Advertising Bates. w rtimlre it to M distinctly understood that mo & wSIiniM will l l inserted in the col Smn "t TUB CAUBOS ADVOCATE thst tnav be -e reived trora unknown P""" .SgiiSS So a louropimiea with tho CASU. The following sro aur oxlt terms. . , Adveitlsoments tor.l voir, pet Inch each - siinM omhi. per Inch Vch Wrtloi is CM. tlon l. t nch subsequent Insertion 25 cis. lVooal noucea 10 oenta oer lino. 11. V. MOBTntMEtt. PnnlUheh Society Meetings. WUtTO CASTLTt, No. 78. A. O. K. OP "IE Ml O. iVdandUli alondavot each monin. mile he"ruall. t-ehmhton. at 7j3Jo'o cK n u W. It Uenniuger, S. It. U. t uiiuuui. h. k; ft. s. OwinnY tttlTTttS XAHtOK. 20. 680, 1. O. O. I.. mert. eSS? TM.dr evening, at 8 o'clock. In Boner's nail. H. Ko.toubadw, A.O.I W. B. Ileber, Socroiary. 4I1IUCUEM TUDB..N. SB. In". O- o meeti In Ueoer's 11 all eve y Sa Wrdav. J. 11. Bee ia. sachem I O. W. Delhi. C. oi u rono Poca Tninn, Ho. 171. Imp. o. R-5" f.SSi on Wednesday evenlnR of wf,f 'jf?1 o'clock in l'ublte School Hall, VV elsspi tt !. C. W. BchwatS, S. Jao. lining, c. of B. v ... tni.iv teh. mi. K. of 1, rwcts n FrtSap emn8. In Heber-a Uall. at 70 X, of B. and a. in S1EWE11S, blSTKIOT ATTOBNRY & COONSELI-tlB AT LAW. OBlce, Kloti's Unilolno: Biodaway. urAUunaitDNK. rW, Battling: Estates. FillnK Accounts and Orphans Court rraotlcen specially. ,,.., r..,i Trial of comes carelnliv attended to. Lesai srsmsctlons In Knjrlish und German. Jan 9. SATURDAY 510RNINO, JANU VllY i. 1878. Local and Personal. Washington's birthday is the next holi day. 06 Id the tax collectors for information concerning the tliries. Ladies coats made to ?rdcr at lowes. tosh prices, at T. D. Clauss. Sponge your windows with alcohol, and xom won't have thcui crusted with ice. 9 Bsavers and Matalasses Cloths for ladies laks a specialty) at T. D. ClauW. Hons W JIiIlapsheraudJ.C.Kreamcr nleaso accept our thanks for personal 1 will favors. The school property In Northampton county is worth near six hundred thousand dollars. New styles of fall and winter boots, Vou and gaiters; at T. D. Clauss', at lowest ash prices. Farmers say that wheat sown late in tho fall has suffered much less from lico than that sown earlier. No other remedy has proved so effectital in relieving coughs and colds as Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Scarlet fetfer and diphtheria is Bald to prevail to a considerable extent iu Hazleton und Stocktotli Itovi A. It. Bartholomew, of Hummclsi town, formerly of this place, was on' a visit here durtngj tfld past Week. MaUv doilsUmptives are riow using Dr Frazier's ltoot Bitters and Cough Byrup with rsmarkable s'docessi Examine the JtH Wed label bH this jlajwr and see huw your sUbscriptioil stands if in debted please remit. 18 degrees below zero tin TuePila)' lttorm lng la.t is what Dr. Beber's glass told our people. Whewt Now go riillng I Horses and single or double carriagoii or large ones for parties ht David Ebbert's livery at lowleSt ratess The residence of Mr. Win. Kerr, jr., at Minersville, was totally destroyed by lire on Sunday mornirtg last. Loss $15,000t Fall and winter styles of hats and caps, for men and boys woar, at T. D. Clauss". at TTT)lowest cash prices. Pleasant as honey, the old folks like it.tho young people like it and the babies cry for it we mean Dr frazier's Cough Syrup. The Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven ilailroad Company announces a dividend of three and one-naif per cent piyablo Jan. 17. The Littlo Schuylkill Navigation Bail r'oad and Coal Company announces a divi dend of (Arcc and one-half per cent, payable on demand. A friend in need Is a friend indeed.said n gentleman tho other day, who had been cured of a terrible cough by Dr. Haas's Ex pectorant. If Vou want to keen out of tho law's grip, honest farmer friend) never sign your naiutf to any paper presented by a compara tive strancei': The laud is full of heartless swindlers. Read and remcnlber tho wonderfulibut true1 announcement A. J. Durling, proprie tor uf the People's Drug store, makes In Eiotlitr column. Tho dWeitfulncssattintesof sonic Of our ntost trusted lnends almost compels us t lose our faith in humanity itself. But thai trusted and ftcrling old remedy, Dr: Coxo's WiM CheTry and Seneka, is ever laiuuui to its promise: 25 and 50 cents jier bottle. -Since the discovery of Dr. Williams's Indian Oiutment there is certainly noes u.e for any oiio to fculfer with the Piles. lee Advertisement. J. K. ntekert has still . fetf dfthosoeli rible lots in Itlrkcrtstown to dUiiobe of. If vmi feel like securim? a cood homo call and see him. He is also supplying Hour, feed, lumber and coal at the lowest raics. An eminent practitioner of ntedloino onco said, "When a cold utream of truth is txmred on red hot'nreiudiccs no' wonder they 'hiss.' " Henco It is not to bo wondered at that tho vendors of many worthless nos trums view with amazement the wonderful siiovss of Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherry and beucka. 25 aim 51) cents a bottle. T. D. Clauss, the tailor, is now receiving sis fall and winter goods, such as finest rlntlu. cassimerex and vestinzs. whicli. ho is prepared to make up ill the latest styles at very lowest prices ior casii. EirExtra copies of the Cakbox Advo ct ate can bo obtained at Illkmann's New, Aeencv. on Bimmehanna street, Jlaucl Chunk. Price, Thru ccntsi "GERMAN SYltUP." No other fncdi cine in tha world ever civen suclt a tesl of Its curative dualities as Boschee's Herman Bvrun. In three veurs two million four l.,m,frv,l thousand small bottles of this moil. iciue were distributed free of charqc by drug iristn in tills country to those afUictcd with consumption, asthma, croup, sovere cougl I, pneumonia una ouier uiscuses ui um mium and lunirs. eivlnff tho American people un- deniable jiroof that German By up will cure them. The result has been that druijgUfs in every town and villago in the United SUt;s are recommendiug it to their custom ers. Go to your druggist, and ask what they know about 11. bamnn Domes iu ceme. Regular iz 75 cents. Three discs will rc. llavu any case. For 6ile by A. J. Durling. "II. I. II." Your's of tha IOtH Inst., received, contents noted, and reply that wo heartily cmbraco the oppportunity to "emu late Divinity," by extending that forgive ness so humbly asked for. Hactt virtute. The habeas corpus caso ofE. F. Boas, ex-cashier of the leading Saving-Bank was heard Tuesday by Judge Hagennan. The Court decided that there was sufficient evi dence to sustain tho charge, and Boas was held for trial in his former recoguizaneo of $25,000, It Is a cad sight to sco an intoxicated person on the street. How much mom so is It to seo n dull and sickly baby rendered so by tho use of dangerous opiates? Dr. Bull's liaby Syrup contains nothing injurious and may bo given to tho most delicate baby. Price 25 cents. Ilev. James A. IilttlS) who has been for nine years past successfully ihluisterlng to tho Presbyterian congregation of Hokeu dauqua, was presented on Christinas D.iy with a very valuable set of Chambers' Un cyclopiwlia, in ten volumes) a surprise gift lrom Ilockendauqua fiieudsi That old and iwpular reirieily, familiar in every household throughout tho land, known as Dr. Coxo's Hive Syrup) is now superceded bv Dr. Coxo's Wild Cherry and Seneka whicli ranks abovo nil other medi cines for coughs, colds, and croup. 23 aud 50 cents per bottle. Wo notico that our old friend, E. A. Benedict, lias returned to his firtt love, and ngain joined with his brother, Geo. V'., in the publication of tho Hcranlon City Journali Wc appreciate the Journal in its new form, considering it quite an improvement, and wish the two brothers all the success their efforts meriti Domiuick MeGlynn was arrested at Hazleton, Tuesday for circulating counter feit five-dollar UiflsonthoHank ol Hanover, Pennsylvania. Other well executed coun terfeits on tho First National Bank of Ta maqua mid the Third National Bank of Buf falo have, been freelycirculatecl in that place within the past week. The prisoner was held in $500 bail. Tho entertainment in tho public echool nail, unuer tho nuances oi mo jjeuigiiioii Lyceum, on Wednesday evening, was not n success financially. The reading ol Prof. W. H. Wilson, were unexceptionably good j while his rendering of Poo's "Haven, is pro nounced to have been unsurpassable. The debate on the"Knfranchicincut of Woman," between tho Trof. and Mr. A. WooloVer.was highly appreciated by the audience. Frank Fredrick?, a young man residing At Puckerton, on Sunday hist, hired a lior&e and sleigh, in order to take his lady-lovo out riding; they had just taken their seats in the sleigh, opiKisito Packer's Park, on Beav- er Hun. when tho elks came rushing down to the fence, bellowitigand started tho horse, tho young lady seized tho reins, and caused the norsQ to swerve on one side, upsetting leieh and occupants. Tho yuuiijr lady es caped with very slight injury, but Fredrieks was badly bcruicneu aim cut uuout me ueaa and face. , Mr. Dennis Gallagher of Yorktowi says ho is one hundred and four yearsf age. Ilecolleets well tuo days and tunes ol inety-eiglit, anil oilier revolutionary eras l Ireland. Tho old centleiiun is yet healthy and lively aud as full of frolic as a youth of twenty) and gives promise of liv ing for some years to come. He furnished one son for the Union who was killed at tho Wilderness. About two years ago Mr. G. applied to the government for pension, and found that for twelve years somebody had been drawing from tho government the jiension whicli ho ought to get. lluzhton Xcntiiicl. Oil Saturday tiHtrniiig la-t, Mr. Samuel Shiilert, a horse dealer of Ashland, VU3 on Is way homo lrom l utuville, liavm col lected money on a Bale of horses. When near Flowery Fields, about two miles out, four men confronted him oitd directed him to dismount, stand and deliver. As he did notrcsiioiid immediately to tho demand ho was knocked oil' his horse by u blow fiom u clubj which stunned him and cut his lace embly. Tho robbers tlicn boat mm un mercifully. Ho was lelt for dead niter his pockets liad been rilled of a largo sum of moiley and a valuable gold watch: This is the tllird highway robbery in this vicinity within a month. There is no clue to tho robbers. Bays the Beaver Meadow forrespolideut of the Hazleton ffcntiticl: A petition to the Board ot Pardons for the release ot N icl Paul, who has now spent three years in jail for participation in tho killing of Niel MeUride, at Heaver Meadow, four years ago, is being circulated and extensively signed iu tins county by all classes, who look Jkjii tho cause as a drunken brawl in which Paul became the uufortuuato victim of circum stances. Bid whiskey and bad company have proven unfortunate association for older and wiser men then Paul before now j and the article in a late issue ot the lull Gazette of Munch Chunk is nut only unfair to Paul, but an injustice to his little sisteiS who dejiended on him for support, ami unfair in the estimation of every reader in this place who knows aught of tho killing, t lie coroner's inquest or tho trial. Faiily, Paul lias aiu uircauy a severe jienaiiy ior ins larucipaiiou in a crime wiicre lucre was no illoll 10 Kill. mik Officers Elected. At the annual election for officers of tho First National Hank, of Lchiditon, held on Tuesday last, the following gentlemen were duly elected for the ensuing year. Directors Daniel Ulewme, 11. r . nullum, Dennis Baiimail. A. J. Durlunr. Tlios. Kenierer, l' Kistler, J. u. Zern. President Daniel Olewnlej Vice-President, 11. F. HoU'ordj Cashier, W. W. Bowman. No Cdmlilu&lloift Yel. Dr. Dindcrmnn and Yl. O. Wilbur, tho committee of the Lehigh operators in tho Board of Control, returned lrom Philadel phia to Bethlehem Wednesday without reacinug any conclusion upon uic piun oi compromise sujee&tod. Prior to their de parture Judge Hamburger, who is anxious to bring about the combination, submitted to them a projHisitiou by which each of the six ouier panics 10 iuccu!!Imci sunn mm-eHu one-sixth of one per cent, giving tho Lehigh 1UU.TC31 11 IOUI1 Ol IV 1J-1UO ICnt'lll. 11119, it is skiiil, would be acceptable to the Iiehigh HXipio i but as several ol mo oilier nuereeis iavo steadfastly refuseil to yield, it is not known what tho result of this last liroiwsal will be. Lelitglituu Lyceum. This Society met at tho appointed hour. Hull was called, absentees noted. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Tho names ol -Miss i lam lliblrr and -Mr. i' runic Clauss wcie proposed j they Were elected by acclamation, as uctlve members of this Society. Tho President now delivered his ituiigu nl adu'resi i.b,eet P.o ert Burns; Alter the referred questions, Ihe debate "Ilusoltrd, that the mall (if wenllh exerts more iulliieuee thiin tho man of intellect,-" was discussed. The President, rendered his decision in favor of the affirmative. Subject for next debato: " Which exerts the greater influence forg iod thePres, tho Pulpit or tho Bar." Tho Society was favor ed with some very choice pieoes of music. This Society although in its infancy promises success,; aud extends a cordial invitation to oar worthy people of Lehighton to attend, Lehifjhton, Jan. V, 1878. EicitTAftT- Letter from Mnucli Clitit'.k. Exrt-osio. January 6th." Did you hear of tho ex plosion?" Such was tho general inquiiyns I entered upon my usual rounds on Monday morning. I hadn't, but as I have since heard a dozen or moro descriptions of it, I may as well inform yoil of what transpired, and what were and might havo been the effects of the affair t On last Sunday morn ing tho explosion of a range in tho kitchcii of tho E. A. Douglas residenco caused con siderable excitement in tho neighborhood of Itaco street and Broadway. From what has transpired, it appears that at about 7 o'clock a. m., while tho servant gill was at work preparing breakfast, tho water-back of tho range in front of which sho was employed exploded with terrific force,causing a gen eral tcattcration among things inanimate. After the catastrophe, not a pana of glass, door or window-sash remained entire about that kitchen, but, strango to say it, the cook, although in clo-o proximity to tho rangoat tho time, remained uninjured, escaping with a slight scalding of ono of her arms. After tho scare, tho kitchen, in question presented a sorry sight, and the Douglas family were compelled to apply for breakfast elsewhere. A frozen water-pio, in conjunction with a dry and over-heated witer-b.lck, did the damage by causing the explosion, the repoit of which was such as to arouse the most pro found sleeer. For tho rest of that Sunday morning and throughout tho day the Doug las dwelling continued the plincipal attrac tion about town. the ice hcsisfas. Ico of sufficient thickness having formed) dealers and others are briskly at woi k secur ing a stock for the coming season. In thick ness tho ico mado is not above 0 inches. That ico gathering Is not without its dangers is demonstrated by tho fact that a hor&o be longing to a Mr. Shoenefeldt, of Upper Mauch Chunk, camo within a hair of finding a watery cravo this mornins. It was ouly saved bj' tho almost superhuman eflbrts of the parlies at won: near uy, who evcuiuany succeeded in bringing it ashore. SCDUEX DEATH. The sudden and mysterious death at Upper Lehigh, of Monsieur Juo. F. Fubla, on last Monday morning, causes sadness to prevail among tho many to whom deceased was particularly known. Monsieur was univer sally esteemed a prince of good fellows,hcnco tho regret: For some years ho hail been Superintendent of the bar of tho Mansion, but for tho last yearoryearand half hdkept Leiseniing's Boarding Houso ut Upper Le high, where, just suiting tho kind of custom ho usually entertained, he was greatly ap preciated. Monsieur was n man of pnhlo manners and knew to perfection how to put on airs, but a good fellow withal, whoso tos Will be long felt. He belonged to tho Maucli Chunk Division of Knights of Honor, many of whom attended his funeral ut Upper Lehigh on Wednesday afternoon. COSIUIXATlOX. And so it appears as if wo were to have a combination aficrull. At last rumors to that ellcct are quite numerous here, and that they are willingly credited here isjtist because all panics desire it (a combination.; IXCEXUIAIUSM A BUKXINQ MINE. The worse than Mollies who fired No. 4 mine ut Summit litis, where a conflagra tion is raging sim'o last Thursday noon would f.ire badly were they caught. Indeed lynching would lie their only lot if the popular mind would bo considered or that mind should have time to develop or moustrato itself ut the lime ol capture. Well informed parties claim that there is a clue respecting the originators ol'lho Hie, and that the proper authorities are on tho track of tho liuendaries. I hope this may be even bo, and that when caught Judge Lynch will assert his sway us t'oiuts of law are entirely too slow and unreliable in sucii an emer gency j besides Judge Lvnch's is the moro economical tribunal of tlie two. Already tho elfecls of this fire arc being severely felt, nearly -100 men and boys being thrown out of employment thereby. Its final ex tinction is more n mailer oi speculation man irobabilitv, and experts predict mo uner mpossibiiity of preventing itsfiuther spread above the water level. Notwithstanding a heavy forco is kept ut work, day and night, in attempts to smother it. bhotild thu fire continue to extend, It would bo bad indeed for tho tradesmen of Summit Hill, a majority of whom would necessarily be conlK.'lli;d to susieud business. Up to yesterday hopes we're entertained that the fire might be subdued by walling tho burning chambers up, mid thus, by tho ex clusion of all air and tho turning on of strain, smothering it. Hut uflto this time (Thursday morning)," little headway has been mado in that direction, ns smoke nnd sulphur prevent the men from accomplish ing much below. Indeed the task is so dif ficult that many when taken outj wcroal nearly overcome ns to be unlit for nil future work" that day. Nevertheless such work as can bo done "is energetically proxecutod by relays, and all that exKrieuce and engineer ing skill may suggest will bo resorted to U) save the mine, if wssible. No. 4 is said to be the best working mine m the region, and within tho last tliue years large sums have been cxiended on a tliird slojio with a view of increasing its capacity. How thoroughly tho incendiaries have done their work, is attested by the present extent of thu fire nt tho ea-t and west of No. I Plane. Tho cx oiteiucnt is, and pi-osiiects are anything but reassuring. However, let us hope for e best. JANUARY TERM OF COURT. January term of Court, tttoiien next Mon day, promises to bo a lively one, as nuito n number of rases, remaining over for trial from last term, will bo tried ut this. They include all kinds of misdemeanors, from as saults and batteries to felonies. A F. A B. case, I learn, has been Withdrawn, the prose cutrix admitting to have committed erjury in sudilling the caso on the party accuse HI. This, if so, should cntitln the prosecutrix to a cell iu the eastern I'eiuleniiary. MATRIMONIAL On last Tuesday, Mr. Blasius Sizer, of Bowman's, had tha hardihood to wed Miss Julia Bauer, of Last .Mauch Chunk, llev. Father Jieiuen tying the knot. hack rAV On tho same day another 20 rferceftt. of jersey Lemrai oacK pay was distributed antoug theeiuployeesof that road herc,heuce tUmps are somewhat more plentiful nud L. A- S. men are cheerful. In most cases how oer million nbsoibod about nil tho men received, hence drinking individuals were few und far between, indeed hard tiuies are doing more in the temperance cause than all ino ranters and canters that ever address ed an audience. NO DIVIDEND. That tho 2d National Bank of Mauch Chunk has omitled to declare tho regular win. -annual Dividend, you probably know. This action of tho Board of Director!", al though variously commented on, is by all fair minded, unprejudiced men, considered just what they should havo dnno under tho circumstances, and they predict that it will raise rather than diminish the standing of that iu tho estimation of the public. That tVy oruld not bv dun othcrwUo under thatclauso of tho National Banking law, which Bays that "no dividend Bhall bo made to nil amount greater than tho net profits then on hand, after deducting therefrom all debts duo to tho Association upon whicli interest is past duo and unpaid for a period of six months, unless the samo shall bo well secured and In process of collec tion," Is plain. Tho perfect soundness of tho concern is, of course, not to bo questioned. Its surplus fund amounted, on tho 5th Inst:, to $211,000 aud its undivided profits to $9787.50. TRAYKMNQ FACILITIES. tho increased facilities for travel over tho Jersey Central give very general satisfaction here, and both roads appear to bo well patronized. Conductor Horn again runs between Eastbh nnd Mauch Chunk, and Chns. Fury the train on the Tamaqua branch. Both nro fiivoiltcs and very naturally will command their share of travel. MISCELLANEOUS. Tho M. E. folks across tho river nro con ducting a scri"i of extra meetings for tho benefit of sinners, but us yet thu latter are slow in availing themselves of tho boon of feredi Tho Packcrtnn shop hands were paid on last Saturday) but pay-day was not followed by the usual Stir. Tho work of auditingthc County accdunts will bo coiiiineilced next Monday, wherefore the alinuul statement may lie looked for alwut the last week of this"or tho lirst week of next mouth. For the accommodation of parties having business at tho Commissioners' office, these obliging gentlemen will hold a sjiccial meet ing on Saturday, (to-day), when a number of SherilFfl sales Will also take place. Yours, etc. W. S. Will It Pnyt Mr. EoiToit) Tho question is often asked docs farming pay? 1 mako tho assertion that farming floes not pay on an averago over six per Cent on the amount of money invested, unless it is made on the increase of tho value uf the land. There seems to ba a diversity of opinion in regard to locating the proposed Poor Houso on improved or unimproved lamb By taking a financial view, I think tho matter is easily settled; tho unimprbved land will increase in value while tho improved will remain at about tho samo value: If our well conducted farms do not pay more than six per cent on tho capital invested, where shall tho margin conio from, if tho poor district buys a high priced farm anil pays six per cent lor money invested' I think tho answer must be, it will not iay anything beyond the labor fur nished by tlio institution, except ono good and practical farmer. Sonic-object to unim proved land) because nothing can be raised on it for some time to come. From tho abovo it would teeih immaterial, if it. costs ninety-four cents to raise a dollars worth of produce, and pay six cents interest on mo Mine, it would appear to mako butvery littlo difference, whether all is bought or raised. I think the saving must come from having the poor nil kept ut ono place under the supervision of a good maii. the place- selec ted by tho Commissioners is well adapted for tho location of tho Poor Houso; in tho first place it is very nearly central, about four miles from East Mauch Chunk and aliout five from Weissiwrt, with plenty of excellent water and soii,wmcii can bo clear ed for insido of ten dollars per acre. Tho place can bo pnt in a good condition to ac commodate all the poor in the district for A sum not exceeding eight thousand dolldrs, by economy in tho erection of tho buildings. Yours, ic, Jan. 10, 187Si Z. D. O. Re orgniilzlng a Conl Company, Tho consolidated stockholders of tho Le high and Wilkes-Barro Coal Company adopted a plan, Friday of last week of reor ganization. This is the company for which tho Central Railroad of New Jersey guaran teed $15,00(1,000 of lionds shortly "before its failure. It may bo said, also, that sonio $5,011(1,000 of Wflkes-Barre stock are held by that company. The plan is as follows! Tho $1,000,000 of' bonds held by tho public are to be mado preferred. Tho other $0,000,000, now helil by tho Central of New Jersey, are to bo subordinated to tho preferred bonds. The owners of the $1,000,001) of bonds nro to present their bonds to bo stamjied, nnd the Central of New Jersey is to bo released from its guarantee. The preferre'd bondholders ore to fund threo years' coujHins into income IkiuiIs, to run tell years, and to carry seven per cent, interest. A sinking fund is to be made by tlio coal company ot ten cents on every ton ol coal mined alter Jan. ii iraa whicli is to be applied (1) to tho limit. moitsaces on coal lauds; (2) tobuviilcfiterl- ing bonds isued some years ngo; (3) to buvins income bonds I (to buyinc preferred consolidated bonds, provided that they call bb bought at or under par. Tho Central of New Jersey binds itself to carry tho coal product of tlio eoinpitny at the lowest rates allowed to other operators. Cdni Urtdlter llitrniil. At about 7 o'clock on Saturday evening last, the Ellengowan breaker) near Shenan doah, belonging to tho Philadelphia and Reading Coal aud lion Company, Was dis covered to be on fire, nnd iua few hours tho breaker, saw mill, and engine house attach ed were a heap of smouldering ruins. The bleaker was 100 feet high, and was shipping almt 100 cars K-r day to market. It was a mammoth structure, and the fall of tho ponderous machinery to tho ground, made a crash that was heard for many miles. Tho sparks shot up in the air like so many rock ets, and lit up tho surrounding country. All the coal, consisting of 300 tons, that was iu the lockets at the time, caught lire. Tho hoi&ting engine is twisted nnd turned, and the elevators nro lying on top of each other, Indiscriminately. Ti o breaker was built in 1MI3 by James Lanagan, of Pottsville, and was subsequently purchased by thoGlenville Cual Com)r.lny ot Boston. It fell into the hands of tho Heading Coal and Iron Com juny in 1S72. Tho loss is about $75,000 and 300 men and boysare thrown out of employ ment! Another Colliery on Fire. Wilkes-Barre, Jan. 8, 1678. A terrible fire is at present raging in one of tho largo collieries belonging to tho Pennsylvania Coal Company and designated as shaft No. 7, located near Yatesvillo, a few miles from the city. At an early hour yesterday morn ing the firo boss descended lo make his no customed examination of tho colliery prior to the entrance of tho miners. When he arrived at a certain jioint, aliout a mile ills- 14111 UOtll lllU lOOl Ul KllV Mlllll, liU mui EMU- dcnly surprised by acurrentuf hot air which aroused his suspicious. Ho at mice proceed ed in the direction of whence the heat came, and, after gropiug about among tho dark and underground chambers, ho suddenly turned u sharp angle to behold, only a littlo way in advance, a maseivo pillar of coal all on tire. The lurid Haines coiled nud twisted about tha column, and werorunuinzrapidly along tho large vein ot coal just ueiuud it. .mi time was to bo lost, and the fire bo rapidly returned to thu foot of tho Bhaft, ascended to tho 6urface, where be culled together a num Ur of mines who, armed witf bucket sad palls, went below nnd proceeded to tho sceno of tho fire. By this tlmo tho heat was in tense, tho strong currents of air being sur charged with tho fiery vajior to such an ex tent ns to mako It Impossible for tho miners to get to tho burning pillur. Efforts, how ever, were begun, and tho Incn set to work with a will, throwing water on the burning places that could bo reached, which quickly turned to steam and came back upon the miners with hissing, fury, In porno cases overpowering tho colliers. All day and all night tjiis system of fighting tho fire was kept up, but no knowledge, of the progress made could bo determined, ns tho not cur rents of Btcam prevented tho lamps from burning nnywhero in tho neighborhood of tho fire. 'lo-night tho superintendent and his men nro doing all they call to prevent tho fire from spreading, but improved meth ods for mastering it will havo to bo adopted before a hopo can bo entertained of its final subjugation. Tho origin of tho flro is un known. It is thought that a small body of gas must havo been ignited, but by whom remains lo bo asceitained. As yet tho loss cannot be estimated, as the fire is still raging furiously nnd may result in tho total destruc tion of thousands of tons of coal, if not of tho entirely colliery, before it is extinguished. jlallblilng Ileum. To fill the ico houses is in order now, Snotv opjicared nt last; yet tho sleigh bells scent to bo playing on E. iiat. Willoughby Franfz, a ubscriber of the Carrdn Advocate, who has been very ill for some time, is about again. Our Mahoning school teachers have or ganized an Institute, at tho Pleasant Coiner school house. Tlmo of meeting! every Fri day evening. How is tho metal business at Beaver Run? It ought to speak for itself by this time. If they would start up a car wheel manufactory they could sell their nickel right at home. People who arc always inclined to push thiiiLS ahead, and to seo something new, should not forget lo stop at J.T. McDanicl's, nnd see his hall, which by nmicaranco is nmong the first-class. A committee, of three sleighing parties examined the place, and their report thereof is as above stated. On tho morning of the 1st of January last, a party of young riieil from the upper part of Mahoning, assembled to carry out that superstitious practice, (yet prevailmgin some localities), culled 27ic JNcu lVir Schita the result was an explosion of a gun belong" ing to a young man named Kistler, who had his face and neck fearfully cut. "Tako heed and bo wise." Mahoning, Jan. 9, 1878. Alpha. REPORT of Homo's School, Mahoning Val ley, for tho mouth ending on tho 31st of December, 1877 i Hale. Female. Whole No. in attendanco du ring month JO 18 Averago of ditto, ditto 13 15 Tho per centago of tho higher classes in tho diflerent branches is as follows: -T o C5 janpuog-' 5 g oouupuaitvfJSSaaS i"!lMHSgSRg ' D CO CO l- i- aL B.iqoVgf2 :3S': ': j i '"l'!Il38S3gS3.' S3 : : : i XqduiSoooS 3 tZ S g ' ST" S'g G It S : S rt MbUk Sill: Tho following named scholars in tho low er classes attended every day during tho, month! Oscar Home, Willie Horng,.John Berger, Charles Neumcyer, Phaon Shoe maker, Clar.i Shoemaker, Emma Rex, Sarah Neumcyer, Mary Neumcyer, Mary Berger and Kate Berger. J. M. Kistler, Teacher. Another Motile Doomed. Dennisi alias "Bucltcy," Donnelly, a no- orious Molliu Maguire, was sentenced .to utli Monday morning, at Pottsvilie.lorilte murder of William Sanger, at Raven Hun, in September, lh75. When asked if he had anything to say, ho replied : "Yes, sir. My life haslieen sworn away. None of them never met mo who sircar I was on the crohnd. If I cot iustico from tho Court and jury, my lifo would not bo sworn away by tlio squealers. I'll never forgive them. My Htor, weiiK eiiiiiiivii ure icii wiuiuui. un ono to look nfter them. I'm satisfied to nc ccpt the sentence of death if it is passed on me, and death along with that." Donnelly received tho death sentence- very coolly, and while being haudcutled and taken back to jail was quito calm. Tile Coal 'I'rnilfe Tlefollo vine table sVnws mo quantity ot coal ahtpvedover tho Lehigh Vulloy ItmlrraUlor ihe week euc.lnjr Jan. filh. 1878 ana for the ear us cuiupund the name tuno lat year. tU'clons l'ronii Wcelr. to.8 04 Ituzio.ou UA.1 17 Upper i.i hiah Ilea or McaiIuw 7 404 09 Mabuuov 0,771 11 51 aiic.i Chunk l'urt Ue.uwaro Total C4.PS1 1 2 Last Year U.r.4 ID SS3.721I 12 Uecluafl.... RUl'OUT O p OO Alt tran-ported o. tt Ihlj b (suBjii uautm u.vieiun. lemrst ii ii. oi iitw Jersej, dr 0 duv euUtng Jan. 4, 1877 1 StuppeJ Irotu i Total week. To dale. i mums 13 L'lMie; LeUlrh V.SIj IS " ' M.s.K.JiCo. 841 13 Denver Meailow 4.IM 17 uaz.etuu Muuch l llUUK Uicdi rre i Council IUiIkc Uataiitvllle Total Previously lepuricil... Total to ilaie Mime time last yesi... Increase... v Decrea-e. " 1,111 U 21 04 '.J 7111 U KbCT li II 4 3 17 7. List off.iitltr, Remaining uncalled for In tho,Iiehightoa T. O., up to Jan. 1U, ib7. Brn'er'. Thomas Rlckert, Solomon Rehrig, Lewis Heiter, Joseph Smith, Bertha Snyder, Prank Shafer, Ellas Crum, W. M., Endingcr, John l'ranti, Nathan Hcilmaii, (icorge. Kuechl, llcuDeii Stoudt, David Persons calling for any of the abovo letters will please say " Auveruseu. H. H. Peiebs, Fostmaster. SI .00 nays a year' fubberliitlon for the Cahsoh Advocate, bubscit now. ? 311 I fill Year 132.710 07 Sca.817 u coat is 43.164 17 M0 CS 2,104 U 450,109 01 ii7::a is MAKiUI'.I), AitstEit Bikrt. On tho 5th Inst., by Rotj J. 13. Freeman, at wcissport, Mr. J. u o.Li. jrreeinuu, ui. ivvisspon, iui. u. v Arncr and Elizabeth J. Blcry, both of tuirt phtoo. DIL'D, ScitEitcit. In Wcissport, on tho 2d Inst.; Jacob Schercr, aged 72 years, 2 mouths' and 23 days. Graver. In Wcissport, on tho 3d Inst, Howard Ellsworth, infant son of Owon antl Fianna Graver, aged 23 days. Closing Prices of DeIIaveX k Townsexd, Stock, Government and Gold, 41) South Third Street, Philadelphia, Jan. 10, 1878. tr. s.n'8. t8tt U.K. t-20'A, 15 !,&. ,.l(6l Dili KfiT, MUt ..102 bid IU24 asked ..lo.ti bid HETj askcH ..107H bill 108 oskeit bin m;T( a:krd ..110 bid Hi oskeit ..Ki'T bill 103 nmcd . . 1 1 ,T H bid 104 asked ..10' H, M-l Icjii asked .. 33 bid 3.1 asked .. 1- "i bid Ills asked w. 8. v.Vs i 807 h, ; I0. 1333 U. . 1 -4l's tr.s. curielicv.S's U .8. 6'rt I8SI. I.OIV IT. 8. 4h's. new TJ. h 4' now Pennsylvania It. It I'lillu. licndiujt H. 11. LchlEh Vallev 11. lti... 4.1 bid UH asked Hfi tml J&U ashed 1 chlKhCoil .t r.nv. Co. United Companies of .N. J,122 Uiil 1 22 fcsked 7Jt BBkea 04 asaed 17. asked Nuithern Central H. It.... Id Mil I'l 1111. IV. 1.11U I. 11......11. .U,o Ulll llo'touvillu 1'ass. II. 11. t'o tj bid 0 osicd Uuht J0i, uin 1U19, asKea Special Noticesi "A WIDOW AND HEfl C1II1.1)." A singular instance ot superstition camo to light hot long, which Is thns related i Goal? lutoa uo.KliDotshoUHo oub day lost week, I fonuil ono of tho children Buffeting fiotn a severe cough, und expressed my op.nlon that It was a case In which medical assistance should he obtained. '1 he mother of tho boy agreed thai It was very bad but said chat before calling In a itoctur sho Intended to try a euro that she hod long used In similar cases, and ncvor found1 to fall. On boliipiosed tocommunlcate tho pre scription, alio 1'iavely Inleriued mo that tha chaim connstod In llALtVa IIoxet of Hooe. nou.-.D and TAH; and that It could bo obtalnoi ' of all tho druggists. Price 53 cents and f I. Great saving by puichnslng largo size. Depot, C'UIT 1ESTOX, 7 sixth avenue, New York City. Tike's Toothache Drops euro In one tnlnnts. If Youxa ladies with Bi.otcuf.s on tiieir Bkln, which aro erroneonsly attributed tolrro. iralarltios of the liver, wouidoiscaid cosmetlbs and mrrcurlals.and would adopt the praCt'ce bf taking n warm bath every day with n Cake of Glenn's r-ULTIIEU goAF as a companion, tho unsightly blemishes Would soon disappear and tho Itllv and the rose wouU tako tielr place. Thli Is a socrot Which tton lnshionahlo are fast 1 beginning ttf fill 1 out to their decided advantage. Sold by druginst': Irlce 2rt. per cake, tllox (3 cake..) 75c, srnt by malt, prepaid on receipt of price. C. N. CRirTESTON, proprietor, 7 Sixth avenue, New York. Hill's IIaib an!) ivihskeb Dte, Blnck or Biown.Sic. Jnly7,lS77. Ilealtli and Happiness. Jlealtn nml Happiness ire priceleaa Wealth to their uosetvsurs, nnd yet tuev are wltQia th leach ot every one who will uao Wriglit-S Liver Pills. Tha onlv Bine CU(ti3 ti.r Torpm Liver prspep. Bia, IloadQL'bfl Hour Motnacn, Coustiiiation. Ue biiity, Nauma; ami all iliilious complaints and litooil dit?ortleia8. N(me g -numo ualOJia plan-d "Win WjtRht I'lula. II your Diuat'iHtwil no "Upply eeuti 25 renin Ior one Xtox to Jt article . Uoiler A Co i 70 N. 4ih at., l'hllq. DcC. 28 yl. Priceless Discovery A Sure Cure for Piles. A sure euro fort bo blmll b teal no. Itching nnd, ulCeiaeil rilaa has been (ilHCDVied by Dr. Wil Mam, tan Indian remedy) railed He, Wihlnm'a Indian Ointment. A muffle box linn cured the worar o d chiou to enhcti oi twrnty.flve and thir tyyeainHtaiidrnff. fJonnoticed ufftfrnvem n Htcs pfter iipniyioK this wordenul boo i hi n ft medic Tin. I.oil.iui.,tnaimraentsanfli'fictuuileji tloiiiOioharm than food. WMiam'd Otntmeut suppni to the timiorH, nUnyt tho luttnte itching (paillcu aily at nuht after tttlug nim iu bed ) acL- a a poultice, pivea iumut Rnd pain. Jt'fca rt-llef. una is prepurba only for 1'ilfa and nothing elte. Tnoieuntls of cured patients at test IU vntucH. ai.d pliv8lci8na ot all schooU ptonouiice it the irreattatcoutilbuOou tomedi. cinotthoaLe. ltnjatliH .icthywlongor h. erelv yoa,haroljeeu suffering; you can t CUICjO- "Ilr. Job e nil M. llr'ler-C'eve'nnd, Ohlo,WTitej a uui,rcu ior yt'ura ttiiu xicnmanu uxcerniea 1 ilet. tried reniedv after remedi Mdveitueii nnd cmt tilted pb8ln annlif rhiladdplit-lllx)iit'tvine. iiuciuimu, liiuiaiianoiii vua una cuyi ana Fpent i.uudrt'da tf dollais, but loard no ielicf unlillobtatneaabiix of Dr. U'iiuim'a Indian Oliitnient Biiioe lour months ago, and it hm cniCilniecimoieteiv. I ban u part of thn bnx leit which I ave to a liiend ot mine wLo hud duciored with many pLyn eland nnd as a last ie fort went to trie noted Hot Nprinrr Arnaucas tor tiealmcnt. Ho ii.iomn me thai the Ii.dian Oiiiiment haa ni&o.cuted him cf the 1'ihs. It i certainly n wonoirful tiifcoery, and uhould bo nstd bv tho mauv thousi.n'i-t who aie now suf fenutf wltii ihutdrorddiu.iso. r10.000 TieWfll-d wt.l tin n:iid for m. morn ir. tain remedy, bo.d by all Uruirg sta IJit. U. W. FKAZI1J rt, sole proilctor, Cleveland, O. Son'teqiect a couoa or I'otd, when 25 centa will buy a bottio of Dr i-raiier s t-oujiuKyrupaiauy orng store, it naa wiouht a cijiiiplcte HtuUiOiu thu Cough MedJ clnea, u Uasani as I ooey nutl olwajs cure. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Dr. FimzIgi': Coti ah bvninni-ed in conrprtlori with Dr Fraucr'a itoot Uitura will culi cox. frUMlTIOS, bland nd Mm Laundrv,CIevplEnd.O. Oct. 39 7i Dr. FiutiLti, Dent Mr i i lie u aunty l owq tofiufftrug humumtyto u rile you toroAm time 1 wua boioi.v tUictedM.liacouch.r4itlne lad siulT, with every fymptomcf belnvacou. fliund wuaiuip(le 1 tri( ditfvient niediclnea undcuioa without flmliiicieilefi I aluCouuli ea tlm o ot our uioBii'ioiuhitiJt Cleveland thy fciclaua tl'e mat one of which prouout.cid my cmofcenoiu, ai d Informed ma that I iuu.o cot livumuielhuu a few u ontha Acout ibu timt, hep tin- of tout woud'ifol Bucctws, I com miuutl taking vonr byrup lu ouuuecllou wlm your Hwit D iten- and wastjt ouoo beufflie. iiudalleruaug the uit'diilnj tome two mouths I Und m bill entirely cur i. Mr. Dunn again writca. uudcr uaieof Autr 4t 1877 Dr. rruiiir, Do r ht i I can enrtore vour met lclno more att ougl than c er from thu fact taat It ia i.otv peur y one year ttuce 1 wa curel My lunua are u Cav ttiong and bound, ujv Uff no rot nil of thodataae, Thotbove ded clniaaj"ttK for them selvea Du U. V. lUAZIi-ll.lTupiUtor.Lieveiaud.O, For ftlc hy All Urtmclsta, pe c ii iy. K. F. Kuukel's Ititier Wiiie or Iron. V.. T. Kank raoeiebratea Bitter Wine of Iron hl ifti ctuadv cmo liver compialut. Jaunuicc, di-fciierhla cUiomooriieivoua debi.ity, chronio o,i.rrl avi. akw.e of the kuloera end all diseu-t- ri'luu fiom u oiaoidei&t liver, stomach orii.. tectiu1 Bueb aaummpAtionuuonce. lnwaid pl.ea. lullnujiaof u ood to the nead, acidity of, tho nuniacli. nam, a, heart bum. dlsgttt tot fjml.lul.iima or weight in the BU'iimeh, acio eiuttatioua ainlclutf oi fltitteilng at ibenttof thBiouiaeh, stfimmlug of tbe b-d. hurrtMor i lil cull fluitci ucailhehea t.choi. iv a oi utficaUur ennitlon when In a lyt itobtuie, dimnoiBof vUlon, dotaor webbforo tiioatuhl dull putn nt tue bead, ftmlmcy tt ler-n n Hon, ictiowneaa of tbetkin aud eyes, p tin iu ma aide, Uacx Iiead. cbett, Ilmba, etc , aeddeu nnsli&s of UaNt. burninf In the ttwh,con. t-Uii.t itusigmlntttd evil and gteat deprc&aiou .f ai uta 1'ncoplpor bottie. Iiewtiro of couu t cm IH. D unit kt our Jiupgi-tpXlmclTaome otU r prrpttmiioii t.f lrn lie may y it la aa gtud, t ut aalt ior KunUel' Bitter U ttte of Iron. Tko uo ollxr. Kuntua Witter Wlnoot lica lsutt nihl la tulk-ouly nl bottles. 1C F, Uuntel Pioprltor No 2'8 NotthNlfllh e?tr'( I'll i.iu lphta l'o. bold by tU 0nij:cliU and dualt-raevtr wlero. Tano AVorm ItemWdtl Allre. Ilrad and all complete in two hours. Kofrs tid liea'l pun. eat. pfu and awntach uor s rwrnivt d bv Dr. Uuiike l..&9 Not tb Inth flu set. inw'-nenihi!. 1. wmi for circular Fur re. mnvlughtt.plu or stomach woriutcaUon your Qtuxgiit sud ttbk for a nott e ( f KunkeVs Worn Hnaj. pnee i. It nerer falls. Louimousiis. te trhea it taDe worm can bo reao td, s 1 fcthss wuinitvH t rwdiy dMiroysa. piVatv