufacturers.
Judge Pearson, of Harrisburg, render
ed a decision tho other day which is of con
siderable interest to farmers everywhere.
Ho decided that supervisors aro by law com
pelled to assess the usual road taxes im
mediately ujioii entering upon their duties,
and that tho books in which tho assessments
aro made tlilal bo 0wn to the iusioctiou of
taxpayers, and that every man who chooses
to do p may work out his road tax instead
of fraying it in money. No sufiervisor can
exact cash for tax in caso the asecstcd furty
cioosc4 to pay itin (abor,
Tho Lchigliton Lyceum will hold their
last meeting for tills season, this (Saturday)
evening, ft is intended that ,thi, the lafct
meet inr. shall be t iooHCoftlio',iltiroon?oi'
nnd in ndditioii to an extra programme, tho
exercises will bo intorsiiersed with music, n
number of the, most prom nent members ol
tho several church choirs having promised
to ho present on the occasion, lou aro in
vitcil to bo present.
Tho air of tho mountain region around
Slatington seems to ho very favorable to the
prouiotiou ot longevity, incro nro residin;
within Slatineton and (lie nilioinine town
ships nino persons whoso united ages toot
up to 742 years: They nro Sally Ann Peter,
widow ni Jonas reter, aged so years
Joseph P. Oberholzer. aired 8 1 years: Sam
ucl Rehrig, aged 81 years; Peter Repjicrt,
nged bu years; John itex, nged M4 years;
Widow Weiss, aged 80 years; Mrs. Oatha
rino Peter, of Washington township, aged
81 years; Jonas Miller, of North Whitehall,
80 years; and Widow McKenna, of, Slat
ington, oged 80 years. What section Cf the
country can bent this for nged peoplo? At
lentown Dcmq&'at, . . i
A meeting of about, fivohundred miners
and laborers was hold hear i'ottsvllle i nday
afterjioqii of last wqck fofdlip pgrfKio of ask
ing tiate legislation iu nuioi tiicmseivcs nnd
llicir eullering , wmilic.s,, l'elitums wcro
signed asking tho Legislature to appropriate
several million dollirs tc purchase iron ;'nnd
withhold it from tho inrrkeV for 6cvcral
vears. so ns to enable the iron interests to re.
sume, and thereby makon demand Tor coal ;
or take any other prompt measures to create
work ii tho recioii." Renlutioiis wcro also
adopted renuestlncr tho Illinois, laborers and
workticu generally of other sections of tho
stato to petition tho .Legislature ou tlio same
subject. More working men's meetings are
lo bo held throughout tlio Mahanoy Valley
Client) Tlcliets for (lie West.
All persons goingto any point in tho West
snouid buy ineir tickets ol u. Ji. tsteilman
agent, L. A- S. Division, Mauch Chunk.
Lower prices by no other routes. Inquiries
by postal card promptly answered. Tickets
will bo sent to any station agent on L. S.
a. it., upon request. lti-31.
"JInrcullo" Heard From.
I)nit An.: Thanks for your kindly littlo
uouco oi myseii and nunc, but moro esne.
cially for the good wishes expressed on he-
nan oi mo precious nino cherub who lias so
lately come to tho hearth and heaithstono
and hairt of Mareutio.
mil -nr. i'-ditor, .von know now it is
5-ourseir. Don't vou? Comolownunl
- 11 ..r , .r.. . . . ..
inija in eyiisiiiiio pry ever wcicomo; ain t
iney ; your Honest heart, you know
they are. I shall never forirct theras I
should say.raisc you gave mo on tho. buck
board of Phil, the Gieat, some months ago.
Yours ever, , ; Maucctio.
i'iiiLAUKi.rniA, Pa., Afril 23, 1878.
Lehighton Lyceiim.
A special meeting of tho lyceum was
called to order tby the President. Roll
called. Alinutcs of last meeting dispensed
With. Tho report of curators is as follows:
Referred questions.' 1st. When and by
whom was tho first almanac printed? 11.
V. Morthimer, ir. 2nd. When and where
was tho first copper cent coined? Clara
Hiltbler. 3rd. Give a sketch of the lifo of
Jcllerson. T. A. Snvder. Ouestion for de
bate: Resolved, That tho statesman de
serves more praise than tho warrior. Af
firmative, II. W. Gallic, assisted by O. A.
Clauss. Negative. T. A. Snvder. niste.1 iiv
John Holm. Select rcader.'C. Banes. Ora
tion. A. Dollciimnvcr. 1'ss.iv. A. ITnrn.
This being tho last meeting for this term, it
promises to interesting. All are cordially
invited. Emma Dollk.nmayeh, Sec.
April 20.
Tho Mauch Chunk correspondent of tho
Hazleton Daily Sentinel says that a young
man, conductor on ndown train of the Am.
boy division of tho L. V. It. R., met with n
very sail and seuous accident ou Thursday
of last week in tlio following wav: On tlio
down train nt Laury's Station. tlieconductor.
who was looking out of tlio cabooso window.
saw two men who ho took to bo professional
tramps. Ho watched them, thinking they
were going to get ou tho hind end of tlio ca
boose. As tho car passed them ono of them
threw coinciding in tlio cabooso through the
rear door,wjieli tho conductor saw roll upon
tho floor. When near Whito Housetlio con-
luctor took up tho missile thrown in bv tho
tramp, ivliicU afipeared to him a Etrip of tin
JV.lLt. illlllr J,1IHAJ JUUllll UUIl iOllllCai
shaiie, about.,tlreo and n half inclies long
and three-quarters of an inch m diameter.
He tried to null it apart but could not.
Thinking. ho noticed a seam or joint more
distinct than tlio others, he took a pin ami
HllVl-ll lLSUtll.ll UlUl'S, IVllCJJ 11 t'XJKHlCd ill
lis hands, blowins off tho two first fineeni
and thumb of his. right hand, all tho fingers
and thumb of .his left hand, and otherwise
injuring his hands and prists, find burning
hiip about tho face. Every window pane iii
tlio Caboose as shattered by the concussion.
Tlio young man whose uamo wo have failed
learn, was taken to tho hosp tal m Phila
delphia. ,It is si'pjioBed tliat ho had before
put tho liio tramps, or eonio ono of tliem.
olf' tho train, and that lite missile, which is
inougiit to navo been nil oil welt torfiedo,
was thrown into tlio cabooso for revenge ex
pecting that it would exjilodo when thrown
Surprise Parly.
Editoii Cakuom AuvooAiEt On Saturday
evening I had occasion to bo present, witli
a number of friends and relations, nt tho
houso of Row William SJrauss, at New Ma
honing. Thoobjcct of tho fiarty was to givo
tlio reverend gentleman an agrceablo sur
prise, it being tho thirty-third anniversary
of his birthday. Wo are arrived there
about !) nino o'clock, and found trfat H'ev.
Strauss had been sent to u neighbor's house,
and every thing in a state.of excitement, as
n fiarty of soino of the younger members of
us congregation nan arrived ami were pre-
mriii'' ,n suutpfuo'is rpast for tho fniully
and (liaso pi-eeent. In n short time overy
tiling was ready, fur tho nppoaranoo of Rev.
Strauss, aiid, bing sent for by ono of hit
sons, ho appeared. Iinagino his surpriso
when', upon ojiening th'o door, he fouud
every thing in jiossession of the partj?. For
a moment or two b6 was un' ifvak,
Ving so agreeably sjirpriseif. Jlif then
" tool: it all iii" and, looking into tho dining-room'
priit fin;Ifngti'6 tablo loaded down
witli piles of go,id things,' ho conducted tho
jiarty to tho table, where all did justice to
w,u i-ti-tuiiius jjiui-vu ueiore iiiem, at least
I thought so, as enko after cako illsannaaml.
and still calls for moro by oic (who were
furnished). After supper the fiarty had an
agreeable chat. Tho gathering dlsiwrsed
about 11 o'clock, wishing Rev. Strauss
many happy returns in tho future, and ex
pressing themselves highly pleased with tho
evening's enjoyment. Among thoo present
were Misses Amanda Clauss, Emma
Snyder, Salho Clauss, Tillio Clauss, Kato J.
Arner, Ballief.ond Kistler, and Messrs. O.
A. Clauss, W. P. Long, Jacob DoFrehu
J-raiiK Kcrchner, Frank Clauss, David F.b
lierts, Georeo Mussleman. Tilirlminii lLili;,.i
and Kistler. L. W. P.
J:uiuuiu, April 25, 1S78.
The Sharpe Murder Trial
"Guilty of Mupdor in tlio
First Dcgreo" is tlio
Verdict of tlio Jury.
Thursday of last week Cornelius Mc
Ilugh, Thomas Horn, Dr. Dimmick, Isaac
1C. McCollum, Tliomas Johns, John Scott
David Horn, N. D. Fowler, Maims Cull,
Charles Scrimshaw, James Kerrigan,
Michael MeMahon, Thomas Jones, and G.
W. Ulricii testified for tlio commonwealth
The evidenco being similar to that given
during the McDonnell trial, wo do not givo
it in full. "Kelly, tho bum," being a now
witness, wo.gifro his testimony. ,. .
Manus Cull, who is nlo known as
"Kelly, tho bum," said ho knew tio pris
oner; in isii 1 met him at Wilko4iarc oh
tho 22d of June, 1805, I landed in &cw
York from Ireland; immediately went to
Wllkesbarrc; my two brothers liv'eit t licit1;
alter becoming acquainted with,, "jlinrpo
found out tlmt ho was a jlollie; threw
mo tho sign; was with him and tho body
master of Wilkesbarre; how long.dt was
after I cot acquainted villi him when I
joined tho society t cannot tell; I joined the
society In Ireland, and again in Wilkes
barre; got in company witli Sharpo and Pat
Gallagher in Curry's saloon; wo thrco Fat
down for a drink, and Sharpo said to Galla
gher, "It was a good thing I was thtro tho
night of tho Smith murder, or tlio Fitz
gerald girl would have fixed you;" then
Gallagher said, "It was a good job that ho
(Sharpe) cleared down South, or that they
would havo sworn to tho clothes that ho
had on his back:" then Sharpo lauehed.
and turned to mo and said, "It's a good
iinng I was there and that I got on tho
step";" ho then said, "It would not have
been dono 'clean' if I had not been there:"
this conversation took placo in tho fall of
1805; ho told it In me ou account of tlio or
der; he, I guess, would not havo told it to a
Etranger; Curry kept tho stono hotel; think
it is on Main street; Tom McCookey was
In his cross-examination tho witness said:
When I camo to this country I think I was
about 27 years of age; first joined tlio Mol
lies in Scotland; fiom New York city I
went to Wilkeshnrro to Daniel Shovclin's:
stopped there until 1K00; whilo Iwii3thcre
l laKHed lor my t4jrotlier in a breast; Jived
iu r. tmall placo ciitsido of Wilkesbarro
culled Woodville; . from there I went to
Mahanoy City lo n man named Jack Mc
Donnell; was induced to go kill a man nt
Boston Run, but did not do it; from ll'ero I
went to Minersville, and from ,t,hero to Old
Mine, and then to Canada; then Came back
to Wilkesbarre, and then went to Sunbury
and worked, for a man named Bowcn, on
tho railroad; then j went to several other
places, and finally was put ill, Jail for steal
ing n watch from a man named White:
served nearly all my time, and, alter I got
out, went to Mount Lallec;. after that I
went to l owier s Patch; then to Jackson's
Patch, and, after going to spveral, other
places, went to Pottsville, and cot into adit
tlo bother and was put. in jail (laughter);
was sent up lor about thrco years, nnd was
fttirdoncd out; havo my pardou witli me,
nun guess i was pardoned out uecattso 1
made a clean breast of tho Rea murder; iu
1800 think I was in jail at Wilkcsbarro for
stealing money; nn old man sworo that I
stole money, hut ho found nut ho was mis
tnkfii, and ho camo to tlio jail and begjied
for me to be liberated; tho old man said I
did not steal tho money, but I did; Father
Jlridgcinan, of Girardvillc, had me sent up
ior seveuieen nays lor breaking in a win
dow in tlio Catholic Church; ho found that
lie was mistaken, and lie paid the costs and
I was liberated: nt another timo was in iai
for raK (laughter); was innocent of tho
charge; tney used lo sliovo mo around a
good deal, and sometimes I was not guilty;
was in the lock-up iu tlio old country (loud
laughing in tho rear of tho room); never
sirueic l alher jvicl ndden; never used my
hand to any Father; changed my namo to
Daniel Kelly in 1800; did it to shun tho
law: cavo A man named Chain a few clouts
and had a light with a man namco .McDon
nell nt Locust Gap: mvself anil Clmrlev
Shlrpe attempted to rob a man of his tiock-
etbook; never attempted to rob Foster; that
was t put-up job OI John Jtyon s; helped lo
steal three barrels of whisky, and cot sixty
cents from Pal. Hester Jbr tho assistance
icontinucii laugiitcr all over tho room).
Ill ins nil l reel examination I, nil said:
All tlio murders I havo becrl iu tvero itono
llituugh the order; tho rules of tho society
when you got initiated were not to divulge
nnyiniug only to ft member; wo were all
s.iiirn to f irotcct each other; tho robbery iu
Wilkcsbarro was committed after wo had
the conversation about tlio Smith murder,
and Biiarn, me prisoner nt tho bar, and
myself committed tho deed together.
Cull, while beiue; recross-exnmincd. said :
Tho prisoner always used mo rigid, but ono
timo ho struck mo and I never hail n
chance, to strike him hack; ever sinco I havo
been in Mauch Chunk jail Sharjw and his
friends have been at mo not loewcaragaiiist
him; was at ft dance when Sharpo camo in
and struck me iu tlio face, and ho then ran
awny; told Mike Campbell that I would
lick bim tho first timo I caw him,. when
Campbell said, "No, don't; ho was tho best
limn wo ever had below tho mountain;" jt
was to take a load oir my breast that. I told
of my bad deeds; never went nloiio to do
crime; defy Ireland, Scotland, end America
to know of any crimes I done before 1 ioiueil
the Mollic: up here i'l tho jail Sharpo
wrote on a slat n, half-dozen of men who
wcro at tho Smith murder: ho wanted molo
givo tho names-to tho district attorney, and
so I did; ho wrote tho names in tho pres
etieo.of Sherill' Raudenbush's Km and Mr.
Armbnister, tho failer.
James Kerrigan, tho Mollio who first
"squealed" and who was a jarticipnnt iu
tl'.o assassinations of Yost and Jones, said
ho became acquainted witli Sharfo at Aleck
Campbell's, iu Tamaqua, about four years
ago. . Kerrigan believes jn. hel.1, and it is
perhaps well that ho does; for, if ho did
not, ho might in the future bo surprised at
tho uncommon warmth of ft'u abodo wliicli
Satan rules. , ,,
Tho (.ommonw'eallh rested their caso on
Thursday afternoon. ,
On Friday tho defcrso oficnod. Tho first
witness, Peter Sharp, ujwn being swum,
iiit: I Hyp at, Plymouth; in iMJ.'i lived ,nt
Audenried; know tho prisoner; ho worked
and boarded witli me; ho worked with mo
en tho 6th ami Ctli of November, 1803; on
(he night of tho 5th of November he was at
my house; ho went lo bod that night before
me; I generally went to bed between 9 and
0:30 o'clock; that night tho prisoner weut to
bed about fifteen minutes before me; wo
generally camo homo from work between 4
and i o'clock; ho took supjwr with mo ou
tho night of tho 5th; his manner and a
fwarance wcro not ilillrcnt that night Iroin
any other night; to tlio best of my opinion
he did not leave my house that night after
ho camo from work until ho went to bed.
Cross-examined. Lived around Auden
ried a long time; the prisonerlived with mo
a long time afterward; I mean alter the 5th
cf November; on tho evening of tho 5th I
wjaimny house, but am ujt tell what I
was doing; the prisoner was not in tlio habit
oi going out at nignt to meet ins compan
ions; sometimes he did; Pal Gallagher was
In my Iioufo tho night aller tho Hmith
murder, hut I don't know how ho got there;
told Charley Grim that there was a wagon
at my house, but did not see 11 come, nor 1
did not see it co nwavi saw them carry Gal
lagher down stairs, but don't recollect what
they did with him; was iu my bedroom nt
unit tunc; was a Mnina only lor a lew
months ono timo around Audcuricd; don't
know who was bedymastor or secretary:
don t know whether tho prisoner was n
amino or not; no associated with mo n good
deal; never pretended to ho i "Buckshot:"
left them qrtick on account of my church;
was initiated ill the bush in tlio evening.
Redirect. Recollect that Charles Sharpo
was at homo on tlio night of tho 5th bo
causo tho next morning going to work, I
heard that Smith was shot, and I said,
"Cliailey, it is good wo were at homo last
night." ,,.,,,.
, Charles G;lm nnd Mar.iu Qull wcro Sworn
in rebuttal ly tho commonwealth.
Iu IliQ,nflcrnoon District Attorney .Siewcrs
addressed 11)0 jury on bchalfi of the com
commonwealth. Ho was , fallowed by
Messrs. Mcchau and Longstrcet for tho de
fense. . iv
..Bolitrllay morning tho trial stA.i.nt.a
standstill, owing to" tho sickness of Jiiror
IllosK Tjio sick juror feeling better in tlio
nflcrnocoi, court opened at 2 o'clock. Gene
ral Albright inado the closing sieerli for tlio
commonwealth, after which Hi Honor, iu
his usual clear mid .impartial manner,
charged the jury in a learned and able ef
fort of about ono hour's length. Tho jury
went out about 4:45, returned nt 0 o'ciock,
and rendered a verdict of guilty of murder
in tho first degree.
Fnckerton Illpplca.
The meeting of the Packet ton Christian
Association was well attended, and the ex
ercises very interesting. Minutes of last
stated meeting read and approved. The
secretary. W. L. Stiles, introduced tlio sub
ject of organizing n railroad men's prayer
meeting, aim gavo a snort History in tlio
work ue nc Pcriormcd bv tneso mcctinc in
iniicrcni, firns oi mo country, a commit.
tco was appointed to mako nrranccmcnts,
John McKclvey, chairman, tho commitlco
to reiwrt nt tho next meet Inn of tho associa
tion. Tho Budget was read by the.oditrfess,
The subjects wcro well selected. Editorial
" Act from Principle;" 'A Drunken Hus
band's Dream," by L. E,; " Religion Urced
by the Blessedness of Heaven," by A. R., of
.wauen uiiinii: i no iiean. ,nv u.: wit
nnd Humor," by an otcotlout hrticle on
rami, by a lricmljif tho association, was to
havo been lead bv tho secretary, but was
overlooked, ,H will bo read nt tho next
meeting.,, Select reeding by John L. Beers,
"Mark Twain Interviewed," excellently
lemiercu. jio niso rave ft very interesting
and entertaining history of Gcorgo Wash
ington. A sketch of John-Wesley's lifo was
given by Andrew Elliott. A short history
of tlio first American Congress was given by
Jolnl Young. "What Wo Understand by
inspiration," by Tliomas Trclhcrway. Tho
subject for general discussion, "Woman and
Her Influence," was postponed until next
Tlio committeo comwsod of John Me
Kelvcvl W. F. Brodhcad. Samuel Mcrtz.
Alfrocf Yohc, anil Thomas Trcthenvay met
on iiionuay evening, nnd. decided to start tho
meetings at once, and. also to .work for the
establishment of a,' reading-room, a thing
inucii needed, judging irom llio.incmbers
of tlio committee, tlio work will bo accom
plished. All they need is tho earnest, hearty
eo-iqicratiou of all tho friends of tho enter
Tho Infant son of Jiuncs Long, after a
Eovero illness of two weeks, breathed its last
on biimlay nllernoon. 'I ho family nro very
much stricken, it being tho first death iu
tho family.
A. H. Bowman is still confined to the
house. His eyes aro very much inflamed,
and not only cause him much suffering but
mucn anxiety as to wnat may bo me result.
Ho has put himself under excellent medical
A large, venomous copperhead snako
iouiui its woy into tna yard ol Daniel
onock on last biinnay. ins Jitllo boy ills
covered it, and, being amused ot its move
inenls, called to his mother.' She at once
saw tho danger, ami soreatncdi , Ono of tlio
neighbors, Samuel Mcrtz, disfiatehed tho
monster. .It. measured nearly threo feet,
and caused qui to an cxcitcmcut for a time.
i Axon.
PreiiiVtery of LelilRh.
Tho Presbytery of Lehigh, which cm
braces tho Presbyterian churches of Lehigh,
Northampton, Moiuoo, Carbon, Schuylkill,
Berks anil part of Luzerne, met in the First
Church, Pottsville, on Tuesday evening of
mm, ween, ino attenuanco being very large.
Tho meeting was opened by a sermon by tho
retiring Modeintor, Rev. J, A. 1 idle. After
tho calling of the roll.rcading of tho minutes',
,e., l'resbyiery proceeded to elect a new
Moderator, aud tho Rev. R. M. Wallace,. r
Stroudsbiirg, was unanimously elected and
immediately took tho chair, niter v.'Ji.i(,ii
Presbytery adjourned until tho iiext morn
ing nt nine o'clock. Tho Wednesday morn
ing and part of tho afternoon' sessions wcro
taken up with business matters. Hoken
dauuu.i wa3 selected ns tho place of tho next
Fiaieu meeting, on tno third Tuesday in
June. Tho following were elected Com
missioners to tho General Assembly, to be
iieiu at ruuburg, -May IClh. Principals!
Revs. James Robinson, of Ashland, nnd D.
M. James, Bath : Elders John Heebncr. 2d
Church, Pottsville, nnd Wm. G. Lewis, 1st
I'lmreh, Catasuiiquo. Alternate, Revs. R.
M. Wallace. Stroudsbiirg, and J. W. Wood,
Alleiitown; Elders J. B. Kolpummlt Hill,
ond Vi.l. Bush, btroudsbiire. A very larco
niectinj of the Sabbath School was held in
the ntlemoon, and addressed by Revs. J,
Wcidner, of Easton, and A. D. Moore, of
Bethlehem. In tho cvenini a Missionary
meeting was held; addresses were made by
Rev. J. W. Wood, of Alleutown, and O.
Earle, of Catasauqua. Thursday was de
votod to business matters, and devotional
exercises were held iu tho evening.
As. Others See Tlifin. (
Mb. Moetiiimkr: Fasslhc throutfh aur
thriving town torday, I mct.witli qiu'to a lot
of buy fmrties; but ftinocg tho tiniest I
found tho boys" nt llu Central Carriago
Works.aud learned that thov were forced to
work loin 5 a. 1 1. to 9:30 p. m. at Mines.
Tbai enterprise Tor you! They are me
chanics, of the uet, ami & mighty good-
looking, industrious, husy crew, and should
be well fwtrouizod by tho. puUie. , .
Mavcii Ciiuxk, April 4.
The Tainan ua Rollins Mill Ucxnectod
to commence oficratious May 1.
Wo see by tho Oiurier that The Gimlet
is tho namo of a paper pitteu upby a Tama
qua literary society. Wonder if it is so
called becauso it is everlastingly boring Ta
maqua's good fieople 7
The trial of Martin Bergin for tho miir.
der of Pat-ick Burns is going on ot Potts
ville. JeDonnoll, alias the Hairy .Van,
has been making a cluau breast ot it, and,
if what ho savs is the truth, the parties be
implicates llergln, Kane, and lliennan
will have a or show for their uevk. Ho
discloses some terrible, cool, und deliberate
planuiu,; of murder ip their tewral cases.
"Jonah" Klnile Ilnppy I
Olio of tho happiest men wo ever saw wo
met with in Mauch Chuiik,on Friday after
noon of last week, mid that man was Jonah
Maikly, tho court crier. Tlio canto of hW
happiness was that ho. had that morning
been tho recipient ofn, very handsome suit
of blue, decorated with 'gilt button, at the
hands of tho Court, members of the bar and
officers of tho Cuibon County, court. That
Jonah was grateful for the gift, Uio following
littlo speech fully testifies. Aft'cr concluding
tho usual "Oh, yes," Ac, with evident trepi
dation ho said i
"To tlio Court and tlio members of the
bar and tho olficers of tho court, 1 now it
lurn thanks for their kindness in presenting
to mo this reward, this beautiful suit of
clothes. I thank you a thousand times for
this present brfth young nnd old. I shall
never forget, wlteiietee.UlnUk on thkbc.ui
tiful suit, my go id friends r.t Mutch Piunk.
I shall remember tliem ns long nt! lltt. I
tliailk thchi fur their present oil this beauti
ful Good I riday morning.' J , been .a
hicmber of tho bar for the la-t iwoiity-Eevi n
years, ami never had siitlih pKSetthneiit bo
fore. 1 waselcctednC'onstabletvteiily-seveii
yrarsflgo and camo asa tipslajl' and as
then npiKiinted court crier. In that time I
only missed one court,, and then t was sielo.
But I never thought of asking for such a
thing. I am too full to speak, nud I thank
you a thousand times."
I 4f . .
Ulg Creek Items. , ,(1
Cherry trees aro in full bloom. ,
Tho greater part of tlio oats lias been
sown. i
The church in Mackerellown is nearly
finished. i ., .
Rev. ,T. L. Werner will havo services in
the Salem's church of this place this Sunday
Oscar, son of Stephen Soil, of this place.
is lying iu u critical condition. , .
Robert Miller will leave for tho Stato
Normal School at Millcrsvillo to-day (Sat
urday). ,.
It is reported- that tho ?lat?- warrr, on
Saw MiUiCreek, is to resume work shortly.
A select , school was ofienod pn Apri'
10th, in tlio public school building at Centra
Square, this county. T1A aim bf llierschool
is to prepare young'men for College; to givo
teachers an opportunity pf,,rjyioing tlio;
common branches, and to afijrd the more
advanced fulfills of tho public schools iii the
adjoining districts tho facility of continuing
their studies lieyond thoso of tho common
schools. All tho common brandies will bo
taught so that pupils of all grades can be ac
commodated. T. M.Balliet, A. B., Prin
cipal. Yours, etc.
April 20th. -RlsvF.itK.
Welsiport Items. i
How about tho calico party of which
there has been talk so long?
This morning' tho wife' of Samuel
Snyder presented him with a daughter.
Kisses thrown Jierossitho ftrectflre not
always received, i.Tliisdocs mot .apply to
what happened down town the other day.
A certain "young 'irlatiV-who was out
West nnd'eaino Iioufo eoiiio time ago, says tlio
best irciy to, go out West is not to, go at 'all.
Wo agnju had an opiiortunity of Dsfen
ing to,.tbo sweet music of tlio Ypung Amer
ican Cornet J3and,of this place,-lnft Satur.
day evening. Come out againboys.
.n-.Wc hnvo a Baker who .never baked a
loaf; a Jliner who never saw a mine; a
Butcher who n6ver killed nn-nx; a Jarsh
that is always dry; and a Fox. that sinokeri
cigars and chews tobacco. His name is
Charley. Al.
Wkisstort, April 25.
Business men generally will indorse
tho action of Congress in prohibiting tho
coinago of tho twenty-cent pieces.
Hn.i. Jox'jts. On tho 14lh ult., nt tlio Ro
forthed 1'nrsonago near Wcimfmrt. bv tho
Rev. J. E. Freeman, Andrew Hill and
Selina Jones, both of Trachsville, Monroo
county, I'a.
Rhoik MKvi'.as. On tho 20lh 'ult., ol tho
Lutheran Parsonage,, by the Rev. W. G.
Laitzle, Albeit Rhojr, and Wilhelmiua
Meyers, both of this place.
Closing Prices of DeIIavexi A- Tmv.vsFxn,
Stock, Government and Gold, 41) South
Third Street, riiiladelphia.April 25, 187ft:
tT. H.S's. ISH !...lrf. Did 10. 1. Aikld
If. H. t-oi's, 1C5-J, A J....IMH bid 10) K asktd
11. S. 6-IO's. 1SU7 ...:l"7i bill l l Ji uskrd
it.H. S-:0'8,180S..,i it .110, bill llOlt kr3
II. ft. 10.1') KStt bid 1'6 asked
ii, n. I'lirrencv, O's...,
U.,u.s's I8SI. new
Mt H. 41 'a. now n,,
V, 3 4'a riew ,
Pennsylvania ft. 11
l'lnla C: llendlnir Tt. It..
tUhH bid lll asked
.KH bid 105 atticrd
zi um acsea
M ltd Ml, usltid
I.eiilsh Vnllev It. It fSk bid
Lelilcli Coal ,t J.'ov. Co.... 171. bid
United Compaliles nf N. J,191 bid lio aakrd
Pltts.,Ttliisv. dtlinff. K.U. 6 1 Ino s4 askfd
I'liila. & Krlo K It 8 bid sh OMid
Wnithoni Central It. It.... HI. Mil II wttij
totonrilln llu. 'o 7 I, Inri lli nakril
wi isxea
Uold uov. bid 1001;
Special Notices.
If yon YVMit lo lio slronir. hpnlthr
and Vl zero 119- take H. I. Knnki'1'i niltrr Wiml
uf Iron. No tmiguAeoan C'Juvdrao atlcqnuto
iea of tlie liamcdlato nu-3 aimoat nilrnculnut
chAuvpt protiUcM by taking K 1 Kunkel'a
jiuilt viao oi iron in xue mscaseii, ai-itiiiaitu
and abattcied nervous Hysteni, Whether
brolfn down bv oxccm. weak hr iintnro. or im,
paired y aickueas, the relnxodand nnxtrnnir
oriramzatfonls retore1 to p'UiH.t lioaltu aud
ipur. Fold only m f I bottle. Sold by all
drugsUta und tltalera everywhere. ,
Nervous Debility! Nervous Detility
Debllltr. a derretaed, lnitable stato of mtnd.
a wftalr. nervous, e zhenstod fcalintr. no onnrtrv
or auluiutiou, confused he-id. wauk. mom or,
the con r qm neta of ezasaent mental over
work. ThW ntvou deuiltlv rlnde a "overcUn
cm Bin K. P. Ku nice I'd Hitter Wine of Inm, Ic
ione mo sTstem, aii' ino munlal Kloin and
deflpoudency and rejavonatca tho intno aa
tm. bold onlv Iu Si Lottos. (Iol the irtnuiiM.
Take only K, i Kunkot'ai it hat tt yellow
wrapper srountut, pitoiopmpn ou ouuiu,
IS rlil bv miir dnifiHitt. V.. f. Knntol. Innri.
tor. No. 51 North Ninth Hi ret, I'hiiatlelpbta.
I'a. Send for circular, or advice ire is Try my
great teuuMly, Got it of vour ornculat, atx but
tiOH fur (3.00. Jt cau not fail. It U Kuarantutd
to do as is recommended.
AVonns! AVonns!. Worms!
E. F. KnaVrtVWoruiMTUDuever fails to ro
niovo nil kinds of 'orma. hoat nln. and
rtoiuscU vrxnosaro temlily lemovcd by Knn.
lei's Worm brrup, Ur Kttuki I istLooniv auc
cestui puvt-ioau in luo counirr mr the rt
niuvsii ot tJipo worniM. lioic:unvta iheui in 2
to 3 houia. ulfh Lend and &II couin'etA. alivA.
andiiolw? until hiuulieiabcd. i umiuou aiuo
leflcneau iaio worm ran i' rtrcnvi-d uil oth' r
wirmi run bo reanilv deatio n!. ArL vnnr
dnipplst lor a bottle of Kuntcel's Worm vruu,
fnco H.t pur nottltv It never Una, If hv he
It not. h-ivu bin, petit, oi a.-nd to piopi ictor, K.'
F. Kunei, S0 .North Ninth Htreet, IMiHiri;l.
1) Ma. i'a. (Advice at olllco iruo, or by mail )
Health anil Ilnppincss.
Jlealtuaod II a;
their noFaouaon
are niiccleaa wealth to
and yet the? aro wit dm iho
rtach of overy cue who wilt um
Wrislit's Liver Pills.
Taeonlr anreCUlt ft.rTorpH Uver DnrV
la, Headaebe. hour Hlotnne.i, CuibtlnaUon. e
nnuv, uudoal ami all limiuua cotuplatuta aud
iniKiu uiMjrue.-M. itore 'nuine unloaa slieuiu
"Wm Wriffht Thlla.1 Ilponr
supply fcfiin 2i vt-utk fur one Itox, in Bar tick,