The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 28, 1877, Image 3

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    Society nicctlngs.
iotxito outls, No. 78, A. 0. K. or ins II. C.
2nd and 4th xdnodav ol each montn, la itr.
ber's Hall, Lohlnblon, at 7iSi) o'clock r. u,
J toes U Styers, 8. K. C. i S. It. ailhiiin.
. K. R. a.
UXADBS IIUTT&X LODOI. No. 838. 1. O. O. F.
meets ever Tftesdar evening, at ? o'clock,
In Ileber'B tlall. Alfred Beck,iS.O. M.
B. Iteber, Secretary.
JIETdcubh TAlPB..Nn. 232. Imp. O. of II, M.,
meets In Iteber. 1U1I evoiy Sntnrdav.. H.
R. Kretdle. Sarhfm i O. W, Delhi, C. of II.
Poho roiiTitiDK, No. 171. imp. o. it. m., meet
on Wednesday evening of eacfi week, at 7.30
o'clock, m I'uii 14 f cliool Hnll,' Welssport,
Fa. O. W. Schwab, S. Jao. Ilroog, c. of It.
LiHiontoV totioit, NO. u K. of P.. meet
on Friday ei entiles. In Heber's Hall, at 7;S
O'CloCHj j, w. itanaen
lUtcllff.K.ot it.
Itandenbntb, O. O. T. It.
Advertising Rateg.
We desire it to be distinctly unders'toftd tTiat
no adverrtsementa will be Inserted in the tol
nraniof TUECAKnox Advocate that maybe
re reived from, unknown pnme. or firms unless
accompanied wltli the Cash. The following are
or oklt terms.
Adrettlsements for 1 year, per Incn each
insertion , . . ... . .10 Cts.
Six Months, per Inch each Iniettlon is cts
" Three Months. ' . " " 20 Cts.
' Less than three months, first inaer.
tlon !. each anbseaent Insertion !3Cta.
Local nonces lOfcenta per line.
H. V. MOIlTn.IME, Publisher.
n. sieWkiis,
Omen, No. 2, Mansion llonse, '
MAUcn ciitilhr. . pa.
. Bettllne Estates. Filing Accounts and Orphan!
Court Practice a specialty.
Trial of Causes caretullv attended to. Eeiril
transactions in Knelish and German, Jan 9.
Local and Personal.
May parties will be In order next
An Immense arrival of new coo J a
at E. H. Snyder's.
Wanted, n good girl, for general
house-work, apply at this office.
A. full line of Hamburg Edging at'
the Bee Hlvt Store ot Daniel Graver.
a large lot of black bilks, at E. II.
Snyder's, at from $1.00 per yard up
wards. Muslim at from 5 cents a yard up
wards at I he tied Hive Store of Daniel
Richard Flint, jr., died at Sktlng
ton, Tuesday, after an Illness of three
Hundreds of people between Car
bo ndale and 'Hazleton are preparing to
'eo west.
Light Harness, very cheap for cash,
at Milton Florey's, near the canal
bridge, Welssport.
New eoods at E. H. Snyder's.
Ladles, please call and examine before
purchasing elsewhere.
The steel rail mill of the Lacka
wanna company at Scranton lately
Tolled 0,171 rails In a week. ,
James Rex,,abrakeman'.on the L.
Y. R., R. had one of hl fingers badly
mashed on Weduesdny last.
Read Nusbaum's popularannounco
rnent of to-day. In nnother column,
and consult your best Intercut.
Daniel Graver has Just arrived
from Philadelphia with a largo slock
of dry goods, groceries, &c. &o.
Reese Watklns, an old and ht&hly
respected citizen of Ashton, died In
that place on Wednesday motnlng.
W anted to Bonnow, $3,000, on
good security. For particulars, call at
Ubfc office of the Carbon Advocate.
To be relied on the horBes and
carriages, hired at trie livery of David
Ebbeit, oo North street. Charges veiy
A thoroughly competent Journey
man Coat Maker wants a situation.
Apply at the office ot the Carbon Ad
vocate. Henry W. Mettz, of Welsspnrt, lost
two of his children by death last week.
One died on Friday and the other on
Rev. Dr. Sadler, is to be formerly
Installed as President of Muhlenberg
College, at Allentown, ou the evening
of May 28.
Wall paper and decorations In large
variety, with borders, bases and caps
10 suit, ai ii. a. reters drug store,
uanit street,.
nats and caps In every vaiiety of
style and quality, at T. D. Clauss" mer
chant tailoring establishment, at prices
to suit everyuouy.
By tho careless use of Smarms John
Jones, ot Jeanesvllle, accidentally shot
bis mother In the cheek last Friday
At Pitlslon applicants for license
have been made by seventeen hotels,
twenty-nine restaurants and three other
Firewood at $2.25 a load; and a
new and handsome lot of baby carrl
rtges, very cheap Just received at Bern
mel & Gable's store.
The pay-car was at Lansford on
Friday of last week. The paymaster
handed over to the employes a limited
amount of the needful,
J. T. Nusbaum & Son's Original
Cheap Cash Store Is agalu the center ut
attraction, both for variety and extent
of stock and low prices.
From and after the first of May the
wages of brakemeu on the Central li.R.
vlll be : ou coal trains 1.T0 to 1,83, uu
freight-trains 1.85 to 3.00,
A tramp, convicted of outraging a
ten-year-old girl, has lufct been sentenc
ed to titne years' Imprisonment by
Judge Harding, ot Wllkesbarre.
-Tremendous slaughter In ladles,
gents,' youths' and childrens' boots,
shoes and gaiters, at T. D. Clauss,'
Bank street, Lehlgl.ton. Call now I
Mrs. Swattwood, an old resident
at this p'ace, and mother of John
Swartwood, of Upper Mau:h Chunk,
Was burled on Thursday morning.
-Odo of the poor directors of Schuyl
kill county visited a family recently
whose children lived on dog's meat.
When Hie director entered the house of
the destitute, tho father of the chil Jren
wasi cooking a dead dog lor then,, they
having grown used to the horrible dish.
T. T). Cliuiss, tlio'tallor, has Just r6
turned from the city, and U nw open
ing an. entirely new stock of spring
Roods. Call and sec thein.
-Rev. L. B. Hroivn, of the M. E.
Church, and Dr. N. D, fteher, will
jileain accept our warmest thanks for
Invaluable services shown us'durlng the
past week.
The Democratic State Committee
will mfet at tlarrlsburR, tin Tuesday
next, Maj 1st, to determine upon the
time and place lor the meeting of tbd,
hnl filnlaTAnDdtillfin.i
next Slate Convention
Mr. J A. Williams, tho young and
gentlemanly operator at the L.V. depot,
in this place, we are sorry to state was
suspended on Monday last, and left for
Ferndale. Success to him.
Mr. Charles Fclst, of Welssport,
father of Joseph Feist, Esq., propiietor
of Iho Fort Allen House, died In that
borouch, on Saturday last, April 21st.,
aged 70 years, Ii months and 24 days.
On Wednesday morning,; a man
named null, residing one door above
the Seminary, at Kingston, Luzerne
county, committed, sulcldo by hanging
In a barn near liU residence. No 'cause
Is assigned.
E. C. Vincent, Esq., proprietor of
the -Mansion House, nazlelon, dleA
Tuesday night after a short illness. He
was one of the oldest citizens ot that
place and was widely known through
out that region.
J. K. Rlckerthas still a few of those
eligible lots lu Hlckertstown to dispose
of. If you feel like securing a good
home 'call add see him He is also sup
plying tlour,fced,luinbcr and coal at the
lowest rates.
E. II. Snyder has Just returned,
from New York City with a, full line of
silks, grenadines, poplins, prints, &c,
&o. also, a large lot of white and color
ed kid gloves and a large variety of
fancy goods.
Fifty-seven persons were received
Into membership with St. Paul's Luth
eran Chuich, Enslon, on Good Friday,
by the pastor, Rev. H. W. McKuight.
Of Jhis number twenty-seven were
heads of families.
-'-It. F. nofford, Esq., the energetic
and gentlemanly County buperluteud
cut of our Public Schools, has been In
attendance at the Couventlon of Coun
ty Superintendents at Hurrlsburg, dur
ing the past week.
Preacnlrigln the M. E. Church, ot
tills place, next b.ililmtli at 1US a. in.
by Rev. R. II. Gilbert, of Hnzleton
Sermon in the evening, nt 1M o'clock
by the pastor, subject: " The Model
Young Woman," All Invited
T. D. Clauss, tho merchant tailor
Is now receiving an Immense stock of
spring and summer styles of cloths, cas
slmeres and vesting, which he Is pre
pared to make up in the latest fashion
at very popular prices for cash.
Stop a Moment. Have you used
Dr. Coxe's Saii'nitlno Worm Syrup.
Try It. It is delightful to tho taste,
health-giving to children! but death to
worms, 1'rlce -5 cts. For sale at A.
J. Jurllng's drug store. 28
Joseph F. Res, near Canal BHdge,
East Welssport, will supply you with
finest family Hour, feed, caudles, ap
ples, potatoes, tobacco and cigars!, at
lowest posslblo prices for cash. Try
It and be convinced. 4
Agents Wanted Can make $5 to
$10 per day setlinc the Centennial
Stationery Packages ; the best selling
packages out. Large Inducements to
Agents. Address, with stamp, for In
information, A, L. Smoykhffuk,
4t. Bethlehem, Pa.
The wife of Mr. Robert II. Sayre,
of Bethlehem, Superintendent of tho
Lehigh Valley Railroad, died at the
residence of her husband, in that place,
on Monday last, after a long and pain
ful Illness. She was a most estimable
lady, and her demise will occasion n
void In the community not easily filled.
Gent's furnlshlnu goods, compris
ing white and colored shirts, under
wear, collar'!, neckties, &a., Ih Immense
quantities, and at prices lower than
ever before offered, at T, D. Clauss'
merchant tailoring establishment, Hank
street, Lehlghtun.
Or. Tuesday morning about fifteen,
minutes past eight o'clock a fearful
accident occurred on the Lehigh Valley
railroad, near McICeo & Fuller's car
wheel works, situated between Cdtasau
qua and Allf ntown. A, who can
not be identified on account ot the
shocking maimer In rhlch his body was
mutilated, was run over and instantly
killed. His head was severed from his
body, and he was otherwise cut up.
The twenty fourth annual cnnclavo
of the Grand. Commandery Knights
Templar of Pennsylvania will be held
at Fulton's Opera House, Lancaster, on
Tuesday, May 29th. The election Of
grand olllcers will bo held on the day
following, and the annual parade and
review of the Knights will take place
on Thursday, the Ulct. On the after
noon of the same date there will ba lllB
Installation of grand officers iu the Ful
tou Opera House.
Frank Lellpnguth announces tn
the cltuens ot Lehlghton .and vicinity
that he ha opened Ills store on Ihiik
Street, and Is prepared to supply tli-m
with fresh fish, butter, eges, teas, cot
fees, &a. Prime Mackerel 8 for 23cts.
Patronage solicited and prices as low
as the lowest for the ready cash. Re
member the place : Brady's oil! stand,
uue door above HuuH's bakery.
Three youths, two from this bor
ough and one from Welssport, visited
Maiicli Chunk, Thursday, and having
taken aboard a very liberal supply of
" bug.Julce," they made their way In
to the smoklug car attached to tho Uuf
falo express, which leaves Mauch Chunk
at about 0.35 where they commenced
cutting up a vaiiety of " monkey
citpers." and being re juested by a R.
R. detective tu keep quiet, high woras
mid then blows ensued, between
them and tho detective, resulting In
the arrest of two of them Thomas
Rawotth and Tilgh. Arner, Jr., the
third one Ucslc. Conner, being per
mitted to leave tho train at the Luhlgh
ton depot, he not having enguced lu
the game of " fisticuffs' with thede.
tfrom Slaneh Chunk.
-The oil trafflo via L. V. R. R. Is
astonishingly largo.
--Nits. Dan Kalbfus Is absent at her
late home in Biadford county.
Ice cream men are busily engaged
at prepaiatlons for the season.
-Died on .Sunday 22d lust.. Mrs.
Josephine Kllnger, aged 53 y6rs.
Tho hands at tho wire mill are on
ly working three quarters time for want
ot orders.
.A ftrtw tacr.nri.p1v in hp. nipt: tvlth.
either In 'fills Borough or East Mauch
Mrs. McCrea, said to have been
the oldest woman In town, died on last
John O'Donnell.onnthftr home-sick
Texan, returned under the .pardutal
roof on Sunday,
The funeral ot Sebastian Mensch.
the East Mauch Chunk sulclder, was
largely attended.
Died on Saturday, 21st Inst., Erne-
line B, wife of Win. Scott, Esq., lu
tho 38th year of her ago.
Recovered from a two-week's 'Ill
ness, Post Mistress Rlghter is Sgaln at
tending to her official duties.
Rev. I. W. Yeakel has recovered
from his recent Illness, and Is again at
tending to his ministerial duties.
--Peter Cook, the Broadwav ITnnen
pcrter, has engaged with the. proprietor
of tho Central Hotel at Hazleton.
Uuch McFaddcm and family, and
'Jno. McGlnley, left Mauch Cliuufc on
Wednesday for Brooklyn, Iowa.
1 now learn that Mr. Thus. Relllev.
Hon. John Lelsenrlng's late gardener,
uas charge or a piace at urmesuurg.
Messrs. Chas. Buelon, Hy. and
Fred Haase, John Dienne nud Win
Hamirlam left on last Monday to seek
homes In the far West.
Miss PrlsclllaKuntz, a fashionable
milliner and dress, maker from "Rock
dale, has entered the employ ot Mrs,
A fishing party composed of young
males ami gentlemen is very appreclat
Ingly spoken of by thoso who particl
paled. They spent Tuesday very
agreeaoiy at oanu spring.
Mr. James Handwerk boasts to be
the owner of a Cremona violin 200
years old. It is said by conuolssuers
to he a charming instrument
Messrs. Chas, Barns, Wm. Nelsser,
Ed. Tracy, Wm. Mlcksh, and W. O.
Struthirs, have recently been temnor
arlly suspended from the L. V. R. R.
Co.'s general office, while Chas. Butler
has; resigned.
Patrick O'Donnell and John Mai
loy, lately found uullty of murder In
the nrst ana second degrees, respective
ly, persist In declaring their innocence.
0. T. Mcllugh will probably bo re
leased during tlm ensuing term of court.
Pat M'cKenna and Jno. Malloy the
two condemned Mollies, wereon Thurs
day taken to the Eastern Peiinltentlary
by Slieilff Raudenbush. The separa
tion between the former and his wife Is
said to have been a painful scene In
deed. Mr. Wllllhald Kuebler, tho cele
brated Kaston hrever, on Wednesday
last spent several hours In Mauch
Chunk. Messrs. Giant & Kuebler's
Buck-Beer will make Its nppearanco tn
Mauch Chunk to-day a week, when all
who shall see fit so tn do may become
gloriously " bucked."
A lad named Joshua Glrav. Aired
10 years.of Brldgt ton, employed ahoaid
of a boat lying In catfish puud, on last
fcatuiuay aiternoon fell While attemp
ting to board nn empty coal train rasa
nig h.ast mauch Chunk station. and had
one of Ills feet so badly lacerated tlirit
amputation oecame necessary, Which
operation was GKiuruiiy performed by
Hon. It. Leonard, assisted by Drs. De-
inungann trwin. i he youth was
subsequently foi nrded to St Luke's
hospital where ho Is said to be doing
wen. ivnen win people slop tho dan
gerous practice ot mounting moving
trains r
Richard Collins, thn seulptor.stond
una maroie cutler Of this place, Is con
structlng what ptomlsas to bo dne of
the largest, If not the mo:t I ill posing,
monuments In this section of country,
It Is to be a monument to mark the
resting place of the Lentz and Bowman
families lu the Lehlghton cemetery.and
when finished, Inclusive of base, sub
base and obelisk, will be twenty tlrce
feet high the gross welchtof-nlatcrlal
used lu Its Construction belug about 21
Wednesday evening's concert of
tne I'licenix cornet Hand at Oak Hall
was comparatively well patronized, the
house being about two-thirds filled.
The instrumental part of the entertain
ment Is well spoken of, but In so far as
tne vocai part is concerned It Is said to
Imvo been a comparative failure owing
to tho nbsence of Bob Nichbl. the basso
of the Arton, whoso absence huwever
was excusaote, owing to the death ot
a near rtiatlvo.
Wrecking Trains.
Abuut two weks ago a coal train on
the Lehigh valley railroad was wreck
ed above Laury's Station by seme mall
ciousiy aisposeii person or persons
opening a switch. The damago was
couslderable, the locomotive nnd 32
cars having been thrown off thu track
Suspicion centered upon three young
men as being guilty of the crime, and
on Monday complaint was entered
against them before Alderman Jones.ln
tins city, ana tame day they .were ar
rested and brought to answer by ollleers
from this city. Their names are Syl
vester Kern, William Kern (brothers)
ana jonn rimer, ihey formerly wer
employees ot me railroad company
The evidence on which they were held
Is circumstantial, to the fact that the
Kerns had keys to the switch, had de
tuned to ride to their homes on the
llutlalo Express, had started off dow
the track, and had been seen by wit
nesses near the switch a little before
the accident. R. E. Wright, dr., ap.
prureu lor tun company, 'l'he prlso-
ners bad no counsel. They wero each
put under $1000 bail to answer at June
term Allentotvn Democrat.
" Who would bear to grunt
and sweat under a weary life, when ho
mluht his quietus make wltti a bare bod
kin ? " Such, probably, wdro tho
thoughts nf Sebastian Mensch, of East
Mauch Chunk, as he hurrltdly left the
breakfast trtbla on last Saturday morn
ing; only that he applied the muzzle of
a gui to his luojtli instead nr driving
the,blade,lnto his bosom. The .effect
was the same however, for within n
few minutes firim the time he had. left
the room, Sebastian had ceased to be a
" Mensch." What iiilefs he had, we
know not, but suppose that, wearied
and disgusted with life, lit! concluded
that It were best Tor him his " quietus
to make." Ho how sleeps the last
sleen.beneath the clods of tho valley, In
anticipation, let us hope, of a brighter
future. The cause and mode or m ex
it will, we hope bn an admonition to
others never to Indulge to excess, nor
to, attempt tiio swallowing of a loaded
gun. Requlcscat in pace.
The Gold Mine near Tamdqud,
So man? have Questioned u in recurd to tho
opoiMtluns of the parties mining tor cold and
piHtiunm below Tiimaqua. tuat we pioitorte.
lamuffn tau uiuuiuui 01 uto uourier, iu kivbiiii
tuonewsln regard 'o this Imp rtant matter.
Wo nail au interview quite lec-qtlv Willi Pro-les-or
lllh, Duncan sur with tinth that woarA
In full accoid with tae ideas of conducting uusr-ues-,
uml wo tncretore, while presenting his
views, irlvo our owu.nud furtnerthan tlns.vo
beltere, na tar tie nndfujr va'u.Dlo miLeiaisiu
p.tring quantities In this county liconcrned.b
menus Jast ho suvs ana th-it snepttci will
sjouer oi later oo couviuceu that thews mines
wero not oi'i'Ucd lot tho purpose or sailing tin m
and then rnatinir a victim of sonio moneyed man
or nut ot men, or whuever cou.d bo iuuuced to
pu.-chnso tin ii lcaso of the same. Theio is somo
uiiichiueiy iu cauiso of construction, and as
soou as it lias been gotten in readiness the truth
ot the statements uia-e by Messrs. Hull A
steams win bo put to tho severest ami most
practical test, 'lliero w,ll be a committee ap.
pointed, consisting of conio of the mostTlntehl
gent aud reliable gentlemen In Ihe mate, .ome
of lucm practicable minors, cbcmTsts, bus'ness
men, mid men prominent 1 1 Ihe profc&tloas,
whou under ih suivclllnnco of tills most rort.'
uole caniuiitit'o. Wlateier chemists maybe
appointed to tlon o. by their own process will
paintethe miucials ftom tnoiock, amlglvo
thoir upiuion of inclr vulnc. Messis. Ha 1 &
Meain. by their owu process, will separato u
portion, nud ihey etiieci to comomtrate the en
perior merits of their process bef tie tho n-som.
bled multitude, for thore is l.o doubt thai, tho
crowd will On giesl wheu tho ttial comes, and
they expe 't fur. her to demonstrate, beyou i th
shailo.v tf it tloubt, that valuable ore, cold,
Dlatlnum aud oilier mineral 4 eti t whrre tltev
1110 woilclna at present. Unco having fully
sat sueu iu peopio 01 mis I.ICI mev esproi 10
aavonotioublo tncreafur lu securing all the
men tilev want to worx tholrmluB. neon the
desirable 1 nil most lair plan upon which they
proDOpoopernuug.nnd they fdtther expect that
la the ucigiiborhoods tlesignnian tn their adver
tisement ihuv will hate losnpctnhln dickers
for minerals, who will turn the ore Into tnelr
a .nos to hive them separated- by this wonaer-
iui p.oces, me triumpi 01 icieuco.
TI10 above we clip from the Tnmaqua
Courl'erof last Saturday, and '' add that
the mines are located on thei Little
Schuylkill liver, nbuut 2 12 miles be
low Tnmaqua. I he vein of ore struck
ahd being worked extending through
the range of mountains leaning to the
Jlatumlng valley.atm cropping out on
he lands of ilr. Samuel JSbbert, in
Beaver Huh.
ni(t Greek Items.
Fnrm work hn-t bermn in earnest.
The late ram did but verr lltte If nnr irood,
for the bleu winds hivo dnen up evctythltig
gam vim mime me eun cr,t nam.
Tho trees uio now bectuninirto 'nut forth
their leaves.
.tir. l-'ratiK i.anrv, or i,uiiiguiin, nam our
niuli v sclio,)i. for Lite uret lime, s visit on hun.
tlav 1 lt. and cnuducted tho opoulug exercises
lur i,., can soon iigaiu, . , .
mt. wenier i uu i.t'rvice.'tnL ami sac u a. m
on fcuuday auo at 2 p. ni , ut Pino ltun. Ilo was
also pieseut at the tFaoliciS meeting ou ruos-
uay evening ot nils wecir.
Mr. II. Ulce of tin olaee. Is lvlnc In a crltl
cil conditloa. no hole's being entertained ol
hH rtcovery
Mr C. Boo'i will open his select school at
Soil's on Mondiy.
lllswilliregrcK ttiat.xaiu. sueu npon to
ch oilclHlhBdeath of nd lunhtur of Vm. lloter.
dsan), whlcu oectirreit ou Sunday last, at M5
a. in., ufiei on lllnes ol thieo weeks. The
laneinl tndk piace Horn Her pnrcnts residence
on i uostiay issc. ac i u m. lnicrmeui ni wo i's.
Her luneml w,is very lupt-lr ntlendod, ihe
c hurcli wa nilcil to its utiiiKSt cnnncltv. Herv
cei were.CD.ulucted lu aertnnu ov Uov. Mr.
erner, oi rni ryt me. i-ns was auea 17 veirs.
iiiuiu is. uuu Mi',111. uouu uut uoi lurrotteu.
Big Creeit, A 'jill Joili. itcvEue.
Only Tin ee 111 iiiO000.
Read, pause nnrl iiefleot over the
follow Ini:: Dr. Coxe's Wild (Jlierry and
Seitekn lins prnveil beyond nil doubt to
bu the bi'rt mul most wnuderful remedy
ever prepared for the speedy relief nnd
cure of all coughs, colds, whooping
cough, nsthmti, hoarseness, weak limns,
Incipient consumption!-and that terrible
malady crnup, nave you delayed try
ing it t,o long? If so, get a bottle cost,
ing GO cts. and use two thirds ot it ; It
liot satisfied return the balance and get
your money hack. Can anything ,be
fairer ? This offer has been aceented by
over 100,000 persona uing this delight-
iui rerueily, anil only three bottles imvo
ever been leturued. Sold In Lehlghton
by X. J. Durllng and C. V. Lcntz.
Large bottles CO cents; small slzs 25 cts.
Sli burglars, altemptlng to break
Into a etore in Uethlehem, early Wed
nesday morning, wero surprl-cd by a
policeman, who Eliot two Of llieiu, kill
Itig cue and wounding the other. All
except tho robber who was killed es
caped. An Inquest was held arid a
verdict justifying tllo shooting was
-Hon. Illrara IJ. Fish, Of Bath,
Northampton county, Is a member of
tho f-lnto IcglMfituro. iiefoio ho was
elected last tail ho was a conductor on
tho IS.ttli railroad, A few days ago he
resumed ills old position and will shout
"all aboard" until the legislature con
venes again next January.
-In the TJ. S. Circuit Phlla-
delphia, In tho case of O. U. Passley, of
North Carolina, vs. The Lehigh Valley
It 11,, In uu action to recover under a
contract for a supply of railroad lum
her, was heard on Tuesday last. Thn
defence to the claim U tliat.the lumber
was not conformacle to the contract,
ami that considerable of it was rejected,
Nun suit.
The controversybetweeri tlte Head
Ing Itailrnad Company and the Brother
I ood of Locomotive Engineers, stripped
of its merits and demerits, seetin now to
present but two phases : First, the
l.'ompnny, having succeeded In filling
the situations of Its late employes with
lion, union men, and having ilemonstra
ted Its ability to run Its trains and pro
perly transact Its business with Its
present force, may so far be considered
the winner lu tin fight. Second, tho
Brotherhood, on account of the results
Mated above, lias evidently lust. There
is no Indication that the ttntus of tile
two parties will be changed by future
developments, nor Is there any evidence
that the Uual result will bo uiateilally
different from that already reached.
rnosi tub date op ima issue of this taper
legant able Silverware
Cau b Bccured lr all who receive a copr olr this week's paper on 0 nop lane with the
followlnif condition t Tho. Unlim Htiver I'lntlna Corapnuy, 701 CheHtuutHtieet. I'liilu
potphlfl, ra.. mnnat'ictarerfl of l'aro Coin-Mtuiiiiiril utivtu- I'luted Ware, will stu to
niiytme entitled to receive the tame a net of Ponhle Kx iit-liatea Silver Spoon, AND
HQltAVKON EACH HroON AK Y DKSlltni) INI HAL. You nro icqalretl to
fcut out tho following silverware Coupon, and send it to tho imovo romifttur witu vour
n me ami address, hs a pnnrantco that the oider toiaos thiouKh .hU piper. Yon ace
ills') lrqtmed to Inclose with your order the uowjnal cfinrn of 7icenis, to pay cost of
tucrnvlflf? initials, packing, boxliiff. pna expresa Chiracs. The bpooan wilt be tout by
express tjr wall (it vou hare no eTprcss-cfflce). nnd Uellvvrctl tn oar hands without fur
ther cost. As the 75 cents barely coverrf express .um en?ram.c ciiarire, tho Spooun
willcUt you nothing. Thee8poons nro guarnntceti tji ue of the bet niateiial, and
equal to tho best Silver Plated Ware made, .is the lollowlug letter f.oai the Union WU
Vtr rial lug company, will testify t
t . , , OFncE Vsio silver n.Am6 Company, Philadelphia, Pj.
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCKHN. The iioou.s hciii out under this urrugcmeiit wo
ennrantennroof heic quality, flint, heavily plated with nure nickel, ithe hardest white
metul known), and a double extra plate of puro LMin-SinntUrd Hi Ivor added on top ot
tho nickel, tbu renrterlne them the V12HY JJUST Mlvor Pniteu Walts loiintifactuted.
In no cafee will they be old utietatlbv us lor less tliM.nw 00 tier 0t, our lowest whole
sale nrlco la fW pei-fcibts ttwelvo dnzou). Wo will honor ne older which does not con
talu tae Miter wate Coupon, ar.d we nlll not honor Ihe C'tupnn n'ter HluHv diu' from
the date bf this paper. IHInedJ U MOH LATINO CO JtPA-N V.
On receipt ot thlB Coupoo. tnircther with 75 ctt. to cover bxdi ess Cr maDlnr. en.
gravltifr, and boxing charges, wo hereby agree to send lo any uddresS a set ot our
pure Cola-Standard doublo-esua Dlat -d
nnd on each spoon engrave any desired Initial. All charges nte totioprf iWrt by the
7arts. sent In 'aDdtliettpoonswillboiicitvereilntrtettilnntioti Treeoranv7 other tharve
OoimI for ninety davs Irom oate or Ihlt pno-r, tier which thM Coupon 14 nuil and
void. 81gued UNION S1LVEH PliATINO COMl'ANV, 1'litladelplila, Pa.
l-hould It be desired, any one ot the (bllonlnr article? will bn sent In lledof the
Bpoons. onnuymeutbt the loltowlng cnargo, t hit poiIo steel ktlves b,alA-and Kindle
one K'UKl piece, bust steel, ddauionlckoi an'l silver plated, lit retail price. 60. uix tdrks.
double nickel and silver plated tiscts.i retail rileo. 616?. II all thece roods are de.
plred, enclose the total rhargesi which will be Tc. for spoons, 2 for knives, and tee.
lor tones total. (3 30 s thus securlog for (S.T0 what would cost you Sl in any otlifer
way. Itememher, under thUairaureiucnt caca article, except tuivuj, will be engraved
wich auy Initlul desued without cxlrj cost.
Tlv the terms of thlscontract this liberal arrancement lio'ds good for onlv nlrety
flat s tnira the date of this paper, thcrefoie It Is to Ihe Interest or all who are entitle! to
its Ui nellts to see to It that they nro not debarred by rjcaion of the exp ration of the
time specified. All letters ordering silverware should be bddrcssoil direct to the
UNION SIXVKB PLATING COMPANY. J'hihdeipbia, Pa. Letters containing sub
scriptions must be sent dueci to the olnce of this paper. March 7,1877.
Tlie Coal Trade.
Thei-o has been no Important development In
the anthracite coal trade during the wcoic.
The strike of the Heading Kjl.road engineers
has kept up some excitement on the line of the.
road, buttbo Company reports that It bus not
much interfered with its business, while Its
tonnage for the weex coding outhe 14th lust..
Is about the largest for the year Tbo Heading
13 now about halt a million of tons abeidof its
tonuigo to tho Bame time last year, mil lis Coal
business Is reported, as compiled wlih that of
competing cumpunleB, belter than almost ever
before. Prices are low. It Is true, But we pre
sume rulo much tho same for coal In mat Let
with all tho compinles. It Is Known that tho
Heading has sold more largely of coal than any
other company, und It Is well known that Its
crcat sourco of revenue Is tonnage, lint, give
it as much coal as U cau cany, so great are Us
faci.Ulcs, tliailtnasBametliiiOS.Iu a vein of hy
peiboleor couise, been remarket! of it, that It
uiigat attempt lu pay uffibe national deut, iho
piui04ed touilmiuiion us tu wormug tae sever.
ni coal regions ou uu ukiuuu-uiivu uauauua uu
dergouo no cnautro since tho lust uieenug of the
mines ou Mondav of lust vtceit. audpiopabiv
ltono will be made betore tho daio ol luo ud-
Journed meeting towards tho end ol Alay.
1 11CU4 Wll luuiiim us ui luvnuui. UUMI .1 uuu 1,1,
nnd iiroaticilmi will mooablv coutinuu on llle
ratio uliotted to eucu cuiupany Altir tnere
shall bo on ulvunce lu con pilcos. then tvill
r.ninn ihe temntation to overproduce, and. tu
the absence ot uuy cQoutlvo means in prevent
It tho supply mav soon run eo lar abeml ot the
deumud us tn lender productlnn, in sume uue or
inoie or ail tho coal legious, unproiluiuie. but
If some one or two of the coal leglaus may ho
toiccdtosioi) as Is quite poislti.e, lrnui local
dtsagieemeuts, auy urttnclul arraugcinent tur
lira, ling the uuppu may be unueccbsur'. Tncnk
may be labor or wages s.ritros at too mines, and
theie may oo other uuulncei' stiikesmd against
cumiiauies too mat may not icut wiuiugor suie
to nrht them, us the lleadimr ltailroud Com.
pany Is duiug.aud foi the additional resMin thut
tne pionts oi tuo iiuuo aro uui siiiucieiiiiy
large to wnrruut the cost anil vexation. Ihe
companies too may think jt their opportunity to
Hlop elf alt work. It is known that the Lienigh
Valley Itailroad Cotuiauy hat deieraiiued lu u
second ieduoilun ut 10 per cent, iu tuo wages to
all eniploi eos,except to eiigluoers,wno afo now.
as oa tuo occasion oi thollist icductiou. exentp
ted. Wo wote lufotmctl uf this tact oa Wedues.
duy last and, at tne same time, learned that It
was turn tnu purpose ut tue uuieers ui inn puui
pany not to yield to tne demand ot the eni
ueers that tho tlreuien, brake-meu. Acshoma,
whu tneuisrites, lie cji-mpt ltum luercuiieiiou
dueueu tti po mudo. We weie not ut libeny at
tuat iluio to use this Intorinution. out learning
Irom yesierdav's lVewiorn Utrald that tbo
strike will be made, feel that we maynnw
Btatewnat was t, on the purpose ot the com
pauv In case tue ihieat ot sntke should bo car.
rieaouu At tile present moment the coal trade
lsneuriratasuiud, as Is usual when teelu
tuie is unnuowu. Tho iradd is busy in lining
existing contracts, but new conuacts aie a
littio siow as lower prices may follow. I'or
siiiipiies ut coin uy ictvii tueiu is u iuu uusiuue,
dbiae, and prices uie geuerslly unchanged.
Ledger, Mouuay.
the fohowina- table shows the auautltv ot coat
shlpvedover tuo l.i'lilgli Valley Kiolroadforibe
week euuiuu April vol, leu. uuuiunue yuaras
compuieu w in tuo euuie time uist year I
Hfiduiia From.
19 CO- 10
3l,lotJ IS
11, MS 01
:u oo
83,56 1
lOJ.'C 19
Heaver Meauuw...
Total. .
Last Year
22.C02 17
UKl'OHr Ol-1 COAIj transnorted over Lehlcb
4b buRquihautia Uivistou. central It it. of
New Jersey week ending April ax 1677.
Total wi rK. TodatO
nipped from tons. cwt. ons. cwt
U'roiuinr fe.r 01
i7J.C75 I
Uuuer Lehlah..
7.U4 It
7.901 11
81,3.3 14
113 bia (Q
70,741 17
1059 09
ll2.tM 04
li9 14
Heaver Meuuow.....
bauay Ran Uranch.,
0,110 11
17,494 11
Mauch Chunk
tiiuitUand Judd
Total 75 6C3 US
Previously i epoi ted ti'Jiell
Total to date 70.024 19
bamuiimo l& t year 5tfl.4i0 ui
77J.W4 19
str AUsanuna En-s i htle n.-on the tn
mat., bv the Xlov. J. K.i'reuisu.Mr. i'eter i.
btiuusbbartrer to Miss Edith metier, tlie
fonmjof l'arryvdie, and iholatterof Rice
e UviUti.
SCHUUKlt-DUEiailACU.-Oii tho idb day
of April uv ltev AbruhauiItaril.oLouiew.ftir
llobert Kcherer a-id Miss 1'yette DretsOach,
bothol Lower 'lowumoubinK, Carbon couuty
ilcDANIKL-WIII.-S.-un the C2ud day of
April, bv ih tame, Mr, i'euDon McD.uitel of
upper rowamensing tawnsnm, ana wiaHrta-
rah Alice Weiss, ot Prunkllu township.
bon oouaty
MILLVII In Lehlffbton, on Uie IWh InsUnt,
J e mile May, diujthterot Mr. Alexander Mil
ler, aired b years und U days.
it OUT! 1 IM JZIU-In T.ehlKhton, at 1 1:1? a. m, on
Tutsdav. April 74. th',7, Carrie A , Daughter ot
llan v V. and EU label h B. Morthlmer, aed
a days
MUtSMELM AN. -On lhe7th davof AvtW. in Ma
houlng township. Oaorue Jacob, adopted ton
ol Thomas und Ewailuo Musetlmau, aged i
year. 1 month aud 17 days,
lillETXEV-On the 11th day ot April In I.s
htgUton. Eaiuin Minerva daabtei oi Thomas
J und Mary A. Ifretney, aged y rs. auu i day.
ANDlf EWb-.On the 20th day ol All, In Vast
Peuu tunnehln uvreu. husband of Trust. la
Andrews aged S8 yeirs, & moutni and IS d tys.
KOLH. On the J3nl dsv of Apnl. in IZa-t IVun
townhl,t, Daniel, huabud of Msgdaleno Kolo.
a ed ( l ya r aud 17 Oars
H W A ItTWOOD.-Ou the ttrd lost., In thl bor
ouRh, Mrs. Oat harm e e wart wood, ugM 71
yrair, 1 nrontbs and 17 days.
4HC81 15
697.500 IU
554 II
iec.6f vi
l'ji.uiij m
UU 16
1.415.351 17
1,1.3 t7
I91.U51 Oj
Closing Prices of bellAVEN & Town-
sdnd, btock, Uuvernment nnd Hold
40 South Third Street,' Philadelphia!'
April 20th, 18T7.
U. S.I.'H. IStl 11211 hid ll!tl nlr,t
U. S. 5.2's, isili iioh bid liOt asked
U. S. fi-20's, lt,S-J. & J.... HUT. Old 110 asitcd
u.o.u-u-s ,00 .. iii uiu iizh asked
1'. M. .1.?0'R. IRAS Ill lllll 111 natr1
II. S.'H ii:h bid 1I2H Bskctl
IfiB. ftiiTcney, 0's., ...... .1211i bid 1211 asked
IS. (3. u'siSSI, now Iim bid ins nsnbd
U, is. 46 s. new 119! bid 10'h asued
I'enlisj Iranian. II 45 bid 45", asked
riuhi. Jt Holding it. 11 12 bid I2i asked
Lehigh Valley It. 11 3,)4 bid 37 asked
l.elilgli Coal .it Nnv. Co.... 21), bid 211 uskid
United companlos of N. J.I29 bid 130 sated
P,its.,TItusv.,dSllnff,H. K. SS hid CH asked
PUUa. & K H 0 bid 10 asked
r.nitherti Central It. 11.... 7 nld 7H esksd
llo'tonville Pass. 11. H. Co. II bid US astid
Utlld 11 d bid 107 asked
Special Notices
K. F. kunltol's Hitter ttino or Irons
It lias uovor be?n known to fail in tho cure of
wiMluicat uttoutUtl wltli fivmutom. m.iioMsl.'
ttoa tu osuftion. low ut fi'WTY, dlfflcOlty o(
breuthiCg, weakno-R, Uctnor of (Unease, 'liifftli?
bWt'uiH ojtu feet, filMucflS bt vision, languor,
uiilviraal laaaituiJe ol tue tuusoulir eyteui,
ouuriuoas pypstito, with dyspeprtc Hvmptims,
botliautls llaiUluor tuo uoiiy.drvDesi of ihe
fion, pillia couutenuuee and eruptions on the
face, win! ing tuo biood, pinn in the oactc,
houviuess ol tuo uyolids. fi-oquooL black npiw
tttiiK oeforo Uie oyo, with smttialou aud los ot
yignt, ot fttiCDliou, etc, to tt oniv in It
bottles, (let tho genu mo, Uopot otid pMce. LS9
North INlntli bt.. l'lilianfclplua. AUticb Xte.
Akic forL.. 1 Knoln'i'dllittirWlnoof Iron nnd
tukB no other make, (tontine sold only tu L
Kurvons Debility ! Xorvous Debility I
oollityu depressed! rrituala state of mlna, a
weait, iktvous. t'xQauuteJ teiiDJir, uo energy or
auiinutton, coufueeU heid, weak mtmorvi tni
(l1ncguelleos of exce-ei, mental uyerwork;
Tms UfrvcmmleUtiitv ttrtdn a sorei-elgu euro la
(3. Kunkeia Bitter wtuo ot Iron. It tone
tuo hViteui, diHDOlH tha mental gloom and Uo
Hpoudency, and icjurcnatea tfte entire system.
ouiu limy in i ooiiion. uet me fteuuino. ao.a
by all dt-ujrgits Atk for t:i K. Ku Intel's U liter
U ino 01 liuti. nud take no other. Genuine abid
only in i I bottloa. or six bottles tor S3. All I a 4k
14 n mat ox mis vmuau om-uicme it win cont
vmco too moa skeptical ut its merits.
Aovcr tatiinv oru syrup.
13 F. Kunkelj Worn STruonefrr-r fill to da.
ptroy I'in, Heat uml totnuch Warms Dr. Kan.
kel H the onlv aticot'safal nhvs clan who re-
mores Tape Wumiu two honrs.'hfad and a-l
compete nilve, aud uu fee till head passes, com
inim seuao teaches it Tape Worm can bo re
luovoo, ait otticr worms cau oe rof aiiv aeuroy.
ed. tiend for circular to Dr. Kunkoi. 239 Nort
ninth St. IMlIadt'luala. ask yoir drac-
cut for u bottloof KnnKeiV
a worinftfrup. itioq
iil per bottle. Ii never fails.
Used by children
or grown persons with pei tect autcos. apr im
The a icertlser, hatlnj( been permanent Jy car.
ed ut th it oread disease. Consumption by a elm.
Die remeJv, Is anxious to make knottu to hU
le.low siiff Jtcrs th uieans or care. To all woo
donro it, uu will head a etfpr ot the" ptescripllon
U"td,(ueo ot churgo). with the dtioctlons for
Ih op.irluu and tidiiK the .amej which titer will
luu u buue cuuk toi Cousutupttou, Asthms,
Iironchnts. c Paitis wltbiag tuo itccrtp
llnu Will ilOdti Hdllro 11ET. K. A. WILLOW,
Ut reim-t.. WUUamsliutKh, J.Y. Jini3-raS
Errors Of Youth.
A dentttniin who Buffered for yeirs from
N'rvoas Debility. 1'remature Di'cay. und all tho
(ffccM oi vouthiullndlioretlnn will, for tho take
of nulTjrlojf huiuanitr, uend free to ult who ned
it. the recloe nnd directions for making the
niniuie remeuy vv wuicn ue was curea. &nner.
cia vishtng to pioht ny the advert fiera experi
ence cau do so byUddresnlntr. in perfeet conn.
Cedar-su, New tork.
I will mail (Free) the recipe for prepsrlnr
sliimle Veoetadlr IWlM UiuVill remove Tilt,
Flti:clCLI 1'IMl'i.b.S and llLOTCiiks. leav,
mirtlio skiu solt, o,oar and lieiutltuli also in
rtiuclions for Liotluclns a luxuriant growth of
hair on a bald head or ainootti face. Address
lieu, Vandell & Co., Uox ail, Mo: S Wooster-.t ,
I, cw Vol k, Jaiillm.
j 11 MNait a nrfi lt-slit fnr-liM inniljlllflv with
' onvof tho. loilowlua Ue-cubed ariiciesof Per.
ttiiiiat injperiy!vucr 10 uuv, irnue. orm uuy
oihei uiauuer. muned bv ihe i.Uierslgued to
JOdril'A ORAVEH. of Franillu TowDshlp,
( Mroou cvuniy. ri.,Tlst Oue irrer Mre, ons
I'ftbt (jny Ilotte one black nnd
rsl.ow caW one pluttonn bpnnc Wauon. three
bOi l (ai nei4, six boxrs or hive of Uftes. oue aet
ot 61' i?h lielis, aud a variety of Household
Furniture, uo tf e aauie U my proiwriy.
AprU 14, 1877-3w rranklluTwp., Pa,
Cheap Cash Store,
Groceries 5 Provisions,
io., ic, &LO,
IT-All arUelea wsrtsnlei to be t represent
Ml. I'.lnu.KO wilelted. Aprllll,T