Society McotlngN. Ixnnro oistlk, No. js, a. o. K. or Tire M. C. 2nd and 4tb Monitor ot each month. In Ho. Int'iiidl, LenUbton, at 7i30 o'clock r. M, W.-K. Benninrer, B. K. 0.1 8, lUiQUnau). i . t. X. R. a. CIJlDXX HOTTED LODQX. No. 666, I. O. O. P.. meets every Tuosday evening, at 8 o'clock, In ileber' nail. Alfred "Deck,jS. 0. M. D. lleber, Secretary, "MaTTConw Tsmz. No. 232. Imp. O. of It. jr., . meet In Reber'. llall every Bntnrdav. It. ' L. Qaegu.. Baxhem i O. W, Delhi, c. ol II. ro'no Pool Tribe, No. 171, Imp. o. n. M meet on Wednesday evening of eacn week, at 7:30 o'clock. In Publlo bohool Hull, Welsspnrt, Pa. C. W, Schwab, 8. Jao. Brong, C. of It. tlwonTOH Lodoi, No. 231. K. of P., meets on JTlday evenings, in Keber's Hall, at 7:30 o'clock. R. Oanmcr, C. C. T. it. Ilatclltr, K. of It. and H. Advertising RatcH. We deslr. It to be distinctly understood tbat Ve. advertisements will be Inserted In the col nrana ot the cabbo.h Advocate that may be -lelved from unknown parties or flrtna nnlcss accompanied with tnoUASU. The following are nr oslt terms, Advertisements for 1 year, per Inch each Insertion 10 Cts. ' nix Months, per Inch each Insertion n cts. " Three Months. ' 20 Cts. " Less than three months, first inser tion 1 1. each subsequent Insertion 23 Cts. Local notices 10 centa ver line. . n. V. MOHTn.IMEn,rnbll'stior. pt R. B1EWERS, DISTRIOr ATTORNEY' COUNSELLOR , AT LAW 0 Fries, Mo. Mansion House, MATJUII CHUNK. PA. Battling Estates. Films' Accounts and Orf bans Conn rraouoe a specialty. r . i I' Trial ot Canses careluliv attended to.i Lciral .Iran, actions In English and GcrnMn. Jail 8. SATURDAY MORNINQ, JUL! 28, 1877, Local and Personal. , There will b'a no 'fafr beld at Eas- ton this year. ,, . Slate ulilpraeuta from Slatlngton are quite brisk. ,, The corn is looking unusually fipo. w There are 105 prisoners la the Schuylkill county ill. The rolling mill at Catasauqu& was re-started last week. , The slate trade la and about Bath 1 at present at a very low ebb, r , . Nice to ruq iroUtid after locals Vitli the thermometer, at 98 la ttie sliado; .. " Jlm-jama " Is a vulgar word j "James preserves' Is moru elegant. , Wllkes-Bayrfl.wlll keep the centen nial of the Wyoming massacre July 3, 1878. , , , l A lady pf farrylllb picked two iies mis aummer ironi trees in uer yaru. Some fine races will come off over tte Rlttersyllle, Prlvlng l'nrk In Au gust. The pufses will aggregate twelve hundred dollars. . Hats and caps In every .variety of .style and quality, at T. D. pfauss' mer fCbant tailoring establishment, at prices to suit everybody. ,. F. J. Stettler, of.,sl'atlngtgb, lias Jjecn cliosen as teaclier .of tl;o..,UI?li Sclio61 In tbat place. The coming one Will be bis third term. -T- T). Clauss'tha tailor, liaa last re sumed from thecitji, and Is bow open .log an entirely" new itock ut spriDg oods. Call and Sep thciq. , 'WIf you owe for tlila. pa,per, we twould be please If you woiild remit tlie amount now. Wo need money "muchly" at this time.1 , j.r-; Beautiful I When you go to Mauch .bunk, don't fall to call at E. F. Luck ' cpbach'a near Broadway House, and tee bis beautiful wall paper, &a. t 7u uce(i anything In the print ,lpg line, It will pay you to call at this ,ofl)cp before ordering elsewhere. FJ;tii and fancy Job irlntlug at low prices. v Tremendptis slaughter In ladles, gents,' youths,' and chlldrens' boots, ahoesrtnd galpcrs, at T, D, Clauss,' liauk street, LeblgUton. Call now I , The evenings inro now very pleas ant, and David, iibbqrt Is always pre jwred to.furnlsli.teanis at low rats far drives tlirough our beautiful valleys. r.niinsp.l.fnr Allpn H. Inrn"! if.. te'nd'to r'e,tltlqu the.Gqvernor to appoint o commission 19 inquire into anu ueter inlneas'to the sanity of the prisoner, , A. NlghU Blooming Ceres, at the resioence 01 uir..aiiu fars. u. 11, sweo iiey, In this place, on Tuesday and Wednesday e,yen,lngs; attracted a large numoer 01 our citizens to view us ueau ties. T. K. Blckcrthan still a few of those 'eligible lots In KIckertBtqwn to dispose ome call ana see him lie Is also up- plying tlour,feed, lumber and coal at tho Aver'yiicavysbo.wer.accompanleQS, ,"He,vi ,L- V'""fr wl" '?vo se,r; V itit.r- o.i.. n-ii.iJl , lvlces nt So t's on Suudav niurn 111. nt 1f by ten lb 1 0 flaJhej.ot lictitnlnii and Jietury penis pi, uiunuer, passea over mis J -..-s ,- -' vw..,iu Church was struck, by lightning, but sustained little damage. , , STote r goocf.tlme to put In your ;wlntei coal', the (rice now being fully bb low as It will be- Semmel & Gabel bare Just received $00 tons, which they are celling Vety. low. Call and leave your orderand Icaru prices. ur nml Xfnifa'ltnnn eommenped tile carriage, manufacturing pusinesa A,- uucKmaira ,qij stand, and lnr,U0 ptjttonage. ,.S8 their advi-r tlsemont Id another column, jusd then fflve thtm ajiharfl nf vnttr nrfrrfl. . T. D. Clauss, thOjfjjerjhant tailor la now jecelvlug, an immense stock of eprlng aqd 8ornnle.retylf a of cloths, cas altneres.aqd. vesting which, he Is pre pared to make up la flie last fashion v very popular prices lor . r-Oent'if ftlrnTshlDC goads.- eomnrtii jig white and colored shirts, under. year, collars, neck'tlee, &e;, n Immense WMWWi .ana at prices lower than sjrer Ifeforef .Offered, .at T. D. Clauss' perehant tjaiorlng" establishment, Bank street, Eehlgliton. , un tne ott,prnopn ot Thursday the barn of Reuben Reipsmlth, adiolnlng tjie Relgel farm, In Mahoning Valley, tjpok Are and was, entirely destroyed with lis contents, Including 0110 horse If success depends upon health, surely, health depends upon pure blood. Dr. Bull's Blood Mixture maintains the blood In a state of purity, and health Is the result. Rlcha'rd Collins, the marble cutter, ot "Mau'eli Chunk, Is raising a very handsome monument In our cemetery for the Lentz-Uauman family. The shaft Is of granite and Is S3 feet la heigbth.i The Centennial Slate Company has now on hand. ;1,000 squares of their cel ebrated Guarantee Blue Hoofing Slate, which they will sell at lowest market prices. For further particulars, address F. P. Senimel, Seo'y, lielilRhtoa, Pa. The Sunday school children of tho Packcrton M. E. Church will give an en. tertalnment, on Tuesday evening next, July 81. Admlssjnu. 10 cent. Tho exercises will consist of recitations and singing by the children assisted by the choir. Patronize the little ones I Daniel Graver, of the Bee hive Store, having Just rcturnsd Pom New York, Is now opening a new and ele gant stock of ladles' drrss goods, dry goods, groceries, &c, which ho is offer inn at unprecedently low prices. v J.I0 Invites the ladies to call and cxaniino goods before making their purchases elsewhere. Mr. Henry Ilarklns, of Ilazleton, Pa., was seriously Injurpd Thursday morning while at work In tho rock tun nel at No. G, Stockton. lie was in the net of tnmplng a shot, when by some means, It was prematurely discharged. His face, orms, and hands ore severely burned, and he will no doubt lose his left eye. He Is also badly bruised on both sides and badly cut In several places. He Is under treatment of Dr. Fruit. Sentinel. Mothers will ,crow weary tnd sigh over the responsibility that Baby places upon them, but they have the high pri vilege of shaping a character for useful cess. The exercise of patience and the preservation of Baby's Ueiltli by tho proper use of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup will give them great present comfort pud prospective happiuess. 25 cents per bottle, . The D.elaware and Hudson Canal Company, It appears, has not yet taken f.ny action In reference to the reported contemplated mortgage for 10,000,000 on their coal lands. If the inoitcage is negotiated It is.sitld tlipt 8."5.COO,000 will be devoted to eeburlng tluU amount of debentuio bonds outstanding, and which contain a stipulation that In case any mortgage should be Issued upon tho coal lahds thesq bonds, should be In cluded. Tho remaining W,000,000..l3 for such purposes as '.lie company may deem necessary. , , The North Pennsylvania Railroad Company announces a dividend of three per cent., payable in fcript, bearing no ipterest, and convertible Into the capi tal stock of tlie company when pre septed In sums of tidy dollars. The script so issued will bu deliverable) on the 23th ot August, and convertible any time thereafter.. The tiausfer books, of tho cqmpany close August 1, and the dividends will be credited to Hie stock- Iioldvrti as thuy luay stand registered un hat day. -The Crane Iron, Co., ot Gatjisau- qua are at presenthaving constructed tnree Wllltwell not lilast ovens an English inventions which Is said to be fur superior to tie constructions now In use 111 this country uy iron luniiuiac- turers. Three advantages are claimed for,this Invention: First, a treat savini! qf fuel, H3 the ovens will make a ton of run with a ton of good fuel; second, it ncreases the productive capacity of the furnace about twenty-five per cent, j miru, tno ovens win jast twenty years wmi out sllglit repairs. The first two of these Items, it Is estimated, will pay fur the ovens in a single year. Olg Creek Items. Corn grows rapidly. Green fruit should bo avoided. Peaches have come Into market. OhesdmlB will bu plentiful tljls j ear. Business still continues very dull. The hay crop Is quite large this year. Tho potato bug Is becomlnu scarcer every day. hat has become ot tho Stemlers- vlllo band. The house-fly Is very troublesome again lu the country. Tho greater part of ths oats crop has been cut this week. Watermelons and cantclopes will soon put la nn appearance, Farmers have luid nleasant weather me past two weess to get In their crops. vices at Suit's on Sunday murnlug at 10 o'clock. The Salem's Sabbath School of this place Intends to make a change in. slug, -lntf bonks fchnrtlv. ' . " We notlcad Mr. Mantz, prppr'Jet'or ot the Exchange Hotel at Ltb'lgbiuu, pass our place for n pltasure drive on Sunday afternoon. Potatoes will do well tlilyear ln some places, while Ihoso planted on more elevated soil will not do so well on account of tho dry season, Mr. Win, Sl coibereer, of this place. requests, ."Revere" to sav that he has harvested yeat 270 shock, nr 7,700 sheaves of rye, and at thy same lime calls upon some 01.0 to beat, that. A camp meeting Is to be held ner'r istemlersville., under tlieiauspices ot the jEvangellcal,Assoclatlou (l'arfyvllle cir cuit), to begin .On Aunust 20th We shall say moie abou It In our next let ter. , Poultrj at his place Is selling at T-lc per lb. ; butter from 20 to 25c, ; eggc ut ific. pf,r do., ; hay at lfolu $12 to S13 per t,m. Those who need hay for this winter would do well to lay In their stock, (or tho price of It will not remain so much longer. Reveue, Bio Crsk. JnlyM, 1S77. Jodffe LivlDfnton of Lanoaster. sdrliiDd the prison Mitthorl let of tbHt county uoi to receive d.ff.rtdt maristiates, aud promised that he wouhVsnsuin them in this acupu. Tne jude reuftathe workhouse as the Proper place lor this tins pi offaoders. f T r Letter from Jlnucli Chunk. MAUCU cnusK, July 16, 1877. That tho.ono thing uppermost In tho minds ot our peoplq should bo the, since yesterday, prevailing strlko on the Cen tral Railroad of New Jersey, is but natural; for so long as similar move ments affected only places at a dlstanco, nobody seemed particularly to care. But already the question is nsked, Will tho employe? of the Lehigh Valley Rail road Company follow the example set' them by tho men on tho other road ? a question (Which Is answered cither In tho udlrn.atlvo or negative, according to tho sentiments of ths individual .In terrogated.. However matters triy termi nate, tho Lehigh Valley Railroad lias, for tho time being, at least, .already ceased to be a trunk lino, as Its business since the beginnlujt ot the week has been of a purely local unture. - Tho Jersey Central men v'entiout quietly, with a p!edge;tothe public that they will at all times bo.lound ready to defend tho company's property. Tho suspension of railroad traffic-was, of course, followed by an entire e'u3peiislon of all mining operations In Pantlier Cjcek Valley, where, to avoid all dim pUIUe3 or destruction of property on the, part of ill disposed persons, a majority o. 1 lie.. more reliable class ot men have n panlzed vigilance committees, whose members are now guarding the L. & W, Coal Company's bteakers and other property.) and lu this they are wNe, as any other course would buonly ton like ly to seriously Interfere with their futuro pruspects., Ever since early in the morning efforts have been making by Superintendent Folhctnus and Sheriff Jtauuenuusn loinausetuo men on striKo to move or suffer the removal of trains accumulated here, but up to this tlmo (0 a. 111 ) without success. Passenger trafllc on the Tamnqua brahcliand on tho main line south continues unln terrupted, and tho trains containing few passengers, however arrive and depart nearly on time, y Mauch Chunk, always quiet and or derly, Is decidedly so now ; In fact It lj hi most too quiet for endurance. But this may only bo tho calm before the storm, and it would be useless to deny that considerable uneasiness exists In the community at large with regard to the future. On the whole, however, all clas-cs are agreed In this that, happen what will, they will see to It that order Is maintained in the town. Generally speaking, discreet; men keep silent, while fools prate hhout what they are going to do if this or tbat should come to pass. , Tho brass cannon which had hitherto been kent In the rear of tho county house, was last night removed to the town arsenal the cuunty laii. in uusi ness matters all is quiet, nobody seem- liielv carine nor expecting to do much , Tho funeral of the late John Shields of East Mauch Chunk, who was accl dentally bhot on the 10th liist. by Thos. Patton at Bristol, Pa h took place, tills forenoon, with the contrite P,uttoU nmong the chief mourners. . Tio.,re mains of Shields weio taken .to Lattry town, whitlicr they were followed by a large.cortege. 3. P. M Affairs along tho L. & S. Division are rapidly assuming their former slinpo, coal trains running up and down Panther Creek Valley us usual, ereatly to the iny of the many boatmen lieio waitlni.' for enruoes. It was, however, only after much dllllcul ty that a sutlkieut number of men were secured to man the lialns. The de- paiture nf the Tamanend freight was btoully leslstea by the striKing uraKe- men, and they only succeeded 111 sunt Itii'.tlie train on arrival of Sherilf ltau dcubush apd,a number of C. & I. police, who dispersed the turbulent brakenien. 'It's 111 ylpil that blows nobody cood." and while It promises to furnish them all the Irelght they maydesiie, the railroad strike is considered n reuular God-send by tho masters of boats in thd basins. Loading Is miiru brisk at Coal port than it has been for some time, ami will continue to while the railroad en lite shall last. The strikers are evl dtntlv doomed to como out second best perceiving which they uru pulllim down tlrvtr pledges to protect Hie company's property and now threaten that, lu case of nt, emergency, they will leave the corporation to defend It themselves, Poor corporation I But, then, who wouldn't. feel sore about It" Left to the-iisclves, and wanting the sympathy ol bull) the citizens xua miners, no winder they should grow desperate and threaten all sor.s.or vengeance. A lad uaiued James Feeley, of Mil ford, N. J., beloimlng nhoaid ot.o, boat IvIiik In Cattish Pond, wlnll utteiuptlng to cross tho railroad track nheail of a backing tiKn wus, to day, run over and Iti'iiintly killed near the Coalport 6chutes. C"tule Jjjchlafskl, .employed on the repair gang .01 1110. jwhcii uacit ran road, about.noou .was run over by trues; und so. severely injured that he canuot survive. --The Aincrlcan IVopIe.-rKo pco pie in the world suffer as much with l)yspepia a& Amtrlcaus. AHhouti ytais of experience In inptliclno had failed to nccomplish a certain ftut-&uie remedy for tills dUeate atul,.IU eCTccU. sucli as bur btomacli. heart bunitwater .brntth, sick headache, coatlveuess, pal pitation of the, heart, liver coptptalnt, coming up of (lie loud, low spirits, gen efftl tlfbliUy, ote., Jet hlnco the. Intro ductlou hf CJRiiiiN'a August Flowek we believe. there U nocaef Dy&pepaia that caucot be imtnedlately relieved. tiO.OOQ dozen told last year without one or failure reported. Go to your Drugulat A. J. Durllug, and get a sam ple bottle for 10 cents and try It. Two clones v11! relieve you, llegular size 75 cents. iCxtcurloii. On Tuesday, August 7th, a epeclal train will be run un the Central Hail road of New Jersey, from Mauch Chunk and Lehlliton to Craig's L'ark, Lehigh Gap, to attend the Sunday School Ile- union. I'or ucuets apply to ltev. 1. V. j Yeukel Juhu P. Kuebler. Frank Dav. Charles Iteagt and John Swartwoodof t MauclCilunk( on or before AugUBt 4th. rri-w, '-rtM,i tsi,; n t, 6 I MCKets. round trip, SO cents, Jury I,lst. TJt ot Traverse Jurors drawn to servo at an adjoaraed eesnon'ot Jane Term, to bj beld on tne diet Monday in September, 1877 1 Anthony, Lcttls, farmer, To,V7.amonslna-, Atner, Join U.. cleric, Mnuon:ng Ilcltz, Diivid, lnnltcpner Franklin, lirown, Sylvester, depot teudor, U. Sr. Cbnnk. Uehler.Wm , Innkeeper, Franalln. Hoi tr, Cbatles, ml. runner, Mnncli Ctmnk twp. Ueer. Jonas U.. farmer. Towamenlng., beer, oeoiB-e, laborer. Towamorsinir. Buckalew, William, clrr, Bontli Jilddcr. llurffcs. K. C. snpt., Wolssporm -Cortrigbt, N. 1)., Jr., coal dealer, M'b Cbtmk, Caivin, Itnbcrt. t-urpenter, ilnucb Cbunc. DeLong Divio, farmer, Kan I'onn. Ksser, Daniel J.f tinsmith Mauch Cbnnk. Fri'z, Charles, carpeutcr. eaqoohonlng. Frlsoie, V. e.'., Ju.llcn. .Mauch Chunk. I'lceman. II. i,., raipsnter, Winthcny. Clrecti, Juhn, clerk. .taucn Clmuk. lleilmau. Uoso, luerchxtit. Lchiiriiton. Hurlemau, Kdwln, etmlneer. Woitherly. Kuakel, Henry, foreman, .south Kidder. Kline, Charles, merchant, Landlord. KecJE Charles, laborer, Coalpnrt. r-ntz, (Jeorce W , moulder. Weatherlv. AtcOorry, Owen, miner, Nesqueoainif. Muuecau. I'jitrlck, laUcrer, Jo-n.ueuouing. Mflrklev.Tilghiiian, snoemaker, t.-r.inklln. Muso.ium, J, W., nicrchatit, I-eulfihton. o-hstetu, John, merchant. -Mahoning. leigerwflii. uowin, mrmT.-Mi'uoiiing. lOCncr. Wlllixm hlacsttilth I'nckerton. tipeucer. William, sunt., Ijiuoiunft. Wanse Oeo..r., carpenter. U. M'li CBnnk. Wniter, T. Fianir, operator. Alauch t'huuk. W'asoer, lteubon, faimer, Towumonslng. List of Orand Jurors drawn for OcloberTorro, commencing October 8. lit lleer, lie Jamln, farmer, TowamenMnir. llehrn-, Fia., tawyer, I'enu Fiuesc Cruwioid: ltoboit, coniluctot-. Uummlt Hill. uaws josepu. siuaio ouss, j-ansioiu. Urumholicr, Nutlinn. bos., Liesiord. 1-hert. uwen. c cik. Munch t-'liun. Graver, Iijriei.ine.-chant. Beaver Meadow. uecKDiHn, juu.i 1 , lauorcr. Aiaucu CLUuk. Hon). William, farmer. -Mabcnhitf. .auehner. Ailain. farmer. 3tn,itnilnn-. Licateuwtlter, David Tow-umeiiBiiig. Lnbeeu. iicniy. cxpiostlilver, M'ii chunk. Mcouivev, Hush, inltier lleaver Meiuluw. Mcuiu,y, Julno, innkoi-iier, Lausanne. Meincl.. 0 carpenter, U. MaiuU Cimn. McClosky, M , mcrctant, Uenver Meadow. ru;bauiu. J. T , incrchaut, Lehnrhion. l'Glt., I'til.lp, caiptintcr, Laus.ont. ltauch. Wmmiii, laborer, South Kidder, Ktnker. Oliver, cutriuecr. l-nri-i-vtii,,. bchucii, I'hilip, huoAsler, tiant l'enn. fcoit. Thomea, carpenter, Lcblgu twp. Wei-, j II., lLnkuepcr, Towameustug. Zimmermau, IlenJ. I'., l'acorton. L'at of Petit Jurors drawn to servo at the Oc tober term commencing on Monday , October 8' 18T7; A6h. Thomas, carpenter, Lehlghton. Andiews, Joslah, tarmer lebiifhton. Aruer. Tuomas, catpuntr, Lanstord. Uynou. Junu, ,-imner, tsnuiuut Hill, ht-ci- l'oter, icborer, l'enn Forost. Beehtel. Aarou. laborer, coalpurt. Ilritton, Julm luechaluc, Jemctvlllc. oaiz, lajae, merciunt.,,-ouiii Kidder, llecu. llauicl. luruier. Mationlnir. ilover, l-'ra iUIiu ptlnt miller, I Towamonstng. JJlUlBUUtll, puilltT, 1 l ltUKIlll. liotou, John C, watch maker Muuch Chunk. Dolon. tieurge, laborer, I'uckeiton. Driher. Freueilck. laborer, Heaver Meadow. j:ckhait, William farmer, Towamensliig. l-aust, Kdwurd, LlaekeailtluLehlirhton. 'inner. liMwin clerk. U eissuorr. tiooigj. Kllas, tanner, 10, st i' 1111. (Jatiu.vvaro Hamuel. laborer, Wclitborly. (Jiaver, Lewis, bnckmakcr. Lt-eiahtoii. 1 tireeusweig, Samuel, farmer, L. Totvometistnff. George, CUilstinuu. sawver, South Kidder, itouiz, 1111am, larmer, l-eiiu orest. llBtran. G o'uo lnukeener. Tacicertn. lleiniz.etnan. Mmi, huekter, Kast l'enn. Hill, William, ci reenter. FianUln. Tiate. Ueoigo, laimor, Towameuslnir. llaney, Thumus, laborer, Kast Tenu. Huntei. J. V' merchant, Weuthe.-ly. Horn, Ueuhen laoorer. Weatheny. Kistier, Frmiktin, luorcbaut. L. 'I'owamenelng. Kiiuklo, Joseph ma-011, 1, 'luwameusiug. Kaehuor, Levi, distiller, Pen 11 Forest, l.vun. Jos., editor, Mnueh Cuunk. Metlarvof, Mtchasl, luuuer, Uasl M. Chunk. Mullui'h. Altouael, Uboicr, Hoaver Moaduw. Ht-iiugh. J. 1'., clem', saruinit HI 1. Miff, Iteuucn, fanner VU&t Peon. imv William, uikeeucr. Lnnsf.ud. Kevins, Jo&eoh. merchant, suuiuui, mil. hQlKeUl. Jit coo J.. fuunlrr. Miuch Chunk HUumuu Juiai .( watchmaker, jwaueh chunk. pprauK, j .un, ieinnier, uoaipuit. Buydcr, Khan Ton u MtrcHt Tliompitou, VCiu.. t-ukou keeper, U. M. Chant. YNiK.J.-il'HI'.-UarjK'IUW, tiUUK in. Wfltw1!, VMnaili hucKSter. aLobljrhton. Uolt, Qeor;e. lobaccouut, Mauch Cuuak. WinU'iotetu, Oojrire. luborer bounrit IlM. MLmnia, latum, en l enter, Kaat Mcuuh Chunk. TIUVKR8E JUUOIiS SECOND WEEK. Autre Daviil, furuior. lRhoniiifT. Betfitr, Jiaruar.l, DidcJtsiulta, i;. M. Chunk. Jtniikiua i Vied iIjk. btimo cmior. Leh chton. lidhter. Jonu lu a keeper, Mnmb Oauuk. lleitz. WLMi.ini. cir neuter. IT. Mniich CMiunlc. lloter, hosah. faruler, IVaAjtin. Culver, CUailrs !., caipenter, U. M. Chunk. nitui, mn, runnei-, l-rant iu. I)epue, Junu J.. carpenter, Weatherly. i'juciis, juKtjpn, mriuei. lauoatUK livpriita, H. K eurbQMer, Weisport. ley ui tu, Loti. farmer, MulioniilK. uciiriuirr, iiebry. mlUer. Tacker, 1 ' Uraver. Maiujtl. tinsmith Lehlnhtcn. ' ' ; jif.inia jam s w , ine.ciiaui.Miiucn. uatrnk. llun. rtbics. butcn&r. SlauLh i hunk twn. ' KIuk Joinr.. laoorer. Upper Munch Chunk. jvrum, uauici. tarmor, 1 raukJiu. IC ch, Kno'i, luiitettT, I'eau l'orot. tji.ten. chaile, fJimor. Muurh chank twp. -Long, z, 11 .merchant. Lohluh.ou. MtUlMy, Junius, b84, Lausiuno, ODi'i t, John A,, cler-t, I.-hiriiton. Itehilg, Joius. f umer, fluhouinir. ' 1 Uuvder, ivilomou miner, liower TowarcecsJcg binvurtl Jauua, laruier, Mhoutnu. bhutfer, 'ilioiiia btuoismlt j. Piaailin. cieiuuler Nutlmn, innkeeper Towaroenafng. bert.i-s Daniel Hiirt yr, Lower 'lowauieaainflr. bmith, I'aul. lanuer, ToAami'miui;. 8ut, louion. hue .tter. FiaukUu. Wt, 11 ac, b actemith, wouth Kidder. W lk, bolouiou, lanuei, FnTiiiiln. WalK. AURunt, eaipentor Frankun. Zountr, Joseph, bom, Coalport. Teachers Appointed. Our Gchool jMrectors have madn the following selection of teachers for our 8Chuols for the ensuing term. The ibl lotting are their names and salaries t T. V Buvdrr, J'llnclpal fC5 CO Mies u. J. llelimu, GrunjiDar 15 (0 Mih M T Yarueli, Iuteimcdlaia. 44(0 H. U. Uiihiiu. ht coudarr , Z& 10 AUsiC. Haier.tinouJPnniarv 8j 00 Miss if attkv lvoou. l list l'nmary 3U 10 Tho schools will, open on Monday, Auut 20th, aud continue for four months, .when a vacation will occur of about tao weeks, to be followed by another term of four months, makiug the school term eight months In all. The Coal Trail to. IhofohowinirtabK Ahows the nuantitrnf conl blpieUovei the LchlHi Vallr ibaih-oauforih! wo"k eniuuv juijrziet. 1877 nua Itr the yearns XVyiMltlitf 03 HuZlOtOU 45.1.7 00 UppT i.i lllKb 27 ft! lleaver Meauow H07S tt Mahuuov.. 7,114 07 MauoaChuuk Total... Last Year., Inciejst)..., Decrease. . . fe-.US IS 83,70 li KiSPOUT OF COAT transported ovT lbtgh & husqii hauiut Division. Outral Jl It. of NtW Jeraoy week ending July 2i) 1677. Total wiek. To date. Shipped from tou. cwt, ons. cwt. Wyoming i. M 14 e31.778 16 113 M 03 14 3I.9.K.&C0. 151 01 Dearer Meadow 9.515 17 banuy iuu branch C.Wii U lias etou V9t u Mauch rhuuk 17.167 UaurCrlUo tiniith and Judd lal Ol 233,b54 10 mm 06 3 '57 IV 209,933 01 lit 14 Total tt,73t l ,Q7S,77 C3 I'juriousiy icpoucui.iivti, ua Total to date 1, 7s,2 7 i3 " bame lime lal yu.. ..S.fctJ 19 Increase 421, 470 C4 Uecrearo --There are nearly 4,0 0 ineu la .Philadelphia Tho new gai company's dlcaera at Lancas ter htve ctrnelc for hiuber waireA. The '.bidmi; Hadroad Haiployees will be paid their June wigss ear y in Augant, saujuelB. Mihtr. s tree aeut of Bnjnder oountv, commuted suicide by htnjrlcg blmeclf uioitri, ajiiiuoi, imsmiui, aumruic urn, - Itua luns, liuph, mnur. Ne qaainulu". The .alarm Hatuiaii, Hteplttn. carpouter, . Mauch Chunlc.Jr . , i; ' " ,; I HtLritr. Win, II.. labure . East Teuu. iff CaUSCU DV tUO trt ban do i s John, iiinkeman. U. Mauch Chunlc.Jr ih. hnnen nvn i ear. 748,771 11 I,IKS,783 01 643 ( 543.30 17 33 ,j;o OS &,8(KI 13 s.oJn.iirio 2.135 S Oi i'jti no 06 LATE TELEGRAMS. Tho Grcnt Strike. Special despatches to Tna CAHS05 advocate. BKTHLnntM, July 27. All Ifr quiet hero. There aro no trains running on the Lehigh Volley road. The North 1'ctin Is still running trains on time, the men remaining at their posts, WniTE IIavek, July 27. No trains on the Lehigh Valley railroad have ar rived hero since one o'clock yesterday morning. All Is quiet. l5A8T0N,.July 27 Great excitement prevails In 1'hlUlpsburg. No trains aro allowed to movo on any of the roads centering there. The Easton Grays left hero for Allentown last night, where they will aw nit further orders. As yet there have been 110 acts ot vio lence. Tho strikers say thoy will stop all trains at whatever cost. A large crowd of them proceeded up tho track olt foot to stop work at points abovo hero. Trouble is expected every min ute. WiLKiM-BAimE, July 27. The mi ners lu tills Bectlon are all out 011 strike. No trains aro allowed to movo on any ot the roads. -Largo quantities of per ishable express and freight, including a car of butter,. is lyipg hero. Notoveu the mails have gone tlirough since yes terday morning., No dowmight acts of violence have occurred as yet,, , . Hazleion, July 27. Nothing but mail trains tiro runnlngt .None of the miners lu this vicinity bavo 03 yet su tick. 1 amaqua, July 27.Tho Philadel phia anil Beading passenger trains are running on time. No strlko among the miners in this vicinity. At Chicago, Thursday, tho mob at tacked the regulars, who, In order to In tluddato tho rioters, fired voliles of grape and canister over their beads, but the falling missiles killed a fen and wounded a large number ot the mob. At Mauch Chunk, Ibis (Friday) morning, the L.& S. men have signified their willingness to resume wor,k, and a coal train passed down to supply the Catasauijua furnaces with coal at 7:13 a. m. ; the train was lu three sections. Tho men on the Upper Lehigh branch ot the L. &. S. are also woik. log, peaceably, as they nro at White Haven. Packeivton, July 27. At a mectlhc of the Knglueeis, Firemen, and Brake men of the L. V. R. 11. Co., held at Fackerton this morning, the following resolution was unanimously passed : Jttiolted. That wo win not permit any inter ference wual ever irom nny mitsido parties or men, ana warn all such to' keep rioai tho rail load, and we. pic.igo ourselves tu irlve ourselves toptoiect the property ol tho Company lipni uesiiuctlon 1SOTILE. On and after this date no train or cnKlne will bo permitted to mil tbtough tho Packertou yaid excepting mall oxcept larther sat'sliuiou will 00 maile by tho L. V It It. Co. ah rc'tpns vio sting mis notice must suuer me cousequeuces. jjyurueroi mis .UHrroTEES, of fire Thursday was klnc Ure ot the roof of pied by Keubeu Grow and Henry Schwartz, In bouth Lchigh- tun. ino ure waa exiinguiaueu ouiore nny damaoe of consequence occurred The Lthiuli Xlook nod Ladder Co.. with Its apparatus, was promptly on hand out uiu not go into service. ( Chief Justice Acrnew had a L'parlncron Trl day of last week ou ihe(hartoof ehootiufi sumo out ot season, which losulted In txU hdiiiK nJieii icu ujimia lor rucu ui 1110 mu jMiBaBiiiivs nuut, Washington Letter, From our Special Correspondent. 1 WashlnBton. D. C, July C5. 1877. M cxlcan matters are not WashltiRton matters, but the Inhabitants of tho latter plsco aro Jutt now conttldeiably Interested lu what Is going on at tho termer. '1 he tlmo for our Gorerumentto come to an understanding with Mexico appears to hate arrived. It la absurd for tho United Stacbs to hestato about atttltoff "her sick neigh bor.M A (iovernmcnt so weak that It cannot ro strain its subjects Is one that would hardly'bo missed wore It suddenly wiped out ot exist enco. Tcxa, our Lone Star, la largo, fertile, and warmly nvit3s immigrants who wish, heartily, to people tho Biato suro of pood reward for toil andluituttry given her-but who daro not eo for tsar of the UvYlees, naiatidlnir banditti, who havo by many years' Mutdeuoff made the fioutler both uut afo and unprolltable. Hexlcan aut-icrltio uie unable to suppress tbts-custom or nnnlh the cftenders. Ih coutemohiflnc this statti of ulTil a oan can' bat wonder how long O' mi jsruam woum ueur sucuiuingaiu a suu Uar sldto exist unon our iiortliern lion tier, one ot the Urttuutteaof tuoOuvunmoui into attend to this gilevous wiong. As has been BJid, "It a ctmnttv is to wealc aud thcictorn eo wicnL as to be a nuia.tnce to It neighbors, tncro Is no good irftlon for fie malulainancs ot tUexlsU" K Mexico i niuiut roaliol her citizeua in buch cases tne United Hiates sutely ouht to eatuo ibu iriou covtrniueni luoto. un mis nc. cuiint it is th"t u'duvateurcini: theauueutlnn Ot'toiue ot tho Mexican not them etaics that o onuuitay lino may be changed to wueie Mexico can atleSd to her bhaieol national baal uos on her own aide of iho hne. However tlio prexeui cntiiiuu, iuru, wo suau uuuojutodty buouetoi later take sjuio part ol Mexico uudec our conirui. Tna rrt'Hiae il's oraer. nv mnannnr nh ch ii designs tJdivoi co the pubilo borvicofroin parti .un ltn.ltlG. In liieeliuir with tmuli nnnnxltini uul will (inly uo earned tnrougu by haidand perslntcut tlKhtl Its op poo en is are powerlul men ouictMioiueif, uii ox mem. inequisuon iiOLUrsiiV 11114B3. wueio 1 tliu mnnov t-nniinir irom to tun iuu political inacuiuery uecesaarr foi vumourm purposes t llulieito the "in" sice luv luinishml it. Vlthout over cteppmz legal uuus. uiuucr is reuuiiiHi. i-uueiaeiauio oi ii. fur uar.v dui notes lio uaitv could t-xueot sue. cess wlihuUt stump orators, public loeetinss anatbelUe. They all cost ssr noth. ingot the hiring it pubho hails, toichbvht pio copious muiy, on, iubj, footers, auverci&c- meuiys, iicnont, ana a tnuuvanu ana oneexpon. sea trivial la tlieuiseives, but by muUiplviiiu and Increasmi tbev hVjll ihtt cuat uiuazmirlv. Mtw, ii omee-no aers uiu&i not lie taxed lor paity puivo es. where are the "ius" tu get inouev to ilhi their uarty's butt e 1 bhpll tue Uuverur.ient tet asnlo a lew millions lor ttie puruoru 1 TaU is no small matter, lu the city of rsew York alone the Ueimblicans Incut red the exnenao ut S.7.S0 to miintiln their orcai.l- SUtlUU IUIUUKKUUI IUU I'CiS III lilt IWCUIJ UlID Assembly Diotilctsot tueojti'. Added to that was tlio sum oi i5i,4jo tne avera,g9 amount upent for election day lequiaites, uiaing a total oi s,.ou, pxeiuwvo oi hu me occasional ouiisys for mass meetluiis, iii'ocevslous and tlie lUe. "ii an uiejiiiimvie sourie oi sunuiv iu mo sinews of war is to be eloped a legitimate ooe must be opeued somehow liuiuorsaiotlfe concerning the-Soeakef-shlp oi me next unuse. ineTuore moiieraie eouiu era Detuocrsts. it U paid, ore intent unon f uuloneulhcie.iilv strong tu elect a defender of the lMe-uiifUt'dbouihbru poller, something is to be ouiie auout It st the meetlugat White buipnur bpr-ng next moutu, inuiiti MKUC1LL WniTJfkT, KEHTLSIl MANTZ On July 17th. 1877. by nev. w. ii KiiauM, ir, iuwiu ii, neiner, summit lllii, and all is Ixmxsa Mauls, Mantznlle WAT1 STAHLEtt-Julf 10th. by the same. Juhn 11. Wurt and Mrs. barah A b table r, both oi oumaiit jxui. DIED, DE.VRY.-JoJy 17, 1677. lu Ashton. barah net TJt airra inoDias ana is osys. Closing Prices of DeIIaven & Totvh- seno, block, Government ana Gold 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Jul 20th. 1877. . S.6r8.18Sl luu bid lllfc asked M. 8-20's, 1SC5-J. J....107 bid 107l asked 8. 6.50'a. IS177 iosh bid 1WH asked H, a-20'8, JS8S Ill bid II It asked R. JOAU'a 112H bid mtt asked H. CurreneV. B'a 1241. bid IU Bsbed ,.8.&'fllS81. new 1111, I1I1I 11IL snkAtt B41(' nisi bid insli asicert 29 k bid asked I'hila. & ItcadlnKlt.ll 11H bid 11H asked ,. 33 bid 33 H asked I eblEh Coal & fin v. Co,,.. 179, bid I7X asked Dnltn) Companies otN. J.I3I bid tSli asced Ml9.,l'llH8V..cEllun:.l(.ll. iB Did 7, &8Ked blla. & Krle It. U Olt bid S nskM Nnithcrn Central It. it.... 13 hid UK aeked JIetonvlllo l'nss. Co. n H bid 11H asaed Ti'oith Pnaa. it. 11 .....41 bid SlUnslrpd (lolil A.t.,,.liSU bid 1(15 i asDed Special Notices. BLEMISHES tIPON THE PEMINtKIS COUNTENANCE, tf ot a cpmplexlonal na ture, speedllv vonlsh when UI.KNN'.s bOIj. I'll UK BUA1' Is used to obllteratntbem, l'lm. pics. Lilocches, HnnEhuess, llodness and Tan are tlnvariaolv banished by this lccpmparabio cNniyins agent. KitiDtfve allmt,nta,,aortis, cuts, bruises. .cd Ids. ami other au,c.-.tlnna and Injuries of ths cutlclo aro likewise removed by ic, aui.Lxiuib jj.viiiss nave ions Doen ro tiowncd as tho best remedy or skin disoases. rheumatism and gout. GLENN'S bXJU'ilUIl OAl' la In everv respect a efflcaclom, and tfir cheaper, lly openn.f; tho pores, and promoting n vleorous euneidolal circulation, thlseicellont article contributes to tlio litaith or the cntlro system as well as to that ot the cuticle, blnoo mirouuciioii lopuuuc notice it nas repeaiea- been eommenileil liv thn nrnfehslnn and press, and f Ow extel nal speclOce have won such 'golden opinions" ainong all classes. It prevents obnoxious diseases as well as remedies them, and disinfects clothinrnna linen Impreg nated with disease. entirely, eradi cated by It, ana its no s'. 'an that account. arcaiiy to oe aosiueraica uy persons wnose nair Is thinning out In consequence ot drynots pt the scillp. Ihoso who bao used othunent ami liquids -without avail for the crro of eruptions ui uniHiuau cuarai-ier. win nna, ii inuv ur that QLUNN'n HIILl'IlIIIt MlAl' lemovei orbntto comnlalnta irremediable bv less ehl cacionsmeins, and prevents the recurrence of Bach disoidcrs. bold by Uru;(rlsts, Qroccrs and Fancv Goods Dealers. Trice. So. por cako. 1 llox (3 cakes) ec, sent bt- man, prepaid, on receiptor price. , N. cniTTESioN, rrop'r, 7 tlxth Avenue, pv Vnrlr llrLL's lEAla and wmsKBB Dtn. n'ack or TJrown, Sic. July 7, 1SJ7. New Advertisements. flO WUOM IT MAY CONCEUN. All persons aro hereby forbidden to Intorfore - meddlo with the tollowluir Articles and Crons on the premises of L. KKHN, vis : loOO r-heaves of llye, coo oheavea of Wheat, d Tons of liar". I pair llnb fled, I epring Wagon, I Rleighi also, all tho Oats, Corn, 1'otaioes, and Cabbaco mo i;rouna me satno ueing my properly, JK UK Ml A 11 KKltN. Near Mllliiort. Lu Towamenaibs tnn.. Jnly 13-31 Caroon county. - FOtt i HealtH. Comfort Economy. Hort Rhftvlnirfl nro nnsnrmsaprl an onartlclA for Jieda, iiattrc8cB, &c They are ten times asdurabio a Iluske or straw. Only o cent Der pornd. .Porty pounds will fill the 1 arrest bwL rot Baio by AitMHrnona. unoTUiau fc CO., U ana 4S Fitst Avenue, rittsonrc ra. 1 34 T 0 WHOM IT MAY COXCEllXi Alt nnrxons are berebv forbid meddllUff with iraon! one 110 USB and nIMUNO WAGON, now la poosesston of GKOHGIC UNCY, of IMrryville, Carbon County,Ia.,ns the rame Is our propertj. July 21, 1S77-3W Lehichlon. Pa. One Malo Anil Two FcmiAe TEACIIEU8 lof ockerlin.lnriAnnndeiit bQlioot Dtst. HOIlool Tea ui. PtiiiB Momhs. Bulaues, 30. 133 and (41. Examination ,j 111 to oaths 2na dayol August, ac X'aokerton Bcnrol House? , lly oraer ol tne uonra. . A. II. BOWMAN, Prest ' JOHN T. SE5IMEL, 6eo July 21, 1877 T 0 Whom It May Concern. All T)frsnnn nrn horfthv forbid meddllnir with theQrowlna- Crops, I'nrminp Impleuients. ouo llorsc, one Cow. two lioes, two set Harness; ono hprtng Wapou, one Truck Waron, one HleUh. ono BURKV.tcn UlVosor Bees, Ac. now In possession of James r. Smith, ot ranklin township. Carbon county, pa., the sum being my property. BELINDA SMITH, iwuKiin iwp., joiy ii, iQrffrwj IYIBESD KOTICE. Tnn VltlST NATIONAL llANIi OF LB. IIKilITON bus doclaioil a Hemi Annual DIti ilend ol Tbreo 131 uer cone, cavnblo ou aud alter July lh, l77,'ou orlRinal siook. W. W. UOlVilAN, CssWor. Lehlphton, J alrn.1877. ' , UDITOII'S NOTICE. Thrt nmlpr.lffnml Amlllnr. nnnnlnt.d br tha Comt ol Giiuimou rieas ot Carbou Cnonty to make ilt-trlbutlon ot llio lunds arising from tne Hlifrlfrstae ol the Hen bstate of QUVBlt 8 1'OUT, will stti to the duties ot his appoint ment on THURSDAY. Auirast Tud. U.J. at W o'clock A. 11.. at his office In Mauch Cnuuk, when and where oil parties Intel fetrfl may at. tend, f. J. MliKtrAW. Juneaoiw Anouoi. E.H- SM'DEK, SEAtEIl IN Ladies' Pancjr Dress Goods Dry Goods, Groconos, etc., Bank Steeet, LiiniGnTON, Pa. Trices s low as ctsowhere, and cornls war ranted as represented. Jnly 21, lS77jm FRED. KELLEY Announces lo the people ot Echlcnton and Tlcui' uy luatnei. prepare! lueuiJijr uhw with oyery article ot , IIoiiacrurnlsltluB Tlnuarc, At very lowest prices i also, Roofing and Spouting, In all its branches, nioraptlr attended to at' prices lully as low as the lowest. (Jive m call. KTOlIKi opposite mioiio equsre. hakh. BTJtEKT, LE11IOUTOK, l'A. July St, 'JWy SSIGSEE'S SALE. n virin. nr An alia order of the Omrtot Common l'leas of Cai oon ubunty. the tullowuis; HEAL UiTATK, nelonilng to U'liilAlt a. ZKIUEKl'UM at the dale ol bis aeMirninent, will tin offered lor sale on tbe premises. In the TOWNSHIP ol KltANKLIN, In the aald conniy, on Monday, August Gtli, 1877, At 2 o'clock P, i M. . Ml tn,t certain mtasnaee, or Three Tracts ot LsTid, situate in the TOWWSUt l' ol FUAK. LIN. In said County ot caroou, I'a., aa follows, towiti . ifnsT. All that ccxtolri X,ot or Piece ol Land, bounaed bv lands ol Kdwardi Weix. Thoniu Dor won. Daulil Bensinger and Daniel Bolt, containing S Acres and sal Ierchea. more or less.' i Hkcokd. All that cert oil Tracf ol Land, lylnr alonir the Publio Itoad leading Irum Weusport to the Pine hwamp. and containing U bquaro I'eiches, more ur iess, t Tl'lun-All that Tract ot Land, bounded by lands ol Barah FrUilager apd'B public road, containing 92 ferchei., more tfr less. Tbe Improvements' thefeon are a DWBLL INO HOtlrtli. 19lUleeti,a tjTAULU, 8K toct and other outbcllaluaa. TERMS i-ODe-tblrJ ot tbe purchase mon.r to be iaid down - ax site t one third tu 0 mouth, trptn, oounrmatlpa ot sale, and one-third to a' yeat Irom said confirmation, with lutarest ort thenuraldbaitueo from said conllrnia'lon. a,V LhVAN, Assignee, sc. Br'the Court i THOS, KEMEltER, Prolhonotary, July H, 31