The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 27, 1877, Image 2

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tmiratiTox, p.!
Democratic Nominations.
Rupreme Jndar-rohri Trunker Venango.
Amlttoi Oeaoral William B. 8cuoll, Bet'ford.
State Trenearfr Atuoi n. Noves, Clinton.
District Attomor-K. It. Blewera. M'h Chunk.
Republican Nominations.
Supremo Judro-J its. n. Uteirrtt. Allertenr.
Auditor General-J. A. M. PasmoroKchnylklll
eiate Treasurer-Wm. B. nart, Montgomery.
Dltrlct Attorney-io.. M. Kslbfas, M. Cbnnlc
The cost of carrying the Inland
matl9 for the next fllscal year Is fstl
mated at $20,889,270 73, on Increase
on thu estimates for the current year of
Mr. Henry S. Talntor, the expert
employed to ascertain the amount stolen
from the City of New York by the
Tweed Ring, reported Wednesday that
the total-was (20,000,000.
Hie total funded deb'ts of the three
leading cities at the periods of tho last
official statements made were as fol
lows : New Tork, 121,810,183 80 j
uosion, f43,oUO,497 SO ; Philadelphia,
$55,509,871 70. These are too debts In
each case exclusive of sinking funds,
One of those terrible explosions
wmch bftvo been so frequent In tho col.
llerles of Great Britain occurred In a
colliery In nigh Blantyre, near Glas-
glow, on Monday morning. Of 233
men who descended Into the mines In
the mornlng,only one bad es:apcd allvo
up w mesday morning. There was a
possibility, though little hope, that
oiners would be rescued.
A dispatch to thu Chicago Times,
dated Fort Walsh, British Territory.
the 17th Inst., says the Commissioners
sent by our Government to treat with
Sitting Bull have met htm and utterly
rawed to obtain any terms of settlement,
He continually fears treachery on the
part of the Americans and places no
trust whatever In their professions.
Their offer of peace on the condition of
ms surrender being rejected, the Com
missioners have begun their journey
Referring to the Grand Army of
me KepuMic anniversary ou Thursday
me rwiadeipbla Ledger says : "The
demonstration of the day was mado by
the soldiers' In their greeting of Gen.
M'Clellan. Tbls was a grand and
touching scene,- the participants being
soldiers of every variety and ebado of
politics an outburst of soldierly affec
lien from officers and men to their 'old
cuiumanuer. lie was 'carried away
bodily by the surging mass of those
trying to get near enough to speak to
una una get a grasp or ms band."
Carbon Grecubackcrs In Council.
A meeting of independent voters and
friends of the Greenback-Labor move
ment was held In theliroadnay House,
at Mauch Chunk, on Saturday last.and
was convened upon the call of Hugh
McGarvey, Chairman of the Coun
ty Standing Commltteo of the Anti-Monopoly
and Labor Reform par
ty. Hon. J. C. Flncher was made
Chairman, and John Devlin, becretary.
TbefollowlnRtlltirlctswete represented:
Audenried, Beaver Meadow, K. Mauch
Chunk, Franklin, Lehigh, LehlRhton,
Laniford, Mauch Chunk, Flrt Ward,
Mauch Chunk, Second Waid, Nesque
honing, l'ackerton.SummltUIII, Weath
tty and Welssport. The following
were elected the Count Standing Com
mltte of Carbon county for the ensuing
. hunks Patrick Sbrrp. Edward Kinnelan,
IIobq McOarvey, William M. Davis. Mlooael
Ke.ien Ltsi Mauch Chunk Miehsei one.
lilwidllsrkinr..Oro Measlngert Lebuth
-'harle Canull, Jto.'i hlwru, Jaincs,
William Jjurke: Lehici.tou W. A. Uravrr,
OWfu gheiidaii, a. SiUer. Edward ltawortht
Laniford-E. T. Uclwi.onn.n, Mauch Cbuus.
First Ward-John Doolau. Abo fctrob, Michael
Oilleap'e; second Wald-Jaines Jirennan, lien,
rr VMiltuiercr, kdaeril Conior. Lafayette Wil.
Joneri Mcaqnehoulna TUoo. MoUcntKI, John
Dunonue, Jr.. John O'Doi.neilj i'aclerum A
elihi Franklin-Iasac Ungenitosr, Aleuuder
L'iJW ? t?.er,r-f W. ltyon. Thomaa Win.
hr o r r nuuiioil Jill i IMlDcIl UUt-
i-uvt. .hw Silvia, j una jjciauey.
It W&s ordered, uuin mntinn. th.tth.rh.1.
nun ol the Executive C mmltie oil the vacan-
""i lunuuuKHjioi representee:, ana it was
requested that the friend, of the cause tend in
the names of those who are wil.lna to a d in
iiuu. si ucacta upon riect.oa oar.
Ef.V.'a'.S Committee on Keeolutloiie. re
pot ted the lojlowlair, which wete adopied i
Wrhwcaa. Thiouiili clau itrylilaUon and the
rninoDa financial policy ot me two old uanlei
Ifl fnal niL ffhu T. i wi - -w. -
and the laborer are nduoea ui poverty, and the to Ilia deKrooatiuu of au army of
trauipoj thtrelore, be it
. '""'ivoo. '1 hat we, therepreieotttlrea of the
ilr luiloiw the nomination otileatier, l.mcr.a
and Wrlant and the Ureonbaoi.Latwr iilatiunn.
nd plidae onr larneat .upport to aecure the
election t the ticket
ltiaoivfd Thatowln to the bard time and
tioihorj inurral exiadiif between bow and
Jhe e.ecnon we decline to i.omlnate a candidate
Jor Djitrlc t Alton ey, aud frlenda Ai e at libel ir
to role rorwnouitoeterihKr pleaw. uiadeu
rjnesui ioUieintemu of our parly wrjlUc
Sii.'f nT l1!"'0 ", e'Cttiouof pioWlonal
pouiltUuia or rtna caualdate. wawoiiia unistut
to (beau to rote furcandiiiatea who are moat In
juiiiauir withoorpiatfurra
lleujjld. That we icqueat the Independent
voiaia ujd fuenda el the OieruDniikTLMuor
n.oremiainiei.chnUtiict In the couoiy tour
faults Uieenuack Cinle to be o. ntluued aa per.
uxneuiubUlauoh Uuie aa you root thatsneuir
tn-li1,i".f"P- 't anJ Watioual chwtloua,
She folior:nif gentlemen were utiaed toat.
Mud. to llie wf-auiiaUoo of clubu It T, lie
Douougbaud lion. J. u. PiMuer.'Tirefoiluir.
)!?.7t','i',"ni'1 M 'he tiecnure fotnuiiiiee
?,,'",0'lu,' .J KoiM Irby. Hntuinit
UUt. Uhauian: W. a. Oianr, LenJirbton.
kWri."1 MoQaryey. MwardTonmr
.v., atli- Upon motion aud adoption
the foUowmg vera becteoi A. Vauho u and feajip. bUve detegatea lor 17; J. c.
fiucbti J.uoouu,A'je btrou,coni:ieouai coo
J"" w U7.; w. a. Henry Won
wijir.btnatoilai deirgjiea lor l7i Ou uio.
ti. v. uoiiTKixen,
OnrTTflsrilngton teller.
WiiHtsarox. d. o Oct. a im.
The flrat wort of Oongreta, whllat not char
acterlted by Icglalktlon. haa neTertheleaa de
monatrttea aome Ihlnga !i!chtforhadow the
fntnre lltlcal attitude of the two ?reat paitlf i
in tlti dtlfberariona of Uta legtalaUre branch.
aMl In the -prwpteUTe Rlalloai between the
Exeertiva and tho t,artr wh'eh placed him In
power It was apparent by the ttudioue man.
noi In which the ratherns Ucpnblican repie.
ecnUlivea f tho people uyoldej itae Eiecnllve
mansion, or by the unnallty with which they
pei formed the ordinary olyllitlea ot the oocaaiou,
that the feeilr g of dunpprobatlon ot the course
cf the SxecntlTF must hato tn marked In
their oonstitucnclea. The Democrats, en the
othir hand, wli h Ihtlr usuit tact end diplomacy,
have beea most ahaidaous In ihelr Utontlon.,
usd one would hare presumed that there was n
Democratic, rsjtma la the Execnuve mansion,
instead of a lUpnLlloau President lected by a
Bepubliean conrention, chosen by Republican
votora. elected by Republican electors, .upplo
mented brtne Jn4irJsl deliberations and scru
tiny of ajolut commission of the two tlousrs cf
Congress. The liepubllcana liavo been anlien
and irritable, whilst the Democmta hare oecn
r.aTV.l.tIJ?!!la""-t Wlththedissatlafactiou
!llJ'J.5e?,,"c,B faaka. anil ancb men as Conk,
ling and illaiue tnpixcdM be la a suniclf ntly
ponibustloie cund.tion to cead a poUtic-i leyoit,
tho Demirata. under tho leauers!.ip ot luur.
niau. llsyard and Wallace, that the
S"r vn toP'ar. 1 he Proeldoiifa com ae
4J2.ll52j'.""w?al;i' J"' PHilcl
SI .1" H 'S' w uut nB a,u J"'- m tnrtr uitereata.
after niuoh oauonsung. they wero flnnir beut
i1.IWI)ii1?tl.,"f bim w,t" couaplcuoua levitv. In
the flub or taia ei a ol good let Hun between tne
XTU!?,U'! '"Jers and the llepnhl.o.u l-rcl
denrhulnlau took it f,,r a tine cliuuoe rora
move, aud with trno Demooratie tnat net set in
.or 'heoapturo ot thoHanatorlal seats i Louis i.
"".V .1 ?6utl0r 'rout Ohm has never been
celebiated for the brlilianey ot his political s,r.
tegy. ihls sudden ami open movo at once dis
covered the puiposes of the Democrats, and ilie
Itepubliojns, wavering beiwoen UxecLtive put
ronage and lojaitjr to then pai tv. wore lit once
biougiit to their ren-v,. in a caucus held on
tho aulject, en ry Republican bcua or admitted
Vt? 0I, ?" mougst themselves ou
all qucatloiis. without rettmuce to the exceo
tiouul cnndl.lon ot things about tho Executive.
Even Biaulcy Mtthe),-..the iTCTideufc...80st
li lend nrged unity ou ail occas'ouM. On u teat
yote on the i eference ol the credeutials of t-pof.
tlous, tbe Republicans roiled up a vole of 34 1 or
reiertnce. against rcueniocmtaagnm-t it. onu
favor ot the Immediate adm.eslon ol the Deiro
S!?.uo a Repuoiu an nujoilty ot 4 v.nea.
lhlsindicatedajiun atujudauce of eight. Ihteo
of which weie vacauchs lu which there aie
conte.ts.BS la Bouto Carolina and Loiuaiaua,
Joi satisfied wlih tals reoun,Tliurmautii.od
the aaiue tacUca In favor of iujlls, tbe other
Democraclo coatcaiant Irom Lonibuno, uutdis.
loveiiiig ihOMiuie united trout on.hep.tiof
U10 Itepuhiicaus.witUdrew uoui his position bv
witndrawtug tho motion in ibat ose. In tle
laJc,,,?y0t ,Ue Wkb-"
The ipnucrous Senator from Illinois, David
Davlj , dtstnbuted his favors, In one instance no
"i?1 ")0 lKPnhilcans andlu too otnei!
'w,11.1)l.m?u,''"'v A" heisclasalned as 1.11 is to be proauiued Unit IhuKi
Associate Justice of the Mupieiue Coutt has
pl.imo.l'&brVd.0' eih:,""nit E" "
Thla course of the Republicans In tbe senate,
and the expressed deteimluation ot tne llri.uu
licanaof the House to co-operate wuh them,
haseeuflbly stiffened llepnolicau aeutiiueuim
J-ong-reaa 1 and whUe It la no pal 1 01 their plans
toautagon.xe the they deoiaie their
purpoje to aut as tney deem wni beat meet tto
approbation of their oonstliuenif. Uy coniutt.
eiitiy ma.ntaiulngtalapuntiou theleaiieia thiulc
thai, ihev win best serve the Interests of thu
party, and at the snuo time will be lu a position
10 repei any luiuied-ate flouiooiatio ad unites
wuilat the Presideut la trying his pol cy of pad.
Bcaticn. some a i- coueoiidatlug the Dcinoo.atlo
party and the soma. .uuvu.o.viu
Viecrresuieni A heeler. In conversation dooa
not seem to lie exeicised at what some ileuub
ilcana oouslder a very OaiL piospect, lie ys
the Ucpnbacai.s e.m aftoid to uo a utile drill
Int. auUlliUi-s Die, wui ooiuenptotue Iront
lba in unity afdstreujith. ibireiaoue tumg
tobesiilaoithephlo election 1 it was the most
SV.r l"u 'uuepenueuee with
which, the ttcpuuhcau voteia exetcisu the.r
elective tranchise. 'I he Democrats In tuta
the kuvautave iney aro indeoeuueut enough
Hevorai u.t.uiatioua f ixiiu aaihorlty have beeu
put out or Jour cuiieapuudeui m h.s ttWiauh.
10 despatchus, ot aubpoaiiion to Live umciu!
...,).,.Muuuiuii a u 1 uin 01-uerruauec-luglederai
offlevrs p'Htioiptugiuthu liaui-
yuiauwun wiucu, u lilt) Mil. UI l.Ollllci.1 m.Cll,
ing nocesaaiy lu tLe uuinuiatlon of ceitalum
uiv.uuw irurxstm.iug usituiu peraunat intc,
eaia. Within the ia,t fo dava H rHw i.M,t.i.
can rprenutlvija have ventured 10 tlie'l'iea-
jucu. it. ireujo reuiaras au,t ll.ioiloilaloce,
ou the aurject of his order, the l'riislduut w..s
Quite itmarklua tiiatius otderhud
uuvec oecu lauiy luiurpreieu. tint taat iLllaen.
' . 1 .in luiiwm no, uuii.
can Journals had persiuuy la sitprosentnl
mi. uau u. w VUUSIIIICIIUU UKia lb HUlCn
wus never dcsiirned. 'llipim.l.t ,.r n., u..
ho staled to tueae topic seutaiivos. wsb is biua
up that uruilrary uud Ucpotio why ol muiv.d.
uj,. tniuugu u cl ii-s ol ularrpnuble cuaructers
whu ignoi eo evet y(,nucipln id Ju.tice 111111 naUt,
audpuiutu cuuiuuited to suuteirr tua tur'
wishes of u.e ueoole. lie kimi i,a i,.,i n ,1..
tiUitlons to uie as to Individual. on.yeo that
the panleawho securui tee iilhoea wo to the
cnolceof u,eptnj,e. Uosidieu mat now that
tne uomlubtliius were uiaUu, thuru could be no
oLJectlou to federal otllcers uxoriliiif iuh iutif.
fgutsol active participation lu the onmpaign
iiiwuw, umufti uu iu tutir
catiacltr as clticena an.-i nut a.ntn. it.... ..-
mil uuTimmrut musi, not De euo.ov
ed f,,r lM..ltlful DcrmiMui.
The piouabia 11'Dtt.i of the session has beeu a
Buujectof much sacculation. It l.lmt r,,m,,l,.
uenurv to Uieulona of theltrpuulio looajeivo
to havu ahuut aa llttlfi .it th.,li ,A -,ai.i,n.. aJ
poa.ih e. To be too much gjverued, under these
yii.iiiu.i.uui., rrem .UilB ILail UI UaVO WW
luue ot that commouity 'I be free dnt is tux
ions 10 have the suijects irn.'mltted u L11
umM.Ka-iu. auv apprupnattoa. tne oencl
euclea. the i'lu is exuosit,ou. and u r,.t,rp.,.i-,.
tlOUattae lUtOrUULiOUUI Prifk.n I'nn .,a-u,.
leudediuaa sDutdilo. iM,
wjiuuuivbu lucre was oou.iueiabie aeuti.
DlHUt ill nf tin. nl.n ,i,..n.. i, t
likely that it i 1 u , , ,,-1 ,,nt ... 7
the uew.aary delay lu tho oismimtiou ot iLe
liouee coiomlltees.
Kpeakar luuidall aara Ihjt be tan hive all the
Coinuu.toea reauy, if tue Uoue aliouid mi de-
nnuiu tvruwocKa. uen. unmt tuiuksif
. v , ,wu-r ,u eo wueas, 11 win ie accoiu.
,m.ujK ijuiio a leai. inoaimcuityuz soad,
u.iuiKiieiaiinal. nominal. nAtmuai ai,d i,u.Bi in
tereau, ao uut lucre will os as iltllo clasiiuig
aa t'Oai'ibie. is aach that ti, nnru, u.t.,... ... -r.
or 0 committees must of necessity be a work of
B wiv, .uu .i tu uiuiumo nine. 1 ue oprak
er ha. stated that the I oni nutlets on App.upn
Sllous. Kiectlnn utin AfMnnt-. .1:....
ted to dir. iiiouirh it 14 .mrv.tA,! i .,.,.. ..1
members 1 oat the fnuimiiue ou Apiuoj.l..lii.u
and Accounts should aluue bo luuiej, leaviug
uw vmcb w be ueienuitieu at tne re.
gular aeeaiou 1 anu ihat the iioiua r... ,.mi
licliy Ui tne cosaidiratloa of .be lineage ap
prubriUn, tbe Dchciencles aud the leprr.etT.
laUou at too 1-aiis liipoM.Un. hese cuuid sll
pa comulcteJ withlu a wee., ao far as the llodaa
Is concerned
In regain to tbe Senate, the Cleenuioa already
luaugtiraiel upon the tele. euceol lue iiedeu,
tmia 01 rjjAffurd of Ln u tnu Ceinuititoe ou
rrivi.egea auu cieoiivus. snowed 1U1I. cations el
tannic a wid" rauece, lho.edi.cus,oui,now.
,. uir tw ....a ,.uic u. inoivD ltfillH(llu
uauou tu the fuct that tnere It na caih.
Lei ted with U10 object of toe special aeviou
,wuwm)iiiii Dtma.e. ao (uai sutar voiuo:ntv
can ULd axluriHil at a hariolHaaait.iid..
Several auujocts wnicu wi.'i exoooiato matteis
luaiucaiuie will be thJ ueioif alargeuuui.
berof members to get totho.r vousti.ueuts iu
tiuo 10 participate lu tho ehctloua in Novem
ber, and also tu Ulattar tit uillejice. wtilcli it 1.
eoustraed ibey wnl loe if ihey no not tdjuiiro.
piuyrcss ue mauu in i,io uexi iwo
WCUkM tOaU Wua llltil in thu ,al nnm Inn m.,,-
peoi ol au adjournment iu luue fur tne n'eciloua uubwus. 'lhe.eitn:Brrietaof the
iiiffoicut citiea. eutiuwl tu the iree do.ivery, oie
nuwiuKiiged inan effort to aecure au advauoo
of couipduautton for luelr aervlces. Id coii-,'- n.iu iu.a uioveuieui, aiiuaa a matr ul Li
te muuju anowmg tue euurmous amuuht of
matter iii.rn,i,i,&, h-,i........,u
latNahle setvauU of Ihooovoiuuieut, thelul.
lowing autl.ltcal iLtoruiatiuu, prepared tu. the
v. hua x-osimaauif ueuerai. auj
which will be mrjinw,,..! i.
bV?um'esui,.Cu','fr0M1M U8 BH''.w''
Number ot Cai riera 1 mi
siLi ri.r..rr.:.' - ..... a.
-.-t.,Mi.injT.mi uu vtar...
1 Mlvri ..-. w1BH
fWMl letters deuveied
Uk posial cards de:irered.,
Uegla eicd le teradedtered.,
Kiewipapeiade iveied
,.. xs,iua-l
.. l.liWt
.. S7JH5 SwT
.. J,HcJ.ji
Wtu;r collected lor rear
Aawspapcis ,
Toial blceas hat, died aaa uTi
jatsuaBit el juotee fiajrtitipvjr eirritr.ia
fS.lo'vf ' 0't', "ad t!" 'ctl'' l'ln," 18 M
Phlladolphla-Total No. of pl'cca .... p " n:
Ken i-rj&l:::;:::
t. .. . iotallr crter 3;u
. Ji '!' observed, 'a addition U, tie vast
fiS??.0.." ,"B0,r PermBd by a eomnritfvciir
few letter carriers. I hat the coh of UsrsTSni
a; vrtlh oo-tage on local I ma lrafone
nfeTt'.'.'tSt'.S' ffi?7' ,n 'aVyr irthVooverS:
-SHi'J'' 'L1"' h"U d Conurtws f sver a todei a te
"anaw. it can still bo kept within bllinlta
2f tJSIri'u.?M 01 lh6 "wUiwrit ohiccount
Our Kerr Vork Letter.
. NEW Y0UK, OC. S, U77.
VThnt s prcrtoai row wo are hivng over
Emma Abbott, the prliuMonnal .Soneliower
other that remnrkable young womau always
msnages to be talked about to a moat ixccvlve
degiee. and since it Is all gratuitous tdvertis.
lag. we niast credit her or bo- pi ess agtnt,ith
bclngaveiycieverpcrson. This tlmeithatout
acrlttowho. It we may believe the story, was
kicked out of the p-ilanol Firth avouue matl.,u
of Mr. Lme. her patmn. lor the lather trvlal
offsnce of cffjtlug to suppicss an uncomplluen.
tary notlco for S5o. Tho Hun Immediately tilled
upon Mr. Lake to mvno the man, or else Ms
chnructerfor truthfulness would entler. Mr.
take did not mention the crlt(c.but the propile.
tora of tne Art Journtl pub lcatlon wh,ch as
sttrted many years iro by Mr. Wilson, cltcila
ted proof sups of a little vituperative att.cloin
which .Mr. Ixrals Engel, editor and proprletorot
f S "?,CcaIf "-"as mentioned aa the booty critic,
iifi ft"-"" "iml!ateiv wrota to the 6uJ, ud
a a endeavo.ed 10 ahow how utterly asunl ihe
'."'"'.""S attention to the fact uat
,iSd ,,,'ru,t.'",'4r"'",r'wt '"is awax n"e.
..e.".".lf?ow awell-e.t.iblished fact tiiit a
man wlih a wax no.e cannos toll the truth lid
We wl.l piobablv have Bnotherduel,astheew
York Journalh.tio Irateiultir Just no seeai u be
v,n,u,.u 10 h'stoU and ooOei. lck of ?11 'his
Abbott tilacaioalliuB aenantlon la ino 61, lef ml
mortti- existing ovtwecen tlie Art Joi nil, the
ugoat of the extawure ol tho IlaietilanorrtVids
in the Sun-a very clever pieco of work wlic.i
wad 100110 by Mr. 'Connelly, of whom 1 hfrl
spokeu bclcro 111 oonnecUou with tho atle r
portsotthe tweed Msl. Tata about the SiS
Mans and Turka; noojilv knows what ie.i i"m
i,a.."f ,wJlr",r ' umu a is tnkenof a
v'm.l"'t,,ie'w.r.ou ,ae Hinf.ctnrera ofpiiioe.
Each or.e 1 f the munv flruis In the cuv hisa
Ceutei.nialceiiliicaotJtJieeirja that lU'tar
tlcutar make Is the finest m il.o wor d. snd'the
con-oqujut oiu.lilng 01 interests prouodM a
x'lVii'Ir'"'."";.111" "'arlioui nirmoulou"
rna Mnslo Tiado Ueviow g oated over tnee
posuro ot Ua.e.and copied all the bnu', articles.
MrJi?nrt,J,oor.D? ' "ale's rei?6"and
Mr. hngoi. of the Arcadian, wa. moloentiiiy
binckgusrdcil because no hail once been tou.
necicd with the Jiu,le ITaoe RoviSw?ndSS.
cauie he nad addIllonlly spoken disuiraintgiv
ol 1 Hate, even suggehtlua tuat bis name hs"lfl
beipeiied Utlt. Hence thu nttnek upon lir.
Engel In the Aubott aftilr 1 his Is tu, Tatast
seusation acout Miss Abboti. bnt by no nuani
the only one. Voit will probably ivmemlier no w
aho was talked offall ovo.- tho world for luting
J,tl,r.V'on'JBct wliu ale,si. o e .u3
Man.e-ou, of LonJon, 011 account of t ,oai geu.
lemen hav ng Insisted that Bl.e saonld sins the
illl'"? .r'.m i" '"VJto. Miss Abbott
cialiued that her couao would nt allow
hertopi-osecuteaood-giien voiooio the lino
per-ouflci-tion of one ol the dsiniwioitlt, tso i
iiada greai fu about that in the
tne sale ot tlcacta lor her concert w,'s natural y
aecelcrat, il. nuiun limn ir,., ,i,, K ...
ei! too public ere 01 a rnUonal central figure
of a scandal, wh'ch turned upon her having
. , , T . . "mm wiu wasueingedu
ci.le.lln Italy at ihe expeneo of Dr. LhSciu's
Lauren lue ludy Is rather pngglcn and affect
id 10 inoniier It not good-looking, n a learned
to UIK her native f.ngiuh with a pretty Iiauin
.,Jlr -".'".'i1.1 ?. a a a prima Hums save
lu in iiils d Rrjimeut. She a very beautl
fu lurior-ojllaii voce, andil aho would rid her
aclt cl a habit ot smoking and gnrg.inv ai the
audience. an would bv a very ueceiitabte con.
ceit aitiai. But thla 1a enough tor Abuoit. You
win p.riaps imaaine I am mining her.
Hb.v Yoik curia not inuca on the elass'oer
tho auiique. but lust at me present writing we
win. lithe Ikerld It klndit anaua-lDg fm with
the K ao.1 no ut 1i i.t thit n,.,..,o. .
!., ?..1? 0 ,'aai,faiu.auu Khudivera
tul.era licb-s in Eiciuuiih. The. best thing
whica h..a oven aula aproiios of slie obelisk, and
our pjragrasnisUhavo na ly goi.e,wl!Coverlt.
waatheiu..tof M.yor lliv. llremare,i tho
UBr ,,lu. uur luy- sn -uiu do ucky
enough to oaialu on, aesalru 1 f Inn auait Toinp.
n.aus , tl,.d 11.- l, m.-... .r..,.A.t.- Kmi
tss.imucli Uie ltsii.itiveSala,a tout elthirof
Citojutr.'a -Needles t.onid feci ut homo in it."
Ueaily lomiiK.tis !iii(tre u a deplor.ii o wus.e
v. uu, uiutu n uu,, aeeji 11 111 oiuer lor
iciliinry not review, weaupi ose It do.- am
ntattoi' rilHt remimla in mat ih. ..iv.. . h
Justus bcli vvaiLthe Ihu asM-mUlv
nvatateii itettni.o ahuuo. Ills beer sa.'ooulii
he'dqaaite1 't k6lUue 10 uo 1u,t0 political
1 wi-h you would stir up aome of rour charity
people m make tuem uuci1ue Bouicthlug for
thirel.ef u. Mile. Vuuurcli, ihe once laiuoua
iimrainuui. living iu iLemostutj jct iwivortr
at o. 1.5 Ea.t i'oui-.h a.ieet. 1 Kirf llm biU
ilant creature whoj uhe nrst came to Aulenca.
ai anding ou the piuk too of one a nheen
ot guuzr iiiag iihcB. oj about liei . and a wudei-
ncss it nju era lading ut hor leet. 1 taw her
aluu, day loioieyo-uiOjy. wncie i-howas ivl.,g
upo'. a vvio.ilml pnUet ui'OU tho fl .r, p.aslog
her pain yied lime tway iu wenoerlog how si.e
and h.r uiothir would act Ihe next apa 1001U0
meal. Ills luexpica.lbly and 10 ace a 01100
popular uaiiciug gu I tu so grusouie an auitude
.UB. ui aiaiia.iuil. llATTKax.
Our I'hllaUeliilila Letter.
ruiLAUEi rilU, Oct. 23. 1877.
Thf croazcrs have tiled hard to convince tbe
country that tho revival of trade" is merely a
mil age ot impairing business men, who see in
eacanatlerot a straw the appioach otagale;
out oetiaio it Is that In this city the era of ploa
peril j la rapidly daw nlnr. Orders from all kits
of tao country have been com na-.u steadily, and
many of our wnolee,.le have increased
their woilung force to anto-panlo nuaibers.
wunooiners utcuomg a larger butine.a than
everoeiore. the chief pracileal diffireuco be.
ten flush times and tue present la, the nates
a ema ein amuler quaniltlee and on cloaor
marglu, but then tho tranu ctiooa aie on a cash
oasis.and ,osvs uy bsd uebts are comimrstlvetv
few. The want cf confluence, which au long re.
lardd a natural return to p.ivpeniy, la fast anu a .e-son or uuexamplod actl.
vitf is jrriiciaUy proulcted lot the tpuugor 1878.
luemnioiuon remains in statu qua The
m.. v. vuiM-iuuiBiii. uas iuu. tar con
Iinuid without inteiTupt'un, an tberins vcf
nutaing to inulcne that the irm.t 11,,., iu
porodiialto 1 11 iiiuridsv tie Orjud
AI my of the Repub 10 had a niaguWeeut rix en.
tion iut Ihe Exh.biilon bulVlng. A I the Pos'a
In ihe clly vrtiolu aitondanceandgiivea gland
IMrane and teview In Ihe pitvtuce of ihouainda
militmy gnosis re-ponded in por-nii to tne inn
w iM.iv, Nuiu.iK 1 uoui ue.nv 'jsver
nor Ilartisnltol this bUteid Uencral ilcUlel-
One Of tllfi most l-linnt-tjint f,n.,nd. . .
thtt have excited pnb.ioi onim. ni lor tome
tlruo was the sale iat week of ma Kaitlie
'ITanipurteiiou O.m.ii .v to the 1'euutyivima
ltailioad. The Empire possesses a Urge feet
ef ves;els.capjciousnd valuable docks, ukua
aud etevutois. live thoosand a-ra. nvo hundred
mi,ea of pipe lines, aud va utnle lotureats iu re.
aiierlea, etc 1 he cara la.t year unved over
thirty thouMud mlies of railroad. Tho pnnurty
wusolulora,jm.oixi. " Fv"
UneolLl.fl nin.t n.Manfc ..1-1 I...J... .
the week was ihe lo mal lour uui Cut. For
tier founder aud prupnetor 1, uerreaa. 'lh"
les.laionul cauie entirely fl.uii the eiuuoieea
it ile e.tabliannieni.aud wjaoneof the uiost
occeslul occasions ol the kind ever a itneiaed
111 thu oily. The Colonel was presented with eurused a, He. of reaoUtaius
handsomelv fntiue.1. ..n.i u.ui. i,w in r..,"
f i.l ?,';:u,l,, ,u " 8 'JJ'" ta'1 tm wl.h wklcn
the edliui waa itgarded uy igtty or niiatr
minu luseroplo . Breeches were delivered by
aara inirnj wu.uin l oiler, manugtugeui.
tor Of the Pll-at .r f ntt,.. ... .!
?.,"it0Uo?!cJcn7lB ui1 When 1 lion. 15. Joy
Morris. rol. . ctl ure. editor of the lime-, and
Cuplain y. . W. evlu, Ihe puachaser and pres.
ant proprietor of tne Hiet.. '
The out akcoutalnalittlant.,i.lAii
In inspire the cotldeuoe of na It claim ol enter
Kny. The ltepuulicaua havlu be'iilu
a axendencr, now have good reason to fear a
general dlalntegralion ou election uay 1 vtu e
the Uemucrata who mtrlit. ujder aT,.t.,
other clrvamtuueea. be very hopeful, cau tuw
ou'y look with a 11. cemout ou the raplilli in
creasing streugih 01 tbe Labor party, ther vnl
u. coos.ailly UMetthecalculatious of buth le.
publicans and Dciuocra a, aud yet canuot 11.
Jievt to be themselves tao victora. since ttcy
ack crgJnli.t.on auu eipertenced leadera. Ilie
Kiea tuias ot the people aeeiu to be utlesr
luuiuereat to tne result, aud Ihe pollUomua ire
hoot ul worn ijitticionur hopeful to spend mrch
mouey uu the campaign.
.The first Republican rally took place Sal tr.
flay a'gtit, ml dotes ptrtta loatkrr, tnelodiig
t.iay T"tr. worn ailrenlrea to at.ek. vet
. . ,uJ nan vpp.arancv. I he hail waa
'Sj'tw'.'-t'S i 1.VI??8:'1tnL una of
5n?fn?.I,.ti1fJt,1r.'r",r,r'' al. Rut. llj
Inlffiri.,?.tb 0a?:r'a have fated
KIim t.." Ulri to ml'r- for ther
r,o,V5?I?.-et N"t Mre" Atacuitrin
tSiMv?.ltj!?iV!'J5' vaai aare further
m .uo nan. since iney nave not
I0hm.?f,l?l",en,on T""I they could call
ii .-.f J!-?l,43ce w" y"au a- This Is through,
ly an off year" in po' t ea, and thooth Itsde.
ti, 2 t 111 00 inu'caiireorra.
, UiUh J ObTaLLB
Our tallfoniln letter.
HAS FHaN'CtaCO. flnt li 1RTT
The principal topic of conversation during the
week has been tho sudden collapse of a wild cat
institution known as ihe Plon'eir Land and
ioau Bank, which raspciidod pajnwnt last
Monday. The bank" was one of the most gl.
gantiofraudaevor encceaffutly perpetrated on
the people of thtifatate. It waa suited only a
.on.., aim mice mat time hatbeen
steadily paying Interest on Its deposits at the
rate of one per cont, a month, newness men
snilcipltall-ts have from the first known the
iiuo cuarsctcr of tho concern, and it is safe to
say that no bank In tho aty woohl have ever
touched a rionecr" check. Not so with the
poor people. 1 bo off. r of ono per cent, a mouth
for deposua pioved too tempting for over
tvfenty-four hundred mechanics and working
girls, whose conti the rapacity ot the
bink.inanaaers foot up to over a million otdol
lu 'act " " .1,rUi5r a-h'.e that so much
Mitferiug aijonr the lower e asset could be
caused bv the tailureot any one banc in the
Tl.eraoilusoJcraBdiof the swindle was very
simple. apooiranoo waa
mont thriving. It had sumptuous Quarters at
the corner if ca ifornl.i aud Montgomery
trrrta. n most prominent bUMueaa location, in
the unto Deposit Company's splendid bul.diug.
Ittcountorsweieadomed with heavy rolls of
what nppeaied to be twetiy-dollar gold nieces,
butwlmt. In reallly.was omy lion glide laud
Ditched to represent double eagles. The mill
tuiton did no hanirng bu-In.-ss. The money
paid in ws oivtdod inlo llireo portion', one fur
tbe elHi era. one to par Interest, and another to
meet any demands ol depositor.,. It was a tiral
ly affair Joseph O. Duncan, tbe Hceretarr and
bead nt ihe concent, wja the soii.ln-liw of the
President. Mr. Urai.nnd ihotxherufaieni wero
the relatives of one or tbe nlher When the
news came Hut the bank had failed, search
was m dv lor Dnucun but he was not lobe
found. I be rage of the depositors was unboned
ed. and so great wa-t the popular Indignation
that a 1 trong force of police w ere e 11 led 111 to re.
qubdtloii tji pioicct the ac-tury'a bouse on
ott Ulll" Item being mobbed, lie hasnot
turned np ret, and Is sup used to hare sailed
for IVutli Amerien on a schooner that cletreil
the Heads Ihenlsht liefore the bank collipsed.
uu 1 cai cor in Ka.i Fi anckeo has been a dlsi epu
Uble onofriimthellrat. lie was once the edi
tor of tho Herald, a p-iper printed here in tbe
early dare, but .ilier icanng taat be engage I In
Inner es, mocc auctions, and aiinost erery
species ol i.l-ieputaolo ventures,
Ducan madeuciearawecDofall thepronerty
of the bonk and It is Honored that of Ihe ti.ZlV
)l llabiUtiM handy flvo cents 011 the do.rar will
bo paid. Ills wife nnu famllv did not accompany
him in hi- fl'gni.and prolexa to know t othlnzof
his whereabouts. Itisqalto tHe-.ibie Urn ho
may be hiding lu the city, and lu that c. so his
satcst place would be thu City l'nsou. aatbeie
would bellittecnancouf bU cscanine wlihbls
life were he t.i aho himself on tho streets.
I he recent death 111 Pern of Harry Melggs,
tbe great inilrood contractor, haa cau-ed much
regret amoug Ihe oid forty-niners here who re.
momber his una and downs in tho early 1 ays of
Caitovuta. Your curretpundont last evening
met a gentlemen who had Just arrived Irom
Call.1a.u11d who hod been with Mr Melggaunly
a few weeks befuro Ihe lattefa de.tli. He
save somo particulars of Jtelga-a' great cirner
111 r-outh America. Then eat ambition 01 hla
lile was the accomplishment ot the rant rail
maaecbemes which he bail then bgun. The
three ror.ds winch he planneil and curried ai
moai, tu couipletlon. wero the (.alias. Lluia, and
Oiora tho aiolleudu nro Puao. nud ihe I'acero
Mare railroads. Th first named extends Irom
the I'acltlo ocojn to the niex 01 the ctnltlieras.
mid la piubaiily ihe gieutest triumph of railroad
engineering la tne worm Melggs uevcr exuuet
l 14 see tne nay when ihe railiond arsleraot
Peru would be vonnecud win the narigab.e
wati ra of the Aiuaimi, bin ho bllevcd that the
ascent ol the locomotive up- tho Andes wrnld
bring tbe sncecas ot lus grout projicl within 1I10
mug.- 01 half a century His etubartuesnieiits
and lailuie M coninlctebta roida was ilueiu Ihe
lu.ibilitrcf tho Peruvian Unre-utnent toreep
lit nliHlire. touvtai.. ..iud inr tlienav.'
meutul ico,(0i)jxe,oi winch suai t7",uiiMiuii u.i,y
was raised. It w. s la duly due tu the worry at.
tendmit upon theso euiin-rrafsmtaita rhuthla
mmd fta,iy gave v.ur. .Uthough Melggs lived
hi almost pnncoiy sir.o. and euto.tahied the
biahett perMius in tho land, his estate will pn
habiy piove but a mete pittance among his
Ihe Hoiik asd family MAojzixE.-ln tho
front rank ot American purlod'.crls and Its po
sition fairly carped-rolter's Aintncaa Mon
thlr, for Nnrembor. conies lo our sauctutn led.
cued, asuiunl, w.lh new, euteibilulug, and In.
i t iiciiv.mi:ttrr,a number of iheortii;Io8 rielug
hundomo y 1 us ju.etl. The hifh diameter id
tMs publication Is ui weU known tuat our
giHid woid 'can ec icely etci.a:ne Iti reputa
th-n. II shotil.i bo in every An.erlctn home,
elevating and enrlthlng the Hume u.rcle. The
puaout 'lumper opens with a paper im"Mlnne
jjila, or thd 1 au 1 ol Lakes," by Martha Cornell
Weed nrd and it m perhapt not too much 10
air. tn.a arilcio alone la wmlh the subicnptlon
pticeof the Aiainixine fur u whole year. Tho
r.itrr ailasisstly c-mled to that beantnut
Lniidot Lakes" at d mane to ae, ami hear
and feel. Natnielu a:l ner grandeur. This is
ipuowetl bv the anennd cilllfc.1 i.rmliiclloii from
tue p..u of J. it flaskn a 011 The Wrnliigs of
George Eliot." Doronatio Life in ltuesia."and
niooui uici iuiuidnyrontaDier,naing Wo
i-uiviiuiuii,H armies, " liegmu-d a
btrance History 1" 'lwii Celebrated 1 haiao
lrri ." ii)0 Laururgn cf uewo s 1" Med'tu.
i.ons,i" "Taroogh i-tomit. the Homes 1" "The
1-1 chin DlaiLnnda i" "Jemima Wiialnann 1"
and a paper on liipnlea fiom the . hone." by
Ireo. li. coibf crowded with historic lnierett,
mu,t.-nahlialiy told. The Editorial d-part-niiuts,
yh'cn have been growing more attrae
tivewtih eca succeeding taaue, aro. in til
number, unusually lepleie. In tue Notes and
Quenos. " Appailiioaa," and "A Prob em for
.udvuiivu. lucr.t aiieuuon -Niiur nod
Heaping," and At Home and Ai.road"cive
vitality to the Current Memoranda, "sculpt.
ure."and Rook Reviews, alth Uluaratlons. villi
JK "ul,el11' "' Uioialaro and Art. bcionce
izr- ,i , i ...."t uu,uea - Tue ncienceoi Lir.
IUg" ahd Wit and Itnmer. K'.iMrA-. n-a.i.
iigt'eie., nlQiumaieUe Ooselu Depirtmrnl.
N.i unesbpnla fail togtt tne Noremner 1111m
ber of Potler'a .vmencan .Moiulny. Pahli.hed
.1 - t. uu r.i. a. 1 u., rniiaueipnia.
u.EUtic;' uabd TiMta -i mueuar.-Is the
title of a new publlcatioujort Issued. Ills rheet
iiiuulo also, and contains the fol'owlng ten
hecut ful cnmlc aongs. adapted for piano or or-
" ?.'Tf.r m,.M .,1,e w,,,r tilltlhewcll
rnnsnry. Corrlc II Howard.
necevir neiit oaoa ou tbe poor. Motto
X Mown I). M. .-h i ... r.
t 4;1"fn''.ne T"M t-'omlo song and chorus.-
el rlll) JU6L Id X-
h!-?"1!0 011, Comle song and chorus.-R.
t. AlV'.i. In. . . .v
J-McvVlgh. .....-
P."irP"toixes 1,19 Jker Dulch Coml Song.-
iS- AT1 tMl. l'om, Song.-P. Rltter.
1". hoaeilat KuocklnrmdeUle BackUate.
LOmli' sonir ami rl.nrn. U ii vuw
k J Ki"" arkably low. ii.oo. Seed
br mall tree 01 charm on rrcritt of nrlce. Ad.
(In as all orders 10 P W. Ilnjiirx ini,n.h?Si
west lourih Street Cinclnuatl, o.
-OLD UKCUt Dajc Is Ihe title of an excel.
lent new Kong, by Horace Dnmara. Thousand.
SJ f!S uJ b"n ""hU'he" 10 America, with.
In toe last tew -years, out few erer coot. in
merit euough to become very, Tue
iiSPS, J". a ore otthe sweet
"B','.eTrri.ut belore tho mu io
fSSvDr.i ;: " ?f t..
1 . . a WV A lit) 11 Lit uite 1 II.
lustraied.ano conuiua aflne T.ew of a bonlhera
v"' w-v--vu no iiutniDeu iroiu iDT
arjr tuntln hiuiImi ie- .. . 7
-t-cosr rJcmrirta-r Vou em now bnr
some of toe best Mii.lo ot tho day by sending
Ihe Pul-lishe.s lonr Hum cent .i!m.,. .... ..
ceive a siKcimen copy of their new Musical
Journal ei. tilled the - Score We have re
oci.m .us uciooer Lnmvr and find it eonta'na
lour OODUlar niSI'M. Am.n .n-n. I. K. ..T "
tifulaour. 'Draw Aside tue curum .Mother."
A ddresa Ji ua Pgaur Co., Mnslo Publish,
era. llostou. kiaaa.
-TOR PBINTINO at the very lowest price at
That J". T. Musbaum fe Sow
are offering- greater induce-
msent to clothe Cash Buyers
in Fall and Winter BBY
G-OOHS9 is admittedliy large
Crowds of Cnstomers who
visit the store daily to make
their pnrcheses.
Dress Suits,
Youths' Suits,
Made up rora tho Ilpgt Material, In Die Lntr-st Styles, nd Terfect FIU Guar
Boots, Shoe3, Gaiters, Hats,
C?"Call and eramrne Ooods and Prices before making your purchases elsewherev
T. D. CLAUSS, Merchant Tailor,
2tid door above tbe Fnbllo Square-, BANKSTREET, Lth'lghton.
Successor to D. BotTK & Co.,
At F.Ttatft 66 nn tfi,tffi iftfbiA.??
Opposite tho L. & S.
Eespectf ully announces to his
ho is daily receiving additions
QUEENSWARE, &c, &c, &o
Also, just received a car load pf LIVERPOOL SALT,
which I am eellinrr at Bottom. Prices. '
SALT FISH a Specialty.
fgB' If you really desire
of Goods you can cet for a
you should not fail to give
purchases elsewhere.
Don't forget the Mammoth Store, opp. L.&S.Denot,
May 0, 18iO-yl
Weisspori Plauiug
every Ue".
Such as Siding, Floor Boards, Doors, Sash', Blinds, Shut-
iers, mornings, uracKots, Uabinet Ware, &o., &c,
On the shortest Nolice. Onr Machlaerr Is all Kew anil f tbe Unat Approved Kind, so that ws no liesliailnn in Ooaranleioif Perfnot Sauslactltin to all who maj 'tVm n wuh tnelr eMera
llvoiilisvenottlroetncailand select wbat von want, send voot orders and I tber wLlbs 2Uo .
promDtlr ana at as low pncei as thnnitli von were present. 'mIV""" "w mej wlios alio ,
Give us a Trial, and you will bo convinced ol what we say.
OiBce'and Mill, nearly opposite the
Proillable z"R&yg$v&
-nl. , everv town and cltv,
LnlDlOVllieilt. to I'rwtie subsrriu:
" ",vul" eta f irthe 'WOltK.
INO CUURCI1." The l'remiu.n uteel linitrav.
tup, t feet x J lect Indies, -The Flnilmgoi tbo
Havmur In tlie Teton e." Is presonieil to each
subscriber, lor in ly ll.-a per rear. Tina pictnie'eraallv ailmireii and shuiild 0.1 in everv
lion.onold. xtt a larire carii rommlsslina vald
to Aitenta. Wilie ler ternia and A rent's outnt.
Working Dinrcli l'ub. Co.,
sTm3 7 i 9 Wariuoi Bt , yew Yort.
kVt Ilisetura Cured.
out bv Ihat pMneH
ot all booaa riain
Home Talk and Medical common gnnae,"
nearU I o. paae. on illustrations, lir Dr. K. 11.
loora nf iu Leilnaton Ave . H. V. mrcha
era of this 10 are at i:bert lo consult Us
antoorln oertoo or br niall niKK. ruee, br
mall, f3. for toe ktandauo edition, or ti Ul for
the. l'oruLAU edition, which eonta'na all the
asmemsitPrardillna rations. Coiileuts tables
BepLK-ma IJV K. Sth Bt.. N, Y.
Ail persons are hereby forblfl meddilna- with
luriT llorae.2 vuies. 1 iwo.horae Waton.i
Iu-ho"t Bj'riinc Vaaon. 1 Houkv. I Dob Hied,
I Nlelh. I Mill and I straw t.mtef
lo ned or Ihe uhimiUumI t a 11- .
of iabonin two . aa tbe aiime are inr propertr
uotll furtner no Ice.
UCl. -0. 1877.
Maiiootns' twp.
All persons aro heivhr fari,i,t -.,111 i.k
poo larire mown t ow losned to cuailea Ahner.
iir. inmituii, u upuer Towamenilnxtwp..
Carbon coimtr. i-a.. aa me same U my pro?y
nntilinrtbernotloe. H '
UCt.3). IS77-W8' W, c. WEI8M.
Piano and Organ Taught
M lu LYDIA P. PTNOirn-n t v... v.
KTOA'!.1 f?.ttfe0S to'fDWLB on tlie
M.hnri7- ,0rtL" P'iArs.s:o:"r, u
Octobers, 1177-jt
Business Suits,
Boys' Suits.
Caps, and Gents' Furnishing-1
Depot, BANK Street,,
customers and friends that
to his stock of
to know how larco an amount
small sum of Readv MnnnT.
me a call before making your
Mill & Lumber Co.,
fir Mi,..l WKRyLVwzYlV".
.mnv mtnv
Fort Allen Home, WE1SSP0RT,
June 10, 187-f 1
Grist Mill Property.
The nndersirned win sell at Pablie Sale, on the 1, iu niana. a lowosuip, i arnon
"uui, .-a.siNius a murs r-asi 01 inewslss-l
port Ilailroad Depot, in what la mown astba
lllc Creek Valley, on I
CommebciDtf at ONre o'e'oea p. t n h.
tain piece or parcel of valuable LAN D, sitnatsd
more or less, about M irraanl wines .i..
ed and under a aood atate ol CiUtlvatiou and the
balance la valuable TIMUKH LAND. T.le Im.
viu.ciiiruiainereonconaiatol snewzltbtoiy
havtnr-a pel man;-11 1 Watee Supply, and beinc
sua. led in a llulvlna Farming eollloo Is now
uuiuiia laiae uusHim I'laoat to any one desir
ing to ao into toe Milling business Una offers an
uppurbiiQiir seioom metwitni a2-utorr I
Dweillua. House, 24 xM feet,.witli Kit-1
curu niai, 12 x is reeu baw milli
MlatllA 111, 1 ImI .nil .11... .. -7. Zl:
Outbullduira Thia property la altuated about
a quarter of a mile irom the ' Centennial mate
Qjailr," now producing aome of the beat blata
lu the eonutry, .and the probabilities arejUiat
there is HLATfc oj this Land also. '
TKHMS EAY. and will be made known at
the time anu place of sale, by
HOLOMtlN 80r.Tand
Franklin twp.. Oct 13. i7T.
K otlee la herebr given, that the Partnerehtp
It'ti' jytu,.g fhoiiiaa it. Weaver anS
D. r. Kleppliyrer, of Carbon County, Pennsvl.
vanla. as fiunerairnni. 1... n... ... ..
dtaaolvrd by mutual consent. All debta owing
IXffiiZS? P"n'"hlP are 10 be received by
fi",.T5?1?i u- Weaver, and s,l demanda on
toe aaul partaersliip are lo be presented tohua
:?.r.v,,I',D?li ,l,l Thomas M. Weaverla
authoilied in settle all debu one to and bv ih
. . .-..'n ip uen-iuiitre existing unaer toe
firm name cf Weaver A Klepploger.