INDEPENDENT-" Live and Let Live." H. V. Mouthimer, Proprietor. 1.00 a Year if Paid in Advance. Vol. v.,woj 25. LEIIIGIITON, OARUON COUNTY, PENN'A, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 10, 1877. Subscribers out of County, $1.2t) aMaVBUiisjaAjiJp'KiaiaiM'siio,'T't' 1 w i zzrt CARDS. , Farnltura Warehouse. T. tctwuti, Bank street, dealer in all kindt of TmnOitrt. CVJin modi to order. Bot mad Shoa Nftkcra. Ollnloo. Bretne y, in Levan't building, bank street. JUlorttrl promptly fluia wore wurrar.lca. fe. LONGSTUEET, ATTORNEY AT lAw, Heit door totho " Catiin.IIouto ' Ra.n'K BTUEKT. LEllitiuTON. FA. Dsfcember It-em. ATtdflNKY AND COUNSBttOR AT LAW, D&VK RIETibtaiOnTCir, I'A. Bail Pits', end Collection Aneriejr. Will Ilursnd 811 listsie. OonYyolii(; neatly done Co), lestlest pronpUr mad.. S.ttrnlg ""stile of Pe te isata a specialty- May be consulted In KnllHh aaa b.naKo. Ncv. 2. J&S.R. STUUTIIER.S', ATTORN UY AT LAW, J-0Oc: 21 floor, of Ithosil'n.Uall, MauohOhniik, I'a. All .(trusted to blni will be promptly uod4 to. Mar!T, ly. AMI It L ICALIlFUB, ATTORNBY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, HWh Chunk, Pa. tahWii. above Deion'a Jewelry Store, Broadway )0. B. UtlOLITTE. JA8.S.1.008E jQKRTOLBTTBl oTc. LOOSES, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, brnoi Corner of Susquehanna And Broadway. MA.CCII CHUNK, PlKMi. ''Cea bo consulted In CJermsa. Julf 24 1ST. t- jj"jj J. 31 (SB It AN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mext Door to Pint National Bsbk; lUncu chunk; pa . 93f0n be contulted In German, f jan9. " A. BBLTZi XUHTICE OF THE r 13 ACE, Obeli's Bulldln. bAnK-SU. LiinanTciji.' CoaTerenclne. Colleotlue and nil other dust iiess acmnocted with, the bfllce promptly atlend. lb, AIM, Ageatior tfee Puichas? and bMo of "Real B.ttta. Anrl, itrl tJtHOISAa B. BEtifc, jesrica or the peace. BANK Street, IiBHIOUTON, Pa. ' CeaveTanrlor, ColleSlinf; and all business con aected with the oftlea pitonsptly attended to. 49-Aseat for flrst-cl'lls Insurance Companies, tml Make ef all kindt liken on the meet li'ieral ttttat "an.9,187"i. A. DBRKAMEll, M.U., PUTSICIAN lND SURGEON (ectal alUotloe to Chronic DIienKoi. . Offlce: Seatk Baat corner Ironan 2nd ata.. Lo allkUe. la. April 3, 1874. JJH. If. B. RBtikR, . fRACIICINO PUYSlciAN AND SUROKON, pBcerBaxi: street, nett deor above tbe Pottofflre, 1 teklckten, Pa. Offlce Hours Parrytllle each day f M lOfa ltn'i.lfwfe Minilnir.rHii lnffl,.ln ' Leblthtea. Mm' g- a. m.bbipLb, PUYHICIAN AND SURGEON. J -rt In V IT GnnflM. o'liro II . V V- K-T LEUiaUTON, PENN'A. , N.B. Special attention given to tho Onro of Bait Rbeata. dtc. ' an 13-y JL CONVEYANURU, QKNERAL IN8URAN0E AGENT Tke UewlDir Companies are Represented; i,B BAN )N MUTUAL FIR K, RKAllt-NO MUTUAL Vlli, WVOUIhO FIRE. POTl'aVILLK FIRE. LE1IIOI1 FIRE, and the TRAV ACCIDENT INSURANCE, Alt FeaniTlvtila and Uorse Thtcf Detective and laautante Couipauv. Uanatl.llTX. TllOS. KICMEltKlt. (.IDEOK KOSTUXUAUKtt, e faklXIET NS1R TDK LEUldU VALLBT HOUSE, Bankwaj, Lehfgliton, Pa., , Iinrooarnl to make urceiZE PORTRAITS Or PEUXlNs FROM PUOToailAPHH lu the roost artlatte manner, eqnal tu aU respect so "lew rjiwraviox!. ste m,ionfl eiirciauv a KNLARtJINa PonTltAlTH OF ULCKAHIiD rEUbONS from types of ail kludi4 Charge" ery modAratciBiidvatronige solicited. my 12 JQATID EBBERT'S Livery, Sf Sale Stables Aahic TaBET.L.isuiair'T'O.v, i& IVast TROTTING HORSES. EIKG ANT CARRIAGES. A4 tveeldvcly LOWER PRICES than any nairimrj in iue ioaniy.' . Large ana hindaome Carrlaces for Fnnoral parpoaee and WeKidlnga. DAVID EUUERT. Kov. 12. 1S7I. . HUSINESS MEN AND OTrrKRS IN WANT OF JOU PRINTrNO OF ANY DKbORIlTION, WILL FIND TUBOAltBON rtDVOCAl'K OFFICE TIITE BEST and CHEAP. EST I'LACR IN TUI3 COUN'IY. UIVE US A TRIAL AtD Bli CONVINOEl. tCDV QHI n I CD who aa bounded tVtnT OULUlL.riorcooi'acied per. raauebt dlscaae to service, can i.oc u Poaslon br writing tjJOUMKllU?ATia.'E..'anibrtdgo Ohio. ..Iif.SS-lia -1 03 O to CO r f O -"""I CO Ilcber's nio'cfc, I!, Lciiiglitoii. Notice To the Public. A. J. DURLING',4 Family Drug and Modlclne Rloro, (In Dr. Iteuer's Bloom Is OPEN on SUNDAYS Ir to 8 to 10 o'clock A. M., 1 to 2, A 5 to 7 P. M. Rosidenco-lst itoor nbovo il. li. Church A.J. Durllng, our popular Diug glt. huvlni dhionscd with tho services of a clerk." Is behind the Countor Dealing out and t'cmpound'n j Nico, Puro. Froli, Unadulterated Mc l'rlnoj (or tho Siolt and Afflicted, at Rcduo cd Pr.cea At A. J, Darling's Drug Store, yon cau get your' Prescriptions and I"nnilly RoclpesCorapouuded-conrntolyoiscleiltlr'c.illy. At A. J. Durllng's old cstnbllalieil DRUG and PltESOItlPTION STOHE.yoocan leiy on Betting a Stilotlr rnro Article. No mUtaket Irom lncompotent aslstantt, he dls. piiiaea snd proparoj with h'.s own liamh. It Is Jhst si.leutllit I What? Why that Now Perfume I got at DUltLINO'8 Drug Stoic. IIU own makb up ho calla It " .MY OWS " 25o. and Kb. rot bottle 1000 lbs. Pure Caustic Soda, or Knlieiirotaili.for SOAP. MAKINU.Jdst receiv ed at A.J. DUULITtU S Drugstore, mdnelllug am very low pike. Wall, Papcr'J- Wall. Paper I Wall Poer At A. J. SURLINO'a Drug fctoro NJ3W STYLES Ju8t. received nt Greatly. r.E. DUCEDP.IIOEi. Call and Exiiraiiio.1 A. J. Durllng, our popular Drug. Clt, having an expoilcncuor 17 t'enrs, knows whereof ho rpeak, whi n ho Bava bo guaiaunteu-t that EVERY AlVriCL IS bouRh? ut Ills i)RUO STO UK t! of tho PUREST and llEsT that can to found In tho Marltcta. A. J. Durllng, tho Druggist, lias Jnst rccelvod a Fresh Invoice of Fmo FRENCH, and CALIFOltNIA MltANDIHH, OLD 1IOL LAND O IN. OLD, RYE WHISKIES Import el POItl" and SHERRY WINEH DoneEtio liuinrun imu o.acr uuai'E WINKS lor .oJic!uai and SHCiatucntat Purposes. New Styles ! New Prices ! MRS. M. GU1?H, Fashionable Milliner, WHITE ST., WEISSPOltT, Pa., ltoaiectfu'.ly snnouncca m tho Indies of Weiss. port aim inu i.uiloiiiHlinir connlrv. that alio is now leeelvlng au,tmiuenso stoc of Spring Millinery Goods, Comprising UOXXETS, HATS, NOTIONS f RISiMlNGS, &c, Jtndo Un In tllA lltnt fushmn. nml wlilh din la prrimifHl to sell to her pntrouii and fr.enOa at (tiiiua nu iuv us kj do icrrecuy asioiiiaiiiog. Also, a full assortment of SWITCHES, And all othor goods usually kept In a llrst-ciass LADIES' OWN HAIR MADE UP TO OR- f i.ii. L inu viy iom iiwi KtH.luiu prtcea. Call and oxauiuie Uoods tid Pnces. Jilts. M. OUTH. . Weissport, Pa. March 213m HENRY A. PETER, (Suocea-or to O. W. LESTZ), Bank Street, Lehightou, Peri'a, Offers to the public a fall lino of Pure Drugs and Chemicals, t PATENT MEDICINES, Horse and Cattle Medicines A Complete Assortment of From tbo Cbespost SlSn u'to tho finest a llf . Fancy Toilet Articles, sponges, chamoise skins, Plain & Fancy Stationery, Anda VJrlntV of HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES too numerous too nu ulion, Ml ot which bo H oUiTlug at VERY REASONAltLi: PRICES ! PHYSIUlANb'PRKSCRll'TIONSeoreful'y and oecurntely compounded by MYSKLF. at all home ot Ibo day aud night. Patronago lunted. II. A. PETER. Leuckil'e Block. llorch H. IS77. Munliattan OIL Company, OF NEW YORK. Lubricating aud Ulumliintliig Oils. WjM. J MARCUS,TtTma2. Merchants' Ex change, THIRD and WALNUT htreota, Phlla delnhu. Pa. Nov. 'Ju. l7o. W fTLD, a pu:cbaxrfor n WboeU r Jt Wf.-on "iUWl.NO MACHINE. JJ5 cabli mil buy CjU ut toisoiace. Railroad Guide. N ORTII I'ENNA. jlAlLUOAD. Passcnnera for Philadelphia will loavo Lehigh. ton ne follows i 3:47n. m.. v i, Ij. v. arrive nt phi a. at ma a m. ,112 a. in. via L. V. " lino a.m. 11:'J7 it. m. via Li. v. " " ii'ioD.m. p. m. via UitD, 11 " 6:1J w. in. CiO p. m. via Li, V. " " :5l) 1'. m. jieiuruiiiir, luiivouepoi, ut i i-i.b uuu aiucii can St.. Phlla., at 8:15 unit 0:43 a. m.j 2:1, p. in. pllILA. & READING RAILROAD. Atrangument of P.tsscrigcr Trains. DEC. mil. IS70. Tralna leave AL L KN TO VN at follows i IV1A FEIIKIOMCX llIIXCIi:i For Philadelphia, at CM, u.m.. J.l."i anil o oi y. iu. SUNDAYS. For Philadelphia nts.10 n. m. IVIAKASl' 1T.:A. DKAKCII.) For RoiilliiK, 1, o.5u, fl.S'i a m 12.10, 2.10, 4.30 nt:d0 , ror.IInirisoiirg. f 2 30, S 60, 8.S5 a. m., 12.13, 4 3 and u 00 i).m. J 1 For Lancasier aud Columbia, 5 50, and" 4 .11 p m fDoos not ran on Mondays l-UNDAYS. ForRendme, nndooox, m. Foe 11 irriabmg, 2.30 n.m, and j 00 p.m. . iruius J: i L a i.iii'. : luivn leavonaiouows: (VIA rtKKIOJiKS IlKANCH.) Loavo Philadelphia, 7.3.1 n. ui., l.Ou, 1.30 ind &.15 p. m. SUNDAYS. Lcavo Philadclplili. 8.15 u. m. (VIA nAST l'E-NXA 11I1ASCII.1 Leave Reading, 7.4 . 7.43, lc3i a 111., 4.00. 0.10 psd u ni Leave Jlarilsbnrg, 5 2), 8.10 ft. m., 2.0O. 3.57 nnd .0.1 p. 111. Leave Lancaster. 8.10 n.m.. 11.55 nnd 3.(3 n.m. Leavo Columbia. 8.oua. 111 l.ouaud 3.35 p.m. sUNDAYb. Leavo Reading. 7.20 u.m. Leavo llui rutium, 5.20 o.m. Trains matkod thus i") run to and from depot Otb and Uieeu streets, Philadelphia, other trains to a ,d from Broad f trect depot. Too (I.,i0 H. m nnd 4.55 u. m. trains from Allen town, nnd tho7.:a a.m. and 0.15 p.m. tinuis from Pliilai1e:p!ua, lmvo through cars to and lruin Philadelphia: Wmerfl Manamr. C. O. HANCOCK. Om'l rfevet Igent. QAlillON' ADVOCATE CHEAP JOB PRINTING OFFICE, LEilQHTON, PA. JCvcry description of Printing, from a Visiting Card to.i Poster. CARD3, HILL I1EAVH, LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS. POSTERS, PROGRAMMES. HANDBILLS, DODGERS, CIRCULARS, SHIPPING TAGS, ENVELOPES, PAMPHLETS, ny.LAwe, &c &o Done In tbo boat manner, at very Lowest Pnccs. ;e are propnrod to do work nt ns cheap rates asniiv offlce 111 tho stato that deals honestly with lis customers. OUR MOTTO IS Cheap, Prompt & Reliable. rVOrdc'rs by mall recclvo promri't attention. RS. C. do TSC1URSCHKV, Nearly opimiilo Durlluc'o Drug Store, BANK STREET, LEIIIGIITON, Pa. Calls (ho nltenllon 01 the Ladles of Lchighlon and Mclnity to tho fact that alio keeps u full assortment ot Borlin & Gormantown Wool, IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC EMBROID ERIES, NOTIONS, RIBBONS, Ladies' aud Children's Hose, OKUMAIV BRUITS LIMllEUQER.cS SWITZER CHEESK CANDIES, CONFECTIONS and a variety of other 111 tides not uauully kepi lunuy other slocr IU JA'IIIKUIUII. Aliureot public patronage Is solicited, and .uwiaiHiuu iruuruuieeu. Jan. .0 tua QISS0LUTI0N or Co-partiicrslilp. Notice 1ft hereby clrin ttiot ihn cn-Mirfn-ir. HlMp liPiPtnloio ojinLiiiif be tw it'ii AHA NOAH ANTHONY BiHlJOliN 111111311. ilouiR UuhI lies uh Millers, In FnmUJln tuwusUli', Otiuou rnmu, rn.. unut-r xo una nam. of A. AN. TllONV it ni.IIln. uaathN iiiiv (SATllit. AI AilL li V4. ,7), OUlUJlVtkJ OV ICUtUUl coiif-cut. 1'eriwiiB fmlebtert to tho la;e firm will ti-r.ko i-flVintiit wlthlu TJUHTV IAVH, ntler thai ilate bllliiuniulAulUlfu p'uco li i itiy nnnts uf a juhuccj( iuo for cntloution.unditH liuiuoua havtns fimmt aitali-t tUo&aiu ilria will l'rtet'm mew iu iur siiitiu ni. AM AND.xH ANTHONY, JOirX JtEiiKU. Tlic MILLING bUbtuMn vrtU be ccLtiuned at JOIJN ItEllEU, Franklin twp.. March 3 Mw A Good Family Medicine Tar and Sarsaparilla Pills. 3 IIKADACIin. Lanirour nnd M.lm, enoiV c.Lcrullr snrl'ii triiiii n iiij-imtoiiTti .inm. Hi-h. c9(ivcuoa or u tori It! liver. JQmcIi may to BiiwMlily ri'iuovol bvUr. Hwavne'a 'Jar l illa, tvblcb stlmulato ttio liver urnl tomHt,b to u be ill bv nit lun In reiuoviui; ml bliliouiUCM, mill i-iuuuuuig iiMUiur vvuuuailQUd OI U0 tOVC8. LIVKlt COMPLAINT. that OreadMl iliboifie from which rao many par bouu t-ciJtr, is frt'q jcutly tho wiiuo ol Ileailaclie, Indigestion anil Dyspepsia. l8siM,e.hlyrtlievetl. nmlure often ptrojaueutly bvthe uhuoI ihutoQ eSnmtkiriil'i lMflV luiimf currv otr, turoiiKU tlm brooil. tht ImpuiUlm mere i nomiuj no cuectnai an awayuo'a Tar and Sarsaparilla Villa Tbiy nro paielv uwHablo, and act uiecully outbelsivrt-aa UIu Jimwor caltiutl, UlUioA anv ImmI twi in itotn tetiuff. Decntn nyu.utoun in a'l oouwuuUaUo1!, nua udtlreta letters to Utt. hWA SiU SON, 1'blli.UwlylUu. No cliurgu tor uilvue- tioht br 'Novr Advorfcisomonts. THE LUNGS! CONSUMPTION X Thin tilfttrpsfifnirantlilnniTcmni mmnlnint nni. Its rremorltory Bjinpmins, necleetnl couch, nli t flwratt. honrpiicM, nvamlnu 11 'h, lever--in rmunenlly cured by l)r, fcwavno'H(Jompoun2 yyr:ii of Wild m I.UONCU11 la A prcmonltor of l'nlmonaty ronauniptiou. is chnractt-rizeil bycatanh or lu ll lmtimiion of tho mucous mrmijr.tnoof the air lifiea,e,, with cough nud cxnoctorrttiop, abort iji'ttitn, aoitrnois paiiw in tuo ciicm. a-or an troncmal alloct.ou?, Boro throat, loss of oice, coufrhs, DII. SWAYNirs COMPOUND Syrup Wild Cherry 18 A SOVEIIKICIN ItEMKpY. tlemnrrhnae. nr svttttna blood, nmv uroceeil from tho larynx, traclna. broiicliin or Iudrhj and nnac f rom various cpupcs. os unrtiin phyioal oxcnltiii, pit'thorti, or fiillnens or tho vofiel!t. w can (utip-, overstralniiiK of tho voleo suppress cilovacnatlun, obbtructloaol tho HpkCii or liv er, etc. r. Swayno's Compouad Syrup or Wild Cherry etnUa- nt ttio root of dlaeaao by purifying tho bioul ri'Stormiriho iivoraudtidntivBto healthy acnon, luvlsouitl'itr tbe m rvous eyntcni. mo only Biaounru reincii7 lor iieifloiTnniTO, bin u chtiit Qiiti nit DulniOLiarr ccran nints. Con- eumptlv(s ortboBO predisposed to we ik lung, (tr.ouin uoi mu 10 usa iius urcut vokwhjio iciu rdv. ItB m.molons power, not tinly over coiuump tlou but over every chronic dUeaw wreroa crndual altera tlvo action In nee'led. TTmlerits nactliocouuh Is loosened, tho nlabt BWoiitH di iniMsh. tiio pain subsides, tho pul-o returns to Us na'urul titandarU, tbo stomach is unproved in IU iower to dlci-et nnd atsunllato the Inod, aud every orpait! has u purer mut bettei quality U1UUU MiyillltULU li,UUli UI WHICH HOW tlvo and plastio maloiialis mailo. SAVED HIS LIFE. A fitKMAUKAKILK CUKE! Wan that ol Edward IT. Ilanison, Engineer nt neorgo Hweeuv's Pottery, 1331 llldire Avenue, riiUwlcipbta. Ito hnd n violent curli, night sweats. Horo tin o it. great weakness, son at dif. fircut tluiOA a pint of t lood, wave up all hope of rrcoveiy. Through tho imo at " Jir, awaijne's II ttacherrvSvntiJ" becanio a sonndand healthy man. nud remains hu to this c'av, altbouh over i wen iv years nave eiai.seu smco nit wascuruu. l'ltlOia ONK DOLLAH. Plx bottlos 45. If vour drmrglfit or stoiekeepcr does not sell it, we will forward bail rtczen. tieicht paid, to any ad dross, on receipt of price. 1'Iir.l'AItCD ONLY BV H5U. StVYiTr At SOIV. Sd0 N. Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Sold by ul lTomlucnt DrugglQtu. Itching Piles! PILES, PILES, ITCniNG. PILES, Positively Cured by tho uso of SWAYNE'S OINTMENT. IIome Testimony: T was sorelvnfilictcd with nnoof the most dls tresslusol all Uise.isci rrutitus or lrunco. or moio Commonly anown as Itching riles Ibo licmiiir ui tnnoji wan utmost inniiemoio. mcrua--ed by tscnitchinj, aim not unfmiueuUy become nutto boio. I bunghtnboKof " Hwntne's Ointment " lis use envo quick. ie)ief, nnd In a Abort time made a peifect cuio, lean now sleep undistmbvd, and I would ndvlteoll who aro suiTHring with this dlstnobiiigoiuplalnt toprocuro4 yvvavno's Otntmenl" nt ouce. I had tucd piettcr.pi Ions uuuum niuuiuorauitr, wiuumi iiiium any perm auont relief. JOj W. OllllfftV, Firm of Itccdel fc Christ, llootand Shoo IT o use, 341 North .second-street, PUladeli'Ma. SKIN DISEASES. SWAYNIVS AI.LlriilAI.INO ntNTMIMT laaUo n specific lor 'HITTER, ITCH. HALT jinr.u.-ii, cu.ii.u iiisu. j;iiYsii'i,;ijAS DAUBER'S ITCH. Ill'll lll.OTOItllS. ALT. HCAI.Y, fRUSTY, CUTANEOUS EllUP Tlo.NH. Peiloetlv nlo and harmleas, even on the moat tender Infant. Plico M cenla. a boxes for 11.23. bent uv uiil touuyuddriitsou locoipt oi pneo. Sold by ail tho leading DraggUts. PropariMl only by OK. SWAYA'U U SOX, 330 North Sixth-st., Philadelphia. jADORNj LONDON YOUR ( u:-pi Di,.,. : i mil ituiui nuiiu'u1 HAIR. ! ron UEsoaixu 1 ! GRAY HAIR To Its Natural Vitality and Color. HERE IS THE PROOF Or Its Superior Kxcelh'iici?, Head this Homo Ctrtlficnto. testlfiKl to br Kdwiud 11. Gairignes, one of tbo nifist compo tent Druggists aud cnmutt lu l'htiadelpnia, a luau wbotfu vrucltv nouo can doubt t I am nappy to add my tcftituonv to tho great which i esioreil iur hair to Its orlirlnal dark col. or, und tho huo appears to be permanent. I am ratisiied tliat tlix nrenaratioi. li iioihini; Pkmi d.e.but operates upon tha fun'rellous. It i also ti LKUiulirul hair dre.tu2. ami viom do4 tha ?rowtn. i pureiutwiti tn lirt i-oit. trmu j;o. I. tja.'lli-'iied. (iiiiiruiBL Tenth mid tTmttts-.rV i who cm alo tibtltv my luir wjs v y Kiuy HUtU A CUIUUiOUlOU lid iur, IIIH. MIL LIS It, Nn. 73d N. Nlnlli.sL. lMiliailelnbU. lilt. HWATSE A!l lltll(l f f baotic ilt-UHiiiti to lufkirm on tht a lnO)'of my acquaintance, Mrs Ml ler, lsdellifuicd wltu too t'tuctS'iot jour Loudon Co or Ilatr ltektoi er." Her hair was tailing rapiilly nun quito guiy, i no coior nns own lofiorini, uuti mo i4Ji. ins out tut lrc ly topp3d by iu u. K. JJ, U4JUU0UK3. Prinrmar Cor. Ton th aiil CtLs-hts.. Phlla. All IbiiL Jirt (iuu tarunmiihth In butulNiTii. Mieiigihvniuir, I LicIkCJilmiandumi 11114; tljaatr IscaVotod u tiHinif juudoulluirl'olor lteur cr." ItMfmuIatosaudrcsauuwgrontht If lny. rustottM its nstuiul color. awl lendtiialt ellKyuna Lnuutliul; enre aanBiuiTt kts p-tho roulii v I- u. 041 aud httaltbr. All uru'Ut it. l'i ir 75 octm; six ImM, M. Sut by cspies-t iu any mianwu. bVAV'i; & son. wW N. BlxtU it., rnilad'a, For Sale by UK 2rusgl3tb' yi TOM. BY S. ANNUS FROST. "I supposo I must call. Elovnn o'. clock. The old gentleman said I wn9 hot to 6tantl upon ceremouv. so I'll run down to,day. It Is dismally loncsomo hero, and somebodj said tho Lawlor girls wero the belltsof tho pl.tce. Who was ,c tout mo mat Julia Lawlor was tho hello of Ktnlitown, and that Dully was tho nicest llttlo thine In tho world? I'll go do'wn and prove tho assertion." All this in soliloquy, ns Mr. Thomas Uardell donned his daintiest walklni? dress, drew on hla lavender kids, put on his glqssicst silk lint over his crop of curly hair, nnd surveying his hand some, faultlessly attired self In tho long mirror, saiucu form. Rushtown v.asa collodion of country seats, a uiilu from a populous borough, nnd the Uardell placo was one of tho most stately of tho many superb houses of which it was composed. Thomas uardell, my liero, was tho nephew of the late owner of tho Uardell Placo, and upon tho death of that gentleman hnd Inherited his entlro pruperty, greatlv to his own amazement Sir. Julius Uar dell, deceased, having quarreled with every relation ho had in tho world, and announced his intentlou ot leaving every dollar to a charity. That ho did not, but relenting, mado a will In his nephew's favor, brought Mr. Thomas Uardell frum a colleso In Germany, where ho was finishing his education,- to Rushtown. Ho was twenty-four, an ornhan. handsome, and talented, and had some private fortune before his uncle's death. That ho was unspoiled, modest and one wlio licld all women ns llttlo lower than tho angels, may bo attributed to tho tact mat no nail a mother who was a truo christian Indy, who loved hltu, and wiiose death, when ho had lust attained manhood, was tho heaviest sorrow of his life. Rushtown was an unexplored coun try to my hero, hut Dr. Lawlor being the only physician In tho placo, his resi dence was easily found. J. no hall door stood open, the parlor door also was stretched Invitingly wide, and after vainly waiting for his ting to bo answered, Air. liardell stepped lu slile the vestibule. A voice, high nbovo his head, and in tho fiarlor, called: "Tom, is that you ?" The speaker, Dolly Lanier, whoso namo, be It hero recorded, was Mitble, hut who had been called Dolly from her cradle, being at tho top of a high step ladder, scrubbing' the paint over a French window, hoard a voice say: "It is Tom, certainly." "Hand 1110 my soap, that's a good fellow," said Dolly, from the lufty perch where slio was seated, facing tho back windows; "you know I am afraid tu look down or turn around on the ladder. I am so suro to get giddy." "Where Is the soap?" came in a voice muflled in laughing. "Close down by tho ladder, whero It has Just dropped. Don't daro to laugn at me, sir, for I nm in the depths ot af fliction. Papa has invited tho heir of that splendid Uardell Placo to diop in without ceremony. Did you ever, and wo Just in tho mlddltj of spring clean ing? So I Iclt Jane to linlsli up stairs, and came down myself to make tho par lor decent. There toes my brush ? Hand it up, that's a dear. Tho brush was handed up, Dolly, not daring to take her eyes from a level, al ready feeling her head spinning with giddiness, "Wo can't bo grand, of course, and tho house will look mean miough utter liardell Place, but we can bo clean," she continued, scrubbing vigorously at tho paint. "And you know, Tom, he is sure to fall In lovo with Julia, and It is such n splendid chance for her, poor dear. Shu does bo hate pur economies. She has gnno over now to Mrs. Simp son's to tlnUh her hlue muslin, and alio can't help clean, because it' will spoil her hands, nnd they are so pretty. Ju lia Is lovely iu blue, because her skin its t.o fair, if her hair and eyes are dark. Sho will be perfect when she Is rich, Tom, I hope shu will have him, and papa and I cau Jog along forever, Wo don't mind cheap things as poor Julia does. There I That pilot can't be nny whiter. I'm coming down, nnd you can move the ladder to tho other win dow for me, Tom," Hut cautiously descondiug tho ladder, Dolly only caught a fleeting glimpse of a tall figure out at the gurdeu gate, "Well," slio said, tugging at the heavy ladder, "If Tom was In Midi a hurry that ho could not move the lad der, ha might at leitat have waited to say good morning." Tlieu, being the sweetest tempered of woman, tliougii merely a passably pret ty girl, Dolly ascended the ladder nifitln, and soon torgnt Tom's rudeness In the absorbing duties shu had undertitkeii. In the meantime, Mr. Thomas Uar dell, shaking with laughter, wniideil Ids way hoaie warJ, Inwardly deter mining to make his next Mil uDr. Lswlur's whin Miss Dolly was lisfW groused iu the las): of. cleaning paint, aud the dlftll-ulty of maintaining her equilibrium. 'Tor that Inusthavo been Mil Dolly, with the natty little lioots, nud pink calico drees. Sho had lovely brown hair, though I could not see her face." The next call made by the heir of the Uardell Place found the parlor shlnlug with cleanliness, Miss Julia Lawlur, a really beautiful girl, arrayed in th blue muslins at thu p,.inn, .ma D.jlly, ul-io in bluu uiusJlu, uittiuj. Vhc j;i;iai- ance of tho blue muslin" was tho result of Thomas Ilardell's apparently careless. Intimation to busy Dr. Lawlor that ho Intended to "drop In" that tame oveu Ing. Fur a wonder tho doctor rcmeiut bercd tho fact, and the "Lawlor girls" wero arrayed to receive their guest. Dolly,, In a half an hour, decided tliat slio liked. tljo new comer very much In deed, iinil that he would make a very nice brother, when lie fell in lovo witli Julia, nnd married her, as nt couiso lb was his manifest destiny to da'. 'For Julia really Is lovely," thoucht unselfish llttlo Dolly, "and when hu hears her "sing, he ruusfjoso his heart." Apparently tho.slnging was as power ful a magnet as Dolly supposed it would be, for scarcely or evening pass ed that Mr. Uardell did not drop In. Tom Lawlor, tlio doctor's nephew and student, declared Uardell to be a first rate fellow, and was always bringing 111 in home to toa. Then tho garden ot tho Uardell Placo, ns summer came on, offered niot tempting opportunities for. the presentation of bouquets to tlio fair ladles at Dr. Lawlor's. To be sure, Thomas Uardell did not know that Ju lia's sliaru always ndorned the parlor, while Dolly cried overher's in her owii rqotu, and sometimes proiscd ther roy lips upon the card of tuu donor. Silly little Dolly I ' For sho knew Mr. Uardell was falling deeper aud deeper iu lovo with Julia. Did ho not fairly haunt the houso 1 Did ho not listen entranced when Julia sang, even upsetting nil the orderly ar rangements of Dolly's work-boii iji Ills abstraction? , . Wa's not tho plc-nic ou tho' Uardell grounds, to, which all tho friends far; and near had been fiivltud,. solely tho result of Julia's wishes to sec the place? That pic-ulo I Somehow it pressed itself upon! Dolly's mind that Thomas Uardell was couti-mplating a proposal on that Juno, day, when ho was to play host to all thu people of Rushtown. She could not havo told why sho thought so, nor why sho resolved to ask: "papa" for permission to visit her aunt iu New York for a few weeks. "Just' to give tlicm a chance to be alone," shu thought, and wondered what made her heart throb so very painfully at tho Idea. Sho mado Julia look liko an exqulsltu plcturo by wreathing field daisies under the rim of chip hat, aud fastening bee soft white laeo at the throat with a bunch of tho same Mowers. Then sho dressed herself rather hasti ly, having curled her sister's hair,, and otherwise made n Cinderella ot herself, Shu heard nothing yf tho dismayed! exclamation lu her father's study ot : "Uut bless my scul, Uardell, I can't spare her! Shu is my right hand and eyes! Sho is housekeeper nud compan ion nud every thing! I thought It was the other ono you wero " And lie ro the blundering, kind-hearted father stopped, hesitated, and finally said: "Well well, If sho loves you, I will not say nay, though I don't kuow what I shall do when you take her awayj Thcu Thomas Uardell discovered that It was fully time for him to go homo and recelvu his invited quests, aud hu departed, net seeing the girls, aud leav ing (ho doctor iu dire dismay. "Dear mo dear mo," ho kept muttering: "win' couldn't hu havo fallen iu lovo with thu other ouef W'lion tho Lawlor cam-all. driven by Couslu Toiiijirovo into tho aveaaa ul tho liardell Piacc, Thomas liardell. ataudlug upon ibo porch to ro. cciw'hla guwits, thought hla eves bad never looted iiimu u lovelier vision thai, thu daisy wreathed face of-J uha Lawlor. Tho pretties luuk Huge cunt) to our oheexa as sho accepted his nolo lu leaving tbo cairlage, and his oral tu tho houso. Do lyjumped oat, "anyhow." as Tom l.avlor said, and thcro was not tlio tatntesi color upon tier white cheets, though tho taUud aLd laugh ed uailvonouun. lluc ufter tho luuchoon was over, Dolly found an bopoitanityto cscaioaiono,aiid strobed over, to u ru-dio seat overlooking u pretty lake, aad completely li dden by tall lilao bushes, ltero, Willi her useful llttlo li mda Idly clasued, alio was looking atralgtit beforu ber, thlnkiiig.wheu 'Ihoinas llaulell, wao had watched ber (light, also strolled down tho path tha t led 10 tho rustle seat. Dolly was thinking. "It is lovely here, and the house lssplondld., J ulta ought to bo very happy, out 1 wlu sho care.1 morofor blm. allsaoloukslorwurd t" is tho splendor and. lived nt from taouoy oaro. Hut perhaps Unit Is bo-d. I doa'tcaro uboac it must bo best f jr mo to stay at home uud make It cheerm! and eouifonublo foi xupo. Julia says I must como often lu make her hmg visits, but I don't think I cau. 1 woudrx ," Audliere llttlo Daily'B hand4 clasped ejeh other In u tighter and ber very lips grow wblto as .he wondered It it was vorv vrickeU for her t j feel such an onvlans louglng to have, not tho grand bouse, not the weiitn, but tho luve of her f utui o bt-otber-lu-law, "I'll soon cjmiuer it." abn tl,ougbt.ialscrably. -wiii-ii it is all settled. It Is till, walling tries uiu." e-he wa. not to wait, much longer, for tho btubos iurt d no ir her. and presently air. Dar- uru aim 1104 1101 oy suyiug: Are you iiieuuiimr, Alias Dollvl'' enu mil' lushed und smt.oil. uuswerinci I was u llttlo tired, and came down hero to reet." "I nm verv tired, let mo rest 'too," ho said, taktuga sait bii'ide u-r. ,'I thiulc thu is tho proilie-t snot ou too grounds." "Vu," Dolly aid, laliitiy, wishing ho would go nw ly tiefoi o site coumieuccd to cry, "i'liu house sndly wnuta ouo addition," said Mr Raidoll. lookiug straight beforo bun across Lao Uo. "Itacooiedto mo perfect," Dolly forced her ee't i. sjy. "Pjib'tult is only In iur eves tho deficiency CTint-, but I iMbk it wtuts, t.ia (iresuoe of nemie, loving Human and T kuow tiiat I want a wife tiitr,'. AV II you co.11. to orlirnten it D ili) I W ill run trust your happiness with mo. bolK-vina" i will makeit tlio Jh.t thought of my U.ef Dody ilou'c ui v, dear. Vour father gavo me lie, cm-lou tu spovk to you " Tigfu came Avt m mo tea ot nuiot b'lss for two lic&ruai.d Pa li'staaraweiosuipiiod by caress es. Pi coat voir Roisleil aaia. ju answering bis indv hail's hist remai k: f'Juu it O'i vo. alio is vorv handsome, but you soft, befoio I evor sutv bor,I vas alioauy lu lovt) with vou " "V. by. vou siw us bfifh at once!" "No; when I itrst saw vou, or rathe.' tbear. rengemeatot vour bjee bilr. vou oieeuatel ou tlie top ot a alep ladder giving me dutlnct orders re-girding eosp ami Kirubiiliig brushes." You!" ivriod Ito ly, aud coitnuiiy Ibero was nolso'c of cniuiu In bei checks as sno spuku 1 ' Yua"I IbouohtltsvaaToHtl" r -a it UttsTo.u.nivdOai!" w,. "II wa too mesh!" 'r "I lo-.t inv ne rt then and tlieraSv rlflccd a liairui j-iv uder kids at the aiinne ofcltant-r ti. w aid tosoivi-dto wju Miss Dolly La wwr lor niv wife, as sura MS mv uatne wuj " -iv-," euiil Djil. , laughing.