111 INDEPENDENT" Live and Lot Live." $1.00 a Year if Paid in Advance. H. V. Moethimee, Proprietor. IiEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PEKN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24. 1877. Subscribers out of Couuty, $1.20 VOL. V.iKo) 52. Railroad Guide. OHTIX PJSNN A. RAILROAD . Paaaengera for Phlladelnhla will leavo Lehtgh- len as follow! i :i7a. m., via. Xi. V. arrive at TOlla. at MS a, ra. ?:C a, m. via U V. " HioSa. ra. 11:07 p. m. via U V. " " 2-10 p.m. iiJOp. m. via L. A s. " s:0p. m. :2 p. m. via L. V. " " ViSOpim. . Returning, leave depot at Berks ana Amerl an St., Phlla., at l:l and : a. m.l S:18. p. m. Jan. i. in7. ui.A.tim akchu jpiIIkA. IIKADINU RAILROAD. Arrangement of Passenger Trains. KnRWnpn RTit isrr. Trains leave ALLENTOWN ai follows t- ,(VU fEBKIOMEX MUKCII.) I"or Philadelphia, at e.50, 11,03, a-m., X15 and .l J p. m. SUNDAYS. Far Philadelphia at J.2J 0. m. (vu BAsr prmnx. nitiitcn.) JTor Reading, 1 2.W, S.W, s.os a m 12.19, 5.10, 4.30 and 9 08 p.m. Vot narrlsourg, 113 8.W, .0S a. in., 12.19. 4.29 .0' p. m. . lor Lancaster and Columbia, I to, .05 a.m and . 4 SO p.m. Does not ran on Mondays. SUNDAYS. J or Reading. IM am. and a os p m. or Usrrlsbnrg, z, a. m. and 11 05 o. in. Trains FOR ALLENTOWN leave aa follows: w (VIA. PKBKIOMKN DniKCH.) leave Philadelphia, 7.20 a. Hi., 1.00, "1.30 and 6.15 p.m. SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 8.00 a. m. (VU HAST rEHNA. nniNcn.) Leava Reading, 7.40, 7.45, 10.S5 a m., 4.09, 8.10 and . I.J0 pa Leave Harilsburir, 5.00. 7.19 a. m., and 1,49, 2.30 . P. m. Leave Lancaster, 7.20 a. m., and 3.29 p. m, Lsare Columbia, 7.20 a. m.. and 1.19 p. m. SUNDAYS. Leave Heading. 7.3) a.m. Leave Harriandrg, 9.2) a-m. Traiaa Walked thai () ran to and from depot tn and Green atreets, Philadelphia, other trains to and trom llroad street depot, Tno 0.50 a m and 9.55 p. m. trains from Allen own, and the 7.J0 a.m. and 6.15 p.m. trains ttom Philadelphia, have through cars to and tram Philadelphia. J. K. WOOTTKN. General Manager. CO. HANCOCK, Jn'l Ticket AatnU HENRY A. PETER, .Successor to C. W. Lkntz), Sank Street, Lehignton, Fenn'a, Offers to the' public a rail line of Pure Drugs and Chemicals, PATENT MEDICINES, Horse and Cattle Medicines A Complete A assortment of Wall Papers. JPrra the Cheapest Brown to the finest OUU IPancy Toilet Articles, SPORES, CttAUOISfi.SKINS, PtAlK-& FaSCI' SfATIONfcRT, Ad a variety of IlOTJSEllOI.n ARTICLES loo numerous too mention, all ot which bo Is offering at TEET REASONABLE PRICES PURR WINES and LIQUORS for Medicinal Ml Sacramental purposes. rHV8I0fANS' PRESCRIPTIONS carefully had aconmtely compounded by MYSELF, at all hours of Clio day and night. rational Invited. H. A. PETER, Lenccel'a Block. March :i, 1877. 100,000 READERS Aim CALLING FOR The ORIGIN and HISTORY OF TJIE RUSSIAN atSkd TURK, At the ORE AT CONTEST now WAG INQ UEUVKKM TUKU. Oar RUKSO-TURKISH WAR BOOK Is tbe tnost liellnfsle. Accurate and comprehensive: and villi It 300 h Lfc.GA.ST ENORAVINO. WAP.-) anil PLANS, tbe moat snowy, desiiable and useful book now pubKshrd. 600 Active Agents Wanted ! These dealilng TrUry on Uila work ahonld avail thnsnaolvea of an early application. Also, 1000 AGENTS WANTED on our GranD CombinatioN Prospectus, BxrnEaEiiTLva 150 Distinct Publications Of nntversal Interent, Including Agriculture, Biographical. Historical, Ueilgioua and Mlacel. laneota Works. Haara made from thla Prospec tus when all Sllnxle Books fall. Also on our nearly 100 styiea of PREMIUM. FAMILY BIBLES, KNQLTsn and GERMAN, PROTESTANT and CATHOLIC Awarded Superiority over all others, for their Invaluable Aids and Hurerb iJSWoNt.b?n.!KAI'D ntennial Particular, free. Addreaa JOHN, POTTER & CO, Publishers, Bsat.l. 177 PniLADELPUIA E, II. 8SYBE11, PULES IN Lad ies' Fancy Drss Goods Dry Goods, Groceries, Sic. Bank Street, Lehiohton, Pa. Prices aa law aa elsewhsre, and cowls war' kaoUd aa rapreaented. July 21, ISTT-Im Profltaljlo zlS&VlWr X every town and cilv, Employmont.ll: INO CUURCn."The Premium Hteel Kngrav. Ide. 2 feet x 2 leet t Inches, " Tbe Fludiogol the Bavlour la tbe Temple," Is prraenied 10 each euDscnber, roronly 11.25 per year. Tblspicluie ll nnlvaraallv ailmirAH mnA .linnM Ivn In Hiirv Iiouaebold. Kxtra large cash rommUslnos paid 10 acu. n rue lor tenna ana Agent s outst. Working; Church Pub. Co., SeptHm! 7 A I WAEgkii St . New York. Piano and Organ Taught. Miss LYDIA P. FINCUKR, ot Katt Mauch Chunk, will give LKiHONH 10 PUPILS on the PIANO or OHOAN. at their Residences In LKUIOUiON- or WEISSfORT.TtTO liava In wh Week. For further parUouUirs, enquire at CARDS. Furniture Wareliouae. V, Schwarti.llsnk street, dealerin all kindi Furniture. Cafllntmadelo order. Boot and Shoe tinkers. Clinton 11 retney, in Lemn'i building. Dank street. Allerdtrtpromptly filled work warranted. Attorneys. P. LONGSTREET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Neil door to the "Carbon House.' BANK STREET. LEniOIITON. PA. December 16-Om. yjy M. UArsilEll, ATTORN E3T AND C0UNSBU.0R AT LAW, Bank Street, brniotiTON, Pa. RealKstate and Collection Attency. WIMRuyand Sell RfalKstate. Conveyancing neatly done Co. lections promptly made. Settling Kstates of Di cedents a specialty. May be consulted In Knlish ndUerman. Net. 22. JAS. II. STHUTIIEIIS, ATTORN 3Y AT LAW, Offlce : 2d floor of nhoad's.Ilatl, IlnuoU Chunk, Pa, All business entrusted to him will lie promptly attended to. May 27, ly. QANIISL 1CALI1PUS, ATTORNEY AND COONSELLOR AT LAW, Mauch Chunk, Pa. CS-OfHce. above Dolon's Jewelry SloreiRrosdway jno.dTmeiitoi.btte, attorneys and counsellors at law, Ornci Corner of Susquehanna and Rroadway. MADCll CHUNK, I-EXSi. Can lie consulted In Oemnn. Julv24 18T p jr. MEEIIAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Next Door to First National Rank, JUTICII CHUNK, PA. A9Can be consulted In German. Tjsn9. Justices and Insurance. JJ A. IIBLTZ, JUSTICE OF TIIH TEACE, Obert's Building. IIANK-St.. LriiioiiTOK. Conveyancing, Colloctlns and ell other bus), ness connected with tho ofllce promptly attend, ed to. AIM), Agent for IhuPuichasonndStilo of Real Estate. April l'-yl rjlIIOMAS S. UECIC, JUSTICE OF Till'. PEACH. RANK Street, I.KlIinilTON, Ta. ConveyaDrlng, Collecting and all business con ceded with the ofllce promptly attended to. ftS-Acent lor flrst-cliM Iusurauce Companies, tnd Risks of all kinds taken on the most lltoral term- jsn,9.1S7.V rpiroMAS Eicnir.Rr.R, X CONVEYANCER, AND 0F.NERAL INSURANCE AGENT The following Companies are Represented: LEMAN JN MUTUAL FIRE, JtEAIIlNO MUTUAL FIRE, WYOMING FIltE, POTTMVILLK FIRE, I.UIIIGIl FIllE.nnrtthoTRAV ELER'j ACCIDENT INSURANCE, Alao rcnnsvlvanli and Mutunl Horse Thief Detecllve and Iniurance ('umpauv. Marcn29.1873. THUS. KEMERER. Pliysicians and Dentists. y" A. OEHIIAMEIl, M.D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Sperlal attentlou paid to Chronic Diseases. Office: South East corner Iron am 2nd sts Lc. hlehtonl'a April 3, 187.1. TJU. N. II. UEIIEK, PRACTICINO rilYSlCIAN AND SUROKON, Offlce, IUni Street, next door alTe tbe Postnfflce, LebUhton, I'a. Office Hours I'arryvllle each day rom loto 12 o'clock; remainder or day atofflrelo Lehtghton Nov 23. '72 yyr u. hi mni'Lu, TIIYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Next to E. II, Snyder's s:ore, Hank ST., LEHinilTO.V. PENN'A N.H. Special attention givcu to tho Cure of Salt Itbeuni. Ac. Jan. ia-y J FRANKLIN LUSH, PHYSICIAN AND bUHOEON, Late lieiident riiytician of lUrrMurg Itmpital). UtTOE i Next door to tho Union Church, WEISSPORT, PA. CEP Ppeclol attention elren to tho Diseases ot Women. Consultation In English und Herman. Aug. 18, l;7-em' jyi. EUWAIll) uuownT HUROEON DENHST. Of the Pennsylvania Dental College. Phlhdol. phla, baa opened an ofllce In LEUIUIITON, on 1IUO AD STREET, next door to Suyder'a .tore. All work warranted aitlsfactory. LAUQUINO OAS used for the painless ex. traction of Teeth. Aug. II, 1677-yl Hotels and Saloons. Q A hiion IIUUSU, Corner of BANK AND NORTH STREETS, LKIIIOHTON. PA. CONRAD bElPLE, . . . rnOFKIETOB. Excellent Arciramodatlons for Permanent and Transient Uo.ruers. Coiumodlous stabling attached Terms moderate. oct!3v 3ST ATIIAN HRIDI, A Hi. mrnow . . , n,,i....i EetHblunmeut, keeps the Cetebiated Philadelphia Lager Beer Constantly on Tan - lie alto keens a full enpnlv of Pure HERMAV WI.SE., choice CIUAKS, prime FretJi OYbTEIIS, and other Eatable.. The patiouag-e of the public is very respect fully invited. ... , NATHAN KRUM. Don't forget I be place : N exi door above T. D, Clau8 UANKSUej, LahtaOtou. OclK New Advertisements. AJSSIGNEE'S SAIsB Of Yaluablo Real Estate By virtae of an Order Issued out ot ttie Conrt vi uoiiiinoii i ieaaoi uruou uouuiv, iuc uuuci Bicmotl will sell at Pabllo Sale, on Friday, November 30, 1877, at 2 o'clock P. M., npon the premises in Frank im Towunlilp. Carbon County, l'a., the follow tag Uoul Ketnte to wit t No. 1. All that certain Mescuaeo. Tenement and piece nt ground, 1tntoin Frank lm town. fJilp atoiewiid, bounded and dewilucd aifol. lows, towltl UeffinumfT at netonelua publics road lending from m. rani's Church to Pino HwHmpt thence partly bv lnnd of Franklin Bolt and partly bv land of Charles Prelbacu. noith8l decrees, tast 41 perches to a Btono, nnd thence by the latter north Udeirre'-B, e,itt60 perches to a Btone, and north 82 decree, cast 3i tfichelou posti thence by Uml ot Joseph ilai tuinn; nonti ;u deureen, west 4 perches to a IKsti thence by land ot Augustus Boehler. uth depreea. wot 16 porches to a pnstj thence bv tun game and partly by land of Cor. ncliusbnvder south 81 deTee,y3,i petches to nstoDO. thence by land ot Paul Bick, south 18 degree-, west 40 petches tostonoi taence by land late ot Daniel holt, north 83 dcjrrees, east SUH perches to h stone, and Boutti 2U, decrees, east W perches to the place of ben nnuig. cod taintnff 41 acres una 79 perches, moro or less. Ihttimprovemeuts thereon cousistdl a FRAM1C DWELLING UOtlSE, ?2byS6eet. two stories blah, with rorchat t ached, Frame Darn 35 by 4a leet, and other out buildings, a well of good water, a cood orchard, Lnnd in a hlph fitato ot cultivation, tio. '2. All that rcttmn messuatro, tenement and piece of lnnd Mtunte In the township a lore s-urt, bounded and dended as follows to wit t Besmiiinpnta htone, thencu by land of Peter Laux. north 8 degrees, east 61.7 perches and south USi degrees. t)Ht 12 prches. aud north b3?4 degrees, i-ast 44 perches, thence bv land at Auion Kchnell, south 11H degrees, east 117 perches i thence bvlaud late J bo?rus, foulb Ti deutees, 2i.5 perches, aim south tGH degrees, west 32 twrciies j thence by lind of jos. Dor wart, south C7H ilegrees. west 76 perches t thence bv land of Aaion Bchneil, north 7H do greei, went ioz tuit petches; thence Dy land of Jacob Zeiircniuss, north h degrees, we it iu 510 perches to place of ibejintiliig, containing 106 acre. lOOpeiehcs, nioreorlea. Iso. 3. Ait that certain inessaago, tenement and piece of land utuato In said Township, bounded and descnbed as follows, to wit t Do ginning at a comer, theuce by land cf Peter Lnux, north 83' (iigreet, o-ist 116310 perches; thence by laud of Daniel Walk, south 84 de gieos, west l (.8 perches, and south 49degi.ee. west 83 perches i thence partly by land of J. Heems and partly by Und of Aaron bchucll. nun b 1 1 h t west 15i 7 10 percaea to tho place of beginning, containing T2 OJ-itOth- acres more or less. Being tho Ueai Jv'nto o( Daniel benMu ger and wiie, of fo:iX ir ntflln Township. Cur. tonCuiin(y. and to he sold by the Assignee for tho bo.ii'flt of credltortt. Tho Teims nnd Conditions will be made kuown on Uk aay ol sale, aud di e attendance g ven bv JOIIL rVKl'y, Assignee. 1. J. MEHMAN, Attorney. Nov. 3 187 3w JXECUTOKS SALE Of Valnalilo Real Estate. The nmlcrslRneil, Executors of DANIEL llEUEl'.LINO, oec'd, will offer at Public l?alc, at the UOI'EL ot TIIO.tlAH MAN TZ, 111 til. UOItnuUll OF LEUIOIl'TON.l;i uu. ty, Pcnna.. ou Friday, November 30, 1877, commencing at TWO o'clock P. M the follow-mi-v luauie lteti Kbiatosuuited m the Boio of LehigJuon and tbe .Muhoulna Valier, ouout tuur miles fi n Miuchciituik tho county mt to wit i All th'it ceitaiu ttact or piece of LAND situated lu .Mahoning 'lovvnshiji. County and tit a to a foresaid, bounded ami uuscnucu pbioi. lonBt lit'giunliig at a tdoue, thence by laud of Jhuinas Weiss, dc'd. eoiith 17 degrees, eant It lurches to n i!one t thence by laud of Cieo. Kt merer, north 77H dojrieej, east 3i neichea 10 u stone; tht'ucu by thg same toulh 33ltj decrees entt to und 7-iOt H pet ears to u white o ik tiee; i hence not th 83H dtjgi oe. east nine peroli b to n stoue, thence south decrees, east 17 te 3 ilth peirhea to u stoue i thmice bylaidot i.eonurd Uontk ana oihe s, north 70 decrees, eat tta penhei to a stone, thence by Und ot Jonm lioutinn, no'ti) 'ih beiiiees, west 0-1 perches to a Btoue ; thencobv land ot Paul Miher. nor.h cltiht nenrees, west 5 perches to u tone In a public mad 1 iheuce in said roud ny land lute ot John fctrawbndiie, south 7-JH degrees, west 23 perches to the place ui bemnnlug. coiualulug lG ACUKS, be tho enme wlthtu ald buuds more or less, AImi, all that cettam bpnne or Well and Water Ktcbt, conveyed to Daniel ICosiinan by fcclc.mou iiov- r, by deed lecoided lu M. Chunk, lu Booii of Mlsccllnniei No. page 3o, etc., tor tho water now used on sudfaim and piemises. The Improveuiciits thereon am a 'lwu-tnry Itiick Dwflunc'iS by 32 feet, with a stoiy Brick Kitchen utiached 18 bv'Jl feet, und with a I, stoiy f i nine Kitchen A ai utt.trhed, It bv it leet; olu a hv. ins llarn, fiuinu with tstono base uitMit. a'l by uo feet t a fjanio jfav J louse, a by 2-fLit, airume Wagnu iloue, 7H by4u lectt u f 1HU10 1 urn cnii.O by id ftetj ufmineJlog Pen 19 bv U4 f i-et j a IS story titone Dwelling JIouso. 17 bv Si feet, with frame Khcheu at tached, to by 12 leet. Tbe said remises are uudero hue statu ol cuitlvutluu. and buvounon thvui an escelitnt Oi chard ot Apple and other Flint iree.s -ALSO All that certain .Northern part of a LOT OF GiiOU.Nl). t-lluutodlii tie iioruuirhof Lehtuh ton. Conniy und Htato oforesulo, und iiunihtrcd ou the Plan or Pint ot said llorougli No 10 . ud Joint ui: lAit No. wi; ana known us the Uaulcl Jlcberniig Homestead," contaluluir In f ion ton liaiitt rtrtt 35 leet, and extending or tUt width between parallel lines to cheny Abey ib9 loct and y Inches. The improvements thereon are a 2H siory Ilncit Dwelling House, by ii fett, with two ftoty Brick Knelieu ultachea, la by lii Uut and a euuuuei Kilclu-n, 12 by IS feci ALSO. Alt that certain Lot or Piece of LAND situate ou the enmeily sme of Pino street, In said i.oio' vl L"h ihtou. and uumnered ou tho plan or plot, tbeieot so. 14 Jroutlug on said Pine ttieot 61 leet. and conuuului eastor.y ol that width be t veen paialiei line' and ai right ung.es with said Pinemreet leu feet finches toMlnon abey, boundcl weitnaritiv b Pluo street, northnaid Iv bv lot No 11, eutstwardiv by Miaou uiley, iino southwardly by 1 it No. 13. Ihcluifroteiueui thereon ualK story frame Dwelling House. 2 ! bv 16 feet ALSO.- Allthit certain lot or piece ot LAND situate on the eatwanlly sblo ot rii.e titet. in bald Boiougbuf Lihiuhtou, ami nuuibeiett in the plan nrpiot tncreoi No lfronilugon BildPlne sueet wit., aud contnuing toatwuidli ot that width Leweea paialiei lmiaaudai rivht angles wtthitJid Pine street ltwtt. 9 inches luMutou ulltv, oouuded weittwartlly by pine et, north wuid.y hylotNo 16 eiflrdly by said Allium alley uud southwardly uy lot .No, 14. lue lmproemeut theuxju li att itory frame Dwelling House Zl by 16 feet. Coi.nit.ouB will bemadn known at time and placed wale, by TiiOS. J. HKBhllLINO, JAH, W. UKUfclKt.INO. Kxecntors of Daniel UeberliDg. dee'd. October 27, i6-w4 dmlnliitralor'ii Notice. Notice Is hereby given, that Letters of Ad mluMiot.on upon the Kfctateof i athailne Bell inger, late ot 1 lowumeuMlng Twp .Carbon Co , Ph .due'd, have beeugrauiedgo tbe uoccrBiirned. All persons knowing taeinneives to oe indebfd to Bant estate will lawk immrdUte payment, aod those bavl g claims wul present theiu duly authentieatetl for aettlemoutt 10 ANDltKW ItOKrtll. Adulhlstrator. IIaiardTllle. not. 10, l6(Tw4 GIVEN AWAY KSol! 8TKEL EXUitAVINO, entitled The Finding of the Bavlnur In (be Temple" with the WORKING CHURCH, 21 p-fo Religious Family Newspaper, devoted to Household, the Sunday School, Muslo and reuerat Church Work. Ou 3 inouihs' trlsi for 2&c Agents Wanted. Address. J.u. BREWER, noviaim 7 9 Warren et , N. Y. New Advertisements. Store Stand & Dwelling AT TUDLIC SALE. ,1110 undersigned will offor at rnh'lo Hale, on the premises, on SECOND STREET, 2nd door irora tho Corner of Iron street, In the Borough of LUilIoll'l ON, Carbon Couuty, Pa., on Saturday, January 5, 1878, commenolnir at TWO o'clock P. M., all that cer tain LOT OF (1KOUND. aitnated n aoove. fronting on said SECOND street esrect, nnd continuing of that width, between paialiei lines, lsOH feel to an Alley, upon which is ercc ted a larAe and commodious 'throe story frame Store and Dwelling House, !7 feet front bv ta feet flncp. ivlth French Roof covered with Tin nnd Slato.nnd all necessary UutDnlldiniri. ihebtoro roomlaadaptedtoihe DiyOoods Grocery or in lnct almost any other kind of mercantile business being very central, vl located ou one of ihe best business atreeta In tho town. The terms and conditions will be made known atllmoandp'ace of sale bv 11ENJ F. KLEPPINQERi Nov. 10, 18i.t.s. Summit Hill, Pa. At Private Sale. rnitE UNDERSIGNED oflera at Private I fcBlo a Valuable Fanning Mroportr, mil. ated to REAVER ltoVVAUsV, Jta. honing To wnshlp.Caroon Coi. tv. Pa , 2lj miles lrom ilnnch Chunk, and 3 miles from Lehigh, ton, Containing 18 Acres, annnt 0 art es ot wnich are cleared and under u high state of cnitlva. ilonl the balance being Timber Land. The Im provements thereon are o 2 story Frame Dwoil. ing House I0XJ4 feet, with Kitchen utUchod. one Stabio. nnd other necessary Uiitbuildlnirs: also, nu Orchard containing about loo Caolco 1 rult Trees comprising A pple, rear. Peach and Cherry Trees of vnrious kinds Ibis propeity, being situated near Manch Chunk nnd Lehlgl.ton, would makeltadeelia. ble place for anyone wlshlngio vnguco iuiho iralt business, the deninna for tmck In the above places being a,wnvsrood nnd reaililng best of prices. Reaver Run Creek flows thiough the property. . T.19v P.f'rsn wlahlnR to Invest in Real Es tate tul offers nn oppmtnnltv seldom to bo met with For further pnrtlculirs naply at this ofllce, or to the owner on Hie premises. . ,, ,. , HENRY TUCKER. Sept 1, 1877 2m os. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. Notico Is hereby given, that tho undersigned Auditor, apuomted by tho urphnns' Court of Inrbon County, to dlstillmte tue runds in the hands of Wm. II. Fen:.er. admlnltrator of Jos'phFenner, oeceuscd, will lioid u meeting tor tho purpose of h:a nopointmeni, on Tuestln-, the 37lh day of November next, at 1 o'clock P. JI nt his office m tho Roroughof Mauoli Chunk when and where nil parties intorestinlaieicqnlrcdtopiescbt their viaius, or be foiever Imiied. JAMES s. LOOSE, Auditor. Nov. 3, 1S77.-4W jSq-OTICE IS DIVORCE. Mary Wf llllamn, by her No. 7, Juno Term, 1877. uextlriniiil Morgan I l'r.co, J our lilbcl lor Divorce, ra. Evan Williams. I SIR Von will please tike notico thnt tho nr.doniiencd 1ms been appointed Commissioner, by the Com t of Co on Pleas of 0 .rbOii conn. ty. to take testimony in Mir above Libel Cise for Divurco. and will attend to said duties at his OIHco lu Manrh Cnnnk on TUESDAY. thaV7th day of NOVEM11KR, it-77, nt NINE o'clock A. M when tinitwlieie you and all other per sons Interested muv attend, PH'l KR J. MEEIIAN. ........ . Commissioner. flanch Chunk. Nov. 3, I877 wl, Teachers' Institute. The Fourteenth Annual session of the CAR. Rll.N COUNTY TEACHERS' INS'TITUTK will bo liold 111 the COURT HOE, MAUCH CHU K, commencing on Mnndftv. November 2Glli. 1S77. nt T O o'clock P. M , and continue dutln7 the week. Evciv Teaclir In tho comity is mm. estlv tr queried to be piweut nod pn uclpate in the wor. Diieciors and all oihtrs 1niereited In tho Canso ol Po-iular Education are cordial. , . . R. F. IIOFFORD, C. 8. Lchlghton, Nov. 10. 1877 W3 JAUKiai MOWiV ! The nnflcrale-ned has octermlfled to dispose of hia e nttre atock of LADIES' DREss and DRY GOODS at a GREAT REDUCTION In PRICE FOR CASH ONLY! and therefore calls the attention of his friends and tho public In gcncial tu the following LOW PRICES : Calicoes, at 0, 0 and 7 cents per yard. DeLaines, remnants, at a Great sacrifice Muslins, at from 4 to 14 cents per yard Dlack Alpacas 18 lo 73 cents per yard Glnclinuis, at f lom C to 13 cts. per yard Flanni'ls, white Acol'il, 10 to 40c. p. yd Canton Flannels, 7 to 15 cents per yard Heavy Striped Shirting, 7 to 10c. p. yd Boys' Suitings, from 2H to tl pr. yard CAItPETS, at from 15 ti COo. pr. yard 4 pair Ladies' White lloso for 25 cents 4 pair Men's Half Hose for 25 cents Children's Fancy Hose, at from 0 cents r pair upwards, nnd all other Goods marked down from 20 to 25 per cent. from" old prices. If you want R no A IN, now is the time and the 11EIC II1VM tne place to secure l hem. as tbe present btocic must ue CLOHKI) OUT .oou In oiU'r to inako room for NEW GOODS. AL'O, constantly on baud a full line ot Choice Groceries, Provisions, Queensware, &c., At very LOWEST PRICES for CASH ONLY. Thankful for pat favors, ho most lupecifully asksaoonitnuameot the aatue. DA.VICL, GRAVCK, Agt. Next to Flr.t National Dank, BANK STREET, LLIIIOIITON', PA. Oct.2 ',1877. 3,000' AGENTS WANTED. From O to (18 a Day Sure, Minis era, Jloog and l'lcture Agents, aud all cut of emolovment, of ilther aex. here Is too oesi cnauce offered this eeaon. A casn pres. em ol tro'ii t) to II will be given to every good working ug. llt Send H'Cruia lor small saiiple, orbei.er still tl for three 'lurge samples wilh circulars, terms, Ac . aodo to vork at ouco. RtV. s. T RUCK. Box US, MUtoo. Pa. Mention this paper, nov Uml Ouf Chicago Letter. Chicago, Nov. 12, 18T7. A Bolemn effort is ritv making lb Wood out tho Chicago bar, which is overrun with shysters, jock-lawyers nnd disreputables of an kinds, w Here a man is reguianv a mem ber of the bar, it Is hard to net the Judces to shut him out, for it isdiflicult to get proof of .l:-l , mi T.-... msiiuiii'sb i-uimuou jLiit'iu ure, uuwever, a numuer ol jicopio rho never wero admitted to nrnctice. nnd those, tho Bar Asiwintlnn and tho courts are engaged in making war upon, ino present otato law requires nil admissions to tho bar to bo by the Supremo Court, and its requirements are at present quite rigid. As n class, these bogus lawyers confine themselves to tho divorce business and the Criminal Court, chiefly tho latter. Their Bole object is to get all their clients have, nnd then Boll them out j to take a con veyance of the defendant's lands or chatties, in order that they may not fall into tho hands of the law, and then persist in hold ing on to tliem no matter whether tho ac cused arc convicted or acquitted, Not long ago a man got into some trouble was charg ed with receiving stolen goods. Ho called in the aid of a lawyer, who advised him to transfer his proiicrty to him. Ho did so "Now," said tho lawyer, "do you plead guil ty. I havo mado nn arrangement with tho State's Attorney and Judge that you are to bo let oil" with a month in jail." Ho plead ed guilty, and much to his amazement, got two years in State's Prison. " It is a mis take," said tho lawyer : "tho Judge forgot but that will be remedied before it is time to go down." Tho man lived in hoiio till tho dav when ho was routed out of (nil niul off to Joliet. Then the lawyer attempted to take possession ot ins goods and chatties, Tho wife objected, and threatened to raiso a riot. "Well," said tho lawyer," let Us talk it over. Your husband is gone for about two years, nnd you arc entitled to a divorce anyway. Suniwso wo live tocether." She accepted tho arrangement, apparently tho best thing she could do, aud they live in comfort, while tho husband is cutting stone, or making barrels. Another land sharper lias opened shop here, and is spreading his circulars far ana wide, throughout Eastern and Western towns and villages. Ho wants to secure numberless agents for the sale of farm lands in Christian county, 111., away off in the south-western part of the State. His oilers are liberal, 'iho agent is to keep nan want he receives. Ifhe sells $1,000 worth of land, ho may keep $500, llut it is necessary for him to nay a fee in advance, running from $3 up to $30, depending on the amount of land no minus ue can sen, it is needless to say that the sharper owns no land in Chris tian county, and that tho abstracts, deeds, 1 etc., which ho shows, are purely bogus and of no more valuo than if they related to ex tensive tracts in tho moon. All tho fees he gets arc so much clear profit j and if an agent should make a sale and remit, thnt is also clear gain. Tho lands arc so attractive ly deflcriboil, ami tho priocs put SO low, that some fanner, toiling on a rocky home stead, might easily bo induced to invest in a Christian county paradise, unless ho was forewarned. From a local jioint of Vicwjtho chief event of tho week was tho election, in which.how ever, there was littlo to interest an outsider. Only County officers wero voted for in Illi nois, and no general importance attached to tho contesti In this city tho Republican ticket was successful, owing in great jmrt to tho fact that its leading candidate was ex ceptionally good, and that the Democracy had nominated a couple of men who wero offensive to tho communitv. To tho sur prise of nearly all, tho Socialists polled over six thousand Votes, which indicates that tho strength of this disorganizing clement is quite respectable. They are extremists, w'ho disbelieve in the recognition of property rights, and want the State to step in and do a little equalizing between man and man leading up the jioor and leading down tho rich until they meet upon a common plane. The followers of this party aro drawn, with hardly an exception, from foreign nationali tiesPolish, Bohemian, nnd German. The only Americans aro leaders. Tho Green back ticket polled less than a thousand votes. Tho general public sentiment out here, on tho question of running in debt, was plainly shown bv the defeat of a proiio sition to issue Court Houso bonds, onu of an appropriation for the completion of the new State House. A warning for quick tempered young wo men. T).iv liefnm vpatenlav a weddinfr nnr- ty drew up at tho church door. Tho groom eiepiieu up to tno carnago to let oui me gorge ously caparisoned bride of the future. Her train was very long, and ho was doubt less nervous. For some reason he stcjijieil uion it, and sadly marred it of its fair pro portions. Kven at such an exciting moment with the altar in view, she could not forget her dress, and sho said, "How awkward you aro" said that, and looked something far more than serious. Ho made no reply, re serving it for another occasion. The proces sion moved on up the aisle, and funned in order duo before tho minister. Tho cere mony began, and moved on with great smoothness until it reached the point where lie was asked if he would tako her to bo his wedded wife. Then instead of making tho stereotyped formal answer, ho observed, "No, you are too awkward for me." Under cover of the consternation caused by this re mark, he lied from the church, took a car riage, and dqiarted for home, leaving tho young lady to meditate on the folly of trains and quick temers. Tho indictment which was found last summer in the United States Court, against 11. F. Allen, tho former owner of the Cook County National Bank, has been stricken from the docket Allen was indicted for perjury, etc., chiefly at the instance of the Charter Oak jieople, to invalidate his testi mony against them in a certain suit. Allen having "been thus indicted, turned on his enemies, and had Illennerhassett, of New York, a member of the old firm of Allen, Stephen! & Co., likewise indicted for jier jury. Since then the two jmrties have been looking over Ihe situation, have decided to cry quits, cither being glad to send the other to jail, but each being unwilling, tinder any circumstances, to go their himself. The West is just now filled with broken theatrical comjianies who have suffered shipwreck on the road, and tho trunks of whoso members aro held as security in a score of hotels. A communication minus in almost daily from some afflicted brother,nsk ing for a small remittance to bring him back to Chicago. One manager of a strolling troujie telegraph, dismally from Lincoln, Nebraska, tor the stoutest kind of a pair of boots, as he finds out it will be necessary for him to walk in. Regular performers and negro minstrels aro alike Uhforlunate, and tho lecture business seems to be about as bad. In placo of tho hundreds of men and women who aro careering around at this season, with much-thumbed manu script's in their carpet-bags, but a dozen can be found, and they arc not making any thing, with perhaps one or two exceptions. Tho last new hand who has showed up in this section is Habberton, tho author of "Helen's Babies," and a dismal failure he mado cf it. It was not that what ho read was so bad ( hod Jil nppeartl in print, it would Iks called amusing ; but neither man ner nor voice of the lecturer possessed any attractiveness, and tho auditors were in a state of drowsiness before ho wos half-way through. It is hard to understand why a man, who lias Written n successful book, should at once jump at the conclusion, that ho would also make a hit at a totally dillcr cnt business lecturing. During tho week tho Lake has been swept by two Violent North-casters, each of which has smashed numerous vessels, but iimnm. ly enough Without tho loss of a single life. The other day tho sandy shores north and south of tho city were covered with lumber and shingles, tho deck-loads of unlucky ships, while hero and there somo schooner lay high and dry. the tendency of the Chicago river to form a bar at its mouth is temporarily counteracted by tho contructlon of piers which stretch far out into the Lake, and which arc j-carly extended farther and farther. Ono result of thia is that it is much harder to malto the mouth of the harbor during a North wind, and a vessel trying tho experiment runs tho risk of going to liieces on the pier, or drifting far south, and landing oil tho beach. These seasons are tho harvest clays of tho poor who live any where near the shore, nnd who nrn nMn in accumulate fire wood chough to run them through a good part of the winter. These two atorins have put about thirty sailing crafts fiora du combat, nnd that too at a time when freights are good, and every vessel is pusiH-u iino fcervico xo scna grain .cast, and bring lumber hero from tho Michigon ports. A year ago an effort was made to open di rect trade between hero nnd Enirland. nnd somo loads of deals, grain, Ac, were sent over, but tho experiment did notprovo to te successful, and those who went into it were bankrupted. It was Teas b e. but the ves sels which could be used hod to bo of small siee to get through the Welland Canal, and could not comjwto with the ocean vessels sailing from Eastern ports. Cnic. I'ARAUIUPIHO. A AfontinnitA cltnrtl ll.. luutn .mnn,T In Lafayetto county. irnrrislmrn, lina nnn ntiv.:.:.H f kItah. 400 of her inhabitants. uii.ui.unaia 11U1U 1CDU11CU W enter into tho business of growing sugar beet, At an Allegheny (Pai) Variety theatre the admission foa is tan rntlfj. hi- tWli tdm,. of soap. Ill fl .lUfnnA nf fn,,r en,, nvM. n, . ........ . njuuu. vl. u tho main streets of Lancaster there are no less than thirty-four drinking saloons. A number of residents of Johnstown and adjacent country are about to emigrate to Kansas, where they will take Up land un- .w ,uu jLuim-airau laws. Work on tlm hronT.-wnfn nt AI1rtKlfn City, N, J., has been resumed. Stone aro being hauled in front of the lighthouse, and it is the rlosifrn nf tlm nflnia1a Tl.la !,,.. I, said, to build something that Will bo a per manent protection to tlio Upper end of tho By tho benucstof Wrinht A.Brinirhurst. of Montgomery county, Notristown has re ceived $05,113 33,Pottstown $25,093 51,and Ujmer Providenco $19,478 JO, Tho money will bo invested in dwelling houses to lie rented at low rates. The deceased bequeath ed only small amounts to his relatives, who unsuccessfully contested tho legality of the will. -It takes n bright-evcd Western Yankee. to do something very small. A workman iu Jailesville, Wis., has engraved on one side of a gold dollar tho Lord's Traycr, the Ten Commandments, the Golden Rule, a text from St. Paul, his own name and the date. A man with Etrong eyes can read every word without the aid of a magnifying lens. At Coonersbure.Lehlirh coUhtv.Vednes- day night, iwelvo tramps Were arrested by citizens of that town. They made stout re sistance, firing a number of pistol shots at tho citizens who invested the old house in which they had taken refuge, Lareo Quan tities of stolen goods were found in the house. Tho desperadoes wero lodged in tho jail at .uojiesuiwii, Owing to the disarrangement of the ropes bearing the cago used in transferring miners from tho bottom to the top of the Pottsville coal shafts, tho Inen who entered tho mines at seven on Tuesday morning were compelled to stay there without food until tho samo hour 'Wednesday morning, when they were brought to the surface in a half famished condition. -A year ago a Reading lawyer success fully defended a friendless German brought up on a charge of larceny. Last week the samo gentleman received a letter from Ger many from his client, enclosing a fee cf twenty guldens (about $120,) and a hearty invitation to visit Germany. As the lawyer had entirely forgotten tho matter of his de fense of tho poor German, tho evidence of the loner's gratitude was very welcome. Tho Fort Scott (Kansas) Monitor de- scrilies this remarkable instance of presence of mind : " When M. V. Donley, Superin tendent of Bridges on the Fort Scott and L. u. and o. roads, leu lrom the scaffolding at the Marmaton bridge disaster, a distance of 08 feet, ho had the presence of mind and ol most sujierhuman nerve, notwithstanding his broken bones and lacerated limbs.to say, 'Flag No. 1 , boys I' and so saved the express train mat was thundering around the curvo but half a mile away." P. F. Cotine,ofPlymouth,wasone of the two men arrested in'Philadelphia on the 31st ult., charged with passing counterfeit monev. $95 in counterfeit Tumaqua Fives were found in the jussession of his compan ion, ono Wolf, of Montgomery county. Con nell is ono of the family living in Plymouth who held jiosseesion of a house in Poke Hol low, the attenint to disjiossess whom cost the life of Officer UebscmenA few years ago,and (he brother who fired the fatal shot is now serviug out a sentence in the State prison. iwrrrK Union.