H. V. Mobthimer, Proprietor. INDEPENDENT" Live and Let Live." $1.00 it .Year .if Paid in Advance VOL. V.,K0i 20. ' LEniGIITON, CARBON COUNTY, PENN' A, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 20, il877. Subscribers out of Comity, $1.20 rc mr ,r, MBMfl -'--' r" t -istMMMJlWlIMlMJUMMIJJMs , -r nmrrjMT-- ---t.tti CARDS. Furniture Waretionie. . T. Schirarts, Bank street, deattr in all kindt of Wwnrture. Coffml madt to order. Hoot ami Shoe PlkUera. Clinton Brstney, in Levan't building, Hank street. AllordeTiprompllyJMei work warranted. If. P. LONGSTKEET, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, Si oit door to the " Carboninouse.' HANK BTHEET, LEniQHTON, PA. Decomber 18-em. qy SI. UAPSIIKU, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, , llistSiREiT.LcniaHTOK.rA. Ileal Estate and Collection Acency. Wllinuyand Tdell Krai Estate. Conveyancing neatly done Col lections promptly made. Settling Estates of De cedents a specialty. Hay be consulted In Knllsh "and Uerman. Net. 22. JAS.n. STIIUTIIEIIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 3"0tBce: 2d floor of Khoaa'sillall, Mauoli Chunk, Pa, All business entrusted to hlih will be promptly 'attended to. May 27, ly. ANIEL, KALBFUS, ATTORNEY AND, CODNSELLOR AT LAW, hkfiill Chunk, Pa. B3-0Hlce. abOTe Doton'a Jewelry Store.Broadway VltO. D. BISniOLBTTE. J AS. 8. L6O6B gERTOLETTE & LOOSE, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, 'Of flCJt Corner of Susquehanna and Broadway. MAUCIl CHUNK, rinse. Can be consulted In German. fJulv21187 p J. MJCEIIAX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Next Door to First National Bank, UllUflJV, I'A, aS-Canhnronaultedln'Oerman. fjn. H A. 11GL.TZ, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, 'Obort's Bulldlns, BXNK-St.. Lbiiioiiton. Conveyancing-, Collecting and all other bnsl 'nesa connected with the o?ice promptly attend- 'ed to. Also, Agent for theVnichasoaud Halo of Heal Estate. April lWl rjHIOBlXS 8. I1ECU-, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. BANK Street, LEIIIOIITON, Ta. Conveyancing, Collecting and all business con nected with the ofllce promptly attended to., Aa-Acent for first-class Insurance Companies, and It'lska of all kinds taken on the most liberal terms Jsn.o,io7o. yrjrj- A. DKRHAJ1KR, SI. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special attntl6n paid to Chronic Diseases. OQce: South East corner Iron ami 2id sts,. Lo hlzhton.I'a. April?, 1875. n. n. b. unnisu, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OlHce, BiNX Street, next door above tho Postofflre, ijenunion, t'a. umce Hours rarryvuie each day rom iuio izo'ciock; remainder or dsy atoinrein Ltenisniou. rov- 'a.'Vi G. M. BE1PLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Hcxt to E. H. Snyder's store, BAJ.K ST., LEIIiaHTON, PENN'A. N.B. Special attention erven to the Curb bt feaxt rineuin. so. an la-y JL CONVEYANCEn, AND QKNERAL INSURANCE AGENT The Rowing Companies are liep'resented: LI! MAN )N MUTUAL Finn, UUAIIlhO MUTUAL 1'lllE, WYOMING F1UB, POTTSV1LLE FIRK, LEIIIUI1 FIHK. andtheTRAV ELERs ACCIDENT JNSUHANUE, Also Pennsvlranla aud Mutual Horse Thief Detootlvo and Iu.urauLO Company. Marco 23. 187J. IllOS. 1CEMERER. IDEOM KOSTEXBAUlFll, 'OiLLnr Neau the I.eiiiqu Vallet House, Bankway, Lehighton, Pa., lanreoared to maite UFRBizn PORTRAITS PV PERSONS PROM PltOl'OQRAPUM In lueinosi aiiiaiio lusuuer, rquui iu u,i nwuixi. to -toel Kngravlng. Ife makes a speclaliynt ! l,'.lt.ON R frnin tvnn. nf nil klmtii. unarirei mMy 12 very moderate and patronage aoiu'iied. uivery cs aaie staoies aoi inui u.iu iiuuai.s, ELEGANT CAItUIAGES. Vnd positively LOWKJt PRICES than ouy viner i-ivory la iuo uo uuiy. Larire and hmdSAnin Parrlairea for Pnnenl lurposea and Weddlniia. DAVID ERllERT. I1USINEMS MEN AND OTHERS IN WANT OF JOU P1IINTINO OK ANY DlWCltlPTloN, WILU IINUTlIKOlllllON ADVOCATK OFFlCi; TUB UliBT and CHEAP. KIT PLACH IN THE COUNTY, OIVE US A TRIAL AM) lif. CONVINUED. IfLLJX Ofll IIILU wuo was wouuuca vrni .111 i r i.ii.M,... lanentdUcasa iu hervlce, osb irsf a Pension by hlo. Apr. U-lm . 1 Railroad Guide. jq-OUTIIlKNNA.KAlLUOAD. Passoncera for Philadelphia will leavo Lehigh. ton as follows i 3:17a. m.. via. Ii. V. arrlvo at Phlla. at 8:15 a. m. 7:12 a. in. via L. V. ' llS'Sa.m. 11:07 r. m. viai.. v. " z-iup. m. 2:'inp.jn. via L. AS. " " Miu. in. 6:29 p. m. viaUV. " " .U:50p. m. jiemrninir, leave ueuoi, uk j "uicn can St.. Pnlla., at 8:15 anil 0:45 a. tu.sJfclS, p. m. dan. i, ib7. xjijuia iicnt. pIIILA. da READING RAILROAD. Arrangoment of rassctigcr Trains. MAY. 2JHT, H77. Trains leave ALLEN TOWN in follows. . (VIA I'KKKIOMKN BRANCH.) For Philadelphia, at C.50, 11.03, n.ni., 3.15 and 5 5) p.m. For Philadelphia at .3.25 d. m. I VIA RAfii pits.va. imAKrn.t For Hei-din, 1 2.30, ww, 8.v a m 12.15, 2.10. 4.30 ai.dl)0tp.m. For IlarrtsDnrg, f 2 30, 5.50, 8.55 a. m 12.15, 4 30 and o 05 p.m. For Lancaster and Columbia, 5 50, 8.55 a.m. and , 4.30 p.m. fDoesnotran on Monday. our dj i n, ror 11 et dine. 2.30 a m. and 0 03 v m. Tor llfirrlfhurB, 2.30 a.m, and u 05 n.m. 'iraius j, uiwL,ijjji ilmvin leave us iuuuwsi l1A PEItKIOUEM UKANCIl.) LeaTomiladclphlu, 7.3 1 a. m., 1.00, 1.30 and 5.15 p. in. SIIWflAVri. Leave rallidelphlrt. 8.'fiii.m. (VIA, EAST rENNA.TinAN'CII.) Leave Reiu.ua. 7.4). 7.45, 10.35 a m., 4.00, 6.10 nnd U.30 p m Leave Hariiaburc, 5.2, 8.10 a. ra., 2.00. 3.57 and 7.6t p. m. Leave Lancaster, 8.10 a.m., 12.55 and 3.45 p.m. Leave Columbia, 8.00 a. m . 1.00 and 3.25 p.u. SUNDAYS. Leavo "nentJlnc. 7.33 a.m. Leave HarrHiium, 5.2a a.m, Trains matked thus () run to and from depot h and Gieeii BtreetR. Ddladclnhla. other trains to and irom llroad Ktrcct depot. Too C.50 h. 111 and 5.55 n. ra. tin Ins from Allen- town, and the 7.30 a.m. and ti.n p.m. trains from IMiiladt'lptna, liavo 1 1) rough cars to and trotn l'hlladolphla. J V.. WUUl'lJU, (ieicrat Manaaer. O. Q. UANCOCK, Oen'l Ticket Agent, QAKH0N ADVOCATE CHEAP JOB PRINTING OFFICE, LKIIIQIITOX. PA. JCvery description of Print lug, from a Visiting Card ioa Poster. CARDS, DIM. HEADS, , LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS, .u PROOKAMMfJ, HANDBILLS, DODQEltS", CIIlCUtARS, SHI1TINQ TAbs, ENVELOPES, PAMPHLETS, BY-LAWS. 40., &C Dono In tho boat manner, at very Lowcat Price,. We are nreparod to do work at fts cheap rotoa U911UV i-uiuu iu iiiu muiu inai oeaja Jiouesuy with lis ru.tomcrd. OUR MOTTO IS Cheap, Prompt & Reliable. fy Orders by mall recolvo prompt attention. jyj-ltS. C. lo TSCIHUSCHKV, Nearly opposlto Durllu's DruK store, BANK STIIEET, LEIIIGIITON', Va. Calls the attention ot tlio Ladles of Lehighton hudTicinitytotbo fact that sUo keeps u full as.ortmeut ot Berlin & Germantown AVool, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC EMnROID. ERIES. NOTIONS. UIllllONB. Ladies' and Children's Hose, nr.iuiAX FRUITS, lUMUEROER ct SWITZER CHEESE, CANDIES. CONFECTIONS oii'l a vnrlctvof other iirticlea not usually Kept 111 buy other etoer In Lehtirlitoii. AeUarenf publle iiatronagelacollcltril, and auiiBiuijMuu Kuurauieeu. jau. A Good Family Medicine SWATHE'S Tar and Sarsaparilla Pills. 3- llHAnACIIU. Langour and Melsn cnoly irkneraly aniinir from a uiontered stum ttch, cosdvone-sbr a tortld liver. Euch may be .lnr,uiy it'iii.iveu uv ur. cswayne a i nr I'lus. which stimulate the tirer oud atoiiuich th u ho . 1 1 H - action In rctuovlns all blilimisiie8. una prouucmsieguiar CTacuatiouao: tuo Lono.a. LIVKR COMPLAINT, that dreaded dlsoise from which somauyper- uua huuer, is ireqaeuiiy iiiu cause 01 Headache, Indigestion and Dyspepsia la speedily relieved, anil are often permanently cured by Iheiruto. Feveriainoitoii mevenied by the useot theno sars'tparhla lills, us they earrv off, turnupl! the biuod. the Impuiitles from which they ailse. For COsriVIiNEss there is uuiutuir so effectual as Swayne's Tar aud Sarsaparilla Tills They are rmelv vecetable. and act sneciallv on the l.liiras illue Mass or Lalomel, without any oau resuiia irotu takinir. De-cnbo aruiptuuia In a'l communications, and address lettera to lilt. bWAYNE & SON, Philadelphia. No cuaige for atlvi, o. bent hr mall on ncclpt ot pi Ice. I'tlco cents u buxi live boxes for II. ASK YOUltDUTJUUI-iT TOR THEM. QHAULES FK0EIILICII, Cor. of IKON anil LIHIiatt Streets. LHHIon TOX, Pa., dealer iu Choke llranOs of Family FLOUR, FEED, APPLES, POTATOES, &c, Itespecttullr announces to titsCustoaiete snd the public generally that un and alter JAN U AU Ut. 1H77. he will sell for Cash only or ou Tllltt'l'V 11 a Ys toieenousltile parties, ami In terest will Ira cliarccd uu ail bills not settled at the expiration of a nd 39 days. W All article warranted to be aa represent cd. Patronage solicited. CUAItLCa FIIOEUL1CH December 33, 1670. lN"ew Advertisements. THE LUNG'S! CONSUMPTION t This dlstresRinc and dancerons complaint and its premonitory pyniptoms, neirlecled couirh. ntffbt sweats, linafcnepw, wastlnc hah, lever nerifanentlv cured by "Dr. tiv. oyno'suompouniA iynip of Wild Cherry " lUlUnvllll in-A iiivuiMiiiioi. i a uiiuuii.ii j rmiRiinmtion. ia characterized bv catnrili or 111- llnmniaiion ofthomucoua lnembrnnoot thomr DaMive4, wiui courii ana rxnccinraiion, snorr hrenth, hoarpeness pains in the diet-l. For all lironcmalaQoctions. sore throat, loss of loice, coughs, DR. SWAYNE'S C03IPOUND Syrup Wild Cherry IS A SOVEItniON iumiHiY. ltemorrhaae. or snttttna blood, may proceed from the larynx, trachm bronchia or Iuurs, and arise from various cause-, as undno physical exertion, plethord, or fuUnffs ot tlio vessels, weak lunpf-.ovcrstrniulnpotllin volco suppres1. od evacuation, obstruction of the epltea or liv er, etc. Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry etrikci at tho root of disease by purifylmr the blood, restoring the liver and kidneys to healthy acilon, invifioratiuff UienftvouaRyKtem. The only standard remedy for hemorrfiniro, bronchial and all pulmoaaiy comp oints. ,Ccn Btiropttvca. or those preilisposed to wonli lungs, ol'ould not fall to use this Kreat vegetable lem It marvelous power, not only over consump tion, but over every chrnnio disease wi cro u irradual alterative action Is needed. Under Its usetiiecouuh Is loosened, tho night sweat di- intntHii tnopainsuusuU'S, tne puuo retnrns to in Hs power to nigest ana atsimiiate tne mod. nua every vrgau litis iipuicr uihi ueiiui quaiLiy blood pupptitdto it, out of which now iccreu tlve an'd plastio material is made. ; SAYED HIS LIFE. A KKIWAREiAKM: CURE ! Wa that of Jidwnrd II. Jlamson, ISnplneerat oeorge Wecnv'8 Totteiy, 1331 Itidcb Avenue, Phl.ade.phia. Ho hud a violent cuuh, nllit sweats, soro tin out, preat weakness, spit at dil fercnt tlma a pint of i lood. Rave up all hope of recovery, 'inrougn tne iirto 01 " jr. btcavneTn tl'ilrtChrrrtjSuiui)" lii-rnnin n fimiiidnnd iienltliv man, and remains ho to this day, although over twenty years have elapsed" since h was cured. lMtlOK ONK DOLL Alt. Fix bottle. 15. If your drucjriBt nr stoi ckoepcr does not sell It, we win lorwinu nan uozeu. iieirni paiu, to any au dress, ou receipt ot price. l'ltLl'APKU ONLY BY I)R. SWAYNK & SOW, 330 IV. RUtli Street, Plillmli-lplila. Kold by al rroiuluent Druglsta. Itching Piles! PILES, TILES, ITCHING PILES, Positively Cured by tho uso of SWAYNE'S OINTMENT. Home Testimony: I was sorel v aUlict ed with one of tho most d!. tiesttluRof all diseases l'ruritui or I rungo. or moie comnK'iily inown as ltehinjf l'iles 'the Jtciiiiiir ut times was nlmost intolerable ineroas. ea ny Fcinienniff, ana not uuirequemiy become quite soio. i uouEiitn itosni "nwnine'H umimeni " us use pavo quick relief, aud mashoit time ma.Io a perfect cure, lean now Meep uudistoibul, audlwouid udvlsoollwho are PunVrinj? with this dlstrosliiKfoinpialut to procure' hwayne's Ointment1' ut once, I had tued prescriptions almost Innumerable, without tiiulinrr any perm anent relief. Jos riinfbT, jirm vi itwtiei is. unrisT, llootaud Shoe House, all North (Second-Mrect, j-'uiiuucutuia. SKIN DISEASES. SWAYNE'S AI.LHUAI.INO OINTMKNT IsolfO a Bpeciflo lor TinTUlt. ITCJI. SALT ltllliUM, SOAI.U HKA1). KHYhtPULAS. UAUBElfS ITCH. I'lUH HL,)T0UK8, ALL bcai.v, uitUHxy. cutankous inti'p. nu.. 1 1'iieciiv mho mm iioiinietirt, even ou Hie most ten Jer Infant. Price 60 centH. 3 botes torti.CS. mut uy mat to any address ou ieccipt of price bum uy an tuo leaning urugirisia. Prepared only by till, SWAl'Ni: & SOX, 333 Nurtb Slxth-st., I'liiladeiphia. jADORNj LONDON I YOUK iUnLOUnDlK,, : :iianuuiui iiusiu'C1 MA In. i TOR IlESTOUlKQ ; GRAY HAIR To Its Natural Vitality and Color. HERE IS "THE PROOF Or Its Superior Excellence. Itract this Home Certificate, testified to by KUtwud It. Oarriguei, one of the most enmpe. tent Diufririsisand rheinifct In Philadelphia, u inuu h4o veiucltv none can doubt i 1 urn happy to add my tostinionr to the great Tiitcoot the Ixiutloii Hair Color Itctorer," which icaie-rod niy hair lo llsorlirlnal dark col or, suri tho hue uppeuta to bo permanent. I nm satisfied that this preniiutiou Is nuthinc like a di-e, but operutes upon the secrotlnns. It Is also a beautiful hair dres.lua. and proutotea the frrowlh. I purchased th llrst bottl lroui lOu. II. uurrliruea. tlruegiat. Tenth and Coatc-sts who cm oIfo testliv inv li.ttr wua ey Kraj nheu I couiiueuced Its use. MltS. 3IILLKH, No. 730 N. rlluth at.. l'hliaJehihla. bfi. BWAVM: &. HO. ltesnecte.1 Friend, i r hat e ta pleasure to Inform ou that a laoy of inr u.iiuuiuiuui-e, jure mi jer. isueiiKuieti liu tne fcut'ctesut lour Lnhrtou Colur Han llestoi- cr," Her hair was tailing rapidly and um.u iuv. iiui u,.B ui-ti i aeiureu, uiiu lue 1411, uiK out entirety slopped by its iuo. l' ii. UAitiiinnKS. nrucirlsr Cor. Tenth and Coatea-ata.. Phlla. All that art can hcoulnullth in beuutlfilnir. atreuiiihenluir, IhlcLeulnu and yilonunjr the natr is nTtM uv usin "joiiuon uuiri'uior itestor er." It slfinulates and furcea u new crewth : If Kiav. rctorert its iisturel color, and lenders it sluy anu beMutltut i curea oaiidrull i keeps the scaln cleau. oiiol and liea:thr. All drusgtata s'lllt. Price 7a cents; aix bottled, (1. Kent by C1HCB. uuy JM1U1WI, SWAYNH & bOX, JJ0 X. Slith St., PhiUd'a, SOLK l'ItOPmiiTOIl8. For Stilo l)y all ti ugglstK. July 1, 187D yl THE TWO JONESES. a story dp st. iuvid's day. CHAPTEU I. It was tho 1st o Mnrjli, !n tlio year ofg'race!8 . In a tii'Tcliatit's olticc, not far from C!ifiipfiK', a litllo mail sat at a lilgli desk, trying hard, appari'tit Iy to keep ono eyo on tlio lows tif fig ures before him, and tlm oilier on the ofllcb-clock. falling In thin, Ids glances travelled from tlm one to tlio o'thcr wltli pendultim llkorugulaiity. At lat tho clock struck I lie wMii'd-for hour of six; and tl)i little man r-lint thu ledger v.llli a hang, arid after Incklne It up carefully In tho ulllco-hafc, riaslied Into n dark cupboard, mid began a has ty but careful toilet, Involving great splashing of water, and much violent cxercleo with a stumpy nail brush. Evan Jones vuis iiomiually uiaiiagiug clerk, aud really general factotuui, to the firm of liorwlck & Drown, hard wood merchants. Ho was fifty years of age, short, fat, utid good-natuied, though a llttlo peppery at times. Ho had a numerous family, whom lie found It anything but easy to feed and bring up ou his modest salary of lifty shillings 'a week. With strict economy, however, he managed just to make both ends meet. Not for hhu wero the breezy sands of Hamsgate, or the chestnut avenues of Hampton Court. Not for liim wero the mild Havana or the fra grant cigarette. He had no vices and desired no lux ink's. One Indulgence alone, In tho course of tho year, did ho permit himself. Ho was a Welshman to tliH backbone, and herein lay his ono extravagance. Como what might, and however depressed tho condition of the domestic money market, he was always present at the dinner of tho "UnlteU Welshman" on St. David's Day. The necessary guinea was to Jones as much as a hundred to many of tlm other guests who assembled at tho banquet In question a sum to be saved and scraped together by lnQulto sacrllico aud self-dctilal. Dut "Though back anil aides p;o bare, Tl otin h hanils and foet ko co il," as the old aong bays, bcraped together It must bo, by hook or by crook. For nearly a week prior to tho present oc casion, Kvau's dinner had consisted ot a saveloy nud a penny roll; and ou tho day of our story he had taken no food whatever sluce Ills frugal breakfast, In tending to compensate himself hand Romely for his abstinence at thu expense of Ihu "United Welshmen." He had, in truth, gone so long without food as tof'i el a llttlo exhausted; but ho con soled hlum-lf with the thought bt tho splendid appetite ho should carry to tho festive boards and having at last com pleted Ids toilet, ho shut up tho office. uud started for the hostelry where tho dinner was to be held, feeling at least six feet high, and humming Ar hyd y n os witu patriotic, energy. At nlmost tho same moment when Kvan Joues stalled on his journey, a tan, Handsome mau,in laultless evening alt.re, stopped out of a West end man. tiou, tlttlclo of which a bioucham whs waiting. A graceful little lady, with a bright girlish face, accompanied him to the nail door, "You won't bo very late, Owen, will you? sue said coaxlngly. "Not veiy early, 1 am afraid, pet. Wo 'Welshmen' aro rare fellows for keeping it up; and if I came nway be fore all tho national toasts had been duly honored. I should never hear the last of It." "Very well, dear; then I supposo I mustn't expect you till I see you, I hope you will hnvu a pleaeaut evening. Don't take too much wine," she con tinued, laughingly. "Can't answer tor myself nu such an occasion," her husband responded. "The Tavern," ho said to tho coachman; nod kissing his hand to his wife, In a few uiumenU was whirled out bt eight. CHAPTEU II. Thu "United Welshmen" had finish ed their dinner, and had made con siderable progress with their dessert. l'.acii man wore attached to his button hole a wonderful composition of green and white satin and sliver tllrtrireo. which was supposed (bv dint of mak ing believe very much Indeed) to rep- resent, tne "leeK ' sacred to tne, occas ion. A perfect Hurricane of n'a, and in s and li s and I's and w s Hew about the room, only casing for a few mo- tnents wiien tlio -liuirmati lose to pro poee a toast, or the bards at the far end of the bamiuet hall tuned their harps lor some uambflau melody. .Evan Jones was seated at tho festlvo board, uut alas, no longer tne spick-and span Kvan Jones who had but a couple ot hours rattier left tlio olllco of Messrs llorwlek and Drown. His carefully brushed hair wai now rough aud dis hevelled, his face red, his sblrt-fiont limp auu crumpled, his utterance thick, aud his general appearance that of a gentleman vho has dined "not wisely, but too well." Poor Evan had been by no means Immoderate In his pota tions, but he hud so weakened himself by long fasting, that the little he had taken had au exaggerated elfect upon him, and he was rapidly becoming argumentative, not to say pugnacious. It was an article of faith with hlui.eveu lu his sober moments, that brj, was In some mysterious way' connected with the last of the Welsh kings, and In his present elevaled coudlllnn this idea took possession of his mind with re doubled emphasis. He had tuote thai) once commenced a sentence beginning, "As a 'scendanl of Llewellyn," but without getting any further. At tho second failure Ids left hand neighbor, to whom tho observation was addressed, replied profanely, "0,b!ov Llewellynl" Evap Jones looked ut Iilm for a mo ment with an cxpicssloti of immeasur able scorn nnd disguit, and then turn ed to his light hand neighbor: "'S a defendant of Llewellyn, 'pears to mo as a 'seeiidant of Llewellyn " and then slopped ugiln. Uwm nog lwyn bora dwinnalh cwlyd lllmach back" (wo canthit war rant the puilty of the author's Welsh, 1UI.;, replied lilsilgnt hand neighbor. "Uwyllog Iwnimii gwllock y dlua no," remarked niitithei of the party. "Cv.lla gw n dwllelh dyui da y cwi bala llewelly caerloe," responded Jones, whose tnhgun was loo-o enough In his native WuMi, and who would piobably havu continued lu tlio same train for some time, had not the chair man leiiuested attention for the "March of then Men of Harlech," which was about lb be clvcn by the choir. Jones sat still during tho chorus, with head and Hand Keeping tipsy time to the measure; but his soul waxetfliot within him under tho influence of the Inspiring strains, aud no sooner had they ceased than ho wildly got upon lils legs, aud said In a loud, thick voice: "Mis r Chairman, I shayt 'Sa hum- Dlo reprcsen'live I mean ancestor I mean ''Cendant of Llewellyn, I don't think this 'spiclous occasion I shay I don't think this 'spiclous 'caslon "" "Hero there were loud cries of "Or- derl" "Chalrl" "Sit down!" And Jones was pulled violently dowii by tho coat-tails by one of his neighbors. The gentlemanly-looking man to whom wo have alluded In our first chapter was Jone'a vis avls at the table. The sceno was so ludicrous that he could not repress a smile, which was observed by Evan, whose choleric temper fired up In stantly at the supposed affrbnt. "What tu' devil you grinning at, look you?" "Did I smile? I really beg your par don; but I am quite sure I was not 'grinning,' as you call it." "You did, sir; you gttnhed like like a Cheshire cat, blr, I appeal to th' gen'lmen present. Natuo's Jdues;very good name;'scendant of L!ewellyn;aud I 'mand 'sfttctlou ot a gcu'lman." "My name Is Jones, too, though I haven't tile honor of being a descend ant of Llewellyn, Thero Is my card, sir and If, when you como to your sober senses, you desiro to apologise for your tiuaeemly behavior, I shall be happy to scg you." Evan's light hand neighbor thrust tho card which bore the inscription Mil. Owkn JUnes. 99 Wiuslow Square, Belgravla, S. W. into Evan's waistcoat-pocket, and the owner by no means desirous of belug involved in an after-dinner brawl, moved away to another part of the table. Ity ill nt ot a llttlo humoring, those around managed to soothe the fiery Evan Into comparative tranquili ty, aud niter a few more desultory Ob servations, wherein his dlsceut from Llewellyn still played a prominent pdrt, he leant back In his chair, and was speedily fast asleop. The toasts came, to an end at last, tho bards packed up their harps, and the last of tho guests departed, leaving Kvan Jones btill sound asleep In his chair. A council of waiters was held over tl.o slumbering hero aud endeavors wero made to rouse him. They shook him, they pinched Iilm butall In valu. He couldn't, or he wouldn't, wake up. They succeeded In getting out ot him that his name was Jones, but to a further Inquiry as to where he lived, he only murmured, "'scendant of Llew cllyn," nnd relapsed again Into a still deeper slumbers. "You'll have to give hlra a shake down among the empty bottles, Wil liam," said ono. "Not If I know It," replied the head waiter. "He might wako up In the night and walk off with the spoons. No, wo must find out wlitru he lives, some how. Some ot vou must look in his pockets, will yott? Perhaps tlio gent has a card-case about him." No sooner said than dono. "Here's a card," said one, diving In to Evan's waistcoat-pocket. ".Ir. Owen Jones, C9 Wiuslow Square.' " "That's liiiit right enough; ho said his namo was Jones. Ho don't look much like a Wfnslow-Squaro sort, dues lie? Hut there's no Recounting for theso Welsh gents. Just as well he had his pasteboard about Iilm, though, wasn'tlt? or ho wouldn't havo gut homo to-night." It was a llttlo after eleven o'clock when a four-wheel cab drovu up to the door of No. OU Wiuslow S piaro. "This Is Mr. Jones,' ain't II?" said th cabman to the smart parlor maid who answered his knock at tho door, "Yes, this Is Mr. Jones,' answered the maid. "That's the namo right enough, nero's the card they gavo me; 'Mr. Owen Jones.No. 03.' Well, look heie, I've brou ght your nfaster from thu Wetsh dinner. Ile'vo been enjoying of ills wine n gondlsli bit, I should say, and I can't wake him up nohow." "You dou't mean to say he's taken too much?" "Well, miss, that dercmls. I don't think myself, In a general way, a gen tleman can tako too much; the more tho cieriler, I says, lint he's pretty Jar goue, auyhow," The maid rushed in to her mistress, who was silting iu thu dluhig-rouui. "Oh, ma'am, hero's master como back In a cab from the Welsh dinner, nnd the cabman says lie's fast asleep, and quite liHtlcntedl',' "Nonsense, Maryl" said her mis tress, nugiily, and ndvanctug into the hall; "(here must be some mistake." "No mistake, tiio'm," said tlio cab man, touching .his hat respectfully; "l'v.i brought the gent from tho Welsh dinner, and hero's his card," "(jloi)d heavens!" said Mrs. Jones, recognizing her husband's card, "It Is ton true. O dear, however shall I sur vive this shocking disgrace? Mary, go down stairs: I know I can rely upon yoit not to say a word ot tills dreadful nils foituue lo tho other servants." Maty tetlred accordingly, nud Mrs. Jones continued: "Cabman, I must ask yon to assist Mr. Jones up to his bedroom; it is the front room on tho first floor; you will find the gin ready, lighted. I can glvo you no help; for I think It would kilt me to seo him in such a condition." "Lor don't take on so, ma'am," said tho cabman, good-naturedly: "It nlti't nothing when you're use to It. Why, some o' the lii nobs dees It every night. My nhl horse'll stand as still as a church, and I'll have tho genelman up" stairs lu a jiffy." Poor Mrs. Jones returned Into the dining-room', holding her handkerchief to her eyes; nud after a moment's pause she was made nware, by a sort of scuf fling in the passago, accompanied by exclamations of "Wo-hol" "Hold upt" and other ejaculations of horsey nature, that tho cabman was assisting Mr. Joues upstairs. After an Interval of about ten minutes, which seemed an age, ho reappeared at tho dlnlng-rooin door, and said in A confidential man ner: "I've cot the gentleman , Into bed quite comfortable, muni. IIu was a little okard to undress, but 1 douo hliu at last proper: and lio's sleeping like a babby." Mrs. Jones dismissed tho man with a feu beyond his wildest expectations, and lesumed her eat, feeling as if her peace ot mind was forever lost. She felt that slio could never have tho samo respect for her husband ngain. Ho, who had always been a model of all that was dignified and gentlemanly, a very pattern husband, to como home helplessly drunk from a taverii-dliiuer I It was Incredible; and yet the fact was" beyond question. Sdrely there must be coiiin mystery about the matter. Could lie liu ill? Uut no;-ho had never been lu better health than when he left her a few hours previously, aud to send for a doctor would ouly be to publish his dis grace. Could his winu havo been drug ged? Hut surely at a public dinner, at a lirst-rate place. of entertainment, tills was equally uut of tlio question. There seemed no alternatlvo but to supposo that carried avvay by the excitement of tile occasion, Mr. Junes had fallen into one ot those sulden frailties to which poor human nature, oven that of the noblest. Is subject. At first tho weep ing wile had felt as If the offerico was beyond all pardon;but gradually a soft er feeling camo over her, and she felt that, though tho wroug could never bo forgotten, it might In time bo possible to forgive it. Aud than she mentally rehearsed the painful scene which would lake placo between herself uud her er ring husband ou his return to conscious ness and selt-rospect; and she had just arranged a few little speeches to be spoken more In sorrow thau ill auger, when a latcli-koy was heard iu the door, nnd In walked Mr. Juries himself, calm and unrufiied, without a hair out of place, or u cieusc oti his showy shirt front. Mrs Junes gazed ut him a mo ment, scarcely believing her own eyes. " Owen I and eiiber I" she exclaim ed i then Hung lie'r.-elf Into her arms, and went into a fit tit decided hysterics. " My darling wife, whatou earth Is the matter ?" ' O Owen, I am so thankful, "'said the' little wite us soon as her sobs would lei Iter speak I um so thauKful ! Hut tlieu, who is the man In )inir bed ?" " The man lu our bed !" sajd Mr. Joues, whatuver do yod mean ?" " Oh, Owen dear.you can't tell what I have gunu through. A cab came halt an hour auo, and brought you home Irom the dinner ; at least thu cabman said it was you, vtry tl)y and fist asleep, and he hid your card ; ni.d so I told him to put you 1 mean lo say hlni -In our muni, and tliern lie is now." ' The devil he U I" said Mr. Joues. " 1 mu-t h.tiii a look at this double ut mine ;" aud seizing a caudle, In strode up stairs. Presently ho agalu entered the room. " I think I see how the mlsta'kn hap pened," said ho. " This fellow up stairs was at the dinner lo-nlght, and had more than was good 'or Iilm at an early period of the evening. He was rather rudu to me ; hut it was no Use to bu angry with a man In such a condition, so 1 merely handed liliu my eaid, and told him when ho returned to 1,1s senses ho might come and apologize, though I can't say I had much expecta tion that he would. What became ot hint afterwards 1 can't say. I smoked a cigar with our fi lead Cr I filths, and then walked leisurely home Meanwhile 1 suppose the fellow was top drunk to answer for himself, and finding my card about hlui, they assumed It was' his own, and sent him here accordingly. The only thing that puzzles me is that you didn't find out the mistake," " Well, dear, to tell tho truth, I was so shocked and horrified that you should be, as I supposed, In such a condition that I would not even see you, or let Mary do so either ; so I sent her down CONTJNIKD OS 0U11TU PAQK.