Tns BE3T axd ostP orcLAn PgLMdma 13 It invariably Cures Coughs, Cold?, lloarec Hiw. Son- Thiunt , Asthma. Croupimil other Aircctiona ol the Breathing Organs. Its soothing lnflticnco upoithe Irritated Un Ingot tho air passages, Is duo to tho fact that lis Ingredients nro tho n-.ost plilcacous pnltnnn lrnninles known io lncdicolliotanv.tho nasi of tno artlclo bone tho HUSKY of too HOKE. HOUND PLANT, chemlcully united with tho raenlcinnl nilnclnio at tho ADIKH I1AL. AMEA or llalm . f CJllood. There ure, beside... flvo other butanio elements winch give addi tional eiricicy to tlio tlrst named two. 1 hoe who hive used It sav that HALT!"; honey or hoke.iound and taiur not only In nil cnsojwboro the organs ot respiration are cftectcd hot also Ireancntly servo to iMIovo u verv obstinate cough. It contains nothing that can disorder tho stomioti, a inci mat cwi uo umi im .....i. n, ,.,. fin.. ,'rMili remedies i It lias an CX tremclv turreeabio flivor. and is sold at a lbnii o which enables those of tho nioat malted meani to avail themselves of Its virtues ,1 nil. tn titfli with a Ootvrli. Irritation of tho Throat. Cliost. unrt Limes travels rnpuuv, nnu witai i uiu uk i... ,.in .ifnlmilHr in tlioso nriraiis to-dav. may in a few vjpcXs nevclope Into lironchltla or ciiiniitinntinn. two diseases which ccrrv muro victims to early graves, than any other In tho luns Hat of bodily dipnrdcre. . r,rtni. map lmiitiv termed the. Preliminary Btnio ot Consnmptlon, n malady of -which l ALCS IIOSBY OF HOHEHOUND AND ,., t idiLnaiirniMiimnti lirevcntlVC. 1 llOSO tin re'ot, who would nrrcbt the orogre"i of tho destroyer, should delay not a moment to taio this cr.nTAiN Mioclllc. CHI LDllENi derive groat benefit from Its 80OTHIXO properties, when suffering with tho .... nrinnnnnil whnniitnir Conell. lhe tint named dlteaso Is especially destrno Ivo nmonz young children and this reliable remedy should bo kept on himn In nil housonolds. BUY Tlir. LA1M1K l'ACKAOCS ASU IlCONnS.IZE. rillCKS, to cents- nudgl.porilottlo. Sold by all iirugmsis. C. N.CRITTENTON. Pi-op'i No. 7 Sixth Avcmis, Ncav York. Ilavo You a HAGIXG TOOTH " Reader? IV YOU HAVE, BUY Pike's Toothache Drops and tho nconv In one f ixhte. This yon can do for Twenty. Five Cents. Hio irtlrlo will do tho business np brown, depend upon It s niorever it contains no loiiredlent which can isjonEiyoar xeetu. rniCK 25 CENTS, Sold by all DrngRlsts. C. N. CrittentoM, Prop'r No. 7 BIXTIIJAvcnno, NJ5W VOaK. The Leading External Specific for DISEASns OS THE SKIN and 13eautificr of tlio Complexion. It renders tlio Cntido Healthfully Clear nnd Smooth, and is tho Host Possible Substi tute for Expensive Sulphur llatlis. It is on Incomparable lteraedy for nrulees. Ulcers, Outs, nud every Irritable or uuhcallhy condition of tho Kkln, and is a most scivieenbio remedial agent and source ot epeedy rehoflu cases ot aunt and Itheuuiatlsm. CI.OTIIINO on 1IUD l.liSKN. worn nnd oBcd by per-'Ous sutlcring iroui oiuinsniius or cuuuiu lous, and Is a Capital Remedy and ITo vntiiticn nf ilipin. when used as anlnlectiou. rnnnnl omlilnvllll. 11, tmVO llO UPPd lO tllke Ul- nhur Hatha, or to resort to Sulphur Springs f r bathing purposes. A a nn adjunct of tso TOILET, it is far more dc8trab'o than any Cosmetic, smco It does not. like nrtlc'es of that uaturo.conccal Complexion, al Hltmlhes. but teinoves them. TAN, l'llKOKLKS.l'lMl'I.ES.lll.OTOIin?, ninl fhn like, snpeitllv vleld to lis clarllVlllg ill llueiico j and It Is tho very best snaotosbsvo with,bocauso It leaves the skin smooth nud freo from tho Irritation produced ou a sensitive cuti cle, by the unidtcatlnn of tho laror. It also pomnlp Jlou-owives loclaro it to lo excellent for wnshtnR WOOLEN, LIXKN, LACi:, finrt otlier fabrics, and lailiea moTlne In tho beat circlea of metiopohtau and rural society spoik ollt in th hirrhnat tt?rtii4. 1 J, . c O Testunoniala poor in from nil qnarters of tho lUuon uoou it a rropiKtor. tnniiv of vhich Iiavo hem iiubUdlied tu the form of the n neat let procuiabloot Uru?Kists uiui Fancy Gttods Deuleis. tlioonglnalt being open (o public lu. Bpt-eiion Ht his medicinal W'AuruouuE. Nu.7 HXTIl AVRNUC, Sk.Vt OJlK.. lllO UltlrlO I nioreovtr indorsed by tbo Siet'ical frftternily. Uke tMoai otlier FtimouaiteniotiieH OLUN'S HVLl'IlUR 8UAI has been limmtwl hoani without tliBfinallet Iraciion ot remedial tfil caey lia o Leon and aro toitted upon tho urn us 1 ectinff ouii unouservunt, u ireuuiae Sulphur Hoi pi noMsesxiuK proportion Ueuilcal with or equal to tho Ureal Hpecitlo.wluch thetr voiulor-i Btec to rivii by underuand competition, 'lha public st.ouM thcrefoio b cnieiul to inqutro lor OLKNN'H HuipUur Boap by its full name, and seo tlut they aei tho i cal nrticle, AllrfuspHttublo briUKista. i'aiic, (inod Ifnl crs and Uroters keen OLliNN'd fcUI.l'UUIt tOAl, nnd will on demand font, faupply tbo GSMUNE TIIINU to lllfir CUStOlUi'tV. l'lUHi. ':5ccnu pt-r ( uko l Box. (3 caked) scut by wait, prepaid, lor 70 ct me. C N. Criifentoii, Prop'r. No. 8EVKN SIXTH AVENUE N. Y, lilACILS and UK0WNS As Katcual as XATunK'a Seli', Art) connmmieatcil to (Iray ami Flame Col ored locks utmost instantaneouslgXiy Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, a preparation absolutely free from hurtful In fntxum, uud inHuitely cupenor, by reason of tlioeifects produced, to any article of it Class, rremtaro (lUfcTNWS aud Ualue3 are pre vented, and the silvery halm of uuv acquire the true youthful tint fiom this match low Ujc. BOLD 11Y ALT. DUUGaiBTB. C N. Crittenton, Prop'r, jy7.j- eiXTUAv. N. V "T I 1 L J.- l jncw yvuverasenicins. JUT Elt CANT! LE Al'JL'UAIS KM EN T, Mado by ANDREW QUAVEB, Jr., for tho County of Caibon, tor tlio Voir 18J8. An Apreat Day will Uo lii-lit on tho !9th ilay of MAItUlt, 1878, at tho COUET HOUSE, In tho Ilorouch ot Mauch Chunk, at TEN' o'clock lu tho rorcnoou. EAST MAUCir CUUNK lionoTjoir. cln.s. Elwln Boner, drv goods and eroc 13 Jlooo H. Kemicdv, drv roods aiut groo 1! 12 5) I!, lleckhnidl. iieilen rtoie H eoi c wnnk. Hour and feed ... it l HwniiK, coal r.oali-r H John li'CKiuiin, gioccrlcs ... 14 It, F.etzer, rrwuertcs 14 (1. W. lioovin, drv goods and diutfa... U 7P0 : O'j 700 T 10 701 700 7C0 7lfl 70U I'tiuipKitucr.iuiniiatti n mi iis Mclito. irtoceries 14 lMtfliaelOutP, catml sttjro 14 Honpr. notions i illtftia Miller, caual store M 7(0 7na 700 710 700 MiliPi. cnmil fctnro John f ittit'r.liucl.Rleriiinlnilhmei .... II v. jieuniiiiriion, uuwaio m Klint', bticlHter 14 Kiessley. huckster 14 MAUcn chunk Bonouau. c. Pli.irlipr. ilrr trootH anil irroc. 11 700 15 M rtlm Dolil. baVer nnd coulcct.uuery.. 14 Jnlin Kmier, merchant tailnr 14 7 01 l v. Murray, boots ana euoes ii Iicckhuult it llush. notions II Ullai Miiclc, coDlcctioucry 14 Itichcnl Keilor, notioiiB 14 7 0' 710 7 0) 7 00 l. j. t5uutii, Siiaier clothlnc it 7 00 70 Chas. f-chiiooci, hakuiy find conTect'y. 14 700 7 00 7 0) 7 0) nciTv sonaiicun, ciouum Hani'l Lyiiii, tolneeo and elenrs 14 si. j-iannoiomew, novisuun unnui . i K. 13. Klino, n't, boots ami price? u Mr. O. Ilicueiter, to'jacco stoto II 70 J. Trehani. dry roods and grocorloa.. 11 1910 , v, tlcDcrllng tt Co., dry gocms anu imrnware M. LO'Jert, (frnt; sloic II W'nif. na'l. tobacco store ... 14 15 00 7 W 710 l!elt& Bornticitici, clothing U 7 00 C JJoioii, Jeweirv i A. Ilex & 13ro., dry goods it groc ..10 . lipriKch. not! oiii 11 7 CO 2)00 10 CO 12 .'.li 1(1 00 J. G. llotsch, nieicliant tailor l'i Tap. Jiciford. hats anu mrs u Jofriih Lactar. drug storo 13 10W II) to 7 UO it, lit OVB. (irv rooaa uiui kvvc i j Miss A. II. llarilaim. milliner 14 John Itichl. nieuhant tailor u 71 .. Hiediunn.ioweiry 11 7 CO K. r. Luckcnbach. paper lunsines ... 11 C Jtlllir. green grocer 1.1 Mrs. 8 Ueeieilino. milliner 14 70 MOO 7I'0 II) CD 700 Mis. ivc ter. notions ij tlchaol SIcGeRdr, confectloneiy 14 Mosser t ltemra. 1. dry poods fc Broc, 13 J. I'. Slruthcre, conlectioncry 14 10 00 7 CO 7 Oil 700 MuiK iivndnian, ciocery is J. lthikenDuch, crocery It Jolm Kistler. grocery 14 , 1' l. loliein. crocciv is 7 0) IIuuli Mooro grocery 1 1 W. C. Klnc, diy goods and gruo 14 Hory lloscnillllucr II Cha-s. FfiKa, dry pooits and groo 13 7 CO 7U0 700 101 ltei.ry warnc, ury goons anu groc i. Henry Dean, grocery store 14 Nathan Pagn, uroo and ttour 14 II) Ol 700 710 7 00 7 00 l'. .'linn, uoots una unces i vita. Nowhouso. s ore w Oeorye steldle. boots and shoes 14 John Haas, grocery 14 700 7 00 7 00 7 CO np.iugier v l'.s?or, Huiresuiiii riuniiiu i A, Jtouiusiiu. l, 1IUI11 ulii iui-u D. A. Fcudiler. flour and leed 14 I'.. 11. Cooko & Co., coal yard 13 Mrs. E, Vaoifer, enntee 14 h. Yeai;er, lurnilure 13 W. H. titroh, shoo store li ;oo 10 7 10 DW 1ZK 700 7 CJ 7 00 710 7 00 710 7 CO jt. iicnuan, iincttster 14 Muntu, iiuciistei' i i ICrono. hmksler.. 14 Charles Dcdlng. huckster 1 1 Win. Ilaun. huckster 14 Join, Doh9CKcr, huckster 14 PEKU FOREST TOWNSHIl'. Paul Danner. dry goods and groo 14 J. J CJinsimuu, grocery 11 7 00 WEATIICI'.I.V BOItOUOII. V. W. Mlakslcc. drr trood3 and tiioc, 13 19 0(1 Josoph Vcrsi leorcTiaiit tailor 14 7 00 i. j. jjmmi'i uiu u ut ruu, my liiwui greCLlles 13 f. Cassler, coil yard it 11. V. Clcwell. fctuvesand tinware 14 William ltlnker, groceiy 14 A. lliitinir. stoves mid llnwaro 14 1000 700 7 CO 700 700 700 J. 11. Iweedio, drug storo 14 I. I, ilouve?. litoio 14 7(0 Jfe.ver toudht im, clothing M J. (. Knule. dry poods nno rruc '1- tsolomon btewatt, fiiocciy M J. h Ilruck, i!ry poodn and kioc H W, L. Htnes. ury roods nnd sroo 14 Wlleon A llaueiuaii, dry irooda and ffiocery 13 Pervason & llro., Rtovcs ani tluwaio. 14 If. L. Jieek. turnlluto It J. 1. Jil tll. RlOCL'tT 14 700 12 bO 7'0 7 0J 7 Oil 10 03 70i V 00 7 CO FllANKUK TOWNSlItl'. Jnslah Ruch. dry rood1 nud ? os II 700 11(1) 7 0i) 710 .'Na'Jtiin r-nyiier, uiy KO'tu, kiocci'iui nud hardK.ire 11 Nnthiui Mivdcr, co ii yard 11 J, L- Iiox. tloar nnd iecd 14 if. uunpu-ii. (irvKou m imiiifioc w j.j. Kcmeier. flour, feed and coal.... 13 W. if. Whitehead, caual etoro 11 Chatltv Buck, pu.eeiv 11 7 10 lOi'O 7 Oi 7V0 7 10 700 Win iihAver, fioven anu iinwaro j-i r. O'Bna.'. camiUtore 11 V, li. Kemrei dry flood and groc... 1 1 David lioitz, Hy frood-i and Eroo 14 A. lMiifir. srory and lionr H V. H. KuIiuh. tovca and tinware t4 700 7 00 70 700 l,cvan it ticlilltf, or ami jeeu Point loco. Hour faid feed It llobcrt Anthony, h ckstn 14 Wtu. Hchwelbuiz huckster 1 i Mr a K. KoU. huckstt!! It 710 7U 7 00 700 7 CO 7 710 John Herman, huckbter 14 Levi ltehlcr, lnuksier.... " a. OM7fild, na't, confectlontn " l'ctei ilicbst, hueuster 14 AvniHei'oitT iionouair. M"r;. If. a nth, milliner 14 J. Huauohbert'cr, jrioc. and coniec'j'.. 14 1u1. Schmidt, ineich mt taltor 11 1. J. Knvtler, dry gnuJiand kioc 13 Wtlsniwit liamujr Mill Luuio. Co.. 14 T. It. William, coal 14 II. Voar, dry uooda and ffinceriea 14 J. ts. .Miller lijur nnd teed 11 Mr. U. llecker, mlllliier 14 Atithonv t Albiitrht, Hoar and feed 14 A. W. Mnrn, couioeiiouery 11 Tib n iioior, liueste 14 M. JtaKi.mnii, dry Rnod'j nnd grocery. 14 o.ll. lx)vry, boots una shoes 14 7 00 710 7 0T ; 111 7(0 1(100 7 W 7 W 7 TO 700 700 700 7 0J 700 7 00 LOWUIl TOVA.M138ING TOWNSHIP. John liollfot, dry poo.'s and groc 13 10 00 iioocit uiii. tny k(oiU anil nnc 11 L h. foal & 2iav. Co., coal vanl 13 John UnKeubuch. canal store... U Wilson Musch.ilz, canal storo 11 J & V. Cruitf, t ry cooin and K'oo.... U " ' eojlnndliuio 11 C. struhl. ciunl utove I I Klt)er t Dover, diy tfood and uroc.. 13 hainnel Ziefeufu. dry goods & groc... 14 Anion Ktstier stoves aud tmwuro.... 11 Levi ht.aun. dry lojiIs and Groceries, it J. JvOf.tenh.ider, dry gondinnd groc... 11 Anm Mehricam. ilrv mtodi und irroc. 14 7 oo 10 OO 7 OO 7 00 7 00 7 tKJ 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 OO 7 (HI 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 J. Kern huckster II m. ii 'iuieninan. n no it f ter 14 Chus. Itsdetz. hut'kter U 7 00 TOWAMIIiNSINQ TOWNSHll1. Paul Kre.tre, dry goods and croo ..... 14 Ucimon Kuukle, diy twjdt and gio.. 11 7 oa 7 00 MAJION1NO TOWNBIIIP. Anion Arnier. dry gcods and croc 13 P. A. AndruWR. di v cuoda nnd nun i 1 10 oo 7 (to David Kulma. bono lull) u J. JI. Gumbort. Lone ui;ll 14 J. Pnigmnu, Hour and feed 14 II. heldie. ilr ucods and irroeerles. 13 10 00 If. ICelfor. iri"oeeiv u J. Ituch dry goods and gruceiten.... . 14 jaiuuu ii.tiuur, nucmier 14 LKIIinUlON 110KUUOII. Tilghman Amer drytroodsandgiec.. 13 T u. Kemeier, caidnel vaio- 14 lOon Koirif; A UoGoio rucch factory 13 T. D. oinuirt uieicnaut tailor 13 i- JI. Miydcr. diy goods und groc 1 1 II. A. Puer. orugs 14 J M. ll-ilcinger. bi'ots and shoet 14 i'rud Kelly tinwaie h Davln Kbbert, flour and teed H 1 1 Dredy. ciicars uudMutionery.... 14 J T. Nusoaum A toon, diy gooua A g, 11 J. L tl.ibel, imrdware 13 J L. ilatiel, coal and lumber 14 11. V, Clause, hiuves uud tinware .... 14 Wm. Kemerer, dry goods and gioc... V: ICoen A liro., tobacco ulore 14 D. Graver ngt. dry gooun nud groc.... 13 J. V O'Nlel. bakoiy andconJee'y.. .14 Joe. O belt pork and lard 13 Hrllmau & Co.. flmriir.d fciil i- lleduiaUi t'o.. caj yard 14 Valeniln bcnwaitz. cabinet waro..., II s.i:. Jt'atzincer, grocery A milliner ..11 Chws. l Oreenawalt. hides & talluw.. 1 1 A. J. Dnrlinc. drugs 11 JI. llouer.ccal dealer 14 D miel Wland, coach tactory 14 O. t'rochch, tlour und Ked 14 ' Trinor, tlour and leed 14 Ji. Doll nmuyer, Jowelry 14 lM.elttenguih gniceiy 14 M. o. Troxler A Co., coach factory.... It A. D. Uoer, stov s and tinware 14 Jnhu Itituclc. bakery audconl'y 11 Wni. Warner, huckster 14 H Graver, huckster. 11 It Fcnstennacher.dry goods andgro. U BANKS TOWNSHIP. r LosJiusci Co.. dry goods and gio.. 7 40 oo A, T. MnropT A Co., dry iioods&uio. 7 40oo T, N, l'aitersoti&Co., dry Rooasigro. 8 IIOoo K.T llooven. dry goods and groo.... 14 Too . Jt. Williams, ury cuou- uiui giue... is im J. juoss, ury kuu is uuu k1 1 v ' ' l,u l. Minenpr. drv poodsand croo.... 7 40 oo Jnmea JlcCloskcv, diy goods and gio, 14 7oo .nip, i . nrugau, liom uuu icm is iuu John AIclli ido, flour and feed 11 7 oo Thomas lionouchuo. Hour nnd ieeu,. h i oo K. li. Karrow. pioeprv 14 7 on lllch. Dougherty, flour and teed 14 7 oo MAUCTI Clll'NK TOWNHHIP. John Ilcmy dry uocds and grocery.. 14 7 oo )'. luiunicn, (try goous ami gioccry. n iu oo t. Will amson, dry pcods and groo... 14 7 co r. Fntnier. drv ennds und irrneeries... 13 10 oo Moi'rndy tt llro., dry goods and rroc 13 10 oo lieu ivieui, Ul V goous lllltl ciolcucs... i ju iiu I Mctliicii, drv goods nnd rroceiy... 11 7 oo asner Iciitcr. cont'v 14 7 oo T. II Divio, drags 14 7 00 .loun iianis. conry 11 .on Jnn lilchard A; Co.. dry iroodl it cro.. 13 12 00 J. ychuetder. tiry goods find groceries. 14 7 oo M.l, ymvard, iiry goods and groc. ,. 13 looo W. Swank, furniture 11 7 oo Mrs M. Davis, milliner 14 7 on Joseph Ntvin, dry goods and gioc.... 14 7oo i. v. jtensiiHw, oraTs n ou Dugan & llilslln. diy poods it groc... 14 7 oo 11. Itnrrens, boots nnd shoes 14 7 oo .M. It. Jones, dry goods and groc M 7 ro M. Stout, lewelrr 11 7oo J. JI. fngrnm, Jewelry and conry..... 14 7 uo 7oo 7 oo sirs.j.ji iicir.nau. notions is II. 0'Donnli, drv foods and groo 14 ,'satnau uriuitn, gioccry i it , 00 lioDart, dry roodsona grocery, io 20 oo iaioo 7 oo 7 oo 7 oo 7 oo 1j. Watson, drv roods nnd ltcc 10 l'atilck Lawler. drv cootUand irroci. 14 M. A. Uoblnwm, flour and feed 14 Sninuol llickcr, tin nnd stores,.,,.. 14 John lioluho, canal store 14 lans ford uonouau. D. II, Iluphs, dry Rocd? and pioc 11 7oo 12 Ml 7oo 7 oo 7 oo 7 oo 7oo j u, eunnins x v,o., ury ouusrtKro. i- Price, ltoll it Co , furniture 14 Mrs. u.Evnou. notion. 14 8, Watttln, boots and Bhozs 14 .nna i;i'.varu. not ons u 1). U. j;dirnM. milliner nud conry... 14 1). It. Davh drucs 14 iM . i Ticu. si ovc unit tinware n W, U. Lojd, (IrnR-t 14 A. M. Ncumllier, dry ccods and pro... U 12 0 7od 7 oo 7 oo 7 oo 10 oo 7 oo 7w i co 40 00 ji iMciaujriiun, gioccry ji 1). W. DpvH. cunl' 14 J. Mcaitiow'iy, irroceiT 14 . It, J.VtlUS. UUOIH IIUU BOOL'S (-1 o. Klino. div troodT it lmidwaro 13 It. Wntk'in. tirv irootH li 11. IJvans. notttiiMnr.dcont'y 11 1). Muthewi- iSl bou, diy Roods A gro.. 14 LAUBAWNi: lOWNHUlP. Provost ADruchenmli'er.dry goods.etc 7 LEHIGUTOWKSUIP. Chas. McGlll. dry Roods &o i 14 7oo PACK Kit TOWKS1II1' W. Shcllhclmor, store, ... II KIDD iill TOWNS U I V. tanac Bntz, drycoodsand croctry.... 14 A..T. llioiinoiiu. dry pood-sdiKlffroo... II O 11. Btin-on. dry coods and croecry. 14 PAliUYVILLi; liOUOUUil. Jacob Peters, diy poods nud grocery. 13 EAhT PEHN TOWNtiUIP. Tcntoso Oeorse dry goods and proc... 14 Daniel Uailey. Imcl stcr 14 11 S. Ileiutzelmau, huckster 14 7tfl 7 DO 7 00 10 00 "On 7 (10 7 00 A.OTtAVEU.jR. Mercantile Appraiser. The nlmvo tax will be duo aivl piynblf ioT. D. CLAUH. County Tiehurcr, on tho niisr DAY OP MAY, WH,at ih B. LINDJUtMAN & COS BANKING 1LOUHL1, laucll Chunk. WEiesroKT, March?, 1373. Hotel, Kcstanrnnt ami Liquor Store Appraisements. EAST MACCII CQU.tK SOROUCn, C. Curran, hotel l A. Gtt7lur:er, hotel Peter Umh, hotel C, J. Glorir, hotel b $60 00 fi 0 00 fi 0 0) 6 r.o 00 fi CO (Kl fl 60 00 10 '20 OC 0 60 00 & 60 00 fi to 00 10 20 00 10 'JO 03 fi 60 00 & 60 00 ft 60 on 10 SO 00 a 60 00 6 tO 00 6 60 00 5 60 00 6 &i) 00 6 60 CO 6 60 00 6 60 OU 30 20 00 5 to 00 6 60 00 5 60 00 6 60 00 5 60 01 ft 60 00 5 do 00 30 20 00 6 6010 6 60 00 6 60 00 o 60 00 10 2010 Owen Oftllncher. lhuor Btoro John Ilrtrlilus, hotel Jlichatl Uats, restaurant PAnnrviLLB tonouon. Fred. Hprl.icber, hotel ra as klin township. PiTldneltx, hotel Wm. Itoli lcr, hotel David O'lirlfiu. restaurant Henry Steltz, restaurant WElSSrORT BOttOCOH, .T.lVlst. Intel A. W. Marf.h, hotel H. Trnpp, hotel Oscar Arntr, reftaurant UiUCU CHUNK EOROCGH. J. rnper, hotel Peter SchTelllnt, hotel lui fihffelblnx. hotel John Prluhton. hotel .1.1'.. McUlnley.liOtel 1 cwn Armtruster. noiei John lUhier. hotal LeopnU lU'Ifj, hotel Simuel Iteliler, rstauraut Pirn-v McGee, hotel II. .1. voo.irin. noiei J. S. Keller. hotI Cith.irlno J. Shu!ty, Uiuor ftors M. Mnrun, lljuorrLf-ro Thonns Carr. hotel Mrs. P. Schulenhuri;. hotel m. rnonipon. reMtiuram Fred. Ilnth,hctel Wm. flhrlns. hotel J. McKlroy, lltjuor store Gerald Woodrin?. hotel M. auUrnuy, restaurant VEATUTRLT BOROCOn. W. C. Kammeriel, hotel G. W.,liolel s s & r. 10 IU 6 6 I) .1 & S 6 f ft 6 6 rooo MHO 50 01) ;ooo Levi llartz. hotel John Iline, liquor flort w. une. reKtnuriiK J.J. Deltz, restaurant Marr V. Ilelker hotel. oona Charles llrittithi, hotel m co Luas. uoxmojer, restaurant 20 00 80 00 60 00 paceek TowajHir. Poter Ilarti, hotel Win. Ivrapp, hotel W. Victor, hotel banes TOsnir. J. Cole, hotel I'eter chwab1 hotel Mm. Jesst) Hesson. hotel J. J. (Jallajzlmr, hotel Mrs, Mary Jirogan, liiuor itore LAUSAMffe lowssnir. James McGlnty, hotel 60 00 Linicu Tow.vsnir. Chai. McGUl, hotel J. f. Dldckly, hotel 60 00 to oo uuiGUTON conocan. F.dward Itaber, hotel F. C Miller, restaurant Wm. Strawu. hotel Nathan K. Krum restaurant W. A. I'uterf. restaurant 10 lii 10 S 10 a i i Hies Mantz, hotel W. A.fcmawley, restaurant Fred. Miller, hotel l KieiElii er, noiei Mrs. Cath,irlne AiU 7 00 7 00 7 ou LOrtKUTOWAWESMNd TOWS SUIT. Herman I'ellman, restaurant 10 SO 00 40 00 to oo : Co oo 1 &o oo I 20 00 l to 00 soon ' 60 00 ! II. Itltsr. hotel t (lecrce Krsus. betel I 7 00 7 co l-Milve, hotel ! Levis (Iran, uotel i Aarim Strohl, rektaurint II Panlcl Serfaas, hotel i Frel . Whler, reftaurant 1 fiaouel Autbouy, hotel I 7 00 I oo 10 oo 10 oil 10 OO "t (Ml crpta Tovrautsaiita toirssmr. Nathan Slender, luitel 60 00 60 00 60 UO 60 00 John II, Welu, hotel 7oo 7 oo 7 oo 7 co 11 oo i , bnydcr, hotet l'eti;r Jones, hotel maucu cncxi rowNsmr. Nathan Klotz, hotel i:llas Frlti, hntt.1 Jacob Uuis hotel 10 oo 7 oo 7 oo KbO Aune llwcns, hotel Mary I'liher, hotel 7 oo 10 oo I il. t . KleppliiKer, hotel 7 oo Janiea MdilnUy, hotel 10 oa Francis SlcKenna. hotel 12 60 Datld M. Jones, hotel l'atrlck McKenui, ret. (Laniford) David Codrlostoo, restaurant ,1. U. Watkloa, restaurant Mary Cauipbell, liquor store Michael O'Djun.ll, hotel (leorKd Kranlt, hotel Frank McCann, hotel Daniel Carrlugtou, helel James Kweeuyt hotel Himou Andesuer, restaurant Timothy Dugan, boUl Frank Malloy, liquor store V. McCaon, betel Mrs. 1. McKenno, bold I'at. SleKeuua, tr, hotl(UDtford 7 oo 7oo 7 oo 7 no 7 00 7 no Too 7 oo 7 oo 7 ou 7 oo 7oo 7oo 7oo 700 13 oo MAnO.HNO. .I.T.McBanlol, hotel John Nothst.ln, hotel Stephen Fcnstermichcr, hotel llujh McClesn, hotel George llageu, hotel r east rEJSf, W.tS.Frcdcrlcl, hotel KIDDER Tovrnscip. Christ. Fulmer, hotel 60 00 rooo MOD 51)00 CO 00 to CO CO 00 CO 00 3. Chrlstinan, hotel , rcx.1 roBRE3T. Knos Koch, hotel Emanuel KueUcr, hotet HREtTERIES. Mrs. If. Geispl, Franklin township Mrs M.Uerstcr, 11. Unnch Cliui.k Simon Melt ter, Maueli Chunk ClLLttRDS. J.K-lyeT, Maneh Chunk, 4 tables II. J. Woodrln?. " 3 talilti P. T. lira ly, Lehlihton, 1 tablo co oo CO 00 25 00 85 00 25 00 CO 00 50 00 aooo hankers. .. 0 .11, Llndcrinan A- Co., Mfturh Chunky G Andrew Grater. Jr., Appraiser. VYOIUTE rUUHCATIOKS. F vriANK LESLIE'S CIIIMKHY CORN Kit. This bonutilul periodical, tho best. Atnerlenn fannlv Journal, story paper, and homo friend, has been tho furccssful nvalof nil the weekly Journal lor the past thirteen years. It pained a nlaco in the minds and hearts of onr people and now tho unmoor its patrons is Legion: This year the ciiiMNEt coiinek seems to be better than ever. Its serial ttorles are ot the moot nbeorbinjr nnd lively character, of wcat nnn-rr turn tu lifn nnd tull of merit, tnkluir n vride rango nf subjects to please every member aytTU ten tho more dramatic tor tho young men, the solid novel lor tho older renders, and then wo have stirring adrenturo lor tho boys and fairy tnlesinriuouuiMiiuii. llnbbertou, Howard, ilohitison. Do Forest. Benedict. H. Annie Float, Annie Thomas, Ktta W rierce, and other eminent wiiiurt", nre its regular contributors. Tho subjects treated ot cro verr varied. Tho Illustrations are prolufe, nnd they nre nil beautiful. Nnort stones ex tremely interesting nre completed, in ouch num ber while biographies, ndveuttites. caanyit, tun, travo's. uatmol hif-tory. legend 4, nnecdoie", science, etc., mnko this publication oueol the most entoriaininfr in existence. Kxqnlalto steel engiavmirs are frequently given awl? to ih BubcriberH. Hie cniMr.y rouNF.u. sixteen pages, with eight paces ot illustrations, printed on lino pa Der, Is pniUshrd every Mondiy. price only 10 ceutB, iniuual suhscrlutlons, (4, powflid. Ad dress your order- to 1' ranlc Leslio's Publishing IJomo, 537 Pearl street New 01 1;. iM. Mif T.T.T.nVf4 LADY'S JIltTU?? A 1,. if. nacex, lamed weekly, contains excellent ideturca and lull iieHcnptionn 01 mo very iatot styles 01 lauiev ami children's wear; use ful illtormnuon un laiuuv i"im-s biul-i Miurius ; beaatitul iduHrntlons of hotno and loiclgn buO lectt poetry: tnshlouable lutclllgencoi per sonal chit chat; amuing cartoons on thefol lea nud Foibies o! the uay : .p.niia oi r-ilrtn, 5ie. fi:ank Jjr.ftua's Ladv'b JouknalIs the most beautiful ot all tho laaieV papers. It should be found on tbetab'cor every ladv iu Gio land. Price 10 cents per copy; annual subscription, $4. P0FUAWK LKSLIE'3 FOPULAn MONTH Ii has made rapid strides ns Iho rivnl el many apirantft to public favor. I ts contributors aio tn.m . f ttm iii's t livin'' wrllcis. invert denait moutoriiteraturois teprescutcdiu itscoluuius Tho rmountof lustruetton, entertainment nnd niiiTKPnipnt n Horded bv the urticloj. es-avs. stories and peneral tnisccllaiiy contalred 111 thu I 123 quarto pngesor each nnmber of tluspubli-c-itnm ha 1oju well appreciated. K ery copy of tho Popular Montuiy is cmboUis'heu with over no beimtilul iimstratton, Itemg tho cheapest ptrlo.llcal of the kind in existence, nnd at the tame time 0110 of tho mot solect nud unlveraJliy welcome it mnst continue to in. rreaseiiiimblle faor. nnd rank with tho pab- liehftr's bUNUAY Magazine ho highest nmong nli our Aiuencan monthlies. It is publishrdon Mm ir.iii nf each tiinntii. I'rlce 'J5 cents n num- ber; 8Ub?cripiion,63. po't paid, per year. Ad dicsa your orders to Frank, 637 Toarl sireet. New York. is a beautiiul work. It will iuierot educated nrd cultivated minds us well as Gio most ordi nary reader. It is Iho only fcuncar nu'gazlno published i'l IhU country i:eiy number baa lis pases tilled with too most select and Icsei natmr llteiiitiuo(raii!rH'C Iroiuihope.mou by tlio editor (nr. u. j . ueema. ijauLor iuu Charch of too Strangers! to btining tales, gen- eiul topics anu essays, wiciry. musiu. iuh, uti encc, bistoiy. etc , iu great variete. l'.:io icopy ot tlil ninffuzUie has UO txnulsito engniving o( tho moft iiitoietImr charnctcr. Ir hta ieaeh"rt 11 circniaiion unu prospi-ruv nc:i u make it onoof thoruarvelj ot ptriodlcal litem lure. It in indeed a bo mt fin work JiUV It nud eee lor your-oi us. Mngio copies nro oinv Adeems, aui uuuuui Miucripiiua i.iu umj 90, noit phIiI. Addiews o-ileis to FltANKLKSLIirS PUIU.ISUINO II0U3K, feb'iv 6J7 Puui Mtrect, New York. HULL & SOOTNEY, (JENEU.VL MERCHANTS, No. 34G North Water Street, rmiiADELmiA, and Wholes alo Dealers In Hatter. Cheese, Lnrd, TjIIow, Kf gs. Toultry. Oauio, HtocZ, rotntoes, ni iTTm Annies, Oraln, Flour. Fur, Wool, DU I I Cn Cotton, Jtlcc, Tobacco. I'enuuts, liroom Coin, Dried Fruit, Hay, Hops Forclsn nnd Domestic lrults. and In foctwocannell sny ond evervlbluent the lilchost vinrket price: mako prompt riturns. and LIUEHAL CAB1I ADVANCESmaito pMrroron all ship ments, except per-UnLUOUIahable aitl. cles. 1o f Low that we do an extenelvo business, nnv Oamo Dealer In I'hllnilelDbla Mill tell you we bandied raoro Oamo last season than all tbo other Houses In Philadelphia nn 1 1 T n put tocetbor. bend lor I'rico rUULI 11 List. Kteucii. &c Ac. itF.rEni:xci: cash. or we refer you to Any ltEEroxsiuLE House oun Citv. EGGS. GAME. (Oct 0, Around windows nnd doors In winter KXTinKI.Y EXCI.lJIKI.say. Ine half your fuel, also mm In summer, savins furniture, curtains stopped. windows raised and lowered as usual, by BUOWNIVS l atent DIi:TAI.t.IU and 11 U II mi: It Weather Wrlps. btood the (est for vi'inu nn lnhlle llulldlncs. Dwelllncs.DrawlnE-ltoom and bleep ing Cars, In the United Ktntes and Europe. Windows and Doors Mea iureT rltEE OF CKAItUI Bend your address, and let us do one or iwo ou uw, " FOR SALE BY .5. Jj. (KAESEIs, DANK ST.. LEHIOHTON DrcsniS 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 CO 60 00 WOO 6d00 ;ooo TnTivi fMl to cure a case ot catarrh In eao VV ftllLcUneliibborbood, with Dr. Kara. Ber's Iteiueilv, to introduce It tiamrlefree. J. u. Illtun.Pittsbnrgb. Pa. ?'T:' ? $777 ! is uut easily earned in theso times, but it can be niado in Ihreo months bv any one of either sex.iu any part of tho country, who Is to 20 OO 20 OO work steadily nt the employment that wo lurn. Ish. $J6 a week In vour o-n town. You need not be away irom homo over nizbt. You can pit o your wholo lime to the work, or only voiu spare moments. It costs iifltblngi to try the buslueae. Terms and 16 onttlt free. Address, nt once. 11. II AL1.KTT A CO.. leblO) l l'ortland. Maine. 20 CO 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 60 CO 60 CO 20 00 HUSINFJ5S MEN AND OTHERS IN WANT Or JOII 1'lllNTINO OF ANY DEhCItllTION. WILL FINIlTIIECAItBON ADVOCAl'K OFFICE Tilt. I1LKT and CHEAP. EM' PLACE IN THE COUNTY. (1IVE US A TRIAL AS'D UK CONVIMJE1). 60 00 60 00 611 HI Ml Ol j rpIE SLATINGTON PLANING Mill AND Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATINGT0X. JOHN BALLIET, Propr.J Deals In nil kind anil sties of line, Hemlock Oak andtllard Wood Lumber, and tisitow pie pared to cxecuto nny awount of orders for BresseB Limil)eE OF ALL KINDS. Doors, Saslics, IHIntls, Slniltciv, Mouldings, CaLInct Vfarc, &c, With I'roinrtiicss, Brackets Mad to Order. Thn Mncnlnorv ts nil now nn A ot tlio licst ami most Improved kinds. I employ nono but toa )SS&uTt:VX Orders dv mnll piouipuy aueiiutu iu. .m ennrces ore moderate! terms cash, or Interest tuargeu utter tinny uiiys. QIVK JIK A CALL. r?" Tlioso ennnKeil In IlmldinR will Dndttt .inn.nn ... l.,rn kl.lln TTlnnr llnnriln Honrs, s-nsliesT shutters, &c, isc, mndeatthU My l6yt JOHN J1A LLIET; J. K. KicicritT, Opposlto L. Jfc S. Depot, A . . On the East Weissport Canal Bank Tte.necitallv' Informs the citizens of this vlctni: iy tlint ho keeps constantly 011 liand nnd 1 nt the I.OWKsT MAWKKT PltlCEd, tho very iiK&TmtAffluaot AL30 DEALEU IN l.TOSffiSSS FOR 31UIIJ1ING AND OTtlETl P UnrObES wbich bo guarantees to be Thoroughly Seasoned, AXD WHICH IIE IS KOWfSELI.IKO AT THE VEUT LOWEST BATES. WHOLESALE r.nd MET AIL, nt tho LOWEST CAsn riticKS. Ho baa ft a nnmber ot very o'.lcibly located In ItiriCEItTSToWK, Franklin Totrnshlp which bo will Kcllon icry luuty 'terms. Aug. 0. 3. If. IlICKEnT. QA1U50N ABT0CATE CHE At I JOB PRIKTIKG OFEICE, LEHiaHTO. PA. aTeryfletcrlptlonof rnntlnc, from a Visiting Card toa Poster. CARDS, Blf.L HEADS, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS). PUOUKAMMES, l'DStERS, HAND DILLS, DO DO BUS, CIRCULARS, BimTISQ TAOS, BNVELOPEH, TAMrilLETS, ny.LAwe. itc, jtc. In Done in tbe best manner, at very Lowest Prices. We are nrenarod to do work at as cheap I as any olllce in tho htato tnat deals honestly wuu us cuAiomcrs. oun motto ia Cheap, Prompt & Reliable tVOrders y mall receive prompt attention. J.VVI EIIKERT'S Livery & Sale Stables DAN1C STKKluT.liKIIIGIlTONi I'n PAST TROTTING HOUSES, ELEGANT CARIUAGES, And positively LOWED P1UCES than oiner uvcry iu me uoaniy. Large and handsome Carilare for funeral purposes ami weodinus, uaviu UUHKUT. Nov. Si. t7J. Now Advertisements. CENTRAL CARRIAGE S SLEIGH WORKS, Opposite T. D. Clauss, Bank St., Lchigliton, Pa. Is prepared to manufacture any descrip tion of Carriages, Buggies Sleighs, Spring Wagons, &c. KcPaIrl"ff P"PtIy Altcndctt tdi tF"All work dono nt tills cetabllsliraent ts Enarantocd to bo of tlio Terr best material and workmanship, nnd tlio prices (ullr as low aa tho samo articles ran b4pnrcliafcd lsewhoro. Special Inducements offered to strictly casti customers. M. C. TliEXLER & CO. JnlySI,U77. "r MEW-MAW & CO., Jy. BANK STREET, Lchlghton, Pa.; " ' MILiLEIls arid Dealers In AllKind of QltAIN BOUGHT and eOLIll iu.uui.AU MAUKIST it AT lib. We would, also. lesoectfnllTinrorm nnr f.Ul. zens that woaie now fully prepared to bUF fKSt coal Trom any Nino desired nt VEUT LOWEST PRICES. M. HEILMAN & (JO! July 15. FATY AwarJcl htghett jtia fit Centennial Exposition for fine ehevtii'i qwihtle nnd excUenee nnd luting char acttr rf eiceet'iinj end favoring. Tlio beet tobacco ever mntln. A our blun strip ("flrtfl-nrorfc fi rlofely imitated on Infiirlnr pood, (ee tlint J-irJ&riTt Jtt 1 on evcryphii. SoM Iiy nil dealcn. Pcnd f-r Mnnler iq u. . .jack sort t iuir.t xcierBuorx, vtw O. F. WAPDM:. Pli'la.. Pa.. Oeneral Agent. Utilnilcoi9o0onlyr:ci- nuly5. Pnpcr'tieo D I-" IlKATTy.Woahlnpton.N.J. j t kxtra 1'ixb Mixed Cards witu name, ll'o, postrnhl. L. JOXK3 jt Co., NaEau. y.V WORK FOR ALL In their own localities, eanvofllnjt for the Fire biiie VjsitoiI. (enlarKedl Weekly and Moutn y. r . . ... . ,. T,wl,l -il, Hl.tnmAlh IIIIIKI'FI i .IIIV". IU UIU HWll'H ".I" -u. uu...... Chromoi lYee. Bis Commissions to AgrnU Terms ana uiimt i jee. A(iures 1 o.jyiCKEiaVAugiisln. Maine. nf -Mixed Caids. fcnowuike, Dumotlc, &C.. no Q W 2 alike, with nauio 10c. J. Minkicr & Co4 Nassau, N. Y. QE0. 1 KOWELL & CU'S Ncwsapci'AdVcrtisingBurcau 10 Spruce St., N. Y. bEO. r. HOWELL CO. conduct an Rencr' fnriliorceeptlDiiof udrettisemonis forAmeri. ciinuewspu'.iers. The moht. complete cstablishoiont of the kind In Iho woild. 8.(01 newspapers nro kept reenlarly on flld open to tho Inspection ef customers. Every ndrertleemcut Is taken at the bomo prtco of the pnpoi. without nny additional ibarg9 or comuilssion. AiiodverilserlnuciilInK wltb tl.o eaved troubio and coriespunUeDco, making one contract Instead ot a dozen, n hundred ur a thousand. A hook of 120 pages rontalolnc Hats of best peperfl. largest ciiL-ultloii3, retiKlous, acrlcjl. tuial. class, political) daily and country papers and all publications which are specially valu. ahlo toailertikers.with sumo information about price Is scut to any nddresi ou receipt of tcu cents I l'ei eons at a dletaneo wishing to mako con. sweet msm GiiGwiiift ToliaccQ uui isiui mi n iioiiik m ui iuiiii. ,i t , luumy. state or territory pf the Unlied btates. or any portion of iho Dominion ot Canada, may send a concise statement ot wbst thev want, together with a copy of the ADVEKTI8KMENT they desire inserted, onl wdl lecelvo Information bv return mall which wld enable them to decide whether to lucroae o or rodnce tbo order. For such tntoruiatioit there Is no charge. flrrpm ore taken for a hlnffto naner aa well for a List: tor a singlo dollar as readily as for a tamer sum. Ueo. 1'. Howell A Co,, also publish the Amei lean Newspaper Directory (price bo cents), a complete list ot all American Neweptpers. and a Uazctter ot Iho towns In which tney aro is.ued. At Private Sale. THE UNDERSIONED oCera at rrltate bale a Valuablo Farming Propertv. itu ated in HEAVElt HUN VALLEY, ila. honing Township, Carbon Courty, Pa., 2I milee from Mauch Chunk, and 2 miles from Lehigh, tun, containing Is Acres, about 6 acres ot which are cleared aud under n high state of eultiva. tlou, the balance being Timber Land. The Im. proveroenta thereon aro a 2 story Frame DweiU lug House 111x74 feet, with Kitchen attached, oiio Htahlo, and other necessary Outbnildlnrai also, nit Orchard containing about too cnolcn Fruit Trees. corapritlngApple, Pear, Peach and Cherry Trees of various kinds. Ibis property, being situated near Maoch Chunk and Leblghton, would make ltadeilra' ble place for any one wishing to rugate in the Fruit business, tbe demand for tinck In the aboe places being always rood and realizing beat of prices. Heaver Hun Creek flows through tho property. Toaav Hereon wishing to Invest in rtenlTa. ratea late tht" olTers an opportunity seldom to be met with. For further particulars aplv at this olllco, or to tbe owner on the premises. UENUY TUCKER. Peptl.ls77 Smos, Gold. Mines fc Land. Coal, OOLD MINES AND LANDS COAL HILVEIl . fcOLD, OIIj LKAD COMPANIES OllOANIZED. STONE lltON NININO AllKNCY.I COl'PUlt MAItllLU ICO S. SEVENTH SI' LIMil COAL PlIlLAPEtrilU, MICA MAUL A. H, W V MAN A CO, OYPSUK S ToBuya Farm ! Scnd for Our Catalogue. A. II. WYMAN & CO., any ftCi Kni tut arvrvTii cn uwj m mm fjwi mm a m. feu. ia vi pniivDi:LrniA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers