The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 09, 1878, Image 3

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    Advertising Kales.
W'odMrolt to lo distinctly understood tliat
no advertisements will bo Inserted in tho col
nmniol tiih Carbon advocate that maybe
-eieived from unknown partio or linns unlesi
accompanied Willi tho Casu, Tho following aro
nr only terms.
Adveithcmentsfor 1 year, per Inch each
luseruon , i iu
" six Months, per Inch each insertion 1 ills,
' Tlireo Months. ' iOCts.
" I.cni than tlirco months, first Inser
tion II. vnch suhscauout Insertion SSCts.
Local notices to oents per lino.
II. V. MOIlTIlIMEn, Publisher.
Society Meeting.
2nd and 4th Mnudavof each month. In Ro.
bar's Hall. Lohlglitou, at 7;1 o'o ock r. u-Us-.
Kst:nBa4er, 8. K.C. i S. It. ailuani.
H. IC. tl. ii.
montioverv Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock,
in lloaor'a nail. 11. Kostoubader, jn.U.i H.
n. ltobor, Secretary.
Metuches TnlDB. No. 232. Imp. O. of It. Jr.,
meets In Iteoer's Ilnll ove y H-iturdnv. J.
It. Been, sachem i O. W. Delhi, C. ol It.
roiio Poca Tnmr., No. 171, Imp. O. It. M moot
on Wednesday evening of each week, at 7:.K
o'clock in ruhllo Kchool Ilnll, Welaspnrt
l'a. C. W. Schwab, H.-, Jao. Brung, C. ol It
lEIIloilTON I.ODOIt, No. 531 K. of P.. meets
on Friday evening. In lloher'sllall. nt7:C0
o'cloc'i. W.II. Bachmao, CO s L. A, Miller,
K. of It. and a.
OHlco, Klotz's Holloing D:odawa'i
Settling Estates. Filing Accounts and Orphans
Conn l'ractico n specialty.
Trial of names carelully attendod to. Logi
transactions In linglish anil Qerui an. Jan ti.
Wlu (Mum Mwnte.
Local and Personal.
Whenever you want Bala bills come to
11113 oincc.
The constables have put up their usual
notices oi tiio election.
A garglo of lemon juico is saul to bo a
remedy lor uipnuicria.
The old Lehigh Cement Works at Sieg
fried's Bridge nro offered for sale.
Read Xusbaum .t Bon's special an
nouncement in another column.
Tho local elections take place on Tues
day, February l'Jth. This fact should not
bo forgotten.
The revival meetincs in the Kvanrrcli
c.-il church at Slatingtou aro still kept up,
anci are quite largely attended.
Many consumptives are now using Dr
irazicr a itoot iiittcrs una cough Byrup with
rcmarKauie success.
Tho ice business has been lively in this
neighborhood (luring tlio patt weekend that
cut is fine, averaging about 10 inches in
Tho Lehigh and Susquehanna Shops at
Odcnweldcrtmvn, below Laston. have been
closed, and will remain so until tho rcsump
non oi uie coai irainc.
Read and remember tho wonderful,!
true announcement A.J. Hurling, nroi
tor of the People's Drug store, makes
another column.
Tho passenger locomotive "Anthracite,"
of tlio Li'luj-h Valley r.iilroail.hasruu a dis
tance of 31)0,310 miles with the same set of
driving wheels and tires.
Thomas and Peter Connell were ar
lested atPoko Hallow, I.uzcrno county, on
Saturday, for passing counterfeits, and Were
lodged in the Wilkesbarro jail.
Tho Board of Pardons on Tuesday last
postponed tho hearing in thecals of llestcr,
Jlcllugli and Tully,tho condemned Mollies-,
until March 5th.
Sinco tho discovery of Dr. Williams's
Indian Ointnisnt there is certainly no ex
cuse for any ono to suffer with tlio Piles.
6; Advertisement.
Tho nihilist., St. Valentine's Day. is
rapidly approaching, mid tho young lulks
ore reminded of tho fact by the elegant dis
plays m tho windows of our stores.
Patrick Sullivan was frozen to death on
Broad Mountain, while tryinjrtowalk homo
from Heekshervello to tiomon Plane, in
Schuylkill county, on Sunday night.
Tho best isthechcapest. Dr. Bull's Baby
Syrup is acknowledged to bo tho safest ami
most reliable medicine for Babies. Price 25
Z-fl-Extra copies of tho Cammx Advo
cate can be obtained at Inkmanu's News
Agency, on Susquehanna street, Mauch
Chunk. Price, TAi-cc ceiifs.
J. K. Rickcrt has still a few of thoso eli
gible lots in Itiekertstown to dispose of. If
you feel like securing a good home call and
see him. Ho is also supplying Hour, feed,
lumber and coal at the lowest rates.
Pleasant as honey, tho old folks like it.tho
young people liko it and tho babies cry for
it we mean Dr I-'razier's Cough Syrup.
Sow is the time to find out where tho
largest and finest lot of wall paper, outsido
of the cities, can bo seen, and wo think
Luckcnbach's, two doors below tho Broad
way House, Mauch Chunk, is the pla.-e.
-Miss Email, Will givo
lessons on the Piano or Oroan, at pupils
residences, at very reasonblo terms. For
further particulars inquire at office or
resideneo of F. P. Longstrect, attorney at law,
Lehighton, Pa.
Uood health is liko a good cslato it
may be squandered, littlo by little, until it
is bankrupt. A slight cold Is a littlo thing,
but if left to run on, tho resell, in many
cases, is an untimely and sorrowful one.
Tuko Dr. Haas' Expectorant in time.
-Bcsv Rev. James A. Little, who re
cently preached in Mauch Chunk, officiates
every faabbath morning and evening in tho
Hokendjunua church, overv Sabbath after-
noon at Irontou, or in tho Presbyterian
chapel at I-'eriidalc,undou Wednesday even
ings at Lock ltnlgo church, near Alburtls.
-Nathan Hoffman, of East Penn, was
before Esquire Beck a few days ago, charged
with an attempt at rapo on a littlo girl
about 8 years ot age, and held in $500 for
his appearance at court. James Hoffman
was alw committed in default of $200 as a
witness, and in $300 for tho proper mainte
nance of his wife.
Few homes aro really happy and what
homo should be unless the littlo prattlers are
around tho fireside and minglo in the family
meal. Fond mothers can lessen their cares
and anxiety for thodear littloonesby always
having a bottle of Dr. Coxu's Wild Cherry
and Sencka in the house. It stops tlio
troublesome night cough and cures that ter
rible malady croup. 25 and SOcts. tierbot
ilc, On Moday last, A. P. Blank, of this
place, who (3 the agent for Hoover's jiatent
harness, exhibited its adventges over other
harness to our citizens, bv driving his horse,
attached to a cutter at full speed, and by tho
pulling of a pair of tassels attached to tho
reins, and acting ujxm a stping, virtuully
stripping the horse of the harness, letting
him go off at will. Iu caso of a runaway,
we think it an excellent thing.
Wcedsport, N. Y., is paying up its
church debts by " kissing bees." One kiss
for ten cents, or three for a quarter aro tho
ruling quotations.
Wo nro always pleased to recommend a
good article, Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup never
luus io cure n vougu or loiu ill snort uiuo.
ho prlco is cents.
On Battirdny inornine. tho 2d inst-.Mrs.
Mnnahan, resident iu this borusli. and
mother of Harry T. Monahan, Master U, 8.
N., whilo on tbo way from her houso to tho
milk wagon, fell and sustained a eevcro
sprain of her wrist.
FOR CASH M. Florev. bnvinff nilnn
ted tho cash system in his business, an
nounces to the imblic that ho is selling har
ness, collars, Ac, at very reduced prices for
reaiiy money, can, examine anil bo con
vinced. Manufactory neartho Canal Bridge,
No stagnation in busi
ness at the Original Cheap
Cash Store of J. T. Nusbaum
& Son. Power of low prices
will tell
A Georgia nigger was sent up for two
years recently for secreting a neighbor's hogs
in Ids houso over nitrlit. This was nn
laughing matter, for him, if it was a caso of
nigntrous nogs-lmle. But what as this got
to do with the fact, that David Ebbert keeps
tho handsomest carriages and tho best stock
of horses in tho county, and hires them at
lower rater man any "other man.
An article that combines great usefulness
wiiii n pleasant iasio is sure to ueconio popu
lar. No wonder then that Dr. Coxo's Wild
Cherry and Sencka is tho ino3t liopular cough
syrup iu tho land. 25 and 50 els. per bottle.
This has been nntlv and iustlv called
tho ago of i-teal, when honesty is at a
premium. Wo may add that whilo this is
quite truo as to places of business and trust,
Dr. Coxo's Wild Cherry and Sencka has
fully demonstrated that it at least is honest
and at all times reliable. 25 and 50 cts. per
Last week a mortgage for $7(52,770.17
was placed in tlio Recorder's oilico of this
county, for record, it having been given by
tho Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company
to the Fidelity Insurance. Trust and Sato
Dcpoiit Company of Philadelphia, in trust,
to 6ecure bonds to tho above amount. This
is the second largest mortgago upon record
in Hie Recorder's office of tins county. Tho
mortgage is being recorded iu every county
in which tho Lehigh Coal and Navigation
Co. lias property. Allcntoicn Democrat.
The individual operators of tho Lehigh
region met nt Bethlehem, on Wednesday
afternoon. Al io Pardee presided mid Judgo
Hamburger acted as secretary. Alter a
harmonious session of two hours it was
agreed that tho allotment of coal to each
operator should bo based on tho two best
months' shipments during tho past two
years. The amount shipped will depend on
tho wants of tho market. It was also agreed
that every operator should ship hi3allotinent
each month or lose bis tonnage, except in
cases of strikes or other trouble. A corn
ice ol ono from each region was appointed
During tho early part of tho week nar-
tics wero passing around town and vicinity
inviting our peoplo to attend a meeting ot
the Exchange Hotel on Thursday evening,
for the purjioso of organizing a company to
bo called tho "Beaver. Hun Gold Mining
Company," with a capital of $00,000 (lim
ited), iu shares of Sill each i .111 iu-r cent, of
paid-up capital inmoiieyor its equivalent,
nnd to bo subject to fjlturo assessment, and
all the employees (ti bo stockholders. Dr.
Hall " stood" himself up ami very elabor
ately demonstrated tho existence of cold in
tho Beaver Run, 'from a geological chait
which ho had drawn, showini the location
of tho lode j they had dead loads of cerium
(which ho claimed to be worth $2,000 ier
pound); tons cf zinc, besido other valuable
metals, See. ; lie also claimed that all along
the Lehigh lliver, from its sourco to its
mouth, gold, silver, zinc, nnd other valua
ble metals cropped out and existed in lnr-n
quantities, and exhibited a very minute par-
uhc oi gum, wnicn no nsseneii was taken
from -1 ounces of rock from tho Beaver Run
" mine." About $10,000 worth of tho stock
had been taken, but during our stay at the
orains no mw no new suusenhers to it;
nor, indeed, did thoso present seem lo cn-
mure iiiucn on mo sulijuct.
To Taxpayers.
A meeting will be held at
the Jixchango Hotel, m this
borough, on Tuesday evening
next, Feb. 12, 1878, for the
purpose of placing in nomina
tion persons to fill the several
offices durinsr the cnsumir
term. Let there be a full at
tendance of all interested.
Many Citizens.
Feb. 7, 1878.
Lelilghlon Lyceum.
Mr. 8. R. Gilliam was elected by acclama
tion us President;) ci, (tho President and
ico President being absent,) who called tho
Lyceum to order nt tlio usual time. Tho
roll was called, and tho minutes of tho pre
vious meeting wero read and adopted. Five
jicrsons wero proposed and elected as active
members. A piece of instrumental music
wai well performed on tho organ, by Miss
Bernslien, Tho referred auctions" worn
satisfactorily answered by the projwr referees
except Miss E. Hank's which was answered
by Miss Aggio Hank. Tho debate, Resolved:
"That public amusements arc beneficial to
the community" was opened by Mr. A.
Dollenmeycr substitute lor the regular dis
putant on tbo affirmative and bv Mr. Horn
assistant on tho negative, followed by Mr.
m. pcijHc. i no generui ueuato was arlici
luted iu by tho members. "Beautiful songs
of the Sea" was tho title of a duett 6iing by
M isses Hibler and Dolleumeyer, which
pleased all that aro musically inclined,
i'ho decision by tho Ciiair was given favor
able to the affirmative. A. Dollenmeycr
read "Marco Bozzaris" well as a piece of
select reading. Tho following report of the
curators was adopted: Debate, Resolved,
"That a lawyer is justified in defending a
bad case," affirmative disputant Anson
Kemcrer assisted by F. P. Longstrect. Neg
ative, A. Dollenmeycr assisted by T. A.
Snyder. First referral question, Givo a
sketch of tho life of Alexander tho Great;
referred to Allen Graver. Second. Is tho
faying "Keep thy shop and thy shop will
keep thee," a truo ono? referred to II. V.
Morthiiner, Jr. Third. Why do bean vines
always wind from the left to tho right? re
ferred to T. A. Snyder. Of all the exercises
tho reading or "Our Paiier" by tho editor,
created tho most laughter. Mr. J, Beiplo
was apjiointod as select reader and Mrs.
Longstrect as essayist for tlio next meeting.
A duett by Misses Hibler and Dollenmeycr,
"Tho Starlight," was will received. After
taking up tlio collection, the Lyceum ad.
Journod to meet again at the usual time,
Feb. 2, 1878. Bicritabt.
A Card from Father Heman.
Father Heinan Deceived !
Fimn Our Own CbrrcsmnJcnt.
As pcf our last article, wo promised to
givo tho sequel of the Heinan-Grctli mira
cle, Which catno off on Saturday last. No
doubt all your readers by this timo nro
awaro of just how tlio matter turned out
But perhaps thero aro soma who do not
road tho dally papers, and for their benefit
wo will dot down a fen' facts.
Saturday morning last was, indeed, beau
tiful; tho sun shono out brightly J Ihcearth
was covered with a beautiful mantlo of
whito; tho " merry jinglo of tho bells, bells,
bells," could bo heard on every side,' whilo
ono continuous lino of persons could be seen
wending their way to East Mauch Chunk to
witness tho "resurrection of tho dead.'
Wo even saw quito a number from Lehigh
ton, whoso curiosity led them on that bright
and piercing morning all the way over tho
hills to sco the living die and the dead liv
ing again. Wo wero impressed with ono
biblical truth : that all on this sldo of tlio
river high and low, rich and jwor, saint
anil sinner nau to travel ono way, viz. :
across the East Mauch Chunk bridgo iu or
der to reach the place of signs and wonders.
Your corrcsondent, ns incredulous as ever.
was seen about eight o'clock a. m. in the
lino of march for death or victory. Arriv
ing nt tlio place, wo halted at the yard lo
view tho situation. A string of peoplo
reached from tho ontsido gate to Mis
Grcth's bed. Not one inch of available
spaeo on the porch or in the kitchen could
bo had. Ono perfect mass of humanity was
swaying to anil fro, and each vying with
the other to gain admittance into tho room
leading up stairs. What to do wo didn't
know, but we must do something quickly,
for we wero already behind time. Wo con
cluded to crowd or squeeze our way through,
ns wo knew if Father Heinnn saw us we
would bo all right, ho having extended us
an invitation to bo present. But wo didn't
squeeze far. We only got lo tho porch, and
there wo stuck. Just then somo kind
hearted lady, seeing our predicament and
knowinz wo beloinreil to tho Kniirhts of lhr
Quill, told us to go around to thelronl door,
whero we surely Would bo admitted. Wo
took her advice, but, when wo got to tho
front, somo ono inside motioned us to re
turn from whero wo came, rielni-ninir
back wo mounted tho outsido steps, and be
gan crowding our way, littlo by little, just
as tbo acorn grow, until wo reached the in
side stairway, where our motion was unim
peded until wo reached tho room in which
Miss Greth lay. On entering that wo be
held tho room filled with men, women, and
children, all wearine? tlio nsnect nf rrro.nt.
solemnity. Wo noticed tho bed had
changed its jwsition, from what it hud on
our former visit to that of tho centra of tho
room. Herein .Viss Greth lay neatly
Iresseil in white, her arms extending along
lier sides, her roldn crucifix nhmit lmr
neck, her eyes closed, but tho eyeballs hav
ing a tremulous motion, indicatinc: at bnco to
our mind that "she is not dead but slecp
eth." Fathers Ileinan and llunni ktooil nn
one side of the bed, two Sisters of Charity
at tno loot, whilo on tho other side and head
of tho boil was tho space allowed for the
spectators to view the living cori-se. No
ono was liermitted to stand or look very
long, as tho crowd behind ketit movlnv mm
along, and nil passing out a different way
iii-iii uiiii, ui cmiTiiig, so mat inero was a
perfect circuit of men. women, nml rhll.
dron, believers and unbelievers, viewing tho
then sappoicil dead lady. Precisely at U:30
a. in. Father Heinan began ids ceremony of
raising JZiss Greth from death. Hoc
aloud threo limes, "Amelia 1" the first and
second times apparently having no effect on
Iinn'lutl H.n 11.7.. I I. ua. ...I.. I ... i-.
7 iiiiiw uiuiigui iu-r iu iic,
ynKH siiu urgnii io rejieai some prayer.
' Thereupon Father Heinan Iwran tl.rnv.
planatinn of how Jiss Greth died, aud how
ner tout raurnca. to :icr ooai again. Ilo cau
tioned all present not to mako liirbt of tbo
matter ; that already tho angel had appear
ed and told of ono jK-rsou being stricken
down and dying a terrible death in conse
quence of mocking nt tho affair. (It is
tupimsod tho Father hero referred to Jr.
William Simmers, local reiwrter.) Father
uoinaii i-ejieated, at dillercnt times, that tho
listeners must not think ho performed this
miracle, but that Jesus nlono did it. Ho
only claimed that it was through him that
ii was uonoi inai uio angel long ago in
formed him of it. Ho raucludeii his m.
marks by saying that Jlfiss Greth would
arise, dress, unci walk to church, whero sho
would attend high mass. Ho therefore re
quested tho spectators to leave tho room
whilo -Visa Gretli prcian-d for tho final test
ui mii-muug ciiiircu, ami praising uou lor
her miraculous cure and bringing her back
to life again. Nearly every body went to
mo ciiun-u, wnero n largo crowd awalteit
thooieningof the doois. On tho apiear
ii uce of Viss Greth tho church was soon
filled, and thoso who couldn't netiu could
havo filled another small church. .Uiss
iirelii wus accomunietl Irom tlio parsonage
bv tho priest's sister. Sho was dressed in
black, with her golden cross about her neck
dazzling in the sunlight. She walked rap
idly, looking straight forward. Nothing
unusuui was uoiiceaoie aoout her except
that sho looked ale. Whilo the anxious
crown was awaiting admittance, several per
sons wero trampled under foot. Every
houso along tho street was a perfect show
window of heads, from a baby's up to au
old man's. Evcrvthini! was excitement.
and every ono would approach tho other
with, " Well, what do you think of tho
manor 7- ii no chanced to oo a catholic,
tho expression of his faeo was a sufficient
index as to whether his faith was firm or
not; if,on tho other hand, ho chanced to bo
a Protestant, tho twinkle of his cyo was a
barometer likely lo tell you at once how lit
tle faith ho hud in the atluir. The mira
cle over, every ono returned to his home.
whilo .Viss Gnth continued tlio object of
runosiiy. un oatuniay evening tho l'hila
delphiaand New YorK rerters got wind
of the case, and the Western Union opora-
1. ...... l.t 1 ii
wi iiviu ii.ui ins usual i-ungvuiui visus vi-ry
much shortened, both on Saturday and Cnn
day nizhts. bv beine kent at his oll'ica mini
a lato hour reporting tho news. On jon
day, however, a Jferald and a Times re
turner arrived here, and sinco then they
havo given all the facts in tho caso worth
mentioning. Tlio Philadelphia rejwrtcr
was not allowed to interview Father Hei
nan, ho having, as the Father said, misrep
resented him iu tlio corresiKindence. Those
whoso faith was so stronu at first Lava lnvti
considerably shaken, and, among the Pro
testants, no one believes it. On Wednesday
afternoon Jiss Greth left for her homo at
Reading, where, if the chooses, she can tell
all she knows about the affair. We are in
formed that Jfiss Greth was not allowed to
tell anything of where her soul was or hr
feelings whilo In that hour of ecstaoics. No
reporter could elicit any thine. Thus end
cd tho matter, just as it began, in notiuxo 1
77ic A'cio York Herald's version.
Early on Saturday morning last, an ini
menco crowd of people, assembled in and
about tho resideneo of Rev. Father Heinan,
iu tho bourogh of East Mauch Chunk, to
witness the result of thealleged supernatural
prophecy, and tho street was completely
blockaded with men and women. In Iho
sick room tho woman Gretli was apparently
gradually failing. Sho was surrounded by
watchers, who completely filled tho room
and nearly the whole house. Father Hem
an was also present performing tho offices
of tho Church for tho dying. Miss Greth, it
is said grew weaker and weakcrand at half
past eight lay, indeed as If dead.
Father Heinan then announced that tho
soul had then quit tho body, leaving tho
animal life iu it. He said that this was tho
first part of the euro about lo bo nerformed,
Ho wanted it distinctly understood that ho
had no power in tho performance nf this
work except that which ho received from on
high, through tho name and by tho power
oi uesus jurist.
The peoplo in tho room were next directed
to make a passago from tho door of the
room io ino uou, anil inoso Who wero out
sido the door and below stairs wero directed
to enter the room, pass around tho bed and
then go out by another door. It is estimated
that over sc en hundred jicoplo saw the
soulless (?) body of tho woman. There was,
of course, the most intense excitement among
tho jicoplo during tho wiiolo of this jicriod.
At twenty-live minutes past nine, five
minutes Leloro the expiration of the hour,
silence was commanded, nnd Father Heinan
said :
"Now, I will call her."
"Amelia I" ho then called iu a loud voice,
Tlicro was however, no chaiigo in thecoun
tenanco of tho woman. "Amelia," ho ro
ealcd,and, as before, she remained mo
tionless. "Amelia!" in a louder voice, cried Father
"Father." resnonded Miss Greth. nnd then
she repeated a lew words of prayer.
xueseeuo m mo room was at that moment
indescribable. Tlio
ly intense, and cries of joy and weeping
wero heard on nil tides. Aliss Greth then
asked forn shawl, and a ladv wiio stood by
the bedsido took oil' her sealskin coat, anil
put it around the woman as she by tho com
mand of the priest arose.
Father Heinan then turned to Iho woman
and commanded her to talk lo no one nor
permit any ono to talk to her until nflcr she
had returned her thanks to God for His
kiudness to her in the church. Sho then
lnado her way to tlio sacred edifice, walking
alono and quite rapidly, followed by an ex
cited crowd, comprising hundreds ofjieoplc.
When sho arrived at tho church Father
Heinan preached two sermons, ono iu Ger
man and ono in English. Tlio services last
ed about two hours.
After tho services Miss Greth returned lo
herroom, apparently stiongnnd hearty. In
response to many inqttiries'ui to her feelings
ami emotions sno niailo tho lollowing state
incut :
I feelcntirely cured. Tho hemorrha'res
of blood ceased on Thursday, and sinco that
timo 1 havo ielt very weak and sick. I am
ennvincedtbat my lungs wero entirely
and that physicians could not havo
o cured
mo, nor could 1 havo been cured by nnvbody
but my God through Christ."
On Sunday Father Heinensenttliefollow
ing "card" to tho New York Herald :
Mavcii Chunk, Pa., Feb. 3, 1878.
To iiir Eiuroii or the Herald; Miss
Greth was colled out of ecstasies by miracu
lous means. Slio was deathly sick and io
6torcd completely. Sho is now iu perfect
health since.
Miss Greth had hemorrhages from tho
lungs twice and threo timo every day for
about nino weeks. No physicians were call
ed and no remedies wero used during her
sickness. There was a multitudo of peoplo
C resent when sho was cured and I don't
now whether any physicians wero among
them. Sho was cured, quito publicly.
EcsLicy means tho soul departed irom the
PmUDKLFIIU, Feb. fi, 1S7S.
Father Heinan, stor of tho Ent Mauch
Chunk Church, aud though whom the mod
ern "iuiraclo" was performed having iutinia-
ii-u mm it wusiiis iiiiciiiioii iu maiccii reiHiri
to Archbishop Wood within a few hours,
your correspondentcalledattho nrehlopisco
iul residence loasccrtain whether such repoit
had been mado as Well as to obtain his
lordship's views upon tho matter. It was
Ihere stated that Father Heinan, in company
with tho pastor of tboEnglisli speaking con
gregation ofMauch Chunk, ' ad called and
mado his report. After hen ng all tho cir
cumstances proceeding and immediately
connected with Iho singular exhibition of
last.Saturday the Archbishop jnvnounccd the
matter, in his judgment, a delusion, lie
counselled them to so instract their people, and
to do all that teas in their poircr to correct the
bad imprcssson that this affair may have
Thomas P. Fisher's Case.
Tho Board of Tanlons met Tuesday night
to consider the application for commutation
of the death sentence of Thomas P. Fisher,
of this county, to imprisonment for life.
John W. llyon, of Pottsville, who defended
nearly all tho Molly Maguires executed on
tho 21st of Juno last, oppearod for tho cul
prit, who will be hanged on the 20th of Feb
ruary unless tho Board of Pardons should
savo him from Iho gallows. Mr. llyon de
clared that the conviction of Fisher was duo
entirely to tho testimony of two men whoso
souls wero stained with robbery and murder,
and who, as a rewnnl for their statements,
were given their liberty. Ho apjwalcd to
tho Board to weigh theapplication carefully,
as ho had received information, tho' truth of
which could not bo questioned, that of tho
six Molly Maguires hanged atPottsvillo ono
(Thomas Duffy) was innocent of tho crimo
for which ho was executed. Itwasin Duffy's
caso that tho Governor's private secretary
had a reprieve in his jncket ot Pottsvillo
ready to bo extended to tho condemned in
the event of nny of tbo five condemned to
death exculpating him. Dolly's conviction
rested almost entirely on tho testimony of
Jimmy Kerrigan, who turned State's "ovi-
iicnce to savo Ins own neck Iroin the gallows.
Fisher is under sentciico of death for having
been concerned iu tho murder of Morgan
Powell, a inino boss, in 1871. Yellow Jack
Donahue, who was linn col in Mauch (.'hunk.
fired Iho fatal shot ; but Fisher pointed out
the victim by a prearranged signal, a cough.
Fithcr afterward uid Dinohuo$30 for com
mitting the crime. The murder had its ori
gin in tlio refusal of Powell to givo Alex
ander Campbell, also banned in Juno last.
a certain kind of work in tho coal mine.
For soma timo past considerable wire
pulling has been going on in respect to the
apiwintment of a nicht watchman at the
jail. Some of thoso who mado so many
promises-last lall wero trying to get Ihelr
man spjioimeu, ana now iney nro wonder
ing how they were beaten, as Mr. Walt
Conway, nn unpretentious but good and
honest Irishman received the appointment.
Tho Volco of llio People.
For n Poor District.
'd. Advocate! Shall wo havo a Poor
District? This is tlio question to bo decided
at our borough election. Will it pay? is the
next and only question that should decide
which way to vote. As n property holder,
I must answer that it will pay I Tho mini
atttro poor-house, in ourinidst.lias fully and
fairly demonstrated that it will jiav to form
ourselves Jinto a Poor District. This is n
fact, an undeuiablo fact, and every taxpayer
should vole " For a Poor District."
Feb. 5,1878. P. II.
To the Taxpayers.
Mn. Editor: Tlio remarks of "Justice,"
in last week's Advocate, were well put and
to iho point, and gave all parties duo warn
ing what men not to nominate. Ono step
further ho should havo gone, and furnished
us.iviih the characteristics of mcnwhoslioul
bo nominated. Perhaps this week's issue
will contain his select ticket, if it does, you
will plcaso omit this communication, ior I
iM.-rfectly agreo with" Justico" iu all he said
last week. Now to Iho iiuilit :
For Burgess, wo want n man of irreproach
able character a property holder, a good
financier a man with good coiiiinonsenso
and judgment, who will cconomio.illv. nml
with good taste nnd order, keep our roads
"ini juiYciucius iu a passauie condition, so
that our beautiful borough may present a
cii-uiny nun orucny piaco oi habitation.
For Couiicilmen. wo want men of 11
samo description; men of ability who will
Ki-i-ii nn cycon ino nuances (nolcuvctously)
ui iv lutiscu cuiiiouoi our pasicoilU'
eilmanie deficiency.
For School Directors, wo want somo of our
most intelligent men; men who will tako
prnlo in our schools, and who will under
stand the management of their finances.
1-' i Ovciscers of tho Poor givo us good,
h i ii i n, who ought also to havo sonic
knr.v'n'iro for the economical in.iii.nwmnnt.
of tho money passing tlnough their hand.
i-or ixmsin uie,- wo want a goon, reliahlo
uiuii, ono oi responsibility, who will be
prompt in Ids levies and collections; a man
woo enn command tho commence oi our
business men and civo satisfaction to nnr
officers of justice.
For Auditors, let there bo men of the best
financial ability property holders by nil
means who will mako it their business to
thoroughly investigate nil exienditiires, nnd
mako out a truthful repoit of the steward
ship of our borough officials,
tan wo not havo such men as I have dn.
scribed abovo? Is not Lehighton so well
favored us to furnish cnoueh to five
us good and efficient officers? Ceitainfy it
is, mm u ic no mn nave mem it win bo cn
lirely ourown fault. Lctusall doourdutv
feeling that nil the officers wo elect on next
Tuesday a week should bo representative
men, who will givo character and reputation
iv i-ui uumuj;u uoin at Howie ana aoroaa.
Feb. 0, 1878. Pkri ecIion
Ttinl School Matter.
Jin. Editor: I gather from a communi
catcd article, in tho last edition of your ex
cellent local paper, that somo interest is being
taken in tho matter oi tho selection of School
Directors nt tho coming election. This is as
it should be. As residents of and taxpayers
in Lehighton, and as parents having child
ron to bo educatciZ in tho schools thereof, wo
ought to bo as much interested in our borough
election and bo as particular to dischanro
our duty at tho iwlls as though n President
oi mo u niieu eiaies was lo uo elected,
Thooo of us who havo children to bo educa
ted, should bo concerned as to who aro elec
ted to manage the school affairs of tlio boro'.
Wo only havo ono opportunity to cducato
our children, and should, therefore, take
good heed that persons aro elected to tlio
responsible sitinn of School Directors who
will go heart and soul for good schools, let
old logics anil narrow-minded, ix-nurious
property holders, who havo no children to
educate, say what they will. Tho artielo of
last week suggests to my mind tho idea that
some parties, 1 know not who, aro interest
ing themselves in this matter from a desire
to gratify iersonal feeling, personal ambition
or somo other selfish motive, rather than
from real interest iu tho work of education
in our midst. I should hope such was not
tho case, though I fear it is. If it be bo
they whom they may let them bo severely
rebuked nt the polls. For school directors
wo don't want mere office-seekers or persons
who have somo selfish motive iu view,
rather man llio promotion ot tho real inte
rests of education in our midst. Rather let
us choose men of intelligence who know tho
north of schools and what good schools are;
public, liberal-minded men, who will labor
for the promotion of tho public interests
rather than the trratification of private
ends; enterprising, encrgetio men, who will
go heart and 6oul for good schools, good
teachers, and long terms, as well as good
It would bo a shame and diszrace to us if.
after what has been done iu tlio direction of
school buildings, wo shall adopt tho "jwnny
Wise, pound loolish" jwllcy of inforiir
schools, cheap teachers, anil short terms.
j.ui, iny picco is long enough; 1 want sim
ply to add that, if tho principles herein ad
vocated aro correct, it will bo a calamity to
tho school interests of this borough if wo ol
low tho present treasurer of tho School
Board, to whom wo ore bo lamely indebted
for tho present good character of ourschools,
as well as for tho existence of our beautiful
school building) and whoso term is about to
expire, to bo sujierseiled by any ono lees coin
ietent iu every respect than lie. And, if
wo don't want to do that, wo must suiier
sedo him 1 y himself. Iu fact, wouldn t it
lio well to let well enough alone, and re
elect tho two outgoing directors, who aro in
telligent, capable, and reliablo men ?
Feb. 0, 1818. Taxi'aveb.
Public Sales.
Tho following is a list of public sales ad
vertised in this jiaper.or for which bills havo
been printed at this office :
Feb. 22 ot 1 p. m. Orphans' Court salo of
real estate of Joseph Christman, dc'd, iu
Towamensing ton usliip.
March 14 at 2 p. in. Assignee's salo of real
estate cf Henry F. Berlin and wife, in
East Weissjiort, Franklin township.
Iu the caso of tho Commonwealth vs.
John Buckley, charged witli assault and
battery, in which Charles Bchnaufer was
prosecutor, tbo jury nt llio OetoU-r Term of
Court brought in a verdict of not guilty and
that Buckley and Schnaufcr each my tho
costs of prosecution. Schnaufcr either re
fused or was unable to pay his part, and iu
consequence went to jail. On Wednesday,
however, ho was released from jail by jiay
iug $20 iu cash, and giving his note for tho
To-morrow (Sunday) afternoon at 3
o'clock ltey. J, II. Whitton, of l'ackcrton,
will preach iu tiio Presbyterian Church, of
this place. A cordial invitation is extended
to our people to attend.
Hon. Thomas A. Hendricks, of Indiana,
has written a letter in favor of the remoae
tiZ4tion of silver.
Wa lk Mr.rza An. On the 27th ult,,by Rev
C. Becker, in Wcissport, Mr. Penroso Walk
and Miss Lizzio Metzgar,both of Frakllnn
township, this county.
StROHt. In Millport, on tlio 25th nit., Ida,
daughter of Levi and Susanna Strohl, of
croup, aged 3 year?, 7 month and S days.
Ida, thou art clothed in while.
Just ns thou hast wished to bo ;
Sweet thy sleep I O, that 1 might
Also seo thy soul in wliitel
Before sho was taken sick, and ono -week
previous to her death Ida hail expressed her
wish as to how nnd in what they should put
on her after death.
Special Notices.
A Man walks from r ewaric, K, J ton Y.
8omo weeks since, a man camo Into tho store.
No. 7 sixth avenuo. New York, loqninntrfi.r
Wr. Crittkxto.n, to whom ho was shown, llo
nppenreil to Do very much exciteil. nnd unmeul
ntely commenced to tell n story ot how his ttilo
had nuflVr"l from nn affection of tholans, nno,
in fret, had boeti given up Dv tho phrtlcians lo
din. Through somo tneml stio was lnduce-1, ai
n last i osort, to try IIale'b Hoxev cr lloni
llouxn and TAR, anil, utlng hero her husband's
language, ho said j "J3cforo sho had uso-1 cno
hottio sho could brcatlio ilth more case i and
by tno timo she had used six Dottles she unl no
and around tho hous3,ablc to ilohcr own wnrS.'
Tho man took tho pains to enmo In person r-nd
thank the pro'ent ptopriet r o' this popular
nritrlo for n perfect cuio of lis wile. If ale's
Honey of IIoueuound and Tar Wforsiloby
nlldiugglstsnt51ccntiand?I. L-irco size the
most cconumlcal. Depot, CmTiENTox's 0 sixth
avenue, I, y city.
Tike's toothache Dnors euro in ono ralnuto.
1 here are Tiiois.vncs of s-LTFERr.RS from
Ilheumatlsni and Gout who cannot bclloro la
ino.los o( euro that aro Dinttendcd with trtcA
Vcxpcnso nnd elaborate preparation. II takes a
long time to convfuco them thic tbo simplest
mitoo to ob-.nln relief is ollou Iho best, and tua
n rcw pennies spent on a cake of ulen's (sul
phur Soap, and tho trlfl-ng labor of piocurlu-t
warm water, wld furnlsa a moil cited bath
which wit! afford n pcrntnncnt cure. So!db
all drugolsts. rrlco 21c. per calls. I Kox (3
cake-) 75c, sent Dy mall, prepaid, on receipt of
price. C.N. Crittentox, Proprietor. 7 hixth
avenue, New York.
hill's hair and whisker dve. Black or
Brown, CO cents. Jan. 21, 1678.
E. P. Ktinlid's Ritter TTino or Iron.
This truly vnljihTe toaio has been so thi-ro-nrhlv
tested by nil classes oi the cemoiuintv
that It la now deemed iiidlsncnsiblo asaTonlo
mo-itciuo. It costi hut llitle. nuillies tho b'.ood
nn-1 gives tono lo tlio stomach, icnovatcs iho
fj- tern and prolongs life. Lvcryboily should
havo it.
l'nr tho euro of Weak Stomachs. General De
bility, Innigostlon. Diseases of (be Utonach.nnd
tor all ca't-i icqulrtng n tonic.
Tin-, wino Im luoes tho most ngreonhloand
efficient Halt of Iron wo po-soes Citrate of .Mnar
ncno Oxide combined with tho most energetic
of vegetable to ales Yellow Peruvian link.
Do ion want Boiucthliur to strengthen you t
Do you want a (rood appetite. I
Do you want to Ret rid oi neivousncssl
Do you want energv I
Do you wain to sleep well f
Dnoa want to bun tup your constitution I
Do vou want to leel well!
Do yon wun tn iirl-knml y?oron fecllntr?
If ion do try KUNKEL'n ui-iTEir uin
I on-y n-iK a tinIof thin vatanb'o tonic I
Itownro of cmmtirfflm. n4 ttnnVpl-ii rtllfer
Wine of Inm ii Iho only Ruro and effectual
remedy in tho known world for ilie pcimaneiit
cuto ol IJl'lionsia aiidDeDllltv.nml nti fhnro nrn
n number of Imitations offi red to iho puono I
wouiu caution tlio roinniutiiiy to i u-ihase nono
but thocentilnit article, luanutacturcd by K F.
Kuiikel andharlni- Ins Rtiimu mi tlmrnrkr.r
eveiylioitlc. The very inet th it others aro nt
teuiiitlns to Imitnto this valuable leuiodv,
piovcslts wouh nnd srraks volume In its la.
vor Oet iho genuine. K K K inkcl's.
Beld onlv in fit Dottlo. -old by Drii-irtMs and
dealers evcrvwhrro 13. P. Knnkcl. iroinoloi ,
210 North Muth micct, I Mindclptiu, l'a.
Tiijic Worm Itcniovctl Alive.
Head and n'l cnmnlpln In two tmnm. Nn fen
till hold pusF.cs. bent, rin nnd Homnch Worms
ictuovcd ar Dr. Kunkei, SKI North N. s-treet,
l'htlQdfllinlll. l'fl. ..rmri fnri-lriilnrni-flsli mnr
iltiiM'lst lor a hoitleof kunkel's W'oau bv'uiT,
iiiiutinuns. i rico tl. jauiii ini.
Health and Happiness.
faith and HarplncRS nro priceless Wealth to
UcirDowsorti. and yet tliov oro withiu the
each of overy one who will uao
Wright's Liver Pills.
Tao onlv sine CUIti2 for Torpid Liver. Dysnen.
''.'."'T.' "seai aim nil Jlulious cninp)ulinn'aud'
Ulnod dlsoidei-s. None Bi'liuino unlcsn Men,, I
"wn; neat riula." UyourDiusiri.tiwlinot
supply euu 25 rcnis for ono box tn Harriet.
Uouer ifc Co . 70 N. lih bt . 1-hlla. DecTsiyl
ori-nhi, when 23 cents will buy a bottloof Dr.
Irazlers couch Hyrup at any drugstore. It lias
wrought n comiilotutlisncoin Urn Cough .Meal,
clues, is pleasant ns 1 oney nnd always cures.
Dr. ITa zicr's Cough Syru p used in conn eei Inn
with Dr I- raster's Hoot Bitters will cure con
sujimoN. btandiidM'mLnundry.CIovchind.O. Oct. 31 '7i,
Dr. 1- HAZlEll. Deni fcir i I feel II adnly I owe
to sutler ug humanity to witto vou l'orsonia
time 1 was snicly i.llllcied nil a cough, ralslne
had gmir, with every symptom ot beunrncoi"
fltmidcouaumpilvn. 1 ul,i diffeieiii luediclues
nml cures without llnilingiollcli I npncoumlt.
00 threo of our most crouilneut Cleveland i by
bic'Uiih tl-o last ono of which d uiy
cjso unoiiH. and Informed mo that 1 inula not
live more than n few months Aonut this tune,
ue.ii1inr of sour wondeiful success, I com
monced taking vour byrnp lu counectlou with
your Itrtot n tier, nnd waiat oucu bentuiBi,
and oiler us iig tho uiediiino some two mouths
1 und myself entirely cured.
Mr. Dunn again writes, under date of A u 4,
1H7 Dr. Frazier, Doir sti I can endorso
vour medicine more strongly thou ci it from tbo
fact that It isiiow nearly oiioycar sinco 1 vas
cured My luims are ludav stioug aud sound,
huv ug no return of tho disease.
-meiiuivo oeu cininspaaK lcr themselves
For sale by i
Dec. 1', ly.
ill Druggists.
Priceless Discovery.
A Sure Cure for Piles.
Asurocurofortheblind h'cealn.ltehingnnd
u ceia.ed pil-s ha beeu discovered by Dr. V il.
I m. (in Indian remony) called Dr. Wlli'nm's
I idlau Ointment. A kIukIo bur lias ennd Uio
w isi o d chrou o cases of iweuiy.llvo and tlur.
lyyeait-'t-tandnig, Nooaoneeiiiiuiriirnvoin u
ntes ufter npniying this wondenul nonihing
medic ue. LiitloiiH, lnitrunienis eud eiccluuilcs
domoiohaim Ihan good, WiiIibiu's Ointnrut
nuppoi Is the tumors, allays the lutenco itching
limrllcu oily at nliht after gelling waini iu
bed aci art a poultice, gives iutnnt and pain,
li-.a relief atd 1 prepared only for I'lh-sond
nothlii).' t-ltft. Thoisaitds nf cared patlentsnt.
ton its Milne., physicians of all scholia
piououi ro il tho eri-atcst coutiltiut'ou to inedi
cm. of tl eaie. Itmattcrs not how long or
icrelv sou havo Lcen suffering, you can be
Mr. Josenh M, Hyder C'crcinnd. Oliln,wrlt' i
I .uttered for yearn Itching und uicciated
1'llei', tnetl remedy after retnedt ndvettiscd.nnd
cin9ulU-d pln sin am In rhilndi-liitu.i.l.oiilivillc,
i-lnciiiiniti, Ind anniinlis ml tins citvi nu
spent I iiiiilri-ds cf dolla'S. but loaca no ieu I
until X obtainod u box of Dr. lilism's Iudiuu
Ointment hub laur lnoulln into, and It hn
cuil me cnurulite1 v, 1 hsn a nart of the In x
left which I gave Io a Irlcud ot mine who hnd
deeiored with many ptivs clans and as a ant io.
orl went tot to noted Hot Kprlues, Arkauns.
for treatment. He Inlormi me that the Iidbu
Ointment has alto cured him of the riles, it is
certoiuiyawouoirfuldlBCoiery, and should be
ued bv tho many thousand! who ate Low suf
fering with that oread ill.e ,se,
tVHO.oao lirwtrd will be pi id for a more Of r.
Jf"f flr Hoia y " Drunglsts. Oil. O, W.
VHAIIIK. sole propilrUx, clsTtUnd. o.