The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, July 14, 1877, Image 3

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    Society nicclings.
lnHKITO CABTLI, No. 7, A. 0. K. Of TUX M;0.
ana ana 41a siouasyox r
aeh month, in Iti
bsrs Hall. Lenightoi
n. at 7ijo o'clock r. m.
W. X. Uenniuger,
8. K. U. t s. R,.GIlham.
v, u.. it.
XAt-U nUTTM LODOI. No. 880, 1. O. O. T ..
meets every Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock,
In Keber's nail. Alfred ISecfc.jX.U. N.
B. Beber, Secretary.
WaTcBM tkidi. ifo. 23V. imt. o. ot n. jr.,
meets In lteber'sllall eveiy Saturday. II.
L. Oaggns. Sachem i O. W, Delhi, O. o( R.
Pono Poca Turns, Nq..iTl, Ittp. Q. n. M meet
on Wednesday evening ot eitcn week, at 7:30
o'clock, in Public Bchool Hull, Weissport,
Pa. O. W. Schwab, 8.i J sc. Brong, u. of B.
riwnontos, Xotobx. No. idt., of p.. roceta
FrlOttyovenlOBs.-Irt ltebe? Hall, at 7:8)
o'ciooh. J, w. llandenbush, C. O. T. 11.
Its to lift, K. ot 11. and B.
AdvorUNitili: HHIna.
Vf desire it to be distinctly nndcratond that
lis advertisements wlU be Inserted In the col'
oram ot the Oarbox Advocate that mat be
jeived from unknown parties or Arms unless
(companled with the CAS II,
nr uai.i icnui.
Advertisements tot 1 year, per Inch each
Insertion i . . . . . ,10 Cta.
. ' six Monti, per Inch each insertion 15 cta.
" Three Months., ' " 20 Cta.
" Less than three montha, fltst Inser
tion til. each tmbeeqaent lnaertlon 23 Cta.
JLooal noticea 10 oenta per line.
n. V. MORTniMBH.p'tio'llsher.
R. sibwbUs,
xJisTwdr attorney fe counsellor
OrfiCx, No. t, Mansion tloo,
attllnr atatca. Ptlln Accsunta and ornhana
Conn praoace a aMCiaur. ,,
, Trial of Cnnsea taromllr attended toi , Legs!
transactions In Kngiisa and German. Jan a.
Local and Personal;
Th e potato crop promises well.
'" Marcutlo," too lalo for tlilD week. I
Early apples are coming to market.
Id Lancaster county new potatoes
are selling at 00 cents per bushel.
Professor Dubois, ot the LbH fill
University. Bethlehem, lias resigned.
It 13 Dredleted that Dotatoes Will
bnlv be thlrtv runts a hll.lli pi rlfiit fall.
- Mrs. Scholar, of Lelilgtl toutitV. fel1
ft. - 1. a - .1 1 .. .. I l . - ,
aiuuj h vuciry ilea nuu iueivcu iuwi
Otto Kaiser, Recorder of Deeds bt
Ajuzeroe county, uieu oa xuesaay last
Uk bvfllUIUI.IUU.
F. A. Beamish, sentenced to tile
eastern cenltentlarv for four fears, was
taken to that Institution Tuesday.
The examtnattdti bf teachers will
a. m. in the nubile School bulldlne.
Mrs. Grecdswlit, an old lady of 05.
MVtM VU, V, Tl HKUU IICI.. millUvl.ll UU
UOWJ UlUlUIUjf nuu uiuaa MCI Ullll.
The Schuylkill Valley ftav gallon
and Iialllbad abboUhces a dividend of
M,K nnrl Knnl.tila1 hkL kAlt .T..I..
' " wv-M.a j'v- wvu. ymjmuiv W UIY
The First National Dank df Le.
iuuiuu una utruiaieu u uiTiuenu nr n
r ceai.. DavBUiB on una nirpr umv
HkUundcMJ lb tfrehrMIetVbf
Firewood it 12.25 a load: and &
(TPS. VPTV rllPAtl .llftt. rpPpltfArl ntSpiriL
CI Ub UHU D B DUlin,
-The CnUnlssa Aerlcultural and
ndQstrlat Association, will hold US
ext regular fair at Rlntowdi on Sep
UIUC1 UU. -U. At J . 1 L 1 1 1 1 .r -
T.D.Claiiss, the tailor, hrts just re.
rnmi lriim inn n it v o nn i a ttniu nnAn-
il nu cuureiv iihvt Hincic nr inr mi?
oods. Call and see tlltirl.
Mr. Narv. of T.iir.ernhntintv. nnhA
- i , . - ' . J ' n
me-.y-eignt years, wno Itau Deen Dllna
Ine yefitsi arose a few mornlngi since
no imiy resiorea eye-signt.
Beautiful I When you jio to Mauch
bunk, don't fall to call at E. F. Luck-
ukcu n near uruaavraT iinitRrt. nnn
o bis beautiful wall paper, fcc.
-A frlehtened hois'! 4t Scfrtntori
anpfl fivn nat tk mnv nit trtdl tfoln tin
Iday and was dragged td de'dtli, and
e oriver recelred ratal Inlurlfta.
-lleader, ti yob would save money j
nconce to lue ur ffinai cnean tiaa i
ore or J. i. Ntiauaum & sari. Thnv
nts,' youths' and chlldrens boots,
oes and gaiters, at T. D. Clauss,'
tllaat, at Kbervale, Luzerne county.
this place, wilt sail, for liretnen Inthtf
V. Ther cXDOCt td ba ab&dnt almift
eo monins. uoq voynce.
XT i. a U V t .. 1 f,
-wwt Kaavuiiuu I a HkOlIU UIICU Lit
raci mat at the papular livery o:
vld Ebbnrt, on North street, thli
ougn. xou can always set burses
carnages at very row rattW;
vi hhiuu aacj ia. tjinuiau IJ
a miiea uv a iall or co&i in th m.
uj twiiy uuiuerv. buoqe nnnn 'rnM.
iih. aavmiHtivua. I la Oirticil
er ibb w wx or a. qctrrer p otje pvr
i.. ii an it w aiitiir r rwr ri r ar i nrifkr mi rn m
der the State law of cornoratlons.
uinciucuif iudv iiavH imL rinrn.
frolu New York with aunthir lari.A
pose to sell off quickly at lowest
u prices.
T XT t 1 A t a 1 1 1 aii
Ible Tots In' Itlekertstown to dispose
, ai you reel axe securing a good
h rail x iic i Kpn ii mr lid ia ar u.
Dg.flour,f6cd, lumber and coal at tbo
si zaieui.
A .f l.t I t i
at llie Liausford depot on- Mouday,
actofgitllng off a wagon to load
goods, accidentally 6lipned and
bU bead strlklno thn erouud. 11a
irc-o itw eaecti of tne fan on
a ay.
Tlio Mount Carbon and Port Car
bon llallroad announces n dividend of
six per cent, payable July 18.
t3rir you tino iot this paper, we
would be pleased It you would rbralt
the amount now. We need rnoiiey
"muchly" at this time. JE)
H. B. Widddss lias removed his
barber shop from Welssfaort Into the
bulldint! opposite the First National
Bank, In this borough, where ho will be
pleased to meet any of our citizens do
siring anything In his line.
T. D. Clauss, the merchant tailor
Is now receiving an Immense stock or
spring and summer styles of cloths, cas
slmeres and vesting, which ho ls pro
pared to make up In the latest fashion
at very popular prices for cash.
Soma person fobbed the spring
house of David Snyder, who lives about
a half a mile north of Millport, on Fri
day bight. The tllte't succeeded In
carrying off about ten pounds ot butter
and the same Quantity ot iresh veal.
Mr. Ezra Nowhart has been ap.
pointed to collect the and Poor
taxes fdr this yeaf. Mr. N. collected
the Borough taxes last year, and Rave
such satisfaction as to cause bis appoint
mdtJt this year without a dissenting"
Gent's furnlsblne goods, comprls
tig white and fbiorcd shirts, uhttcr.
wear, collars, neoktles) etc., In immense
quantities, and at price1!) lottCr than
everbeforo offered, at T. D. Clauss'
merchant tailoring establishment; Bank
street, Leliighton.
Potato Boo I Potato Bug 1 1 Go
lo A. J. Durllng's Drug btnre for your
Paris Green. There are several grades
ot Paris Green la the inarkrt. A. J.
:brllng sells the proper grade for de
stroying the bug. For sale wlidlesale
or retail.
-On Sunday eVCnlng, at T.43 o'clock,
lecture will be delivered by C. S.
Weiss, on the subject, ' The Question
ot Present Human Life"," In the Evan
gelical Church, Lehlghton. Alt are
Cordially litflted to the lecture, which
will undoubtedly tie a rich feast to ulli
Pest Poison I Pest PdisdN 1 1 A
safe, sure and cheap destroyer of the
potato bhg, cabbage and currant worms
and other insects. Unlike Paris Green,
dissolve in water and Is sprinkled.
Sure death. No danger to plants. Costs
2d cents an aero otlly. A. J. Durllng,
drugulstj sole aggiit for Lehlghton aud
'lo-mbrrbw (Sunday) Rev. S. Neltz,
E ot Keadlni', will preach In thn
Evangelical Chutcll of Welssport. At
10 a. m., German services ; at 2 p. ro.,
Sunday School ; at 8 p. ni., Commun
ion ; at 7.45 p. m.i Kugllsh services.
All whowlll come to theseservlces will
tectjlve a warm welcome.
J. K. Kerr.
John Schroeder, a young man re
siding at Schuylkill Haven, was before
Esquire n. A. Beltz, on Tuesday last.
charged, on oath of A. P. Blink, of (bis,
borough, wltb stealing a mule, buggy
and harness. After a hearing Schroe
der was held In the etint df $500 to hp.
pear at the next term or UoUrt anil an
swer the clinrge ; F. P. Semn,el, Esq,,
going his ball.
-The prlco ot potatoes Is about as
variable as the whlnn of dealers choose
to make It. We. have, duilus the past
weeK, nearu or ttiem seilins at 40 cents
per peck, and all the way down fiom
that price to 10 cents. Why can't our
dealers make a uniform figure, as they
do elsewhere. Id Sctaiiloii and Easton
they sell at 70 cents per UllSbel. Wby
not nerer
During a short visit to Weather Iv.
on Monday Irlst, we dropped lutb' the
popular restaurant kept by our young
rtiena wai'r mine. Walt, keeps a
tlD'ton nlace and Is chock full curlosl.
ties, comprising stuffed birds, preserved
ougs anu moths, a four legged chicken,
and a variety of mineral specimens, a.
together formlncr nulte. a museum.
When you are In Weatlierlvdrou In and
see him, you will be' sure to receive
kind treatment
Oh Saturday. Adrr. 4th. a cmitid
military review and parade is td cttoe
off In Catiisauqua, In which the whole
ol the Fdurth Regiment ot the Natto'n.
al Guard tff Pennsylvania, comprising"
tlie military ot 1-ehlgh, Berks and
iSortbampton counties, will, it Is ex
pected, take part. The display as a
whole will be a fine one. nntl wd havi-
no doubt an Immense croud Of people
mi, mj mt mi Luuiucr tu wuness it.
Ths" "doe dats" commenced Jnl
otu. Tbls season which we believe
lasts six weeks, Is regarded by many
persons as more unhealthy than that
miiuii nuiiieuiaieij preceaesor succeeds
it, and as beloit A time when mankind
are more1 liable to attacks from disease'
from exposure or Imprudence In their
generaunaww. if there Is no founda
tion ln-fact for th S belief. It Is a suner
Undn ot long standing.
(k. quartette of our yonnz and ies'
tlva.sports made a flshlns excursfdn to
Llzzard Creek, over the Mahonlnc
mountalo. otl Monday last. Thfdr da.
pbrture ertuteJ quite an excitement a
uiey were in sucn: a nurry to pel oa
that they could not reOralri Iti trie stable
Jdng enough to httch np, but accottf.
pllsKed the feat whlltf on thu "ro '
this bfciftsu there was a! dollar worth
oi lager oeer on the resut 6f the face
to the ilshltig t-roonJa. inrt one nartv
came to eric f on the" inounuln mi an.
count of a baulky horse, and had to
fork over for the beer. Result of the
oay-8 sport: IS very poor, blind sun.
ntes, a good deal ot fun, and a very lit
no wuro layer.
unaden Huetten Lodee. No 08
I. O. O. F., of this borough, on Tuei
day evenins last conferred thn iWrf
of Rebecca upon Mrs. A, G. Dollen
inayer, Mrs. Jos. Frltzln l?er anil Mrs
W. I Peters, and some seven or eight
gentlemen. The following gentlemen
participated In the cereniuni.. nf run.
ferrlug the degree : Andrew Elliott, of
i-ruir AiOtige , SiO, 107, HiliaUerphla',
and W. Li. Babcook,. of lVhich Lodctt
No. B7, of AllpntoWn. Th of
conferring the' degree at this time was
on account of Mrs. Dollevmaver belnc
about sailing, on an' extendvd trln In
Germaoy, autl was desirous of taking?
iuo urgrcs iwrore ner aeparture.
Letter from Mnuch Clmnk.
iiAucu ciiusE. Jnir ir, IS77.
Roslneai oontlnnea doll aa cvor. Indefd. no.
bodr appeara lo be doms aoythlng hence All
bars plenty or lclanre to tale abdat llaitt times
with their selxbbora. Our hotola ato In a man.
ner deserted, aa moat ot the arilvals aro c'oh
flnedto city drummera. who. Jost now, don't
flud ihla town a very profitable field, a most
ot our merchants are opera tiLtc cautiously, car
rylog bdt llgbt Hocus. What lew strangers
find tnelr way hither to 8e0 thu alRlits, depart
moaUy oa aoon aa Ihby bare made a trip over
tho Switch Back or visited the Glen, or both, to
do which never necessitates a looft etny. They
come and go like birds ot passage aud leave bat
little money hero.
Tbe same thing applied to Snmrnlt Hill, only
that It la worae there than bere Fcople being
,at wort, the town looks deserted dnrlug tho day
rid preaents bat little life at night. The men,
reduced to a mere pittance, loo aad and de
jected i merchants carry small sioclts. ana,
though tbe mvjonty or them aro atui doing
boaine.a on the rnlnoos credit ayatbtn, cnbtom.
era appear to be wanting even at that, a tact
which would aeem to indicate a very general
disposition to economize.
The lleitoletto ltiuesuro having their regu
lar weoltly drills and, In the course ot time,
promise to make good aoldtera. Mr: Nathan
Kloti. who pres'dea over the destinies ot the
EagU Ilonse, and "Dig Simon," who keeps tbe
track restaurant of tho place, are probably the
only oui-8 among tbe caterera ot tho Iowa who
Bull do A small paying bu-lneesi and tlotil pro.
prietors are aa tall ot practical Jokes and devil-
tris ever, "Uuole Nathan" telling aa many
atdo apnttlng aroa, and "Big Simon" expatiat
ing aa loudiyoutno virtues ot "IlneMJlwuuiee"
aa heretofore.
Tbe force at the Lansford ahopa la probably
the amillest ever emp.oyed there bat two
moulders being at work In the tonndrr, where
in limes past tbey conld be connted by tho
Boores. Tho potato crop promlsoa to yield
largely, and It realty doea oue'a eyea good to be
hold the muny well.tuied gardens and track
patchea In thai vicinity.
la the rising borough (Lansford) things aro
aa doll (it not more so) aa at tho Summit.
On last Sataiday evening somo cvil-dlsuoned
person failed In an attempt to fire Bilalln'a
carpenter shop, adjoining Frledman'a ato:c
bouse. Had the fire not been discovered la
lime, It would certainly have destroyed both
Buildings. When tho ure was extinguished It
was fauna that tbe attempt to baru the proper,
ty bad been made with a namber ot large .amp
wlbAa soaked In kerosene. Attempted a few
hours later li might have aucceeded. Tho affair
has cjeated quite a gossip.
Inaofaroa building enterprise Is concerned.
there la etlll aome Uttle doing la the neighbor
bona of Lansford In fact mbro than I've no'
tlced elsewhere Ur. Brisiln, who now aeema
lo fe In general favor, doing moat of the Jobs.
The affalra of tbe Fidelity Bnlldlng and Loan
A8sociaU(.naro suldto be in a prosperous con
dition, and, notwithstanding tue strlngeilty of
tno tlmea, tbe Association expects co be nolo to
wind up at tbe time anticipated, when speaks
well for Mr. Murcy. the faithful Secretary and
Treasurer. Having lost a onalderable amount
of their deposit! by wltharawala, toe itinera'
Saving Bank la scarcely doing anything lu the
way ot discounts, but the institution Is rturc
aonted Oa atrong aianyheieabouia.
And now tor the la teat sensation-fraud in tho
East lluuch Chunk post-office, by which the
postmaster is said to hare s vludted the depait.
mcut out ot about ISO) aunoallvi for be It
known to joa that the post-oinoeot that place
was a salaried one, rated atll.OJOper annum.
To oonatltute It each the postmaster would
draw stamps from the deparimeat and dispose
of them elabyrhere at a dlaooifat. Which, while
enabling bfm' to bring tho baaioeaa ot tho omce
up to the rcqairod atundard to constlihto it a
eaiarled offleu, was not only to the lLjury of the
Government, but alsb iLjureltho ottlcesmtae
city ot cities in winch tneso stamps were sold,
llo wever this may b.-. It enabled tne "high cock,
alorum" to make' the office pav him at a loss to
the Government. As early as last November
the wnterhad nninkUag ot this mailer, but
refrained ttoni mentlomug augnt In i elation
Iberetooti the aseuiauce of a gentleman cou
necied wilh tbe oepartmeat taatlt eboaldre.
celve proper attontlbd. The cunaeqaenco was
that tho postmaster was ehadowed by u
deiccttve and tueswioaling operations plain
ly es.nbllBucd. Cauitutinthe trap set for him,
the postmaster resigned; and the business of
tbo oflioo Is now conducted by a d-iuty, ai.
though atrong effjrts ore made lo continue the
oinceunuerlho same management b'y having
one of the faml.y appointed to the sacoesslon
It remains to be seen Whether Hutherfoid B.'a
fostmaiicr Qeneraiwlil dare to appoint one of
the ilk. Yours, etc, .
A three year old son of M r. R. O.
Butler, who, on last Friday evening,
ten ironi a second story window and
escaped with but a few blight bcratchus,
ia autiufc ugairr,
Lizzie, aged 17 yeafs, daughter of
Janus Ross, Of Upper Mauch Chunk,
who died on last Sunday, was hurled
on Tuesday rtfternoon. Unr death
caused much sympathy for the bereav
ed family, and her funeral was largely
llie Cornet Band .to be frf East
Mauch Chunk, will hold a picnic in the
gruvu tti tue mot or centre street on
weanesday, the 18th IhsL
The Washington C. B. of Nesnnfc.
honing cleared $,.'U2 at their lalo picnic.
A lad named Thomas Reiner, em
ployed at Dodge, Smith & Co'8 saw
mill, at Lehigh Tannery, coming In
contact with a circular Saw, lost thfee
augers on i rway or last week.
Sheriff RaiAfe'nbush and Mf. touls
Armbiifsler will soon depart for tho
Sea Bho'ro; to remain fnf stnue timer
Mr. P. J. Meehun has removed to
his uetf' 68)08 iti Ma'i; Klotz's bulldfn'o?.
Dr. Brighton announces a fashion,
able hop" at Muu'ut Pugah Pavilion for
hext Wedneaday evening'.
A plauu has lately been added to
the other attractions of the Pavilion,
and a ten-pin alley Is now constructing.
-Two "ladles" of E. Mauch Chunk
6n last Tuesday eveuiug entertained
the crowd at a free lecture " on nastl
uess" In fruut ot the postnUJce.
Business at the several county o(U.
ces Is very dull, which causes thu oceu.
pants to nigh for the necessary stamp,
tiwukd them to tho setwldo. f
Shipping row Is almost deserted
ne omues bulug nearly all closed,-
Duauug- uun as ever.-
The trot for a purse ot (200, on tbo
Lehlghtoir Driving Park, last Saturday
afternoon, was a well contested race
and was won by Honest FrnnV. Time
aa follow!, best 3 in 3, In harness
Yunna; Battler , i
Honest 'iaon o
0 o
1 r
The second race was a' sweenstake.
for which two horses werecntertdSor.
rel IVt aud a St. Charles HorSoTtand
Watt M.' . h. Ilia I.I'a. PIma" fl'.lQ
o:v- ana u;vo ; oest u in o.Ttnibarties
Welaapnrt Chips.
Thero Is one moro Zern In onr
vicinity. We hall him.
The stldden death of Mrs. li. Al
bright's father was caused by a rupture.
It Is rniifllvpri that In thn Inllpr unrf.
ot August there will Uo a camp-ulectlng
somewuero at tug ureeK.
Last Sunday Dr. Lest was seen In
tho Evangelical Sunday school, anil
kindly cdiisented to teacli a class.
That Moses of Slatlhutdrt must have
a largo quantity df animal dr spiritual
magnetism. Probably both.
Lately the Rev. Erb tnado manv
visits iu this pi ice. That's right, Bro.
E. ; hunt up tho lost sheep ot the houso
of Israel.
I am Informed that Rev. S. Nelts
will ofhclato In thu Evangelical Church
en Sunday. There will be communlou
at 8 p. m.
Tho work done on Slindays ht the
railroad bridge Is very much dlsnroved
and denounced by oUr well-thinking
and religious disposed by people.
It Is reported that the wife df one
bf but preacher's communed at af orelgn
table. Enio can not seo anything sin
ful In such an action. We ought to bo
onb In Christ.
It appears there la 8dthB party" wild
can swear a little bh ono side ot our
fiver and be called upon to pray a great
deal on the other side. Emo Imagines
that such prayers area "sounding brass
and a t'nkllng cymbal." Oh, con
sistency, thou art & precious Jewel 1
Again and again threats are madd
to prosecute o'liclatlng parties for per
forming" clandestine (secret) marriages.
It is well to bear In mind that In 1871
an net was passed which protects the
officiating patty from tile penalty df tho
act of 1721), unless lie knowingly and
willfully performs tho ceremodles of
such eloped or secret uiarriages".
Albrlgtavllle Items.
Huckleberries are selling at C cents
per quart.
Corn ond oats look well, and pota
toes lobk better yet.
The fourth passed off very quietly
aud without harm to any one.
Fishlhg In Mud Run Is not very
profitable at this time the few fish
caught belbg Very small.
Master J. D., son of J. S. Hauk,
student of tilts Allqntown Business Col
lege, spent his glorious Fourth lu this
place, and enjoyed himself very much.
There are still a number of persons
In this vicinity who do not pay any nt
tentlbh to the In regard to tho law setting
of bets, nor do they believe that such a
law exists. They will undoubtedly
learn something lo their sorrow ere long.
Rev. E. F. Erdman, pastor of the
Middle Big Cteek circuit, will preach
here on Sunday next, nsslsted by Rev.
James O. Lehr, P. E. Services will
commence at fJ.SO a. in., and G.OO p. in.
All are Invited to attend.
YoutSj etc.,
Sunilny School Itr-tiiilon.
A re-unlin of all the Evangelical As
sociation Sabbath Schools, of the' bid
Carbon Circuit, consisting of all (he
schools of Parryvl'le, Burlihsvilte nnd
Slatlhgton Circuits, WelSspoit Station,
Lehlghton and Mauch Chunk Missions,
rind tho Mahoniug school, will ho held
on Tuesday, August 7th, 1877, Id
Craig's Park, at Lehigh Gap.
OnDEIl OP EXERCISES. 10.-33 lo 11:30 a. ro.,
Clil, du n's Meeting, to bo aildressM by j, o.
Lebr, W. 11, Weiuuer, I. J. lloiti and W. O.
ll:Jla.m. to 2 p.m., Recreation.
1 to 3 p. m.. Special services tor Sunday School
1. T..o Importance ot tbe Sunday Rchool
Work I. ii Kq?rr.
2. Tho Qasltncations of bunoay Hchool
Workers Win a. Itomlg.
3. now to Work I. w. leaket.
a The Ilenardlor tho Worn J. K. Knerr.
3 to 3:20, special Sol noes tor Parent and the
Aged I'eople, tu be addressed by 8. Nelu and
II. DliElnger.
A to 4:3J, A General Gathering for Parting
t erviccs, to be addressed by J, U, Uneni ana H.
Tcacliera1 Kxarn'tnatlona.
R. F. Ilnfford. C'ountv Superintend
ant. will hold Teachers' Examinations
as follows :
At lehlghton, July u at $ a. m.
At 11. Mnuch bunk Jnlv 17, nt 9 a. m,
I.ehlnh wp., at ltockpoi '. Aac. 4, at 9 n. ra,
Franklin IWp., ut Utut Weissport, August 0,
at u a. m.
Packer iwp.. at Hanz'. Anr. II, at 0 a. m..
East Penn twp., at I'ennavlUo, August nth,
at on m.
Mahoning twp., at Pleasant Corner, Aug. IS,
h. Towamenslng, at Millport, AogastSilh, at
P. m.
U. Towamenslng. at Strmlersvllle. Anirast SO.
1,111. lu.
A. o. K. or tbs ii. a.
At the regular meeting of Inunlto
Ctle, No. 7B, A. O. K. Of tho M. C,
held In ReberV Hall, on Monday even
ing last, the following officers were td
stalled for the ensulug term ;
H. K. o.-w. K Benn nger i
S. K. V. c rienn Kostenbaderi
H. K P L--JohuOargesi
a K. It. s. b. It. Ui'ham i
h. K. A. 11 s. .J. o. llett i
Tie surer A. G. Iiollrniuyer i
b. K. i. G. Samuel Graver
I.. II. anil I Co,
A regular meeting of Lehigh Hook
and Ladder Comnauv will he held In
tueir iiau, on Monday evening next, at
bociock. .every requested
lo oe present, as business ot much Im
portance is to bo transacted.
J der
H. V. MoRTrttMER, Pres't.
ketnuv, Sec'y.
T. B. Rcber met with a piin
int on Friday night ot last
week, lie had been attending a daugh
ter of Mrs, Waifiier, on Second street,
when, oil leaving tho house at about
10:110 o'clock, he missed thu steps lead
lug to the. street, and, stepping ffom the
Ingh bank, landed" (n tho street, severe
ly spraining an ankle and foot. We
are pleased to bo able to state that he Is
now able to bo' about the house on
crutches', with a. fair piospect ot
suuiing ins dally visits shortly.
At Patagonia. Luzernd coofltvi
several boys threw ten pounds of pow
der into a tire whlsh they had created
an the Fourth Ot July, Thero was a
terrific explosion and Thomas Williams,
one of the lads', was fatally burned.
Tho others received painful iujurled-,
among tbem David Edwards two named
Raymond aud two named Pembrldg.
An Appeal,
Mr. F. P. Lcntzhandcd n tho foll&i.
Ing appeal to out citizens on behalf of
the Citizens' Cornet Band, with a re
quest that wo publish tho same, wlilcli
request wo cheerfully comply with and
earnestly recommend it to the consider
ation ot dur people. A solicitor will
wan upon you during the coming week :
Ti tV Fricndt o f lis Citiwm' Cbmrt Band 1a-
Believing that the citizens ot r.nhlirhtnn am aa
auxionsfur thbancoes ot their puoilo insiltu.
tloua aa tho people ot Mauch C'huui. Weissport,
So.; wo take tho liberty ot laying tefore yon tho
tact that, mnca the organisation of the Gluten'
Cornet iiand.wo tiavelibdrod nard to make onr
fielvea anorgau'zatiou worthy ot your support
and confidence. How we have succeeded la tor
yod to juage, and tbe response we receive to
this oar appeal will be tak. n by U as your ver
dict. Althoagli our progress has been as rapid
as wo expected, nevertheless We nlight bo fur
ther aavsuccd loan we are had we not been
hampered with Iho debt on our Instruments' To
cancel this debt we bavo dono almost ail lu oar
power, nuu huvj succroaod only in reaaclnglt
bv ubout'oue third. As u last reBort we now ap.
Deal to our OIllzeUB to LOiltni thB limnnntWA
ra sitll lu dobt, (ZZo.00). We aSK eacn of onr
frleucs tu loan us dor lu dollars, as tbey may
feel ablo. for vear. for which we will tt iva a
Jadguioiic nolo on our ln.trumeuts bearing e
perojui. imeieNL. wenupo wo will not tan lu
iiusouriasi resort anu tno nrst general appeal
wemae. It we no wo know tbo cfrjrta of tlm
Bono to succeed will bo dwarfed. It it la not Its
death ulow. snail tbe edict go forth tuat the
people of Lebiguloa uro as liberal in tbo hup
port of their Baud as tne r neighbdrlng towns,
or ah ill It be that for want of enterprise ana
litisrMlly their otic andonlv oiganizanon of llie
kind had to die) 'I his. our friends, is tor yon to
any t but we do beliove, or at least we hope thai
bur appeal will receive a uoeral and cueetf al
? espouse, lletnember friends, we ask ndift,
hlv a icett kttvLTta. loan.
onrs, fialurnally,
P. P. Lestz, Loader,
i u, . fortheBondl
Lehlxbtom Pa., July 12, 1S77.
iinngera of Country Sparttlilcr.
On Sunday evening last a certain
farmer residing about a mile from Trex.
lertown went but to shut a gate that
had been left unfastened, and while
passing near the barn, he noticed that
one of the doors was open, and alo the
form of a man walking near It. These
clrcumstnnces led him to suspect that
something was wrong, and he accord
ingly called a codple of dogs and hissed
them after the Intruder. The chap left
suddenly, running like a race-horse, his
coat tails standing out straight behind.
The dogs were close up. and their furi
ous yelping caused hi in to redouble his
exsrtlons, nntl to get up a speed almost
equsl to that ot a lightning express
train. Tho chtiso continued several
hundred yards, when human fleetness
and bottom proved too much for canine
swiftness, ar.d the fellow managed to
get off safely, without a scratch or a
one." 'liio farmer on getting back
to the hodse discovered that his visitor
was no thief at all, buttinly a beau that
his hired girl h&d brought homo from
s nulnc school" to "set nrt with." Of
course the farmer regtetttcd his hasty
action In the case, but he could not help
laughing when he thought ot the agility
displayed on the occasion" by that de
parting young man. Allebtown Dem
ocrat. Hanged, & now Declared ilinoeent.
From the lteadfifg Eagle: A correspondent
writing from tho I'otUvilio Jail has this to say
otJuck Kelice, once King ot tho MollloMa.
guirea In BchnylklU county: He Is tbe leading
prisoner bere, and Is under sentence of deatn
as an accessory to murders committed by his
Ab I" sld be, "they did a big day's wotk
that 'rnurwli. j". And sir, it waa a a bad day'a
wotk." li-.Iathug up with Indignation, "ihey
huug three as innocent men na voa are. sir
Cairoll, lloarlty, and Duffy were Innocent, and
when 1 come to die 1M sivso. Don't you. or
any other fair-minded mau.thtnk that II was tbe
duly ot th- .Oovcruor's Secretary to us t.iat re.
E note which you newspaper men say he had In
is pocaet whoo lloanty made tits iieaihalute.
mem on the f,alows, oieiring Duffyl Ana yet
I'm sorrier fur Carroll than for any man ever I
knew, lie was a decent man, and waa raised
up to decency, anil ougat uot lo have been hong
on auih incurs evidence.
The Moine King Bpoke bitterly ol Mr. Gowen,
and t.stil the meu wore driven to crime by toe
severe orders of tbe Heading Camnany'a mm.
' And then," be Continued, "thev sent MqPar.
Ian. waa an and nsrhin. n plihit.
lie and they Instructed hliu to Jolu the eooieif
anil eucourjge aud commit crime: and wben Ire
should get enough Into thoeuaio, bo was to bo-'
gin bunging them ou his own evidence and that
oi oiueis wuoui ne inreatenea lo uang.and woo,
to save tbelr necks. wou:d He on thelrfelluwa.
Atter he among us, there Were several
murders committed. Anmn nt whfnh h. .nntnr.
aged.audall of whico It behadbeonaf traeman;
LUUIU uhio yicvcuiiLU.
The Coal Trade.
The anthracite coal trade Is ilA tn the clreO'r.
tul condition that we could Wish, bnttheouu
loog, we think, affords aigba ot eccouragement.
Thoigh tho production has fallen off a little
within a week past. In conseaaence. nrobabrr.
of tho festivities attondam ou the celebration' Or
tlm .'Prtlirttl." wn lan en nil .I.-, nt an a ,
demand for coal for tbia season of tbo year. 1 he
quantity at Port Richmond Is considerably less
than Is usual on the first ot July. The ship.
ments from that polatexceedtho dally receipts,
aud the Reading Coal and Irou Company la tax,
ed to supply tbe demand for almost all the
aeveral Blzes ot coal except chestnut and pea
coals. Similar lerWrts come from most of tbe
coal centtes. An fninortmt lnanirr In this con
noctlop is. lina the 2H luUliona of tons marketed
him year to date lu excess ot that maiketed laat
yc&r lo the amie tune gone Into consumption or
has It oeen piled away I If tho former, and tho
C04l Ihaa lar marketed has been used, then it
mar naturilly be interred that tne activity oflhe
spring auu umuicr itduq win uo cimou into
and through tho closing montha of the year.
If tha latter, that la. If toe coal fisabeen atuwed
away for future use, then t-e active trade of
tbe j ear thus tar la bat an anticipation of the
activity that usu illy cornea litor. The very low
prices ol coal that have ruled nearlr nil of the
year thna far may have tempted pnrcbera to
buv early, but the opinion of tbe beat informed
in tne iraue latiai me usual propcriton or pro
duction trus lar baa cone into consumption.
Tne coal consuming area of tbe country haa
been verr considerably Inoroused, and new
msi keta created bf tbo establishment of coal
deiiots. where antbrao.te asa fuel ha. hereto-'
fore been' comparatively unknown. Tola move
ment has ot lt-clt withdrawn a large portion ot
tho two mil ion tona of exceaa. There Is, there
loie, gpod reason ta look for a fairly active
inarit t lor tbo coal to tbe end ot U e year. Th
nCxtimiiortaut thing la paying pncei1, which
are uot now renera.iy ooialnoil. Thts matter
Of tow prrco follows naiurally from tho giuit
depression that has so severely shadowed the
bustneaa ot tne wholo country lor tbo last three
or fiur years. Kvery pursuit has bei severe,
ly depressed, and coal and Iron pe.hapa more
tuan am- others. Bat tbo sua is not always
obacnied, and tbe cnu of the night that baa ao
lung clouded our proa parity mu.t banear it end.
Ono among otber reasona to encourage tbla
hope, is f..und In tho tact that tho nnsncial d'f.
flcu tlea lu which coal oorpoisUonj. flrma and
mdivldtisla have fo-nd themaeivea involved,
ana wnlch forced ;nem to tno rale ot Coal (it
uilces below the oot ol producuou.aru gradual
ly being settled, up aud disposed of, snd, fiiougb
theacjustm -jt may put iu evere inaaucebq
sermaurnt. It will probaoly last long ennqxh
wltnmostol them, we hope with ajloitbem,
to glvoyione to the market iod nrmnesa to
prlctar'Tbe Central Railroad ot New Jersey
antiifa leaaad . Hues have come to a luntuailr
Istactory arrancimont as
e lleauiug ltafllt.fll.1 rornbaov is liavlni? a freo
aud very general accord tendered to pioooal.
louaot Its owu cflnnng. .wncb. we nuiuri'lr
liifur, in aailslaetory. to the coupjuv, .The Le.
ulirn Valley Railroad Couipuiiv. which. It la
iduvihi.j l.uiiucucu,uuuib luorejroui siiuia.ur
.UlthB sutrATluga of the other compaule4 than
from any Inn. rent aUmento or tu own la daily
snowing atrcugtbeoliig credft by tncreised
prices of loanaaud ahaiea." 'inop.austole story
that ha. obtained currtmey. to tha t ffect that ao
uueuoftheten mUiiana loon Just created by
the OeiawHre Lad-awsnna and Western Rail,
toad is idU6naed aa may be necessary tofilve.
that companr coulrol ot the ato ris and
jtajex Railroad bv tha nurehsM cr lis atock
at preaent low prices, la a lact, whether trus or
not in an its pans, lust must ina io improve
tin credit-, ot, (htr Delaware Lackawanna anil
Western Coojpany, ,, Tbo road oitbsMorxiaantt
Essex Company Is cow lessod to the Delaware
Lackawanna and WeitstA Comoaor at nrettr
bleu figures, audit it: as! jossor.can get control
of It snd tlx easier letma.ior ltsoll. It will tm
fully aided In cetlint; from under Its load
ol floating, debt, Tons, each and all ol these
great co jipamea that have tar montha past beeu
seterely pressed for money to rarrr tnelr float
log defts and pay tbetr respective fixed charges,
have a gleam of davilgbt before tocm. Moat of
tbem Dare been unable tu b irrow at boms or
abroad, and, In tbe abeenco of other means to
command ossh, thai waa Indiapenstble, were
lorced to tho tmlf recourse tbey had. left to
soil their ooal at the best price ft would com
loand. ISol only wi,l tbosa componias oecorne
less Leenr borroiters in tbe nearintnre, bat
some of the l.irge mdividaal ooal operators win
have beeu lorced to the use ot tbelr atuoka of
coal at los-nr urices, nave, we are glad to learn!
made such adjustments with creditors as will
enable them w bold tbelr coal for prices AlTo.d
lnga profit. Tbeso movements aio all las
healthy dli ection. ledger, Moudav.
The fohowing table shows tbo quantity of coat
shipped over the Lehigh VaUey llallroad for ihs
wees ending July 7tu, 1877 una ti.r the years
iiopaicu wiiu tue s
b same time lart year t
llirlnnft ..'mm.
Wyoming :.,
24,3.0 00
83,742 IB
27 13
7 B7S IS
llDDer A,ehlgh....I.,
Heaver Mtddow.::.;
Mnhanoy.., :.. 7.2JI OS
Total a no
f'ast.Yoar ill 8s;ioai3
Increase.,..; S4.S1J v7
REPORT, OF COAL' transported oier TJeHIgh
A susqd-'banna Division, central It it. of
Nett Jersey weekending Idly 3. 1877.
SblppeS from
Wyoimng I.:
Upper Lehigh
Ueaver Meadow
juiaiwccK. ipuate.
tons- cwt. fons: owt:
is.3.0 07
;. 3,517 in in or! oa
4 510 12
2, A & A I
Sanay Ran Uranoh..
4.120 09
. 10S 14
10,972 12
itifitt io
naz.eton ;
Mauch I'hnng
2.'l7 04
Smith and Judd...:..
Total 4!.32
oil it1
Pfonously i eporied 1,317,44 1 7
to date,: 1 617.441 17
Same ttrhe last J Cat l.fJu.W! 13
Inc'f ealt. . . ; t . . . : : ;: I .iaSyfoi
Becreaio.....'!...,.. 30J.1U u
PtitLAfiELritlA. Jnlv 12. Flonr atcadvi anner.
tine, tfi; o.tras, t7.2S7;60' Minuesotn fatnllr,'
339 2'i; Pennavlvanla do..93o.7i; high grades;
t9.7a3lo.30i choice new, 1340.24.
AVve nour, Maioi.
Whee''yj?ens'r'lnnli ffij . tViliv ?!
smber, 2 IMtztSi whicli.t2.20S128, new anioor,
more Btraoy aoi.731 80.
Corn stoadyj yeUow, S3c; mixed 311.3830.
BAtintorti; idly ,12. Wheat active, etto'ntr
and huth-r lor better grades; sod. hem red;
prime, 31.6041 OS do. anioor: ll.7oai.73; do.
wnlie. It.0331.7.1: No. 2 we.teru wlter roil. Aug
ut delivery. I2.40S14 Hi ,
Corn southern scarce and wantcdi western
dull and easier; southern white. 63d79c; ao.yel.
low. 64c; western inixed fp
August, OiHtnHc; beptemb
ana j my. 6.x:
t2io; steamer
03 Jan.
-riour cjuiet and weik. .
111V.1.UW, , UI, ,w 1 UU. .
Wheat fairly active No;2sprIrr
for cash: $t.Mii'el.33 fot;July:.l. 181431. 18l fur
August: li.n 4S1. 12 for Settemberj No. 3 do;
tl..u: rejecieu. uocai. .
New Voak.Jiilyl2.--Ploir market was d uU,
and prices of commdu extras Were silgai)iy
lower: we qoqtei iote. sua. western super,
tine t3.73123.23; eztra State I6 4.a8.9ii Western
wtiring wheat extras. So 70'ip7.25; do; XX and
XXX. 17,403101 vlntec wheat extras. So.tia 47.40;
do. XX and XXX. 37.30'1I0; Minnesou patents;
18311; oity sopping extras, 10.1337.6!; -outb
ern bakers' and zamily brands, IStoaiOZij
Southern sbtpolng exxrss. 37 3o8 03.
Cornmeal WCalcrn, 13:1023 i: Urtuidywlne."
Rye flonr, I4.MSS.15..
Wheat dnil hnd neavy for old the apot,
live and firm tor new tor fdiure delivery! sales
on the apot 4.800 bush, at ll.30fn.fti lor uugaaded
spring, II.00U1 03 tor new red and amber outb.
ern, and $i for new white; We qnotel opring
jo. i. si.JO. wuwaaaee no. z. eioi vaicsg
No. 2, tl GO; rejected aud Na 8 spring,
red ninter. 31.eoai.7A amber do., 31.6y3I.V0;
wane aa, 9i,iaai v uusi
Closing Prices ot DeHaten & Town
send, Stock, Government and Gold
40 South Third Street; Philadelphia ,
July 12th, 1877.
17. s.C's. issl.....;.., ,.112 bid list asked
u. s. s-ao's, isoS j;i J.....0SH bid tools oakOa li'OS bid losvj asked
ii.h.,v:0's, 1838 bid HIS asked
U.S. lo-40's 1131, bid Il3i asked
U. H. currency, O's ...lHH bid I23 asked
U.JH. 5' issi. new :i 11 S bid in V asaed
U. ts.4V. new icstt bid 109 asaed
Pennsylvania R. It.,; 3tH bid SIS asked
Fbila. A Heading R. 11 12V. bid lav asked
Lehigh Valley R. It 33 bid 33 H asked.
I ehlgh Coal & Nav. Co.;.: ltTfbid. .10. asked
United Compania-a-NTTrzoT'bid 130. ssted
PIIU,,Tit(tsv..vEUuff. R.1I. s bid k asked
Phils: de trio It. It.,..:.;.. OH bid 8H asked
Nmthern Central tt. It.... 13 bid 14 asked
Uesumvllle Pass. Co. 12 bid Ilk asked It.;..". 40 bid 41 asked
Gold y-vvy ,..1' 4.V 010 V3H aaieA
T18 American People. No pea
in the world Suffer as much wlta
Uvsneosldt as Americans. Althouuh
years ot C'xperlehco In medicine had
tailed to' accomplish a certain atid,sure
remedy for thls dlsease and, Its effects,"
such' as 6our stomach, heart-burn, water
brash", sick headache, costlveness, pal
pitation ot tho, heart, liver complaint;
cofftlfig uf) bf the food, low splr), geti
ertfl He6(llty, etc., yet since thn Intro",
d action' ot Green's August Firiwfcit
we b'c)I6vo there Is no case of Dyspepsia?
that cinnot be Immediately relieved.
30,000" dozen cold last year without nn
case of failure reported. Go to your
Dfbggtst A. J. Durllng, and get a sivaf-"
pie bottle for 10 cents and try t, . TW6'
doses will relieve you. Regular iio
75 cents.
DEFRGIIN SirTLISR, On July 4th. fins'
M. K. parsonaae tn Lebigbton, br Rev, L. 8,
Brown. Mr. SU Derrehn, of leiilgbton,' to'
iilss Luoietia v, sutler, of Puckoiton..
HUNSICtfilt-IUJMALV.-On JnneJhhi'ie"
bis Rev. L K Derr.Mr. Alfred
Uunslcxer to Mlas Isabella A. Itemaly, both
ol Wa.hlngton,
asme,.3lr. George W. C.aper to tllsa Balde U.
Ifainok Ot Weatherly, Carbon county.
by tbe same. Me. Asron O. otilenwtootollua
.En)pja L.6chtfflet.of yreicliterayjle.
Special Notices.
AJ cOONTtfNANCE, If ot a compieilonsl na.
lure, aueodllv vann
ratetnetn. rim.
plea Bloccbe,w4i,ingbnesa. Ri
ni ttnvariaorv banished liv tin
edness and Tan
tons irconjparablo
uruucvi, aouius, auu oiuer snrcuusi aim
es oi ins lutide are likewise removed br
oOLPliUll BATHS nave long been re.
nOsvuod aa tbe best .remedy torsklu diseaae.
rhoumatism and uout. .GLENN (s bULPllUlt
OAP Is in every respect m- emcaclous, and tar
crrapsr. llrnpeuibg tbo pores, and promotuig
a vigorous aupetUclal circulation, this o.isollept.
article contributes to tbu heath of the entire
system a. well as to loai ot the entitle. ' Slnea"
tialutrndueilou topubtlo notice It QsarepeatedY
1 Leeu lummendeu by the medical profoaalon
and press and tew extiu nal apeclflca have won
such "golden opinions" among ail ilaaaea. It.
pi tiveuia obnoxious discaaea as well aa remedies
Ihtfui and owliitocta clothimr gad linen lixpreg.
luied with dlaeaae. Uandruir u entirely eiWi.
can U by It. anu ita ue u. op that account-,
fireaiiy to oe deoiuerai ed by pers one wnoso hair
a thiuplusr out In copsequeuco of dtynea ot
the scalp. 1h one who bate uod ointment and
liquids witbool avail for tho cure of eruptions
ot an ooat nale chaitu'ter. wllituid.1t they Utr
it, thatOLLNN'nSULPUUltcUAP lemovea
soiiruutto comitlAtnts urouicdiable by leas effl
cacloaa mesne.' and prsrenu loo recurrence of
snob utaordera.
sold by Lruligista, Grocers and Fancy Gooda
Deals" a. Price. 233. oer caku. IBoxfScakea)
T5c, aeut br moll, prepaid, ou receipt vf pilos.
O. N. CitlTTKXTOK. Prop'r, 7 slxlli Avenaa,
New York
Hill's Iltia Agp WtuaKlk DTI. Black at.
Ilitiwj.S'c. Jnly7, Ulf.
191,331 M
1,0W,1 IS
ill IS
32I.0U3 II
8.1,511 Ot
3,80l 13
2,411,100 00
I RuSsO 11
47, 7U 18