The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 25, 1877, Image 2

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    ii. v..ionTiiiMEn,
LUIIiailTON, l'A.i
Democratic Nominations.
Supremo JndKO John Trunkev, Vonanso.
Andttor Ucnerat William H.Bcholl, Bedford,
ftato Treasurer Aruoi U. Novos, Clinton.
-Tho losses by- tlio Into riots to tho
railroad companies, Including freights
destroyed, have been flgureil down, by
railroad official In Philadelphia, to S2,
500,000 Olio half lesa than the lowest
estimates made niter the fire.
The Mllwaukeo " Wisconsin " cstl
mates from reliable data that tho wheat
crop of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa ntnl
Kansas for 1877 will be 50,000,000
bushels larger than It was In 187G. The
quality Is also super-oiccollent. En
couraging reports to tho grain growers
of the West come from all quarters.
The competition of wheat from the
Black Sea Is likely to be lessened by tho
Eastern war, and Is Judged by good ob
servers to bo declining as fast as our
facilities for shipment from tho West to
Europe tiro Increasing. Tho late trou
bles may, on' the whole, be a help to
farmers on tho other sldo of the Missis.
Eippi, by sending them nioro laborers ;
It Is stated that tho Westward Immigra
tion is already larger. Indiana Is be
ing scoured for emigrants to go to Mis
sissippi. At one meeting In Indianapo
lis recently, ono hundred heads of fami
lies said that they wero willing to go.
The crops are undoubtedly abundant,
having been spared aliko by drought
and, grasshoppers.
An Invitation lias been extended by
the Exhibitors at tho Permanent Inter
national Exhibition to tho Governors of
all the States and Territories of tho
Union, to visit the Exhibition during
the last week In August, for purpose of
geueral conference. Nowhere has such
an opportunity ever beforo been offered
to compare Industrial results, as accom
plished under tho varying conditions
exlsltlng within our broad, national
It promises to be a notable event, and
arrangements are- being perfected to
make tho visit highly enjoyable to tho
participants. The programme includes
a preliminary meeting at Independence
Hall, on Tuesday, August 28th; u
formal reception tt tho Exhibition by
tbo Exhibitors and Management, on
Wednesday; A grand industrial parade
from the manufactories of the city, re
viewed by the Governors, on Thursday;
visiting the leading manufactories, on
Friday; a visit to Capo May over Sun
day. Tho trip will be further extend
ed to New York, with a stop at Trenton
potteries, wlicro three or four days will
be devoted to an examination of Now
York Industries and then on to Boston
and tho manufacturing cities of Lowell,
Lawrence, aud Waltham, closing with
h trip to the White Mountains.
Unemployed Labor.
The following very excellent article
wo reproduce from the columns of Tues
day's Public Ledger : It Is Quito a com
mon thing to Bnd writers and speakers
on the Labor question dealing In very
big figures when referring to the num
bers of persons out of employment. Tho
favorito numbers are "three millions,"
as most readers of newspapers are
awaro, for doubtless they have nil read
lu tho orations of looso talkers, and In
tho letters of tho numerous "ready
writers " on tho subject of th " threo
millions of unemployed men " In the
United States. How they arrived at
these figures none of them have ever ex
plained, but they liavo a round, and
rolling, and very big eound ; and as
they serve tbe purposes of tho orators
and' writers aforesaid very well, they
uso (hem without giving much heed to
their truthfulness, or even to their pos
sibility. Soma of the peoplo who thus
talk about the " three millions of unem
ployed men " In the United States aie
not much to bo blamed, fur they don't
know auy better. They take the figures
lrum another class of writers, but llieso
are very much to bo blamed, because It
they du not understand tlio absurdity of
such talk they ought to, for tbe means
of better information are close at thoir
At an examination of this point falls
wlthliUhu line qf discussion ot the labor
question as pursued in several articles
lu the Ledger, It Is tbo purpose of this
article to clear away some of the tnisap
pieheiisiuusand mlsrepieseutatlous con
nected with the talk about " three mil
lions," or any other number of mllllous
of " unemployed men." Wo begin by
quoting air analysis of that portion ot
tho ceusus of 1870 which relates to the
trades and occupations of the people
theu employed lu the United States tor
wages, salaries or profits of busiuess,
These returns embrace all persons of
both sexes over ten years of agu. The
total population ot the United Mates lu
1870 over ten years old was returned as
follows ;
Stales over leu years.....
Ji'eiuules. uj ,)
Total of both sexes over 10 years 9H.1KS 13
Of these there wero employed lu all
occupations 12.505,023 persons of botli
sexes ana oi an ages irora ten yeare up
ward. Tho kinds of occupations In
which theso porsons wero employed
were broadly generalized aud divided ns
follows ;
Agriculture 0,D2;,471
Professional and personal acrvicesUho
latter InclmliDft domestic ond house-
nuld help dt nirkitiditr. I,8I,7P3
Trodenna transportation l.ifll.ZH
II nnuractm es, mechanics, mtnlup, .to :,707,4:i
Total of both soios over ten yonrs cm.
ployed In all occupations In 1670 12,505,023
That is tho way tho flgnros stood ac
cording to the returns of 1870. Of
course they intist bo different now.
Making liberal allowance for Increase ot
population slnco 1870, and assuming
that the same proportion of persona de
pend ou tho eamo great divisions of in
dustry for employment, tho increased
figures may be' about as follows : Add
ing twenty pvr cent, to the total popu
lation ot 1870 of both sexes over ten
years of age, tho returns for 1877should
be 33,874,70;! ; and tho number of theso
engaged In or depending upon all occu
pations for employment should ho 15,
007,107, distributed as follows among
tho great divisions above described :
Agriculture ",1CC,C03
Prolcaiifual and personal services (in.
chiding domestic & household hired
bi lp as above) 3.2:1,751
Trade ana triinspoilation M'.'S.'bO
.Manufactures, mechanics, minim;, o. 3,.4,i,9i'6
Totnl o both soxes over ten yeirs old
cmolorcd In all occupations (or de
pending on ihcni lor employment (lit
1677 15,007,107
Now it is among these 15,007,107
working peoplo of both sexes over ten
years of age that tho orators and writers
referred to havo to Bnd their "three
millions of unemployed men." Letus
see whether It Is possible for them to do
it. From the wholo number of persons
engaged In or depending for employ
ment on all occupations we must make
ceitaln deductions, embracing two great
classes, namely, those engaged lu agri
culture and those who are engaged lu
professional and personal service. Theso
are deducted because, first, tliero Is but
llttie cause for complaint about unem
ployed agricultural labor if there are
many teal farm or plantation hands un
employed It Is their own fault arid be
cause, second, there Is no unusual com
plaint of lack of employment among
doctors, lawyers, ministers, agents, ser
vants, domestic or feuia'o household
help. Reducing the figures by the elim
ination of these classes they stand as
follows :
Wholo number ot persons of
both Boxes over ten years
of ago lu 1S77 depending tor
emplo incut ou nil occu
pations 15.C07.207
Deduct agriculture 7,100,005
Deduct pi olossiouul and per
sonal occupations J,3':i,751
Remainder employed In (or
depending for em plovmcnt
upuu) manufactures, me.
cliauies, miuinir, trudo auit
Umispoi'tatiou m 1877
Again It Is among these 4,G78,391
persons of both sexes that tho "three
nfllhons of unemployed men " wo hear
mentioned so often are to bo found.
The female operatives employed In
manufactures, mining, trade, transpor
tation, &c, In 1870, numbered 372,
048 ; and thoso iu 1877 should, by 20
per cent. Increase, nmount to 417,177 ;
deducting this number from the forego
ing 4,078,3'Jl leaves a remilnder of 4,
231,214 males of nil ages in 1877 de
pending for employment on manufac
tures, mechanics, mining, trade, trans,
portation and the other occupations In
which employment Is slack. Thereare
tho figures ; and it is from the ranks of
that remainder of 4,231, 2t4 males of
all ages that the " threo millions of tin
employed men" are to be brought.
Looking at these figures there can be no
dllliculty In understanding the mon
strous absurdity and wickedness of such
talk ; it Is a-i much as to say that three
fourths of all the males- connected with
manufacturing, mechanical, mining,
tradeaud transportation occupatlonsare
idle I Every working man who looks
around him knows It must be grossly
false when he Is told three men out of
every four of his- fellow working men
are Idle ; and yet that Is precisely what
he Is told when loose-tongued orators
and reckless ready writers tell him that
"three millions of men" are unem
ployed In the United States.
'J'bo subject Is too serious for sneh
wild exaggeiatlon. It Is unfoitunately
true that tliero are larcu numbers un
employed ; and this is especially tho fact
wnn regaru to iron una coal production,
railroad nnd other transportation, and
tho many occupations connected direct
ly or Indirectly with those great Indus
trial interests. Hut even lu these, de
pressed ns they have been for the last
lour years, there Is no such morortlnn
of alack cmploymout as the exaggerated
poroses used by writers on the subject
would lead uninformed peoplo to sup
pose. Let any one take the figures of
Inst year, showing tho aggregates of
Iron and coal production and of railway
and other transportation for that year,
and compare them with the highest fig
ures In the most successful years ants
cedent to 1873, and he will find that the
men who talk of "patalysls" ot even
these trades and of " unemployed mil
lions" are guilty of wlmt wo may welt
denounce as wild nnd mischievous ex
aggeration. It is In those trades, how
ever, that tho most of the labor trouble
exists, aud it is bad enough without ex
aggeration. Uut beforo tlio "green
back" people, or the "silver rtullai "'
advocates, the " rcsumptionrsts," or tho
" free traders," or tho orators and writ
ers of any other school, can expect sen
sible meu to follow them, cr any of
them, as to their proposed specifics, pa
naceas, and remedies, they inuet get
down to Investigation, to tacts, and
proof, as to what departments of Indus
try they ere, Jn which, as they allege,
millions of people are unemplojcd,
what proportions are unemployed In the
great classes of- occupations -and theu
we can all liavethe opportunity to form
a better Judgment, or, at least, make a
better guess as to wirat ought to be done
about It.
Art of Propagation. ,
A concise practical work- os the rap
id Increase and multiplication of stock
amply illustrated. Price' pre-paid by
mall, 50 cts. Published- by Jenkins'
Grape and Seedling Nurseries', Winona,
Columbiana Co., Ohio. Send' for it,
and for free catalogue.
Washington Letter.
From our Special Correspondent!
WABIIISOTOX, D. d.i Aug. 2J, IS77.
Mr. and Mrs. Hayes, Webb Hayes,
Miss Foote, nndPostinaster-General Key
took a trip East last week, visiting Hen'
nlngton, Vt. ; llrattlcboro, Windsor,
Nashua, tho White Mountains, Concord
and Manchester. The party loft hero
In n privato car attached to tho regular
train, and finely decorated. They spent
last Sunday with Secretary Evarts, at
his farm In Windsor, where that gentle
man Is rusticating. They will not ro
turn to this city beforo tho last ot tho
Tho papers are full of Sonator Conk
ling his return to this country, his re
ceptions, future actions, ete. Ills homo
Is In Utlca, and, upon his arrival there,
ho was greeted with all sorts of flatter
ing demonstration! ot welcome, such
as might well turn a younger and less
wiso head. The silvery-haired Senator
is fully appreciated by Ins countrymen.
New York especially is proud of hhn.
It will not be easy to supplant such a
man as he, though It Is a well-known
fact that Evarts rrud his friends aro
arrayed against him.
Another popular statesman who Is
before the public Is Alax. 11. Stephens,
who lay so ill at his hotel In this city
tlio most ot last winter Hint his dentil
was dally expected and was even pre
maturely announced more than once.
Very gradually ho has been gaining for
the past six months until now he Is able
to travel and write some, and Intends
taking a vigorous part in Congress Ihi)
coming fall ami winter. lie has hardly
occupied his seat for two years. Last
winter he appeared In the llouso but
twice (onco to cast his vote for Speaker)
and then in the arms ot his attendants,
by whom he was carried from his hotel
to the capital In an Invalid's chair, be
ing too weak to bear a carriage drive.
Uls convalescence Is especially gratify
ing to the Democratic party, as lux.
Stephens Is undoubtedly the most expe
rienced statesman.
Senator Morton has been suddenly
stricken down by a paralytlo stroke,
which occurred iu San Francisco a fort
night since. He has been brought to
Indiana aud Is the guest of his brother-In-law,
Gov. Uurbauk. The latest dis
patches received from him here are to
the effect that his physicians have all
hopes of his recovery. Morton is ono
of the acknowledged powers ot tho
Senate. That honoiable body has sev
eral conspicuous members sercial who
are noticeable on account ot physical
peculiarities. Mortou la ono of them,
having but littlo use of his lower limbs
and walks with two crutches. At the
right of Ids desk is a rest upon which
he leans lor support while speaking.
Next month President Hayes propo
ses to visit his home in t'hlo, aud
thence go south to Louisville and Nash
ville, returning to Washington by way
ot Chattanooga, Kuoxvllle and South
western Virginia. VntoiKiA.
Tlio Strike in I ho Coal Mines.
TJniior the heading. "Tho WoiBt Featnro Of
It," tlio Berantou Hetiubllcau publishes tho fol
lowing concerning tho simo iu that olty i
' The situailou heio i- silll of tno dead-lock
sort. Tho major tv of the miner and luboiers
lu the- uilues stonily titseit ihelr dclcriuiuailou
toiclrnin uom woik until tho companies uel I
to tho demand-, ruado upon ttiounor nn increase
of pay. which tl.o operators Just hs stout r ns.
sett they caauut ..lroiu. TuuV tali vtrycom
poscaly about It. yet, while tlio workmen will
not work themsGiei. tlinv av they will not
preveut ihose lioui sroiklug who desiro to do
so. This Boutfds rather strange!)-, iu view oi tho
fact tiut Horn eviiv quarter comes the cr.
4 W e want to woilc, but they uon't le. un.' If
bv Uiev ' tho miueis are meant, their ialaud
their uctioiuaie veiy iucouisto.'t. 'Iho attempt
to intimidate workmen is denied aud yet wotK
men are dully lutuuitiatcd. IhUlsnot ou y at
iho niluea but elsewhere. A man living mi tho
Flats was ollo'ed u Job ty a lurmer, and ou
Wednesday moiiiina no Btuitcd esrly lo accept
tho aitua.ion. As he was to oo gouo from homo
all dav. bo took his Dinner with him, lu the
ho bud always carried his dinner Oetoro iho
htrlKo Degan. Now a man with u dinner pjii,
gong from bis homo In the eaily jioiuing, ta
such a rarity that It attracted ittteiulou 116
was stonpod llo endeavored to explain that i.c
was going to do faim workj thuc his lau.lly
needed tho necessaries of mo i Ihut he wu-n't a
Macule in auv Heuso of that term, inasmuch as
he hud doteimiiioJ to ao.udou I114 rerular bust.
ness atiddo siiii.ethluir el-o foi a Uv.uirt plead.
en to be lloued to tuillll hi r.f.raguu,ciitN.
Theu, aitoimiiitiK to coutiuuo Ms wuy, he was
Bet upon unit beaum. and returned home with
Injuries .that will kcp him tluro sumu duvs.
Men comu to us who t-itv tbe ato wor.iugupon
Jobs hero nitil theio which havo no ooiitiectiou,
evin tho luou l..dttrct. withtlte companies, but
huvebe n notified thit they cmit.uue to woik
at their pent, tfow the majority ot tho worn,
lug men couuieuauce this, or tho dj not. jf
thsV uo thoy ale 1101 ouly violating llioprino1.
E'o willch tuov dtclaio ttieuisetics opposed to,
ut nle al-o vlolatlnir the law cf tlioluud mul
tUe 1 iiuuaiuetital principle of 0111- Uovernuieut."
Apropos ot tuo aituJLlou ut rittstou the
Scrimtou Hi-pub lean "t iho 17th rava : Too
cmnlovfos ot tho llutlertoil Compjnv have
heidu mietnig to cousider tlio proposition of
ihi CLmpauy to urivauco their wages ten per
oeut. HttauKeas 11 muy appear, the men ott-d
to rt-fu.o tovoutiuuo wortitiK creuat thoud.
vanecd laie of cotupruisUou Tbtv now de
maud ttxttcn uercelir. advance, and refuse to
Wiit. uulll It is coiH-edeu. Comment Is uune.
cessary.bat wo might add that these men ute
tuoverv oucs who butalcwtlaa ago, woio
driven fvom their work and made to J iln tho
struo. At mat time they vreio, ap.
pureutl contentedly, but uow they retu.euii
advauco cou.ldeied vory Uoljao.o lu the.e
iiiuo-i, and clamor for " inoie." iu Btrauae con
trast wiiu tlio tiutier Comnauy's men me tju.o
01 tho 1'lttAion Coal Company, who aioujaio
!ng In the udvauco blmll 11 ly touceded to iheui,
and continue work in good soli its
U4ZLL.1U.1, jVUgU.l Jlr-AU 111. Hipi WBS tUQUO
Dy tlio siiUeis at Jieaver lirook last niautio
muster a tuieo lor the purpose of making a iai.1
oucostil Itu'iru and o! tuo coll ciles operated
by A. 1'ardeo v. Co. 1 ho 11100 or thlacol.leiv as
v ell asof an otheis operated by thoubovovom
pauy renueil lojom ki tho strike, last week and
liavobeeu werkiug Bteaunv eversiuie. inter
luatiou ot iho lniendeilruiu vta- rccsivod hero a
illno betuio uildulKht. and u (olee orcittaoua
wu. 8mu rol ectvd to resist any uttempt ihat
nnuht bo m.oe to damaao or dektrur piopcrty.
Towaid muruing wold was reo lre.i u.a. tuo
labieis a ttriitvlutf furceo he Y01 ktowu meu
to Joiu-rhi-ui weio obliged to relinqjlsh their
dooivu owing to ioeir iuuur Jo eel iho llouey
bio k men out Willi tho assutaucool the iui
ter tho crowd would have beed verv formidable,
nlihougli tho vigtuueo couniillieo was a-ieuar.
ed to loclfti auy attempt ut wo,cnc. The abor
live .iu-iu,t oi last night has had no iffi-u. on
too men wao havo becu lu oporauuu b.uco iho
Btuke aud tuo arA at work again 104U1 .
'Iho Assoilated flea, dispatches -eut from
Wilavosburio Tuesday re-id as tollows: Tho
Blrikmg nilui-ia lu tnia viciult) aro JuoiUut over
toe detetuiluauou made by the emuioves of ihe
l'eunsj Ivuuia dial ooiupnuy at l'lifj-uu, j ester,
tuy inoriituirfor a deiuuud of) ten percent ad
vance. 'Iho meu heie nuusluo this wm havo
tliotffjctui frightening tnu compaulesiuio au
ejry rtcogulttuu ot thoir demuaus, for tht- as.
seit that by a.ompetostoppugeol wolklu tins
couuty Fiuuk t.oweu win soon gt-t coutiolol
tuo maikels Tbe operators, nowever, bay thrl
tnci will not g.vo wuy under auy clicnmstauc-
e. iucy uriruB 11 wonia 00 tinciusi 10 iu:
ture mteiesis to du o. A fatmer soar laila
a small town aoout 0 ant iuiId iioiu hereyus.
terday met iho demands ot u totalling piriv ol
mlui-is with a shot gun. llo, iiueuteueU 11
ahoot too hrst man who stepped npnu his prem
isoa. l'heroraaert d.duot lusisi upon his cou
tilbutiuir. but wctit ctf sweanug to havo ail
sorts ot reyuae. A baru biougtug 10 Mr.
uwoyer. 01 the Knleiprlee colliery .was octroy
td by are yceterday, suppeacd 10 have beta me
wor" 91 au mcaadlary.
New Advertisements.
rjrO Whom It Hay Concern.
Allperaon-isro horebv forbid meddling with
oneutiAi ALAillianil onOMflllNU VVAGOX,
ttivtironertv O' DI 1)IM:h.V YDKII. nt Pnrrv.
vine. I'ariion tountj-, l'a-. now In nowa Ion ot
.lACOUaouLU.of VVeijsn-.rt, untl fiirilicrno-
me. iiiniufl k dm'dish,
Aug. 23-3L- Pairy vine, Carboo Co., Ta.
otice ron ciiAUTEn.
Notice Is horoby glTon that an appllcitlon for
a Chnrter for a proposed Cornoration, to bo
SOCIETY," to bo located at Welsspott, To.
will bo mado ti His Honor Judgo Drencr nt the
next October 'lerm of Court. '1 lid Charter and
object ot tho ald Corporation Is for benevolent
ruu ucnenciai purposes among its members.
W. M. llAI'SIIUrt,
Ang. 25, 1S77 3t. Attorney for Appllcauts.
All persons oroherebv forhtd meddling with
n HAY HOltSU nnd Tor CA It HI AO 10 now in
tboposC83lon of TllOUAS M. WEAVmt. of
rackerton. Caibon County, Pa., tho same being
my property, until iinther notice.
THOMAS MAM 1Z, Lchlghton
August 23, 1677.KS
Subject to Democratic rules.
0 It May Concern.
AllT)fcrOTH nro hcrfthv fnrhid meulil.tnf with
ono HLAUK lIOUKnndouo llnicher'a Fprlrnr
now Iu jm suiou of H. II. UUN
LA1 ot Friuklin 'lownshio. Caibon Comity,
ru as thuy uro ray property nnill mrttier
Auc 13, 1S77-W3 LehlKhtou, i'a.
Letters Testamentary on the Entate or Adam
IlucKiuau. late or tho lioroush of LeMphtnn
Cmhoa I'oimty. Fa ,lecM, buo beeu rimi tcrt
to Mary L Uuckman, of tho Borough tforeaaiu.
to whom all perHon.i lodootcd to the paid Kstato
aro lrquo-teil 10 mako Davmcnt, nnd those hav.
liiff cluiroo.' dciijands will mike kuown the
same without dehiv, to
MAItV L. BUCKMAN, Executrix,
OrtoTHOS. KKJilcltKlt, Agent.
Lchlghton. Aug la, I377w0
Tho underslffiied Auditor, appotntM brtho
Court to dlstriMu'e the Kinds iu the hands of
John I). Ucrtointe, Esq.. Irusteo ot iho Es nto
ot John M. Joseph, oeceaod, into of Ml rich
Chunk Borough arlsiuic from the aio of Heal
.Estate, ttmonj? thoo legilly enut oi thereto,
and rnnko return to tho next Term of Conit,
hf lebv civea notice that ho wuln eet a 1 parties
lutercfttd lor tho ptiipo en of his appointment
on T.UISSDAY, yliiM'KMIJiSK 11th. 1877. at U
o'clock A. M , nt his Oilict, No. 2 Mnnion
llouso. Husquehamift Street, M mch Chunk,
l'a., where a.l may attend wno think proper.
K it. rtlEWEUM, Audiuir.
Mnnch Chunk, Aug. 18. j8?7-w4
For tho MAIIONINO 8011OOr. DISTniCT.
Esanilnntlon to bo ho.d ut CE.NTItU SQUAltK
hOHOOL UOUSC, near SioClean's Ilofl, on
ilo.VKAY. 'ho aid day ol aUPlKlllJiilt, at
NIMH o'clock A. 51.
MATIIAN StOiSEU, Secretory.
Anirustli. U7i-w3
rJoth-o la hereby clven thit DA"NIKT. SEN-
SINOUll an-1 hls SVIfo of l-'HAM KLIN Town
slitp Carbon County, la. by h Tolumury deed
of .aigameut. bearino- data the 7tii oav of AU
(1TJ15T 1817. sssliriieit all therr propeitv Heal,
I'crsonal. and Mixeil to tho uudor.iuned, for
tho bouetit of their cieditors. All jiersou,,
theroioro indebted tosiMpirty wil.makeu'iy
meut within SIX WKIiKw tiom the il te here
of lo th said Asj-lf-neo. und thosn hann? leai
claims will please piesenl Item for setilemeut
to JUKI. NE1T, Assiirneo
blutlngton, l'a,.
Ot to P. J. MHEIIAN. his Attoinoy. Mauch
Chuur. Kruuklin twp , Auj. II, 1877-evr
Ell, S.W'DUIC,
Ladies' Fancy Dress Goods
Dry Goods, Groceries, &o.,
Bank Stueet, Lehighton, Pa.
rriies cs low as elsewhere, nnd i-oods war.
rnnted as rcpicseuteiL July 21, 1577-am
Announces to the peoplo of T.ehlahton and vlcln
ity that he Is prepared to supply thLm
with every artlc.e ot
tlouHcrtiriilsbfug Tinware
At very lowest prices also,
Roofing and Spouting,
In all its branches, prompth- attended to at
prices luily as low as tho lowest, (live me a
urortK: Opnns'tP the Public Sqniro. HAI7K
HTIlUUT, LEHiailTUN, l'A. July 21, ';7.iy
Oront chance to mnUo mon-
i vou csn t iri-t co d ou
get grci ii backs. Wo
i ncrsou lneerttown
to thke for the
larcost, choapost and heu Jl uatiaud family
jiubliciiiou lu tho word. Any mm cm become
u ttmcosftul asrnt Iho root eloir lit vrbrks i f
art ftivfii fiea to fiibscrloer. The prHe 14 so
low that almost even body ulBcribe Ono
aiiocbreporti mikintr overtlS' In a week. A
l-dy Hireut reiorts tuklnc ote-4'J0 snbstrlbers
In ten U0v. All who ngoco maite money fast.
You can ocvote all roar i mo to the im mess r
only vour iparu time Yon neod not away
from hum over msht You can do It as fiell as
others. 1 pariioiibr. niroctionn aud terms
trea llegini and expensive Outfit f reo If
you want n roll tab o wonc send us ytmr address
t onctN It costs not hi ut; to try foe business.
K one who eog tires tails to nuke grt'at par
Addieta "The I'ooplo's Journal" roitlund,
Maiue. Au. 18, 1S77-U
or while as the dead mows on a Florida hum
lock, cau be changed to a clo lous brdwn or
ludlroifj bfack by a ulnglo application of
Hair and Whisker Dye.
Bold by ETupGtsts at V Cents per'Scx.
July 7, 1577-tf
Fee ltcdui'cd. Entire Cost ?G5.
Patent office Tee (;5 In advance, natai Co ii)
,-lll.ln 6 months after l'.ucnt allowed: Ad
vice aud examination free. Fateola tfnld.
J. VA.VOli laUWIs! & (SO.,
May 6-ni3 WasblnaUin; D. C.
Lauds For Sale.
($60,000 ACRES IN
Firxt.clBBn Stoct Farms, ezcelteot AcVlonltn
ral Ijiuds, and tbe liest Tooaoco region in tho
wofcp vnorc iiiicrBi na misjiHpneis, oraer
ly ocletv, ppod markets aqd aheaituy country,
Low l'tlcea 1 Lou a Credit 1
Free tiuniortatlu irom 8t Loals to the
isuus luiaiftiiru jiurcum srB. tur lunuer iu.
tormattrtu. address A. L DKANK, Land Com.
ml&c toner Bt. LouuA tan Francisco Hallway
compinr, n. w, ctir, rmaana wiina&Htrets,
bt. LouU, Mo. Aiijc. U, 1977-lta
Another Largo Invoice of
Specialties 1
Such as Suitingsj
Liuons, .
Lawns, -
1 ' , s ' Cretonnes j ' V) f)Ir '
Chintzes,, , ,
White Goods,
Embroideries, &c.
Special lino of BLACK ALPAOAg
Also, another lot of Ladies'
"We will rush off tlio above at Very Low Price's. CalJ
darly and be convinced of tho Bargains we have in store.
J. T. XUSBAUrtl & SON, Original CI16ri Cdsit Storey
LiNDfcltMAN's Di,ocif, bppfislta TiibHc Square, LKIIIQI1TON, PA.
Dress Suits,
Youths' Suits,
Maila up from the Upsf Mitterlnl, In the
aiiieeu, nt uvwcsl t uiuu iuiluaqu
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Hats,
tlCall and examine Good's and' Prices before making your purchases olsewhero.
T. D. CLAtfSft), Merchant Trtilor,
2nd door abeve the P'nblfe Sijuiare, BANK STREW, Lehlghten.-
"WAE 01 Hi
Successor to'
Opposite tho L. & S.
Respe'dtfullv announces to his
he is daily receiving additions
QUEENSWARE, &c, &c, fcc'
Also, just received a car load of LIVERPOOL SALT,
which I am selling at Bottom Prices.
SALT FISH a Specialty,
If you really cfesire
of Goods you can get for
you should not fail to give
purchases elsewhere;
Don't forget the1 Mammoth Store, opp. .&S.De.30tr
May 0, 1879-yt
Wcissport Planing Bill & Lumber Co.,
Ttcprrtlnllr onnouuee to Carpenters. Holders, contractors and others. TTt nartpar eomDleted
their NEW l ILI.U. tavv aro now rteuarod to supply them.nt VlillV LOWEST PKICB8. with
every uoacriptiou ot
Such as Siding, Floor Boards, Doors, Sash, .Blinds, Shut--ters,
Moldings, Brackets, Cabinet "Waro, &o., &c,
On the Khortest Notice, Our jrachlaery ts all New and 01 tho Most Appro-red Kind, so- that w.
h ive no hesliaildn In auaranteinic l'erlcot Hausiaction to an wao mar laror as witn tneir oroei s.
it ve'i unva not time m can ana Kiociwust yua pquu jw. wuui wu u .wnwini
promntlr and at as low prices as though you were present.
Give ua a Trial, and you will ba cdiMnced oi what we iwi,
WM. niERY.
Offlce'and Sflll, nealy opposlfa the Fort Allen House, WEISSPOUT, CattioiV
county, Penna. June 10, 1876Bt'-
WE aro pleased to announce to our patrons and tho busi
ness men of Carbon and- neighboring Counties, that our
Sob Printing Department
is now completely stocked with the' latest desirahs' of ntjatf
and fashionable typo', and" that wo aro proparld to do all
descriptions of JOB PRINTING neatly, promfptly and at
Prices Lower' than over before'.- Orders by mail will ro"
ceivo prompt attention.
lT' Tho "Carbon Advocato," published ( ivory Saturn
day, is f urnished at 1.00 a year. Try it.
Address all communications- to
Lehigheny- Penna
August 11, 1877.
Summer Wea
i i
n 1
Business Suitsy
Boys' Suits.
Latest Styles, ffnd Perfect Fits Guarv
Caps and Gents' Furnishing.'
D. Bocifc & Co'.y
Depot, MftK Street,
customers and friends that-
to his stock of
to know how large' an amount"
a small sum of Ready Money,,
me a call beforo making your'