Society Meetings JlrtStTO OlltU, No. 75, A. O. K. OF THE M. C. Ind and 4tH Monday ot each month. In lie. ber'sUall. LeblKhton, at 7i80 o'olock r. u, W. K. Wenninger, a. K. 0. i 8. II. Ullnaia. H. K. R. U. BIUDIK UUTTB.t Lnpni. No. CS9, 1.0. O. f.. meets every Tuesday evening, at a o'clock, la iteber's nail. It. Kustcubadcr, j.0. W. B. lteber, Becrotary. XBTticnzx Tsim. Mo. SSI. Imp. O. nt n M., meets In Iieoer'a Hall evcty fsatnrdav. J. 11. liens. Bachem i U. W. Uclbl, a ot It. Poao PoclTuIDS, No. 171. Imp. 0. 11. Mmcct on Wednesday evenlne of each week, at 7:30 o'clock in l'ublle Bchool Hull, Weljsport, Pa. C. W. Schwab, s.i Jac Drona-, c. ot It. LlUlanTOH LODOE. No. 334. K. of V.. meets on Friday eteninns. In Usher's Hall, ot 7:ro o'clock. It. oaunier, O. 0. T. it. Itatcliff, K. of It. and B. Advcr.lHliig ItatcH. Wedf'slroit to be distinctly understood tliat no advertisements will be Inserted In tho col. umnaot TiinCiitnoN aiitucatx that rosy be -ojelvediromunkuownpartio.or' Arms unless icnmpsnled with the C'jUSK. The following ars .or ONLY terms. Adveitlse'ments tor 1 yttti pet Inch each Infrllou i ,. . . . . NCt. " Hlx Months, per Inch each Insertion nets. " Three Months. ' JOCts. ' Lees than three months, first lnser. tlontl.riicUanbiieq.ncnt Insertion ZSCts. Lbcat notice 10 tenia nur line. 1!. V. MOIUflllMKrt, Publisher. E. II. B1KWIIUS, blaTRICT ATTORNEY A COUNSELLOIl AT I.AWi Office, No. 2, Manalon House, MAUCH CHUNK. TA. J Bettllnit Estatea. Finn Accounts and Orphans Court ITnottco a specialty. Trial ot Causes caretultv attended to. Legal transactions In Kna-iuh and German. Jan u. SATCPDAT M0IIN1NG, KOTRMDER 3, 1877. Local and Personal. g7If you find a X (cross) after your name on this paper, itsignifies that your subscrip tion is over duo, and that vro need the money. So please remit. New Goods at the Bee Hive. If you want a good and cheap set of IUrries", call on it. Florey, Weiss port. A. A. Chase, of the Scranton Times, has been arrested on a charge of libeling Wtarton Dickinson. New styles of fall winter boots, -shoes and gaiters, at T. D. Clausa' very bap for cash. President Hayes has Issued a proc lamation designating Thursday, Nov. 29th as a day of Thanksgiving. Fall and winter styles of ImU and caps, for men and boy's wear, at T. I). Clauss.', at very lowest cash prices. " Revere." How will tlili suit 7 Which has done most to preserve the peace of nations military power or statesmanship? The movement In favor of a poor house and farm for lower Cartxm Is meeting with the approval of nearly all our people. Keep the ball rolling. T, D. Clauss, the tailor, Is now re ceiving his fall and winter goods, such as finest cloths,cassimeres and vestings, which he Is prepared to make up In latest styles at very low prices Cor cash. The Dethleheru Times says a duel wai fought on Calypso Island on Satur day between two young men from the "Vicinity ot Bethlehem, whoso names nro unfortunately not given. Four shots were exchanged, bnt nobody was hurt. If you want a clock, watch or sow Ing machine properly repaired plraso call at M. Uagaman's store, Pemisvillo, Carbon county, Pa., and you can be ac commodated. 0 J . K. Rlckert has still a few of tliosn eligible lots In Rickertstown to dispose of. If you feel liko securing a good home call and see him Ho Is also sup plying flour.feed, lumber and coal at tho 4 sweat rates. Stoves and Heaters. E. W. Clauss, Exchange Hotel building, has Just received the first Instalment of his stock of Cooking, Parlor and Office Stoves and Heaters to which lie Invite the especial attention of parties desiring to purchase, being ablo to offer them at prices far below anything hertofore lu this town. Also, tinware, house furn ishing articles, roofing and spouting at very low prices. Try him. P. T. Drady Is now receiving fresh oysters every day, and Is prepared to supply families at a lower prlco than they can be bought from rod I ars, and at the same time warrants them freh. Look at the prices ; Soup oysters ouly 0 cents ft 100 opened ; Prime Oys ttrs (1.10 per 100 opened. All persons who want to take stock In tbe new lluildlng and Loan Associa tion must pay In their first installment at once. In Is la a rare chauce for a rsfe and profitable Investment. There are only a limited number of shares left. W. M. Rapsiikr, Sec'y. While gentlemen are accommodated In all they may desire in the way of refreshments In this entemrlslue town. 'the ladles aro generally left out In the cold, and to obviate this, P. T. Brady has fitted up a Ladies Oyster and Din In; Room for their especial accommo- MW.tWM, .UU Ut, trVIUIAIII I UltlC Ull III .give mm a can, not Dili or tare see another column. Astonishing' Success. It Is the duty of every person who has used Bos. CDBB S UEItJIAN SYRUP tO let Iti WOO derful qualities be known to their friends In curing Consumption, severe 'Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and In fact all throat and lune diseases. No person can use It without Immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any case, and we consider it the duty of all Drugglstd to recommend It to the poor dying consumptive, at least to trv one boltte, as 40,000 doren bottles 'were old last year, and no one case where It failed was reported. Such a medicine its tbe Gehman Syrup cannot be too widely knowu. Ask your Druggist about It, Sample Bottles to try sold at gcuu. urguiar size vo cents. For eaie oj A. J. UUUlng. J. T. Nusbaum & Son opened this morning several cases Special Styles Best Dark Prints worth eight cents . at Gfc cents per yard. Joseph M. O. Kalhfus, Ksq., the Itepubllcan nominee for District Attor ney, was In town Monday calling upon his friends. Thomas Collins and John McAttlta wero seriously Injured bj an explosion ot firo damp iu ono of the collieries nt Neequehonlng, on Tuesday. Gen. Franz Slgel has purchased n farm at Blooming Grove, Plko county, where ho will place his three sous two of whom are to becomo farmers. David Ebbert still lives, and con tlnues to supply all who need with Imudsonio teams at moderate charges, at his popular livery on North street, this borough. Lap Boards, Just tho thing every housekeeper wants. They aro llRlit, handsomo and durable. Call at Luck cnbach's two door below Broadway House, Mauch Chunk, and see them. Another largo involco of fall and winter dry goods Just received from New York nt tho Orioinal CiiEAr Cash Ssore, of J. T. Nusbaum & Son., which they will rush off quickly at as tonishingly low prices. Call and be con vinced. Daniel Shock, of Wclssport, a day or two ago, showed us a sweet potato, raised on his land, which measured 20 Inches around, and weighed G pounds 0 ounces. Now trot out your next po tato I Not unfrenucntly tlie changes from heat to cold are very sudden and trylnc to the system, hut by tho prompt list) of Dr. Haas' Expetorant, nil danger from 11:1s source may be avoided. 23 and CO cents a bottle. Corporal R. E. James, of company F (Eastou Grays), has been appointed regimental commissary for the Fourth regiment with the rank of lieuteunnt. Mr. James Is a member of the Legisla ture lrom Northampton county. An ounce cf prevention is better than a pound of cure. A doso of Dr. Bull's liaby Syrup will assist your baby In teething, and prevent it from being attacked by cholera infantum, colic or other diseases babies suffer with. 25 cents. In tho Philadelphia court Mrs. Lena Adams got a verdict for $2,700 damages against tho Reading Railroad Company, on account of the loss of her sou, who was drowned In the Delaware last July, In coiisequeiice of one the company's colliers running down his boat Two years ago, In getting out of a passenger cai oil thu Delaware, i.acKaHauiut nml western railroad nt East Stroudiburg, Mrs. Nnphc.vs broke her leg. Suit was brought, and a shoit tlmu eiucu a verdict was rendered awarding her .aud her husband (7,000 damages. -On tho 23rd ult , Hev. O. A. Brue- gel, formerly of this place, was form ally installed a pastor of thu Lutheran congregations of Cherry vllle, Towo- lueusiug nnu rcleravme, ny llevs. J. Koliler, F. W. Wclskotten and C. J, Cooper. Wc wish tho rev. gentleman much success lu his new field of labor. Daniel Graver has just returned from the city with a new lino of ladies elegant dress goods, at bottom prices. Call and sec them. Next to 1st National Bank. The committee representing thu bondholders of the Central Railroad of New Jersey have prej ured a plan for the reorganization ot the couipnny, hut, before iliial action upun It, nro to meet it committee ot thu directors of the com pany. A dciliulte conclusion as to tho plan will probably be arrived nt within a few days. Hon. Edward Kern, tit Schuylkill county, died last week. Ho was for many years engaged in railroad build ing, and had acquired considerable meaus, but when tho Miners' Trust Bank failed he, with his son, Thos. V., lost heavily. This loss lias preyed on his mind aud probibly superinduced death. Mr. Kerns served in tho Legis lature In 1SG3, 1801 and 1803. The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company lias a debenture lunu of $702,000 maturing on the 10th of De cember next. The Flunnco Committee of thu Board ot Managers Monday morning Invited a number of thu larger holders to meet them at the office of the company In Philadelphia to confer about a renewal ot the loan. There was a largo attendance of loan holders. and the conference resulted In a propo sition on their part to extend the pay. ment of two thirds of the loan and to accept payment of tho remaining one third lu consolidated mortgage 7 per cent bonds of tho company at par. The part to be extended will amount to about $500,000, and Is to be payable In oqual instalments two, three, lour and five years, nud to be secured by tho mortgage of real estate aud personal property In trust to a uomlnal value of double the amount of thu debt. Hold ers of over one-fourth of the loan have already assented. We understand that the proposition Is acceptable to the company, and it certainly will be gen erally assented to oy the loan holders, who now have no security at all for their loaus. Far a Poor House. Mu. Euitoki- I regiet very much tht I was so slluated as not to bo able lo attend tho meet, lug called to take Into consideration the pro. pnety ot ereclins; a I'oor House fur ttieboueflt of the lover cadet iho couuiy. Allow me to conaiatulate yon upon he success ot the meet, log and tho measures alopted topiomotethe euterprlio. I am well pleased with our people at large tor tho luteiest they take lu tho eitoi. prUo. I am fully convinced that If the pooi tax our ten towushipi pay annually weulcl baap. proprlated to ,Lls eutetpilse, ecouoimcai.y, not mauy years tiencj It will become a inglntutution. Dak. ouwixp. XtAfiSton, Oct. 31,1877. VOTE FOR 3Eo It ieweas For District Attorney. EST Read llieso strong endorsement of leading Republican newspapers: Kdwaud It. RmwElts. Kpq., tho DIatnct At torney ot Cat bon ennntr. 1 this Stlito, bv his earnest and sniceasful i-rosecutinn of tho.Mol. no Waaulres, has earned th compliment of a renominatiou for a second term, ltwonldbon Just tribute tp uuo nho hn faithfully ilonn his duty in tho fnco of tho Btronecat political efforts to condono their crin es. AUhoU';h eiccted nn Democrat, ho knew no party when hiwandjus. tlce demanded his strvloca. nnd ho .lioullnow tmvo tho snnporc ot oil who ilso above paity nnd honor the man who Mot only knowa hi. duty, but dors It. Ho will uf course, low tho votea of tho avnipath'zers wtth the dcepeimloes, bnt ho will have tho buopoi t or thoau who eujov iho quiet nnu penco eocured to t-icm bv hla ton. acieutious ttloriB. A rccohiI term wouM cuabio him to crown hla efforts in the coat region with continue! success. Let him hnvo It. Z'iua. fmt. (Itepi Siturday, July 2. 1877. E. It. eiKWKns. i:sq. Dlstrlot Attorney ot Cuibon ruiutv is ft enndtdato tor reelection. It is u-nal 1o give this olllcn to tho aamo incum bent lcr tv,o terms nnd even it ibis wanot tho case, his brilliant services In tlddluir I'cunavl vantaof the lerriblo outiuwa that disturbed its boidorB entitles turn toaseroud teim Daily Free I'rct. Kn.ton, (RcO) Sept. 20, l!77. Ab inquiry la inailo ot os nltnost dally wheth er the nieaent District Attorney would bo a t-rtnditlato lor ro election, wo nave taken pains to nscettain Mr. hieweib' mind respecting ibo matter niiil nro therefoio tnjblid to statotrut. if renominated, Mr Slecra will not refuse, to inn. It has wo think, heretofore been cusmm. nry to kIvo the District Attorney two terma. iho toreRoliifr ia lioni tlio Mauch t hunk Democrat ot last week. Wo nro euro that be will sotve, and his nonuna Ion nnd election will bOKuainntcoil Mr Hiowera la n younr umn of lino etiiiiniucnta, literary as well lea-al. and a man who unselfishly ocvotos bimaeif to hla du tie. Ho tins shown Krat skill nnd acumen unit imen'.o persevoieuco nnd cnorfrv ui the prose cutioti ot iho Molly Jlnirnlro eases, nnd his en. tlio teim lias been one of tho moH netlrnantl ornuotis Tho causes, thepreparntton ot winch tested upon him. luaiks an em in out ciimiunl Juilspiuiicuce. We bollovo that Mr. sioets will ma itojurront personal eacritlcoiu ncecptluR n 10 election, and If Gaibou county en tetaiii Ills .en ices tt IU bo fortunate indeed. Bt(AI hemliaUv Timet, (Hop I A CANDIDATE T0B HE ELECTION". Wo Under- stnutl that 1. It. r-lowers !'i , District Attor ney of Cui bon county, la a candidate for reuotn luutlou. He hn- held tho olllce tornno term anil It naa beoa customary to nlvo tho otllce two term., especially when Its duties have been well pt ltortneii, Such is ceitmuly tho easo with Mr. Mpv.rts fordurlriR his teim all tho Moille Maguire casoa wero worked up anil dlsiwsctl nt In a manner fresh In tho reeullectlonsof our reader-. His vlitorons prosecution ot tbeso Molt o cases has ratacd aatmt him a stionir op position mid tor this very reason docs bo de serve n second term. Huts a KentleniHii ofne. knowledfjed legal acumen Is paln-tuklnK.courto. jin.aml hoids a doelileoly Ineh plaro anions; the ynuutrer lawyers of tho suite. Ilia brilliant services In ridding Pennsylvania of tho terri ble outlaws that dieturlnd its bordeia tntltle Ifin to n second term -Allentown Dalit citron icle & Kms, (ltep.1 Sept. Slst, 187". Althoaph thoro wna bat ono nomination to make, tint of District Attorney, thu convention was lurirely attended, and as lively as It they had n wholo set to ptas Judgment on. Thu Democrats otdorbon did aery eouslblo thing in nominating the present incnmbont, E it. -'lowers, Esq.. who has proven himself Iho best oflleer In that position tho Democrats have selected for n long time. Ho has beeu prompt, Industrious, lmpartiil ami competent Tama. qua Courier, tltcp.) Saturday, Oct. 0. 18;s. A strong endorsement by the Hon. Francis W. Hughes, of Pi.ttsville, the leader of tho Greenback nnd Labor Ro form Movement In Pennsylvania : 13. It. hlF.WUIia. Do-ir sir . I learned to-tlnv that vou had soma opposition in tho miner of tho election ot a Dls tt ice Attorney for lour County, the ensulUR Full. In view ot tho fnct tlut vou guvo lo tlio Commonwealth dining tho past rar ninny moi.t la of .crvlco In tho tual ol protracted and yet veiy Iniportati,' o is -s, that muse have y el b idy iMerv ilttto return for the amount t-f ser vices tendered I tiiink tho poop e ol Cjroou rounn owe it to vou to re-elect you. Ol cuuiso no men has tny light lootilclit po-itlou oxcipt for the term vhicti no shall havo bem clcottd. but when .u oltlcer ha. served tho peop'o who n-td elected him. aa l.tltlttudy aud ably as you hivo your coiiatltnentf, thev will boat aoivo theinaelies by rour re election. I wilto you thisbt-ciuso I know bow much oiiH..eilfk-ed to a lulthful and honot discharge of your du tie-, and if auy woid ol mine w til help vou with vtuir constituent- pl"uso let nn know lu what form 1 hall tive It for my personal nnd did tessionil relatloja to ,Mu for itcar.y eighteen months past, nature mo that I can wltu neneflt to your constltuants as well asjusttte to ion. ask tnem lo lenew their coi.iWctico in vuu. and give bv their votea fot your luotcction urn evi dence that they nroi eriy nppteclate tlio nr. vices ot a public oltlcer, who ha- well deactved their continued support. Honing lorvouraio ceaa, I am very truly yours, r. W. HUUIIM, A Poor House nnd Kni-m. Pur-uaut to nollcu a nipetltio nf fli Poor Directors of tho several uoroughsN1,,,. and townships of this end of tbo county, was held In Ruber's Hall, In this place, on Saturday afternoon last, tho object of the meeting being to consider the ad visability of forming tlio said townships mid hoioughs into ono poor district, purchasing land nnd erecting the nec essary buildings thereon for the accom modation ot tho poor of tho district. Tho object of the meeting having been brielly stated, Mr. Harrison Wentz, of P.trryvllle, was chosen chairman, and H. V. Morthliuer, Secretary. The several townships and boroughs weru represented as follows : Uhlghtou mer. Wendell BcbwarIZ, II. V. Morlhl. Wet-sport Ueruard Vocht, Israel Mover. l'srirvilleHtirilson Wi-ntz. 1'enn Toiost Adam Cbrisiman. Mahoiilnj-Cn-iilis I.euie. Charles .Sitter. Krsuklni Thomas Suit. Jacob Ziegi-ntuss. Lower Tuwameusinci-i'harlod 1'rutzman, iiirhoiaa Urlll husi l'enn- Abraha-u Moycr, Owen Himth. Tho townships nt Kidder and Town- iiieiisiiic nero nut representeil, UUt it was stated that buth townships v,ero in favor of tlio iuove.iv.ent, It was suu-iested that about 230 acres of unimproved lands bo purchased, and suitable buildings erected thereon, which suggestion appeared to meet with the view of all present, rather than to purchase any ot the imp roved farms which had been already offered. It was then resolved that the above named boroughs nnd township be con solidated Into one poor district, for the purpose named, and that a commltteo of three be appointed to wait upon our Representatives, Hons. Y. M ltapsher und J. C. Kreamer, for the purpose of having Ihem pieparo it bill, to be pre sented at thd next sessluu ot the State for consolidating said boroughs and township Into one dis trict, ice. the chairman appointed the follow ing nameii persons sum committee : ll. V. Mortlilmir, Charles Prutzmati aud Oharles Leutz. After some futher dlsoussluu the meeting adjourned to meet again at the call of the chairman. The following sums are now assessed lu the places named lor the relief of the poor: l'airi'ville f s o Slaitoiuug 000 Wtlt.port lu f r-tkliu 1.UA) Ithiuuiou l,n 1' Hlddrf I Towaiueusiu 2l0 I'euuForcwt Jigi lii.l l'cuu '.in IK 11 1 tS.WJ Tina iMUoMSrwiituck n.irtv In uit-tuog ou saiuruay cvcnluj:. lu wulcu wu iaouanc people ivy part, Letter from Mnuch Cliitnk. MAUCH CUUSK. Oct. HI, IS77. If eVef yon hud any mlsslylngs respoctinc your origin, or doubt with (regard to the parity ot tho hutilah raco, you may now ssfoly aban. don both, as the ltov. 1'ather Helnen, of thej bt. Joo's It. C, Church ot East stanch lihnnV. In a lecture dollvcrcd on last Saturday evening; In the Coort House, lias fully proven, to his own satisfaction nnd that of his many henretv, that neither baboon, nor gorilla, nor any of 1'iof. Darwin's numerous trtbo of pets havo contributed noght towards onr being i but that all whltosand blacks, and rod jien as well as thosoot olive hue, hi o descended ttom ono com mon parent grandam Eve, who played snch pianks In paradise nls, no doubt, lalmport ant, If true, andtl.0 ltcv. gentleman certainly thinks Ills. This tectum, which Is said to havo beeu well aueiittcti, is universally ootnmciHli-d ns u erv eihausttvo specimen of sound oiclc. There nro. or eoutso, those who dlsaaieo with ltov. Hcluctl. as well as thoso who don't t-are. And the lattor will piobabty bona ucil olf lu tho end nsthosuwho, in lam, nro trlmt to f,tihom tho mvsttrv. and only ucceed In remuviug tho cjiai hi surrounding it. nun no inniu. 'Iho unexpected nnd nunc Buduen death, on last Matutuay, of Jos. Klnror, utlio "V.uro peaii," cau-ed quite atenaatiou and cunstder. bl4 svtnDathv nnd leriet nmong hta many friends huio. DLCeaHeil. who was iitlloover2l lears ot aire, wasiudied u nico voting man, tind liked by all whu anew him. A cold, coimactod fit tlio Lehiuhton 1'nlr, is assigned nsthecaiiho of tne lever which terminated his ll o J lis ftiuiral which tooa place on l acsday forenoon, was well attended. His lemalns wero taken to i-euignion tor uiirtni. At 2 o'clock on Tili-sdiv attcrnoon. Mr. W.J. Tl.omiiaou. ot I'bliadf Ipbla, and Miss Klnily Yoacor (daughter of Mr. Leonard Veager) weio uuiieuni luouoivuonus or mairiinouy at toe 1'ti ot l're.bvto inn churcu of Mauch Chunk, Hey. K renter, oltlciatlng. Hhortly after the cciemony end subsequent reception, tho budal iu tv iei c on more vv euiuiig tour. Tuoy win ro, turn In shout tw wi elcu. As election day is cli awing near, tho prospects vi iuubcu'iui cauuiiiaiea aro ueing tuoio ac, tively cnnvasHed and. luiiirlnir from nrnsr.nt on. I eaieucos, I slioulu coualder Knlofus biock as Littler below par. beatdea winch prospeciafor the success lu Curhoi. county of tho Democratlo Hinto ticket in o btifhtuinir. Knihususlla Democrats predict a mrjority ot from Otw to SiO Sineo my last, Hon. James Hortcy, ot Buck Mouutulu. has also boen galhorcd to his li thers. ltlnu in years and for more than avoir afllictod w.tii uti oiluuslvo malady (cancer) ho bteaihod Ins lar t on lust t-atarnay, at 2 o'clock p. m. On Monday ms funotal took place, oud lie now steeps Ills lust s.eep lu the Cntauliu cemetery of Tarcvtuwn. In lion. James Harvey tlio coin, mt.nlty has lust a good und useful member. Niiiwitustaudlug the continued piostrution of ouslness, our young tolas still luauuge to beep tip some life lu the community, buciety meet lugsuro Bprlteihy kept up, scaicely n week passing; wltiiout nt lojst several or ihem being held. And that thev havo lively times at thoso gatherings yoa muy readily believe. You know wo too were onco yotiugt hut that timo has long kiiicu pa sed. and bucauso a lapso ot tltuo hub aomowiiat sobcieu us, wo Bhoulduot on that uccouut condemn others for doing Just as wo used to do. Tho Athemcum and Orpheus nro at present tbo focietie& must lu vogue, and there ia cer. tuiuiy no questioning tlio tact that tho former, conducted as it Is, contributes not u littio to development cl a very desirable literary ta-ie, l'ereous present at some ot tbo soclutv'd lato meetings uec-late to huvo been really ustontshed nt the elocutionary prcilciency ot some ot tho memlieis. luo number ot boat. In port, though small, is mure Ihansutllcieut for picseut needs of the trade, as there is scarcely any coal moving bycunal. For tho poor toilers ot tho deep tho preseut has indeed boen Ibo moat ui.loiiunuto feaon. on too wholo tho conviction thai the canal has aeon its boatdava and th it hearing will soon ho entll cly abandoned, Is flat y gt ow. tugscrouger, nud the realization of tho predic Hon taut soon the ifcass vtil bo glowing on tho tow.patll, seems to uoueaily at hand. The coal ttado coiiiIuucb hi tho same state ot deoies-tou ns last leportcd. and tUecatrving cuiupinleaateprub.ibiy tho ouly nues whoyec realize a small piutit fiom tne lieigl.ts must ho paid, no nuuer at sacunco tbo bind diamonds are oistiosod of Yesteiaay t Ihurada) was Hallow Evo, and ill-lit rovui y uid our Juveniles ami burner boys eij iy tnciuselves at uli manner if much el, 1... it lu sumo esses th-y aemuushud wludow lijpiW nisicad ot murely pciiiug doois and miutteid vtith c.hbaue-iooUi, wa very uauguty on tooir pai u lu somo loualitlea tho s urd gates tire all gone, and tho vexed owuois are now out hunting ihem Meauwlnlo tho muclituvuus bo.s uio watculunt thosticct corner, hugely enjoying I ho pcri'lcxltj of their eldera. W. B. 11 If; Creek Items, 1 ho ecliool at Sod's should bo graded. K 11. Bie.ieis will boagsin elected DIctnct Attorney. A Intgo Peck ot wild geese passed over this pluceeu Monday evening. Mr. A i W. ltocser. of Allentown, was at this place on Tuesday last, WoPivo not as yet heaul who bougbtthe Letau & Suit gristmill pioperty. Mr. J. Iv. lllckert ni-d wifo wero at this p'uco on a visit on T hinsitir of last wick. Tho Teachers' nieenugat Bolt's has been postpontd loc tho present, uutlt furihor uotleo. I noticed Inst week that '.Mr. Wm. Schwei. boms ot this place, has repaired ono of his to bear that tho wlfo of Pnnl wrisie. i:sq., ol ttlouiiersviUe, has Improved lousidcrjbla When and whero will tho County Instltnto bo heli! this year. Bee ' Advocato" thioo weeks ug.i-lr.D I Our f.umers havo put up a nnrabcr of notl ces fuvtiiddinir persous from hubtiug, etc.. on their propel tiea. ThoMlioolsof Townuicuslng township will onen on the tith, und nut on tho 3d, as aicd lu tuycoiiospordfiiceof last week. rue leacuera vi r riiuKiiu win pioisecauup on tho Secretary. Joslah lt.ieh, of East Weiss pint, and sign the agreement and receive their ieorts. Mr. Joslah Cinder, of Allentown, proprietor of the Allentown I. line Works.wnsat tblsnlnco trying to iret outers from a number ot our fur lucison Thuisdav ot Itisi week. The teachers nt Franklin township are re quested to meet at foil's brick school house, on Fntbi evening. Nov 9th, ni7o'clock, tortile, purpuee of foimlng n debating tweet-. A number of our school, opone--; on Monday last.vtttliu t. The Valck.viiloH.i.d --.o't's schools will onou on Monday next, Iho Jin : these two sellouts wero postponed n-,o week on account of uocliers having u li amount ot work to do. 1 here are a nu-nb;i' ot persons vt ho come to Ibis place aud kill nualls slinn.v for spurt. I wou.i'. 8ay that It they consult their owulntciesi ip'oy will letter abauuon it at Ot-.TM tnr . ,w ur. I.n, a a,rr l ,1,1. hoci and we are detenunusl not to havo them cl lui luo mciu nihvi Eywici Yours, etc. B'g Creek. Nov. 1, I8J7. riEVIUE. AlbrtgUvIlle Itoiui. What U11I you twy 'a new doctorl" Take care ot your ctiickeus, am ! -TUo farm work lunoirly over for this year. At thli p'bcj ryo Hour 19 Belling at 12 SO per hutiilreU wtitfTlit. -Iaui umterob lirationa to Hon. James C. KivauitT, ol MtllpuK, Iji paatfavom. Mrs. Ha rati J. Depper aud iluusbter. of this placu. will take a ple.ihuro ttip to JluitHuu aud tSt-sUerUvlilt', Luzerne coiiuty, visiting reia. tUta. They will he Konu uuu week. Work at thU plaoti U Lecomluif quite brUk, esuecUi y lu tlie wHdi-maitlug lojra,itc. Ii is lo be hoped thai it may coiitluuo tiu, cuutidcr lumbal winter is diawmte u1ku audaouioot our iiivu have een talo uearly uli fcuuiuu'r. - Quito a uumiiT ut our old teachers havo been reappolmud by our U.rccojrs to iu luo lurtutbip. Their inborn, tho pat uruituiuist hae beeu appioiiitna by thom. Tlio public t-chool of thu place, In charge of Muster u. W. Buvder, is ma pioperuus cou ditluii; tho puitlts aupcar to bo very tttteutivo HUduro uiakuu Uuu piOifretM. wmcb tpualis hiiiuiy foi tuolutstiueioriucharje. Mr. will iuj,3J IbUlerui f Jr l'uuu Fornt, on Monday, November Ulu. X wish huu sutcus iu his new rho A11briiihtsnlo Debittua Hociev was reorifauttedou I'rUty cveu.i g. ud the follow liigou1c't wero u&amiuijui eleoUuli J. H, lUvr-c rrnaaenti J. D. it4Wk uuu U, W. tiny, tier. Vioe-l'i-eaiuiuts Jl. u. lepiey, Hoervlary. Tbe oitlotrs are poukuig of oijfauizmtf u vpttib tug beo vlr. Henry J. Deppey has Just uiade an aa tSitlou to his sjWiiiUI iu the bhape ol n KiistuiUl, TYUioins iMiiuplete aud worn likeaelucu. 1 uuils-rJi4Quil unit liftluLfiida i'u uritiuir It nbortlT sous to oonblotouu cuiloin vvn. vu.iu m11 proven iejtcouvuuii!UCd to our f aimers, who uow havo lo baal their titaia Httiueteuor twelve l' mill. Mr U. istueilibt uiau to uueuipt the ml liunr buaiues it the upuer eud ot Uio count . uiid bc'iuK u urt-L-la'a uii Iwr-ffht and a luuuol cousi-ltnruJlu meabs. Is Juit tbemautu ousU tbe biihlues BUc-oes-f ullv 1 be uiwo ol tlio new triuolUbmout ts ' Xhe AlbngtuaWllo Uriw.iui L lleuiy J, XKipcy, propiwios,." 'ibo I next qi'Hi oj wtil oe "I toy kuh but lajn-g. UUU IUU 1CUU0 Will HO Yours. ic, ' 4nhgutiiu, vet ao, mu 1 The Conl Traile. The anthracite Coal trcfls Is abont ss depres sed as It Can well nil. The last week's public sale ot 123,000 tons ol coal at New Yori by tbe Delawaro Lackawanna and western Itallroad Company showed a decided redaction on tlio then enrtent prices ot coat, though the avoiaire edvanco on tho last unction sa'o by thesaaio company.ln Juno last, la twenty cents per ton 11 07 11. against t! 374 per Ion, i'rlcos aid now not temunerattve, aril production w.U nccccs, (nrily lesson until they shall become so. It Is said that the tlatkcst hour of tho night Is that which Immediately precedes daylightsnd there Is hope that tho dark hour In tbo coal trade is st band, Wclcarnfrom New York that tho of fleers of tho largo carrying companies connect. Ing with that city are very sick of the prccnt sltnatlon, and especially ot tho nbuudanco ot coil and the very low prices In oonsequenco. A revival of tho old ' combination." to limit prices, Is now in setlons contemplation, and there is but ono stumbling block In tho wivof Itsimiiiecilate consummation, and that is, tho proposition ro limn production at tne ss-ne time. All of tbo parlies do net t.ivor this latter, but trero is a piobalnlity that nn arrangement mav lo agreed upon tin ouch a combination by which tho i ratio will bo placed on a firmer basis for the icinHiiiuT oi i no year, r,io isew era: com routes nro understood to loo-o largely, and pro, Imbiv tho Poster tlum snywheiols uot making much. A low pilco of fuel Is much doslred for lonuv r'-nson-, uui 11 is a fosilivo iltsauvancnge when i-o-npetition forcei It below tho nctuat tost ol production. 1 he present strife with the scleral coaliesluns In command tho markets Is ti-iuy moro disastrous. A ccciinoonmoroai frnin mil' nnu rommi I. rnllnaml liv u nnrrennnn. ding or greater docllue by somo other. The last nnctloti salo at New York showing a decided fill In prices followed by a domalld from mu liriiuiieera oi i-oai in luo scuuriaiu regiou for a i eduction of ft eights and tolls by the Head ing Compaiiy.aud. listening to tho rea sonableness of this desire, tho Uoatd of Dirco tors of that Company on Friday m-1 anil autho rized a roduciion In rates from Hchurlkill Haven to l'ott Itlchmond of twenty-flvo cents per ton, with iho right to the president of the lomp tny to mnko such abatement on.-cnnl ship. pod eastward f i otn ltiehmond and will enable tho mircra of Iho Schuylkill region to cr mpete with those of auy other region rinding market tbiougli tho New York carryiug oompnnles. Thus tho decline ol the New orit nuetlou salo Is met by tlio Schuylkill region, and a similar deollue is made on coal from tho Lehigh I eglon. Leaner, Monday. The folio ving table shows thDsinanttty of coal shloped over the Lehigh Valley Hatlroad for tho week cueing Oct. '.7th, 1877 and for the year us compared with the same time last year t Itrgions From i Week. Year. Wyoming M.0I1 10 &S!),e:7 03 uiuietou tt,3!?8 01 Upper Li high Heaver Meadow 17,317 ( Mahnnnv 21,72 03 Mnuca CliuiiK..,, 1,8611,14. S7 670 19 ,12l,01 10 5711,218 02 6.S62 00 Total....... Last Year Incrcaso Dccrcaso 115,372 OS 1I7.22S 11 8,805,824 01 3 4U.127 00 443.S07 01 ,. 1,653 00 ItEI'OIlT OF COAL transnortml over Lehlsh A Busatli lianna Division, l-fiirrnl U n. nf M..w Jersey, for 0 days ending Oct. 28, 18771 Shipped from t Total week. To date. Wyoming 36.MS 15 1,008,812 19 Upper Lehigh 4.518 It 218.111 lo " " M.S.K.0IC0. 1,450 1 0 17,021 16 neaverMoadow o.m lis 824.49x04 Bnmly Knn Uranch 7,230 15 231.535 is llozlcton ZMJI0 7812 07 Mauch chunk 13,774 02 1126,033 00 Uazardvllle 12,278 19 Total 72,007 03 2,244,110 11 Previously tepoitcd... 2,174,019 03 Total to date 2,210 116 11 Bamottinolaslyeat....2,'.03C33 1: Incrcaso Decrease 47,522 Ot pmi naafi ,f nnnlnnf m tinttH.,. J. ,, IICVK IIUU UklUbU J UUl UUOIIICSS tvlipn trmtliturt tvllli n nnnnli rtr mM tt you only use a rellublu remedy at on'ce. li- ii..ntn nn..i. c-..... 1.. -u- 1 . no jjuii 3 cciuii oyiuii 13 iiiu uesb remeuy we Know or. nice only cents. Edwin Weldner, aged fifty years, of Lehigh county, nttempted to dash his brains out against a barn wall on Thursday. Not succeeding ho cut his throat from ear to ear. No cause Is as signed for the suicide. MARRIED, TOWNSEND-FAinCHILD.-On the Jtth Of October, 1877, at 7 1', M at tbo home ol the bride's parents, by Hev. D. 1". Kidder, D. D., ot Drew theological Bcmlnary, a-slsted llev. M. E lilllson. Itev. Geo. W, Townseml, ot the Wilmington Conferenco, aud formerly pastor of tho l'ackorlon M. li. church, and Miss 1 heodosla M Falrchlld, of New V crnon, N. J. The happy pair have onr best wishes for their futuro happiness and ptosperity, and may tho union be blest with many a fair child. HOWEH-MATZ.-On the 20th ult., at tho res. Iitenroof Mi. lfubeu Kuutz, of cherryvlile, by llev. O. A. hruegel, .11 r, Allen W. IJower, otCherrvvtile.iindHiB Lvdia Malz, dough, tei of .Mr. Joseph Matt, ot ltockdale, Lehigh county, 1'a. DIED, nr.MINO.-On the 27th ult.. In Albrlghtsvllle. of dlnhtherla. Jeunio A., cUuahtcr of r. a. and Lucludj Ucmlng, aged 3 years, 5 mouths ami 15 days. Special Notices. Slack Hills IlKi HORN, and tho tirent Jrsortuv.t-st a liirL.n IOU nairn Book, cental jtng full infoimatlon ot tho oonn. try, wi',,i maps and illustrations, will bo sent free ',0 everv 0110 send ng aioofor six months 'aoscnntiou to tho DAKOI'A HERALD. Tho Is a laige SMoimun Journal, aud is tlll esl with entettaiuing reading uattor, both ori ginal and sel-cted. It Is a Western Journal ot Western Ideas, specimen copy sent free Three months with Hook tor 75 cts. 1 the price of tho Ilook alono is 75 cents. Address, 1111'; UEltALD, Yankton, Dakota. Sept. 221877 1113 B LEMIbHEa UPON THE FEMININE COUNT BNANCK. t of a comulexloual na ture, speedtlv vaolcb when ULUNsN'S tl3L I'll Ult HOA1 Is used to obliterate tueni, l'lm-plt-3. Itlotches, lt 'uubness, lledness and Tan uro lnvunably banluhvd by this iccoui parable cldniputf neuu Kiuptive allmeii4, sores. ClllM. uruisPB, fcennin, uuu uiuvi uurvuuus uuu injuilenof tho rutlcle are likewise removed by it. sUtPUUIt UATlIrt have long been re uowued at the best remedy for skin diseases, ilieuiiiatiim and gout. (JLENN'd hULl'lIUU -OAl U In everv respect a efiloucloas, and far cl eaper. liv opeim k the orrtt and promoting a viaorous Buueutuiui circu.uuu,iu.Bui--riirut article contributes to tbe health of the entire syttpio aa well ns to that ot tho cuticle, Muce Its introduction topublto rottce tt has repeated, lv tieen tommeudfU by the medical profession anil press aud tow external specifics have won such "golden opiutous" among all classes. It pieveuin uuuuxiuua umenaes u won ubicuuidb them, and dislufects clothing and linen ltcpregs nattvl with dUeaae. Dandruff is entirely eradi rut t ii hv it. Htm its up6 lit. on that account. Kreauy to ue uesiouraieu uy persona wuuno umr IS lUlUUlUg OUL ill uuiikvquuun ui uipiints ui iIim Hfntti. i hiiMtt who liaH Uked oinlmenta and liquids without avail for the cure of eruptions ot tin oi tuatt chirarter wtlltlnd, if thuv try it, that OLfclNN hULl'HUH bOA P leraoves n(nrhnttu rjiinitluinta lfiouiedlablo bv lebS lUI caciousme-ius, nnd prevents tho recurrence of sucbflbioiders. . , tola by urutgitts, urocers ana l-ancv uoous Deule a. lrica tin. per cake I Itox (3 cukes) sent bv mall, prepaid, on receipt of price, c. N. CKimixios, I'rop'r, 7 blxth Aveuue, New Vork HILL'S IUU AKD W1I1SKEU DTK. Black Or, July7, liU. Now Advertisements. 1ST 0T1CK IS DIYOUUE. Mary Williams, by her No, 7 June Term, 1877. next IrieuJ Morgau 1, Bur Libel for Divorce, r. ( Evan William. J bill Vou will plesae take notice that the niidetsmueil baa beeu QpKiiuted CniumislHi er, by the Court ot Coutuiou Pleas ol Carbon Couu tr. to take tea luiouv lu ur above Libel Raa for Divorce, auu wilt attend to said dutle at his oiliee in Mam h Oaunk on TUK8DAY. tbe 27th day ol NOVEMiik'il, 1b77. at IS INK o'clock A. M when and where yuitand all other per sousluUrisUd msv attend. PlVi t-H J. MEEHAN. Couiml. iionsr Mauch Chunk, Nov. 3, UU nii Now Advortiigements, SSlGIVI3fiS SALE 01' Yaluablo Heal Estate. Ily Tittle of nn Order Issued out ot the Court ot Common Pleas ot Carbon County, the under, slguod will sell at l'ublio Salo, on Friday, November 30, 1877, at 2 o'clock p. M upon Iho premises In Frai f lin Township, carbon OoltntVi I'd., tholol.ow lngllosl Ksuito towltl Mo. i. All that certain MCsstlag, Tenement ami p.eceot ground. -Hinto in 1'iauklintoivn slup siniesald, bounded and deCiibcd n'e' lows, towltl (legiuniiig at nslone In a pnbllu road leailing from -u 1'anl's chttrch to I'lU" Swamp i 'thence psitly hy land of FMiikhu Bolt and part lybv land of Charles Drelsbach, norili 81 dourees, i nst 4J perches to n stone, a:l thenco by tho latter north Uileirro-s, east SO porches to a stone, and north 82 decrees, oast 38. P"ichcstoa postt ihcnco bv bnd ot JosepH Hnitiuniii norm 32 degrees. wct M perched n n posti thence by laud ot Augustus Doildcr, e onth 6Slj degrcs-s. west 18 pennies to a ,pnot I thence bv the same and panly b)' laiid 6t Cor. nHussnvder south tt dodoes, Mli pet otieatrt a stonoi thence by land ol Paul Back, south 18 degrees, west SO porcheB to-stnnoi.todice in land lato of Dnnlcl bolt, north 83 iiewcaj. east 50H perchos to a Btxme, nnd soutnam Q-griet, east u".' perches to the place of beg nniug. con. talning 4S acres and 79 ierches, moio or lecB; The lmprovomcnts thereon consist ot a FRAME DWELLING nOIISBS, 2S by i'6 feet, two stories high, with ro-ch at' tached, K.amo Darn 35 by & teefi. and othr out boildluga, a well of good Watetr a good oicbatd. Land In a high stato ot Cultlvatloni , No. 2. Alt that cettflin messuage, tenement; and piece ot land sltuato in the township aiorn. snid, bounded aud de'crioed sb follows to will ueglnnlng at a stone, thenco by land of Vettt Laux. north 83li deirreoa. east 61.7 nerchca and south Ilia degrees, ea-t 12 perches, ami noitlt 831. degrees, east 41 perches i thence bv land ot Aaron Schnell, south UH degreeir. east 117 iierchosi theuco by land late J. beetus, sonlh 7ii doeiees, 22.5 perches, nnd sooth CH di'gred", west 32 perches t thenoo by land of job. Ddr wort, south 67li degrees, wost 76 perches i thenco bv land of Aaron Hchne.l. north 7fe do.- Jrees, west 101 o-lti perches i thence by laud of acob Zetgentnss, north H degrees, west W HtJ perches to place of ibegtnnlng, contulnlng 109 acros, too porches, more or loss. Ko. 3. All that certain messaage, tenement and ptcco of land sltuato In said Township, bounded nnd described as follows, towittllo ginnlng at n corner, thence hy land ot Fetef Laux. north 83' degrees, east 116 310 porches t thence by land of Daniel Walk, south 9H Jos grees, west 108 ucrches. and soutli 49 degrees. srest 89 perches i thtneo partly by laud ot J. oeoins uuu partly nyianu or Aaron ocuneii. nerihlilt, westtjt710 perches to the place ol begtunluir. containing 72 93-l60ths acres more or loss. Being the ltcai Ks'ato of Daniel Honstn ger and wile, ot sold Fr'nklln Township. Car' bon County, and to be sold by the Ae.lgnee for tho boueflt of creditors. Tbo Terms and Conditions will be mado known on ths day ot sate, and dee attonuanco given by JOEL NKl'T, Asslgnee.- j. aiRKiiAN, Attorney. Nov. 3, 1877. 3w rpo Whom It May Concern. All neranns are hereby forbid raeddllnr wltlv tho Household l-nrnitnte aud effects now in tin possession of Heubeu Kuecht und wtlellatoof tho borough of Lehigbton. 1'a . the same being, my property, und is loaned to them durlug my pleasure. iaau ju.uir.ti, jjemgaiou, i'u November 3. 1S77.W3 -gJXECUTOKS SALE Of Valuable Real Estater The undersigned. Executors of DANIEL IlEBEItLINO, dee'd. will offer at Public bale, at the HOI'EL of THUMAH MANI'Z, In thu UOHOUUH OF LEHIUHTON, Carbou Coun ty, l'euna., on Friday, November 30, 1877,. commencing at TWO o'clock P. M (ho follow inirvtiluableltoal Katate situated in tho llon'' ot Lehigbton aud tho Mahoning Valley, about lour miles from Muttch Cbnnk, tbe county seat, to wit i All that certain tractor piece of LAN1 situated lu Maboulug Township, County and atato aforesaid, bounded anddescrlbod oslou lona t lleglnntog at a stone, thence by laud. of j ii u iu as -tveisti! ueiju. buhiu 14 uegreea. easi 12 perches to a stone ; thenco by land of (leo. Kcmerer. north 77 k deitrreosi east Si nerrhna trv a atoue; thence by the same, south aa h degrees, east ffl and 7l0ths porches to a white oak tree : thenco north 88 to deccrees. east mnanerehcpi tn a stone: thenco south ii decrees, east 17 A 3 icthi perches to a ston t thenco by land of Leonard llouts and oihers, north 70 defrreee, east 160' perohos to a stono t thence by Und ot Jona-t Ilowman. noith 2H aeKrees, west 00 perches to' a stone i thence by land ot Paul Miner, north' elftht nenrees, west 5t perches to a stone In a Sub .10 road : thence in aald road by laud lato of ohn tatrawbndfre, south 7iW degrees, west 2u3 perches to the place ot beginning, containing 120 AUHKS. be tho same within said bounds more or less. aiw, tut iuub suiiuiu ouriuif or well a Ull Water Uiirbt. conveyed to Dauiel Kat ttinn hv Solomon Hoy. r, by deed 1 ocorded lu M. Chunlc. lu Book ot Miscellanies No. 2, paae 3a, etc,, lor iuu tyoic: uuw uoi-u uu nam luiui anujiremises. The Improvements thereon aio a Two-Story Brick Dwelling, 28 by n fter, wiUia 1H eloiy Unck Kitchen ottftxhed 18 by 21 feet, and with n 1 h story frame Kitchen a' so attached, r: by is ivv 1 nmu on inn uniu, iiuuiu wiiu siouo uase meut, 3(J hy 90 feet t a ftaum If ay House, 22 by 22 let t; a frame Wagon House, 27H by 40 foot r n ir am morn Crib, y by 16 feet; a frame Hug Pen. 16 by 24 feet 1 al story Stone Dwelbng House. 17 by 21 foet, with frame Kitchen at tached, 10 by 12 leet. The eald premioea aro unuer u uuu avaiu ut uuiuvuuuu. auu uave upun tliem an exoelicot Orchard ot Apple and other I'ntit Itew. ALSO. All that certain Northern part of a LOT OF Q KUUISD. situated in the Boroutrhof Leblirb. tou. County and State afuresold, and numbered ou the Plan or Plot of aald Uorousb Ko wl ad.- joining Lot No. U7, and known aa the " Daniel iieueruug jiumeitbeau," uuuiuiuiuir iu 11 out ou Uuu tc street 33 feet, aud extoudlniof thut wirtih between parallel linoa to cheny Alley J&9 feet auu a menus. The Improvements thereou are a 2H Story Brick D welli n ir House. 22 bv 32 feet, with two ttory Brick Kliciien uttaebeu, id by hi I tot, amr a oummor ikiicucu, ii uy 10 itcu ALSO. All that certain Lot or Piece of LAND uttnatA ou thp easterly sldo of Pino street. In said liUo vi ijfutguwn. auu uuuiueieuou lue putu or plot. therootsNo. 14, trout! nar ou said Pine stieeitu feet, and couuuulnf easterly o4 that width be t'veen paiallel lines aud a 1 right angieawU.i sold l'mo street. IfcB feet V luches to M Hum alley, bouudeil westH ardly bv 11 uo street.uorthwaid lybylot Ko. is, eaatwardlv by MHuiU alluy una southwardly by lot No. 13. me xmprgruiutrui luereou is tkl story iromo Swelling House, if by 18 feet. ALSOs AU that certain lot or nieco of LAND iiltn.l. on the eastwonlly sldo of I'li.e stieet. m auhl Borough of Lehluhtou, and cumbeied iu tbe plan or plot thereof No. U.troniLngon saldPlua ireeii4 it., auu cuunuuiug taaiwaraiv or tuac wuitu boiweea parallel lines aud at right angles muiNmriuu biicoi, 10? u. v menu IO Ollltou alley, bounded westwardly brPiuo st, north wurd.y by lot No 10 eastwardlv by said Ailimn alley, und .southwardly uy lot No. 14. ihe Improvement thereon Is a 1 story frame Dwtlllng House. 22 oy 10 feet. Couditiona will bo nude known at time and place of aule, by TllOa. J, U12BKRL1NO, Executors ot Daniel Uebcrllng, dee'd October 27, IJ77-W4 UDlTOnS NOTICE. The undersigned haying been appointed, by the t ourt of Common Pleas cf Carbon County, Auditor to distribute tbo funds axisirg fiuui iuts snenfTa 1e of the Beat Ksute of David Belts, will attend to the duties ot his aypolutmeut av the OQlue of Allen Craig. Ksq , in Mauch ChuntCi on Monday, the 19th cay of November. 1877 at 9 o'clock A.M.. wnen and where all partb-d u.ter ested may attend. P. P. LONGaTUKET, Oot.27,lS77 W4 Auditor. gTUAY BULL. Gsmo to the premises of the subsorlber, ira Heaver Itun, Mahoninit twp., farbon countr. l'a on or about tlie idiot Oolobet. a UAlclC llOANllULL. Tbe owner ts resiuestecllocoiuo forward, prove proriertr, psy cbaiees atsl tileo him sway, or he will bo Mda accord, at UEHNAllD LfclNHAItl). Beaver Itun, Oct. a, i77.wl dmlulslrator'ii Native. Notice Is hereby (riven, that Letters of M miul-tiat.on unou th UsUtvot uotleib Nts.r, lalo ot the Township ot Maaouuix. Carhwd uo 1'a .deo'dhavebecnirrauiiidtotiieuucsriiirni d. All pcibous kuovtluu luninis04 luooiudi-bl-'t tosiiiu 0-ut.iwlci uonuxlLui ptunt. and those havl s ciaiios will preeut tXicai duH authenticated for seiiK-mout. 10 LeUlghttiJ Out s. 1.77. vt,