INDEPENDENT-" Live and Let Live' H. Y. Mohthimer, Proprietor. 1.00 a Year if Paid in Advance. LEHIGHTON, CARBON COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 10, 1871 VOL. v., NO! s. Subscribers out of County, $1.20 niturt Cojflntmadtio oraer. Rnnl ltd Rime Maketl. Tnfnn nrtnr. tti uttanj outiainCTi uaiin. ntrveb Ml inlert promptly jilUd work warranted. TV T'.ll N II ST IE. K K 1 - ATTORNEY AT LAW, Hext door to the " Ciron,noai.' BANK STREET, LEniattTBi-J, PA. U. II APS II Kit, TTORNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT hW. , BAMKSTRIET.LEHianTOJf.PA. 1 W.tUv n-ilt'Mftn A ir.n.r Will TttlTunr. . i " IC.i. i. - !', J t 1., pAB.n.. STnuTiiEus; ATTORN SY AT LAW, J- Office : 2i floor of Khoad's!Hali; ICanoh Chnnk. Pa. All nuilneii sutruiUd to him will bo promptly MIT 27, ANIEI. KALUKUS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, l All (ill Chnnk, Pa. 1U. U.JAIULUriK l.fl.wuoa tiiiiiikt m m - . IHlDt.' ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, t.iecLjorn.r or rtuinu.n.nna Ana nroaunrar. HAUCII CHUNK, Fikxi. Old be consulted lu Qerm. Julv 21 187 ; J. JIEEUAN,, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JlsltDoortoFlrst National Back, MAUdl CHUNK, PA. aCjtn hit ran jultad In Herman. TJan9. A. 11ELTZ, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Obert'a Building, BANK-St., Leuiqutos; ConTtyanelnr, CollectloE and all other bdsl- iiduas h. uiauit.: JUSTICE 07 THE t'JjACE, BANK Street, LEIIIQIITON, Pa. ,Oaarrtn(lDr, OolletfoK and all business con J3rAznt for flrit-eUiK lnuraneo Comuanles. ad Itliki of all kinds takan on the mont llloral Jan. 9. 1875, A. DC It AM Ell, II. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURQE0N clpsdal attention paid to Chronic' Diseases. Office: Sodth East corner Iron anal 2nd ets., Lo- l.hlnn.P.. Aorl 3. 1875. av. n. u. nuuuui ffl. Rime Atr.t. nxi rfonr alifiTM tli'V Pitstnnii.A. G. H.SEIPI.E,- PHYSICIAN AND SUItOEON, Kelt to K. n. Snyder's store, 11AMC BT., LEUIOHTON, rENN'A. If .B. ' Special attention given to the Cure of nifORlAS KEMUKER CONVEYANCER, AND The Ilowlng Companies are Itepresented: lilSAIUnU MUTUAL r,'OMINQ FIltE, POTTilVII.r,K FIHR. LE1IKH1 FIltK, and the TItAV Also Pennsrlvanla and Mntttal Horse Thlel March 29, 1873. THUS. KCMEIIEIC. IDEOIV KOSTEIVBADCR. iAia tuts iCUlUU VALLfil UUUBb, uanicway, ijouiguton, 'a., Is flf roared to make ufe size PORTR A ITS fx (IfAAl li'Turranlnna ITa tnnlrng a liiiBAt a ( ftr ft AVID HUBERT'S iTnnn Br C1a Ql-nVInn X V ul .V KX( OELXtJ O UtLUlCtl iivir .Tnn'.i.-'p.i.u'iiiiiiifdit.T . AO! lllUl WHli UUllSES, ELEGANT OARItlAOKS. Large and handsome Carriages for IVnernl ov. a, 13.3. v iW8.I.ff.1S,5 .KN AND OTHERS YiSTPl J,,n PRINTING OF ANY DESCRIPTION, WILL tINDTUKUAUUON ADVOOAIM OFFICE THE HtST and CllllAl" ET PLACE IN THE COUNJY. GIVE US A TUIAI. AND lll'l CONyiNCED. VrKY Si II I h R wounded lanent disease lu .ervlce. cau cet n Pension T, Apr, ac jm Railroad Guide. N1 "OltTII PENNA. RAILROAD. i. 1 tDMniTAra tar Ph.inil.MTih. ft will leftVO Lchlffll- ton as follows i 3:47a. m., Tin. ij. v arnvw a u;i . u. a. m. via I. V. ' 11:"5 a. m. vmr. V. ' 2:10 O.nt. 2:flp:ni.YlaI AS. " " 6:40 u.m. 6::9 p. m. via U V. " " U:5 P- la.- te turn i or, leiwmiupub ut .i-cmo u can St.. I'hlla., at 8:15 and 9:43 a. m.: 2:15, p. in. JUS. 1, 131. IlUUiJ uiiaimi "f " plIIbA. & READING lUlbUUAV. Arrangement of Passenger Trains. WAV 21RT. 1S77. Trains leave AI.LETOW' as followst (vi. pitRKinititv nnANCH.l For Philadelphia, at coo, li.oj. o.m., J.15 and 6.63 p. in. For Philadelphia at 3.21 p. m." tk KAKl' PF.KNA. nnANCn.) Tor Reidlhsr, 1 2.30, 5.C0; 8.05 a tn., 12.15, 2.10. 4.30 and 9 05 p.m. For HarrlsDnrs, f 2 30, 6.50, 8.55 o. m 12.15, 4 30 and ,9 05 p.m. For Lancaster and Columbia, 5 50, 8.65 Urn. and ssupm. tDccs not rdn on Mondays. For Heading. 2.30 a.m. and O.Oo p m. .. For llarrlslrarg, 2.30 a.m, and a 05 D.m,. Arams A-uit AL,A,urt auwim ieavo.ns luuunni IVIA PKKKIOMEX nRANCn.) Loavo Philadelphia, 7.31 a. m., 1.00, "1.30 and 5.15 p.m. SUNDAYS. Loaro rhllndelphla. h. m. (VIA HA8T rENNA. BRANCH.) Loavo Reams, 7.4), 7.43, 10.33 am., 4.00, 0.10 and 10.30 p m Leavo Uariisbure;, 5.23, 8.10 a. m., 2.00, 3.57 and . 7.m p. m. Leave Lancaster. R.10 n.m.. 12.55 and 3.45 rj.ra. Leato Colambla, 8.00 a. m . I.oo and 3.35 p.m. SUNDAYS. Lcavo Heading. 7.35 a.m. Leave Itarrtstmrtf, 5.20 a.m. Tralila maiked thna i") run to and from depot 9th and Oreou streets, Philadelphia, other trains to and trom liroad otrect depot. Tno h. tn and fi.fis n. m. trains from Allen. town, and the 7.30 a. m. and b.15 p. m. trains Trom I'lnlndelpnia, hao through cars to and irom jruuaumpuia. C. 0. HANCOCK, Ornn Ticket Agent. QAKBON ADY0CATB CUEAP JOB PRINTING OFFICE, LEHIQIITON. PA. Every description of Printing, trom a Visiting Card to a Poster. CARD3, BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADS. NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS. posTEna; n an rl DILLS. DODO EUS, CIRCULARS, BHIPPINO TAOS, ENVELOPES, PAMPHLETS, Done in the best manner, at vory Lowest Prices, We are nronare'd to (lo work at ns nhonn r.ltna ns huv oiucu in mo maio mat oeais noneBiiy OUR MOTTO IS CJieap, Prompt & Reliable. reorders by mall receive prompt attention KS. C. do TSCHIRSCHKV, Nearly opposite Durllng's DrnK Store, BANK STREET, LEIIIGUTON, Pa. Clllla tho attention nf thn Tjlillpjinf T.ohlchtnrt and vicinity to the fact that aha keeps a fall asc ortiueut of Berlin & Germantown Wool, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC EMDROID ERII73, NOTIONS, RIBBONB. Ladies' and Cliildren's Hose, GERM AN FRUITS, LIMBUliaER A SWITZEU CHEESE, other article not usually kept In any other ttocr A share of publlo patronagolstollclted, and A Good Family Medicine SWAVSC'S Tar and Sarsaparilla Pills. ar- IlKADACIIH. I.....n, T1. ch6lv c.-uerallvsnrltKr trom n oionriierni ati.m. ach, coiiivenes or a torpid liver, Each may be which, sltmulati, the liver and stomach to s ho lihv actlonln removing all bliliousncss. usd I'luuutius ii:K(uj,r uvucuBllons cx tuo LOwe.s. LIVER COMPLAINT. tbdt dreaded dlsoflso from which so many per. Headache, lmilffesflon and Djspensla' Is sncedur relieved, and are ofte u nemaneniiv cuied by Ihefrue., Fevcnsrnoiteu pievented by tho iiseof those Sar.iinjrllla I'llls. aatlii' iiuui wmcu iuey aiie. . jor uuai ivjjUlsa lutro is uotuiu so cnecrnai as Swayno'a Tar anil Sarsaparilla Pills'. They are pmelv vegetable, and act specially on the Llitras Ulue Jlasaor calomel, Mlthout anv bad lesu ia irom faking. 9 "tvmujii hi u-i commnnicaiion?, and address letters lo I) IV hWAVNU ftSON. Philadelphia. No charge lor ndvli e. Sent hy 1 null ou receipt of pilce. Prlco25 coals u boxi j live boxes for II. ASK YOUR DRUOQIST FOR THEM. Q1IAULES FltOKlILICII, Cor. ot IRON and I-KllIQII Streets, LEUIOH TON, Pa., dealer In Choice 11 rands ot Fiiniily FLOUR, FEED, APPLES, POTATOES, &e Respectfully announces to hisCustomeis snd thepubdo generally that on and alter JAN U. AR 1st 1877, he will sell for Cash only or on THIRTY DA YK to lesponslble parties, and lu. terouwlll liscbaratUou ail bills not settled at the expiration of and 3J uaya. rsr All articles warranted to be as represent ed. Patronage solicited. 0FIAKLE9 rBOEULICH. pecmbtt a, IPm New Advertisements. $HE LUNG! 0NSTJMPTI0M X This distressing and dangerous complaint and Its premonitory synipioms, nealected conirh, night sweats, hoarBeness, wnstlnn fli sh, fover DtrmnnentlycuredbyDr. Snayne'BComponnd Symnol Wild Cherry" URONCHITIH A promonltor of Pulmonary rnnnnnini.tnn. is characterized bv catarrh, or tn- tlaramaiion of the mucoua meraprMno of the air passages, with cough and expectoration, short breath, hoarsertosa pains In the chest. For all hroncnial aflections, sore throat, loss of voice, coughs, DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND Syrup o Wild Cherry 18 A SOVEREIGN REMEDY. iTtmnrrhnae. or svttttna blood, mar tirocecil from tbo larynx, tmchia, bronchia or lungs. andriBO irom various catife. as uuaun puywicai exertion, plethord, or fallnees of the vessels, weak Iuopk, overstralnlnp of tho voice eapprosa. eaeracuaUon,ob$tractlonol tbe spleej or liv er, otc. Dr. Swayno's Compound Syrup of Wild Ciicrry strlkei nt the root of fllsease by pnrlfrhiR the blooU. restofinR tho HvoranO kianeyato healthy action, Invigoratlnc tbe netvous system. The only standard romcily lor hemorrhage, bronchial and all pulmoiiaiy compatuts. Con. suroptlves. or those predisposed to we-ik lungs, edv. Its marvelous power! not only over consump tion, but over every chronic di-easo where a e radii n I alterative action Is noe.dctl. Under Its nBetiiecoiii!h Is loosened, tho lUitbt sweats di minish, the palu subsides, the ,puNe returns to lis natural bianuara, 1110 siuiuncn is jro proven lu tts power to digest and nfeimllate thetood, end every orffaii has a purer and bottei quality blood HuppUtdto it, out of which new xecrea tlvo and plastio matenal la rbaao. SAVED HIS LIFE. A. ARKABLE CURE ! Wat that of Edward II.IXamRon, Engineer at Oeorce Hweenv's Fotterr. 1331 IMdae Avonne. rhl.adeiihla. Ho hud a violent clujLi, night sweats. Bore uuou, great woanuess, pu at uu feient time a pint of tlood, gave up all hopo of recovery, lhrough tho use ot Jr. bwavnfi n'UaCherrySvrun' became a sound and healthy man, auu remains so xo turn uar, aiuiougu over iwnLv.veiira nave em nam since ue was cured. 1'ltiCM ONE DOLLAH. Six bottles 15. If Your drucgist or stoielceeper does nut sell It, we win iorwaru nan nozen, iceiKut paiu, 10 any aa dress, on l-cceipt ot pnee. I'BErAltED ONLT BY Oil. SWAYNH & SOIV, 330 IV. Sixth Street, PHtlacleliilila. Kohl by cl rromiaent Druggists. Itching Piles! PILES, PILES, ITCHING PILES, Positively Cured by the use of SWAYNE'S OINTMENT. Home Testimony : I was sorclr ofllicted with onoof tbo mazt dis. tresalngot all oiteasos 1'ruiitus or J-rurlgo. or more coniraoulv itnown as Itching J'lit-s ihe Itching at times was almost intolerable, lncrea td ny scratching, ana not uufrequently become quite so) e. j. uuukuv n uux ui nm hub uimaivui us ubo gave quick relief, and luashoit time made a perfect cure. lean now sleep undisturbed, and I would advise all who are sulforing with this distressing complaint to procure Bwavno's Ointment" at once. I bad tued prescriptions uiuiu&i. uiuuiuciauit-, wiuiuud iinuuig any puruj' anent relief. JQ$. w. CIUtiisT, Boot and Shoo House, 344 North Hecond-htrect, rblladeluhla. SKIN DISEASES. SWAYNE'S ALL II HA LINO OINTMKNT Is alo a speclfio lor TETTER, ITillI. HALT RI1I.UM, bOAI.I) HEAD. ERYSIPELAS. DAUBER'S ITCH. II Oil HLOTCHES, ALL SOAI.Y, CRUSTY. CUTANEOUS EUUP. TIONS. Peilectlv t-afo and harmless, even on the most tender infant. 1'rlco 50 cents. 3 boxes tor Si.25. bent, ov in.ll to any address On leceipt Ol OHIO. Sold by ail the leading Druggists. Prepared only by DR. SWAYIVE & SOX, 830 North Sixth-St., Philadelphia;. USE ADORN! LONDON YOUR :Unl.n.lnnDnUn : nan uiui iiuslu'C1 HAIR. ! FOB UESTOULN'a 1 1 GRAY HAIR To its Natural Vitality and Color. HERE IS THE PROOF Of Its Snpcrlor Excellence. iui,nwpo iimiutu. iubiiiiuu lu uy Edward U, uarrigues. one of the most cmnp& irifV HI UlrK'R1 8 all" .l't Ulli,H 1U rilUIUlUipUia, TiiRTi Avtmsta vprnriti nntift rnn d mi lit ' I am happy to add ray tefctimonv to tho great a.uo vi iuo - iuuuuu jauit uror , neoi'irer. which icaiored mv hair to Its original dark id I or, and the hue appears to bo jienuauent- I am tatislled that this preparation is uolhicu' like a dre, but operates upon the secretions. It U also a beautiful hair Orcein c, and promo tea tho prowm. xpurcnaaeu in nit uoitJ irom Ka. 11. UurrliTLies. diuauist. Tenth ami CnatiuunttL who cm alw testllv my hair was veiy gray MItfl. MTI.M-.Il. No. 733 N. Nlutb-st. 1'hlladelphla, 1J1L SWATNE it HON. UefiiClfil FHfiiiff 1 have tie pleasure to Inform ou thatalaoyof my acquaintance, Mrs Ml ler, lsdellghtM with tho soccess of your "Loudon color Uair ltesioi. er." Her hair was tailing rapidly and quite. gray. The color has busn leatored, and ihe ftill- mi; out euureiy bioppeu uy lis u&e. V' 11. LJAUHinTIP.H. Druggist. Cor. Tenth and CoatcB sta.. Phlla. aii mat an can accoropiiAU in oeauiuyiug, strenei henlna. Ihtckenlntr nud nfimniniT tlm hair la effected by uMur "jjondon Hair Color Restor er." It tit t mutate and forces a new crowth t If giav.rebtorus Its natural color, and renders It silky anti beautliul i cures aandruQ j keep the Kalii cleAu. cool and heaiihr. All ilrunglsts ell it. Price 73 cents; six bottles, It. bent by SWAYNE & SON, 330 N. Sixth St., PhOad' SOLE PROPRIETORS, For Sale by all Druggists, July 15. Wrl CD 2 3 a. o oq tn i o ! O Itcbcr's BIocB, Bank-st., Lolilghton. riouce. To tho Public A. J: DURLING'S Family Drug nndMedlclne Store, (In Dr. Reber's Block). Is OPEN on SUNDAYS irutn 8 to 10 o'clock A. M.. 1 to 2H & 5 to 7 P. M. Rosldenco-lst door nbovo Id". E. Church. A.J. Durllng, our Honular Drur. gist, "having dispensed with tho services of a olerk,"ls behind the Counter Dealing out and Compounding Nlco, Puro, Froh, Unsdul terated 5f ediclnes for tho Slok and Afflicted, atltoduc od Prices. At A. J. Durllng's Drug Store, you can get jour Prescriptions and Family ReclpcsCompounded accurately & scientifically. At A. J. Durllng's old established DRUOana PRESCRIPTION can lely on getting a Strictly Pure Artlclo. No mistakes from incompetent assistants, as he dls. penses and prepares with his own hands. H Is Just splendid t What? Why that New Perfumo I got at DUBLINO'S Drug Stole. His own mako op he calls It " MY OWN." 25o. and 50o. per bottle. 1000 lbs. Pure Caustic Soda, or Sailed Potash, for SOAP MAKING, Just receiv ed at A.J, DU ULINQ'S Drug store, and selling lit a very low price. Wall Paper I Wall Paper I Wall Fapcrl At A. J. DURLING'S Drug Store. NEW STYLEJust received at Greatly RE- A) u ujsd r iiiuiss. call and Examine. A. J. Hurling, our popular Drue. gist, having an exporlenco of 17 Years, knows whereof ho speaks, whin he says he guarantee that every Article bought ot his drug' STORE is of tho PUREST and .BEST that can Do lounu in tho Markets. A. J.'Durling, the Druggist, has Just received a Fresh Invoice of Fine FRENCH and CALIFORNIA BRANDIES, OLD HOL- LAND GIN, OLD RYE WHISKIES. Import ed POUT and SHERRY WINES. Domeslla CLINTON and otSer DRAPE WINES for JMedtciual and SHCramental Purposes. if. Variety Headquarters, In Linderman's Block, FOR FINE CIGARS, AND ChoiceSmoMiiffTobaccos From 7 cts. up to CO eta, per Tackago. JUST RECEIVED: An Invoice of the NEW COMBINATION CI u Alt HOLDKU anil pipk, only 5 ct.. anil a new lot ot FANCY PIPES, Iiom 25 cents nnwHids. DOUI1LE SIZE TIN TOBACCO I10XE8. ELEGANT FINE CU I', 5 and 10 ounce. Hi'ATiu.NKitY or an kina.. uoiorea lsnvei- ooes 15 cents. White 18 cents per package. Note, Foolscap aud Legal Cap Wilting Pa vers. Ask to looi at the (ifurrLEMAK's PERFECT LETTER WRITEK, only 30 cents. New York and Philadelphia Dally and Weekly a uuei s n.up ii A T.T. I) A Ta A WH r nmra LAKESIDE LIBRARY, MAUAZINES, SO.S'd SARDINES nusrtcr boxes 25o . hall boxes S3o U A iu( AM U HL, LA HOi; AND (OMMODIOUS BILLIARD ROOM ATTACHED. Wetttko this onnortumtv of Rtnttnc that all our different departments are separate, en abllngustoacciimmodate all nur customers tq a belteradvauiaae tiiuu we foiinerly couldln uua utu i'iuco 01 iiusme-s Atospeciiiuiy l'. T. IIRADY, T0." HENRY A. PETER, (Succea-or to C. W. Lesiz), Bank Street, Lehighton, Perm' a', Offers to tho publlo a full line ot Pure Drugs and Chemicals, PATENT MEDICINES, Horse and Cattle Medicines A Complete As3sortmcnt ot Wsall PStlS!)L'. From tho Cheapest Brown to tho f nest Gilt, Fancy Toilet Articles,' SPONGES', CIIASIOISE SKINS', Plain &' Fancy STAtioNEitY And a v.rlctv of IIOUSIIIIOLD ARTICLES ioo numerous too uiepiiou, au oi wuicu he Is offering at VEUY KEASOXABLE PlUCEg ! PURE WNESund LfaUORa'for Medicinal and Sucramenial purposes. PHYSIC! a'n&' PRESCRIPTIONS csreful'y and accurately compounded by MYSELF, at aimuunioi ine oay auu uisuu Patronago Invited. , H. A. PtiTEH, Leuckel's Block, March 21, 1877. Manhattan OIL Company, OF NEW YORK. Lubricating- and Illuminating Oils. WM, N MARCU8,Room 82. Merchants' Ex ehjnge.TniUOD4 WALNUT Streets. Phil ans-ttfa, Pa. Jrr, .', im. visit T.liBADT'8 Miss Barclay's Will. BY S. ANNIE FROST. "Thero vyas a will l'eav nrr vou this house and twenty thousand dollars," said Meekum, looking down at tho sad laco of Miss Mngdellna Barclay, who stood lii'foro lilru. "I drew It up my self. The remainder of tho property was to go to your cousin, but it the will can not be found, ho will inherit all un der the previous ouo drawn uplieforn you were bom. Dear dearl this comes ot peoplo keeping valuable pa pers in tneir own possession. liuw, it your aunt had given me tho will, It w.oiild have been forthcoming to-day. Do ypu think she bould have destroy" "I am siirp shn did not. She hid it. She told mo so, some days ago, and wiif ii mo last spasm came on trieu to tell me where it was. But we have searched the house, Hannah and my self, and It cannot be found." "H'm 1 What kind of man Is your cousin, Mr. Stephen Barclay?" "1 never saw him. lie has lived In Now York all his life. I believe. I ilon't think ho over came to see Aunt Mary, certainly he has not been here since sho guvo mo a home, six years ago." "Well, he will come to the funeral, for lie telegraphed to that effect. Ho will nave about fifty thousand dollars under tho new will, and Dei liana H'm" for the old lawyer, suddenly con cluded that it might not be wise to raise false bopes, Willie he was speaking, the door bell rang, and there entered a gentleman of about fifty, tall, Jank and grim, with a face (is genial as cast-Iron. "My namo is Barclay," ho said; "I presume your am Mr. Meekum, tho late miss uarclay a lawyer" Mr. Meekum bowed, and tho strang er, turning to Magdeline, fairly snarl ed : "And you are tho cook's daughter?" "Slrl" cried the girl Indignantly. "Oh, you need not put ou any airs to met Your fatiier married his cook, and Fhe made ducks and drakes of a tidy fortune for him, and then died. He died, too, which was the best thing ho could do, aud his sister, who very properly refused to associate with the cook, took you up, out of charity. I pretume sue lias leu you some money? But Magdeline was too indignant to answer, and Mr. Meekum explained the state of affairs more than hinting that It would bo a praise-worthy act for the heir to carry out his aunt's inten tions. "That would bo alokel" said Mr. Barclay, savagely. "I present tho girl with a fortune! She is nothing out a pauperl Let her cook, as her mother did, and perhaps sho can meet another such fool as her father." With her eves blazing and her cheeks like! twlu roses, Magdeline marched out of the room, every drop of her blood Dolling at mo insults ouereu to uer parents, Sho crossed tho hall tn the kitchen, where Hannah was preparing dinner, and weeping, with regular al ternation in the employments. "Hannah, Mr. Barclay has come," said Magdeline, shortly; "put on an extra piate. Then sho went to her own room and had a gocd cry. Sho was only eighteen, and sho had loved her aunt dearly. Sho was en. gaged to. be married to a young clerk In a largo wholesale house, and sho had Intended to use a part or her legacy to buy him a partnership, while her home was to be the house her aunt had will ed her. Now now this hateful cousin would tak ail, and sho must work and wait till Frank's salary could support two, which it certainly could not do yet. She wondered, when her angry tears had subsided Into fitful ones, what work she could do. Her aunt had kept her busy reading to her, playing the plauo for her, writing her letters, and had at lowed her to attend the village semi nary. But she had studied girl-fashion, without any thought of making her education a bread Winner. Sho could sew pretty well, and could keep house. "liut I uon't Know now loo cook, even If I would," she thought, with her anger rising again. "Auut Mary did nut Intend I ehould live by menial work. I wonder If my mother was a cook. Nobody evei told mo so before I Oh, we must llud tho will I" But In vain sho raked her brains to think of One nook or corner which sho had Mi unexplored. Her aunt had expressly told her that the will was con cealed', (hough the motive for her se crecy was never revealed, but where in the sina'll house could It be hidden ? Hanuah had searched faithfully, for sho vas remembered also,uud live hun dred dbllats was well worth a little trouble. But tho will could not be found'. The next day tho funeral brought friends from far and near, for Miss Barclay had been greatly beloved, and Magdeline, was offered rore than ono homS, until sho decided what to' do. Tho story oi tho lost will was pretty widely spread, and Mr. Barclay knew that ho was expected to do something for his cousin. But he was a hard man, one who' had made money au object of positive worship, and he had no Intention of parting with ouo dollar. had given Mr. Meekum orders to cell the house and furniture for what they would bring, aud announced his de parture for the following day. "Whero are you going," he asked Magdeline, abruptly, a few frleudu met lu Ihe parlor after llm funeral; "You must bo out of here to-morrow, for tbo place Isjo bo sotd." "I shall riot prevent any of your ar rangements," ,was tfao proud reply. "I will pack my trunk now." , , , "Yes, nnd you may tako your aunt's clothing. I havo no uso for au old wo man,'s dresses. You canfe leave tho Jewelry." Stung to the heart, Magdellno left the room, while Hannah followed her, muttering wishes for tho heir's future that were anytl)lng but blessings. "You heed not get them out," said Magduiiue, as tho old servant opened SIlss Barclay's wardrobe. "I can re" member my aunt without theni, and I will accept nothing from my cousin." "And to think it Is all your own!" sobbed Hannah. "Everything In tho house is for Miss Maedeline." she said to mo many a tiinel And to.tliink there is nothing for you! You'd better tako the clothes; dearl See, somo of these silks will stand alone, they're that heavy, and here's tho wadded dressing gown that she took off the day the last bad spell camo on. Poor dearl Sho clutched It that hard !n her hand I could scarcely take It from tier, and trying to speak all tho tlmel Better take that, MJss.Mogdeline. Come, I'jl fold It for you." As sho spoke, Hannah spread tho handsome cashmere wrapper upon the bed, and began to fold It carefully. She had neatly , completed her task, when an obstluato fold refused to lay. over the. others smoothly, but jerked back each time it was patted down. "Wln.tever's in heie?" cried the old woman. "As stiff as a bit of leather ! All In between the lining and outside It won't fold any way I turn It, Hero's a bit peeking out I It's paper I It's Miss Magdeline Miss Magdeline I" The shrill excited voice reached Mag. dellne lu her own room adjoluIng,where sho was busy packing her own posses-, sions. She paused in her task, for there was a strange ring of triumph In tho old servant's voice. "What is it, Hannah?" she asked, comir.g to the door leading from one, room to another. "A paper sewed in your aunt's dress-, ing gown I A paper all folded and stiff as a card 1 Get tho scissors, honey, quick I Who knows, yet ?" It did not tako Magdellno long to find the scissors, to rip carefully where Han nah directed and find Mr. Barclay,Jn tho meantime, bad dismissed the few friends in tbe parlor, and was giving Mr. Meekum explicit; directions regarding the winding up ot his aunt's property, the calling of vari ous securities, tho disposal of cirtaln bonds and stocks, and the sale of tbo bouse. "I shall never como here again," said the heir, in ills peculiar snarling, voice ; "a wr&'tched holo, only fit for an old woman. Thero are opportuni ties to Invest the monoy my aunt left' lu my own business,, and I will extend them at once. You will, therefore, turn everything Into money. Sell tho house, and everything In it, even tho match safes.", 'Not so fast, Mr. Barclay," said a clear voice at the door, "the bouse la' riot for sale I" Mr. Meekum started to his feet and advanced eagerly. "You havo fouud the will?" ho cried. "Wo have .found the will I" cried Magdeline, producing a folded parch ment ; "and the cook's daughter pre. fers to keep the bouse as lief aunt left It I" "H'm, yes 1" said Mr. Barclay, loft Ily, hiding his cbagtfu valiantly, "it" will make a very good kitchen ; 1 con gratulate you, Miss Magdeline I Mr., Meekuin, you will find me at the hotel." And Mr. Meekum found him. to ex' plain that a codicil was attached to tha will, lu Miss Mary Barclay's own hand writing, stating that, as her nephew, Mr. Stephen Barclay, had systematical-, ly neglppfeo her for twenty years, her entiio estate should co whero she had already willed her house and personal property, namely, lo her tiioodeu niece, Magdeline. So the snarling voice was heard no more In the village, for Mr. Barclay did not accept the Invitation to hi cousin's' wedding, nor present himself at tho re ception, when, a yaaf later, she took possession of tho property she Inherited under her aunt's will, and became tho' brldo of her faithful lover, Frank Wil lis. Oforgo. JJutler, as represented by the Wliinemucca Silver State, " yet travels on his, commission at tho ex pense of the Government, and manages to keep 'full' all the time." Queen Victoria has Just attained, her fllty-elghtb bbthday. Only twelve' ot'iers of tl0 reigning Sovereigns of, Christendom (out ot thirty-eight In, all) have attained to this age. The oldest on tho list Is the Pope, who was elghty-flve on May 13. Of temporal, princes the, German Emperor has seen the greatest! number of years, his eight ieth birthday having beeu reached a, few weeks ago. The Czar Is older than, the Queen by about a year,having been born on tbe 29'h ot April, 1818. The King of Italy Is some ten mouths, younger than the Quern, the date of biB , birth being Marcli 14, 1820. "The Etu. , peror Francis Jotepb is not yet forty seven. Ho was born In the year of, revolutions, 1630, and ascended the' throne In the year of revolutions, 1848, Tho youngest reigning soverlgn is At phonso XII, ot Spain, who li noyif twenty.