The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 27, 1878, Image 2

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SATURDAY, Al'IUIi 27, 1878.
Eight liumlml nm-j of forests nre on
firo in ..Vaseacliusetts. It must bo gelling
warm In that quarter.
William Orion, I'resiilent nflho Western
I'nion Telegraph Company, iliat in Now
York Monday morning, of apoplexy. Ko
was only 52 years of age.
The Ki io Itallivny wa (kiM at auction
in Kcw York Woltiepilay on Iho foreclosure
by tho Tanners' Loan ami Trust Oompaiiy.
It was puivhasoil for $0,0(10,000, by ox-(Jov.
Morgan, David A. Wells mid J. Lowlier
Welch, trustees for the sluckliolilcrs.
livery unco in a while you seen man
on one of Iho railway routes who is so lost
to all sense of delicacy that ho takes his lit
tlo daughter into a smoking-car. Such a
man ought to bo kicked by a mulei'. I,
Juh. Well, why don't you kick him?
President Hayes' leception in Phila
delphia Wednesday was quite enthusiastic.
In tho evening, at tho Union League Club
House, not a single prominent republican
politician was present ; but tho brains, iul
turo and wealth of tho city Wero largely
Dun, Bailow & Co. report that during
tho thrco months ending March 31st) 1B78,
there weroSSjj failures in tho United State's,
with liabilities estimated at $82,078,000.
During tho corrcjioiidlii period of 187T tho
failures numbered 28j'J, and tho liabilities
were $51,538,1100.
The uncertainty created by tho K33iblo
interference of Congress with tho finances
seems to bo the chief1 obstacle) to a general
resumption of specio payments all over tho
country by Iho banks. If that body would
adjourn, stop experimenting, and allow
Sherman to go on in his own way, tho prob
lem would hi solved in a very short tiino,
and business everywhere would begin to
undergo a great chango for tho better.
Thero were severe tornadoes In Iowa and
Illinois on Sunday and Sunday night. Storm
Lake and Wall Lake, Iowa, sud'eml much
damage, and several jwrsons aro rcjwrtcil
killed and injured. At Galcsburg anil ISuda,
111., thero was extraordinary rain ami hail,
ono of tho hail stones measured being tight
inches in circumference Glawwds smashed,
projierty in tho lioues and stores damaged)
and vegetation injured. A telegram from
Sioux City, Iowa, says tho reports received
thero indicato that four persons were killed
and forty injured. Somo of tho latter ai'e
not expected to recover.
Tho ltepublican Congressional Commit
tee completed its organization on Monday
night, lion. Georgo C. Gorham, of California,
being apjoiiited Secretary. Tho officer of
tho Committee now aro ; Chairman, Hon.
Kugeno Hale, of Mainoj Secretary, Hon.
Georgo C. Gorham, of California) Treasurer,
Jacob Tome, Esq., of Washington ) Exceu
tivo Committee, Senator Allison, of Iowa j
Representatives Joyce, of Vermont) His
cock, of Now York , Page, of California)
Foster, of Ohio) Campbell, of Pennsylvania;
Hubboll, of Michigan ) Senators Dorscy, of
Arkansas i Ilruce, of Mississppi.
Notwithstanding tho embittered feeling
between England and Russia, and tho activo
preparations made by both governments for
tho contingency of war, wo aro f till of tho
opinion that peaco will bo preserved, unless
it bo broken by somo incident outsido of tho
diplomatic relations of tho two jiowers.
Germany (and this means liismark) holds
the balance, and through her intluenco wo
trust tho Congress will bo assembled, in
which caso war will bo avoided. It is now
rejiortcd that both governments havo agreed
to withdraw their forces, England her licet
and Russia her army, from tho vicinity of
Constantinople, by which tho liability to
collision will bo greatly diminished.
Owing to tho greatly increased travel
on tho Camden and Atlantic Broad Gaugo
Railroad, tho management commenced on
Saturday last, and will also run on every
Saturday, until further notice, a fast express
train through to Atlantic City, leaving Vino
St. wharf, Philadelphia, at 4 P. M., and
returning, leaving Atlantic City on the fol
lowing Monday at 7.15A. M. This train will
run through in ninety minutes, without
stopping. All the hotels and boarding housos
now ojien aro doing quite a largo buisiness,
for now is ono of tho most pleasant times to
Usit Atlantic City in tho wholo year, being
fully equal to a visit to Florida, it being in
fact an island, about eight miles out in tho
ocean from tho mainland.
Tho sensational papers aro in high glee,
and respectable people aro deeply pained,
over another first-class scandal case. Somo
loiters, containing tho most endearing and
jmssionato expressions of all'ection, alleged to
lo written by Dr. MeCoskry, P. li l)ihop
ot Michigan, aged seventy-five, to mi attrae-
tvo gill of twenty, named Fanny Richard",
havo been discovered, and tho lli.hop, it Is
raid, has been induced by a number of his
clergy ami other fiiends, to resign and go to
England. He, however, denies all charges
of impiiqier intimacy, and says his rosigu.i
lion is on account of ago. Tho girl, who
chums lo bo well eonnectod in England, was
lu mo manner under tho Bishop's guard Ian.
tlnp, uud tho was married but year by tho
llishop to a clerk named Bannister. Mrs.
Bannister indignantly denies tho asiwrsion
cu her cuaxaetor, aud Bishop Perry, of III!
liois, very properly asks a suspension of
j lrnent until the ease is fully inyetlijjatwl
i ' ino unuren, wmi-ii, no Wfwvpty faith
ful in maintaining its pinny"
11. V. JlOIlTlllMlilt,
Coimly Sniicriiitniilciil.
A writer in tho CW Gazelle thus define
tho duties and qualifications of County
Superintendent, and the school directors, by
ro-elecllng R. F. Hofiord will "fill this bill"
to tho letter i "The counly superintendent
should lie a man of force, purity, education,
Influence, and jiopularity. His chief duties
consist In examining teachers, explaining
tho 'school law, and in Instructing and coun
seling school directors, attending to all
school interests and promoting generally a
ppiiitn education within his jurisdiction.
As he has chargo of tho licensing of teachers,
ho should tnko special pains to see that nono
aro authorized lt teach except thoso that are
fully prepared in the various branches re
quired lo bo taught, and possess a talent of
imparting instruction to thoso under him or
her. A perfoHcounty superintendent should
bo a man full of successful experienco as a
teacher, pleasant manners, good character, a
turn for business, tnlsiit, prudence, sound
opinion, public spirit) 7cal for tho fcducation
of tho people, and aljoVo nil, faith in the
common school system.'1
Tho Republican Stale Convention will
meet in Harrloburg on Wednesday, Jay 15.
Gen. Cbailcs Albilgiit, of atauch Chunk,
and Samuel W. Hudson, of iiudsondaloj will
represent tho Republicans of Carbon iii tho
Our Washington Letter.
TH VonWng Sensation The Kdisoti Sen
sation The Ku.ii& FalicititsTltc Jfr
brew 1'iusmcr.
WASlllxatdx, April 20, 1878.
Tho chibr topic of conversation in politi
cal circles during tho wceK has been tho al
leged interview with Senator Colliding pub
lished first in ono of tho Now York dailies
and by this timo reproduced in nearly
every ncwspajier In tho country. It was
expected that Colliding would say some
tlliitg in tho Scnato Iho day after its publi
cation, and that he, under tho peculiar cir
cumstances in which ho has been placed,
could not afford to bo silent. His first ap
pearance at tho capitbl was in tho room of
tho Committee on oinmcrco. Ho entered
as usual, spoko to his colleagues of tho com
mittee as usual, and attcmlcil to his busi
ness just as usual. No rcfereneo was niado
by anybody to tbrt interview. Somo curi
osity was felt to seo how Senators Conkling
and Gordon would meet. Hut nothing sen
sational camo out of tho meeting. General
Gordon entered tho room, smiled pleasantly,
and greeted Conkling with a courteous
"Good morning." Don Camcron,Howe,and
several other Senators gathered around
Conkling soon after ho appeared in his seat,
and, ns an animated conversation was car
ried on, it was presumed tho interview was
tho subject under discussion. Conkling
seemed to bo explaining tho allair, and tho
young Senator from Pennsylvania appar
ently cnjoynl tho explanation. It was ap
parent that Conkling was annoyed at tho
publication. Ho sought to put a good face
on tho affair mid assumed lo treat ft lightly,
but (lie. fact tiutt ho considered his situation
embarrassing could not bo concealed. Eve
rybody was on tho yni vii'e for tho personal
explanation, and once, when Conkling aroo
t present u petition, there was a rush for
front iiositions In tho gaI!cTi6s. It seems
that Colliding regarded tho situation of suf-
t nnionanco lo piaco iiunscit in ti
ds ol his friends," rind they advisi
him not to say anything. Ainoilg Senators
the interview was discussed in low lone
and out of earshot of reporters. Nono of
them cared to havo their remarks on tho
subject put in print. Lamar declined to
say anything ooout tho allair. General
Biirnsido lnuT nothing to say, and Stanley
Matthews delivered himself to a reporter of
a New York paper, and refused to open his
mouth to others. Had Conkling made, a
twrsoiial explanation it Is probablo that sev
eral other Senators, whom ho had in Iho in
terview taken tho liberty to criticise, would
havo had something to say. As it is, the
sensation is nbout over, though only to bo
succeeded by another.
Thomas Edison is here, and has been
carefully explaining his marvelous inven
tion to admiring throngs. "Tho lioys of tho
ncvrsmiicr row" passed a delightful evening
together, with Mr. Edison and his phono
graph in their midst. This morning tho
wonderful instrument was on exhibition in
tho patent office, whero tho wholo corps,
from Commissioner down, seemed immense
ly interested. Pieces of tin-foil wore lav
ishly distributed among tho lady clerks ns
mementoes. Later in tho day 'Edison an
imated by invitation before tho Academy of
ncicuee, now in session, ami witn mm camo
the phonograph and carbon telephone, which
have made his famo world-wide. The sec
retary's room aud the adjoining halls were
crowded with an interested and excited
gathering of ladies and gentlemen. Tho
ttoors which icu to tno room adjoining tho
hall whero tho scientists have regaled them
selves daily with salmon nnd other bra In-
food, were taken from their hinges in order
that there might bo "room for ono moro" to
get a peep at tho modem magician and his
wonders. Tho eyes of grave academicians,
lair i.unes, aim eager cuiitircn, wero all
turned curiously on one man. The occasion
was n tribute of science, culture, and beauty
to inventive genius. Iho inventor sat at
tho secretary's desk, twistme a small rubber
band nervously in his fingers. His shaggy
brown hair stood out at all alleles, in defi
ance of comb rule. His forehead is round,
not very IiieIi. moderately full in tho tem
poral regions, indicating a prejionderanee of
mu.uiiy,ci ma ivjiociaiiy iiouccuiiie lor ex
pansion. His eyes aro grayish blue, clear
and bright, anil in conversation brighten
woniienuiiy. mo noso is large, standing
out boldly from tho face, Just as if it wero
looking into tho future fur its secrets. A
largo month, whooo sinilo is a pleasant one,
a Mpiare, rather prominent chin, and a
white skin, complete tho facial description.
His manner is quiet, modest, and retiring,
exhibiting a lack of egotism or assurance
at once refreshing and marvelous in a man
who has rcuMin lo bo so juslly proud of his
fame and achievements.
Grand prejumtions for tho celebration of
Piaster are being made in all places of wor
ship. Tho churches aro being decorated
with evergreens and flowers, uud the Chris
tian world will to-morrow oxpres its joy in
a risen Savior and tho hoio of immortality.
Ono of the must peculiar services was cel
ebrated by the Hebrew congregation yester
day. Tho observanco of tho Passover in
ancient times used to occupy eight iluys,
and, as it is commemorative u'f tho deliver
ance of the race from bondage, has always
been iiiderbly fcliortencd. Four days
ore now being observed by some congrega
tions, and only two bv others. The rabbi,
arrayed in his blank silk gown and a long,
white silk sosrf about his neck, which is tho
"fringe" siken of in the Bible, intoned tho
service, the congregation and the choir tak
ing leejiousive portions. Tho peculiar feu-
turo of tho scrvico was tho coiomony of tak-
inflf the scroll nr 1 iw IVrtli'i (li. Tl... -.I.
occupied a recess in tho wall immediately
behind tho pulpit; and tho rabbi, turning
nwmn.t will, .1. .
...... ...a urn.. ... vuiiiv;5iilloil,
rend a portion .from tho iniiver-book, while
.1.- . .... ,1... ' . i ' .
iiiu i.usmci.b oi mo coilgrHgauotl UICW Oaclt
Itif rml rtn u'ti,.1t loir. I.. 1.... .l.A
Tho scrolls or "lorali," in two parts or roll's".,.,.l to n ....I .111. .,,..'.' ,1 '
..i-i'f. ... .i i.ii i-iiiv lux-nil;;, IH'IU llll'll
ven to the rabbi, who still cumlnnM In.
toning tho service. Tntniinr sl.mlr. Iho
'torali" was reverently laid upon tho dek
mil oiencd, mm Iho rabbi read appropriate
tnrltniw. U tens fl.n,. -...l t..:.l. .1.-
same, ceremony, ami Iho ark c!oed. Tho
r.tbbi then delivered a discourse on tljo his-
lory oi me iicijrcw ra, a history full of
irring scenes nun strango vicissitttclcs, over
rhich tho Jews of every ago havo loved to
iuger Willi minglcU feelings of joy and sad-'.d.
At .1 o'clock Wcilnosiav mornl'iirf n.
bus' shoo store on Third street. ICaston. was
discoveicd to bo on fire, and, before the
names wero muter ivntrol, tho building was
destroyed. Loss over $1,000 : insured for
J2,000 in tho Lebanon Insurance Company.
About thrco weeks ago A young man
named David Jbrgan suddenly ilisappca red
from Lansfurdi lie is 22 years of age,
about five feet four inches in height, has a
rather long nose, dark complexion, and
black hair; wearing a cap, a pair of pants
patched about tho knees, and a coat turning
red; is subject to falling fits, ami is not al
together sane. Information colicernlni!
hiili will bo thankfully receivdil by Id's
father, Rceso Jorcan, of I.ansfordi this
On Sunday ntnrnlnet at tho commeno-
mcnt of tho services in St. John's Lutheran
Church, Easton, tho pastor, Rev. J. R.
Groll', whilo making ttio c'iening prayer,
fell into a faint apparently dead. Tho con
gregation becamo intensely excited. Jedi aid was summoned, and tho pastor re
moved to his residence, and, under tho ex
ertions of tho physicians, revived after somo
time. During tho excitement several ladies
and a gentleman fainted. Overwork is as
signed as tho causo of tho prostration.
From tirc'eilr indication; tho 3d fcf
Jay will bo a lively day in Hazletan. On
that day tho Urn ml Lodge of the Order of
Ifarugari assemble there, and a reunion of
the posts of -tho G. A. R. in Luzerno Comity
will tako place, with on inflection of Rob
inson i osi ao. .'0. A largo number ot mil
itary men, among whom aro General Harry
-V. Iloyt, probably next republican candi
date for Governor of this State, Ger.'cial P.
A. Oliver, General H. S. t-sljorne, Colonel S.
Stiirdcvant, Colonel Georgo Roichard, Colo
nel J. D. Laciar, Colonel Thoinas HarknisS,
-1ajo'rs' 0. ir. Conyiigliain, Georgo St. John,
P. C: Kidder, Sterling Cattin, and Dr. P. I.
Ross. They will have n fino reception.
The Coal Trade.
The folio vlni- tattle hIiowh inn nnantit v fir rnil
shlpeeil over llio liehljih Vuliov liailroau toi ttio
ween eueltiK Apill. a), 1878, and for the yearns
compared the same time lat your.
ItciHons I'rom i
an.u'.T ii
503,830 10
713 11
16.-i.7H 04
118 7.S IS
mi a
I', mi ii
1,224,53.5 07
f,fl5,U5l 07
Upper iJrhtch
Mauca Clinnk
13,570 03
:a:?o 15
0.740 1J
8157 ia
23 W
Tort Delaware
Tntol '
Last Year
26,533 19 1W.S15 00
ItlSI'OItT or COAI. transported OTrr Lclilgh
iv Susoit. hniltm IJIVlHintl. C.tntrnl It U. nf N.w
Jerso, for 0 ilaya eudluir April. 111. 1878
shipped from Total week. To date.
Wyoniipp , Il,7u7 S llS.'Sl 14
" livernatt u. Co. I,0o3 11
' " Hiiii L". L'o
Upper Lehigh 5 700 u
7..TC1 10
3S.273 18
41.622 CS
19.Ua 07
b' 1115 01
60.211 12
40,807 13
2i,:eo 07
1,112 01
9.7C4 00
1,7.3 04
nearer iloailotv
fauch rhuuK
0,0 7 17
3.155 C5
2,3:tl 15
01 04
1.519 00
Otoss Cronx
Counrll l(rtgo
j.. v. it. n racucitoa,.
Smith & Cu
Total 48 m 07
l'roviously icpuittil... 45S1jS 10
Total to dato
batue tiuio last yeni....
sni.i,7l 17
770 021 10
5C3.900 0
New Advertisements.-
All nGrfwiianrolieteTti' fnrhliT mptMttnp wlfh
thu lo.lowtinr atticli-a ol personil propertv, to
wit i I cupnoard, I itcttte. I bilstn'id, i tal,lo, 1
bureon. 1 washrtaail. 2 rockuiKliolrs, l clocK, I
lookinii gtas, tc., now In poesslon of (If.oriro
V. Ilaupt, ol Mahouina Township, ns tho sitd
articles aro inv property, and nre loaned to lilui
ilnrliiK my tdeanuie. ALraEDII auit.
Avnl 24, '78-27.2W' Mahvuuiir Towusuip,
The affllotM can now bo restored to perfect
tiealtb mill bodily cnorry without iho uno uf
tiu-dtclue of any iiud, au wlibnut the lighten
incouveuieucQ ro tue imuuni a uaon or uaiiy oc
cu pal Ion.
Header, Aro You Afflicted t
Aud wili to regain yonr hoaltli, etreneth and
neriry of lorinur yrars I Ho any ot tho follow
iuff yuiitoin inet't your tlisH'iueil condition t
Doyotilccl nervous, rttblhtutod fretful, timid.
cud lack tho rowci of will nd actum 1 Am
vour kidneys. utoniiCh nr b nod In a dianrtlctod
condlllotil Do you uUor fruiu rheumatiui,
uiuralila or aches ami v&itisl llnvo you been
iudJ(4trtt in early year, and And yoaraolf
hammed vitU a multitude of cloomv uip
torn a 1 Are you subject to li-a of memory. hao
ftUcliKOl laiutlit luiiueM of btoodtu tbthoiid,
fctd lhttleaa monluir. unlit tor ba'ueiii or nlea
tiui-c, aud subject to tit a of melanchulpl Are
ittlt'H uiirbti. nitrntmaio. p.ilmtailiu of the
bunt, bafcbiulncti', contusion ot Idea, dizzme-s
In tho head dtmno8 of mgrit, Act ThouoaucU
of joun men, the mliltlu-acd, and even thn
old suirer nmroua di bUitv. rhouaud3of
itmiaitM, too, aio iirowcu down lu health una
BniiltB (rom dlftordent oi-cullar to tholr sex. and
Mbo, Uom talao cioJotv or neglect, proloim
their fciiirrini'it. Why theL furtbor in gleet n
buuji etui bucu viiui luiiforiance wucu iuo rem;
coy can be bo cady proeurea I
for self abdication to any tvatt of tho bodr.
meet eviry requirement. Tho moat imlnctit
nhrtiiciaiib luduie thein. and we oITit tbn uiot
couTiiiclntf testimony duett from tho utiliaui
luotuueivofl, who uavo uceu i oatoroa tu
alter drticirinit In vain for roam.
h&u t at oiuw lor docriptio clrcu'ar, which
viii up in u iieu ni, uiuiamioir uiiormaiiou
ivorlh thoutkiLd of uollaia to the ulHicted of
ClWltT M'X.
call ou or addrea (all co mm union tlons coatt
Holo AsnU for tho UulU-d siattw,2U H road
way, Now' VortCltv.
1. O. buiillt.
April I7-m
Novr Advertisements.
H6al Estate of J.B.Seidel
Tliri e wll 1 bo (olil at nuhlle nale. on I lin m n.
iniMH in Towamcnsnifi Tontishlp, Carbon Co.,
I'a.. on
ot 1 o'clcck p. tn tho following real re In to. alt.
uato In 'lowahieusntir Township to witt All
that cextum tractor pleco of land bonnncdand
(tcr-cnbed at follow si Betfimiiiitf nt a client nut
comer, thenco by laud ot Joseph Koch and
JoMnh Harpol north 4b decreed, went S2t
pciches to n utonoi thenco down in the l'oeo
Toco, or Hit Cteek. 172 perches ua ideno cor
ner ( thenco eouih 2 deKrcoa, west bo v rchca, to
a Ptouo; thonco aouth 4.) decreet, ost -U
perches, to a siouc; thenco by land ot William
f-choflcrpouthai dCiireoH, coat 77 perchea, to a
at on; thence hy land now or late ot Daulcl
btttnlcr bouiIi 72 dum-ccs west 60 perchen, to a
atone and alakm thenco bv tho uamo aoutli &lt
decrees, wpatS'J.peichos lo n, pof 1 1 thenro by
laud of Jacob Smith south lfi devices nift 60
perches toastonoi thenco by tho sumo north Ut
degrfts, cast 118 peichcs ton stonot thenco by
the same south m rteKroes. east 33 perches to a
nosti. thpnrn tir lnml nf Jnlm It. WpIm uortti
13)4 doyroe, east 69 percl oi, to a Ptono j thento
ny mnu oi wimnm .ennuer roriu a ocKruca,
west 2 pdrches to astouoi thenco bv tho wamo
north 7i dotireo?; east 47 2-iu pcrchod to tho
place ot begin iiluKt coiitnliunff
stHct meastlrb, npon which is eteclo'l
21 by 50 feet, with a kitchen 10 by 21 nt-
lucnou. a oaru oy tie ice t. ana oincr
outbuilding. About ion acres of liiolaadaro
undera fooil dtate nf cultivation, ,
Terni8 anil comlltiotm will bo raado known at
lUo time and place ot Vale br
nfirll 50, 'T8.-W4 Aasisneo ol I. U. Sclitcl.
Statement of Receipts ami fcspcii'lltttreB ot Hie
BoroiiKh ot clepott lor tho Vcnr cnilluu
April let; 178.
11 IL
To Cah in Trensnrr nt lnet Itfenort 04
To 1'iihHc Squoro collection tor masi..'.' 8
To Amnunt of Dup icato in the lianil ot
uouccior cuil ireniurer, lo
Exonerations and Couimlcrleu 490 6t
7ia i!)
V: Seellcnbiinm. 1 unys' hauling... $
Samuel Welsh, fi davb lohur
1 51
0 Ol
" J. KolB, fl " "
' r. J. Kaat, 4 "
" t-iuion i;verclt,3 V " ..'
" KUfttthoicniew 3 " "
" J. C. Conner. 3 "
" llonry Iropp, 0i" "
" II. Tropp, woikou pavempnts, eto...
" Wm. llollinRcr, work at brliluo
" II. ir. Kvcutt,
" Lewis trohi.hclBcr.21. dnvs' hfluhni;
s no
4 00
2 OH
n oo
a co
0 M
4 12
1 00
1 IK)
7 on
5 :5
" II. Tropp, worn on sticctd
Ol!. LbCK-UP.
Ry A. Oraver, paM for two locks t
1 3.1
1 50
S 10
0 so
" ji. iropp. icpaim
" A. Hutu trol'cel. attending to tr.irapa
17 week, at 3a cents
" rhnou Claiifs, ono stove
' w. II. Kutclit. coal
2 5',
3 h7
LewlB FrebuLciser, Coai...' 2 23
A. w. .Maisii, coal
Bv William Kolllnger. wMfcwastiln; , ,
icnce. lu
By 11. Tropp, s ilnyb' worn at. trees 7 50
paiu .m. r aust i V9
' pi.ul II, II. Ilverett 1 73
" H. Tt. Kvcrett, 6 11 days' work at trees
10H9&I.75 0 50
By M. .Faunt, 5s dayb' wprk at troos Icb4
Tfi.tH oou
CIt. LMBErt.
By A. tfraTor, Br., lumhc'r anilspfkcs....' $ 5 51
' f . x unin, u per I'm i. ia
' W. 1. JH1U& Lumber Co., at per bill Ui
' A. Graver, as per Pill , 8 20
By auditing accounts for 1870 ,
11. v. 3ioiuiiiucr, lor pnuuub biuiu
it on
4 32
10 00
6 00"
5 00
0 C7
e oo
28 Od'
13 00
By A. Oravoi,Jr., lor tax wairaut. ......
.. A flrnmr nnlrt Allpn f'tnlcrfpn..
" A. Oraver, Br., paid T. UecK foi tran
script Bv A. driver, sr., paid A. CralR for win
A Oravt r, ar., time and cipeneeB for
8 years ,
Ilv II. Uojcf, cost ol suit of J. stratio
berRer Bv D. Kfhcfli, collector, pnld ill treas
ury, afterward exonerated
Br A. Oraver, paid old claim dt M. Al,
DlRiinlck..v t
Bv pa'd to Oveiseers of 1'oor.
ualauco in treasury and In collector!
duplicate uiicolUcted, abject to cxiui.
eiitlons ondenimisBions lor the year
1S77 ..." V
4oj od'
S722 31
To en Bit in treasury at last .
year s rcfui. tj- wo
Tonmountll. trcamrvaml ue.
collected oudupllcatefor tho
jevHii i..u
il.OC) C5
By nmount cl orders paid n.
Antlimiy on Judgment uf
bouuty claim - JI.CC0 00
Bv balance m treasury and
unco.iccicu obi 1.1
Tota'.ar,ceduenn)udnicnt at
lafct report JO.ttw fa
To lutoroit tu imte, Apill l,'7S. 3.54 HI
ll.dCS (5
t7,M3 d2
Wnv 7. 1877, paid K. Anthonr.
treasurer, on jucgmeot 9 3-0 00
Ictcirsttoihtti' 1140
Fcbrnarv 2. I87, paid 11. An
tliony. treasurer, on judem't 60O CO
Interest to dato t 00
March 23. 167', paid It. An
thony ou ludxtncut 200 CO
April 1. 1S"8, balance duaonjuilirment. (0,ou5 11
By balanco an abovo stated b88 C5
Liabilities In eicees of lesouiccs 13,110 07
We, the undeialaned. Auditors of WeisD0rt
BoroiiKh, haverxaiiiinui theacrounts of W. II.
KiiecUt. bccietary. and vMIUaia llollincer,
Treasurer, ami tied them cerivct, as above
F. J. KAbT, )
A. WUITlINOltAM, Auditors,
To bslonco In treasury at last report.... S 0 47
To kinouut ot duuhcatolor iho year 1877 111 01
To amount loiiuwul trum borouxh lor
poor fuutl IS CO
Tu flue collected 2 00
Tl37 43
By lionso rent for MIbs llarp....; t 8 00
- store account ot 0. Kruu 30 00
" lleurv BoverrJ. 1.. services. 3 00
" 1'. J. ICnst, a ldltlllB lor 1S7 and 18i7. i 0
- A. Whltlinpham, amntluK for 1877... 2 Co
j.O Ulciy, auditmu lor l77 2 10
" l J. KUtlcr. miUii. tor Kresite 10 (1
" J. Itui'to, coal for Kreego 2 ou
h. Vovt, mdJe. for lUrpand IVicsKO. Iioo
" 11. Voct, lor bervlces 0 60
" KzraWoyer for services 1153
" house rent tor Mbni: Haip 14 00
" rtmovlngKresvotoWhitoilavcu... 13 00
balance m hands ol ttiwsuier 5 41
t!37 48
To nmonut borrowed from hoi-ouch 1 15 00
To bill services In Isvorof Dennis
Bauuiau and F. Yuudt 13 CO
f23 o
By balance lu treasury 3 4
118 7!
We. tho unOerslime.1 Auditors, have exam,
luwl ttio aceouuts cf L'ira Meyer aud II. Voice,
Ovvrs.rsof the l'oor. aud Daniel fccbuch. col
lector, tor tbe year euitliie Aprtl I, tT8, and nnd
tho same as Mbuve suit d,
r. J. KAWT,
April SO, H7i.-3t
SPRING My goods,
This? Original cheap cash store
Tho undersigned iinnounces to the l;die& of Loliiglitori
and vicinity that ho is now receiving and openinc a hired
assortment of SPUING GOODS, comprising
silch as Matalasses, Delaines, Cob'urgs, Alpacas, &c. Also
a liirgo stock of
which ho is offering
In order to reduco stock, ho is offering tho ba"anco of;
liis Winter Stock of Dr.nss and Duy Goods at a GREAT
SACRIFICE on Foiiiieu Prices;
Groceries and Provisions a Specialty,-
at prices to suit tho times.
Clover, Timothy, Hungarian, and all kinds of Field and?
Garden Seeds, VERY CHEAP.
Opposite tho L. & S. Depot, J3ANK Streofc,
May 0, 1870-yt LEIIIOIITON, TENN'A.
Dress Suits,
. .i.i. n. h
vui.iiu v"ii.u SUgiT?
Mntlo up from the l8t Mntcrfal, Iri tlio tntost Styles, and Perfect Fits Guar'."
antectl, at LOWE3T IMtlCES FOIt OASII
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Hats, Caps, and Gouts' Furnishing''
rjVL'ull'and einmmo'6'ocKls alid prices beforo mnklnir ronr pnrchaars clicwhero.
, . T. D. CLAUSS, Morclmnt Tailor,
2ml door abovo tho Tuhllo Square, UANIv jfTUEET, LehlRhtori ,
-jqxEcuTnix's sale
Of ValuaMo ileal Estate.
The nnderslirncd, Executrix oftlio Kaiatoe
ADAM 11UCKAIAN, late of the HOHOUdll nf
M;IU011 ION, Carbon County, l'a.,di-Cd, -Kill
otfer at l'ubllo bale, on the creiniaoa, on
SATURDAY, May 4, 1818,
commencing At TWO (Tclocfe 1'. M., all that ccr
taiu LOT or
sltimtoil on tho North East Corner ot LEIIIO II
street aud CAMION Alley, In thu HoruuKtioI
Lchtghlon.Caibou Coauty ulorecald-upou which
thero la erected ono
2-story Frame Dwelling Honso
about M oy t9 feet with Out Kitchen; Frame
llaiu and nihtr Uulbulldlnixj IA Well of Water
lu the Van).
'Ihontio70 Froporty will bo roldln wholo or
ttrnart to tua purchaacn.
Teiina and Coudltiona will be made known at
the tim ami place ef aalo. by
Accnt for MAIIY1, 11UOKM.VN, txecutrlr.
Lchtghton, April 31, l78-3w.
The Bcliool Directors of Carbon Conntyaro
hereby notllled that tho TlltENNlAX. CON
VUNTION will meet lu tho COUHT llOUSK,
at MAUC1I CHUNK, on tho KlItST TUKB.
IUV t7th) OV MAY, at ONil o'cloclc 1'. si., tu
lT,cct u peraou to acrvo aa Connly bupcrintcnd
cut for La tuauinu;Tbif e Yearn.
It. i'. ItOt'i'OItD, Co. 8upt.
April X, 1ST8-W3
All persons aYo hereby forbid flBliinu and
hunting on the lauda or lu tho atrcama ruunlnit
tliroufih our property, audcr penalty et thu law,
utter thla date.
cah'Eii Xki:iu Joux Otto.
John ItAluio-f, Wk.nqll i-ciiinke,
11IU CHEEK, April V, 1870-3W
or Sale.
Afewa'jaies ot the Pllat National nank of
I.ililhluu utix'-k. Auply ut the etsoe of Iho
CAttBON AUVOCAfi; Jan. Ill, ISW-tl.
apnl 0, 1
Business Suits
Boys' Suits.
O -
By Tirtno ol fin nrJer of tho Conn of Com.
ronn I'.caa ot Carbon County thero-wlll lie ex..
pofcod at nubile hale, on tbe premises lu ?danun
Ui Townsulp, carbon Coanty. on
at 10 o'clock a m., all those, four tracts or plocrB
of Und aituatein Mtbonls'Townahiu, lounty
aforesaid, And described as follows i
Tho one is bounded by landa of Nsthan He.
cnaley.Jonaa A. Horn, I'aul Kilter. J. cunfer,
Mnsea Itei. and others, containing NINKTY.
I'll KBE AC KE8 and thirty -six perches,
TMo other Is baundnl by landa of J, Ctinfrr;
James Klines. Wm. Werner, I-a rayctie Lenls,'
Oliver Mnselman. and others, containing:',
HEVENTY-auviiN ACBKa and thlrty-lwo'
The third ft bounded by landa of J. CJinf er,
J. A. Horn, Jothun lloupt, 1 Wemuower, anil,
others. containlnR FIFTY AC11EB and one
hnn'lred and forty f erches.
Tho ln't is bounded by lands of Thorns
Hern. Thomas lleou, John lialllet, Israel
Yonso. Michael Moaser, and others, renlalaiRg;
ACHCSaud olo hundtod and twelTO perches,
of which about Ono Hundred Actes ate cleared
und under a good state uf cultivation.
Tho Improvements on tlilt tract aro a
Kx:i foet. wltti kttclien attached Utti feet. A
BWISS UAUN 40X00 fei t, and other outbuild,
Terms and conditions will bo mado known on
tho day and place ot gate br
Aulimeoot William Horn.
Albright & Freyraau, Attorneys.
April 20, 1H8-W1
npripFou uau rnoDUOiion and
XlUUQ l'UOFIT no fowls can equal
vnn WU,TK or into wn i.EOiionNa.
! uit kkbs from above-named "thorough.
TT A TPTTTTvTft urcl" ow ' EA
tsr white ton rrttcE list, ju
A. 8. MII.LElt,
mar SO-Sm l'attenburg, N. 1,
TO LET, n oomfurtabla Dwclline
Houas, and lot ef i ound In the borough
nf Farrvvllle. llent luudpmtA. Anniv
to L. F KLEt'HNUIUt.AglM.LcblgutoU.l'a.
Jan. If, It.