It. V. MORTHlMRIt, EDITOR LiniGlITON, FA.: BATORDATUORN1NO, NOVKMBHt 21, 1677 With thie issue we conclude the Fifth Volume of Tm Cikbox Advocate. The Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Co. U making arrangement! to lay a double track between Wllliamsport and Bunbury. The complete official vote of thie State gives the following Democratic pluralities Trunkoy, for Judgo of the Supremo Court, 8,520 j Noyce, for Stato Treasurer, 0,901; Schell, for Auditor General, 8,968. Emcr on, the Labor-Greenback candidate for Au ditor General, who led his ticket, received 42,988 votes. The highest Prohibition voto was 2,997. the better. The Family Newspaper, ehould have attractive reading and information for the various members of a household., Some portion of the paper should be devotcd,every religious and moral current secular news, to agriculture, com merce, markets, iinance,w general literature, 4c.,with a special department for the young. Above all, the Family Newspaper ehould bo perfectly pure, and free from any contamin ating innucnecs in its reading matter or in its advertisements. Too much attention cannot be paid to this feature, When the press is flooding the country with so much that is vile nnd pernicious. To crown all, the Family Newspaper 6hould bo untram- rncuea Dy any aiuiiaiion wim sect or pany, and ehould be free to give all the good news from and about all the world. If such a Family Newspaper can bo had for one cent a dav, it should be taken by every family In the fnnd. Such a Family Newspaper, in every respect wo find in the 2'cw 1 ork Ob server, now commencing its fifty-sixth vol- uiiil. x rugn-ssivc. tuiiijiri-iieusivt;, euuim, reliable, pure, it is just what is needed in your household. Send $3.15 for a year to Tne Nkw Yonk Observer, 37 Park How, 14 cw York. Bample copies aro sent iree. The appointment of a sub-commtttce of five of the Committee of Ways and Means to frame a new tariff bill, indicates, from the complexion of the committee, that the bill framed will reduco the duties on imports. The bill to bo prepared will not bo submit ted to the House until after the holidays, and tho members who are to prepare it are Wood, Tucker, Gibson, Burchard and Banks, all of whom aro reiiortcd as favoring revenue re form and lower duties, except Gibson, who advocates protection for tho Louisiana sugar interests. A number of stores in Lehigh and Bucks counties have recently been robbed by tramps and masked brigands, and vigilance com mittees have been organiicd to aid tho au thoritics in arresting the law-breakers. About forty tramps were captured in the vicinity ot toopcrsburg on Friday and Saturday last and several thousand dollars worth of stolen goods recovered. Tho gang mado a desper ate resistance and three of them were severe ly wounded. Ten of the robbers, one a wo man, are in tho Doylestown jail, and the rest will bo tried at Allcntown. their strength remains to bo seen, But it is moro man prnoauio mat mo uommittec ot Conference will succeed in sftlisfhetj.rilv Ad justing the differences upon tho remaining provisions so that it will becomo a law. uirnoL. Tho Heading Savings Bank, the Dime Baving? Bank and Bushong Sz Brother, bankers, of Beading, Pa., suspended Fri day afternoon of last week. The deposits of tho BeadingSavingsBank,though they had fallen off $700,000 during the past two years, amounted to nearly $1,000,000. No state ment is given of tho total liabilities ; but the officers say the assets will bo sufficient to pay all claims. For their payment tho Individual properly of tho stockholders is llab! e, as well as the assets of the bank. Tho bank was Incorporated in 1855, with an au thorised capital of $100,000. A. F. Boas i3 President and E. P. Boas cashier. Tho fail ure is attributed to tho 6hrinkago of values, depression of business, and general distrust, As soon as the suspension was announced, the banking house of Bushong 3c Brother and tho Dime Savings Bank closed their doors. Bushong Jc Brother had deposits amounting, it is said, to about $350,000. Our Table. UiSTORV in our Covuox ScnooLS. Love of country ought to burn in over breast with a steady and reliable flame. It ought to be, and is to a great extent, the mother element of our national life. It would be stronger, steadier, moro rename, h every citizen un derstood our institutions, their origin, devel opment, progress and promises. This un derstanding can bo had by thoso alone who study tho history of tho country from ila'dis- covcry to the present time, who gather tho lesson of its greatness from the successive steps tno miners made toward liberty and independence, until mey gained the realiza tion of their hopes in a frco land and a self governed people. Systematic study of tho history of tho United States is not generally pursued in tho common schools, although something to answer tho form of historical investigation Is there attempted. The subiect has becomo distasteful In late years, not becnuso it lacks interest, not because Its importance is un derrated, but because historical text-books do not convey tho facts of history in attrac tive form. The story of our national travail and birth is one of tho most exciting and absorbing relations in all history, when properly presented. When shorn of its il lustrati-vo incidents, legitimate deductions and grand climax, it is tame ana dry as any uooks oi nisiory cut tno grand and soul thrilling record down to its dry chronologi cal features anil expect it to excito the en thusiasm of youth 1 Wo feel Impressed with the view that no chance presents a wider field for improve ment than that contemplated by the friends of reform in school histories. It Is a subiect of the first importance to tho eople, for uiion its wlso determination depends the ad vancement of our children in knowledge of their own country, nnd no knowledge is of greater moment to tno iiuuro cuizen. Our attention has recently been called to ft History of the United States for the use of schools, by Prof. J. C. Kidpath, which is not oniy tne uesi wo navo ever seen, out em braces features of rare value never before in corporated into any hlstorv. It is written in a Style of elegance, but simple and easy of comprehension systematically arrange!! " In a connected narrative ; unbiased nnd without political or sectarian nreiudice: elegantly and Intelligently illustrated with rnronoiogicai cnarts, progressive maps, to pographical diagrams, portraits and cuts ircsh, philosophical ami readable. It is as much unlike an ordinary school history as the beautiful periods of Irving are unlike the turgid nonsense of Tuppcr ; and it so adroitly weaves tho inspiring story of the country into the web and woof of its materi al facts as to impress tho lessons of history upon the mind with indeliblo force. A chango to this book has already been effect ed in more than fifteen hundred schools in the State of Pennsylvania, and we tire clear In tho opinion that Its generel adoption will .prove uoin graieiuimio ocneiiciai to attend ants of our common schools everywhere. Jones Brothers A Co., publishers, HI nnd 143 Racy street, Philadelphia, Pa. Oxe Cixt A Day 1 Economy is tho or der of tho hour, and everv expenditure. "however small, Is expected to. give a return in uiil value. i.ery lamliy requires ono gooa, rename lamny newspaper. II such an .article can be procured for leas than one cent jat each working day of the yeaV, we are not iwere of it, ATatuily Newspaper should -conUin a careful ty,prt-pared suuiinaryof all the nwi Of the dav. both Religious ami Sec ular and lie arranged so that the two de partmenls'may he separated and road by jwo indivjdut J it te tame time, to much Oar Washington Letter. Wasiiisbto.v, D. C., Nov. 19, 1877, Tho efforts of a few Republican Senators to institute a war upon tho adminlstration,on account of its courso with respect to appoint ments, has met with a decided rebuke during the past week. Mr. Edmunds and a few other Senators have had a free and full talk with tho President, and havo carried back to their colleagues a very comprehensive un derstanding of his intentions. This, in brief, is that tho President has appointed Demo crats to office only in such localities in the South in which ho has been unable to secure Republicans of suitable responsibility and ability. So far as the fear that such officers will not carry out the constitutional amend ments is concerned, no win hold them re sponsible for the performance of their duties under their oaths to support the constitution. The appointment of Democrats is exception al, and only aunlics to excetttional raises. In regard to the other features objectionable to these Senators, the President lrankly stated tuat lie is responsible lor tue Honesty ana success of his administration, and. therefore. must bo remitted to exercise jwrfect freedom in tho selection of his instruments, nnd that his first desire was to inako appointments which were acceptable to tho communities in which thoso filling them were to perform their functions ; that ho did not wish to wholly ignoro tho friendly interest of the Districts or (States in wnich tno ollicc to be filled were located ; but that ho would not mako appointments in tho individual or personal political interests of any ono as ncainst the wishes of a community, as had frequently been donc,and tho result of which lias been weaken tno nep.ubiiean party. On last Saturday a Republican Senatorial caucus was held, in which Senator Edmunds stated substantially these views as tho result of his conference with the President. There is no question that Conklmg and thoso Sena tors, Cameron of Pennsylvania,- Jones of Nevada, and a few others who havo embark ed their political fortunes in tho same craft, have started off on an up-stream conflict. There are no less, it is now discovered, than fifteen Republican benators who will sup port tho President. As the Democrats will support all capable nominations, the dis satisfied Republican minority will not have much of a show. Tho caucus did not indi cate that its members would embark as a body in the olrensivo demonstration threat ened beforo tho elections. The Committee on Foreign Affairs havo completed their labors upon tho Paris Exiio sitiou bill. Hewitt's " corn cake" propo sition was voted down without a dissenting voice, greatly to the indignation and irrita tion of thoso masters of ceremonies of the Tilden campaign of 1876, There is an excellent prospect of turmoil on the tariff question. The Comraitteo on ways anu jucans nave appointed a suu-com- mittec of fivo to revise existing shedules of duties and tne modo ol their collection. At least, three out of the fivo aro pronounced that the inoro recent exticricnces of England anu tno increasing clamor oi per mauuiac- turers tor protection against American com petition, may havo something to do with in fluencing their action. It is generally ad mitted that tho present list of dutiable art! clcs could bo materially simplified without seriously affecting tho interest of American manufacturers, or tho revenuo of the Gov ernment. Tho results of the labors of tho committee will doubtless bo a traiff on tho basis of revenue. Tho " dollar of our daddies." as tho silver rcmonetization is facetiously expressed, is not gaining as much head-way as " Bonan za" Jones would like. The House bill.better known as tho " bill of Flood and O'Brien, of tho great silver mines ot Nevada," does not seem to be quite as taking .with tho Senato us uiu jKirut-s uuensivu wish. The Committee are evenly divided on the question. The Secretary of tho Treasury Bays mat unlimited rcmonetization will per manently anu disastrously euect tue luuu ing operation oi me government. Tho moment this bill passed tho House tho sale of Government bonds by the Syn dicate abruptly terminated. Up to this time the Secretary, in tho sale of low-interest uonas, nad ciiccioi a savinir ol 4,uuo.uuo, and in the completion of the placing of this loan would save an 'aggregate of $24,000,- uuu. With the aid of a few Democrats, Culber Bon, Giddings, MillsSchleichcr and Throck- muiivii, u. itnf. j.uuidl, VI VUllliUrillUp Williams, of Michigan and Williams of Delaware, the House Committee on Appro priations was routed on Saturday, in its ef forts to reduce tho numerical strength of tho Army from 25,000 to 20,000 men. The voto standing 134 in favor of the Senato amend ment and 130 against it. Tho whole bust nesi in the House was not moro than dema goguery, for anyone at all familiar with the subject knows that the cost of transportation of a small body of troops from place to place, and particularly at long distances, will amount, ot the end of the year, to as much as If the ranks of the army were maintained at a footing equal to tho neccessitics of the country. Ueneral JlcClellan ex-on to Rich mond, Democratic Governor-elect of New Jersey, and prospectively Democratic candi date lor President of the-,Unlted States in I860, has given this subject careful study, and has written an exhaustive articlo in which ho proves the utter folly and great i-jiju-uM! hi a muoji lorco ojicraiing over a vast extent of country. But if an impartial observer dissects the measure, or accepting uio uiii ou ua own wicory, it win no 6een that the cry of retrenchment was a sham. that the most expemivt arm of tho service was to ue niiea up to war strength at the ex pense of tho incflicieney of the infantry and uniurry. icu regiments oi cavalry at 1, 200 men each, would make 12.000 men. Or. dnanco Department, Signal Servico and uenerai oervice men, west 1'oint Detach nieuts, Engineer Battalion. Indian Scouts etc, 3,000 j leaving about 5,000 enlisted men, as tne eiiective strength of the 25 re giments oi iniantry, ana 5 of Artillery. Whether the friends of the twentv.fiv tbousand rtindard will tw able to maintain Our New Tork Letter. NEW YORK, NOV. !, 1877. We are watching tbe progress of thoVandcr- bllt contested will case, as we woo Id tbe evolu. tion ot a drama In tbe theatre, and thoss ot us who haven't got a dollsr of onr own. or "our dsddlei" either, tako a grim comtort In listmlng to the ratlllng ot tlie bones as the learned coun sel on the sldo ot the disaffected heirs, Mrs La Daw and her brother, Cornelius Vanderbllt.pull the skeletons from the c'osets otthe princely mansion In Washington Square. Ihls trial Is the mild sensation of the week, formiDg (he principal topic ot conversation In the drawing rooms of Murray Hill una tho offices ot "down town." As the oviitcnco accnmdiQtcs there has boen none so morbidly lotercstlns as the tcMimony of the doctors, who attended the dy ing Commedore.and that of the scalpel-wleldctK, who carved him up after death. For two duya last week tho court room was like the lecture hall ot a Burgeon's College during clinical cxer ctses. Whst a dreary list ot ntltments the rail road king had t Ono is almost content with not being worth ono hundred millions ot dollars as he reads the catalogue oft ho diseases And as it Mature had not piovtded gcims for enourh llte-eapping conditions ho uimt needs meet Kith a railroad accident tbatbtoknhlsribsond drove them througn his luces, All thii Is news to the great public for as we ate ata ays ted to look upon the Commodore as a remarKablo exatnn'o ol the preservation ci robust health throueh tL lempersto nse he made of existence. I well re member tho last time I haw him, and I recall nowthathecertninlv seemed a man of It-op. I was sitting on the p-rcll of Judge Bmlth'a hote' on Central Avennejust beyond MoComb's Dam brldjro, Idly watching the speeders flvln hv one afternoon, when the well-known Unable' tonlan team of the Commodore came flashing down the roid tbe og;d driver stllno erect bolilmr the reins with the gi ap of youth, loco. ing bis clenr eyes on the Avenue attend, and mpnacrlng his costly horse n sh as If he were a a Joctey timing the pair on a bet. "lie's a tonrh 'nn," said a lounger.aahe walsed Into the har.and yet all the tlmotho Ilambietonlan team wai drawing about twenty diseases, and the physical memory of a railroad accident. Judge Jers. Black who Is Mrs. La Baw.s connsel, excites a great deal of attention, and more part eularly owing to the brilliant manner In which he scalped Mr. E. V. Stoughton. our new minister to Russia, In tho course of an sitt cle In last Sunday's Bun oa Stouahtou's review of Black's Electoral Commission opinions, lie Is ccrtnlnlr an Imposing looking gentleman, an astute lawyer, and a brilliant genius generally. Tbe Lotos Club dined tilm recently, and to make matter, even the friends of Stouehton and prominent citizens generally, aro going ti give tho Bnsnlan minister a banquet at Delmonlco's this week. Htouihton Is also a remarkable looking man, bnt his faco lack, force. lie has splendid gray bolr that Htands out like a hedre, and when you ace him In n private bcx ac too theatre, be Is ooite iI(itfiou. Illnatorod peo ple say that he Is dull and that he travels ou his hair, no wouldn't travel long on It through tho Indian coui.try. A brave would ride a thou. and miles to take such a scalp, nd would be stow as much pains npon the operation as 3 udgo Blick did. Your attention cannot have failed to be at tracted to the Immenso number of murders nnd sutcbies to which this sensation-loving towulB being tuated. Thero Is icarcelv a d.y that Borne new horror docs not come to light and un less It has excepttonat circumstances entitling it to more honor the papeia will merely para graph It. Tbe mau Houseman, who mnrdercd bl two phlHlren ami oll Uluiell will J.r.t..l.r he deal when this reaches yon. Saitdestcf all the dismal cluster of Incidents was the salcide ot the young urlde.Mrs. Stunrt, who too t lauda num In her handsome apartments at the "Bark. erlv," a Fiench flu hotel, corner ot Ninth street and Fifth Avenue, because her husband drank to excess. There may be some motive In the case of a -neglected bride; but If the wive' of Gotham "shuffled off; for such a reason thei e would be moro widowers in New York than you could shake a stick at. I parsed the "Berlerlr' this afternoon, and I wondered how It was,.that a young, handsome. Intelligent woman, Hiring In such a palace ot a place, could allow ssntl- luentallttn to so run away with her. Itqkett that the husband who weald neglect his less than a year's hilde for tho bottle.was not worth dying tor. There are thousands of yo-tng wives in this city who'd Jump at sncn a chance to be come gras wtd)ws with a seperate mainten ance. TurnlnginioTJnlverslty rlacal wentby the drug store whero the poor thing, disguised as her own servant, bought the drug. "l'ou have noticed also what a rrpntatlon Cen tral Park la acquiring as a resort of BUleldes( BInce Mrs. Leroy threw nerse:t into tne lake, thero been seven cases ot setf-uestructlon Ih tr.i Park. The latest was the Broadwuy waiter who shot himself under a pine tree at the edge ut the Ninetieth street drive. After a littles maa wilt he afraid to take his sweetheart to the Park and talk to her nicely on one ot the benches for fear, should he aposti ophlze the sun or stirs to prove his love, he should see the boots of some gentle- msn who had suspended himself from theilmb ot the tree above them, We are going to have a baby-show at the Midget Hall, in Fonrleenth stieet a real live baby-show with prizes to be tbe moth era ot winner-. The babies are already besin nlng lo artlve and the arrangement of the post tionof the cradles Is going on rapidly. I will wager that no one ot the many mothers who send their darlings to compete will be ratltfled with the Judges' decision save those only who score victories. -Tor It goes without saying thst every baby handed m will be the pi ettiet nnd the sweetest in all the known world. Another new Idea Is the Dime Concerts which are being given In the Cooper Institute, and at the Cen tra) l'ark Garden. They are really tnjoyalile entertainment1! m wkicb genuine talent appears and all for ten cents. And another otlginat Idea Is a penny 1 estautant In Grand street BATTlur, that bewaatodtaw out the Amount when he chose. It transpired that on the afternoon of the same diy Mr. Walsh bad occasion to use too ot the monev.and he made out a check for this amount. The cheek he bane'ed to Josephs Kroran, a drntglst, and requested htm to diaw tho money. When Mr. Krogah went to the bank be was Informed by tbe defendant that the money could not bo paid, as ttiey had re ceived It In accordance with the followlng.whicn tho olrcnlsr also contained 1 " We receive money on deposit for not less than six months, andwerequtro sixty days' notice In writing pievious to wlthdrawalof same. We allow In. teiest at the rate of IS per cent, per annura,and the Interest Is parable on the first of each and evory month at onr banking establishment" Tbe men were arrested, and as they had no license as bsnkers.wereheid to answer at court. As 6 per cent Is tbe legal Interest In this tjt.ite the caso Is In errry way a )ecultar one. A tradegy of a most peculiar nature shocked tlieconimunitr yesterday, ihodecil belog noth ing lesi than the deliberate murder of a woman by her husband while both were in ehnrch. At a little before noon a the rector ot the Protes tant Episcopal CJuich ot the Ascendon, was prononncing the benediction which closed the morning service, the snditonce were startled by n pistol thot and asm lek from a woman, "My Oodl I'm shot " In an Instance all was con slcrnatlon the wounded woman sank back Into tho arms of those near her, and the man at temptlnr to cscins was seiii-d by two members of the church and banded over to tbe polite au Ihorltles The details of the occuri ence appear to bo as follow-l-Mrn. Elizabeth Biyres, lnu for some two years been m painted fio- her hu-band, Alex Btyrrs. Toe wile lias attended the Churca of the AfCrhs on for years. Iho cause ol tbe i-epdration was tint about two years ago Sarro threw bis wife down stairs at their residence at Six h nnd Locu-t street), and broke her - im. She had him arresten for as sanlt and beina convicted he was sentenced to nluo monthb' lmiiilsonnicnt. The wl'ei heait relented, buneter at the expiration of one month, aud at her bollcitatinu bo waspatdoned, but fhe refused lo live with hlnj. i lnce that tin e he is stated to havo g. yen s-gnsot fnsanh ty anil much trouhle to hi frlomH Thero aro wo sons ol Savre, flged sixteen and eighteen cats, wheeling to tbulr stepmothor, and Co. cune in positive terms, that the lneanit? wrb played by bluj whenoi-er he :ocltiio trouble aud an outbieac followed, no had beej oat ot em- pigment some true, and this piobaby bada depresilng effect. Ycsteiday, while Mrs. Sevres was In tbe act of shaking bands with some frlonds, her husband, who was lu the pew be bltd her,drew a pistol and shot her In the back, the ball eutering near the spinal colnmn, pass ing In a downward course, Just escaping tho apex of the heirt, and lodging In the left lung. She fell Into the arms of those about her, and was taken Into the vestry room, whero Dr. Keys, who was present, examined the wound, and ordorcd her removAl to tbe Pennsylvania Hospital, where tho probe fahed to locate tho lodgment of the ball Dr. Keys states that the wouud is f Internal hemorrage will cau?e dcuth, Tbe would-be murderer tried to cscapo, hut was captured end locked up ut the station house. He Is rather a fine looking man, but lies a sullen apnetiance. His boanliug mis. revs states that hayros bas complained of his head for somo time, and appeared to be absent-mind ed. Dr. Keys says that the man is evidently in sane Many readers may be Interested In knowing tho ptites which blooded horses are now bring. Ing In this city. I will give the result of a salo at the Bazar on Saturday, aud will simply ex- plain that the figures are not regarded as rx- trataganVu high There wcie a number of trotters sold nnder the hatunicr, and Bouie of tlieu? were teputol lo bo very fast movers. A very tine buy mare warranted sound and kind, finale ordonble,nnd snowing eond poluts all around, brougut only fca, a gray mare, stylish, seven years old. and cAIA'n,a"t 4 s l:iat wa-ker. sold for (70. 'lli nuitlolieer whh muih mnuiuiaioa at the low flmirea bid. and announced Ned. a seven.vear. o d nay, gend speed, no rerord, who brought cnlrftl The best ot the lot was ono of these onrniar auuuuis iuul uro ututer man vuey iook. a ua)- male, nine rears oiu, mac oaa tue repnin nun ol having trotted lo tne nolo In 'J. -15. She was Btartod by tho auctioneer at t'.'fl. but no one bid until $30 reached, and then I3J was hld.ami at mat ugnre sno went to a new uwner. Tho above Is a lair average For HMTY DAYS FBOI DATA, a solid m mm nm . JewtliT Co., 'Oi Cbwtftat Street, I'b.iadelrbU, HiUDDrMtnrtn f Solid Gold cUl ttd Lwjga BadjiM, will aend ft Bolld Gold soclotr Htdt;. W -nt wb rvotWM UiU notice, at t iwcla.1 fcdrtrtUim rrmlnm from ihli bouM. Th tt EadM r Ludar Pin r (UtrftBtMl to trt of lolld gold, u tb foUowlog Uu tnm U O paf irll-w-uri 1 tottic et Fft-wvm JtnrtuiT Co.. 101 Cbtatuul Strtflt, fbllftdtlphU, Tu To Whom It CTty concern t-'fi-tl(rf I ien( ratindr IhlatrraiinnablW guarantee to t mild fold, euaniettd, n?rHsxl; and flaUhvd bj tb bit workmia, and mad according to Iht rrRnlatloo deilgtif ebtalotd frwn (b lodft) tmrUrle of Ibt varloua Ordtra ibroacbont tb Halted fUaui aod Crtal Brluia. Wt vltt boBor do order that doe. not contain tha Oold Badft Coupon, and vt vlU Ml boa tb coupon after ninety davt from too itu of lull papal1, (Sti&ed) I RAX ELL JX1TILRT CO. GOLD BADGE COUPON Oa rwelrt f thti emirn, tosetber wills 90 coti to fltiVer' ali HiarfM, H eluding eireiiKO or walling, packing lotluf, a barabr aaroo to tmjU to to addrtu ft MUd gall CociMy er Loco 2da tin TPt irtrranl tfto atxtrt Htdtt tt bft worlh $6, at tn"h goji tr4 trnaTl totii All cbarget ara w bo repaid lj iba W tenu aeot aaj tba Solid Gold lUelet or Lodge DadtTO Tin will to dullrtrod at deatlaatlon, free faaj' oibtr okarfo. aigMdl Jii CboataBt Ik, rbUadtvlpbU, ft Tb natnea of tb Orders that each Gold Radio reprexnta aro a Mlowot Vm. 1, IS, St, Good Tern plant Noa, 2, 6, W, IK, A, W, yawaU Keo.1,1, Bou of Tempos anooi So, i. Ratable of ritblaaf ho. T, ttoaaer Anerkai Voi. 1. 19, 14, IS, 30, 33, S7, SO, Odd-FeIlti Noi. II, 13, XI, M, Amrrlran Mocbailoa) "He, M, MKn No. IT, W, Uaaonlo and Odd-Vellowa eomllaed; . l, Loeomottro Bf tan No. S3, Temple ot Uottor. Tbe tuUovlDg iold Lodgo flnt aro sot U tho turrooa4 lag t ograTlogl for want of apace t o. SI, Crangen ( Ho. II, Odd-Tallowi' biiis nantt No, S3. Kalgbu eT Pjtblai and Odd-'ellw eomblDed) He. Si, Drmldt.Ko S3, Kn'hlTempUrt No. 3, Grand irm ef llio aVcpobllot Ho. ST, Tmperatjoti Kadgt (aochnr, erott, and feeart coublooil) i So. 38, Teniplo of Boaer tad Odd-raU Iowa combined No. Si, Ked Uca and Odd Tallowe aoaubLaadl Pi. KmaM Slipper, wiUi Coupaaa and Square, I IvI PO 32,T-A1TT NOTICE. Bjr the tmni tit thie enntraet, tble liberal amaremtot feelda goM tor ml root tilt from tbe date of UU paper J therefore U It to the LaUreil of all who aro ooif tied to III bencflu to ieo tbat tber aro not debarred bj teaeos of tbo oxpiraoloa of Iht Umo apeolDod All lettera orderlog Badges abould bo glroolol at tb JRANKLIN JEWELRY CO., 704 first! at St., ffclU., r. ilindonJ" lUuitratrd eatalogae tent free, Ij nail, ea applleaiiow " Ccprighlod b ibo Vauiui siiwttar Co., ml. '3 ACKETO'WLBBG'BD FACT, OTiat oJo TC. IusbAuiiI A Sow are oUrering1 greater induce- msent t else Cash' Buyers in Fall aiad Winter BRY OBS, than ever before is admitted hy larsre Crowds- of customers who visitthesttoe daily to make purchesesa V ' Octobers. Tlie Coolbaugh Suicide. From onr Speolal Correspondent. Chicago, Nov. 17. 1877. It is not often that a caso of suicida a plain, unquestioned case, with not a shadow of a possibility of its being a muruer causes tuo excitement cre ated by the self-murder of Mr. William Coolbaugh, tho banker. lie had been so troinineut in nuance anil pontics, no nau cen nt tho head of so creat an institution, nnd the announcement of his death came so unexiiectcdly that it created an intense ex citement. The place where he did tho deed too was apparently selected with an eye to dramatic effect. He shot himself on tho baseof the Dpuglas monument an unfinish ed structure which stands in a littlo park in tho southern part of tho city. What strange attraction drew him there, and why ho should havo blown out his brains thero rath er than in one of a hundred other equally lonely spots, it is hard to conjecture. It is most likely that it had struck his fancy in Ilia ramblincs, and that tho very solemnity nnd quiet attaching to the littlo enclosure were what chietly drew him thither. That ho was insane when he killed himself is un questioned. As to what disturbed tho bal ance of his powerful mind, thero aro many conjectures, each of which has doubtless some truth in it. Ho was beginning to feel mat ins mum anu ixxiy were giving away, Dress Suits, Youths' Suits, Business-Suits, Boys' Suits. Made up from tbe Best Material. In the Latest styles, ana reuess ,f w ATjan TriRVHiNnons RLATJQIITKIt IN THE PRICES OT Boots, Shoes, Gaitors, Hats, Caps, and Gents' Furnishing Goods. ry Call ana examine Goods ana Prices before mslrlnr your rnrehaaes elaswhere. T. D. OLAUSB, Merchant Taifory 2nd door above the Tiibllc Square, BANK STREET, Emsftv WAE I HIGH PRICES ! DIXCrHIIAIf AMEBj Successor to D. Bock & Co., At the 6i Mammoth Store59 Opposite tho L. & S Depot, BANK Street, iliiitunuv. I -ft . - -. . lie had intimations of paralysis, and ho was Rosnectf ullv announces to his customers and. tncnu3 ttiac liorrincU at tuo idea ot a lame anil impotent 1 , . . j i Lny. f old age. horrified at tho idea of a lame and impotent I , " . . jTi- j. l iJ. f He felt his prestige slipping from 110 IS UaUV receiving auuiHOIIS lu uia atut;. ut Him. tto was no longer me lorcinosi titituui THli'W n-nH I I K. Y l-rt II II IN. l Hie 11- , GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, QUEENSWARE, &g., &c, 4c Also, just received a car load of LIVERPOOIi 8AMV which 1 am soiling at uottom rncos. Our Philadelphia Letter. rniUCELTOU, ov. IS, 1877. rm not your trait in savincs' banss,nnles yon kuow the managers. moat partlcolar one Has Jim come to rrl'f In this city. Two patties statteil a Savings Institution aoout a week ago in tho lower psit of the city, and distributed through the dls'rlct very neatly prmUal circa larai sUttlnKeff wlUi the olu proverb. "When thepnrae Is fu.l Irlenda aro plenty, but when the pnrsels empty onr friends depart," the members of Uie firm In this circular bold ont to tho pnbilo great Inducements for tbo pnrpoau ot obtaining deposits. M r, John C. Walsh, a plum ber, unfortunately for htm happened to get poaea"lou of one of these documents, aedtbe following patagraph struck hiui as being rather liberal on the part of the ' baokera t" "We open current accounts with all respectable trades people and private parties without aoy Umlt as to amount, so ibt the party with tio can have a uanldnr account aa wellashia licli neighbor wltli I iii.OuO. We aupply oar patrons with check books, and (a IhlDg which no other banking uoue In America ! wi ling to do, thoagh tbev can well aff-ird it if they chose). We allow oar frlenda an Interest ac the late of 10 per cent, per annum, payab le monthly at our rstaMlshment, oa the lowcat current balanca thay. have with ns from month toihonth." This induced Mr. Walsh to deuosito KS with the defendant ou last WednrMlirjJbnt wlta th onAerstaodleg banker the one whose opinion on nancial matters was law. He had had hones of political preferment, and ho saw himself obliced to renounce them. Brood ing over his fears of physical and mental decrepitude, he was plunged into tits of mel ancholy, during which bo lost all hojio. Ho was nisu tornienteu uy lamny trouuies. I r. a w m Tvravr o li There was abundant discord between tho SALT X IblL bpeCialtV. i.!MM,. 1... ii. Rmi ;r. nA n,Ai. I mother. Tlie latter two llslike.l the West R2g IF VOU reaUV UeSirO tO KnOW UOW large an auiUUUb and Western people, nnd for that reasoned , , J J , e n ti. j "r, . because she was suffering from neuralgia, of Goods you can get for a small sum ot Heady Jttoney, Zru;?nn!,XurcTiobwi.,,rn.f you should not fail to give me a call before making your . . . i " iy sociamo man, tms gaiioan.m. uc- pUrchaSCS elsewhere, sides this, ho had a brother who was sent- 1 enced .to tho renltentiary for mail robbery. and is sun in tne Arkansas btnte rrison. That brothers wife came hero and opened and still runs, one of the most notorious houses of prostitution in tbe city. This was UUl JIVaOtt4 1UI ,11111, Ul.U ,1, 111 WUJlllllblVll with the other troubles, made him occasion ally drink more titan wasgood for him. The dav beforo he killed himself lie wrote a let ter to his wife, which was received by her enon after the announcement came of his death. She did not make it public i it was not asked for at the inquest, and hence his Don't forget the Mammoth Store, opp. L.&S.Det3ot, May 0, 1870-yl LEIUQuTOy. rBWM'A. Wcissport Planing Mill & Lumber Co., Tle.TMtrolly announce to rarpentera. BnlMers. Contractors and .otherik ,$'tsVyr,Sr,,,i.1S their NEW MILLS, tat-y are now supply them, .at VtBY LOWJC8T rlU, mm every de-crlptiou of fctatementans to tho causes which caused him Sucn as SidiniT. Floor Boards, DoOrS, bash, lilinaS, DnUt to kill himself will probably never be made - ,-f? -r lirii- . -tTr im f, public. Ho was insured for $i2s,ooo, of tors, Moldings, Brackets, (jabinet Ware, bo., fire., On the Hbortest Nonce, Our Macnioeryia aiiJewanuoj "'- Vt'VWiih iVVM.i. h ive no iTeinailon In Uuarantelng reffect to all who may layer na with MsrtM (I von hive not time to call and select what you want.nd your order, and they will ee aula nTiraotly. anil at as low prices as though von were present. , Give us a Trial, and you will be convinced ot what we eay. SOXajMON TEAKaXj, tqfc D. B. ALBRIGHT, me -WM. B1ERY. JOnN BSERTi Offlce'and Mill, nearly oppoilte tb ?ort Allen Hotu, WX1SSPORT, CarV Cunty, Pnn.: . v Jne 10,ir-jl which $50,000 was in the Equitable, of New York, and tlie rest In tho Charter Oak and North-western and New York Mutual. Half of his $50,000 was taken out many years ago, and had a clause that it should bo good even in caso of suicide, provided, he did not kill himself within two years, That then is good, but the rest will doubtless be contested, lie was a man of wealth : his fortune, much of which was in bank stocks, xmcaiBTuig-M n ferry a jimioi),