. v" INDEPENDENT" Live ana Let Live." 1.00 a Year if Paid in Advance. BE: V. 'Mqetiiimer,-, Proprietor. Single Copibs, 3 cts. LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1878. VOL. VI., No. 13. Railroad Guide. N ORTIl PISNN A. RAILROAD . r ht'ndeltihla will leave Lehigh. ton as follows i ...... 3: 17s. m., Via. L. V. arrive at Phlla. ntCzlS a. m. JiMB.in.vUUV. ' 'i'lSj'S" 11:07p.m. ylnL. V. ' ' TjitVS' 1:20 p.w. Vliu V , " . " 11:50 p.m. Returning, leaw.dopot at .BerJca and Ameri. iUU At 10iJ. umu . - - plIItA. & HEADING RAlbKOAD. Arrangement of PasseDger Trains. NOVUJtnun. Stii. h?7. Tralnsleave ALLBNTOWN as follows! (VIA l'HIlKIOMEX BRANCH.) For Philadelphia, at 0.5J. li.oj. a.m..3.15 anil ,"P-n,f SUNDAYS. For Philadelphia at 3.21 D. m. IVIAKASf rXSA.BRAKCn.) or Re id'.uit. t 2.3J. S-OD. U U5 a m 12.U. S-10. 4.30 and 'i 0-r. p.m. . ,, . lr lI-trrlsDiirg. 1.3) 5 50, 1.05 a.m., 12.15, 4.30 For Lancaster and Colunttna, 5 to, 8.'03 4.ni. and . 4 30p m. tDoes uot ran on Monday.: l MJNDAVS.,, For Riallni. 2 3D a.m. and 0 05 p ra. 1'or 31 irrijhnrg, 2.3 rt. m. nn.l 05 o. ro. . Trains FOR ALLE ,TQWN leave as fouowsi (via rcRKiosmx branch.) Leave Philadelphia, 7.31 a. nr., 1.01), 1.30 and 8.U p 1U. SUNDAYS. Lo.tvo Philadelphia, e.oiu. m. (VIA UAST PIViStA. nilASCH.) Leave Reaiiiug, 7.41. 7,45. 10.33 a m., 4.00,0.10 and LcaXoHarilsburp;, 5.00,7.3) a. m.,and 1.40, 3.30 P. ra. i.o.ive Lancaiter, 7.30 a. m., and 3.25 p. m. Leave Columbia, 1.20 a. m . and 3.15 p. m. SUNDAYS. ( eave Reading. 7.20 n.m. Leave Ilarrllinrt, 6.2 a.m. Trains maike.l thus C) run to and trom depot Vth and Orceu street., Philadelphia, other trains to nid Irom Broad street dopot. Tno (U0 u. m and 5.55 p. m. tiolus from Allen ioi(, and tho7.33 a.m. and 5.15 p.m. trainj Trom RMlndriphta, have through cars to and truiu Phllidelphla, J. K. WpOTrKN. . General Stanastf. C, a HANCOCK, Oen'l rtcH'tt Aacnt. P EXNSTLVAN1A RAILROAD. 'GREAT TRUNK LINE AND United States Mail Route. The attention of the traveling public lures Itctluilv invited to some of tno merits oi this Snub highway. In the confident nascrtton and ?llef thit uo other line can offer equal induce incnti as a route, ol through travel. Ia Construction & Equipment the Pennsylvania Railroad stand t conto-isodly at the head ot American rail ways The tract doulilo the en tiro engfh of tho lne. oihtoel rail laid ou hoavy oak tics, which an embedded In a foundation ot roctcbil .last eighteen h.cbca In depth. All bridges aie at iron ot stone, aud bull tipoi the ruottau ptoveil plans. Its pns-ieugcr iara, while emin ently sulo nnd Kiibstanfal, arc at the aauio tiuio mode h ot cenjf m t und elcganca. TJio Safety Appliauccs in tise on this lino well Illustrate the far-seeing nnd libcrnl policy ol its management, in itccoid mice with which tint i-tllttv only otan lpiptov liiiiut nnJ not it- enst has bucu th iuesilpu of cuiiijidciaUon. Among many may ho noticed the lilock System of Safety Signals, vJiuiuey Coupler, Buffer & Platform, Tllli W'HA RTON" P TENT SWITCH, AMiTIIC WcstiugUouso Air-Brake, fotmlnR In conjanctlon with a perfect donblo tracic i odd bod a combination of eafeguarddu. KAlnwt accidents which havo rendered them practically it possible. Piillnian Palace Cars Aro run on all Expros Trains TROII NEW YORK, PIIIKADA.. BALTI. MOHUaml WAUUINOrpN. TO CHICAGO, CINCINNATI. LOUISVILLE IrfDrANAl'OLIS und bT. LOUIS, WITHOUT CHANGE, nnd to fill principal points in the. far West scd Month With Datoneciantroof cars. Connections, aro Diadn in Union Depots, and aro assured to ll important points. THE SCENERY Of tho Pennsylvania Routo is Bdmtlted to be untmrpiiwd in the.'wcrld lor rjnoeur, benuly and variety, (superior Ko Tresliuteat fnclllnes aro prolded. Employees ur-coui uoub and attentlvo, audit is an inevlt. eulo result that a trip by tho l'eunsylvama nnuruaii must loriu u licaslnp and Mcmor&Mo Exjierlencc. Tickets for talent the lowest rates at the Ticket OMcej ot tho Couipuuy lu all Important cities and towns. l'BAMC TflOMPSON, V. P. EARMRlt, lieu. Manager, Geo. Pass. AReuL 3. K. 31IOU.MAKK11. Pa.s.Aent Middle Slst. 12 Vorta Third St., Ilarrlscurc, Pa. prlme Home Made Brtad ! WHY UO UUNQUYI When Vou can liny 6H pounds ot tint CI J us Bread FOUK LOAVES FOR 25 CENTS I J W. O'NHAL, the popular Bread and Cake l'aker, of Leniahtoti. in order (o meet the wauta ottho times lias Bed mod tie Pries of hlscels brcted Homo Mwlo BUUAD to Four Loaves for Twenty-five CU. Cash. Buftar, Italsln. Cocoauut Scotch, Drop, cream ami Uucr C A ICES, only Ten Cents per Dozen. Look Out for tho Wagon! At II Alien CHUNK, on Tuesday, Thursday aod Saturday Aloiuings. L15H1U H TON and wi.iboPURT, every After noon except tTlday. TERMS STRICTLY CASH 1 I'atronaae.ollclted. J, w, O'NEAL, sroicu. Opposuo First National Banic, afrtlbyl Bant htreet, Lehlfchlou.Pa. M.Sal t chance to make mon f rou can't cet srolil vou .get greenbacks. We 1 u. nerson Inevprv town to tukenunitriTitinnss'riip thA lareeat. cheapest and len Iliustiated family lmhlicatieu lit tho word, Aur ono can become a successful njjat. The niott eleaint works nt art cirea free to aubscrtoent. The price Is ao low that almost cwrrDoJr eulscrlbe. Ono airect ronort muklnit over lis i in m vrfntr a lody steut rei'orta takins ovor400 subscribers in mi uayB. All who t-ngatre make money fast. Vpu can devote all rour urae tothe buinesa.r oqly voar spare time. You nee J not be away from horn ft over night. You can do It as well as others. Pull parucuhrs, directions and terms frei Elegant, anil esnAiiRivA Ontflt frAA. if you want urofltabie wore send us vour address at odcj, It cost nomine to try the business. 2f oae wiin enjivei fall to make great par. dar4 "The iNwplv's Journal." Portland, CARDS. M...HII...B W.ralinnin. Y.Schwirtl.llsnk streel.cfeateriit all tindl of FarnUurt, CoUintmadtlo order. Hoot anil Shoe Makeri. CIlatonBretney, in Leran't building. llsnk street AllordtripromfilnftUed work warrantta. Attorneys. P 1'. tuXGSTREET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Next dooi tcthe "Carton nouse.' BANK5STREET, LEllIOIITON. PA. December to-Om. w, M. UAPSIIlfiK, ATTORNEY AND C0U.NSELI.0Il AT LAW, . F5Vi?"t.",.,ii nor.nd Sell lUsl K.tato. Conveysnclng neatly done Col. l.etlons promptly made. Settling bstat. i of p.. eedsuts a jjedalty. Msy b. consulted In Knllsh DO ucruinu. J AS. It. STUUTIIEUS, ATTORN SY AT LAW, , S3- Office : 11 floor of Rhoad's llsll, Maucli Chunk, Fa. All business entrusted to hltu will be promptly attended to. , Msv27, ly. p J. SI1CEII AN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Next Door to Klrst N4tVo'nl Wok , MAnClI CHUNK, PA. 3-Can bs ronsulted In Oermsn. TJsnO. Justices and n&urnnce. pp A. BBLiTZ, JUSTICE OP TUB PEACE, Obcrfs Bulldlnir, BANK-St., LsuionTOS. . - -..A n ,.- hntt. uonvoynnciuK, ,uucuuu n. i . J. od to. Agent for tho best Fire rnd Llfo Insnr. once CoinmnioJ 1 Bents collected at reasonable cuarges. (uo. ....... - rjlIIOMAS S. UECIC, JUSTICE OP THE PEACE, BANK Slreet, LEIllailTON, P. Conveysncloft, Collecting snd all business con oocled with the ofllce promptly attended to, 4sTAnetit for nntt'Ctsss Iosurance Companies, sud itkks of all Linda tskeo on the most liberal terms. Jan.u,iS73. a Stomas Kcjir.ncn, CONVEYANCER, GENERAL iN&HRAlICE aOEliT ifhs fjllowlns Companies aro Represented: LIS It AN )N MUTUAL FIB 15, IIUAI)1M MUTUAL FIBE, WYOMING VIMS. porTiiviLi.E Finn, . LE II I (111 FI R E. and the TB AV ELERs ACCIDENT INSURANCE, Also Pennsvlvanh and Mutual Horse Thief Detecilvo aul Iuurant.o (.'ompauv. Marcn 23. 1373. 1 llOS, KEMERER. Physicians and Dentists. TTT A. DISRIIADlISn, Sl.OV, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Bpetlal attention paid to Chronic Wlericl. onicej South East corner Iron and 2nd sts.. Lo hlahton. l'n. April 3, 1875. D n. s. o. nisuisn, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SL'ROKO.V, Offlca, Dakk Strert, next door alwve the Fostoulce, Lehlghton, Ta. OfUce Hours rarrjYllle each day rom 10 to 12 o'clock; remainder of day atofflreln Lehlihton Nor-23,'72. Tjy U. M SBIPLE, PnYSICIAN AND 8UROE0N. Next to E. II. Snyder's store, Baxk ST., LEI1IOIITON, PENN'A. N.B. Special attention Kivento the Cnreot Salt Itbeuiu, ic. Jan. 13-y J. hKSH rilYSICIAN AND bUHOEON, (Latt Resident rhyticUn of HarrUbutg Hospital). Office i Next door to the Union Churcb, WEISSPonT, PA. V& Pncclal attention trlven to tho Dlieaaen of Women. L'onbiilttlon iu EniclishandUermau. Aug, is, isif-ani" y. edwauu uuoVn, HUaOEON DENTIST, Of tfco Feniisylvaula Dcllbl Cull'ece. riiila'dol- phla. has onent d an ofllce In LE1IIOHTON, on DUO AD STUEET. tielt door to Snydera .tbtb AU work warranted satisfactory. LAUOIIINO a A3 Used for the patnles4 ex. traction of Teeth Aug. It, lf?7-yl N ATUAN KRttJJl, At his SALOON, next to Clans-' Tallorlna EstubltsbuicDt, keeps the Cclebiated Philadelphia Lager Beer Constantly ou Tap - bo also keeps a fdll supnlv of Puro UEBMANT WI.NE". Choice CIUARS, Tbepationage uf the publlo is very resjioct fully Invited. r. Alii Art ivitui. Don't force 1 1 he nlarn t Nel tlnnr ahova T. T. Clause', 1IA.S K stieet, Lehlgliion. OctH FRED. KELLEY Announces to the peoplo ot Lehlchton and Tlcln tty that he Is prepared to supply thrm with every article ot Housefiirnlglilng: Tinware, At very lowest prices also. Roofing and Spouting, In all its branches, promptly attended to at prices fully as low as tho lowest, (live me a call. RTOREi Opposite the Pnbllo Square. BANK STREET LKluailTON, PA. July ai.'jr.iy GIVEN AWAY Zl. TwEmvS BTEEL KNOHAVINO, entitled " The Finding of the Saviour In the Tem. Pie," with tho WORKI.NU CHURCH. S4 pge Religions family Newspaper.devoted to Honse. Mold, the buudav echooi, Musio and veneral ennrch Work, On 3 months, tnsl for U cents. Agents Wauled. Address, J. It. BRKWKB. IKPSIC-Iai ISIWuiMHH.y. .JSSIGNEE'S SALE OF . Valuable1 Real Estate ! , The undersigned, asslenco of Joseph B. Sel del, will sell nt publlo sale, at tho Franklin Hotel, in Franklin Township, Carbon County, Pa., on Wednesday, March 13. 78, at 2 o'clock p. m tho followlnar properly, to wlti Peven town or bulldlnir lots, annate in Franklin Township nforosald, oach having a front of 50 feet and a depth ol 16) feet, and numbered rcspccllVrlv Nos. 22, 13, 24, 31,3.1,13 and 53, Al.o,one out lot containing about M of ou acre, being the propertr of Joseph II. tieldel, and to bo sold for tho benefit of creditors. Teims and conditions will bo made known ot tho time and place of sale by HEN R Y BOYEB, Assignee. f cb 14, 1873. JSSIGNEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate WJ.B.Seidel There will be sold at public snlc, ou treprc; raises m TowameuHinn; Township, Carbon Co., Pa , on Monday, March 11, 1878, nt 1 o'clock p. m., the fol'owlnir real estate, sit note in lowamtnsiDg Township, to wit: All that ccttflln tract or piece of land bounded und deen oed as follows: Deolnninir at n chest, nut cnrDer, thente by land or Joseph Koch and Joslah linrpel north 4 hi degrees, west 2241$ perches to u stone: thetico down in thePoco Poco. it Biff Crpek. I7i perches to a utono cor tier, thence south 2 degrees, west so perches, to a b ton ef tlieaco south 434 doprees, west 42 peichi's, ton ttoJO, tticnco bv land of William wchairor south )!4 degrees, ean 17 perchea, to n stone; thence bvland now or latu of Danlt btemler, south 72 decree1!, wear CO perches to a stono and stake i thence bv the Bimo Bouth 60 dfcrces. west 83 perches to a post i thence bv land of Jacob Smith south IQU dcgreeB, east 60 pciches to a etono: thence by thosame nonb bJ degrees, cast 1 18 perch? s to a stone i thence by the same sooth 18 decrees. eat &i perches to n pofttt tnence by land of John II, Weiss north 73H degretM, east C9 pTch-s to a Blono j thenco by land of William Bcimfffr north 9 drgrees. wot 2 perches to a stone i thence bv the same north 72 degrcei. ea-t 47 24t pcrchoi to the piacoot beginning, containing 224 ACRES AND 49 PERCHES, strict measure, upon which Is eroctcd A TWO.STORY FRAME DWELLING, 24 by 20 feot,wlth a kitchen 19 bv 22 feet attached a Swiss baiu30 by COfeet, and other outbuild ings. About 100 acres of the land aro undor a good stato of cultivation. Terms and conditions will bemado known at the time and placo of salo by HENRY' BOYEB. Feb 14, 1878. Aselgneo ot Joseph B Seidel. A1 Of Valuable Real Estate. By virtaeot an Order issued cut ol tlie Court ' of Common Pleas of Carbon Copnty, the under. algneJ will sell at Publlo Sale, on Thursday, March lith, 1878, at TWO o'clock P. M upon tho premises In EAST WEISSPORT, Franklin township Car. bon county, Peuna., tho following Real Estate, to wit i No. 1. AU that certain Messuage, Lot or P ECE OF LAND, situate In East Wolsspoit. FraukUn tont!blp, nnd county uforosala. bounded and descriped as follows, to witt Beginning at a post, titcoce along a puhllu road leading from Kreflgovillo to Welssport, south fortv-one and ouo-quurler de green, west nmety-nine feet to a voi thenco by land proposed for an atioy, Routh lortv-tniee degioea, cost ono hundred and thlrfcv-one feet to u post : thenco by and along sa.d alloy, north forty-one and aquatter itegreo-, cant riueiy. ntuefeottoapo.Hi theure oy Inni of. tVirth toi ty three decrees, west one hundred and illJr ty.oDefeet to the place ol beginning, containing 12,900 Sqliare Feet, and embraces Three LotB, viz : Nos. 7, 8 nnd 9. The Improvements thereon consist of i"K o I-rame DWELLING UOUtfF, i.by 25 feet. Two htones Ilich. With Two Poi cues attached and other Outbuilding''. A Well of goAd Water, nnd u Iotro aud eooti Yard planted with Fruit Tinea. No. 2. All that certain Lot or Piece of Grouiid, situate In East Welssport. iu theTownshlo and ('oiiutv n foresaid, bounded and described na fol lows, to witi llHirimilng.nl; a pubho road leading iront Welfcsoort to Htrodil3burg, thence by lnd ot Lewis Uom north live degrees, east ten pe i ches to an alley ahnig tho graveyard i thence along said alley, sonth eiglity-Mjveu degree, cast four perches to a stouet theuce by land late of C. v. Klolc, sonth nve deare.es, west ten perches lo said publtti rondt thencd along tho Mime, uorth eitihtv-oven decrees, wet four perches to the p ace of oeglnnlug. containing 40 Perches; Strict Measure. The Improvements thereon consist of a BLACKS M ITIT A MllOP, ''0 by 21 feet. Two (Stone ltigh. with Wigo;i Shop overhead. lielogthe Heat Estate of UENlt 1? BHU LIN and WIPE, ot said Fianklin Township, Caroon county; ana to bo sold by the Assignee lor tho Benefit of Creditors. 1 he terms and conditions will be made known on tho day ot sate, and due attendance tflven by UENJAMIN llEllLIN, Assigueo. PETER j; MBEUAN, Attorney February 9, 1878. "lssoititloii of Copartnership. "Vntlce ijlieroby gltto, that the Pattnei-shlp lately subelstlna bittecn CIIAB It. WEIbS und P. A,, ANDREWS, of packertoo. PrbUa.. under the Arm of WI5IBS & ANDUEWS. wo. m.Bolved ou.the Uth day of January, 1878, by ruutuat consout. All debts owinfi to the .Aid partnerahlp aro to be recoived by Uie said P. A. Audrow.,and all demands on the said partner ship are to be presented tu him for paymi nt. CHAS. II. EIS, I'. A. ANDREWS. Packcrton, January 23, lMd. Having purchased the interest of C. II, Weiss In the lale llim of Weiss & Andrews, the uniier signed will coutlnue In the DrvGooas.aiocerr. Boot and bhoe, &e. business at the old stand at Packet ion, wheio he will be pleased to see all his friends and customeis, and by prompt at tcnlion to business will try to renuer saticfac Hon to all who may favor himwllaa call Thankful for paslfavois. I .olictt a continuance of the patronage given the old firm. P. A. ANDREWS. Feb. 2. 1S-S-W1 T o Whom It May Concern. All persons aro hereby forbid meddling with one fctorrel Horse, one Ilntcher Wagon, one bef Harness and oti Hansago Cutter, loaned bv the underslgi.ed to CHAS. w. LAURY. of Lehigh ton. Pa., the same being my jronert y. lb HORN, Franklin twp., Feb. t, 1S78wj- L0YEKSI book op KNnwi- KDUK, or Secrets ot Love, Conruulp & Mar nage Hhowlng how to get married. live happlly-obUIn healib, wealih and distinction, and appear to advantage in so ciety 2uo psges-300.0 0 sold. Mailed lor III cts, in postage .ttropsor rnrrency. AdareM,Thf. Vina ruMubmgOo., Nswirt M.J. dels-ml THE FLOODED GULCH. A Romance of the Gold Diggino3. I wam't never meant for no sailor, I warn't, but I camo of a great nation, nnd when n chap out of our way says ho'll du a thing lie does it. I said I'd go to sen, and I went nnd thar you arc. I said I'd drop hunting and tako to mining, and thar I was; and that's how it como about. You see, wo was rather rough out our way, S-licro Hcz Lano nnd mo went with our bit of tent and pickers, shooting-irons and sech like, meaning to make a pilo of gold. Wo went to Washoe, nnd didn't get on; and then wo went to Fort Laramie, and didn't get on there. Last, wo went right up into tho mountains, picking our way amongst tho stones, for Ilez ses, "Look hcroold hoss, let's get wliar no one's afore. If we getwhar the boys aro at work already, tho've tobk tho cream, and wo gets tho skim milk. Let's you and me gel the cream, and let some o' the others take tho skim milk," "Good for you," I saysj nnd wo tramped on day after day, till we got right up In. the heart o' tho mountains where no ono hadn't been afore, and it was still and quiet, as it made you quite deaf. " This'll do, Dab," says Ilez, as we put up our bit of n tent on a pleasant green shelf in tho steep valley place. "This'll do, Dab; thar's yaller gold spangling them sands.and running in veins throUgn them rocks, aud yaller gold in the pockets of tho rock. "Then let's call it Yaller Gulch," I says. " Done, old hoss !" says Ilez ; and "Yaller Gulch it is," Wo set to work next day washing in the bit of a stream and shook hands on our good luck. "This'll do," says Hcz, "We shall make 'a pile here. Ko ono will dream of hunting this out," "bay, Btranger I" said a voice that made us both jump. "Do it wash well ?" And if there warn't a, long.WAn, ugly yal-lar-looking chap looking down nt us, as he stood holding a mule by the bridle. Why aforo a week was over, so far from us keeping it snug, I reckon there was fifty peoplo in Yallar Gulch, washing away, and making their piles. Afore another week was over soma ono had set up a store, and next day there was a gambling saloon. Keep it to ourselves 1 Why, stranger, I reckon if there was ono speck of gold anywhere within 500 miles our chara'd sniff It out like, vultures, and be down upon'. It warn't no uso to grumble, and we kept what we thohghtto ourselves, working away and making our ounces the best we could. One day I projioscd wo should go up higher in the mountains; but Ilez said he'd be darn ed if he'd movci and next day if he'd want ed me to go, I should have told him I'd be darned if I'd move) and all at once, from being red-hot chums, as would done any thing for one another, Hcz and mo got to bo mortal enemies. Now, look here, stranger. Did you ever keep chickens? I'Vopsnot; but if you ever do, just you notice this. You've got, say, a dozen young cocks pecking about, and as happy as can be smart and lively, an' in ncrccnt as chickens should be. Now, just you go drop a pretty young pullet In among cm, and see if there won't be a row. Why, afore night there'll be combs bleeding, eyes knocked out, feathers torn and ragged a reg'lar jieppcr-box and bowio set-to, and 'ocause of that little smooth, brown pullet, that looks on so quiet and gentle, as if won dering who made the row. Now, that's what was tho matter with us; for who should come into the Gulch one day but an old store-keeper sort of a fellow, with as pretty a daughter as ever stepped, and from that moment it was all over between Hez and me. He'd got a way with him, you ee, as I hadn't, and they always made welkim at that thar store, when it was only "How do you dd?" and "Good morning," td me. I don't know what love is, stranger; but if Jael Burn had told me to go and cut one of my hands off to please her, I'd ha' done it. I'd lla gone through fire and water for her, God bless berl and if she'd tied one of her long yallar hairs round my neck, she might have led me about like a bear, rough as I am. Hut it wdlildn't do. I soon see which way the wind blew. Sho was the only woman in camp, nfad could have the pick! &nd she picked Hcz; I was 'bout startln' mad first tirHe I met them two together she a hang'ng on his arm, and looking up in his face, worship ping him a great, big, strong he; and as they war got by I swore a big oath as Ilez should never have her, and I plugged my six-shooter, gave my bowie a whetting, and lay in wait for him coming back, "Now, Hez," I say, "how about your dar ling now? You'll cut in afore a better man agin, will ycrt" " Yes, if I live!" he says, stout-like, so as I couldn't help liking the grit he showed, "That's right," ho says; "pitch mo over, and then go and tell little Jael what you've done. She'll be fine and proud of yer then, Abinadab Scales I' He said that as I'd got him hanging over the rocks, and he looked me full in the face( full of grit, though be was helpless as a baby; but I didn't scs hit lice then, for what I saw was the face of Jael, wild and passionate like, asking me what I'd done with her lover, nnd my heart swelled so that I gave a sob like a woman, as I Bwung Hcz round into 'safety, and taking his place like, "Shove mo over," I says, "and put me out of niy misery." Then ho held out his fist but I couldn't take it, but turning off, I ran hard down among tho rocks till I dropped, bruised and bleeding, and didn't go bock to my tent that night. I got a bit wilder artcr that, Hcz and Jael wcro spliced up, and I alius kept away! When I wanted an ounce or two of gold I worked, and when I'd got it I used to drink drink, because I wanted to drown all ro collections of tho past. Hez used to como to me, but I warned him 'off. Last time he come across me, and tried to make friends, "Hcz," I says, "keep away, I'm despnt like, arid I won't say I shan't plug yer 1" Then Jael came, and sho began to talk to me about forgiving him J but it only made me more mad nor ever) and so I went and pitched at tho lower end of the Gulch, and they lived ft t'other. Times and times I've felt as If I'd go nnd plug Hcz on tho quiet, but I never did, though I got to hate him more and more. and never half so much as I did two years arter, when I came upon him ono day sud den, with his wife Jael, looking pootier than ever, With a little white-haired Bqucaler on her arm. An' it riled me abovo a bit to see him so smiling and happy, and me turned into a blood-shot, drinking, raving savage, that half tho Gulch was feared on, and t'other half daren't face. I had been drinking hard fiery Bour bon, you bet 1 for about a week, when early one morning, as I lay in my ragged bit of a tent, I woke up sudden like, to a roaring noise like thunder; then there came a whirl and a, rush, and J was swimming for life, half choked with tho water that had carried me off. Now it was hitting my head, play ful like, agen the hardest corners of the rock it could find in the Gulch ; then it was hit ting mo in the back, or funding me in the front, with trunks of trees swept down from tho mountains, for something bad burst a lake or something high up and in about a wink tho hull settlement in 1 altar Gulch was swept away. "Wall," I says, ecttine hold of a branch and drawing myS'elf out, "somo ou 'em wanted a good wash, and this'll give it 'em; for you seo water had been skeereo lately, and what thero was had all been used for cleaning the gold. I sot on a bit o' rock, wringing that water out of my hair leastwise, no; it was some oneclse like who sot there, chaps I knowed. you see; and there was the water rushing down thirty or forty feet deep, with every thing swept before it mules, and tents, and shanties, and ttores, aud dead bodies by the dozen. "Unlucky for them,"I says; and just then I hear a wild sorter shriek, and looking down, I see a chap half-swimming, half swept along by the torrent, trying hard to get at a tree that stood t'other side. "Why, it's you, is it, Hcz?" I says to my self, as I looked at his wild eyes and stain ed f.u-e, on which the sun shono full. "You're a gone coon, Hez, lad ; so yod may as well fold your arms, say amen, and go down like a man. How I could pot you now, if I'd got a shooting-iron ; put you out o' yer misery like. You'll drown, lad." Ho made a dash, and tried for a branch hanging down, but missed it and got swept against tho rocks, when he shoved his arm between two big bits ; but tho water gavo him a wrench, tho bono went crack, and as I sat still there I saw him swept down lower and lower till he clutched a bush with Uis left hand, aud hung on like grim death to a dead nigger. "Sarve you right" I sayj coolly. "Why shouldn't you die like the rest? If I'd had any go in me I should have plugged yer long ago." "Halloa! I cried then, giving a start. "It hln't tis tarnation! it can't be I put it was. There, on t'other side, fifty yards lower ddlvn,on a bit of a shelf of earth that kept crumbling away as the water washed it, was Jael, kneeling down witH her young 'urij ami, as I looked, something seemed to give my, heart a jigg, just as if somecoon had pulled a string. "Well, he's 'bout gone," I says;"and they can't hold 'bout three minutes; then they'll all drown together, and she can take old H'ez his lastbabby to 'rlUU; 'em! I'm safe enough. What it got to do with me? I shan't move." I took out my wet cake of 'bacon, and whittled off a bit, shoved it in my check, shut my knifo with a click, and sot thar watchin' of 'cm father, and mother, nnd bairn. "You've been happy, you have," I says out loud ; not as they could hear it, for the noiso of tho waters. "Now you'll bo sorry for other people. Drown, darn yer! stock, and lock, and barrel ; I'm safe." "Say, Db," I -says to myself, "don't you be a fool. You hate that lot like pisom you do. Don't you go and drown yourself. I was 'bout mad, you know, and couldn't jo as I liked, for, if I didn't bein to rip eff my things, wet and hanging to me. Cuss mo how they did stick ! but I cleared half on 'cm ofT, and, then, liko a mad fool, I made a run and a jump, and was fighting hard with tho water to get across to Hcz's wife and child. It was a bit bf a fight. Down I went and bp I went, and tho water twisted mo like a leaf; but I got out of the roar and thunder on to the bit of shelf wh'kro I Joel knelt, when if tho silly thing didn't begin to hold up to mo her child, and her lips, poor darling, said, dumbly) "Savo it I oh, 6ave it 1" In tho midlt of that rush and roar, I saw that poor galj. white, horrified, and with her yellcr hair clinging round her, all my old lovo for her comes babk, and I wore a big oath I'd savo her for myself or die. I toro her dress into ribbons) for there warn't amomcnt to lose; and I bound that bairn somehow to my shoulders, she watch ing mo tho whilo; and tlicn, with my heart beating madly, I caught her in my arms, she clinging tightly to mo in her fear, and I stood un. thinkini how I could get back, an'l mado ready to leap. Tho flood didn't wait for mo though. In amomcnt there was a quiver of tho bank; and it went from beneath my feet, leaving mo wrestling with tho waters once more. I don't know how I (lid it, only that ofter a fight, and being half smothered, I found myself crawling up tho sldo of tho Gulch, ever so low down, and dragging Jael into a safe placo witii her bairn. Sho fell down aforo me, hugged my legs and kissed iny feet; and then sho stared up and down, ending by beeing just above us old Hez, clinging thero still, with his sound arm rammed into tho sush, and his body swept out by tho fierce stream. Tho next moment Bho had seized me by the arm, and was pointing at hiiil; and sho gavo a wild kind of a shriek'. ( "He's a gono coon, my gal," I says though sho couldn't hear me, and I was gloating over her beautiful white face and soft, clear neck, as I thought that now sho was mine all mine. I'd saved her out of tho flood, and thero was no Hcz to stand in our way. "Save him savo him I" she shrieked in mycar. What; Hcz ? Savo Hez to como between us once more ? Save her husbatld the man I hated and would gladly seo die 1 Oh, I couldn't do it, and my looks showed it, she reading mo liko n book tho while. No, ho might drown ho was drowned must bo. No; just then ho moved. Hut nonscnsol I wasn't going to risk my life for his, and cut my own throat as to tho futur.' Shi? went down on her knec3 to me, though, pointiilg again to where Haz still floated ; and tho old feeling of lovb for her was stronger on mo than ever. "You'ronsklrlg mo to die for you; Jael I" I shouted in her car. "Save him savo Hez !" sho shrieked'. "Yes, save him I" I groaned to myself; "Bring him b.ck to tho happiness that might bo mine. But sho loves him sho loves hlhi; and I must," I gavo ono look at her as I thought my last aud I couldn't Kelp it. If sho had asked mo dumbly, as sho did, to do some thing ten times us wild, I should havo done it ; ailcl with a run I got well up above Hez aforo I jumped in onco mere, to have tho samo fight with tho waters, till I was swept down to the bush whero ho was. I got my knlfo In my sheath to cut tha bush away aud let him free; but as I Was swept against it tho weight tore it away,aud Hcz and I went down together,hlm so dono up that ha lay helpless ou the water. Soincthingsocmcd to tell mo to finish him off. A minute under water would havo dono it; but Jacl's faco was beforo me, and at last I got to tho other side, with her climbing along besido us; aud if it hadn't been for tha hand she stretched down to mo I should never have crawled out with old Hez I was that done. As I dropped down, panting on the rock Jael camo to my side, leaned over me and kissed me, and turned away ; for tho next moment she was trying hard to bring her husband to, and I was beginning to feel onco luoro that 1 had been a fbol, I ain't much more to tell, only that tho flood went down 'most at quick as It had como up, arid Hez got all right again with his broken arm, and did well. They want ed muchly to be friends, but I kep' away. I felt as if I'd been a fool to save him, mid I was kinder shamed liko of It, so I took off to 'Frisco, where, after chdinmlng about, I took to going to Paiiama and back, and the sea seemed to suit me like, and there I stuck to it. And there I seem to stick yet. Postage-stamps cost one cent per 100 lo manufacture. Kansas farmers estimato corn at fifteen cents a bushel, which Is theaper fuel than coal or wood. -San Francisco is now said to liavo a population of .130,000 including 40,000 Chi nese. Miss Blairio is all right again, and is at school in Augusta, Maine: She will fool no more with firearms. Nothing is nioro dangerous, so far at your general health Is concerned, than to cvenvcrk oas's tongue.