The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, February 02, 1878, Image 3

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    Advertising Kales.
We fl-ilrolt to tie.dlrtlnc.Hr juidrrrtopd Mint
no odvortlseraeuU will bo Inserted 111 tho col
Jt, tubCasdos ADVocAfru 1'"" W'l
oitriveo bom unknown pnrtionr-;rir!iis- unless
""miianicd witn tie vita. Ilioloilowl-itan!
tat ostx irrms.
AdveilUomeuts for 1 yeir, per Inch Ko0 t
six Months, perlncn. cocb.'inr.ton 13 tm.
Three Month. , '' .,. VM
" Ixu than tliree months, flfst Inter-
tion U esch inbe4oent Insertion M Cts.
"fcooil noucei 10 cents er lino.
n. V. MOItTfUMEB. Publisher.
Society MccllnBH.
MriXITO Oastlk, .No. 73, A.O. K. orinB M. C.
".Una HtT Alondavof each monld, In lie.
bsri Hull. LeliightoD, at 7,J o'e octt r. M-
I". K. II. til
8XAPBK nUTTM MDOS. N 0. 3tt, 1. O. O. J.
insets every Tuesday evening, at g o'clock,
In nebefa nlU a. Ko.tcubader, j.U.i H.
D. lienor, Secretary.
ilBTBCiIits TRlDSr No. S32. Into. O. of It. M.,
meets In ltooe.r's.llfUI eye y "jtordsT. J'
It. Bens, eaoheii i O. W. Delhi. C ol II.
Poho Pool. Tbiob, No. 171. Imp. o. II. M rncol
on WednesiHy ooriing il f nctt week, ut :31
o'clock lnl'ablio School null, Vclssn"rt
!. C. W. Schwab. H.s Jac nrung. t:. of It
LKUioinoit Lodoe.- So'. Ml K. of p.. .reeoiiii
on Friday evening. In lletier's Halt, at f:CO
o'c.oo . W. II. Bachman, CO t L. A. Miller,
K. of It. and b.
H. SlEWEllS,
Office, Kloti's IPpJnlng B.olaway.
Settling Estates. Filing Acconma and Orphans
Conn Practices specialty.
Trial of I'unw enrcjul v ittenilod to. Legi
transactions In KnxniU nnd German. Jail .
Local and Personal.
$3T TO PRINTERS. We want at this
Office a thoroughly coinjietent Ncwsjinper
nnd Job Printer, for such a mail ve have a
steady "tit." A single man. Apply soon.
Ice man still hops on.
Ground hog day, (2nd inst).
Reading has 10,000 taxable citizen.
Most banks refuse silver in large sums.
Reading has two one thousand pound
, Co kind to the deserving poor about
these days.
Berks county school property is valued
at $504,280.
Cheap goods at the Bee
Hive store.
The roads throughout the country arc
in a very bud condition.
The iron ore mines arc all working in
the vicinity of Shamrock.
Doylestown's centennial will bo cele
brated on tlic first of March next.
The time was Monday morning j the
sex ft bouncing boy, and the happy dad wai
H. A. iJeltz, Esq.
Rev. E. A. BaucrJ of Ilazlcton was in1
town Thursday) looking well and happy as
ever. .
Cheap" goods at the 13cci
Hive Store.
The First National lioiilt of Mnuch
Chunk hits declared a cini-unuu;'.l dividend
of four per rout.
VALESTiSins! VitKNiljiKs! Iargis as
sortment, almost given away by Lucken
ilach, at Mauch Chunk.
Many consumptives are now using Dr
Frazicr'a Root Bitters arid Cough' Syrup with
rsmarktble success.
We are under great obliiratiotjs to P, J.
Median aiid II. E. Sworfft Ks'js.J of Muueh
Chunk, for favors extended to us during the
past week.
Reid and remember the. wonderful, but
true announcement A.J. DiirlingJ proprie
tor of the People's Drug store, makes in
nother column.
We nro under obligation' to the members
of ihe Phoenix Corrinh iiuild; of Muueh
Chunk, for a very delightful sc.fen'ado ten
dered us ou Monday evening lait.
SinM the discovery of Dr. Williams's
Indian Ointment there is certainly no ex
cuse for any out! to suffer with the Piles.
e Advertisement.
J3r Extra copies of the Carhos Anvo
cm can be obtained at Inkmann's News
Agency, on Smnuohaniut street, Maueh
'Chunk. Prise, Three cents.
The Hokeadiuijua Sabbath school II
'brary has between si and seven hundred
f,. tia 1-nllMir Til U ftllll tl.l V fu0in.ll U
uw" ' "-,; ... j
one, of the most wide-awake and progressive
in our region.
' Happy tome" have ever been tho
burdeu of poet' and eoug. How can home
lie happy without a thorough practical
knowleilge of Dr. VJoxo's Wild Cherry and
SSeneka. 2i and iO icenU per bottle.
i. K. Itirkert has still a (tyi of thoseeli
gtble lots iu Itickertstown to disjiosa of. If
you feel like securing a good home rail and
see him. He is also supplying flour, feed,
Umber and coal at the lowest rates.
Astiqcr at Vedused prices, also
ricifBta, over 109 kinat, to decoritto tho
eama at astonishiiifly low prices, may bo
found at Luckeubacli st 2nd door below the
Broadway House, Mauch Chunk.
When you buy a bottle of Dr. Coxe's
Wil 1 Cherry and Sencks, always nolo the
directions carefully, and read every word of
"the every-dav bo'ok"thataccoiinuiiicseach
bottle. 23 anil 50 cents per bottle.
There is a party in town who deals
largely in medicines who says ho sells more
or Or-'Coxe's Wild Cherry und Seneka than
nil other cough remedies combined. 26 and
SO cedts jier bottle.
Mr. Al. Miller, the well known horse
dialer In Allentown, a year ago sold tt Very
handsome match pair of Ilamblctoniun
horses to T. K Walter, of Mauch Chunk, fof
$1,21)0 cash On Saturday week Mr. Waltet
was sold out by tho sheriff, ami among thd
bidders for tho hones was Mr. Miller. He
had them knocked off to him for $2H, and
possibly before long ho will set them off
again at from $1200 to $1500. They are a
very handsome lair of equities, sound and
gentle, and really worth a good pile of
money. 1toifoiJn Democrat.
"GERMAN SYRUP." No other medi
cine in tho world was ever given such a test
of its curative qualities as Boschce's German
Syrup. In three years two million four
hundred thousand binall bottles of this med
icine werodistrihutodrce nfclMrqe by drug
gists in this country to those ofllictcd with
consumption, asthma, croup, sevens coughs,
pneumonia and other diseases of tho throat
iiud lungs, giving the American jieoplo un
deniablo proof that German Syup will cure
them. The result has been that druggists
in every town and village in the United
Btates ara rocommendiug it to their custom--ere.
flo to your druggist, and ask what they
know about It Sample bottles 10 ccuU;
Regular size 75 cents. Three dosos will ro
m) any esw For ! by A. J. Durii
There will he nn celipie of tho sun this
(Saturday; morning, about 2 o'clock. You
need not" prepare rmoked glass.
Winter set In earnestly Thursday. A
snow stoim set in tho early morning, and is
continuing as we go to press Friday.
Pleasant ns honey, the old folks like it.tho
young people like it and the babies cry for
It we mean Dr Frazicr'a Cough Syrup.
About 25 of tho ladies connected with
the Reformed church, of this place, on Tues
day Inst, made a surprise visit to their Pas
tor, Rev. li. K. Derr, Ht his residence, in
Slntingion. To fay-Mittl pnstor nnd visitors
enjoved themselves, is but, to poorly express
tho fiaiipiness. felt by nil, jit tho inlerchango
of (jowl feeling which occurred on tho oc
casion. Now for cheap goods, al
the Bee Hive store. Daniel
Graver is closing out his pres
ent stbek of ladies' dress goods,
&c, at a sacrifice in order to
make room for sp'ring styles.
Call early fof bargains.
To be thoroughly Hippy) you mttt bo
welli to bo well nt this8caiinii, in many
cases, you should tako the, great medicine,
Dr. Haas' Expectorant whici cures nll.nises
)f coughs aiid colds. It U sold at 25 aiid 60
cents a bottle.
Miss Emklia BprsiikiKj Will give
lessons on the l'uso on Okoan, nt pupils
residences, nt very reasonble terms. For
further particulars Inquire at oflico or
residence of F. P. Iiongstrect, attorney nt law,
Lchighton, Pa.
If you dream ofn pockmarked rhinocer
os eating asparagus with a silver spoon, and
fanning your mother-in-law with tho O. P.
side of its tail, it is a sign that there will bo
a christerikig in yoir town or.ijoniewhere in
tho adjoining county, and that, everybody
and his wife will 'hire their carrinccs nt
David Ebbert's popular livery) on North
A WilkMjBarrc dijpatch ot t)ie 30th.
ult., says, "Clutrles Schuter, n Justice, of tho
Pence, was nnrsted at llnzlctnn to-day by
Detective Fnrkiii', of tho United Stales
Secret Service, clnrged with enmixiundingn,
felony nnd malfeasance in office. Ha wns
placedun'.W $2,000 liail. Sclmtep released
from custody u. "Molly Maguiro" named
Dominick McGlynn, who was arrested for
passing counterfeits."
The toor Home Project.
Parties interested in the success of the
movement to establish a poor house in the
lower end of this county, should now begin
to lake a little more interest, in tho matter;
tho day of election is rapidly approaching,
and should tho project fall through, on ac
count of the lukewdrmness of its friends, wo
have reason to know,' from our short experi
ence on tho Poor Board of this borough (Lc
highton), that tho people, nnd cscc:ally the
hoavy tax-payers, will have cause, to regret
their apathy in tho matter. Tho principal
reasons of tho parties who oppose the mens:
ure, is not because they do not beliovo Hint
we need nnd should have such nn institution
iii the lower cud) but because their own or
friend's projierfy, in which they probably
were interested; wns not chosen for tho lo
caticli. Such opiosition to tho measure is
siriiply ridiculous, childish, indeed. Why
tho temtiorary nrrangement made for keep
ing the poor all in one house in this borough,
has saved to our tax-payers not lets than
$1000 1 Yet iu this case we had no employ
ment foi our poor. Mahoning's ins of some
C0O will full short of meeting the demands
made upon tho Overseers for relief, i'nrry
ville is almost exhausted iu her effort to
supply tho means for keeping the vast num
ber of persons who havo and are applying
for help; while tho cost of manlainiiig tho
poor of Lower Towamensing, so far, cost up
wards of $2000 tho present (official) year.
Iu fact; the cost of keeping the poor in ten
townships nnd boroughs, out of which it is
proposed to form the f'cw district, will not
cost more than SS000, and for this sum tho
Commissioners affirm they ran clear ono
hundred acres' of tho selected tract; erect the
necessary buildings, pay for llio land, Ac
The gentlemen comprising the commission,'
are men of integrity (everyone), generally
largi holders of property, and of course
heavy tax payers, and consequently havo an
interest In using economy in tho mnttcr
it Is not likely that such men would prorced
deliberately to increase tho already onerous
burden of their taxation. No, economy and
retrenchment is thejr motto, and wo urge
our jieoplc to a fair and unbiassed view of
this matter, and the erection of a pwr house
in this end of tho county is a settled matter.
The friends of this project aro requested
to call at this office for tickets, width arc
now ready for delivery.
HniKxIiiBts Appeal Ilrfnspil.
Jacob Huiitzinger and J. Albert Hur.'t
tinger, who were convicted in tho Quaiter
Sessions of Berks county a short time ogo(
and were on January 23rd sentenced each to
jay fines of $500 n jiiece, and to rejuiy to
the prosecutor Ihe sum of $21,000, mnde nj
Jilieation Inst week to the Supreme Court for
a special allocatur nnd writ of error renew
ing tho caso front tho lower court. They
also prayed that an order might bo entered
suspending sentence and allowing them to
enter bail jiendiiig action oil this writ. This
application the Supremo Collrl refused to
grant, and tho petitioners, whd were the
President and Cashier of the defunct Miners'
Trust Comjiany of Pottsville, Itill lidvd to
remain ill jail:
peeled df I'u'Uoiililrj.
The residents of Moorstowii and Bath, two
email villages a few miles from Eastou, havo
been greatly excited for the past few days
over tho sudden death of a widow lady
named Houscr, and circulated a rejnrt that
she had died from the effects of jiolsoii, anil
named as tho culprit a Mrs. Spanglcr, who
lived with Mrs. Housrr and her aged father.
The rumor gained as it went tho roundsuid
it wns iieoerted that the old gentleman desir
ed to marry Mrs. Sjiungler and that he had
rrtade over to her nearly $0,000 worth of his
proiierty. Mrs. Houser was buried Monday,
and Tuesday tho District Attorney, together
the County Coroner, hail tho body exhumed
and a just-mortem examination was held,
resulting in discovering no traces of jnison,
and tbo jury thcrouimn rendered a ver
dict that deoaaanl died from natural reus.
East Mauch Chunk, hud indeed all tho
Chunks, is the scene of considerable excite
ment nnd gossij), and likely to conlinuo so
for some time tocomc. Thocatisoof nil this
gossip is termed ono of sujicrnnturnl jmwer,
the truth of which, your corrcsjior.'dent will
leave to your readers, as they pcruso the
following facts. Tho jilace whence all this
excitement cmenates, is tho jiarsonnge of
Rev. Father Heinaii, of the German Catho
lic denomination, at East Mauch Chunk. It
became current in the carlyjiart of the week
that at the jarsonago lay n young woman
who had not eaten anything for nino weeks,
except a little milk, water nnd ajijiles; that
sho is nfllicted with hemorrhage or bleeding
of the lungs; thnt .'hesc hemorrhages havo
occuired ns often ns four times in ono day
for the last nino wneks; that on Monday
morning at 0 o'clock she became speechless,
mid hns continued so ever since; that al
though speechless, sho hears and is perfectly
conscious of nil that is going on ; that this
(Satuiday) moiuing at 8:30, sho will die,
and at 11:30 a.m. the priest, Fathar Heinaii,
through eujiernntural inllueuces or jwwer
will bring her to 1 1 Jo ngain, and that the
public ure invited to witness the transition
ns above-mentioned. Thcso facts hav
ing become known to tho comniimily, na
turally excited every ojie's curiosity "to sec
tho sick woman, and it wits soon ascertained
that every one, of whatever creed or lenonil
nation, was cordially invited to conio nnd
tee lor him or herself. Ever since Tuesday
small knots of jieojile) from two to Six, could
li? seen wending their to ltev. lleiiini's,and
the talk became so general, thal j'our
eonesjiondent could no longer resist, but go
and seo too. Iu company.with several other
gentlemen, we visited tlic jilnce on Wednes
day forenoon. On entering the houso we
jiassed a largo number of jiersbns, mostly
ladies, aiid) oil enquiring whether wo were
Jicrimtted to enter the sick-room, wo were
asked to jileaeo walk uji stairs, which wo all
did., The door being ojieijed, we entered a
room about 10 x 20 feet, which was quite
dark) ami in which we found quite a num
ber ol',ieisons. At this moment ono ot'.tho
Sisters of Charity, iu waiting on the pitlent,
raised one of the window-blinds sullicieiltto
admit liglitcuough to recognize one uuotlier.
Of course, jur attention was drawn to tjio
sick-bed, and there we saw n woman, about
33 years old, lying iu a half-reclining jio-ii-tion,
a white cap ou her head, a crucilit
about her neck, her hands crossed, her eyes
closed, her face wearing tho expression of a
long confinement nnd tho color of a dead
jwrson. Her breathing seemed natural und
ut regular intervals. During our stay sho
raised her left hand to her left side twice.
Ho hands nnd lace ore, not emaciated ns one
would sirpjioso from so long and close a con
finement. Tho Sister in waiting was very
talkative nnd courteous) nnd ready to answer
nny questions. In resjioiiso to questions jmt
to her, sho stated that the lady lived in
Reading, Penna., and rejieated iu sub'tanco
what apjicars above, ns to licr ailment, treat
ment, .Vc, Ac.
On leaving the sick-room, wo inquired
for Father llciunn, und were nt onco bIio'wu
und admitted into his rooni.' On entering,
we were cordially welcomed by a hearty
shake of the hand) nnd wo at unco made
known our business. Father Heinaii was
very jileu'ed, nnd very jimmjit nnd willing
touuswer ull questions. Ho wns anything
but retieient. We will givo Father Hellion's
own language to questions jiut to him by
Sour roiresjioiidcud i
Conesjionilent Father Hcinan, what is
the name of the sick lady iu your care, nnd
whole does sho live?
Father Heinaii Her name is Amelia
Greth) livps at Reading, and is thirty-six
years of ag.
Cor. How long has sho been sick, and
what is her disease?
Father It. She lias been lying in the con
dition you saw her for the jiast nine weeks,
and her disease is hemorrhage of tho lungs ;
sho has thrown oil' blood from ono to throo
times every day during that time.
Cor. Is she conscious of what is going on
about her?
Father II. Yes,', sir, she is jierfeetly con
scious of everything, and hears all that is
said, but on .Monday morning last at six
o'clock sho became speechless.
Cor. I am informed that, on .Saturday
sho will recover her health perfectly ii'gain?
Father II. Yes, sir; on Saturday nt 8:30
o'clock ill tho morning tho soul will depart
the liody. It may bo in a state of exstucy
or death.
Cor. How long will sho remain in that
Father H. She will remain one hour in
that condition. At 0:30 o'clock she will bo
called back again and cured instantly.
Cor. If it is a fair question, Father Hcin
an, how will this bo done, and who will do
Fr'thcr H. All this will come in a sujwr-
nntu'ral way, und, through tho power of
Jesus, I will do It.
Cor. When did yon lean) of this rpwer7
Father H. I have known it this long
time. A'u' angel apjieared to her and told
her this wouh( hnpen.
Cor. When does tho angel ajipcar? , ,
Father H. Tho angel hns been with her
always, und is now in" (ho room. Many
JKrsons saw tho angel (lublirly.
Cor. Have you, Father Hefnan, seen tho
Futhcr H. No, sir; I havo not teen it
Cor. I am told that you cured this wo
man before?
Father H. Yes, sir; I havo cured her
twice, and onco sent her home.
('or. Was the euro jiermanent?
Father II. She was cured jierfertly, but
it win only a tcmwrary cure, long enough
for her to get home.
Cor. Did you inform her of that fact?
Father H. Yes; I told her she wou)d get
eiek ag-iin, that the euro would only last till
she got to her home at Reading.
Cor. Will any one bo admitted on Satur
day to witness Mjes Greth being brought
back to life ngain?
Father H. Oh, yes; everybody is invited
to bo prcrout; but no visitors will be admit
ted niter Thursday evening until Saturday
Having concluded thcso questions, and nt
tne same tunc luiormeii rattier iieinnu tney
were for publication, we bid tho rev. centle'
man iMod duv. und wended our wav homo-
Ward. Tho excitement had grown so
leilso that up to Wednesday ufternoon no
lew than six or seven hundred jiersous of all
elasso l'Hiked iiimn this wonderful woman
j of the Nineteenth century, nnd every one
came away wiiu a tuiicicni opinion as to
how, who, when and what. Everybody is
awaiting tint (Saturday) morning" for tho
wonderful miracle to be jiorformed. In our
next wo will give you a full description of
all the jiartleiilurs of this case, ami for the
present refrain from expressing an opinion.
At Reading Monday, tho rioters con
victed ou Saturday were sentenced ns fol
lows: Hezeklah Wooteu and John Squint,
each two years' imprisonment; Thomas
Francis and John Noll, one year' imprison
ment: Aaron Daso,thioeinon'ths,and Robt.
Relier, who pleaded guilty, nino months. In
addition, each was sentonrod to pay s 6 no of
oar dollar and on.
To llio Tasiiyrrs of Iiclilglilon.
Mr. Editor s I overheard a pair of worn
out political nags, a day or two ngo, discus
sing tho feasibility and possibility of defeat
ing ono of our present most efficient officials
one, indeed, against whom nuught can be
said, lest than that ho has faithfully per
formed his duty, at tho election foT local
officers wliich will occur on Tuesday, tho
1 0 ll inst. Now this uoblo pair havo had a
hand in the management of our affairs, and
during their administration, by some mis
management, our borough became a loser of
.some $2000. Thcso aro tho men that want
to rule tho roast these aro tho men that
talk about breaking tho"ring,"ns they stylo
some of our old ami most competent officers,
and dictate to us who shall fill our ofitcus of
trust. Now, Mr. hditor, as a taxpayer and
a citizen, 1 felt somo alarm when I lcarnqd
that such men again presumed to assump
control of our affairs; nnd, fueling some in
terest in the management of our finances, I
havo felt it lny duty, through the columns
of your jiajier, to arouse jmblio attention to
the subject. Heretofore tho corner, hotel
and saloon loungers have formed our tickets,
and even now they aro marshaling their
hosts (?) to foreo a rejKtitiou of the jiast.
Not only tho heavy taxpayers, but tho
men who barely own their own homes and
have to )iay tax, I find aro sleeping letting
everything, l!erully sjicaking, go to tho
dogs by their inaction. Will they not wako
up, until too lute, to. lite importance of deei
siv.e uetion? Do tliey hot know that the
inanagcincntpf oureouncijuml of our school
board require men who jipssess brains, and
tq Jiuve at least toir.o knowledgo.of manag
ing finances Inoncy matters, when not only
SiuO or $5000, but Irom thirty to Jfyty tltom
ami dollars are to bo jiroiicrly innnijiulatcd I
And nre men who nre notable fp manage their
own Jinancei men .who nro, not able to com
i(c six per cent, interest o( a $50 bond, to
nominate our tickcU and constitute our pub
lic ollieers? Hnvo wo not already jiaid dear
enough, when through tho incompetency or
iguorauco of tho tho members of ono. branch
of our borough offices, tlio borough Is now a
loser of some two thousand dollars, in jirinei
pal and interest? I'tet tho men who held
ollico nt tho time stnnd aloof they have
jiroved Ihenisclves incompetent to hold office
no matter how tho loss was, caUscd. Ig
norance is no excuse, and the signs of the
timesarc against them. Elsewhere banlj pres
idents, county, treasurers, town clerks nnd
tax collectors nre oceujiying prison cells in
tentional or unintentional delinquency is no
longer an excuso iu such matters.
Mr. Editor, it is your duty, it Is my duty,
it is tho duty of everv man, to seo that every
noinines'd record iscicar,that ho be no man,
whether by implication or otherwise who
has caused or has allowed the loss of $1. of
tho public money) from tho burgess down
to the constuble. They liiust bo honest,
honorable, prompt nnd comjietent, or wo
may havo a rejictition of that $1700 loss
of a few years ngo. Justice.
Lehigfitoti, Juu. 31.
Our community on Tuesday evening was
shocked on learning of tho sudden death of
Mr. William Simmers. Tho facts relating
to his death are these, ho left his home or
rather jilaco where ho boarded himself at
East Manch Chunk on the morning of Tues
day last to attend to his rejiortorial duties of
gathering items for tho various jnipers for
which ho corrcsjmnded. As usual ho visit
ed his general jilaces for getting news. Ho
called ,on several of the attorneys about two
o'clock, was in the printing ollico of Jos.
Lynu,and seemed livelier than was his usual
custom. About -1 o'clock iu tho afternoon
ho visited tho office of K. R. Cooke and while
standing at tho desk talking to Mr. Cooko
ho aU ut onco fell over and was unconscious.
Ho was taken from there to tho Eurojiean
House, where medical aid was at onco sunt
moued nnd the physicians on viewing him
jironounceil hint beyond recover)-, his dis
ease, was ajwjilexy His breathing was very
heavy and ho was perfectly unconscious of
nny ono being Jmewit to attend to his wants,
tte,'ijve suffered terribly un'til,bout
a quarter, before ten.o'cloelt of tho tviinB day,
wjieu dcatli ranio to lils relicfi,, The foftbw
ing morning .lie was,, taken (q his homo at
East Muueh Qhurik where his, body still is
awaiting the,ordcr of his relatives. Up to
this writing litle of his past, lfe fs.knowu.
We are, however, informed thutho was born
iu FraukfoitjOermany, nboutlH30; that. ho
has been twice married and leaves a tnc!r
ried daughter, nnd a son w)io is nt em.
Sinco hero ho ha been repprtiii" for (ho
several jiaiiers nmt ns n localizer had no 6U
jH'rior.. He occasionally; .wrpto (otig and
i'cll matured articles. J-o,,ono in this lino
Will miss him more than ihe Edit
ors of Carbon County, Ho, was also a Jus
tice of tho Pe,ace and did considerable in
that line, lie being well liked by tho differ
ent attorneys. Ifo hadhisjife insured for
$30fi0,' and if fiijiad lived would havo been
Carbon Coinity'snext BaiiX Assessor. Wo
are infoimeil he will bo buried In Xorthanijt
ton County, where he lias a son-in-law liv
ing, and "where he also lived Jirior to his
coining to Mnuch Chunk.
U'lg Creek Items.
The protracted meetings in ;hs Soil's
church havo closed.
Hons. Dr. J. C. Kreamer and Wm. M.
Rapshcr were both ut homo on Saturday last
ou business.
Thomas J. Bolt nnd Eliza Solt havo been
npjwintcd executors of the estate of Solomon
Suit, deceased.
Xr. London Boycr, of Lawrence, Kas.,
will please accept tmiuks for valuable Kan
sas City pujiers.receivcd this week.
Mrs. 1). Hall, from near Daniclsvilje,
Northampton county, was at this place ou a
visit to her jurents during tho just week.
--Mr. Joslah Wulck will move into one
of A. It. Bam' houses, near the paint mill,
on Thursday of next week, and Benjamin
Shoenberger, of Lower Towamensing, will
immediately occupy the residence made va
cant by Mr. Walck.
Martin, a son Josejih Goldbergcr, of this
in-TjJaoe, aged about eight years, met with n
painful accident on Friday morning of last
week. He hud built a fire in tho stove, and
when it was well started, the lld-liflor fell
into it ; ho attempted to regain it, and In
the cffoit to do so his clothes caught fire,
and in a short time he would have been
cnrclojied in llames,luvl his father not heard
his screams and rushed to his aid. Ho put
the firi out after considerable effort, but not
till' the boy hud been badly burned about
tho arms und neck. , At present writing tho
uor, is doing ns well as coma ua cxjieftwl.
January 30, Revere.
, Tho barn of Mrs Catharine fjnyder,
near Mackerel town, Franklin township,
was entirely destroyed by lire about mid
night of Tuesday last, tugather with a car
riage , sleigh and other jirojierly. We un
dortaad there oh sd insurance cn the
This month, which Inthotcmpornto zones
may be regarded as the most unpleasant in
the year, has becu looked ticn as a sort of
touchstone ol the season. Hovering between
winter nnd ejirlng, as it were, and character
ized by disagreeable wcathcr,thore aro many
old proverbs respecting it, such ns the fol
lowing: "February fill the dyke, either
with tho black or whito" that Is, with snow
pr with rain. To this is sometimes added !
"If It bo while, it is llio,. better to like."
Among tho English jiroverbs, we find i "A
Welshman would rather seo his dam on hoi
bier, than sco a fair Februccr." And from
tho Scotch wo havo i "A the Inontlis o' the
year curso a fair Februccr," Wo have tho
Norman Jica,sarit Jironouncing to the same
effect thus : "Fcvrier qui donno neige, bcl
etc nous jdeigo" that is, n snowy February
is tho forerunner of a delightful summer.
From a very early jwriod Irl tho Christian
history, tho '2d of this month hpi been held
as tho festiva!,of tlio Purification ottlic Vir
gin. It Is sllli a holiday in tho Cliureh of
England. IU jioputnr name, Candleii'ins, is
derived from tho ceremony which , tlio
Church of Rome dictates to bo observed on
this day, namely, a blessing of candles by
tho clergy nnd their distribution aiiiolig tho
people Thcro was, nnd jierhnjis still is) a
curious custom in some jarts of Scotland in
relation to Candlemas day : Chi,ldrcil lpako
presents of small sums of money to their
schools teachers. Tho master, ns ho is call
ed, sits at his desk with a countenance tho
most benign, whilo tho children npprpach
him, nnd in sums according to the ability of
ineir jiarents lny tncir olleniigs before him.
The boy and tho girl who gave most were,
resjiectively styled King and Queen. Tho
children being then dismissed for a holiday!
a procession is formed and tho King and
Queen aro paraded' through tho streets car
ried in a seat formed of cross hands, wliich
likely from this circumstauco is called tho
King's chair.
The Cnnl Trade.
Tho anthracite coal trado having reached
a jwint of harmony, unity of action may bo
cxjiected for tho current year and hoped for
lor many years. It is a well-established fact
that there js neither market demand for all
the coal that tho several coal regions call
produco nor is there tomiugo enough for
mora than three-fifths of the existing trans
jiortation capacity. This has been a known
fact for several years, but has just now been
acknowledged by the several jiaities inte
rested. 'I ho direct result of an unwilling
disjiositiou to );icld to tho situation has been
over-jiroductiou of coal, with the verv natu
ral consequence of sovcro loss to all jiartios
trying to market it. Individuals, as well as
eorjwrations, havo differed terribly. They
havo not only lost on current operations,
but, beyond that, they havo lost their coal,
much of which has been literally given
away, tho prices in many instances not
covering mining and trnnsiwrtntion charges.
Tho resolution now entered upon to stop this
suicidal business, and to jiermit to lio in tho
mines all tho coal for which there is no de
mand, meets with almost universal favor,
and giving, as tho agreement does (see 1st
jiage), tho most jierfect freedom of action as
to jiroduction and jriccs,has In it thp essen
tial element of success and long continuance.
l.acli ol all tho several ionics to the com
pact can iiroduco(.whcn they like and stis
jiend roductioii when they hl:'e,'wit(i liberty
to market their coal at jirices satisfactory to
themselves, tho chief restraint being that no
ono of tho parties shall exceed his allotment
of the J-car's estimated production of twenty
millions of tons. Prices of coal nnd lolls
have not yet been adjusted by all tho regions,
but tho jireseut amicable feeling that pre
vails leaves .Ji.ttlo ajiprehension of any
trouhlo on that rioiut, or, indeed, on any
other likely to affect tho arrangement. Tho j
bciiuyikiu ojierators will ceaso Ininjhg to
day for a fortnight, and those of tho Lehigh
region, who havo been stojipcd for a week,
will resume work. Tho other coal regions
will halt in jiroduction much after tho same
fashion, until the old stock on hand is jiretty
much disjwsed of. The jiurposo of all jiar
ties seems to bo to bring the supply of coat
down to tho actual demand. AVhatcver
amount of coal cannot bo profitably market
ed tho ojierators havediscovered can bo more
ehcajily carried whcit left undisturbed iu
tho mines than it ran bo when piled ujion
tho wharves, after having added to it tho
cost of mining and tho cost of transjiorlation,
with the intciett added to both charges. Tho
trade promises well for tho future, nnd, with
projier discretion by tho managers, nil that
is promised will bo realized. Ledger, Mon
day. TltCtollo vine table sliowstiie qiiannivor coal
iljiuduvcr llioLctilat; V..llu.v Ruilroajloi cue
uek euelnir Jim. llilL-1878 mid fur tin. w..r .
cuuipart'il tho miuio luue iut yenr,
Il"i!ons From t
70.-,.8't DO
:'.6,tos oo
Htd If.
13 4.-7 IE
2.4IM la
lsi.iM t:
Upper 1.1-hlgb
Uuaver Meadow....
slaucA Chunk
l'ori Ileiaiiare
I'J.W 10
H.033 10
KKPOUT Of OOAI. tnn.i.i.rlM nv.r T hlnh
ifr bUSQII baillia U.vim.ui. I?i.iitral II If f V. vv
Jcrse , fur V days euulug Jau. s5. ie78 1
bUiniUMl from i l,ii,l wi-m Tml.n
n uiiiiu
kH,'3 i a
10.ffi7 IU
4.74-1 12
17.0-0 tl
51 IS
B.-J3I 12
t&it 17
upper Jnigu
" il.H.K.lXCO,
nearer Meadow
Mauch Cham:
m n
4&U 13
Cross Cie-A ,
Cuuucil Ithbte
5,rt7 oa
Previously icpoitwi..
Total to date
bume Hue Utt yen-
IncrrAre ,
19 311 II
KK..4U l'l
"l 8T749 IJ
-liss a II
llf.HS 15
-The Vorth Pennsvlvanla Railroad on.
jJniMiioeA a dividond qf two jier cent, juyablo
sarin, without interest, and convertible
. Vebruary 25. ...
Siila Kkkkskr, On the 20th ull., at tho
M. E. Parsouoge, Lchighton, by Rev. L,
B. Brown, Charles Seila, of Packertou, and
!m Hire Snacrer, ef Ltddjlitim, Pa
Cloing Prices of DeIIavex k Towssnrn,
Ft'ttk, Government and Gold, iO South
Third Street, Philadelphia, Jan. 24, lb78.
IT. ri.r.'s. U(l 117 D'd .lxM
H. B. i"o5 J. A J.... ua lifi aila-fl
'KB s-'aj's .....I".) ti.fl nil, nivrd
i . m. .v.o's, 1831 in bid 1091, asxea
V. 8. J -4' V. 181, Mil I I H ailed'
If. n. urrrnev,C's lis but in sskca
If. .(,' issi. new IK bid Jtwk neisd
U, g.4H'i. new U4 bill nxii &krt
u. s 4'sncw in it bin ni akm
l'Onnsylraiiis U. It Slit bill SI nsks4
Plula a I'.n llil 1H ssked 4o lid 411, asked
1 etilRti Coal Miv. Co ... lilt bill lh unhid
umi-il Onuu!i!tesft.N. j.p.o bid ill nukfil
l'iiK.TIlusv. AHcfr It. It. ol Da i i nkc
l'lilln. c 1 .1 Is U HI-, Dhl V4 nrd
lulliein (Mitrui . It... II ild 1 n H ns'.ed
Ilo-leuvillo 1'umi. It. 11. t o t?(Urt listed , nit, uld 10. nik
Special Notices.
A MAX V.'ALK F.10M ?EWAI:K,2?. J 10 N T.
Some weeks sluce, a man eauie into tho store.
No. "Mxtli avenue. Mow York, icojlnnrf r
I.ti,CaiTrr.NTo.i. jo pliom bo vas shown. Ifo
np?uicil to bo vrry mr.ea oxcitocl, nnd liurnoil
uloly cuniiiicncoil to toll story ot bnw his wlf o
bnd sud.fil from an affect on of tho Inuvs, kud,
in fi:ct. luu been f. ivon op by tlie ptivslcin.s lo
010. TkrousU somo tucuJ alio was InrHicol, ns
a lust resort, to try Uaie's iioscy or Hons
nouxn and Tail niul. u-iufr bero lier fiusbanu's
lnmrua;e, hosalil; ' Betel o slio lied aseluiis
bott.oMiocoald breatlnj with luoro easol ae4
by the linn sbehiil nsei(ir ooltlesslio watup
nntl nroutid tbo to do her own VFork.
The man took tho pains to conio tnporoufind
thank the Drosent proiirleter of this popular
nrnrlo fn' a perfect euro of his wife. UALii's
llo:!:v or Hoiirmiuxn ami tab liforsdebr
ntltlniRKiir'sat&)ce:itian(ltl. Lirfro rizotlio
most economical Depot, CniTIESrox's 0 sixth
avenue. N. V t-'lty.
m i
riitL'n ToortiACUC Dnors euro In one minnio.
54irni!AKE thousands op SUFFZRiins from
Itheuinallsm and Gout who omuol b'Mioro la
fuoildof cure Hint are unittrntled with went
QX'.irnso and elaborate preparation. II takes a
long time ticonvlaco them tbiCitb simplest
uirtoo to obtain relief is oltou tho beati ,arul tha
n few pennies spmt on a cake of iilkn'u cjul
rnuit SOAP, and tho ulfl ns labor nt prticurtat
Farm vfator, w 1 1 lurnUn u med o ted bath
Wli'9'i will afford a permanent cure. So'db
all druggists.. Prico 2'c. per cale. I Iloz (S
cake-) 75c, sent by dia11( prepaid, on receipt of
price. O.K. OitlnEXTOX, Proprietor. 7 Mili
ivenue. Now Vork.
Brown, CO cents. Jan. 21, 1678.
E. F. Knnkcl's JUttcr jffiiio or Iron.
, This truly valj ib'o t'taic ha been so tfi'-ro.
upblv lo-teil by nil ciasneR ot Ibe crmmuoitv
that if is now t'ermeil nidHDCiisible asaTotilc
itii'iirlnc. It ccstj but little, nailllea the b'ond
nulgiviHtouo id the stoaiach. ronovate ihe
y tern and pioloucs lite. l.verybody should
Iibto it.
For i he care of Wrnk Stomachs General f)e.
billtv. IiiniKCi'tton. Diseases or the btoaccb and
for nil a of i rcpilrlug a turlc.
Tbn. wine linluuoi the molt agreeable anil
i PJeint 8iltnl Iron wo pi-sen Cnrfttoot Mafri
uetio Uxiiti cotnbined with the niostenergetio
of toaetntila toitcsYntlov Peiuvinn link.
Do ion unut 8'imetblmr tostreugtheu yoal
lin you want a wioil n potlte I
lio you wtint to pet rid ot neivousncss 1
Do you want cnergr 1
Do you want lo eieep well J
Doio'i w.uit in unit up your constitution I
Do you w-int to leel well!
1)01011 wiint ii tirl k mil vlcoron fpeltnirl
ifvouiiotry nvsKKVa uiiTun wixrs
or I iion.
I on v ay' a trial of thin Tslu'lh'fl.tontc I
I ewnre of couutrfcltu a-f.un.l;rl nitter
Wlnecf Irnn 1 Ihe niv sure and effectual
remcdj in tho known wor'd for ih! peiuiaueut
euie el Dyiiepsla anilDebuliv.miO nn thuro are
ii iiiiiuuci oi iiuiiui ou on ri'ii in mil jiuui c a
woiMi caiillnu ti.oiuiinmialtyliiiu iliaioiono
but tho no.iiilln mt.ciR. innliiilcLtuied be K. P
Kuukcl and having lus st'tnu ou tho cork ot
nvory bo:tle. Ti.o very inct tbnt 'ntliers nrotit
teiuutlni; to linlinlo thin nlaiblo lemeilv.
niovtn Its woi ih mid s;(aks vniuinen Initsl.
vor Oct ibo genuine, h K Kinko.'s.
Hnldontvlntl nnttle". -oliluy Dm gietsand
dealew -very where 13. P. Knnkcl. Pinir.eiui,
i.aoitli Minn tiirect, I ti cdilphri, 1'a.
, Tiiro Yom Koiiiovctl Allvo.
Head nnd a 1 ci mrlit' in two hours. No fro
till Load basse hei.t. iin oiul etoiiiaca Wi.ritts
lemnved b I)r. Kuikn. ;5'i Nonli N. street,
l'liiladelpeia. I'a. - end tor circular or 03k our.
dlLI'lM lor a buttle of KUXKEL'S Vt'OUlI MBIT.
It never fails. I'nto M Jsu Ii( iu.
HealtW hud Happiness.
ITealtn nnd Happiness nro priceless Wealth to
their lmeso-sora. und yet tliey nro wltam tho
reach of every ouo who will use
Wright's Liver Pills,
Tie onlv suio CUI'.iS f. r Torpid Liver Oy.pcp.
sl-i. lloadaeho i-our t-iomuca, Coiistioatlou, Id.
In lty, Nunaea, mm all Ilnliuus coiuplalutn and
lllood unsolder. Ifniio unions eUn il
"Wni N right I'fnla." ItvourDiunpi.tniPuot
supply seuu Si irma for uno box to llarilck.
lloder A Co , 70 N. 4in &t . PUlla, Dec. 29 yl
or coii. wheals cents will liny a bottle ot I)r.
Frazlei'H cougli Byi up at any Urng "tore. It has
Wiuunt n complete iln.UfCin ihf L'uugh .Utfll.
cluts, is Uasaia us I ouey mul always cares.
I)r. Jrozlei'u Cooph y.'upnsed Incnnnrcllon
Willi l)r 1'razici's Itoot ilittirs WILL CUtE co.
taUudl'0tmIalund.v.CIevelrnd.o. Oct.3? '7it.
Dr. I'iiazibu. Deni Mr i I fee it admy I oirs
to eulT.-r ng iiumamtvlo write vou -Furpum
time 1 wiiiRciieiy . llhctedui li a cough. raisii:g
iii-.d Biulf, with every eyiuplomof briar u con
flinuitcouajinp'liH 1 lri-iil.tfoie;iiiul.ciEi
in d em oa without rinding relief i 1 l-otou' oil.
oJ three ol our uiuhi womluriit Cleveland i Ly
sicIiih tbo .est one ot wliich piotnui.rd nrr
e ise i-enoiw. ui.d lt.fortiieil nid that 1 euu a Lot
live mule ibsu n few u oulh: Aoout ibis time,
her-nii.t of voui wondeiful huccus-i.: I com
i.tnoed taking vour briup 1) councutlou wltn
your (toot 11 tter, cud wnsut one ovuitVe
Ku-lailer us ugthe medicine souio two mouths
1 nud ni) si If eutlrely curini.
Mr. Dunn again writes, under uaie or Aun 4,
1877 Dr. Fruziir. Do r n I can endureo
Tour mouicUio more stiongly tbau ei er fioru tho
fuel tuat It m i.oa' boar y one year since 1
cured My lnuuu aro iu Cav i-tioug aud suuad, no retain of tho disease.
Tne ibove ted cine.. p-n tor themselves
Du Q. W. rHAZIr,U,l'riipilitor.cieTo.auil,0,
For tnle by ull Ui-iicgUU.
Dec. I'.lr.
Priceless Discover.
A Sure Cure for Piles.
A euro cure fortbebticd b'feiln.ltcMopicd
u'ocia.iKi inl-ahai boon UActvrrelfjyUr. Vsil
hum. (tn liulian rnutx I) Tit, Ulhlau.'s
Indian OiHiiutut. Aiiuj:1o bos lm cund tl.o
wost o tlobniti cctHOit oi iwaity.llye and th,r
ty ywuh' ntitiid'iir. Nomioiicihi KiTir flvumu
ntea i-ft or iuyinK mis. wjj rtor-ui wntbiDf?
n ii i r uo. Lull m,mtrurat'nt8 aiidi' r-ctunU
itn ii'orw Imi iu ihnn good. Wrttmin's Omnieut
nurpt-rl tlio tumori. uy the luume i.cbme
(imilicj nrly hi ni lit after Ktiii pr ..nuu iu
bed i act im a imui ticti Hive iu"tuut and pain.
jvki Hllit tititt 1 propiroJ ouif fur 1'ilrH and
notbl'Jp tlF. TaoitHntU t'fcarttd patlentauir
ttU IU utae", u.iU plivft'ccn ut ull aeUml
ptonou'ifo it tbeiTt-Jitt at cont.ltt'ou' to id wit.
oin u( t-n arc It uiatlt'it ml bow Iougr
veulv sou havo bteu uuffenufr. jou cau be
Wr. Jospiili M.TlrdPi G evo'find. Obto.wiJte i
I -ufftrpU for vr&rn ir tb JlcblnKfli"! Ult eiated
llliv. trot umvdyaitt-i iiue: udrej titei iud
oitiraHtliht'tl(' fcm in rii.lHUi lphiu.l-oni 'Villr.
t'irciiiuti. lud atanolu ud Una citri aiu
epunt i inidm'a i f dotiua. but loira uu irii. t
unlit Iibtnitieuultx nt Dr. Wimnm-a Xniiun
Uhitmeut a mo i m moutUa ann. und It bttn
cuitrtmwc m.u trU v. X titio tart ct til tmx
MUhhlil cave to a lilend qf mine wto had
dt'cuirrd w.tU uimir I'br clan and aa att i.
mrt'weuliintt.evottHJ llot fcprliifr, Artana.
fortie.tinruu lie t-itwwiuie tlut the HdJtn
OiMlinent baa aiao cuiel him vt the Filra It ia
cert, imr n wnno rful dinrorery and ahonU bo
uwhI dv the ma ir tiionannl' xtUo aro uow aul
lenuifWitu liuit Cxod UNe ae.
IVI 10 ono newii d wll be paid for a tnnra cr.
Um remedy, to d bjr alt DrnartaU. D jt. O. W.
THAZIE rt. Ml iro j. Utor. L'UraUid. V