The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 28, 1877, Image 2

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    Slit tefcim g&mnU.
XKIuailTOX, PA,:
Ia the New York stock maikot tUo
flr& news of the strikes on the coal
railways appears to havo advanced la
tead of depressing their shares, the
street arguing that these strikes would
curtail the amount of coal sent to tide
water and tend to raise prices.
The coal sales tint were to havo
taken place at New York "Wednesday
were postponed President Sloan, of
tho Delaware Lackawanna and West
ern Railroad Company, announced that
the sale by his company was postponed
on account of tho Unsettled condition
of transportation. A similar an
nouncement was made on behalf of the
retimytvanlft Coal Company by Vice
President Iloyt.
Trade and travel have been Inter
rupted, enterprise checked, property
has been destroyed ; the peace of tho
community, so essential to prosperity,
has been widely shocked, many lives
sacrificed, and uuraoerfl of people maim
ed for life through the strike. It Is
almost Impossible to estimate the amount
of damage done to all kluds of business
by the outbreak ; and with all this evil
accomplished, iu what particular Is tho
condition of tho strikers, who have
caused all this violence and bloodshed,
Improved ?
Railroad Strikes.
During tliH latter portion of last week
1a strike occurred upon the Baltimore
and Ohio It. It., caused by a ten per
reduction In tho wages of brakemen
and firemen, which strike was followed
by that of the employees of tho Penn
sylvania and other roads. These strikes
were accompanied with great violence,
theft and destruction of property.
Martlnsburg, Va., Baltimore, Md.(
Pittsburgh and Reading, Pa., and other
important points, were especlalty noted
for tho outrages committed by the des
peradoes mllllous of dollars worth of
property having been destroyed by In
cendiarism and a large number of per-:
sons killed and wounded in the conflict I
between the rollltla nud tho people, j
TIio residents along tho line of the '
Baltimore and Ohio K. It. In the State of !
"West Virginia sympathized with the
strikers, hence Governor Matthews was
compelled to call upon the President of
the United States for aid to put down
this riot. The President of the Haiti
worn and Ohio Ballroad Joined with tho
Governor In representing the interests
which wero at stake and the powerless
rtess of the State authorities to meet the j
emergency. The President, as soon as
lie was assured of he necessity, order-!
ed General French with two hundred '
and fifty Federal troops, to inarch for
Martlnsburg, West Virginia, the centre '
of the riotous demonstration, and en- i
force a proclamation, which he sent on j
In advance, commending the rioters to I
This ought to have ended the stilkc, j
and at one tlmo It seemed to have done !
so. But the strike had becorao Infectl ;
ous, and on Friday the train-men of tho
Pennsylvania and of the Erie ftoads be
gan to quit their trains and array them
selves against their employers. HIoU
ous demonstrations were again made on
the lino of'the Baltimore and Ohio Kail
road at Cumberland, and assumed such
proportions that Governor Carroll of
Maryland deemed It needful to Issuo a
proclamation and ordor a regiment of
soldiers to the spot. As theso soldiers
were proceeding from their armory In
Baltimore they were assaulted by
crowds of the friends of the riotous
strikers, and finally compelled to fire
upon the mob, when eight! men were
killed and a score or more wounded.
The Governor of Pennsylvania called
out the several regiments and ordered
the rioters on tho line of the Pennsyl
vania Railroad to disperse. In conse
quence of dlfilcultles on tho Pittsburgh
and Fort Waynn Railroad, Governor
Young of Ohio called out four compan
ies to suppress the strike at Newark
Ohio, and Governor Robinson of New
York Issued a proclamation and sent
the Twenty-third regiment to Ilornells
vllle on tho Krle railroad to prevent dis
turbances there.
The widespread character of these
strikes would seem to Imply a general
dissatisfaction on tho part of the em
ployees with their wages and treatmeut,
and something like a systematic plan of
operations to force the railroad cmnptv
riles to comply with their demauds at
the risk, In case of denial, ot ruining
the business of the roads nnd'lnfilctlug
Incalculable damage upon tho whole
country. Tho question which Is now
presented Is not whether the workmen
have been Injured In the reduction of
their wages, or not; they havo prevent
ed tho answer to nil such questions,
which might have gloed them public
sympathy and aid In resisting power
ful corporations, by their lawless .ao
tlon. But tho question Is, whether a
body of discontented men shall bo al
lowed, In epito of all authority, to take
a railroad and Its property 'out of tho
hands of Its lawful owners ?
Tho public do not care to 'discuss tho
question of wages with men who have
armed themselves to defy tho law and
destroy private property. Whatever
sympathy may exist for worlclngmen In
hard times, and there Is no lack of It,
Is alienated from them as soon as they
becomo public enemies by acts of law
lessness and trades-union tyranny.
Any employe can appeal to the law
against a breach of contract, and can
appeal to public sentiment against In
justice and oppression, with a fair
chance of success. But when ho takes
the law Into his own hands, and by
violence endeavors to redress his real or
Imaginary wrongs, he forfeits his claims
to sympathy and help, and becomes an
outlaw who Is tho enemy of every good
citizen and dangerous to society. Tho
whole Idea of tho striker Is erroneoas.
It Is a foreign notion fostered by oar
democratic Institutions, and a licentious
freedom; but no Individual nor com.
pauy can yield to It without being for
ever in bondage. Tho Times speaks
truly when It says :
The end of thce dtrlltcsoncht not to fee doubt
ful whatever temporary hucchs tliey may imot
with. Koeouiruiivns powerful huiI usoxtcn
Bivt) us tho Bjiiimorn tun! uiiio Jtoad cuu'il ex
pert to io business for oiio month, if It did not
resist intimidation of ihia lawlnsa cm meter to
lliocnd. I'o succumb to It would lorofmito
ail tie ruler nud moro ignoruot portion of tho
employee ot the roaa to tiy a like same when
over It suited them. A demand tor higher
wojres would servo Just well for anoccal n
ns resist an co to imipo'Gd reduction. Tho Com
panv would tiro ply tttirieutfer its ci.mDlex and
delicate affairs Into tho hand- bf tho leant Intel,
ligent aud most i celt lea a of those whom It cm
p.uoil. It would ho equivalent to oluutnry
banbruptt-y Korean toe State or WostVir
glnlu aud Maryland allow tho public peiwe to be
jokeu ana their Jaws to bo set at di nance with
lrcpuntty. The striker ou-rht to be shown ut
once that they aio pitting themselves against
hii liidetluHH powerwhich wll liicicmn Fteudlly
with any frucceaa which they may train for tho
lime I'cmir.iinUl otnploto aud absolute mipioai
ncv ot law Is n smiled, ouch i rtaul , if themi
Ihotlties do tiicii duty, 1 only a (juonion ot
tiiufl. And when tho matter i nli over with,
too i-trtkers will have the poor comfortot know
lun that they havo broken the fawn, inter,
rnptoit muni'Bg, caust d a i am e expense to tho
pttn'lo treaLUiy.uccouipiishcd noihiug for them
uclvts. lief erring to tho damages to railroad
and private property by tho mob, tho
Ledger of last Wednesday says:
It Is a fact that the' damages inflicted by mob
Violence must In tho cud, be laid firhythe
public, at'U (iivoi two or three instances of 6uch
payment. Tho mo-t serious riot before tho
present time vfete the dnttt riots In Now Tor
In 1W13 'lnesti riots cost tho treasury of Now
York, la money pJid lor puvnto pi oner, v do
Bt roved, tne lama amount ot i. 7-is Ana an. Tiint.
similar payments must lie made In taucanoof
uio pieeni riots is coressiy pravhicti lor y
tho laws of renusriVauia, On Id ay at, 1811, tho
l'oniiHVlvniitfl LeiMsliitiiie nnpil nn iirt which
Will Do todud m Uilffhtlv'ft Purdou' DigeM,
pane iota, which provdes that "in nd case
where any dwelling hou.u or other tmiliaufur
piopertv. real or personal. Iris been or snail bo
destroy ul within ihft county of I'hnadslphia,
Inconsequence of any mob or riot It shall oo
Unful lorthe p won or person tuteiestcd In
and ownuiKsuch mojicitv to bilcguiit ajrulust
inop.imcouiiiv wuere mm progeny was situ
ated, being lor tho recovery ot huch dampRei
ns ho or they Mutuimul by tito ilmtrucUon
theieof and Hie atnount whiea hluil) imraavir.
ed In sold tictt'm 8lu.ll bo paid nut of tho county
i tuiurv ,i wuirjm uiuwti uv me uommiH.
toilers thcieot. who Hie hniebv irnimuri In
diaw tlio Muine ai eooii "alii tUuuffes nre
finally titcd and actrtit'ued " By a auiifcquem
found on prko 1081. the prov Pious of this liw
uioextendea to AlleLrhtuy county Jlyderis
Ions ot cuits made subrquenily to tho mas
aoof thU law it is piov.ued thai builiiiiio'4
burnt through tiro coinuiuincated trom oner
buildings llred bv a mob are wittru the act,
and th it corporations can tnkondvjntae of it
os weil as individuals. The Jury aie uo to clve
rxemplaiv da.nogjs, but tho lull value of tho
proper t iio-iiroven ai ino iimo or us ussciuj.
uou, with interest tn tho into ot their verdict,
l'liuro can lift ini dnmtt tluit iliavnilnn mil.
wavsthntsuCTeridlosi-s by itio ib-structlm vt
their rroperti by tho ritubarch mob can re
cover full diuiaui from Allegheny county.
j no eamo couid no r.oue in ruiiaueipuu if a
mob destroyed riillway prouercy. In Kew Jer
sey. the law uicn tho nuhteet U Hbjtlutlally
sliuilartu that of t'cnuvivauia. and woquoto
It. as lollowfi Wlit'ioi'or nnv litillil iiiuh nr
other rral orpersoual iiropcrtytdiftll he dest'oy.
ed nr Injured in consequence of or any moo or
riot, xne cuy m wnicn ino sauio nan occur, or
If not in a city, then tho county In which sucti
piopcrlyw b situated shad be liable to any no
tiun byorlnbeh-iif of tho p-irtv whoe proper
tv was thus doitiovcd or l:i1tired 1 jr tnu dim.
uses buntaiuej by reafcou thricof."
The Destruction nt I'lttsliurgli.
riTTbUUOU. Julv 22. The buu dawned ihli
moruu'K mi ono of tne itokt teiilble scenes ever
witnessed except In the caitae ot war. Tho
llro lasol with unabated ftitv, aud tho taui&
kept creeping stt-adily towaid tho tho depnt.
Atfl o'cloci tui) large niieh.uo vhop bibo
trade ofiiweeii Twentv.sixtii and TwHiit
seventh stieets caught lire, and ouruing cars I
wero switched on to the Allegheny Valie. rail
road and sent t'own thattrac inLibert cticet,
btittlnnro to nany of the houses. Ha perm
teuUbiit Hitcairn's aud other ollices of the com
pauy, weio next, and all tho Phtiud.Jphia
sbluter were driver into the outer round hou-e
uy luera auros-iiiK At 7:jjiiio military lundo
auothr desperate bally to escape Thoy lonn.
ej in t.otid co.umu aud came out thioutrh iho
lumber yard, nud went uowu TcutyGtth
fctnoi to labtuty with a OutlitiR uu in flout.
'Iheyuisile lor tho Alifuhcuy Areiial. Attir
they had disappeaud some ten snidltrs, sunpns
tsd to be doiO'teri, wiio mvh roiuK ulouc the
Llbetty btit-et wah waving their cips
Ills knows that several ol I he soldier were
killed in the rouud house 4uruu the mvht and
mauy wounded. Tweiv uio Known t have
been Ulieu and it is fraud thut many more
Btujedmlhu bulldHif snd weie destioed ov
thj Uimea. Huht huudred w UUrs M-nt in
theie last mgnt, nud ihonumoer wuohuvoes
caped the tire nnd tho woo upoiitnelv Mated
ut only u o. With a Uatliug fiiiu before th m
ihesurvivlnR I'hUsoe'.iihians marcued throurh
l'euu b venue. dlMne oji- in oh hfforH itiem ana
hotty pursue! or another not n-s- foruudiole. 1
'1 lio frnMier were snort of uajmuhltion unit so 1
Hrei but little. They wera leiuet udDslou 1
to the Aueuut, and continued their rt treat,
iii ilotd's then uuinbeioJ asout CJ.oUJ.
, Wbe ihe-e rewluieuu tett tho Ualon Depot,
list iiitfut ti oy hud no mtlDOs with theui, und
fte(4ueit.iy aloug IVimavejue the caed to tho
people siaod.u ;n the doo s and windows fur
oread and w.iter- '1 heir suifinng wis iuteue.
lney weiodtiveu thiougu Iuwionco itio. out
to m-aip iour(r, six uul up t jo AteKheuy uud
ou'nide the city lluius.usihe notos had sworn.
I'.iirut bo.dieis weie killed aud seveiui otueis
wojuoed dunntt this ret nut, ti.o Infuriated
moo ut.owuu no one io touch the f -Tin bnde
save some Catncltu pnetts ttoai a icctoiy in iho
ueigUbjrhitod, AbuiH sirtoen mure citizens
uro uIm repui teJ kin 1 tins mornuiK.
t":30 ih3 Uuiou Llue uttlce ut i'wenty see
on i bt tet was ourieu to the rouud lean
tune the flauits tioui ihe to rouiu boa (t
macluuo shojjj, nud card became uiugiutlceiit
and appilliuj. O ie liuadrcd and tcuty-ltvd
locomotives weio burned, valued at (hteeiuul.
luu i ot doilarj nud tne iuas on tho outidiuxs lu
euait's that loss to yl0JOOo, Alt the uioiuiiii
lau fnlht 04it between tho Uuiou Detml aud
the Uie wire be in brukeu open by the pluudci.
wis, uad bams, wowioa, boots meats,
totuicii lu every lonu and eii it o.e ot met
thauubleware were rt moved udcanim bo d.
ly through tu streets to iiouiss, oi nuctlouidto
the hitfUivit bidder.
Theie is a iieav grado lea 11 d? down into the
Uuiou Ddjiot, about 2jU yards tuuir, As tbo tire
uppioauhed trio cat of Um ki ode, at auout 1
1. M., bar time cars w)ret-ut thunderlaicdnu
uiwuidfhe hotej. Hvt ot iheui wiieiututd
mto stdiuss po tnat tHer did not enter the depoti
but soon the iaseauL-r C4r stautliuK uoai- the
ditepjtcaer's onloe at the outc. tuu of the depot,
cangut 11 1 e; nud ut 3 o'clock the depjt ue.i was
m ti i lace, tiie jsrd uud trcc were htied
with A CJiupaoi, drue mob of pllluters, w jo
were beute j oao from tue burunw caisonly
br the r mdlv utivnurlnr llaniM. IvaniHii anil
valuiiAu were theie by tuouMU.ds OiirylUBrotf
aud roUtd theut into tie taunel of the l'an
tiaud.e iid fjr tafe kccplUK ti 1 taey tould bo
cjirttd oil. tlfty thouo&ud ieop!e UiroDKed the
hi 11 mce Above the oepor and tiscki,
Tho excitement In over? part ot tho city
Jin owe no boundn. In Idbony street, about
twelve bnllolncs nro on fire, nnd tn thenetph.
borhno'1 ot Twenty.ei chili street ttio flame are
iprefldmK toward lue Allegheny rapidly, Hnn
diodsof families in the section of th city bo.
twepnti'Q railroad tracks and tbo Allegheny,
three tauares. nnd ins Klovotith Btreet Union
Jjooot und TUIity-scomd street, spent the nf-
lernonn in movin? rncir mnt vaiuaoio enects
out of thocltr. At 3U the Unlna Itnot Hotel
canjrht Uro nnd w-is destroyed. During the
uurninj oi tno no pot more tann h onzun ten mo
extdonous occurrol, but whether from powder
srcrHed there by the mob orlrom the contents
nf tho cars, or the nimimtwm of tho soldiers, is
not known At 4 o'c ock tbo llush Hoate, op.
poito tho deoot, on Libert r utreet, cauilit flio.
The rire l)epaitment worked all thenfternoon
to leep tl'G fire frnni catch In ir tho Hush Uouo
block, ns it will burn very rapidly and is direct
ly contiguous tfi tho whole lower patt of tho
rlty. wniio tnodcD"t t r-r was. uuro by it so it.
Tbrco th'iusmd tlvo hundred cars, all tird, havo
been destroyed, thn valtto if which, with their
conteuts, Is varlouIy estimutjd at Irom lour to
eiirot million of dollars.
AtUH i M. u m.iH4 moetlncof cltlzans wan
called, nnd a commlttre of live, consisting of
DlhhopTniffg. Jnnies 1). Jtoniml, the ltey. I)r.
Bcovl le, James I. ltarr. and Ur. i ton n oily, op.
pointed lu accoruanco with the following rcso
iuliont j;eolvetl. That a committee be appointed to
confer with the State, county nnd cliyuuthon.
tloM, and also the employers, workmen nn'l tho
rennsvlvama Haiti oatt oniclala. to Btcure the
protection of property from v nnton desttuctlou,
and an arrangement ot tho dilllcultles betweeu
tho i abroad company and the etrik.n em.
littiolved. That In moklnc t hii tflTirt wo pledo
our faith to the workiusmen that we havo no
pmposo to facilitate the introduction or an
aimed force, but look Bolely to tho protection
of tno rigiits aud interests of all byaniioiblo
At 43 thelarjo grain clcvatorlnoklnK toward
the city fiom Iho depot ac os an open (qunro
caught Are, nud before 4h it bee i me evident
that tho Flro Department win j-owcr.cs to
s ivo It, and Bireatns wero piled upon tho nelph.
boilng private building. Trom the crest of
tho hill behind tho deput n ointinuous line of
Hie, fame, mouuloriiig ruin, and sinoto ex
tended along tho trucks a distance of 3 miles.
The mob was 'till triumphant, and not o drop
of wnitr has been allowed to be thtown on tho
company's prepei ty. The s. cues were terrlllc.
Many of the tinres burned near the depot con
tained srog and whiskey. Horn which barrels
were taktu nnd trom which cations worn ilia
tnuutcd. TJie Atlantic and I'ac.llo w Ires along
tho tiatk have b.1 been cut. Iho Adams Ux.
mess Company havo moved everything Hum
tnelr depot stoio house to otllces on Filth street.
Thoy htno lost hiavily dutlng the morniug.
There was no wind in the eai ly i art of tho d ty,
but during the nltouioon n southwest breczs
started u;, which lun nlucoTi ohened to a steuoy
wind, nnd u pali of smoke overhangs tho lower
part of tire rv oast of dmlthUeul treet, and
lea'hms to tho Mouonirahela At 5 o'clock
b lilaniKS on tl.o s d- ot tho hill east, nud on tho
oppose aidoof the tracks! Irom tho elevator,
caucht tlrw, and by 3:ln tho tire had Ci ended n
block and u haf up WiMliuiton ntreot,
wh eh sttcet th lire spread both ways on
Webster street. This is a (II -I net on tho hill
covered with low tenement houses, which nro
closely pucicd viih workiusmen nud their
consternation baa taken po'tcuslon of tlio
propoi ty holders of the city Their only thoneht
u by some means to bnug about n icconc)i.i
tlon, no matter on what terms, between tho
IVnnsylvnuU itailrou and the stiikers. All
who nro lu favor of quelling tho il t were en.
tieatid to meet, at tno Alarm's oilice at t:30.
CartHiind exnre-s wHons.withfamillts offiom
fo lr to teu children, with what little household
furniture lion bi'en Baedfrum tho llimes, nro
Coutlnuatly piKslng tluouzh tho streets f.r
Allouheny nud Birruinham, nciosia tae .Monon
galiela. 6:W 1 M Nothing has hern more Milking
tuulug the t'av than tho apathV with wliich the
teni of thousands that Huong tho city have
looked upon tho riots, tho bloodshed, and the
burning uf millions of pioporty n- th)y would
look nt u -euational nraim. As evening nr.
broached they w&:ided their way peaceful V
homo, reuiatkingc.irelessly time it was ml eir
tenlule, and tmt th PcuuKyivanla Itallroad
had almot-tbaiknipted tho city and had on.y
gat what it deferred, J
Ah u result of thf call to tho Mayor's offleo 15D
i , , ni-ru in iu proncti tno
Jialtiuioio and Ohio depot, and tho mrgo itclirnt
(lepots ot tho i,cnnsivanla Conpauy at the
loot of Liberty bticoi, on the MonoDgahoia
qoay. Voiuutoer v-nlauco commiitees were
mso fortnod, about 2 0 tttonr. and turnlhtd
with iiruis Pt Municipal lln'1. 'dnny of iho
vlgimnis, eovecr. ie in sympathy with tbo
nolers. Tho J'oin toenih ami ine, renihitcl
ineiitsnf l'ittbiirg luuo disuaiidoil. IheS.O
Vhlladelnhla tinoin which left the Kat esicr
(Jay ttio toppid ni WnlU, twoUp miles ea-t,
iid liuthtng much hn liei ii Jcaid fiomlhem.
Ha lis from the n-ist nro being bionciit 'mm
Latrobo. la iho West lVimynnnl Hntlroai,
twelve hours eo.ayod. One of tho ttrongfhtt
ralylnir cries of ihoiloter- hnslcen, 'Lor Iter
bain inn si It will glvom win kiodj.'
10:17 P. M rarto.iViai-oftiopho to I'ltt&burg,
nt night ns bo mood on tho admits vt htiie
Mount Wasjiingt )ii It ioo.-s us tboush wo
wtioontne br.nk ot hell and the 1'jm wa i tt"
m neer feo irue as to ntfiu. There are afty
miles ot hot ru-'U ten tmos ude oy -idf. wun
us many luiUsot tioi turned into glowiux bjaU.
nnd tons mi tons ut lion car skeletons und
whceis almost, at n whl e h at. llu ntivds of
coal und ooko cars niest.ll ntlull blftii ; two
hotels nn elevator, nnu in any ilrtOidugs aie
burning Incou-ly. nnd hu xueiu m final r
buildings monr the line are btlll In a hbre, with
the Intel mittont Uauei ot uPhi-t on iuj
oebr.sot tno ioiiuu house nnd m Thito hlmiH.
Away fiom the flio llns tlio city at s i 'clock
was all in turmoil. A bandot men wet file to
JhoFo t VnynedH-es.n urge nve-storv juild
lug at Ti utn street m d lenulvanU av. nue,
but tho attempt woadtenveied in d Uttlo (Jain
nuro wasu ne. In thesickiugnt M. Jor mn. X
lu i'enrou s house, not h tig was it ft whole Irom
g n ef to ccliur Ills faniuy, however, wci o not
luJuieL (leu l'oui-on hiiubeif is stdi believed
to b- danaerousiy wounded, it uot killed. Tt.e
ofllculs of the I'l'iinskUunla liailmnd O impany
h.ive Kept themselves" under veiy ciofeuttct,
for fear of (heir livei. It is tirmiy believed th it
'lorn ccoit li.mbulf Is here, but uono but hts
cltH-eit lrlend' know wnerehe Is Iho itoopa
et Wa Is uU not cumo in because uu cntrliicur
wouldriak his life bv tfiingaia, them hero. It la
umU-istooa that they have loiuircd lime
A telegmplilo di-pateh tlated at TittsburK
Tuesuuv ut&nVlock p ui., sttttS that, the Hut
e h them have .nneulered to t'ie citizens' vigi
l.iuuocomiiiit'i e, Aitjt doiroyliig millions oi
proxitv belonging to tho reiup.m company,
pdluging ino stores of .bo mercbanis, ami cam
mg the .o s of many lives, the moo lelds to tho
law. Wastheio ever so wanton anduae.essa
Bucrlflee ot life and property.
Tho Coiullct lu Itcodlns.
ItEADrso Sxvy 24. Yestfrav evening ot 0
o'clock a body ot twelio Coalandlionpo.iceun
der lu tii maud t-1 Cuptuln 4liitrsju, ornveu with
tju t um. Uiun miKiug (he:rup
pea ame thoy wcio greeted with a most unwel
come weluouio by u mob composed of blx or
fceveu hundred persons. Nonttentiun was paid
to the tuunts ol the mob until it btcumo nice
Bary to inietfureoo beha.f uf human At , the
ui tr iu that ts due hciu irom I'luiudtlphra at
(j:'idhid arrivid, unci its eiiuiueer ceulou liitelr
toloso bis lilo unless rfscued irom the mob.
Ui'Oii coming whhiu sight of trust n
giuier obsei Vtd tbesbuiitlou ol uffjus, uud da
teim ini-d to tuke JiU train tnrough or Ituvo tno
tiacc. At too co.ntr of beeuth and I'idu
etreeii tho latter wai piled lngh with cojI. out
through tills obstruction thueuirinerr dished
at fml spec4it anlvtng at thedexot ou time and
IU pOOd LOU lttOU.
Tho mob nt uie denoL lmd ntwrvnl thn nn.
prouch of the train, and no sooner lU'i it toptted
man a CtpuUtion vis ted llu tuglueer sml
tieated him m suc'i a manner tint tuoC al iind
Itou wltnowed the ulTair tclicon.
Bira utu to mietteie t nuiug uis u.on, of1
utuiu theie were twelve, in t.o.ines, Ojuiain i
Alderso.i drove them back, burrounutd by i
most overwhelming numuors thoOoui audirod 1
men njauhtnU'uddy forsid and diove iho 1
mou fiom tue depot outut .ougth, bo ng eailro i
ly bunoimdi'd, tne coal ieg:ou men were com.
pel'iixj ut iLtieut. a lOJt thut was pe.lormed m
joil oider, uud faeiux the i uemy.
At 7 o'. locfc ut-pnul tra.u krrhedtiom Totts. I
VJl.e, andlaudui twetvo Coaiftad lunpuue
nieu uadcr otauhal JlelsUr. with ti o
pji.eo ulieaey on tno spot, oi.tao body
muicbed tioiu thu tit pot lu the car t-hops uudtr
tuecouimiuduCCapuuu Liudtu Iho uuuceu
vies ol the tKfiioj wfie watched with uifiuct
by u coiisuuuy increasing tnrojg wulbo ui ttn
t.on Vta4 tuou uttrcietl by iho nrnv..l ui
uuothcrtraiu biiugiugto tho heatcf wai ibrot
miltuiy companies, o..o f out AUeutowu,
n Lot uer t urn L'ut.BiuJut, mut the Wd.l-ktowit
OiuysjiomiJuBtou, tua v hum under comaaud
of uutr-tl Ueemr.
At ft o'clock tue troopi forced at the depot
aiutieceiveduideisto'iiM ca tu'tLe cu ."vau.
hted tubeveuih siieci, bctnecu Wuhiuguu
nu4 siiceU. wneriibe b:2J dowu pasocu
go nam viMiluthohaiiCs of the mrtj
Tbo cut re;errod to deetVKS sojio little tie
Kilpnou, osocciltt- ts it vn 1 vvT beiemi-iH.
bend uf tuepoopio ot ltcudlng and th men
wuu marchinJ tiiiuugh it ou ilio iiivhtot tri 2il
oi July, 1p7. 'lue iinck ruus nioug beveuiU
stiott, uud between Waluut and l'euu streets is
ouuu uerhueultcu ur llitevu Iwt oe,owtbe
level ot ihofttut. though at frmiu poiutstuu
street lower above tu it act &umj twenty live
or thirty feet, ruroe brugeiirosi tue cut u..d
vivo the people living ou e iher Bioeuut.pur.
tnuityU ciu4-n witnout tiib trouble of vuiug
rtouud. l ouitrch ihrongh tnis ut?iild tMMrued
a)ugmthe fa jo ot i'iuvlCeuco butUtuerul
ttertier gate uie older, uud ins tuoa, to tho
inusio ol thollloaud diuui, matched bUadny
Upjii arriving In tho cut they were complete,
ly burtuuuded. 'iho oveihangiug ws!ls wuiv
Obmp.ctely Ciowdtdu' itobi of excited men
bud uoys. who Uunchod lsrgo Umpa ot cost and
i xatwi: ot every aeecripttoo t the men wlio,
obeying their orders fterdily pished forward
In the dtifctlnii of thf train trmmwd hv llm
etr liter and continuously noon tberapomed a
fthower ot coal and brn Ls the mob having torn
up Lim viuqwniKB iu uicir irenzy.
After enduxlniz a cruel fusillade for several
mlnnto. tho troop received orders to flro n
blank volley , They Old so, but upon the ciowd
lc had no visible effect. Not only wero tho
walls of tho cut crowded with excited tlotcrs.
but thocutlticlt was literally lammed wlthn
mob of swaying, gesticulating humanity, who
dared tho troops to advance. Kvery,r4oment
tho nit tin lion beeamo moro critical, until at lat
tho troops could bear It no longer. Ilrlnalng
i tn iuiipki;i tin uiuv iirvu, nun wuu inRiiiini
eff ct. Tho cut, aa I eald. was packed with
people, nnd tho illctmrgo or ft volley of bullets
did terrible execution. ,
Bnch a scono as occurred upon tho flrot di.
charge of lead boguors dcscrlLt.'on. Hhrlefclnir,
swaying aud twiting, tho iniib tried to forco its
wnv into l'euu street, whiio thoso upon tho
walls ot tho cut never ceased to shower missiles
upon tlietnxipv who, niaJdcued
ment, llredncatn. rho shrieks of the wound
cd, mlng'ed with tho cuiees of sttong men
trampllngthe weaker under foot In their efforts
to eso.ipe, filled tho nir nnd rendered tho sceno
terrible In th exticme.
llcio snd thcro a victim to mob role fell ex
lisusti'd with his strOffgle to Cheapo neath npon
the eticct. ami every where could bo sot'n
wounded trying to eseapo to n place of shelter.
Within five minute utter tho first MioHhad
been llroi the ' cut" was clcated nnd tho mill
tary were enabled to march to rennstreet.
Jteachtnr this point they wheeled and tbenco
msirchedto Vjftli eitcet Irom whlcp they wend
ed their way to iho depot. Duting their march
through the "cut" several if LPilr number
drojiped from tho rnnks disabled by the wounds
received from tho fiery sh wer to which thoy
had been Btibjectod and Borne of lhee lolling
Into tho hanas cf tno ciowd wero mercilessly
ben ton
Ono ef these was knocked down nnd kicked
In n frightiul manner, while others through in.
ability io keen up with -heir oomn-mious cither
surroudeica themselves to citizen or wero by tho mob nnd used as trie latter saw
lit. For hours habspqueut to tho shooting it
was impossible to obtain n torrtct account of
tliw killed aud wounded.
At 11 o'lloc bin few citizens wero on th
strceuaua n) was rialet except iu tho neigh
bciiiood ot seveinh.siul l'onn ft i eats. Theto h
body of half drunken boys having poosed
thems Ivcs.of tho ntlos stored In the nimory
bubicd thimso.vesln teanns up the trncic aod
doing other damage to I'hllndeiphla nnu Head,
lug itai'roal property. At tlio car shops the
Conl nnd Itou i'olico stood guard duiing the
night aud vero ou tho alert. Thov were not
inoetea however, and tho night passed quiet
ly without further nlarm.
Abouw lmii-p.itt 4 o'clock this morning a body
of Hoops fnm MotrHtotvn made their appear,
auco and matched to the depot.
ltitAULNo, July 21. Up to tho present all has
been quiet this morninsr. Tho Northampton
and Lehigh county ttoopi paraded tho prlnci
pal siroi'ts and worn industriously uicd bv
tho ciowd. Ono man struck n soldier with a
Mono and nai lowly escaped hem shot. Tho
depot is lined wltumiMthv but very few citizens
niotoboseeu iu iho nclghboihooit. Nn trains
hivo arrived or departed up to this hour, but.
meu are busily emp oyed In repairing tho track
that wai torn uu inst night.
Tho t nnng up ot the track could easily havo
been prevented bv the presenco of a few soldiers
but tho latter probably tnuinrnt they had douo
Hulflcieut for ono night. Iheio me but very
lew strikers In tho movement against the
l'nllidelphia at.d Itoadlag Company, mid all tho
troitblj is caused by halt. mown boys aud
strcno ruugus.
Tho ttuetlon AVeilnrmlny A. Rl.
Telegrams received uo to Wednes lay morn, i
lng shuw that iho birko ha1) extenced to too
Nw Yt.rlt, Cential und udoll Ithcr, Jlirns
and Kser, Deluwnre, LHCrfawnnua and West,
ern, Delaware nnd Hud-on. and Lihlirh and
butuehauuii Italiroaos, Nntlco is mveu (.fa
httikoou th" Nt-vv Jersey Cential Ueitnesdiy.
The 1'biodWpUla nna Erie tmlii men at Siiu-
uury BirucK on .nonuay nigtit n iu comncben
the tUo)i men to strike Tuesday. Tho emu lot ces
tt tho .uissourl, Kiin-as ind 'i'exjs at
bedaha. Jlo., ett uck Tuesday mrming. Almost
cteiywhero lucodiy the uspct or atfalrs was
nnpioved. In thii state, quiet pro ailed in
Pittsburg a id Hairlburg. and nocunm te.iom
occuned tn Jiuding. thouuh .ho stiikcrs ro
mHined masters of the til ua lions tncio. cob
fencer trains ran est a-i Wcl. us to Washing
ton ou the Jlaitimoto and Ohio Itadiond. Tbo
bin Kelson me nvw xoik ueuirai roau. loiio.
lug tho oxumoleotfeoiueol their btcll'ein ia the
West, eetailid men to guild tno tailioad putp
ntyfinm trainpt?. and dtscMmed any coniicc.
tibn wita thoCommuui-liceltmeat, Thobttike
has becouio general at Chic go.
Bcruutoii, ,
The Scrnv.loii Hi puMlcan of VT dnesdnv
nroimcg says .hi emptoyu or tdo LckiiWAiiiia
l,onl nn. lit n Coinpnoy. ami tho menu u on li.o
DeloWJio. I-iekuvviiniitt i.nd Weaiein und 'ho
Jjelaware uud Hudson Jtailrtia i uib u.i n binko
Ttuinh wore all lke.i to thelf do tiuatiouit, und
everv thing avjh ojuducied veiv (iilety Tue
ruHiilti tho torcluir out oi tmp otnunt ot thou
sand of miners and aboieis and euip oye-i in
oti'er branches of bdolnss t.cpeuai ig nnoa
imI.iou) trbusport'on. Iho n ro.
bliiiined themnuivo n tboudeef taw mutt r
(1T, and say tiey.wlll protect hie ucu piopefty,
it need be, with tu-ir lives,
Tao enirlneers, nromon and conductor on Iho
Fuit Wayne it i-uoid hoid pruvcr meeting ufei
the co i.panr nnnounc d lucieae l wage.
At Nerturi, o.igiuejr cju.cI jo indue
ed to movo ma train withoat llunuu
behi. .u i uu.
Tao -tiitio is over tt P.ttsburgh ns tho Penu
ry viiuia load tiii ifo.ulug moro to s.rnte
At t'o'llngiwooil, Qhlo, 311 bead of cattle
we o tirj'd i oo(o in tbo flePs. the btiiktrs
tuardmj ai a tukmg (Oie ot iinm. f the s.-l J ei -t ut 1 loan ins gave llioli
am inanition to tho takers, out -o dur raid he
wuu a s oner put ft budt-t t Ino ugh I-rank Uavv
tn than a stnkei.
roic previ s nt llnrrltbnrg, tbo strikers aio
gun ding the railroad property.
The womiugmea ef Danville &ro asking for
work or bread.
Adum Llrown, of JlahanoyCIty nndcomo men
from Uiinr vide uudbbcuundouh, tnut fo lowed
lifter tho r ermirauies on Monday un.iMug
weiecapiurei; oy ihot-tiriers at lluirlbburgtm
their uiiivul: their uujs tukou f,cm them and
they sent on their wy to find ibtlr compume.
Ti.o 1st. ami Vnd I'hilaitelplhU leglmeuts
weie tluuoughiv aemorallzcd last Saiuimy ut
The hi nke extends from tho Atlantic to the
UiztTun county men both railroaders and
mineis are iu a very untitled btato. Thoy
mftv all lie out at any hour.
Whilst the militia veio on retreat at Pitts
burghiui the 2Jd.ucit.zen, vth-sct broiherlid
bet n killed during fca uroay's ilht snatched a
gun from a lagging indicia man and bhut two cot
uioik dt-ud
Iho Htli aud 19th Ponusy'vania reolmenta
lefui-ed to teive. ut Plttobuigh, during the not
Theouiployeeaof the Uuiu t'oclllc I tail road
who had U'LclveJ notice of a rtduotiou ol tne
wages io taite p ace on the l ft. of lhH moutu
have been not llica that that order has been re.
Hie stnkers at Itarrlsbnrg. several times
ctoskcu lu river niier equjos oi minim men,
caught i bom, dis.iiined theui. lo.l, aud woll
l tea ted them, aud took theui totbe Arsejal and
delivered iheui'upimoihecre oi (Jen. towlrled'
wlinarccouiu.eud.uiou to him tuuketaieut
A Klot nt SUnmoUlii.
rorrenLLE, July. 25. Lie excitement was
ieat to-nigut wneu tno new cumj that tho
osttrucic store aad bee'i gut&ed by tho i in
ploy tea ot the Philadelphia Com Compiuy aud
an pen that the. r col lenes bad been tired It
If ceutialiv behoved that the l'bilutitilubia Coil
Co iip uytomailttud a serious net to make a
luduu lou oi wjKes when rtu epidemic f.r sti ik
ing was prevalent. Coiuiiul JJmwn deities that
any reauetlou has beeu made but It is conceded
tho employees oJkht t) knwv.
lu aha tn ok iu tlio troubiu is asumltig moit
stious proportions. Auutber ineet.n of tb
tuintrs was held today, nnd th deutnud tor
empuvmeutat Ugaty ceuts a dy or biead re
newed. K'O ld.Osiug w.s' addroKM)j by the
editor of iho Timi a una llbm It. M. lit a in'.
who couuicltd them tou peaceabli and nut
cumuli ujiiaKcs ur v.utuuce. XLO Duel iu
posu if twtuty.llvo meu lttt hero na hour agn
tor Iost tiipi the toiy uf the tmab.o ut
bbatubiin tu-nltih is thin Tho sinkers woud
nuluaee toaatffjrmade by the town uutuuri.
tie, wuo iffjrud tuooi einukivinsiiL attlirhcv
ctms A dav.asat uist aKid. out demauukd
on ooutrperuay. 'iuo cim.-ns held mueo
ir.g und bgteed to give bou nt bccnimg th-u- of.
ler, . uc without avmi, and the mob rushed to
tne railage pma ana lieadiug ware .ouo uud
gu led IU lueu they weuv to ihe Northern
CeuCial uepot. Uu tueir way they met a crowd
uud a uiUUu n t k moce.
lUmiOti- Uietl in tho crowd alter tho police
uu uutr uau uio-i iuiu utriu iu tuiimiuaie inem d3tn luither diuiiiue. Tiiu wiiith
lodow d was terrible, i'ho police iuoit4uy
wotiudbd a man iiatueJ Vinnt. u morekeenpr.
triiduijamlboveral otbeis. auong them llob
en TmUuiomu tua u lan uameu uuKipwao
weie umoug the spectators Iho Utter who
was shut in tae ho id, ill uot survive Alter
tne lust bbooimg tne c:rz ins i e'd a meeting iu
t uud otter thtvhad cot.
lea Ibiuugii witu it they fouud tn t wveul
ooildlugi htd bou tired. I be mob wax fluady
UispeisMi uy i no uutvos iqu uis posse oi ponce,
hamulus Juiv Duiluir the nut but lilulic
alUtKO aairm of tire wu boum'ed on Market
stiuettur ibepurpjooof drawiug the Vigilance
Com in Hi oe from too dtiotN nnd the central pare
of town. 'Ino tiro tlepirimeul turned out in lull
fore, anfi weio prouiytlv ou the grouuit. 'iho
fire cow pa. des ie duiuiraU they can to pioserve
prouero aud mdvr KverytbloB U quiet this
cited peoptc, waiuug ur soaieuiuiff io luxn vp,
liuUDcsi ii Unioit at a ft0'1itiU. (
Another Largo Invoice of
Specialties Bmmiaer Whit
Such as Suitings,
Percales, . " i
Grenadines, v.. !
White Goods,
Embroideries, &c.'
Speoial lino of BLACK ALPACAS;
Alsb, another lot of Ladies'
"Wo will rush off tho above at Very Low Prices. 6all
eaHy and bo convinced of tho Bargains wo have in stored
J. T. NUSBAUai & SOX, Original Cticn'p Cash Store,'
Lindeuman's Block, opposite Public Square, LEI1IGI1T0N, PAV
Dress Suits,
Youths' Suits, pp Boys' Suits.
. . . .. ,.
Matlo up from the Iieat Material, In tlm Latest Styles, .and Perfect Fits Guar
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Ilats, Caps, anfr Gents' Fur'Hishing
rSTCall and examine (Joodi end Fnce, before miblng year vdrcnitea eltevsere.
T. D. OLAUSS, Merchant Tailor, r ,
2nd door above tlia Public Square, BANrt STREET, Len'lghtoti:
mmm fi . 1 .
Stnro In Sernmel's Xew Bloclr, opposite
LieniRiiwn, rn.
Successor to D. Booii & Co'
At tla 66 Maiaiinotli Stored
Opposite the L. & S. Depot, BANK Street,
Respectfully announces to. his customers and' friends thti'
ho is daily f eceiviug additions to his stock 6i
QUBENSWA3U9, ,&c.,' &c,, M
Also, just received a car load or LIVERPOOL SALT,
which I am selling at Bottom Prices. T
SALT FISH a Specialty.
If you really desire' to know h'ow 'large an amounfi'
of Goods you can get for a small sum' oj? Ready Money,
you should not fail to givo mo a call before making jow
purchases elsewhere.
Don't forget the Maminoth Store, opp. L.&S.:DeiDOtv
May 0, 1879-yl LEniGHTOlJ PEfN'Al
Wclssport PJauiMg
irNKV MILLS, taty are now
every decnptiou of
Such as Siding, floor Boards, Doors, Sash,Blinds, Shut-'
ters, Moldings, Brackets, Cabinet Ware, &c, &o.,
' . 'It 1H
On the KhorlfBt Notlci. Our Machinery 1, all New and ol the UnaC AoproTOd Kind, to thAtura
li .vn no hesiiatlon In Ouaranteinir Pvrtcct eausiactlno to all who niay laror nt with their ordars,4
It on Iistb not llroe tn call and a.ectnhat rou want. Mnd joaroiiltri ana they will tt nllM
prornDtly ana at a, low pricei aa though you were present.
Olvo us a Trlal.-anil you will be convinced ot what we say'.
D. B. ALBniQHjr,
bfflce'and Mill, nekrly'op'poslte'tho Fort Allen House, WE1SSP0RT, Carbon
county, Penna, June 10, let gl
Busirles's Suits;
Ladies, Gents;. Misses;
Souths and Children.,
Manufactured exprens'y or,hIn?,(
and to suit the wear of thla nectloi;.'
All warranted to be as represented
and sold at
P Bottom Prices ! .
tho Public Square, BANK STREET
Mill & Lumbtif
supply tUem,,ai VjsRlf LOW JEST rBI08t Willi