The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, April 14, 1877, Image 2

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I.KflltlllTON, I'A.:
It la understood, that a foreign mis
sidli jnobably tlie mission to Switzer
land will te offered to Ex-Governor
Cimmberlnln of South Carolina, and
there U no doubt of his acceptance
Tim Supreme Court of the United
Stutei decided Monday that thu Con
gressional appropriation of $1,500,000
to the Centennial Exhibition must bo
paid back Into the Treasury beforo
there U any distribution of profits to
the stockholders.
Sir. Adnmson, our Consul General
nt Melbourne, writes to tho State De
partment that "No American should
emigrate to Australia who does not
carry with him the means for return'
Ing In a year, ns such emigrants are
likely, in most instauces, to want to get
back to tlioUnited States in that time."
Tlio pilgrimage of American Catho
lics to Rome will start on the 21st uf
tills month. Tho committee of arrange
ments bare secured tho entire passenger
nccommodatlo'n of tho steamship City
of Brussels. That vessel can carry 170
persons, but the committee, to avoid
the inconvenience of too large a party,
have determined to limit the number to
ouo hundred.
The Pittsburg Tost says, Judgo
Trunky of the Venango district, who
stands high among the common plea
Judges of tho state, has rendered a de
cision that tho provisions of the new
stay law do not apply to cases where
stay of execution is waived by contract,
nor to claims for labor. He says the
act Is nearly a literal copy of tho stay
law of 1842, and the constitutionality
may therefore be considered as adjudN
cated by the Supremo Court in the case
of Ghadwlck vs. Mooie.
The Southern Hotel, In St. Louis,
was destroyed by flro Wednesday morn
ing, about two o'clock. It was at first
supposed that forty or fifty persons had
perished by this fire, but the latest re
ports show that not more than ten per
sons are known to have lost their lives,
and it Is believed that few or no bodies
remain to bo found in the ruins. Sever
al persons were injured, among them
Miss. Fraukio McClelland, an actress,
whose recovery Is doubtful. Tho loss
on tho hotel and furniture is about
A joint committee of tho Mass
achusetts Legislature, accompanied by
the General Manager of tho Delaware
and Hudson Canal, and a number of
railroad officials, left Scranton Sunday
evening for Buffalo, by way of Blng
hampton. They had a hurried view of
the anthracite resources of the Lack
awanna region, and were favorably im
pressed by the proposed route of tho
Boston, Uoosac Tunnel and Western
Railway. This road, which is expected
to bo constructed at an early date, will
open a new outlet for Scranton coal to
Boston nnd tho principal cities of tho
Merrimae Valley, and will connect
with the Delaware and Hudson Canal
Company's rofd at Schenectady.
According to tho orders of tho
President, last week, through the War
Oepartn.ent, thosquadof United States
soldiers that have been doing garrison
duty In tho South Carolina Stato Houso
xlnee last December were marched out
Tuesday at twelve o'clock. A bout tho
tamo time ex-Guvernor Chamberlain
Bied a valedictory nddreas, announc
ing his purpose to abandon further con
test. In which, with manifestly sup
pressed passion, he Indulged Jn re
proaches against the President ana the
1'OiiUiuil "traders" whose counsel ap
proved the withdrawal of the troops.
Chamberlain is an adroit dialectician,
few men belug Ids superiors In bo tell
lug a story as to exhibit in strong lelief
all of the btrong points of his own case,
whilst entirely couceallug the strouger
facts of the other side. This address Is
an apt illustration, hut It Is no longer
worth while to discuss tho fact on cither
side. Governor Hampton has tho au
thority aud responsibility now, and tho
country will expect him to wield it both
wisely, humarely, and with Impartial
Says the New York Herald, of tho
1st lust.: TIih agent of a sewing ma
chine company had sold a machine to a
person in Brooklyn on what is known
as a "lease." The payments under
such a sale are to be made by install
uieuta, but the machine Is only 'leased'
to the purchaser, the payments are
designated "rent," aud when default
ia made, if oven on the very last Install
ment, the agent steps In, reclaims the
luaslilue and retains atl the money that
lias been paid upnu it. This one-sided
kuralu is a cheat on its face, and be
tides, large addition Is generally made
to the honest price of the much I no
when thus sold on time. In ibo Brook-
lyn case thu purchnscr hart eighty
doll.irs, when, falling !n muctlui; nil lu
ftallmcnt, tho machine was seized nml
carried oft by the ngent. Tho victim,
ked purchaser brought suit to rrcovcr
tho amount ho liad paid. Judgo Gilbert
Immediately directed tho not imAilllng
Jury to tlve tho plaintiff n verdict for
tho fuU nmount with Interest. Tho
couosel for the company pleaded for
delay. "Not an Instant," was Judge
Gilbert's reply. This Is treating these
sharp dealers to n littlo of their own
medicine. "Not nn Instant,' Is their
reply when n purchaser asks for time.
The Brooklyn decision will probably
encourage n number of persons who
have lost both their money nnd ma
chines by such sharp practlco to nU
tempt to recover either tho ouo or tho
Washington Jxttor.
What is the Vreti'UnCt " lhcy r Civil Service
Reform Latest Ileports from Vie lilmetto Slate
Louisiana Life at Vie State lfousellig-lhtgs
Measuring Another Beautiful Aim Miss Han
som's Contract, etc.t etc.
From our (Special Correspondent.
WnsliinRlon, I), C, April II, 1877.
I wonder If nnvbodv fully Kiiowm wlint Presi
dent llnyes ''policy." that we hear o much
about, really is Tho newspipcra prato about
hia "Southern Toller" nnd his "Reform Policy"
some prnlso It nml noma bin mo ii, niul few
araoiic them nppiur to understand it in tho
least. Tho rtlffeient political parlies seem to
make It out to he Just what tliev want tt to bo,
tho samo things beinxr iwldtcd nnd thwni ted into
all manner of moaning. If tho President's
- jmi cy" la to plea bo outli patties in inoir own
different wavs. it in ltko tho little cirl when aim
was verv, very had simply "(ton 10," 31 ut buic.
ly meru is Bom nwiMu a reimm pont-yiumis
preat coontiy's ottairs i ovcty tmo admits that
theio should ho peace ami kindly feeling and
iteming between IholMirth nnd (ho tiuatb ; nnd
ns to u reform in tho civil service, thorn liu
been no question for many years pant, Lant
wees uf uta w oecrcmry oi i no interior, senmz,
requested Horn tlio chiefs of inoniftas nine,
louaut hiadepnituiout a written statement re.
ctuitinir the- etUoienr.v of tho furco now pmnltw.
ed iliae. Tho rwiiouso was that tho number of
thoroughly ctUclent employes U very sin ill, and
thatnn entire tlinujroui tho civil hcivIco rules
H uecessary to the correction ot tho quality of
uiuiuiut-. ii ia urguiu uy ninny mat Movcm
meut clerk- do not receivo high enouiru miu.
rictj. It is a Inet that main uprnorn in tun civil
eervtco ptvo up their situations niter do eloping
their poweis ot usefalnesi therein, beuuuso
thte is no tor ad vane uient aud their
waKt sonlv cover their living exm-uws. So the
President's Jlrsi consideration U in tno f let that
me puuiio service on mo wnuiu. it lnsu.neiout.
A lcadlnti ew York ptiperpuis it well, as fol
lows i "I i takes tio mnuv men to do the worlc.
und they do not do what is done nearly mi well
us iuuv (iuk'u jLiiii ujrcna ino way in a renuc
tlou of furee aiid nU'jrus onpoitmuty for seluc
tiou. Undouhttdlv. tlitrefuip. tlio heuiiinlniriif
lelonn will taKethophapeof gi'iuu.llv net ding
oiiLiut) wst i:up.u) io nnu m-ks iuuuiiu cineiaii.
This, 1! carefully done will securo not only an
impioved in vie hut economy, aud thntiinio
suit which tho couLtry cm clearly utiderstaml
and w HI uuhebitntiinrly approve "
Latesc lepoit- lioni cjouili Caru'ltia nro Id the
cflfct that Chamberlain does not dfo naennlly ns
hts ueeu anoeliiaud. Ho now proposes to liold
Ins iioHiiion until ho is Uiiusl fiom it by lento,
lntciuUuK to btluir about a new oiecttou.
Tho Lou i man a Commission hio disovermir
tliattoact"HlinpivnafiUuds of thf 'losificut'
even, is up htli work, as yet they tan rantto no
irapressum upon the ptuoborn Oovernou both
uttetly lrlumg to hear to any tompiouiluo or
to gio up an lutacf tJif piKitioiis.
liishop Ames ptcichidui thelAmudn C'huich
on hiuulny aud was ll.4ieued to bv a very initro
concourse of icor'. including the riuldeut
and Mm. Imvps: MH 1'uotu unit iSlsa I'fitt,
iMicets at tho Whuo Jiouso . X'ohtm:mier Cien
eral Key nud sovciul other d Btlugumhed per
sons Pies'dent IIaennd finuly have qulto taken
to pUuisunug lately. Tl.iy fuvo puiehased tin
cntlrelvnew and cry IiumUoiuo turnout, and
tlio ladies dilvo oiu eeiy dav, tlio l'reslneia
(dtcn joiuiiic ttiLin, Batuiday Mix, Hayes took
advnut'inoof thocharmhiir ueavluranJ niado
a nip to .Miiunt Vcniun nlh lie. two youngest
children, Pimme and tiv-ott. Monday tho wnnlo
luui.y. iltli Ot-n. bhennuiiamt uuveini other
gentlemen and ladies, took carriages und drove
out to tiioit l-'alls for a picnic. Mr. Woob
Haves frequently titles hoiseb.ick with his
mother'H uuents. and nltoAither lilo ut the
White Uouso is, nppaicntly, u ilglu pleasant
Ml s Kate :ibeit, a hcnnUful nml lovable
3'ouug lauy who has hceu u gieat ravorlte lu so
eial circles here, took the while veil lat Sunday
nud bee imo a nvltiuto of tlio order in the Con
vent of the Visitation lu oorgetuwu.
Miss Hansom, a young hlstoiieal ami pot trait
painter in this city, lus lately leceived nu or
tier feigned and tea led as a eoutiact. to puint the
portraits of all tho United states l'reldcuts
and their wivh. bho I-, givui ten years lu
which to fullll the contract, which Is thu largest
ouo..! tiioKinuevir givcu nn American miHt.
Uy having su long a timo, Micis ltamwiii viit be
uhte to do bomethtug oa other work each year.
31. M. W.
Our IMiiladelphln Letter.
Pl II lade mil A, Pa , Apill S, 1377.
" All Fool's Day " of 1877 is a Ihing of thepajt.
I shall not writo ou how many tlmos I was
sold und how a neighbor of mine knocked on
tho fence and handed me two well wnrme.l sau
cers v.Hli a nankin ovet them and told mo to
present to my better half, with his compliments,
aud how I took a sly peep int-j mild wiucers nnd
found nothing but a slip of paper, im-ldo which,
rpinludod moot the possibility of my being an
A pi 11 fool.
The eutno length of the New Yoik Plevat tl
1Uij. tllvo miles, trips are iuu dully, and
they only take thirty minutes to each Uij, in
cluding uti stuppagos.
It willsoou bo in older for any oso to tele
pntph a ceieundo to hia Liny love irom a (list ut
city i.yuslujr tho telephone. X don't menu the
Liuy-lovo U tiom n distuut cliv, nut ilwi tno
sweet songs of lovemllit 00 tnniMiuttied with
eiccincal eifect o'er the electilo wire,
The break in the ctuieut is caused by
home one perionuing tho "liiouuutit -oio"cu
the topot my head Your uiaiiioii leaders will
miderfctand what i moau, aud tlieiclure bj mpu
thlzu with me.
Out in Nevada tho bell-unnch Isusclby the
barkeeper evciy time a fellow tukes a 1 riuk.
If Deli-puiicheis v,ero used hcie, 1 fear souio !
our oark X'pern would hav e to bo lurnishcd with
btiauwirm aud machine hands.
O. JC Hall .4 turned up alio K Aciotho
ccean, thrtotluisjnd ml. us nwny.
A iritudot nun 1 who h lamed tor his lntgo
uess ot heart uud u fymjutaet 1 uutuio cume
iumreiiloo tUo ulhei -? audtoUme theioi
Iuvmui; Di'4iutiMUuclden. :
"A Uttte r-pjiriuw had luJ n to the gi-oundnnd
naatiuteriug aoout with n brokeu wlug a
crowu ot boyshadt-uirouuded ttiHUlocruatuie
of ihefuulht-iy kluaduai uud uio watching Its
agcuies and lncreating theui by making motions
hud gmtuiea lowaiu It. heu rtcht the
menu Hew u mi-tlu'rly looking hen, uud lu uu
maiuiiL bue uau juiieif4i iuu ttounuoubira ue
neaih Iier proiecting wings, and her eyes auu
movement Untie denanc to the gaping crowd
nrouud.' I'll wariant that the leuu IiaJ Its
effect and that its ttachiugs wiU not he lot
goitvn. 0 jih, terseii
The Reading llallrouil Company
and Its Kngliieers.
The dlClculty between the Keadlng Itallroad
Company sad Ha engineeis coutiuues. The
breach seems to be witleulug, aud each hour
add lntereet to the situation. Doth purtie are
apparently confluent ut ucce- uud neither
side, therefore, is willing tu concede an ttilui?
to the other, 'ihoiesutt, H 1 generally udUiit
ted, must be a tdrlko, and this may occur at any
hour. This question has bet ii lufMreu by tuo
engineer to u uommitlee uf Ute uf their ituiuber,
uud whatever they do ermlue on wiU bJ udhet
ed to rhecouiuiltleearelucuultrence
moot 01 the time with rvptebvutuUvrs uf the
lliotherhood from ethers ewfiiuin. It it not
known iwitively that a deulou has btn
retched, but the p.wmmptlou is ttiat the ra-ui
wid iwu ue nuuouuned. Thero atrmstobeno
duuht that the UetHnuiuftttou mil beMdvwb? ti
the uxuipuuy, aud that n gmentl trlke aiuug
liMiuuiu mm and branches will be urdeied.
The Hi other hood clihu to be lucieajung u
meiubeiuip daily. Ttiei-o wtie, it is ld,
twenty new membois ltutlated un .tuii'.uy,
uud 1 ifii twttiitf.mjiit n m titii t- 1,..
I c ud tiff live now employed un the ieiuiiit'trii
una omsUJWIl bruncu, h tve m tdf tpuikutiou
lor lueaibiT-hlp, ruetuiitueviBby iheicliavu
hon r.nile-ertlons from limit- tpiik. itxiit that
t lis twioflMt iNnr-U'Mrcimi tollimn. Tttiy
unv the. irrcU'o but -' N per day for frot.i lo
to 1 IrouiH' woik, find that with thHmnt-li pay
they could not. uffbr. even It they felt luedned
to rellaqniHli tho Hintherhoou with its liberal
sebeuio ul lilo nismnnce and benetttn For in
Ftnnco. Mr. Woolen protoHoitolUHurrtnn -iisl-iieot
for iHiO fo- 124 per year, nndln enso tho in
anted party should leave the employ of tho enm
pxnvbolstnioireitaU premltimn paid bv him.
roftJ-l n year tho Brotherhood Insure-an en
glucerlorJilWO. If bo should get out or em
pioimenthts volley is stm kept nllvo. nnd if
fdekness or 0 d ago should prevent him from
paying the premium tho Uiulhtrhood uotouly
imvsitforhlm, hut provide? for him sennaily.
Tno llrntherhood also cmbisces another benetl
cmlftatuto. It provides for tho widows and
orpnnns of dereaed memners, whether the
husband aud futhir wns inuifd or not. A
mother in allowed for one child (iSQpcr venr.
tor two, 5200; f'.r five, Sioo. nnd, bo on, until they
nro nhlotn support themselves. It ihe lias no
clilldreu. hor own wants ate nmply provided
tor. I.nt venr thobocloty pv.rt out in thU wny
tD.000. and now has a fund dedicated to tms
purpoflo nmounliug to $157,000. The member
Btitpnftho in othei hood embraces ir.,ono or 01
per cent, ot the engineer? in this count) y nnd
t nnadn. In tho divisions of tho Brotherhood
therotsn system of benetlts. Independent of
lhoennmoiL AVhen n member of one of these
dlviRlons isnisihled by sicklies or injury hols
pi id 915 per wotk until ho recovers. This costs
about iiu per roar.
From MrhcIi Chunk.
Itcmembor the Diligent JIoso Company's
ball, nnnounced to be held at Upper Mnuch
Chunk nu tho lOtli innc
Dr. Maco hud wife, uf Pttlston, both splen
nld vocalists, lmro consented to niugnt the com
ing bnotit of tho I'humlx Cornet B ind.
"I hero's many n -lip" etc. But two of tho
fourteen prnpi'ities ad ertiscd to bo disposed of
nt HheilfTs tale, on inst Monde v, were Bold.
Till week's seosionsor Coiut were but slim
ly nitended.
Col. A. II. Reynold?, of rhi'adclphta, who
on last Saturday visited MaucU Chunk, wnn
well leceivedby his few emvtvmg comrades of
tho Hcoti Lcirmn iiere.
Patrick o'lmnnell oppoats to bo the fliBt
Mo I It tried whnso vatQ crcucd any public sym
pathy, why it wn? thus it ou.d Lo haul to
tellj but almost Uom the beginning of hi? trial
nearly erei body wished ihathomlftht be ae
(jcitt rt, lie Is not a piepofxofslng man, but
there 14 eumotMng lu his demoauor chat diaws.
John Itit tii of liaat -Maucli Chunk, tho
whei'l-bairow man, wns n leased fiom Jail tu
v'ediuifcdiv ntternoou. In honor of tlio event,
thujuvenlto drum corns tereundtd tho lucy
Bnrth in ti e evening.
Mr. J. it. MeUinlcy Is convalescing, nnd
a gain nhlo to bo nbout
M'r, a. V. Lcisenring can now boast of hav
Inc the best fiucwaik lu iroutof his rebldouceot
huy lu thu two Mauch Chunks , but those ot his
namesake on the other Blue of thotlvercoutluuo
111 the tamo dilapidated conttltiou they have
uuuii in ior a your or po. in inn, inoir condition
is such ns to havo called foith a presentment of
the (Irnnd Jury with letrard to them.
Tho shauty near tno Jlast Mauch Chonk
iir.utkL', laieiy oecnpieu uy mr notaa ns a siioc.
maker t-hop, having passed into tlio possession
of Mr. .Neal Manelus, is about being converted
Into a ttare-houso
During tho late session of the Grand Jury
but eight Hue bills 010 found by that body.
Ouo wan Ignored nud th bnlnuco of cades docic
eted and hettled between tho narties.
A new society, called "United Irishmen." Is
said to be rapidly nboiutng the Molly Maguiro
eiemeni, j utuucu is saiu 10 nave Dceu rccoui
ly csiabllshed lu this neighborhood
A colored -biibt,' lately pi od need by a
white woman, Is represented na tho latest son
cation lu thoultltmluot Upper Mnuch Chunk.
--I'nvma&ier Wilhelm commenced paying the
It, V. It. It. Co.d employes on last Tuesday, but
that one month's Jersey pay has not yei made
its appearance.
Another redaction ot ten per cent In tho
pay ot all cmplovcs of tho Ii. V. It. It Co , ex
cept cugineeis, wu? aunouueed a tew days ago.
Mining operiions uio represented ni busk
In Pa nl her cieetc vaLey, all tho oreakers being
at work except Jo. 5.
.Mr Frank P. Tnnner. tho Court sleno.
graplier. has been buliy engaged taaiug notes
01 uie nrecceuings nnu evmetice iu ino I'ac. U'
DJiinell case.
Stiijor Hubert Klotz still continues busily
emriirnl tourluir cown and biilldiucr un Ihu
lmiauvemeuts coulcmp aed ,y him on his
moauway lesui ucu itujuiuintr iuu Ainoucan
iloiuo will, whtn completed, render it as desi
ramen pioporty asunv m town. '1 ho basement,
tntendoil mr a phyMCian'a ullice und u.rber
Hhci). will bo n bo readv tor oceunancv. nud thu
brick ri'iir extension will soon bo taken in hniid
oy William Duffy, tho Kim Mauch Chunk
mascer-mecnnnio nn l between Dully, handling
the matcilal, and tho Mtijor, handling Dutty,
the uew wlu will not no lung in going up.
Tho itauch nnd B001I1 taiuin.8 jett Kast
MaucU t.huui: fur LI 1 coin. Xt'emaska, u.i iatt
Woiuehday, The Into paid by botu fumluea
amouiuea 10 m-nriy (fjOJ.
since Kculguu's discharge from utody,
th 11 well kiiuwn inuividual nppouisto bo con
siderably upptecliued, as Mr. Ka.bfus, instead
ot porbliliu m caning htm simply '-Kcalgan,"
as licretofoie, nowcills 1 lm Mr. Kerrlgau.aiid
otherwise a,i eats to tmat htm muchmoie con
siderately than was his Wi.nt
Justice Foiled.
Tho following we extract from a letter dated
Kast Mauch Chunk, A pi 11 5th. 1S;7 :
But tho most hasty, uncoiemonious
exit during the w eek was that of a yuutu nam id
John itauch. From what ue have learnt it tip
peats that Home twenty months or twu years
11 go tho poputatluu ut the boiouvh was mcreasi-d
by tho bltth of U child bioimht forth by iue
Bahto Ilartman, the pateinity ot which, how
over, had iiovcr beeu fuitly ulvuied , nor would
It probuoly have beeu at the timo it wa-t butiur
tne pi cpaiat.uns making by the Uaueh family to
migiute tu the ta; is'urth-wesc Iuhhoit.ou List
Monday evening Johnny wa? arrest d on u
chuiguof I rulcutiou and baetanly prelcired by
the unfoituuatiiKallie, nud, takeu ntioro 'oquiie
Beekburdt, wns by him requued to eute Into
ato to answer tho complaint at tho July tei m of
couit. lu yam dm 1110 yuuug maa iftxr the
much wrunued damsel his hpnd and hoait lu
atonement lur bis indiKCietlon. This wouldn't
"go down" with ner: it was money that no
wanted, uud. as ihocquel will show, it wasjust
what Mho ttldu'l get, lor dnectly tno yuuug
inau's father stepped in and obtained the sou's
release by deputtitlug u luund three bundled
with the oveijoyed magltiate coiuhtiontMi for
Juhuny'd upnevrancu vt the Justlce'n tdiluo at
'1 o'clock in tho afternoon or tno following day,
then and there to be di'alt with ns the liw
should diiect. At this Itauch, hr fea hopeful,
ami the Vqunono douotcmieKledns he counted
tno gieeuuacus u'er and u'er ucaiii alter thj
twain had retlunl. ibe time w.t lor the heating
at last nrrlve.l, as uid the two Huuehs, accom
panied by "Mlver tutigiu d Dan," their counsel.
The lataer then suirendcied the kon and de
mauded theieiuru ut ON money, wlrrbttemand
was must iiuhe.itatinjily cojip.kdwith by the
atcuiiimudainig ma-tistialB. Mr. iCxljfu then
iiBketl thepiivilece to luokat tnu pruceadiugslu
the case, which pitvilege oeiuggiuuted him, he
toon foil ml that tho ctUdavit had not beu
hlflued by tho mothei of ihe child, whereat the
Jiuticetelt UDtouifhednud the Inw3ergrew in
dignaut. How date you, sir, lo a 1 rest this
joung mail on tuch a il.msy pieiext, without
even an oath tu hualuin uur ucH jui 1 move
that thu youuir man bo discharged. You may
go, Jack, aud if uuyuuo should attempt to uu
stinc 1 you, kuacu him down." A word to the
vitt H said to be mitnMeut, uud so was tho bar.
riotet's udieu to his client, who, clutchiugthe
(oity dotlats teudeiod him by his pi ok eu I tor.
kLeied' ai a double qulcn tljwii Center street
and found hiuisrl! abuaid u depurtiug freight
tiuiu lung bv'toie ihe ducunitltcd Jiudulal func
tion nry had recovered fiom the nhoc to his
uet 1 uus system. And such a shout uf lau vbtcr
a- then mocetdtd tium tuutlity or sixty apt ctu
toisin 1 rout of the 'cquire'suulculsmore easily
imugmed than descnutnl. Alter the three huu
drtMl dollar bird hud tlwn, lather and aaugbter
rjtmned tu the majrUrtys ufUce to mako attl
davlt lu due furai of law.
lilf; Creek Stems.
Quite a number of changes of residence
were made sgaiu last woo.
Mr Paul Hoyer moved Into one of W, K.
Kemeivr's houttes ut tins place, ou Thursday of
lk 8t week.
-Dvid Klbler.of Wild Creek moved Into Mr,
Hill's hoyse. neur Weisportou the same day,
Messis. liuCk & Olldntr. ot this place have
the contract lor building the turn of W. E.
Vemerer. Its size VU be 33 uy 4 feet
Harrv Sowers trndeu ouo of bis borsea on a
mule with Mr, ChrUimtii, lf Momoe County,
uu Friday ot last week
The schools of Towamenblng will closo this
week, after a term of the mouths.
No oats weie bowii m March this yea as is
The salem Pabbath School, of Big CreeJc,
bold uu election fur olhccrs. to scn'eslx mouth,
uu unday last. They ure us follows: t ur Super
intendent . Aiex, 8olt Atis't Hupt.iohn IloberUi
Koct,, Jobu Kruui; Tiea&mer, Daniel Kiumj
fejtandlng Committee V. i. Kemerer. TiUh
mau Drewbacb, John Roberts, John Krum and
Juau Deppe
I nji ludtbtett to lion. J. C. Kr earner for
valuable pub lo documents Your., etc.,
Uu Cree April 1 1 tu, 1877. UEVJUtE,
All im-uu. aro hmibv forbid medtlllnff with
u JIAV UAtlL. luuied liy lliu imdwuiniwl tu
hli-flltA cMVDBIt, Ju. ut i'iir.jvilio,
oa tlia iatur ia mr rropenv
bfri'llUN RNYIKIt, P.ts..
1 urrjrvi.le, Carvou co ,
Apr.! 7, 1877 w
Now Aflverlifloincnts.
5 iSaa
2 m5 P m
Sen res
Sox gCS
fro r;
E-a E
BI i
Da M O
sspf -i"S
3 B f-O
i 38-
,1 Extra Fjne Wired Cavil, with nanio, ice,
iwst paid, Ij. Joxes & CO., Notsau, K. V.
fj C c tfj n n per dny nt bomo Bmnploa worth
J5 sent tteto. SII.V60N & Co., X'oit
laud Maino.
liELT CAItPKTINO. 29 to 43 cents per vard.
A FICI,TCHir,INO, fnrrooirmn nlacool plas
ter. VJJLTUOOFIMi and HIDISO. Tor cir
cular atiu amiic, nuuieaa i j. i ay, Camden,
JS'ew Jersey,
-- ot tin V. 8. ot A., with Its paid up Capital ot ana Asseti ot ovor81.uo.oj". ullcr In
8urinco at Cnh rates, aud gtres In Us policies
ilellrilto contracts, plain lenturcs nnd liberal
can iltlons. It has no complications with other
companies, nnd doos not pioporo to have, hut
olleis Insuianco on plain bu'dncHs piinciples,
nud secures tho policy holder by ecouou.y ot
management nnn caieful Investment ot lis
innus Address li.H.,, uouerul ARt.
Ho 411 Walnut Miect, l'hiiadelplna.
Agonts wanted In every county, to whom lib.
erai terms will bo giveu.
l'rlce, TwcntyCre Cents,
Contnlnlns a complete list of all the towns in
tho United Htatea. the Torrltorfps. ond thn rtn.
lniutun uf Canada, having a population prcator
than 5,noo. according to tno last ceuaus. together
wiin ineuHines oi iue n owe papers Having tno
largest local circulation In each of tho places
named. Aluo, a catalogno of newspapers which
uio iixuuuiiciititiu iu iiui usi'i sun glVlUR groiii.
est value in nronoriion tonrlreiieliiiriTAii AUn
all newspapers iu the United btatos and Cana
da pitntinc over 5,000 copies oich Issue. Also,
all tho ltellifious. Agricultural. Krinnttfin nnd
MechanlC'il, Medical, Manonic, Juvenile, Kdu-
cauouni, uoiDinurciai, lusurance. ueai ustato.
Law. Hpoitlng. Mnsioil. Fashion, and other
epecul class Journals . ver complete lists, lo
pet hor wit n a com pie to list of over 303 German
papers printed in tho United States. Also, an
cPt-ay upon uaverttsingj many tablos of rnto.
BuunniK wictuBtoi uuverusiuKin vaimus news
papers, and everything which a bfiriuncr iu ad.
vcitUing would like to know. Addiess
GEO. P. ltOWKLL & CO.,
41 lark Itow, New Yort.
All nersonsare berebr forbid mMdllnf? with
auyui mo iuuuwiiiR ue-cnuou articles ot ior.
Boual Pronertr. either to hnv. trndn. nrin nuv
other manner, lortued bv the undersigned to
duaiiuA ul -transim 'lewusnip,
Cnrboti Couuiv. Pa., viz t One irrer Hfnrn. ouo
hgbt bay Ilorto. one black; aud white Cow. ouo
y tllow Cow, one platlorm Hpnnc Wan on, three
sets Harness, six boxt's or luvoi of I lees, one set
ui Bieuu jjens, auu a variety oi iiouseuom
x ui imuiu, us uiu same is my iroperiy,
April 14, 1877-3w Frauklin Twp., Pa.
Cheap Cash Store,
Groceries I Provisions,
&c., Ac, &c.
C5?A11 articles warranted to ho ns represent
ed. Patronaco solicited. April u. 'I7-tt
The Pobuc Soiiool Building,
Wednesday Even'g, April 18.
Uy the I,. HI. and 1). A,,
The Bdmlwlon will bo only M cents and an
eveuliiK ot prent pleasure 1 KnaranteeiL Don't
fail to atttii d. Doori open ut 7. Pcrtorinauco
to commence at 7.34 o'cloclc 1'. M.
Of Valuable Ileal Estate.
Tlienndeialrnixl. Adralalstrator of the Kulnto
HI ENHINO Township, Carbon I'ouutr, Penn'a,
deo'd, will .ell, at Public. Hale, on tho premise.,
Saturday, April 14, 1877,
Commencing at S o'clock P. If., all thoso Tno
certain Piece or
smiatol In tho VILLAGE of nowjtANS.
VILLK, Lower Towtiinenung township afore
win t Bounded aud (lewribvd iu lo'lows. to wit :
LOT Ko. 1. containing m front, ou SN hito .trcet,
00 feet, and exti-mltm lu depth, between parallel
UneaatllKUtuuxlea. ISO I. i t to Lehlah ttrrot i
bounded on the Perth Dv Whuo mreet. on the
enai by lot N o. a, ou the south bv Lrhnrh ti ecu
and on tho wct by land of Jolah Bowman.
The libprovement. thereon are a
l!tW feet i stohlo , W(rou -hed. Tt3Sfeet i nnd
a --lury Cartrauter'a Uiioii. llz!t leet,
also. Lot No. 25, fioutipc on White ttreet GO
leet, and extenulue ludeulh uf iluit wioth. be.
tween luiraliel lines, uu leet to .Apple alley t
bounded on the eoiith by White Btreet, on tho
east br Mill streot. on tbe north by Apple alley,
aud on t lie went by laudot Jo-mh Bowuian. 'J he
Improvements are a.-moru Framo
3D feet front and tt feet lu depth, and other out.
Condition will bo made known at the time and
place ot bale, by
Administrator of Estate ut David Snrder. deo'd.
diiaich U WJ
The underalffned resnrctf nlLy informs his ens.
toniera aud the pnbllo In general, that on aud
after tbe i:ih of AI'llIL l77. he will adopt ton
OA Hit SYkTKU. aud lor that purpose will put
down Ihe PHI 015 OP 11 12 AT to tho toUonlae
very lowflturei
(.'llOlOltlluAhT', i: and 14 cent' per pound.
IWIL1M! I'lliom. aud 10 cent Kr pouud.
Clviue lull weifrat and supplrlngmeut from the
PIltKaT OAfl'LU. Patronage solluited
April 7. lS77 3w PruukUn, twp.
WANTKD the business rueu to know that they
cull fret JOil POINTING donel'liraierut
I aiiuhX AHV.C .E ulUcetiiauutaliy other
phtou iu the cov uy '1 xy us.
l-2 as
W cn
8s m
At Uic Oi lsiiial Ciivsip Cash f tore. Tlio Bottom Knocked
Olit of Everything, ana Everybody UUppr 1
.I,n,rJ.n.8J.trturi"'1fro.m NEW, YOKK with nn tmusnal assortment of FANCY and 8TAPLP1
DllY UOODS, 4a. nnd bavins for their motto Quick hakes and small PnorTrB - ey are do
tcrmlned to move TilEIK ENTIRE 8 TOCIC QUICKLY nt prices that will SSJilh SSr JiJniS'
m,;;7" ntf.Vnl ii ",V,. .,- '""",iAD reuueou it per cent J1E3 r VALUE AL-
uTAYfirT(i,T.ilr,PfJuf2'1 W008' ,WI1JTK 0001)3-everal Joh lots-mnch be'ow regular prices.
llAMlHTlto EDOINUS at from 6 cents per yard and pnpwards. TIUMMINOS and NOTIONS
M52vffiSi "n' "noat Pitcea Now line , of bWcr 811k Fringes. Worst and Cottot
tringes. Velvet lliblion. l.ace, Aow Itnclnngs, Neck Wcor. Mik Umidkerchlers. Collars Oiiffj
"rice"0' Val110 C0USK1'S at33 conts- tmentoI wlat ileduwi
Speclnl Dnrgnltis in Cloths awl Cnssf meres, for Men's and Itnvs' w..r
CARPETS nnd OIL CLOTHS at Iteduccd Prices. OU Cloth at from u cents a yard and upwards
Colored Shirts nt 75c. ? I and 81.M. Willto Dres -hltts nt ft. $1.25. tl 40. 11.50. tl 65 Wo Invito
fcc.!ll,;",Uo" tK,B,:t"S FINE DUEss SI1IUI s as being made of t he ifil Wamsutw M
Im.liply extra quality Linen Bosoms snd CulTi. warranted to fit Iperlectlv. at the ifollowlni re.
Flashed am 1" pe? '-lifrt "" lMa M "" Pr m"U Vuaan" ' 5" shirt. iJSSdry
UT Out- "Iock Is well nsorted and consists of nlmnst everything, Ttollable Onod. and nlonly of
them. Trathful repiefontatirais, honest doallne Willi all, a thorough Rnowlodgo of nr Imsluess
by llldiclous nurchajes. AND ICNOWINd WIIliRH TO BUY to the BEST ADVANTAGE
enaules us to oell bt) low. Polite aud agiocable attention to onr customeis, and u wimuroos.' to
inako ll vloasaut whether you buy or not. CASH OUlt BAHIs. We buy andsell for CASII
nnd our customers got tlio beuelltot It. Prices o' cb.U houw ro. nnd well can be. .iwoi tbiu
,:!S';' "Ito "Oil. Tho lowt-st living prollton everything wo sell and A con
V.i???,.'?0" t0 kocp our Ibices under those of our competitors. Call early and securo Boat
uorttaius. Ilespectfully,
.T. T. A"i;Sll tini SLRffX. llrlKlnnl tl... .. ...llluJ
Lindebman's Block, opposlto Ttibllc
Dress Suits,
Youths' Suits,
Mado up Irom the Best Material, In the
Also; themendous slauqixteii in tub phices of
Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Hats,
GTOalll and examine Goods and Prices beforo miking your purchases elsewhere.
T. D. 0LATJSS, Merchant Tailor, (
2nd door above the Public Square, BANK STREET, Lehlghton'.
IK RPr.'RVIlTlir.v
For tho Children,
For tho Children.
I have bought largely for cash such lots as
u.i., ...... jq. ,, uuv v uio uiiiiiiK iur,
St"ro in Semmel's New Btotkf opposite the Public Square, BANK STREETy
Lelilghton, Pa. mar.U-yl
Successor to D. Book & Ca.,-
At tfclte 66 Ms&flnfimotBi torej'5
Opposite tho L. & S, Depot, BANK Street,
Respectfully announces to his customers and friends that
ho is daily receiving additions to his stock of
QUEENS WAREv &c, &o., &'o.
Also, just received a car load of LIVERPOOL SALTr
which 1 am selling at .bottom- Prices.
SALT FISH a Specialty.
fSS If you really desire to know how large an amount
of Goods you can get for a small sum of Ready Money,
you should not fail to give mo a call before making your'
purchases elsewhere.
Don't forget the Mammoth Store, opp. L.&S.DeBot
May 0, 1870-yt LEniGIITON, PENN'A.
Wcissport Platting Mill & Lumber Co.,
Renpoctfullr announce to Carpenters. Builders. Contractors and others, that bating aoronleted
their NEW llILLS.tney are now supply themjst VKBY LOWEST PRICES, with
every. description ot
Such as Siding, Floor Boardsy Doors, Sash, Blinds, Shut-'
tors, Moldings, Brackets, Cabinet Ware, &q.,. &c,
On the Shortest Notice. Oar Machinery Is all New anifor tna Most Approved Kinfl. sotlist we'
hive no hesitation tn Uuaranteinit Perfect SaUalactlun to all who may lavor us with their orders.
It von Imvo not lluio to call aud select what you want, rend your orders and they will bo nlledi
promptly, and at as low prices as though you were present
ulve U9 a iriai, ana you mil oa couviucou ui rfiiat we say,
ODlco and Mill, ucarly opposlto the Fort Allen Honse, WEISSPORT, CarbotY
County, Pciiua,
iu-iiAi :
Business Suits,
Boys' Suits.
Latest Styles, and' Terfecf Tits Guar-"
Caps, and Gents' Furnishing
KTnni.'i?n wtth
must sell quickly, because they are fresh and soa
uou ueoausu iiiey are so
June 10,