The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 16, 1878, Image 3

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    ilvmlslntr nntea.
We desire It to bo distinctly understood I tliM
'no advertlienients will bo Inserted In the i col
umns ot TtiBCABnos AcvpCAtE that my ha
-e laved from unknown partie' or flrroi. nnlew
accompanied with the Cssil. Thofollowinc aro
tar only terras.
Adyeitlsotncnts for 1 year, per loch each
Insertion . ,, !s;
Six Months, per Inch each Insertion n I ts.
' Threo Months, ' V ' . Mil
Less than three months, first Inser.
tlon II. each snbseqaent Insertion 23 Cts.
Local notices 10 cents per lino.
U. V. MOItTIllMEtl. rabllshcr.
Society meetings.
KMStTO OA8TL1!, No. 78. A.fJ. IC.OF JI8 tt
2nd and 4th Monday of each inonth, la Me.
ber's Hall. I-ehlKhtou, at 7i33o'clock V. u
uy. Kostenbader, 8. K.O.i U. n. Ollnna.
S. K. it. H.
meets ovory Tuesday ovcnln-r, at 80'eloef,
mBeber'allall. II. Kostenbader, jS.O.jH.
U. Itober, Secretary.
MlTUCitEIt ThlDB. No. 233. Imp. O. of 11. M.,
meets In Heoer'a llall cve'y Rntarday. J.
It. lloeis, Sachem 1 a. W, Delhi, O. of 11.
roHO PocA Tttuit, No. 171. Imp. O. It. M ineM
o'clock, lnl'abllo School llnll, A elBspnrt."
pa n. w. sr.hwflh. s.i Jac. Brong. C. 01 It
LEHIOHTOS I.ODOE, No. 231. 1C. of P.. meets
on Friday evenings. In Jteber's.nall. at 7:U)
o'doCt. mil. Bachmao, CO i L. A. Miller,
R. SlEWEltS,
Office, Klotz's Bnilatmr Diodawoy.
Settllntt Estates, FIJIni: Accounts nntt Orphans
Conrt I'rnctico a specialty. .
Trill of causes carorullv atlcaded to. Lest
ransactlons In English and Qcihian. Jail I).
Local and Personal.
Bethlehem is $70,000 in debt.
The city debt of Lancaster is stated at
Tlio debt of Allcntown, city and school;
is $945,005.59.
The collieries at Eckley resumed work
last Jonday.
Read Nusbaum k Son's special an
nouncement 'in another column.
When you go to the polls next Tuesday
don't fail to deposit yourliallot mfaxor of a
2oor home.
Manv consumptives aro now using Dr
Frazier's Root Bitters and Cougli Syrup with
remarkable success.
Tile friends or Rev. J. B. Whitton, of
Packerton, tendered him a donation on
Tuesday last.
Wo understand that Joo Lynn, of the
Mauch Chunk Democrat, is looking after
the Assessorship.
The next Fair of the Lehigh County
Agricultural Society will bo held on bept,
24th, 25th, Z6tli and 27111.
Wo would liko to see a Burgess oloeb
who would "lill the bill ' himself, not 1
his duties performed by a deputy I
The miners of Yorktown and Honey
brook resumed work Wednesday morning,
after a stoppage of about three weeks.
Read and remember tlio wonderful, but
true announcement A. J. Durling, proprie
tor of the Feoplo's Drug store, makes in
knottier column.
John Grosacup, Who formerly worked
tit Fcrndale Rolling Mill, was among those
lost by the Wreck of tlio steamer Metropolis.
If a man's religion is pretentious on
Sunday and obscure on week days you had
better do business with him on a cash basis.
"Tho wicked stand ill slippery places,"
raid a clergyman when ho stepixxl on a bit
of ice and fell, and then added, "but I can't
do it."
Since the discovery of Dr. Williams's
Indian Ointment there is certainly no ex
cuse fur any one to suffer with tlio Viles.
See Advertisement.
Clergymen, public speakers and singers
tiriito in their praise of Dr. Coxe's Wild
i'herry and Sencka. It renders tho voice
dear and strong. Trice, 25 and 50 cents.
When you wan1 1 a box of largo siso writ
ing paper and envelopes for 10c.( call on
Luckenbach's, 2 doors below tho Broadway
House, Mauch Chiiuk.
Variety may bo llio spice of life, but
ndvcrti'itig is tho pepper and salt bf a news
paper, and tlio bread and butter of tho ad
vertiser. Tho customer gets tho cream.
ft is too often tho case; when ft man is
looklllg Seriously toward matrimony, that
the deciding voto is not cast by tho beauty
of the lady, but by tho bank account of her
J' K. Riekc'rt has still a few of those cll:
giblo lots In Rickcrtstown to dispose of. If
you feel liko securing a good homo call and
nee him. Ho is also supplying Hour, feed,
lumber and coal at tho West rates:
Pleasant as honey, tho old folks like it,tho
young people like it and tlio babies' cry fr
It wo mean Dr Frazier's Cough Syrup.
JsifExtra copies of tho Cakbox Apvo'
cate can bo obtained at Inkiiiami's Xcws
Agency, on Susquehanna street, Mauch
I'huuk. Price, Three xnts.
- Thcro are many who spend what they
havo and take no thought for a rainy day.
Tho prudent father and mother always keeps
n bottle of Dr. Coxo's Wild Cherry and
Seneka in the house. 25 and 50 cents per
Tho mulo is a musical animal. His
Toico has remarkable volume, and Its hind
legs are full of shoe fly. Hut this fact does
not interfero with David Ebbert, our livery
inan, in his determination to hiro teams at
low rates.
FOR CASH. M. Florey, having adop
ted tho rash system in his business, an
nounces to tho public that ho is sellinir har
ness, collars, Ae at very reduced prices for
ready money. Call, examine and bo con.
vmced. Manufactory near tho Canal Bridge,
East Wcissport, Pa.
No stagnation in bust
ness at the Original Cheap
Cash Store of J. T, Nusbaum
& Son, Power of low prices
win tell.
A GENTLE HINT. In our stylo of
ciimmu, wuu iissuiiucucnaugespi icmpern.
ture, ram, wind and sunshiuo often inter.
mingled in a single day, it is no wonder
that our children, friends and relatives aro
so frequently taken from us by neglected
colds, half tlio deaths resulting directly from
this cause. A bottle of ISnscheo's German
Syrup kept about your homo fur immediate
uso will prevent serious sickness, a largo
doctor's bill, and iwrhaja death, by the use
of threo or four doses. For curing consump
tion, hemorrhages, pneumonia,sevcro coughs,
croup or any disease tf tho throat or luugs,
its success s simply wondorful, as youril rug
gist will tel you, German Syrup is now
sold in every town and villain on this con
tinent. Sample bottles for trial, 10c.; regular
in, 7e. ivT lpy A. J. Hurling.
Wo can recommend our readers to uso.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup in all cases of cough,
cold, Ac. It only cists 25 cents a boltlcind
is warranted to cure.
Christ, Btcin, of East Mauch Chunk,
on Tuesday afternoon had a hearing before
'Squire Frisbic, charged with assaulting ono
John Pifer. After tlio hearing tho deiend
ttDt was bound over to answer at court,
Nathan Kunkcl, a hotel keeper of Hun
lock's Creek, was arrested Tuesday night by
Secret Service detectives for passing counter
feits on tlio First National Bank of Hanover,
Pa. Ho was taken to Wilkcs-Barre, and
placed under $1,000 hail.
Mothers should tako warning and stop
dosing their babies, with laudanum whllo
teething. Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup answers
tho samo purpose, and Is perfectly harmless.
25 cents.
ConRECTtON. In speaking of tho Beaver
Run Gold Mining Co., in our last, wo wero
mado to say that "50 per cent of paid up
capital in cash or its equivalent, and to bo
subject to future assessments. It should havo
id "no j Mure assessments."
A cane of thieves mado their hppear:
anco in the borough of Weathorly on Friday
of last week. They broke into Scot t's black
smith's shop, Illaksleo's store, tho IIR. depot
and KemcrzcTs hotel j capturing between
$30 and $40 from tho store, a lot of tools
from tho blacksmith shop and some whisky
from the hotel.
Stop that terrible cdugh) tiud llltls avoid
a consumptive's gr.ivc,by taking Dr. Piereo's
Golden Medical Discovery. As a cough
remedy it is unsurpassed. Sold by druggists.
Our old and highly-esteemed fellow
townsmen, Jlfr. Daniel Clauss, father of tho
present eHicient County Trcasuicr) T. D.
Clauss, Esq., will bo 73 years of ago on tho
24th of tho present month. On tho 10th
instant ho and his ainiablo wife will havo
completed tlio 50th year of their wedded
life. May they llvo to enjoy many anni
versaries oi ma occasion.
Tho Franklin Literary Society met on
iVednesdav eveninc lost; and elected tho fol
lowing officers : President, I. Z. Bagenstose;
Vice-President, II. T. Smawley j Secretary,
L. J. Buck j Treasurer, G. W. Morris; Critic,
Win. Kreanicr ; Editor, II. D. Snyder; Asst.
Editor, Prof. F. Snyder. Tho tilno of meet
ing has been changed from Wednesday to
xucsuay evening. zi4
There is a bill now before tlio Lcjffsla
turo of this State encouraging tho yuiitiii
of trce3 along tho public roads. This bil
which was suggested by tho Stato Agricul
tural Society, allows any person liable for
Road tax ono dollar for every four trees
transplanted along tho roadsiiic, tlio dis
tance of such trees opart ranging from fifty
to seventy feet, according to variety.
A word of caution. Nearly all tho ven
dors of cough syrups uso largo quantities of
opium, morphine, and tartar emetic all
deadly poisons and sooner or later tho worst
result may bo apprehended from their uses.
Wo know that Dr. Coxo's Wild Cherry and
Sencka is entirely freo from them all, and
can bo given to tlio youngest babo without
any risk whatever. It will euro that cough.
nit oi) cents per oottic.
Thomas P. Fisher, confined in our
county jail for tho murder of Morgan Pow
ell, was informed on Saturday that tlio Board
of Pardons had refused to recommend him
to tho Governor for Paidon. His disan
liointment was very great and completely
overcame him. Mrs. Fisher visited him on
tho samo day, and tlio meeting was a very
nilectlng one; Ho will bo executed on the
samo gallows as that on which Kclley,
Doyle, Campbell, and Donohuo expiated
tueir crime.
On Tuesday morning at an early J
Polico Offiecf Daniel Christian, of Asl
Schuylkill County, took James McDonnell;
alias tho hairy man, to Potttsvillo to answer
all such matters and things concerning ono
..uamn iiergan, who lias been arresteil in
Calidda as ono of tho murderers df Patrick
Burns, an Irishman who was killed on
April 15, 1870, near Tuscarora. Borgan is
held irt Canada, and, on tho btrength of .Vc
DonncH's testimony, will bo surrendered
and lodged in Pottsrille jail.
A Bio Joke. Says tho Pottsville Even
ing Chronicle: "Mr. I). M. Eveland, who
lias uccn inning tlio iamaqu.i uouricr lor
ino jkisi seven years, will sever Ins connec
tion with that liapcr about tho first of next
moiltllt Mr. Harris, his partner, will tako
with him Mr. W. H. Zollcr, lately of tho
Reading Eagle. It is tho intention of Mr.
Eveland to start a daily in Mauch Chunk.
and 118 has our best wishes for his success."
If Dan is disposed to finish up his days in
tlio tioor house, then ho can not do a moro
sensible thing than to Mart a daily in
Mauch Chunks and especially in tho pre
sent depressed stato of business throughout
mo coal region, ana at juaucli Chunk in
For whdoping cough, riothing has yet
been brought teforo tho public equaling Dr.
Haas' Expectorant. A few doses will relievo
tlio worst cosci. Mothers, try it 1 Only 25
and 50 cents a bottle.
A historic building Ih Eastoii; known as
tho Taylor House, has recently been sold at
Sherill s sale. This venerable structure was
built in 1750, by Win. Parsons, dt that time
Surveyor pf tho colony of Pennsylvania Jiud
a man prominent in its councils. Mr: Par
sons died in 1757, when tho house was pur
chased by Gcorgo Taylor, who was n very
prominent man, being a delegato in tlio
Continental Congress and ono of tho signers
of tlio Declaration of Indejiendencc. Ho
died in 1T78. Since that time, (ho house
has had several owners, until it camo to tho
ssession of Col. Jacob Dachradt under
whoso ownership It was sold. It was tho
noauquariers oi uovernor Hamilton when
ho camo to Easton to treat with tho Indians.
and of General Washington in 1778, when
on tho way to tho Wyoming Valley after
mo massacre.
uipentlou of Coal Milling.
A general suspension of ininingopcrations
throughout tho Schuylkill region commenc
ed Monday morning and will coutinuo lor
two weeks, A total stoppage of coal produc
tion, such as this is an unusual event, as
heretofore, when tlio companies' collieries
have suspended work,a number of tho indo
Jiendeiit mines havo continued their ship
ments. A total suspension, coming as it
does at this season of tho year, is severely
felt by tho great number of peoplo engaged
in tho business, tho majority of whom havo
only worked half time recently. Resump
tion in tho Lehigh region will tako place on
tho 1 6th iust. The Philadelphia and Read
ing Coal and Iron Company has on hand at
its warehouse at Port Richmond, 86,000 tons
of coal.
Sniustt Up
When passing this place, about 4 a. in. on
Wednesday momine last, tho Empire freieht.
on tho Lehigh Valley 11,11, camo to grief,
Kiuscu, ii is sujijioscii uy a uroucii axle.
Some half a dozen box cars, loaded chiefly
with com in bulk, wero very badly smash
ed and thrown around iromiuiinulv. lenr.
ing up tlio track for a distance of somo 30
yards, and causing an obstruction to travel
for the greater part of tho dav. Tho pas
sengers anil luggago wero transferred from
tho down to the up train, and vice versa,
walkinc around tho wreck. We nro nlrased
to add that no person was injured in life or
Borough Cdnvenllon.
Pursuant to notice a largo number of our
citizens nsscitiblcd at tho Exchange Hotel
on Tuesday evening last, to place hi nomi
nation persons to fill llio several offices for
tho ensuing term. Tho meeting was called
to order by John S. LcnU, Esq., and , on
motion, Mr. Frank Stocker was chosen
Chairman, and Daniel Graver Secretary.
Tho Chairman having announced that tho
nominations for Burgess wero In order,
Frank P. Scmmcl was named, and, thcro
being no other caudldato offered, ho was, on
motion, nominated by acclamation.
For Constablo th6 nominees wero ! Joseph
S. Webb, Henry Bartholomew, Frank Ack
er and Edward Pactzel.
For Assessor M. Ilcilman and W. A.
Graver wero named.
For Councilmcn Hon. W. M. Ilapsher, J.
L. Gabel, William Koinei-cr, and David Eb
bert, our popular livery llian, wero nomi
nated. For School Directors Dr. N. B. Rebcr, P.
P. Longstrcct. E. H. Snyder and Rev. Abra-
linni llnrtlinlmliew worn n.nned.
For Overseers of tho Poor Daniel Graver,
Levi Weiss and Wendell Schwartz were put
in nomination.
For Auditor, thcro wero threo candidates,
viz. s F. E. Whitney, 1'. l,erttz', ana Di".
W. G. M. Selplc:
For Judge of Election tho names of Clin
ton Bfetney, Hon. Z. H. Long and Hon.
Tilghman Arncr wero presented to tho con
vention to chooso from.
And for Insjiectors of Election Owen
Rehriii and William H. Moulthrop wero
named as being willing to do duty for their
Tho convention then proceeded to ballot
for a choice, with tho following result :
For JJurgcss, F. P. Semmel.
For Constable, Joseph S. Webb.
For Assessor, M. Ilcilman.
For Council, W. M. Rapsher, J. L. Gabel.
For School Directors, N. B. Rebcr, F. P.
For Oi-crsccrs of Poor, Wendell Schwartz)
Daniel Graver.
For Auditors, F. E. Whitney, W. G. M.
J-of Uwap of election, Tiigiiman Arner.
For Inspectors of Flection. W. H. Moul
throp; Owen Rchrig.
Another convention of citizens will bo
held this (Friday) evening, at tho Centen
nial Hotel, on Second street, at 7:30 o'clock,
lor tuo purposo ot placing in nomination a
ticket in opposition to tlio above.
Tlie Sequel.
Letter bead i.v Ciicncn. Tho excite
ment in tho Ileilian-Grcth "Miracle" was
not ubatcd until Sunday morning. The
announcement that Father Ilcinan would
on last Sabbath morning retract his nilraclo
performance, caused, at an early hour, a
largo number of persons, both Catholics and
Protestants, to attend early mass. Tho
church was filled, and after his services,
Father Ilcinan stated that ho was in receipt
of a letter from Archbishop Wood which ho
now proposed reading. Tho following is a
The Archbishop, having heard and care
fully considered tho circumstances preced
ing and accompanying what is derisively
called tho "Mauch Chunk Miracle," said to
lialro been wrought on tho person of woman,
jflibso eccentric piety has neither good senso
nor sound Catholic doctrine for its founda
tion, require to instruct you that in his judg
ment It is a delusion and a pious fraud.
w iinout inquiring as to tlio extent to wlncu
others jiarticipatcd iu this lamentablo folly,
ho dcsiies to mark the whole proceeding and
tlio principal actors in it with his distinct
and unqualified disapprobation and con
demnation, and to say that a repetition of
anything of tho sort in this diocese will bo
visited with tlio severest censure authorized
by tho laws of tho Church.
Iter: Father Heinan rcadlhd letter in tho
German language, and tho services closed
without any further comment upon the sub
ject. Ho refused to be interviewed iu refer
ence to tho matter, but says his duty as a
loyal churchman was never again to allude
to tlio subject. In Father Bunco's church
tho letter wa3 also read, and by tho way of
comment tho Father ftated that ho was in
no way connected with tho miracle, that ho
was only present as any other 6iectator,and
that ho ilid not hold himself rcsixmsiblo for
anything that happened. It is all over. No
Catholic speaks about it, and of course tho
Protestants havo said all they can say. Gone
to meet Sell rack 1
A Driite.
Says a Scranton dispatch: On Friday
evening of last week Mr. Leo, an invalid,
and his wifo left their girl, aged 2J years, at
homo iu bed whllo they went to a neigh
bor's. Tho doors were locked. As Mrs.
Leo returned to her home, Patrick Norton
uaricii lrom tuo cellar. Tlio child was very
ttoak, and tho mother soon discovered that
it hail been assaulted in a fearful manner.
Tho news rapidly spread next morning. A
warrant Was procured for his arrest. FoifKfl'
officers were scut to find hini. Ho mado il
stout resistuiicc, and, when tho ollieers camo
lrom tlio house, a wiM and angry crowd
had assembled, and Norton must liavo been
torn to pieces but lor tlio officers, who with
drawn clubs kept tho mob froiil approach
ing. Norton was taken to tho city prison,
followed by tho mob. His examination
was delayed until tho excitement had
abated. Then ho was taken before Alder
man Rocslcr. Fivo jwlico ollieers guarded
him. Tho Alderman committed him to
Ilrokc Jail.
Ou Monday morning as the warden of tho
Northampton County Trison at Easton went
to make his usual morning inspection he
discovered that during the night two prison
ers, named Michael Kelly and Charles Rack
cr, had mado their escape. They cfl'ected
their purpuso by boring a holo through tho
arched roof of their ceil. Onco out of tho
cell they mado their way over tho roof to
tho warden's dwelling, where they lowered
themselves with a rojio which they had
made from their bedclothes. Michael Kelly
is a a natlvo of Canada, tweuty-fivo years
old, five feet, ten and one-quarter inches
high, and was sentenced August 15, 1877, to
threo years imprisonment for burglary.
Charlos Racker Is a native of New Jersey,
nineteen years old, fivo feet, eight inches
high, and was sentenced December 12. 187T,
to threo years' imprisonment for burglary.
Tlio garb worn by tho prisoners is of the
stylo of tho regular army uniform.
Says the Beaver Meadow correspondent
of the llazleton Beacon : Rumors aro about
that Banks township is in a state of insolv
ency, and that tho publio schools will bo
closed. This is rather a dark fwt, and is
i-iiuui!; imiucjuuiu beusuuou in somo cir
cles, whilst others pronounco it " a jwlitical
dodgo with the Greenbacks." Time will
enow, pernors.
r.elilghton Lyceum.
Tho Lyceum was called to order at tho
usual time by tho Vice-President, Tho roll
was called and tho minutes of tho previous
meeting were read and adopted with this
correction, that tho decision of tho last meet
ing bo iu favor of tho negatlvo instead of
tho affirmative as stated. Mr. V. Hubcr
was unanimously elected as an honorary
member and SIcssrs. Fortwanlcr, John
Bohn, Robert Sweeney and Miss Emma
Dollenmaycr, ns active members. Tho fol
lowing are tho successful officers elected for
tho ensuing month. Tres. O. A. Clauss,
Vicc.Prcs. II. V. Morthlmcr, Jr.;Trcas,S.
R. Gilliam; Secretary Mrs. Longstrcct ; Edit
or, T. A. Snyder. Tho polo entitled, "Gono
to tho Heavenly Garden"wai sung by Emma
Dollenmaycr with ai instrumental accom
paniment by Emma Hauk. Tlio referred
questions were answered by tho regular re
ferees. The dcbate,resolved, "That a lawyer
is justified in defending a had caso" was
oircncd by S. R. Gilliam on tho affirmativo
assisted by O. A. Clauss, and on tho negatlvo
by A. Dollenmaycr assisted by T. A. Snyder.
Tho general debate was opened by P. J.
Median, Esq., of Mauch Cnunk, lolloped
by T. A. Snyder and 8. R. Gilliam, and tho
spirited discussion was listened to with
marked attention. Tlio chairman's decision
favored the afiirmativo. A solo entitled
"Memory" was next rendered by Mrs. II.
A. rcter accompanied by Miss E. llauk. A.
Wi Horn read in tho Pennsylvania Uer
ntan's dialect, "Fahra uf dor train" which
amused all present. Jeff. Itchrig declaimed
"Signs and Omens" well. Tho reading of
"Uur Paper" cliciteil joviality. Tlie Curators
report was auopteu as loiiows: iirsireicrrcu
question, Over whom docs fashion exert tho
greater influence, tho ladies or tho gentle
men? to Aucio Ilnuk. Second. Is tho mind
capablo of driing moro than orto thing at a
timo? to T. A. Snvdcr. Third. For what
and who Was it that received tho title of
"Tho Maid of Orleans' to Miss Bernstein
Debate, resolved, "That intemperance causes
moro suffering than war," afiirmativo dispu
tant Miss C. Bauer, assisted by A. W. Horn,
negatlvo disputant Miss J-,. llauk, assisted
by T. A. Snyder. Essayist, M. Brctncy.
select reader, A. W. Horn. Tho collection
being taken up tho Lyceum adjourned to
meet at tho usual time. Skchf.taet.
Feb. 0, 1878.
Anna Mary Raudenbush, daughter of
Anthony ana Evo Willowcr, was born in
Bucks County, this State, on tho 2d day of
November, 1S03. Sho married Anthony
Iiaiidcnbush, deceased, which union was
blcsec'd witli six children, fivo sous and ono
daughter. Threo of tho sons and tho
daughter have preceded tho mother to tho
spirit world, leaving two sons, J. W. Rau
denbush, our present worthy Sheriff, and A.
W. Raudenbush, of this boroueh. as tho
only survivors. For somo years past tlio
deceased has suffered more or less with that
fell disease, cousumption. About fivo
weeks ugo sho was attacked with inflamma
tion oi mo uowcls, sinco wlilcn tlnio she
had beeii confined to her bed, her sufferings
being marked with Christian fortitude and
resignation, until about 4:30 o'clock on
Monday afternoon, tho 11th instant, when
sho sweetly fell asleep in Jesus, leaving a
blessed record for piety and Christian char
ity, and two sons, n number of relations, and
a largo circlo of friends to mourn their loss,
but not, as such, having no hoo beyond tho
tomb. Deceased was aged 74 years, 3
months and 9 days. Tho remains wero
interred in tho Wcissiiort Cemetery on
Wednesday afternoon, ltovs. J. C. Dlicm
and J. B. Whitton officiatine. tlio funeral
ceremonies being .attended by a vast con
course oi citizens lrom various parts ol tuo
county. Jleqmcscat in pace.
Dig Greek Items.
Tho Bass Mill is lying idlei
Our teachers havo commenced their ltli
Still thcro aro a number of iec-houso
that havo liot yet been filled.
Tho sprint! election is about here, and
but few candidates about.
Wm. Zeilrenfuss. of Willres-Tlnrre. wn
on a visit at this place a few days recently.
L. N. Miller and Robert Miller, of this
place, captured a red fox last Satlirdoy week.
A considerable amount of money was
paid out by tlio Otto's as witness fees duriug
tho last two weeks.
R. F. Hofford, our popular county su
perintendent, visited our schools for tho last
timo this term a few days ago.
Green & Brothers aro prciwrinc to erect
a barn on their proilerty (lately purchased
of Cornelius Snyder) early iu spring.
John D. Long, of Slatinctou, was hero
on a visit on Monday lost Ho reports a
glorious revival of religion iu progress at
mat piacc.
It is feared by many that this open win
ter will do harm to tho grain. It must be
understood that a good covering of enow is a
protection to it.
Tlio namo of Daniel Krum l.a3becu
suggested for supervisor, and that of Tilgh
man Urciebach for School director, llotli
good men, and If elected would do justice to
o omcc.
l'" 1IOUS0 01 Auewciien Held, near
as consumed by fire on Wed
ncsduy afternoon of last week, whllo tho
family were absent. It is thought tho fire
originated from a bad Hue. I learu that
premises wero insured for about $900, but
In what comjiany I know not.
Diphtheria has mado its appearance for
tho second timo in tlio Upper patt of the
vallev. nnd out of the f.miilv nf .Trw.1 Htmlil
two died and were buried on Wednesday of
last wcck. ineir remains wero taKcu to
Jerusalem church, near Trachsville. It has
also broken out in tlio family of Harrison
Snyder. Dr. W. G. M. Sciple, of Lehighton,
is tlio attending physician, under whoso
skill I hopo they may soon recover.
Casjicr Neeb, of Pino Run, met with a
serious accident on Friday morning, (8th),
about 25 o'clock. Ho had been to Slauch
Chunk for a load of manure, and in going
down tho hill at D. Walk's.ho endeavored to
apply tho brakes, when ho mado a mis-step
ami leu unucr mo wagon, ino iiinu wnoel
striking him breaking four of his ribs and
otherwise injuring him internally. Ho was
carried to his homo which was but a few
hundred yards from where the accident oc
n.,.i i-B t n r -u':..
was at once summoned, and rendered all aid
possible. At the present writing (Wednes
day morning) ho is lying in a very critical
Tho pauper list in this township is at
proeem very large, aim may sun uo increas
ed, providinc no employment can bo found
by quite a number of our jwoplo who have
been idle for two or threo months past ; for
credit there is none tho storekeepers hav
ing shut down on them consequently their
only resource is ino townsiiip. vote lor a
Poor-Housol Rktesk.
Every voter who jays a dollar of taxes
is interested in having the next council and
school board constituted of men who will
protect tho interests of tho borough, and is
responsible lortnemannerin wnicn no man
exercise tne sunrsge. vols lor a poornouse.
Fpr tho CABEOX Advocate.
Lciilghtoii 'ovr and Then.
It has beendho privllego of " Transitory"
to obscrvo tho jrreat change, wrought In
moro than half a score of years, In tho pro
gress of your town nnd tho enterprise of
tho citizens bf Lehighton. Literary and
church facilities, as well as business con
veniences, havo augmented remarkably.
Not a great many years ago, when tho citi
zens applied for tho county seat (which, by
tho way, should haV'o been granted, as it is
tho most beautiful and best adapted location
in tho county). Madam Rumor had it noised
abroad, "Lehighton supports .six taverns
and no church; educational 'Advantages of
public schools inferior." But at this junc
ture Lohighton can vio with any other
town of its size in these respects. Somo
years ago I at various times passed through
tills part of the country. Tiicn things had
quito a different astiect; no business edifices
after city style, no banking institution, nor
numerous other indications of prosperity!
would greet tlio traveler's eyo as at present.
Your town of Lehighton can compliment
itself upon its standing in literary conveni
ences, ciiurch facilities, business capacities,
Ac. Tlio banking institution iu tho center
pf your town, under the auspices of compe
tent and reliable ollieers, gives a new impe
tus to tho enterpriso and prosperity of your
economical business fraternity; such ns tho
indomitable head of the pork establishment,
who spares neither timo no'r means to run
tho machinery beneficial to tho community
in general, which, notwithstanding tho dis
apjointmcnt3 nnd hard times, is a great
blessing to tho public. Such invincible, go
ahcadativo business capacities, in connec
tion with tho well-founded integrity of tlio
rest of your citizens and thcro aro not only
a few of this kind with whom I havo be
come acquainted during my sojourn here,
command the resjiect of every unbiased citi
zen. Tho last, but not tbo least, I wish to
mention iu this brief eneonium is tlio print
ing establishment of tho highly-esteemed
C.iiinoN Advocate, which publication is
issiird weekly brimfull of spicy editorials,
local and general news, and which doubtless
was conducive, in ti rcat measure, to tho
advancement of tlio interest of tho com
munity. Hence it is self-evident that each
individual who patronizes and sustains tho
CArtaoN AIjvocath is, directly or indirectly,
supporting his own personal interests, pecu
niarily and intellectually. "Transitory"
has been an attcrltivo reader of tho Advo
cate for somo time, nnd hesitates not to say
that sucli a journal merits, yea, dcsQrvi'3,
tho patronago of every family in Lehighton
and in tho county in which it is published
that can read tho English language. Tho
paper loses nothing by passing tho boundary
lino, as all will bo wiser for it and gainers
in the etui in a pecuniary sense. Tho pro
prietor has apparently bestowed much labor
and means upoil tho enterpriso to enhance
tho interest of tho Cap.don Advocate, as
well as to promote tho general welfare of
tho community. TnXMstToay.
Albrlglitsvllle Items.
Tho days aro lengthening.
Full of intcrest a long noto over due;
I think there is no law for or against
opening a postal card.
I am under obligations to Hon. J. C.
Krcamcr, for pub. docs.
Charles II., son of Jacob Christmari, left
hero on Monday bf last week for Pittstou,
where ho has gono to attend school.
Nathan Kresge, of Meckcsville, and A.
C. Grecnsweig, of Kresgeville, will start for
Kansas City, ICas., on the 2 ltli hist., to seek
tiicir fortune: I wish them success.
On last Saturday your correspondent
had tho privilego to listen to tho Pleasant
Valley cornet band, of Gilbert's, Pa. I was
greatly astonished to find that this young
association had mado such progress their
playing was decidedly good. Go oil, young
men ; you ccttainly havo among you tho
material out of which to make firstclass
I am sorry to learn that tho financial
embarrassments of Mr. Adam Meckes, of
Meckcsville, havo led to a levy upon all his
iiroperty, which is now in tho Sheriff's and
Tax Collector's hands; even his household
furniture, Ac. Tho sheriff's Balo will bo on
Wednesday, tho 13th instant, nild tho tax
collector's on Thursday, tho 11th instant.
A good season would havo enabled Mr.
Meckes to recover ; but this appears not to
be. BcrtEX.
ALDnioiiTsvatE, Feb. 12, 1878.
Public Sales.
Tlio following Is a list of public sales ad
vertised in this paper, or for which bills have
been printed at this office :
Feb. 22 at 1 p. m. Orphans' Court salo of
real estate of Joseph Christman, dee'd, in
Towamcnsing township.
March 11, at 1 p. m. Assignee's salo of
real estate, of Jos. B. Seidle, in Towamen-
sing twp.
Jarch 13, at 2 p. m. Assigneo's salo of
town-lots of Jos. B. Seidle, in Franklin
March 1 1 at 2 p. in. Assignee's eia of real
estate of Henry F. Berlin arid wife, in
East Weissport, Franklin township.
March 23, at 10 a. in. Public Balo of farm
ing stock, on tho farm known as the De
Long placo in East Peun twp'.) by John
Balhet. ,
Tlie ferial Trade.
TtiefolldTlnK table stiowstaequcnimy ot coal
shlpoeU over tlie Leblfrh Valley fuilroau lor tlie
week euiilnK Too. Dili, 1878 and for tbo year us
compared tlio samo tlnio hut year.
Iteeloas I'romi Week, Year.
VVyomlnir 533 17 15
jIuzletou...h. ., 330,711 111
Upper l.clilf'll....r.
Heaver Meadow C7.761 II
Matnmoy. 5J 730 1W
KlaucaiUtiuntc en ti
Tort Delaware 2,491 la
. Total ,,
Last Year C6,C9 19 05
Increase tSfibs CS
Decrease QB.SZt It
KEronT 01' COAL transported over Lehtah
A busqurhanaa Division, t'cutral 11 It. of New
Jersey, fur t days ending l'cu. t. IS78 :
Bulpped lrom t Total wees. To date.
Wyoming MS 03 7J.SS1 H
Upper Leliigh w,SS is
" " M.S.K.&CO. 6.390 l0
Hearer Meadow 17,Ti;0 01
llniletou 67 18 411 is
Mauch I'lmntc 5.15s 09 112.7 Vt
Cross Creel e,u'J7 (5 15.1 vlio
C'ouncU ltldge tig u s.SSI IJ
Total iT07 IS l,tJH 13
Previously i eported... Uitftl is
Total to date ltd oil IS
bametimolaytyosi.... Uti.b&s II
Decrease 40,874 IS
BoLMXOEK Ssydkh On the 1st instant,
in Pleasant Valley, by Rev. A. M.
Strauss, George W. 'Bolliuger, of Kresge
ville, I'll., and Miss Emma E. Snyder, of
Merviusburgh, Monroe Co., Pa.
Sebeass. On the 2d instant, In Albrights
ville, of diphtheria, Emma Jane, daugh
ter of Thomas and Julia Eerfaw, aged 4
years, b months and H days.
Closing Prices of DkIIaveh k Towssikd,
Stock, Government and Gold, 10 South
Third Street, Philadelphia, Feb. 14, 1878.
tt. B.O'S. 18S1 ....., ...105H Did 1054 ,llk
U. H. 8-20's, 1903 J. Sp J...,I03' bid ID3H atked
ir. B. MO's.Isc; 10-it bid 1&H askrd
il.H. 5.10's, 1SC3 10SH bid 109 asked
It, fl. IMU's ,..H7H bid P7H Kked
J, 8. currency, Vt 1I8S bid I18H asked
U, 8. t's 1891. new 1CI bid 1041. asked
U. B.4VS. new.... 1034 bid IMS arked
fj.'S. 4'snew 102 i bl.l i('2l asked
1'ennsylrunla It. It KH bid :oi arked
l'inla. 144 old it asked
Lehigh Valley It. 11 ,.. 384 bid 16U asked
Lehlub Coal & Kay. Co.... 171) bid 1714 asked
United Companies ot. N.J. 11SH bid 118)4 asked
Pltts.,Tltusy..&nnff. B.B. 64 bid asked
1'hltn. & Erie It. V. Bit bid 8)4 asurd
Koithcrn Central it. It.,.. 11 bid 151; asked
Hestonvlllo Pass. It.Il.Co. 8 bid fh Bttfrt
(old ,., mH Old 102 H atVcd
Special Notices.
Some weeks Blnco, a man came Into the store.
No. 1 Sixth avenue, New York, lonulrlnc I-ir
Mr. CniTTEHTOJi, to whom he was ahowu. D e
appeared to be very mach oxcitea, and named!
ately commenced to tell a story of how Lis alio
had !mffcrd from an affection ot tho lours, and ,
m fact, hod been gireta up by the physicians to
die. Through some fiienil she was Induced, as
nlast icaort, to try Haled iiokev of Uobi
UOL'np AND TAB, and, uslug here her husband's
language, ho said 1 "Bcforo she had need ono
bottle she could breathe with more ease 1 anil
by the timo sho had used six bottles sho was uo
and around tho to do her own work.'
The man took tho pains to como In person and
thanjc the present proprietor ot this popular
article for a perfect, enro of his wife. IIALB
Honey of llonEiiouxD ino tar Is for Bile b
alldiUffgistaatriOcontsandCL Large slzetlia
iuost economical. Depot; cmtTEntd.s's 0 Sixth
avenue, K. v. cur.
tike's Tootuacue Diioiueure In one minute.
nboumatlsni and Ooift who cannot bcllove In
modos of cure that aro unattended with great
expense and elaborate preparation. It takes a
long time to convlnco tlicm that tbo simplest
uidoo to obtain relief ts often tlio best,, and tba
a few pennies spent on a cake of OitN's bUL
riiun Soap, and the trifling labor of procuring
warm wotor, will furnish a medicated batli
which will afford a permanent cure. Sold by
all druggists. Price Me. per catte. 1 Box (3
cakes) 75c, sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of
prlco. C.K. CiiiTTUXio. Proprietor, 7 falxth
avenue, New York.
HILL'S HAtB AND 11ISKEB Din, Black or
Brown, 50 cents. Jan. SO, 1878.
byspciisin i liysijcpsla ! Dyspepsia I
Dyspepsia Is the most perplexing of all human Itssymptums aro almost luUniteiu,
their vmtcty, and the lorlorn nnd despondent
vicc.msof tho dlsoiso ottcn fancy tlu-uiBetvO't
llio prey. In turn, of every known malady. This
is due, in patt. to the close sympathy, which ex.
IsU between ino Btomucli and tho bialn, and in
part also to the fact that any disturbance ot tin
digestive function neccssarUy aisoidots, tho
liver, tho bowels and tho nervous System, and
affects, to some extent, the quality of the blood.
E. F. Kunkel's Bitter Wlueol Iromsasuro
cure. This is not a new preparation, to be tried
and found wanting, it has been proscribed. dally
for many years in the practice of eminent phy.
Blclans with unparalclled success. It 11. not ex.
pected or Intended to sure all the diseases to
which tbo huomu family Is subject, but 19 war
ranted to euro UyBDCPsia in its most obstinate
form. Kunkel's Bitter Wlue of Iron uover falls
to cure, symptoms of Byspcpsia are loss of
appetite, wind and ilslng of the food, dryness of
the mouth, heaitburn.disttnsion of tho stomach
ano bowels, constipation, headache, dizzlnebS.
sleeplessness anil low spirits. Try the great
remedy and ho convinced of its menu. Get the
genuine. Take only Kunkel's, which la put
only m ouo dollar bottle. Depot, 259 North
Muih btrect, Philadelphia, Pu. It novcr tails.
For sale by all Druggists and dealers every
where, , . ,
Ask for E. F. Eunkel's Bitter Wine otlron
and take uo other six bottles lol ilvi dullais,'
or one dollur per bottle. m
Worms Worms i Worms I
K. F. Kunkel's Worm Syrup never falls to
destroy 1'ln, Seat aud stomach Worms. Br,
Kunkel Is tho only successful, ph,ys:clau who
removes Tape Vforra in two hours alive with
hoftd. and no feeuntltremoved. comtnou sense
tcacaes If Tape Worm be removed, all other
worms can bo reodlly destroyed. Uehd lorclr.
cular to li. F. Kankel, iS9 North Ninth Street,
Phlladolphts, Pa , or call on your druggist lor a
bottle of Kunkel's Worm Syrnp, prico Si, It
never lails. Feb. 18
Health nnd Happiness.
Ilealtn and Happiness aro priceless Wealth to
their pospo!8ort., and yet they aro wlthm Uie
reach of overy one who will use .
Wright's Liver Pills,
Tht) only sui e C U ItE lor Torpid Liver. Dyspep.
sla, Headache, sour Stomach, Constipation, Do.
unity, Nausea, and all Bullous complaints and
Blood disorders. Nouo geuutiie-rfiless signed
"Win. Wright Phila.". II your Druggist will not
supply sena 2 cents for one box to Harriet;
Boiler Co , 70 N. 4tb St, Phlla. Deo. S9 yl.
or Cold, when 23 cents will bny a bottle ot Dr,
Frazier's Cough Syrup at any drug store. It baa
wrought a complete cttangoln tho Cough Medl.
clues, is pleasaut as honey and always cures.
Sr. Frazier's Cough Syrup used In connection
with Dr Fru tier's ltoot Hitters will cube cos
BUMrnox. titamlni d Ht'ni Lnun Jry,ClCToland,O..Oct. 39, '73.
Dr. Frazieiu Doai ir i I feci it a duty I own
to humanity-to witto you. For soma
timo I was sorely ullflctedwithacoajih.ralHlnu
tad etulT, with every eymptom ot betopacon
fliiueil consumptive. 1 trlM different medicines
and cures without flndnifrreUeii I alf-ocomult
od threo of our moat worn tne nt Cleveland phy
e i clan 8. the last one ot which pronounced my
case serious, and informed me that I couia not
live more than n few months. About this time.'
hearing of jour wondorful buccoss, I com
mencedtakluffyour Syrup In connection with
your Hoot Bitters, and was at anew benefit &t,
ami after using the medicine some two months
I Had myself entirely cured.
Mr. Dunn again writes, huder date ot Auk 4
187. Dr. Frazier, Dear Sir i I can endorse
vour medicine more strongly thau ever from the
fact that It is u6w nearly one year since I was
cured. My lungs are io day strong aud sound
h ovine no return of the disease.
The above Medicine spf-alc for themselves.
Du O. W. FHAZIljn.PropiUtor.Clevelsnd.O.
For safe hy all Druggists.
Dec. 15, l y.
Priceless Discovery.
A Sure Cure for Piles.
A sure cure for the blind, breeding. Itching nnd
ulcerated tus has been .dlacoverrd by Dr. Wil
Ham, (an Indian remedy) called Dr. William's
Indian OlutmenL, A single box has cured the
worst oid chronic cases ot twenty-five and thir
ty yea ib' (standing. Ho one need suffer llvo miu
utes after upnlyiug this woodenul Booth tug
raedfc-me. lAtluns instruments aud oloctuai lc s
do moie harm than good. William's Ointment
supports the tumors, allays the Intense itching
(particularly at nlsht after gcttlug waim in
'bed.) act aa a poultice, gives luuaut aud pain
lets rtlief. ana Is prepared only for I'llrs and
nothing else. Thoi sanila of cured patients at
teit IU virtues, aod phrsiclans ot all schools it tne ercatest contilbution to medl
cuw of the age. It matters not how long or bp
verelv you have been suffering, you can be
cuted. ,
Mr. Joscnh M. Tlyder.C-eveland, Oblo.writeM
I tuffered for years with1 Itching end Ulcerated
llles, tried i emedy after remedT advertised, and
consulted phvsluiiuiB In fhiladelphls.IouUvilIe,
Clncuiuvtl. Indiapapolis snd this utyj aud
spent tiundreds of dolla'is. but found no relief
uutll I obtained a box of Dr. William's Indian
Ointment some fonr months ago, and It bun
cured me completely. 1 had a part of the box
left which I gave to n friend ot mine who had
doctored with many physicians and as a last re.
twrt Went to the noted not Hprlutrs, Arkansas,
for treatment, lie Informs me thac the Indian
Ointment has also cured him ct the Piles. It is
certrfiniy a wouderful discovery, and should be
used by the many thousand who are now sat
tenngrwlth that dread disease.
tVt Be ward wW be paid for a more str.
tain remedy. Bold by all Druggists. D1U Q, r.
7KAZIK a, scis ro tsWr, CTlaa a