II. V. HOKTIIIMUK, EDITOR LKIIiailTON, I'A.: SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 16T7. The Attorney General ot Now York, fcelng unable to mako any uso of thntifleped confession of Tweed, bits returned the papers to the cx-Boss, and declined to release him from jail. The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund lmvo authorized the financial agent of this State to call in $8,824,000 of the five and six per cent, loans due August 1st, to bo paid on presentation at the Farmers' and Mechanics' Nation al Bank, In Philadelphia. During April, 7353 Immigrants, of whom 2800 were females, arrived at the port ot Now York. 2184 came from Germany, 1510 from England and Wales, 13G4 from Ireland, 791 from Scotland, 350 from Italy,S80 from Aus tria, 241, from Franco, 183 from Swltz erland, 171 from Denmark, and the re malndcr rom 22 other countries. The Jury In tho case of Bolt, n Philadelphia preacher Involved In an ugly scandal, disagreed on Saturday, one Juror refusing to Join tho others In n verdict ot guilty. Subsequently he was arrested on tho charge that ho had stated that It mattered not what the ovldenco was ho would not convict Bott. A. II. Hodgson, the Juror, was held In $1,500 ball. The President and Mr. Hayes, ac companied by Secretary Scliurz, At torney General Devens and Postmaster General Key, went to Now York Mon day. Tho President returned to Wash Ington on Thursday. Tho President attended the annual banquet ot the New York Chamber of Comraerce,Mon day evening, and tnado a few remarks of a hopeful character regarding tho political and business prospects of the country. We learn from New York that,at a meeting there Tuesday of Representa tives of tho several coal carrying com panies, It was unanimously resolved, on a resolution offered by Mr. Sloan and seconded by Mr. Hoyt, that all the coal companies should suspend mining for the month ot Juno or July, after which tho meeting adjourned to await Mr. Gowen's approval by cablo tele gram. This Is a very important step In the coal trade, the effect ot which can scarcely bo foreseen, If carried out. The Slienango Valley News says; "In 1875 the Iron product In tho Slie nango Valley was 137,025, and the pro duct ot the Mahoning Valley 115,093 tons, total 253,018 tons. In 1870 tho product of tho Shcnango Valley Is esti mated to havo been 150,000 tons, and tho product of tho Mahoning Valley 131,000 tons; total 284,000 tons. This gives tho Shcnango Valley an Increaso of 12,075 tons, and the Mahoning Val ley an Increase ot 18,007 tons; total In crease for tho two vallojs 30,083 tons. The total capacity of tho two sections Is 581,000 tons. Ot 32 stacks In the Slienango Valley, 8 are In blast, and of 22 in tho Mahoning Valley, 11 aro In blast." The statuo of Fltz Greeno Hal. leck, In Central Park, New York, was unveiled Tuesday afternoon.ln presenso ot a large and distinguished tssetublago. The ceremonies began with a parade ot the Seventh Regiment and Veteran Corps, which was reviewed by President Hayes and General Sherman from the steps ot General James Grant Wilson's house. After the review a procession, Including the military, committee ot ar rangements and Invited guests, pro ceeded to the site ot the statue. Tho programme consisted ot muslo, nn ad dress by William Cullen Bryant, tho unveiling of the statuo and Its preseu. tatlon to tho city by President Hayes, the acceptance by Mayor Ely, the read ing ot a poem by Wblttler, and an ad dress by Wm. Allen Butler. In consequence ot the failure of tho lata Congress to make an appropria tlon for the army, an order has been Is sued reducing the force to about 19,000 ;men. All soldiers and non commission ed officers whose terms expire before November are to ba mustered out pre vious to June 80, unless they glvo no tice of their Intention to ro-enlist, and all minors and men who from any ca use are not fitted for good soldiers will bo discharged. Officers on recruiting ser vice will have their choice of returning to their regiments or be put on the list ot thoso waiting orders. Happily, we have no special occasion for the use of an nrray slnco tho troops have been withdrawn from the capitals of the Southern Statos and now that the In dians aro making their submission. Attorney General Lear, of this commonwealth, has rendered a decision In relation to tho $3,000,000 gold bonds ot Pennsylvania, which are due in Au gust and aro then to bo redeemed. The Interest on tltem was paid In gold, and tho question for his decision was, are the face of tho bonds to bo redeemed In gold or currency? He decides that they re to be redeemed in currency, and bases his decision upon the renowned decision ot tho United Statos Supreme Court, 12th Wallace, In which they de cided that If Micro was no specific con tract, and the bonds did not say "to be redeemed In gold or specie, why then the current money of tho day was tho legal redeeming currency." Ho says that It makes a difference of 210,000 In favor of tho State, averaging tho prlco of gold at tho present time, and that tho holders of the bonds lmvo to submit to ridemptlon In currency, be causo, alleged by the courts and by tho Attorney General, It Is law. A very useful and interesting vol umo of 370 pages has Just been Issued by the old and well-known advertising agency firm ot S. M. retting!!! & Co., Now York, entitled " Pcttlnglll's News paper Directory and Advertisers' Hand Book for 1377." Tho preparation of tho work has Involved much careful labor, Information having been sought from every city and, town and village, where even tho smallest newspaper Is published The leading facts are given respecting 8,574 separate publications, designating tho political or other dls tlnctlvo character, the frequency of Is sue, tho names of publishers, etc., and showing how many ot each edition (dally, weekly, monthly, etc.,) are pub lished In each Statu and Territory In tho United States and Province In Brit' Ish America. Tho book Is elegantly printed from now type, and, beside its mine of information, it contains por traits ot leading New York journalists. and Illustrations of theextenstvo offices where tho publishers transact their busl n ess In New York, Philadelphia, and Boston. It Is sold at tho low price of tl.00 per copy, und Is certainly cheap at the price to any business man who does advertising, or to any person who is Interested in the extent of the News paper business in America. Washington Letter. Deserved testimonial General Butler's ijiaie Postal Cards General Grant Secretary Evarts Army Officers Fred. Douglass' Lecture, tic. From our Hpeclal Correspondent. Washington, D. C, May 16, 1877. The rrcsldent, through the Department ot Slate, has sent Captain Foote, ot Nova Bcotla, a magnificent gold watch us a cesilmon'al, in re cognition ot his gallantry and humanity dls played m tho rescuo of tho crew of the A inert cau schoouer Richard Rhodes. Gen II. F, Butler's nephew CoL dcorso r Butler -Who was reeeutly appulntod special agent of tho Post Oinoo Input tmcnt to tho Dines: Hills, got diuMic on the way there and cuonucieu itiiuaon iu so oisorucny nntiuisaraie. ful a manner that ho was lcinuvcd xiom the orace beloio he reached his destination, much to his chagrin and disappointment. It Is stated that the yucancy occasioned by ais removal will not bo lllie,i, and the 1'o-tjinster General says uiciu will ut Hiuriiiur luuuunuu lu luoiorco en. cucou in tins soi vice ou account 01 thosmaii uessof tho aDnronriatlon. This is one nf Him in. suits of tae uustuouemeut of tho extra session ot congress, hecremry Key says ho see-i no ouie; Hay uni to iii-cuuuuue me postsi mouey oidei system till tho uuiestury nuuruurinllnii is made by Oouitress t so tho army will not bo tho only suffering party. Tho demand lor ;ostal oaids from all parts of the eouutiy exeueds iho most Jloeial estimates of tho Vest oulce Deparlmrut. Last Frioay moru.ng'a Issue wu overlive uilluou,und tor several weoss It has exceeded a million u d.iy, Ex-t-resiileut Grant Is spending his lust uuys 1U AUICllLU) IUL BVVUi.l JUIlO Pb irUBl, 111 i.UllU delphla, and very pieasantly. Ue sultercd titni nisoiuaiiuy cuius lor auuy or two lust week, bi ought on oy incautiously leaving off his over, coutuurlng the opening exercises of the per manent exulbitlou on Tuursduy. Yesterday ho held u public reception In Independence null frim twelve tu three o'cock. 'io-duy ho visits f an mount i-nrg anu me water worKs, ending luc nay ub a tiluult uuuiiuct, fivcu lu UIS uuuor. To-morrow he will leviuw the National Guards. and ou inursuar sail ioi ji.uiouo with 111-1 mini ly. no Inteuus making the tour ot thewotld ueioio returning to America. Now York Is ttilktun ot alvnur Becretarv nf State EvariaghXi.ouo so he may not he obliged ,u iu..n ..u. D..,.uft uwiauu lUaul men, as It weret we snould call It serving his country and his owa pocket, ills govtru. meut otuce pays him fs.oou iter year, or less than s:uu uer mouth i whereas lie cini mnLn i. his piotesslun. beiueeu $5U,ojo and u.uouper nuuuui. vcmjr.uu uiusii uu yJiulilll,uropisl Indeed, were ho wldlug lo givo up the other for lueouo. It tssuidthat ii&iulllun Flsti.wlulo Becietary of btule, expended ut least t."0.0W a year, laid, being u rich man, he could do so. for it was ms private tonuuo uo useu. wo toll lo see lue uocesBuy ui sucu rxpeuuiiures in Con. necllou w.th tue discharge of nubile nnflu Why may not members of tho cablnot dis chtugotho Uoveiumcut busluess with Just as good ( fleet without ei.deuvorlng to shine uriKiuor man uu uiueis iu tue bouhi world! it seems that our aimy officers, somauy ot whom have been wont to spend the summer mouths ut fashiouuoie watering pluceBuud in other scenes of amusement, win tnis season be obliged to lematu in quaitels. thanks to tho postponement ot tho extia session. It will be ultaid hintoilicui,nodoiibl but ltniay prove a beuetll nevertheless, W o chastening lur the pieseut seeuH-uno oe joyous, nut gnovous, Rdvertheless. afterward. vo." Washington was last week stirred to Its ueepost uepius ot luuiaiiuiiou lowulds the cx siave of luiuuibla. uied. Louitloss. LemtiMA m ceria!u slanderous sentiments he expressed 111 iue leeiuioiiu ueuvuie.1 in naitiinoieiasi Meek. Ho says "to be honest in w ushlDgtou Is to be considered a loot." and Woshiugiouluus ore tilled with righteous lumruauou. 'ihey iiemaud his removal lntn oihce and deuouueo him us u slanderer and rung naox the mud ho has thrown st them Willi praiseworthy vuhotueuoo. A pe tlllon is in circulation ueinanillnir his ntu-ha,a from the Marshalship, whicu Is soou to be pie. Hum MJ riVHUUIb UlllW -DUHIHIU HUmOr says this latter. Douglass, slute his return to this city, publishes a letter lu one ut the dally papers wherein he sirs that he spoke more iu praise than o.amo q 01 wi Yasnrngtun. una thatsuth sentences iiioouu agrutod above woiosik). e 11, jluu numerously. ai. ai. Wi Beecher and the Babies. There wero twenty-six babies In white dresses, with sashes ot many col ors and fine Jewelry, In tho arms of lathers or mothers. Sunday mornlnir. In front of tho Plymouth Church nlat form as Mr. Bccchertook his seat, The most delicate Mowers were at his side. When the clergyman baptized the babies one or inem Kissed his hand. Mr. Beecher sold that he sdvlsed young peo. pie when they mjrned to set up in housekeep ing lor themselves. lie somewhat rieplortd boardlllg-house. hotel. And l-rennh flu, mur. rluges. but they are not so bad. he thought, as tuuou mu.m iuc neuiuuic (itluut. UOSUr- iuuuui hhuiviui unu luxury, mat me cnii. dreuiuaybe bo.-ii to Hue luiniture. Tools ail mitettnoa peoplo. aud wise men niir them. i . would not toku any conidnerniiiii, tni thn ili.a years of Ids life wheu he settled down la the .uiiuuiuii uuuiif y u wearnon.ionn oi jiwrence buiK, lu ludians, where be was uald at the rate of a yesr. With Jtj of that inont-y he came &sst uiu gut uiarnwi. ner ne aud ms wl'e reruruedto ludiana thoy lived lu two rooms. hat lurnituru they bad was aiveu to them: Suit, continued Air. lleecher. if I urua itnt ..Ann my cometsioii, I shou d sjy thai I wore Incite ..... u uuiuihi , i.usuier.1 me clergy inou somowuut hiimorouiy ae.sci1hed.ths honi aud his battle Mr life, and feelingly added wheu I look buck to those hspny years. 1 wouldn't halt with lhm foruiiiiml unM nM continued ihat it was great mistake lor young nnnnln to lmnrlne that thev muet itcfer marrlaeo ti.iln they mlnlit secure wealth. jn mi evening sermon i i. itvw uui biu. iu newspapers' Jeers anil plbra lmvo pamoa me lately. A mun high in ofUco and In trust in liruoKivu ion a lew uays hk" uuu ma utiuui have put him on the ulssoctlnu: table and nio cutting olm up. Oh. those cannibal cnnrclioel" ho burst foith, "they are trvlnR to show how gooa tney nre, 10 prove uuw ruuuhu iiiry uiu. when they're not ilio God a bit, and ore only elder brothers, sclMtghtoous and scltlsh. The brother fallen ought to bo helped Ijnctc. The tact is, tho true church Is not oiganized, bnt spiritual and tree as air." jioiumigiu main mun in vleo has at least as many cnances for bo ing sayed as that Christian who haying onco tmglyenan Injury to himself and telngfiBlvOd to grant forgiveness again would clutch tho ouenuer uy mo mruub imu My, au, eu. a iu. gnvo you yoweniay boo now kcihiuiik wiwjuu, l'vogottntough with you." Tho Dictionary as nn Instructor. We notice as a matter well worth mentioning that at tho recent great publishers' trade sale in Now York, tho books that wore most In de mnnd and brenght the best prices wero Web- ster's Dictionaries, from tho famous Quarto to the neat and handy pocket edition. This fact Is a good indication of tho Mmost universal popu lailty of these books, and of the growing pdbllo demand for them. It Indicates also a fact of far greater Importance, and that is the Intercut tho people nre. taking In the study of their own laugnage. Thl Is encouraging, as there, Is no branch of education that is now and has bceu so much neglected as the common branches of nnlltnf. rind rieftnlnt?. It Is often astonishing nnilgiievontoseo how grossly Ignorant aio ctilhuen nod youth, and oven men and womon, of the oribogiorhyt pronunciation and meaning 01 oruinarv W01US anil purusus. iney oauuoi nxm-ess their thonchts for the want nf words. and often they express thoughts very alffcrent irom wuat tney lutenu, ueoause tney uo not uu- uerstanu tne worus iney empiuy. auu ury no- quentiy,trom tne same causu. uiey taaono luea nr winn i. Ideas, finm what thev read or hear. Tun remedy for these evils is thonroner train. ing in tho 6t idy of wotds, by toe nso ottho Dictlouaiy, and this training should begin as soon as tho child can distinguish between one word and another, and continue Indefinitely. The apparatus for this study should, ot course, be the most complete and thorough to bo had, and this Is abnt.dantly supplied in Webster's Dictionaries, which urejustly reoognlzcd,where. evet our language is spukeu,aa the staudai dan. thorliy 1h English. Paients and teachers can In no other way so effectually or so cheaply promote tho educational interests ot their chil dren, when ot suitable age, as by putting In their hniuiA any one of Webster's School Dic tionaries tor dally uso In connection with tne study ot their lesrons, and by placing on tae family center table, or the teacher's desk as tho authoritative guido and standard, a copy cl the unnunugeu. Thntiiinhtinirpii contains 8.000 Illustrations. over 114,000 words 1b its vocabularies, and 10,000 worui and meanings not iu any otuer uicuuu. nry t the nhndired editions comnrlse ' The IU. ruary," which haB the largest sale, and which has some capital roles for spelling. " Tho Com mon School' is similar, but larger, with tables ot synonyms, Ac. "Iho High school," Btill fuller. with munv useful tables i "The Acade mic" and " Counilng-houso" for advanced schools and tor general homo and business use. The latter has lonfl snectallr valuable comnier- rlal and nnanolal tahlus. ffin little " l'ocket" edition, with Us bright gilt edges aud moiocco binding. Is trnly an invaluable pocket compaa. Ion. it contains moro than 18.0 O words, rules for spelling, many abbreviations, words aud phrases, proverbs, etc., ordinarily met with In tho Greek, Latin and Modern languages. Whether it Is convenient or not to have oopiei of any of the otaer books of tho series, we cer tainly recommend that all should possess a copy of the Pocket, which, when not otherwise ob tainable, may be bad by mall, by Inclosing 91.00 to tne puunsners, iksbus. ivisua, ulakkuan, Taylou & CO.. 133 and Uo Grand street. New Yoik. New Advortisements. $10 REWARD. Tho nnoereltrnrd will narn rewaida TEN DOLLAIIH fnr Intorinallon that will lead to the detection and conviction ot the mucreaut or miscreants who but and destroyed the shade trees aiong me ironi in trie residence ti u. u Meiers, corner or iiouir ana iron aireeis. LAUHV & PETKltS. Lehighton, Pa , May xy, li77-iw. TO WIIOM IT MAY CONCERN, All persons are hereby forbid med dling with any of tne following described arti cles ot Peisuual Property, loaned by the under aimed to Fit AN K 1. lJOElt, of Panyville Uoiough, t'nrbou Co., Pa., vizi l Bay JJorse, 1 llay Mare, 1 Unndle Cow, 3 snoats, '1 Butcher's Bpnntr Wapons, 1 carriage, I Bkellei, 1 Light iiobsled bujlei and all liutchuMog Tools, ouo (liludstoue. 1 bauage Aiaciilne, 1 Untting.oox, ' Iron Ketttesi l sets Harness, 1 Cook istovo with Utensils, aud a variety of other Home hold aud Kitchen Furniture, as tho name Is my proptrtv- DANIEL WENTZ. Puriyvt.le, May 19, !877wV T JIE SECOND ANNUAL Financial Statement OP THE TOWN COUNCIL OF TUE BOROUGH OP LEIIIGIITON, PA., For the fiscal year ending the ( ecood Monday of Aim). A. I). 1977, aa reiiutred by tho 6th eo tion of uu Act ot Assembly, approved April 20th, 1374. uad supplement thereto. FUNDED DEBT, The following is the Funded Debt, consisting ot BoroucU Bonds, with dates ot issue, all of them teing due ono year alter the date ot the lssne thereof t David Ilansicker, Bond Issued 18th of June. 1U72 1500 00 UVUIJ JJUUU IOOUBI4 4.UU VI (I UUC. Ml C A. liaaer, Bond Issued 3rd of July. 1872 1 D. II. btranp, Bond Issued llllh of July, Adam OiTin jn.'ilond Issued aid of No. 350 00 600 00 1CO0 yember, 187i 7130 00 xiarns uermau. uonu issued zna oi uo. tober, 1872 Bauiua Kolb, Iloud lesaed 3.d ot Ue. conibcr. 1XT2.... 1200 00 SO 00 600 CO 400 00 W. A. Snyder, Ilond issned Snd ot He ceinher. 1S7&, ine tui lj. Zero, Itond Issued :3rd of Do. ccnilier, lt)75 11 IUC1IU. UI.U.UI.UiUWUM IO.UIM MUl ot Decemoer, is7s , 1353 00 David Mautz, Ilond Issued 7th f April, te.u 700 00 Chat lea Helfett. Ilond Issued 7 Ih of bep. tember, 137B 1200 00 Auraiiuui iiuriuoiumewi iioua lsnueu Sthol beuiember. Ia76.. 1700 00 KO 00 Leah no) er, Ilond issued lUh ot hep. tembcr, JU78., I 180e0tO FLOATINO DEDTi For current expenditures during the vast year Total Indebtedness , isaus 43 ASSISTS, Cash In bands ot Bor,n Treaa- uter C7I 78 Dae iloronghOQ tax duplleato of 1S7(I 358 72 eioji -ieji 43 Liabilities over assets . 117174 00 It may be staled that the Borough has addi tional assets, consisting ot halt a lot 01 ground with lockup bulltlliiK and another buildinv used by Uook and Ladder Co.) thereon erected, valueu, say, ll.ouo. The assessed valuation of taxable property real and peisonat. lu the UornuKhfor 1S77, as per Assessor's 1 1 turn, la 1269,330. We, the undersigned, havlua been Instructed to tprenare tho above statmeut br the said Town Council, do hereby certify that the same Is correct and in accordance with the require meuts cf the said Act of Assembly, to tho best of our kuowlodge and belief. WILLIAM MILLEH, Trtsurrr. W. M. llAl'allKlt. secretary. The foregoing statement baviug been sub mitted to the said Town Council for examina tion and approval. It was. ou motion, ordered that tho uecretsiy be utetruited to havo the same printed in the Caiuiok advocate." From tho uiiuuu-s W. U. IIA FS1I lilt, Boc'y. May 7, 1877-Jt TXECUTIUX'S NOTICE, J2U ESTATE OF REESE W ATKINS, DEC'D. Letters lestauieDUry on the PbUte of 11663 Wat kins, late a Merchant iu the BoroaKHot luloid(CftrtHjn Ca . l'euna-. aeo'd, havblH Is.niuie4 to ftusaunnh WaUtu, oi tho Hoi-oagh alorcwiid, to vhom ail persons io ducted to wt4 JtaCH are rt-queUU to watte pay in eat, Aud thoBtt havuii vittlms or deinanuti win make kuown the taiue w thout delay , SlIKAKKAli IVATI.TKU LauiIorJ, May it, ii7 wu'J Executrtc ASSIGNEE'S SALE. Ttv vlrtne of nn order nf the Crurt of Com. mon Finns of Catbon County, the tollnwuig IVEAL K-.TATE. beloncing to WILLIAM A. ZEIGENFUS at the date of his assignment, will be offered for snlo on the premises, lu tho TOWNSHIP of FBANKLIN, In the Bald uoumy, on Monday, Juno 4th, 1877, At 2 o'clock P. M. All t hnt. ftATfaln mf-nsnniFp. nr Threo Tracts of Loud, situate ra tlieTOWNHlIXL of FJtAK LIN, In eatd County of carbon. Pa., aa follows, towlt: First. Alt that certain .Lot or Pipco of Land, bounded landa ot Edward Weiss, Thomas Dorwoit, Daniel Sen singer rind Daniel Bolt, containing 3 Acres and 120 Perches, moro or less. hecovd. All thnt certain Tract of Land, lvlns alone lht Pnblio Hoad Icadtne from Wcisanort to the Pine Hwamp. and containing 15 Square j'ercnes, moro or less. Tpird. All thit Tract of Land, bounded by lands of Barah Frltzlngor and a public road, containing I'ercao4, more or less. Thn Imnrnvrmpntn thnrenn nre a DWELL ING HOUSE. 1(1x24 feet) a BTAULK, 10r:Q icct, ana otner oatoniiuines. TT511MR Omvthlril of tho nnrchase monov to be paid down at Bile t ono third In 0 months rroni conurmation ox aaio. anu one-iniru in a yeat from paid confirmation, with Interest on inounpaiuuaiancBiroiu earn connnniiiuni. H. P. LEVA, Assignee, &c. By the Court i TH08. KEMEHEn, Prothondtary. . May 12, 3t. JEOISTEU'S NOTICE. Notlco Is heroby given that the Executors, Administrators and tlnardlansherelnafrnrnnm. nd. havofiled their resnectlve acbonnts of the following estates In the Register's Office, at Maucn ununa, in anu lor tne uouniy 01 uaroon( which eoconntB have been allowed bv tho Ilea. lster, will bo presented to tbe Judges of tho urpnans court ou Dionuar, me jiiu uavox June next, at iu o ciock a.iu., tor eoiiuinabiou 1 admlnlitrator ot tbe estate of Joseph Sillier. aeo'd. niea jiiarou zu, is. First and final account of W. II. Fanner, ad ministrator of the estate of Joseph Fenner, dee'd. Filed March SJnd. 1877. First, and final account of Henrv 2ollner and 13. c. Miller, executors pf the estate ot Reuben Zellner, dee'd. Flieu April sru, 1877. First and final account ot John Brizhton, ad. mlnlstrator ot the estate of uustavus ilartly) ueo'd. iteu April stn, iB?7. Third aocount ot Geo. B. Nowton and William need, administrators or tne estate 01 j, u. I'leaver. late of the borough of Mauch Chnnk, aeo'd. b ma Aptu cm, i. First and final account ot D. It. Keller, admin, l.trator ot the estate ot Jacob Backerc, aeo'd. a uea April zoui, 10. First and final account ot Joseph Helney and Uy. lliltz, administrators of the estate of Daniel Beltz, dec'o. Filed April Z3tn, 1877. First and final account of Geo. Manref. imard. lan of Kmmnllne Price, late Emmallne Miller. ono of the helra. of Solomon Miller, Into ot Maucn cnunic twp , aeca, t ueti ii ay 1st, The account ot Orb. Ruddle, aamintatrator of tho estate of Thomas Shields, dec'di Filed Mar 4th, 1877. first and final account of A. It. Tobias, admin, lstrator ot the estate of Leah Sprowl, dee'd. fiiea nur ?iu, is First and final account of A. IT, Tobias, admin, lstrator of tho estate ot James MoUrlde, dee'd, Filed lusy otn, 1B77. First and final account of Wm. Reed, guardian nf Hery. Bridget, Anna. Michael and Fiancls Tree, cnuaien ana neirs 01 Lawrence Tree, deceased. First and final account of Bentamln Beer. ad. mlnntrator of tho estate ot D. J. unfflths, decasea. First and final acoonnt of Wm. TI. Montz. ad mmlstrator of the estate ot Jos. Montz, deo'd BERNARD PHILLIPS, Recorder, Maucli Chunk. May 12. 1877. Variety Headquarters In Lindeilman's Block, FOR FINE CIGARS AXD I Choice Smoking Tolmccos From 7 eta. up to 50 eta. per Package. JUST RECEIVED An invoice of the NEW COMBINATION CI OAR 1IULDKR oml 1'11'li. onlvscts.. and anew lot ot FANCY ril'KS, fiom la cents upwsitis. TimTiir.ii'. Hty.i,-. Ttv TnrtArr'n nnxr.R. KIOSOANT I'INK Ctli',5 anil 10 eta. nn ouneo. BrATio.NKttY of an una-, eolorea Envei. odcs 15 cents. White 18 cents ner nackaira Note, Foolscap aud Legal Cap Wilting ra pcrs. Ask to looi at the centleman's TERFBCT fjHTTEIt WHITEK. onlv 30 cents. New York nuil rhlladeipbla Dally and Weekly rnimis BANK HALT. BATS AND tlUIDEa. LAKESIDE Libit Alt Y, MAUAZINES, BOKO JtUUllR, OkC. SARDINES ouirtcr boxes I5o . half boxes 330, tspoclat Agent for GOODYEAU'tt POCKET UY'MNAHIUM. I.AKOE AND I OMMODIOUS .BILLIARD llUUil Al'l AUllAlD. We take this opportunity ot stating that all our different departments aro separate, en abllng us to accummotlate all our customers to a belter advantage tban wo formerly couldln our em piacu oi uusinens. Respectfully. P. T. URADY, "70." y EitiQHTort uonouGii. Annual Statement. WILLIAM MILLER, Treasurer In acj. count with tbe Borough ot LenlghtoD for the Year 1870. 1870. DR. J ny 15. U7s. to To Cash reo'd of April U, 1677. i R. TJewhard. J Collector (3300 09 June 18. To Borough Orders ot J, H. Webb. Collector, 314 tl June :i.-To Cssh ot J. S. Webb, Collector :10 09 JuneJI ToNoteof J.m. Webb, 422 43 July 15. To Cssh of John llauk, for grave on bouaro.. 30 00 Bep. 7. To Cash of C. Seilert... law 10 Sep. s. To Cash of A. Bartholo mew ..17(K)M Ben. 15. To Cash of II. Beyer..'. Sue uo bep. 15. To cashoi D. Ebbertw To Cash Circus License 61 27 is to . 17744 SI CR. By BondsCanelleddurlngyear363l a Br interest on Bonds 1518 si UT Aualtois' Fees for 1815 1 lO isy burveyors' Fees 19 D5 By Amount paid Killing Dogsw 20 tu liy Damsges paid D. Ebbert lor BretKlna- bprlng 7 73 By Printing Boro' Mtatem't, &u. 14 60 jiy Treasurer's Fees, one year.. U uo By Geo. Shultp, for services as btxeet Commissioner. 69 33 By Attorney's Fees In tbe Oner Street Case 20 00 By J. B. Webb, service as Police & 00 By A. W. Horn, 6 00 ByU, Dernamer, ' 5 00 Bv J.ll.olyera, ' " too Br ttccretarr's Fees, one year... SO 00 By Material and I-auor ou bta .. 1C44 94 bUJllIAUY. (7071 55 To Cash received during year 17741 31 By Disbursements (7071 5S itv (!a.h lit Treasury S7S 7(1 17741 31 Wo, tbe undersigned. Auditors of the Bor. OUgU Ql uliliKaiuu, umiur fc.'Bi, a imio r I... th. - .nuinl. n, Ul Ufa, Id. TM..nr. er ot Lehignton Uorougo. and find the same to visit P. T. BRADY' May It, 1877-wS At tlio Original Cheap Cash uiu 01 uvcryining, una mvcrj uotiy nappy ! I We IlSMil (k BOS Jlave lust returned from NEW YORK with nn mil uuuilo, iKv.. mill usviiik inr i iifir uwiiui - muilii nuer-B aru nsALL I'KOFITB," tney are do termtned to move T11EI11 ENTIRE STOCK QUICKLY at prlcos that will astonish tne people WE OFFKIt TO-WAY : 8 cents per Yam. muhlikm, hhbetidum, rava ever oiieieu niwi oeuui pel 3 ura. ItI.4CK SILKS AND I.VflH.II.1.4nMi1 THoa WmTT. nnntlU-.Dn.Ml ll. 1.,.Mnl. v.l A. . ... llAMltlTlin KTlflltstlu at irom scents ner in large variety and at lowest prices. New line of Wick Silk Fringes, Worstod and Cotton Fringes. Velvet Ribbons, I.aces, f. ew RucH ngs, Neck Wesr, Mk Ilsndkcrchlefs, Collars, Cuffs and Cloves. Best Value CORSE I'S at 83 couts. Large assortment of 3IIAWL3at Reduced I'rices. Speclnl IlargfiiiH In Clotlis and Cntalmkres, for Men's Itad Boys' Wemr, CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS at Reduced Prices. Oil Cloth at from 49 eanta a vard and nnmMa PERFECTION IN nAlAMi4 Dhlrls at- ir,r, ami 11 fK Whit a lfn.:tniv miri nnxhtr I.tnnn Bosoms and CulT irinisneu &i 1.00 per guin. them. Truthful representations, honest dealing with all, a thorough knowledge of cue business bv Indielous nnrchases. AND KNOWINtl WHERE TO BUY to the BEST ADVANTAllk V uiu rivun JO II V is, a-v nn " wasu. vu mako U pleasant whether you tiuy or not. uuii'iiuin iiuuccb unu nuuiuvu neii. luDiunu, UHXKUlus. icsiieviiuiiy, J. T. N'USIIAUM & SON. OrlclhHI riicntl rih fit arm LihDEHMAN's Block, opposite Public Square, Dress Suits, Youths' Suits, . . a -nL Jr.l. l.l anteed, at LOWEST PRICES FOR. CASH I ALSO", TREkENDOUS SLAUGHTER IN TUB TRICES Ot rJoots, biioes, liaitors, xiats, oaps, ana uenta i?urnismn Goods. tiro a and examine Goods and Prices before tunklng youi- purchases elsewhere!: T. D. OLAUSS, Merchant Tailor, flnfl rtnnf nrinvn thfl Pllhlln Snimrp. TiANlT STRRRT. T,hlcrritnn i ill? u nn a ru ' UJJAIilMaAl KJ I 4- h! Kc lul A IM ?S GRAND DEPOT FOR GRAND DEPOT FOR IS SrLE.VDIDLY IS Bl'LENUlDLY BOOTS, SHOES, BOOTS, SHOES, BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, GAITERS, GAITEK3, FOR TIIE LADIES. FOR THE LADIES, FOR TIIE LADIES, FOR THE OENTLEMKN, cm. ryul lll'WTI.IHIPN 1 FOR THE GENTLEMEN. For the Children! Vni thn Plillilreil. I havb bought largely for cash such lota at sonable, anil Just what tho people aro looking Foaitively, Comparatively, Positively, Comparatively, Rtnro In flpmmel'u TTflW Tllnfik. nnnnsltft thn Pnhlln flnimra Tl A MIT RTTfBVttT lielilgfiton, I'a. war on mm PRICES VUaC-IOEAM AltlK JER, ' Successor to D. Book & Co., A -af- 4-1. irn laVJlUalL J.ua.suuijiuv wju ktswj. si Opposite tho L. & S. . 11 misiiiMii i uu v iiniiutiiitjua lu lie is daily receiving auuitions to Ins stocK oi LADIES' DRESS and DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. i n A1 -?ncf. n.n mod n nnr f r . .-It w men x am soiling at Bottom rnces, SALT FISK a Specialty. aud tp it. . I I VIJIX 1UU11 UUdllU f -lJ -I J- C . Oi vaoous yuu uuu yuu iui you should not fail to givo purchases eisewnoro. tllHII TPm - May 0, 1870-yl Wcissport Planiug Mill & Limber Co., Resjrectfully snnonnee to Carpenters. BoUflera. Cnn tractors and others, that havlnir oomnlsiad thei NEW MILLH. thev are now nreuareOIto supply them.'at VIfV LOWEST rRIOES. wlib. every uoscnpuou ui Such as Siding, floor Boards, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Shut ters, Moldings, Brackets, Cabiuot "Ware, &c, &c, On the Khortest Notice. Our Machinery Is all New anil ot the Most Approved KinoVaothsiwa hive uu hesitation In Unarantclns- Perfect Batlal action to all who may Javor ss with their ardera II vou have not lime to call and select what you want, send your orders and the will ba ruled1 promptly, anu at as low prices as iuouku ruu woio iwnwui. Give us a Trial, and you will be convinced of whit we say. SOLOMON TEAKEL, D. 0. ALBRIGHT, WM. BIEBY. JOHN BIERT. Office and Mill, nearly opposite tin Qoniity, renna, Ftorc. Tho not tout KnocUoa umlsual asaortmentof FANCY and BTAPLT3 iickikiis, DismMS-and hiiihtiko cue. MOURNIrVG GOODS., vuril nnn nnnw&nls. THrsfkiTNik,.,... ..otiIihh TUU SII1RT TRADE. Tiraaa CTilv-t-a n fit ' Cl l atrt b rA 4 on r. 1 a.. - i. wnrrnntert to lit innrivr.tlir. t ti ti ia..uub J riiiiiKS- m WIIOUID umiuni BUIA III 13 II IV It CASH OUR BAHIS. We buy and sell for CASH i.vmfi I'lun i uu eveifuiiug we sen, ana a con LEnian'rotf; pa. r w .h. am m n m w Rnsirlfl5i Suits Boys' Suits. Al - Ti..i ni-i.. J lt. - lAii'UuOAni' UiUJLVlUAU.1 f 4 H! I-C Rl A lu' BOOTS ANtt SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES STOCKED WtTft STOCKED WITlf must sell qulokly, because they are fresh' and for, and becsusfi iliefr are so Buperlatlveiv LOW PRICED. Superlatively LOW PRICED. P. A. GERMAN, rnar.ll-Tl Depot, BAlK Street, .4 "1.1 111a uuotuiiiuia uuu liiuuuh lliu iiin iii tv - w. ii iv rt . jv.f vn lnnd nf I I VV.lt I'litM. SAT.TT a. T i i TT a 1 I i i . a L . V . . W II HUM . t . . 1 till UUIUUUU ..1I . .f T) ,7 j u suiuii otiui vi wtuv auuuujt mo a call before making your ATt Osama aa T t$ C "HAWsi A ' LBniQHTON, PZNN'A Fort Allen House, WEISSPOP.T, Carta June iu, loit-fA