jTj n. siEWEiis, BISTItlCr ATTOnUKV & COONSELLOll AT DAW. Office, Kloti's UnilnlnR D:o lawny, MAUUII CHUNK. PA. settllnit Estates. Fllitm Accounts and Oiphnns Court miotico n specialty. Trial ot cnnwi caroiuliv attended to. Lcfii rnnsactlonsln Jinirlish and German. Jan . Ailvc.Clsii.S Hates. Vode1reit to bo distinctly understood that oo advertisements vtlll lio Inserted In tho col umns ot tueCaiiuox Advocate that maybe -e icivcd trora unknown pnrties or firms unlcs.1 -companicd with tho Cash. Thofollowliif nro ur onlv terms. Advettlsemonts for 1 5 osr, per Inch each Insertion ' Cts. " six Month.", per Inch each Insertion 13 Its. " Three Months. " " ' Wits. Less than three months, first Inser tlon Jl. each subsequent Insertion o CIS. Cocal notices 10 cents iht lino. H. V. MOKTHIME It, Publisher. Society meetings. Tsnstte csti.1!, No. 73, A. o. K. of iiib M, , o 2ndnd 4th aloudav ot each niontn, In llo psr's llall. Lohlshton, at TriJa o'c ocK v. li ny. Xostenbadcr, H. K. C. 1 S. It. Gllmim. H. IC. It. a. siudbk iiittm l.tinon. No. dsn, 1. o. o. f. mooti every Tuesday cvoniiist.nt Soclocli, lulloaor's Hull. II Kosteuaader, a.U.i U. 11. lienor, Sccrotarr. MlTtic-icj Tntiis No. SJ!. Imp. O. of II M., moots In noaer'sllnll evo y S'lturdiv. J. H. lie-is. Sachem 1 O. W. Delhi, 11 of II. ;rouo roci Tninn. Tlo. lit. Imp. O. It. !., m. 01. on WediiCMliy ovenmsnt each mock, at tap oVIock in Pnli ij school Hall, i-lMi'rt I'n. C. W. Scliwao, s 1 Jot) B.nnf. '. 1 H LEnioMOS Lotion, No. IH K. of P.. mrots on I'rldav on-rnngi, m lleber's llill. at ,-,0 n'cloon. W.II. Ilachmau, COL. A. Sillier, K. of K.nnd . SATCnDAY, MARCH 9. IP7S. Local and Personal. The ljluo birds nro here. " Riilpath," too late for this issue. Farmers nro preparing for spring work. Tho U. S. tax 011 cigars mailo in Lehigh county amounts to over $75,000 a year. Tho first thunder storm of tiio season occurred hero on Sunday afternoon last. Business will bo suspended throughout tho country on St. Patrick's day (17th). A. .1. Iiousli, of Mcadvillo, Pa., is on a visit to his friend C. W. Lcntz, of this place. Reuben I'cnstermaehcr' is erecting a two Blory dwelling, on tho upper end of Second street. All township accounts must under tho law of 1S75 bo settled 011 or bolero the second Monday in April. A. Snyder, of Lehigh Gap, moved 16 rrcmont, Oliio,last week, with tho intention of locating pcmanently. Many consumptives ore now using Dr Frazier'3 Root Bitters and Cough Syrup with remarkable success. Dr. Derhamor is lying tho foundation for a double dwellingon Iron street. Lewis Klinger has tho contract. Over 500,000 bottlo of Dr. Bull's Cough Svrup aro sold every season, and thousands 01 persons saveu irom an iiuiiiueiy grate. -Maizio Welsh, a tlomestiu ill tho llOUSO of C. O.' Brunner, nt Bethlehem, was acci-lfor Weissport station of tho Evangelical As dentally burned to death last Saturday. f soeiation lor tiio last oonferenco year, Rev. Pleasant as honey, tho old folks llko It.tho young peoplo like it and tho babies cry for otwe mean Dr Frazler's Cough Syrup. VE. O. Zern, of Wcisspnrt, has removed his stock of clothing to Conldalo, whero ho is now giving tho miners a chauco to buy cheap for cash. Succeed. Sirtco tho discovery of Dr. Williams's Indian OiiUmclit there is ccitoinly no ex cuse for any 0110 to sull'er with tho Piles; Beo Advertisement. Wo loam that tos. M. Fritzinget1 is making arrangements to build luiusclr ill resilience on Bank street, near WilloiighbyA Wcrts. Lewis Klinirer contractor. ' Dados will bo tho stylo of wall Mper this year,and a call at Luckenbach's, Mam h Chunk, will convince you that ho has fine styles and knows how to put them up. Rev. (i. A. Brucgcl, tho Lutheran cler gyman, who ollljiatcs at tho Petcrsvillo church, was recently presented with a tlaughtcred pig weighing 250 pounds. Another sulphur explosion occurred in the lower Rauch Creek mines, near Tremont, bcliuylKUl county, on tno 1st 111st., by which 'four men were severely burned, one of them, Thomas tegiey, it is thought latauy. Attention Housekeepers! As those Jnjr season iia3 advanced, you win hndrto your advantage to call at tho OrigiiiaLOflcap fcash Store of J. T. Xusbauin ' SounfU ex amine prices. XoTOPFnKQUKXi occcrrrsce. Reuben Boycr, of Franklin township, has done plow ing on his lands in tho months of December, January, February and March of tho past winter. J. K. Rickert has still a few of those eli gible lots in Rickertstowu to dispose of. If you feel like securing a good homo call and He him. He is also supplying Hour, feed, lumber ami coal at the lowest rates. Last Sunday a week, Rev. J. K. Knerr organized an Evangelical Sabbath school in tho North Weisspjrt school house. I. Z. Bagcnstoso is the superintendent. There vcro 69 scholars present. - In China tho drinking of wines nt tho marnago feast ratifies tho nuptials. In this country the nuptials ate baldly over com pletely ratified, until a bottle of Dr. Coxo'l Wild Cherry and Seneka is purchased to euro baby's cough. Price 25 and 50 cents. Just received a larcrc stock oi family dry goods, at very attractive prices, at the Original Cheap Cash Store. - FOR C ASH. M. Floroy, having adop ted tho cah system in his business, un uouneea to iho public that ho is selling har ness, collars, Ac, at very reduced prices for ready money. Call, examine ami bo con vinced. Manufactory ncartlie Canal Bridge, East Weiwwrt, Pa. - There arc seven grounds for divorce in China one of which is talkativeness. It is well this regulation docs not exitt in this country, for fond mothers never get dono praising llr. I'oxe's Wild Cherry and Seneka. It is so necessary where children nro subject to croups and coughs. Price 25 and 50 cents. "GER.VAN SYRUP." No other modi cino in the world was ever given such a test of its curative qualities as Boschoo's German Byrui). In three years two million four hundred thousand small bottles of this mel icine wereilistributcdrcc of charqe by drug gist in this country to thoso nlllietod with consumption, asthma, croup, severo coughx, pneumonia and other ilinases of tho throat nd lungs, giving the American oplo un donlablojnoof that German Syrup will cuio them. The result has been that druggists in every town and villago in the United States aro recommending it to their custom rs. Go to your druggist, and ask what they know about it. Sample bottles 10 cents. JUgulir size 75 ceaU. Three doses will re Hrr kit mm. Tat mU by k. J. Durling. I Bon'tTorgct to attend the auction of dry goods, notions, pants, vests, carpets, queens ware, &c, in the store-room lately occupied by E. II. Rhodes, opposite this office, this (Friday) evening, and Saturday afternoon and even ing. The goods to bo sold are all of newest styles. Daniel Graver, Agent. Look out for back yard sneaks and clothes line thieves. Rev. J. B. Whitton will preach his fare well sermon to-morrow (Sunday) evening, and leave on Monday for conference, which will commence nt Reading on Wednesday. Bishop Ames will pieside. Mrs. James ltoarily, U16 widow ofono of tho executed Molly Mnguires mid who now resides In Allcntown, went to visit her neighbors tho other day, leaving two chil dren nlono in tho house, nud 0110 was burn ed to death. Lewis Arncr, tho enterprising milk deal er, of Millport, intends going into the gene ral store business at that place, tho coming Kiiviiif.. Mr. Arnpr is 0110 of the most lively business men in the lower end, nnd there is 110 doubt but that lie will succeed. Rev. B. I). Albright, tho newly appoint ed pastor of tho Evangelical church, of this place, will preach to-morrow (Sunday) morning nt. 10 o'clock, in GerlliaiH and 111 English nt 7 o'clock p. in. A cordial invi tation to all. Joseph Seaboldt, tailor, announces to tho peoplo of Weissport, Lchigliton, and vicinity, that ho will, 011 or about tho lJth instant, commenfe tho tailoring busincs, and will to plwifed to make up suits or arti cles of gentlemen's clothing from their own material, in tho latest stylo and tho most durable manner, at tho very lowest prices. Storo: next to tho Weisport House. Services will bo held ill the M. E. church, of this place, to-morrow (Sunday) morning and evening. Tho Sacrament of tho Lord's Supiier will bo administered in tho forenoon nnd tho pastor Rev. L. B. Brown, will probably preach his last ser mons as pastor of the" church here. Confer ence will bo held at Reading, Pa., commenc ing 011 Wednesday ileti Rev.L. B. Brown' will leave on Tuesday. Sudden changes of weather aro sources of pulmonary and bronchial aHection?,henco wo advise all to take Dr. Haas Expectorant, even if tho cold or cough bo ever so slight, ns tho Expectorant will stop the irritation at once. Ho was saying ! "As the pearly column of smoke in a winter's atmosphere rises un broken heavenward, so my heart rises to thee. As tho sunllower follows tho cruel sun which gives it life, so my heart follows thine. As tho blue brook runs its unhinder ed courso to tho sea, so my soul; in slavery, goes to thee." Said sho : " Henry, now that wo nro engaged, will you proceed to David Ebbert's livery and hire one of his splendid teams, which no lurnisncs very cheap t Vl - Tlio fnllmvini. U Ibn sl.ili.Menl rclmrt of J. K. Kneer, pastor : Died none, expelled 2, withdrawn 5, moved away 7, total loss 14; converted 2 i, accessions 41, gam in numbers 27 i membership 171, infants bapthed 20, marriages 8, Sunday schools 2, otliccrs nnd teachers 50, scholars 2511, giin in the schools 57. It is rctuarkaWo that in the two years not one of tho members ha'.'c died. Few of tile flew novels nie good except those contributed as serials to tho leading magazines, but Coxo's Wild Cherry anil SCneka is eood for all coughs and tolds. Li'rico 50 and 25 cents. . jib lukistiiii, .,iimn, 111 uiu-iiii ii-.ti, their death sentence to the Molly Maguires, John Kehooiiud Dennis Donnelly, ho are to bo hanged on the 18th proximo. Tho former was cool, but tin latter seemed de pressed. Kehoe,who washead of tho Mollies in Schuylkill county, was convicted last summer of having murdered F. W. S. Lang dou, near Audenried, in 1S02. Donnelly was convicted last fall of having been acces sory to tho murder of Thomas Sanger, at Raven Run, in 1875. Thomas Munley, tho principal in tins murder, was hanged in t'olifviuc last June. urglnrj'i On Monday night, or early on Tuesday morning last, tho merchant tailoring estab lishment of T. D. Clauss, of this borough, was entered by burglars, and a quantity of clothing, hats, boots, neckwear, common jewelry, Ac., to tho amount of about $300, carried away. Tho burglars, in tho cfl'ort to procure a light to enable them to select tho goods they desired, tinned tho wick of the lamp down into tho oil of tho lamp, nnd then resol toil to lighted paper, which they appear to have canied around without re gard to consequences, as tho remains were found 011 the lloor, on tho shelves, and in the class eases. A vest and .some other small articles were set on firo and thrown upon tho tloor within a foot or so of a two nuurt can of coal oil, and, had not Mr. Olauss discovered tiio lire, as ho did about three o'clock, having been disturbed ill his slumbers, and thereby smelling tho smoke, (hero must have ensued one of tho most ter liblo fires that ever visited this section. Who the contemptible thieves are is un known ; but it is supposed to have been a gang of tramp! who had been seen in this vicinity during tho previous day. At least, such is" tho opinion of ti number of ieroom wiiii wnom wo navo spauen on the eui ItlK Crerk Until. Our Sabbath Schools aro beginnl 1111 up again. Solomon Stcmler, ol this plaeo; lost a horso by death on Sunday a week. Dr. W. G. M. Selple, of Lchigliton, can bo seen almost daily in this section. Tho robins and Uuebirds havo put in an apicarahcc, but, I fear, they havo como too early. Tho name of Dr. J. O. Zern, of Weis Krt,is mentioned for tho legislature on thf democratic side of tho house. Our farmers nro busy rcairing fences, hauling stones, Ac, so ns to havo done with that lurt of tho work when Spring arrives. J. J. Roberts, of this place, moved to Slatington last week, and Mr. Thomas Bolt will occupy tho residence mado vacant by I am pleased to rcjort that Casper j -eeo, 01 l ino nun, lias unproved Ills condi tion consideraly, and hojiaj nro now had of his recovery. All readers of this paper should call ot tho People's Drug Store, A. J. Durling pro prietor, if they wish to buy pure, first-class articles. Thero is always to be found a complete stock of tho purest and let drugs, chemicals, patent medicine, Ac, Ac, Read his advertisement in another column. Diphtheria is still raging in tho upper part of the valley. Yours, etc., Bis Crick, March 6. Rcviar,. 7 I The Motile Cniti before the Board of t'nriloni. A dispatch, dated Harrisburg, March 5, furnishes us with tho following 1 Tho Board of Pardons Tuesday heard nbout twenty casc9, among them those of tho threo Colum bia county Molly Maguires whoso execution is fixed for tho 25th of March. At tho re quest of counsel for tho Commonwealth tho Fisher caso was first called. No application was mado for tho reopening of tho case, but James Sweeney, ol Carbon county, mado a statement that tho essential point in tho affi davit purporting to havo been made by him, on the strength of which Fisher obtained n respite of thirty days, was fulscaud Sweeney substantially admitted that tho testimony given by him at tho trial was true, but that ho still was under tho impression that when tho first news of tho murderof Morgan Pow ell readied his homo the condemned was be hind the heater. District Attorney Slewers remarked that tho man who conveyed tho information had sworn that Fisher was not there nt tho time, to which Sweeney replied that tho informant might not havo been mis taken. Sweeney further stated that ho had been telegraphed to by a resident of Mnueh Chunk to see Mr. Knlbfus.rnlt would bo tho last chanco ho would have of saving Fisher's neck. Ho declined to name tho man as ho did not want to "givo him away." Ho dis claimed any previous knowledgo of Iho im portant (mint ill his affidavit anil reflected on Mr. Knlbfus. General Albright read a letter from KulM'us, in which it is stated that Sweeney subscribed to all that the affidavit contained. After the meeting Sweeney de clared that Mr. KalblW declarations were false. The board will, of course; not inter fere with the execution of Fisher on the 2Sth of this month. The board also Heard tho arguments ill tho caso of Patrick Hester, Patrick 'fully and Peter McII ugh. Col. J. G. Freeze and ('. B. Brocltaway, of liloomsburg, and S. P. Wolvcrton, of Sunbury, appeared for tho cul prits and 11-ked for a pardon or a commuta tion of death sentence to imprisonment lor lire. The Commonwealth was represented by District Attorney Claike, of Columbia county. Tho main argument of the counsel for tho condemned was that tho conviction was due to the inicorrobborated evidence of an accomplice, who had Hot only been guilty of murder but every other crime on tho calendar. Jrs. Hester and her daughter listened attentively to the arguments. The decision ot the Board is rcsc ed. The Board recommended pardons in the cases of J. C. Coon, embezzling Auditor of Luzcrno Co., and John Welsh, of Allegheny Co., convic ted of rape ami sentenced to 13 years in tho penitentiary. Evangelical Association. At thu annual conference of tho Evangeli cal Association, held nt Reading, Pa., tho the committee on statistics gave tho follow ing repoit, which we reprint for the benefit of tho congregations at this plaeo: Died, 117) expelled, 270; withdrawn, 152 i moved away, SUli: newly converted, 2,7(13; number of members. )i,'J9S; ndults baptized, 213; infants baptized, 1,150 ; itinerant preachers, 00; local preachers, 71; church edifices, 1031; value, $574,300; superanuated preach er collections, 6784.01; Sunday School Tract Society collections,$li)2.0l; Sunday schools, 101; officers and teachers, 3,121; scholars, 18,171; volumes in libraries, 28,170; cate chetical classes, 1 ; catechumens, 23; parson ages 28; value, $51,100; missionary collec tions, $4,739.01. Tho following aro tho ap intments of preachers for tho ensuing year: P1111.ADA. District J. 0. Lehrj P.E. Pnila. Sth-st. mission, J. K. Knerr; Gci man town station, II. A. Neitz; Xoriistown miss., B. F. Bnhuer; Plymouth mission; to bo sup plied ; Trajilw circuit, J. G. Sands; Mil ford circuit, D. Lcntz; Montgomery circuit, A. Zicgenfus and J. H. Shiiley ; Pleasant Val ley circuit, D. Yuengst; Bethlehem station, L. Snyder; Freemaiisburg station, F. P. Lehr;'E.iston mission; S. C. Breifogle; Datli and Aekerinniltown circuit, U. W. Gross and .1. W. Worlcy ; Bangor ciicuit, II. J. Glide ; Middle Creel: circuit, I; W.Ycakel; Stroilds burg rilissioJi, II. D. Shultz; Wavue circuit, J. Saitz. Allkxtowm Di3T. C. K. Fehr, P. E. Allcntown, Lindeu-et. station, It. M. Lich tenwalner; Turner-st. station, J. Bowman! Liboriy-st. mission, J: Laros; 1st Ward mis sion, 1). Z. Kempcl; Lehigh circuit, C. If. Emaus station, F. Holl'uiun; Catasauqua station, G. T. Haines; Slatington station, M. Dissinger; Borliiisvillo circuit, W. II. AVeld ncr ; Parryvillooircuit,.!. L. Werner; Weis port and "Mauch Chunk sta., J. K. Seifiit; Lchigliton mission, B. D. Albright; Mahon ing circuit, I. J. Reitz ; Wilkea-Barro miss., A. Kindt. Rkaiji.no District J. M. Saylor, P. E. Reading: Sth-st. station, S. Xeitz; Chestnut st. station, W. A. Lcojwld, and Uth-st. miss., I. Hess; Friedcnsburg cir., J. Zern; Potts town mission, T. Hniiei; Birdsboro' circuit, T. Hess; Adamstown circuit, H. R. Yost, Fairvillo station, A. W. Warfel ; Brownstown circuit, II. Kempfer; Litiz and Mnuhcim mission, J. M. Opliugcr; Lancaster station, J. Adams; Lancaster mission, 0. L. Saylor; Millersvillo circuit, U. H. Hcrshey; Cres well circuit, .1. Specht ; Oonetcg.i, circuit, C. D. Sweigart. HAURisiitiiu Dist. C. S. Hainan, P.E. 1'ottsvii.li: Dist. I. E. Knerr, P.E. Tainaqua station, 11. J. Smoyer; Mahanoy City station, S. L. Weist ; Sha'inokiu tuition, .1. C. Blciin ; Mahantougo ciicuit, S. T. Leo'wld. Imporlnilt to Itestniirnlit Icrllcrs. Tho following bill, introduced in tho State Legislature by Hon. W. M. Rapdier, has (uissed tho first reading. Should it finally jus, it will place seVcral thousand dollars of over-paid tax in tho hands of restaurant keepers in this-founty nlono: An act authorizing and directing County treasurers 10 reiund excessive Kcstauraut License taxes paid over and abovo tho re quirements of tho law. Whereas, Tho provisions of tho third fction of u supplement approved March thirty-first, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, entitled " An act to regulate tho granting of licenses to hotels and eating-houses," pro vides that no license to keep an eating house, becr-house, or restaurant, shall bo granted in any incoiportod city for a less sum than fifty" dollars, nor elsewhere, for a less sum than twenty dollars Axu Wiikrkas, Under tho provisions of an act entitled : " To rcpsel an act to ermit tho voters of this Commonwealth to voto every threo years on the question of grant ing licenses to sell intoxicating liquors, and tonestrain and regulate tho sale of the same," approved April twelfth, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, tho County Treasurers of tho several counties of this Commonwealth charge for eating-house, beer-house, and restaurant licenses tho sum of fifty dollars for each license so granted outside of inooro rated cities, which is con trary to tho true meaning and spirit of tho act; thcrefoic, Section 1. Jk it cnueltd by tin Senate ami Jlouu 9 IltprcKHtatirt the Chmnton u(alth of Pennsylvania, in General Aahembli ttiet, ami it is Iterety cnated by the authority lf tht name: That tho Treasurers of tho sev eral counties of this Commonwealth aro hereby authorized and directed to refund all moneys paid in excess of twenty dollars to each anil every person or persons to whom a lieehse for an eating-houee, beer houso or restaurant was granted outside of any incorporated city, sinco tho pa?ago of mo act approved tho iwcmii tioy 01 April, eighteen hundred and soventy-five, entitled "An net to repeal nn act to permit tho voters of this Commonwealth to voto every threo years on tho question of granting licenses to sell intoxicating liquors, and to restrain nnd regulate tho sale of tho same," and for which tho sum of fifty dollars has been f aid, for which moneys so refunded tho Treasurers aforesaid shall bo entitled to credit in their accounts witli tho Common wealth. Pnckcrloll Hippies. An adjourned meeting of tho P.ickerton Christian Association was held on Friday evening, with Leonard Babeoek, President, in the chair. Tho minutes of last stated meeting were read and approved. Reading oi the budget by Mrs. A. Elliott ; tho editor ial, " Freo Thought," full of truths and worthy of consideration ; "Wit anil Humor," by 1). H., spicy ; ' Good Example," by T.T.: " The Oil of Love," by U.j "Slipping Away," y jl; "1110 iniest, by l'loxy; im nnd Humor," by II., all tho articles were cood, and rellect credit uKn tho writers. Tho subject for general discussion was "Aro thcro degrees of haiipincss nnd misery in tho lifo beyond?" Messrs. Kooil", Tietheway and Stiles participated, each giving their views with earnestness Tho subject for consider ation nt the next meeting is, " Xeed anyono go to eternal punishment f ' ,'l no oiucers ol 1110 association are Leonard Ij.ibcock, presi dent; T. Tretheway and Win. Long, vice presidents ; W. L. Stiles, secretary'; Sadie llaiton, assistant; Andrew Elliott, trcasuier. Tho interest in tho association is increasing: the room is pleasant, and nil who feel an in terest In this work aro cordially invited. Considerable anxiety is manifested in reference to tho prctiect lor steady work du ring t ho summer. The passage of tho Silver bill may or may not help; hardly two think alike about it. Over-production confidence hardlnonev rcsumntiou le(?.il tenders abiohito money pardoned criminals, aro the only topics of interest now. Democracy and Republicanism seem to bo put aside lo'r the time, and, seriously, tho dtllereneo be tween tho two great parlies seems to be so utile, that it is ot uocousenueneo winch side of tho fenco oio is on, Nothing shoit of a campaign blast will call the scattered forces togeiiicr. Our fiiend Charley says that. UaTlnz been elected ns school director, at tho earnest request of tho majority of tho voters of this uis.rirt, ne leels bound to discharge tho dut ies with fidelity. Good schools, lone terms itnd good salaries is his object, and wo think the gentleman thoroughly understands and appreciates tho wishes of tho people. Tho Aovucatk is a welcomo visitor to many families here, and your enterprise. Mr. hditor, should bo cncourascil by a more liberal patronage, and wo think will, if the .it citort is put lortn by a lew ol our lead ing citizens. March 0. Axorf. Lelilglilon Ijj ct'iim. Called to order at tho usual lime. Ouitc a number were absent at roll-call. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. " Song of Jokes," a medley, by Jiss Dol leninaycr, was well received. Of tho four questions to bo answered but one was rc tioitdedto; threo referees absent. Debate, ' Resolved, That anticipation gives moro pleasure than realization," opened on the alllrmativo by T." A. Snyder, both chosen disputants being absent. On tho negative. oy u. a. jjreuicy. .uomoers participated ill tho general debate, and tho discussion was nuito lively and intcrcstlinr. Afte'r tho piece of music, " Out in tho Starlight," the decision of the chair was given and favored the affirmative. An intcicstitig essay was read next by Jfr. Bietnev. bubiect. "A Sketch of tho Life or Abraham Lincoln." The rcjwrt of tho committee of curators was read and adopted ns follows: Referred questions: 1st. Why do tho animals of tho trigid zono havo white fur? Aggie Haul;. 2d. How man'y and what were the battles fought by Washington during tho Revolu tion? -U. A. Drctui'V. 3d. Give a descrip tion of thocapitol ol'tho United States. A. Graver. Debate, "Resolved, That man is intelloetuallly stronger than woman." Af firmative disputant,"!!. F. lloilbrd. assisted by F. P. Longstreet. Negative disputant, Clarence S. Weiss, assisted by .Viss Clauss. essayist two wee;;s uence, 11. v. Jloitn imer,jr. A bill of $2.25, for services and expcnsei during tho month of February, was presented by John Shecklcr. A mo tion was made nnd carried tiiat it bo ac cepted and an order drawn for tho amount. " Our Pajier " was read by tho editor, T. A. Snyder, and was as well received as ever. After taking up tho collection, tho society adjourned. Secretary. Public Srtlcs. The following is a list of public sates ad "ertised in this paper,or for which bills have oeen printed at this olirco: March 11, at 1 p. 111. Assignee's salo of real estate, of Jos. B. Senile, in Towamen- sing twp. Jareli II, at 1 p. in. Sheriffs sale at the Court House, of real estato of John Ebbeit, in Jahoning Valley. -Vareh 11, at 'l i. 111. Sheriffs sale at tho Couit House, tho real estate of John Dist- ler, in Towameiising twp. Jarch II, nt 1 p. 111. At Sheriffs eale, at tho Court House, tho re.il estate of Win. Leinliard, in Towameiising twp. Jarcli 13, at It) a. 111. Farming stock of Win. Daily, dce'd, in East Penn twp., D. C. and Rosa Bally, administrators. J.ireh 13, at 2 p. m. Assignee's salo of town-lots of Jos. B. Seidle, in Franklin' township. March 1 1 at 2 p. m. Aisigneo's salo of real estato of Henry F. Benin ami wife, in East Weiss'iort, Franklin township. Jarcii 23, at 10 a. m. Public sale of farm ing stock, on the farm known as tho De Long plaeo in East Penn twp., by John Balfiet. Jareh 30, at 2 p. m. Orphans' court salo of real estato of Gotlieh iu'sly, deceased, in -Vahoning Township. Thomas licni crcr, Administrator. Bat few erions passing tho corner of Centre ami Bridge streets nnd noticing tho unpretentious drug store there, have any idea that out of that modest looking estab lishment aro annually shipped largo quan tities of certain sjieeified remedies, whose names nro known all over tho United States, Daniel's Tonic, S. S. S. Medicines and JIaas' Expectorant havo become universally acknowledged remedies, which can bo found in every good drug storo throughout tho length ami breadth of this country. Mr. Ilj.iicl manufacture! nil his iiiediuines in his building here, which is fitted up tor that ex press puriose. There nro the compounding room, the bottling room, the labeling and jsicl.ing room, and last but nut least, the prin tin,' room, f.-r Mr. Daniels is not alone a good chemist,' but aho quito a typo, who prints all his own labels, bills, circulars, etc., etc. Wo recently juiil a visit to Mr. Daniel's establishment and were shown all over tho preniisos by the courteous proprietor, wliu exte uded his courtesies even so tar as to givo us a sample of his celebrated Expectorant, a few applications of which have successfully removed a serious cough with which the younger members of our household havo been troubled. Wo congratulate Trenton upon tho iossession of such an onto: prising bii.ii 1 e man as Mr. Daniel, and feel sure that our city reaisl the benefit of his enter jrisaTrenton (N. J.) Herald, 2d inst. REPORT of Horn's School, Mahoning Val ley, for the month ending on tho uitu day of March, 1S7S. 1 17 Wholo number in attendance dur ing month 15 For cent, of nttenilanco during mo... 83 02 Tho pcrcentngo of tho higher classes in tho diflWent branches Is ns follows . mntiiin-v o o oo o o o o o o cc wuujmjji o co o o o col- o j 'iltttiiin "ooo o o oo co o co -fi iilMlT.it I a o ci c o ei o o cj to Cinutir oi-ooo t? OOIDO 'tsiupili o -jo o o o sr. i-w I- oipiuqitiv u sagggsf.: nrrTs nut tintiiTi- ei-o-ifl!.t: f- o -s e jcuiiul'ijj ss g "K7rfj"s s"s s : en c -. ri t'C o s S i s 85! j Tho followiim-namcil scholars attended every dnv during tiio month : Phaon Shoe maker, Willio Horn, Oscar Horn, John Ber ger, Charlie Xeiimeyer, Cha-lie Kelbly, unlio lierger, Mary Jierger, Liizzio louse, Mary Ncumeyer, Sarah Xcuineyer, and Clam Shoemaker. J. M. Kistler, Teacher. The Cool Trade. The anthracite coal trade, under the new ly formed coal combination, seems to be working most satisfactorily. All the parties to the arrangement havo given full.adhesion to it, and aro using their best endeavors, through harmonious and united action, to reach tho desired end of resuscitating tho trade. Tho coal production is restricted to about half lime in each and all of tho sever al regions. Tho very mild weather all win ter, and continued thus far into the spring, has so limited the demand for sizes of coal used for domestic purposes that the stock of coal on hand lessens more slowly than could bo desired, and thus weighs moreicavily on prices than otherwiso would borobable. riio principal trouble in this regartj, how ever, comes from tho coal atloat at Xew York and farther eastward, coal factors and vessel masters in sonio instances yielding a little under circular prices for quick despatch. With some few exceptions of this kind the agreed-upon pricesaromainlaincd, and thoso in tho tiado generally aro sanguino that tho object of conibination will bo attained dur ing the year. Tho auction salo of coal nt JTow York lastwcck,though it Included only fifty thousand tons, was fully attended. Tho bidding, however was slow, "except for stove coal, which went off briskly in small lots. Tho prices realized wcro barely steady, in comparison with tho results of January's sale. I'ivo thousand tons of steamboat brought $3 10 toW 125, averaging thosamo as last month ; 7000 tons of grnte, $.1 07J, a deelino of 4 cents per ton; 0000 tonsofegg, $3 15 to -j. 'I 17J,nu advanco of 1J cents per toiii 22,000 tons' of stove, $:i 55, a dcclirfo of 21 cents per ton; 70P0 tons' of chestnut, $tf a decline of II J cents, nnd 3C00 tons of pea nt $2 12J. Tho Heading Coal and Iron Comtnny, under a circular of tho 1st instant, nnnuunced the followingns the prices of coal delivered on board of vessels at Port Rich mond until further notice, rubject to tho company's printed condition of salo Hard ami free burning white ashluinp,stca'mboat, broken and egg at $3 23 per ton,stovoat $3 50,chctnut No. 1 at $3 do. No. 2 at$3 75, and pea at $2 25. Schuylkill red ash egg and stovo tit $3 50,and chestnut No. 1 at $3. Other choice qualities of coal 25 to 50 cents per toll higher. Until further notieo tho Heading Itailroad Company will allow on all shipments of anthracite coal from Port Richmond during tho month of March con signed to points east of New Brunswick, a drawback of 15 cents per ton on stovo coal and 20 cents per ton on all other sizes. Presi dent Dickson, of the Delawaro and Hudson Canal Company, in his annual report re viewing tho tra'do of 1877, mentions a par tial compensation for tho losses ofthe-year tho economies which tho depressed condition of tho trade has enabled thoso in the busi ness to introduce, and which, promising to become permanent, must tell iavorably on the future of coal production. It limy also bo stated that coal property generally has been thoroughly cared ior.and was never in better condition. "While singulation as to (he probablo results of the business of 1878 may bo of littlo value, tho fact that tho sui cidal policy offorcinglargoquantitiesof coal Uwn overstocked markets has been arrested by an arrangement of the producers to hunt tho supply to tho demand, nugurs well for the future. Thocxiericnce of tho last eigh teen mouths has impressed both managers and mine owners witlitho fact that the laws of supply awl demand will not allow tho ono to bo pressed beyond tho limits of tho other, butroquirotho two to be harmonized." Tho sentiments hero expressed prevail gen erally with tho coal trade, and warrant tho conclusion hoped for.that tho year 1S78 will, to n largo extent, re-establish operators and do much to put tho carrying companies iu credit. Lcilijcr, Monday. The loltaMnfftabloalin-rs tno quantity oi coal flafitDedovcrllioLeliliihVsU'Jv u-nlruadtoi tlie wee1., en duff Mar. tM, i87S nnd Ut ttio ) ear ns c Jinparvd tuo samo lim, fan year, lleglous l-'romi Week, Year. Wyoming ?C9 C22 M llaztetou saigSiii 11 Upper L.dillt ji" 01 Weaver Mcaujw Ill KIM Matiuuov. tss'.'jll slauo l C'liuuic oi os 1'urt Delaware 191 u Total " foi.-tooa Imi Year Cl.ti: 00 OoO.Sjl 13 lacieiHe OOCieasn CIUMO 41.113 01 KCI-OUT Ol' COAL transported ovsr Lelnpli ,fr btisqu liauna U. vision, ccuiijii Jt K. cf N'cw Jersu ,r.rtd4V4 ending Feb Zi. IS7S HliipiuHl tioiu t Total weeU. To Onto. Wiommir at,8 C3 1-XI'lll U'jipcr l.ehlgli 1&3 ;mj;;ii, " AI.s.K.&i'o. UN 01 ll.SU 15 HcRVerMosduw v.. 23 10 3J ins 12 llai clou it 5;-j ij Muuell ( IiollU 1 .St 11 01 Sum CI Crosjl'reoz 7J M V1IM1I Co ined itldne j,j;i is i:.t.uj io UauiuvUU- Total -17 til 17 ;E0.i9i 14 l'revlously icpuiteu... til.bu 17 Total to date li l,: u Sjuio noft lat ycal.... :n,tKi OJ Increasd l)ecrca4. . . . . , 48,206 1 3 M.ititn:i), Ghkssiav Gixuf.r. On tho 3rd int nt the residence of Iho bride's parents, by A. M. Stapp, J. P., Charles Gressley and JIary Glndor, all of East Penn, this county. Closing Prices of DkIIates & Towhsixd Stock, Government end Geld, 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Mar. 7, 1678 1 tT. S.C's. U!l.. ,.100ii cod 100 "i ashed ,.icli bid lot", askrd 11. H. 6.20', 1105-J. 6 J.. II. M. S-'-TS. I8C7 .. . l.R 3-Wt.lSSi tJ. S. 10. Id's if. m. rurrenev.c's.. U. S. i'slSSI, r.cw... , iio- out iiui nsKca lOSSi bid ion-, asked 1'4U bid l4H mkrd II' H bid 110 'i asked 1031, bid 10j, asked 103'i bid 10 Hi aicd ......mill til U4-! askrd 27i bid ii'ked w. a. 4. . new U. -t r.i new I'ennsylvnnla It. It PliUa. eS Heading It. 11 .. LehlEli Valley It. It I ehluli Coal & Snv. Co.. , 13U bid 14 a Hud . f6i8 om m i nskia ill!, bid 17 ssncd United Companies ot n.j, i3li bid 111 osked lltti.,Tltuv..icTlnir. lt.lt. u'4 bid c-ss asked l'hlln. ct i:rlo 1'.. U ah Did SH nsied Koithern Central II. It. ... II Mil 14IJ asked Ito-tonvlllcjl'ass. Il.lt. Co 7tj li rt 7'i oBtid Gold IOiSi li M 1C1S asked Special Noticed. A 1 OL'CIIINO DEAHI-IILD cCnNB. "Oh, 11 1 had only received It before I am confident It would have cured me." Tluio im pressive words wcro spoken by a gcntlea-an In tho last s.nuci ot consnraiitlnn, wan. on 1.1s tleatli-bol. hrd recclvod a bottlo ct Halo's lioney of Ilorihouad and Tar, anil hid taken only n part of it, when he found ho couM brc-tno with n'most pcif ct caso; lu ccncli liad lett lilm, but, not having ctntu'ei red tho article tn tlmo. his ccnstitutlon was brolten, nnd ho hnd not eufdeient strength left to qto. conic iho tilea3c. Thcrefro tho ntiUio wldeo the nccoslty tl keeping fits article In tho house, ready for Imnudiato . ns It tauter. tain euro tor nil coughs, colds, hoarseness, dllU cult breathing, and nil rffeetlons of tho throat, iTOncWal lubes anil lnnss. leaiilng tocansuiup. tlon. Sold by all drmglsts. nnd nt Cr:ttcnS'n,a Ocntrnl Metiicino Waichouso, 7 Mxlli nrenne, Kow Yoi I: City, at CO cents and $1. Oro.it fa v. lug by purchasing lareo slzo. Pike's Tootiiaciib Dr.ors euro In ono raluuto IF l.ADins Wolxd coxstXT ArrcAUAxcrt' they would never uso any other than O .eaa j sulphur t-cap, which stlmu'alcs the heallhyac tlon of tho skin without Urltatlnn It, and Ira. pruts a "low lothecbel.s no known cosmcllo cjn ldiitatc. blncellsadoptiop ttctc'sa mnikcd Improvement In tho complex .on of younir 'atlos who had luilulced In tro payetloi of fasLlon un til the i oo lp their check had been supplanted Dy tho lily. goH everywhere. Ctvolt atilal. Soidliy eirugulsts. Prlco :5c. p:r cilro. I box (3 cakes) 73 cents, scnt.by mall. prcrtaU. on to. celpt of price, j C. K. Cr.tccu'm. i'loprletor, t Sixth avenue, Xew York. HILL'S IlAltt AND V UISKErt Dve, blacK or blown, G) cents. fobi3 Ira Dyspepsia ! Dyspepsia ! Dyspepsia I Drspepsla Is tho most perplexing cl all human aiimoutd lis symptoms aioulmost Infinite m their vailetv, and ihe torlora nud despondent vice ins or tho Ulsoiso oltcn fancy thtinselves the prey, m turn, of every known malndy. Tbts isduc.mpait toihocloesympathv which ex. lsts between thu stotu. ch nud the bialu, nud In pnit alsotn tiiofact that any disturbaucool tha digestive In, ciiuu neceesanly olsoidois tho liver, the bowels and the ncivons system, and atlccts to some i'xtoi t, tho quullty ot thu bloud, K. F. Knnkcl's Ullter WlLOof Itonisasuro cure. This is nota new preparation to be tried nud found wauttu'r, It has been prcsciibed dally lor manr veuis In tho practice ol eminent phy sicians with uuparalelledsuccees. It li not ex. pected or tutcuuid to cuio nil the disease lo which Iho huniau family Is subject, but is war. ranted memo Dysoepsu In its most Lbstiuato form Kunkirs Hitter Wine of Iron never falls to cure, yiuiptomi of Dyspepsia tro loss cf ni'petito. wind una lining of uiefood. drtneus ct the vnoutu, hcattburn.dtst nsiou or tho stomach and bowels, constipation, headache, dizziness, sleeplessness and low sprus. Tiy tuo pret remedv and boconilncea of itsmeilts Get llso cenuihc. Tako omv Hunkers, whicli nt nut only In one dollar bottle. Depot, ISO Noitlv niu oiicei, mi luotpuu, x-ii, n never luiis. rorsuto ut all Druggists and dealers every, where. Ask for E. P. Hunkers Hitter Wino rf Iron nnd tako na other mi bottles foi fltri iIoHaiii. or one doilur per bottl. Worms i Worms ! Won'n,! K. P. Klllke.,a Worm Hvmn r.fiver frill tn desttov JMii. Hent nud Suminth Uotms. Dr. Kunkella iho onlv successful phys'clan who remoros Tape Vortn ,n two hours aitvowlth tutu, una no ice until lemovco. vumnioa sense lencncs If Tape Moioi bo rejiovtd, nil uthcr worms Qln bu rcrtdllT iletrucpd. Komi fnrrlr. cul ir to K. IMCunko', .'ODKorth IMutli Street. -uiiiiiiuipaiir, i-a , or uni oi jour uruaci'tior a buttle ( f Jvaiitfel's Wulm Scrnii: t.rieu sil. It never lai'a. Feb. 13 , - Health and llappinfess. rtealtn nn'l iranriticfia nro itricelcsa Wealth to tliclr poscflurii, ana jet thoy nro wlnm iba leacli of ovciy one who will uso Wright's Liver Pills, Tho only tnie L U HE ti.r Torpid Liver uyspep. slii, lleadachn -our blomaen. CoLStivntlou, De. bi:lty. Nausea, and all ilillious complaints and lilood ilisoiders. Nono freuumo uuleis stirued "Wm. Wright I'lnln," ltyourimisFistwIlinot supply send 21 cents for ono bos lo lianlck, Holler ii Co , 70 N. 4ta bt., l'hlln. Deo. 29 yl. DON'T NEGLECT A COUGH or Cold, when 23 cents will buy a Lott'.o of I)r. Trailer's counh bjrup atany dtugntoro. It Ima wruucht n complete umnsoin thnConeh Medi cines, is i leasaut an 1 oney nnd nlneys cures. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Dr. Fmict'sOouirti byrnpusedin connecllcn with Dr l'raiici'd lioot Dltuis will cuts cox. SU111TIOX. btnudiiO.-.'trdLnundry,Clcvclnnd,o. Oct. 31 7il Dr. I'liAZiKi:. Dcaibifi Ifco nndutylowe to snfTir u liuniniiitv tq wnto vou For some time 1 wa eoioly , llllcici. :h n courIi, ralsli it nnd stun, with every symptnract bclmracoi. ninicdciius'impttvK 1 nli il.lToi cm tacdJclura nLdcutei without flniiiniriclirl: I al,ieoniili. ea threo of our moat cromlm nt Cleveland phy sicluns tto Inst ono olulnch piououi.cid mr cme rerlom. ui.d li.Ioinied mo ti.at Ieou ntot live meie lluiui lew leonlln Aoout thwtimc. hen in i or vour wondetful sinccsi. I com. iniuce.! taking vtur Byrup In couneetlou xltti your Koot 11 tier,, and wasut once beninie , iimt ntterus iigttio uieilielud somo two mouths I Had myself cutliely cured. , TOItESCE DUNK. str. tinnn spntn wiltcs, uudcrdateof aim i, 187 Dr. i'rasier, Doir uti I can cndono vour meiilcliio tuore sti ouftly ihAu ever from tho fact that It is i otv ueary ouovear slnco 1 was cured My lunus ore lodov stiou'taud toand. Uav.uir uo rclarn of Iho disease. Tl.enbove Mod elni'ssp-nn lor themselves. Du O. W.i'UAZIKll.l'nipilttor.L'leveland.O. For sale liv all Urugglat. Priceless Discoveiy. A Sure Cure for Piles. A snro euro fortbo blind b ceaia.Uchmgnril u'cera.evl Pils ha beon llttc ivrrcil by Ur. Wil litiui, (an Indian reiuet.r) cel;c4 Dr. William's India!. Othiim'ut. A mutflo box lias cartd tLo wo rut o 1 cliron c omet. ot twfiiiv-Uve nud trur ty yeaiv Maiidinff, No nue rood Muff;r flvom u titea after np.i.j.nff fiis v-cdenul eoothmK m dir nn. Iotlonn.tnHirumoHttanilflocinitilis (loiiioiobaroi Ihan good. Wi.Iiani' Oiutment Buppf i U tho tumors. allat tho luttuto iictung (parilcunrly at uuht after (retting waim iu bod ) ecu a t ! mult ict tvivcs iimuut a tut pain lem rtlitf. And is prt-pirM ou'y for l'llrauud notlduf else. Tiioi Htintii ut cured nnttfittitau ton IU li tuo-, w.a pIivhIcihih ot nil BCrm.I ptooout-co it (bo un attHt couttidut'ou to mtdi. c.n i of ir. sea H matters net how long or ft--vcrclv lou bavo becu BUffenup, you can b cuied. Mr. JosenU M. Rrder.O'ovelanil, Otdo.wrlte i I oiHTt-red for ycaiB with Itching and uireratrd ri'e, trel remedy after rcmei adrHtlel ard cnultwl nU all- ani in i'hdadclpbui.lxiuUville. Clncinu tf. Imliananolu and this cttyt iiini epant iiitudrfda of dotlain. but found no relief until I obtained u box ot Dr. William's Indian Ointment aime tour months ago, and It hm enrtntuiecfimplcte'r. 1 han a nart of thr hux left which I uave tu n lrlcnd of mine who had doctored with manr idnrs-cJaun and as a last re port went 10 tuo noted If ot Hprluem ArVana, lor treatment, lie Inform- xne mac the XLdJ.in Ointment has aiM cmed him of tho Piles. It s certainly a wonot rfui llhcovery,s.and ahoald I o ul bv tho maar thousand who aie now tut fenutx wltluhat dread Uteat;. (I t TT'llo.ono Reward will be paid for a moro tr re tain remedy, froid by all DriuglKta. 1)11, G, w ynAZIKH. ole propTl-Hsf. twrvijiit, x !. 14, ly,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers