The Carbon advocate. (Lehighton, Pa.) 1872-1924, March 10, 1877, Image 2

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Tho Camerond having assisted In
bull'dozlng Tlldou, nro In turn bull
dozed by the man they helped to make
Prpftldent. T!ilr works do follow
The (Stnt Legislature on Tuesday
decided to adjourn finally on March 23,
and reassemble on the first Tuesday In
J innary, 1878. Thero are about 200
lj.lla on filo In tho Senate and COO In tho
House, many of which are Intended to
modify or repeal existing general laws,
for tho purpose of meeting special cases.
Most of these bills, fortunately, are
likely to fall. An effort to have bills
not deposed of this session carried over
to next year has been defeated.
President Hayes sent tho following
Cabinet appointments to the Senato for
confirmation on Wednesday:
Secretary of State William M. Evarts,
of New Tork.
Secretary of tho Tieasury John Sher
man, of Ohio,
Secretary of War General Charles
Devius. of Massachusetts.
Secretary of the Navy General R. W.
Thompson, or inuiana.
Post Mastei General Judge D. M.
Key, of Tennessee.
Attorney General Hon. G. W. Me
Creary. of Iowa.
Secretary of the Interior Carl Schurz,
of Missouri.
When the Senato went Into execu
tlve session, Mr. Blaine moved that the
nomination of Mr. Evarts be referred;
Mr. Conkllng demanded the reference of
Mr. Schurz's nomination, and a number
of the Senators demanded the reference
of that of Mr. Key. Finally all tho
nominations wero referred. As tho
Committees are not yet chosen It Is not
likely that the nominations will be acted
npon before Saturday, except, possibly,
(hat of Mr. Sherman. Some of the Re
publican Senators havo expressed great
dissatisfaction with the appointments
still It Is believed tbey will eventually
be confirmed.
footing with tier mnstern, conld not oo.
ni v 1 1 unui pi'HflfMiuiifr urnjicms 01 uio urn . uii
moment to bo dealt with by the emancipated
acii.ny tncirimmui masir-rnand by tlie general
(lover.iment, tho aulliu- of Uio net of enmnrlpa
itOli. That It wbr m wlftn lust nnri urn virion tiftl
net, frnngul with good for nil Conor mod, H uow
Kcui'i.iiij cuuceuio iiinmirmiui inn rouuiry i
that a moral obligation rcKU upon the atima,
(Joverompnt to emnlny it cnnt1tntioiml power
and Inflnmce to establish the tiphtn nf tlinvoo-
jnciwi b tmnncii nuMi, h' iuo proteoi mem in
tho culnvmtmt nf tnpir n lit, nlmn thnv nro in-
IrltH'Od (r innlao uem-mliy admitted,
Tne evils when nfil.ct tho bnuthi-rn Hlilcn
can on'y bo removed or remedied by the nmted
and harmonious eftoiti of both rncos actnated
oy motives nimutnal avmp thv ana legamt
ai d, whtlo In dntv bound and fully determined
to protect tho rights of ull by every const it a.
t ion n I means at thodmpoal of inv odtnihl tra
tlon, I nio pincereiy unxlons to rise everr tontl
mnloiiiflaeiCQ in favor of honobt and efficient
local governinents ns tho trno rcsourco of thoso
B.Rtosfnrihu promotion of tho contentment
mid protfority of thsir uttizens. In tho effoit
I Biiull maito t& uccompiUh tais fnruowe, I astc
the cordial copoiauon of
un-iuii in me weiiare ox me couiniy, uubhhx
that puty tlea and tbepeijudica or race wll bo
fieely surrendereil In behalf of the great pur
jkwo to bo acoompllfhed. In tho important
work of restoring the South, it la not the ollti
cal situation alouo thut merits attention, 'lho
material development of that section of the
country has been urrested by the social and po
litical revolution through which lc has pasei
and uow nect's and deserves the cousiderut
care f tho national Government within the Just
urn ts prescribed oy the uonsuuiuon aua wise
public eoonon.y.
Hut a the bases of all prosperity for that ns
well as fiT i ory other purt of the country, lies ami moral
condition of the people, Universal euQerage
should rest upon universal education. To this
end liberal and permanent prow ion should bo
made for tbo supimrt nt iieo rcIio'jIs by tho
Stato lovernmeiits and.lf neud be, suppK menu
ed by legitimate aid rrom national .minority.
Let mo assure my countrymen of the Southern
tttatos thut it is my tamest decireto iCMtird
aim prom oio ineir irueia micrcMs.iuo huuioms
of the whlto and nf t hn mint Ml neonlo both and
equally, and to put for h my bent tfltts In be
bull of a civil policy which wdl forever wlpo
out in onr political affairs tho color line and
distinction between orth and "oulh. to tho
end that we may 'havo not merely a united
norm or n uniioo csoum. uuiu i i nea umiuu j .
I ask the attention of tho publio totuoiara
mount necessity of reform In our civil ervice,u
reform nt t merely as to certain abuse and
practices or so caded olnciai paironaire wmcu
havo como to havo tho Bauctlo i of usage in tho
several departments cf our Uuvcrnuient, but a
change In tco system of appointment itself a
reform thut shall ho thrnnunti. indK&laud com
pleto, a return to the unnciples and practices i f
iuu munucrs 01 (no uo vera menu mev ii una
4,xp-cted or detii ed fn m public officers any par
tisan ee.vlce. They meant that public olllutxs
should one their whole service to tbe Govern,
meut and to tho peopio. They meant that tho
The Inauguration of President Hayes
took place Monday at the Capitol, In
Washington. Tho oath was adminis
tered by Chief Justice Walto. The new
President, when bo stepped forward to
re&l bis Inaugural address, and also
when he had finished the reading, was
enthusiastically applauded by tho peo
pie. Thero was present at the cere
mony a roost brilliant and distinguished
assemblage, Including Gen. Grant, the
heads of the departments, Justices of
the Supreme Court of the United States,
the General of tho Army, members of
the Diplomatic body, Senators and Con
gressmen, Governors and ex-Governors
of bevoial States, and other officials,
The parade, which was very successful
was witnessed by thousands of people,
and tho torchlight possession at night
was very large.
fellow-citizens t We have assembled to re
aped the public coiemouiai oeguu uy wasuwg.
ton, noereu uv bu my prttticwtBors. hiiu uow
time houorml custom, which mantes the toi
mem-ctneut M the Presidential olUco. Csi 'ed to
the duties of lhl gieat u-ust, i proceod, In com
pllauce with uage, to uunounco some of (ho
leodiUR vrincipleu on the sutdect' th-tt no
chUflr engage the publio attention by which it
ismyuesireio ue guiueu. 4.11 vno iitciarcuoi
tLe-e duties, I shall not undei U ze to lav down
tnevocably principle or measure otudmiul.
trationj ruthurto speaoi the motives which
should animate us aua to suggest imponaut
ends to bo attained lu accordance with our in
sti tut Ions and esteutlal to ti.o weifure ot our
At the outset of the discussion which pre
ceded the recent 1'reudeuUiil election It seemH
lo tue titling that I should fu-ly uiuku known
my seutlmenislu regard to seveial of thelm
portaut questions wh'chthen appealed to co
ins ud the courideratlou ot the country, Follow
tng the example and lu part ado tin the lan
Kuoge ot ouo ot uiv prfdecessoru. I wish now,
wheneveiy motive for mlsrepieseutatlou has
pat aed awiiy, to repeat what was said before the
election, trusting that my cunntryiiion will
candidly weigh uud understand it,tmd thut thov
will feel assund that the neutluieiits tloclaietl
tu accepting the Domiiuition for the lruideucy
win twi tile stiiudaid of inv conduct In tnu iath
beloieinu. chureo.aa I now am. with the pthvo
md dutlcu t tuK of carrvlng thin out in the
J tracncai administration of tho (.loveruutent, wj
ar as depoud. under Ilo Ctuiktitut ou and
lawn, on t.ieOhlet Kxecu IveM tho nation.
The tx nnvneut iMCihcaUou of the country
upou such puncipleacnd by such meaa jiesa
wirs'cure in tompieio iiroifvuou 01 nil un
citizen in ihe free ei lovmeut of ail thir iv-n.
a Itution il rlgutis is uuw 1 ho one subject in our
publio affairs which ull thoughtful and patriotic
citizens regard a ot supreme importaace.
Many of the calamitous effects oftbe ireiueu
dous revolution winch has pasaid over the
totiuthttrii MAtm stLl remam. The ImmHsmr.
able beuefltt which wul tuielv fuliow bouuer or
later the he.irty and geucrous acceptance 01 the
leirlilu ate results ol thut revolution, nave not
)utbeeuseahscd. IitHcnlt and embai rasping
qunsuous miei ua uv iuc lurefuuiu 01 m uu
L et The ih-onle of tbose htaie- nro still 1111
povertaaed, aud the iueLimaolu b eadiuir. of
wpm honest and pea eel ul local belf-overuiueut
la not fnliv enloftxl.
Whau-ver inffi-'ttnce cf opinion may exist as
to ihe Cause ol ihis condition of thlugn, the iaci
tsclesr that inthenrogressofe?eDCs. the time
basoome Mueuvuuu fovemuieub 1- uieiinvera
UteneceoaUy miuireu by all lho vailodluter.
tU, publio und pivnto. ol uumo Slate 1 out It
tuuat not be lot gull eu that o. ly a .ocal tavern
meut whuh leco-a'to- und inuiiitauis iuviolule
tho nthia ot ail is a tiue sell government.
With inspect to the two d'tttnet t c&. who e
ptculuriuUiumfcto cuoa uthoi h-?o brought
npon its the dei lorao'e comphcatiun and per
piexitlex which t-xiat id thie b tales, it mu. t be
a government which guaidsthe inteiest of both
raves caret ail und tqnaby it must be a
mjTenimeut wPich submits lo ady and heai til v
totheCou4hulumuud tho Itw ine luwsuf
the nation and the laws vt the Htsiei them,
selves acwpUujf und obiug f.ailifnl y tho
wnoie oouMiiiutiun u in.
iuu..if uikiu ihiNsiir and substantial fonu
natiuu. uu uihiiiiuc u of beienixnt toca
K-veiLiueiuuaubohaiit up, uuu nut utau
wire In fuubt rui.uiui huch oi'tdieuco to tttu
letter and the .puUol tio Uoustiluiloii, and In
bl 1UI 01 UIi lUHi US Ult UUUiOUl IUIUI1US, u.i vo-
rjiiud nan v inUret (0e their anuurent iil'coi.
unce,uiid puitv tihcs Uitt- well bo pirmttied to
fall into lus tu fieauo lho quoatmii we have
ti ouUMder lui the Ultt welaie of iheo
Hialeuf the umou. ui.iu quoniioii 01 guuiti
mnntnr uo poveriimeut. of oi 1 orrter. and nil
the pesceful iudutnes and the h&pi me that
IH1UUPS IU lb mairiuiuiu ui unitnui, uu4
2 u eat in o lu wb-chevety c fieuif tbonatlou Is
eeply Intel eted. aud with roptcl to which Wt
ofllct r bhould be securo In his tenuio as lone
his pereounl character remained untarnished,
nnd the performance of his duties Bailsfuctoiy.
1 hey he'd tbat appointments to ohlco wero not
wj uo luauo nor expecieu mereiv us rewurus
pmosan services nor merely on rue 11 om 111a
tlon of members of Con cross as being entitled
inonyiespecc 10 ine couixoi 01 son appoint
mems. xno iaci inai ooiu mo gretii. puuiicai
narties ot the country. In a eel urine their princi
ples prior to tho election, gave a prominent
place to tbo subject of reform of our civil ser
vice, recognising and 8 trough urtniig its neco.
Pit via terms slmost identical in tlielrsnocitlo
import with thoe I have heio empoyod.must
no nccepim as a coucius-vo argument in ueuau
of these mou sores; It must bo regarded as tho
expression of the united voice and will ol tae
whole country upon this subject, und both poll
ileal parties nro wriually pleoged to give It
their unreserved support. The I'tHM-.dontof tho
u iiucii riaiua. ui ueeeBSiiy, owes um eiwuuu lu
office to the suffrage and eohIous Kborofn
political pnrty. the members of which cherish
witn artioranu rogaru as 01 osseuuai imporanco
lho principles ot their party oriraulzution, but
he should strive to bo alwavs wiudful of the
fact be serves his party beat who serves the
country ucsi
In fmthciance of tbo reform wo seek, and
other important respects, a charge of grout inv
uuriuuue, 1 lecouimeuii an ameuuiuoiu to iuu
Conptltt tlon prescribing a term of six years for
tho PrtMidemlal olho , nd forbidding a le eleo
tlon. lth respect to tho llnanclal couuitton of
the country, I s a l not atteiuut an extended
niMtorv 01 me orauarr.isment anu proamnion
which we havo suffered durlug the pat taroo
years. 1 ne uepre&.Mou iu an our varieu cmn
memaiand manutactuing interests tnrougn
out ihe country, which begun in fet'itcinuer,
1873. still c nth ues It s vorv irrailtlutr. how
ever, lo ho utile to say that thei euro mdicat ons
an arouna us 01 a coming cuaugo to piospa ous
tlmoH. Uiiombecuriem-y nuubUon lutimato
ly connected us it Is with thistoplc-l my no
permitted to repent hero itie statement made In
my letter of acceptauo-s that, lu my judgiuont,
tho feeling ot uiiceituinty lu enaiahlo fioman
irredeemable naner curt encv. ltslluctua
Uon s ot values, Is ino of the greatest ousiocies
to a return to prosperous tinics. Tho only safe
naper currency is ono which rocU upouarolu
ui.j, uuu is ud sit uuieu piomptty couveruu e
Into exiio.
I a llitro to the views heretofore exDre'wed bv
mo la iaor of i'ongteHHoinil legislation 111 be
half ot an eat ly 1 esumption ot specie paj meut,
and I am sntisfled not only that H is wise, but
inat mo iniei eats, as wen as tne puonc senti
ment ot fn' country, imperatively ueinuud it.
Parsing from these remarks unon thecimdl
tlon of our own country to conoid or our rela-
tlons with othrr luiuis, we areremliided y tho
International complications abroad tlirtatenine
the pence of Kuioto. tnat our traditional rule of
non-tntei ferenco in tho atfalrs of foreign nations
has proved of great valuo in past tunes, and
ought to be strictly observed.
The pohev Inaueura ed hi" inv honored nrede
cessor, I'residentUtaut.of submittltig to arbi
tration gjavoquei-tioi.sln dUputo between our
Belves anil forriRn powers, points to a new. and
Incomparably the best. Instrumentulitv tho
preservation of peace, aud will, as I bellvo, bo
como a uenenciui example ui tno course to oe
pursued lu similar emeipenclea by other na
tiou. If, uay differenco should, at
auv iimu uuiii ir uio ihu iuu 01 my uammirirn
lion, ar) jo nnsu between the United Htate and
any foreign gove nment. It will certuinly be my
disposition and my hpe to aid in their kettle
men 1 in ino an mo neaceim anu nonoranio wav.
thus securing to our oountry the great blessing
otpcaeouno mutual goodofflcts with aU tho
natiotis of the world.
Fellow c tizens. we hava reached the close of
n politic .1 ooutet matkexl by tuo excitement
wxucu usual y utieuus ino conies in Deiween
greut political parties whotse members espouse
Our IMiIladelpItla Letter.
Philadelphia, fa,, Jiarch a, IS 37.
Dear A-dvocate, As the darkey said v,hon
ho killotl tho htyr 1 ' De deed nm done," ltt ns
say tho eamo and sttle right down to business, i
If any of ns havo been up Bait Hirer on a voy
woof discovery and hao discovered nothing.
let ns keep that information to ourselves fur at
best It amounts to nothing.
"Tho tag-tag and bobtail' of tho carpetbag
brigade do not lUcu t fill what President Hayes
Cable telegraphy la now within tho reach of
all, and yoa cm telegraph to your rich relations
abroad at 28o Gold per word."
The lnangnratton was a great tore to many
disgusted and disappointed politicians.
Some Republicans say. that Civil Borylco
Reform will be vei y hurt! to perform."
A hoax Is said to be tho wortt of to Ires. Thl
Is what Bomo of on would bo big guns thought
the other day when they found they had Jour
neyed as far as I'lttsbu a on a bogus 1 quest for
their presence In consultation with President
eiecwiayesinuo nmun. or course tneysaiai
cnnsiopner commbus 1"
Horses and cows ato Buffering for food And
many ' vehloles are unable to run." 'lhls is
caused by tho great quantity of hay and the
lai era nnmTinr nf whnpla vhtoh mn linlntml nn
flig-staffs throughout tho land.
11 is icarea i'resiuent Jiayes mar soon ue
without sufficient clothing to protect him from
theso chilly March winds, for evoiybody seems
anxious to get In his Cabinet.
They are s epping to the front In hundreds
I mean the men who flrtt nominated Governor
Haven, for tho Presidency. And It loons as If
they would ftep to tho rear with their numbers
Many men who bet aro better than ther were
before, but I think it would bo bettor if they
woul-i never bet anymore.
1110 wuiieiiou o una 'noma 01 man v cnior.
The bloo room is not lurnifhed with bluo glass,
windows however.
president ilao' inaugural nd ress Bhows
that re U a mn of very good addieMS. nnd if he
carries It out to tho letter, the bfoodv t-dilrt"
faction will have to 1 atroulze " Sack cloth and
We havo been amused this week with K el lor it
(not Senator (1) Kellogg) In opera, at the
Academv of Music, The Two Orphiius" nt the
" bemonv nexi
1 In ' The IjmIv
oILvouh" und other plays. Aid the Florences
at tho Walnut. In what wo all Uket " The
Aiigniy uoiiar."
A hatnr idea has Inat neenrreit tn mn nnil T
think of applying for letters patent on the
same. It Is to di awav with blueing forwash
ing purposes, and hero's my method. lub bluo
giuts iu iuo winuows 01 ino wasi room or laun
dry and have the tubs so arranged that tbo
bluo may well thow bluo In thesnme. I thus
raise a bluo lu without lho aid of blueing
uny una country ngatsior saioandon reanou
nb'.o terms. With this Invention of mlno(1a
blue carpet oxntd readily be had In any house
In ihe laud, linp!y by putting a sheet on the
-jjxkcutou's Nona:,
Notice Is horcbv irtven. That Let tors Testa
mentary upon the last will and testament ot
Hiuma Ilrown. late of liowinnuHVille, Caib'n
County, Pa. doe'd, were gran ted. on the 10th
dnyof J.innnry last, by the flefip-ter of Wills.
Ac ol Cflrbou County, to tno tmdei&Uncd. All
persons knowing themseivesto be indebted to
said i-statewlltptcf.Re mokeiinmeituttepavment.
nun umce iiaviitgciaims win nreeeuituein,(iuy
authenticated, for settlement to
nKiituvA. iiKuwiv. jsowmaneviiie,
or DAN'li WKNTZ, Agent. Parryvillo.
March 1877-wt
It? ISaefl 1
ftmiltr0,ther!rstanaPln.1Acconnto, fn AT, 1 to reducc our largo stock, which was recently
"i3MSSXM0t'MU0USm ror 0ASII w will otter our entiro' assortment of
? .?pJwr!.A"di Fancy Dress Gont?N Slinivls. &r.. Vn.. at.
win ti iu luHikti u j ti riuui iuu ui uio moneys in iuo i . ri i . - ' "
iSfflttVM3Kfi.sSl!!all Great Sacrillce ! A few of tho Gigantic Bargains :
appointment nt Hie Offloo ot Momrs Al
hrlelit & Frpyuian. nt Mnnch Cliunk. on Tnes
dir. April 3nl, 1817, nt IH o'clock I'. M.,when
&u pm uos iniert stea can niiena.
W. Al. ilAl'MllKll, Auditor.
Marcn 3, 1877.W4
Joblitof Cnllcocg nt 5. SH and 6 cents per yard.
Eleitai't Line ot Unit Calioocs its ccnta por ynrrt.
Lot of Uinnhams Fast Uolorn, al 8 cenw per rarJ.
vn i Vr l f t Jra iipwarus.
Wotlco Is herubv citcn. That "Letters Toatn.
mentary npon tho last will and testament of
jonas XNomstino. latoor jsast l'enn Townabtp,
( aroon uouuty. Pa., d('d havo this dsy wen
granted, by tho JtcgMer of iV'ille, Ac, of Car-
iku county, to the nnden-lgned. All person
knowing themselves to be Indebted to said
estate will make Immediate nnrmnnt. nnd thne
having claims will presont Uiom duty aulhentl
chiuu iur HHnicmeni. to
I1ENJ NOTirsTINE, Iohlghton,
February 17, iSTT-ws Executor.
TO-LET a nrat two storv Prick
DWELLING IIOUSK, with two-Rtory
Urick Kite den attachcMl. with Dnublti
Lot of Ground, a pump and good water on tho
kitchen porch. Bit noted on tho West side of
Lehigh street, Lehlgbton, and now occupied
bv W. W. I3owmnn. Esq. HenttiS per month j
i'ossesrion Apni isc. Appiy 10
T. J IlKnfcULIvn, Manch Chunk.
or. mt. y. bisaiuisij, Lehighton.
Feb. 17, H77 tal
floor of any apartment and applying the full
ray to it full extent of suiface. Agents with
yatii,uu iiumtMiiateiy. no cusu, uo snow
I saw a blue democrat to-diy, and ho did not
uro any blue gl ss etihor. Any bluo democrats
up your way, aix. iiurron i
xours. vioietiy, uarcutiu.
And Dealer in all Patterns of Plain A Fflnoy
Beit Vnlco Cotton Flannel nt a conU per yard.
E?,01"'..13.1 "'-AIDS at lOcenta, worth IJocnta. .
Si'Af-.IL,I? COt-OHEU AI.PAOA8 at 20 centi per yard. '
rpi'LlN alpacas at 82 centa per yard, uanal prlco centf.
lllnckCaanraiTeatls centa, worth li.oo.
Illaric Casbmeie ttll 00 per vanl, worth 11.30. , ,' !
MKN'S WOOLEN JACKETUat Tory fow nKiire.
oent' Colored Chlnli Shirts ut 75 centa each.
HANDSOJl B DOUBLE 811 AWLS at W.75, Worth t8.75.
Klnffle BbjlwlA as low n IK nta
CAitEKoCLOrU laic?17815 FUnNI8UlNa OOODS, ,0011 M QOEBWSWAnB.
If you would savo time and money, call early and
secure best Bargains.
J. T. Nusbaum & Son, "Original Cheap Casb Store,"
Sommol's Block. LEHIGHTON, PA.
And Window Blinds,
Two Doors Below the "Broadway Ilouao,"
Washington Letter.
From our Special Correspondent.
Washington, jj. C, March G. 1877.
Intense excitement prevailed at tho Capitol
tho last Iiff days of tho session, bat at last the
agony is over aud we may very soon loot for
peace nnd auiotthrouRfeoat the country. Con
gross remained In session throughout the whole
of Thataday night and It was not till between
four and five o'clock Friday" morn Ins that tho
lflfitbtAle was counted und II uiom ilcnlnrnrt
elected. When tho fonnal declaration of tho
elect on wus made, the announcement wasre
celvtdwitji hut little demonstration, the as
semhiv evidently rememhcriitir tho Injunctions
uitiL uiwi buui ui umca uuniig ino nigm dccu
Impressed upoa them, to oustaln fiom any
maiks of apiovai o. disapproval. One mun
hissed and another chinned his linnd. so endil
the cri atett and most threatening struggle for
i i-i oiuoucy uiitb uas iatn piaco in ino nit
lory of our nation. May we never hnowsucu
It Is to bo reuretted extrenielv that some nf
ihe ec( nes iitot uuvo uteiv ui en enacted al uio
Cu pi tol should hiivo occurred, dlsirrticlue tho
ooutiiry. us they have, by the shameful aoisof;
s'ivcxuioe uer iiepie&ouiacivori. or instanoe.
ruuaj qjnuu prominent uonicssm tu got mi
a rfgatur longn-nuu-iuinuie loo'u anu-nan urai
with one ot the ilouse doirkeepeis Il hoird
that Jr. Ilniris (the dooreeiei ) had refused to
take a card trom a visitor to him during trodo-
udiM on ino 1'iesiueuiia. oomit. anu in man uu-
ceou made for the dooi anil without n word
pudieu Jiarris rrom nts scat on to tno nKr. As
tho surnrlsed door koeDer ioho to hi- f net tho
cent lorn an ill suuclc him a blow on thu chest
which ilanls reairoed with one under tho eve
of ttio pugilistic legislator. '1 he r Dray was then
put an end to bv tun luunoiencoof other tto
Inpst mat Ives and thsman uho tight carries a
-lackevo tor his folly. Agam. Thuis liy a
iiieuihur of tho House utterly rofusod lo obev
the Hf nkei's ruling, I cane a upon too tup of a
tesK scieanuuir ai ino uigueot nucn 01 nis voice
lu frantic eff tri to make himself heard amid the
tumutt that prevaltod, and Unahy wa forcibly
nulled Irom the desk, aud uuletea oul? hv thu
appearance of the Hoiyutuitrut-arms witlihis
rasce. Durlnir tho counting of Uio Eiectjrul
vote it had been the custom of lho lleprojwnta.
tlves to ruo as the Senators enter the hall for
Joint convention, but Frday morning, when
they were snnouno dforthe last lime, the ma
Jonty of Iteprescntativos (In a childish petbe
cause lueir ku'iiu was up uuu wvy buav tucin
selves defeated,) reinulned bl.tlng. Now are not
such actions and cuch demonstrations aalhesa
uttcr.v uuwoithy a Untied Status Congress
man, no maiter what his State, color, or politl-
utu Btiinmoiiwf i
The city was plunged into a state of tumultu
ous excitement the lust of tho wo. it br the an
nouncement that a horrid muiderhad been
com muieu in ine i reasury, i no raois ol the ai
rair, as they nave unce appeared, are ui fol
lows t About noon Thursday a man eutered
tho Treasury buildinv and sent a card to Mrs
Marv Biorer. a widow wtio has been emuloved
a cieri In the Itedeuiptiou Bureau for some ten
veurs nasi, ivecura uore ire name oi - Jonti
IHits" and 31 rNstorerimmodiateiy stepped into
the passage to speak with him Vet y tew words
had passed between them when tho man seized
her for wlmn Is not itunwn. Mih
stiuggleJ, BCiiameu, broke away trom him and
ran aioug ino passage, uuu iouowei and nuauy
tlmltwo nlutol shots at her. neither of wiucu
weio enecme. a waionman aua raossQucer se
emed the man alter a bard sttuggte and pre
sently turned htm over to an othcerof theme,
tropolilau iwUce who touic him at once to tho
at Uon. lleie he aoted lu a stxanire wav. an-
pnreutly halt uucon-ctous mauner. and it was
so n nlacovered thut ho wan uuderthe influence
of bouie drug or poison, lillta In Just wnathe
unptotirs to b.1, a well to du farmer about tort
eat i old. 11 e is a widower with a faun iy from
Mii-hlirni If n ni At. Mm. Htitn-p ajitun mirirlia
ihiuo juuiciurv. cuonen equniiy iroui uoui io. Bince ten vioiomiv in love wlih her, proposed
iuo uwuriu ouu i no uiKUinenis or uuieouu.
sel. was en ut led to tlie ful.wt confidence of Ihj
Amero-n peopio. Us t-euson havo been
puueutly Wrtjud for and uccfptoil m legally
conclusive bt tlie general (udguieut of tho puu
lie. For the present opimou uluwieyvary
bk to the ulbduin vt lues eveial conclusions an
nounce by that Iribuuat. This It to he antici
pated iucciy lUbtance wheio matteis ol uts.
pute are made the subject ft arbiuptlou uudi r
tho tonus of law. Human Juogmrnt is never
Opposite L. & S. Depot,
On tho East Weissport Canal Bank
Itennectfullv Informs the citizens of this vlcini.
ty that ho keep constantly on hand and S ULLH 1
at the LOWEST MAKKHT ntlCES, tho very
jiKsr iiuAriiis oi
which ho guarantees to bo
Thoroughly Seasoned,
He has a ft number ot very elinbly located
For the Children.
rFor tho Children,
freh and sea
aud ad vocal o with earnest faith their re-pecllvo
ciei'dt Tho clrcumstanct were, nerhnn in
no rcanoi t extiaordlnarv. save lu the closeness
aim ir.e consequem unceruiuiy ot ine resu u
it hai been deemed bet, lu view of tho peculiar
Clicumstanced of the rune, that ttia olilftt turns
and questions In depute with reference to tho
Ctiuu lutcof ihe Elt-o.oral votes anuuld bore
icneu to ine uecision ot a tribunal appointed
tor mis purpose mat in nun a i, e luousiiea oy
law for thu solo uuino e. its members ail of
thcni mo of lougeatabilsueti reputation for in
! gruy aim luiei iMeuio, anu, wiiu luuoxcoo-
tiuus Li iiiou who are aito memoirs oi rue u
und h as rejoctt'd henos his attempt to end both
uer inuauu ms own. ue reiase to take any
mtvllcinu hut is still living.
President and Mrs Giant cava a farewell
dinner to tuo Cabinet Saturday evening at
which Mr. and Mis Hayes wero present. No
inamrural ball nor publio recent lou w-siriven
lat uveLiug but theie wa- a it rand torvhlucbt
pos-eHBion. niewoms anu iiiuminauou, ieuu-
ay vama Avenue wnt ii umineu oy caicmui
lights furnuLed no.n Kiew York, M. M, w.
unerring, and la raiel regarded otueiwisu by I
lpo uusucveeaiui pmiy in mu couieiu
The fact that two re at political parties have I
Id this wav oiiled a disputo,in reguid lo which I
piou uieu uinr a io ine lacia anu me iuwt uu
ich' man aa iu iqo proper courco io ue pur ueu
in s lmg the quetion in controversy, is uu oe.
caMou for geueial ttjolclng. Unon oneiolut
thei e U enure unanliuitv In publio sentiment
mat comnting claim to tho lTbaidvucv mnst
be amicab v and peaooubly inju-ted and hat
when no iidjuatt'd the gmenl ucqu'esceuco of
thu nation uuybtsuitlv Ut follow. It has been
leserved lor a trovernmont ot tb people, where
the right of suffrage is un vei-sal. to give to tho
wor a the first example lu history of u g eat na
tion, in the imiht ot a strugirle of opioluu par
tie for power, hushing its rarer tumult to
rleld the Issue of the content to adjustment ac
cording to the forms of Itw. Looking far tho
guidance cf that Divine hjnd by which the des
tinies of nitluiis and individuals aie ahaued, I
call uikiu jou, t-euatrxc, Repieseutalive,
Judges ft-Uow-clt'zens hi re and et erywhere, lo
work with me lu an ejrnett effort to secure to
our country tho blessings not only ot mou-nal
pronwrlty, but of Jjt ce, peace und umou. uo.
pendiug not upon the count! Hint of lo ce, but
upon the loving devotion of a free peuple. 'aud
thatal. things uia besoordeied and peilled
noon the oet and u etifonuditiluu. that peace
audh pplnesa, trum sndjubtlre, rellrlouaud
pieti mu bo establish d aoiuug us for all gen
erations "
At tho conclusion of the Hddress. the oathol
ctllceHjd aduirdbtered Uj the riOMdtriit by Juan Wane, poth Ktaiidliia withuu
co vt i ihj hoadHt the front of tho pluifoiiu, and
tiiereiiiHina af lut.e w. a Und in the afjjoent
I'-ik. and cbeerlug ws kept up lor bevvrai
Nev Advertisements.
uugui nut u be. in u patiiau e)u c, either i e
imipoansor lemocrU. but le'low-c't eu tnd
fellow men. lo ivliuui th UilvieL ofuiumuiou
couuuy and titxiuiuuu huuiumi) aietleui, ito
Sftetpiui rtvu uuuiit.l tuet iitUB l; out ujba'm
vaucooliouihiaubu. oipiop.e iMmaionditlo of iitw nr.u laslilotiablo tyne just added.
Por liamUoms ealo bills nnd other
de&crlptloiia or Job printing, at knock
down prices, cull ut UiU uUleo. Jot
jua TO LET. Possession April 1st
J'li'A a Lareo mid Commodious FUB&lsiiBU
Jil, HTuftERUOM.20x&2feet with Cellar
ot rauie size, and Itootnsou second floor, situate
on Rank stieet, Lfhiglitou, ana low scaped
as a Clothing btore and Fost-onice. it is sultiiblo
iur auy ainu oi merouutro uukiuphs. r or fur
ther uartlculars. aunlr to THOMAS H. HKOK
m wAKwaaiAUiisii. Kieia.
L ehlicbtou. or J.K.
March litwl
Of Valuable Real Estate
Tbo nnderolffued will offer ot 1'nbho Sale on tbo
piriuifteiln .Unliontnjr Tuwiistilp, carbon Co.
I'a , atxrat two tulle, m et ol tlie LcLlfcb Valley
TUESDAY, MAU01I 20, 1877.
Commouonft ut ON K o'clock p. m., all that oer
tain ttece or votoel of LhuiI itante lu Malum.
iotr fowuitlilD. aud known a. the " old ltfM'man
raua," tont .tulufi 5J acriM, uiore or leva, al out
to Acrra of which are cleared ami uudrr a good
atatevf culilvatton, the balance berojr Tiuiber
Laud. 'Ihe tuiuroreiuenta tlie oon arua One
anaa nujt awry rune jj w nuLlSi O
j HOUSE. 18U lect, with Klt.'hcn at
i'H. ta'-hed. u'li'. I'-ct t a Darn. sxia tu t
m. Ill . nUJUC IZXK ML lulVlUirainiilH v.. or.
nowiir (or running the Mill tl.rounh the who.e
year aud iaa walla ( .h (Irixl uu recent y
Ueslroyod bv fire. There la alNi a tine Uicliard
ot ilhoice inutTreca in fa I bcailOK uo tho ure-irlaca.
nr The waur.i-owcr and farm will be told
I havo bourbt largely for cah anch lots aa most wll nnlokly, booooao they are 1
eonab n, ondlnat what the coonloare Inc.kluir lor. and liooinsn thpr- are ro
PfWll lTnl V. I Ij.trinflPutlvnlrr D.i..m.iI.. P Ull Tl t r"
roaltively, Uomiwratively Snperlatiyely LOW rmCKl)'.
P. A. fr"R"RMAN".
St"ro in Seromol's Kew Block, opposite the Tubllc Sauare, BANK STREET,
Successor to D. Bock & Co., ' '
At tiEa 66 MairaiiMotU Stored"
Opposito tbo L. & S Depot, BANK Street,
Respectfully .announces to his customers and friends that
i ho is daily receiving additions to his stock of
QUEENSWARE, &c, &c, &o.
Also, just recoived a car load of LIVEItPOOX SALT,
which 1 am sellm at Bottom Prices.
SALT FISH a Specialty.
If you really desi'ro to know how largo nn nraounb
of Goods you can get for a small sum of Ready Money,
you should not fail to givo ino a call beforo making your
purchases olsewhoro.
Don't forget the Mammoth Store, opp. L.&S.Deuot,
May 0, 1870-yt LEHIGHTON, FENN'A.
Ang .
mweok lu your own town,
outfit free.
Portland, Maluo.
Terms aud I
on onr lira ml Cora lno tlon l'ro.
ncctua. ronleMeiitlnjr
wanted everywhere. The JliaasaTTmsa EVfB
Tried. Salea made fn.m tbla when nil Mnile
Hooka rati. Also. ABentawantel oil our m ah.
all olhoia. With luTalnaulo IllnKtratea Atda
and Huperl) ilmdlnira. These Hook. Ieat tlie
WorM. mil prtlculara free. Annmujuun
E. l'uTTKu uo . I'nbinncn. i-iiit..
855 g $77
Augnata. Malnet
a week to aaent. $10 Outfit
n a day at home. Agenta wanted. OntBt
OJ.ijnd terms free. TUTJEiS Co.. Angnsm,
I Hi
cxjsroiva: ove-a-xde clothing,
flt like a glove Id tlie Latest rasnion.
T7AA.l.. ntn,ln MtV.lnr. T.atAtt Xfl.APa. nnta anil nVillilrnn'a flnllsM TTata
Caps, and Gentlemen's Kurnisiiinit uooas in great variety aua at.
KtloCK-uoivii t rices run uaoiii
rsr Call and examine Ooods and l'rlcea before purchasing elsewheio.
T. D. OLAUSS. Merchant Tailor,
2nd doorabove the Publio Square, BANK STREET, Lehighton,
Wftfissnnrt. Pl;mitnr Mill f jgNilipr Pa
their NEW MILIh. thi-y are now scppiy tncm,.ot VERY LOWEST I'HIOKH, win
OK ExtbaFikb Mixed Card", wita name, lie. Ql, na Uwlinr Tlnnt. "Rnni-fla Tlnnra Sooli nii'n1a Ql..
pout paid. L. joxes &Co.. N.(aau. K.V.I ,,V-H' t, , ' , . '
tnnvTTiom, SeTwifh wra, moldings, uracKots, oauinet ware, &o., &c,
vw h wtuv to acot rrco. etikson x co.,i'ort-
HQ TLPrlcedCalaloauoJ ''I i Ok
ATBeddhiflr rianta, Roaea, AkH
. llaiua Free to all appucuua. ,
A Lucralive Business.
-W Want 800 more Flrat-CUia
500 Men nf Knergy mnl Ability to
Learn the Uuaineaa or K. Ming stir
lug Maoliluea. Oomiienatlon Libe
ral, but Taryliig acoordlnir to ablll
ty, oliaraeter anil iiualtncatlou. or
the Agent. For partlculara, isiiaua
627 ul 8:9 BreiJwi;, 17. 7 n H. CrUui. U.
laud Maine.
Lire Instirniico C'omiiany,
totretheroraeparatoMinay bo osrred npouou S. E. Cor. Fourtll anil Walnut Streets,
the Uar ot ..if. ,. Ari, - - n
leiiuawiii ue uiauo xnown at iinm aodplaco I - - ,uuu,Uuu.
olaanshy .., , Oio W. Hilu I'rea. Ouo. nuokst. Vlce-Prea.
iiui uu-ji uuMiitE. J. It. t-IKH. Actuair. J. s. WllMH.tiuc.&rrraa.
Mahoning Valley, March to,
J. U. IIauuld, Aaleuut b.x:it lary.
hnve no hfvutailou luUnaxanteluK rrrlret haiulacuou to alt who may laror na with their ordera
prumotlr. aud at aa low price, aa though yoa were ptutent.
Givo us a Trial, and you will be convinced ol what we say.
limm anu ami. ni'ariv nnnnsiui l b ran viien iinusn. iv Kinni'int i". cur
County, I'enna, Juua 10. lti7G-gl