INDEPENDENT- Live ana Let Live." $1.00 a Year if Paid iu Advance. H. V. MoRt'niirEU, Proprietor; LEIIIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1878. Single Copies, 3 cts. VOL. VI., No. 6. Railroad ti-uide. jqtHlTHFENliA.KAll.npAD. p aasentrcrs for Philadelphia will leave LchlRh. ft".". t. arrive at Fnl!.. at oi m. Iiiza. 111. vlaUVi " ' Hi a. m. snip. m. via C. 8. " ''.'JS-S: t'Zipin via L V . UiSOp. m: fleturnlua-,lcave,dopotot Perks and Ainerl. can St.. rhlla'., at SilJ and D.M a m.i S:lt , P. in. Jan. 1. 18(7. KLLIH OLA UK. Agent. pVtiUA. U KBAPINU UMLUOAn. Arrangedient of Passenger Trains. NOVUM. RER. 5rn. 157. , TTalna leave ALLEM'O WN f. tollowst- (VI I-ltlUUOMBX BBiSCIl.l ror Philadelphia, at 8.6J. H.M. a-nu sift and 4,lpm- SUNDAY. fat Philadelphia at 3.21 o. m. i imnuf rfs.vA.BBAiicn.) Tor Rosdlnir, 1 2.3U. 6W. a m l'iio, l. i:d0 05p.m. . , lror lUtrisDurg. MliSO, 9.05 ft. m.. 12.15. JoV Lancaster and Colombia, M. 1.J5 a,m. and r 413 p.m. IDoes not run on Monday tjUNDAYa. Tot Readlst. 2.33 n-m. and 9 in p m, Tor Ilarrlslmrg, 2.TI a. ro. and 9 03 p. m. Tratna FOJl ALLENTOWN Have as follow i: (JTU rEBKIOUBM DBANCH.) Leave PhiUMielphla, 7.3.1 a. ni., l.OJ, 1.S0 ins 6.15 . BUNDAYri. toTO FhlldtpiLi ,a.rri n. m. (u iast f eika. dkakcti taava Reaalnir. 7.4'), ;.i j u.33 a m 4 OO.e.10 pnd 19 30 p tn Leave Hartlsbura;, .00.7.83a, m., and 1.40. 3.30 Leave Lancaster, 7.5a a. m., and p. a'. Laate Columbia, 1.29 a. tn . aud S.l p. ui. rtTJMDAYb. I cave Reading, 720 a.m. Leave Uarrlstrarg. 6.2 a.Tn. Tralna mil led thna I") run to and from depot ink and Orcen atrwts, Philadelphia, other trains to and trom Broad stteet depit. Tua . '. tn aud is.55 p. ra. tralna from Allen, ton, and the 7.30 a.m. and m p.m. (trains trom Philadelphia, Hive tlirongb carato aud Iran Philadelphia. J, E. WOOTl'ENi. , Quier al llanaeer. C O niHCOCK, Gtn'l TYefcet Aotitl. HENRY A, PETER, Isueeeeier to c. W. Lextj), feanfc Street, Lehightoc, Poaii'a, bterj to tt'.s public a fall line of fore DiilgS (Mid 5hemicdls, PATENT MEDICINES, Horse and Cattle Medicines A Complete Asasortnicnt ot Wall Papers, from the Cheapest liroirn to the finest bllu Fancy Toilet Articles, sponqks, cqauoise skins, ' Plain & Fancy Stationery, .And a VStlefy of HOUSEHOLD ARTICLED t.s wuuerons too mention, all ot which, fee'soffertnc at VERT KEASOXAULE PKICES J rtJRE WINES and LIQUORS for Medicinal said Sacramental purposes. PHYSICIANS PRESCR1 PI I0N8rsrfful y hnd aoeiirHtelj eompoandeJ bj MYdlilLF, at bli kouriot llieday aud nlKlit. itroaai;c Invited. II. A. PETER, Leuctcr, Block. WarcnJ4, 1377: 100,000 READERS jLui! CAlLisa ron The 0EIQIN and HISTORY of ran RUSSIAN ATfiED TURK, And tneOBEAT COXTEfSTnow WAniXJO llliTWUCM THhM. OnrnUBSO-THRKISU WAR BOOK 18 the tuot llfliaVle, Accurate ami Coiuprei.dMlvtj, kndmlh lla ana I LKUA1.T KNdltAVlNOi. MAf8and PLANS, IhetnoFt eaowy. deniable ana useiaj imok now pauuaai-a. COOO Actlvo Agents M'autcd! , TbeiiedealrlnK Tnrillorron tills work snnnM avail themiolvea of an earlv application. Also, 1000 AGENTS WANTEU on our Qr&nD CombinatioN Prospectus, KEPltEbESII.VO T50 DfHTlNCT PCllLICiTIONJ Of unlvenal interest, tnciudinir AirrlcnUnrn, VloirrapbicJ lllatorical. Ueilgious and Mlsuel lineuiu Worka. Hale made from lata rroapec Ue wutu all single Books fall. A1m on our nearlr 100 Kriea o( PRUMIUM FAMILY BIBLES, KN'GLInll and HCRHAK. PIIO rKaTATTT MMi CATHOLIC. Awnrdei Btfoetlontv over an oiuera, xr lueir luvaiuabie Aia anu Hiiiieru limdinca, at the (1UAND CENTENNIAL Arusiuun, 1S70. iaxtlcularii free. Address JOUK. l'OTTKItfcCO, Publlaliera,, 1877 rillLADliLl'IIIA Prolltrtble 7&'SA&TSi Employment, wgajag; INff CUOBCfl." The rreinium KtoelKonrav. Inc. 2 feet x : leet e luchpa, The llndiug ot the bwviour In tbo Temple,"' Is preaenied ui each aubtcrtber, ibr only 11.25 per veir. Tins pictuie Is universally &rimirA1 and .bonld be in everv household. Kilra iarei, cash routnl.sloiia paid so AKcnia. write tor terms ana Aroui-auuiui. Working Clmrch Pub. Co., Sptl3ra3 7 4 9 Warbex fit . New Yorit. . DULEB IX Ladies' Fancy Dr'ss Goods Dry Goods, Grocorios, &o. Bxnk Street, Leiiighton, Pa Prices as low as elsewhere, arid gooda war tanua as represented. July 21. i77-im PInuo and Organ Taught U1U LYDTA P. 'PINnirElt. nf Eot llsucll Chnnk. will nve Ll!SK08 to POPILS on the PIANO or OUOAN. at their Rrs.dences In LKIlinUlON or WEiea PORT. Two Uaysln evibSVMk. For rtmlier partieala,euaaire at CARDS. TfurnltUrB Wat-eliouae. V. Schwartz. Bink .treet.uValerin oil kind) of Furniture. Coffmtmadtto order. Rnnl mill lilinn ATklCfrR. Clinton Ilretney, in Lemn't fjurtrii'n;. Bank streU. Ml ardtrt prompuyjuica room icarromeu. Attorney; F P. LONGSTltELT, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, Ncit doot to the "Carbon nous' biNCCSTREET, LEftlOHTON. PA. X)eceoiber1(M)m. M. H.APSIIEU, ATTORN RY AND C0t)NSRT,I,0R AT LAW, Bank street, litntonTox, Pi Real Estate and Collection. Aireticv. Will But and Sell IUal Kitate. fiODveyanclnir neatly done Col. lections promptly made. Settling Mte of lie cedents a specialty. May be consulted In KlilUh nd Herman. acv. i-i. J AS. II. STnUTIlICIlS, ATTORN BY AT LAW, 3- ODIce : 21 floor of Rboad'sjIIsll, Manoll ChliuU, Pa, All business entrusted to blm will be promptly attended to. IISV27, ly. JJANIEI. KALUPUS, ATTOUNRY.AND CODNSELtOIt AT LAW, illdi'cli Cltuiik, Pfi. 4S0fllce. above DnlW Jewelry Store.Broadway JNO. D. BERTOLETTK; ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Orrtca Corner of Fufquehsnns and Broadway. MAUCH CHUNK, Pinni. Can bo consulted In Gorman, f.tulv 24 167 ATTORNET AT LAW, KextDcortoKlrst National Bank, MsllClI CHUNK, PA. J-Csn lie ronaultod In German. Ijsn9. Justices and Insurance. pr A. HICI.TZ, JUbTICU OF TUK PEACE, Oberfs Bulldlnu. BANK-St.. Lfuioutok. rtnnTprnnrln!?. CrtllOQtlnff nnd ell other busi ness contiectttl with tho onlro niniiiotlv attend edto Agent for tne belt Flit end Life limnr. mice uonip'tnios t i.euis ouiiwitu ui n'awu.iiic cbaraea. Ac. Airn lvl rjlIIO.HAS R. IlKCli; JUSTICE OK Till! rKACE, , BANK Street, LlSIIIOlITOrJ, Pa. Convevnticlns. Collcctlnir and all business con nected svlth the oulce promptly atlMtide"! tn, Cff-Xzont for first-clsss lusursnce Ooitipsnlos. sti.l HUks of all Winds taken on tb most llWrul t erm- Jan. 9. 187.1. rptjoaiAS KEMKUKU, JL CONVEYANCE.!, . AND GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT The fcllowln Companies are Represented! LEIIAI. )N MUTUAL ruin. JiriAlll.MI MUTUAL Fllli, woMIa fiki:. 1'OlTSVILLi: FIRE. LC1IHHI FIIIH. and the TRAV ELHRi ACUIUBNT 1NSUUANOK, Also Pennsvlvanh and Mulual Horse Thief Dplecilvoaud In-.uranto ('onipanv. 2laiC029. 18.3. I2LU. JVU.iMJ.l.l.. Pliysicians and Dentists. rjr A. UKUIIAHlill., M.U., PI1TS1CIAN AND SURG EON Sperlal atti-ntlon paid to Chronic Diseases. Offlce: Fouth East Corner Iron ami 2nd sts.. Lc hlshton.I's. April 3, 1875. n. ri. iiisuisii, DR iniinnn I'll VRlPl AN AND RUP.OKON. Otlce, nam street, noit d(r above the l'orlofflre, Leblrthton, ra. umce linuxs i-arrysineearn uaj roni into 12 o'clock; reinslmler ofdsy at rjfllceln Ublsbton isovitj.ii V7- G. M SICII'LE; PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Neit lo H. Il.Snydcr'a Btoro, HamiSt., L13IIIOUTON. PENN'A" N.R.-Snoclal altcUIon xivenlo tho Cotoof salt llbeum. io. Jan u y FltANICI.I.N I.KH1I, PHYSICIAN AND bUKOKON. (Lolc j;ei(ifcn( IViyiWun f Ihrrlihurg lloipital). OFFICE! Next door to tho Union Church, WEia-PORT, PA. rT" eneclal attention riven to tho Diseases of Women. Cnnsult.-tlou lu Euslish und Uennan. Aug. is, 1877-otn" QU. EDWARD URUWK, SUHQEON DESUST, Of tho Pennsylvania Dental CtllCKO. Phlladel. phla, has opcrn d an offlcoln LEIIIOIITON, on BROAD SI lir.i.T. next door to Bnydct'a .toru. All work warranted satisfactory. LAUGHING OAS used for the painless er. traction of Troth Aiift. n. lW7-yl Hotels and Saloons. QAUHOX JIODSI., Corner ot BANK AND NORTH STREETS, LEIIIOIITON, PA. CONRAD bElPLE, . . 1'BOFBlETOir. Excellent Accommodations for Permsnent ar.d Trausient Uosroers. Commodious btnbling attached Terms iiioderato. nct!3v N ATI! Aft KHU.ll, At hla SALOON, next to Clans Tallorlns EsUbUsftaivnt. koep, tho Celebiated Philadelphia Lager Beer Constantly rn Tap be alto keoi e a full rnpolv of Pure 'IF.11MAN WINE-. i:ho!ce I'lUAlta, 1'rlrae Frevli OYBTKI1B, and other Eatables, TiiepawouuKO of tbo publla is very reoct f ally luvUod. NATHAN KRUM. Don't forget I be place i N exi floor above T. D. Clause', BA.-K Mi evt, LSbignton. C-ctil Wonderful, but True ! A! J. DUELING, pnopniKTon of tui: pkoplcs Drug and Family Medicine STORE, makes tho following ANNOUNCE5IKNT. Owinflrtotho ce-jcrnl ilt-pre'-plrn in buslnpsB. tho ki cut mluctloii of wifpufor UUor, Ac I dteui It mv dutv at thli ttniflo give tlie poople of i.c.iistitoi. mc vicinliy Tiic Lion's hiiaur of mt no fits 1 Jt'wd ami rfU'cmi-fr the foimw .iiK I'uti'rt of a lew ot tho uianr arllcles Bolt at my l)i us Btore: PATIT MKDICINES-11 $1 rreparatlona 80 cents bucii na Vmfl-'ar Jlitfirs, llosielter't. DraJtn'rt I'l-nthtlon, Mt-lilei'n llcib. Goriititn Utitcraimd all oiIits formeilv 1 1. now 85 ot-. .Vjc prcpuiatious40c. nixl Se t'n'pTntiouij2t)c. COI.1J, OOUUH Mitl LUKtl ni2Mi:DIK.'l. n- Jnyiie'd Kxoec orant, Ilti'Tn nml Al en's llal pnih, AriB Llierry Pectoral, Mill: Turo Coil Ltrer OH. t!od Liver U ttutX Lime and o.lnis furmetiv tl xnw 8a cenU. IIAIK PllKPAltAriONS-IIaUM Ila'r Re newer, MoiiUoruejya. Aycra Ila'r Viaut. unit Mm AUen', loitueily il now8jctt. Ail bic picppr-tldus of atovt character now 40c LIMMJnrS LaubachM, Isow'a Mnpnetic, iJoDiiellv's l'ltemo, fctamson oil, it-uiwiv' Hehef, Macnc Oil, oarffllii" Oil. WxldSio JJui tueiit.and atl otlieia iurm.'rly Wo, now -tic, Horse, Cattle and ken rowdcM formerly 2.'c. now UurnnN celeoratwl Coud.t ou Powders Impiovtd 3ic. per pound. KaiilK8nau,bt7rprDroiie,4'c peruottlo lircnfit Tea. Sic. n ftGi'-iiit'-j l'iiUuf all kinds loitueily 15c. now V0o. per box. PLAKTKltS l'onms, Arnica. Toor Mau's and ull othi-m fuunerlv "bo. now -Oo. WOItM liKMUDina Vorm Hrrupn. Vcrml fuie?, Wotm LnzeutreB aud CobfccUoaeloiiu eny -vs. now ic Hootj, Ilnrlrit. llcib?, Tlodlcil Tea. te., &c, foiuiorly fi-om 10c. to J 5c. per oz. nuw in. to ic. per oz. CattmaOII Xlalsini do Malta, Kssenco of Pep' pe.ui'nt, JBneueeot Linioii, Go'dtu Tiuctnro, Pareoilc, nnd tJlvceiiuo foiiueily luc toljc. l.owto to 100 pet bott.o Kierylhlns1 Uoivn i D.nvn I Down 1 1 Canstlo tiodt, for llakiuc Soup, trom 0 cents to lo eiiln per ptiuiut. Castor Oi'i etrictly pmo, CCc. per quart, by tho gallon less. LOCK AG AIN". WALL PArEU, Gold Gilt Paner We.: (1 aizcd Papeis fnnuctlr iSc. to 3Cc. now '20c. Win to JJIanka and Tints fortcorly lie. to'Jic, now I2. to 15a, and liiowu Ilacicaforai ct ly lec. to 1 "c. now 7i. to oc. PliyRiciars Piccnntlcna olid I'annly Iteclpea compounded at (Jnitly HeUated lUto. go or end 10 DUltLIO'8 . llavniR titid in exp'-rlrnco of almost Twenty Years lit tho Dtup Uu-luepa. nnro th in Ten nf wlm h have been In Lett lent on, I will in tho fit. tmo. ch I bare in tho pnHt. Gajimnteo to nil the very lioii and Purewt Inta.ii, (MiHlielue-t.istc., tn be found in Hie Amcrlcai ilnrketn, d IU1V FOll OAslI I Doo lr-nov3 Store Stand & Dwelling AT rUBMO SALE. Tbo nndertlTTnd rlll (ifferflt Pnhio sal, op tho preuii'-e-, on SF.UOM) hTHJ:i;r, 2udd(Mr Irom the cmior of lion i-tfet.ln tho Uoiouk'i of LhJHIUHlON, Caruou Ccuuty, J'u.. on Saturuay, January 5, 1878, romtnoriclnfr ntTWO o'-lock P M.t rll that eer tniu LOP OP G.tOHXI). Bitnated hp nt'ovi-. iron tin tr on wasd hUCONI Stiect Oj leet, and oomlnutnff t that width. Iete!u piialUl latlU frini fnnn nnnn ivtimn to nn. td a'lurpio sad coutniodioui ihro fctnry frame Store and Dwelhnr House, 27fCPtlront brfiOfeftdeo.with Fiench Tlool coveted with Tin and M mo, end ail luceM-aiy umoiiiin'nfr. -i ne moio room isncantoti 10 tuu uij uitru- urocery or iu iiichiiiihim itiivusiier kiud of mercantile bn.4tiieai heinc very.trntril. el located ou one of tho bunt bu&mcbs ttiecU In tho town. The term a end conditions will bu made known ntuSaouudpaco nfKfiio br . Nov. 10, 1877 t.t. tiuinnnt JIM, Pa. At Private Sale. nitE UTI)EtSlGNI5n fffera at Pilvato I bale a Va'uitlilo Putruloc 1'iopertv. ntu-J- ati.l 10 llKAVJUt UU.N VALUK.Y. Ih. honing Township, CurooiiCoi. tr. Pa , niilea lruui idiicn uuuuk, ano . nmea itoni ieingn tn.contaimniz 18 A cits. atmut5crj!ot wneh are clr.irtd and undtr a Lluh ftaieof euitlva- loii, ice tjcicrco uuim iimurr ui'ia. 'inu Jin proToieenitithcieMi aronBiory PrainoDwe... ltiflC llouo lur.'l feet, with Kitchen ultached, tmo htul'. nnd ueei'iiuv Oiitlmildlni'H; nNo nu Oiclmid lOLtJinlni: about luiCaoloo Pnut Ireei comprbiiifrAple, 1'oir. Peach and Cliei ry '( rcos of nrk'UH kmda l Iiia propel tv, bemp bUuated near Mauch Chunk and Lehll tun, would liiako It a deslra ldeplneefor any ne winbinp 10 cii&ipo iu tbo Trait bulncjA tho demand for tiuclc In tbo uboi p l.i ten alwav ruoil nnd letUzlnc bet t'f prices. iiea er Ituu Creek Uuw tbrougli thopioprty. Tona person wUhtng to invest in Heal lis tate tut- i-ffeison oppnrttinltv Hcldom to be m t wtlt Fur fori her parllcul ivk upnlv at tutu ofilco. or to the owner ou it.o ihiii i)1. lli;.Mt TDCKKlt, Sept I, lf77 laios. E. F. LUCKENI1ACH, Ttvo Doors Below tho "Uroadvray Honse," MAUCH CHUNK, I'A. Doaler in all Pattcrca ot Plain atd Fancy Wall IPsiiiDea'Sj Window Shades,' Paints & Painters' Supplies; AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. an.27.y nusiNKss lur.N and oTnwns IN WANT OF JOli I'RINTINd OF ANY DRSCIIII'TKIN. WILL 1 IN 11 THE OAUUON A IlVflCA I K OFFICK Till-, IlliHI' nnd CIIKA1'. USC I'LACK IN TIIU I'OUNIY. OIVF. US A TRIAL AlD 11K CONVINCED. FRED. KELLEY Announces to the people of Lehiehtnn and viclii Uy that lie Is prepared to supply tUriu IIoiiNcruriilsIiIiis Tltuvnrc, At very lowest prices i also, Roofing and Spouting, In all lis branches, niomnth attended rn at Piters luily ua iovf tu the lowcet, lilvo me a call. tronni Oppwitethe PubUe Sqnsre. RANK ST HE ET LEUIQUTON, fi, July Jl, '77-ly ib e r w a Anil to do ao tot Llttlo Money, go to DANIEL GRATER' S CHEAP OABH Dry Goods & Grocery Store, Whero ron will find one of the lnrpest, cheap, est and bctst selected st oclti or Good 4 to bo loun,d tn the lluroiifrli of Lclilrfiton. lamuowpic pared to otTor tho following extrjoiitiuary Inducements to Cash Ituycrs : Print al from S cent per jut d npwarde l)ie Gtrtidd, at fiom 8conli peryarii upwiirda (linchftins at trom 0 cents per va-d upward MiiHhui at from S cents per yard iti-warrti Bueottiip, at frmn liccnia per yaidupnania Flannel, White Mid Colored, atxtom 10 centi pi-ryaid unwmtiB Canfou Fiauni'la. ut from 7 cti. per vd. upwards Heavy striped nidi ting, at trout 7 co.ila por jtL umvaid Hoy's Smtfjgi, at from I2H ctfl. per yd. upward aud nil otlu-rGomU at equally low prices I voii.dcrtll Ihofipecial attention ot Ii.idies to my uutaeuito stuck ot Black Alpacas & Cashmeres, which I am soiling at from 18c a yd. np. Blankets a Specialty at 1.50 per pair up to fa 00 tor tho Best. ALO, c ocs tartly on band a fall lino of CLolco Groceries, Provisions, Queens ware, &c, At very LOWEST PRICES for CASH ONLY. Th inUfnl for patt favors, ho most respectfully asks a couiluu.iuco ot the Baino ISAXEEL StivCK, Agt. Next to First National Rank, HANK STREET, LliUiailTON, PA. Oct. 2 ; 1877 N. Y. Weekly Herald. One Dollar a Year. The circulation of this popular newspaper lna inoio than trebiid uuriuj; tbo pist year. It cnii toins all thn iradlni; news conLitni-n in tbo Dailt Heiuld, and la arraiiKl In handy do paitmcLts. Ihe rOREION NEWS embrticos rpeclnl ilisp:itchos from nil qnartcrsof thni'biue, tna-thir wltu uiiblj-sed.fuitiful muili'o plclums nt tho ereut War m Luropo. UuUci tbo head of AJIEItlCAN NEWS cro ctven tlio "lolecrnnblo Dispatches of tbo weeit from all iaits ot the Uniou. J his feature a ulo mukea THE.WEEKLY HERALD tbo mojt volnablo nowjp.ipcr In Iho rorld, as It idtliecliospest. Evciy week Is gycn a fnilbful report ot POLITICAL NJiW.s, omhrnrtnir comnleto nnt comprelin.lvo des. nntciie', fioni WAsmxoiox, tunuuur; full 10. lioi tft of tho -porches of emiutnt iiolUlciaua ort tbo question ol thu hour. THE FARM DEPARTMr'NT r.f tho WEFKLV Herald (ttvci tins latest as well ns tbo mo-c pincLt-nl Mitrua'loiis ana dis. envoi les trlntlnc to I lie, rtu;;ea of the fiirnmr, h'nis fo- rnl ln't OATiLte. I'uuLTItr. Uiiaiss, TItUia, VIOETA11I.K8 AC rtC. ltb MlgifSl'l lis for ktcpriir btiiiiiiuirs and luriinui; u.rnstlH In np ir. Ihisl- snpple:niMited by a well edited d.'.iariintut, widely cop It i, under tho hojil ut Tnn home, elvlna reclnca for proetirnl dishes, hints for makma ciolli'iiK and for keeping up with tho latest, f tshiiins ot the lowest pneu. Luitcis Irnoi our Paris nuii Lontlm, eonesiioinl. nts ou tho vrv late-it asilus, Thu ni..Mi;,J)ei ariimnt of tbo V"r.Ei:i,Y III llA.t wm bjvo tbo house, svlfo moro thnu ouo huulred times tho pilco of tbo paper, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Tlicro Is a paeo il'votod to all the latest pb-u-ceof Iho bUaiucsa in il-i.ets.c.'ops,Metcbau. tl,zo Ac., ifeo. A v-iluublo teat'-uo 1m found lu tLo specially rcportou pi ices sua cond.tluns ol HIE PRODUCE MARKET. While all tho news Irom the last fire lo tho DlftKciy of t-t'iuW ale to bo found in tuu Wllklv lluiALl), due atlculiou Is glvcu to SeOHTINO NEWS At homo and nbro d, t'iprtbtr with a Stout every week, n heuiion by unnio onnnent divmo, LllLIIAKY, MUSICAL DIIAHATIC, PElONAL lllld si:a Isutds. lheio Is no paper iu tbo world Mbichvontslns mi much iioh matter every week u tbo WI-EKLV J.HUAU), svbicu la scut, postpaid lieo for one DoLur. You may aub scnbotit any time. THE NEW YORK IIlfRALD in n weekly form, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR l'npers p'ubllsling this pm-pcclus without beioa nuthorizeil win not iieceesitily receive uu cxihunifo. Adlrea,, New York Herald,- , liroidway A Ann St, Now York. Dec. K, 1677, wil. obtaineil for ImVntnrs in tho United Stntes, Canaira ami L'uniio, at rcduciil rutos. With our irinciial olfieo locntol in Wushinpoii, iliret'lly oisifcito the United Suites I'utent Olliee, wo are able to attend to all jialent business with greater prumptnc'M ami dee jiateli and at than other atetit ut- torneys who nro at u distaneo from Wash ington, and who have, therefore, to cuiiiloy " associate uttorneye." We make reliminary cxauiinntious mid furnish ojiinious us to pitentablity, fn'o of charge, aud all who arc interested in new inventions and wtoiitsnrp invited to send for a coiy of our "tiuido for obtaining 1'atenU," which is eent fi-eo t-i any address, and oontaliis ooniilelo instructions how to obtain lMtouta and oilier valuable liultcr. Wo refer to tlio Xutional lUiik, Washington, I.C. the Jtoyal Swedish, Norwegian ami Danish Legations, nt Wiishingtoiij Hon. Jos. Casey, lato Chief Justice U.t5. Court of Claims; to tho Officials of tho U. S. I'utent Olliee, nml to Senators and Members of Coiigreiw from every Stale. Addrosat LOUIS A CO., Suliei loi s of ratenU nnd Attorneys at Law, LeDroit Building, Waiii!qto., D.C. doc22 LOTEKSI i BOOK OF KNOWL- .liusu, or rifcrriH oi rjve. CourlBMiiA lar- ri-iuB Sniiwintr l.ovr to get raarrW.llvehapptly-ublaiu healut, w.clih and (tiittinctlou, and appear to ndTstutaae tu w c iety ZjQ paea-SJJ 0 0 sold, Mai'od lor Iti rtn, lu podtnro titnpHor currency. Aaare, The Uoion PuMithiuffCoM7iewnrk. r!.J, deliM-u-J T iliolstNatloiialltiiiikori.elilaliloii. Tl A ANNUAL ELECTION of III HRfrTfinB of thu Rank will bn held at the Uanklnjr House.. oulUEsliAY, JANUARY 81b. Is7s, between the Hours of i'EN A. M. nnu FOUR o'cloca P. M. W. W. JJOWMAN, Cashier. December 13 wl K Tito Horro's fit I'lcrnn. Mr. Mac Gahan'a account of tho condition of things at riovnri after tlio surrender presents ti tcrriblo picture. It la a sccuo of war as it was commonly known to all nations iri ancient times, before tho hnrbarian, savagery liad given way to tho conception of Ihoeommon brotherhood of human creatures, and also before tho progress of medical science arfti tho application of many inven tions had rendered it possible to alloviatoon a very large scalo the miseries of men wounded in battle, or tho untold wretched ness of thoso who fall into Bitch pest houses as hospitals become in a beleaguered town, whero there arc no conceptions of sanitary needs. If wo contrast wars as they aro commonly known to tho present generation of men with Btich war as is shown on the Vid which is of tho typo of ancient war fare wo shall sco nta glanco how much has been done by the proper organization of tho medical nnd surgical sofvico nnd by such philanthropic movements as that of tho Society of tho Red Cross. Bavo when a na tion at largo may bo under tho influence of somo dominant passion as Franco under tho impulse of rovengo war in our time does not imply any animus in the combat ants j consequently, tho battlo onco over, tho wounded soldier of ono side passed his can teen generously to tho maimed enemy near him j and not only do the Red Cross men, acting unilcr tho sanction of tho public law of Europe, gather up nliko nil they find, but tho proper ambulanco ccrvico of any army when it hns projierly cared for its own wounded cares for tho enemy's wounded as well. Moreover, in nltendanco lo tho' mere point of tho burial of tho dead there is a great advance. Somo of tho greatest battlo fields of our own war witnessed this change in a wonderful degree j for reinforcements that oamo up to relievo mcft on hardly con tested 1 ines never saw either dead or wound ed, for tho dead were buried almost as fast as they fell and tho wounded were sent 0 tho rear without delay. Al the diflerences found in Plevna aro duo to tho absence from the Ottoman mind of thoso conceptions of civilization that havo so much ameliorated the conditions of iho soldiers of other coun tries! they present final reasons for tho ab olition of a race that it is clearly impossible to civilize. In tho awful scenes of the dogs nml birds fighting over tho bodies of the dcri wo get in tho nineteenth century a glimpse of what was characteristic of all war in Homer's time. It was wrath then, as now, that hurled to Pinto's elnomy rclcn The souls ot unciitv ehi-fa untitnely.s'aln 1 Wtiofro limbs, ui'burlcdo 1 the naked shore. Devouring doss and finery vultures tore. A! Few Precepts Trom Confucius. " Be severe to yourself, nnd indulgent to others ; you thus avoid all resentment." " Tho wio man1 mikes equity and justice Iho basis of all his conduct j tho right forms tho rulo of his behavior ; deferenco and modesty mark his exterior sincerity and fidelity servo him for nooompllElimcnt." " Love virtue, nnd the pceplo will bo virtuous ; tho virtue of a great man is like tho wind; Iho virtue, of tho humble is like tho grass j when the wind passes over it tho grass inclines its head." " Children shouhf practice filial piety at home, and fraternal deferenco abroad ; they Should be attentive; in .their actions, sincere ami true in their worts, loving' ill with tho Whole fureo of their afi'ection." " Return equity and justice for evil dono to you, and pay goodness by goodness," " Without tho virtuo of humanity, ono can neither be honest in jiovcrtv, nor con tented in abundance." " Real virtuo consists in integrity of heart And loving your neighbor as yourself." " What I desiro that others should not do to me, I cquully desiro not to do to them." " Think not of faults committed in tho past, when ono has reformed his conduct." The Itoaiity of Nature. I am never inorooouvinccd of tho progress of mankind than when I think of tho senti ment develojiesl in us by our intercourse with nature, aud mark how it auguments and refines with our moral culture, and also (although this is not so generally admitted) with our scientific Knowledge. AVo loam frdm ago to ago to seo tho beauty of tho world j or, what comes to tho tamo thing, this lioautiful creation of the sentiment of beauty is developing itself iu us. Only re flect what regions lovely as Tarudiso thero aro over all Asia and Europe, and iu every quatter of tho globe, waiting to receivo their fitting inhabitants their counterparts iu the conscious creature. The men who aro now living there do not sec the Eden that sur rounds them. They lack the moral and in tellectual vision, H is not too bold a thing to my that, the mind of mpn once cultivat ed, he will seo nrouud him the Paradise he laments that ho has-tytt, Kor oup "1'ara diso Loot," ho will singffji thousand he has gained. How every tender as well as every grand sentiment cornea reilKted back to us from tho Iwuutiful objects of nature I There in lies their very power to enchant us, Na t o is full of our own human heart. That rose has not gentle woman leant 'oyer it, and left the reflection of her own blush Upon the leaves of the flower T "To the old man there is childhood in every bud. No hantl so rude but that it gathers with tho flower more and other beauty than what tho dews of Heaven have couri.W fu it, M7i7ws ,S',,(J. STATE NEWS. It cost over $300,000 to keep up Ui public schools of Tittsburg last year. Tho Pennsylvania railroad company re cently mado a purchaso of 40,000 tons of steel rails, Philip Stambaugh, of York county, while chopping wood a few days ago fell to theround dead. The Kensington carpet weavers have resumed work, tho employers having con ceded them their demands. Several largo dry goods establishments in rittBburg havo hired privato detcctivesto keep an outlook for shoplifters. Mrs. William Griffith, of Altoona, add ed thrco to tho population of that city on Sunday night two girls nnd a boy. James H. Dony, who has retired from tho editorial control of tho Milford lleratd, has been succeeded by Milton D. Mott . A man named Robinson, who claims to bo a Lutheran preacher, was arrested o fow days ago for stealing a horso in Butler co. Tho construction of a railroad from Lock Haven to tho coal fields, on Beach Creek, Iri Clinton and Centre counties, is talked of. Tho amount realized from liquor licenses in Allegheny county during the year is $88, 752.33. This is not one-third the amount received in 1874. A largo meeting was held in tho First Presbyteriip church, Allegheny, on Wed nesday night to m'emorialilze tho Legisla ture to re-enact the local option law. Mrs. Mary Adams, who died in Pitts burg last week, left George F. Burilctt, a newsboy on tho Pennsylvania railroad, $2, S00 Iri money nnd a farm of 125 acres in Ohio. James Mead, of Towanda, who had stolen several boxes of tea from cars, cut his throat with a razor after having been arrest ed. It is believed that Mead will recover. James Boyd, member of select council of Pittsburg, was struck on the. head and killed while sujierintending tho removal of a casting with a crane, the "rack" falling on him..., . Ine rebuilding of tho coal ehutes of the Reading and Columbia railroad at Colum bia will bo commenced on January 7. It wilt lako 250,000 feet of lumber to complcto tb'o work. Charles Pabst, aged nlno years, whoso parents rcsido in Allegheny county, was ac cidentally shot nnd killed on Christmas af ternoon by a companion named Frank Norn's. On Sunday a fivoyear old son of George Thompson, policeman in Washington bor ough, got hold of his father's revolver nnd whilo playing with it tho load was dischtrrg cd into his head, producing death iri a short time. On Saturday Iast,during a rjuarrel about a dog, in Allegheny county, Georgo Jenkins shot at and, it is thought, fatally wounded a mau named William Rhuo. Jenkins at onco gavo himself up, claiming to have fired in self-defense, Tho managers of tho western peniten tiary intend to ask an appropriation from tho Legislature to cnlargo tho institution. Tho present number of prisoners is about eight hundred, moro than twice as many a can bo properly accommodated. Thomas Ridley, passenger engineer on tho Pittsburg division, Pennsylvania rail, road, has received a gold watch and chain worth $400 and ft check for $100 from the board of directors, for his fidelity during tho riots and Ids twenty-five years' faithful scr vico in tho employ of tho company. John Rost, tho treasurer of a German society at Marietta, has run away with $300 of tlio society's money. Ho left a note stating that it was not his fault tliat ho appropriated tho money, blaming tho whole affiiiron Henry Swartz, who concocted the scheme, and who has accomjianied'himin tlio flight. Johu I. Smith, of Nineveh, engineer of tho first train which came into Pittsburg after tho riots, received a present of $200 from the Pennsylvania railroad company. Daniel Williams, of Grcensburg, who was conductor of tho same train, was also pre sented witli $150 aud each' member of the crew got $50. Rev. Thomas Colleson, who was born on August, 19, 1770, preached a sermon in Chester, Delaware county, on Sunday even ing last. Ho was converted at the age of seventeen, and when twenty-one was licens ed as a traveling preacher. His father was a soldier in the revolutionary war, while the eenteuuarian himself fought in tho war of 1S12. Whilo David Noll, of Delaware county,' was waiting at the Reading'depot, Philadel phia, on Thursday evening, to tako'the train for I'ottstown, he was approached by two strangers who, after talking to him a while,, asked him to exchaugo notes for three $20 gold pieces, which ho, did. On arriving at, whero ho left the train, he found the coins were counterfeits. On Tuesday afternoon James Lyon went into a billiard taloon iu Beaver City and be gan Ireaking articles. Cunningham, the barkeeiicr, seized him, and while in the act of ejecting him Lyon slipped from his grasp, and, seizing a billiard ball, hurled it at Cuniiiugham's head, breaking hi, skull. Tho injured man died at midnight. Five hundred dollars reward li sS"r4 f.r tki arrest of lbs murdsrur '