' INDEPENDENT-" Live ana Let Live." II. V. Mouthimek, Pvopriobor. 51.00 a Ycav if: Paid in Advance. LEIIIGIITON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1878. Single Copies, 3 cts. VOL. VI., No. 21. Railroad Guide. J(J-OIlTII l'ENNA.UAlLUOAD. Pasiongcrsforrwiadelphia will Icavo Lehigh, tou asfollorta: . ,., 3:47a. m., via. V. arrlvo at Phlla. at 0:45 a in. 7i a. in. via L. V. " 11: 'S ll!07p. m. vlaL. V. " ". ?'''" 2:i1 v.m. via T.. ,fc S. " " ! M 6:29 p.m. vuL.V. " l:50p.m. .ti'tnmiiiK.loaTcilepat at Perks and Ameri can St.. Phlla., nt8:15 nnd i45 a. m.i ::15, p. iu. Jau. 1. 1877. ELLI- ULAItK. Agent. pltlbA. H ltEAIHXB UAll.ItOAD. Arrangoment of Passenger Trains. Kovnunsu. stu. is-7. Trains leave ALI.ENTO VVN ai followst- (TIA MIIKIOSIEX 1IBAMNI.) For Philadelphia, at C.5J, li.Oi. n.iu..J.n and o 55 p. Ul. Tor Philadelphia at 3.51 1. m. (VIAKASi rRS.VA. 1IUAXCU.) For Ro idlng, t 2.JJ. 5.5U, .( a m 12. W. 210, 4.30 and it 0-'. p.m. For Harrlsoarg. 2.3) 8 50, 3.05 a. in.. 12.15, 4.30 Tor Lancaitor ami Oolumbli, 5 50, 9.03 a.ni. and 4 30 p. m Does not run on Monday. SUNDAYS. For lieadln-t, 2 30 a-in. nud 03 p m. Vnl.tl.i,l,l.ii,i, "!lin nt nn 1 II OTi n. m. Trains FOR ALLE VTOW N leave as follows: IVIl l-RllttimiRS' I!1AXCI1.I JLoavo rnlladelDbla. 7.3 1 u. m.. 1.0J, 1.30 anS 8.15 p. in. SUNDAYS. LoavoPhlHdelnni'i, R.'Ni.in. fvi a if art iMivv i nnAKfll.1 Lcavo Reading. 7.41, ;.45,lJ.3Ju m., 4.00,0.10 and 10.30 o III ,..,., Leave Hanlsbnrg, 5 00, 7 31 a. m., and 1.1), 3.30 p. m. Leave Lancaster, 7.33 n. m., and 3.25 p. in. Lsavo Columbia, 7.2.1 a. m . and 3.15 p. m, SUNDAYS, f.oavo Rending. 7.20 u.in. T.eava l-irritirtrtr. 5-2ln.Tn. Trains ran fco 1 thus t) run to and from depot Sth and Oreen street. Philadelphia, otlier trains lo a io irom nrnim sireei uepu. Tno CM) s. in nnd 1.55 u. m. trains from Allen torn, mid tho7.30 a. m. and 8.15 p.m. trains from Plulirtelptita, tnvo through carato and iroui rnuaacipuia. J, K. WOOTIKN. (leHtral Manager. C O HANCOCK, Ben'l Ticket Agent. "PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. GREAT TRUNK LINE AND United States Mail lloute. The nttcntion of th irariltnt? imblio tsroa lioctfutlv Invited tosomoof tlio mrrltnot tin- sroat Itfulnvav. in the coniiilfrit (insertion and oclictllnt no other line run oflcreq.inl inducts menu as a ton to of throjuli tr.tvel. In Construction & Equipment Pennsylvania Railroad plaml confo tseillj- nt tho hond of American rail vays Tlio true': N doutrlo tho cutlio lnigili of 'lit 1. no, otbto l rnJU laid on liovy o.ik lies, 'which arr embed linllna foundation nf rock li il uH eiiMteeii ii ebon imlentli. AW brttii nio tit Iron ov stone, anil bul t uio t ihe nin"tni pinvei plniu. Its pfls-ener inra, wlulo emm- n Uv n.ii nud wntMinnti.il, it"!.' ut the saino tlmo mod s ot comfort urnl ulepauce. The Safety Appliances n mi nn this !lio well tl.atrnto the far.seeinaf iid iitural nohev f it1 inana cement, in nccoia nnce with wlneli tin i.tllltr only of an nnp:opi'. nent nii-i not it- o Ht hashecn the question or co.m iU inti'in. Amony many may to notlcctl the HIdck Sy.stt;m (' SalVty Signals-, Junucy Coupler, Buiror & Platform, Till; WIIAKl'ON P SWITCH, A SI) TI!K Westinghouso Air-Brake, ro'inlnpr In ronlnnctlau with a nerfect ilonblo iratK i nod bed a combination of rnfeuartts n i:alnt necl.lcntH which imvo icmicruit ihctu jirartiCally 'ii.iiasslhlo Pullman Palace Cars Are run on nli ICxprra, Tialna thom nbw -vom:, imiilada.. balti- SIOU13 aud WAtalllNOrO.V, ToCHIi AUO, CINCINNATI. LOUISVILLB INDIANATOUS and bT. LOUIS, WITHOUT CHANGE, mid to till nrinofpal ltolntn in the fir UVstard fioiiiti witli oitoaoc is n roof earn. Connection arymunc In Union Deiots, uutl ure nsduredto U lmio(U)iit point. THE SCENERY Of the Pennsylvania Ronto is ottnittied to bo unsurpassed in tltovrnrld for Krnttea. liennty mid variety feuperlur Tto iieslimeut Inuilliies are pioililed. JJuipluyeoa ut comti'ousniKl attentive, and It 1. 1111 luevli. nolo result that u trip by tlio rennsylvama Atailroail must lorm a rie.is.lns and Memorable Experience. Tickets for ealont tbo lnwnst rates at tlio Ticket Olfleed nl tbo Company lu all impottaut cities ati'l towu. FltA.Mi THOMI'SON, I 1'. PAIIMBK. (leu. Mauaer. Cleu. Taas. AifenL J K. allOEMAKUU, l'.is.Aiest Middle Dist. 12 Norm Tumi Bt., iiarrlaburi;, l'a. TDtinio Homo Mado llrcail ! WUV OO IlUNOnvi WhenyoaeaallaySH pounds ol IlleHJlaso lircad FOUU LOAVES FOR 25 CENTS I J V O'NKAf., tlio popular llread nnd Cake liaker, of Leinabtoii in order to meet the uanu ut the times, has Itoiiiu ed no i'rioj ot his cole. Iiratod llouio Mado IlltlADto Four Loaves for Tiventy-iivo Cts. Cash. Suitar, Ualsln. Oncoanut Scotch, Drop, Cream aud other UAIUis, only Ten Cents per Dozen. iLook Out Tor tlio Wagon! At MAUCH CHUNK, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Mommas. 1EII I o I ro N aud v 1. 1 Soi'O UT, every A Iter- iioou except Friday. TERMS STRICTLY CASH I ratronano solicited. J. w. O'NUAI,. hl'OUB- Opposite First National iiauit, aprilbrl llaut fti-iel. LchlglUnn.ra. Gold.; (Ireit chance to make mon. ey. If youcan'tfrctvoldyou i;.iii got, irreenuacKs. we I need u person In everv town iu vii&e suohcnpiiousior I ne larceat, cheapest aud be.t Iliustiatcd family Vnbllcation In the word. Anr ouo can boeomo a aueceastul ugeut The most elevdui works ul art mveu tree to subscribers. The price Is so low that almost everybody subscribe.. One azent leiuits makluir over IIS1! In a week. A lady seeut renorts taking oier4')0 subscribers In ten usys. All who engage tnato money fast. You cau devote all your i lino to the bu.mess. nr ouly voul spare time You neod not be away Irom boine over in?lit. You can do It as well as others. Full partiunlirs. directions nud terms Irea Klcgiiu and expensive Outfit (res K vou want profitable work send us your address at onco. It coin notnlui; to try tbo business. No one who eneaies tails to inske groat pay. Addrojs "The I'eopie's Journal." I'oitland, Ann, 18 J7i-lr CARDS, CTurultiii-n "Warfiltnltae. V. Schwartz, Hank street, dralerin all kindl o Furniture, Cojtintmaiteto order. Itnot mill Shoe .linkers. Clinton Ilretnoy, in L'mn'e budding. Hank street. A Harden promptly tilled v k warranted. Attorneys. J-. I. LOXGSTRKKT, ATTOUNKY AT LAW, Noxt dooi to the " Carbon nou30.' HANK STHEET, I.EHlanTON, TA. December IC-Cm. Ty JI. ItAPSIlKIt, ATTOUNKY AND COCNSEtLOIl AT LAW, UNK8lRBET,l.EH1011TOX,rA. Real Estateand Collection Airency. Will Bavsnd Sell lUsl Mutate. Convoyanilns neatly done Col lections promptly made. ettlllifr Estates of Da. csdsntr. h specialty. May bo consulted In English nd Herman. N'cv. 22. JAS.n. STUUTIIERS, ATTOltS SY AT LAW, B3 Orrice ! 21 floir of Khoad's Hall, Mnuclt Clmiik, Pa. Alt business eutrunted to him will be promptly attended to. May 27, ly. p J. MKKIIAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I.'extDoorto First Katlonal Bok, nncit CHUNK, PA, 3Ran 1m consulted In Prerman. IJanB. Justices and Insurance. jqr A. BKLTZ, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Obert's Building, 1IANK-St.. I.mioltTON. Convevanclne, Collectlnir and all other busl. nes connected with tbooflieoproinptlv attend, ed to Agent for tho best l'lie rod Life Insiir. mice Comiunioa i Jleuts collected at rensoniiblo charces. &e. Aprhivyl IJIII031AS S. HF.CIi, JUSTICK OF Till! TEACC, BANK Street, LKIIIOHTON, Pa. Conveyanelnir, Oollcctlng and all bualne.s con nected with the otlicB promptl nttendeil to, itiT"Acent for tlrst-rlaBa lusurancB Companies, md Kicks of all Muds taken ou the most l!lcrul terms Jan. 9. 1875. rrturosi.vs kgjierkr, X CONVEYANCER, AND GKfTERAL INSURAIJCE AGENT The followlna Companies are Itepresentedl lhua: )N MU I'UAL l'lltU, ItUAIHNO MUTUAL FI1IE, WYOMING I'll IK, ror rsviLLK riitE, LKIIKIII FIUH. nnd thoTRAV EI.EU-. Al'CIUEN r INSURANCE, Alan PeniHilvaniT and Mulnal ilorao Thlel Detective ami Imurauio foinpanv. J.lnicn20.1373. THOS. KEMKKEIt. Physicians and Dentists, AS. T. HORN, M. U., OFFICE: OVElt II A. l'ETEIfS DRUG STORE, BANK ST.. 1,1'JIIOUION, I'A. tlviicrnl practlco cttomtcd to, and SPJiUIAt. ATTENTION GIVEN TO DISEASES OF WOMEN. maris. IS"8.yl w, A. DUlUIAMISIl, BI.l)., PHYSICIAN AND SUIIQEON Special attention paid to Chronic Diseases. Office: South East corner Iron ami 2nd sts.. Lo- hlshton. Pa. April :l. 1875. B11 N. II. llKIllill, PHACTIClNO PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON, Otllee, Hank titreft, next dooraliove the Postolllce, Lehli;btou, Pa. Ofllce Hours Psrryvllleeacli day rom ltlfo 12o'clock; lemalcder of day atotileelo bemguton aan'a.'H, yy g. ?i sijiim.i;, PHYSICIAN AND SUllOEON. Next lo E. II. Snyder's store, IUNK ST., I.EIIir.ltTON, PENN'A N. It. Special attention mvea to tho Cure of Salt Uheuiu. itc. Jan. 13-y J FIlAMCLiIN' LUSH, PHYSICIAN AND SUllOEON, Late lietident Vhytician of tin itburp Hospital). Officci Next door to the Union Church, WEISsPOUT, TA. T Special attention plven to the Wscases ot Women, Consulttitlou in English and Oermau. Aug. 18, t877-m jQU. KUWAim IIUOIVN, BUItQEON DENTIST, Ot the Pennsylvania Dental College. Philadel phia, has opened an ofllcoln LEIIIOIITON, on 11UOAI) STREET, uext door to Suydcrt .tore. Alt work warrautod satisfactory. LAUOIIINCI UAH used for tlio painless ex traction of Teeth. Ans. II, 1877-yl STORE t NEW. GOODS 1 LOW PRICES ! Tho under Binned has removed into thn Vpv Btore-rooui ou WJI1TU stieet, VcUuort, lu.- (oiipoftite the liunicra Hotel), and U opeutiiff u full -lock ol Choice Groceries, Provisions, Candies, Confections, &c, whlcliheUsolhniratVEnY IXJWEST CASH I'UICKS. l'atronaaerespectlullytollcltedaud atlsfactlon suaninleed. Jacob Straussberger, Jtif arch Jo ro3 WJtn-E St, Welssport. issyssym 1 not easilr earned lu these times, Jl7 i 4 but it can be mode in three months tu a hvanyoueoti'llhersex.tnanyiiart of the country, bo Is avlUiliK to wort steadily nt the employment ttiat we lurn lib. fed a week In vour own town. You uceit niit be attuylrom home over nlitht. You can inve your wliole lime to the work, or oulv vour spare moments. It costs iioUilns; to trv the business. Terms nud It outfit free. Address, at once. II. HALLKIT CO., 'col"3 !' Portland. Maluo. Drugs and Medicines. Wonderful, but True A. J. DUELING, rnopRiKTon or thh rEOPiiU's Drug aud Family Medicine STOItE, raakos tho followlni? ANNOUNCKStKNT. OwlnKtothe pcnernl ileproslcn in business, their i eat rediietimi nf waercalar labor. Ac. I deen. It m duty nt tUs llmo to giro tho people 01 i.cmsmonniiu vicimiy tub juiuvs miakh MV t itOFiT-I Jtcnd and K'tnemtTr tho follow- Iiir PncoH of n tow oi tho many articles sold at my jJiugKioict PAT1.T MCDiniNns-iU 1 Preparntlona ooeenis sncn an vinoa-nr iniieri. iiowiriicr's, Drako's FlimtMlon. Ml-hleirt Herb. Gcriuun Uittcrsimd nil others formerly ?i, now 83 ct. o'vc. iireparauons 4uc. nno ZoG. rrepftrationszoc, COI.I). COUUI! nndlUNa RKMKDIES Janics JOxoec orant. Hall's and Alien's Ilnl sani. Aveis' Cherry Pectoral, MJIk Onro. Cod Liver Oil, Cod Liver oil and Llmo and others lormcnr 11 now a.i ccuis. IIAlIt PitKPAUAriONS-irall Hafr Re. newer. Montunmcry's. Ayers' Hn'r Vnrnr, anil Mis Alien's, formeily tt now 85 cts. All wc liteparntiousot nnovii characiernow 40c, LIMMKNTH Laubach's. Low's Mocnetic. Doiinellv's Flertnc Samson oil, lt-tiway'ii i.eiiei, .Mntnc un, uarfriiui' un. wimuro J,ini. wcui, oiiu uu oiuers lorm cny auc. now 4uc, Horse, Cattle nnd t'lil Ken Powders formerly .oi-. iiuw .in;.- iitirunz c cciuuimeu IvUuuiIf ou rowuers impiovtu ac. perpouuo. K(calu')iramburK Drops. 4ic per hottlo- Brenfit lvii, -ic. a nockuce; i-jiisoi an iuugs loimeriy ou nuvt .uu. ii vi uuii rLAHTliUS l'onms. Arnica, Poor Maus and an own r ioimcriy .ac. now iuc WOHM JtlCMEDIE.S-Woim Svrur". Vcrml. fucei, Woim Loreuarcs nnd Coufcctlous lorm eny ',c. now xuc. Roott. llurks. Herbs. Medtr.jit Ten. An.. An formerly from iw. to 16c. pur on. uuw 2c. to be. our uz. Castor Oil. Ilnln ini do Malta, Ksscnco of Pep pei mint, Iiseocoof Lemon. Ooldf-n Tincture, ParcKOiic.nnd Glrceilno formerly 10c. to lac. nun cu lu iuu. pur uuitiu Eterj ililng Down ! Djavii ! Down ! ! Caustic Bodi, fnrMakinjr Socp, from 9 cents to 10 wilts per pound. Castoi Oil, Btilctly pure, 6Cc. por quart, br tho gallon less, LOOK AGAIN. WALL PArEIt, Gold Gilt Faier itK'.i uiaiz"il I'npeis funnel lr 'JSc. to 33c. now iw. v into iiianKs nnu thus formerly inc. to 'JSo. now I'.'o. to 15o., nnd lliown Hacks form erly inc. to 12c. now 7a. to no. Physicians I'i escrintlons nnd Tamily ltcclpcs ennnrfinivieu ni urent.y ltcduccd Itite. Uoor Gl-UU lUllUlllililU D llnvlnt! hail on i xperlencoof nliuoat Twenty Ycaisin the Diuc Jtii-inesa more than Ten of which h iM! been In l.ebiehtmi, I will in thofu tuio. ns I have hi the past Guutnnteo to all tho i iwi.iiiiua iiiuNi iirucs, niiiiicino-, vc, to be found in the American Mnikets. I uuy ruim.nui jiecir iiov3 $2500 A Year! Active, Energetic Agents Wanted, ON oun Q ombinatio p rospectu j 150 Distinct Publications AND 100 Styles of Dibits and Testament, UopiOFontlnir Acrleiiltiire. ntnr,riiTihlil llta (oucil, llellirlous nud -Vl-ccllnneous Works of uui.itnli iiueresi. A NOVEL FEATU RE IN CANVASSING II Sales made from this nro-ncttus when nil i.in g'o Hooka fill. It coiit'ilus Gomotliluj: to suit vl i,l,u ""'ey. o uiu aiso ouennc special ludncirouots ou our Premium Family Pibles, ENGLT-II nnd GERMAN, PROTESTANT unit CATHOLIC. Awnulod hutierlonty uver mi oi neis, inr uieir nivuioiHilc Alii, nnd Miioeib Ilindinus, nt tbo OUAND CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION, 1870. Also. General and Local Aaeuts Wanted on our GREAT WAR BOOK, thoiuott Cnmp.,e!icnlvo,P.ellaoleand Accunto History ut tliHdunt contest txtweeii the RUS SIAN and TIIK Tl llK. WltllitHSO.elraant i.nfr ivinp.i. Mans nud Plans thn most sliiiwy. i!elrKllo and usclul Book now published. Fatticular free. Address 1'OTTKIl Si CO., Publishers, PHILADELPHIA JOI1.V, Sept. 1,1877. PIMPLES. I will mall (l'rrc) tho icclpe for a simple VioLTAiiLK IHUt tint will remove 'i AN. UiECKLiX PlPLESano HLOTcmAlcailiiK the skin entt. clear mm beautiful! aUi instinct tiiinsforprefluciiiKu luxuriant gruivth of hair oun twin head or .month fjee, Address. In closing act. stamp, Bin. Vaudelt Co., 2uauu St., N. x. To Consumptives. The nJvcrtisor. ia-na been permanently cured ot lb it dicad disease. Consumption, by u simple remedy, Is anxious to muk known to bis fe low-suirerers tho means of cure. '1 o all whodesue it he will send aeopveftoe pietcnp tlon used, (free of charee). with the directions for piepuriiiB' anil mint' the snmo. wlu. ii they will Mud a sure cunii tor Uo.NeuMrctox.AB'imu. BitONCiiiilH, 4c. l'artlcs wlshlntr tho piesirlik tlou. will please address, E. A. WILSON. 1V4 Pcnn bt , WillUrasburRhN. Y ISillS'ilEtTITIiinil!: CASI3. Instruction and Aniusemeut combinwi. Imi.oitant to parents and toacheis. :u iiittei ent arilstio aeslsua. Tbe entire pack sent fice tor a cts. currency or stamps. VauDelf ds Co , 2n Ann St., N Y ChtC"7 OA AQENTa TS profits per week. ovo it or foifelt 500. t-TOW S'JT 0 t0 o11- AddresJ w. II. CHI fjl ERRORS OP YOUTH. A G ENTLEltAN who sullered lor years from .k "T01"; I)e bl'I'v.Pcrmaiure Decay, and all tho effects of youthful IndUcretlrli. wllifortho , aiS "Vir,r,,K liuinnnlty. send tree to all who need it. tho loclpo anddlrectioiiBfonuakliiB tl e simple remedy by which lie was curwi. suflor era wishing to pioflt by the advertisers expert, cncocauito .soV nddre-sing in perfect contl. deuce. JOHN II. oauEN.IiCeuarBt. N. Y. TICriitr)lTr 33 newest and most popular JUmP VJl. song,, wltn writing, ot in jtiuctlon and amusement: also, a list of ill the i!.''t.U5- ?ncn '" wner8 fouaht. during the ,"Ar,i?.r ?,ce"1 """'l'- Address, DESMOND & CORDIS Kaco ei Philadelphia. JJifS ly ,, ,, , of all books " Plsln Home Talk and Medical Common sense" nearly I coj pace,, von lllustrstlous, by Dr. E. B looiE, of ljo Lexington Avo.. N. V. Purchas ers ot this book are at llbertv to consult Its aotnorlu nerson ir by mail fkee. Puce, by mall, $3.23 for the ktamiauii edition, or il 50 lor the l'oruLAli eilltliin, which contains all tho samonuilternnd lllusrnitions, Uontents tables trie. AOEN1M WANTED. JlURRAY HILL rVllLISIIINO CO.. Bept.w-nss iaali,2.thijt.,N.Y. WILLI.V5I 31. TWEED Died nt noon Friday, tlio 12th instant, ageil 55 years, in the Ludlow- Street Jail, New York city, from a comjilieat ion of diseases of tlio lieart nnd kidneys, aggravated by pneu monia, tho result of n. cold contracted nlout n week ngo, Tweed was horn in tlio city of New York April 3, 1S23. IDs father was a chair-maker on n small Boalc, nnd the son, after receiving a very moderato common school education, was put to work in his father's shop. Ho was a poor workman, and soon left tho shop nnd became a clerk in a saddlery nnd hardwnro establishment. After several years, nnd many changes of wilioti, he and his brother, Richard Twccil, jr., went into partnership and car ried on tho chair-making business Jsueoess fully. 3o soon began to be nctivo in poli tics, and joined the Americus Kngino Com pany No. 0, in tlio old New York Volunteer Firo Department, It was thus ho obtained his well-known soubriquet of " Rig Six." In 1851 ho was elected Alderman from tho Seventh Ward, serving for two terms. IIo was elected to tho Thirty-third Congress, and served one term, from 1853 to 1855. In 185" he was a member of tho New York Slnto Board of Education, and in 1858 a Supervisor of New York county. In 1801 ho ran for Sheriff, but ho was defeated. In 1803 ho was appointed by Street Commis sioner Cornell Deputy Commissioner. In I SO i he was elected Stato Senator, claiming a majority of 10,000 voles in his district. Ho had early joined the Tammany Society, and, when John T. Jloflmnn becamo Gov ernor of New York, Tweed succeeded him as Sachem of Tammany, a position which gavo him enormous political influence, and power. In July, 1871, tho New York Timet commenced tho cxposuro of tho cor ruption and dishonesty existing in tho New York municipal government, by means of which millions of dollars had been fctnlen from tho city, nnd on October 27, 1871, Tweed was first arrested and compelled to find ifl,000,000 bail lo answer n civil suit for the recovery of tho stolen public funds. On December 15 of the same year ho was ;ain arrested on a criminal charge of felony, and it was not until January 0,1 872, that ho succeeded in giving tho additional bail in $1,000,000 required. After many lays nnd much legal mnnoiiivcriiig, Tweed was, on November 19, 1873, convict ed on 201 counts of the indictment against him, nnd on tho 22d Judge Nuah Davis, jr., sentenced him to 13 years in tlio jicniten tiary aud to pay a lino of over twelve thou sand dollars. After lighting through all tho courts up to tho Court of Apjieals, the highest tribunal of tlio State, n decision was tendered in that court in March, 1875, by which Tweed was st nt liberty. Ho wn, however, immedi ately rearrested in tho civil suit for six mil- ion dollars, nnd committed to Ludlow Street Jail. On December 4, 1875, ho escaped from tho warden of tho jail, nnd was recaptured at Vigo, in Spain, in September, 187(1, and by tho courtoiy of tho Spanish government sun-endcred to tho ollicers of the U. S. frigate Franklin, who brought him to this oimtry nnd delivered him to the Sheriff of New York, Ho was returned to his old piartcrs, in Ludlow Street Jail, where ho :ias remained over since. His recent efforts lo secure his liberty by confessing his part u tho huge frauds and surrendering his proierty nro fresh in tho public memory, laving occupied a largo liortion of Iho space in tho newspapers of New York nnd else where for tho past two years. AN ASTONISHING FACT. A loreo projwrtion of thoAincrican jiooploaruto-duy dyine from tho cfl'ects of Dvsis'twia or dis ordered liver. Tho result of thoso diseases upon tho masses of intelligent and valuablo icopio is most alarming, making nie actual ly a bunion instead of a pleasant cxieteuco if eniovmcntand usefulness as it ouclit to be. There is no good reason for this, if you will only throw aside prejudice and skepticism, take theadvicoof Druirsistsnnd vour friends. and try one bottlo of Green's August Flower. ioursieeiiy renei is certain. Millions ol buttles of this medicine have been civen nwny to try iU virtues, with satisfactory re sults in every case. You can buy a sample bottlo for 1 0 cents to try. Three doses will relievo tho worst case. Positively sold by all dniggUts on the Western Continent, anil A, J. Durling in Lehigliton. In llichmond.Va.they havoabell punch n overy bar-room to regester tho number of rinks taken dally. But it would be a great udertakim; to attempt to rccistcr the dailv tales of Dr. Coxo's Wild Cherry nndScncka. I'rico 25 and 50 cents per bottle. Tho Board of Pardons-it Ilnrrlslnit'.Vrl. day, lwstmncd a decision ill tho rnsciif Jack Keliue, the Molly Maguirc, until tho May meeting. TheGovernnr has,thcrefore,recal- iii ine warraut lor lienor, s execution on the 18th, until n final decision shall bo reached tlio Hoard. All ancient music was in a minor kev. but tho mojor part of cough and worm reme dies sold is Dr. Coxc's Wild Cherry ami Seiicka and 6antouino Worm Syrup. 25 and 50 cents jier bottle. Ayer k Sou's Mauual contains more information of valuo toadvertifors than any other publication. Sent free. Address N.W. Ayer k Son, AdveitLiug Agents, Timcw Building, Philadelphia. Newton considered flamo ns red-hot emoko and every ono who has given Dr. Ooxe'a Wild Cherry and Seneka a fair trial R ys that red hotsmokois nooireuinstanroto it indrivingouta bad cold. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. PASS OX. l'as on lost among the crowd, Time shall not restore theo A loving heart that, lowly bowed, No longer bends beforo thee, A goal to win, a thread to weave Ah I when my soul hath won it, No sigh nor tear shall ever leavo A stain of llmo upon it. 1'nss on, you'll not unclasp tho link That shines for orbs sitieriiul ; For every rose-leaf on the brink Shall float lo spheres denial. Let Lovo bo chary of Iho breath That wafts the mist away, He's roaming where tho gates of death Turn on a brighter day. I'ass on for frailer hearts haves won, And sadder hearts shall wait) When my thread of life is spun, I'll meet theo at tho gate. LGYE AND DUTY. "You havo grown pale nnd thin since last wo met. For my sake, Fanny, if not for your own you should lako better caro of yourself?" Fred Folliott had met Fanny Harrington faco to face. At first sho had colored, and mado as sho would avoid him. Hut tlio encounter was inevitable, and tho deep pink that overspread her cheek as her timid eyes met his, betokened that the meet ing was not altogether disagreeable Fanny Harrington was dressed in a su of much-worn brown debage, guiltless of trimmings, and mado up after tho scantici of fashions but sho needed not tho oxtcrnal adjuncts of dress lo set off tho rare, delicate, loveliness of her faco and form. She was tall and pale, with a transparent complexion, faintly colored with rose, bluo eyes, deep and soft as velvet, and dewy crimson lip, whilo her luxuriant brown hair, waved in ripples of Nature's only crimping, was worn in a heavy coroncl around the top of her head. "Am I pale?" sho said hesitating. "Not more so than usual, I think. Hut then tho weather is so warm, and the atmosphere op pressive." Mr. Folliot had turned and was walking witli licr now. Sho glanced doubtfully up nt him. " Do not let mo tako you out of your way t red," she said. "My way isyour's, Fanny; unless," and he looked keenly into her eyes, "you woul, prefer to be rid of my company." "Fred, that is hardly justl" " But you are tho strangest girl, Fanny I" ho cried impulsively! "I can't mako vou out all. Sometimes I think you don't want my companionship." Fanny bit her lips. " I can't help your thoughts, Fred." " You lovo me." " You know that I do, Fred," sho answer ed piteouly. " Then why will you not become my wife ntonco? Why will you toil on, wearing your life away nt that sewing inachiiio,whcn I stand ready and anxious at any moment to givo you a homo nnd work for us both ? I havo asked you the question many times before,Fiimiy,I ask it now for tho last time." "I cannot marry you Trcd!" uttered Fanny Harrington with a paling check and faltering voice. "But why not? You confess that you lovo me." " If wo could always follow tho leadings of our hearts " Fanny began. And then sho stopjK-d. " No, Fred It is better that wo should part at once. I havo no right to ask you lo wear out your life anil youth In awaiting my pos sible future. Your lovo lias been a bright sjiot in my clouded existence, and I thank you for it." " Your words are a riddle, Fanny." "My life is a riddle," she retorted iniia tiently. "And Iho key is in God's hands. Now, gooil-byo Fred I" " Forever Fanny ?" " Yes, forever." " Funny," he cried, passionately, "you know that it cannot bo so. You know that I cau no moro help loving you than tlio sun can help shining. You may scorn mo and fling mo away, if you choose, but I shall bo your faithful slavo still." Sho stood looking sadly at him. " Heaven bless you for thoso words, Fred. But you must go no further with mo now." " May I not go homo with you?" " No." "Why not?" An expression of pain came over lier coun tenance. " Fred you must not question me. You must only trust." Ho turned away oMiont to her words. But as lie walked slowly, loosing himself, as it were, in tho great current of humanity, a tanglo of perplexed meditation flitted through his brain. "1 don't understand lier atoll," ho mut tered, If I did not know that sho was puro nnd true ns tin angel, I should think that somo evil was nt tho root of this slrungo do lay aud mystery I As it Is well, I don't know what to believe ! Of one thing I nin quito certain life without Fanny would bo life not worth having." Tlint night a nolo came to Folliett's house, having theso words "Wo must part forever; don't try to sco mo again don't try to alter my resolve, for It would cost us both needless pain, lielicvo mo I havo acted for tho best, Fassmk." " But I will try to niter her resolve, and I'll alter it, too," Follictt muttered to him self, "or I'll know tho reason why." Ho was descending tho stops of (ho front door when Charlie Hydc,an intimate friend, came hurriedly in the opposito direction. " Follictt, I wanted to speak to you." " But I nm in a hurry 1" " So am I Folliet, I have heard bnd news very nearly concerning yourself and an other who is very dear to you." "Not Fanny 1" "Yes, Fanny. Bo a man, Follictt, nnd cast her oil'. She is unworthy of you. Sho is an inebriate." " Impossible I" " My sister-in-law has a friend who occu pies tho next room to her In Mrs. Digwall's house, in C street, and sho saw her stag gering homo at midnight last night; sho heard the noise and comments of the house. Sho soys, moreover, that it is a common oc currence!" "Great heaven!" Folliet stood palo and stricken, as if somo mortal blow had descended upon his heart. This, then, explained tho nolo now lying in his pocket. Fannie, had known that they could never, never bo moro to ono another than they now were. Fannio's eye had lienelratcd further than his own could do. Tanny was an inebriate. Ho turned back again, sick at heart, re jecting tho proffered consolation of his friends. Solitude alono could comfort him. The next morning ho left tho cit v to try and fight tho battle of his heart in tho silenco of nature, but it was in vain. A week after wards ho returned. " I would marry her if sho was a common Irunltard," ho told himself. " I will try anil redeem her and if that were impossible, I would givo my life to lier, to shield her im perfections from tho public eyo. Tor sho is mine mine only, and foicvcr." ith lids obstinate determination in his heart, ho went straight to tho house, which was tho only homo poor Fanny Harrington knew. "Is it Miss Harrington you want?" said tho maid. " She's in trouble." "In trouble?" " It's her mother, sir. Just buried," said tho girl, lowering her voice to a whisjier. Ho mother I I never kuvw sho had a mother here." No, nor any ono else," said Peggy, de lighted with the new auditor to the nino days' wonder at tho house. " It was a step mother sho was. Sho kept her at a placo in tho country, till just of late, and when 6ho got so bad that thpy wouldn't keep her, jwor Miss Fanny had her here." "Sho wn3 my father's wife," says Mis3 Fanny, " and I must tako caro of her." " But no ono knew but mo nnd Mrs. Dig- wall what a trial Miss Fanny had of il try- ng to keep it from tlio rest, working all day and watching tho poor drunken creature all night. Sho got out onco or twice, nnd a pretty uoiso eIio made ; but sho's dead nnd gone now, and Miss Fanny will get lier re ward for all sho has dono for tho ioor soul that hail no friends but her in all the wido world." As Peggy ceased her revelations, the door beyond opened, nnd Funny Harrington, ressed in plain but deep mourning, stood beforo her lover. " Fanny I" was nil ho said. And sho camo forward with wistful eves and lips npart: " You know all, Fred ?" " I know it all, dearest. Tho obstacle is gone you will bo initio now?" "I could not marry you, Fred, with that chargo burdening my life. I could not weigh own a second existence with tho blight of my own. I had to chooso between lovo and duty, and chooso tho bitterest lot, because I are not cast her off tho resiionsibilitv Gal had laid upon inc. Oh, the bittcrncssof that hour when I wroto lo you that wo must part!" It's over now, darling," Folliet whtsticr- cd, soflly. " And I shall not lovo inv wifo 10 loss because she lias wrought out tho problem of duty I" And l'a liny secret, asleep in tho grave, ladowcd iier lifo no longer. Tlio boneless wonder a well dono ttoak. Highly connected tho man in themoon. Jonah was tho first victim of hlehwav- men ho was whale-laid on tho shore. What does tho letter d' do for tho Imvs? As they grow older it makes them bolder. A fanner who Lotieht a kirkine- row three weeks ngoalrcadytalksof withdrawing from tho church. Men nro content to bo lnui-he.1 nl dr their wit but not for thcr follies. Hue mrtios, nro tlio latest. 'Oh how sweet; but married men are forbidden to indulge. usceeola Rcville. Oh, how sad. Why is stum water like the first ruin r.t arithmetic? Because it is simplo mlhesion. The man who'sees' another man's 'ante" freiiuentlv obliiro.! to call in Hie nist.,,,, of hie'tinUv.'