cnurauiEfnnQc In Iho Supremo Court. WHAT IS CONTIUnUTOIlY NEGLIGENCE IN CltOSSlNG A ItAILItOAD. Cpntrnl llailrnad Co. of Now Jersey vs. Mnry Fellor ot nl Error to tlin Common Pirns nf Carbon county Tills was nn action for tlcimngps for tlioltlll ln of Henry Feller, Sr., by n locomo tive of the rnllrond company. The Cen tral Ttnllroml, n It rims tliroiiRh Weiss )Hirt. (south win il. crossed with a sIiirIo truck nt tight niicles a public road run nine eRt nnil wet, Tlio approach to the erosliic In tlio public road on the, west Milo by nscendlnB on I'lcliun of 100 Teet lone, with an elevation of 7iS decrees. Tivthe north of tlio cross lni In tlin direction of the railroad sta tion, were a number of buildings and a largo rolllm? mill. There was also on the s'de of the track Itself a watchman's house placed there but a short time be fore the accident. On the. morning of March 2Gth, 1874, Henry Feller a man 72 years of age, and partly de.if, enme to Welsport On his return homo later In the day. ho was about to go up tho hill towards tho crossing, when ho was told by a frMni to stop, as a train was coming. lie paid no attention and drove on until ho arrived within a few feet of tho track, when he was seen standing In his wagon and lashing his mules. IIo was run over and killed. This suit for damages was then brought, plaintiff setting out tho facts abovo mentioned, and alleging that tho accident was tho result of tho negllgnuce of tlio defendants. They contended that Feller, as he ascended the hill, had his view cut off by the rollh.g u 111, the rolling mill stack and tho watch-house, and was unable by reason of these Im pediments to sco tho approaching train until he had reached tlio top of the as cent and stood directly In front of tho track. They thercforo claimed that tho company was negligent In not keeping n watchman at so dangerous and fre quented a crossing, In putting up its watch-house where it Impeded tho view, and In keeping Its roadway at the cross ing of the road in such a condition as to make tlio crossing a dangerous one at any time. In answer to this, tho railroad com pany claimed that they had been guilty of no negligence, as they had whlst'ed and rung the bell as thty approached tlio crossing, and had done eveiythlng that the law required of them. Hut, even admitting they had not done this. they contended there was no liability on them, Inasmuch as the deceased had been guilty of contributory negligence per so, and hence could not recover. In support of tl is, they contended that the decedent, who was deaf, or partially so who was lauilllar with tho crossing; was driving a i air of manageable horses which he could have stopped anywhere on the ascent ; who stopped at a few feet of the railroad crossing nnd then raced Ills mules aoross ; who could have seen the train before ho reached tho watch-hoube, and who should have heard the whistle of the locomotive, which others all around him heard, was bound to havo gotton out of his wagon and gone up to the head ot his team and looked up and down the track before crossing, ills failure to nave dune this. tbey asked tlio Court to Instinct thu lory by binding directions, was negll pence per sc, In which caso there could Do no recovery. This the Court below refused to do, but left It as a question of fact for thu jury to determine whether tho decedent aid all thai a prudent and careful man would have done under the circumstan ces : whether, under all thecircumstau ces of tho caso, a prudent, cautious man would have got out of his wagon and approached tho track at the head of his mules, aud whether, In view of tho par tlal deafness of thu decedent, such ex tra caution as getting off Ids wagon, &c, was Incumbent upon him as a urii. dent and cautious man. Under this ruling the verdict below was for plain tiff In tho sum of $1840. Assigning tho charge of the court as error, the railroad company seek a reversal, iney con tend that In tho caso of a deaf man who drives upon the track of a railroad com pany because ho don't hear the whistle, which every nno around tiltn hears, an extra degree of caution in tho exercise of ids unimpaired power of vision Is re quisite. A. man thus afflicted should have got out of the wauou nnd looked up and down tho i nick, and bis failure so to do Is negligence per so, a thing which tlio Court Is bound totako notice of aud not leuve as nn opm question ot fact for tho Jury. It was also contended that the Court cried In affirming the point of plaintiff below to the effect that If tho Juiy believed that the watch-house erected by tho company obstructed the view of the track, the company wero responsible. Exception was also taken In the action of the Court in leaving it us u tuci In (he jury to find whether the treotlou of tho watch-house was or was not negligence, on tho part ut the company ; and also to its ruling in leav lng to tho mry to say whether or not deceased was guilty of contributory negligence in crossing tho track after being warned, when, under tho law, it should have charged that by his act ho was so guilty. Defendants In error, on tho other hand, contend that the ruling of tho Court below was correct, ruey uve that, as all the law required of a plain tiff In order to recover damages for his death was to btop, look aud listen be. fore crossing a uillroad, aud did not even renulro of him to prove aluruia lively that ho did this, it would havo been ernr as establishing an entirely new measure of for tho Court below to have arbitrarily ruled that the decedent by his (allure to get out of his wagon aim looK was guiuy o negllgenco per se. Tho only way to determine whether or not he, owing to his peculiar affectlou should have done this, was by leaving it as a question of tact for tue jury, which was exactly what had been done, under uuvi-t meut. Tbe Lonisvillo "Courler-Journar touches up ft Kentucky editor to thU frt , MVn mi It'ii lint Hi'ntUni. It's CUUV - - -o only bis wuy of talking. Wheu he mlgUt Bay, Ml raiuu hciu yceicmaj r bo eays; 'We were pleased to see It raining lu our town yesterday. WOOTSHTUL SUCCESS I C5.003 ct tto CnXTt:XB,4Ii EXPOSITION Described nnd Illustrated sold In CO DAVS. It bcliiR tlio only conipleto low pnom won? (77j paces, only 82 5"). trrnllna of 111" rntno History, Ornnd Buildings. Won derful Exhibits, Curiosities, Great Days. tc : Illustrated, niidti.QO cho-tper than any other i ovenboilv wants it. Ono new ncent clonrcd f 'to In t wcoLs. 3,(03 Agents Wanted. Bond quickly for proof nt above, opinions of oflloals, I'lcrcy null press, suniplo paces, lnll doiCitDtinn, mm estin term. mJliliAliU liltos, runs, Nntiom mhce rnuaaeipiiin. f! fl II TlflfJ UliwAnuof Inlclyclnimcdoirichl & unu i iu" Tvoriino.s boons. Bcml for l'lioor. a weefc inyimrown town, Icimsnnd VOI) fr, outfit free. II. n. HALLETr & CO.. Portland. Maine. it nuiUJu u:m i Jv.fV.Uiu. OF YC-UU OWN'. On tho line ot a onnAT TlAILnoAD, with goon tuniKcts bom East nuu west. Now is the timetosccuroit JItltl Cl!mnt( Fertl.e Roll. Het Country for utocK liaising in tno unuou wtntes. Itookfi, Mips, Full Information, nlso ' THE IO.NEEIt" sent free to nil parts ol tho woild. Address. . F. DAVIS. Lend Com. U. 1. It. n , Mnr.l7wl OMAHA. NED. 855 g (nrj a wtck ton'onK SlOOutllt O FltBE. P. O. VlPKEItY. Ausnstii, Mnlno. .. .,.. ... 1..,ma Am,,,, a On, Mi nnd terms freo. Till) E & Co.. Augusta, A Lucrative Business. jfirp-'We Wniit 500 more Flrsl-ClnBfi SKIVING MACHINE AGISNTH, mill 500 Men if Energy nnil Ability to Iivnrii the UusliieHs of Selling' Scw- tiifr MnchlneH Com pen atlon Mur al, lint varying according to abili ty! character and qiiallllcntloin (if the Agent For particulars address WILSONISEWINQ MACHINEICO, CHICAGO, $17 i-.i 23 B:oaiwJ7, It. ?., c: II. Crleis:, Li. C) r Kxtra n.E Sllxeil card, witli nnnie, ire. 0 post raid. h. Jo.NKS ACO., Nassau, N.Y. J&runkard top ! ! C. C. I1EI0H8. M.D.. (formcrlvornostom hns n harinl("euio tor I.N.T.KMPKKA.NUI'J. which enn ho plven without tho knowledge of tho pa Hunt aio ono ior mo OPIUM HABIT. IVrmiimnt Cures cuamniont in ttoih. semi stamp tot evidence. Asj unmeiscs or It. AtiurcfcS, iijji jiir-i tv; ai, Jliiin.nghaiu Conn. pcMCinfJ5! Xo waller how s'lahtlv dlsahleil. i uiiuiuiiu incroiRpH now uatil. Anvico and ciirnlnr Too. T. McMiciiacl, 707 yiuiisom St., l'liiuutMpma, ra. Aonfnrl mcato truvel and Bell our Lamp hotel imil tiavclnur oxppiiscs paid. Nopeddln r Aitdicai MOM10U IMIV CO., nncliimiii, O JP 00 n Per ''Ji at UOIun Wamplt'9 worth vbw hOU $5 sen l run. bTI.NBONit Co.,l'trt. l.i. .il Jtaiut). nc lino mixed ('aids, with name, or 5 Scroll, fiw 10c. postpaid. Hpeneer&Co. Nasnii,N' Y, New Styles ! New Prices ! MRS. M. GTJTH, Fashionable Milliner, WHITE ST., WKISSl-OUT, Pa., rnvoincea to tho ladies of Wels- Iiorianu tao Miinmniimtr cimmry, cnac stio 13 i ccoiviiiyr au imu,euo stoc. of Spring Millinery Goods, Comnrlflnc II0XNE1S, HATS, KOTIOSS, THIM3IIX(.S Ac, Jlado an In tlio in(6t f aslnmi, anil wlilch sno In piPliaieil to tell to lior latrons and rr'enus at prlcea ho low as to bo iicrfuctly asiouiUlu(j. AUo. a full assortment of SWITCHES, And all othrrjroods usual! kept la n llist-clasa IjADIKV OWN JIAIlt MADIIUPTO Oil. nt tho very loweM jiossiuiopiices. uuii mm I'xaiumo iouu aim I'nees. MUS. M. tiurir, Wcisaport, Pa. March Cl-3m o m si;iili:, PHYSICIAN AND &UUQi:ON. Itooai No. i, -Exciungi! Hotel LI3HI03ITON, 1CNNA. N.H. Snoclal altoi.ttou mveiitn llin Pnm nf US. 0. do TSCJUKSCIIKY, Nearly onpoite Durlluir's DniR sioro, BANK 5TUEET, LEIIIGUTOX, Pa. Culls the altrntlon ot iho Tidlrnf r.rlilirhimi and viclmtvtotho fact that alio keeps it full Boi'lin &Govmnntowii AVool, IMrOItTEU ANll BOSIESTIC KUlDltOID- i;nii;, nTIOH, ltuwoxs, Ladies' .and Childrei.' j Ilose, i:ilM.iIV FR17IT, i,iMiit:nonn & hwitzku cheese. CANDIES, CoNriJCTIONH nnil n vnrktvof otluT in tii'ies not usually keji. lu auy other toer 111 JA'lllKlllllU. Anliaipiit publio lintionagols tollollnl, and eau.tai'tlun guaiautcfj. Jau. o-uj3 AUIHTOU'S N0TICL In tho matter of tho T".rt nnd Final Account of l)jml Ui-ittz. Admimatrator of iho Kotato of Jacob Moniz, tlect'Hsod. Tho undtTsigneit Auditor, appotuteil oy the Court to make difttrtlmttou of tho money iu the IiaiwH i t tlit wild Acoouniant nuii'iijr tlo imrtlet entitled tlierelu. will eiteud to the thu dutIoof In flppoMitineut ut the otUce or Meter Al hrislit A fnyiunn nt Mnudi chunk o.i'rues dir, April 3rd, at m, o'clock I M when uh paitiejliuorfKtcd can attend. k . w M- -ItAl'aHElt, Auditor. March 3, iti77.w4 TO-LET a neat two story Hrlck DWULLINU II0U3A with two-st-ry inJck Kitriieu uttachoti. with imum,, Lot ot (Jround. pump uud (.oikI water u tho 4itcaen porch, hluiatod ou the West sldn of Li hi 1 1 htrect, Lenlghton. and now occupied bv v. W. itowniau Jq. Jteut f 15 per moutu i I'osaeutiuu Apnt it. Apidy to T. J. Iu;ilhuiaVO, Mauch Chunk, Or. Jr p. bOMUL, l,ehiUtuu. 1'eh. t7, untat TO MIT. PosMsion Anril Ut. I3ISI u I'At'KU imd CommudioiK F DUMMIED lliL hTuUlUUOM. SUxWltet witliUeliai ot m i,e size, uud itoumnon second tlor, situate on Bunk fctioet, Lehightou, una now oecupetl aunt lutluiuc hiorouud Post-otUc. it Is suluible f'ir anj Kind of uieroanti e buxiues. Kortur. thtr pnriivuturn, apply UiTUUM as H lli;CK, Lehlffhtoii, or J. K, N v. ao.i a a ii lilt. Kreia March lu-wl Now Advcrtisomonts. All Prmoni nt a illRtanee treated by .Mnll with Perfect Sueccss;l)y de scribing their Symptoms. (Soud for our lariro and boititlfullv Illustrated paper, pout freo to any address.) DR. TOWNSEND'S D T vhy1 Berano luh.H'i l Hon u tlio only wuy that m -Air Jt'iisaaRea run uo reached, nnd Oatanh Uu Wn MAK K A sPK.idlio.(HO of tho Air Pnnin. CIACjTY of trf-alimr pes of tho Head Upo puticnti br Malt tills Treatment as wo di Vloma wnto nnd des-irect, which l easy nnd cribo your Fymptoms. pleosant, nnd wo "iiiuni. iteo a pcifect .cuius of li'ntarrh. Rroiicliitis ! Whyl Tor tho samo refi pon at olvon nbovo. Tho Bionchlal Tubes aro simply conductors to enr ry air to the Luna,heneo Inlinlatlon must pa di rect to tl'O Heat nf dh ease, and tf you will fol low our dir ctioiiH, wo AI.Ii rersons that read 1hU nro invited1 to tend for onr Inrpo1 and tieautuu r ni trated Pnper.pentfree to any address. cuaranteo to cure It.-onciiLtle. tl Why? Bccauso sihnn la it contraction of tho Bronchial 'l ubes. can sod !bv Inllamrantion nnd Itri- WE (JUAUAtST . TO CUIUS Cousbs Untds.D pthetla. Pneu monl-i, Jscuraifffa ai.d nearly ell oi her severe n'tacka when all other temedles tall, iniioii oi inemucua in m hrnno limnp tho lironch In I Tube. Uso nxyKon. nted Air as we w 111 du ect and wo will warrant a cure. We havo euiod jen-e of TweUy Years Btnudiiifr, Consumption Can bo cured. Whyl caoso wo havo c inert hundred of ease0, pomo of iheni ha in gn en over to die oy nil nhynjeian- jof other pciiooIh of prac- DY&PEI'.SIA WE CURE. Ltver&KM ney coinplaintsl are effectually reached by Oxygenated Air. niu. i-niiMiniimon is a dNeaso of the Air pufsi e ami over two-thirds of tho cased are cnuicrt byCatHrrh. Wecuaian. leo a cure If you will come In acason. Blood Diseases ! Dr. TowukpiuVh Orriren. atcd Air will purify iho blonii iu (iiie-th.iit iho tin e that am' other knownicmo yean, win? ueciuse to inlialo Oxv. ironatert Air it roos ill lect to the Ijiiics nnd pi-ses thioiiRh Uio tls-Mie- and cciuich in iluect' cimtnet with the blinnl as it i hrced into the Cancers AND Tumors ! I.uiic4 bv the nellou of tlio heart All tho blono lu our veins icturni to CTJltllDlwitrout cut tho lieai t every four mtu uies it the blono U iromt. 1 1 n a or draw In z blood. 1 with very little m no; itnin, Any PeiHon irjnided with Cancer1 and luniorswlll plea 'e' wuto tiir testimonials: tSo.,ttom pailentcur-, ud. We wan ant a nndfoiced fiom tho heart tho lunuo aud l he moioOwtreu you mini o into tho luiifs tlie moio you purify the blood. vVhou Oxvro-1 coui's in eoutiict witli the ImDurU ties in tl'O blood it cir- periect cuio. noinzes nnil burns, cans. the blool to be heat ed wo tluit it warms eve. W.M.Park.MD. Iito of tho McCLELTiAN VHA rv pan or tho boa v. as it uoes on its revolutions thioufrti tho avxtciu. If your b ood I nuro von oinuot t'ORicK. Wodnvo jlodidtml.riilladelnhia flieicury onu an otner impmitiort o u t ot tho lj'ood. Wo guarantee to purity tlin blood in ono third tha tluio of anv Pa. via ha-iiibor'u so HiioioH'fnl (imMifiiuut New JZuirland in the euro of Cuncern and Tumor'', taes chaiuo other known remedy. oi tmsucpariuieuu Ailiiresiall Letters as heretofore, E. F. TOWNSEXD, 31. 1)., 122 High St., rroUtlent'O, K. I. ThvMclina wtshluff to toe to In nomo town or el'v 111 thi-4 lm lr.eK- cau be turuishe i wiih ter rltorv and otlier uliutiaied papers forxauvei tisin iho &ime, by audiesiutf us above. TIuto aro uupMncipled persons lu Boston nnd etewhero thit nro putttiur un ft llO(lU- LIQU ID and trying to nu.m it off as Mr r it FAT M KM. or oryeenaied Air. a d eiuiiMuir it to he like mine. A one Ketiniee un.eMit the wold "Bit 'lOWNSKNB'S OXY(liNAn;i) AUi" Ai:i: HLOWX IN 1I0TTLB AM) l'OUTUAir OS LAUEL. yen. lun, ly. ,fprril brt,rrrtlrHMlii S-MltlH!RUlHlTO. r. I.IU. .acnretiri mnmn.i i. Urujrjiu, nil.vrulaloajl '-i arrtrnv: Minresniia a. i rrt rr t it. 1 n ill. en rrrcipl I SlCUoU'llltl.l.l.UaiJ . :,;u,;e.s.i. For sale only bv A. J. IWllMNa. UniKarUt, Ilon Street, I.ehiclitou. l'u. Oct. Ul. I9;5,w30. QH.VKLi:S l'ltOEHLICH, Cor. of HON-find I.KIIirsnsirci-ts, 1.KIIK1II. TON, Pa., dealer lu Cliolco IlrauiLi ut Family FLOUlt, FEED, APPLES, TOTATOES, 4c, lte.pectfullr anuouncato htsCusioneis anil tlwuobuc seneiully iliat on ami ultec JAM;. All i.i 177 IiawiII bU for Casli oulr or ou TUIItTY DAYS to l8poii8ll)l6 uurtit. and In. teiott will le clurce4 nu ait bills uot settled at tue expiration of tuid 3 daa. IV All articles warranted to be as leprcaent ed. I'atrotiago eo'lcited. CIIAULES FIIOEULICII. December:'), I9id. M3L irnosnu ICiaaiiioii. iiaj J k. r.iucsE'.EJ'a'. Opposltu li. & S. Depot, Uu the East Woisspoit Canal Sank ltciqiect fully InfoimR tho elllzens of this vleinl. tv tliat no kef-Hi constiitulvnn linnd nnilMl:LljS nt tlio I.o'VET MAllKUT ritlCES, tuo very UU3T1U1AKD3 Ot ALSO DEALEIl IN FOIl BOILDINO AND OTtlEU PURrOcjES winch ho Kuarnnteea lobe Thoroughly Seasoned, AND WHICH. nE IS NOTOSEtLINO AT THE VEHY LOWEST KATES. WHOLESALE end RETAIL, at tho LOWEST CASH I'lltOKS. Ilohas a a number of very oMcibly locatod In ItirKEItTRTOWN, I'rnnkllr, Township which he will Hell on very Jinny Terms. Aug 0. J. K. ItlCKEItT. ftifWifj Is not etully earned in these times. a a A out it can he nm to in three months u li hvanyononf (lthcr60,innuypirt ot the onuntrv, wlio is will uff to worl- steaddy t the employment that we tarn 1th. WC a week In vour own town. You need not bo away iiom homo over ninht. You cau irlvo your who o time to tho work or only vour fpnre moment. It costs nothing to try tho business. Terms and t5 outfit free. Address, at once, ji. halfwit Co., fibioyl Portland. Maine. QHfto QOr adaySUUEmidebyAtrents Vv t- 5 (J t-eliinffonrChroinosCiaynna, I'lctui h nnd t'hmm'i Cntd-t. VO Samples worth $t sent postpaid for 75 cts. Uliutratcd Catalo"ucs lH'JtE. J. II. BUI FOUD'S SONS, BOSTON. KstabllBhid ls:o. feh3-y "M'j-. 6Vo will Ptart yon In n buine3 you u can inakefcSOn weckwlthout capital; Arniio'' favaml respectable for either sex. xuuii 31, Ai yollug( ui Bowery. N. Y. Feb. 10m3. T lte'neclfnllr announeeft tn tho rltlxptia of Pur. bon aim ntlloiuiuT Cinmlio., that ho has pur rhn'Pd tho eniiro lati'ient nnd toi:k of H. C. UiVAWAV in Iho LElliailTON Corn Itroom Slnnulactory, locatod In the liornueh ot LehiRliton, Carbon County, l'u , and th.t lio 11 prepared to 1111 all ord, rs eutrutetl to him with tlio Very Host Quality of Hrooms attlloLOU'EST 1'OSSIllLE LIVING I'UICE. A trial lircfpecllnliy eoltrtlo l nudeullio sat Ufnctlon euaractoed Slauuf ictory lu tlio llaenient of iho ' Valley House," oppuslto the Lehicli Valley ttH. depot. I'cb. M, 1S-0. THOMAS KOUXS. -, lEIUIlAX & CO., BANK STREET. Lehighton, Pa SIILLEIts and Dealers tn All Kind, of OHAIN noroiITnnil hOLDnt 11KUU1.AU HAltlCET UATKS. Wo would, also, lesot'ctiuilv inform oureitl. zens that wo aro now fully prepared to hUT 1'LV tuem with From cuy Mlno ileiluil nt VEHY .V. mjILMAN & CO. Jnly25. E. F. LUCKEXUACII, iui:sco, IIOU.SU AXO SICX PAINTER, Ana Dealer in all Patterns of Vlaln & Fancy Wall IPapei-s And Window Bunds, Two Doors Ilelow tho "Ilroadwny House," MAUOII CHUNK, PA. )an. 57-y EPILEPSY OR FITS. ham iuitan Neuvie. tho crest Nerve Couqueior. cares Kpiltitlo Hts, Convut. sloui, hpiisiu., St, Vitus Djnco, aud all nerruus diseases, Iho only known jkii. tiro and .uio cure for Eplle,v. It has twen tested br thouHaml. uml lin. nevop been Viionu to tail in a siuelo ease. Inclos3 stamp for circulars, git lnu-evidence of cures. Trial parJcage tree. I'lease vivo name ot ex. piess ouico when ordiriu mtalclues. Also seud namt-s slid addres es of all persons sublect to Kol.eptlo Fits. Address Dr. s A. lllcilllo.M), UOX 711, 1st Joseph, Mo. Dec, 'J3, I87B yl. UJ fr g O to CS B & c O g c -s 2 S3 L-t-i-p.S 'sn B H-IR-mO o 's ft o f ?. 1 S I Tf Co rt u T "'HE SLAT1NUX0N PLANING MILL AND Cabinet Ware Factory, AT SLATINOTOX. JOHN BALLIET, Proprietor, Deals In nil klnd and sizes of line. Hemlock, Oak fllld HnrJ Wnnrt Liirnhnr. nml faTinrnin paied to eiecuto any .mount of orders for BrcsseD LumboR OF ALi, KINDS. Doors, Snshos, Winds, SlmttcrM, Moiildiiis, Cnbiuct Vt'aro, &c, With rromptness. Brackets Made to Order. Alio uuviinri v is nu new ana or mo nest nnd ""i'iuilu aiiiii. x Mii'ii'n none uui tne vtn workmen, u-o well seaonod nml kooJ ma i . .. i -'". vnuin in iii mo l'u till) , ntiractmn to all who may favor mo with a call, i iiiuii iiUMitiuiy uuuimru to. jut ' churpes ate moi cratoj terms caoh, or intcicst I III) I fTlif I nit HP t itfltl ilnno , .v. "'"l,f no. aiVH MM A CALL. I rT Those rn-nscil in millillliK will find it to ' llieir nilvnntngo to hivo Millnc, Floor JSoarils Jioors, i-aslics, shutiers, &a.. nr., modo at this loctiirv. JlaylOyt JOHN BALLIET. 1 hSTABLlSlUD 18G5. CILlIORE&CO.sAttysatLaw, Bncesaoisto cmrstAX, & Co., 629 F St., Washington. D.O. AMEHIOAX AND l'oiiniax PATESTS. rntrnts proenroil In nil countries. No Fees is advance. No charao unless tho patent Is Rrnmeil. No foes for maKlng piellminarv ex. no lnations. Ho aiMitlonal fees lor ohtalninc nnil coniliictiiignrelicnnnir. bneclal attention civen to Intel icrenco Cases hcloio tho Patmt Office, l-.xtensloni beli ro Cougtuss, Inlrliimi. tnent Salts iu dinerent ntitcs. ami nil litigation iipperlainluir In Inventions or Patents, hend hTAMr FOll PAJII'llLKT OF SIXTV PAOE8. V. S. COUIITS AND Di:tMIlT.MKNT. Claims piosccutcdiu I he Supreme Com t of tho united htaies, Comt of Clnlins, Court of com. nilssionois of Alalinmu Claims. Bouthem Claims Coinnilsion, e no all clas-et ot war claims before tho Eiecutlvo Departments. ARREARS OF PAY AND I10UMV. OFFICERS. SOLDIERS anil SAILORS of the Into war 01 their heirs, 1110 in ninny caes entitled to money iiom tlio Government, ot which th-y lnvo no knowleilce Write full lustoiy ot set. vlco, anil state amount of pay anil bonuti re ccived. .;ncloso stamu and a full reply, after examination, will ho clvtn you free. Pensions. 411 Officers, Soldiers and Sillors wounded inpiuieilor lnjui-ed In tlio Into war. however clishtlv. can outiiln n illusion, many uoivreeeiy Iiie pensions aie euilllod.toinii Inmate, f-end stanip aid inform itlon will be furnished free. United states qenkral Land ofeicf.. Contcste I Lind.Csscs, Private Land Claims, M I11I1 a Preemption nnd Ilomi stead Cases pros, ecntoil bolme tlio Uenerabl.aud oulceand Lo vartuicut of tho Interior. old iiouNTr land wacrants. Tlio lat Ilepoit of tho Crmmlslionor of the Ooneuil Land ollleo shows 2.b!)7.3iO acres of itouiity Iind Warrants ootsiand int. Tlirso lFsurd nuder oct of 1855 and pllir nets. AVo nay cnh for Iheni. r.eiid bv leglterril letter Vhcre n-R'BUTurnts aro iaipeifeccwe Livolu. stiuctions to perfect thorn. Each department of oar business Is conducted In n fi'luiuU'l uioaii, of exnenenc. eil luwyois ami clerks. lly rejon of erior or fraud ninny attorneys nio suseended fium praeltro belore the Pension nml other oOlcos eacli year, t'laiumuts whoso attorneys have been tnm susiieuiled will bo Ki atultxiuily fuinlsheii witli lull Information and proper papers ou npp'Jcation to us. As wo charge uo tt-o unless suceesful stamps lor teturu postnito should t sent us. Liberal airnnicmout made with attorneys iu all classes ot business. Adilrcss, GILMOM5 & CO , l. 0. Box 1 4. Waihinghm, D. C. Wasuinoton, D.O.. November 2t, is;e. I tate pleasure in exniossinit my entire co-ill. dincoln th rcnwmiblMy ami HAeUtu of tho Law, Patent anu Collcctiou llou&eot Uiluoke & Co., of this city. anonoE ir. i). wniTE. L'achierof the Natloual Mctropolltau Dank. Dec. 9 lsiett W. EACHES, Contractor & Builder, LKIIiailTON, rU.VN'A. Plans and Siioclflcations TOU ALL KINDS OP BDILDINOS MAD1) AT THE SHOHTEsr NOTICE. NO CHARGES Made for PLANS and SPI'.CII'ICATIONS wnen tho couuact Is awaided to tlio uuuer slgned. June It, IS7J-yl. A. W. EACHES. JQ131U0HT0X 1JAKEUV. Tlio undersicned announces to the citiiens of I,eiiiiiton. WIport ami Iho rntmiuidinir new hboi bona I hat ne is now fully prepared 10 supply Iheui with Pltllll.. I'UKSIl Bread, Cakes & Pretzels Everv Moruiuent Wholesale ami Eetall, at tho lowest prices. II maxo a fcpeciaity ot WetMIng ami 1'aiiey Cakes. Ilc-Nlcs and all other I'artleo supplied with tho Choicest Made Tee Cream, In lame or small qusutlile.. on short notieo and in iraoonuoit, iigutfa. Also, always ou nana a large stock of all Linus ot CANDIES. NUTS, PBUITS, Ac, at Wholesale and lletnlt. Patronnge solicited. J. W. O'NEIL. april8y! llsu'itreet, LehlKiiton.fti, Gil A VCR, Opposite tho Publio Square. SOUTH STItEET LEHIOHTON, Pa., Manufacturer ot Tin & Sheet Iron Ware And Dealer in all kind tV ItOOFINO, PPOUTINO and JOimiNO promptly attended to at reasonable charces. Nov. SO. SAMUEL (JltAVlilt. HUSINESS MEN AND OTIIETtS IN WANT OP JOH 1'ltINTINO OF ANV OIOIUPTION, WILL FIND THE CAltllON ADVOOAn OFFICE THE II EST and CHEAP. HIT PLACE IN THE COUNTY. OIVE US A T1IIAL A1D 11K CONVINCED. WJ CTKD, a purchaser for a Wheeler & Wilson 1CWI.NU MACHINE. US oash will buy Call at Ibis OOlce. T Oil PlllNTINa at the very loweitprlce at u TI'E CAltUON A D VOCAT OFI'ICK. Now Advertisements. PROPRIETARY DR. CHANDLER, F.R.S.A., Lalo Phyt.clan fa St. George's and 6t. Darlholo mew's Hospitals, London, Curator to St. Elizabeth's, etc. After years of the moat enborioug re search nml investigation, ami after the praetieal application In treatment to thou sands of patients Geo. Chandler, A.M., M.J),t now presents to the American pub lic the following remedies, his sole dis covery and property, the efficacy of ichtcU is attested in the voluminous quantity of testimonials, the unsolicited offerings of suffering and discouraged patients, who have not only received relief and benefit from their continued use, but have been radically cured of ailments and chronio complaints, ivhicli have been adjudged by the most eminent ithyslclans as hopeless. THE WONDERFUL EGYPTIAN BLOOD-PURIFIER. II2E9IAR. 37if ineomparaliU nEPUnATim i n powerful AhTJlltATIVK, TONIC, Jil- rriu:Tiv, ruAi'iioniyiic, ami Avmti- 1!NT, combining vlrttica tolileh render 4t invaluable and never-faiUna, awl bp 4ta continued uso itill thoroughly eradi cate all diseases of the blood. Its ingre dients are of a purely harmless extrac tion, the 2roducts gathered from rcntoto Egyptian 1'rovlnces, and trhero there is the slightest taint of disease in the sys tem, it never falls in ejecting that disease throug'lt the medium of the shin, or ex celling it through the many aud various chatmcls of the body, thereby allowing, and, indeed, forcing all the organs into their proper normal and functional con dition. A. very brief space vf time will convince any patient using it, of its un doubted reliability and wonderful ciirrl lre properties, it being, most unquestion ably, the very acme of medical triumphs, and the greatest discovery of the present age, in the treatment of every disease where the blood itself is primarily tho seat of the lesion, or disorder, such as BCIlOFUIiA and the thousand ami ono causes that lead to this terrible affliction, of which all civilized communities aro cognizant, for jttoucai uruin. hub assert ed that tho "Bins of tha fathers shall vtstt even unto the third and fourth gen erations," and to JlllOKEX-VOlVX AXD 3iXrjlVllI.lill COXSTITUXIOXS it is re powerful rejuvenator, causing the icrccb of man once more to assume the God-llko form of manhood. J'o r C VTA X 1:0 US DIS T.A ST.S, XTRIX- AV.Y nisoiinmis, coxstii'atiox or COSTIVJUXliSN, l.LVEll AXJt KIDSEV comi'laixts, ai:xi;iiAJ, axi xkjiv ovs miniJjiTY, niijsuniATisir, a TjAxd ULAit EXLAiKuumit rs.r.pi- niVT.lOSIATOVS VAXClilt, Nijblirr, AiwEciioxs of xii u ltoxr.s. ixno X.J3XT u it anus, i'x:max.ii vom- l'LAIXTS (and to the gentler sex it is a boon long sbught for by sensitive, suscep tible, and delicate females, as it takes direct action upon their ailments). AXD ajTj j-'okms of cunoxia njsr.Asm ix iruioii Tins nr,ooi is tiiih seat OF TUE THOVllIiE, it is invaluable. A. rt ?offfv0 rtliff jiermaiifllt euro for CHILLS and FEVERS and all .MALA-i IlIAL l'OISOXS. Thousands of Testimonials attest tho. truth of these claims. l'rlee, One Hollar, in largo bottle, or tlx bottles, $S. wmm DYSPEPSIA. - OASTROiV. OASTJtoy is a safe, speedy, and post five cure for that most depressing of ail ments, and a brie f course of treatment wilt Testore the digestive organs to tjieir pris tine strength, and promote tho healthy actlonof the stomach and intestines, Xho nervous irritability of literary and all persons pursuing a sedentary life, ia speedily removed by this agent, Tho stomach is restored to health and the hey twteof the system telll once morcrcspoml in the performance of labor, J'rlce, One JJollar. in largo bottle, or six bottles, $8 BRONCHITIS AND LUNG AFFECTIONS. TKACIIEOIV. A slight so-called cold wilt ofttlme teaa 10 a serious emtgn, wtnen, uncureu, for or badly treated, must have but one resultit must .eventuate in a,, settled ease of JSItONCJriTIS, or what is worse, tho deadly GONSUMl'TIoy. To all suffering from tiaras sing cough and expect o rut ion, c TUACIWON offers a sound, reliable, and permanent relief. It augments expecto ration, and enables the patient to expel that terribly septto deposit, which, if fejt without judicious treatme$it, 7tiust com ' muntettte its poison to the vesicular sub- stance of the lung, degenerating and de stroying that most essential of organs, and ultlmatcs only in an early and un timely death, TltAGlIlJOX has no equal, much less a superior, and Us use will not only remove the deposit, thereby affording great relief, but heals the membrane unit leaves the patient in possession-of healthy lung tissue. J'rlce, Fifty Cents per bottle, or sin bottles, &2,50, PILES. Hemorrhoids. Many causes tend to produce this pain ful and distressing state. The blood is retarded in its return; the too frequent e of drastic purgatives tends to produce congestion of tho bowels, torpid action of the liver, and numerous other causes are the source of this complaint, and hitherto nothing effectual has been presented to the public, which would rapidly alfevtate symptoms and ultimately prove an effect ive cure, j-i j.'j.uuvi xto ttuvu u reuiruj which not only acts almost instantly, but will remove the largest tumors of the parts (Vlles) by absorption, and many who havo received not only benefit, but have been radically cured, have been assured I (prior to using this treatment) by eml , nent surgeons that tho only relief they ever could expect life, would be by an, I operation, and removing it ot them from, 1 the body by a procedure which necessitat ed the knife. This remedy has been hailed with delight, and is now prescribed by many practising pnysxexuns, who are cog nisant of its merltst as tho only known, sure cure for i'XiX'A!. Jrtce,l?ifty Cents per package, or sin for $9,80 TIIE AISO W ItV3IVniCS A KB thorough in tho eradication of the differ ent and various maladies 'denominated, and are tho result of patient, searching, laborious, and scientific investigation, embracing a perlofl of many years, in Europe and America, If the specific directions ara compiled with, thousands of patients will bear wit ness to their relative merits, and corrob orate every assertion, llliere there ara many complications of disease, and pa tients so desire, Mil. CUAMLJU( will be pleased to give all Information, and treat by letter if necessary. Descriptive and Explanatory Circu lar nf the above remedies sent on receipt of 01. imp. If the J'JCOVJt IJJTAJt Y Jll El tflki are not on sate at your pai'tlcius druggist's, send orders tQ DR. CHANDLER, 1470 Broadway, New-York City. Subscribe, for The Oar box -Advocate, Onlyl 00 a Year!