Lil-ftiticsifi? H. V. Hobtoimee, Proprietor. INDEPENDENT-' Live and Let Live." $1.00 a Year if Paid in Advance. VOL. V., 28. LEHIGnTON, CARBON COUNTY PENN'A SATURDAY MORNING. JUNE 0, 1877. Subscribers out of tToiiiity, $1.8u cards. ttarnltnre Warthonte. Y. gehwarti.Bank etreet, deahrin alt kindt of JVrm'lurl. Cni mails fo crdir. Boot mid Shoe Vlakera. 'Clinton Br.tney, in Ltvan't building, Ban)c street. Ml irderipnmflliiJlUtivxirk warranted. P. LOKGSTttEET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mext door to tho ' Cartoninouie.' BANk BTItE&T. tcnidllTON, TA. SMembcrlG-tm. w M. IIAPSHBU, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, I)AJlSTtIIt,LiaiOBTON,rA. Baal EiUtt and Collection Ac.ocy. Will Bur anil gall Real Estate. Conveyancing neatly donf Col l.ctlons promptly made. Settling Kstates of De asd.ntsa specialty. May be consulted In rlnlllh land Osrman. N'cV. 22. JAS. II. STnUTIIEHS, ATTORN SY AT LAW, j03 Offlee : 21 Boor of Rhoad'sinall, Mauoli Chunk, 1A, All bsilneii entrusted to blm wfil be promptly t'tundsd to. MayW, If. )ANIEL KAX.BFUS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, tlauch Chunk, Pa. 43-0hlee. aboTa Dolon'a'Jewelry Store, Broadway ixO.D. HBlOLITiE. laSS. LOOSE jgKR'f OL.ETTK cb LOOSIi, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Ornci-Corner of Susquehanna and Broadway. MAUCII CHUNK, Pmiu. Can be consulted In Qermaa. Uulv 51 187 jj j. mkeiian, Attorney at law, NeltDoortoFlrit National Back, MAucn chunk, pa. fcf-Can na consulted In (lerman. ' rjan9. JJ. Ai BELTZ, JUSTICE op the peace, Obart'a Balldinjr, BANK-St., LiuiauTOS. Conveyancing, Colleetlnc and oil other busi ness connected with the office promptly attend, lid (6. Also, Agenttor tbo Purchase and Bale of Hbal Estate. April Pi.yl I? IIOMAS S. BECK, JUSTICE OF THE PEACH, ..... BANK Street, EEIIiailTON, Pa. Conveyancing, Collectln'r ajid all business con. fctct.d. with tne. c'Sce prottiitly attended to. A9Agent fee nrst-clata IuSurance Companies. ni Rltkl or 111 kinds tatia on the most liberal term Jan. 9, 1879. w A. DEIU AMICU, M. li., PIITSTCtAW AUD StlR(3EOV fliwlal attAAtlon nsltf to Chron.fl I)litai. , Offlea: 8outh Kait cbVhtr Iron and 2nd st.. Lo- jQH. IV. B. UKB1SII, .PRACTICINQ PHYSICIAN AND SURdfcON. pfflce, Bike Street, nelt door above the Postorllce, fieniftnion, ra. umce Hours rarryviiie eacn uay om lOtd 12 o'clock remainder of dav atofllroin Eehlthton. Not-23. '71 b.M.SElPL,E, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Next to it II. SnyuVa store, IUSiK ST., LEUiaHTON. PENN'A. .N.B. Special attention raven to the Curt of Salt ttheum, o. an 18-y JL CONVEYANOER, 1 vn OKNRAL INSURANCE AGENT The Rowing Companies are llspresentod; 1.BHAN JN MUTUAL FIRE, IlEADlNd MUTUAL FlilE, WYOMING FIH1S, POTTtlVILLH FIRE, LEIIIOli FIRE, and the TRAV BLERa ACCIDENT 1NSU11ANCE, Also Pennsylvania aud Mutual Ilorae Thief Detective and Insurance Cnmpaiiv. Marca 20, 1873. TI10S. KEMERER. Q.IDEO?! itOSTUKUADtlt, Oiixint niab tub union valixt house, Bankway, Lebigliton, Pa., la prepared to make urnsiIB PORTRAITS bF PKUhONa FROM PHO TUG11 APU-. ill the molt arttauo manner, rqiai In allreoect a Hteel Eucravlngs. lto mikoaa aneclaltvf KNL'AltUlNtl PUftTRAU'8UF IH'.CKAHlOD PJCUbONB fiom type, ot &l kinds. Cliai ;- very moderate and vatrouage eoliciiel. laav 12 jAVlb UBBUUT'S Livery & Sale Stables m OAtVICHT(lEET.L,Ellltiai'U., Pu AST TROTTINT1 IinnSP.-?. ELEGANT CAnUIAOES, And positively LOWER PRICES than any uiuer j-.ivory lubiiu uoauvy. taf.H Anil ntinUnmn Pnnlnmt. ant T,.ril aurpuaes ana weoaings. JJAVIU Hot. 22. tsra UUSINESH MEN AND OTIIHRST IN WANT OF JQU I'ltlN'rlNtf OF ANY DEsCltlPTIOXf. WILL FIKDTUEOAIUION A1JVOCA1J4 OFPICJ5 Tift. ULHr.nnd CltKAl'. MT PLACE. IN THE COUN1Y. IVE UB A THIAJ Al-D UK CONVINOEI?. t-Llr-ni j bT L.II I uULUI Lll dp aonirit'..P'l m . Railroad Guide. JOKTU PENNA.KA1L.IIOAD. Pnssenircra forrhl'adolphiamll Iwvo Lchlfrn. ton as follows I 8:17a. m., via. L. V. arrive at Thlla. at C:l a m. 1H2 n. in. via UV. ' ' Hi 5 a.m. li!)7p. m. via i v. " . i-iuii.iu. !:i1p.m.TlL.S. " " 6:llD.m. 0:'.S i. m. via L.. V. " " I):50P. m. can bt.. I'niio., at Sil5 nnn 0:4! n m.i S:1T, p. in. pllII.A. 4l REAUIJJQ IIAILIIOAU. Arrangonic'rit of Passcoger Trains. MAY SlhT, 137. Trains lcavoAIil.ETOTN aafrllowsi ivn n.imcintRV itntNCll.l Forrbtlsdclphia, at i'.cj, t,.uj, .n.,lW and o p. in. SUNDAYS. For rhllalelpbli at 3.25 n. in. i via casi' rnx.vA. BnANcrr.) Vcfr no ici'na, 1 2.3U. a.51 a in,, 2 10. 4.30 ftt:d 9 W. p.m. rprllniliuiirL'. t 2 3'. 5M, 8.S5 0. m., 12.13, 430 a nl 9 f'fi p.m. I'or Lcncaler and Columbia, 1 5), o.m. and , 4 3')prA tDoea net ran on Monday ror licadlnz. 2.20 a lu. and 9 05 p m. For llurriaburff, 2-30 a.rj, anil u 05 rj.m. 'xruina ivit AULtisjsivwsx leave as iouowb; rnuKifjiics ihcanch.1 Leave Philadelphia, 7.3 1 a. m., l.UJ, 1.30 and 5.15 p. m. SUNDAYS. Leave rhlldcipbii. 8.H . m. (VIA EA6T I'EXSA BtlANCIl ) Lcavo PPduins. 7.4 . ;.41. lJ.3i u m.. 4 00. CIO pnd ui.30 o in Leave llarilabure, S 2), 8 10 a. ra., 2.00. 3.S7 and 7.&.1 p. m. i.p.-it rjinratter. R.10 n.m.. 12.55 and 3.'5 n.ra. Lcavo coluuibl.1 8.'h) n. in aud 3.v5 p.m. KUjNDAYtt. Tavo Tloadlnir. 7.35 a.m. Lcuve Uarrltnuiu. 5.20 a.m. Tratua maiko 1 thus i) tun to and from depot &th anil Oieou stroeti. l'liilaCclpbii, other trains to n- d Horn Broad rtrcct dep ir. Too CftO h. ni nitil .55 p. m. trulua froni Allen town, nuil the 7.30 n.m, and 0.15 p.m. ticma from Pi.iliiiii pmi, hae tlirougli cars to and troui Phll&delpnia. d. XW. UUlll, nei.r.rnl iranaacr. C. O PANCOCK, Ol-r.'t TitlM Aycnt. QAK130N ADVOCATE CHEAP JOB PRINTING OFFICE, LtiriaiiTON, pa. Kvery dcEcrlpllou of Printlnc-, from n Visiting Card to a Poster. CARDS, bill beads, letter iiea-ds, note heads, statements, posters; prou m amaIkS, I1AND niLLS, DdDQERS, CIRCULAr.S, SniPPINQ TAOS, ENVELOPES, PAMP11LETS, BY-LAWS, C 40.. Done in the bost manner, at very Lowost Trices. We ao niepared to rto work at na cheap ralea aaniir cinro in the State ocnU huucntly with 1 viutomcri. OU It MOTTO IS Cheap, Prompt & Reliable. ri7Ordcr8 by mall recelvo prompt attention. "J-ItS. C. do TSCUilJSCllKV, Nearlv oppo'lto Dm IIur's Drug Storo, 3ANIC STREET, LEUIQIITON, Ta. Calls the attention ot tho Laillca ot Lcbljhton and viciiilrto tbo fact that alio keeps u full assortment of Berlin & Germantown Wool, IMPORTED AND DOMDSHC EMBROID- EitlEi, nIo8. riuijons. Ladies' and Children's Hose, limberoer it swirzcit cheese. CANDIES. CONFECTIONS nml a vnrlctv of other nit cica not usually icp. lu any other etoer in Li'hlslitoi. Askiiroot pnblio pitronagolaio'icltrd, and ratutactlou guatantccd. Jan. 20 u3 A Good Family Medicino Tar and Sarsaparilla Pills. JSS- HEADACHE. Ijlns-our and M.l.n. cho.v p.iterally apt I il trom a cutor.lerod .ti,in. MCh, cnsilvonu aoraior id uvcr. i-la-li may t.o a I o,lilv remuvej ov Dr Sw vne'a 1 ar 1 1 la. which attinulato the nver uml atiiinaih to n ho nhv a'.tiuu m li'.iinlii'.- Ml in I iiimiu'.s. uud piuuuciur; icguiiir evnu .81.0.18 OI 11.0 10.1O4S. LIV-:it COS, PLAINT, that i-readrditlfO'so frnni Mlnch sominypi'r snua ull. Iuqjeullvll.ecuiu,m;I llcauaclie, liullgition ami Djsppjula, is speedily relieved and are often per iiaiien'.'y cuied oyiheir u-o. l-'even hi ntnteufii evented by the moot theio sui. jmi'ui.i Ii'Ih. natlier cu-f (h, ttUDUgu ll'o buiod the in pu 111 a licm winch llfev aile. l or CO.sriV.UN Ess thciu Is noiuiu , ao iilcciuj. as bwayiio'u Tar nml Sarsnpafllla Tills. They aro pi civ vegetable, and cot fpeciallv on ibo Luicra lllno a oor in.cmsl, Hltuout an1 bud resit is non takmr. Do-cnbo vui .10ms in al cunvimnicat eu, ami aiblro a letters tu D.i ,-wavmi f-O.N. I'M Bilelphla. N; en iriiu lor nlvi o. r-t-iii nr luilion leeelpt if 4ii.o. Pr.cc23 coa ta boxi lit odosom fori''. ask Yooiiiir.tuoi-,T ron tiieij. QIIAULKS FltOKIlUCIl, Cor. of IRON and LEnion8trecs. LEIIIOH TON, I'j., dealer in Chclro Brands of Family FLOUR, FEED, APPLES, POTATOES', &c, Repecltullv announces to h sCustono's nd tnepjbic itoneiHlly that on and alter JANU ARY li 177. hnwill sell for cwn oulvnroii THIRTY Hi Ys 1 1 Jetponsllilo u.ttM.enil In. teresi i lil hi cu iraeil on a 1 bil e not .ettlca at the expiration of and 3 lua s. 137" Ail ajtio ea warranted ta be as lepresent cd. Patronage ao luted, aiiAiiLca rjtOEDLicn. Useember a, u: New Advertisements'. THE LUNGSl Tht'dlstreealngnnilUiinfferouH romp. .int.Hml Ua vrcmovltoiy fyinp nnm. jiealfclt-il cnuuli. nlgl.t Rwrnii, JioireiiePr, wnulnp il sli. lover it rmancntly cured by Dr. tiw oyiiu'BUonipountJt fciyrim of Wml Clio rv " . MltOKCIIlTlH A premonltor ot 1 u!mon.vy CoiiBumiUioii lscliflrnctirizca by calonh o-m-llfiunnni.on of tho mucous memurrfiioof tlionlr i a-fftt'S, with coukU anil cxiiovtonitiou, fhoTt iin-ntli, aoarrenei8 imnw in tho cliot. Fom.l i rniiciral afloct.ous, boro ihi-uat. loss of o co, 03UgIl8, DBe SWAYNE'S C03IPOUND Syrup Wild Cherry IS A SOVEREIGN REMEDY. Jffmorihaoe. or spitttnq blood, may proceed from tho lnrnx, true Inn brouchln or lunps, and arise Irtm various ( nies. as unrtuo jibypicul exonlon, p.ethorrf, or fullncos of the vo'heU. ouk lunpw, ovtTitminlnp of th volco supprei cdoracaallou, obstmctlou of the spl.cj or .Iv or, etc. Dr. Swnync's Compouud Syrup oi' "Wild Clierry ftrlltcat tho root of rt'saa?e by puilfvinff thfi b.ot d. ri-Bto. nc tho iWe nut) kiaiifvsto hea'Jliy nenoa. InvisoriitlTia tbe ii rvoua yttein. Tho ociy stn'idata lemotly lor hcworr'ioro, bionclitnl nii'i all tuuio.iaiy cdiipmut-, Cciu samptlvts or thou DrcilispU'ieil lo woik tuiin, crould not fall tu usd this rcat vegetable rem tdv, t lt mnrvo'ous powpr. not. t nlv over ccmnimt. tioii but over every ciironlo di-eafl w erou ornilnm nlti-rjllfo tictlitn is nco'lud. TTndiTlii lise tho comih is onreuetl.tlio night nreut ill- nnuibii lao pnin piiUaititL-s, mo pui-o reuim 10 Us na.nril biainlnid, tbo stomach Is improveil m tt1 power toaiptst and uts wtlaie thnlood. nml every organ ha n tuier hdo bettei quality blood Mipp lid to it. out of which now tecica tlvo and itiastio material is maue. SAVED HIS LIFE. Wa that of Edward II. JIamson, Epplrccrnt neorgo i-wceuv's rytteiy, 1331 Hnluo Aveuue, Pht.ado phia. Ho h.d a violent c uMi, uluiit kweuts boro tluoit, crrat weakues. vpit at ihf fercut time., a pint ot . lood. :avoup nil hopoi t nxiivwrv. Ibrouph the una uf j)r. bwattne'e II ttaCilrrrviSvruij" became a nouudauil healthy mAit, aud reuulns n to tt.U t'av. alttongh over tweniv yearn navo cl.ii Ben sluce hi wai cured. 1'ltICi'i ONb DULLAH. Kix bottles 3. If vour diucibt or sluieltoi'per iloes nut tell it, wo willforwaid na t tUzen. ficiuht paid, touny ad ilicaa, uu receipt ot unco. PltEl'ACED ONLY BY DR. SVAViXt: At aSOX, 330 N. Sixth Strecti IMilIndeliihla. Cold by al rroiulucnt Uiuststs. Itching Pilejs! PIllES, TILES, ITCHING PILES, Positively Cared by tho nso of SWAYNE'S OINTMEKT. Home Testimony : I was sorelv cHlic'ed with one of the most dls ti PrttdiiR ot hII i.L-caso- Pruritus or I runco. or moiotoinmmily rfiiown as lichluir I'lks lho Itctihiu hi times was almost intt Jerablo IticieuH. id uy n-intcliliiff, aim not uufrequeutly oecomo quite eoio, I bo n iih tn box of fiwni lie's Ointment Its lite inveqnlc-4 letlct, and Inn short lime mailo a pel feet euro. I can now rieep mulistuiled, ami I wouid auvh-o all who ore siiir,rin with this (ilstrt'-fciuftioinplalnt ioprocurhwavne'a Oinineiii"Ht ouce. I had inert prescr.p lois almost liiriuuier.iLlc, w.thout flnOlntr any perm UUVUt IfltCf, JO W. CIlltlftT, rum ( f HcD.lel & Christ. Rostand Shoe TTouso, yj Nuith sri(mrt-r.trect, I'MiuduUMiia, SKIN DISElASES. SWAYNE'S AI.L1IKAI.INO OlNTMhNT lnl o a sptclllo lor 'lETTJlill, ITl II. HALT ItllftUM, tOM.IJ HEAD. llltYSll'IiLAS UAUBEU'S ITCH. IlCIl HLOTOUES, ALL bC.ll.Y, t'UUHTY. CUTANEOUS lillUP riO.N. PeiiOjtlv .ale aud hariulrasf even on Hie most tenter iiifant. Pnco&octnte: 3 boxes fnrCi.23. seiitovui il toauy uildrisson locelpt of iirua Sum by ail the lcadlne Druecists. Proooreil only by DR. SW.IVXU & SOX, 330 N'jUIi Sixth- St., I'liilntlelplila. jADORN! LONDON ! I HairColor Restorer i HA I 111 : roa rxsTomyo ; GRAY HAIR To' 1U Natural Vitality and Color. HERE IS THE PROOF Or its Snpcrlor I.ycellciict Read thht Homo CirUflcafo tostlfled tn Tip Jtuwurd U. Gaincuei. ouo of the nnt compe tiut Uiupjr b.b aiiiK'n m(jt lu 1 ht:adelpbla, a man wImhu vuiacitv nono can doubt t 1 am happy tu mid my icttnuoav to tbo srreat va.l'uif ILe Iajiii'ou lluir l nr I rut. ire i- which iuu red my ha.r (o llsfrfplual dark iol. tu, mnl Wiobiio: ppeuis to bo ( ermanect. I am taliilril thin lhn prepoiatio U iio;lnctf (Uea d e. but opeiaton upiu tha MeeieUons. It Is tilMi ti bouutiful hoir itio-luc. a mi uromotei tho gronth. 1 purch-ued thu Uit butt irom ilo. li. Uurilrues. umia el rerah nnd C'nuttu.i.t who ctu alro teetltv jny h.ur wa ve y Bicy nuiu vumuivki.ii is-a uat-a Xo. 731 Jf, Mlath St.. l'tili:iiJf!nTi,a. lilt SWATXE it HiS - ltffcnf rir.t I haTotne I'leuiMiiu to inform ,.on ihnt a iioy of in. tu .juiuuiuui;, ui icr, lduuiiKiiieii yim ton tDift Si of our London I'o nr 11 air ltrj.tit. er." Her hair was tailing lanhlly aun qui.e Ciay, Tito color hi s bu-i) letored, 4nd lho tall. iur om entirely iotpeu iv irs uo. K li. GAititrnuiiH. PrtiRpis: Our. Tenth ui'it Coatessts.. Phlln. AH that ait can bccompliah in biutifvini?. f Irene ht'iituv. iblckeniucaudKiuiinngthoaalr 1 t ttVctul uv iK'Hitr x.otidou ltairl'otor Kent nr. er.M It tfmultoi and forces a now rowtli t If p'av retor'H its n aural color, and lenders It tilkyaim LwulPutt curia aaudiuflt kccptbt) fcalti ilr-iin cool and heithv. 11 tni-cUts s"il It. Trice 75 cent; six bottles, H. bent by e lavs- tJ any adJi6ts. S WAYNE BON, X. Blxth t., rhtlad'a. fcJOLE PROrRIETOUS. i For 6ale by all Druggist. Jaty Vi. wvyi O j cr aq GO r-t-O ,.cd O 5 CD Kcbor niocl;,, T-cIiIslitoii. Notice To t'liH Public A. J. DURI.INQ-S Family DrtisandModlcIno Store, (lu Dr. lleoer's Biocitl 9 OPEN on SUNDAYS Ir m 8 to 10 o'clock A. M., 1 to 21. 5 lo 7 r, M. Rojideuco-lst'door nboco M. E. Chuicli A.J. Durllng, our popular Dtug. glt. li ivlug expensed with tlio services of a clerk," Is behind tin Counter Dealing ont and CcmpounitrisNice, Pure, Fro-li, Unidullcratcd Me 1 cluoj for tho 6IoS and Afll.cted, nt lteduo od Iricc3 At A. J. Durllriff's Drug Store, yon can get your Prescriptions end Family RcupesCompoundoiUccuratelyciecientlncally. At A. J. Durlliifi's old estnbllilieil DRUOand PItESCniPTION feTOHE.yoo can leiy on gelling a Stito'ly Poro Arilclo. No mistakes from incompetent asslsta its, ho dls. pc'uscs and prepares with his own hands. H U Just sLlenillil I What? Why that Now rcrlumo I got at DURLINO'S Drus Stoic. His own inako up ho calls It ' .UY OWN " 25c. and tec rei bottle. 1000 lbs. Tiire CatHtlc Soda, or sclto.l Potash.for SO AT M AKINU, Just rccolv. ed at A. J. DU ULINU'3 Drug btnre, and selliu g at a very low pi ice, Wn.ll Paper I Wall Paper I Wall Pnoert At A. J. DURLINQ'3 Drug Storo. N,EV STYLES Just received ot Greatly RE. DUCED PliICEA Call anl Examine A. J. Durllng, our popular Drug, gist, having nn experience of 17 Years, knows whereof ho .pcaltf, wh'-n he eavs ho guarantees that EVERY AHTICLU bought ot Ilia DRUO STORE li of tho PUREST and BEoT tuat can Lo found In tho Markets. A. J. DurliDR, the Druggist, lias Jnst recelvod a Fresh Invoice of Fmo FRENCH and CALIFORNIA BRANDIES, OLD HOL LAND OIN. OLD KYI? WniKIES Import ed Pour and oIIIillltY WINE4 Donicsiio CLINTON uud ot.ler OHAI'E. WINES for Metltcn ni and S icraiuental Purpoea. S VISIT S P. f. BE API'S Variety Headquarters, In Likderman's Block, FOR FINE CIGARS, ASD ChoiceSmbltingTobaccos lrom 7 cts. up to SO cts. per Package. JUST RECEIVED : An Invoice of tbo NEW COMBINATION CI (JAR HOLD R.nml PIPH, omyscto. and aucwlo.oi FANCY PIPES tiouiUccncs iitw-iidfl DliUIII.E 8IZU. TIN TOBACCO IIOXKS. KLEOANT FINE C'U i . 6 and locts. nn ounce. Sl'ATIONEUY of n l Mad;. Colin en Envoi- oecs is cents, White IS Cents per pnekao, Note. FooUcap and Legal cap Wilting Pa- nera. Ask to looi at tho centlkmas's PERFECT LETTER Will TE't, imiv SJ cents. . New York i.ud Phlladeiph.a Dally and Weekly Pituei s BAKU HALL BATS AND U UIDEq. i.AJilUSUlU I.1U11AUV, 11 KS, bOMJ l.ODKK. .ti'. 8 A H 1) I N E q is r cer boxes 25o , half bux ns 3 le . hpeoal Asent for OOODVBAli'o POCKLT LAI. (IE AND lOMMODIOUS BILLIARD 110U.M A'lTACUED. Wot-iVfi thla nnnorluni'v of rtntlnc that ai our iilffnei t flepuitiuents aro ecpaiate cu ablina Us loncc.iuinoojto n I ur cu;iiomara lo aoetrrndvau apotinui wo foimeily couidln uure.upucu ci i Ufine's itcspiTiiuiir , , I. T. 11KAIJY, '170." HENRY A, PETER, (SUCCCO'Ot to C. W. LENIZ), Bank Street, Lehighton, Perm' a, OTers to the publio a full line ot Pure Drugs and Chemicals, PATENT MEDICINES, 'SOf Horse and Cattle Medicines qS-H A Complete Assortment of rrom tho Che'spott rirown to tho finest a ill. Fancy Toilet Articles, SPONfJtS, CIIAMOISE SKINS, Plaix & Fanct Stationery,- Anrtnvjrlo'v ot HOUSEHOLD ARTICLE too numerous too mention, all ot which ho 1. offering at VERY 11EAS0XAULE l'ltlCES ! PURE WINE? and LIQDO'RS lor Medicinal and bacrauicutal purpoaoa. PHYSICIAN'S,' ntr.SCRlP'IIONS' are'ul y ami aceur tely compoumleil by UY'SKLF, at Patronage luvited. II. A. TETEH, Lcuczel's Block. March U. W77. Munhattau OIL Company, OF NEW YORK. Lubricating: ami lltuntluatlir? Oils. WJ4. N IfAROUS.'ltnonfSJ.lderchanta'Ex eIusaae,TlIJitDiDd WALNOT Btris. phu AilpbU. PT lf. "Never an Eiiconrnglu IVortl." "lie npver speaks on oiicourajjlng rVord to u;" fialil a servant ot Jlr. Towno. "U (lint so?" "You may try your llfo out to plfaso Mm, and hu never speAks an ericourarjini; woitl. It is llfo under lliu harrow there, and I've left." Ills children rannntlcave home. IIo has two tioys. They nr soiubiIiiips at wmk in tliu Rni'den, pulllni; up weeds, cutting uram, inaliilit; inartiu-hoiises nnd wiiidinllU. Tliey put no lienit In llielr w'eik; It Is dull nml spiritless. They are forever haunled with a furl live fear. Try as they may, and try they do, t!,elr father never ehcouragm them. Nnthlng but it dismal driz.le of fnuit-fiiiillnrr falls from liU lips. A sound scolding, u genuine, culling when they deserve It aud children know they deservejt sometimes like, thunder iUi.iii, purify tint air and inakn every m e t ctt'iT nml blighter Then lho I'lnuds cleiir away, and tho cladeit sun shine follows. That Is not Mr. Townn's way. lie is never thunder and light ning nnd over It, not he ; but perpetual drizzle, damp, dark, murky. . Nothing pleases, nothing s-ults him. Tutting Ills eyii on his liny is a mark of Ill-favor. Every child dreads his gazei shuns It, Is 1 1 at ease, awkward, squirming, Un til it wriggles out of tho way nnd Is gone. There are no glnd vole'es in Ids presence; no outspoken, frank; honest utterance; only hesitation, i iiciui-it-qtletictj. eeir-funtrnillctlnn; for fear nl vv'ay beclouds tho brightest iiilud and tile simplest lienrt. "There is no use telling It befiiro father," the hoys sdy In bringing Home a bit of news or a tale of adventure. But, Worxt of nil, "There is no uso in trying," as they often fay. And the dbhenrtenment will presently merge into Indifference, possibly Into some thing uioro active. Tliey will ttln away. Evil "speaks pleasantly," nt least, nnd many n young person has tuhted fiom home and sought other companions for no other reason. The lienrt, with nil its warm Impiil.-es, and with them Its sense of shortcoming and incompleteness, needs enlargement mti-.t have It In order to grow strong. "Not one encouraging word Irom father!" Poor boysl llrldget can leave, they c.i n't. Nor can his wife leave. Poor wo man! She Is a bravo woman, too. What a hopeful smile she often wears. It is liecausi) she will bear up; and smile she must, mi nns'weilng smile to the love of friends, the courtesy of society, the beauty of Dower and grass, and the slant Htinshliio through the trees. But there Is no joy within. Home Is n joy less spot; for her most careful house wifery there Is never nn encouraging wordjfor the laste nnd grtlce with which she trlt-s id make home attractive there is never an eDCouraglng word. The glance of her husband's eye only takes In what happens to offend; the word ot his tintith only expresses what ho finds, and tliese tuo faulta, spots, something forgotten or overlooked. She dreads liiiu, she fears hint, she shrinks from til tu . There Is no freedom or sunshine in hte pretence. Perhaps in her yearn ing woman's heart she hits longed for his return, forgetting In his absence the smull tyranny of his exacting spirit',but the thrill of his coming Is soon deaden ed "No encourriglng words;" and she silently slips out of his eight to swal. low her disappointment and heart-breaking nleno. Thero Is a rcrise of misery In the house which no strauuer can detect; perhaps this Is too positively expressed; It is tntlier an absence or joy, every thing spontaneous and cheerlul and glad lield In check. A minor tone runs through the family lire, depressing to ovi ry one. The prints ot an iron hand ore on every heait. ".Never n word to encourage! sup- pd unawares from her lips one day. It does not teem much; but who that has felt It does not know that it Is tliu secret of miny a Joyless chil .hood, many a broken spirit.- Family l-rlcnii. What tlic'TliIn? Costs. Tlnnilwnnil U n. nrettv 1IpK' town. I Judge there aro about 5,000 or 7.00d people here. Hoots, shavri, cigar, drink. &c, are twenty-five cents each. Flour Friday was 517 per IU0 pounds, Saturday It advanced lo $31, Sunday Sitf, and Monuay it som lor per 100 pounds, or at the trite of 100 per barrel. There Is vefy little In the town, which' Is the cau-e of the rnUe. Coal oil when they have any, fells for J3.50 to f 3.50 per gnlloii. Hoard Is cheaper in proportion, being only fifty cents per meal by the weett, and beds $1.30 each, The slrects are always crowded. Lots nf ChliiesB here, owing to washing be. log twenty-live cents a piece. There Is a saloon in almost every house. Gambling goes on publicly. The gulch mines are all taken. 1 think a person could Invest a few thousand very pro fitably In quartz mining, as there are home very rich lodes here. There aro about fifteen quartz miles In the coun try now. St. Louis Itepubllcan. Many of the British religious socle- ties are feeling greatly the dullness of trade. The Ulblej Society returned 'as.t year 107,000 annual lncoum-.t:i.000 less than last year. Dot the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel received 1J0,000, an Increase ot 11,000. A bny five years of age having stolen a can ot milk, his mother took him to tiisk with moral suasion, and wound up her dlscouree by exclaiming, "What In the world were you going to do with the milk?" "I was gulug to etesi b dog to drink It." PAttAHIUriHC. Mr. Monler Williams, Sanscrit pro fesor nt Oxford, considers that civiliza tion has existed lu India for 3,000 years. Woollen manufacturers In Ithodo Iland report more encouraging pros pects than at any time In the la-t three years. Nearly all tho mills are working ou advance orders. 'UVell, boys, here's for perdlllonl" said Alonzo Leister; nml he coolly lay down on n barroom door In Yolo, Ne vada, nd shot himself through the head. Bob McCullough stoio money from Ids father, In Louisville, and gambled It awny: and, when reproved for it, lie took n club and broke 0,000 worth or minors in the father's furniture sturj. A SpanMi monk, Ilia Marquis do Vlllara-nn. lias bcn condemned by one of the Paris tribunals to tw.;i years' inl prisnnuient for fraudulent bankruptcy. In connection with n company known as tliu "f'ttthollc Federation." Tho company was under the atronage oC several Catholic notabilities and priests. Tile Transvaal (South African) to public, recently "annexed" to the Brit ish empire, contains 114,000 s-iu.iro miles, just double, the area of England nnd Wales. Tho white popuhitlon, chiefly lioers, Is believed to be about 30,000, tho blacks 2.50,000. It Is rich but undeveloped country. The repub lic w.i.i nluiost bankrupt. . ltnllroads have dorio wonders In India. Tile garilsdii ot Peshawar, 1, 500 miles frotti Calcutti, cm bu re lieved and strengthened with greater certainty nnd speed than places only n tenth of that distance 30 or 40 years ago, nnd llriti-h rule is considered miiro secure with 50,000 European troops and the railroad than with double that dumber- before it was lilide. ' . The uppej- classes of Strasburg ildu'tsmllHon the old Emperor William when hi; visited them lately, but tho rest were very cordial. The Catht dral was exquisitely Illuminated, ami stand ing out amid tho darkness, with n black sky above, pieicnted d splcnded spec tacle. At Metz there was no enthu siasm, but, tl odgh the Town Council refused money for illumination, tho Cathedral caught fire, and Emperor, Crown Prince, nnd Moltke tried to put it out. The roof was destroyed. Vancouver's Island furnishes n tragic love story. A savagu native courted it girl belonging to his trlbo.nnd gave her blankets, nccnrdlng to custom. She was cool, but, she gnvu hint to un derstand thftt more blankets would be effective. The lover b'rought them, yet sho demanded more. He hunted, Ilsh" ed, and stole from tub white settlers un til ho had acquired the number ot blankets that she Had mentioned, and brought them to her. She again ad vanced the figure Then lie set upon her with a knife add killed her. Several hundred night editors, says the Atlanta Constitution, have heard with a groan that tho Poles are think ing of taking a hand in the European unpleasantness. Tnat Is nil that Is needed to complete the confusion. Just fancy that while Tootrokoplllz P.xsha Is holding the lltio ot the Xcivlw river from Tchlgnuy to the Serbian frontier, opposite Schukiiiol.lils antsgnuiit, Gen. MlgsoaletikatelTski, who Is conlrontlng him with the regiments of Pelropnulov ski and Ekaterluersly, aud awaiting re eiifoiceuieu'ts being brought up froni Ploolkl by Col. Nicholas NIchohttetTo vlch, Is taken In Hank by, nu nrmy of Polish insurgent led by Prince Proty colapschiliuliiskl, Count Cilumlcslavo tezzlunigszltiski, and the vetereu Geu ernl and herri of 1848, -Misezwyesl The first of lho drlnk-reglstcrlng apparatuses, which n new law says must be u-cd In all Virginia barrooms, has been put In operation in l'lchmond. It Is a wooden box, about n cubic foot In size. On one side is a crniik, unit on another dials liku those' ot it gas me ter. The barkeeper turns" tlfo crank once roun.i nt every sale of n drink, a hell strikes, and tlie dlal registers one,. The object of the device Is to deterniluo' the rliiiimtit of (as to be collected, at the late o't one cent on every drink. Althodgh' a heavy tine may be Imposed for neglect to use these machines pi o- perly, or for the tampering with them In nny way and there aro nfllcera whoso duty it Is to detect such offences the belief Is that they will not nn. swer the purpose, becausedrinkers will genemlly couulvo at violations ot the law. Hawiey, Pa. , June 1. Mrs. Daniel Knnzermaii cut her throat with a butch er kuife between tho hours of two and three o'clock yesterday morning, On tha evening pevlous, while lady rallera were nt her house, Mrs. Kuuzcrmnii complained of her head feeling strange ly. At their usual time th tnmily le,; tired nnd were soon lest In sleep. At about three o'clock Mr. Ku'nxerman was awakened by their little child, nnd reaching to the opposite side of tliu bed to waken Ids wife, ho discovered that she was not In usual place. The bed was cold, showing that she had been up siiuie thee. Mr. Kunzertnan Ira diately aroeaid went to search for her. He soon ascertained that the outside doors were all locked, but that tho door lending to the pantry was open. At the foot of the cellar steps ho found his' wife In a sitting position, with n gash across her throat noirly six Indies la length, critlrely severing ,lho. wind pipe, slid a large butcher knife by her side. About two years ago this family lost by death three Interesting children, and' flisreafWr the mother was not herself.