The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, October 13, 1877, Image 2

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Democratic Nominations.
Supreme Jinl-to John Trnnkev Vonangi.
AnJitor Oenoral William n, Schell, llei'tord.
State Troiaorer Amos 1. Novo', Clinton.
District Attomnv-E. H. Hloivo-a.'M'h Cliunk.
Republican Nominations.
Supreme Judge Jaj. II. Storrctt. Allegheny.
AnilUor General-J. A. M.. raB'moro. fccliuvtMll
State Treasurer Wm. II. Hart, Montgomery.
DWrlct Attorney Jo. M. Knltifns. M. Chunk
The lateatSreturns from Olilo'lmll
cnte the election oC the Democratic can
dUlate for Governor by a majority of at
least 25,000. Tho Democrats will
probably havo 15 maJoritytln1tlio Stato
Senato and 28 In tho Homo. "'Boom 1
Some Idea of the magnitude of the
petroleum trade In this State, and tho
Immense amount of capital Invented in
It, may be formed from tho fact that
there have been sunk 20,000 wells, the
estimated cost of which Is put down by
tho best authorities at $170,000,000.
These wells havo yielded about 88,000,
000 of barrels, valued at tho wells at
A telegram from General Miles re
poits that on tho 30th ult. his command
turprised the Nez Perces under Chief
Joseph, aud had a severe engagement.
Seventeen of tho Indians, including
Joseph's brother aud four other chiefs,
were killed, and forty wounded. The
The greater part of their herd was cap.
tured. Twenty-four of tho soldiers
wcro killed and forty-four wounded.
lion. John W. Hammond, pros I
dent of Pennsylvania State Agricultur
al Society, says that tho gross receipts
daring the five days of the fair amount
ed to $7,595, This does not Include the
school money. On Thursday about 2,
500 school children were admitted to
tho grounds for 15 cents each. From
the entire sum cash premiums to the
amount of $4,000 were paid. The pro
prletor of the Keed house received $800
for boarding tho officers and clerks of
the association.
Washington telegrams contradict a
statement In somenewspapers that the
$1000 greenback of 18G9 has been coun
terfeited. It Is tbo $1000 greenback
printed from the American Hank Note
Company's plate made in 1802 that has
been thus Imitated. To enable the
public to distinguish between them It Is
stated that the former note contains the
nortralt of Do Witt Clinton, and a
vignette of Columbus In a sitting post-
lion : while the note which has been
counterfeited bears the portrait of Hob
e it Morrlf , but no vignette. If you ex
pect to tako In any $1000 notes, you
should paste tlils'.ln your hat.
dantly repay n yeai's cost. The fear
less exposures of quackery and hum
bugs In every number, are Invaluable,
and have saved Its readers and the
country millions of dollars. Tha de
partments for tho Household and Chil
dren nre pleaslug and Instructive.. Every
number of tho paper Is beautifully Il
lustrated. In short, tho American
Agriculturist Is full of good things, for
every man, woman, and child, in city,
village, and country. Take our advice
and send $1.00 for 14 months, or at
least scud a Dlmo for the half-price
specimen now offered, and seo It for
Our Washington Letter.
A Great Qtntnl over tin Speakerhip Gning on in
the KtvirjapcrtAU Quite Meanwhile on the
iitornacThe tatn of the Question The Extra
Washington, d. c, Oct. 8, 1877.
J?x Speaker Randall and Itepresentatlvea Cox
and Morileon, promlnenc candidate for the
speakership of the Forty-Fifth Congress, and
about fifteen other Rcpresentatlveo. oto now In
the city, out of which facta the Washington cor.
rcspondenta have alreadv manufactured a (treat
contest. It would also seem that these aarao In.
nlviduals aro witnesMng a great excitemont
licio over the bpoaltcrahipi eald excitement la
known, howover, to nobody else, eo thitt these
Indefatigable writers mut be having a great
centcet and a grcal excitement over tho bpenk
ership ou their own account, ail nt which mutt
bo very gratifying and instructive to their
Tho question of tun Speakership Is about
where It lottou last June, whenltwaa decided
to postpone tho meeting of the extra session uu.
til October 15. Tho strength ol rival candi
dates was then ierv thoioughlv woiked np.and
naa no: lateen anr vciv oeciueii ruins ncB. The.
extra t-tatos of the question at this time mav be
summoned up a touowsi itanda'l.trum the be
ginning, has hud the u-suritnct ot support fri m
tho larger share of tie bttter element of his
party, and so rar as lias vet been neve oped can
tinut-s to hold that oos.tlon. Tho Pennsvlvu
ulii uciuocratic convention, in monounclnirso
Tcheincntly aanlnst meas ttea of mtei esc to the
ouiu, mav nu o nau an tueci upon inc minus
of some of the Southern Representatives i but
mo f nvci Bi-ems to niivo neeu nut irrneieni.
tliuwti bvthepiivateletteia letcm-d hereby
Mr. Itnndull ait.l Ins friends.
that air. llandalt mudea Judicious Speaker
Isconceded by ail fali.inmdod pcr-ous. and tor
mi wibo leasou many sviu urg ins re-eitciion.
This is the oninlon expressed by the few mem
bcrs who have alteady arrived heie. Penning
tins mil uerore ino storm, ino ex.apeauer re
mains at his residence, and confines Ills roun.
aela tj a lew trusted filends. Ills Hienathis
dm uy in tno eastern, .Middle, boutneru, aud
Purine states.
Tno basin of the Mississippi, as on allncca
slons ood at all timcts bits its candidates. Tlioso
most nroraineLl v unt lorwaru now ate Mnr.
rtsou. Duckner. and savior. Cox. thouch or late
years having ciuisod quite auccc-tuliv upon
llie irouuieo sea oi aow i or vomica, ai-o ton-
sideta that he nas a claim upon thu West. '1 ho
chances of Savior are extteiueiv al in. as his ex
p'.olts lu tho political campaign ot I67d, for
which sine of Ida most activo suenorterH were.
at last accounts, meditating beoinu the " baia,"
nnon tbo lnirratilude t.f leuub.los. aru well
known, and would, doubt.ess, lo calkd tohla
aiienuou ii uusieiuiy momenta, weie no 10
tic cirili llie cuair or me uouse ot iteDreseuia
ttves, Mori 1 ou la tho tree trade canoldate. Aa
this suicidal policy lweivcd t'Lcouiaaement by
lus t-xtrjoidluary measure two year ago, he la
tr'nl clinched nmro andmoie atteiitun fopnl.
thcuth tho evitlencn again t tho mediums was
very ainuig tto few witnesses enlltil tor tho de
fense sravo Buch ul it ily cnntradlctorv testimony
mat iun uoiirrerB jn Bpintuansiu or miner in
maten'tlizntlon, ealned new It will tie
lemeiiibored -l-ntthoallrgiMconlederaten o ill.
rd bv the tiroseediiou gave a detat'ed account
ot now tno tuing was aimn. ana exiiiuiteit thea
trical co-tuines ot ull luds u-,td lit getttngup
thepeitmutioiis. Thoy stated that thueeilar
under tho cabinet hail been nait tinned off and
iniotign tins tno ctnrederaioa, oner usiugtbe
Bdhteirnnean apartment font diesugroom,
emerged by way ot a trap door In the fl.inr nt tho
tabtuet to tho nits i atlor. wh-ru tlu-y uoto re
cognized a tho departed lnved ones of tnebo.
neveis. it iss Htiu nis rnenmsworo no-Bitlieiy
lhat thero had been no ttapdoorthnt they weio
nnaronf. nnd that tho wholo thing was a put
upjob." VnrlngthelntterparMifthoweek the
pinstcutlon rather got a coup d'etat on Bliss hv
snd:eny entroutn.g hltu In court with ins leal
wife and following tulsup with putting In a
chdrgoet biga-ny nvamsi him The Judge's
charge was ruiher favorable to the roelums.for
it. nnu oceu asetictt without couiiauiction that
Bils4 had not c'ainted ili.,t tbo n ppeiratices wei e
spiilts. but had rua his show on "toavaya
your ntiiuev ami vou takes your cholco" pttnclt
pie. llosr -tied that if this was p-eved by tbo
cvinence i'ie pn-onets coma not no couvirieti
'iliojnrvdisjgiccd and wetodtrchiirgcd. Bliss
will nut be tried tor bigamy. Having been uu.
ab o to get bail, he is still in ptlsnn.
Now Advertisements.
CONUAD bF.ll'LE, . . . rnorniKTOn.
ixeellent Aecnmmnilfltlnns tnr PamsnMl
and Transient llo.rucr-. C'oiumtHilousstnVliug
attached Terms (i.ouerate. oetl3v
t toliiglitoii, in tbo state ot remiyivamn, ut
Loanaml DUcnnnts , $07,603 4 8
U.H.lUm(!iit" secure Micuinl-un. ... 67,000 uO
Duo ti-om RpproveU Iteetvo An eats.. All 07
I)no from otuer Nntloual Haukt 9,183 3.1
Duo J nnu state Uaukaaml Daukcin... 34 u
Heal Kaato. i'uniiiutp, au l l-'ntiiroi C.117 7u
rieiututni raiil
t nt'Cxa and oiliur Cash Items
liiiin of other itsiiki ,
Fiact'onal (Juiteiicy, iucluU'isNIckels
Mpot-le (HicluiiV ruM TreaBury certi'a
Our California Letter.
Tlie great qucBMon which Is every day piesn-
lnff Itself upon the attention o! the thiuKing
meuof ihia btatejia, What aio wo to do with
oar unemployed labor 1 In this aa well as other
mates, and in no city more than ban Francisco,
Lith's qiintion loudly tUmorlnK for solution.
in the country our unemployed are proportion'
ally much iinaller, It being a generally known
tact that there Is Uttle chance lor the laboring
man the e, unless he bo a skilled xnecahnic, ow
ing to tho fariuem' work being almost exciu-
aiely aono byChlnnmen. Tho result I a that
nearly all if out- unemplorcd classes nro crowd
ed tnto tian Francisco, and their appeaU fur
work now louder each day. All that nan been
dono thus ijr has been to make a slight reduo
ttun lu tho number ot Chluese employed In the
vaiioua lactones and suhstltato white mew, but
a preat project is now tieliifi ardently advocated,
which, 1( curried out, will do much to btlng
piospeiity to oar brawny son tl lull, ihisi
aschemofor assawa.lto bo bultt the whole
lenp-ihor the city, and ruumnfrout aiound the
and If uiulettakeu would uiYOWo.kior bund
reds ot labjiera tor many n ouihs to eome. Tho
pay, too, vvoulil bo ttutHl, uulous tbo city were to
vxiiaio an lormer iroreuuut. mere is no uouoi
Lot that suca a wail will, sooner or later, bo
cousa ucted and Rive ban Fruuciaco a whartttee
perhaps Uio moat exieuslve lu but
its coustimtion t.ow would be like thut ot
luanv of our new hotels an eieelltnt thing in
its way, but yeais lu advance of thedemauo lor
It. liuwuver, the poputar verdict is that seme
thintr must bouo.ielur our uiu'iunloyed lauor,
andthtat once; audas ihiaprrject aotmstho
only feasible oue that win beueui ihemioauy
troat extent, It la tUidiiitf new lueuds and advo
cates nail).
ix one wi re 10 lorm ma opinion ot nan ran
cieo aocietv by the it numerabio divorce amis
and scandal attiuus ib-tt aio cftily belure uur
ctiuriw, our lepu atiou for moraltir would no
decidedly below pur. JTor vauety thHweelc we
naveasuiiioaei ntuio a uirorco Krnnieu neie
siinetlmo auolo puitieswbo wete never eveu
niiUftcd. Tne ckso la In aome iopect,
Boino uioiiVtia atro a youu ludv. uio ing lu vmn
society, mtido uptiUiatlou tote loosened from
the bonds of uiatilniouy with a gentleman
n.itoed alter, weil-anown lu the gay world, to
witom Muoproiesittiiiioii teoueuprivaioiviui
ried hOiiiB uioutLs belote. No oij eitlOti Wua
made by Waiter, and the divorce was gianteJ,
li appear, ineor, ina iuiqo uiaiicr oi au
uiouy she pressed him ti luid.audheuow turns
round aud uuclaies that tho vouuir lailr wns
ueer mauled to h m They weie intimate, and
1.1(0 03
6,ica '.'I
Ml 19
3,05-. 0)
2'J 47
U10 GO
2.1.41 no
lteuemption Fund with U, H.Trejsur
cr (5 per cent, ot Circulation) 2,700 00
Total 1101,183 10
CapltalBtncklaldin 173,000 00
Surplus lund uu lu
Ui.dlTlded l'rolits 1,812 2;
National UanlcoteaUutstuudlug.... o.,3oo to
liivldends unpaid. ici do
Iudtvtdual UepOolts suhject to cheek. 17,&d7 OS
rinieCeiuucaUBol lieposit 7,000 OJ
cet tiaud checics , 200
Cashier's I'hecus Out'tandtnir, 500 00
Duo to other Nntloual liau.ts S09 M
Uuo to fitate banks aud Iiaukers til 29
Total IiwsTio
State 0 reniHylvanla, County of Carbon, tl :
1, W. W. llovriuan, Cashier ot tho nuoTonam.
ed Hank, do solemnly swear that the aoove
stutotnentls truotu the best ot my knuwiedte
aud bene!.
W. W. BOWMAN, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to befoi e mo, this ICth
da; ot Ucuiber, is:;,
Tiioa. a beck, sm'r rubiio.
Conect-Attest: A. J. Burling, rhos Komeror,
it. t. llcffjril, U.rcctors. Oct. 13, 187;.
That oo rl'o Iubiuh fc Soar
sire irerlssg' gTeatci induce
iBa Fall aiul Winter IDHY
h is admitted bylarare
off Customers who
visit tlae store daily to make
their purcheses
Octobers. in7.jt
Tha undersigned respectfully announces to
his Iri'-mis aud the publto in general, that he has
Fresh Meat Market,
Coruei et UANKWAV and HANK street, anil
that ho lspnpiULd to lurnlsh tbeui lth irluie
POULTRY, Ac, at the very Lowest Trices lor
The MsrkRtwlll he onen all dav. Give me a
trial and be couvlnced that you can tavo money.
now bt'luff pressed for tue Speakership, VitU no 1 she became tncttntt. lie scut her to a secluded
Tlio United States Supremo Court
last term decided that a railroad mort
gage could be euforced so far as neces
sary to satisfy the Interest In default on
plaintiff's bonds, but not to satisfy the
principal, inasmuch as, though the face
of each bond and tho mortgage deed
stipulated that fiU months' default of
Interest should make the whole princi
pal due, the act authorizing tho mort
tgago and printed on tho back of each
bond In the particular case at Isbue con
tafued tho words "nut to mature at an
earlier period than thirty years," &c.
The holder had full notice of this, and
tho court think It differs widely from a
mere direction as to the length of the
time the bonds should run or the perl
od when thoy should be made payable,
which would not be inconsistent with
tho stipulation on the face of tho bond
cimncoa of ant'ceda. bat aa a itrntevio uiuvo for
tho chalimaimhiy of the Committee on Ways
and Means Cox, lu tho la-t rxe, h bo wed un
expected etreugth. and expnaatd hiojaelf in
teims of confluence in tho aucci-aaof
ina cause, vacre ia h ti.n-iiie on nana ny wuicn
Motihon will tin off his ttreugth lor cox, when
it is demonstiated that ho has roue to tho
end ol iiiateiucr. Jiuekucr of Ailstouri. lilac
burn of Kentucky, aud Uoodi, cf Virginia, aie
tbo Kouiheiu cundH.att'd. jNoae of ibtnu Juve
hud inuLO narlmn n tin r t'xiu'i lyuco.but havo ev
eel eat Judgment, except lilackbum wnu Is a
little llorv, J he few boiitliern Members now
here huv tne entire bombern rote cannot
bo coneeiitiuted udou either ol tho three.
tbo Southern members c niroltbe Uemocratio
ote m the J loaro, their action will detenu Ino
the result ol tho content Tae connervative
aontnern members express tliemsotTes tot ltan
The Democratic cancua. nhlch will ror.Mder
auiloethio tho whoie question, will not n.eet
iiuui uexi saiuruay, po mat u wut uearietei
four dars Dcfoie a number Lt Itei resentatlvea
auillclent to rlvo an indication ol lesultt Will be
hero. J. (I. Thorn phou. nt Ublo.niil be re-elect
eu sergeant ui..i inn. ueueiai Atiums aunci
oaies aumo opuomiiou io uu re-eitcuon
i. link. I x-Itevieseutathe Ca dwuii. ot Ala
bauni is bis fetroiiMuat antaconit. The aucceM
of iliher will defend entuoly uion tae lesjlt ol
tne com tit lor mo npi'uwtiHuip li n oouiuein
man. the Clerk wl.l doubllesi be tbonuu from
the North, and vice vers i. Legion 1 tho uamo
ol the utpitBiitH fur i he Dooitttpoibhip. l'.tt
terbnii the latest uue amont tbo number. The
small Ji v. ucn as a-isivunt tiourKeeuiis. men-
feDiieru. xc. uiu m u mum vi uauuui com ein.
As txu lr tenure is solely Tested in l he success of
cettaiu indU i duals, It la very hard for toem to
decldo whom to Htipiiort. tor tear ol nut hitting
mo successiui canuiauit', an i at tno name tiuj
tuey aiouuxlous lo mako a t-huw ot activity m
the contest when it comes alonvr.
Theiels iuucIisoeculatli.uaHio the oroha'de
leiiKtn of tho eitia hchj-iou. if tho two Houses
couuit tue wiMica oi ino kxccuuto orji cn oi
t:if tiovemment titer will imss ttto urmy au
DiopJiatton bill at ouco and aolmitu. It m not
the ijte-ent purpose ot the aumlulsiraltun to
submit anr otbur bntnest beiom llie reuu ur
session. Therefoie the lenetn ot tho trehhlou
will dept-uii cuiiieir upon tue an ounini con
sideration which will on ifi veu tho aim? aa
fiiopuaiiou tl i. as mat w us iu iv ois uBsHi at
am hosjiIi-u thero eems to ne no occasion for
wading a. y uiue ttmo, esoocialtv as tho ute of
thtt nilhtarv arm in tbo domestic atfilis ot the
Southern States nJongoi rciUilo tho Democ
racy wiu vi won s oi tue uowumu oi ii o iu'piu
llace lu iho country watrua cut id wasoorn
wuere letrurutu nsau uomcrrieu huu ietpecia
bie vuuuk mdy. Vt,r nccuuiair oilects. how
ever he decUus the ttoon pretended to him thi.t
ahucnuld not longer keep iter -ecrtt, und urtd
mat no aiiow uvi to taaea uivoico mat sue
mKbt b access to her child, auu retain her
tcoodnuineln tho world, llo cousouted. atid
tho tfOB-lps telutt intereattd lu tho matter of
the ohoue, torgot to inquire reir citeiy loto
tho piesumabie miiriiiiKo. which now appears
not to uitve tuvctu piuee it nil.
Another uuuauil case iliac has oecnmed our
court tids wet-k has bei n ft beach oi promise
action. The lair piaiiiillTls a aplnater of ixty
live aummers. while the ruthless de-stiurtrof
letiuto i euce and happiness has now rtachtd
n muiuro Quo oi bOTtuiv-sir venrs. Lite main.
UU i.UegaiBeuuction a few j ear ago. ultiie she
whs employed a the decrepld ild gentleman's
housekteptr, and it remains to be t en what
damage the Jury may think aer blighted ptos
peets m e n tit led to.
We had uu incipient Tues
day, wulch at one time promised to make sen-
oni trouoie, Ap-titai went luwui ioue nn
l'i well stiuet. and ofi lieius tnld that the ludv
did nut wish tapuicliase.u-nmult&l tho Chinese
uoy. kuockiu out soeai onus leein, anutjit
htm In the arm. llotherirun luto tbe atrcet
ildhflT nurUfd bv Jottn. who. ihouch ma h
hmallur titan the edljr. aefzel Mm aud hung
ou. A crowd ot two or thr o hundred boon utits
appotred in a twinkling, and a score tr women
n miilu u wiui uuviiiir Mimea : lwin no i;i in.
et-e nmuelbluz.' was iJietrr. but John
hung to his man in ptplte ot the effotlsoLthe
mob to rescue, and never let iro Ida ho d u til
soveiul pO'iceuen arnvnl on thetceue nnd loo
tie nttftcreiiut io me uuy x'tison. iitenoon
turns, at tne Bight oi (he oiQVers, letook them''S to tho ueaih at tncnei, and theom
muni nt io wom.iu suitdeulv lalttdiiwu their buck.
bats and bet nought thcwiives ol their tables.
New Advertisements.
At bis SALOON", next to ctaiu ' Tallorlnc
Our riillailclphla Letter
ruiLADEirnu, oci. g, u;7.
Wltaln a comparatircly brief space of ttuie,
four cases f.I blauajipia hae occuiredin this
city and vicinity. Tho clilldieu wcro itoifu
from Camdcu, both Utile RlrUol six aud seven
years of ago. A tliua was lured away trom
buuday-scliool by a womon who called lor lur,
atd a fourlb. from another pait of tbe Stale, la
euppoted to have btcn concoalnl bore. From
thesa no Intelligence lias ) et been received. It
was supposed tor a tlmo thst a little boy named
wmie Jiianopradbeeu stolen, but recent dis
closures prove that will e playlnx on the wbarl
It 1
Philadelphia Lager Beer
C'on.tantlv rn lnt be alto keens a full snnrf
of 1'uie .i:UMA' VI.M, l holco I'lUAHd,
i'nnie Frcsli (J VSTll.ti. and other Kntntiie..
TnoiiaitoitaKo lit tlio rubiio ts vtry roiiect
Ilou't forgot I be place : ex door abovu T. D,
;14U:-, 11 A lw DlltA'K iuigmon. UCU3
October , 1877.
an ran a una u c t. h f K
No. 34G North Water Street,
and Wbolesalo Dealers tn Batter, Cheete, Lsrd,
T.,llow, Kvgs, Toultry, Uamo, 8toc, Fotatoea
ni ITTCTD Appica. urain, j-iour. aur, wool.
DU I lC.n Cotton, luce, Tobacco, l'eauuts,
Vroom Coin, Diled Fruit, Hoy, Hops Foreign
and Domestic Fruits and in fnct viecan sell any
and averythlugat the hlehest market price
mako prompt returns, and LIUKUAf. CAUU
ADVANCBamade OUT CO IT on all enip
merits, except per. LinLCOL. Ishablo ai tl
cles. lo si ow that we do an cxienslvo business,
any Game Dealer In rht,adelhta will tell yon
wo haudled more Oamo last season than all the
other KonseB In fhiladeloh'.a pni II TDV
put toirethcr. Send lor Frico I UUL I II
List, tStcnell, &C, Ac. HEVERKMCU UABI1,
or we reler you to Ar Hisro.ssiDLE llofei la
OOlt ClTI.
Dress Suits,
Youths' Suits,
H4 f.3i?j,aeii-' i&si
Business Suits,
Boys' Suits.
Made up from the nest Material, In thn Latest Sty Tear, and Terfcct Fits Guar
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Hats, Caps, and Gents' Furnishing:
ty call and examine Goods and Fncca before rutting your pttrchases tlee where.
T. D. OLAUSS, Merchant Tailor,
2nd door above tlio rubiio Square, BANK STREET, LehlghtOB.-
Successor to D. Bock & Co.,
At tla 66 Ms&mm&wtih tore55S
Opposite tho L. & S. Depot, BANE Sfctfset,
Respectfully announces to his customers and friends that
ho is daily receiving additions to his stock of
QUEENSWARE, &c, &c, tea
Also, just received a car load of LIVERPOOL BALTy-
which I am selling at Bottom Prices.
SALT FISH a Specialty.
If you really desiro to know Low large an amount
of Goods you can get for a small sum of Ready Money,,
you should not fail to give mo a call before making your"
purchases elsewhere.
i l j? i. it ni H MM t ft er ts
jjon l iorget. une maiumouu ouuit?, ujjjj. jj.w u. wouuuss
May 0, 1870-yl LEIIIGIITON, PENN'A.
Good Use for a Dime. Vto ad
vise all our readers to forward their ad
dress aud 10 cents to Orange Judd Co.,
215 Broadway, New York, who make
a special offer lo send tor this Bum (half uoar his home ho had lallenovet board; andhis
price and postage) the number for Oc
tober let, of the American Agri
culturist. This splendid number, be
sides over 00 engravings, contains a
great amount ot useful, practical, re
liable, seasonable Information, not only
for the Farm and Garden, but for the
coniDuutinis, boys of five aud seven years ie.
poctlvely. weroatrald to toil ot the accident.
aud, to aar. invented a very pauslble
stoiy, which led to tho bellof that be had oeen
stolen Whin SVlillc's boly was discovered the
truth came out.
TheMoiton defalcation haa already dropped
from puulio notice, and from present Inalcc.
tlous no ocliou whatever will bo taken noluvt
thegeiittemiit. Ileh-s made an H.elimineiit ut
Household, Children Included. Mot ttJ!ffJ?J
n. frrn... It l.t..t -...I 11 I nfllitlitl- tut vii.l liu i aul tnvri. s.i '
Will get from it hiuta and &ugge&tiuns
ftvojrlli teu or twenty times its cost
Jletttr felill, to 8(nil U.Q'i and receive
the paper, pout-paid, from now to tbe
?ud of 1878 -that Is, all of volume 37,
with the rett of tbia year free, (Two
copies for fl.50 each). Nowhere else
can oue get &o much really valuabl
oabllUV liu unl be itfututl foirn ntlmr rAiixiV
b e iMTBJtion, a ho ia uu luvuiuailo maunafui
ed. ttQil Lo wlti tin u Lave an ouatirinnlir nt m
cuveilng iu a tneaiuio the puoU numehehus
of tUe iiioney toleu. uuil the ullfaialo Iokii wilt
lllfiViuiD uu inoa Brriiiui Liiaii wbi 1L nrai nutl.
mated. Ho will i ot Htcam bo likely lotiltnn hU
adeuturou spirit tauguluo tttuj erauient, nutl
itioial cooi blludueas lo ilecriv inmif
otbeti-, lor every iidolu hi fate iuuiLb the ion jr
erirsof meLUii afouv Hhkh Xear HDdiemoim)
hue wuiiuht. Jlo Uctill bravo wueii ioukiuif
into iimuukDowuiumio but La niu( reel (err
Notice iihcre!iTitiTen. that DANIKI Oil V
Kit. of eh t uu. Cathou Couutv. IVuiia . bv
ilfctl ot vuluitttvry anfiju onl, ban stiLtieU all
the vbtate, ri al una per sous I ot the KiiU Duuirl
tiiaver, to w. m. iuiaiier. oi llie name inuce, iu
iruBt f r Iho t etiftlt ot llio crtdltom ot the aio
Daiilo. uruvei.
po tuna indebted to the Uan'i Oraver
will nialtii tmymeiitto tho alil Aigneo. mid
thono liav uif eiuim nr diuiniw will tireneiit
the lutue, duly cpitltletl. wtiLoakdtlav.
v . tu . i.Aroiir.j.,
Atj-iffiieo ot Uamtl Uruver.
LeblRbtoo, Oct. i, 1577- a 6
payiuc lufonuatlOU for M little money miaeiable . wlwu.iecalllnR the terntlo pub
to i . I r'oui ito nr-itr ot nis tan l hare not learda
UOtiJ cents a week, a feUtU tanilv I wuidof ualhatlou lor hlm-rlma. tAt .n iiTi?i?
ved or t,roduced extra, which iUu&i'SaW
paper will bo euro lo help one to do,
This Journal Is prepared by practical uTftTVTSli
tueu aud tYOB)en, who knoiv what they K'""J. ""'IchinK'.othei.treetarunKa'
. ,, I,,,., . . obo(K,. Beveasl lulllury couipa ats, urai d
talk and urlLnbnnt frnm aihi!ili.rni.H. Aruiv lot.ty. ul.d imiauiriiltlA ,n
, ., . . I'ited lu the ixeutsCH. uu theaiue dar a luroo
tnte Ulld larija observation, aud they uumbiroi the l' Umily fiew aio-
n. i .i ! . union nn uiauT 111 del It oiu Hernial to n n ,1 i,n
cau nnd Oo greatly aid others to pro. irtaniingihiuu.Mittaryoiauia.Mru iuano
fltnblo nlaunliiL- nnd wo.klm.. M..nU iKlL0-!""'.'?.!".!4
olnoln li inla on l .,.,i u -i I larae number njuie.l
"cbi.s c.w-u ttuuu. Vatm mK ute-p-it of last week theBUn
Grist Mill Property.
The underHirned will ell at Puhuo sale, va the
iiiemtte.-, lu KIIA.NK IS iowuhip, L'arbou
Ciunty Pa, about 3 wile V.HMtot lhaWeUa
puit Jtatuo'id Depot, id what is kiiovtu aa tue
11 tg Cri elc Vullev, ua
Comoieiicice at ONI! o'c ock I. M.. all that opr.
tain piece or imtcei of viluablo IAMJ, muateJ
aa uuovi , nu coniaiuiuff
FiprY-BiaiiT AcrtEs,
more or le atoatvs Arreaof wlach &ie cfear
u and turner a good ntatfir cultivation' uduie
oaune la vniuauienut;H it2iu. T in liu
piovement a thereon coi.aiiol new2S btoiv
FltAME GRIST MILL, 23 x 40 FT.,
havlniT a peitnan.-nt Watc Bui pl ani teuijc
ilol iir u laige Cutin Tiudai lo any oue der
tng to into tne Mlllinir bmineta this offers n
rA opuonu.iiiv aeiUMtu uecwitU ai-siory
ru4 Uwe.liLa Hou-c, x8 UiU h.. K.t.
JmL rhcimUacheU, it x IJ fecti SAW MILL;
stable. J x 3 ' let. aud ottiei ueooHsuiy
OutUulhllun Thu piopetty laaUuatcU about
a quarter ol a mile trom tue Ceutenuial (Slate
Q Jtirf." now nrudui-luc aonie of tho Lost hIaia
iu tho country, and the prouiibiilile are that
there ia tLATh 04 thu Laud alwi.
TK'lils KAY. and r,ul bo nude known at
ine lime unu piaco ot auie. or
Franklin twp.. Oct U. i77.
Brady's Restaurant !
Boiled Ham, .... 10
Sandwiches, . . . . 10
Bread and Butter ... 5
Hot CofFcc and Cakes . 10
Hard Boil'd Eggs 3 for . 10
Ham Bologne .... 10
Sardines, in boxes . 25 & 40
Canned Salmon . . . 40
Oyster Soup
Oysters, ltaw & half-shell
Iced Milk
Ham on Toast . . . . 1
Fried Oysters . . . . S
Stewed Oysters .... 5
Boston Stew .... 30
Fried Potatoes . .
Omelet . . .
Scrambled . .
Poached . . .
Weissport Planing Hill & Lumber Co.,
nemactf nllr announce to rarrentors, nol'.ders. Centractora and others. thit havlraT comolais
their NKW MILLS, tiej are now supply iuein,;ai vnar i.uwti iiuuio, nn
every description ot
Such as Siding, Floor Boards, Doors, Stvsh, Blinds, Shut
ters, Moldings, Brackets, (Jabinet Ware, Ho., &c,
On the shortest Notlee. OnrMachlaciT allNewanflol the Most Approved turn, .sainsiwr
h.vono Hesitation In Uimrantrlnir l'erteot Satlslactlun to all iwhoni lavor us snth th'lrordeji
It von have not time to call and he.octwhat von want. end yoaroidcrs and thej-'wiuoenue,
promntlv- ano at as low prices as tlmuitli vou were present.
Ulve us a trial, nnu vou win uu tuuviutcu ui sum no ij.
Offlce'and Mill, nearly opposite the Fort Alien House, WEISSPORT, Carter
county, Penna. June 10, I870-gl'
JOB PRCNTINO at tae very lowest price at
TltK OAltnnS AllVOOAT Of'Vtnrf.
" Baked . . . .
" Boiled. . . .
Lobster Salad . .
" Balls . . .
' " Curry . . ,
" in cans . .
V. T. BUADT'S Popular Plnt-p,
Bept. 1, 1877 tf.
Piano and Organ Taught
Miss I.VDIA 1. FINCH Kit. of Ksit Maueh
Chuus, will mte LKcOiM to I'Ul'll.ti ou the
1'IA.S'O or OIIUAN at their ltes.ilencei in
LhlllillllON or WKIESfOltl.TwuUU'tln.
eavn weex. rvcmrvuerpari ciuars.ei quire a(
IDIIVIIHC, irflit.
f.ail!rs iifa'deut'e
ninn UANTI1U In
evcrr town and ritv.
:uie iuu'tii".
tho WOItK.
INO CHURCH." The Premium f teel Lnarav.
Inc. 2teet 12 lect Cinches, llleFlndingoi the
uuv mm In tlie Temp e," Is preaonie.1 io each
suasenher. tor only I.S5 per year. Tins pictuie
IsuuWersallv admire l and should On in everv
houoehoin. l.xtia larce casn roiuuiu.;.
to Aacnts. Write tor trnoa and Aoi.i-souiui.
Working Church Pub. Co,,
Kept.ra3 7 A a Wakiien St . New Yorlc.
Illsensri Cured.
Now pitas uaraed
out tir that Pi luest
uil ltookM " Vlaln
Home Talk and Medical Common Bense,1'
nearlv 1 0Oj isiaes on illustrations, bv fir 15. u.
Foote uf 1CJ Leilnvtou Ave., N. V. 1,"J
erao thia Im.o aie at l'h-rt to consult Ua
uutiiorln eersou or oy mail kek. 1'iice, uy
man, xor ino itasuauu uiuu. w y
the l'ortiLAU edition, which couta n all the
atmerinitrrand Ulna rations, foments tables
tree. A0UN18 WANTHDf
Sept. S.-m8 17a K. Isth Bt.. N. V.
The undersigned having beenapoolntcd, hy
the orphans' . oart tf Caitin Cuuntr. Auditor
to uiaae'bu.ioa ot tl e funds in the nanoa
of 'It-cocote McCoimicV, Ailiulnlstiatorot the
Kca;eo( Unm iruMcCoiiuicK.dto'd. wlilsiteuo
to the duties ot hlsavpoiulmeut at the OUleeof
Allen craift tiMi , iu Maucti Chuna'.on Tues
dsv tho urd i.avol 177 al u o'clock
A. M wheu and where all paitles Interested
mjy attend. F. P. LO.NUSTltEET,
bept. . 1H77 w Auditor,
Ladie s'FancyDrss Goods
Dry Goods, Grocorios, &o.
Bank Stuect, Leuiouton, Pa.
rrlcea aa low as eisenhere, and cools war
ranted as lepieseuud. July 71, 1'77-Cu
All prrsons aro herenr forbid meddllnr wllb.
one Orey Mare, 1 t-orn-1 Mai e. I 2 horse Wagon,
1 Carriage and i -et ot Itsrnesa, loaned by ina
undei signed to Jamea Hollenbach. ot IxhlfU
ton. Pa., the eame helneonr property.
Sept. 2s, Itn-wi'
"Oulldltip and Loan Association',
All persons who want STOCK in the, NEW
I.KHIDHTON, will please mase Parmentfor
tLe First Instalment to the undersigned.
A Meetlna- of tbe shareholders will be held at
O lOllCIl 17th, 1877, to select Commute to
Report BvIjawB. c.
llA.MKL, OLKWINK. President.
1'llILIf UII.LKIt. Vlce-Piesldenl..
V. M. JtAI'.-lUKIt, Secretary.
THOMAS KKUbltEU, Treasurer.
Sept,Z, 18i7-wl
Notice la Beretf given, that the nnderalimed
naving pureaaaeoiue euiire iioasenoia runiK
line sn,l effi-eia f f Fredsilck Mlllei.of Lehlvh
ton Ilorougb, Carbon couoiy. l'a., ml Constable's
flale a landiord'a warrant, has loaned the
same lo Mrs. t'ie.1. Ml. ler during his Pleasure,
and hereby fai bias aul persons meddling with'
iht-sauie. AMOS utiuKU
Sept, TS, 1877-wS' Mahaulng Twp.
j '
Notloets hereby given, that the Partnership
lately exlstina- between rhouias M. Weaver and
11. '. Klenplnger, ot Carbou County. Pennsvl
vaula. as deuerai Coniractora has this day been
dusolvi d by niutu.l consent. All oebta owing
to the aaiapartnerahlp are to be received by
said Thomas it. Weaver, and all fernanda on
(hnSfllil nurln.r.hin .r. in lu. nnuAntM lu htm
taju Niiiucraiii, xionriuidrn d.i.iiuk uuuv. ...
.1 . .. . . ,.l. L Ml.Hnl.M.
utiu UMug u, nnmia luit'v.u.rii
I .'. K I.KIlir.ll K
Uanch Chum, Pa , August 72, ten srvsep.t