The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 28, 1877, Image 2

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    n. v. uoRTitniisii,
SATORDAT MORNING, APRIL 23, 187;. noon, the United States
troops left the vicinity of the State
Hnuso, In New Orleans, and retired to
Jefferson barracks, three miles distant.
Tlielr departure was witnessed by only
a few hundred persons, and no demons,
tratlon was made. In the afternoon a
salute of 100 puns was fired and there
was a liberal display of flags In New
Orleans In honor of the withdrawal of
the troops.
Wo liavo Just received " The Black
mils, and American Wonderland," by
II N. Majruire, who has spent 12 years
In the Hills and Yellowstone region.
The latest, fullest, and only truthful
accounts of Gold and Silver prospects, nnd Grazing resources,
Climate, Hunting and Fishing, the In
dians, and Settlers' Adventures and
Conflicts with them. Mining and Wild
Weitern Life, and tlio grand Natural
Wonders of this most remarkable coun
trythe Waterfalls, Boiling Geysers,
noble Scenery, Immenso Gorges, etc.,
etc. Illustrated with 27 fino engrav
lugs, and a new map. Price only 10
cents. Sold by all Newsdealers, or
sent postpaid, for 13'ceiits, by Donnel
ley, Loyd & Co. Publishers, Chicago,
Packard and his adherents quitted
the State House in New Orleans during
Tuesday night and It was occupied
Wednesday by the Nlcholla authorities.
Packard Issued a farewell address to tho
Republicans of Louisiana Wednesday,
giving a summary of tho "historical
events which have occurred" slnco tho
election; declaring that Ills Government
was- tho legal one; asserting that If
recognized by the President, It could
havo sustained Itself without the Inter
ventlon of troops; and advising the Re
publicans to maintain Iheir party or
ganlzatlon. At noon Wednesday the
Legislature adjourned from Odd Fel
lows' Hall to tho Stato House, where it
proceeded with business. It adjourned
finally ThursJay.
A review of the appropriations
made by Congress at the last session
shows that they amounted to about 117
millions, with nothing appropriated for
the army or for river and harbor Im
provements. At the extra session it is
expected that Congress will bo asked
for about 33 millions for the army and
one million for tho support of the
United States Courts during the next
fiscal j ear, to make up for the neglect
at the last session to pass bills for these
departments. There will also bo $1,
800,000 asked for the navy to mako up
tbe deficiency In tho pay appiopriatious
for tho current fiscal year, and an equal
amount to prevent a similar deficiency
In the next year, making altogether f2,
600,000 for the navy. Tho other de
partments do not require any appropria
tions, so that the sums to be voted at
the extra session will be about 23M mil
lions, maklng.wltli those already voted,
143 millions for the year. The appro
priations of the session of 1875-0 were
nearly 140 millions, so that the annual
of appropriations will be reduced about
six millions.
Tho ltuss--Tnreo War,
For about two years Ilusoia and Turaey have
beeu drifting towatds war. and Tueidu. came
the decisive event lu the maulfoste of the nus
sun I'meaor ordering his armies tomaichlu-
t' TnrWli-U tnnitory. Tho whole petii d slnco
the oarlv summer :f 1 675 1ms been occupied m
nirtit.atluus between tho signatory powers to
th" Treirv ' 'arls of ISIS ou lae one naud and
the Turkish Uuverument (called tho Sublime
l'orie) on the other. Tho occasion for lutcrvcn
tiou was tho continued existence of oppressions'
plundering, outiages land butclieiles earned on
bv 1 urllsh officials In tome of the Turkish prov
tnees and trlbuury Mates ag.nnst t.lo lion
.Mussuiman Inhabusuts, ami especially against
tho (hrlsilias of tho Greek ciiuich. These
wioiiua, wmch were combinations ot political
m Btiot'tratnout; and outbreaks ot leliirious and
1 ce fjiiutlcl'iu, tue Turkish Uoeiumeut havo
be--n andei pledge to abullsU uud prevent ever
aiuco syj, but mor eapecmiy huco ism and
aince the la tor date the uoiiuern and weatetu
nations ot Kuiope have beeu nniier obligation
to see the pieogn earned mtu ellect. Tno uailuu
lnoio especially liircna.ed 111 the amelioration
ol tlieuon-Mus-ulniuii Mates uud Inhabitants
of Knruiieau Tui key in Iiuasia, as her people,
by if lii'.um nun 111 part by e in close sym
pathy with ihe gieat majority of the oppieeaed
Iicfiplea Hut the promises and pledirosuf Tut--ey
luie gone uuiu.lllled, and neuter it nroten
lauou. nor protest, nor negotiation have been
01 any aali in bi.ngiug about anvameitotat ton.
Ou the contrary 111 tne luuntli of May, ot last
er. tho 1 ui kieh district ot lluleai la v as made
Ihe scene- of a massacte of unarmed nun a...
iiu.indiug people lo an extent In numbers, and
with uiarka of barbarity and urjtality, uiiex.
ample 1 ui inodtru times, 'ibeucame th soi
Man war. tu M'hicU tho bravo Alouteiiegnna
joined ua a patriuiio senior to tlitlr tuu ling
luinujtrlot. tiinco tho peace witliftcrvl-j, the
'lurks nave maoe renewed pledges of 1 efurui
ana buvo promulgated a Consututiun mouel'cd
un toubo ii of Iho Western i;urope'Ui
tuouaiinles. liut these piumi-os wet e distrust
ed, espec.allv uy nu"sia, becauso al 01 the
auu-eaund hitheito made had neen viola ed'
and there waa n renuo-t tor uiattrlal guai-an.
tees lor the:r tii.iiuuirnt Hut tne Tur.lsli
Cioeiumeui woual give uo MUjrautees, huldlug
(osuusinlv) that sum eouiteuould beindero
t.uuoa ui tne dignity uudsorieli.'uty of inukvy
over her own lerriujry and suljetus; nut theio
can be uu doubt that Ihe icat leasou waa tho
ftarif a revoit aiuoug Lee own lauatlcal Mus
kutiuau iopunttiuu it the latter weie ueprived
ot then eug eujjyed privl eges of opjiresluu
lusuiiaudpluuoer of iho lieu JJussuluien lu.
habtsutaof tne provtacus, Turkisu publie op.
Iniun (alter that taahlou) was supiemo audtue
Uoveruuieut ttaied uut uefy it. i was u lesser
evil tonakwar, even with a power nko itussla.
Aiidau too, iu Itussla paoiio opinion luledino
su j. ct, (or inocoutioiiiug popaiae beuiuutnt
uibieu, Uial UiMCUuo Uasiit last come when
w.e r-ciuv.c pteoi'iofcuu auoirruu or the uieek
chuicn iuhcTl
tuuTUlWljil iuomced dor.
ubt? uiiii De renoiied Tram
turn ui iuu Aiuaiuiiuiiu lauu-
1 c .uo ifimai
uim-iais rentier iiie uu.
Ml Qt.o.eimuc
nor tue Turkish Oovcrumeut
ibrtiembut tills tinirj. tor
utiilitrlafln-nouuyuicoacnucia w uxdcrk
the van burdens of snca a war 119 this la like lo
bo. Uu na has great difflculir in ubtnli'ing
loans ot tuoney. except ftt enormous loss 1 and
TnrKer Is utterly traukmnt. Public sentiment,
however, In both countries is bo pwerlul that
war has been rlateil, notwithstanding all the
unnnilal dltucnlties
Iheonbledospitlchcs for nonw time to come
will be baldened br stinntre names, for the
thcatieof tl.c llnlan military movement for
tne piesent Is in a section of Kuropowo lieur but
utile of on thi sulo ot tho Atlantic The river
Prntli, unnnwlilch the Bct've Husiaii army is
moving, is In parr tho bunnilaiy llnoot the ex.
trcmo southwcsieru pan 01 Russia bordering 011
the l)!no sen. nnd feparates llmslun loriltory
flora tue extionio northwestern corner of Itoa.
mtnla, which, ulibougn. In some senne un lnoo.
penoeni otaie, is uiuuinry 10 nil Key in n (.ecu
uinn way. Thopilncipal places mentioned in
mo ncsiaicnus lis povats wuoro mission troops
nrn ro:.ccntratInir tir crosslink into Roumanian
or Turkish territory will bo lound In that lo
cality uv xuosu who onneuu cneir man, jhspy
Katrul. and llolgrnd (not iie'grode) are all on or
near the liver Truth. 'Ihe Russian column,
which consists of 11 Done one hnntircd dnd tmrty
tnonsunu men la ncnuinir lor tno river vanune,
which Is the southern lionniliirv of ttoutiiania,
and wnich the luuslaus muet cross In order to
get into the luriuslipioviiico or Huiirorin. ine
points at wl len the Russians will aim to cross
tho Danube aro in a duo east llae to Philadel
phia, b'-lnO'i or near tho fortieth parallel or
north latitude. Alter they aro across .the Dun.
ubn (If tder shall be bo far successful) there la
n loutr line or marcu iutoufu a most tuuiciiii.
country ueiween mo itussiau lorces nun jon
stnutlnoplc, or any other pinco of decisive mi.
portance. Pfl'laoelihm Ledger.
The Argonaut, Frank Pixley's new
weekly paper, published Bt San Fran-
clsco (Cal.,) Is responsible for the fol
lowing, which Is published under date
of April 21 :
Wo midrrstand tha t there Is now in posses-
alon 01 n Henutor ot the United States, at
F resent In this ciiv. a paper of the utnio&t po.
lllca. tmiioriaiiio to the couutrv, nd one. if all
mat is saiuuuuut it uo uue, wmcu win citato
sucii a flentintlon as tho country has t ot known
Bincethe days of the Klcctorui Tribunal. Too
paper la nothing more nor less thou u copy ot a
seii 01 resolutions wnicn 11 is 1110 uuipueu 01
Mr. James tl. Maine lo introduco In the Meniito
at tho meeting 01 cuugie.g 111 June. Ihcicso.
lutiuns, ultoi- setting forth that theru exist
fit a 0 doubts in the nnmis of a largo pi upon Ion
ol Aineiicansii'itotlielcgulllvoilue dual set.
tleuieut of tne Presidential question, which re
fcultcdm the inauguration 01 Ml. Hayes, goon
to Buy that it is duo to the Amoi-lcuii pooplcand
pailli uuiny 10 1110 mllnoos wno. wnue Utjnuv
tug that he hud bee 1 foirly oeleuieii, yet accept
ed the decision In his faor in eood lnith to sub
mit the quisilou to thollual aibittamcut ol tho
highest tribunal known to tne . 'oustitutiou, tho
Bunremo Court of the United States 1 that. 111
annucli us the pioprletyoi such proceedings
may no held to bo a matter of doubt, becau&our
tho fact that tivo members ot that couttweto
meuioeia ol tne late tribunal, Iherelore tho re
seluilous propoBO a grand Court of Deliberation,
oieuled especially lu consider nil quostions that
mav be OlOiluliL uetoro it rel.tlu? to the Iccnltv
of Air. Uajes's Uuure.whethtr in Iho naluie of
quo wuriau-o or o:herwi8o 1 and that sua couit
u.i composed ot the Chief Jnsliccs ot the &u.
ptLiuo uourti ot each State lu tho Union
thirty eight Judges lu all. 'ibis portion of the
UBoiutijus which piopjsos taiscjurt lakes the
toimofubid, tuwalca Is added the piovislon
that any ierson other thin tho detta'.oJ caudl
uaio may bring an actlou to dispossess tho
Mr. Blali.o contradicts tho above In
very strong language, no says
" There Is not the slightest foundation
for the story. I havo already telo
graphed that It Is tho Invention of a
lunatic or an Idiot. It can not be pos
sible that anybody Is ass enough to be
lieve it.
The Royal fcociety for tho Protec
tiou of Life from Fire baa published its
direction to ltd subordinated, and some
suggestions for others who may be at
fires iu London, the following of which
nro applicable everywhere :
Evgi V lloiiaehnlilflr shtinlil innfA nitrh Tirrann
In liishuutie acatiuln eil with thu lit) it maum f
esicpo, w..eiUtr tliaflio uruakd out at ttio ton
ui at tlie bottom,
Ininiies at ttio first alarm should endeavor
cuiuiiy 10 uiieet what meauaoiuscupo iitro txiti
in uiL liouuo : II in Uul ul li.e tlrne.wiap tiicm
f-oives 111 a llhukt-t or LeiUIiie cuiioi t opua
Ufttuoi- wiuilowB nor aoorj vajre tiuu noca
mryt shut oveiy UouraiUrueui, (Tula lainu&t
luipoimut KiobdPive )
la uiuuilaatof suioko It la comparatively
clear towaui tha irrfiiiiul.consnnuHnnt' nnuTvas
tlituQKU mwke can be maoe ou the hanilauna
kuucb. i Biiit uauuKeiLiiici, womcd euckiui;,
oroiherllitmeubstauco, wuUoil ami tlrawn
over tho tact, ooniilla In o nml pt.
cludit tt) u ffieutcxiout, tho Biuoko fromxUo
Iuuks. ,A wttsponco isatiko eiUcaeloas.
In iho event ot being unable tu escape o ther
uy uutMreet uouror iojt, tue petbous m uau
Ltrhoula lunaeUiatclv luuko ihclr wav tun
Iicntiixim wu.duw, taking careto cljsothe
door alter taeui, aud thoso who havo the chary; o
01 the buusthoia fehouhl auceitam that every
indluauai la there assembled.
Triton. thu.- ciruuuibtauci'd aro entreated not
I o prccipiaio themtel ea iruui tho window wa.le
tliereieiUiiua tbe ItaaL uiojbbi.i v if usiNian..
and eeu in the labt exiienilty, aplamiopoia
iiivahiitu.0.01 recourse may bo had tjjoiblug
uiuuu uuuuutoui Lidtn iu ru ib lire. 11114 Will
eiiauiu oiiu ucrou 10 lower uu tue other- eepar
uteiv.anu the last ibay icthim-.eli Ujwnwltr
couipjiauvcly lum iik, beiect u window
oivi the dourway ratlur tuan over the area.
Do hot give vent to tho tiro by breaUln into
tbehoiuo unutoLbsjrlH 'ruin witdout oi. ltau
inuiuiu. U' utiUlOUl muilUWS IHUtvU li
point 01 thuum pver door alter 3 ou an you t;o
biiiuuii iuu luu-o. tur mil purpose uooia ea
ulOrtluif thts Htiui'i!j!ia are verv iim rm.
Ulou distoveiluir ouihO t on lire, leflect that
vour t'lediest diUKtr ailsei tiouidratt 10 the
lumeaaud lrom tber nsniff uowatd. 'throw
vouiHoit ou tho mound, aud roilovcr outhe
ujuio, ir fxteHiuieun the lug or Ioomi drufigct
which tratf uiider von the taUe cover.-i uati'i
coat, uuj fcbiuj o( the kiud utuaud, wd. serve
youiputpDbe t tcicam 101, ttnirtbe
utii, bui uo not tun out or therooiu, cru-iuaiu
lu un pomtiou
rcmousedpocialy exposed to g 113k of their
Uicasfa .aKitiiflliubhouid adopt tho precaution
ol haiinir all liueu unil luiitoii iiln.iu uriJimi
til a Wiau homt ou of chioutio it z.uo, aluui, or
Our LMilIadcIiihlii U'tlcr.
PlIlLAUEUUlU, Pa , Aplli 24, 1377.
Being favored with u card ot admission (from
Mr. ruoumsH Khii. Vlco Pieslitenlut the Per-
inautnt hxhlbllioui, your cotio-jwmlfiit ou
Monday aftrruouu last p .id a vUitlo tbo Man
Buddiug and took Inn gcucial review of whut
was to bo seen nnd what was going on iiigeu
eraL To say that he waa pleaded would bo uot
to Btato hU sentiments conectlv, for he teat
mvrethai pleased, and astoiushtdat the mag-
nituJoof the preparations and the wondmfal
progiesn atrocity made. As many trip pa he
had mrde to the (.'onunnlal, ho does not feci
that he waa ever moru pleased tlmu ou Monday
afternoon laL Those of jpar readers who weio
uuable to visit Uiecenlcnalai need have uo
cause to rep ue for here in tbo Ma;n Butlilins,
under oue root, thep will uud not oui tho pun
cipal ceuteiinial attrtcttoua of the Mala .'lu ld
lug Itself, but tncy will liuduwny of the thOtceet
trojBunao! tue Alt Ualieiy, AgrUuituial UulK
(jbvtrnineiit huldui?, iviuchiuery XlaJ, Stuta
aud oUier buildtntra ud nueh urraujjcd aud
giouped iu ttulr apprupri.ito dcpiitm ulh lu
i.ilTieut toctiotisol iho toUrhty fiiutture; An
exteu tvo uud elnboiate piutfoiiu hao beeu
lounrucieu lor the tuoof iheuugciu 4n Iront
of the Hoscveit organ, uud thogrttt In t.uuitui
hua beeu re-decori-tedundnas being put Intone
for tho gi and upinmg. which taitpi-ce the
coming lui h or &inytwiieu Preaititut Jiuyes haa
promlted lo bo on niut. Ataiater da 1 hope
to wilte vou more luliy Iniegoru to ihliKicat
Lust Thurfday evening tbe wtlter had the
ery gruii picsare ol being present st tho hue
eutrrtaiunieui gieu byM'lnn L, M aud I)
A.,' and waa muej pleased with tho itudlliun
ul tha vurlou purtu of tho programme. Tho
auig.ugwa exiragoodi tho laulcuuafor tao
leaux, as jou thooge), woie exctlieutt aud
4,Awukiiig" uud "John Uobba"wciu spleudldiy
acted, iuoiuusloof the band waa Joi what t
should be nuTtuil and periotmed wlthbpint.
3Sow theiu waawtly one thing the writer Xetlu
ha tHigbt to speak plaiuy aooit and that is
thUt At the couciuion if tue eutertaiumout
it wua laming in toi lenU, aud Uie bjbtniu waa
lvUly dmhiug. Maicutlu had u movt caut
lious uuioroila with Liui, und was uot luckiug
lu rndaut y. Ai.d yet oh t aha 1 1 wilto HI
ea, I win 111 None of the coaumttte lutru-dut-od
Mm. aud uoueof tutm naked ouu as lu
tho shaicubihtv ul his bfoiduientioueU uoibreU
la It la u p.ty. uud p.ty ui that ulsupr.v.
and p ty it la ttmt it la true 'Jnua Marcutio
muiuexs bbaiupcie. Aulluppy am 1 that I
rau tnke refuse behind ihe uih a piui.wof
Wnshingrton Letter.
A Frenchman! Opinion of Our Magi tratt Three ,
Hundred More Out of Wuri VrttidtnCt lUcy
HluttraUd Grand Vules in Washington Thun
dtr Storm Weathtr, ttc etc
From onr special Correspondent.
Wasadnston, D. C, A p 111113, 1877.
The Marqnh do Chatntiram is a vo'uularV
French exilo whoo wife is tho daughter ot La
fayetto IIo 1 tho author ot a book catlcd Le
i)Untfj teecuttfaux FAatt Unit, which was pub
lislicd lu & ew York 1 nn l he was Intimate with
Sumner nno Rchurz-wa fern whllo tlieattor
ney ot tho French Locution, nnd may be now
for aught I know to tho contrary. At al love it
thts li what tho Mnnints d Cham) rum Fays of
tho present master and mistfJH ot tho Execu
tive Mansion 1 " Tho President ho is a nroat
improvement over eve ytlilns F haio seen 'n
his position j nnd hla ladv fve "won'd nss tor
her ran 111 our countiyv' Could they havo n
ui- ncr compi.ment 1
There is much cilsu ess In our rltv Just now be
cause of tho whol sale dlcbarce of e.uplovo3 in
tao TreaurF, which too plnco 00 tne lsih.
Overthrto hundred weio dismls-ed ntd theie
nro fin thor removals j ot to 00 made. This pro.
co-sot weedmsout tio unnecessary emplovei
01 an oveicrowueti ttcp uttnent is a'ways pnfn-
fnL nnit 111 Wnnliitiitnn It. It ntiiwiinl'v an 1 in.
cause It ihiowi so unny out of cmoluvment
wnn are pournnu iieeuy, nave iiooinor means
otempontt, nndllnd them olvei m a ctty wluea
has really none hat government business to
epentc ot, and noiliinp to take the olace of tho
recular nav thev lnv lec-'ivcd Hon ihe Gov
ernment. These politic il sit tut loin are ready
undcnlriiblo If ono cm onl look at them in a
tro light To bfrlu witn, there is never a
suiety of rctaiolng them. One I liable atanv
time to be trtunvi d. Then ilio pay ia email ror
the ibor Is light, l bote is abso ntIy no chance
ior piouiouou. nuvanccmeni or inipiovempiii,
and tho lonctr nno eervoa In h pnbordin ito aov
enimrnt oltio j tho lrt-s lie 111 tie 1 for more en
crcetio business : for. Aft?r dr.fmiir on the O or
ient foi vruiH, it It hard discontoguitt to
turn and row naainst the st t earn an I tide. It Is
ccitam.y true th'tt there Is nothing thut tmva
hilf so pooriv and is so uncertain as po.itlcs.
aii'1 tho most impolitic thing n man or woman
uhii ft.m fntn mi i nn At, llvlni? hv ntliprmpmn
vim uu is in uccepv a uovcrnmeiu uuicd it ih n
well known tact that n nri of ihe rreMdent'
noHcv ia to "nseat no t'filce.holdcrwh lstbor-
mich v r.rimnriprt. nml tt iikt nrnri hv ntirt Pt. tin
i- quite ncquentiy nuKeutir twsiuouh nin any
Wf 11 Ul It'll i. VHHU Ol I1I1BK11U1 UCCUtrcil IU8t
week when a company of "clentiUo gentlemen
ca led on iho President, and after much ortdim
luary couvcratinn on gen tal aud tscieotlle
ton cs.thev broached the aid tect of annolnmeuts
anl time I toe merits, cu ni mnc upon the qual
ifications of their uiudhlate tov the oifloo of
Coinmlsstouer of Agiicultute. Tlie .President
hoirdtheui throuch and tbcnmlll v ltiaulred
1f they cnulti inform him when ComniiftHiomr
watts (tho niesjnt Couim esioner of Aurlcul
ture) intended tu remn. No, they could not
ruey uoa no irioimauon on tunc subject
"vVlien von haarot bis resicnation said tbe
President. ' couio o er and see me again." Exit
savants, bowing solemn h With mysterious
looks ot enllgniment among themselves.
Iho grand teinte nndDiniomuiic idnner. irlven
lat week by me President and, Mrs, Huyea in
honor ot tlio Hns-lan Dukes, was the first they
havegivm aud as a vt-ry rrear. cffilr. A bo at
tblrty-llvo guests wcto present j the whole
kiuuimi uuiir ui iuu iiiunsiou wat iuuuiu;uifu
and decointcd with llowerst tbe full Matlno
Baud OlscouihPd sweet tnuio; t mnder rolled
and lighiuingflisht'dai if the very eenjenia
would io honor to the royal guoMfl. Bomj ojo
suggest ej ihe htoim. sharp nnd vtnient as it
was, tobo ominous oJ tho cor-flict In wbich th
Ginud Dune's cuunti7l3einjngod, The loudest
crash or thunder lor the whole evening pealed
out us Aiexls Bteppel fioin the door in t thing
hH depattuie, and never ceased Its nimble tin
the wheels of ht coach tolled from thegiouuds.
aur-. jiuyes woio n cream coioreu biih iiiuinieu
with white ince bnc with no other ornameuts
than natural flowers.
The weather ia warm and delightful wmi'd
bo thoroughly enjoyable but for our natural
icuuciicv ior nui rowing irouatc, wuicumakus
us olilttH this chatminc teaon becuuso It is
tbosuro huroingerct theexhiutinp,lyoppres.
tive one coming. Why ciu't wo remeiubor and
act according to this I
"Time was u past, thou cas't not tt recall i
Tliuo fs, thou bast, ; ei loy the poitlon small.
Time future Is not and may nevrr bo,
'lime projseut is tho only time for ttiee."
JM, M V.
New Advertisements,
CVCDV CHI ni CD bo waa wounded
tVLni oULUlL.norcontr.utedpo.
miueit disoaso m tervlco, cm rer a Pension by
wrltingto JOHN KIUKPATUIUK, Cambridge
Ohio. Apr. 2S im
n peimanently located at tho T. CHARLES
lltinJU rlltsbnigh Ha. Duoises at.d l)e.
fr.rmi'lM of the stINl. TJLTKUIli U13
PILE' auccoR-fully treated by tho BANJSINO
hs i EM ot Mechanical S lppmt-t. Call or send
fcr descriptive pamph.ct, Ihe Ilouse Yoj TA o
Iu." Mailed Fieo. Apr, ia-im
at Lehtgntou, in the State of Pennsylvania, at
tho clObe ot buslncaa. Saturday, April I4ih, 137; j
Loanoand lii-ciunle $S0.245 49
U. S. BonJa to secure t lieu at'on. ... 60UOJ60
Duo t tot ii nuproved llenono Aocnts,. 11,457 'SI
Duo from otner National 11 auks C53 CO
Duo tumi state Banks und HonKeis... I,s4 ) 69
Iteal Et-tato i-umliute, and Pixturoa 1,69.1 0J
Current Expenses nun Tuxes Paid ... 751) 97
Premium Paid 8 510 02
Checks and other Cash Items &71 f8
Iltilant other Bunks 1.G1D 0)
l-'ract'onal cunency, Inelvd'frNlcko a rco 11
hooJo (includ'g gold TieubUiy certi's 2i: 10
Le"ul Tt nner Notes 3,313 10
lteiiemptlon Fund with U. M, Tieasur-
ei (5perceutotCjrtulatiou)..,t. 225003
Total 1163,930 ii
Capital Stncl: Paid in not officially ac-
knowiedtred , 124,530 00
Capital Htock Paid lu . oo
Huiolus iund 35'i 0)
Ui divided Profits 2.1T0 71
Isatiou.i Uauk oloa Outitaudiu. . . . 44.5.K) (0
I)i tdciula unpaid, 4 . . . 151) 42
I.idiVidaalDcpo Its aubject to checit, 19,18 53
ViuioCeitihcaifaoi Deposit 1410 00
Due to other Katloual Bauxa 8.6ii 82
Total ?,01.03il 43
State of J'enntytcani, County of Carbon, st t
I, W. v. Bowmnn. Caehierof the above-naro.
td Bank, do so euiuly nwear that the above
8tjt3uiont la truotu ibebciiof my knowledge
and belief.
W. W. BOWMAN, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworu to bcfoi e me. tlds 3th
day of Apili, J8T7.
TIIOS. R. BECK. Kofy Public.
Correct Attfbt: J K. Blckert, A. J. Durllug,
'thus. Kt meter, D.rectors. April 2i, ib7.
Permanently Ctireil no lininbnc
POWDLBS, lo couviuce enficiirs that there
piweis will do a I wo claim fm thtm we will
ben t them by toa.;l POl PAID, u 't(EB I'liUL
Box Ar Dr. Uoulurdis tuoou v phyolcian thft
boa ever made this disease n speua. atuoy, aud
ti to our buowltdgu tiiusiindH h vo been PKU
MANKXTttV "CUIdID by tue use of theaa
I'I'jHMAMINT cuie iu every cse. or ftE.
All autfarorsoaldRlvethe'e Powdeisan eaily
tiiai, and be couviucid of tuelr curatite pow
Prce. for Ureo box, (3.(0, or 4 boxes for $10 00,
feat by mall to uuy part ot United Mates or
Canada oujectdpt of puce, or by express U. O.
D, Address
3G0 Vl'LTON faTUlT. BllOOKLYN, N. Y.
Positively Cured.
AH eulfererii from tliu djsea.e that are aDX
touft lo bo cured nhouiu tiy Va. KlbNUit'ti
TliL'tiu 1'uivUi rs are Uw oulv pruaiiiUou huowu
ttiac ml eno CO.NbUMI'I'JO.V una all d.a.
mi-8 ct llH TllllUAT and LUJS'US-iudera. lo
btruug is uur raitb In ttuiu. uutl a ailo couvinco
rou tuat tararoua liumuo. we wiiUuiwud
ta every vincrer, by IU4II. iost v&al, u rilliC
We il jn't want year moner until you arv per.
fectly aatlsned uf tliejr curative power. If
vour life U wunh nav tug. (luu't deiuy in giving
ttiett i'UVVDKltd a trial. aa tUeyunl auieiy
cure you.
Price, tnr laria box. (3.0i aenttoanypartof
tbe Uiutea Mate, or i'D4il4 by mull ou receipt
01 pnoe. Audte.a.
ASH ii. IlOllUI.NH,
April :,i7i.-ly.
Now Advertisements.
ine j oar a xj. joj i
To tax duplicate fot I87U $ 7"2 T2
naiance qua a, sutler uu-v Ji
Bv .ittenflance on rood CO days..! 88 CO
" npmoi, piaiiKH IV C . VI 0
" Com'n ou 75U0 at 5 per ct. U7 5 4 43
" Error ou lex of JomeaOom-
belt, 1874 ami 187.. 5 17
" Ouedtv attending Kcttlem't. I bl
" Repairing roads Abridges.. 603 CM 828 3 1
Statement ot JOUN'IiAFP, Supervisor.
Uy tax duplicate for 197d 11674 79
To a int. due pcrBettto't Apr. 70. CO 94-11734 73
By work as SupervUnr, i04dHys. 156 CO
itepnirlngioadaA bridires.. 125124
' Bplbes pianltB, AC 8i29
" Ivxmieiatlons,, 2J 04
" Order of A H. Unmbcrt, nud. rt po
" Couan on $1074 70 at 0 per ct. 83 73
" Ono ilnv Attendance. ........ t to
" llalaucoauoealdtowuahip. 123 03 0731 73
Statement of CI1AIILES LKNTZ, Overacer of
tne l'oor.
To tfix duplicate for t87J. ......i.f 652 20
" Ann. duo uar. settle't Am: '7 110 83
" Cash received fri,m T Horn. 15 (W$ 631 03
By cash pi M on ordeis Ac......t 612 SO
" u ni'n ou 5552.20 at 5 per ct. . 27 ei
" Com'ii on 3l2.Si at 3 per ct.. 15 33
" ThuiuanS 3cc. notice ol to-
uef f irMrrf. K.U.1HB 1 00
Balance duo the township,.. 127 243 634 Oi
Statement of TUOM AS HORN, late Collector
aua uveBeer 01 tne A'oor
Tn bal. fine from tflst flQ.tlement. S 85 80
" Interct outhe above aint... 0 14- 00 94
Bv oash paid Chines L?ntz $ 15 CO
" Int. for 8 mr.iLhn oil 15.03.. . faO
' l.aiauce due toWnehlp 73 4-$ 00 01
We, tlio underelKiicd Auditors of Malioulnc
Towu-lilp. liavo mot Urn NINTH DAY Op
A I'll IL a. D. 1 577. nml exdmi'ied the above ac
counts, ana una tn same as ma ( u.
JOUNiJOllN, J Auditors.
April 21, 1877 3t.
J-jl Financial cunilltlon of WEISS-
POUT IIOHOUOII, for the year ending April
ibi, ion 1
llal. on hnnd from last year S 44 06
Amt, ree'd for grain on rqaare.. SI 8i
Amcreo'a from other hoiuccs... 18 02
Atnt. 01 dunllcate. Hiililset 10 ex.
onerailona andcinunjisJuu.... 475 VS-t 570 04
Salary ot Secretary, is7i-'70 t 5!) CO
" Tieasurer, ls75-',0 410J
Expenses for locn-up & trumps. 41 50
' on Hliecca 123 fiii
Auditors' fees. 187 and ISTii lti u)
Prlutia AutLtois' repott 6 00
buudry expenses 102
8 293 27
Balance, subject to exonera's. 27l 77
. t 570 U
Bal. on hand from lit year S 103 52
Uuplu-att and addltlons.'saateot '
toexoueiatlousuuiicomujiEi'n. 1313 27-S1451 70
Amount paid to A. bright & Fry-
Bui., euiijecc to exonerations..,.
475 U0
Oia 70
f I4jl 70
Amt. rcoolved frou collector In fulli,
Paid for relief of Belsv Harp
,1 , 110 59
21 60
20 b7
51 00
2 60
A. KeThita.,
Paid for lodging tiamps
' mairmt; tax duplicate..
11 oidtrttot telle!
" coal and sundaes
i 5
5 75
$ 104 12
U 47
Bal. In hand of O veneer Moyor..
f 110 50
We. thi undarsls-ned Auditors, report that we
linve examined the books and iccumits of
HUN-i V.BOVKlt, riecrctiiry. and WILLIAM.
UULLINUKH. ITcaRurir.uud K JIOYUU anr?
it. aiUfSKLJ.AN, ovoiajeMor tne Poor, of
Wiils.iPOltl UUIIOUUU for the year en olug
Artiiiimii. isii, anu nuu me arnue as set lunu
in cue above Hiaument,
FltaNCJn J.KAST, Auditor?,
J. U. Zt.UN,
Welbsport, April 2. 1877. 3w
i3 wi 1
w m&3 ! X
- E rS 8?J O
3 p
i o
a a
ft "
O K Extba F1KB 51 lied Cards, witn name, ICo,
" postpaid.
post paid. L. Jo.VES & CO., Natsau, K, V.
GJC c Cr5ft per day nt home Samples woith
S sent free. STI.sO-N it Co., Port-
lund Sluine.
IJCLT CARPUTINO, 51 lo 45 cents per yard.
FELT OKI LI vo, for rooms in place ot plas
eular aid flaloule, address C.J FAY, Camden,
New Jersey.
ot thi V S. of A., with Its paid np Capital ot
tl.Oi 0,0.4. ana Asset of over f l.uo 0x1. oners lu
sureuce at Cah rutos. and gives In Us policies
dellulm routraotti, plain lentures and liberal
ojniilllous. It tas no complications with other
companies, aud does not propose to hive, but
nftdrs Insurance on plain business prlncioles,
nud secures the policy holder by ccouomy of
nianniiement ami catetn: lnvounent ot Its
funds Address B. S. UUrtSELL. Oeucral Agt..
No 4HValuut-t oct. Philadelphia.
Ageuts wsuted In every county, to whom lib.
era! terms wlil be given.
I'rlce, Tiventy Fve Cents.
CouUlamg a cumnlete list of all the towus in
theUuited stales, the Territories, ami ihu Do
minion of Caua la. hsvlnir a nonulalli.n rrontel
hi nan s.ooj. accorrtingto the last census, loeetber
wnu ino uiimes 01 .ns uewspapera Having cue
largest local circulation lu euch of the places
named Also, a catahigue of newspapers w ulcln
are recommeude 1 to adhertlsris .s giving great,
est value iu proporilou to prices charred Also,
all iiewsoapers 1 1 the Unl ed ntstes and laua.
Oil prlulina over 6,000 copies e ch Issue. Also,
all Us Kellg'ous, Agricultural, bcieutittc ami
'Mechanical. Meiiicai, Msouic, Juvenile. Edu.
catloual, Comuiercia1, lusurance. Iteal Estate
Law, po ting Musioil. Fashion, sixl other
sperul class Journals very comolete Hits lo
Kelher w.ta u complete ast of over Ge-mu
pamm prilited id the United States. Also, au
e.uiy upou nvertuingi many laoles of rate.,
shouting the coot of AilvurtisliiKiu various news,
papers, and everi think which a beginner lu ad
veitulhff would like to kuow. A Idiess
aBO. P. KOWliLL fc CO.,
41 Park llow, New York.
"WANTED the business men to know that they
com get IOIt PltlNTINO done cheaper at
CAKBoy advocate oiHcb than at ny other
place lu lh oountr. t if ni.
At tlio Original lie up CaxU
Out of Everything, und Everybody Happy !
naVfJustretarnedfrom NKW YOItKwIthrin ususnal assortment ot FANCY and 6TAPMJ
DBYotioDS, Ac . and haVmi' for ihelrtndttn ' Quick gAsEa ASU f-MALL PBorrrs " they are de
termined to niovo TilEUl E.NTIUK s 1'UCIC QUICKLY at prices that will astonish tne people
WE OFFi:tl
B 000 Ysrils Choice S'yies of (lALICOES at 6 Si cents nor Yard. Lot of Splendid OINOHAMn at
8 cents per Yard MUSLIN. 8r ULTIMO i, 1XCK1NHH, I1HNIM3 and SUinTINO OHE
VU11-. at 1-UI'UJjAII i-lliUC!. Jinr.'o uuuun 1 II 1AW91 trices ULICUAriT
PL4ID3 ailo. 12! aim 18 cents BLUK ALPACAS reduced 3)pnr cent BEST VALUK aL
PAHA evecoffered at 25 cents per ard.
At Very Orostlv Ilclueel Prlo"S Will TE 0001)9 several Jihtits-J-mich bn ow reitnlar prices.
11 A MBIT HQ EDOIM1S at limn 5 cent? per yar I aud rmnwards. '1 lUMHINOS nn l motions
in lame vniety nnd at lowest pilces. New line of lll-iclr silk Fringes. Worsted nnd Cotton
Fringes Velvet Hlbtiom. I.iicei, l- cw Ilncli ngs. Nick Wear, Mile Undkerohtnis, Collars, Cuff.,
nndOloves. Beat Value CU1UE1S at 3) cents. Largo assortment ol SHAWLS nt Ilediiced
Speclnl Bargains In Cloths and Casslmeres, for Men's ana Uny Wear.
CATlPETSondOILCLOTlIS at ltcduced Trices.
Co'orad Sh'rts ot 7ir.. tl and ri.25. Whlto Drn.i -hlits at 1. ,1.25. tl 40. 11,10. ft .0.1. Wnlnvltx
spceinl slteutlo 1 toKKlCP'S FINUDllES SHIIlls as bolng innde ot the best Wumsutti Mus
lin, 3 p'v oxtn qti.iiuy Linen Boomsnud Cuffj. warranted to fit Iperfectlv, lit the following re
marliablrlowprUc8i Paitly Alado at 11.25 per Shirt, Uulaunurieaat8i.50portiluxt. Laundry
Finished atdl.tTtperghlit
uTOiir ktoo 1b well as-orted and consl-tsor almost overythlnir. ReMable Good., and plenty of
them T.utbful retHereutatinns. honest dealing with all, a Ihorongh Knowledge of rnr l.URlness,
by Ind.ooua nurcl.ases. AM) KNOWINU
enables m 10 sell bO low. Polite and ngieealilo
make 1. plojsnut wn-iher you imv ir not CAHii ouu BASIS. Wo buy and sell lor OAS II,
nnd nuroi'toiuets gothe beuelltof it. Prlc&s o cash houe, Mre.and well can be, jowei thirl
long-time houos can cffirdtn Mil. The lowest living rrorlton everything we sell, and aeon,
tinned effort to keep our piices under tnoso of our competitors. Call early and eecuro' Best
uuxkuius. vonpeLiiuuy,
J. T. IV'USUAUM & SOW, Original Chcay Cash Store,
LiNDEtiMAN's Blook, opposite Public
Dress Suits,
Youths' Suits, m.
Mado up from the Best Material. In tlie Latest Styles, and Perfect Tits Gnar
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Hats, Caps, and Gents' Furnishing
tsroni'.l and examine Goods and Prices before miking your purchases elsewhere.-
2nd door above the Public
For the Children,
Tor tlio Children.
I haveboiibt largely for cash such lots as
sonauie, aim jrst wiiab im ouopie aro ioiiKing
Stro In Semmel's New Block, opposite the Public Sqoare, BANK STUEET,
LchlBlitoo, Pa. mar,n-Yl
TBLOSIOIAM All 8i Kit, ,
Successor to D. Book & Co.,
At the 66 Mamitiotli Sfoej"
Opposite the L. & S Depot, BANK.. Street,
Respectfully announces to his customers and friends that
ho is daily receiving additions to his stock of
QUEENSWARE, &o., &c, &c.
Also, just received a car load of LIVERPOOL SALT,
which I am selling at Bottom Prices
SALT FISH a Specialty.
gr If you really desire to fenoTy hoW.large an amount
of Goods you can get for a small sum of Ready Mopey,
you should not fail to give me a call before making your
purchases elsewhere.
Don't forget the Mammoth Store, opp, L.&S.Deuot,
May 0, 1879-yl LEHIGIITON, PENN'A.
Wcissport Planing Mill & Lumber Co.,
llenpeetfully snnouece to Carpenters, DnKders. Contractors anoT others, tht havft- completed
their NEW al ILLS, tat-y are uow aooply (hem, at VERY LOWEST FRICEB, with
every detcrlptiou of
Such as Siding, Floor Boards, Doors,- Sash, Blinds, Shut
ters, Moldings, Brackets, Cabinet "Ware, &c.,- &c,
On the hhortest Notice. Onr Machinery Is all New and ot the Most Approved Kind, so that ire
li ive no hesiiailon lu Ouaranteing Perfect Satlslaetlun to all who may lavor us with their ordai s.
It vou have not time to call and se.ectwhat vou want, eend yoururdera and they will De fUlsC
promptly, ano at as low price as though vou were present
Qlre D3 a Trial, and you will be convinced ot what we say.
Office and Mill, nearly oppo.l'fa th Voti Xllta Houm, WE1SSPORT, Carbot
County, Petma, ' Jua 10, 1870-gl
OF -
fiiorts. Tho Elitltuia Koocliod
Oil Cloth at fmni 4JCe'utsayaidand upwards.-
wiijkuu TO UUY to the BEST ADVANTAUE.
attention to onr customeia, anda wlllinenes to
Business Suits,
Boys' Suits.
T. D. OLAUSS, Merchant Tailor,
Square, BANK STREET, LelilRhtorJi '
most sell quickly, because they axo fresh and se
jor; ami oeotiuso incy axe so