KD1TOII LEWCHITON, PA.: 8ATOHDAY MORNING, NOVBMIIKIl 10, 1877. Accotdlug to a telegram from Tcrre Haute, Governor Williams has appoint ed D. W. Voorliees U. S. Senator from Indiana, to fill tbo vacancy caused by Senator Morton's death. "During tho past year 634 persons were arrested for various offences against tho Postal laws, 104 more than during tho prececdlng year j 172 of the cases we're transferred to tho Stato O'ourts for trial. The wbolo number of complaints of loss of registered letters was ,bu, tho reported agarecato value being $34,410. 714 of tho letters were recovered, and 210, valued at $10,510, accounted for by recovery of contents from persons who had stolen them or through whose carelessucss they were lost. The percentage of actual losses compared with the total of letters regis, tered was about one-fiftieth of ono per cent. An carthquauo was felt Sundav morning about two o'clock, In various localities of New England, New York Mate and Canada. At Glen's Falls, Schujlcrvllle, along Lake George, at Ogdensburgh and at Capo Vincent, In flew lork, the shock was of consider able violence. At Ogdensburcii tho earth wave passed from west to east and the tremor lasted over a minute : at Cape Vincent wlnlows. stoves, crock ery, and other moveable articles wero shaken. Along Lake Gcoree tho shock. Which was sufficiently violent to break crockery, was proceeded by a rumbling noise. At .Lebanon, N. II., buildings wero shaken and bells rutif? for fnrtv seconds. At Montpeller, Vt., people wero shaken out of their sleep, and the nocnaare reported to have continued id succession for fifteen minutes. At Northampton, Mass., glass was brokeu In the houses. Sllshter shocks felt at Hartford and Windsor, In Con necticut, and at Sprincfield. Massachu etts. Two violent successive shocks were felt at Montreal, Ottawa, Corn wall, ad other places In Canada. Tuesday's Election. The latest returns confirm tho grand democratic victory achieved In this btate. Tho majority for Noyes, based upon official and reported majorities, Is over 8,000. Schell's majority will bo cuusiueraoiy in excess of that of Col Noyes.probably rlslnc to 8.0'jO. Juii Sterrettruns considerably ahead of his ucKei-m Aiiegneny S.000, In Phlladel phla about 700 and in other counties probably 1,000. Hut JudCe Trunkcy has alsociade heavy gains on the Dem o 'ratio ticket in the northwestern coun. ties, and it Is probablo that Judgo Ster ret will not gain on him more than 2, 000 In the Slate, In which event tho Democratic candidate for Supicmo Court Judge will have over 0,000 ma jority. Tho election of the enti ro Dem ocratlc ticket la therefore assured. Tho latest returns from New York Indicate a Democratic majority In tho State estimated at 15,000 to 20,000. The Senate, It is variously estimated, will bo a tie, or have 2 Republican ma Jorlty j the. Houso iM have a Demo cratic majority of from 5 to 8 or 13. Returns from all but seven small towns la Massachusetts give Rice, Re publican, for Governor, a plurality of 17,091 over Gaston, Democrat. The Stuto benato stands 35 Republicans to 5 Democrats, tho Houso 173 Republlcens to 04 Democrats, 2 Independents and 1 Liberal. The latest returns from Now Jersey give McClellan 10,870 majority. The Democrats will probably have 3 major lty In the Senate and 2 In the House. In .Wisconsin, tho majority for the Republican candidate for Governor is now estimated at over 5000. Tho Sen ate will stand 21 Republicans to 12 Democrats and 8 Greenbackers. In Maryland the Democratic major! ty Is estimated at 25,000 to 30.000. The Senate will probably stand 17 Demo crats to 0 Republicans ; the Houso 05 democrats to 19 Republicans. In Nebraska It U believed that Lake, Republican, Is elected to tho Su. preme Court by about 5000 majority. Our Washington Letter. WA6lllNaio. D. C , Nov. e, IS77. Each, day finds the breach between the I'real dent anil tho llepublicana in Conyress widen In. TJio President, as a cousequouco. finds bittwli freatly embarrum-oil In the execution ot bis tmrposea of party jiurllleation and civil eer. vice reform. It la now ei ideut that a war ui.on tho Administration la Inevitable and that thoeo who are the bead and front of ibla bostlllity are only waltluir lor tho o:ectlona to ian before commencing their undertaking. It n a l.ct overlooked In this connection, that luo enure reajwmioillty olthe present Inimical relations between the Ilepoultcan loaders and the i'ie. dent rents with the party leaders, anil has been kept npou the lalse bails ol presleting lu the efforts te compel this Admlnlstiatlon to retain In office tbeofllcersappouitcd by tuelaat. as IJ President Ifayes Uae no friends ol bis own choice, but mu.t accept those of his pred.ceaor a a sort ol political Inheritance. II sorre ot the Republican leaders, particularly ConsilriK and ill.aine, had exercised halt" the tactol the late Benator from Indiana there would have been no trouble,and all wopld have been Jiarnioulo as. Jltrt when ConVUnir. lor Instauce. aiteuwta 10 ?ni5,US5 Jrk'," "KM "'"'ikia and local dl.pul es f hi"? e1 ""a"1 bl uprem jcy in tie leader Jbfpolflew Yor polices, he is ..Ung too ,&WJ?!t!!!T have bad another ex. JT. . iuc "a(,t Ol ino llleiuia nf lion wh?rW.!?.'?rSe Ium !ut0 I'relenTSabiue" wiilcu waa a fatiuie, on the verv nrmtiiiiiVii,. Weaident 11a) ea is now iJplrlnWu pwK? liu D. V. STORTHIMEIl, administration t and ainiin, In the attempt of . f, ,uu ."""ViTaoiaaoiCfflilloil in tona:rc3 to secure the appointment ot thu Tcnoraolo ex.Scnator blmou Cameron to thu kiill.?s:"T- "" 10 nso tno laniruaao ol sevoral Cabinet offlcera. 11 thero wero but two tu'W. ln ,h" KTeL ttat0 Pennsylvania to ii i i!j!F.?ro"t B!'. and to illetato who V.Yii " . ' no novo was a ratal one for the fntnrn reiatinn- nt tnn benator with tbo government, lie was already 2 ra I6" vo,ce I" H'O distribnllon ol the executive p.tronaBeln his imto. Anticipating nils, lie shrewdly securoil the cootirmatioo, of somoMxiy I'osfmasters In Pennsylvania who i ! s 5 mcaM1e ownf their appointments to .-..V.' . u vm """uness oo iojuii in uis in. terol heroiifter M'liat has been said of Conk una; and Cameron mat- bo a ltd of others, who lllcdtoeiTectanro'onpntlon of the last only . . i ol uut,-u,'v' anu nenconrer.e. lertnlned tu bovo a conflict with tho President, and aro shnMnit their cource to thut end. llr cnmmoii courtesy it haa been nin-eed amnnirst llcpuuilcans ro austaln tho oblecllon of n Henn. tortothn ronflrmatlon ola nomination which is Id conflict with bin Interests. It Is doutitfnl. bowever, whether they can accomplish any thiriBby this, for with buttwdor threoma. lorlty ln the Koaate. and the disposition of tho JUemncrntj to support any fair nomlnntloui made, by the rresiilent.thoy will have nitllcuUv In noldliiB their forces tomther. They nro Dent en tiipnt.cmpt, however, wlmtover may bo tho result. ConkiliiK. whoi lanite of s.ucqsm Is vasl.ls now lortliyiuBh'inso.f with facts bearlnc upon the Inner d..iiiir ot tho Adininiatiailoih ana will make n speech which will doubtless bn a inastor.piccc lu its Hue, mid though delivered ln executive session, will be made public. It is a mistake, however, to think that the tolo point of his ctt-nrc will be tho Mew Yoik appoint. ments. He has" Intimated "that thoogli tho present olUccre wero efficient and espcilcnced, and that tnose proposed nro excellent ncnllo. "'' ho will leviowtbe seneral policy umler which the present Admln.stration la actlnc.aua expose tne hypocrisy of their acts." Niiiuraily tho most seusltlve point In tills trouble is tho nomination ot new men for tho place or the friends of those who havo been ' runnluR" tho political maclilno lor tho past eirnt years. '1 here nro now approximating a thousand nominations, mostly, nowover, Pot masters and armv and unvy promotions roitlnit n committees. The Senate lias permitted tueso to accumnlale. and has shown no particular ills position tu hasten their coiitliniatlm. 'lboiio. iiiiuntions of Dell to bo Asistnnt secretary of the Interior, and Ualght to bo Commissioner of Indian Amur, have been buno; up in commit. tec, as n spec al courtesy to Becretatv f-cbuiz. Iho lntteriudividuslls regarded bv many Ho public ins us tho evil Kcnlus of the Adminlsira. Hon, and will tnako Ium tbo chief scape cunt nf their indignation, llilliard, of Oeorpla, will bu held in abeyance in comimttoe, on iho ciountl otdlslovaltydiirinuthownr. and even filaue's man, Htevens, lor Minister to Stockholm, lain trouble, on account of displacing Andrews, who Is Wldnnm'a friend. Tne President lu thomcanitmelsundlstnrhcd bv these slRna of tho blowing storm and will pursue bis policy of nur.fi luc Iho civil service Unmoved. Oil IhtSSUhlecttlin l'residenf mmL Mmo slsulllcant staicmenln tu JOvHenotor jit-iiueisiiu, oi iiFsouri. a lew uajaago. The lx-senator remarked that n Inrvn .h.m nr n,n ofllce-ho.ders n ere inimical to his Inteie.itannd and tho policy of Ills numinletratlou tn which the President assented, ndillng that liisiuier. pretatlon of civil service reform was not simply ro koep men in office without regard to their cf. Hciency or illness, but to co that tho boat men wcie putluofllco. and then kept there. Tho President admitted that his administration WOnlll bO RtrPtlirthpnPll llV nnrll n rniircn nnH that membeis ot his cabinet wero urging tbo wisdom of a very general change. The Presl dent Intimated that till. wounl bodonobut not suddenly. Thl announcement has oc casioned some uneasiness amongst thooiflce. holding community beio. In tuaxitig the changes marked merit nnd experience will also uu cuiiHiuereii un a suiucient ground lorieteu lion, all things else being equal. '1 bo advocates of tho rental of the resiimntlnn act under tho leadership of i'wlug, have thu early lound themselves in a hole, lowing may imvu uiu iiuiihv, uui iuuh lar in nis ritiulio ap pearance here ho bus allnwu hlmsoif tolm:,n execution to many others who trnvel on the prestige ol a name.but when brought tothotct Hud iho tlim veil rent from above them. Tne llnusout lieprcsentailvesisa gicat leveller of tu'-irmitm' uieii, ium soijn uisringuislie be tween merit and sham, lu ow mam' luve injdo a irreat uolte in the petty circle of taeir local politics, and Indeed havo mado themselves con-epic-nous in tno affairs ol their Htato legisla ture, or perhap in the gubernatorial oibcoor its adlUIICtS. mill have cmnn 111 re.tileil thi, fi.,n,n loin in n broader Held, only to dlscuver their miiuuiie?a uuu 10 le.iru iiiat mere ore oiners in iiu3 gieji lepuuiio wnoenn maken stlrwlth Sometll ng mora than inrrn linl.p. runt, niul nnr. rot-like vocalization. Tno ehninin niul ,i,ril. ueuiniiioi ,wiugnnocr somewhat similar clr cunistances is very oiipKient. Ill mislake, uub,L.,u', uuim UiUI.ll 11 1UVK Ull Ul II V II- BU evcr-esilmate of hi knowing nt flinm.ptiii.vi. ties ot mirllitiiii mnrv nil,... nmim i i-.n.i.. cf thooppositliin have always taken atavago delight in tupping up the low-skilled lender of theuomneratanfeer llandall lett the llooi for iuu oiieuHCI S eillur. it is not Borpuiii.g.tiicrti forc. that Hwing'a attempted leadei ship should be altCnded bv Hill ll n itlMnnrrmm tmlnrA him. eo.f maua'urereil off the door, npd bis measure inu in inoiuiuo nolo, ino threats mat ho would obstruct legilatlon if lua moasure wero not al lowed lull debate and n vote, was not a veiy giorious way of bringing tho Houso tn terms. Tho majonty out ot sympathy lor his bunillia tlou ami willing tn mil him in ex'ncatliiB liitn sell from Ins dilemma, ugiml to a dato lor tbo consideration of bis bl'l. 1'bo prellmluaiv rote alieadv taken havo been n surprise to both pnriles, as Ihov have shown tlio radical and re. sumption stiengtn not as gieat as anticipated. Tho llou'o. however.mav pass the measure.but its prospects In the senato aronot llitleimv : urn cvm sunuiu it pas tnere.it wi'i receive tho l-.xeciltlvu oto. 'rhniltiltmllnil iettiniiiliT4tin ol silver, which will follow tho attempt tore- itti mo ii-suinpuou act win not uonuymoro fcueccssful. The mows ol tho Admlmstlatmn ale not hostile to ipmnuptlzntlnti tn n IIiiiIiaiI uuiuuui, nun ior uses in wnica currency is now used. but will pnt a quietus on any lodical meas. ure of that kind. The death ot senator Morton, though lone anticipated, had ti educed ndeeu Bensoot na tlonallosa. Although a bitter partisan and al ways nusltli o in his eouvlctiuus the hlchest tn Bute to hi exalted character uudequanlmliv is that lialfl llV (tin Ilmum-ruHn i.i.inn nil ni whom unite in tho opinion "that wnh nil his i'u-uivo views, ami curing tunes ottto greatest excitement and bltterueain political discus siun. he was never disroui teoua to bis political opponents The Ins nf Mr. Mnrtnn lAtnn Km, ale wUl be even mote marked that that uf Hum. uur. K. Our Philadelphia Letter. ruiLADEmilA.KOV. 6,1677. Edwin Adams, the genial actor whose puro life did so much to clerato the stage haa slept his last sleep, and ou Thursday last hi lenulus were Interred in Mount Moriah Cemetery. Tho funeral services wero very impressive, ami many were the graceful and touching tribute lo his memory. The floral itTerlnga lllled a large portion of tho room. John T. lliyinond (colonel Sellers) sent a crown and croa of natural flowera. Mrs. Adams, In her last ino mento to her beloved husband, placed near tho colUu a uiiuature grave, wltn hcajstone of im liioitellcs bearing tho Inscription Kdwln Adams, forty-three." and by Its tido was a harp with her Christian name, Mary. Mr. Mackey. uuie criestnut utreet Thcatro. contributed a loss ol Irv uu a lliiiul base, beailtig tho imola tion. "The 111 st li silences" and ether emblouia equally appropriate were furnished by Mrs JohuDren Mr. John .MctJinlonsh, 11. H Beth reu, and other vrolenslonala of eiiui.1 note also p.utirliuteil lu these otferings. Amoug the emmentadnra present wua Sir. JiM'nh Jefler aoii (Hip Van Winkle) and his ulte, besides mod of those now tu tho city. Oho ol the most import u( social and political events of (lie wiek waa tae appointment ol jli. John veb lo the resiiomibe position ot urilKd t-tatts Minister to Kualuiiil. Mr. Welsh la chiefly known outs de of Phn.delnnln In con uiiiuu niiu liiu ucuieuniai J.illiumon. hlsot lice as Presjileut ot tue Ceuteuuial Hoard ol Pi Pacco keening blm verv Tirtniinm,,iP i.ufnKU the public. 1'cw rcailio tbo immense amount i V acu(implihol in the Uually sl ccoea- .... iuuii iu uiMiiMuii uzuiuuioii a mumpn.aud lew ever wil . Tim. mon-v a.t i-k..I .1 given i It Inn etlut, nLd when iu iho dnike.t days It Mwmed aa ibougb the eutei prise must Ian, Mr. Wcl-hcaine fnrwaid with the means lo carry it ihrujgb, arid H has been whispered that at at one tune tne Hxhlbillou oned him over n million dollars. Ilia labor tor two years w.a.".,".l,li!UJU.' ""d ,ie" f ' the cltlieus of Phllnleiphla preseutod him witnn pun-eof hlty thonnaud ibillari ha lnrnn.1 ii..v..r.,.. ,i,' a-iine day to tha L'iilv(rsllr ol Peunsvlvania. y vuuieu .uiu u man j. popular, nuu bis seien lien has caused uuniiugle i satnf icliuu lu all but l oiulcsl clieles.wheiu It was tumight some ,,au me nreieiotlce l jut It la cvnleut (tint l.fi.l.ti,t uu. helieve in the motto, ' To the victors belong the A lew rtjys ago a man who bad been admitted to i be hpfscopal lloeplt.il with ajveral shot wounds lu bis bead, waa found to havo prevan fated very sericu-lyiu hi- statem-ntsas tu how he received ma injunea, and a iletectue con f uued to Interview hm. 'iho re ull wssthat Mr. luvullil liirneit .inf. tn 1... u ....7.71 County. .N. w Jersty.bur.-lur. Ou tl.o loll, lust he waa one of a tilu who brose mm iho leii. iienoo of Joseph P..tts. Tne intruder. aa.-ndil to the sernnu srorv. m il mi.,.i..i , np'n tho door ot rnim nccii-neii i.y Asa Cartv wbiihoaiu the" eiiiil(iieai-iie.lio..iiiot. Tue reuuuiurii luoufui, ju ii).ur tii.li au axe and brnko lu the panels nf tho dm,r, at the samo Ii!Sfl.l,,21i;.' ; "t Carty. This ladiviiliml returned tho compliment bv emnt. lug his shot gun at Iho visitors, woo left without any nir good ntght. Tho woundod man.fnr one was hit. wrds placed under airest, ana Is now lu llur' uuuir Hwaiung irini. Jiutat this lime when tho Labor pi oblom t excltinirsomurhsttcnllon and when the meat rlirar.mntinrM btfitr,. i ,. ...r fcl V v" J..uL0.,'";I"r"1 'pte'Mt. H 'nav not bo out of E,lnfi,,nw"',""1 orgmiiitlon ol n eoclitv T lowJt ''n't',rlvPPorted, nn,l its exaui,(o rt t u ""lvl utvouijihoiik n iorenMicfPiir.0, ....M ..,v.1,ii,m-.,3,m,B cuinuinpii ior Rpir.niii ciH'1"0'11!.1 DCl0V0' "o''ist -J . ,"""'a ii iuihuui iieuiut. xc"tCr cay. nr i larcciy.aiieiido.1 moeting, tlio ( uban and Spanish cigar Maniilaeiurerl. nud tboCu ."J"!"1 ftban sn Ctgir-Makers re-olved to form 2F i,t'ct!T." ! "Ion- and they earned that dcel.lon Into notion. Tho objects ot tho new body may bo bile fly stated a mllows : Arst.to are now derived by affiliation with secict ecicic. tleai becond, tne secunng ot frequent com-S'JS'n,'!-0'!' eob-o'iueutly a belter under. 5 i , '.? bctw,ct'1' employer and cmplnjed i iV ' " U0111, 01 Aroiiranon coininlt- Lii 'i","" "J1 Idstlona ot compensations f,i",L.tcf,l!rri'1-.,',.s ,1"'so UotumitiOOT will no perpetual, and their membership equally dl. vidwl between the two fmcoa it will bo seen quilnteil with thu teeungof manufacturers and ill', J?l!'" on. env 'P1"1 Point 1 and should an Issue arise it can soon Do dlsposi d of. Por 111. stance, snnnncn thn ........... I.!.- ,.77. ' ! SS-?miP.r' 1110 mi" "now Just how rnncli their emnioyorsnto nokinis, and may think that 57,tc',01 Vait0" oro proportionately too low, J,h.e.y.8rfk "''"cootlhoArliltiatlon Committee! " brauch of that Committee and leatu that iVoii.. i. '""'""atiuiers atpear to do reaping heavy gains, they nionetbecanoof bad debta .. -'"" mi.ii.ijo iuuv uicnver that Iher suimme aio conoi.t Then they f.n.,Bf,'i1.lr C!,so,to ,n,.r omp'oyera through the cbTs? aM scribed ieiigtli of time. During thli poiiod all cour intio llieir work, herein is I heir great ad vantage. They lose nothing bv strUea, CA KL P03IEI.I.E. Our Now York LcHcr. KEW YOI1K, Nov. B, IS77. It hns tianaplrcd that ex-Mnyor Uoll ha been 111 tho city ior an Indefinite number ol days. Ilo Was Olllv llisenverpn mi llM..l?nn ln. m ...-n diy by tlio Telegram's reporter, became lie. r. .VUK. 1 ? '"seiner en. J.CCC1HHO to tbo last, he strolled down Mroidw.iv with a camet sack, and allowed ilmse f tn bo nlo.cd up by some 1,1 . " "".u.jiiuuiui,, 11 til Ul'CI (O llt'll. 1 lis 1 cturn iild nut cro no tho ten) atiou tha t ono ' .... .. ....ui, numu. uu (ii willCU gOeS tO prove Ihn his return wis discounted by a ocr imn section of cw Voikaiunpti- ifim.i, pooiilhu stntid now beloro tho Aldeimauio uuuiiniiiK 1 wocii, rnero might no a : " .,, Kiutieiiiiiu iroill Lou don will consent to so theatrlculnu experiment. i,.iiti,i,, no 13 n piouigui bod, and all around tue nclghuoihood of Unnervolr I'ar. 7 17 "" nt.Muiwi,! !, (j.iii uiscr.ver too aroma of tho loasllng fatted calt. Sineo hi .7,7.1,1 wclt unvo laaeu mm Daca, it would bo meio impertinence in u to spiculilto cither on his goiun or hi coming. t fhe unfoitunaio rainstorm on rrtdarmado Jerome Park truck so heavy tint tho prtat race betwoen Parolo and Ten llioecii wa rendered lmnossiolo. Por running a liorso thero .10 two things almost aosuiutely necessary, if von wane a lino event. In tho Ulst place tho trncirm iar S?n .ei 10 coutl P"lcu lh0 davmiistoe 1 ; r,,i,i.., ir;"",7u' iV,I1'.KCJr"l0Ke.d npon ;.Ai.,7.r. , 7. "- iiuair iiiiil II O'SUg UCst variation in tliowciiiiierwassnnicliiittotniow tho contest lulo tho next week, un next'l iis iU'w"ir"1"" " 11,00 lnk P'oce theis.thern will bo such n crowd at Je. i.me 1'mlc n Juioiuo 1 ink never witness, d before. -Votwit istiiidiiig J? ot Te," lu"eK,:- recent! v, ho is selling even ti, ,)00la Hle htur u t u ' p.l Ibeinc ;etutrally&eliBviHl. It is not sav "g 1 louiiich toassirtihatlu tno last twnitr tears I.010. has not betu naked 0,1 any l,oi"c riico so much money us 1 put up iu the coming tria of speed lietH ten tlioso noted cracks. lhe Umiua Aboott contioverar, ot wh:ch vou wcio nppiled at leugili.has risiu to the 1 uitnlty 01 occupying ot least a couimu cacli uay 11 Im'Lo onoo out p.ii;eis. Mr l.oiiia Lngel, nallu a theniiickniaiilngciliicby Ahumt uer.ol.Au bolt's liii-band Abboti'8,gu.,i,i,an. onln'oii- It '"o' Wn"01,u"";'8. '" "ad lieiself iiiu-rnew-ed by a uportcr of iub s,iiu. In tho amc opio. dueeil he shows lumsu- f to no 11 'n -sllch tlliag " mid au exhibition ol ins phmograpl,.! sail eie'd '"lllluull"'ia'luolo. (.emoutrates.aifa u V i'S'r. ","t",,"Ph'' backings r enm aiuwl, Mr. Jingoi ha been tno busom ineml ami trim, ed cmiiidant ol lieany every oneratio artlst.thot haa visi.eu this touutry for the past tm yeais. A I ot which pious, ot couise, tnatilr Kugcl 1 a very much uhiieed luau. Ilo gracefully ml. mitB that he waa 111 i.uuiowStiot Jail.but sava Low"t5iatUJi UlJ01U " W0IUJU-H 0 kDuw Colonel ht Martin, tho law Yorlc Carnival &?.' V,"B"w":",,:'lCll-c'llu''- "fd has nved nil tho lliueouhlMiio, mis cioppcd un again as a u ia-i ureut u,r tho cxoorlnuou ot exniuii to tbo Preucii Inilusiriai Uvhibltiou. ito ha palatial klllcea oj lliuadivav. wbelo lhouii'i. liettiua striingi r will bo taken caie ot In tho most gonteel and pollto mauuir po-slbie. Ito hVi,.'.lT ;0"""n to give nuy information to puties iics.rlng to exhibit Wo win offer up may. rs lor those who send their goods that Tlieatrlca'ly, ws mo lively. At Booth's I motto thero is n new ectorjoo JelTerson.tilav. luja hiauo-new pieco culled- ltip Van Winkle." rJS"iU',k.1l',!.i1,"",7"1S u "8 111 'duiseif at the Eagle iTaouuo, by tmiig to liuinltaie Ionct iV. .Mut.?".'M?' """ kl"'lrtl imrts. 'Pink JJomiuos' Is dcmoiai.xiiig ovirybody at the Union fcqiraic. H is tne most obscene play over y.",3'".' 'J10 """'' There isu stupidnttempt at Nib o's to revive Kpeciaculur Italian Opera wlih n cKKiked.iegguo oallot. solliern is crowd. SfiilfR .'."'. LTiisticil liuiciiia 1." ii V.uSu'a,u." 'Marrltwo ' ekes out tlio gas bill at Wallack's Ho Is In lug to ilniui up pi truiiago bv ll.citiiin tho ciillc tn a uhllnlogieal couicstnooutlbo woid -Comedy." llouelcaull's rs the 1 ilrauiatlo Hand of tho reuUiy. " ho Ji, i.!i'i'tillsi"JP?Ia T'ouiio ta bum pouuiarar I . i," 'u ATeuuti Ibnatre, llntwllUstaLding that that flauuollv Ulior. w'lllimi Caslle, s'lil petM.ts m singing nightly, timing no otho, purposo prosuiuiblv than that of diaiug hi. salary. Janau-ilii.cli impn. i,,.i,n,, ,.;. .'...; bro'idwny lu liruuh.ld," I will tell you lu my next what I think ol her. IUtieiiv. Ncav Advertisements. Teachers' Institute. T,7;t!07C't,l.c.7l.t.!'.A""u"1 Nes"l"U0f thcOAn. Dili. , COUAI'Y TKACHHHs' lNSTlrtlT.-?!!1.l.?JS-',1',"lt"ec.oun'' llOUsll, SIAULH CllUMC. commencing ou Monday, November 20th, 1877, at TWO o'oiock P. M , tnd continuo daring the week. i:veiv Teacher In the county is earn. etiy ifquoaied lobo tuecnt in d punctuate in the went. Hlreeiors aim n'l mheia Inierested uthoCnuooi Popular 1'ducatlou are loullal ly invited to attend. ..... H- ' IIOPFOltl), c. S. Lehlghton, Nov. lo, ls77 w3 100,000 READERS Allll CALUJJCl l'OIt Tho ORIGIN and HISTORY op the RUSSIAN ATSf TURK, And tho (UtllAT rONTIISTnnw WAOINQ w. ui.ui ii ,ii aiuuiv is rue most Reliable. Accurate and compieiienslvo. and with tta SCO t LtUANT UMIUA VINOi, MAPdond PLANM the most snowy, de.ii able aud useful book now publish' d. On. TlTTQll TiTIIIl-,L tt . 1, mn.. 6000 Aetho -Vijonts WniiletU .ii?uu-iiiiiU inriuiiiy mi (ins work Blinulil avail themselves of an e ai ly application. Also, 1000 AGENTS WANTKn nn nr QraaD CombinatioN Prospectus, uuruta ESTia 150 DUTISCT 1'UnLICATION Of universal Inters, t. Including Agriculture, na,, iidiiuu. nun auscei lancou Works. Hales made lroiu this Proaoee lus m Urn all bliMln nooks fall. vuru uu uur ueany iv myies or i'UliMIUM FAMILY BIBLES, F.:'GLI-.II ornl O HUMAN, PllOrHSTANT and L'ATliOI.IC. Awaidel buuoilorily ovir all ( tilers, f.r their iritaluaiile AM. and simerti a-uibicu ar-lien. Ainireaa JUllS. l'O'l-TlillCO., Publishers, ScpM, :S77 l'HILuOSLr.IA New Advertisements. Aamiiilstralor's Notice. mi7,?.'.f?,,l7,.,i.e.r;.?lr.,n'I1'' Lettcraol Ad. i ger lain nf iw"i" Sf 1 "tharluo Sell i"f rtli?.i i?.. . ' owmeuslng Twp.,Carbon Co . a Vi . X ' . w ueen grameotto t no undersl gneil ,nWa,keUwfl naxardAv?;Sj0pltf G VFiM AWAV Totue "eader. of this UI,LI' nVYttl Taper. A PIIEMIUM 8T1JE17 ENUItAVINO, entitled "The Finding of the Pavlnnr In ihn to ItouseholiT, the VSXfctebFYtMjtSa general Cliurcb Work, or 3m, nihv ' tilsi Tfns - " "r-u Pi,, xi. x, Store Stand & Dwelling AT runr,Tn salts The. MniWsl.ntn.l .-III . M- . ofTEmmiXr.I.1M,It,ln Uie'Soiougb or JaL,iiiuiU0i, corbou County, Pn.. on Saturday. January 5. 1878. commencinir nt TWO oviock l M .nil thu rPr teS'i"! ' " Alley, upmiwhl'cha creel vouioiuumuj luiuesiury irarae Store and Dwelling House. coverpHIS?.t1,1;r'i8 S,MP-w1ln French Hoot citithnii.ii...;: '"i;'"u ' " ' i eceisary 1,7." ,7A , ".7 "w "jom isnnaoted to tho in? l n?V ' TX nc ln ,act almost any o.her 7., . . unamrsT oeing very central, the town. 0n n0 ' 11)6 b08t "reets ln nttimfla- i-umiaiuua win uomnao known K- in """J. IT. KI.UPPINOEIt, INov. 10is;7-t.s. Bumniit 11111, Pa. prime Homo Jlatlo Bread I WHY 00 HUNanvi When you can Buy ok, pouiKH or Plrst cijsa Iltead FOUlt I.OAVES FOU 23 CENTS I lliNy'?rNf3A', tue fopnlar Bread and Cake nf tii,, ti.npV i i, I UI,' 11 ,Iie wants briied liomo Made BISad tJ "U C"'e- Four Loaves forTwenty-llvo Cts. Cash. Ritisnr. Ttnl.In r..n-n. . . n t --o"- .uwu. cvuii.il, uiuu cream ami other CAKES, only ...iu Ten Cents per Dozen, laoolc. Out for Hie Waznn! At MAUCII CHUNK, on Tuesday, Thursdny ....... ...in, ,iuj unlinks. LliUIOH TON and WlilSsPOHT, every After TERMS STRICTLY OA Sit I Patronage solicited. j, v. O'NEAL. n iuub i opposite First National Haute. "Prlltyl iiini htrect, Lehlghton.ra. JSSIGNEE'S SALE Of YaLuablo Ileal Estate. Thft iilidnrfllimnil AaaUu.,A nf rat a n a-a - - .v."". -"'i oooibu m ui uimj. frAl. or l ilfct Pnnn 'rniunatni. Tii.. will off, rat I'ublio sale, at tlio roaidcuco ol '" inuuu oinuir, Hi UUOVO, Oil Monday, November 19, 1877, ComraencInK at one o'clock r. M , tho followlnc turco piecoa of v.iluablo Iteiil Katnto, to wit i as abuio. CONTAINING 110 ACRES, moro or lessj bonwlftl lv Jnnd8 ot llcufccn Poter, Jjaulel Ntlt-tcm aul utliun. TUa lui liiovemcuta are n FKAME DWELLING HOUSE, HANK BARN, STILL HOUSE, nnil other out-bnllillnga. 'u..i' i :vititui jiiuconr narceior land, situate in sjld Unst Pomi l nwii-blp, contilning V , ,v ''rt;"", 1 ""u""vu y imi'isin nana Ijiimr. Alfriiit llimlir nnil ml, ... nn. ,. ments are A ONE--TOBY STONE BWELLIXd. Lank Barn, and other oat bnildlnps. Also All that certain tract or niece of land in tasl Pecn l'onnsuip alorcsald, coutalntug ONE IIUMDRCD AND TEN ACHES, moro or less, about Oncresol which nro cleared, bounded by lands ot iieuben r-etcr, Peter Geiss and others. Tlio lmnrovemento are eno Log .., wouq kUUIIU til. IHO (lUlil aUU pluco of talo.uy iiinitv a. ur;itiAr4, - . . Assignee ot Isaao Olnder. Iov. 3. 1877. 3iv UDITOR'S N0TICK. Notice is hlrphv irlven. thnt. thn ttnilnr-lan... Auditor, amrfi.liteil hv the llrIlhllllll, fnitrt nr t arbou County, to distribute tne fundi lu tho hands of Win. 11. Fenner. admtul-tratnr of Josi'iib Peuaer, deceased, will tioid a meeting tor tho purposes ol hia appointment, on Tueadny, tile 3TtU tlay of November next, at I o'clock P. II., at hl( oflleo in tho Borough nf 11 audi ihuuk. when ami where all parties Interested aie required to nteaent their claims, or be forei er barred. JAJiisa a, loose, Auditor. Jov. a, X67j. cw A SSIQNEE'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby riven, that Jo-ioph II. Keldel, of Towamcnsing Township. Caruon Count', Pa., by neo.l ot voluntary assignment, dated October 16. 1877. bos assigned all tlio estate, real and personal, of the said Ju-eph II. SeMel, to Ilcurj Hover, of tlio Borough ol Weissport, in trust lor tho beuelltof tho creditors of the and Joseph B. nrldol. All persons indebted to the (aid Jos'nh B. PclUel lil inako payment tothe aald Algnee. aud tlinse baring cuiius or demands will pie rcut the name, duly certllied without deiav. 1IENUY BOYEll, ... , . Assignee of Joseph B. beldel. Weissport. Nov. 3 At Private Sale. THE UNDEItSItiNEIJ offera at Private bale a Valusble Farming I'ropertv. mu. aleil la BEAVElt It U.N VALbKY. Sla. houiugTnwusblu.CnrnonLoiiiity. Pn , !!, mllia Iioui alsuch Chnuk. and 2 miles from 1-ehlgh. tu, containing 18 Acrea. about j seres ot woich aro cleared and under a high stato of cmllva. Hon, the balance bilug Timber Laud Tho Im. prnvemeuta thereon are a 2 stmy Frame Uwe.l. lug Houso Mi-.! feet, with ICilchen attached, oneHtabie an. 1 inner necessary ontnuilitiurst olwt. an Orcbaid coutainliig about 1UJ Cnolce i ruit Trees rompritlng Apple, Peir. Peach and cheiry Trees of varluus kinds ibis propeity, being aituatod near Manch Chunk and LehlgUon, would makoltadeelra hie place lor auy oue wishing lo engaao lu iho I r.ilt business, tbo demand for illicit In the above places being always good and reaililng best of prices. Beuver Hun Creek Hows through tnepiop'rty. B Tonot parson willing to Invest in Ileal Es. tale thl olTsre an opportunity etldom to be met wlh For turrhcr particuNra aaplv at tins offlco. or to tho owner ou iho premises. ptUW-.-, Uttm TUCKCIt- Prolltable zlFlT .... i. every town and city. Employment. rtlSl ISO CIIUUCII." The Premium hreelEngrav lug, 3 feet x : lect 6 inches, "T he Fludiugor tho Hnviour lu the Temp e," Is presented to each ausscnber, lor only ti.si per voir. Plus pictnre tsuulveisallv adnureit and should bi iu every household. Eitra large cash rommlsslona paid iu Ageuis. wriiu ior terms and A gent's oumt. Vorkliii, Church Pub. Co., l-ept.t9m3 7 it a WABKEJi St . New Yori. l'lano and Organ Taught. una IiYDIA P. FI.NCIIKlt.of Uat Mauch chunk, win give LKeOrt to PIIPIIa on the PIANO nr OllOAN. at their Ites.dencea lu IiKtl inn ION or WEIS8POIIT, Two Uayi tn 4cb W n lc. r'or luilerparticaUrs, enquire at Z-UiAi3. tept.'.. i ui ii uii i i n im lit i in p. i a A SOLID gold tli luryi ft tb. t.rt. oMor. thmclunil u. Boeioty op Lodc(j Dadjo Tin. W warrant th In.Uotiha orth ft, m inr. bcmVi.m nmoii Airi I Al".n .nn ttv7ff!.w.7l.A7.sn k'niL... ir" STHi"';,' ii ...7.7 , .-7 . .'--.-" nn.i tlio t-rni nf lUi contract, thli uiao .riMltal All lllr. ordoriaj rr.AMvI.IX JTOlUiY CO., .. A0KIOWLSB0-EB FACT, sal8 frei9iflag greater induce- im WsM stiad Winter tSism ever liefore i QliaaMtest foy lai'gfe Crowds of uastBMea wlo visittlfce store daily t laastils. FA Si Si Dress Suits, Youths' Suits, Made up trora the Dest Material, In the nnteeu, at iiowtbi l'ldijlSb roK UAS1I ALSO. TIIEMENDOUS 8I.AUQIITE11 IN TUE TRICES OT Boots, Shoos, Gaiters, Hats, uooas. recall and oxamine Good and Pncea before miking yonr pnrrbisea elsewhere. T. D. CLAUSB, Merchant Tailor, 2nd door aboyo the Public Square, BANK STREET, LehlRhton. wai m mm pbiges ! Successor to r At tlae 66 Iff aEoaiiiotto Store59! Opposito tho L. & S Depot, BANK Street, ' Respectfully announces to his customers nnrf rmni tlmf. ho is daily receiving additions JjAJJIUS' DlttiSS and UltY GROCERIES and PROVISIONS, OTTETCNKWATtVTC X X,n Xrn Also, just received a car load of LIVERPOOL SALT, which I am sellinc at Bottom Pncna. SALT FISH a Specialty. Itef" Tf Vnil Vnlltr cloSIPfV of Goods you can get for a small sum of Ready Money, you should not fail to give me a call before making your purchases olsewhero. Don't forget the Mammoth Store, opp.L.&S.Deuot, May 0, 1870-yl Weissport Plauing 1tentCtfullf nnnonnCA ft Cmrnrnt r. Ilni:i1tni their NKW MILIH, tai-y are now prcyartxi.to every decrfptiou ot Such as Siding, Floor Boards, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Shut- tors, Moldmers, Brackots, On the Shortest TfolleA. Our Vuihl.anr I. ill Uivo no lieaiiarloii In lluaraulilni: Perfect Batlsfaetloo to all woo 107 laror us Willi lSlr srders It rou hare uot time to call and select wliat yon want-seod your orders and tbey if 111 be ill, n'oniullr. aud at as low prices aa though, too were present. ' utve us a iriai, auu you win uo coDVincea 01 waa( we say. SOLOMOK TEAKUL, D. D. ALBRIGHT, WM. BIEny. . , JOHN B1ERT. 0ce and Mill, nearly opposite tie Fort Allen" House, WEISSPORT, Crt uDty.renna, JuWlO, 187l.il snrrcw Ann? ) 7VsV w' " ,M rullu ktwr rroiu tue Cnupii ... ..,.tlJUni, i uwnui'ii ni, I'm, bullVl puu. .til (lirit I Vnfln . ifu WlCti.Uii,tbu,l1liUmlelpliIPii. .''''-!. .un.l.ljol, hikM.rrsJ.Ui.N'o. Jimr ir ma n(.nU.Hj. - ... litwral am ritr merit hT.i. twf. UuJ. - ,toiu iSa V! " 704 Oiectnnt Kt.. Pblla Ta. "b.u.i MJ, rare!icge. October ,i I Kf.fi Business Suits, Boys' Suits, Latest Style?, and Perfect Fits Guar- Caps, and Gents' Furnishing- D. Book & Co.. to his stock of liUUUs, tO 1-nrtW ltnttr Tnirrt n-n nmm-.i- LEniGUTQK, FENN'A. Mill & Lumber Co., nnnti-Mtofiii- mi AihiM th.i ti.vi.. M.Kf ai iiappty tbemtt ViiHV LOWC8T PIU08 wtib f Cabinet Waro, &c. &c. Kw.nrtnl Ih KCn.,. 1 n.M .1 .w.. . She 1