I Society Meeting. IXMKITO 0A1TLB, No. Js. A. O. K. OK 1IIB M. C. 2nd and 4tb Xondav of eaoh month, in Re. tier's Hall. Lohlghton, at T;30 o'clock r. at, j mea U Htyeri, 8. K 0 I S. R. Ullnsra. N K. fl t. Oxadik nuns MM. NO. "SO, l.O. o. f. meets every Tuesday evening, nt 8 o'clock. In Ilcrr"i Hall. Alfred Beck, A. U. t N. II, neber. Secretary. ItlTUCUU! TBIDK. No, 232. Imp. O. of It If., meets In lleber'a Unit evey RntnrdaT. II. H. Kreldler. Sachem i O. W, Delhi, O. of 11, FOBO POCA Teide, Do. 171. Imp. O. R. M., meet on Wednesday evening ot ecn week, at 7:30 o'olock. In Fubile Kchool llnll, Weiesport Pa. C. W, Schwab, H. Jac. Brong. i:. of It. LlmonTOS LoDOtE, No. SJ4. K. of P.. meets on Friday evenings. In Reborns nail, at 7; o'clock. J. W. Haudenbush, C. O. T. 11. lUtcllI, K. of 11. and fr. ' 1 Advertising Rates. M7 A.lr it tn he rtlstJnctlr understood that Do adverUaeuienls will be Inserted In tbe col umns of TUEGAuDOH Advocate that maybe -eielved from unknown parties or firms nnlpas ntenmpanled with the Casti. The following are nr oh-t terms. Advertisements for 1 yer, per Inch each Insertion . . ... . , . 10 Ctv " six Months, per Inch each Insertion 1 Cts. " Three Months. " " " 20 Cts. " Less than three months, first tnser. tlon tU esch snbsetittent Insertion 23 Cts, Local notloes 10 cents per line. It. V. MORTI1IMER, Publisher. E It. S1EWKU8, DISTHIOr ATTOIWKY & AT LAW. COUNSELLOR OmcK, No. 2, Mansion House, MAUOn CHUNK. PA. 8ettllng Estates. Filing Accounts and Orphans Court lracticen specialty. Trial of Causes carefully attended to. Legal transactions tn English and German, Jan D. BATUItDAY MORNING MAKOIt 17. 1877. Local and Personal. The Stato fait tor 1877 will bo held at Bile. Hay sells la Kutitown at ono ceDt per pound. TbeKutztown furnace makes 65 ions ot Iron per day. Judge Sterrett took his seat In tbe Supremo Court on Monday. The creeks throughout the county were greatly swollen by the recent tains. CO lb. lard cans best tin only 75 cents at D. F. KIckcrt'e, East Weiss port, Pa. Max Sehwelnblnz, the genial res tauranter ot Mauch Chunk, was In town Tuesday. Should tho weather permit, water will be let into the canal und navigation opened by the 20th Inst The Thomas Iron Company are Retting another furnace ready at llok endauqua to put In blast. Wanted to Borrow, $2,000, on pood security. For particulars, call at tbe office of tbe Carbon Advocate. Wages of slate quarrying hands were on the 1st Inst, advanced, and the hours of -work Increased to ten per day. Henry Sllkman, a Luzerne county politician, died In the poor house tbe other day. Of course he was a dem ocrat. James E. Pannel was convicted of the murder of his wife in Lancaster, on Friday of last week. Ills trial lasted sixteen days. -t The "Cabot" Is the latest bonnet. It possesses the peculiar property of making a young girt iook imo an oia pple-woman. Mr, A. P. Ilorn was on a visit homo during the past week. lie Is looking well. He returned to Meyers town Wednesday. W. G. Nugent, a wellknown phy sician ot'Pittston, Pa., died, on Friday ot last week. Ho was a surgeon In tho army during the war. Never give up tbe ship. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup may cure you, as It has done others It costs little, and can never harm. Price 25 cents. Dr. Stapp, ot East Fenn, lias dis posed of bis pracltoe In that place, to Dr. Alfred Snyder, who has Just grad uated from tbe University of Penna. Joseph F. Rex, near Canal Bridge, East Welssport, will supply you with finest family flour, feed, candles, ap ples, potatoes, tobacco and clgaru, at lowest passible prices for cash. Try It and be convinced. 4 J. K. Rlckerthas still a few of those eligible lots In Iltckertatown to dispose of. It you feel like securing a good norao can ana see mm tie is also sap-i plying flour, feed, lumber and coal at the lowest rates. Stop a Moment. nave you used Dr. Coxe's Santonlne Worm Sirup. xry it. it in ueiigtiuui to me tasto, health-giving to children; but death to worms. Price 25 cts. For sale at A. J. IXurllng's drug store. 23 Recommended by tbe Faculty. Alias's Strengthening cordial and Liver I"lln -I bey have cured thousands of hopeless esses nana esses i this, too, mere au olfier remedies nave rsued i i without any of the horroratbat attend mrgery worm a whole army or doctors. Try tnem and be convinced. For aale by all Druggists. E. F. Luckenbach's stock of wall papers and window blinds beats all in this section of the state. If you go to Mauch Chunk, call and Inspect tils stock. See card In another column. Tho chattel mortgage bonds ot the North Pennsylanla Railroad falling due on the 1st of April next will be paid at tbe eflko ot the compauy. Interest will ceaso on that date. The heavy rain of Thursday night last week, caused quite a rise In the Lehigh at this place, and for a time fpAra mora Anrortntrifwl that tnilffl, Ham. age would be done; but towards Friday vcmuic uiv vfutcr urauuuuv nuusiueu. nil nnw rnlla nn tn Ita natural rtinnnol. J. T. Nusbaum Jfc Son have just re- urned fiom New York, with an lin. Rnui ,nu'u i l i 1 1 r v I'lum, rxrnitii nnn ng oft at popular prices. E. II. Snyder, Is now receiving adles an Immense stock of spring styles i aress cooas. au gooas sola at mis stabllshment are guaranteed to be as eprojeuted, and tbe prices fully as low a the same quality ot goods can be ought for at any other store In tbe Alitor. vallAV. i;atl anil nnu.l nnH. d learn prices. It U no trouble to w our gooas. Dr. D. H. Grossman, a student with Dr. Zern, of Welssport, and a graduate ol the University of Pa , will leave Monday, for Dallas, Dallas County, la. Spring goods havo already put In their appearance at Nusbaum & Son', anil the generally low prices again at tract the attention ot close Cash Buy ers. Peter Wycock, one of tho oldest lawyers at the bar of Lehigh county, died at his residence In Allentown on Thursday of last week. lie was In his 71st year. Ilandsome carriages and neat step horses for pleasuie, business or funer als can always be obtained nt David Ebbert's livery, on worm oireei, at lowest rates. The ox roast announced for last Saturday In this place Well, we would rather say nothing about It, and the ball In the evening Yes, both were vkiit 'ill affblts. Tho Lehigh University, at Beth lehem Is to be Imroved by the adddltlon of n library building. It will be a fine edifice, elegant In appearance, and sub stantial In Its construction. A good strong boy, about 17 yearsJ or age wanes a place to worn, wnere ue can mate nimsoir generally ueeiui to his employer. On a farm or to drive a team. Apply at this offlcfli Ladles are respectfully Invited to call and examine our large and beantt ful stock of White Goods, Hamburg Edgings and Insertions. Respectfully, J. T. Nusbaum & Son. TheAllentown Chronicle announ ces the sudden death of Rev. D. B. Ernst on Sunday last. He dropped suddenly dead In his garden. Mr, Ernst was C3 years old and has been in the ministry since 1845. -W. A. Peters, at his new saloon, opposito. tho Public Square, wlll.set up a free Saur Kraut Lunch, this (Friday) evening, and kindly Invites his friends to partake thereof. Easton lager always on tap. One night last week n hay mare, 15 hands high, nearly four years old. 'with a small white star on his forehead black mane and tall, was stolen from the stable of Samuel B. Larzalere, In Doylestown. A reward of $100 Is of fered for the recovery ot the animal. Wm. J. Butter, cashier of the First National Bank of Pottstown, Pa., was taken sick on Saturday and kept In his room. Tbe president of the bank, be ing suspicious, caused the books to be examined, and me sick man was lound to have embezzled about $17,000. On Tuesday last, Jacob Strsusbur cer, a saloon keeper In Welssport, was relieved ot his pocket-book, containing Tllu (two fou Mils and balance suis.ll notes). A warrant has ben issued for the arrest of a certain party against whom there Is said to be strong sus picion. All the foremen and station agents employed by me Delaware. Lacks wanna and Western Railroad Company were notified on Friday of last week of a reduction of wages, to take effect from the first of March. The wages of the foremen will be reduced 811), and of tho station agents $5 per month. R. 11. Wlddoss has purchased the stock and good-will of O. II. MacDan. lets' barber shop In Welssport, and la- Ken possession. Air. w. is a nrst rato barber, and will no doubt soon convince the peoplo of our sister borough, that it is far oetter to De suaved and "fixed" by bis gentle hand, than to " tug and scrape" themselves. The directors of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company Tuesday announc ed a quarterly dividend ot seventy-five cents per share, equal to 0 percent per annum, payauie on Monday, me lGth of Aptil, to all stockholders, and to woman only on Saturday, the 14th. The transfer books of the com pany close on the 23d Instant. The Deleware and Hudson Canal Company, The Deleware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company, the Pennsylvania Coal Company, tho Le high and Wllkesbarre Coal Company, and Individual operators In the Wy oming region, reduced the miners' wags on the 15th Inst. 10 per cent., and Also reduced rents, cost of powder, etc to miners. .An old man ot about GO years, .named Larose, an employee at the Packerton shops, while ou his way home, on Thursday night ot last week down the canal tow path, It being very dark and stormy, accidentally stopped Into the lock opposite Packerton, There was about 14 inches of water in lock, which tended somewhat to break his fall, a distance of 1G feet. Mr. Larose w.a nnl tnl.tul h f.,11 I,,. An J muw iujuilu uj tiio tail, as ug a A peared at his work next day. J a. letter to us, dated "At Sea, March 12th," from our friend Harr Mobahan, U. S. N., says: "Off at lust. We left Norfolk this morning, and are now bowling along on tbe way to As pinwall." "1 am as happy as a lark. Remember me kindly to all In quiring friends " Our youug friend speaks very highly of the "accommoda tions" on board the U. S. steamer 'Swartara," to which vessel he Is as signed. U. A. Peter, late clerk for non. X. J. Durlltig, lias purchased the stock fee,, of O. W, LentE's drug store, and installed himself as proprietor thereof in Leuckel's building, where be invites a share of tbe people's patronage. His stock comprises pure drug", chemicals, all tbe leading patent mediciiies,an Im mense stock of elegant patterns in wall papers, and a full line ot toilette and laucy articles. An inspection ot goods is respectfully Invited. Prices as low as elsewhere. The Reading Eagle says : Tho English Institution ot game preserves has been Introduced Into Berks by a local sporteman's association. They have leased 3,000 acres ot forest, field and stream, which they will stock with birds aud fishes. They pay each ot the fifteen farmers five dojlars a year and devlde the proceeds or fines for "poaubing" with the farmers on whoie territory game Is killed. Several bun dred quail and pheasants will be set at liberty this spring. "St. Patricks' Day In the morning" this (Saturday), 17th Inst. Another lot of nnw printing ma terlal just received at this office. Bring along your Job work. H Is announced the Deleware, Lackawanna and Western Railway Company will sell 100,000 tons of coal at auction bu thb 28th Instant. "The American Celt" Is the title of a new paper phblldicd at Haleton, Luzerne county, by Hon. J. C. Finch cr and T. J. 0"Brlen. Price 81.50 a year. The German Banking Company of rottsvllle closed Its doors on Tuesday, and will now go Into liquidation. It owes depositors thlrty-flvo thousand dollars, and has assets to double that amount, but It will take some little time to realize upon them. The suspension of tho First Na tional bank of Allentown, Pa., was re ported on Wedr.esday. But the fact that It paid checks for small a mounts by drafts on NewYorkand hope ful assurances clven by the bank officers, dldftot allay the general uncasluess. lA man named John Norrls, of fParryvllle, while on his way to Uoken- dauqua, on Saturday last, in searcn oi employment, attempted to board a coal train on the L. V. R.R., and In doing so slipped and fell with his leg under the movlnc cars, the wheels passing over It at tho ankle. Ho was taken to! sea to' St. Luke's hospital. For their misdemeanor Milton bert was sentenced to 10 years and Geo. Iloyer to 7 years In the Eastern Penitentiary. They were conducted by Sheriff Raudenbush, to that estab lishment on Thursday morning last. At the samo time Wm. Trutnnaur, for stealing a horse and buggy from D. H. Rouse, nt Weatberly, was taken down for four years. Mrs. E. Fatlli the popular Lehigh ton Milliner, two doors below the M. E. Church, Bank Street, announces to the ladies that she Is now receiving nil the latest designs in spring millinery goods, comprising bonnets, hats, rib bons, notions hair goods, Ac, to which she invites their attention, believing that she can furnish articles in her line at prtecs ful'y as low as the same goods can bo obtained elsewhere. No trouble to show goods. From Mauch Chunk. Mr. Ham. B. HUtcblnson. who Is recovering ropiillv from his lain illness, contemplates an early return to Ills home In Nevada. -Mr. Wm. Roberts. of this placets Raid to have been offered tho tiuncrlnieudeucv of a large Iron mtnolacturlng estaolisnmeut near Auicapier, j. a. And today ltue anniversary of the death of the holy at. Patrick lu the moinln'. A party ot summit Illllers. among whom Odlllon Kiotz, deuarte I on last MoJday for the Ulack Uil.a. Mr. David Lltts, a brakemsn on the Ta niiqua Branch, was badly hart on 11 outlay near uautu minium. Mr. Tho. Rellley, for 13 yrs In the employ of Air. Jno. Lelgeuruig aa g.trdner, will boon ezchango tils present position fur a aim liar one at jjewientm, looiuir is au cxpaneuceu non. Tho cases of the young men from Dunlow ana the IJeniottheue'o of tiie Coal llegton, lmth found guluv some months airoot iwijuty, will be dlftuoi-ed of at tho comlug term of court, when argument lu the '1 bos. P, l'Uner case will also be heaid. len. Fits John Porter and a rtty of promt. meutJurttev Central oulclAls. on u lecnnnniter. lug along the line, were among the gucats of iue Mansion ou jruoay oi idsi weeic, Quito a number of mechanics aroalieady engaged at icnovating and improving the lu. tcrlor f the Mauslou. Mesara. Booth Essera " (In Pnriflem' appear to bo a succcaa. Judging by the number Iilg Creek Items, The toads are In a bid condition for travel Qalte nnambr of Couutrv Solioola will close In three weeks, aftox a teim ot live roonuiB, Potatoes for planting will be very scarce and high tins spring, on account of the ravages ui ua uux Juab fvai. Mr. Wm. Nitcliev removed back to his own property last week) he Intend to discontinue ihe store business. Our schools ahow a great decline tn atteu dance the putt month, on accouut of sUkpess. Mr. Jacob Begel has purchased the Maria Furnace Turin ot Joseph Antbouy, consider, atiou, sK0, Including btocz, so your reporter has beeu luloriuct), , -Mr. Boloioou Solt, of this place, has lately dl" posed of his tiact of wood.aud to Fiaucia Otto, of Plnellun, Services ate liolng hold every Sabbath In tbe bu Paul's Churoh, alternately or Hor. J. 11. Freymai: or the Uelurni, and Krb, ox the Lutli ern denoniluaiiou. J jo. II. Krum.'of thla place, who has lately tskeu unto hluiaelt a wlfo, will late cliaree ot afaimuearParrvvllle. on or atwut Apiu Isu 1 wlsb htm success in his new peismt. Amoa8oltwlll move to the farm of Wm. Thomas, on Pine Hun, on Apnl lit. -A sou of John Wolfs was Interred at the Sr. Paul's iliurcn. He was aged Ijear, 8uio., H daya Rev. Mr. Werner, of Cedar Creek, has been appointed by the Conference the successor of Hev. b.Brvfogei for this circuit, Mr. w, cornea ull recoinuiuuded. He will have cervices fur thotliat time lu the Holt's Chuich, oi this place on auuday z.lh ot this mouth, at 10 o'olock. All are cordially luvitod. Yours, etc, Big Creek. Mar, 12, 1ST7. bevies. Court Proceedings. Com. va. Adam lleurv i nsault and battery, Prolocutor 1 e,er Kbberta. Verdict not guilty but sentence to pay turee-foiirlus una prosecu. tor to pay ono lourtu or cueu. Order to pay ccuta ot Inquest held over the deudboiiyof a while mau. uearthe tilth nine post of L. V. luuroad near uioutu of Black Creek. order to pay casta of Inqoest btld over boy of Alice ftlney, Com. vs. Peter bbert , larceny. Not guilty. Com. vs. Ueorgo liayspiiug; larceny. Not guiliy. co.il. vs. J. L. Lanahan, rap. Not guilty Com va. Htepuen Urnckeiimlller aud James K Hill, larceny. Not gulitv. Coin. vs. J. 8. Wood. Ijrccny, Nat guilty, which verdict wis arrived at without leaviug the box. Com. va. J, 8, Webb, larceny. Verdict the aauie at above. Com. vs. J, K. 11111, falsa pretence. Not guilty. Com. vs. Milton Belbert and Oca Uoveri lar ceny, b. 11. Butter, Prosecutor. March 9, defendants p.cad 'amity " Com. vm Milton Koioert and t.eo. Boyeri larceny. A. Piiednian, I'rosocutor. Muxca 9. defendants plead " gudfy." ' com, vs S i. ton Uelbnt and Geo. Borer i lar ceny. Uliaui luckert Prosecutor. March , doieudant's pload ' gu.Uy." com. vs. Jalitou ieit'orc and a'o, Bover t Kr. ceuy J, I. WiUou, 1'iueccuUir. Ueteuuuts plead guiUr. Com. ve. Mlllou Delbeit aud Geo. Borer i laroeuy 8. II, ltuuer Prosecutor, Verdict "guilty." Com. vs. Wm. Boyer i receiving stolen goods. B. II. Butler aniTA. Priediuan Prosecutor. Verdict not guilty ." Com. .vs. J.mea Qulnn i seduction. Ball for. Com. vs. Uiuau Boyer. oyer. Receiving stolen li. Ilntier. Verolct not goods. Prosecutor u, guilty i-Slate Of JonSS IlPma!. All.B ..Otlllnn r.1 one of the heirs of decodeut to autuorun fie. Admlnliitratora to sell mal 1-iate. Ho oid -red. Petitljn for aale ol Ileal Kataleof llliaiu Zel. gentusi. la.eonleieu. t. 4. Wemmrr & Co. va. Wo'd A Brown, Da feueatiU to plead in 2idava. lleub Gregory vs. Cuss Huseman to the use oMVm. liu email. Feigned issue In matter ot AMtaaiueut otjuu. F, Byuon to Jno. Byuou. Order of court. . 'l'llgnmau Kuous vs. biuuin llatrli, wife ot Wm.uairis.aud Wm. Hwrla. Cmsiiou to de. tendanta to appear within Jo days. Tho Molly Mn?uIro Cnes. 1 he MusiST Cass. In the ca-enr Thomas Munlry, the Molly Magrilre convicted otthe murder ot Tnoa. Banter, the Bnpreme Court Tuesday entered a Don iprosj This sends ibo case back to Ihe position it held before the writ of error waa taken out and leaves tho aentcnoe of death, Imposed by the Court beloW, nn im- pailOU, Alio BIU1IUU lOi W-o nvu viww .. the iieoesaiy piper laioks u.d not oo.ni prepar. rdand aetvediaiidthelnabilnvof theprrooer, by reaion of his extreme poverty, to prof bre the requisite fundi for printing, was deemed by tnoCourtac lniiifllclent ieaou forafunhee continuauce. lu view of the fact that no assign moot of error had Deeu fll d In the caso.althouah tue wm ol error bad been taken out In Hepieid. bvr. The cabroll Case. The continuance asked for In the case of James Carrol, James Boyle, Uugh McOehan and James Borlty. convicted ot the murder of B. P. Yost, having been refused nnnnnnl. nnnn hA writ of error WHS TtieidaV begun. Thu Commonwealth was represented ny jr. li. liowan, u. It, r aruuar, eo. . juer- .f... , . 1 1 , I'Vn. All.pli.l.. Vai and ihe t rlVonefa by John W. Ryon. Ksq. T.ie facli ol the killing, ai developed by ttienigu. lqeut, were as lollows: Bonjsmiu F. Yost, a policeman of Tmnaqna, Pa,, had mutie an enemy or a man unmrd Dairy, an engineer In the mines near bv. On the uiornlug of July ctb, 1S7S, nc about 'io'cioca. Yost, whilst engaged in tutu lng off tbe gas in one of tbe street lamps, was approached by two stranger, who. otter dis cliatplug their pistols at him und Inflicting a latil wound fleiL No cine as to who the asaas aina were was obtained until Hept. 3d when one James Kerrtuau, who with Michael Boyle hiid Kdward Koiiy, bu been arieitcd at Carbon county for the minder of a mluo boss named Jones, made n coufeasloni In wnlcb ho lmplicat. ed Thoniaa Buff, lluan McUeban, James Car rot .James Uonti, with hUnHelf, in Ihemuioer of Yost, Thereupon the parties named were all nrresteii, lodged lujall, and later put upon their trial; a aeveionce, aowover, being granted In the esse of Bafrr, who aemauded a soparato trill, uwingtothe deaUi of one of tne Jurors, thellrst tnui termluaiod without a verdict, ami a second trial wia cailedup on July s, 17 d. A regular panel ot jurora was bummoned for the case, and Jm'ges Persuing aud Waiaer weie on the Buuth At tho tliee the coso w is called, bowevei. tho trtil of Mauley was pro. fie' slug with another panel of Juror and two other luilges. This ruct wai av erred by coun. eel tor the prisoners as a reason why the trial of their dients Hhould not proCoctL The court overruled the objoetiou, and iheaclection ota Jury wai compleied, partly from the regmar panel and paitly from tlcaineu, bvttaiurday, thoSih of July, the last day of Court. Outho UthofJuty the District Attorney opened the case for tne Commonwealth, tbe Jury nuviug boeii called fiom day to day, but no evidence having be-n laid beiore them, oalngto tho fact thai all the counsel enesged in tne Carroll case wore engaged m the Atuuleycase, Ihouluthe course or IrinL 'I he allegations of tbe Commotiwtalth were that the murder was done py order or the bo. ciotv of Ancieni Hibernians or Molly Majrulres, tliat Duff, having a g udge against Yost, made conipl.int to Carroll, seoetaiyi anil Kerrigan, body master, ot his own division, for some ono to kill bis enemy; that he, Kerrigan, and Car. roll aflorwurds made complaint to ono ltoanty, the body master ot Coalite division, who ag reed to f unuih the men to do tbe deed; that in pursuance with tills agreement, Rouilty aeut Mclieliaii aud Bovle, ofr.uniinit Hill division, who wanted J. P. J onca. who was obnoziouB to tbcm, muidered; that Kcniiraii and cairoll ag reid tu furnish men to kill Jonea and actually did ao; that the object of lhli exchange was to have the vict.ms kided by men they could not identify; thut ou the night of the killing, Korn gau, Carroll, .McUehau, Boyle mid Dully all met ut Ctirroli's house; that McGoluin and Doyle wore led to wheie Yost was by ouo ot the others; thit they anot nlin In cold biood ami Hod, and that the plitot of ltoanty, with which thodeodwasdoue. was afterward found with tho pistols used lu ehooilng Jones. Tho defence to a 1 this was an ulibl as to all the prisoners and an attack upon tho testimony of Kerrigan, an accumpnee lu tho crime, and Mcl'arlan, a detective, who. under tne name of MuKenua, ii-u uecomu poa-esceu oi uio sucroia oi ine ur der. Afterachargebythecouit, ihejurvcon. victed nit tho deleiidnnts. and tliuv were nil seuteuced to dejth. Fioiu this sentence tbe present sppe il is taicn. F. if Uoweu, eq., closed the nrgumenta tor tho Conijionwcaltii on Wednesday, and J, W. ltyon. K.q., foi tho prisoners, plaintiffs in error. iuo court look uio muiicr uuuer auyisemeni. The Coal Trade Tho chief fi aturo lu the ohtDraclte coal de partment during tbe past week was tbe move ment of tho Lehigh Cual and Navigation Rail. ro d Compinj- agiinst Its lessee, tho Central Railroad ot New Jersey. Notwithstanding a very great deal In ti ls conuectlou which has been reported lu Uio newspapers within tho lust four or Tlvfl days is untiue or ereatly exag. crated, we liavo a-cet lamed that tho Navicailon Company, m order t hold and maintain intact nit Its lights under the leasoot Its propeity to tho INew Jersey central, did, ou Monotiy of last week, give lormalumlce to the olUueiaot mat company mm legui steps wouiu uo taxen for tho recovery of posses. Ion ol the leased raihojd But Ilia not at ail Piobuole that the threatened legal procee'ilugs will ba abowod to prufcTOs tonuyroiiiu. ino ix-aigu navigauon Company does not mean lo tose ume nor allow nnv of its adyuutugea under the lease lo lapse, houco the nrst legal step of notice to pay or siir. render. But Ihis will urohuuly be tho end uf the law proceedings. It Is ao ui.nltoit.y tho true policy, ludood tbe salvation, of tho ceu Irul Kuhnud to Hold its oouueciion with tbe anthracite coal regions, as secured under the leuso of the Lehiga and butqut-hauua uuluoud, that no ouo acquainted wiui the relatfons ot the trado of thu two oaiupiules oau douut tliat the lesseos will Bpureno itTort to maintain ttte lease in force. It may bo luceuvon out to com ply with ull ot Hi conditions just now, but it ts tho jKiiut to which all oihir cousideiationi must beud.and theio Is reasou to Dlievu this osseut al result will bo aatlsfactotiiy attained Wherethe.slsa win theio is a way, and whoi e the Interests of seversl parties involved are a.l o.,u way. luto.liveut good uuture la very suie to find thatwayuudlosrUiu upou it Indeed in the present nialter of difforence. aimoable negotiations have already commenced, and there la lituc reaonto doubt wiU end in the tuamtenauceoi tho status ot toe companies, t hue tuo Navigation Coiuoauy, onder aoitait. uro ot Its lca-e. might work lu own properties with advantage, ins very appureut Uiat a faithfal coiupuauce with tae teimsof its luuse by tho Central Is lu many reipects mote destr. aolo, if uoi more piotltHole. no.h tho mules, lesnors and lessees, repieseut pioperties ot far too great valuo to Iocs; them up in a lawsuit tliat may prove intormiuiiole. Present noancial trouD es. there Is eciyietsou to believe, wm be arranged, una ail will wora togeihcr liar. mouioui.lv. und, it la hopid, profitably. An other lualter iu this conuociiun, and even more dltectly oonueciod w,th the eoal Uaile for thu year, is a repot t In clrcu allon to the effoct that tho receivers or the Lehigh aud Wiu.a barro Coal Company have aiuuuu contract wltu Mc. CI aiio. Parnsli to mine Wilkesbarro coal fur tlie.u oi Jl as per tou. reiot.a.iuiij are now in progicss. and Ills highly probab.e that a ooutructof too character meniiuue.t will be made, but at a lower price vir ton than is named. Tho receivers aie inclined lo this policy to avoid as tar us possiblo the risks cou. urclod with miuliig coal, aud to hx the tost f pioduct ou. as welt osoi seiiuing to market, so at to know wlthlu uuirow limits the result of tlieooperntionsofeachdav or week. Thiaar laugcmeiu lor worklug tho WllVe.iimre coal uiiues may piovo tcouomlcal and wise, out it becms tu fuiesbatow stroua and determined com petition In the coal tr Bio for the rema.uder of tho j a ir. Wo ha u not had mush faith In the roiioitsof any ot tbu recent ttToits makiug to roiuoiueaud conteiitrate the traue ou euocr piicos or proJuciluc, aud the Indication of auy such lo. ult are less aufplcioua now taau heie tofjiu, Tnere is a lair promia. now that for the remainder oi the year thcie will be pieoty ot coal, aud at pr.ces that ever ecoomuauies au over suppllid luai ket. While this competition may lilcli a little tao coal operatoia. II will lavor the groat coal currylug compajiea, who maiuiy p.ou.irom iouuage,wnicu ineieu-esas tho low oi ices w.deu the lousumptlvo demand. Polludelphia Leucer, 12th ln.U '1 ho foliovi ino I able shnn s the nuantllr ot coal sulptiedovcr tneLehigu Val.ey iiuilniad for lbs woea eudlug Mar. H tu, Ian. aud for the year as coiu,iaieu wuu rue same timo last yean lieglous l loin. Week. Year. Wyoming ISStutM Slu,lo9 OS llutletou 31 toil IS iSJSo Is Upper Oj. high 111 2114 12 iHMiver 3itauaw..... 1.4.8 uz i,Hl IS SS OS uuii is iis,ui tu 51 01 Mabauoy... Mauca Chunk. Total ei.iuo oo irrt.ogi on Last Year i.sus il 7(7.5 rj tu lncreasij 4j,svi tw is 1,6711 10 ummw IlllTOIir OF COAT, tranitmrtnd over Lenin0 dc busquhanua Division, Central It u. of jersey wees ending siar, w, i77. lotalweek, Todate ouipis-u irom tons. cwt. JV youung SJ.J 16 tons, cwt ait.tua 10 41,1X1 07 M.S7J J,l 4 CS IU. a 17 Unoer Lehlirh... (..sin i Bo.iver Mouuow... llasletou..... Mauch I'hnuk llazurdvlile buiilh aud Judd,,,, U,litl07 04K 18 1V.IW 19 Total 110,001 is Previously lejHUbod SiliUOi OS Total to dato 40I.00S o baiae lime lu I year taaV&l Ol Increase 15.,0ia 02 Decirase 401.611. LKiiionTOX, ri., Marcii l3th. 1877. MB. IT. V. MOHTUIUlB. Hdid P,n Vmm ttis fact that a Wrbut lm- presslon prevails among the people tn regard id the Ball si last Saturday night, I lake the linen tv ot asking you to oublish the following facta ortbocaeola exoneration of the C tizens Cot net Band! About two weeks ago to day. a gen tleman II desire to wlthhoM names) who ap peared to bo Chairman of Ihe Commlitoo of ar. rangements on Ihe " ox Koaiv came io mo auu said thev would like tho Band to play on the evening ot the "Or Roast," and foronr pay they would tiko np a collection. I anawereo, tnnt wo wonld Play for them on those terms: a few days aftcrwarj this eme gentleman Informed me that the Committee had met and had decld. ed to have a ball at the close of the Ox Roast, the xecelptaot which as well oi thecoUeotlon. should be oar pay. This atrai.gcment appear, ed to me a liberal ono, consequently I sgreed to turnlth all the "necessary rou.lo." This, Mr. Editor, Is all the Band had to do With the ar. rangements, and li anyrthlng occurred that merits censure, outsldi of the muiio. I hope the School Board as well as thb people, will in jus tice to the Band put the blame where It be longa. We agreed to furnish raualo for an "Ox Roast," onr pay was to be the receipts ot a ball and a collection. Hoping this may have the desired effect and thanking you lor tho use of your columns. I remain. Yours Truly, F. P. LKN1X, Leader Citizens Cornet Band. Only Three tn lOO.OOOi Bead, pause and reflect over the followine: Dr. Coxe's Wild Cherry and Seneka has proved beyond all doubt to be tne best and most wonderful remedy ever prepared for the speedy rellof and cure ot all coughs, colds, whooping cough, asthma, hoarseness, weak lungs, Incipient consumption, and that terrible malady croup. Have you delayed try ing It so long ? If so, get a bottle cost ing 50 cts. and use two thirds of It ; If not satisfied return the balance and get your money back. Can anything bo fairer ? This offer has been accepted by over 100,000 persons using this delight ful remedy, and only three bottles havo ever been returned. Sold In Lehlghtorl. hy A. J. Durllng and C. W. Lcntz. Largo bottles GO cents', small slz9 25 cts. KnslilonnMe Winter Clothing, T D, Clauss, tbe merchant tailor, Is almost dally receiving additions to his large and elegant stock of winter goods, comprising cloths, nasslmeres, and vestltigs of the latest designs and tho best manufacture, which be Is pre pared to make up In the most fashion able nnd durable manner, at prices ful ly as low as the same material and workmanship can bo obtained for In any other town In the State. Also, a full line of gent's furnishing goods, hats, caps, boota, shoes and gaiters suitable for the wear of this section, and manu factured expressley to bis order. The entire stock has been purchased on an entirely cash basis, and as he Is selling for cah only he Is able to sell at such prices as will astonish purchasers. Call and examine goods nnd prices before purchasing elsewhere. Politic Sales. Bills tor the followlngsalea liavobeen printed at this office, or they are advertised in tho col umns of the advocate i March 17th. at 12 m.-Farm stoclc and lrople- ments. the property ot UnttUh and James De- Lonx. In East Penn township. Tues lay, M arch 20. at I p. m. Farm, saw mill. &u, in Uabouing Valley, property ut Rudolph ltamblo, March 23. at 2 and 7 a.m Cows, Ilousehold Furniture etc., property of Mrs. Elizabeth W eldenheimer, Bonk-st, Lehlghton. Match 31, at 1 p. to Valuable Farm, late ot Jonas liemaiy, rtoo'd, containing macros. In Franklin township. A. and W. Remaly and I. (I.Bagenstose, administrators. Monday. Aptll 2, at 10 a, m, Farming stock and Implements aud lot of Household Furniture, ou the premises ot Adam Andreas, In upper Towamcnsiug twp. April 17, at 2 o'clock p. m. Ilonse and lot, prop, erty of Nathan 11111, Franklin Twp., one halt mile oast ol Welssport, on the road lead ing to Kresgevlllo. Otir I'liiladelphla Letter. PIlItADELTUlA, Pa., March 14, 1S77. DRAB Advocate : March bids fair to keep up Its reputation as a month ot "free biowa." and awnings, signs, steeples, roofs' and not a few cranlums will bear testimony to the same. 'My folks are all quite well," said an hum ble voter td a defeated candidate. "Whit do I care !' was the xeply. Then tbe bumble voter was astonished for Ihe politic)! aspirant had al. ways Inquired alter his family previous to the election. Bury " the bloody shirt" Deep down in the dirt i We'll not need It ngalii Unlit another campaign. I nave the following in a letter from Nan. tncket, Ma.a.t Last Friday night a watchman ou the booth Beach discovered from hts lantern a nark cming right In for tbe ahoro, and short ly after lie was hailed by the captain, who aald "Where thed-lamlt" Then the watchman replied "High and dry on Nantucket beach " The UI fated craft waa fiom Uamptou Roads and bound for Nova Hcottai all bands were sat ed but tho vessel is a complete wreck," A most peculiar plant ts tho Lampholla. Bouuisls will pleiso make a note of tin. s-'The wearing of the green'1 will be all the go hetOou bsturdav. President Hayes and family attend the M, r.. Chuich. If: they ahould happen to visit M. chunk at any time and remain over unnday, I hope thev will have the pleasuie of heatiuga sermon from the Rev. Mr. Vincent, It will soon be time to unlock the locks ot tbe causls. Beckers after appointments oiled reap nothing but disappointments. Thousands are wlUing to serve their country for stamps. In i distant city, hal and lone lie sat in a garret. With no ono to share it. Ami sang to his love Through nis Telephone, A necklace mode of good lit haul la aald to bo a sure cure tor the sore throat. Here's a " Perional" ttnrn the New York Herald of the 13th lust Bead It through a pieee of blue glass aud perhapa Its meaulug may appear t ''All persona who have during the pail two years puicuaed of stok or bonds of the central Railroad of New" Jeiaoy, Dela ware and Hudson Canal or Delaware and Lack awanna, on the falih ol statements mace by inclrdirectors, and who aie desirous of reoov. erlng their losses.wlll liud It to tbelr advantage to communicate wliu .slTOUNKY, Herald of fice. For aniuaemements this week we havo had "Lemons." at the Onestnut, hothern lu " Onr American Coasin." at Aicli. " Fifth Avenue at Klraify'a, and ihe last week of " The Mighty Dollar," at Ibo Walnut, sh&d8ea0n will soon be here and doubtleaa great number ol this lusciou. Ush wilt bo sent per express through Uio laud aud marked C O. D. Weep, little children, tor Uncle Simmy Tit' deu. And now please do, for Himun Camerun too. President Uaree deserves grest praise for bis qmet ways and tho .uocessiul raise bo gave the bulldozers to their a aula. Cameron, Senior Don. Kxpecta to gu to Washing Ion, I ezpect )o remain. Yours, iu Philada. MAucrma Illr.ll, BROWN. In Lower Towaioeitslng lorwnshln. Franklin Walla, sou ol Levi and su.ni lirowj, aged 1 years. mos. and 17 diys. sassas-aaasaaaa . I . t Closing Prices of DeIIavkn A Town sf.kd, Stork, Government and O.Md 40 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Mar 15th, 16i7. It. H.ii's. iwi tll'i bd li:.i as'tr.1 II. 8. i-?.''s. 18f 107 ( thd 191 ailcid r. H. S-20's. 13 J.A J....IU8I lllrt il' 't os'xeo U. 8. s-VO's 1847 Ill t hid 1 1 1 H asked li. m. 5-20'a, I8fli mh bid IliV, asked t'l f. la-Pi's liti4 bid 111- asked ir, t. enrrency, 8's df,173 bid mft akrd U. 8. t, ISSI. now...' 1094 bid litis u. a tit's, new : iraH bid ion lr Pennsylvania R. R 42)4 bid UH a.xt'9 Phtla. A llondlng.R, R.,,, U!t hid I.', s keel Lehigh Valley R. R 4IH bid 41 . askid I-cMbD Com A Mir. Co.... hid 2?J aikrd United Companies of N, J.ICH bid 137 sskio OilCreek4All.Vai.ll.lt.' OH bid 7 askrd Phlla. Kile It, K 11 bid Ilk aa Noilhei n Central It. II... sol nid Si ml fl Jfo.tonvtlle Pass; R.R. Co. lilt bid 1SH assrfl Oold IMS bid nth nsied Special Notices. l)jprpsln. Dyspepsia. Drspspsirii Drspeusia Is the most perplexing of ail tinman aliments. Its svmpiuirtN Kn almost Infinite In their varloly, and tho foflorf! aud despondent victims of tbo disease olte i fancy themiielvea the prey. In tarn of every snon mahuli. .hu is one, in psrt io the cose sympathy whldh ex lsts between the stomach and tbe brain, und in Salt also to the fact that nny diainrbaucet tho tgesttve function necessarily disorder the .lv er. the bowels and the neivous Hystetn nndtf. fecta to some extent, the quillty of thd TifOta. K. F. Kuntel's Bitter Wmtt of Iron n niiri cure. This la not a newprepaiatiou, to bo tried and found wanting- It bai been d.eecrloea i allv for many Teirs in the practice of imlnent physi cians with nnparalleid snccesa- it Is not exooct. ed or Intended, to cure all the disease to which the butnftn family li eubj-ct, batiswairnDiJ to cure Urspepsta in its must obstinate form . Knolel's Birter Wine of iron never fills ttf cure. Uyraploma of Dyapep-ia nre loss of app.' tlte. wind and rl-lngof tho food, dryne-sot no month bartbura. distension of the atom ch and bowels, constipation bead-iebe. dizzlne-M, eleeplessnesn ntidlow spirits Try the gicat re meay S'ad bo convineei of iti merit-. h I tne f;ennine. Take only Knnkol's. which Is nut ou. ym II bottles. Depot. 2$) Notth Ninth t Phllauelphia. Advico by nliil tree, b aenolng Scentetsmp Try ono bottle? of Kunkel's iron and be convince-t ot lta roentsi Sjldbyurtfg gists aud atoi ekecpers every w bote. Worms. Wotms. fforflia. Removed alive. Tape Worm removed alive In irom two to three houra, with tegetatile medicina. Head and all passing from the sys. temailve. No fee till head nasann. The Doctor never falls to remove Pace; seat, lin aud rttom ach Worms. Ask our druvgisi torn boUleot Hunkers Worm Syrup. Pilce, tit per bhttie. ltnererfalli. or send to Dr. liunkel 39 North Ninth xtreoi. PhUndolph'a l'a. lor clrcu ar with full Instructions,!) enclmtn g 3 crift atam lor rettlrn of eatne. Kuntci's Worm eyrup is uied lor chilnren or adults; with pertect sifety, aaltlsvegetab e. Buy it. an 1 try it. War. 3 PIMPLES. . I will mall (Free) the recipe for prepartntfa simple VftogTABLR Balm that will remove Tam, FRKCKLEM PIMl'LtHS and BLOTCHES lea inglho skin solt, cloar and iie-intlfoli also in structiona for producing u luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or Binooth face. Address Ben. Vandelf & Co. Box ftlsl. No. 8 Woosterl., New York; . JanlJ.m8 TO CONSUMPTIVES. The Mverttsfir. havlnff been pfrmafienilv tjir ed ol Out ilread (IKeape. Contraption by a flm Die remodr, U onitoaa to mnko kmiwu to hi fellow fltifferorn tim means oi ciuo. To all woo rte-tire it. he will Dent a Wpv or the prencrlplmu n-f0, (ireo ot charffel. with tho duectton for Sreparlnfir and U'lDfr ihe tame, which thev will a a 6 due cuur tor Consumption, Aithmft, Bronchi i 1b. Ac. Patties wishing the pietcnpf Hon will please atldre- 11 k v. IC A. wlf.uo., 191 Tenivat, WilUamsbnrgh, N.Y. J tn 13 m6 Errors of Youth. A Gentleta'in who suffered (or years from Nitrous Deoiitty, Premature Decuy.wnd all the cffectR ot roathlut Indiscretion will, for the sake ol suffer! nir humanity, Bend froe to tilt who ned It, the roclpe nnd directions for making tho simple remedy br which he was cure.1. buffer' ers vishWH to piottt hy the advert ser's experi ence can do 80 by address. up, In perfect contl' donee. JOHN 11. OODKN, Jtnt3m6 i2 Cedarit., .New York. Now Advertisements. C3 i m & Q- O . J , CD Hebcr's Illoclc, Brink -si,, T.clitgliton. Notice. To the Public A. J. DDR ft NO'S Family Drag andlMcdlclne Htore, (In Dt. Beber"s Block) la OPEN ou SUNDAY from 8 to 10 o'clock A. M.. 1 to Jl, i to 7 P. M . Residence-let door aboro M. V. Church A.J. Dufllng, onr popular Drug. ght. hsvlDg dispensed with the servtcea of n clerk," Is behind! ths Counter Healing' out and Compounding Nice, Por, Freh. UnsdulteratMl Mel cine for the Slok and Affi ctod, at Redno' ed Prices At A. J. OUfllng's Drug Store, yon can get your Prescriptions and Family llecipesCompounded accurately & ecicntlDeally At A. J. Durllng'n old established DRUOand PRESORIPTION hTOKH,)O0 can ely on getting a Strto'ly Pnre Article. No mistakes from incompetent assistants, as ho dU- penses and prepares with his own hands. It h Jilst splendid I IVIiat? Wliy that New 1'erlame I got at DURLINO'S Drag Btorei iils own make up he calls It " MY OWN ' 250. and Hoc per bottle. 1000 lbs. Pure Caustic Sods, or Raited Potash, for HOAPMA KINO, Just receiv ed at A. J. DTJ ULINQ'S Drug store, and selling at a very low price. Wall Paper I Wall Paper I Wall Paperl At A. J, DURLIrld'S Drug fjtoro. NEW STYLES Just received at Greatly RE' DUCEDPItlCKS. Call ami Examine. ' A. J. Durllng, our popular Drug gist, having an expetlenciiof 11 Vears, knnas1 whereof he speaks, whin he aavs he guarantee that EVERY AllTICtE bought at hla DRUO STOHEllof thtfl'lilllCSTand BEST thit Cilf be found In theIarketa, A. J. Durltng, the X)rugglst, ha just received a Fresh Invoice of Fine FRENCH and dALIFORNI BRAND IKS, OLD HOU LAND UIN, OLD UYE WnHKIEa. Import, ed PORT and BIIERRY WINES. Domeslld CLINTON and otler URAI'E WINES for Medicinal and Uscramental Purposes. djourned AdmInlstrntor Sale Of Valuable Real Estate The tinderslgne-1, Administrators of the Es' Uteof JONAS HKAlALY.lJtooI FRANKLIN TovTDstilp. t'iirbou County, Va.. deo'd. wiU Bell t ruolio Bale, on the premttea, on Saturday, Mnrolt 31st, 1877, Commencina t ONR o'clock I M., th iollow lot; de sort bed VALHtABLE FARM, Rifuated about 1 H milo. ea.t of the Tlo-ourh if Welsswrti beinir the urotierty of tho said Jon-it Itemaly, deed oouuiiitng 117 ACRES nf Ocxil FarmlJr laud, of which 14 ocn-a are 0 ear au . the1 bnHucu in Timberi lloumled by lands or Peter KrUm, ileo. A Wanner, llobt. Antnuavt AcV, Ad.witn all the Improvements theiro - - vlu a Substantial'y Hunt plank Dwe Luq luc House, Hummer llouae with Cl A Dj under especliliy adapted lor IU- li liii.i io.. Frame Barn. Pic fsiahiea. Wa-r HhtMl and other Outbiilldlngt. a Pump of no . fsllinx Water near theltoaaq.all kinds of Fl Tres are iiisoUmI on the prcuitav., ctA. t Fxruililn inaa rondltlOD, ' Terms ot payment will be very easy and l I he mtds known at thotHasand placed sal ' A. A W.-KKMAf.Y and I. U BAOF..H'll- s, Adm'-aoi Estate of Jonas Itemalr dec'u, Ms.rc.li 17-M