The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, September 01, 1877, Image 3

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    Society Meetings. . ' ,
ISFISITO OASTLE, No. 78, A. O. K. of jnS M. O.'
2nd and 4th Monday of each month. In He
tier's Hall. Lehlghton. at 7i30 o'clock: p. M,
W. K. Uonnlnger, B. K. C. S. It. Gllnatn.
e. Ki n, b.
OlfADEN ItUrfB.1 LOOOlt, No. 030, l.O, O, F..
meets every Tuesday evening, nt 8 o'clock,
In Honor's Hall. Alfred Beck, jtf. O. I W.
U. neber, Secretary.
Mktuciikn Tridi. No. 202. Imp. O. of K. jr.,
meets In llebet's mil evety Saturday. It.
L. Gattgna, Sacnom i 0. W, Delhi, C. of R.
Pono Poca tbide. No. 171. Imp. o. It M., meet
on Wednesday evening of each week, ut 7:30
o'clock, in Fubllo School ItaU, Welsspnrt,
Pa, C. W, Schwab, 8.1 Jao. Brong, c, of It,
tsBioniON Lodob No. 231. K. of P.. meets
on Friday evenings, In Boner's Hall, at 7trp
o'clock, n. Qanmox, o. 0L t. It. Batclift,
K. of K. and B. '
Advertising Itatcs.
We desire it to be distinctly understood that
Do advertisements will be Inserted In the col
umns of tub OAimott Advocate that may be
rejeired from unknown parties or Arms nnless
accompanied with tie Cash. Too following are
ur oslt terms.
Adyeitlsementa for 1 year, per Inch each
Insertion .10 Cts.
Klx Months, per Inch each Insertion 15 eta.
'! Three Months. " " so Ufa.
Less than three months, first lnser.
tton tl. each subsequent Insertion ,23 Cta.
Local nonces 10 cents ter line.
II. V. MOHTI1IMER, rnhllsher.
ofe Raiitnt rhytician hf nmUburg Itotpital).
Omcx 1 Next door to the Union Church,
C7 Ppoelal attention riven to the Diseases of
Women. Consultation in English and German.
Aug. 18, 1877-Om
Of the Pennsylvania Dental College, Philadol-
phla', has onenrdan office In LE11I01ITON,
nnOAD ST HEIST, next door to Bnyoer
All work warranted satisfactory.
tATJQIIINO OAS used for the painless ex.
traction of Teeth, Aug. 11, 1877-yl
'hiladol LT
OFFICE, No. 2, Mansion Uonse,
Battling Estates, Filing Accounts and Orphans
Conn Praotice a specialty.
Trial of causes carotullv attended to. Legal
transactions in Kngllsh and Ocrman, Jan V.
Wit (ftnxfati fh&mnU,
fiATCItDAY MOrmlNa.'SKIT. 1, 1877.
Local and Personal 'f.ff
tUTI you find a X (cross)
after your name on this paper,
it signifies that your subscrip
tion is over due, and that wo
need the money. OO pleaSO yOn Wednesday lust wo visiter, In
Dr. Brown, Frank Stocker and a
number, ot our citizens bavo been pros;
trated by tbo beat during tuo past
In n Nursery wherein all Is life and
laugh Instead ot crying and fretting,
there Is sure to be found Dr. Hull's
I3aby Syiup. Price 25conts per bottle,
Services In the M. E. Church, to.
morrow (Sunday) at 10:80, A. M.,
7:30, 1'. It. Subject fdr morning: Tha
Christian Sabbath," by ltev. L. D.
Brown. Tlio publlo is respectfully in
vited, , Bro. Whitney's better-half present
ed him with a young (ten-pounder) son
a few days ago, and ho was very smil
ing thereat. Mr. Dun. Graver was also
made happy an evening or two ago by
the birth of a daughter.
Now. Is a good ttmq to put lu your
winter coal, the price noto being fully
as low as It will be. Semmel & Gabel
liavo ju3t received 200 tons, which they
are selling very low. Call aud leave
your order and loam prices.
The Labor Protection Party lias
struck Lehlgtton. If you should place
Its nresent membership in 'a line 00
Bank street and count them from each'
end up and down you would And their
strength to be from u to 7 or 8.
Our young friend, P. J, Meehan,
Esq., of Mauch Chunk, was In town
Thursday and dropped into our sanc
tum. , lie represents his prospects for
the nomination for District Attorney' to
bo very flattering. Mr. M, Is an Indus
trious aud persevering young lawyer
and deserves success.
The first railway Iron Imported In-
this country was for the Lehigh com
pany's coal road, from Mnuch Chunk
to Summit Hill, in 1827 . It was rolled
Iron one half Inch thick, and ono and. a
half Inches wide, ten feet long, spiked
to a four by six inch scantling. The
iron cost (05 per ton in England.
Considerable excitement was creaL
ed around the office of Esq. Beck, on
Wpdnesday afteitaoon by a large party
from, Lehigh Gap who had como up to
witness a trial lor trespass between
Charlcs'Prutzmanand Albert Meendseu
vs. Keuben Ilehrlg and niue others'.
The decision will be given Monday
next. Albright Sr. Freyman for plain
tiffs; W. M. ltapsher for defendants.
J. Hervey Dobbs, the Murphy
temperanco lecturer, was in town
Thursday. lie has bcn In a number-
of places since April 1st, and has en
rolled about 9000 persons In the temper
ance cause. He is now on his way
homo to Erie City, to recruit hli health
previous to beKlnnlne the winter cam
paign. Whllu In Lehlghton be was the
guest of r . 11. Longitteet, Esq.
.company with Dr. .J. G. Zern, the la'
j boratory of Dr. UaP, on Samuel Evert's
Summer complaints are very prqfu- place, in Beaver-Run. The Doctor re
lent. r ports the shaft to be 30 feet In depth,
Tomatoes nro remarkably fine this
The maple leaves are beginning to
palter down.
The reign of striped bolsery Is near
ly over.
The Sth of September ta the last day
for registering voters.
The most difficult lock to pick is
ono from a bald bead,
People of leisure are already gath
cring and pressing ferns.
South Bethlehem has laid a borough
tax of 8 mills on the dollar.
The Keystono Normal School at
Kutitown at present has 137 studcuts.
Henry Tuoker offers his farm for
sale. See advertisement in another column.
Allentown is doing less building
this summer than any time during the
last five years.
The State fair will be held at Erie
this year, from the 24th until the 28th
Of September.
The Presbyterian church at Hoken
danqua is reported to have the best
choir In the Lehigh Valley.
Clergymen do not believe In secret
societies, yet 701 of them In this Slate
belong to the Masonic Order.
Don't fall to read Mrs. Guth's an
nouncement of tue arrival of fall milli
nery goods In to-day's paper.
If any merchant thinks advertise
ments are not read let hlra advertlso
to give away a calico dress pattern.
Tho strength of Laros, the poison
er, at Easton, is fast giving way before
the repeated attacks of bis convulsions.
Grand opening ot ladles' fall and
winter dress goods at Daniel Graver's
Bee Hive Store, next to First National
Trot, trot, trot. And if yon wish
ft handsome trotting horse, go to David
Ebbert's livery ; bo will furnish the aul
mat at low rates.
Dr. A. N. Lelnbach, a well known
and highly respected cltl.ens of Bethlu
hem, died at bis residence In that bor
ough on Wednesday afternoon.
Since tho introduction of the new
and that the presen;e of gold exhibits
itself in larccr proportions tho deeper
they.go. He estimates the present yield
at about four ounces of pure solid metal
to the ton, exclusive ot platinum and
ulclcci. lne UocJgLJs very enthusiastic
in ins profession ana-reels comment or
success. May his most sanguine expec
tations bo fully realized.
Mem. from Society Journal. "Miss
S appeared to posltltlve disadvant
age because of cloudiness of complexion
ana must we write It 7 rlroples spoil.
Ing an. otherwise beautiful counte
nnco." Sho should by all means pro
cure and use Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture.
N. B Heber, Pension Surgeon in Le
hlghton, will commence examining pen
sluners on the 4th of September. This
Is the biennial examination. All pen
sloners must be examined before they
can draw their next pay unless their
certificates contain the words "no bien
nlal examination required," Pension
ers must not neglect to bring their cer
tlficates and vouchers with them.
Attain from Cnrbomlale, on the
Delaware and Hudson Gtavlty Rail
road, was thrown from thp track near
Huuesdale, Monday morning, by tho
spiking of a switch. A parlor car
tumbled twenty feet down an embank
meut, but William Mulr. engineer of
the train, Is the only person reported
Injured. It Is supposed that the villains
who spiked the switch intended to In
Jure General; Morrow, commander of
me regulars nt ocrun.on, ana a party
of State nillltla officers, who were on
the train
It Is 'understood that the meeting
of railroad firemen and hrakvmen, hr Id
In Scran tou on Friday of last week had
no reference to a strike, but was for the
purpose of raisins fundi to meet th
expenses Incurred through the 6trike
which ended recently, beveral nremen
and btakemen are iu lall, needing ball
their families are In want, and u num
ber ot men who lost tlfelr situations
py ma strike are HSKine relief, xn
result of the meeting Is nnt definitely
known, but it is believed the men aie
dissatisfied with their organizations and
that many of them refused to bo hound
by these organizations or furnish any
more funds.
crop the prlro of wheat and flour have
declined in price quite materially, al
though thev are still considerably above
those of last year. Lo-Monday evening a man walkinc on
Beautiful I When you go to MaucbfTthe up track about three miles below
Chunk, don't fall to call at E. F. Luflc- Penn Haven and hcarlnu a train com
oubach'8 near Broadway House, and lug Jumped to the other track in time lo
be killed by train No, C, bound tor New
eubach'fl near Broadway House, and
seo bls beautltul wall paper, &c.
If yon. need anything In the print
Idr line. It will pay .you to call at this
ofllco before ordering elsewhere. Plain
and fancy Job printing at low prices.
Tl)o Centennial Slate Company has
now op hand 1,000 squaros of their cel
ebrated Guarantee Blue Hoofiug Slate,
which tbey will sell at lowest market
prices!. For further particulars address
F. PJSemmel, Sec'y, Lehlghton, Pa.
J). K. ltlckert has still a few of those
ellglblle lots in Kickertstown to dispose
or. Jit you feel like aecurlug a good
home call and see blm He is also sup-
I'lyiig flour, feed, lumber and coal at tho
jowitst rates.
(previous to "leavlne" town A. G.
Dolllmmayer eeqt In bis resignation as
meinmipr and Huoretary or mo uelilghton
School! Hoard.' and that body on Mon
day rveVnlng filled the vacancy by tho
election V)f f. P. Longstrtet, Esq. Mr.
U. w ui nv doubt ablv fill the position.
Until within tho part ten days thcro
was perhaps not another man In this
community, who more fully enjoyed the
confidence and respect of ills fellow
townsmen, than did A. G. Dolleomay-.
cr; prompt in alt his financial and other
business transactions, he was consider
ed and looked npon as bearing a charac
ter far above reproach, no man or fami
ly In this place being more highly re
spected that bo and his. But, alas for
human frailty I about' two months ago,
ho sent his wife (a most estimablelady')
on a visit to her fflends In Germany,
and placed his eldest son la business In
Easton, after which he spent two or
threo weeki In New York city, Long
Branch, .&c, returning home, he re.
malnedintlf last Monday night, with
occasional eboH absences therefrorm
About three weeks ago he Introduced
Into his home a dashing joung widow
(7) with whom it is charged he was too
intimate, causing much noise and con
fusion with his son and daughter who
reside In the house, and which event
uated In the disappearance ot A. G.
Dollenmayer .and the "she devil" he
had In a moment of mental aberatlon
taken to his bosom. Thus ruining oue
of tho finest characters, and bringing
sorrow 'and sbamo upon a loving, faith
ful wife and an affectionate family. On
Monday night it having been generally
understood that Mr. Dollenmayer, had
left, the organizations to which bo be
longed, took some acllou In the premises
with a view to securing the funds In
his hands as Treasurer. ITpon Investi
gation It was found that be was Indebt
ed to the Odd Fellows In the sum of
$300, to the A. O. K. of the M. C,
something over $100, aud to the Le
lilghton School Board, of which he was
Secretary $700, being for a bond.issued
by him a few days previous and not
turned over to the Treasurer. The
raatter was placed lu the bands of F.
Longstreet, Esq., who immediately
took legal stops for securing tho School
Board, Odd Fellows and 1C. of M. C,
and the property was levied upon by
the Sheriff, Dr. N. B. Reber being ap
pointed to Inventory It. In conclusion,
we may add that the property left is
ample to meet all the obligations so far
entered up, and leave a respectable
balancu for the lamily the personal
property alone It Is thought being suf
ficient to cover the claims against the
estate, leaving the homestead property
lutact for the wife and children. Ed
win Dollenmayer, the eldest son hav-
Ink closed up his business In Easton
has returned home and taken charge
of the business, which It Is proposed lo
arrange ror nun to continue.
Tilt Scrautoil llegloll Out Still.
The men employed by tho Pennsyl
vania Coal Company, nt a public meet'
Ing held Monday morning at an early
bour, voted to remain out until tnotrae
mands are acceded to. The meeting
was called by the Chairman, P. Swee
ney, and was attended by about 1,000
miners and laborers. 1 ho object of the
meeting was to consider tha reply ot
President Hoyt to their recent demand
of 'ii per cent, advance In their wages,
and to take action thereon. Besides the
Pennsylvania Coal Company's employes
there were present at least 200 or 300
outsiders, a few ot whom were drawn
thither by curiosity, but most of whom
came In the capacity of " bull-dozers,"
In which they subsequently demonstra
ted great prcnciency. The men sat up
on the crass In large sweeping circles
facing the Chairman, who stood in the
centre and exercised remarkable Influ
ence In keeping order. After the Pres
Ident nad stated the object of the meet
Ing It was moved (hat branch meetings
ot the various collieries represented be
held, apart, as a conclusion would thus
be arrived at mat would be worth some
thing. Tho motion prevailed and seven
teen different groups formed themselves
out ot the main assembly, Of the seven-
teen branch groups ten nominally voted
In favor of a strike and seven In fnvor
of work. A committee was according'
ly chosen to notify tho company of this
decUlon, ai d, as President Hoyt wrote
that thero would be no work whatever
unless the great majority ot the miners
request it, tho situation Is clearly de
fined. The miners lu favor of the strike
are rejoicing even lu their great pover
ty, but the men who want to work and
who have large families to support deep
ly regiet the result reached.
Letter from Mnuch Chunk.
To sum up lha ltnatlon I mlftit wy "ill li
qaiet i usual," in taring which roar reidirn
ironld be about as well Informoil thor are
likelrtobeby an nohcrrace to the ctuiomirr
method ot a Unltlpllcation of word 1 tor rel
lr, there Is notnlnit now worth talking or writ-
Ing about.
Democrats ire dlMtinalng the recent Domina
tions and epecalatlng on the chance, for mo.
ces, bat, no grrtt ldees brlnr InTOlred In the
present canvass, political conversations pro
ceed rather qulsul. They re a ret carried oa
In an nnderti ne and likely to continue so until
the other party ahalt have been heard from.
Besides, who cares, while it Is only matter of
nomcs end weightier matters are uppermost In
nearly everybody's tnlnd I What Congress will
do with regard to the Texas Tactile Railroad Is
11 matter of far greater concern to most people
thau who shall or shall not bo' elected to Nther
ot the ti tiling Btate offices to be filled, for'whllo
the one is a material question, tho other Is
merely a matter a personal preference, bub
stltnte the namo ofono candidate for thai ot the
other and tno world 111 probably more along
aa well, iso who cares I It is employment,
bread, which the masses need, and all else It
bat chaff.
It now seems to De tho ccaeral belief that the
striking clement throughout toe Itnirh region
will resume on next Monday at a trifling att.
'vance. Lludei man's men, ot Stuckton. having
already re-nmed.. Coal shipments bavo been
light, both by rati and canal, during toe week,
aud cmDtv boats areranldlr accumulating.
A aligut change In military matters was
eapcicaon last bunuay, wncuine lastui t.,c
permjuent party wero relieved br a detach
ment of the 3rd Artillery from Uartinsbnrg. w
Va. "Soldier on tha brain" is still tne most
prevalent disease here, numbering Iti soorea of
victims amona ail classt-e. In capoctive 01 age or
sexi inucfu uio iwrur jtoriion ui uutuanuy up-
ar 10 no too more soreiy omiciea. joaging or
:tie number or female njtlcntH who dallr
throng tne piazza 01 tuo Mansion House, wmou
la onli.urH' tiBadauattera.
BUbiness uiaitcrs continue dull as over, but
uourt weea auu inu reauzauua ui'iue expeoieu
cenerul rusumnttou will orobabiv chance this.
At anvrate tho aiiuioaching Hncdal boBsluus
will feurely somewhat lenevo tho hitherto pro-,
Vilnius opnres-ivo uiuuuiuuy. juv pencils are
already- sharpened, and If I thai! fall to give a
guod accoun t of mvsoit lu my next, don't blame
me, for I ahall atuind tue eeesiona lully deter
mined to note alt that may transpire, bo it guod,
bail, or lmtiffcieut.
w.j. uui, buss wm. iiaiirago, a tramp jour-
nviiK uoriu 111 lue u, v.xv. it iruuK, wiui on
la-t unndayovening run down by No. 9 down
passenger train, near Hetcheltootb, and In
stantly killed. No one appearing 10 claim the
corpse, tne remains were ou weunesaav lor-
ivuroeu 10 tue xustneb i-oiir uouse ror ioier
ment An inquest was heid on Mouaoy night,
but 110 clue obtained as to ula identity.
louis, etc., w, a.
-Anelocntlonarrd'me entertainment, given
bv llev. Wilson a lew evculuira aiuco for tue
bouent of aU 1't.ul'n In. U. Chutch, was largely
attended and Is highly extoted by all who were
pieseut ai a tare ue.u. j'.uuns are uuiug mane
10 induce tho revoicnd gentloinan to give
auoibcr o.mrAO.
Mrs. ltobert Kiotx and eon nave returned
from their two months' sojourn ac Ocean Grove
in gooa neiubii uuu uoespirivs.
11 is cuireui t rumoieu uero mat jur. u. 1 .
rtnntn is uooni tu rolluauitdi the tuoni ietorahln
01 the Mansion llotiso.
And now John liiiculon cornea to the front
with a grand 1uuelc.1l festival which ho is
airauglng for the 2nh of beptembei on Mount
riegau. rtuaierous mviiauous to 0 irnec uauus.
laruud near, have alieudybeen sent out. II
3ir. urlgu ton's plana aro propoily car led out a
lino entertainment may be expected.
some 01 tue a per cent, caruon oiuiniv uonos
ate ami out. These should be called in, aud
bonus beaiiug aieaaraie 01 interest issued m-
uen or tne uemocratio taita wm not fan to
attend Monday's DetuocraUu couutv meeilug.
Persons desiring to oecome citizens shou'd
not fan to make application during next week's
seSflun of court.
-Mr. James is. iooae. uen. Jonn u. lierlo.
lette'a law parlnor. loturued on Monaay from a
proiongeu visit tu ijenanon county, 0.1s lormer
iiouiu. Mr. Ixioaels an ai-Dlicant fur the Heoub-
llcan nomination for Distiict Attorney.
liiusiar tour cauuiusies lur tue utstrict
Attorneyship aro lu the Held Messrs. tilewere,
Meehau, Jo. Kaiblua and Loose.
.next weoa'a sessions ueiag uuc a inai
Court; constables neea not Do In attendance, aa
at a regular term.
me uuum uommiss oners nave oirrmi tn
allow constublea nt tne rato ot threo cents tor
each posse countuius not.OJ served.
York, which came thundering around
a curve. He had the naiua.of GUI
pricked upon his arm In India Ink. The
body was taken to Mauch Chunk, and
an Inquest held, a verdict being render
ed in accordance with the facts above.
He was knocked from tho track aud in
stantly killed. His destination Is said
to have been Mahanoy City,
On and after Monday next tho fol
lowing change will co Into effect on the
Lehigh Valley Kallroad:. No. 14 pas
senger train, which leaves Uellilelinm
at 7:33 P. M., and running only to
Calasauqua, wilt be run through to
Mauch Chunk; No, 7 (a train taken off
the road soma time ago) will leave
Mauch Chunk at 4:20 P. M., and ar
rive at Uethlehem at 0:03 P it. 'This
train will (ton at a'l stations. No; 0
passenger train which arrives here at
7:30 P. M. from Eluilra, will run as an
express through from Maucb Chunk.
Uethlehem Tines,
Fate.1 Termination of Fight.
,Port Delaware, at Phlllpsburg, since
the stilke Ims been filled with canal
boats awaiting cargoes of coal. The
men emplpyed on tbeso boats are at
times very disorderly and freely Indulge
lu strong drluk, and fights are frequent
scenes. Tuesday afternoon a boatman
uaimd Willaui Crane struck another
boatman named Patrick Uarraghan'wlth
a five pouud poker and Instantly killed
him. The blow took effect back of the
left ear. Garraghan was amusing him
self by hitting Crane with a pair ot old
pantaloons, irane warned mm sever
al times to desist, and dually becoming
enraged dealt tne ueatli blow. Cruiie
was immediately taken into custody,
and as the fall term ot the Warren
county court will be held next month
he will be speedily brought to trial,
Crane is twenty two years old and Gar
raghan was twenty. Uotli were resi
dents of Newaik New Jerso.
Mb Creek Items.
Moonlight evenings.
Money matters are still tightening.
Tho political contest is warming up.
Picnics have been quite numerous
tho past few weeks.
The apple crop throughout this
section Is very poor j consequently we
mil nave but little cider or appiebutter.
The Big Creek Sabbath school has
taken possession ot the public school
house at Suoenebberger a for tho pre
sent. I would kindly Inform the Slating
ton News that Wild Creek is In Carbon
county, and not In Monroe as stated in
that paper of tue latn.
- I would like to hear something of
our county fair are we to have one or
not? Note Yes : the date will bo
published next week. Ed.
Our farmers will do the greater
part of their sowing the tlrst and second
weeks of September.
Petty thefts are quite frequent In
this section of late.
Our Commissioners would do well
to follow suit of their Lehigh county
brethren in reducing tho Interest on our
countv bond-) to 0 cer cent, this sav
Ing would amount to an Item that would
make Itself felt, and the action 01 tne
coard would be sure to receive approval
of the taxpayers.
I learn that a new counterfeit fivo
dollar bill on the Third National Dank
of Providence, P.. I., Is in circulation
Note It.
The Salem Sabbath school hold Its
annual nlcnlc. In the grove near at,
Paul's chutch, on Saturday last. Tho
attendance was larger than expected
notwithstanding the Marian Furnace
school picnic occurred the same day,
It was a dav that will be long remem
bered bv the tittle ones. ltev. J, h
Werner had been engaged as. speaker.
but on account of a funeral ho was uu
able to be present,
Mr. John Schwab will be n candl
date for the olflco ot overseer of poor at
the coming election.
The Bass Mill Intends to resume
work In the course ot a week or two.
A local newspaper Is an ludlspeus
able article lu every family.
As locals are scarce and I have
large amount of farm work to attend to,
I will close for this week, and remain
Yours as ever. 15EVE',iK,
1310 IlltIK, Aug. 5), IST7.
The Coal Trade.
We are ttltl wltbont reports ot the tonnago of
tho Delaware Lackawanna and Western and
the Delaware and llndaon Companies, the
sirlke In the northern coil fields Interfering
wlih their shipments. Tula strike baa almost
entlre'y stopped production outside ot the
Pchnrlklll region, so that the market la mainly
dependent upon tha ochurlklU rerlon for Its
snpply. There-scema tittle present Indication
of au eirly tnrmtnatlon ot this strike. If all the
companies are aa reso'nto aathe Pennsylvania
Coal Company It la improbable that there will
be any early corbpromlS3, and "as the miners
seem to be aa detetmtnod as their employers
tho dend.lock continue Intieflnlte'y. The
miners 01 tne rennsrlraola Coal C'omn.Dy ask
ed 23 Tier cent advanced wares. Ta this l'resl.
dent ll oyt on Fndar replied firmly, not only re-
tuslng to make the deslietl concession but stat
ing that thecomnsnr would not allow work to
be renamed In 114 mines nnless the miner were'
uiiennantmouain fvvor of resumption at tha
ulv rate of cnmnensstion. 41 ceu.a ner ton.
Onr tabulated return show that the aggret ate
woeklr output has fur several weeks fallen be
low the output at the corresponding timelaat
jear. Thisdlmlnlslieathe suppiy at lidi-water.
aod has caused a goiierai advance In prices and
also In tolls. o that coal la now generally Uffotl
csnta por ton higher than It waa a week or two
PXO, au auvitucB which cuiorres lue nuivico 10
oonsumera that we have steadily given, that
there wa cm probability ot lower prices this
year. The advanre in roal prloe and in to:!,
with tha goueral belief Ihst coal would hereaft
er ko higher, has bad the efloH of steadily ad.
vsnclng ail cujI seourillea during the last few
Cava.' This rise lu prloe has alike affected the
companies that are Idle and those that are
won. Ing, the belief being that there are bright
er prospects ahead for owners of coal securities
tban has been the case for some time. We have
alieady stated that the main supply ot the
market si present Is from the Hchuvlatll reaton.
The miners thcro continue steadily at work,
notwithstanding tbe nnscttied condition ol oth
er parts ot the coal fields. The situation in the
Schuylkill reainn. as It now standi, aeema tree
from any embarrassment, and there Is every
pro.pect of large shipments being keot up.
president Ooweu's receut letter to Mesia.
bhlpocu & llobort, tbe gentlemen entrusted by
tuo operators and working men to draw the
u ..mi, ol live collteilcs to fix rates of wages for
v 1. and In which President uowen waives
th it ts of hi company to pty August waires
on the basis of July prlooa of cost, and concrdoa
to tho minera the advantage otlhehUher An
f:ust prices, has given gieat satisfaction. This
s naturally gratifying to the operatives, a
they sre told that It Is done 10 r cognition ot
their coustaucy during tho 1 1 ylng times through
which the coal trade has been passing. At the
same timo it was a stroke 01 wise policy tend
ing to strengthen tno determination of tho
rolneiatuthe cctiiiyUlll regiou to continue at
wok. During tho week cnutng August IS Hie
Heading Itallrodd ehippod 135,118 tous. this
largooutput was oxreeded last week, ending
August 2s, during which the company's ship
meiii'a roaohed IM.oou tons, aa compared with
93,87210 for tha corresoondiug week ot last
voar. au increasi of o cr 83.000 tons. The coal
r-em to fort Kichmond last weec anionntod to
so inu tons ana tne auinmeota to 7s.uou tons, in
creasing the stook on tne wharvea about 4'JOO
tons. The Heading Uailroad has Issued a new
lrelghtand toll sheet, advancing rate ol coal
transportation on aud after to-day 23 rents per
lou uoiwcuu ocuuyiaut jiavcii auu iuis cuv
nnd uronortlonateiv to intermediate noints. A
proportionate advauco of toll la alsomauoon
rtcuuriRiu uauai. Tnni'm aieinniaanu lieaa.
Ing Coal and Iron Company havo issued a price
circular for their hard whlto ash coal, frio on
bond at ltiohtnond. as follows! Lump, f 3 per
ton: BieamooaE, tj; uroson, vj ?); egg, J a
Btove. is Mi! cnestnni jno. 1. S3- cnesuiut no. z.
12 7St pea, fl &0 This Is an ndvance varying
irom 10 10 ov cents per 100 on lormer prices, pea
coat advancing i.s ccnta tier ton. cbe-.tuut lump
and steamboat 2 ci-nls. etnve 49 cents, and
brokeu and egg 60 cents, Tul company has
also Issued a cliculnr of coal prices lor the) lino
and city trade, advancing tho prloca ol white
ash ooal at sthuvlklll Haven 10 cents per ton on
jno. 1 Dea. lo cents on ro,. nea anu cnesiuut.
20 cents ou broken and' egg. and 23 oents on
stove and small stove. Tjo lleadlnv Italiroad,
n other circular. modlUeaits main 1 ne freight
nnd tolls lo points where competition Is met.
Thus It is announced that Iroui todav, at the
notion of the shlnner. tbe main line frclirht and
toil upon uu oninrtu'lio coal snippeu ironi vurt
ltlchmoiid, wherever consigned, will be oue
thiru of the price at which the said coal Is sold
nn onanist rort ltlcnmnuil: nroviueo. tne mini.
mum late 01 fi eight and tolia ahall not be less
than il 93 ner tou ou slove coal and 81 13 oil all
oiher sizes. It Is also announced that irom to
day, at the option 01 tuo siupper.tnefrelgni and
nil nnnn nmnramin rni iivcaiimirnm nnnnvw
kill Ilavcn to .New York llarpor. to points up-
on ins uuusnu river, or 10 points npon jjonj
Island Hnund. will be one-half of the nrioe al
which said coal is sold alongside atthepolutol
delivery, exclusive ot tho charge ol towlne
from iNew York City: piovided the not rateof
irciiriiE nnn tun, exclusive ur iowiec irom .new
Yolk City, shall not be less than 12 per ton, and
that it tbe coal Is sent In prt rate or leaded boata
no mgucr rato 01 ireiiriit win 00 taken 11110 ac
count than then current In conipany'a lino
uoaia. ijcuger, juonoay.
Mkfl nn the ffcneral discussion Question Ho
said that Ignorhnco nnd superstition creates tlp
moat misery. The Association r loml at a p. in.
br rlrrgmtftrlo doroiofft Donedtrtlon bf itevr
Mr. W'hlium. ThenoztmeeitnrwiU bo beldou
W, Koona, Ihento5knotsof the budget.
the th of Heptember. Sirblsct for general dl
enMlmf. TpruoOTaneej.'' In the titorcst-anit
bctiiHltot the tompcrance moremenf. A good
meeting is eipCKcuanti all are orrtiallylnvite t
to attend O.O. Uiasiu noo.
Snnsllilo Advice. You aro nkoit
every day through tho column ot news
papera and by your Druggist to ustf
something for Dyspcrpsln and Liver
Complaint tnat yon Know notning
about, you get discouraged spending
money with but llttlo guccoa. Now tr
give you satlsfactoty proof thatGreen'oi
August Flower will cure yon of Dys
pepsia and Liver Complaint wltll all Its)
effects, fucli as Sour Stomach, Sick
Headacho, Habitual Costiveness, palpi
tatlon of tho Heart, IIeartbnrn, Water-brash,
coming up of food after
eating, low spirits Ac, wo ask you to
go to your Druggist, A. J. Durllng,
and get n Sample Uottlo ot Green's
August Flower for 10 cnU and try H,
or a Uegular Size for 75 cents, two doses
will relievo you.
Full and 'Winter Goods.
Daniel Graver, of the Dee Illve Store,
has just returned from the city wilh a
very large and elegant slock of Fall and
Winter Dress Goods and Dry Gcods, to
which be respectfully Invites the atten
tion of tbo ladies of Lehlghton aud
Vicinity, The designs are all ot tho
latest, and tbe prices are down to suit
the times,
1 ear
m,tn oa
1,3S8,11 12
BIJ 10
339,3.6 17
W3.3S9 1
6.S00 13
2.834,197 09
i 603,11 04
130.1W US
llRlU.En-BOCK.-On thetth dyof Angnt,
br tho ltev J r.. reemsn. Jtr. itenry w.
llehier to Mis Leah Hack, both ot i'ranXhh
town shin.
UKIl3tAf.-TniNB.-Oh the lth Inst, by ihtj
h, .Mr. llooert Herman. 01 wainuiuors
rtortharopton county, to Miss Ma rah lrlno, ot
Hlstliifflnn l'a.
Mll.LKIl-MlLf.En.-On August ISth.tS77, by
Her. w. 11, Htrau-a, Mr, L'lta w. Miner ami
Mls Kllamauua Miller, both of Mahoning,
ItUSTAY-VAEHT.-On the olh dav of An-
Hint, by Iter. Abraham Jtartnoinmew, air.
Fmlerlo ltnstav, of llsst Mauch Chunk, nnd
Mrs. Mary l'aeht,ot Franklin township, Car.
ban rnntitY.
AliNKH-ANTIIONY.-Ontholsthdarof An
gust, by tiiesame, air. uscar Amer. 01 wei-.
port. Carboa rountv,and MissJane Elisabeth
mill, I'll, W 0(1,,UMM,, ,,C(II.U VUUUI,.
OLENWINK-KOONS.-On theaamo day, by
tbe same, Mr. Amandea Olenwlne and juisa
Amelia Koons, cola ot Lehlghton, Carbon
LKIMUAUCir At bummlt Itlll, August ISIh,
lua 11,, oaugnier 01 jouu auu aiary a, jjouu
hsnen ao-ml ii montha.
Mll.l.ljn-A Mahoning. August 19th. llollle
miner, wiuuw 01 juuna aiiiior, ascu ,o jouxi,
a month and 14 dars. tho 17th day ot August. In
west i'enn.AnnaiterocGs, iianeincroi issao
and Anna tlerber. aged 2 months and 3 ilava.
MANTZ. On tbo samo Oar, In West l'enn,
Francis josi, son or Francis tf. ana eaian
Mnnta. sitmI a mnntha on,l 'iilava.
KltMKHHll.-0n tho ISIh day of August, In
Ienighinn, baran siinerva. uangntoroi iiavm
and narah Ann lu-raerer, sied 2 years, I
month and S dara.
YHNKIl.-Oii tne Stth day rt August In Bast
renn, Minnie l.lmirs.nauslilerot Wilson ami
Hnrah Yunsor. agod2 years, 3 moulht and t7
Closing Trices ot DeIIavkn & Tows-
sRitD, Stock-, Government and uoia
40 South Third Street, Philadelphia,
August 30th 1BT7.
IT. H.e's. 181 1 Hf, bid HIS askrd
U. H. 5-20's, im J. & J....i(nj bid ik'j asked
11. b.s-as. mi .. loait bid icsii asked
i.m. 3-M's, isoj ill bid 111", asked
II. H. KMa's 112 bid II2I1 askrd
U.H. enrrcner, 6'a ism bid 174 asked
U.S. 6'sissi, now lObtt bid losli aated
U, K. 4 Vs. new no bid ItxtS assert
l'eiinsylranla It. It IK. bid m' asked
l'hUa. it Iteadlng 11. It W bid It asked 3)lt bid Sih asked
LebtghCoal Aiiar. Co,,.. 18'j bid 19 asked
United Companies cf Xt'.J.I27 bid 128 sstrd
l'ltts.,Tltuav...I)iitr, Ik bid 7, asked
Phlia. A Krle It. H..., bid asked
Koithern Central It, II,... ll bid I3H asked
Hestnnvtlle l'asa. It bid IU eased 33 bid 33 asged
Uold IHk bid I04I eased
Special Notices.
'1 ho loliowlng table suowa tho auantltr or coal
shipped over the Lehigh VaUev Hallroad for the
week ending Aug. !3tb, 1877 and for tho years
compaiea w.iu tue same time lasiyean
itegions ITORII WOOK.
Wyniulng 2,0.13 19
llaalotou 35,10S 01
Upper iehlgh
Beaver Meadow 3 IS
Mahanoy. 10,084 IS
Mauch Chunk., ..
Total tt.STO 17
Last Year :,G77 16
Decrease 10,797 03
lift PORT OF COAL, transnorted over Lehlah
A Husouebanna Division. Central It It. of New
Jersey, for 9 days ending Aug. 24. 1877 1
shipped from 1 Total week. Todato.
upper ionigii
" " 3f.8.K.Co.
nenver Meadow
Banny Hun Uraneh
Mauch chunk
231 03
4.SJ7 It
210 13
883 C4
I'revlouslyiepoited... 1,782,453 14
ess.Mi 00
186 378 18
2.M4 02
253,232 08
107.160 04
4.717 18
324.P3S 09
1,07'.' 13
S.775 II 1.788,231 04
Total to date
game timo laslyeat.
.. 1 7SS.73! 08
,.. l,59;.0tU 18
...' 10
COCTNTKNANCK, If of a complezioUal na
tnre. specdllv vanish when (ll.KNN'.l MIL.
1'lIUIl KUA1' Is used to obUlerate them, l'lm
plea. Itlotches, llnughness. ltoduesa and Tan
aro invariably banished br this iccomparsblo
clsnlying agent. Kinntivo allmenl. sores,
cuts, bruises, soalds, and other aaectlona and
injuries of the cntlcle aro llkoalso removed br
It. tsULI'IIUlt llATlld have long been ro.
uowued as the beat remedy for skin diseases,
rheumatism and gout. ULUNN's oULl'llUtl
SOAl" Is In rvcrv rrsDcct as eftlcaclo'is. and far
cheaper, llv openu.g the pores, aud promoting
a vigorous eupritlclal circulation, tins excellent
article contrlbutea tothohea,thof tho cutlro
system as well as to that ot the cuticle, blnco
Ita lutroductlou topabllc notice II has repeated
ly been commended by the medical profession
and press and tew external specifies have won
such ''gulden opinions" suiuug all classes. It
pievenls obnoxious diseases as won as remedies
them, and disinfects clothing nad linen lu'preg
bated with disease. Dandruff la eutirclr eradi.
cated by It, and its ne ta. on tnat account
f:roaity 10 oeueaioerateu oy persona wuosenair
s thinning out lu eunsequeuco of dirne-4 ot
the scam. Those who have used ointments and
liquid without avail for the enre of ernptiona
of nu obstinate chararter. thevtrr
It, that OLKNN s rJULl'Ilu 11 bOAl lemov
scorbutlo complaints uremedubleby less era
caclouBtuems. and prevenbsthorecurrencoor
such disorders.
bold by DruKglsta, aroeeraand Fsncv Hoods
nealsis. l'rlce. 23o. ner rako. 1 Hoc rs cakesi
730., sent br mall, prepaid, on receipt of prlc.
0. K. CuiTTKMto.i. 1'rop'r, 7 blxih Avenue,
New York
Hill's ltila Aim Wltteun Dti. II aek or!
nrown.Me Jiilr7, 1H7. ,
The Dlatrlct AttomeyaUlp.
FaASKU.f Twp.. Carbon County, l'a. I
August 30th, 1877, I
Editou CaanoN ADVOCATSi From present ap
pearances It seems there will be a hard fight be
tween Ll. 11 Bl.wers, Esq , tne present District
Attorney, and I'eier J. Meehan, bsq., for the
Dcmocratlo nouiluatlon to the office of District
Attorney of this county. Tba almost unanimous
sentiment of the people of this section la lor a
change, and I trust that Mr, Mcehaa may be
the choice ut the Convention, Hoouid he receive
the nomination, his election will be certain-
Franklin, Lehlghton, Welsaport. tbe Towame-a.
sings and. In fact, the entire' lower end wi'j be
solid fur htm in tho Convention, lie Is well
kuowu here, and is popular both with Demo
cra.a aud ltepublioaus. I know blm to ba a
young tnau of excellent qualities a a rer-sres
capablUtr. Integrity, honesty and industry.
Having au uiur-e 'quiuiuc. u disite in auy
oue bo.dlug a public unite, I teel sate In saying
tnat if elected, he wUl discharge ad dutle
lalthfutlyand creditably to bjmsclf and to tho
satisfaction ot the people of t'ae county.
Vouia, AVOTIB.
Orciit chanco to make mon-f
ey. Itvoaoia'IgctgoJdyoui
can ccs grernbacka. Wo
need a petaon tu evcrr town
w . saosuoecnu iuu lor iu
largest, cheapest ar.d best llnauated las, I it '
publication In tbe vord. Anr oue osn becosa
a successful agent. Ilia most cleg m works t
art given free tti subscribers. The price a s
low that alra'jat even body subscribe. Oaa
aaeot reports, making over lift ' in a week, A
lady sgeut roisirls taking over y)o subscribers
In ten usv . All who engage uaae aaoney fait.
Yon can uevote all your iimetothebu-iueBa,,r
only Vour aparo tliae. You need wit ba away
Irom noma over night. You can do It as well aa
others. Fail parneulirs. mreotions and terme
f.-eo. fUegans aod expeusivo Uulflt frea II
you want profltab.e work auid ns your address;
at oueu. It coats coining to try lu bavsinaas.
tin oue who engarr I alls to make great par.
t eopie'e journal" i-wuiiw,
Paekertott Llterr.ry Aatoclntlon.
l'ACKKBTOX, Aug. j, 1877. Tbo Association
opened with reafjug 0f the bcrtpture by tha
President Opemagpraverby nevtMr. Whit
ton. Mlnulea of last stated meeting read and
approved, ppe term ol officers having expired,
the Association prccceded to installation, and
the toilawlng officers were duly Installed i Tree,
lde.t, Mr. J. AV. Koons ifrst Vice, Mr. J,
Young i Aait. Vice, Mr. L. Ilabceck 1 Tieasu-
er, Mr. A. Elliott i Becretary, Mr. C. U. uen
sel i Asst. Bco , Miss Ella Burns. The Enter.
talnment Committee reborted progress. Under
the bead 01" New nnsincs ' it was moved and
accouood that the Association hen-alter open at
yHtrcloCtti auotuerea. "aae liev. mt. wumou
lUCn FlHlSO OH ltuive,.utnwmi ntauuin "
kUianrnim ta siibieet. It is, on motion. d
elded that tbe members ot the As-toeistlon
should 00-Operate with bus. Itoce-s, a usual.
t,ir tivM initmtA. 'ihe Association then iiro.
coeood to tue uudget. The first was an editorial
br w L. M. 1 it w a very mtere.iiug oeoonu,
ls,nlheruw ' hr II. l verv aooil. Tllird.
" Hoys." bt M. 1 very good. Fourtb. First
Effjrt."liy J. 11. 1 al OTervgooil. Filth, "Hero
BudTheie." by l'roxyigood aud lustructive.
Vt-vt In order vui ireneral diacussion. iter.
Mr. WUIilou was ihenrallusoeiii. lletboiht
that prale and ambtou crcatoatha ipoat mis
ery, becoud, Mr. w. l bluest eeaiui isnoi.
anceandsuperstitii'U creates tbe most misery,
i uiru, air, jouu uvuu 1 wiw
The strike ot the miners In the Io
high legion is virtually at an end, The
miners ol O. P. Shoener Si Co., at Hea
ver Meadow, resumed on Monday, the
13 12 percent, taken from their wanes
being restored, with the understanding
that after (to-day) September 1st tho
wages shall be .oontruiled by the price
o I coal. In three collieries of Under
man, Steel & Co., at Stockton, the
minera resumed Tuesday, on a rtrorrllea
nf llin nf ilm lo '1.9 'tWr I "nco aod supeistltlon caused the iiiB.t misery.
Ol Hie restorailou Ol lUB 1. per I -ovirti, Mr. KUson; hebeld that Ignorauoe ore-
CCUJVU iJti'WWUCl lal, aiejtuepoji misery, -ui imrawii a
Aug. IS, H77-4V
or white aa the dead moss on a Florida hem.
lock, can bo changed to alolena brown, or
lustrous black by a single aDpllcauon ol
Hair ana Whisker Dye.
Bold by Drngrlits at 30 Cents per Bag.
July 7, ls77-tl
Lands For Sale.
m60,000 ACRES IN
Sou t Invest MlNioiirl.
First-class Ktock Farms, exrellent Aaniertlla
ral Lanoa. nnd tbo bos! Toonssxi regui in tka
West ebort tVtulers,uo grasshoppers, order,
ly socletv. rood marseta and aboaitby country.
LowFrlceel Loug Credit I .....
Free HausporlaUn Irom at Louts to tho
Isnds furulant-d purcluisera. Fur further in
loriuatlea, address A L DUANb. Land Com.
mls.loner Bt, Louis it esa Taticiseo Hallway
Uompiny, N. W, oar. Ellin ami WaluotHireeu.
bt. Louis, Mo. Aug. II. I877-Im
En. s.yoi:k,
peiuta is
Ladies' Fancy Dress Goods
Dry Goods, Grocorioa, Sto.,
Bank Stkeet, LuuiaiiTON, Pa.
Frlre ss low as elsctth-re. and goods wai.
runterl as uprcicuUd, JuliJl-f-am,