Society 'McctinBS. HITO, No. T8, A. O. K. OF inn M. C. znaana 4tn Monaayoi eacit moum. u ber'B Hall. Lcblghtou, at 7i30 o'clock P. M, V. K. ncnoingor, 8. K. C. t s. It. atlnani. e. K. It. s. to If ADEN HUTTE.1 LODOH. No. 8, I. O. O. F.. - m Annnlnr n. S n1rter. In ruber's nali. II. Kostcnbader, a.O.i IS. D. lleber. Becrotary. IIIIDCUKN Tbibe. No. 2J2. Imp. O. oj B. Mm meet in HeDer'sunn evoiy f hiuiubv. ... li. Gaggtia. Sachem i 0. W. Delhi, c. of . TOBO TOCA TRinE, Wo. 171. Inii. O. U. M.. meet on Wednesday evening ol each week, Ht i:p o'clock in Publio fchool 11U, Welssiiort. I'. O. W. Schwab, H.i Jao. Broug. C. of It. X-IIliaUTON I.ODOK. No. Ml. K. of P.. meets on Friday evenings. In Hobcr's Halt, at J:.0 o'clock, n. Gaunter, 0. C. T. It. Halcuff, K. of It. an d B. Atlvcrtlslng Itatcs. We desire It to be distinctly understood that ho advertisement wlU he Inserted In the col nranaot THBCAiinos AnvocATE that may ho -e'eived from nnknown parties or firms nnloss icompanled With the Cash. The following aro nr ohlt terms. Adveitlsements for 1 year, per Inch each Insertion . . .... . , . 0 Cts. " Six Months, per inch each Insertion mis. " Three Months. ' ' 20 Cts. " Lees than three months, first Inson tlontUeoch subsequent Insertion 25 Cts. Local notices 10 cents per lino. II. V. MOrtTIUMEM, rubllshcr. E II. S1EWB11S, OISTItlOr ATTOIXNEY & COUNSELLOR Al 1.AVY. Office, No. S, Mansion House, MATJCH CHUNK, I1 A. .feettllng Estates. Filing Accounts and Orphans vouri prnotic.i a special cy. ' THAI rif Pitif.e carefnllr attended to. Local transactions? cngusa auu uemiHu. jauo. Wu fcluw .vacate. BA.TURDAT MORNING, OC'fOuEit 13.1877. Local and Personal. ggf If you find a X (cross) after your name on this paper, it signifies that your subscrip tion is over due, and that we need the money. So please remit. The Grand Jury In the Fritz Lornl dde Ignored tbn bill. Klght 1 The amount of gate money Thurs day at the fair ground was $550 I flair done hp at 60 cts. per ounce, at Mrs. M. Guth's., Welssport. Peter J. Jleehan, Esq , of Mauch Chunk, smiled .In upon us Wednesday. If you want a good and cheap set of IlarnesB, call on M. Florey, Weiss port. -Large Prlmo Oysters nt P. T. Brady's this week, at $1.10 per 100, opened. John Brunner.n farmer, sleeps with his feet In Chester county; and his head In Berks. New styles of fall winter boots, hoes and gaiters, at T. D. Clauss' very cheap for cash. We learn that Mr. Jos Obert got the "cream" at the late Sheriff's sales, t JJnucli Chunk. The Lehigh Valley railroad Is to bo. 'laid iHJi steel rails over Its entire length. The Schnecksvllle Lutheran par sonage was fold recently by tho congre gation for 11,032. Fall ant1 winter styles of hat and taps, for men and boy's wear, at 1 D. Clauss', at very lowest cash prices. The Ilazleton "what Is It?" turns Cut to be the carcase of a large mule, buried there some 25 years ago, The' deposits In the two National Banks of Kastou on the first of tho present month amounted to J81!VJ3G,0;l. John W. Ityon, Esq,, occupied six hours in his opening speech for tho de Tense In the lluntzluger case at Head ing. --In a Dt of passion, a few days ago, Emma Bfclffer, of Allet-town, took a tloea of bed bug poison and died from its effects, Tlie Carbon County Teacher's In rtltute will be held In tho Court House, at Mauch Chunk, commencing on Mon day November 2B. - Moth proof carpet lining saves Its cost In carpet, and Is sold by Lucken bach, 2 doors below Broadway House, Mauch Chunk. Call at this offlre and sec specimens of lob printing. We have Just added another lot of new nnd beautiful type to our original stock. David Ebbert's livery Is the place, If you wish teams for pleasure rides, business or funerals. II W terms are as low as the lowest. Diphtheria was the cause of four deaths In a family at Trexlettown, Le high county, recently. Tlicy all died Within a few days of each other, T, D. Clauss, the tailor, is now re ceiving tils fall and winter good", such s finest cloths.casslineres and vestings, which ho Is prepared to make up In latest styles at very low prices for cash. The stockholders of tlia Lehigh and Lackawanna Itallroad Company Mon day resolved to extend the road to Wind Gap, a distance ot ot ten miles fiom its present terminus. If you want a clock, watch or sew Ing machine properly repaired please call at M. Ilagaman'B store, l'ennsville, Carton county, Pa., and you can be ac commodated. G If you need anything In tho print ing line, It will pay you to call at tills office before ordering elsewhere. Plain and fancy Job prlntiug at low prices. J. K. Itlckert Iras still a fewof those eligible lots iu Klckertstown to dispose of. If you feel like securing a good homo call and see him lie Is also sup plying llour,feed,luujber and coal at tho lowest rates. Stoves nnd Heaters. E. W. Clauss, Exchange Hotel building, has just received the first Instalment of his btock of Cooking, Parlor and UlUee Stoves aud Heaters to which ho invites the especial attention of parties desiring to purchase, being nblo to offer them at prices far below anything hertoforo iu this town. Also, tinware, house furn ishing articles, rooQug and spouting at very low prices. Try biro. William Miner, rt shoemaker at Alburtls, Lehigh county, hanged him self in his garret the other night, nnd Ill's "solo" Is no longer marching on. Mr. Charles Slgley, a well known citizens of Catasauqua, was prostrated by n stroke of apoplexy one aay msi week. -Tho Be'hlehem Iron company has decided to liicicasO Its indebtedness tSOO.OOO, to ease the finances and facil itate the business of the company. " A friend In need Is a friend In deed." Such a friend is Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, which should bo lu every family ! It only costs 25 cents n bottlo and may save many a doctot bill. Thos. Solt, of Franklin township, finding that his corh was not going to turn out good, sowed about 2i quarts of buckwheat through It, and realized therefrum 10 bushels of excelleut buck wheat. Medical men often puzzlo them selves over the large sale that Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup enjoys. Its great popular ity Is duo ouly to tho excellent qualities possessed by this household medicine. 25 cents, A young roan, named Pfleger, a resident ol Tamnqua, wentout shooting on Saturday, lu the woods in the vicini ty of Tamaqua, and was fouud dead on Sunday morning. Ho had not been shot but had evidently died from severe attack of lllnets, probably a paialytie stroke. As a safeguard to children amid the distressing disorders that tenet the throat and lungs of childhood, Haas" Expectorant is invaluable. It contains no morphine, nnd nets with astonishing effect. 25 and 50 cents a bottle. . FokSale. Frank Liebengutli will sell a fiist-rate horse an'l spring wagon. For further particulars call at his stoio on Bank street, this borough. A Bar gain. Sure ctinn fou wahts. Tako two or three cents worth ot Sal-Amoniie, dissolve It iu a gill of Water, and wet tho waits frequently with this solution. They will disappear iu a week or two. This cure has never been knowi. to fail. Services In tho M. E. Church, of this place, to-monow (Sunday) at 10 a. m. and 7 p. m. Subject ot the morn ing sermon, " The True Method of Se curing a Kevlval." Children's cervice In the'eveulng. 'Sermon by the pastor nnd singing by the Sabbath School. Tho public are Invited to worship with us. L. 11. Brown, Pastor. The employees of the Pennsylvania Coal Company at Pittstoii resmnud work Monday. No coal, however, could be shipped over the llawley and Erie roads to New Vork, owing to the destruction ot the Springbrook trestlo by an Incendiary fire about four o' clock In the morning. Monday night the company placed armed guards to defend all tlielr property exposed to In cendiarism. To-moirnw (Sunday), Itcv. S. Neltz, of Heading, will preach In tho Evangelical church, of Welport, at 10 a. in. German, at 2. 110 p. in. Ger man, niter which the Lord's Buppcf will be celebrated ; at 7 p. m. English preaching by S. Neltz. Sunday School ut l.'JO p. in. Wo shall be plensed to have you attend nnd listen to this "Golden-mouthed" preacher. J. K. KtiHEit, Pastor. Sheriff's Salt.. On Monday last Sheriff Itaudenbush disposed of the following properties. 1'ioprrtr (f Jns. Qumbert, lu Mahuuiug twp , to David I). Klsilcr furSloai. Two tracts ut Jiisuli Mliler, In I'ruuMiu twp., to Jes. Obert lor aou,ifli Piope:ty t.f Herman Kelscr. In 1'ast Mnuch Chuuk, tu Kute vilso Building &Ld Luau Asso ciation lor 1275.' 0. PtopeityolJaiO. Seaareives, InTowamen sinie lo I'lias. Aibr.glit tor 7 ,io. rro.erty of H mi. .doj-or, In .Mahoning twp., tot' J. Kistler lorlliao" 1'iouerlr uf Jos muklln twp.. to Jo-culi Ai'thour lor il JO. 00. Piopeity ot Levi FriliniBcr, In Jlal oning twp., to Mauch Clmtik ilui.ulug und Louu As boiialioii, lor $i.w,0u. I'luputtyof Joius llennvlulT, In Kast Maucu Cbuuc to Nicli. lteumitl, tor f 100 bliIJoU lu mortjiigeg. List of Letters llcmalmng uncalled for In tho Lehtglitou P. O., up to Oc.obcr 11th, 1877 : IlaiUmlome-w, K.las 1 Kicbs, Qeorge jtuiiu i jurs. auuio llrown, K K. lliown, L.ucian cntitluiau, Cooper. A.J. Ktcy, Harry, ,. II. aalier, Jauies (leirltiger. jr., Oeo. (1 raver. 11. HI. Kojiiei. K. 1. Leutz, Jiuvrsou Maittii, J&epn Meitz, A ired Pen, la'harme Peters, 3i!tJ. A. O. motor. Joi n I.) beuiii e. Joel Muitli chillies Sauilil. All . l.ntiua --cliooii. i.emtanl Woub, Jcuio, i.'l Wtuvtr, nisou Walkir. (Uorgo 11. (iieeu. .Monroe, J. s 1 ti;,iiL(jMi It. Solomon llaitung '1 lioiuas lUiiHct, Ailam Persons calling for om'ot tho above letters w Id please say ' Advertised." II. It. PiriS.118. Postmaster. Laros, the Murderer. Laio, thomuideier, now nnder senlonCe at death and awaiting execution at Kastou for Iioisuulnff his father nut other te'atves, hits iceu ecidid to bo liiS4lie. ills extculiuuwas Celcri 1 in ur4tr Ut nuito certain tests as to ha sanity. The ConilHlsKion ai'iiiiiiited tofxtiniluo Lnros, 'hoKaston pilsoxer. Loth tuentutiy and fdivaically, spent a puitionofu night recently ur.isiel. unool too to t-: tried on Laros to iiscertaiu if his tits were tiuo or talso wnstlio aduiiiiistertiiir ot ether duuhg one otln.ctiu. Tu'8iolts und it is tuld that wolle under its lu fluoiico raw whiskey was diopoo'l lu tuco withoiii pniduciug a wink or a sign or nam, Linos reui:iliiini ultuosc iiiotlouiess. it is rtnted tuat Iho nts nio not slmuUied, lor the ether test is said to be ooe relied upon by ntarly sll phrsleisiH as positivu As In his Insanity, the plivsieiAns ull their loriner vtlt, filer ho'illog tho testimony ot the priou olllclVs aud making a slioit stiy In Laioi' cell Intimated thatlio was Inssue. An ofllo.i repoit wilt be made by tho Commission souio time tuts week, Hat Stolen. On Thursday evening whllo' P. J. Median, Esq., ot Mauch Chunk, was taking his supper at the Exchange Ho tel, nt this place, boiiiu rascally lelluw stole his hat troin the wash mom where he had left It. It Is a new black slouch hat with largo biiiu and bound around tho crown by cold instead of i baud. The liguies U25 me marked in Ink hurl zoutially across tho inside bund. Mr. Meghan's name was also in the hut, printed on a slip of paper, which wai fastened by means nt mucilage. We would advise the taker thereof to re turn it at once to tlio owner as It Is known who took it, perhaps iu mistake, otherwise legal remedies will bu insti tuted. Of eouise, you will attend tho Fire man's ball, In LinUermaii's Hall, this (Friday) evening. Ticket?, 50 cents. THE O'UONIVKIiIi T It I. 111. At 10 o'clock on Tnosday mornlug, shoitty after his arrival lu court, Pat'k O'Donncll, on being arraigned for tho murder of Morgan Powell, was cau tioned by tho clerk " to look to his challenges." Jurors were then called, and at precisely 20 minutes of 11 o'clk. the panel was completed by the selec tion of tho following- Ueomo Wolf, Manch Chunk. Hugo lliiiicmtis, Nctquehoninfr. Frank lloyir, Mlllpoiu Kilas llcliitzelmaii, liast Pcnn. l-'redenck Uteher, Hanks. William Winner. Lehlxliton. rteubon Horn. W'outh. rlv. John swank, Conloort. . John Handera, Upper Manch Chant. Jostah Andreas, hast Penn. John btedmau Mauch t hunk. Stephen Uotnman, Kast Mauch Ohunki These aro then sworn, tho District Attorney opens the caso to them, and till! trial proceeds. Gen. Charles Al bright and the rest of the Constellation of legal talent, who shone at the pre vious Molly Maguiro trials, being con spitiuoua by their absence, Mr. Siewcrs conducts the case single handed. John Mnlloy was the first witness called, and related his old, oft repeated story, which, for reasons of his fami liarity wo need not repeat. He claims to hnvo been present at the meeting to which O'Dniinell conveyed Campbell's request to have a mine-boss killed. Malloy's cross-examination, though occupying until nearly three o'clock, developed nothing at variance with his statements mi direct examination. Biddy Matthews, who at tho time cf the Powell murder " kepta place," and at whose house some ut the murderers stopped un the nlteriioon pievinus to the murder, then said her say. There being, however, nothing In It connect ing the prisoner at the bar witli the killing ot Powell, the defense waived a cross-examination. C. T. McIIiigh, one of the squealers, testified ns to the parties who, at the time of tile shooting of Powell, belong ed to the Aiuient Older in tho nelgli boihood of Summit Hill. Although a Molly, and cognizant of all the murders, he never heard the name of t'nt- O'Don ncll mentioned In Connection with any of them. Alter Swart, vhoo testimony really amounted to nothing revelant to the case, had testified, Charles Muihbarn was called, and In Ills bungling, rambling way, related all respecting ills connection with the mur der of Powell ; but nothing at nil dam. aging to tlie prisoner was elicited from him, except that he refi rreil to the time when to were attempted to be exacted from 111 m for not assisting at the Pow ell murder, which fium,, according to the witness, O'Donncll relused to pay for the reason that the others iiad stalled ahead of tho time agreed upon for their departure ; also, that while temporarily sojourning iu the Carbon county Jail, he hud heard Thomas P. Fisher asking the prisoner through tho healer what ho had dine with the 15 he had given him. Chatles Powell, Sam. Allen, John Bynon, I!ev. Morgan, Jos. Williams, Hubert liilslm, Jolui Thomas and Mich. Myeis then related incidents connected witli the Powell murder, which closed the day's proceedings. Couit convened at the lennlar hour Wednesday morning, and a number of additional wltnessts, by whom to provo the manner, etc., of Powell's death aro railed. Morgan Price, Engineer Smith, John Barge, Chas. Powell, Geo. Ilully und others testified In this regard. John Slattery Is then called, nnd tes tifies. On cross examination about the following is elicited. Sworn to a lie at the time I testltied in the Campbell case. Was discharged from Imprison ment after conviction Knew all about this Powell murder at the timoUtits occuriencu ; kept it to myself. It was 1 who posted the Majors. If a body in astdt commanded n member to do an act, he had to do It or he would not have lived lung. Don't think the tliiiif mentioned with regard to O'Douuel could have huppcued To hear the con versation between Fisher and O'Duu nell we were compelled to resort to Kerrigan's cell. We went there for that purpose. There were men iu the organi zation who knew nothing of Its misdeeds. Mulhearn translated to me the t lie con versation between Fisher and O'Don nell. When 1 testified in the Camp bell case, 1 did so ns a Molly-for tho defense. ldt lu duty bound to save the Mollies. Tho term " Old Miues" was most generally applied to Summit Hill. Ulias. Miilhearir (recalled by tho Commonwealth) in a veiy Incoherent milliner attempts to explain suiiietlilug respecting a certain assertion he had previously made. The conversation be tween Fisher nnd U'Douuell, relerred to, began in English. Pat O'Uonnell claimed to have paid $5 00, gave hliu by Fisher, to the Uonohues. Never went to O'DonueU's house " to put a head on him." 1 guess wo went to Kerrigan's cell on put pose to hear Hint conversation. Was luesent when Yel low Jack told O'Donncll that he had fined him live dollars. Doli't know what C'apt. Linden did with the books ot our Division. Can't read writing. John SUltery is then recalled to give 1 a description of the various ''goods" auu uincers oi tlie a. V. 11. Prosecution Bests. Mrs. ltlchurd Boyle, called by de fense. On the Sunday alter the shoot ing of 1'owill, Chas. Mulhearn came to my house, asking mu whether 1 had heard of it ? He then said he'd as soon shoot rt man as eat a potato. Mr. McLaughlin Know Slattery for some years. But little relianco is to bu placed upon anything lu says. Also know Mulhearn, his character Is both low and mean. Never heard anything against O'Uonnell. Faley Bums : Acquainted with Mul hearn. Know htm 0 or 7 years , lilt chaiacterls decidedly bad. Know O' Donnel ; never saw anything bad in him liom his boyhood up. Murk Swank Never heard anything bad of O'Donncll, He was a good, quiet neighbor. Jas. Cox : Know Pat. O'Doiinell.' Never heard aught against Ids cnarac ter. Innumerable questions are asked this witness on cross-examination, the nature of which seemed to iudlcate that the District Attorney knew taore about tho witness than ins was willing to own up to. Isiael Bachtis : Know O'Donnell gomo 10 or 17 years ; his character'has always been good. Capt. Williams : Know O'Donnell since 18C0 ; never heard anything bad of him until a few days after his ar rest, when I heard that he was a Molly Magulre. Mr. tV'alker : Never heard anything bad about the prisoner Jiio. Gallagher : Know O'Donnel some 15 years ; never heard anything bad of him. My opinion Is that there are Just as good men among the Molly Magulres as among any other class of men. Mr. McLaughlin, reca'led by tho Com. Never heard anything bad about Slattery except what I noticed myself, Jiio. F. Hlggins t Live at Tamaqua ; known the prisoner for many years , he always bore an excellent reputation. Jiio, O'Brien : Justice ot tho Peace for 15 years. Know Patty some 20 years. Never heard aught to his dam age. Kobert Machoy : Know O'Donnell 7 or 8 years ; Always considered him a good, reliable man. Couldn't say whether ho worked on tho day Powell was killed. Jas.Kerrlganwas then called to refutb some of the testimony of James Cox ; as was Chas. Mulhearn who claimed to have harbored at tho houso of Cox, with others, after the killing of Powell, with the former's full knowledge that they were tlw murderers of Powell, which fact had been denied by Cox. At this tho evidence closed, and shortly there after, at precisely 4 o'clock, Mr. Kalb fus began another of his impressive pleas ; after which District Attorney Siewers addressed tho Jury until the hour ot adjournment. The case was given to the Jury about 10 o'clock a. m., Thursday, and, after an absence of about four hours, they returned into court with a verdict of minder lu the second degree. The Carbon County Fnlr. The fourth aundal fair of the Carbon County Industrial Society took place during the past week. The display of manufactures, cattle, horses, poultry, fruits, vegetables, Ac, was fully up to that of former years, some of the speci mens on exhibit being really excellent. The attendance of visitors the two first days was slitn, hut on Thursday the crowd in attendance was simply im mense I Notwithstanding the heavy rain on Wednesday night and the fog gy, damp atmosphere ot Thursday morning, large numbers of persons ar rived by the early trains, which also brought the Slatlngton BIUhs, Co. II, N. G commanded by Capt. Ilhoads, and the Custar Guards, Co. II, N. G., of Ilazleton, commanded by Captain Keck. These companies were received nt the depot by a committee of Lehigh Hook aud Ladder Company, of this borough, and accompanied by Young America Cornet Band, ot Welssport, and the Citizen's Cornet Baud, of this town, proceeded to Hook find Ladder Company's truck house, on Third St., where lefreahnienU were served up. At 0:130 o'clock the tine of parade was formed iu the following order : Marshall and Aids. Young Cornet ll'iuil, Wels.poit. blutlliKlo.i llilles Cept. Itltoads. Custar (Jujrd-. aaslotou. Capt Kco. cttisjua' Curuet Hand, Leliigr.lJii. L. H. A L Cu.'s 'truck nrawn by tour Horses. Lutio Ulaot tirawn 0y tho Company. Thus formed, the line moved over tho following route : Down Third to Iron, e"own Iron to Second, down second to Klin, down Kim to ilauk, un Pank tolutoisectlouof beOond ilowu second to tsoutli up South to Mull ,1111111, out Mahoning to tho Fair 'Jruund, ud aiouud itie tuck. Tito parade was then dismissed for dinner, provided for them by Dr. John Brighton, at his stands on the grounds. In the nlleruoou the militaiy com panies gave exhibition drills on the fair grounds, in which they displayed great proficiency, eliciting tlie commendation uf our citizens. The ollicrs ami men of both companies presented a neat, clean and pleasing appearance, and Capt. Ilhoads and Lieut. McDongall, of tho Slatiugtou ltities, and Captain Keck and Lieut. Day, of the Custar Guards, are entitled to much praise for the very soldierly and geutlemany bearing of their respective commands. The slatlngton company left for borne on the 4:U0 p. in, train, and the Uazletou company on the 5:30. Packertoll Literary Institute. Oct. 5th. Institute opened In due form. Minutes read nnd approved ; roll called and absentees noted. The entertainment committee having tend ered their resignations, n new commit tee was appointed as follows ; Messrs. W. Leu Stiles, John Holm, James Clem ents, Mrs. Elliot, Misses U. Harlemati, E. Burns, and U Bums. Tlie reading of the Buuget being next iu outer tlie paper Life, by Mr W. Lee Styles, was produced; followed by select read ings Bums Doings, by Mrs. Elliot; Hy pocrisy, T. Trethewny; True llellglou, L. Balsuock; Wldom,A. Elliott; Ignor ance, W. Leu Stiles; Love, Henry Eb sou; Hrtfed, John Bohn, The pieces wero ail well spoken. Mr. W. Lee Stiles otfered to pit-sent the Society six mottoes, provided tlie ladies would wtuk them, the offer was accepted, and the following named ladles appointed to Oil them: Miss C. HnrlemUir, Miss Kiln Hums, Miss Uosetta Burns, Mrs. Stiles, Mrs. Elliot aud Miss Sadie Welld. In stitute closed In due form. C. O. Gkksel, Sec'y. " Tin: Boys in Bluu." This Is the name of a bright 8 page monthly paper published at the National Capitol aud devoted to pensions, bounties, claim?, patents, and the army and navy It Is published by Nathan W. Fitzger ald, at a remarkably low price of twenty five cents per annum, Tl.o gen. eral rending matter is most excellent, and the depaitmeut devoted especially to the Interest of soldiers and their re presentatives Is very valuable. We ad vise uvery ex-soldler to send twenty five cents tu Nathan W. Fitzgerald, Washington, D, C, aud receive Tut: Boys in Bluk for ouo year, Storm Lake, Pilot, (Iowa.) Fire nt Ilenver Mentlow. Fkidat, Oct. fi, 1877. About three o'clock this morning the good peoplo of tho town of Beaver Meadow were aroused by tho alarm of fire, and upon looking out saw that there was causo for the alarm. Your correspondent, who thought tho watchman at No. 1, Colcraltie, made a mistake by blowing the whistle too early for six o'clock, became convinced by tho length of tho blow, that something was wrong, Hastily donning a few old clothes we repaired to tho scene of destruction, and found that the flro demon hnd already destroyed the boot and shoe manufac tory of Messrs. It II. Lanynn and J. D. Arner. Shortly nfter arriving at the sceno, the Odd Fellows Hall was found to be in danger. It soon caught lire and thn tlames soon attacked the house and residence of Mrs. McKoy, which burned to the ground In a short time. The cause of the lite Is unknown, but from appearances And from what we cah glean, must have been the Work of an incendiary. Mr Lanyon's house, lu renr of the manufactory, was also destroyed. Mr. Lanyon's house and factory building were valued at about two thousand dollars, while in manu factured and unmanufactured stock, machinery! fixtures, etc., Messrs. Lan yon nnd Arher lose about seven thous and dollars, only partly covered by in surance. Mrs. Washburne, i widow lady, whoso husband was killed in the wnr of the rebellion, had her property Insured in thd sum ot live hundred dol lars, about one-thiid cf her loss. Mrs. McKoy's house, we are informed, was Insured for ond thousand dollars. Her loss cannot be less thdn two thousand, as her house was, without exception, one uf, If not the best, In Beaver Mead ow. To-day the sceno of the tire, which was one of tho prettiest In town, pres ents an nppearance anything other than pleasant to the people. Had tho Odd Fellows Hall, which at best would not bu much of a loss, been torn down when Mrs. Wnshburne's house took lire, and there was plenty of tlmo to do it, thtJ residence ot Mrs. McKoy could have) been easily saved. The wind was very strong during tho Ore, and caused the flames to reach out along the square until the end was reached. Mr. John Wear's house, on the other side, escap ed, with water, labof nud attention. The loss attending tho burning of Odd Fellovs Hall Is about six hundred dol lars. Tho lire was first discovered on the first floor of tho shoe factory. Years have elapsed since the people ot this town had tho exciting and unpleasant duty of attending a midnight fire, and wlille we sympathize with our friends, it is not out of place to say that where there are so many spirited citizens ns here, last night's lire may, and should be, a warning to prepare now for the future. A fire company could bo easily formed and equipped, it not with an engine, with a pump nnd hook and lad der, requirements that would bo ot great use In tlmo ot need. Ilazleton Dally Sentinel. Court Proceedings. OCTOnmi 8th. Court i onrened at 1 p m., Hon. S u. Ill eiier and Associates WenUaudLouuaid betugpieseut. Com vs. Pat'k (jiliieat surety of the iionoe. Casoheaid, aud Wm. Aubrue und Pat'k ulldta eacn topiy ouo half itie tosts. Com vs. Tim Mel'udden: surety ot the peace. Cae heard, und I'lmotliy held In f loo. Com vs. sainuel boultiy; assault and battery. Tiuo bill. Iu tuo matter ot the Incorporation ot tho Kvongelical ilenetlcial soeletv, ot Welssport. Ceil. actio of Ineorpoiutioit tiled. Iu i he untiter otuppluatlouot Wm.Kcmerer. guardian, to pay over to minor child u part of eaid toluol's sluic for support aud umluteuauce. Petitioner nutboitzoa tu pay over and appropri ate tho sum ot lieu, oto. Auuu. ndtuiulsiratilx of Patrick MtKenna, doe'd. authorized to sell real rstato. First and linal account ol Daniel Oecc, admin. l-iruiaroi me eauiio oi ueurgo ucux auu liar, bura bis wile, deu'd. Conllrmcd nisi. First and Uuel account or James McQovern, administrator of tho csiatoof Jas. McUavem. jr. clco'O. Continued nisi. rirsb nnu uuui uctuuuigi Aaron nntve, ail mluiBintoroI ihoostatoot Saml. bhivo, det'd. CoaUnoert uislj it ,isi auu uuat acconni ot J. J. Kemercr, ad. mtul-t.-aioruf tho estito of Jos. Koch, tleo'd. ConUimed ml. First aud Uual account of C. f. Kbbott, exec, utor ot tho oatate ot Alarla ltussell, dee'd. Con. tinned l.i-i. First and Uual account ot Isaoo jielts, admin. Isiraiorot Hie estate ot Cutharme Jtettz, dee'd. Couilriuod nisi. second und una) account or wm. jumaiy. A. ItauialyaLd I. Z llakctistoao. administrators ot tueesiute of Jonsa Itiuuly, deod. Coullnnud utsi. Account of Char'es Iluelow, gnardlan of Lou. lsa shuuz. Conilruieu msi. Account ol I'lue. iluelow, guardian or Anna Shultz. i.otinrinod uisl Widow's appralfioaient of the estate ot Mich ael Con i oy couurmeo msi. Apptoiacniuuto! the estate of Pat. McKenua. Couuruteil ulsl. Com. vs. Joitu veunsnon larceny. True bin. Com. vs. Johu McColo t assault and battery Ttue bill. Com. s Frank AIcDade, Pat. Gallsnher aud Unite Gallagher, assauitaud baliery. 'IruobnU Lioiu vs. wui. urowu; . auu u. xruo oi.t. Prostcntriz. Hornet lliose. thus lleek vs. Daniel Kastman. defendant. aud F P. benimol ei nL, terro Imams, nine ou plaintiff. li'us. sat vs. ntuiMi omvu uiiu neury t ut.. er, admlnt-tiuUtrs of Kuus bhlve, dee'd. lteplt- cation utou. Auditor's renortln matter ot Btterlffa sale or p tsouat propeity of Peter bJcawob. Cuunrtnod utsi Andrew Beem vs. 11 F. Klcnnlnacr. ienuted Owner, etc. l'u.ltlun to sta ami set aside u lev. lue ltuie ou piatuuu ro snow cause wuy, etc Auditor's renottin inatlerof di-kiibuttoii of fundi arising Irom bbenu?. neot real estate oi UUrer oiruup. t'ouilrmed ul-i Luis. vs. .uiy iiursteyi a ut u. true out. euut. vs. John lluikiei A. & U. 'true bill. Co,u.vs Jouu tsetuoeder: latceur. True bill. Cum. vs. Charles Htetler; poisoutog hsb. True bill. Con, vs. James Fttzer and Charles Melzirar : indicimcui, 1st larceny, Zud lecelvrug stolen goods. Com. vs James Qu'noen i Insolvent's petition for discharge. Com vs John Leukel , assault and battery. Held iu iZM to appear. Com vs. Fieil. ivrone. larceny. Trnohl.l. I uiu. vs Peter Keiun latceuy. True biU. Com vs. JaekStiu McUiulov aud W. Moore; latceuy fruo Dill. Com. vs. John su.p and Henry VUUe,Junr.; laic ny. I run bib. Com. vs Jos'pa Fnglcr and Frank Hart i larceny. '1 rue out. Com; vs. John Hodomaui larceny. 'Into hill. Ooui. vs. chsilos lljutli ui urcouy. True bl,t Coin vs. Mrs. Hugh blientaa ; awiu'tuud buttery. Igm.ted. Johu UnUlu lo pay to-tt. Com. v.. Huiilt eboil 'uu, assnu.t auu battery. IhUu;ed. John (JtiiQit lo pay cuita. Com. vs Joseph Zoouvi t u sauli and battory. Icuoied. Allen bUuoktu pay ooaU, Notice to Taxpayers. The undersigned, Collector of State, County, School nnd Uuilding Taxes, for Lehighton Uorough, hereby giTC notice to all interested, that all taxes not paid on or before the 20th day of October instant, will bo collected according to law. J. P. Smith, Collector. Oct. G, 1877-W2 The Coal Trntle. Humors werotlfi) In Wall street Nowori'i Tuesday regaining tno formation ofanoweoal romiitu.illou, slid tho fact tint Mr Ooweit wie In thecltv was cited nstiront that smut thing of the Mud was rontemplaleil. ltirhtlry n stilted In disproving this report t bnt It wns asccrtsiu. ed that embittoroi nv Sir. tlowot.'s success in putting hu cotripaiy In ft fonilltlou th supply all demands for com at low pnro, tho oilier corporations were making n move to nunc sell him in open market, ot rptiiso snclr d policy only meant n t onewal of t bo ceil War lit a moi n violent manner than belore. Thitntllcersnf 'ho other companies wete very rettelnt tho measures to ho adopted to deleat Mr. Ilpjnn, hut In the otternoon a rncular wns nwitfa Iroiu ibeoRUoor Iho I'eiir.sylvanla Coal Company, In which after announcing that (ho coi crrn hud resumed uilulntf. orders woto solicited n( n ct u ot inrtr-tlvo lotKly cents per ton fiom prevail, ing prices. The tollowlug oro tin term, i Dclttcred at Xtwtiuroh, Lump, per ton of 2 2'0 pounds li so Hleamer, per ton 2,21 . pounds : 2 Su Orate, per ton of 2 24ipmnds : 2 8) Kgg, per 10:1 of 2,'tO poiunls 2 V Hiove. per ton ot 2.24J pounds 3 ro Chrstnnt. per ton of 2.21 1 pounds 2 9. Pea, per Ion of 2.210 vounos t 30 Fo ly-ttvo o. ins per ion additional lor delivery al New ork. A d-nwback of t n cents per ton Is nllovred ttj purcaasers who tako their coil nicoiduigio tlie1 time provisions of the conlrnit, Th eppeer. snco of tho circular oceasionid constoeraliie ex cltcment among coal tleulors. At tho 1'hliadel. phlaanil Hoaulug olllce. tt was s"id thutany cut ou tho imrtof competitors would beproiiipi ly mt ttm nesdtng wns in a position to mind add transport conl nt bottom prices. Jodglngfrom the occurrence of TacsCav nrer newal of the coal war in ns moat bliltrform Seems much more lUely than any attempt to form a protective combination. Tho folio vlng table slum b 1 tie quantity of coal shloped over lin Lehigh Vullov liatlriadloi tlio week cueing Oct. stn, 1877 and for tlio ear us bom pared u 1th the same time last .teat i Regions Promt Weekl Year . Wyoming 11,572 to . 812,3ul 03 Ilazleton Sf.oin oil i.ic.nt.Ki Upper Lehigh : 670 19 Heaver Meadow 18,074 ca 4.3,133 Is Mahanoy. 2i,2ul 01 6"s,3io oi Siaucn Chunk I Sated is Total l07,St5Tl 1.542,322 CO Last Tear 115,034 l7 IIJ.0J5 13 Increaso 1,840 M SJJ.'JW 01 Decrease .... REPOItT OFiCOAL transported over Lehigh tJuslin hanna Division. Central it K. of New Jorsoy, for 0 oudlng Oct. &, IS77 1 Shipped from i Total week. To date. 21,802 12 t'X.K.B IS Uppdr Lehigh 4.DM 10 Wl.l'H 14 " " .M.l.ItdtCo. 1.470 1 2 I2 2S2I2 nenrer Meadow e.Oi 13 rfl,l323 Sandy ltuu Branch 0,082 04 2. 0 178 0.1 llazietou 411 10 0711 12 Mauch Chunk 10,3:0 Oi 81,376 1.5 Uatardvllle .1.1 12.218 19 Total I. .'!..! 11 3 ! OS PfoTlousIyiepotted!;. 1,017,979 U .i Total to date 2.021 5S3 05 Some tlmo lastyear.... 2.041 322 IS Increase Lecreaso 18,733 11 1 Important to Owners of Deeds. Wc arc informed that the Itecorderot Deeds of Carbon County has a laruu number ot Deeds' which, thoiigll record ed, are still unpaid aud uncalled for, notwithstanding that a State tax on each Is due to the Commonwealth. Wo would advise parties to call at once and take up their Deeds and pay for them, or costs and trouble may bu made the' owners. Some of these deeds have been laying In tho Recorder's office for two years. Astonishing Slicccfes. It fs tho duty of every person who has used Bos cube's Geuman Syudp 6 let Its woif derful qualities be known to their friends In curing Consumption, sovefo Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and in fact all throat and lung diseases. No person can use It without Immediate, relief. Threo doses will relievo any case, and we consider It the duty of all Druggists to recommend It to the poor dying consumptive, at least to try one bottle, ns 40,000 doien bottles wero sold last year, and ho ono caso whero It failed was reported. Such a medicine as tho tifenMAN SyntH 6afihot be too' widely known. Ask yftur Druggist about It, Sample, Bottles to try sold at IfJ cents. Ilegular size 73 cents. For sale by A. J. Dtiillng. i)ii:i), HOM.-In Weatherlv, 6'n the 7th Inst, Cathsr. lne. widow of the late Auurew Horn, and mo ther of JonusA. Horn, ol Lehigulou, aged 77 years, 7 months and 2 days. 8IIUI.TZ.-In tbls borough, on the 30th nit., of dropsy and consumption,' CleOrgo Khullz, at tho good old age of 7 years, 2 mouths and 18 days. The deceased leaves a deeply bereaved widow; with whom he lived SI years In peaco, happiness and blessedness, eight children and 43 grand children, to nrbnrn the loss of this good old man, Since two years he had engaged Ilov. G. A. llrnegel, his former pastor (now of Cherry vllie,) to olllo at at his funeral. He endeavored lo Improve tho Botetnu occasion from (ienests xxv., 8, by showing a similarity tetwten Abra ham unto deceased, on accnuut of his lallb sod confidence intloit, his humble and uptlghtwalr, his strict leteantv and eonsclontousuess, his Dure charscter, and his ardeu Clove tor his fami ly, for vlituo aud tmth. He was a Chusttsn, not ru'erely by profeislon and policy, but hy firaclift- and principle. His memoiy will live oug with all who knew htm. A. Special Notices. ack Mills, : ' hm noitN in. iii-ji.-i. nd the fireat larae too naze Ilook, containing full infnimatlon of tho conn try, with loses and illustrations, will be sent lree to every one sending $1 no for six months snbscrtption to the DAKOTA HERALD. The HEitALU lsa latgu 32.coiumu journal, and la nil. ed with enteitunine- resdtng matter, both nrl g nat and sel-cted. It Is a Western Journal ot western Ideas, speclmtn copv sent free. '1 nreo months with lloo (or 75 cts. the price ot the Book alone Is 75 cents. Address, lilt, HKltALD, Yaaktos, Dakota. Sept. 21. 1677 U13 BLEMISHES UPON THIS FKMIXINI'i COUNIUNAJJCE, if of a comp.eilonal ua. tnre: suecdllv vanish when G I.ENW'S bTj I,. 1'llUH HUAP Is used to obUteruto them. Pim ples Ulocches, ll'.ugliness, Ittsiness and Tan are lnvsnaoly banished by this lLcumparauio cUrliyiug agent. Kiuotfve ailments.' Botes, cuts, bruises, sen Ids, end other atlectlons ami. inlutles of the euticlo are likewise removed by It, bULPHCH MATHS hive long been id 1 owned as the best lemedv for skin diseases; rheumatism and gout. GLUNN'a stlLPIitiH kOAl Is lu everv respect ifileaclo u, and far cr-caper. lly opeun g iho pore, and promoting' a vigorous supoitlolal oucalatiou.thisexcellent urtiile coniiiuutes to toe lien taoi mo ouiiro system a, well as to mat ot tho cuticle. Unco lUtulroduciUiii lopubltir-ottcotl aaa reiiojtou-' Xr leentuiumeudou ny the medical protessiuir uulpreaa audtuw eiieiaalspeclflcs havo won Bttelt 'gjlden t.pniions'' among ail classes. It ,IC VeiUS 001llOla Ui.e" .rut, w.v I Lent tun! dislnfotls tlo'Jnng nait linen lu.piTg. tutted with disease, liaudruiftsont relv nadi. catt d by it, etvi itv u-e is, un tr-at account, tu Dodosiociaiedbyfereona wno.nhair iaihiuniug out In consequouou of divne-s ut Ihe sealiv Ihose who liatte uneii otntpeutiuud liquids without avail for tl'm ears uf eriiptinns of ununst.natechJTit'ter. will Und, it thov ti It, that OLtJTN 's 8U It'll U P. f O.l P I emoves soorbntto cumplaluls nieiuediuUle by lesstitl caelous me ins, und prevents thureiuircuce it such dhtotdera. boldbf Drucgl.ts, Groceraaud Funcv Qoods Dealeia. Prioo. 25n. per cako I Uo-r IJ cikes) 7Ja, sent be looll, preiiaiiLou receipt of price, C. N. Ckittkmox, Prop'r. 1 sixth. Avenue, New Vnrk Hill's iuiu akd wurecca lux. naci. or lliown.O-c July 7, 1.77. Adiuinlstrator'S .Notice. Nollc'ls hereby given, lhat Letter! of Ad-mlut-ttat ouuouu tlxt Kstatot.( tjc.'eiti Nesty, iatbOttheTowu.bipor siahuulng, CurbouCo. Pa .uoe'd have beeu grjnietl to tlio uuuersi'ueu. All pet sons knowing laeuKreivtsloootndebt- to saw ouute will nuka jinvj.-dt-itQ uayuent. and tpotso havl. gclaims wol pie.eul them au. authenticated tu eit.emaai, to THOd. KEslUitllu, AdinliJitrator. Lthlghtut, fJct. tr, iw? vf