The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, August 18, 1877, Image 2

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    11. V. M0RT1IIMER,
millOU'TON, l'A.:
The total amount of slim Issued to
dato Is 834,250,000. The amouut of
fractional currency redeemed to date Is
$21,080,000, leaving $10,020,000 still
-Among the many schemes for the
relief of the worklogmeti Is that of John
Gibson, of Philadelphia. It Is to raise
a fund of 11,000,000 by 100,000 sub
scrlptlonsof $10 each, with which waste
unimproved land In New Jersey or
Pennsylvania may be bought, and on
which men who are willing to work
nay be placed.
A. switchman on tbo Pan Ilandlo
Railroad named Scblutter was found
lying senseless near tlio round-house In
Columbus, Ohio, Sunday morning, with
a terrible bruise oh his right cheek and
temple, which looked as If made by a
club. His face and bead were so swol
len that It could not be ascertained It
bis skull was fractured, and bis com! I
tlon was critical at last accounts
Schlatter was one of the men who re
mained at bis post during the strike.
It is predicted that within fifty
years n district of one hundred miles
sauare. Including tho counties of
Athens, Perry, and Hocking, In Ohio,
will equal In productiveness to any coal
region In the world. This section has
twenty-two feet of solid coal in five
seams, the greatest vein being in some
places twelve feet thick, and nowhere
less than six, Mingled among the coal
beds are Inexhaustible ones of Iron.
General Gibbon bad a severe en
gagement with the Kez Perce Indians,
at Big Bole, Montana, on tho 0th Inst
He attacked the hostile camp and cap
tured It, after a fight lasting all day, In
-which Captain Logan, Lieutenants
Bradley and Bostwich, seventeen sol
dlers and five citizens were killed. The
wounded were Gen. Gibbon, Capt. Wil
liams, Lieutenants Coolldge, Woodruff
and English, (tbo latter seriously), 30
soldiers and 4 citizens. The Indians,
who tied at nlgbt, must have suffered
terribly, as 40 of their dead were count
ed on halt the battle field. Gen. now
ord reached the battle field on the 11th,
aud was to pursue tho Indians as soon
as bis command arrived. General Gib
bon was to take his wounded to Fort
sShaw as soon as medical aid and trans
portation were obtained.
There aro intimations of renewed
activity in Europe in the way of emi
gration to the United States. If those
-who contemplate emigration here come
with the pnrpose of settling In the agri
cultural portions of tho country, wheth
er In the Middle or Southern States, in
the near East or "far West," and in
tend to gala their livings by tilling the
soli, they will find ample room for all;
but if It be the Idea or intention of any
considerable portion of them to stop In
the large cities, or try to get work at
the mechanical and manufacturing cen
tres, or In the iron and coal
-would be good advice for their friends
In this country and all others who feel
an Interest in their welfaro, to advise
tbem that all the last named fields of
employment are now overstocked witli
labor, and any fresh influx from abroad
will bring disappointment and trouble
to the now comers and add to tho dlffi
cultlcs of those now here.
Some fiend In human shape, during
the night of last Satuiday or early Sun
day morning, tampered with the switch
on the Lehigh Valley Railroad Just be
low the bridge crossed by the L. & S.
R. R., and nearly opposite the Lehlgh-
ton Stove Works, leaving It about halt
way open, throwing the engine and all
the cars bat one of the Buffalo Express
from the track, but fortunately without
doing any Injury to passengers on the
train. Had tee train Jumped tho track
to the right Instead of tbe left, the acci
dent must have resulted in the most ap
palling sacrifice of life and limb, but as
it happened, the engineer saw the Im
pending dangor and had lime to some
what oheck the speed of his engine
The scoundrel or scoundrels who, to re
venge Imaginary wrongs received from
a railway company, will tamper with
the snitches aid thereby endanger the
lives of passengers and the destruction
of property,, should, when caught, be
shown no mercy. We are no advocate
of capital punishment, but in such a
mso we say banging Is by. far too easy
a- death for so cowardly a villain be
should be bung in chains at the spot
where be attempted bis crime, and left
there as a warning to those who might
feel an inclination to-follow in his foot
steps. Hon, Asa Packer, President ot the
L. Y. R. R., offers a reward of $500 top
information leading to the apprehension
and conviction of the parties to this out
rage on tbe peopln, nod we earnestly
hope the villains will be caught.
Tho State C'ommltteo of ttio'.Inilc-
pendent Greenbackers of Pennsylvania
met Wednesday in, Wllllnmsport, and
called a Stato Convention to meet In
that city on September 10th. Separato
candidates for Andltor General, State
Treasurer and Justice of Supremo Court
aro to bo nominated.
Those who expected the war in the
East to cause an immediately increased
demand for American breadstuffs, as
well as an advance In their prlco, havo
thus far been disappointed. England
has certainly Imported more wheat atd
flour since Russia declared war against
Turkey than before, but Russia at tho
Eftrao time has Increased Its exports of
these samo commodities to England In
a wonderful degree. For instauce, the
returns of the British Board of Trade
show that the importations of wheat
from Russia Into England during the
month of June lost amounted to $5,
140,000, while during the correspond
ing month of 187G their value was only
$805,000. Tho London Economist, In
discussing theso figures, attributes the
comparatively large supplies of wheat
received in England from the East "to
tho effect of the war In hastening tho
despatch of nil available grain from tho
disturbed territories, of It comlug
by rail through Germany, by way of
Marseilles." " That It was the war,"
the editor of the Economist continues,
"and not the recent rise in prices which
gave this Impulse to tho consignments
of grain from abroad, may be gathered
from the fact that the month's imports
of wheat from tbo undisturbed coun
tries, notably America, are much less
Instead of greater, notwithstanding the
high prices." Another cause assigned
for the increased exports from Russia
Is the depreciation of the domestic pa
per money In that country. Paper rou
bles, which were worth thirty pence
each in exchangeable value when tho
war broke out, are worth only twenty
four pence now a depreciation of 20
per cent.
Art Publishing. Few people are
aware ot the wonderful progress that
Art bas made In this country during the
last quarter ot a century. It Is but a
a few decades since, those who desired
to beautify and ai'orn their homes, were
obliged to depend almost entirely on
foreign artists. But such a state of af
fairs iu this age of progress, and im
provement could not last loog, with the
great Arcerlcan people. Genius from
the East to tho West, from the North to
the Gulf ot Mexico on the south, ans
wered tbe demand for beauty, taste and
refinement, and to day our lending art
ists are not surpassed by the leading
modern masters of Art In Europe.
Great Art publishing establishments
bavo sprung up, and by various pro
cesses tho finest and most expensive
paintings are reproduced In all their ele
gance and beauty, and at a price within
tho means of tho masses. So that no
one need be without the refining Influ
ences ot beautttul pictures at home.
Among the progressive leading Art
Publishing firms of the country we take
pleasure in mentioning George Stlnson
& Co., ot Portland Maine; they were
among the first In the business, and we
can only understand the colossal pro
portions their trade has assumed by re
membering that this is a great and
mighty Notion of nearly fifty million
people. We cannot better Illustrate the
magnltudo of their business than to
state tbe amount of money paid by tbem
for postage stamps during tbo year
187G; we have tho figures direct from
the firm, or we should think there was
some mistake. Tbey paid for postago
stamps during the year 1870, thirty-
three thousand one hundred and four
dollars and ninety-two cents ($33,
104.02) and, in connection with this It
should bo remembered that only tho
small orders were sent by mall, the
larger going by express and freight.
George Stlnson & Co's., agents are to
bo fouud in every Stato in the Union
and Dominion ot Canada, and In every
county with scarcely an exception.
Lone since, tbls enterprising firm rec
ognlzod the value of printer's Ink jud!c
lously used In advertising, and they In
form us that without it tbey could never
have extended their business as It Is to
day, In three times tbe number ot years
A short time since they paid In a single
day twenty-tour thousand dollars (f24,
000,00) on a contract for newspaper
advertising. They evldentaly long
since found the road to success and bare
neither turned to the right nor left.
Three things are necessary tor eminent
success In business. First, standard
honest goods that the people generally
need and desire let them be tbe best,
whatever the lino ot business. Second,
let your prices bn reasonvble as low as
possible. Third, let the people know
what you have, and what you can do,
by liberal and persistent adyertlslng,and
you will Bud low prtcos. made known
and proved, will bring trade that will
give a larger Income than can be made
in any otter way.
To Mothers) Should1 tho baby be
suffering with any ot the disorders of
bsbybood use Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup at
one for (be trouble; 25' cents per
Washington Letter.
Frsm our Special correspondent.
WAeillKOTOV, D. C, AUR. 13, 1977.
Into what depths of Iniquity our Re-
pnblio must have pi unged in its little
ccntury.of life to need such a scathing
fire ot reform as we aro now enduring I
And bow blind ourexccutlvcs have been
heretofore, or how clear-seeing our pro
sent one, that our many needs and
shortcomings should all at once be
sliotvn up so plainly! Verily, this is
an age to live In 1 Tbo latest necessity
Mr. Carl Schurz has dlsoovered and Is
now endeavoring to pcrsnado tho Presi
dent and his honorable fellow Cabinet
members to adopt, Is a rule that no ed
itor or publisher of a newspaper shall
be part or parcel of tho political world,
10 noid any oiuco or nonor or trust un
der the government. Well spoken, Mr.
Carl Schurz I Editors don't object.
Their chief end In life is to represent
public opinion worthily. To do so they
must be free from suspicion of any ntali
to appropriate spoils or distribute office ;
and if no application for office made by
an editor is to bo heeded, the press
must ot necessity be above all suspicion
ot guile. Horace Grealey's career Is
warning enoucu. ur a trutn, too press
ot the country should bo as entirely dl-
vorccu irom puiuics as is tne army, or
as our civil service wi'i oo ir resident
Hayes accomplishes his avowed pur
poses. Washington society Is not to be found
here now. Society houses present a
silent, close-shuttered appearance, and
we hear or their owners at Saratoga.
Newport and Long Branch. Madamo
Mantilla, tne Spanish Minister's wife,
who is sucn a pet in society here, was
bello of tho first Saratoga ball, given
last week. 'She is very striking in per
sonai appearance, having tbe blackest
of hair and eyes, and a pink and white
complexion. She was dressed the other
evening In whlto silk garnished with
wide valencennes lace and wblto satin
ribbon. The waist was cut squaro In
front and the neck was covered with
fine white lace net. Her mitts matched
the other laces In pattern, as did her
whlto silk stockings, worn under low
slippers of white silk. Her ornaments
were a triple row ot pearls with an oak
leaf of diamonds as a pendant.
It Is whispered that Secretary F.varts
has been somewhat snubbed recently In
relation to Mexican affairs. As he has
for years led tho van of the American
bar, so, since last March, he has taken
the lead In the Cabinet and, In fact, has
lead the President himself in all matters
of tiote. But it was thought he took
General Sherman's business out of that
gentleman's hands when ho gave Gen.
Ord his orders concerning Mexico, and
ns much has been said to him. Evarts
has his hands full, still, with Mexicans.
Spaniards, Indians, and all. Undoubt
edly the army will bo conslderauly In
creased as soon as practicable after
Congress convenes. It Is a fact that It
Is at present insufficient to quell Mexi
can disturbances, subdue Indian pro
pensities, punish bpanlsu Impertinences,
or prevent a strikers' war. Tbo. navy
Is in still worse a condition, for, al
though we have navy officers and sail
or?, we have no available ships ot war.
This Is what one of the leading New
York papers says regarding it, and
very truly :
" '1 lie united States Government has
not to-day within Its control, either on
sea, In process ot construction, or pur
chasable from privato par'.les one vessel
that would nave the slightest chance ot
success in a naval engagement, either
on the ntgn seas or in any ot our liar
bors, when pitted against an iron-clad,
of which there are numbers In tho na
vies of England, France, Russia, Italy,
Turkey or Gt-rmauy. We have no
navy. Who can tell If 5 per cent, of
our wooden fleet is fit for active service?
But If it was ten times as numerous as
It is, and If every vessel was ready for
battle, it would not, In tho year 1877,
be a navy. Wooden vessels are useful
adjuncts to the modern fleet, but iron
clads are its Indlspenstble nucleuses.
In the last ten or twelve years wonder
ful Improvements have been made In
naval ordnance and in iron-clads. But
our guns are whero our war left them ;
and our monitors, Inadequate at btst to
cope with the Iron-clad navies ot Eu
rope, aro unseawurthy, rusting away
In our navy yard."
Tho city still swarms with office-seekers.
Tbo President's southern policy
has brought them here, and they are
nearly all from the Southern States.
The old class aro worn out with hopes
deferred, but thoso now here appear
confident and contented. They lead an
automatic life, their dally round belns
to the White House, to the hotel, to eat
and to bed. The hot weather troubles
tbem not. Tbey loaf In the shade of
awuings mostly, ana are content with
cneap living.
Martha M. Wiiitnet.
Now Advertisements.
"10 Whom It May Concern.
All persons are hereby forbid meddling with
one uijAUfe. iiuuaKanaone uuicners uprl:
VAOOIi, uow In possession ot u. II. liu,
lap. of FMuklin lownshm. Caibon Couui
Pa., as they are my property, mull larther
notice. tJ. is. uuiLunAWALP,
Aui-. IS, 1877-wl Lenighton, Pi
Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Adam
nnmn.n lata fit ttiM Ttnrnnirh nf Tlitrhtilil.
Caibon i'ouutv. Pa .dee'd. have beeu gr.iiled
10 jw.ary u uueaiuaa. 01 me jiuruuva niurr-wiu.
to whom all nersen. tnoeoted to the said Estate
are rea,uetad to make payment, and those bav
lug claims or demands will mute known the
same without deUr. to
ur to I'lius. jtcHUKuri, Aaeuu
Leblghton. Aug. is. 1877-ws
yarrows notice.
Tbe undersigned Aadllor, appointed by the
Court to aLtntmio tbe muds iu tbe hands of
Joan D. Ilertolette, Esa,. Trustee ot tbe ts ate
of John M. Jonepn. ueoeasei. late of Msnch
Chunk Borough, arising from the ale of KimI
Kslate. amonir those lecallr entitled thereto.
Aitd.makA return to the nextlerm of Cbnrt.
hereby gives uolioe that be will n eet all parties
luterehUfd for the pnrpo ea of bis appolntmeut
on rUKSDAY, sEi'l't-MIlliK 11th. Itrn. atu
o'oiock A. 11. at but No. z aisnlon
House. Husqueaaami atieet, usucu tjbmu,
Pa., where aU may attend woo think proper.
. u. bibwkhBj Auditor.
Msuco Chunk, AOS. IS, isrr.wi
Grout, chance to mnko mon.
ov. If voucau'tppt Hold von
can met cietnbnclEfl. Ve
O need person In everr town
10 iixo snnpcripvioni xor i oe
Inrtrnst, cheapest nnd best Ilimuatcd family
publication in the word. Anv one onn become
a successful agent. Ihe most eleir .nt works rt
art given free to enbscrlDers. The price Is so
low that almost everybody aubscrlDO.. One
nirent reports making over SIS'l In a week. A
lady agent rciwrts taking over 400 subscribers
In ten days. All -wlio ngAgo make money fast.
Yon can devote all vonr i ime to the badness, or
only vonr spare, time. Yon need not be nway
fiom home over night. Yon can dolt as well as
others. Fall paruoulara. dlreotions and terms
tree. Eleg-im and expenstvo Outfit tree. It
yon want protltAbie work send ns your address
nt onco. It costs nothing to try foe business.
No one who engatres rails to mske great pay.
Address "The l'cople'e Journal." Portland,
Blame. Ang. 18, 18T7-1T
For the MAHONING 8011001. DISTRICT.
Examination to be held at CENTRE SQUARE
BClIOOI. HOUSE, near ItcClean'e llotM, on
MONDAY, 'ho 3rd day Ot BEPTEMDER, at
NIKE o'clock A. Mi
MATIIAN MOSSEn, Secretary.
Notice Is hereby slvcn that DANIEL SEN
BINDER and his Wile of KIIANKLIN Town
ship Carbon County. Pa., by a voluntary deed
ot n alignment, bearing date tne7tli dar of AU
GUST, 1817, assigned all their property Real,
Personal, and Mixed to the undersigned, for
the benefit of their creditors. All pereons,
therefore, indebted rostldpmv wil.makepay.
meut within SIX VVKEKS liom the date here
of loth said ABslmee. and those having leval
claims wlllploaso present tl.era for settlement
to JOEL NEFF. Assignee.
Blxtlngtou, Pa..
Or to P. J. MEGHAN, his Attorney. Munch
Chnnx. Franklin Iwp , Aug. II. 1877-tw
raj if. it in
Ladies' Fancy Dress Goods
Dry Goods, Grocorios, &o.,
Bank Street, Lehighton, Pa.
Prices as low as elsewhere, and goods war
ranted as represented. July 21, 1377-flm
Announces lo the people of Lohlghton and vicin
ity that he Is prepared to supply them
with every article of
Uousefurntsliliig' Tinware,
At very lowest prices i also.
Roofing and Spouting,
In all tte branches, promptly attended to at
prices fully ss low as the lowest. Give me a
STORE! Opposite the Pnbllo Square, RANK
STREET, LEIIIQIITON, PA. July 81, '17-ly
TTAia as Red as the Flame or A Volcano.
or white aa the dead moss on a Florida hem
lock, can be changed to a glorlous brown or
lustrous black by a single application ot
Hair and Whisker Dye.
Bold by Druggists at SO Cents per Sox.
July 7, lS77-tl
Fco Reduced. Entire Cost $55.
Patent Otuce Fee Ms In advance, balance 20
vllbln 6 months after Patent allowed. Ad
vice and examination free. Patents Sold.
May 5-m3 Washington. D. C.
. Xands Eor Sale.
i60.oooTa!ores in
soumwesi jriissourj.
Flrfit-claso Stock Farms, excellent Aorlctiltii.
ral .Lands, and the best Tooacco region in the
west snort winters no fmssutipperB, oraer
1 focietv, rood markets and a healthy country
Low Trices I iiona: credit 1
Krre tiansportatlon from 8t Lou's to the
lands farnlsfied purchasers. For further in.
lormatlnu. address A. L. D15ANK. Land Com
mlatloner 8t. Louis A aa Francisco It all way
uompmr. . w, cor. FUtaana walnut streets,
St. Louis. Mo. Auft. U, 1 877-1 m
EltATED hv ohttiucted secretions, and to
winch ladle are e pecialJy subject can always
ud I (Ji iw tHi ii uu lutiir i ei;uTicii(w urHVOtnou uj
the une ot Tab hint's lstebvescent seltzkb
ai'Euiemt. FroouraDie at ull drug store-
a week In yout own town. Terms and
iUU 15 outfit free.
rortiand Maine.
AUff. 12.
O X Bxtba Fine Mixed Card, win name, lOo,
"tr tost paid. L. Jones tt Co.. Nassau. Is'.v.
Only Five Dollars
Of ihe BEST LANO-ln AMERICA, near the
In easy payments with low rates cf interest.
full Information sent free, addreai
Laud Act., U. P, U. II. Omaha, Neb.
(hCT stfnn per day at home Samples worth
s sent tree. Brtftosi & Co., Port-
land Maine.
855 2 877
a week ti aaent. f 10 Outfit
fllEE. P.O. VICKEltY,
Augasla. Maine.
,-,1n a day at home.. Agents wanted. Outfit
51 nd terms freo. Til UK & Co., Augusta,
Is declared the "STANDARD TURBINE."
nv overooo peritona wno use it. ntiui&s mb
DUUED. New pamphlet, tree.
N. K. BURN HAM, York, Pa.
These brands of Hweet Navv ore occnowl"
edge i by an m be tue unest caewing touoooo
nn the market
bold by all dealers. Send for samples to the
tnsnuisctuiers.u. a. jauiuua a v.u.,reters
bur- Fa.
a. WAUDLK, General Agt.,
I and j H. Water fat., ralladeiphia. fa.
Or Diamond febaver. Patented J oly Id, 1177.
warrauieu iu ruiTo uj uuu iiuwu, i.wr.
soap.orwaier. Vree by moll for t cents, bend
lor IB. irfUAi.n. iv
414 Eat tth St., New Voi It City,
I HERMirn WASH. Ihe great In
day V reck re. Tan and Pimple Cute,
cureiy sealed for U eta, by J, IU 11
at Infallible five-
e. Mailed se.
CO, Salem, . 4
AU, II, 1917,
Another Largo Invoice of
Such as Suitings,
Lawns, ' J"
: hi) Cretonnes,;. ',, i) fcBO".' tilf
Chintzes, , f , , .. -
Percales, ,
Grenadines, , V .
White Goods, I
Embroideries, &c. '
Special line of BLACK ALPACAS;
Also, another lot of Ladies' A
"Wo will rush off tho above at very Low Prices. Call
early and be convinced of tho
J. T. NUSBAUM & SON, Original Cheap Cask Store,
Lindkrman'8 Block, opposite Public Square, IiEHlQHTOX, PA.
Dress Suits,
Youths' Suits,
Made up from tbe Best Material, in tbe
ameeu, at i,utyiisr rmvta xuu uaou
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Hats,
CP" Call and examine Goods and mees before Tasking your purchases elsewhere. , ,
T. D. CLATJSS, Merchant Ta'ilo'r,C-
2nd door above tbe Public Square,. BANE STREET, Leblghton.
Successor to
At the 66 Mamsiiiotli $tore999
Opposite the L. & S.
Respectfully announces to his
ho is daily receiving additions
QUEENSWARE. &c. &c. &o
Also, just received a car load of LIVERPOOIj SALT
which I am selling at Bottom Pnces.
SALT FISH a Specialty.
fifS?" If you really desire
of Goods you can get for a small sum of Ready Mqney,
you should not fail to give mo a call before making your
purchases elsewhere.
Don't forget the Mammoth Store, opp. L.&S. Depot,
May 0, 1870-yl
Wcissport Planing
TiAarMtfTiUr nnntinM tn p i rant ur. n ti llder.
their NKWM ILLS, taer Ere now preyarM.tOBupplytbm,itVKUTf LOWEST FBlcn.itllb
every description ot
Such as Siding, Floor Boards, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Shut-
-irl-1 T- 1, ti 1 ' i "ITT O - O
ters, juoiuings, iiracKets,
On the Shortest Notice. Our Machloerv Is all New and ot the Most Approved Jbad. so tfcst wa
h ive no hesitation In anarantelng- Perfect SaUstoctlun to all who may favor ns with their ord era.
It von have not time to call ana select what von want, send toot orders and they will be flll4
promnllv. and at as low prices as though you were present.
uive us a inai, ana you win do coavmceu ui wusi nn
Offlce'and Hill, nearly opposite' tbe Fort Allen House, WEISSPORT, Carbon
county, l'enna.
WE are pleased to announce
ness mon of Carbon and neighboring counties, that our
Job Printing Department
is now completely stocked with tho latest designs of neat
aud fashionable type, and that wo aro prepared to do all
descriptions of JOB PRINTING neatly, promptly and at
Prices Lower than over before. Orders by mail will re
ceive prompt attention.
fF Tho "Carbon Advocate," published every Satur
day, is furnished at $1.00 a year. Try it.
Address all communications to
Lehighton, Penua.
August 11, 1877.
Summer Wear
Bargains we hayo in storo.
Business Suits,
Boys Suits.
Latest Styles,, arid Perfect FjU .Guar
Caps, and Gents' Furnishing
r- v
!D. Book & Co., -
Depot, BANK Street,
customers and friends that
to his stock of
to know how large an amount
Mill & Lumber Co.,
Contractor! and other, that hatTta utranlAiftal
uaoinet w aro, oic, ac.,
Juno 10, 1878-tjl
to our patrons and tho busi