ML'- INDEPENDENT" Live ana Let Live." 31.00 si Year if Paid in Adyancok II. V. Mokthime'u, Propnotor. vbDV-.TSo. 15'. LEIIIGI1TON, OAltBON COUNTY, PEITN'A, SATUI.DAY MOltNING, MAUCII 10, 1377. Subscribers out of County, $1.3 r CARDS. Furniture Vnrelinnsc. V. Setawarts.llmk streot, iltalcr in all Itintlt of Fwniturt. Cojfintmadelo order. Hoot nml Shoe (tinkers. ClUten Bretney, in twin's building. Hunk street. J II QritrtpromiM) filled vark warranted. p 1. LONGSTREET, ATTOHNET AT LAW, t. oit.dor to the " Carbon House.' DAKK BTHEKT, LEllIOHTON, PA. December 10-Oui. w SI. ItAl'SIllStI, 'ATTOrfNBYi AND COUNSBLLOn AT LAW, ' BiKK STREET, IiimitlTOrr, PA. ItsalSstate and Collection Agency. Will flu and Sail Ral Kstate. CoaTeyanclng neatly done Col Isetlons promptly tnade. fettling Rotates or D. .caJtota a specialty. May lie consulted In Kiillh noil Usrman. nv n J AS. It. STKUTIIISltS, ATTORNEY iAT LAW, 9 OQlee : 2d floor 0 Khoad'a Hall, , . . SlancU Ohnnk, Pa. , All tlne entrnsted to him will lio promptly attended to. May 27, ly. QA.NIKL, ICALHFUB, ATTORNHY,AND C0DN8ELL0H AT LAW, IZr.utli CliunU, Va. 4S0fflce, above Dolon'a Jewelry Store, nroadway MO. D. BEinOLEITE. JAS. 3. LOOSE B1 IKHTOLETTB A. L.OOSIC, AIT0RNKY8 AKD COUNSBLLbltS' AT LAW, Orriot Corner of 8usfl,uehanna and Broadway. , MAUCII CHUNK, PxilK. llM Can -boeonsultftd In del-man. July 24. 187 3. MKISIIAN, & ' ATTOttNEY AT LAW; ..(.. ' U li Kelt Door to Pint NaUnis! n,DV, ttUIJOtl CHUNK, PA fiCan t consulted In Oorman. fjan. A. tllfit.TZ, ( JUSTICE OP TnE PEACE, Obwfa n'otuin?, ii NK-st., Lduiqutox. (I i Conv crawling, Collecting ant nil other busi ness connected with thp office piomptly attend, ed io. Alac, Agent for tbol'urchoso and 8nlo u( nwi miate. April l vyi 'I ' V 'V fJIIlOMAB S. REClt( usnce of tiik paod, ,. . .. ., DANK Btrsol, LKIUGTITON, Ta. , Oanreyancloj, Collecting and all liujne con bt Md with the ofitce.nrouiotlv i 49Arent for flrittaM Inaurauso Coznpanlea, laid llliki of all klnda taken on the moA lllvcnl wm Jan. , 1670. a. menu am eh, oi. n., physician and sunqno Ppeclal atUntlon paid to Chronic .Diseases. lUHce: South Kaat corner Iron r.n.?nd t.. Jas- iiomn, l . April U.1B75 J)n. x. n. n.F.ni3u, . Dl 1 nwm trr. . . . . - :'iuiivinu 1-lllslulAfl AMI BUlUii:ur4, COce, Bark strert, next door atate the PonUiiMce, vui.v .uu(t-arr;,llie earn uay ttm 10 to 12o'dock; remainder of day atofflraln bahlghtea. Nov 23. '72. TUOS1AS li. 12 911211 KR CONVEYANURU, AND OKNERAE INSURANCE AGENT The llqwlng Companlea are Kepregentod: LB Ah ON MUTUAI.FIUE, BEADI.NQ MUTUAL FlIlB. WYOMIKO Fill 12, 1'OTTflVILLU FIRE, LEHIGH FIHK.nndthBTIlAV HLEIt ACCIDENT IS8U11AN0E, iAIao renuaylTanla and Mntnnl Horse Thief vtoQtlrn and Xnmranuo Company. Marec M. vni. VHoa. KUMEIlEn. "76." 4 aSiiMiiiiaMitMBiii.i navli wra-'artl BRADY'S CENTENNIAL CIOAK AND tfOBACCO EMPOItlUM AND IULLIA11D BOOK, on door abovo ILauk'a Bakery, Bonk St., I.clil'ghtoii. Alan, GENERAL NEWS AGENCY. Dally oad Wookly Papers and Lokoaldo Library rcgn I any tupplled. April I, 1876. JATID EIIDCRT'S Livery & Sale Stables BAKK STUEET.L.1SII1QHTOX, Pa pAST TB6TTING HOUSES, ELEQAJiT OAllIlIAGES. Aad poettlyely LOWEIl. PHICK8 than any Iviuc.-A,vcijr iu tun iuuuiy. Large and han'daomo Carrlagea for Funeral puriioaea and Woddlaga. DA VI D KlIUKUT. BaHtTf 1h73 io caiti-a lists i X LIMIT RD NUUnilTl nr oiiaiipu iu rni CAPITAL BIOCK OF TEE Loliigliton Gas Liglit Co. ItUl remain nndianoaM ol, a'barea FIFTY IIOl.LAUti. HubacrlpUona toitlie Stock will Ir,'4,Hr"eu llua mionnauon lurnuned on . llloatlou at tbja olflco 1 r . , "V MOUTIIIMEH. LtMghton. Apnl!.l7& Railroad Guide! -4- N ORTII I'KNNA. RAILROAD. Msncnrera for Philadelphia will lonvo Lchlcli ton oh follows : ' 3:t7a. m.. via. X.. V. arrive nt l'hlla. nt ti:i? n m. itri a. m. via u v. niion.m Ilii7n. m. Tin I V. " " 210 p. m H-ltit. m. via li..tB. " " 6:10i).ni. 0:V8 p. Ul. via I.. V. " ' U:501i. m, Itcturulng, leav 0 depot nt Perks and Atncrl. can m.. riiiiaMate:i.rn'nnv:43 a. in.i z:ic, p.m, IHIl. I, IS?. JiLU'SUUAIllk) AKIUW nnivTTHi, it. it. nv iv. .1. Ll'.limu $ SUSQUKIIANNA PIYISION All Unit Route to Lone IIrn;icli PAPSKNOHK STATIONS 1 NI1W YORK FOOT Or I.I BKIITY ST., AND OTOOl Or CiiAIlKSON ST., UP TOWN. Tluio Tablo or Jnnuary 10, 1077, Tralni Leave LKIIHIIITON aa followa : Kor K.iFtnn, Now Yok, Philadelphia and all, jiiiermeuiaieataiionx ni p. ui. For Afnurli rhnnk, Wllkea-ltarre, Hcranton and an imprnieriinie biationa itt l:l l p. in. Jl'turninp Learo New York, foot cf Liberty oimii, ai. n:.l a. ill, Leavo Philadelphia, from Depot North Penn' It. II., Third and ll.-rkSt., at 0.15 a. m. Leivo KaKtou nt lit 10 a. in. Leave Maueh Chunk at 2:20 ti. m. h Ko: further particulars, aeo Tlmo Tables at th Slntlnns. PABSKNOEns FOE I.ONQ I1IIANC1I CIIANGU UAKS AT KI.IZAHKTII. II. P. BALDWIN, Cen. I'attemjr.r enll nillLA. & HEADING IIAILUO M. Arrnngoment of I'asscrgcr. Trnias. DEC. ISTII 1878. Trains leave ALLEf, town ni fnllowsi IV1A rRliklnM Rv imixrii i For Philadelphia, ut C.50, li.oo, a.m.-, and 0.0 J ji. iu, SUNDAYS. For PbllndelphU ntMO u. m. , (VIA I'.ASf l'FX.NA. 1IKAHC1I.) For no iOIiik, 1 2.30, S.C0, s.H n in,, u.i, 2.10, 4.S0 and u 00 ii.m i For llalllBDiirB. t 2 30, 5 50, 8.53 n. Ittl.-tl2.13, 4 30 UIMI if W M11. ForLanrnsior and Colnmbln, 5 50, 6.&S a.m. and n..iu p in tDoei uot rno on Moiulnya. bUSBAVS, or nonlme, 2.30 and 9 00 p m. For Il'irrleburg, 2.30 a.m, and u ( n.m. 'lTulus Foil AI.LE1V10WN lonvo ua f ollowe: IVIA lRllKIOIPM Leave Philadelphia, 7.3 1 u. ni., l.Ou, i.30 and 8.15 HUNJJAYrt. Loavo Philadelphia, 8.15 .-i. m. IVIA ICAST 1WN . llll. 1 Lcavo noaillng. 7.41. 7.45, 10.33 11 111., 4 00, 0.10 mil 10.30 ll 111 Leav.i Hnrilaburg, 5 2). S.IOo. m.,2.00, 3.57 and Leave ijmiaiter, 8.10 n.m., 12.55 and S.45 p.m. Lcavo Columbia 8.011 n. in . I.W) and 3 35 u.m. 1 SUNDAYS. . 1 Leave Ttcoillnx. 7.20 n.m: Leave Harrlitimm. 5 -.. n m Trains maikou thus () run to and from deimt Olh and Oreeu etreeti, I'luioloiphli oilier trains to ft,.d irom llro.ut nlreot depot. T110 8.60 . tu nml5.5sn. ni.'traliisfruiu Allen town, and tb.o7.S0 11. m and Ml p. m. tiann from I' iiioiii-'iiiit'i. hAn ti..intr.h.n..i,. . J. IS. WOOT1EN uce. ;i, 1870 aeueral daiiermlenilenf. QAltUON XDV0CATE CHEAP JOB PIIINTDG OFFICE, LlilflailTON. l'A. K7ery des-irli't'ouof Printing, from a Visiting Oard to a roster. CAIID8. BILL liEADIJ,' , LFTTJSri HEADS,' NOTE HEADS, ' BfATEMENTU. posnsiia, ritOIIKAMMES, HARD BILLS dodgehs. .1 :: . cinuuLAr.H, SHIPPINO TAGS), KNVELOPEH,!,AM1,ur'KTS- Dono lu the beet manner, at very Lowest Prices. u...ij,iiiuiuiiunui.Hi ns cnoan raics S?i,"i!'iT."rt''? hi I ho Stnto that deals honestly with ua ciiatoiiiers. OUn MOTTO 18 ". Cheap, Troiniifc & Roliatjlo. tyonlers by mall recclvo proirpt amotion. Manhattan 0"FL CoWpany,' . OF NEW -YORK LubrlcaUiip anil IITninlnaliiiV Oils. Ur. 'V M A POTTU tyZJL. n . - . . J. ffffl 1;."Ul" 0,111 WALNUT 8trec?a. WANTED tho liuslmw uj-n lo ttimv that tboy raiiuei JOIJ PltlNi fNti ,im,. VheapePnt ;.kw, AiiYiuAiis unce tiia.1 ut any other lilaooluthocoiiuty. Tryuj. A Good Fanlily Medicine SW.tVKK'S Tar and Sarsaparilla Pills. eir IlKADACiii:. i..,, 1 i..i. cboly g.nerally apiliiirinimaiunorueiea siom. atb, coaiiveno-aor a loruld liver. Kaeh may bo hpihkIiIv removoil ov Dr Bwnvue'a Tar Alls, which aiimulatu tiio liver and stomach to 11 lieilihy action In iriiinvlmi all bUl imuieks, audi producing legular ftacuatlona of tho bowels. LIVHU COJIPI-MNJ', that dreaded dlseaso from which so many per. mil tunrl.U lnflaeutly tbocunsoof Ileadaclic, Imllgcstlon nml Djsnepsla, Is eiiechly rilieved nndaro often ierinanently cuie.1 oy their u.n Feveriamulteii pievented by tho usaol 1U1.0 naiparllla Pilf, as they cam- off, tnroogh the blood, the linpuilties fiom which they arle. 1'or COsriVENEas tlietolsnotiiliiix so.olli'i'tnai as Swayno's. Tar and Sarsaparilla Pills. They are, pmelr vegetable, and act specially on tbo Liter as lilua ilaa or calomel, without aur Uid 't.u is irom taking. inuvnoe symiuuius In a'l r.iiiiiiiiinlestlon,, lid Blli letters to bit HWAYNE hON. 'blladelnbla. No elisraM lur njlvi. a. hiurir t.v iiiall un rwxlpt of pi loc. price 25 cents a box U,U IW1W IIK ffl. ASK YOUHDULll JliT FOlt THEM. New Advertisements. THE LUNGS! CONSUMPTION ThW rtlstrrsslns nnd dnnporotn complaint nnd tA premonitory BympiojiiB. iinrltrli il courii. li.tflit swratB, JinirTiit'M, wiisilnc Hcnii, fovtr rermannitH'rnfprtliyDr. Bnyuc'nConiiioiuid Hyrup of WiM Oho.-rv " nUONClIITIS-Apremmiltorot l'ulmonaty CoDrjuinnttou. 11 character! zrd hvr.nfpriii nr in. flftmniaLion of tlio mucotiM nimbr.niH nf tlioatr jmsBaiit", wuii cunfia mm cxpccwriUion, annrt un-aiu, ntwrness r""'1 " mo client. Frit all l.rtuicirml affection 8, soro lliroat. Ipsa of oice, lilt. BWAY-NE'3 COMPOUND Syrup Wild Olierry 18 A BOVEREION HKMDY. Iffmorrliaffe, or spitting blood, may proccrrt Tora tTi larrnx, trachm broiitMa or iiiintn. mid nriRo irom various cannos. n luidun physical CTOrilnn. nluthoTii. nr fnllnnB nf thn vninio weak lunffn, overstrnlninp of thn voice? Qppre4 imivuitiiuu, uusiiuuiiuit Ul IUD Bllleil UCUV ' Dr. Swayno's Comnpnm; Syniii.of WildCliorry Bttlkoa at tii ot root of dlBcano hy prtrlfviner tlio bliKMl, rcBtonnir the Uverand kidneys to liealtby Uie onir stantLird rcmmly forhemorrlinrro, snmptlri-8 nrtboee pmlispoaed tuwoak luncs should not fall tons thin rcat tpjtetablo rein' It mandolin nnwpr. not imli nfi rnnv.. uitnii uiiii uiiti un iiuimoiiniv rninn ninta Pnn tlon. but over ovcry chroulu (llrao wi-ernu rradnal alttrullve actlmi In tictflcd. Under its usotuacouuh la iwwrnei!, tbc nlht Bwcatu di. tnllUHh. tnn tuiln miln.ldMa lint n.ii.n .nt, I;. 1 Di..siAiiu, iup nummcji ia liuiirorod III ItHllflWPr riidlfTsif. ncaimllnti. H4 1 una every oixau hm a .rnror and bt'tter onality bitten. wipp'Jt d to it, ot of which now recrtia. iiruttuu uuaiiO liiuicrtl 18 ID a HO, SAVED ITIS LIFE. A KKMAKFiAIlEiE CURE! Waa that nf Edwanl lLirnmson, Eofiluerrat pV,,?,0.,T!TC;nT.'.,, 1:,t!0,-v' ?' u"0 Avenue. Plillmleiiilno. Ho bad a violent c.mrh, uunt Mveuts. sore ttnoat, great, weaknees, snitnt ilifl lurent tlmo. a pint of i looit, gavo un nil hope of ri eovory. Thriiuyli Tlinn of Jir: Swaune'i .. ....r, . ji.,.. iM-L-uiiiii a Miuiiu nnil lleiillliy man. and remains an to thin iinv. nitimmri. ...... tw;r." n " 0 ehiPMi'il slnre l.i- was cuieil. UAJ. J1III.I.AII. W r iaIII.c r. .Vlii i r .. . 1 lKI H'er noes not sell II, wo 1'ilJIlMI.rD OXLT UT "!!. swavsi: & koav . 330 N. Klxth litre. I. Phlla, lel,,t,! Bold by al I'roniiueui Druggists. , Itcliing Piles ! ,. P1IUiS,.,l'ILES, ITCHING PILES, Positively Cured by Iho uso of SWAYNE'S 0INTMEINT. JIoxie Testimony: I Was SorelV rfflietert wllh-nnn., tieasliiBol all ninaac Pruritus or I i-uiiko or wfiSSEChl?e- ""U "ot u"fr''lllVbecomo 1 bongtit n bor of "Swot no's Ointment." Its ?.X0'd. "Vbo all w ho in o m m' iVii w-iiK Booband Shoo taarKKS, A-uiiancipniu. SKIN UISEASES. .-.AY.VK'S ALLIIHAUNO OINTMENT !?fl','0.. "PWnofnr TETTElt, ITCH MATT IlllMIlM, HOAM) JIEAO hllVHri'Tri ,u llAltllElt-H n nii vi.Vfr ... .'.S.'.r!1. J-L-A"- m?J . l-,,,ot?ly " ml harmless, even on the mo.t tender lurant. 1'tico 50 cents. 3 boxes u'm'S. KVU' "7m"i '"""ruddrisson reci"? Hold uy ail tho leadlnu Druggists. rrcparod ouly by . DR. sivavxi: a, SOX, 830 North SlxtU-st., l'lilladclplila. USB jADORNi- LONDON " iHairColorRcstoref rou USSTOII1SO '.GRAY PAIR To its Natural Vitality and d'olpr. HERE IS THE PR'OOF Of Its Siipcrlqi iKsocllciice. ltrnd this nonin C'rltfi,.lr. iiidi . Edward 11. Oarrlguos. one of the moat compe tent Druggists and t'lietnias In PhllailolMua. man whose veracity nono nan doobt 'i I nm liappy to add my Iwtiuionv to tho groat alooof tlio " Ijiiii nil Hull- i JiiSSiL'! which rvsiored my hair to Its original ilarkiol. I'il' n.".S 'I'boara to bo permanent. I am ".'"i "i1" brepamuoo Is uoibtng Hue a live, but ouetntea tiimn Ih. ....ij." V... beautiful hsir.lreH.lng, and promote! tho Tl.CaiTlcnes. imircist Tenth and Cn.ites.ats fui iiiao testiiv my iistr was voty urav When 1 coiuuioucpd Its uso. ' havo tho pleasure to Inform inn that a lady uf my ncqualnianoe, lira Ml ler, ta.lellghlud wltli tlmtncctss of vonr,,i,, .'i..r iiTT. er. 1 Her hair was tailing rapidly and nni'Vi giay. Thecolorbas bo-u nd "2lM. lug out entirely stopped by its rue.' , . " OA lilt 1Q 17 nn. All that art cjm armi.TrTl.Vi, . iH.'.i.X !! slrMigih.iiiuir.ihlcWuliiiriin.latioruiugihoniir Is i . (reeled bv us n -iiidou lloirColor lloator. cr, jisiiuiuiaiosauu lorcea a new growth If ginv. :itore Ua inland oolor, arul lenders t tl Ik v nuo tieuiitllnl . ..r. "SSf. V"v"..'i M-fln clean, i.iol and lieu tkv. All Orusalsla sell It a-rlM7-iitsiiMxiatlM. ?Jr15 xpics. tiiuuy iuIJissk. SWAYNK A BON, M0 N. suth tu Phdad'a. BOLE 1'JlOPltIETOHS. I'or Sale by all !i UKKiMs. July la, 1670 yl NOT TO BE CAUGHT. Two men sat In conversation. Tlio cooling wind played gontlyawltli llm sltort lirnwn curlsof tlio younger, wlillo Ills linlidsninocyca and faco were lighted by a bright, animated expression. "I can scarcely credit sucli good fortune. Are you suro tlicro Is no mistako ?" ho said. "Berfcctly; hero nro tlio documents, Prove! your Identity .prove to oursatisfac. tlon that yotl are Halpll llamllton, sou of John Paul Hamilton, and you aro a rich man. , Can you prove It 1" "I can, Immediately. Hut this l in deed a welcome change; to spring from deep poverty to such wealth In a mo mfrnt, by the death of-an unknown rel ative, seems almost Incredible.. lam grateful to you, Metcalf, your pains hi so soon seeking mej also for your Inter est In my welfare. I have jonu favor only to In addition; that you re main silent about It. Tlio fact of my changed circumstances need not bo made Ituovvn as yet. I shall not alter my stylo of living for awhile, but shall fulfill an engagement to become (ho private tutor of two small boys residing, strange to relate, In tho same ptaco where lies this new cslnto. In takfDg tho property, you say I am required to assume tlio naino or Its former owner. This I will do, after a few months spent lu iho neighborhood as a poor teacher. I havo met sad rebuffs during tho days of my poverty, and I havu no Idea of being made a victim of some rortnno hunter, so I wll v. in some good woman for lovo's sake, then settlu down rfnd enjoy myself." In a beautiful resldenco sat two ladles, Mrs. Corsair ,and her daughter '.on, while a third, a nlcco of tho eldor laily. lilancho G more, stood with a ngiii imt in lior.liaiul, lis thuugli just re turned from a walk. They wero dls cussing the appearauco of a now tutor who had undertaken for a time, on trial, tho education of tho two sons of the family. Charley, ouoof theso boys, had just nppeared, and, looking from the window, whispered i ''Now, gins, there, he comes. Tell mo If what 1 said is not true." " Yes, Indeed I" exclaimed both young ladies, as they surveyed the fine figure and handsome face nnnroaehitiL': and when the young man smiled pleas antly upon Charley, Ulancht) thought slio had never seen bo handsome a man, tmuo .oa wuispereu : , 'If the yrung heir of tho Ilellmoul property prove ouu-hnlf p.s handsouio I mil lie content." A splendid estate, with a residence of almost royal maenlfieenco. lav with- In sight of Mielr pretty .home, nnd had Just, through, the, death nf old Mr, Hell moot, a childless widower, passed Into the hands of a jounc relative, exneet- t-d soon to visit the premises. Zoo Cor sair and her prudent mother had decid ed to appropriate both owner and estate as soon as posslhlo after Ins arrival. The neiv tutor, Air. Hamilton, soon been mo a great favorito with his pupils. Liv ing ni he did in. the family, he soon bo- came, well ncqualntcd with all, while ho eviuenuy oumireil tlio beautiful Zoe, who treated him with cool nnllteness. Of Hlanchu hu saw llttlo. She was on ly tho poor relation, tlenendlue- tttinn her undo for support, therefore com polled to bear every tiniiOilllon nnJ caprlco her worldly, selfish aunt and cousin saw fit tolnlllct. Only little on- uyuiont was hers: a. solitary snot n. ravine wildly romantic and secluded. not far from her unclo'a residence, ililtliersho went one beautiful after noon, tripping nlong down tlio small winding path that led to the depths- he low. Hut suddenly slio paused, a croan and faint call for help arresting her steps. Hastening to the spot where sho Judged the sufferer to be. sho saw a man lying at tho foot of the ravino, uioticu- ess utm now quite still. In a few moments slio was hesldo him. and, on lifting his head from tho ground, sho found Mr. Hamilton, tho tutor, unconscious. ltuntilng to tho steam of water, aim dipped In her handkerchief, and ballied ins orow. , A t last ho opened his oves. and" eazed long and vacantly upon her. "Ah, yes. I remember. I did fall leaned over to pluclc a (lower, and lost ' my balance. Hut I feel better again, thanks to you for your caro, and ,wui seo it i cannot rise." '"I.ean on me, Mr. Hamilton, I thluk car, get you up the path, if it Is steen. lo the road, nnd from Ihcnue, after a rest, homo." blowly, yet surely. leanlnc on tha oung liirl for that siinuort ho w'na so accustomed to give to others, he crept along, ofieu stopping to rest, until at last the level road was gained, and from there his own room, to whl;h a physi cian was soon summoned, and his limb set nnd bruises attended to. Lying thus helpless upon his bed. the oor partly open, to allow n circulation f air, Iho vnuuu man lav half ilnz!ni. when lie accidentally heard the follow. ing conversation, not, of course, Intend cd for hi- ears : "A prottv Piece ot work IhU " tal.l Mrs. Corsair, who was an Intensely sel fish woman. "Who is to nlav tmrsn now, I would like to know?" And to n. mtsprubto tutor." Inter. rupted tho equally selfish Zoe, I should bu vcrv i-lail to take Hmr f the poor. VbUlli: man. aloini nnuuir, strangers and sick," fald lilancho; "nnd ii num. M wining, i will uovuto my tlmo tn hi. ti i to llilll, "And neglet-t tlio sewlne? Thcru is my wrupper nut liuiouul yet."' "Do not four, aunt," -returned the samo sweet voice; "I will finish that nl so. I call take my sewing to his room nnd nttend to both; If not able to sew when ho Is awako, I will do It at night when no sleeps." "Very well, do as you ploaso; but ro rnemucr, mat wrapper must uo iiutsii ed." Como, mother, don't' bother about him any longer. Tlio carriage waits to tane us to tlio concert, uomoon. So saying, tho unfeeling Zoo swept tiown stairs, followed oy nor mother, wiuio a soft voico murmured by tho in valid 's sldo : "You aro not sleeping, I soo. What shall I do or your relief V" 4 "I feel ijtiito comfortable, thank you, except n headache, caused by tho sud dan Jar." "Let mo batho It, then." How soft her fingers wero; how gen tie her touch, and what a depth of womanly pity beamed from those largo urown eyes. - About two weeks fTftcr tho'acctdent, lilancho wandered once more tu her fa vorite resort, and seating herself at tho root of the dosceut, sho was soon lost iu n aeep.reverlo. "Tlila Is i a charming spot Miss Blanche," 6rJd a well known voice be hind her, ;"and I soo Is a favorito of yours. Now that I know how to avoid Its dangers, I also am charmed with Its deep reposo and picturesque beauty." "I nm-glad you liko It," was tho ro ply of tho young lady, ina sho blushed slightly when ho seatedililinself by her sine, s'uuc yours is the only; faco I havo over seen when horo, and I can not but wonder how you discovered tho spot." "Ono of my llttlo pupils- told me of It, and that day when I fell was my first visit. Thankful am 1 that you were In tho habit of coming here, else I might havo died nloi.o and uumissed." "Alone, I grant, but not uumissed, for your pupils love you.". "I would liko to tell yo'u, doar Miss Blanche, how strongly attached I havo become tn my tender nurse, aud how much I long for her to return my do voted affection. Dearest, can you love a person occupying so humble A position as tutor to your uncle's children ? If you can, nnd if you will nllow m6 to present my deep lovo, and consent to become my wife, it will bo tho dellcht of my Hie to strive to mako you hap. py." men he drew her toward htm. nod their Hps met. No opposition was offered when Mr. Hamilton asked the, .hand of lilancho Gilmoro from her uncle, all thinking that their poor relative did well, eveu lu marrying a tutor. In the mcnntlmo tho news etimo that the Hellmout owner was soon to take possession of his property. Ono of his oddities was that on the evening of his return n large party of frleniHaud the select nelglioors wero to ftssomule to bid him welcoiiio. this party;, as it ban pencil, waj to take placo tho oveiiinc before the marriage of Blanche. Cards of Invitation had been left at Mr. Cor sair's and, much to the surprise and chagrin of Miss Zoe, Blanche was also remembered. "J tut as f wo wanted to introduco our poor relations," sho said, scorn fully. "I wonder that tlio tutor also was not Included." The evening same. Tho rooms wero thronged, .but singular to remark, tho young owner had not as yet made his appearance. Tho guests wero received by Ills most Intimate frleuds, Mr, and Mrs. iletc.uf, and tho latter, as soon as Blanche had been Introduced, managed- to draw her on ono side, and In another moment Zoo wondered, as she saw them leave the rooms together. About half an hour later; after all tho guests had assembled, Mr, Mutcaif said t . "Ladles and gentlemen, Mr. Bell montihns Just arrived, nnd In a few minutes will bo pleased to meet joii and introduce to nil assembled the beauti ful young lady who to-morrow morning will become his bride." i Ucarocly hud ho dono cpc-iklng when the young man entered the room with lilancho hanging on his arm, heraco radiant with happiness. , - "Our late tutor 1" cried Mra. Corsair. ..'Impossible I" cried Zoo, sinking Into a chair. . - . "It Is quite tnio, madam," said tha young man; "and l.ow let mo hope to see you all r.t our weddliii; tomorruw." All were present except Zoe, whose disappointment-was too great to penult her to form ono of tho weddlug party. 'Kx-Gnvernor Joseph Johnston, ot Virginia, who-dled on Tuesday nf last weik, In the OJnd year of his age, was born In Grange county, in the S'ate nf New York, in Decent her, 1783, Ho went to Virginia when a boy and set tled lu the county of Harrison. Ho served fourteen ses-.Ions In Congress, was elected Governor of Virginia, bo sides being live times elected to thu Legislature, and once to a Constitution al Convention, lie Is emphatically tho last of a past generation. He was in Congress with Clay, Webster, Calhoun, Hayn-, Silas Wright, Martin Van Bu ren, Thomas II. Benton, and that class of men who aro now all gone. Hu was older than tho Constitution of tlio United States,- has lived to see twenty five States added to ttm glorious Ihlr teen, mid the population Increase from 4,000 000 to 40,000,000. He remem bered when tho country mourned tha death of Washington, and bat been personally acquainted with the presi dents from Jefferson to'Durtianaii. Uclweeu two evils choose uillhcr IUUEFLETJf. v -. . A moving tal a hungry dog's. Tho miner's d,feam of life Is ore. . London d Is ponied last, year atJuut $33,000,000 In charity. ,- Tho oldest l'rotiWnntl church In Itussla Is said td 'Ue'lstAtlcliael's, at Moscow, which Id three bundled yiars old Iu Paris tlicro, ar.e fifty-eight butclr ers of horses, whojajt year 'sold 0i71 horses, asses and mules lu joints and stcaket. Sago brush, which has- ntherwlso beon regarded as valueless, Is beiirg gathesed and sold by the curd for fuel In Nevada. Tho executors of tho late Duko ot GallleraMiavo paid In olio check tho enormous sum of $300,000 probate duty on his property In France iiloub.. At a late sale of thither laiidi by tho HlicrlU of Clinton rouiitv. I'd.. 4U00 acres wero sold for- $4700. The timber tracks bad. beeu cleared of pine trees. . . , Nearly 100.0C0 German aro set- tied in somo forty counties In Texas patticularly Comal and Uuadatoup, aud they aro highly successful as agricul turists. A vory old married couple named Minor live at Fall Itlver, Mass. Tho husband is more than ono hundred years of age, aud tho wife eighteen mouths, younger. Tlio Germans eay tlicro nro 'tlirco armies that follow every war, unit are" dlsbandoned only by death an ariiiy of mourners, au army of cripples und an army of tklovos. . Tho Newark Counnon'CmincIl ro fuse to make the appropriation ot $220 -lfiO to tlio Board of Education In that city until the school teachers havo their salaries reduced. ' Tho Hallway Ago gives' 'a' list of 8G railroads that were either sold under foreclosure, wero placed iu tlio hands of receivers, or defaulted lu this coun try lu 1870, They had a, mileage of 14.179 jii les and represented capital amounting to 0 12,500,000. - Tho following bear'story comes from Paris : Whilo n largo eruwd was gath ered around the Polar bear pit, at tho Jardlu des Plantos, a little child ot live! icnrs, leaning ovor lis nurses nrnrs,,ieii! leadlong into tho den. The two bears sprung toward tlio llttjo innocent,- but drow back, startled by a riry of horror from the throng, A gentleman, fastened a ropo around his waist, uu'il,- on being lowered by tho Keepers into the iit, rescued the child just as tho bears wero darling upon it.' TJio little -ono was Itruleed.umt had a brokou arm. . About fourteen years ago J. P. Hassler, of Carlisle, Pa , out down tbo dead body of W. ' II. Beetom, then cashier-of tho .Carlisle Deposit Bank, who had hanged lilniiclf to a ratteran tho rear of tbo building.. On tbo af ternoon of Monday last llassler, cash ier of tho samo bank until three or four months ago, was foilnd lifeless, suspended to tlio same rafter. In tbo morning Hassler had been arrested for embezzlement, ho halving overdrawn his account $10,000 to engage in stock speculations. He was to furnish f 13, 000 ball, but instead of making an ef tort lo procure the-money, ha hanged himself. IIo was highly respected, and held, for many years .au eldership' in ono of the churches at CaflMo. Bee teni, who committed suicide iu 18GJ nr 1808, was a defaulter in 130.000. II j had also speculated lu stocks, but his property more than covered the lovriif thft'bauk, being valued at nearly f30J, 000. , Tho Molbodlst churjli at Hh-illilil, Warron comity, wa burned to fhogiottud week. Loss, SJ.uou. Murphy, the lemptanonpnitie Is' credlU! by tho Allouhony Jul( with airotluif a euro ul doaru ess by pra ver, Thirty-four toon from Mtiotstor, IHuplilii. Berks. Hiliuunl'l mid Lmi.iou uoiinUesaiotj sooita match lor a sua pound ox at Julius tjwn. i Fix's New American tlientra, cliaslrNt afreet, Phlladrlpaia. wns burned to Iho gtvtm 1 on Hmi.lnv morning, tho Uro breaking out .i baut one o'clock. ' A maif naino.1 Lew,! Kromla, aged 40, hv Inir lu Mm-uni. I,117Htlie nin.ilir w... i-.i.ii.iil. , . Iulfora tolouious iwunnlt uuoti tho poiso.i,of us stcpoaughter aged layout. There nro il graud'os, 1.S0U subordinate loaves, and iX),uuo members of the order ol Knights ot Pytllas. 431 IiHlros heinir .11 tin. statu with a membership of ii.uuu. ntl 4 aetlln.r at tl.rt u-nl.j fn. t... rel. In New Yortc'ou Sitjrdnv" crude w.n Worth tn bulk lOhC.. Ill t.lireis l-Jitet In Ditre's liHc The drop 111 irei pneo of r tlni-d oil is dlsastious. it waa seliiug a lev days aico lor :ic Toe Poisi has oiinoint.ul iw.t new Tti.i..,.,. for tho United saatos, namely. Her. Dr. Ju , 1 AliHiie, ot Clisriesiou, H c. tu boJJIshepof it. Augutl!io FioilJs, unit tho liomiuicau 1'rl r, Vlugos oflleuicis. lo ba Oudlutor lllshopof Grass Valley, califutuia. , Tho next lutei-llaliolial Oonvenllnn nt if. . Youux Neil's I'miatlan will he hMi,i lu L-MilsrlUo, ou tho tlth of June, lustemlotlu e 1. 1, mis, it Laving beeu louud Imiiraoilcablo to arrsnra (or tbo entoruuumeot ot Iho delegatus lu tho latter city. nJiro Ueed. of tho Knnr.imA nnnrt n.-rn... ton, decided Monday ttiit tho chlllrenof t'livs. K Laudia uiu.t uu given Kit. Iho custod. of Cbua M Lnndis. hts wl'o. sod remain lnli.-r etarKO until they reach Uu ago of sevou yeas' A 1 lutajoltiuu lus'iilfactarer H.un.11 fm... wllli a smite luu u riuunow, Mnua getting 1.1s iiiixlul at Uiu expusllluii bo Ins ahllipeit b.a dilits. ciittivittorsanii boos to llussia. Kavliuil, veui..srK,Ausirs.ia nu.i uio r-suiwtlcll 1S1.U1 11, A sober nn.1 eninlm-.w. ,r il.n Milierstowii (iriiee.tililghoouuiv,iiame.lUi a Mlllei.on Tuestlav rnnniloir otisst vib w found Iruwu iodeitn.tdsbimlsaua.hoad rmz 11 fast. In the eroek undsriieith ilia Ka.t Pe.m Tai.rvuid brtdg, wlUilu too limits of t. o nnr.aigli. It is supsist that bofell fium tno biliigecrossiuglhe week, waa auunedbyiho lull uud frow, to death. Amoug tbo oarrent borstniiV la tbofolloiy. lag Item 1 ' Vaii.tsoou-i'sllluo Msieis wluteri.ig llutlytii Tioiia uouuty, this .tsuv, Itispu lioul lll shx nilibeut 2dptbw ysr." Auu tlicluawbi oru.'l uroiKWIiun j "a iroiuug pialcb, for LUX, u side, luu boon ihmikix) mi uuueoaat uwtsluruu di.rluii nark umhe4.l1 of July uoxt. betwiwn, iuul ..v WHIuco l'leic.-. of Mbir,ivll..i, aud llu.ui r Joiutlian, UHii.-Ubi 1'. L KnulsJily. iifblni.,11 llietac. is lu p. t.-u iiiiliia or twuuty tnu uiuand un- 111 out b. ul