Society Meetings. JsmiTO OAiTLa", No. :', A, O. K. OT TnB M. 0. lad and 4th Monday of each month. In Be. ber'a Hall. LcnlRoton, tt 7;80 o'clocfe P. M, W. K. Bennlnger, a. K.C. I 8. n..Gllbain. 9. K. It. 0. AbBlt IIUTTEM L0DOT, No. 080, 1. O. O.'P.. meeta every Tneadav evening, St 8 o'clock, la Iteber-e Hall. Allced Beck, . G. M. B. Hobor, Secretary. HaTUCnis Taint:. Ko. 232. Imp. O. tit IV. M., meets lnllebar'snall eyeirSatordav.. H. L.iaaggus, Baohem i O. W, Delhi, O. cf n. Todi POO TBrn, T4o. 171. Imp. O. B, M., tni'et on Wednesday evening of cacn week, at 7:30 o'clock, la Pnbllo School Hall, Wetasport, Pa. C. W. Schwab, B. Jao. Brong. c, of B. tSHianios lodoe. No. 234. K. of P.. meeta n rnaay evenings, iu iieoers-u-aii. : . It uauiuer, v v. ,u,i a'olook. K;of R. and B. Advertising RatcN. We desire It to be distinctly understood that no advertisement will bo Inserted In the col inni ot THE CiBSOit AnTOCATIt that may be -lelved from unknown parties or flrraa unless a ieompanled wlUi the uxeu. The following are .or QVLT.terms. . i Advertisements for 1 year, per loch each Insertion ; . . . ... 10 Cts. " Sir Month, per Inch each Insertion 15 Cts. ' Three Months. " " ' 20 Cts. " Leas than three months, first luser. VtlonJU each snbaeqoent Insertion 23 Cts. iMtX aotlcet 10 cents per line, p i' . ", I h. V. MOBTillMEb) Publisher. E. ft. S1B1VKUS, DISTRICT ATTOrtNEY COUNSELLOR .AT.LAW. .. OmCE, Mo. 2, Mansion Uonee, MATicn CHUNK. PA. Settling Estates. Films Account and Orphans CO art Practice a specialty;- ' Trtal of Conies carefully attended to. Legal transactions in Knguan ana uerman, jsn . SATURDAY MOhNINO, ADdt'ST 4, 187. Local and Personal. The days aro perceptibly shorter, si Therb arc no vacant bouses In Slatlngton. Tbe dog days villi end cn the 25th or August. August 15th closes tbe trout flsh- lne season this year. i,,. The question now Is, who has besn benefitted by tbe strike, 7 . Qovernor's Day M the Permanent Exhibition August 25th. A sheriff Is the only officer to elect a Monroe county this year. . P. A. German Is closing out his ttock.of boots and shoes at cost. All Is quiet In railroad circles In V&llentown, and no trouble Is nppre bended. k , Samuel McLean, once District At' Jtorney ot tbls county, died In Yirglnla recently. ii.. Mr. 5. T. Nusbaum Is repairing the dwelling house, owned by him, on Banlrtreet, ,. , ... , r-rYxoU A. 1'. Horn will return to lleyecsion on Monday, bis vacation having ended.,, About 100 special pollco were dfc tailed tor duty, It deeded, by bur liar dpju laat Saturdavl n - ( ( .tl, , An attempt wa mdd.e ti few, nights ago, at Reading, to burp the ItCading ltaiirpaa (Jo's steam torge,., , , "" John Spati, of Berks, county, aged 03 years, died n taw days a no. He eaves a wllo with whom he bad lived 71 years. Much apprehension was mnnlfes' Jed by some ot our " young blQ.ods'Mest (be lager crop should (all on account of tne strike. .... Hats and caps In every vatlety of tyle and quality, at T.J).- Clauss' mer chant tailoring establishment, at prices to suit everybody. , ti.r-T. D. Clauss. the tailor, has last re turned from tbe city, and is now. open Ing an entirely new stock ot spring goods. Call and see , . v Ee7If you owe. for thlsv paper, we ivrould be pleased It you would remit tt)p .amount now. We need money "rnuciiiy" at mis lime. jB3 , . , ii, r-.The railroaders of this town exbib Itcd a very peacable and conciliatory demeanor throughout the strike, for which they deserve much praise. -r Beautiful I When you go trrMauch Pbunk.1 don't fall to call at . uJt cnbach's near Broadway House, and see bis beautiful wall paper, &c. ( ( ,r-,Xot,TflltiJtandlng the magnltcd'pvot tha.recent great railroad strike, Da,vld tbbBCt still continues to hire out hand some yearns at unusually low rates. . ,, Tremendous slaughter In ladles, gents,' youths' and chlldrens' boots, boes and gaiters, at T. D. Clauss,' Bank; street, Lchlgkton. Call now I . .Northampton county builds two pew bridges, ills summer one ot them across Ilokendauaua creek, at Stemton'.. Proposals aro Invited for both Iron and' wooden Drldgcs., t , Mr. William' Zahner, ot this place, enelneer on tha, L. V. It. II.. moved out' ot the Packerton yard, with the prat coal train attr tbe strike, at 11:00 a. in, Tuesday, fcr the Coplay furnace. J,, K. iilqlter.tJb'as still a few of those eligible lots In lyojiertstown to dispose of. . it you feel like! securing a good home call and see Mil He is also ann. Plying flour.fecd.lumber and coal at tbo lowest rates. Now Is a cood time, to put In vour nlete; coal, the prlcenow being fully as lflTfAsCtt will be. Semmel & Oabel h', Just cqclyid 200 tons, which they ato,,selllng very low. ,Call and leave your order and learnprlces. T. I). Clauss, the. fnerehant tailor is now receiving an Immense stock ut spring and. summer styles of cloths, cas e,lmere4,ao.d veitng, whlcS be Is pre ptre4tO(maVe,up In the latest fashion at very pppular jp;lces for cash. Gent's furnishing good's,- eomprls Pg' white and colored shr,ts, under wear, collars, neckties, &c, in Immense quantities, and at prices lower than ivcr before offered, at T. 11., Clauss' f-cant tailoring establishment, uank E-jft. Lehlghton., hfTha .Kil l. ... ..i.nn.nil will. 1 1, ssport Kvaneellcal Sunday school I. bq,takeu;to a'ui frqm t,he Keunlon blch Gap, on Tuesday next, on ii bj tbe canal, leaving Welseport at uua.m. ine cnuareo ,wiu ue wen u:en cure oi pu.ine -trip, and are rejoiced at the prospect of their $50 KEWARD. Lost, on Thursday after noon, August 2d, botweon A. Duriinc s aruf? store, in tliis borough, ,an,d tbd,Big i i i j r. i Vi T l ureeK onago, uojuuu jcuui uck's, a rocket Uook con- . . i r-i i' ml i amine aDouc no. xno above reward will be paid to any person who has found it and will return it to A. J. Durling, at Lehighton. ' Wanted, everv ono to be free from Pimples, Blotches, Bolls, etc., which' can t'b done by purifying the blood with Dr. Hull's IJloou Mixture, useu everywhere. Tho annual meeting of the State Teachers' Association wllUbe held- at Erie on tbe 7th, 8th and 9th Inst. Ar rangements have been made with the railroad companies lor iiib iruuspuiui tlon of teachers at reduced rates. Tbe Centennial Slate Company has now on hati'd 1,000 squares of their cel ebrated Guarantee Blue Hoofing Slate, whhib. they will 6ell,.ot lowest mantel prices. For furtlicr particulars nildress F. P. Semmel, Sec'y, LehlEhton, Pa. Jolin Brattou, supervisor of the Shamokln railrcnd, while proceeding to his home In ubury, one nignt last week, was ntteckfid with clubs by sevii. ral men. lie was rendered Insensible for two days. No tue assailants- Mrs. I. 1. Iiecntei, ot iremoni, who committed suicide In February last, has been proved to have been In sane, lier .lire was insured in tne u. 13. M. Aid Society of Fenna. for?5,UUU. Her husband wlll.xecelve the money. , The hired man of GeorgS Schwenk, of Albany township, Berks county,.the other day started out on tne mountain ta hunt for a lost sheep, and got into n den of rattlesnake hunflreds ot them. lie shot several, aud men ucai a re treat. Music teaching appears to be about as thriving a Business ns any we wot oi at this time., this irom too met mat one of our handsome professors' was strutting around with snow suit rroiu the popular. clothing establishment of T. D. Claui3..on Thursday. -The lailroau troubles of the past two weeks did not nfffct travel and traffic on tbe Berks and J.eliljjh railroad a branch of the Reading, It. It. The trains were delayed a little, but not to such an extent as to interrupt ousi ness. Owine to the burning of the bridge on tbe Lebanon Valley railroad the lleftdlng furnaces were cut ou irora their supplies of limestone, ana as ,c result they are getting them from quar rles along tne line or tne ntiove road. A. letter from Miss Tilllo Wclden he(ircr, who recently left this place with her mother for Washington, Kas., (n which she states that they like their now home very much, and would not return .to Lehighton to stay. Tim family aro all In the enjoyment of good health. i.Tlio crop of grain la good: oats yielded from 70 to 80 bushels to the ncre;,coruls eight feet high and the ears a foot long), pntnloes ,are plenty, and d ylpld of 80 bushels to the acre Is expected. , Go west, young man. I ,,-yrhe Iron .works , In Danville and Ecrinton are Idle, says the Journal, wlt,h no. present prospect of resurop. flori. ,,Tlie big engine of D., L. & W. Co., Willed, blows' the blast furnaces, was stopped by tie men,. while tho cupolas were full cf Iron, whlch-tf al lowed to chill there Instead of being ruu out, will entail a heavy loss on the Co. The puddling furnaces were also left In the same condition, ,ih1 many of them Win nave to co torn down and rebuilt before work can be resumed. The strike of the miners, If fully Inaugurat ed, will probably continue for' a long time, as the market U now overstocked with coal, and the com panics aro not anxious to ship coal under the present condition of the trade. That reasoning men will be foolish enough to strike un der such circumstances, seems hardly posslolo, wlien-tuey know It can rinly result In starvation and disaster to them selves and all around them. We bc'pe wise counsels may prevail. 1 A mass meeting of the miners or lhe,Bet.ver Meadow region, numbering about 800, was held at tho ball field at Jeanesvllle on .Tuesday morning. Mr. James Lents, ot Audenrled, was chosen. president ; Messrs Jas, Trevaskls ami Henry Wear, of Beaver Meadcw, wer'o chosen secretaries. The following were theo.appolnti;d as committee on resolu tions : jJanici iteynolds, Audenrled Andrew Rhoddy, Yorktnwn ; John Uea. rolsh,. Beaver Liinok : William Hughes, Jeanesvllle ; Evan Evans, Coleralne ; Tlios. i revenia, Heaver Meadow. Dur ing the deliberations of the committee the meeting was addressed by the Hon. Richard Williams, of Audenrled, In a calm,. earnest and sensible -speech ; then by Ii. McGarvey, whose little speech was a. conglomeration of rights and wrongs pretty tough to comprehend. Hazleton Sentinel. ., . On Saturday night about C o'clock a most cowardly raautt yvas couuultttd on Tlios, D. Davie?, of Drlfton.. Ashe was returning hointj threo ruffians named Edward MrheVer, John and James Itilev. laU of Dealer Meadow uui now living at jcouo, im waning for mm in a lonely rait of. the road and, on hU approaching then), attacked nim, Dealing nuu lernuiy witu "mines, lnHlctlng ,severe cuts, and otherwise bruising aud beating him. But happily, before thsy had completed their deadly aim, tuey were disturbed by tne nn preach of eiiuo parties who wero going to their homes, when they Immediately decamped, l),at wero caught alter a short ruu. When' D'avles was picked up lie was lnsensinic,.and could not be reeo nlieil, as he was one mass of blood The three ruffians were afterward brought before Thumas Dobison, iuslleu ot the peace,. and after a hearing were committed to Wllkes-Uarre, unless they could Hud $300 ball each. Hazletou Sentinel Do not stuplfy your Baby with Opium or Morphia mixtures, but use Dr. Hull's. J'auy Syrup whl:h Is alway safe pud reliable and never disappoints 3 cent?. Lottcr from Mnuch Clinnk. MAUCn CHUNK. Ang. :, 1S77. The prevailing strlko. still continues to bo tho all absorblng topic of conver sation, and tho questions how and when It will end ? are at tho tip ot nearly everybody's tongue. That It will end disastrously to the very class or parties who instigated It, nobody doubts ; and that'll and its. consequentprelgn of an- arphy will .neither be euuereu to last lopg nor toxtend, are predictions suf ficiently warranted by tho sound com mon sense, of the more substantial mass es, who are not yet ready for a 'divide.' Indeed, Its Inglorious, end U already Ipit a question of time Its dcnth-knctl.wai sounded when tho monster raised, its ugly head at Pittsburgh. It's doomed to die, be It easily, or In mighty Strug gles and convulsions, and the enormi ties of every hour are but calculated to hasten the period of Its existence. That military assistance has notireauy been colled''Jn Is sadly to be deplored, but let us hope that it will bo an wojmoro effectual when invoked and rendered. The patient evidently needs both purg ing and bleeding pills of lead and sabre lancets ; aud being .sick', very sick, he should recclvo Immediate at tention. .Reasoning will no longer dg, and proclamations have ceased to be anything but a piijllatlye,' Dangerous diseases fre.duentlyn,requlra desperate autldotes, .and thg . cnly, remedy at all calculated! to euro tho patient and arrest .the further, spread, of the disease, U a strong preparmum ui ieuu. .imium' Dane and scranton are said to ue uatny Infected and an extra supply of' leaden pills sadly needed there. But why sneak loucer In riddles,- Instead of point' .it's a sua state of affairs that wo havo arrived at. And can It bo .possible that this etato of things Is to continue? God forbid? Law and order must be maintained, and that they will be In thls-lmmediate vi cinity we have every reason toljelleve. That our people, aro In eat nest .upon tho subject was plainly, visible at Saturday evening's meeting fix, Oak Hall, wliei) 80 good menvatidlrue enrolled unde. the banner cf law and order lu less than 15 minutes ; indeed so fast that tho secretary of the meeting could hardly pcu tho name of volunteers as rapidly as they were announced. That these 80 aro mostly individuals wllo have seen some service in tho tented field, Is another circumstance that speaks encouragingly for tho peace and qulebot .Mauch Chunk. On Monday evening these 80 men divided Into two companies', had their first drill In the Jall-yard. . They have been drilling there every, evening since, andi com posed of the very best of oaterlal as both companies are, they will pot be long In making good soldiers, ready to sacrifice life iu the cause they have espoused. , 4 . The unexpected appearanco on last Monday morning ot fifteen Punqbscot strikers at tho Jersey Central round house caused qultet an excitement iu town when their, presence became more generally known. .A, sheriff's posse be ing taken up, tho regulators, dispersed, and the several engines departed un molested, . -, On Tuesday your correspondent en Joyed a trip to L. & U. Junction on the L. V. R. R. Co 's pay-car. He found all quiet along the line, and also,. learned tljat but few railroad men had parti cipated In the recent disgraceful nets of the mob at YVIlkes-Barre. Tuesday evening's arrival here of a L. V. It. It. passenger train with a co pious mall and heavy exptess, was hail ed with delight by all. It was the first train that ImU arrived by that line since Frjday, and brought tho firtt regular mall received here in a week. js at was.cenernny Known mat rail road communication north would be re- pened, or at least attempted, on the 1st lust., much curiosity was felt on the evening of the L! 1st Inst, respecting the probable result of the r.tternpt. This curiosity no longer exists, ns it was very generally Known, last evening that tne running or. ne trains uau been in. tenured with uy the rabble at Hilkes- Uarro, by whctrit onetiof the tragus (a help to tun the trains, as four men could easily be found where one is needed. That the late strikers are held at a fearful discount In tho company's estimation, you may Imagine, and many a foolhardy Individual who for years has subsisted on thb L. V. It. R. Co. will vainly look for future employment. Hut this will bo but serving the foolish men aright. Your enterprise In publishing a sup plement on last Mouday Is highly com mended by all here. , , TutjnsDAT P. M. Tho excitement existing this forenoon Is somewhat abating, nil having,vjdent ly made up ilielr minds to accept the situation with .becoming grace. The 11:15 ft. m. up passenger train was only allowed to proceed to l'cnu Haven Junc tion, where all passengers lor points along the branches changed trains as usual. . Business here Is alrffost'at a complete stand, the only activity being lu the lino of necessaries, which latter even are being purchased but , sparingly. True, most men strive to tako things philosophically, but a certain amount of uneasiness Is nevertheless easily dis cernible In all. And no wonder, since It Is nexti to Impossible to conjecture what a day may bring forth. Over In our sister borough much bick ering exists concerning tltO appointment by the Town Couucil of nn extra night police force otveight men, to which whether from motives ot economy or on account of sympathy with the strik ers, it would, be bard to tell a certain element there are most strenuously op posed ; henco thi bickerings. It is doubtful, however, whether their oppo sition will cause Council to revoke an order which, by all sensible persons, Is considered ns a move lu the right direc tion. On the whole it Is Just such nu opposition, and no more, than one must expect to meet with In a oue-horso borougn. - , - . xours, etc.; w. a. Latest by Telegraph. bpcclal to the CAimoN advocate. Tear up tile Track. Pittston, Aug. 3 The rioters. are tearing up tue track at this place, bav ing becomo exasperated on account of the slipping through of No. 2 passenger train on tne i,enign Valley k.r. ,. at JInncll Chunk, i Tamaqua, August 3. 250 regular troops passed through hero cn route for Mauch Chunk last night. Ml iter a at Work. nAfiBTON, Aug. 3. Coxo's mnn,nt ther Drlfton mines, resumed work this morning. r-r 1? Poor Proapeota for Reaumptlon. Jj!AsviLLK, Aug. 8 The pros pects for resumptioirof work lieroi lira very poor. 'The men will hold another meeting to-day, Still Out. UrrEn Lnmoir, Aug, 8, Tho mln' crs here are still out, with no Immediate prospect for resumption, Kcauincd Work. Jeddo, Auk. 8. Tho miners hero have. resumed work on the old basis, no concessions having been made. Strike Ended. IIazleton, Aug. 3. The strlko on the Hazleton division of the L. V. RR ended, yesterday. No trains were run on the' main -line north of Peon Haven unction. No trains were run on I,. & road, with the exception ot the Tarn- aqua Branch. down passenger) was still held( and that on the Hrtzletou branch also tiitraln Kid been Interfered with by obstructions placed on the tracic. i Ou the wlmte it appears as It a xo sumption ot. railroad traffic, without nd equate military protection, were an I in possibility; hence an almost universal yearning for the. appearance ot the miwlf.twiprlpil linva In hlnn. . . Shortly after the r'eceptl6nMo' tho news hereon aiondajr morning that-a largo procession of t(rjklug miners was Hearing Nesuuehonlng with au- evi dent desigu ot Interfering , with the wurklng miners there, Sheriff Kauden bush summoneJ a pesse for service In that quarter, and at half-patt eleven o'clock forty-one men, armed cap-a-pie, were aaseiuoie(u in irouior not). John Lelseurlug's grounds, anxiously await ing Hie order to march. But tne order did not arrive, as all fears had mean while been dispelled by u compromise according to which the miners were to cease operations, but dead work was to proceed unhindered. At 13 o'clock the posse as dismissed, the arms wern re turned to the county Jail, and Die mut- ley array ot. warriors wete soon on their way homeward, rejolciug over their ex ceeding good fortune. At this writing ( lliursday forenoon) all Is 'juiet, but the feeling anything but buoyant, ns last evening's intelli gence from both Wltkes-Uarre and Scmnton Is considered rather alarmluu Telegrams just in from tho Beaver Meadow region represent things a! rather quiet there aud the miners deter mined to resuma work If the railroad company will but furnish cars for the shipment of coal, aud as the L. V. R, It. Co, have already despatched a train iu mat direction) a speedy resumptlo lu that quarter miy be looked for. There is as yet no iudlcation that through passenger traflio will be re suiued on the h. V, R. R, to-day, as It is considered advisable to wait until the military shall be in possession ot the riotuus districts in the Wyoming region aud the safety, of all passing tralus as sured. There will then be no lack o( Kzcuraloii. On Tuesday, August 7th, a special train will bo run on tho Central Rail road of Now Jersey, from Mauch Chunk and Lehighton to Craig's Park, Lehigh Gap; to attend the Sunday School Ro nton. For tickets apply to Iter. 1. W. Ycakel John P. Kuebler, Frank Day, Charles Neast and John Swartwood,'-of Mauch Chunk, on or beforo August 4th. Tickets, round trip, 30 cents. tScnslhlo.Advico. You aro asked every day through tho columns of news paper' and by your Druggist to use Komethlug tor. Dyspcpsja and Liver uompiaint that you unow nothing about, yqu get discouraged spending money with but llttla success; Now, to glvo you satisfactory proof that Green's August Flower wilt cure you of Dys pepsia aud-LWer Complaint with all tta effects, such as Sour Stomach, Slcl: Headache, Habitual Costlveness, palpi tation of the Heart, Heart-burn, Writer-brash, coming 'lip o( food, after eating, low spirits Ac, wo'ask you' to goitd your Druggist, A. J. Durling; and get a sample uoltie or -ureen's August Flower for 10 cents and try It, or a Regular. Sle for 75 cents, two doses win renevo you. The Coal Trade. The coal trado la very much unsettled last now, but we hope and tlilnk we ete a brighter future for It, aa woll as for all most allotner traffic. This paper baa sUadllr, week by week for tbe past mouth, contended that tbe prices of coal in tbe market were lower thin tbe actual eel of prodnctlon, and that, consequently, no ni'st a'ie could bo mudo in at onco laying In the ainnly necessary for domestic uses next winter. This Buggestlon baa been followed to some con. aiuorame extent Dycunsnmors, a ine e&cosaox prodnctlon tfcis year over tbat of last yeariaa pood deal latger tban any estlmatott amonnt of coal stocked at any and all ot tbe coal centres; tne natural Intereuce, tberefoie la that tbe in creased prodoctlon baa prone Into consnmptlon. rne lmpuucy oi aeiayinff ine storage or coal lor futare nso applies as well totnoao using coal for mauufaclurloir and marine purposes rato tbuae using tbe smaller atzea In moro limited anionuta.abont tbe. booaeliold. Uur suggestion biui is. -Lay in yourcoav- tor tne eiiriy luture Indicates biitber puces. Tbe cousuraer. bv de lay, nepumes all ibe vlolssitndea, dunarrs and uncertainties thatattcud tbo AtullcJtlirlkoaftt tno miues, strikes on tbo transportation compa nies, accidents and everv description or bind, raoce bo common to tbp precarious trafllc, are all to bo taken as aitalnH tbe consumer. '1 bcro is uo probauio cnauKe mat can advantage rum, 1'bls i.aDei boa held tt!s aatne taution up tp-lta readers dnrlng all tbe pa-t season of extraordl nsitiy low prices, and beioreunv of tbe existing obstructions wete put uxoperutlou. What bus already taken place threatens a reunctlon of tbo supply of coal in the tnaifect. This obstruction may be ot abort or long' duration we hbpo and Deucve Bnori, Dut wuaieTer icnam m unions effeot will Do lo advance coal prices, wbicb will be wholly to tbe consutnero' cont. Tbeaupplr orcoulfrotu tlio region oi the Lehigb Val ey, and; to some etteut, lrom tbo moro northern cual nrias. nas peen mrgeiy snorieneu t.y tno s toppaRe of transportation on tbo LcniRh Val ley llauroad. and more or leai by obstruci'ou to that on Ibe Lebicli Navigation, ibe Central and all tbe otber coal roads across New Joi oev. The check: to. tbe current coal supply, moro than ono-lialf of which passes over tbo lines men tinned aa obstructed, wlllnatnrally qu.ctcn the nr'ees of tho leasoued uiitmej reuchlnir tbe tat go at any of tbo shipping points. The nendlug umiry-if ijifiuiai,j v,3 vi uuui uu uituu hi. nil noints about aoO.UO tons, and ut l'ertb Ambor. tbodtpotof the Loblga Valley Hullrcud. tllero are tome 13i,li tons. Ibore, tbo largest ftmnmiLi ac illinium? nomts. &ra nnt nninnin tho bucaot compared with tho,, current supply oi coal, i no ncnuyjsiii uuev ih now tne only mm nem navinir emireir unocstLUCLpa inter- tourso with tbo seaboard and tho larger matk. eta ol the country. It la true that evim tbcte acllvupreci-atlonls'Kept up to shut off any In terruption .toot may,, be attempted. ' umall Knuudi of tbe Coul ana Iron uollod lorro hare been dropnoit at various point throatbout the region, tne whole betug for, a.ttrue supported I7 military ne.u 10 reapxva. ' xoe Meaning liau IoadCouipauy In the meantime is sending for ward all tbo coil 1 tioeci pie. rrlcea ol coal ore firmly maintained all arouud, aud. Bbould a bopcu-tor advance bo realized tbe company will have the flraL advantage, and. bono moro than flltv cents u ton, will foot1 a hand. some aggregate, wbicb, for I be convcnlcpco ana credit ol that company, could better, timed. Hue all tbe rual cun names must. aeon. er or later.benebt front tbo tame coiiitnon cause production. At tho ctope ot tho past week tho geneiat market for coal waa decidedly llrmer operators, aa well as coal cntnuaniea declined coutractS' for the, lniuro delivery 'of coal ui the uricA current for Juno and Jnlv. Indeed. tbe latest Information ftom New York is that; i, 1 Notices. BLKMI8IIES UrON"'Tllli FElHtflNlfl COUNTENANCE, If of a completions! na. ture, apeedllv vanish wben OMsNN'ij hTjL. I'HUB SOAP Is used to obliterate them. Inn. plea. Blotches, lloughneas, lledneas and Tun are ilnvanaoly banished by this iccomparabio clsnlymg agent. Kiustfve ailment, sores, cuts, bruises, scalds, and otber aOccUona and lnjarlenof tbe cntlclo are likewise removed by it. bULl'llDIl BATHS nave long been re nowued aa tbo best remedy for skin disoavca. .rheumatism and gont. ULuNN's oUI.l'HUU i.-ufti is iu rverr respeci as euicucions, ana iar cheaper. Sir opcnli g the pores, and promoting a vigorous aupetuciai circutauon,iniBocciejiL article contributes to the health of tbe enllrd system a veil aa to tbat ot tho cuticle., bluer, lu Introduction lopubllo notlco It baa repeated ly been commended uy tbe medical profession anil press, and law external apecmes nave won bucIi-'-'golden opinions" among all classes. It ;n events omioxious diseases as well aa rcmedie them. and disinfects clothtngand linen Impreg nated with dlaeasQ, liaodniff is entirely eudi catedby It, and Its u-o la, on tbat account. fircaily to bo desincrated by persona whose balr sihinnlng out In conscgjleuce ot dryness .of the scalp. Thoao who liavu ued ointments and liquids without 'nvall fertheenreof ernptlona ot nn otistinate cbsraeter.. will had, It tbev try it, tbat arasNN'MjiULl'llVlt BOAT leraovea acorbntto complalnts'irremcdtnble by less cfO nolous me ins, ,nna prevents the icourranoa of auch disorders. , v Kolilbr DrucglMo, Grocers and rancv Goods DoiUeis. l'rloe. Hp, nor cake. I Pox (3 c toy 75c., sent br mall., prepaid, on receipt of price. C. N. 'CBITTKNTO.t, I'ropT, 7 Blxtll ATcnuo, New York ' JtiLL'a lUia a.nd Wiiiskeu die. B'nck or Brown, 6M. . Jnly7,n;7.f T-r'AlB AS HED AS TUE LAMB OF A1 VOLCAXr, -"or whlto as the dead moss on a Florida hetrl lock, can be changed to a gloi Ions brown or lustrous black by a single application ui HILL'S INSTANTANEOUS Hair and Whisker Dye". , , r - ii. Sold by CrngglW at SO Cents per Box. July 7, 1S77-K pricea there had bceuou Friday advanced fifty ceuia per um. jb.rti tun,, laiuiiiuruuvuiy nuiuii advance added to -the remalnuer cf the year's The Mllltnry In Iiuxerne. " Whkes-Uahue, August 3. Matters were quiet In Luzerne county yester day, owing to the presence of the troops under Governor Hartrauft and General Drinton. The latter, Is, at Scran ton with furce stated at 3000 men, -add the Governor Is, at Kingston wit hi 1000 men. Altogether, it is said mere -are SUOO troops In the county. Tho tract: f the Lacltawanna and liloomshurg Railroad was torn up and obstructed In several places to prevent the passaga of the troops, but the attempts were un successful. An effort wjll be made to. day to reopen travel on tho upper por tion of the Lehigh Valley Railroad. ' If New Advertisements. THE SEASIDE LIBRARY. CHOICE BUOKSno ion cor for.tha.few only. Tbe beBt atandard novola within the teach of overy one. Books usually aold from 91Uo V3 glveu (unchanged and unabridged) tor 10 and SJ cents. 1. JJAST IVNNE, By Mrs Henry Wood, (Doable Nn.) SM. S. JOHN HALIFAX GENT., By Miss Mulook 2'o. 3. JANE EYllU, By Charlotte Bronte, LDoubhi No.) SOo. 4. A WOMAN.IIATER, cbarloi Beade'a now nbvel 206. 5. Tim JlbACK INDIES, Jules Verna'a latest.., inc. . Last DAYSOFPOMPEII.UyBul'Ter 10c. 7. ADAM BBUE, By George Knot. (Don. SO). 8. TnC AlllJNDEL MOTTO. By Mary Cecil Ifay 10c, 0. OLD MVDDEI.TON'S MONEY, By Mary Cecil Hay 10c. JO, THE WOMAN IN WHITE, By Willie Collins 30c, Jl, THE MILL ON THE FLOSS, By Oee. Eliot SOc. 12. THE AMERICAN SENAIOR, By An. inony '1'rouopc vjo, 13 APHlfiUKSS OF.THULE, By William ,. tnack.. 2eo. 14 THHJliSAD 8EOKET. By WUklo Col- itna..T.., 10c. 15 noMOLA. By George Eliot. (Double o.)..... 1J. THE ENGLI8U AT TIIK NOR'IU 1'ULE AND HELD Ot ICE. in one boon, llv Jules Vorno . 10c 17. niDDENl'EItlLS. By Mary Cecil Hay 10c. 19. BAHllARA'a 11I8TOIIV. By Amelia u. Cdw.rua 20C. 19. A TEHItlBLE TEMI'TATION. By Cbarlea lloade 10c. 29. OLDOUlUOSITY SHOP, By Charles ..mckena 3 0. 21, roUL PLAY. By Charles Iteade....... 10c. 21. M N A?JD WIFE. By Wllkie Collins., toe. si. -iuis hijuiiie's LiiUAUY. By Mary Cecil Uay p& For sale by all Booksellers and Newadeatera,' or aeut, postage r.repaid on receipt ot price,, by GEOIIOE MUNHO. I'UOLlhltKU, P. O. Box 6.-37. 21, 23, and S3 Vamlewater St., Aug. 4, 1877. , NEWYOBK. t0 AVU0M IT MAY CONCERN. All persons are hereby forbidden to IniVsrfere, 6r metldle with the following Articles an1 Crepe on the premiBos ot L. KKllN, li : I00O bonvea 01 uye, two ooeavea or wneai, a 'rona oi ut 1 pair Bob Hleds, 1 tpiing Wagon. 1 Biclgbi JEltl-.MlAlX KEUN. also, all the Oats. Ccrnrotatoev. abd Cabbage in tne ground tne same neina my vropenj. pioductlon hence td tbe end ot tbe Beaspir, Borne Utteen wieas. estimailng a proJiltlloa ot490,(00 tonaner woelc. alrea an nittfreirate ol six and tbiee-qnailer milliona of tons, on which tbe nan U"llor per ion lucroae iu piico iocrrtuu tbe amount to coal producera nnd cattlera.f J, M5,00. Half of tnis very large Mini wuuldno lar to relieve many parties and Interest now rrlftntRrt In thft trndo. Tim noliov of tbo Read. Ing Jlallroau Company la to crowd aa much of ltacoallnto market aa possible and fastaspos slitln. va see 11 atalfcd that tbe New York: agent 'ot ibe company (riven 200.100 tona aa the aaiea jiaue vj mo compauv ibbi. wre., nuu ui if Ibcie should be a general resuptlon of coal opcratiouaatonce, 7410 nnces biiu iu uiaopin. Ion; would aitvauce, ana II luteimptlon should continue would go much bighef than at prer.ent contnaplated. Tbe pteeeui. advauco 11 roust. However, bo, w , o name extent apeculatlvi', though there la good reason to he neve tbat moat otlt will hold. Ledger, Mon day. 1 Ibe followln stable show? the quantity of coal :eaoyer tue iemaii vpuer itaiuuau ior ini work eudiug J uly 26tP, 1977 and tor tne year as compaiea w.iu me auuio timo mnbycar i Very IlardVcme. A very hindsome monument has Inst been erecteJ on our cemetery for the leniz qua unwinau iamity, uv air.' Richard Collins, the marble cutter, of Jlauch Chunk. The material used in Its construction Is Richmond grey gran ite, quarried near Richmond, Va., and which fonbuauty and durrtoillly .is unsur passed by r.ny other stone. There are live pieces in the monument: llase, sub-base, die, cap and. shaft, the whoto uelng feet in Height, and weighing lu tons. Tne cost of tbls beautiful munumeut, complete, is $1500,. air- Collins has la his possession a number of beautiful designs ot monuments taken from the cemeteries of New York, 'Ioston and l'hlladelphli, which he will be pleased to exhibit to parties desiring to decorate their cemetery lots. Sunday School ,lte-unlou- A reunlm of all the Evangelical As. soclatlon Sabbath Schools, of the old Carbon Circuit, consisting of all the schools of ParryvPle, lierllnsvlllu and Slatlngtou Circuits, Welsspoit Station, Lehighton and Mauch Chunk Missions, and the Mahoning school, will be held on Tuesday, August 7th, 1877, lu Craig's Park, at Lehigh Gap. OnntR of EXEBCIsEa. 10:33 to 11:33 a. ra. Cblidten'a Ueeuug. to be adareaaed by J. o. 1 ebr, W. H. Weiuner, I. J. lle.u aud W. U. etas. liti a. m. toSn. m.. Recreation. 2 to S p. m.. Special services lor Sunday School Woikera. 1. T.,e Importance ot tbe Sunday Scliool Work 1. ' Knerr. 2. Tbo Qualifications of bunoay Hcbool Workers Win. a.Romlg. 3. How to Work I. W. leakel. 4 tom Reward lor the Work J. K. Kuerr. 3 to 3:20, upeoial del vicea liir Parcuta and the Agrd I'eopiii, to be oddrewod by H. Nclti and Hi T,Lttt(r.r. 4 iu 4.10, A General aathttinjc fbr Parting h'tnt. ltwiHntia Prnm. Vf-k. Wyoming l3,5t0 01 Huiietou 31,319 09 Upper Leblgh Rearer Meadow 092 rd Mahanoy S.IC1 07 Mauca Chunk;. Total... Last Year.. Increase..., Decrease... CI.44S II 110,710 IB 53,3211 IS Year 7C13I7 12 1,227,101 07 613 OO 333.311 17 313,647 15 6.8IU 13 2.C9 1,705 04 2 23I.V1U 03 (12,151 19 Closing Prices of DeIIaves & Towri'- bend, Stock, Government and Gold 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia,' August 2nd 1877. U. Wh. ISel 112 bid I12U askeci U. H, 6-M's, lC5 J. & J....I00V bid lutvaakca ll.'Bi S20'a. 1807 1081, bid loft asked o . M. 3.20'a, 180S I11M bid HIH asked U. Krl0-4(i'a 112k bid 113 asked U.M. t'urrencv.S'a 124H bid 123 . asked U. S.6' ISSI, new KWIt bid lOOTiJaaked U"H. 4H'a. new toss bid icwij asieu roiinsylyanla 11. 11 23S bid :b asked Phtla. Heading 11. It 131( bid I2l asked LrhtgU Valley It. It 33 k bid SJlj aaked lblgbCoai j ov. Co.... 17V bid HH asked UnltediCompanlesof N. J.t:s bid 120V aakrd Pitta., Tltuav..&llnir. H h'd 7 asked rblla. & l-.rie It. It 7 Sid 74 aaked l,.ithi-rn Prntral u. It 13 old 131, aaked lIetonviiie rasa, Co. It. uin im asaca II 40 bid 4 Ik aaked Gold IZ bid 103H aakrd Near Millport, L. Tovtamcnaing ft p.. Jnly 2S-31 Carbon county, JSSIUNEK'S SALE. f By virtue ot an alias order ot the Cnttttof. Common Pleaa ot Carbon County, the following, HEAT, ESTATE, belonclnff to WILLIAM A.. ZEI'JENVUH at the. date ol hla.nsugnment.. wll'. be otfored for sale on the premises. In the' TOWNSHIP Of FRANKLIN, In tbe Bald. County, on , .) , ' t Monday, August GtL," 1877, At 2 o'clock, P. M; ; All that certiln mfceauago. or Three Tracts nt Lnd, aituaie m the TOWNSHIP ol F11A K LIN, In Bald County of Carbon, Pa., aa toilowa, to wit I , Fibst. All that certain Lot orPiece of Land, bounded hv landa of Edward Uelas. Thomaa Borwort, 'Daniel Senainger and Daniel Bolt, containing 3 Acres aud 129 Patches, more or, second. All that certain Tract of Land, lying along tin.' Publlo Boad leading from Weiasport to tbe Pine swamp, and oonUlulog, 15 Square petchea, mora or less, t , ' ' ninn.HAll thnt Tract of Land, bounded by lands of Sarah Frltzlnger and a pubUo road, containing 92 Percue, mure or leas. , The Imnrovementai thereon are a Bw ELL. INO HOUHE. 13121 leetl a STAUIjK, 13x29 leet.andotnerouiuuiimnga. . rrTCrtMR ,nnn.tblnt ot tbe nnrcbasa runner to he iiald down at ado t one third lu 6 months from conurmallon of aaie. and one-third In a 'eat from aaia connnnauoir, witu interest, on he unpaid balance from said oonllrma'ion. Aasignee, &c MARUIt.D, WERTMAN TORKXNCE -On the Ulh tof or July, ur iif v, Auranara itarmoioinew, mi. Davio A, wertraD,uf Lynn townnMp. .L&Mab bonlug towDiniv, Carbon county. Zf MMEUMAI OEOllOE. On tho M Car ot Julv.oy, ine name, itf Auicaz.immtsuvaau my, bcnuriKiu couuiy. DIED, OEItBEItOn the 23th day of Jnne. la West 1'enu. Elltabctn. w.ta ot boionion ueruer, aged 39 years audio aura. Klinrt. On the 29th dav of July. In LeblEbton. Baron Ann. daughter of Jubu and Catuariue liucb, age-1 23 yeats, I mouth aud 3 Java, , TIIOM t'SON. On tbe29tu nit . In East Mauch cnunic, Mary jane, wtooi iiiiaa lucmpaou, in tlio tviu ycarui uor aw. If you need anything In tho pilnt Ins line. It will nay yuuUo call at tbli olHce before ordejlnir elsewhere. Plain ' and fancy Job printlD8 at low prices. By tho Conrt t T HOS. KEMERER. rrotuonotary. T 0 WllllM IT MAY CONCEBX. All iwriMii are hcrebT forbid meddtlna; with one Horse and M' waoon. now la posaeaslou of tlEOBQE LINCY, of Parryvilie, Carbon Conn ty,Pa.,aa tbo same la our property. ItOMlO & HOFPOUD. July 21, 1S77-JW" uaiauion. m. SKYDEie, llCALEa IS Ladies' Fancy Dress Gpods Dry Goods, Groceries, c., Bank Street, LEniGnTON, Paj price. aa low aa etaewhcre. an! coVifla war. ranted aa represented. ,Jnly21.tOTrCm FRED. KELLEY , Announcea lo lhpUI'le of Leblahtpn andTlcui Uy thatbalireparodtoBupply thttn with every artlc.e ot ' Ilousonirnlslilnrr Tinware, ' A't very lovreat prices l alee,' Roofing and Spouting, In all lie hranchea, promptly attended to at pricea luily aa low a tbo lowest., (lire me a caij. KTOftni Oppoalte the Poblle Square, BANK BTflHKa. milium, ra. July 21,'17-iT BUSINESS MEN AND OTHETtS IN WANT IW JOB PBINTINO l)P ANY DESCRIPTION. WILL IINIITIIEOAUBON AI1VOCAIK U1'F1CE,TUE ULST and CHEAP , KT PLACE IN THE COUNTY., GIVE US A TIIIAI, AM) HK 4.0NVINOUU,